Guidelines und Musterfolien
Guidelines und Musterfolien
WEG.DE KEY FACTS Description Multiple awards for excellent service and best prices TÜV-certified quality and safety standards, transparency as well as verified hotel ratings More than 100 travel operators in direct comparison Over 1 million verified hotel ratings Editorial part with exciting travelogues, interesting services and informative texts on destination countries Brand of COMVEL GmbH Network includes not only and but also,, and Target group* Performance indicators/month Gender: 54% female Age: 57% of users are older than 40 years Qualifications: 36% with at least Abitur (German high school graduation) Net income: *AGOF if 2013-11 I ** IVW 12/2013 35% have a monthly net income of 3.000 € 480 Tsd. Unique User* 1,04 Mio. Visits** 7,89 Mio. PI‘s** Structure of user Gender Anteil Index male 46% 87 femal 54% 115 14 - 19 years 6% 65 20 - 29 years 21% 116 30 - 39 years 16% 92 40 - 49 years 22% 97 50+ years and older 35% 107 Ordinary level 24% 82 Secondary level 38% 119 A level or university degree 36% 103 < 1.000 Euro 11% 83 1.000 - 2.000 Euro 27% 101 2.000 - 3.000 Euro 28% 110 > 3.000 Euro 33% 99 Age Education Net income *AGOF if 2013-11 I ** IVW 12/2013 Rates Werbeform Format TKP Leaderboard (nur ROS) 728*90 30,00 € Skyscraper max. 200*600 40,00 € Medium Rectangle 300*250 50,00 € Hockeystick (nur ROS) Leaderboard + Skyscraper 70,00 € Wallpaper (nur ROS) Leaderboard + Skyscraper + Farbcode 75,00 € Manhattan Skyscraper 320*740 65,00 € Halfpage Ad 300*600 65,00 € The maximum file size for the advertising material listed above is 30 KB (for GIF/JPEG files) and 40 KB (for Flash/HTML files). Targeting Targeting-Options Homepage Fullsize Banner / Leaderboard Ultra/Wide/ Skyscraper Special advertising form Targeting -- 120/160/200*600 -- -Departure airport, destination, destination-region, travel time, Duration, number of passengers, number of accompayning Children, travel price, room type, hotel category, Tour operators, booking step, catering Departure airport, destination, destination-region, travel time, Duration, number of passengers, number of accompayning Children, travel price, room type, hotel category, Tour operators, booking step, catering destination, destination-region, travel time, Duration, number of passengers, number of accompayning Children, travel price, room type, hotel category, Tour operators, booking step, catering destination, destination-region, travel time, Duration, number of passengers, number of accompayning Children, travel price, room type, hotel category, Tour operators, booking step, catering Last Minute 468x60 / 728x90 120/160/200*600 HS, WP Package holiday 468x60 / 728x90 120/160/200*600 HS, WP Hotels 468x60 / 728x90 120/160/200*600 HS, WP Holiday flat 468x60 / 728x90 120/160/200*600 HS, WP Special offers 468x60 / 728x90 120/160/200*600 HS, WP -- 468x60 / 728x90 120/160/200*600 HS, WP -- 468x60 / 728x90 120/160/200*600 HS, WP -- Charter flight 468x60 / 728x90 120/160/200*600 HS, WP Rented car 468x60 / 728x90 120/160/200*600 HS, WP HotelLandingpages DestinationsLandingpages Departure airport, destination, destination-region, travel time, Duration, number of passengers, number of accompayning Children, booking step destination, destination-region, date to rent, date for return, Booking step, Rentalplace, Place of delivery Kontakt Ströer Digital Media GmbH Stresemannstraße 29 22769 Hamburg Tel.: 040-46 85 67-100 Fax: 040-46 85 67-939 Mail: Web:
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