Threat related to Viga mayoral dispute


Threat related to Viga mayoral dispute
(052) 811-2822
VG Teves seeks
docs to back
gov’s P200-M
PNB credit line
Vice Governor Jose
“Bong” Teves Jr. last week
requested the Local Finance Committee to furnish
the Sangguniang Panlalawigan pertinent documents to
support the P200 million
credit line being sought by
the provincial government
from the Philippine National
He said that the request
is in compliance with the
mandate of the provincial
board to ensure the propriety of any government borrowing and to make sure
that the credit line and any
loan agreement that would
follow would be adequately
funded. He also added that
it is important to determine
that the LGU would be able
to repay its loans,
Among the documents
being requested include the
province’s financial statements for the last two years
as well as the first semester
of 2012, program of works
for the completion of the
Youth Center Mall and proposed projects, and past
accomplishment reports
and details of the construction history. “We will not be
amenable to another extra
funding for the mall,” he
Last June 4, the administration of Governor Joseph
Cua got the authorization of
VG Teves/page 2
JULY 25, 2012
Threat related to Viga mayoral dispute
Cops sent to
guard judge
Two policemen have been posted round-the-clock
at the Fiat Village where Regional Trial Court Judge
Lelu P. Contreras stays at a dormitory room, following an alleged threat on her life.
THREE’S A CROWD at this leafless “kayo” tree in Virac where three kingfishers, apparently unmindful of each other, take a breather under the heat of an afternoon sun last week.
DTI asks motorcycle riders
to have helmets inspected
WHO consultants here for
treatment of cholera cases
Motorcycle riders should
check their protective helmets if they bear the Import
C ommodity C learance
(ICC) or Product Standards
(PS) sticker, the Department of Trade and Industry
has advised.
Otherwise, they should
present the helmets with
DTI personnel during office
hours for verification if such
are listed in the updated list
of approved helmet brands
with PS or ICC stickers.
The inspection should likewise ensure that their hel-
Three residents of San
Miguel town were admitted
to the provincial hospital’s
Diarrhea Drop Zone last
Friday afternoon (July 20)
as two consultants of the
World Health Organization
arrived to address the treatment of cholera and diarrhea cases at all levels of
the health care system.
A reliable source told the
Tribune that health officials
did not expect the new
cases to come in that day
as the morning passed with
no cases. Those admitted
mets are still in good condition or have not deteriorated with obvious defects.
In a meeting with motorcycle dealers and PNP representatives last week, DTI
provincial director Ireneo
Panti Jr. said the requirement is pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act
10054 mandating the use of
protective helmets while
riding a motorcycle to prevent fatal or life-threatening
“Those who have bought
DTI asks/page 2
ONLY APPROVED PROTECTIVE HELMETS bearing ICC or PS stickers are allowed to be
worn by motorcycle riders, DTI provincial director Ireneo Panti Jr. explains to motorcycle
dealers and representatives of the Catanduanes PNP as the government revs up the implementation of Republic Act 10054.
were a 48-year old woman
and his 11-year old son,
and a 52-year old man, all
residents of barangay Paraiso.
The source said the three
had gotten their drinking
water from a shallow filter
gallery dug at the bank of a
contaminated river.
The WHO-hired consultants from Bangladesh – Dr.
Pradip Kumar Bardhan and
Dr. Azharul Islam Khan –
were accompanied by WHO
-Philippines national
WHO/page 2
Catanduanes PNP provincial director Senior Superintendent Lito Pitallano
confirmed that the police
guards have been detailed
at the religious compound
in Cavinitan, Virac upon the
request of the judge.
Last w eek, J ud ge
Contreras issued an open
letter responding to attacks
against her from the camp
of ousted Viga Mayor Abelardo Abundo Sr., which
reportedly distributed a
white paper accusing her of
conniving with Governor
Joseph Cua in the plot
against Abundo and incited
supporters to rally against
her and now Mayor Emeterio Tarin last July 17, and
an alleged plot against her.
Aside from explaining her
decision to issue a writ of
execution against Abundo,
whom she found to be ineligible to hold office having
been elected for three consecutive terms already,
Contreras said that it is sad
that people who are supposed to know the law are
refusing to understand it
and instead are misleading
the people. She assured
Abundo that she would recall the writ if he secures an
order from the Supreme
Court specifically addressed to the RTC.
The RTC executive judge
stated that she has sent
many accused to jail and
has received no threats
against her life until now in
the Abundo case. “I have
instructed my family and
staff that, whatever happens to me and her family,
they should not investigate
no further as it would be
Contreras stressed. She did
not provide details of the
alleged threat.
This development occurred just a few days after
the political impasse at the
Viga municipal hall came to
a peaceful conclusion
Wednesday last week (July
A source at the Department of the Interior and
Local Government (DILG)
told the Tribune that the
end of the crisis actually
began Friday the week before (July 13) with an exchange of phone calls and
reports between Undersecretary Austere Panadero,
who had issued a memo
favouring Abundo, and
DILG Catanduanes provincial director Atty. Arnaldo
Escober Jr., who backed
Tarin’s assumption as local
chief executive.
That same day, Panadero sent another memo
advising them to give respect to Judge Contreras’
stand on the matter as the
Cops sent/page 2
and Dr. Pradip Kumar Bardhan (6th and 7th from left) take a look at the 52-year old man
from Paraiso, San Miguel, who along with two barrio mates was admitted at the EBMC
Diarrhea Drop Zone last Friday.
JULY 25, 2012
Why I Like Retirement !!!
Question: How many days in a week?
Answer: 6 Saturdays, 1 Sunday
Question: When is a retiree's bedtime?
Answer: Three hours after he falls asleep in the
Question: What's the biggest gripe of retirees?
Answer: There is not enough time to get everything
Question: Why don't retirees mind being called
Answer: The term comes with a 20% discount.
Question: What do retirees call a long lunch?
Answer: Normal.
Question: What is the best way to describe
Answer: The never ending Coffee Break.
Question: What's the biggest advantage of going
back to school as a retiree?
Answer: If you cut classes, no one calls your
Question: Why does a retiree often say he doesn't
miss work, but misses the people he used to work
Answer: He is too polite to tell the whole truth.
QUESTION: What do you do all week?
Answer: Monday through Friday, NOTHING.....
Saturday & Sunday, I rest.
Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman:
'And what do you think is the best thing about
She simply replied, 'No peer pressure.'
My memory's not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my
memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Grant me the senility to forget the people
I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into
the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the
Aluminum/Glass Supply, Aluminum Screen
Door and Window, Ornamental Live Fish
Rizal Avenue, San Juan, Virac
(052) 811-1208
Cops sent….
from page 1
department is not in a position to agree for or against
any contending party in the
dispute. He particularly
noted the judge’s stand that
the TRO has no effect on
the writ of execution that
had been served and implemented.
On July 16, Dir. Escober
explained the new memorandum to Tarin and
Abundo, in the presence of
department heads, at the
Sangguniang Bayan session hall. The meeting
ended with Abundo slamming his palm on the table
and storming out of the hall,
vowing never to yield his
The following day, about
30 Abundo supporters gathered in front of the municipal hall, waving placards
denouncing Tarin, the RTC
judge and the Commission
on Elections.
However, on July 18,
Abundo called for a meeting
with Tarin and the department heads, turning over
the mayoral post and shaking hands with the new
In a statement released
later, Abundo said he made
his decision to relinquish his
position after weeks of in-
DTI asks….
from page 1
helmets and visors prior to
the effectivity of the law
may submit their helmets to
the DTI for inspection and
issuance of ICC sticker for
free until Sept. 30, 2012,”
he said, urging consumers
to check first if the helmets
they are purchasing are
genuine and bear the required stickers. After the
deadline, the DTI will
charge the motorcycle rider
P101.25 for the sticker and
processing fee. No application will be accepted after
Dec. 31, 2012, he added.
The law states that any
person caught not wearing
the standard protective motorcycle helmet shall be
fined P1,500 for the first
offense, P3,000 for the second offense, P5,000 for the
third offense, and P10,000
for the fourth offense plus
confiscation of the driver’s
Motorcycle dealers, who
are mandated to make
available to the buyer such
RA 10054 requires all motorcycle riders to wear standard protective motorcycle
helmets that comply with the specifications issued by the Bureau of Product
Standards of the Department of Trade & Industry. As mandated by the same law,
DTI and DOTC issued Joint Administrative Order No. 1:2011 providing the
guidelines for its implementation.
By “standard” means that all helmets and visors in use by motorcycle riders
should bear PS or ICC Mark to prove that it conforms with the safety standard
issued by the Bureau of Product Standards.
For those who already acquired helmets and visors before the effectivity of this
law, you may submit your helmets to DTI Catanduanes provincial office for
proper inspection of conformance to standards and issuance of ICC sticker for
FREE until September 30, 2012.
Any person caught not wearing the standard protective motorcycle helmet shall
be fined Php1,500.00 for the first offense, Php3,000 for the second offense,
Php5,000 and Php10,000 for the third offense plus confiscation of the driver’s
For more information, please contact Ms. Minh Apil or Ms. Bing Tribuana at Tel.
# (052) 811-3507 or visit DTI Office at CSC Compound, Calatagan Proper, Virac,
The Catanduanes Tribune
July 25, August 1 and 8, 2012
timidation, harassment and
conspiracy among his political enemies to drive him out
of office. “Although I have
obtained a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) from
the Supreme Court on July
3, 2012 enjoining the Commission on Elections from
implementing its resolution
affirming the RTC decision,
I was hounded like a criminal by the powers that be in
this province to give up my
office in favor of my vicemayor who, ironically, won
as my running mate because of my support in the
2010 elections,” he said.
Abundo stated that he
had learned that the SC
postponed its decision on
my appeal to overturn the
COMELEC’s May 10, 2012
ruling until two weeks later,
which would further cause
difficulties for the 100 municipal staff, whose salaries
and wages were delayed.
