May 1, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
May 1, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
St. Joseph Catholic Church Josephville Founded 1852 1390 Josephville Road Wentzville, MO 63385 Rectory/Office: 636-332-6676 School: 636-332-5672 Reverend Robert Samson, Pastor Email: Sacramental Emergency: 314-606-2023 Deacon Fielding Harrison & Deacon David Billing Email: Trish Seaman, Parish Secretary Parish Office/Secretary: Jill Nance, School Principal School Office/Principal: MASSES: Weekday: Sunday: Holyday: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. and Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Saturday 5:15 p.m., Sunday 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. To be announced as scheduled CONFESSIONS: Tuesday 6:30-6:50 p.m. Friday 7:30-7:50 a.m. Saturday 4:30-5:05 p.m. Sunday 7:00-7:20 a.m. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Tuesday 8:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. NEW PARISHIONERS: Please call the Rectory to register BAPTISMS: By appointment MOVING: Please let us know. PERPETUAL HELP DEVOTIONS: After Tuesday Masses PRIESTHOOD AND RELIGIOUS LIFE: If interested, please contact the parish rectory or the Vocation Office at 314-792-6460 MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. BULLETIN: Deadline is Tuesday at Noon St. Joseph Parish Mission Statement In response to our baptismal call from Jesus Christ, we the people of St. Joseph Parish, as members of the Roman Catholic Church, desire to live and teach our faith in our families, school, and workplace, relying on the Word of God and the grace of the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist. May 1, 2016 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 2 through 8 Mass Intentions Mon Tue Tue Wed 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. Thu Fri Sat Sat Sun Sun 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:15 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Patty Meier Bonnie McMillen Oscar Killian Charlie Wilmes & Andrew Norton Elizabeth Piel Holy Vocations Jerry Boehmer Ruby Orf Parish Martha Boehmer Server’s Schedule Monday thru Friday 8:00am Alexis Kersting & Anthony Cyr Sat 5:15pm Nolan Wilmes & Robby Mennemeier Cross Bearer: John Citrowske Sun 7:30am Laura Wilson & Cole Riggleman 10:00am Grace Worth & Andrew Schwerdt Cross Bearer: Nicholas Lopez Lectors Sat Sun Sun 5:15pm Rita Schulte 7:30am Dolores Fitzgerald 10:00am Scott Cornett Ushers Sat Sun Sun 5:15pm Bill Luetkenhaus & Sean Martin 7:30am John Hoff & Jeff Wilson 10:00am Walter Tochtrop & Carl Rothermich Gift Family Sat Sun Sun 5:15pm Zack Blair Family 7:30am Nick & Vickie Gilb 10:00am David Lopez Family Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Sat 5:15pm Norm Ritter, Sherri Aston, Sheila Dove Sun 7:30am Jerry Wilmes, Nancy Hemmer, Pat Wilmes Sun 10:00am Deacon Billing, Carolyn Richardson, Rick Bampton Rosary Sat 4:50pm Rita Schulte Vocation Prayer Chalice John & Leanne Hoff We are nearing the end of our fiscal year and as you can see from the figures below, we are behind a little more that $9,000 in meeting our budget. I would like each of you to look at your tithing to the parish, pray about it, and see if you are able to contribute more over these next two months. It takes everyone doing their part to keep our parish operating. And remember, “God will never be outdone in generosity!” Let us pray for each other this week. Father Bob Samson CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ST. JOSEPH PARISH 2016 FIRST COMMUNION CANDIDATES Alayna Bampton Brooke Buechel Joseph Cavazos Evan Conner Luke Cornett Kylie Cyr Lucas Dean Amelia Hahn Zachary Harr Daisy Henke Ava Kersting Christian Knaust Conner Maine Chase Martin Moira O’Hearne Addison Picker Sam Roettger Layla Slattery Sophie Talbot Dynamic Catholic, Alive! The Holy Spirit Today’s Gospel reading is Trinitarian, with references to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In this passage from John, Christ assures His Apostles that the Holy Spirit “will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you” (John 14:26). Who is the Holy Spirit? He is the third person of the Most Blessed Trinity and “one and equal with the Father and the Son” (Compendium, 47). “The Holy Spirit, whom Christ the head pours out on His members, animates and sanctifies the Church” (CCC, 747). MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST May 8 JUNK IN JUNE SALE June 4-5 GOLF TOURNAMENT June 11 DINNER AUCTION June 18 PARISH FAMILY BBQ June 26 PARISH PICNIC Aug. 21 FALL FESTIVAL Sep. 25 42ND SUNDAY OF CURRENT FISCAL YEAR….....$7,260 WEEKLY BUDGET AMOUNT NEEDED…………….$10,058 Difference….…………………...……….…….….......-$2,798 July 1 thru June 30 Year-to-Date CURRENT FISCAL YEAR ACTUAL……...…….…$423,099 CURRENT FISCAL YEAR BUDGET…….…..…….$432,461 Difference…………………………………..…..…..