An Understanding of the role of Loki in Odinic Mythology


An Understanding of the role of Loki in Odinic Mythology
Articles/Studies #2
April 2788 since first recorded Olympiad (“2012”)
“An Understanding of the role of Loki in Odinic Mythology”
The copyright of this work belongs to the writer, Mr. Heimgest Holley
Artwork and layout by Hildr Valkyrie
This essay was published as a separate article on “Ideon Antron” Magazine on Spring Equinox issue of 2788 (“2012”),
a kind offering from Mr. Holley to “Thyrsos- Hellenes Gentiles” Organization, and it is presented exactly as on magazine
Not to be distributed with any kind of financial benefit. Free distribute strictly
Publisher: “Ideon Antron” a division of Thyrsos- Hellenes Gentiles
all Rights received
Ideon Antron magazine
“For the Hellenic and European Traditions and for New Thinking Territories”
Free on line magazine by the Organization Thyrsos Hellenes Gentiles
Published around Solstices and Equinoxes