Saying he has had
enough of the political shenanigans, Abundo added
that he left with his dignity
and honor intact and with
the satisfaction that he has
served his people well.
He expressed pride that
the municipality received its
Seal of Good Housekeeping from the DILG for having passed its 2011 assessment on good governance
and sound fiscal management, enabling the town to
access the P1 million grant
from the Performance Challenge Fund (PCF) for local
development projects.
“I am not `kapit-tuko’ and
I make this genuine sacrifice for the sake of my constituents who are being maliciously dragged into this
political feud,” he stressed.
“I was persecuted because
I refused to play along with
Governor Cua who wanted
complete control of our
He also thanked his
friends, supporters and coemployees who helped
push through the many projects he had undertaken for
Mea nw hi le,
se ve ra l
members of the Roman
Catholic clergy expressed
concern about the presence
of policemen at the premises of Fiat Village, which
houses seminarians and
priests as well as Bishop
Manolo delos Santos.
The clergy, who asked
for anonymity, said any untoward incident would seriously affect the safety of the
seminarians and priests
staying in the peaceful compound. They suggested that
the judge temporarily move
out of the compound to a
more secure place.
a helmet, will be fined
P10,000 while anyone who
sells substandard helmets
or those without ICC or PS
stickers would be fined at
least P3,000.
Addressing concerns of
local dealers that there are
imitation helmets being
sold, Dir. Panti said those
caught selling fake helmets
or helmets with fake stickers will be asked to testify
against their supplier once
a criminal charge is filed in
court. Such substandard or
imitation helmets would
have to be returned to its
original supplier.
On the other hand, the
PNP said that there is yet
no law banning the use of
tinted or reflectorized visors
in full-face protective motorcycle helmets which have
been used by unscrupulous
persons in the commission
of crimes such as killings
and robberies.
Catanduanes police deputy provincial director Supt.
Rickson Saavedra said the
local government units may
enact an ordinance against
the use of such identityhiding visors. Already, a
helm et-clad
gunm an
wounded a resident of Palnab in a night-time roadside
incident several months ago
while another helmetwearing snatcher escaped
with P24,000 taken from a
trader’s employee at the
Virac public market in broad
daylight two weeks ago.
Last week, the first client
to abide by DOTC-DTI Joint
Administrative Order No.
1:2011 requiring all motorcycle riders to wear
“standard” protective motorcycle helmet was consumer
advocate Eddie Rodulfo,
president of Catanduanes
Consumers Association,
who had his helmet inspected by Dir. Panti in the
presence of Felizardo
Suaviso of Bugkos Catandungan.
VG Teves….
from page 1
the board to open the P200million credit line with the
Philippine National Bank
Virac Branch.
The credit line, and subsequent loan agreements,
would be used to finance
the implementation of significant programs and projects for the socio-economic
growth and development of
the province, the SP resolution stated.
The amount to be applied
for is broken down as follows: Loan to the Eastern
Bicol Medical Center, P50
million; Repair and Rehabilitation of Capitol Building,
P40 million; Completion of
Youth Center Mall, P25
million; Implementation of
Disaster-related Infrastructure Projects, P50 million;
and, Contingency, P35 million. The initial phase of the
mall was also financed
through a loan.
The resolution clarified
that, as the projects may
not be implemented at the
same time, loans shall be
availed on a per-program or
per project basis;
The same measure also
authorizes the governor to
enter into an agreement
with PNB relative to the
opening of the credit line
but emphasizes that in utilizing the credit line, a loan
agreement shall have to be
secured from the provincial
from page 1
professional officer Dr.
Maria Nerissa Dominguez
in meeting with local health
officials and doctors from
the Eastern Bicol Medical
Center and district hospitals
and in visiting the three new
diarrhea patients. Bardhan
is chief physician and scientist of the International Center for Diarrheal Diseases
Research while Khan is
chief physician and head of
the Diarrheal Diseases Unit
at Dhaka Hospital.
The admission of the
three new cases reportedly
frustrated local officials,
who were hoping that the
downward trend in morbidity as well as the fact that
no new deaths from the
cholera outnreak have been
reported would lead to the
lifting of the state of calamity imposed on the entire
From a high of 184 cases
during the week from June
10-16, new admissions had
shrunk to just 24 patients
last week. As of July 18, the
total number of reported
cases was 2,084 with 14
validated deaths, with Virac,
San Andres and Pandan
having the highest attack
Thirty-four of the 291
samples provided by patients were confirmed positive for Vibrio cholera. Forty
-two water sources, or 60
percent, of those tested in
six municipalities tested
positive for fecal contamination while in Virac, there
were 26 (56%) which were
confirmed to be contaminated by fecal matter.
Governor Joseph Cua is
reportedly set to direct
health officials and municipal mayors to launch a
massive Information and
Education Campaign (IEC)
aimed at the general public
to ensure safe drinking water through household container disinfection; use of
clean, covered water containers; washing of water
containers after every use;
avoiding hand contact with
water during transport;
proper handwashing before
and after using the toilet;
and proper solid and liquid
waste disposal.
Calatagan, Virac
“All the best shows
are on cable TV”
Remegio Villaluna
Pls. Contact
24 hours service
with car wash and
battery charging
San Isidro Village, Virac
HOW TO PLAY: Complete the grid so each row, column and 3
-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit from 1 to 9.
Solution on page 5.
JULY 25, 2012
Be At Peace
Do not look forward in fear to the changes of life;
Rather look to them with full hope that as they arise,
God, whose very own you are, will lead you safely
through all things;
And when you cannot stand it, God will carry you
in His arms.
Do not fear what may happen tomorrow;
The same everlasting Father who cares for you today
will take care of you today and every day.
He will either shield you from suffering or will give you
unfailing strength to bear it.
Be at peace and put aside all anxious thoughts and
St. Francis de Sales
TIngnan natin
ni Jex F. Lucero
Lumagapak, bumagsak,
at hindi na nakuha pang
makabangon ang pinakapopular na team sa basketball ng PBA, ang Barangay
Ginebra sa ginanap na do or
die na bakbakan laban sa BMeg noong nakaraang Biyernes sa Smart Araneta
Ang never say die na
Barangay Ginebra ay naging
say goodbye na lang. Ang
maglalaban sa kampeonato
ay ang B-Meg vs.ROS.
Nakakaawa ang mga fans
ng Barangay Ginebra kasi
nga talo na ang team nila
talo pa rin sa pustahan. Masakit pero ganyan talaga sa
larong basketball,l may natatalo at may nananalo.
Doon sa mga natalo sa
pustahan puwede pa rin
kayong makabawi. Ang gagawin ninyo ay pumusta
naman kayo sa Rain or
Shine ni Yeng Guiao.
Kung muli ay matalo
kayo, di umiyak na lang
kayo ng umiyak at magsisisigaw kayong “talo na
naman kami?” Tapos magpagulong-gulong kayo sa
O di kaya isumpa na lang
ang palpak ninyong team
sabay sabing “pahamak na
team at nakakahiya!”
Dumarami na ang naiinis
sa kasalukuyang administrasyon dahil sa pagkabenggador nito sa nakaraang
Ang mga kinakasuhan
nila hindi pa man ay may
hatol na kaagad. Kinakasuhan pa lang may mga nagsasabing tapos na ‘yan.
Kumbaga nasa husgado
pa lang ang kaso ay convicted na kaagad. Ayan ba
ang kung tawagin natin ay
rule of law?
Kung dumaan man sa
proseso halatang-halatang
maganda ang pagkakaluto.
Kaya’t kung halimbawang
tapos na ang panunungkulan ni Pinoy sa 2016 tiyak na
kung ano ang ginawa niya
sa mga inapi-api niya sa
kanyang panunungkulan ay
mangyayari rin sa kanya.
Kaya’t darating ang araw
na ganti-gantihan ang mangyayari sa bawat gobyerno
natin. Sasabihin ng mga
naapektuhan ngayon na
inumpisahan n’yo ito kaya’t
ngayon ay kami naman
Ang sama, ano?
Naglabasan na ng sama
ng loob ang mga taga-San
Andres sa pagsasabing palpak nga ang serbisyo sa
JMA Memorial Hospital sa
San Andres dahil sa palagi
ay wala raw doktor ang nasabing hospital.
Ito ang sabi ng isang
nurse sa tanong ng isang
kinauukulan, “Nasaan ba
ang doctor ninyo? Sagot ng
nurse, nasa Virac nagdidinner. Ang layo, ano?
Pero saan kayo, iyan ang
hospital na nakatanggap ng
isang natatanging parangal
na kahit isang hospital
(government) sa buong
Pilipinas ay hindi pa nakakatanggap?
Natatanging parangal sa
isang hospital at hindi sa
doktor na ni anino ay hindi
nakikita kung may mga
pasyenteng naghahanap sa
Mother..mother I am sick
call the doktor very quick.
Mother..mother shall I die no
my darling we will bring you
to EBMC?
Mother..mother shall I
die? Sabi ng
isa pang
pasyente. I’m sorry my
daughter the doktor is in
Virac, doon siya nagdidinner. Hihintayin natin siya.
So I will die mother?
Maybe yes pero sa loob ng
24 oras na hindi pa siya
dadalhin ka
namin sa Virac doon sa kinakainan ni doktor. Baka
malibre pa tayo ng dinner.
Dok, puwede namang
diyan na lang kayo kumain
sa hospital, hindi ba?
Nag-give way na raw si
Mayor Abundo sa kanyang
bise alkalde. Kaya’t ang
mayor ngayon ng Viga ay si
Bong Tarin na at malamang
ay matatapos na rin ang
paghihirap ng mga empleado dahil sa magsusuweldo na sila.
Nagkaroon pa raw ng
mga pa-rally-rally na para
bang ang pagra-rally nila ay
makapagpapabago sa desisyon ng COMELEC.