…-$9,362 MAY CROWNING - Fri., May 6 after the 8am Mass. EARLY RELEASE - Fri., May 6 at noon. JACK-N-JILL SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT - Fri., May 6 at 6:30pm at Josephville Ballpark. Come out and cheer on our eighth graders as they compete against St. Theodore. Concession stand proceeds will support the 2017 Eighth Grade ProLife Trip. FIELD DAY - Fri., May 13. Dinner Auction News Tickets are on sale now for the Dinner Auction that is set for Sat., Jun. 18. Cost is $30 per person or $240 for a table of 8. Tickets may be purchased after all Masses or by calling Bonnie at 314-313-8550 or Leanne at 636-795-5765. Donations of items are still needed. Please call Bonnie at 314-313-8550 or Tina at 636-248-8259 by June 1 if you have a donation. Next Sat., May 7 there will be Mass and Anointing of the Sick at 9am. This is available for all who seek physical, spiritual or emotional healing of any kind. Mother’s Day Breakfast Treat mom to breakfast after Mass on Mother’s Day! Even if you can’t bring your mother, join us anyway next Sun., May 8! The Knights of Columbus will be preparing and serving eggs, sausage, biscuits and gravy from 8am-noon. Adult $8, children ages 5-12 $5, children ages 4 and under free. Women’s ACTS Retreat All women of the parish are invited to attend the 2016 Women’s ACTS Retreat which will be held May 12-15 at La Salle Retreat Center in Glencoe, MO. The theme of the retreat is “The Holy Spirit Fills Us with Peace, Love, and Joy.” The cost is $235. Registration forms are available in the back of Church. For more information call Kristina Cyr at 636-2790488. Scholarships are available. ***If you are willing to offer an hour of prayer for the women attending the retreat, please sign up on the ACTS Prayer Poster in the vestibule. ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Our 18th Annual Golf Tournament will be held on Sat., Jun. 11 at Warrenton Golf Course with a shotgun start at 7am. Threeperson scramble at $80 per person includes golf cart, refreshments, and luncheon. To register, call Mary at 636-262-7163. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Ted Eggering who won $100 in the monthly Members Club raffle drawing. Allison Baxter Peggy Boswell Mike Brown Parker Calbreath Gene Crabtree John Dungan Dave Geerts Karla Haddock Alice Heppermann Mikayla Hoff William Kerpash Donny Kopmann Ken Lenk Lucy Menne Heather Muehling Emma Nave Judy Orf Paul Prince Anthony Rioux Pat Vogt Schroer Tim Tuschhoff Harry Wilmes Urban Wilmes Jim Wilmeth Regina Zoellner JOSEPHVILLE JUNK IN JUNE SALE - June 4 & 5 Donations are now being accepted on Saturdays through May 28 between 10am and 1pm in the school basement. Items need to be in good condition. For more details, visit our parish website or call Nancy Dotta at 636-327-6469. Guatemala Mission Trip Team Meeting All those going on the Guatemala Mission Trip Jul. 29-Aug. 7 are asked to attend the Team Meeting that will be held on Mon., May 16 at 7pm in the cafeteria. All forms and fees will be due at this time. More trip details will be covered at the meeting. The Mission Trip will be an exciting, memorable and rewarding opportunity to assist our disadvantaged brothers and sisters in Guatemala. For more info call Deacon Billing at 314-504-5202. Sporting Clay Shoot The 2017 Eighth Grade Class is sponsoring a Clay Bird Shoot on Sat., May 22 at Blackhawk Hunting Preserve in Old Monroe, MO from 10am-1pm. Cost of $65 includes targets, lunch & refreshments. For more info call Craig at 314-974-2796. • • We have cases of frozen uncooked fish from our fish fries that have never been thawed. Each case has 15 lbs. of fish and is being sold for $40. If you would like to buy one or more cases, please call Trish at the parish office 636-3326676 or email her at There are a number of unclaimed dishes on a rack in the cafeteria. Please check to see if any are yours. Anything unclaimed after Jun. 2 will be sold in the Junk in June Sale. Blood Drive - Today, Sun., May 1 from 8am-noon at the Knights of Columbus Hall in St. Paul, MO. New donors and walk-ins welcome. To schedule an appointment call Terry Deters at 314-281-5614. Eighth Grade Pro-Life Trip Fundraiser - Today, Sun., May 1 from 7am-12pm at the Wentzville Flea Market. The eighth graders will be operating the BBQ STAND to raise funds for their trip to the 2017 March for Life in Washington, DC. Historic Visit of a Saint’s Daughter - The Archdiocese of St. Louis welcomes the daughter of St. Gianna Beretta Molla. St. Gianna was a wife, mother, and doctor. She lived her life as a pro-life, pro-family witness. Gianna Emanuela, St. Gianna's youngest child, will be speaking about her mother at the Cathedral Basilica on Tue., May 3. Mass will be celebrated at 5:30pm. Immediately following this Mass, Gianna Emanuela will give a presentation about her Saint Mother. A reception will follow in Boland Hall. Community Potluck Dinner & Bonfire Rosary - Sat., May 7 at St. Gianna Church, 450 State Hwy N, Wentzville after the 5pm Mass. Legion of Mary will provide the meat. Bring a side dish to share. This event takes place every First Saturday of the month and is open to everyone. Stewardship Awareness “ not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27 Our limited human understanding cannot begin to understand the immense power of God. Instead of trusting in God, we think we can control every outcome. The next time worry, anxiety or fear creeps in, thank God for all He has given you and trust He has a better plan for you. JOSEPHVILLE Termite & Stefanina’s TROY Pest Control MEAT PROCESSING Italian Restaurant Free Inspection Adam Richardson Ron Eisenbath Todd and Tim Pickering 947-1452 Rick Wilkins 281-4020 327-5455 Brian or Sally, coordinators Banquet Center • Catering 860.399.1785 180 Main St. • 636.528.6200 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA CST 2117990-70 The Most Complete Online National Directory of Check It Out Today! 636-332-8888 Catholic Parishes SALES & SERVICE Following Jesus Every Day: FREE ESTIMATES GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. 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