Ganoon pa man karapatan
nila iyon.
Bakit kaya ang pinaginitan ng husto sa nasabing
kaso ay si Judge Contreras?
Ang TRO na nakuha ng
grupo ni Mayor Abundo ay
address sa COMELEC at
hindi kay Judge Contreras.
Ang resolusyon ng Comelec
ay nagsasabing hindi sila
makakaakto sa nasabing
TRO ng Supreme Court
dahil sa wala sa kanila ang
record at remanded na sa
RTC. At ang mismong
abogado nila (Ma yo r
Abundo) NOTED lang nakaindicate sa manifestation
dahil alam niyang hindi naman ito naka-address kay
judge. Ano ngayon ang kasalanan ng judge samantalang naka-address sa
At saka kung naging biased ang huwes, dapat
noon pang 2010 nang ang
abogado ni Vega ay magfile
ng Motion For Writ of Execution pending appeal, di sana
dalawang taon nang nakaupo bilang alkalde si Bong
At saka isa pa, bakit nang
magkaroon ng hearing
noong June 29, 2012,
walang abogadong dumating ang kampo ni Mayor
Abundo? Di sana nakapagmanifest sila ng kung anong
opposition laban sa writ of
execution na isinampa ng
grupo ni Vega. Pero wala at
kung kailan gipit na ay saka
kikilos. At ang sisisihin ay
ang judge.
Kung inaakala ninuman
na si Hon. Lelu Contreras ay
kayang paikutin ng kahit na
sinong pulitiko o sinumang
taong powerful ika nga, nagkakamali kayo. Anim na
taon nang kasama namin si
judge at trabahong legal,
trabahong matino at trabahong walang kinikilingan
ang mga bagay na natututunan namin sa kanya.
At kung inaakala naman
ninyong sinasabi ko ang
ganito dahil amo namin siya
kaya nagsisipsip ako ay
marahil namamali kayo dahil
walang sipsip dito sa amin.
Bawal dito ang sipsip. At
hindi ko kailangang magsipsip dahil sa maayos ang
trabaho ko. Isa pa, paalis na
Ang hirap lang kasi may
mga taong alam nilang tama
ang ipinatutupad na batas
pero ayaw sundin, ayaw
intindihin, dahil nga sa ayaw
maniwala sa tama. Alam
niyang tama pero minamali
dahil sa ayaw maniwala sa
totoo dahil sa akala niya ay
siya ang tama.
Ganunpaman ganyan
talaga ‘yan, sabi nga wederweder lang. Mayor ka
ngayon, bukas ay hindi na.
Malay mo baka bukas muli
ay mayor ka na naman?
Belated happy birthday kay
pareng Larry Que at Aris
Ramos noong July 17 at sa
sa aking son-in-law na si
Edwin Romero noong July
Some Random Thoughts
Atty. Romulo P. Atencia
A.B., LlB., Bar Topnotcher
Former Executive Judge, RTC, Virac
Some countries still apply
the death penalty in cases of
aggravated rape indicating
the severity with which the
crim e
Castration has been a
punishment for rape.
Islam, the rapist could be
stoned to death.
Why the severity of the
penalty for rape? Certain
cultures have historically
promoted a system of honor,
dishonor and shame, which
was applied with particular
strictness to females. A
victim of rape would be
considered to have lost her
honorable reputation and
place in society, a loss of
honor which entailed shame
on the woman's family group
as well. In early ancient
Rome, ancient China, and
other cultures such as the
Philippines (remember the
supposed purity of the
Filipina, enshrined in the
adage: “Filipino custom, no
touch”?), a pressure has
existed which has led
women to commit suicide
after becoming victims of
rape. Suicide of female rape
victims for reasons of shame
documented in Chinese and
Japanese culture.
Prison sentences for rape
are not uniform. A study
Department of Justice of
prison releases in 1992,
involving about 80 percent of
the prison population, found
that the average sentence
for convicted rapists was
11.8 years, while the actual
time served was 5.4 years.
Between 2002 and 2003,
more than one in ten
convicted rapists in Victoria,
Australia, served a wholly
suspended sentence, and
the average total effective
sentence for rape was seven
years. Under the French
penal code, rape is punished
by a maximum of 15 years'
criminal imprisonment. In
Norway, a person guilty of
rape is punishable with up to
10 years imprisonment. In
Russia, Article 132 of the
Criminal Code of Russia,
punishes rape or coercive
sexual actions without any
aggravating circumstances
with 3 to 6 years of
In the Philippines, before
Article 335 of the Revised
Penal Code was amended,
rape had a penalty of
t em por al
(imprisonment ranging from
12 years and 1 day to 20
years). In 1960, Republic Act
No. 2632 was enacted
am ending said Article
increasing the penalty to
reclusion temporal maximum
if committed by two or more
persons. Even then, the
punishment for rape was still
short of life imprisonment. In
1966, Article 335 was further
amended (by RA 4111)
hiking the penalty to
reclusion perpetua to death
(People vs. Babasa, 97
SCRA 672; People vs.
Manlapaz, 98 SCRA 704). In
1987, the imposition of the
death penalty was prohibited
by the Constitution (Section
19 (1), Art. III People vs.
Muñoz, 179 SCRA 107). For
some time, the penalty of
death was reimposed with
the passage of Republic Act
No. 7659 (the heinous
crimes law) in 1993. In light,
however, of the passage of
Republic Act No. 9346 in
2006, entitled "An Act
Prohibiting the Imposition of
Death Penalty in the
Philippines," the imposition
of the death penalty has
been prohibited. Hence, the
maximum penalty imposable
on rape became reclusion
perpetua (life imprisonment),
and persons convicted of
offenses punished with
death had their sentences
r ed u c e d t o
r e c lu s io n
As it now stands, rape
carries the same penalty as
h ei n o u s c rim es, li k e:
Treason (Art. 114, Revised
Penal Code); Qualified
piracy (Art. 123); Parricide
(Art. 246); Murder (Art. 248);
I nf a nti ci d e ( Art 2 5 5) ;
Kidnapping and serious
illegal detention (Art. 267;
and Robbery with Homicide
(Art 294). Too, there no
longer is any distinction in
the penalty for simple rape
and aggravated rape, like
rape committed with the use
of a deadly weapon or by
two or more persons; when
by reason or on the occasion
of the rape, the victim has
become insane; when by
reason or on the occasion of
the rape, homicide is
committed; or when the
victim is under 18 years of
age and the offender is a
parent, ascendant, stepparent, guardian, relative by
consanguinity or affinity
within the third civil degree,
or the common-law spouse
of the parent of the victim
While rape committed with
circumstances enumerated
by law (such as incestuous
rape, or the rape by a father
of his own minor daughter)
des er v es
condemnation, and justifies
the imposition of the penalty
of life imprisonment because
of its depravity, the penalty
of reclusion perpetua (life
imprisonment) for simple
rape, i.e., committed without
aggravating circumstances,
exceeds reasonable limits.
We do not live in 1500 BC
Babylonia or in the time of
Maria Clara anymore, and
even if we believe in "eye for
an eye" type legal systems,
life imprisonment is not
commensurate to the wrong
done by the rapist. To
illustrate -- homicide, or the
taking of human life without
aggravating or qualifying
circumstances only carries
the penalty of reclusion
temporal (12 years and 1
day to 20 years). Killing is
the ultimate offense against
a person, as there is nothing
more valuable than a
person’s life. Simple rape,
which is now classified also
as a crime against persons,
cannot be more horrible than
homicide. The homicide
victim remains dead forever
while the rape victim may be
able to eventually recover
h er
experience, and become a
productive and respected
member of society. Due to
changes in societal attitudes
and in our customs, the
victims of rape are no longer
looked upon as dirty. So,
viewed in its proper context,
the present penalty for rape,
which is the same penalty
imposed in heinous crimes
like parricide, murder, etc., is
So, with due respects, I
call on the Honorable
Congressm an
Sarmiento to revisit our law
on rape, and file a bill
reverting the penalty for
unaggravat ed rap e to
reclusion temporal (12 years
and 1 day to 20 years). One
immediate result of the
lowering of the penalty
involves detention prisoners.
Upon filing of a criminal
Information in court for rape,
automatically recommend
“no bail” for the accused.
This means that. — like the
person accused of murder,
parricide, qualified piracy,
etc., -- the person accused
of rape will already be held
without bail in prison in the
meantime that the rape case
is being tried by the court.
This could take years. For
t h i s r ea s o n ,
p er s o n s
accused of rape usually
cough out huge sums of
money demanded by rape
complainants, to have the
case settled out of court.
Never mind that the accuser
really was the accused’s
girlfriend who only wanted
the man to marry her, or who
was impelled by some other
evil motive.
Of course, I understand
the reluctance of some
lawmakers in filing any
amendment to our law on
rape. Such a bill does not
assure any kickback (“SOP”)
for them, unlike, say, the
construction of a bridge, the
concreting of a road, or the
dredging of a river. Let us
Congr es sm an
Sarmiento belongs to a
different breed of legislators.
Atty. Romulo P. Atencia
E m a i l
a d d :
2.7 kg, 5 kg. 11 kg, 22 kg at 50 kg.
Rizal Avenue, San Jose, Virac
Please contact: 09228406442 and 09291386950
JULY 25, 2012
Finally, our own university?
By next school year, 42 years after it came into being courtesy of
Congressman Jose M. Alberto, the Catanduanes State Colleges will
officially become a university.
According to Senator Edgardo Angara, chairman of the Senate
Committee on Education, Arts and Culture, the bill authored by
Congressman Cesar Sarmiento proposing the conversion the CSC into a
full-fledged university has already been approved by the Upper House.
Sarmiento’s buddy in the Senate, Chiz Escudero, however, says that
while the bill has been approved at the committee level, it still has to be
formally okayed by the Senate membership.
The remaining process is just a formality and the bill’s enactment into
law before the end of the year is a crowning achievement on the part of
Congressman Sarmiento, whose patient lobbying for the bill among
fellow legislators deserves credit. More importantly, the solon has done
it right in his very first term, something two congressmen before him
failed to do even with three full terms of nine years.
Already, Dr. Minerva Isorena-Morales, the presumptive first university
president, has already submitted to the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) the proposed additional programs in preparation for
the 2013-2014 school year.
The news is cause for celebration not only in the academic world but
also among the rest of the community in this island province. For the
existence of a university here right on the Catandunganons’ doorsteps
at least ensures that their children will have a chance at quality
education comparable with those offered by mainland Bicol and Manila
institutions of higher learning.
But let us postpone popping the corks off wine bottles and lighting
expensive fireworks, for here is CHED’s plan of amalgamation and
typology threatening to disrupt the islanders’ dream.
Under its amalgamation proposal, if we understand it correctly, the
existing state colleges and universities (SUCs) in the Bicol region will be
merged into one regional university system, with Bicol University at its
center. By typology, a source in the academe says, the affiliate SUCs will
only offer their best courses and nothing more.
The CHED claims the proposed set-up of Higher Educational
Institutions (HEIs) will avoid duplication of programs within the same
region. It will also involve a moratorium on new HEIs offering
“oversubscribed” programs such as business administration, nursing,
hotel and restaurant management, information technology, teacher
education, and maritime education.
Simply, whatever the status of the CSC next year, it will become a
mere adjunct of BU, with Pres. Morales reduced to performing the job of
a chancellor under the BU president and with only engineering,
agriculture and forestry management as its flagship courses.
A CHED official has been quoted as saying that amalgamating the
SUCs will “effect more simplified and rationalized external governance
and shared quality assurance management, instrument of fiscal
prudence, render greater efficiency and economy, promote greater
synergy among component units of RUS, allow more developed units to
assist developing one, and enable better compliance with global
He, and the rest of CHED officials who pursue amalgamation and
typology forget that there are island provinces like Catanduanes whose
college-age youth may not be that rich enough to go to the mainland or
Manila to study courses which will not be offered at the Catanduanes
State University.
And how will CHED, a mere commission, try to take away the CSC’s
university status that will be granted through a charter enacted by
Congress? Once it earns university status, CSC will have proven that it
has complied with the minimum standards and thus earns the right to
operate as such.
CHED should not lose sight of its mandate to provide greater access
to higher education to greater numbers. Rather, it should encourage the
growth and development of HEIs in geographically-isolated provinces
like Catanduanes. To do otherwise would be to unduly deprive CSC of
the status it has earned and to dash upon the rocks of ill-advised
“reforms” and uneven budgetary allotments the dreams of
Catandunganon youths.
The Newspaper for Every Catandunganon
Publishes Every Wednesday
Editorial and Business Office at
Rawis, Virac, Catanduanes * Tel. No. 811-1267
Fax No. 811-1267
Legal Counsel
Web Master
Inside Page
Fernan A. Gianan
A new twist in the Frias case
There’s a new twist in the
saga of Daniel Frias, the
former CSC instructor who
became the highest ranking
According to sources who
are familiar with the Frias
case, the man arrested in
Laguna for allegedly trying
to force a taxi driver to bring
him and his wife to Naga
City is not Daniel Frias, but
one who had assumed the
latter’s identity after he
(Frias) was killed years ago.
Witnesses, especially a
rebel returnee who was
personally told by the
“impostor” to transfer to
Catanduanes’ Nerissa San
Juan Command from the
mainland, swear that the
man in custody of the
authorities was the Frias
who led extortion activities
against contractors and
according to members of the
Frias family in Caramoran,
he is not at all the Daniel
Frias they knew back then.
Incidentally, one of the
witnesses against the man
now accused of crimes at
the Regional Trial Court is
former CAFGU Gilbert Ebo,
who was tempo raril y
escorted out of jail where he
is serving time for the Boton
robbery-slay case.
The Philippine National
Police accepts that in the
absence of a specific
provision in Republic Act
10054 regarding the use of
tinted or reflectorized visors
in standard protective
helmets to be used by
motorcycle riders, they
cannot do anything about
motorcyclists whose faces
cannot be seen while they
thoroughfares. That is,
unless they are caught in
the act of committing a
A senior police officer has
su gge ste d th at l oca l
g o ve r n m e n t
units in
Catanduanes follow the
example of Legazpi City
whose sanggunian passed
an ordinance banning the
use of tinted or reflectorized
On the other hand, the
Investigation has reportedly
recommended that the plate
number of all motorcycles
be painted in large type at
the side of the vehicle to
enable easy identification.
Perhaps, the same license
plate number can be painted
at the back of the helmet to
be worn by the motorcycle
NOTES: in behalf of my
mother Zune Arcilla-Gianan
and the rest of the Tribune
family, many thanks are due
to the friends of US Open
Elite taekwondo poomsae
(forms) champion Edwin
Gianan who hosted a dinner
to her prior to her return to
the country July 12. The
same gratitude goes to our
close relatives in the US of
A – aunties Tina and Fema
Arcilla, Drs. Nita and Rey
Panis and their kids who
now have children of their
own, and Shirley ValenzonaGianan and kids Simon and
Ace – for making her brief
vacation enjoyable…. Rev.
Fr. Pedro Aldea hit it right on
the head when he remarked
during the exit conference of
visiting WHO-DOH-LWUA
officials that the cholera
outbreak can be blamed
Isip-isipon ta
solely on hardheaded
Catandunganons who
refuse to practice safe
hygiene. The same goes for
the family head’s failure to
build a sanitary toilet. In
government reportedly
demolishes houses without
toilets, as the structures
cannot be considered
Incidentally, during the
capitol meeting, some
que st ione d
VIWAD’ s chl o rin atio n
process, claiming tests
showed either low or very
high chlorine content in the
water flowing in the pipes….
A newly constructed spillway
project of the provincial
government along the road
leading to Batong Paluay in
San Andres was the sole
structure damaged in last
w eek ’ s r ai n s. Fa u lt y
construction (the contractor
allegedly failed to excavate
deep enough for the
foundation) was blamed.
Now, the contractor will
have to re-do the project at
his own cost.
WHAT IS SEX? Arriving
home from school, a boy
asked his mother, “What is
Dreading the day that she
would have to explain all of
this, she spent the next hour
telling him about the birds
and the bees and where
babies come from.
When she had finished,
her son smiled, pulled a
school questionnaire from
his pocket and pointed to
the word ‘sex’.
“That’s cool, mom, but how
am I supposed to get it all in
this little box next to the F
and the M?”
Tang Tacio
Dae pa tapos an kasal
Ngonian daang Liberal na
si Gob Boboy kaibahan si
Cong Cesar, maisihan na
daa ni Bise Gob Bong sa
madari kung saen siya
Nag-olay palan daa sinda
ni Siliwong duman sa
Golden Bay y sabi ni Wong,
tatawan niya nin perac si
Bong para labanan sana si
Gob. Kung habo man daa si
Bong sa pagcagobernador,
si Wong daa an magobernador ta si Bong an
mag-congressman laban sa
siyang tiyo.
Segun daa qui Wong,
masuporta pa daa saenda
an mga derotadong sinda
Dayunyor y Cotipyo. Alagad
d a e
m a n
d a a
naquipagcompromitir si
Bong. Kasu udma an soboot
miting ni Bong qui Bise
Presidente Binay na gusto
daang kuahon si Bong sa
UNA. An gabos daang
kasimbagan sa hapot kan
mga usiserong mga votante,
maabot sa Septiembre
pacatapos niyang magvisita
sa Nuestra Señora de
Peñafrancia duman sa
Basilica sa Naga.
Sa ngonian, lima an
posibleng dalaganan kan
taga-Baras: bise gobernador
gobernador (papel contra
gasolina), congressman
(papel contra tinanom),
alcalde nin Baras (herac
man ni Chi), alcalde nin
Virac (papel contra manoc),
y capitan nin Calatagan
(mahal an baracalan).
Anuman an desisyon ni
Bise Gob, lalo na sa
haralangkaw sa puesto,
halaton ta na sana ta harani
na man an oras de peligro.
Dae pang anuncio kung
saarin magatilipon an mga
gustong magin Liberal.
Mientras tanto, halat daa
kan mga votante kung
saarin malakaw-lakaw si
Gob Boboy y Cong Cesar
na gaakbayan o caya gaholding hands tanganing
maheling na talagang sinda
nang duwa.
Dapat guilomdomon nin
gabos na dae pa tapos an
kasal, kung baga pinadagos
pa sana sa harong an
nangharyaw. Dae pa nagorolay kung ano an handa,
sisay an padi y mga ninong
y ninang, mga abay, ano an
barangaan sa gastos, sisay
an padre de familia y iba
pang importanteng bagay.
Adyan pa an isyu sa
dadalagagan ni Bong Teves,
na kung magdalagan bilang
gobernador o congressman,
medyo kalaen sa matang
paghelngon. Pirmi nang
iguang rebenta…
Herac man kan LTO
Virac, pati oras nin mga
agentes nin motorsiklo
inoocupar na palan sa
saendang trabaho sa
Segun sa chismosong
drayber, an mga empleyado
sa Motortrade,
Ropali, Powerdrive asin iba
p a n g p a r at i en d a n i n
kabayong de gasolina iyo na
an ga-maquinilla sa LTO
kan pagparehistro kan
motor. Dangan mabayad pa
daa sinda nin diez pesos
para daa sa folder pero dae
sanang recibo ta bahala na
daa si ser. Pagkua naman
kan plaka, matao ka naman
daa nin veinte cinco pesos,
dae naman nin resibo. Ini
daa deligencia sana nin
sarong tawo.
An iba igua man daang
pigapugaan, mga tawong
gustong makapasar sa
eksamin na dae na maadal,
mabakal ka naman nin
codigo. Kung maparehistro
kan man nin vehiculo na dae
ipresentar sa LTO, puede
man basta iguang marahayrahay na hororon, for the
boys, he! he! he!
Sige sana man an mga
tawo sa transaksyon sa
LTO, ta abara sa buhay an
kaitaasan. Tutal, dae ka
man sana intindihon sa LTO
regional office ta nasabotan
daa ninda na caipuhan man
kan mga taga-LTO Virac an
dagdag na vitamina dahel
sa sobrang trabaho, he! he!
Inaapodan an mga tagaVirac na reparohon an
soboot boarding house sa
Moonwalk, alagad dae man
nakarehistro sa municipio.
An building permit siguro
caini, residential, alagad an
tunay na gamit boarding
house. Madari man sana
daa ining mahanap ta bago
pa, poderoso an cagsadiri y
bagui daang barko an
An saro pa sa reclamo,
an mga gaestar daang
estudiantes dindi piga singil
nin veinte cinco pesos cada
cubic meter sa tubig ta
cabale na daa an bayad sa
water pump. Sa corriente
man, veinte pesos an bayad
cada kilowatt-hour caya
dapar guibohon na ining
BAPA kan Dificelco, he! he!
Pang-mayaman palan an
estaran na ini. Macaguda an
nagpatogdoc. Dapat singilon
man nin mahal na buwis sa
JULY 25, 2012
Noli, stage and fashion designer
Noli’s inclination for the
fine arts was discovered
and inspired by his teacher
when he was in Grade IV.
The teacher caught the
pupil filling his notebook
with sketches of clothes
instead of the notes about
the lesson. Thankfully, this
teacher already saw the
pupil’s artistic potentials.
Instead of reprimanding
him, he admired his work
and told him to take up
fine arts when he grows
The encouraging remarks fired up the young
boy’s dream, a dream he
relentlessly pursued. After
high school his mother Virginia, a dressmaker in Manila, sent him to UST to
study Fine Arts. There the
dreams started to take
shape on the voluminous
art plates they were asked
to produce. He played
with the colors and the
designs. After working as
an apprentice in his
mother’s dress shop, he
put up a small shop. There
the rising star of then Miss
Caltex, Miss Maggie de la
Riva eyed his display and
inquired. He made her an
elaborate gown she used
at the Manila Grand Opera House. From then own
Miss Maggie wore his creations in her pictorials, social
functions and shootings.
Unfortunately, she was
wearing one of those
cocktail dresses he made
for her when that most
celebrated rape case
His skills in stage and
fashion design were tried,
tested and honed at the
Clover House, a very
venue for grand performances of famous film stars,
stage actors and actresses. There he pitted
talent and worked with,
rubbed elbows and shared
ideas with big named personalities in fashion, the
likes of Pitoy Moreno and
Aureo Alonzo, but he himself was under then famous Alma Flor, a Bicolano
carving her own name in
the entertainment world of
Metropolitan Manila. He
sweated it out, wracked
his brains, worked against
time designing, rushing,
revising, adjusting volumes
of costumes that had to
be changed everyday. He
learned the rigors of production.
He was a semester close
to earning his Fine Arts degree when his Lola got
very sick and her Mama
asked her to go home to
Virac and attend to the
old lady. He did come
home with a promise to
return to finish his course
but he never did.
Noli started designing his
friends’ clothes, then his
friends’ friends attire for
special occasions. When
his reputation of coming
up with classy styles spread
out, the work became so
big he had to hire dressmakers and seamers. Noli’s
Creations was born in Virac. He started to dress up
the fashionistas in the province always coming up
with designs comparable if
not better than those one
finds in magazines. The rich
and famous women in the
island employed his services. Soon, the bastoneras and the choir and
dance groups followed
suit. His designs became
the standard by which
others were judged. You
have to wear his gowns
when you want to stand
out. He also crafted headdresses, stage props, fashion jewelry, costumes and
Other artists who worked
with him soon learned the
secrets of the trade as Noli
himself was never selfish
about it. He takes pride in
remembering that they
started with him and are
now popular and making
money out of it.
Noli also pioneered the
holding of beauty tilts using
international standards –
that means beauty-brains
competition. The first ever
search of this kind started
in 1976 with the Search for
Mutya ng Virac, a beauty
title search that has remained prestigious up to
this day. This type of competition has been duplicated all over the province. Now into its 36th year,
this SEC-registered corporation has already
Gawad/page 6
by Babes C. Masagca
One of the best local ‘70s movies I’ve seen that has moved me and has left a lasting impact in
my existence as human was that gender sensitive, “Ang Tatay Kong Nanay”. It starred none
else but the all-time comedy king of the Philippine cinema, Rodolfo Vera Quizon. Said movie
was also top-billed by the Philippines’ ‘child wonder’, Nino Muhlach, along with then aspiring
actor, Phillip Salvador and the classic Marissa Delgado. The story evolved around the ups and
downs of a struggling homosexual/drag queen, played by Dolphy, who was forced to adopt
and raise a baby boy fathered by a former male lover, played by Salvador, with a hooker
played by Delgado.
When the story-for-movie was conceived, its director, the legendary Lino Brocka, had Dolphy
in mind. The latter, upon learning that the theme demands more of drama, was a little wary
accepting the role as he believed he was meant to be a comedian but never a dramatic actor.
Brocka believed so much in him that he took the challenge doing the character, Coring.
Coring then practically assumed father and mother role to the baby boy left under his custody. The little boy, (this was when Muhlach played the character), was raised in a happy atmosphere inside the house despite the absence of his biologic parents. Until one day, the
child’s surrogate mother, sassy and now married to a rich man, showed up to claim the child.
The separation was hard for the child and doubly painful for Coring.
The next scenes proved to be a tearjerker for a child like me then...the little Muhlach taking
pains accepting the kind of love his surrogate mother can give as compared to the unconditional love his Tatay, vis-a-vis, Nanay Coring, showed to him...Coring enduring the agony and
emptiness of a life without his ‘anak-anakan’...a climactic scene highlighted Coring winning a
local gay competition yet feeling unhappy as he lamented in his speech the stigma attached
to that of being a gay.
The final scene showed Coring going home dripping wet after a rainfall and indeed, lying on a
bench outside his house was the little Muhlach, who must have fallen asleep waiting for him.
The child woke up and begged for his ‘tatay-nanay’ to take him back. As the old line goes –
“All is well that ends well” – the two hugged each other... the soundtrack was played
The story taught me lessons which I carried on as I grew up – that love knows no
bounds...that it doesn’t take a surrogate parent to show what parenthood is really
about...that a child will go where genuine love is...that even a person with different sexual
preference deserves a place called HOME and sense of belongingness called FAMILY.
“He deserves to be a national artist. In his shows and movies, he represents the ordinary Filipino, the every Juan in all of us. A lot of Filipinos consider him part of their family. We’ve welcomed him to our households from the days of radio, with ‘Buhay Artista’ in the 1960s, to the
‘John en Marsha’ era in the 1970s and ’80s, and ‘Home Along da Riles’ in the 1990s. When
Dolphy staged a comeback in the 1990s, it was easy for me to put my neck on the line for him.
He had temporarily quit show business after a controversy in his personal life. I told my
bosses: ‘Hire Dolphy. If his show flops, then fire me.’ When the pilot of ‘Home Along da Riles’
was aired, it went straight to number one.”
- Charo Santos, ABS-CBN Chief Operating Officer
“Being a public figure, my father knew many people, but he only had a handful of true
friends, and he could always count on the comedy king. When Gloria (Macapagal-Arroyo) was
proclaimed president while most people were asleep, Mang Dolphy was the first one to visit
my dad. Between men, there was no outward show of emotion, (but) what I saw then,
EARTHQUAKE DRILL. A volunteer of the Philippine Red Cross is joined by an Army soldier in responding to a victim brought down from the capitol’s roof deck during the earthquake drill held recently by the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office.
Philippine Red Cross
Catanduanes Chapter
Emergency Response Unit
Emergency Hotline
Please Contact:
Always First, Always Ready,
Always There
Please contact:
EBMC Compound,
1. Oscar Columna Newsstand
Virac public market
2. U Enterprises
3. Cyprus Enterprises
Beside Fudhaus
4. Joyworld - CC building
5. OTOP Cariton - Airport
6. SRM Enterprises
1. Columna Newsstand - Public Market
2. Jollibeth’s Food Garden - San Roque
3. Anching Arcilla
PANDAN - Engr. Danilo Ibloguin
CARAMORAN - Babylen Isarna
PANGANIBAN - Floresto Robles
BAGAMANOC - Jennifer Peralta
VIGA - VMart
BARAS - Jemson Enterprise
BATO - Jemson Educational Supply
SAN MIGUEL—Gianan Store (Bañas Bldg.)
Main Office: Rawis, Virac (near Immaculate Hospital), (052) 811-1267
Letter…../from page 7
seen a single live volleyball game in my life, I like your mother’s choice.
What I am saying is that I have learned to respect your parent’s choices even if they are contrasting, if complicated, ones but never really practised. A former president and her former
allies are in jail for assorted court cases. I have a hard time explaining to you why a former
police officer was a former fugitive of the law, why a congressman spent more than a year in
Hong Kong prison, why this general earning P35,000 a month had millions in dollar accounts
abroad and why this controversial general committed suicide.
I was stunned when a lady Ombudsman testified that a former chief justice had millions in
peso and dollar accounts and he is receiving only less than a million a year.
To paraphrase famous grandma Barbara Bush (whose son became the most despised president in the USA), I can think of no better lesson to teach you than to try (and oh boy, how
hard it is) to always find the good in people and not the bad.
As the cliché goes, nobody is perfect.
Certainly not your grandfather.
At some stage of my life, I was intolerable: I could not beat deadlines, my negative reviews
have given actors and families of aspiring artists sleepless nights. I am a clumsy entrepreneur
with first-rate concerts yielding untold deficits. They say your grandpa is better off a music
missionary than a businessman. I have made mistakes and I am sure you will make yours.
Whatever they are, try to learn from them. I like this graduation speaker who told the new
graduates that “failure is the perfect teacher.”
You can see from my status that the phrase “perfect father and good provider” hardly apply to
me. I certainly am not far from the ideal.
But maybe you can be! Reach out for perfection and keep trying not to win awards but to live
up to your real self.
All my love,
through Mang Dolphy, was a loyal friend who reaffirmed his support for my dad even when
the odds were greatly against him. I will forever be thankful for, and inspired by, his example
of loyalty and courage.”
- Mary Grace Poe-Llamanzares, MTRCB Chair
“Pidol is the embodiment of ‘pure charisma’. He’s the type of star who draws admirers everywhere he goes. When he tells stories, you’d better listen. He speaks like a history teacher and
Confucian philosopher combined. Plus, he’s very generous in sharing the lessons he has
picked up about show business and life in general.”
- Actor-Director Ricky Davao
JULY 25, 2012
Message of Thanks
The Family and Relatives of the late
of Wagdas, San Andres, Catanduanes
who was called home by the Lord
on July 12, 2012 at the age of 86
wish to convey our deepest gratitude and sincerest
appreciation for the prayers, Masses, flowers, kind words of
sympathy and comfort, keeping vigil with us and attending
the funeral rites.
Your very kind expression of concern and sympathy
during our moment of deep sorrow shall always be treasured.
May God bless you always!
The public is requested to volunteer infor-
mation as to the present whereabouts of
La Purisima, Pili, Camarines Sur, who left the
family home at Balite, Virac, Catanduanes on
Feb. 10, 2005 and could not be located despite
the best efforts of her husband, Edgar A. Tacorda.
If you have any knowledge about her whereabouts, please contact Mr. Tacorda at 0946559-7180.
Notice is hereby given that an Affidavit of Sole Adjudication with
Donation has been executed by the heir of the late Josefa Samar
Lianko, namely: Levi Samar Lianko, of legal age and resident of San
Juan, Virac, Catanduanes, over a parcel of land with residential house
erected on it at San Juan, Virac, Catanduanes, containing an area of
78 sq. meters and declared under ARP No. 2000-11-031-0032 MO,
adjudicating said property unto himself and thence transferring and
conveying the same by way of donation unto his son ALJEREAU
PETER S. LIANKO, per deed executed before Notary Public Alfred M.
Aquino, per Doc. No. 134; Page No. 28; Book No. 313; Series of
2 women….
from page 5
published one coffee table book Mutya featuring
the beauties of Virac –
from the carnival queens
of the 1920s to the present
town queens.
At 68, Noli continues to
serve the province by collecting museum pieces
and setting them up at the
first museum of the island –
Museo de Catanduanes found at the third floor of
the Old Capitol Building,
Sta. Elena. Virac.
For sure, the artist and his
art will always be a part of
the island’s heritage.
Cavinitan, Virac
The Catanduanes Tribune
July 25, August 1 and 8, 2012
from page 8
approached and told her
she wanted to have a little
talk with her. Another unidentified woman came
close and asked her to go
to the vicinity of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral, where Rodriguez
was asked, “Hain na su pigwithdraw mo?”
When Rodriguez said
she did not withdraw any
money and would just come
back after a while, the
woman warned her to be
back alone and not to report
to the police. She indeed
came back but the two
women were no longer
Meanwhile, the police
have yet to arrest the suspect in a scam pulled on a
store owner in Calatagan,
Virac the other week.
Raina Timajo, 29, said
that at 9 A.M. of July 10, a
man who identified himself
Notice is hereby given that an Extra-Judicial Settlement of Real
Estate with Sale has been executed by the heirs of the late Abundio
Aldea Idanan and Jovena Lizaso Idanan, namely: Rustom L. Idanan
of Calindula Village, Laguna; Wilma I. Mora of Calindula Village, Laguna; Roberto L. Idanan of Eastern Poblacion, Baras, Catanduanes;
Ricardo L. Idanan of Taguig City; Marichu I. Ablanida of Sta. Rosa,
Laguna; Ronnie L. Idanan of Antipolo City; Rolando L. Idanan of
Calindula Village, Laguna; and, Rixie L. Idanan of Eastern Poblacion,
Baras, Catanduanes, all of legal age, over a parcel of land at Nagbarorong, Baras, Catanduanes, designated as Lot No. 672 and containing an area of 3,184 sq. meters, adjudicating said property among
themselves and selling and transferring the same in favor of CATALINA B. GUERRERO, per deed executed before Notary Public Fredeswindo A. Gianan Jr., per Doc. No. 350; Book No. 71; Page No. 49;
Series of 2012.
Notice is hereby given that an Extra-Judicial Settlement of Real
Estate Among Heirs has been executed by the heirs of the late Sps.
Jose de la Rosa and Isabel P. de la Rosa, namely: Lourdes P. Serios
of Cheltenham, Vic, Australia and Eastern Cavinitan, Virac, Catanduanes; Estrella P. dela Rosa of Doveton, Vic, Australia and Nelia P.
Bas of Melbourne, Australia and Eastern Cavinitan, Virac, Catanduanes, all of legal age, over three (3) parcels of land, including improvements in one of the parcels, as follows: Lot No. 1403 at Hicming,
Virac, Catanduanes, covered by OCT No. 3947 and containing an
area of 12,792 sq. meters; Lot No. 4631-B at Calatagan, Virac, Catanduanes, covered by TCT No. 12405 and containing an area of 1,562
sq. meters; and, Lot No. 10832P including improvements thereon at
Cavinitan, Virac, Catanduanes, declared under ARP No. 2000-11-009
-0444 and containing an area of 200 sq. meters, adjudicating said
property among themselves in the manner agreed upon, per deed
executed before Virginia Kalong, Honorary Consul of the Republic of
the Philippines in Victoria, Australia, per Service No. 2012-820; and,
Doc. No. 2012-1129; Series of 2012.
The Catanduanes Tribune
July 18, 25 and August 1, 2012
The Catanduanes Tribune
July 18, 25 and August 1, 2012
The Catanduanes Tribune
July 11, 18 and 25, 2012
Notice is hereby given that an Extra-Judicial Settlement of Estate
Among Heirs with Absolute Sale has been executed by the sole heir
of the late Amando Bataller, namely: Salvacion B. Tarrago, of legal
age and resident of West Garden Subd., Virac, Catanduanes, over a
parcel of agricultural land at Icanbato, Caramoran, Catanduanes,
consisting of an area of 1.9144 has. and covered by ARP No. 2006-04
-012-0305, adjudicating said property unto herself and thence selling
and transferring the same in favor of Sps. RENATO & MA. EVELYN
A. SAPICO, per deed executed before Notary Public Alfred M.
Aquino, per Doc. No. 42; Page No. 10; Book No. 315; Series of 2012.
The Catanduanes Tribune
July 25, August 1 and 8, 2012
as Richard Boming, more or
less 35 years old, 5’6”, of
slim build and wearing plain
T-shirt and faded blue
pants, told her that the
owner of a bakery in Calatagan Tibang wants to
borrow an LPG tank worth
P1,988. After she gave him
the tank, the man left on
board a white/blue Honda
XRM (7351-EQ). He gave
her a promissory note
which he signed and inscribed with cellphone number 09043334107, promising to pay for the tank in an
When the appointed hour
came with no payment, Timajo called the man’s cellphone but there was no
reply. The following day
Notice is hereby given that an Extra-Judicial Settlement of an Estate with Sale has been executed by the heirs of the late Rufino
Camacho, namely: Pacifico T. Camacho, Socorro T. Camacho, Julian
T. Camacho and Nena C. Bernal, all of legal age and residents of
District 3, San Miguel, Catanduanes, over a portion of residential land
at District 3, San Miguel, Catanduanes, surveyed under Lot No. 145part and containing an area of 400 sq. meters, adjudicating said property among themselves and thence selling and transferring the same
in favor of AQUILINO T. TASARRA, per deed executed before Notary
Public Arnel C. Sarmiento, per Doc. No, 128; Page No. 26; Book No.
74; Series of 2006.
The Catanduanes Tribune
July 11, 18 and 25, 2012
when she followed up at the
bakery, the owner denied
having ordered somebody
to borrow LPG from her. A
check with the LTO Virac
branch showed the motorcycle used by the man was
registered in the name of
one John Torzar of Balatay,
Call or text 09997659620
Notice is hereby given that an Affidavit of Sole Adjudication with
Donation has been executed by the heir of the late Jose Chi Lianko,
namely: Jose Samar Lianko, of legal age and resident of San Juan,
Virac, Catanduanes, over a parcel of land with residential house
erected on it at San Juan, Virac, Catanduanes, containing an area of
214 sq. meters and declared under ARP No. 2000-11-031-0078 MO,
adjudicating said property unto himself and thence transferring and
conveying the same by way of donation unto his children JO-ENA F.
deed executed before Notary Public Alfred M. Aquino, per Doc. No.
135; Page No. 28; Book No. 313; Series of 2012.
The Catanduanes Tribune
July 25, August 1 and 8, 2012
Solution to Tribune Sudoku
Notice is hereby given that an Affidavit of Adjudication by Sole Heir
with Sale has been executed by the heir of the late Sps. Felipa Sorrera and Domingo Lumbao, namely: Norma L, Toyado, of legal age
and resident of San Roque, Virac, Catanduanes, over a parcel of land
at Danicop, Virac, Catanduanes, designated as Lot No. 3121 and
containing an area of 3,339 sq. meters, adjudicating said real estate
unto herself and thence selling and transferring the same in favor of
Sps. ALIPIO T. TAN and EVANGELINA B. TAN, per deed executed
before Notary Public Fredeswindo A. Gianan, Jr., per Doc. No, 459;
Page No. 93; Book No. 49; Series of 2012.
JULY 25, 2012
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Catanduanes
Front-end Fee:
Commitment Fee:
Office of the Sangguniang Bayan
PRESENT: Hon. Cenon Avelino R. Teves
Hon. Reynato V. Almanza
Hon. Roberto T. Tasarra
Hon. Errol N. Soriao
Hon. Rafael M. Joson
Hon. Francisco R. Toledana
Hon. Domingo S. Prensader
Hon. Roberto P. Rodulfo
Hon. Gabriel T. Tejerero
Hon. Mike Vincent T. Olino
Municipal Councilor/ Temp. Presiding Officer
Municipal Councilor
Municipal Councilor
Municipal Councilor
Municipal Councilor
Municipal Councilor
Municipal Councilor
Municipal Councilor
ABC President/ Ex-Officio Member
SKMF President/ Ex-Officio Member
WHEREAS, the Local Government Unit of Bato, Catanduanes has applied for a loan at Land
Bank of the Philippines Virac Branch purposely for the renovation of the old Municipal Building, which was
constructed more than fifty (50) years ago; as such, the proposed repair, renovation and improvement of the
structure which is contemporary in design is necessary to have a better work place for employees which is
essential in function to help the LGU maximize its capability to effectively deliver programs, projects and
services to the people;
WHEREAS, such repair is likewise deemed imperative in the face of recurrent natural calamities
that has been predicted by experts in the light of global warming and other significant climatic changes and
weather patterns, considerably knowing that the Municipality of Bato is located within the typhoon path of
the island province of Catanduanes;
WHEREAS, by virtue of Municipal Resolution No. 2010-061,which was passed by the Sangguniang Bayan on October 18, 2012, the Land Bank of the Philippines considered the loan application of the
LGU thru the authority granted by the Sangguniang Bayan to the Local Chief Executive to negotiate loan
with the said funding institution; consequently, the terms and conditions of the approved loan of the LGU
with LBP was adopted, confirmed, ratified and approved by virtue of Municipal Resolution No. 2011-061 of
the Sangguniang Bayan approved last August 22, 2011 ;
WHEREAS, due to some unexpected changes in policies and guidelines set forth by the funding
agency, there is a need to pass an ordinance that authorizes the LGU to avail such loan to determine the
public social acceptability, thereby stating, among others, the project name, the borrower, amount of loan,
purpose, the term and manner of payment/mode of release, interest rate, collateral or guarantee and others,
which is now a new requirement prior to the release of the loan;
NOW THEREFORE, on motion of Hon. Domingo S. Prensader, Municipal Councilor, duly seconded by Hon. Francisco R. Toledana, Municipal Councilor; the following Municipal Ordinance is hereby
adopted as follows:
BE IT IN ENACTED, as it is hereby ENACTED, by the Sangguniang Bayan of Bato, Catanduanes
in session assembled, that:
SECTION 1.The Municipal Mayor, Hon. Eulogio R. Rodriguez, in representation of Municipality of
Bato, Catanduanes hereinafter referred to as the “Municipality” is hereby authorized to enter into Loan
Agreement (Term Loan 2) with the Land Bank of the Philippines in accordance with Section 297 of Republic
Act No. 7160 or the Local Government Code, in the amount of Fifteen Million Pesos (P 15,000,000.00) under the terms and conditions herein set forth and such other terms and conditions as may be agreed upon
with any person, corporation or entity for the purpose of funding priority project, and subject to the requirements under Section 123 of Republic Act No. 7653 as implemented by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Circular
No. 402. In this connection, the Municipal Mayor shall have full power and authority to represent the Municipality in negotiating the terms and conditions for the said borrowing and in signing, executing and delivering
such agreements, contracts, deeds, papers, and documents as may be necessary and proper for the full
and total implementation of the authority herein granted;
SECTION 2.The said priority project is herein specified as the Renovation of Municipal Building
located in Libod Poblacion, Bato, Catanduanes is hereby certified to be a local infrastructure and/or other
socio-economic development projects in accordance with the approved local development and public investment program for calendar year 2012 of the Municipality of Bato, Catanduanes and is supported by the best
estimate of the Municipal Engineer.
SECTION 3. Consistent with the covering Loan Agreement (Term Loan 2) contract, deeds and
assignment, mortgage contracts, and such other agreements as maybe entered into by the municipality in
connection with the borrowing, the features, terms and conditions shall be as follows and are hereby approved:
Project Name:
Renovation of Municipal Building
Municipal Government of Bato, Catanduanes
Amount: Fifteen Million Pesos
To finance the major renovation of the Municipal Building
The Loan shall have a term of ten (10) years, inclusive of 1
year grace period, if under internal funds or up to 15 years
inclusive of 1 year grace period, if under L2GF, as follows:
Principal : Payable in 108 equal monthly amortizations if under
Internal funds or up to 168 monthly amortizations if
under L2GF to start at the end of the 13th month,
reckoned from the date of initial loan release.
Interest : in 120 monthly payments if under internal funds or up
to 180 monthly payments if under L2GF, to start at the
end of the 1st month after the initial loan release.
Manner of Payment / Mode of Release:
The loan shall be released in the following manner:
Initial release
- P 2.250M upon execution of loan documents
and compliance to with all pre-release requirements
2 Release
- P 3.750M upon 25% completion per LBP validation
3 Release
- P 3.750M upon 55% completion per LBP validation
4th Release
- P 3.750M upon 85% completion per LBP validation
Final Release
- P 1.500M or balance, upon 100% completion per LBP
- P 15.00M
Interest Rate:
Prevailing prime rate plus minimum 3% spread, subject to semestral repricing
or at L2GF average cost of funds plus minimum spread of 2.5% but not lower
than 9%, fixed for the duration of the loan; GRT for the account of the LGU.
Collateral / Guarantee / Security:
Payment of the Loan, including interest, penalties, advances, fees and other
charges, as well as the extension, renewal, or restructuring thereof, shall be
secured by assignment of Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA).
Commitment, handling, filing, appraisal/inspection and processing
fees are waived, except when required by the special financing
Guarantee Fee:
Sinking Fund (if applicable) or other Funding arrangements: None
SECTION 4. The Municipality hereby appropriates the entire proceeds of the borrowing exclusively
to finance the Renovation of Municipal Building and other financial obligations relative thereto.
SECTION 5. Any Ordinance or parts thereof inconsistent with this enactment is hereby repealed or
amended accordingly.
SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its publication and compliance with all procedures required under Republic Act No. 7160 of ordinance for its validity, including the affixation of signatures
of the Sangguniang Bayan Members, in concurrence thereto, composing at least majority thereof, out of the
total of eleven (11) members, on all the pages of this Ordinance.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that copies of this Ordinance be furnished the Honorable Mayor Eulogio
R. Rodriguez, the Municipal Accountant, and the Municipal Auditor, all of this Municipality of Bato, Catanduanes the Land Bank of the Philippines and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas for their information and appropriate action.
ADOPTED this _28th day of _May , 2012.
I HEREBY CERTIFY as to the correctness of the foregoing Resolution Embodying Municipal
Ordinance No. 2012-04 of Bato, Catanduanes.
Secretary to the Sanggunian
Municipal Councilor / Temporary Presiding Officer
Municipal Vice Mayor / Acting Mayor
Municipal Councilor
Municipal Councilor
Municipal Councilor
Municipal Councilor
Municipal Councilor
Municipal Councilor
Municipal Councilor
ABC President/ Ex-Officio Member
SKMF President / Ex-Officio Member
Sangguniang Panlalawigan Secretary
Provincial Governor
Date Validated: 07-09-2012
The Catanduanes Tribune
July 18, 25 & August 1, 2012
Letter…../from page 8
Keya, I accepted and respected your mother’s choices even if they did not sit well with your
grandmother. To your mother, motherhood is a gift from heaven but marriage is out of the question. When I learned she was pregnant with you, I told her to just raise you well and be happy
without a man in the house. After that confession which took sometime to come out of your
mother’s lips, she expected that I would raise hell and insist on a shotgun marriage.
I did none of that.
But I ran to your cousin Emmanuel’s godmother (filmmaker Marilou Diaz-Abaya) and asked her if
what I did was right. Happily, Emman’s godmother is a specialist on women’s choices and I left
her house not feeling like a devil’s advocate.
Looking at the way your mother raised you in the last nine years, I swear she is a better mother
than some of the married mothers I know and probably more humane and sensitive than the
church-going type.
In the end, your mothers’ choices explain the way you live now.
Keya, you were brought up speaking English, learning German, studied in private nursery and
kindergarten schools, taking violin and ballet lessons courtesy of your Grandma Baby and
spending Christmas in Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia.
Oh boy, was I worried to death when I learned you were going to this safari trip in South Africa
chasing giraffes, lions and elephants on an uncovered jeep. You even beat me to the house
where Beethoven was born. I only want to visit Germany only to see the grave of Mozart but I
guess I will never make it to Germany in my lifetime.
It amused me earlier that Emman was irritated when your cousin Keya spoke in English and you
didn’t. But I know you understand every word your cousin is saying. Keya, be more understanding when your cousin Emman shows irritation hearing you in a foreign language. You were
brought up differently with mothers of different beliefs and lifestyles. However, I assure you that
even if your mothers differ in a lot of things, they sincerely love each other without reservation.
Keya, your mother (then already an Ateneo teacher) accompanied Emman’s mother in an Isabela detention jail during a visit just to have a feel of how it was to be in her place. They were
that close.
What I am saying is that people may have contrasting beliefs and lifestyles but they can still like
and respect each other the way your mothers did.
For some reasons, I have no lessons to teach but only a few pieces of advice to spare when you
get through this life.
First, accept people for what they are.
Second, I guess it pays to keep a few friends, avoid the kind who will write untold stories when -by chance -- you become famous.
Keep a few possessions but avoid most expensive things. Don’t blame anyone, much less the
heavens, if your abode remains modest and without the mind-boggling possessions of box office
queens and noontime show hosts.
Keep life simple because living up to everyone’s expectations is complicated. I was no perfect
father and grandfather and had very little, if nothing, material to impart. At the moment, the most
luxurious treat I have given you was a visit to Ocean Park where for the three of us, I happily lost
a fortune (the equivalent of writing fees for two articles).
I got to this age knowing that it’s good to acquire a few basic values (respect, trustworthiness
and hard work).
But when you don’t live up to them, reflect and find out where you went wrong and start all over
You can see from daily headlines and evening newscast that virtues are better off bandied about
Letter/page 5
JULY 25, 2012
TEACHING COPS TO SHOOT STRAIGHT is the objective of the PNP Standard Handgun
Marksmanship for 3rd Quarter CY 2012, which was conducted July 17 at the Camp
Camacho headquarters of the Catanduanes police. The PRO5 HRDD Marksmanship Training Team led by Insp. RHENA FAILOGA was on hand to improve the shooting capability of
50 PNP personnel so they will be able to better deal in all aspects of police intervention
techniques in the performance of duty.
NFA here
selling WellMilled Rice
The National Food Authority (NFA) has announced that it has started
selling Well-Milled Rice
(Grade No. 1) at P28 per
kilogram to consumers following the arrival of 14,000
bags from NFA Albay as
part of the agency’s dispersal program this year.
NFA Catanduanes provincial manager Oscar
Tubalinal said that the
same rice is being sold to
accredited grains retailers
at P1,300 per bag.
“We shall be selling the
usual Regular Milled Rice
(RMR) at P1,250.00 to accredited NFA grains retail-
Man wanted for rape
returns, gets nabbed
A resident of Virac, who
escaped arrest for rape and
acts of lasciviousness five
years ago, was nabbed
recently and convicted of
the lesser charge after he
returned to attend the wake
of a dead relative.
The Regional Trial Court
is now considering the application for probation filed
by Alberto Figueras, who
was sentenced to a maximum prison term of six
ers and at P27 per kilogram
to consumers after the
stock of Well-Milled Rice
has been exhausted and/or
upon arrival of the RMR,”
he stressed.
efren ETASOR sorra
dai máringwan –
ang ama kang CSC, Cong. Jose M. Alberto,
chairman kang appropriations sa congreso
kaya facil ang paghanap ning fundo.
kanayon nyang pigsasabi sa mga tawo,
“ini ang sacong mahalagang regalo
sa inang banwaan na nagpadacula sakô.”
ang bilog na catandungan
nag kurahaw sa kaogmahan
state college sa saindang hagyanan
simbag sa saindang pangaturugan.
enot na presidente, Pedro G. Tabuzo
favoritong maestro ni Alberto;
nakasalida, Dr. Jacinto Medallada,
ka-clase ni congressman sa Albay.
pinakaenot na bise presidente
si Mrs. Elisa Alberto-Urgel.
dai máringwan, magayon na ilibahan
kang enot na mga empleado kang colegio;
grabe ang respeto sa pagkatawo –
poon sa presidente sagcod sa laborer
daing baunderi, daing piga-palaen.
ah! so mga maogmang biernes na banggi
sa rooftop kang admin building
pagbonding ning mga empleado & faculty;
dangan, maabot si congressman & party
(mga jefe ning oficina sa provincial).
completo ang kaogmahan kang CSC family:
happy-happy together, party-party!
daing ilintrigahan, daing ururihan.
ang asa daghan ning kagabsan
pakusgon ang saindang kakayahan
tanganing ang CSC mapagsirvehan.
ah! mga maogmang imahen
kidayad gilumdomon
kidayad buru-bueltahan!
———————————————————————-*N.B. Ang L o R na igwang underline sabihon tabi sa dilang Viracnon.
years and ordered to pay
the victim P10,000 as civil
In the case filed in July
2006, the Provincial Prosecution Office accused Figueras of molesting and
raping an eight-year old girl
sometime in 2004. The
complainant had claimed
that in the first instance, she
was playing outside of their
house in San Pedro when
her “Tatay Bert” called her
to go inside his house.
While there, he removed
her lower garments and
touched her private parts,
giving her P5 as he let her
go home.
In the other complaint,
Figueras gestured and
whistled to her, calling her
to go to an abandoned
house. He laid her down on
a piece of wood, removed
her undergarments and laid
himself on top of her. Afterwards, he gave her P5 and
warned that he will cause
her to be imprisoned should
she tell anybody about what
Figueras remained at
large following the issuance
of the arrest warrant, forcing the Court to archive the
twin cases, and came back
to the island only last May
to attend the wake of a
dead nephew. Upon his
arrest last May 24, he was
subsequently arraigned,
pleading not guilty to both
During the joint preliminary and pre-trial conference conducted by RTC
Branch 43 Presiding Judge
Lelu C. Contreras, Figueras
offered to plead guilty to
acts of lasciviousness,
which the complainant accepted.
2 women try to
rob widow, 65
Retirees and old women
who like to venture outside
without companions are
warned against a gang of
robbers preying on especially vulnerable senior citizens.
Last week, a 65-year old
resident of Virac nearly became such a victim in an
incident that occurred in
broad daylight just a hundred meters away from the
police station.
Leonila Rodriguez, a
widow from Gogon Sirangan, told the police that she
went to BDO Virac and
when she went out, an unidentified woman
2 women/page 6
Printed by: Tri-Star Press, Calatagan, Virac, Catanduanes
ON TURNING 50 THIS YEAR, members of the Catanduanes College High School Class
1962 led by Tribune reader Roberto Abundo (front, extreme right) held their Grand Reunion
last week in Virac, reminiscing about their fun-filled past and youthful escapades in the
capital town while rekindling friendships idled by physical separation.
Pablo A. Tariman
Dear Emman, Keya and Tanya,
As I write this, I am listening to Lena Horne’s “Stormy Weather” even as Metro Manila is battered by heavy rains with the nearby dams nearing spilling level.
Keya, your cousin Emman and I are managing fairly well and we just moved to a new place
near his school and just two blocks away where you live, Tanya. I am glad you are coming
for a vacation after more than two years in Frankfurt.
So Tanya, you will finally see your cousin.
Of course, we don’t have to
see you at all. I just learned
how to do facebook and I can
see all your latest pictures and
your videos anytime of the
day. It’s been a year and a
half since Emman’s father,
Ericson Acosta (former UP
Collegian editor like your aunt)
was picked up by the military
last February 13, 2012 in San
Jorge, Samar. He is still detained at the Calbayog Provincial Jail awaiting decision from
the Department of Justice
where our lawyers filed a petition for review.
I shudder to think that the first
decade of your existence is
not the best time to live. The
world is threatened by the
effects of climate change and The author's grandson, Emman, with author's son-in-law in the
you see the effects of Ty- Calbayog sub-provincial jail.
phoon Ondoy being duplicated in Australia, Brazil, USA and, lately, all over the Philippines. Of course, that earthquake
in Japan gave you an idea that anything we have can be taken away from us without notice.
Small and big businesses here and abroad are having the worst time of their financial existence. Dictators are falling one after another in the Middle East
and, as a result, thousands found themselves economically
Indeed, the economy is bad worldwide but who cares?
Emman, you got high grades this year and growing up not
wondering why we don’t have a car.
Keya, I know that you will do just as well in Frankfurt and Emman, Tanya and I can only wish we were with you in your
world-wide travels. I recall that we enjoyed watching Giselle
and Don Quixote. Emman and Tanya always get together and
we enjoy walking in this street in Pasig where Andres Bonifacio and his fellow Katipuneros met before the turn of the century.
On the whole, your existence is the best thing that happened
to my life.
However, you have to know where you came from.
I became a father at 27 and what followed were years when
your mothers were schooled and raised under different circumstances.
Keya, your mother went through the Pasig grade and secondary levels in the public schools and was an early achiever: The author's daughter,
She was valedictorian from grade one to grade six and at the Tamara Irika, with grandend of secondary school, she graduated valedictorian in the daughter, Tanya.
biggest high school in the world (the Rizal High School in
Pasig). She was a college scholar and graduated cum laude at the Ateneo de Manila and
finished her master’s degree in the same school. Of course, you know that you are in Frankfurt because your mother is finishing another master’s degree in business. Outside of this,
she has taught and tutored diplomatic staff on top of other assorted jobs outside the academe. Keya, this was your mother’s choice.
Emman, your mother went through more or less the same schooling getting varying honors
but skipped Rizal High School to be at the Philippine High School for the Arts in Mt. Makiling,
major in creative writing. She walked barefoot to the stage to get her medal as salutatorian
and delivered a poem instead of a salutatory address, which impressed the graduation
speaker, actress Boots Anson Roa.
She proceeded to the University of the Philippines in Diliman, worked at the Collegian university paper and just a couple of years before graduation, she
disappeared and was soon found in the jungles of Isabela figuring in an armed encounter with the military which claimed to
have found several Armalites in your mother’s possession.
She was charged with illegal possession of firearms and spent
14 days in jail while awaiting the court decision for a petition for
bail. She was soon out on bail and this episode found her in
the headlines and primetime TV news for a few months. This
episode in your mother’s life saw me travelling from Manila to
Cabagan, Isabela and back every month for two-and-a-half
years to attend the hearings. Those years were difficult, almost
But Emman, I did not complain. This was your mother’s choice.
The author's granddaughter, And your father’s as well.
Keya, vacationing in BoraTanya, your mother was into sports and although I have not
Letter/page 7