Annual Report - Ronald McDonald House of Durham


Annual Report - Ronald McDonald House of Durham
35th Anniversary Edition
LOVE Notes
How your love helps seriously ill children and their families
Celebrating 35 Years of Love
Thank you for providing comfort and support for more than 33,000 children and their families
Friends, volunteers and guest families gathered on
May 2, to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Ronald
McDonald House of Durham.
Former board members reflected on the origins of the
Durham House, including many “firsts” – the first
Ronald McDonald House built without the help of an
NFL team, the first built in a “rural” area and the first
in North Carolina.
Dr. Sam Katz shared, “Originally, Ronald McDonald
Houses were created to support children with cancer.
This house in Durham was built for any child who
was sick.”
Carolyn Leigh Penny, daughter of founding president
and Durham resident Carolyn Penny, shared, “On
behalf of all the kids who have been served through
the years, thank you.”
Children enjoyed face painting, games and Ronald McDonald’s
magic tricks at the 35th anniversary celebration.
Building our Future on a Solid Foundation
When it opened its doors in 1980, the House was
equipped with 13 bedrooms and over the years has grown
to 55 bedrooms and suites. Today the Durham House
provides more than 16,000 night stays each year.
In April, the organization opened a new, five-bedroom
Ronald McDonald House within WakeMed Children’s
Oie Osterkamp reflected, “This has been an extraordinary
year of celebrating a rich history while also looking
at the exciting future ahead. We are so grateful to the
Former RMHD board members, their families and Ronald McDonald
leaders and supporters who built the foundation on which
we are growing our programs to help the children and their enjoying the Family Reunion. L-R: Ruth Ann Struble, Carolyn Penny, Dr.
John Falletta, Angela Czeck, Carolyn Falletta, Greg Struble, Doris Bradley,
Ronald McDonald and Carolyn L. Penny
Hearts of Gold
pages 2-3
pages 4-5
Annual Report
page 7
You’re Invited!
Page 2
Hope Lunch - Fayetteville - July 28
Durham Breakfast - October 6
Raleigh Breakfast - October 20
Page 3
Inaugural Hearts of Gold Society
Members Honored
Founding Father
Dr. John Falletta was awarded the inaugural Heart of Gold Award by Ronald
McDonald House of Durham at the Winterfest Gala on March 27. The
award recognizes Falletta’s groundbreaking work in children’s health and his
significant impact on local and global Ronald McDonald House organizations.
Dr. John Falletta, founding father of the
Durham House, receives first Heart of Gold
Award for his global impact on children’s
While directing the Hematology-Oncology Division at Duke University Medical
Center, Falletta led the founding of the Durham House with the vision that a
child’s total needs must be met, as medical needs are addressed. While later
serving on the board
of trustees of Ronald
“John knew early on what medicine
McDonald House
was slow to learn – that a positive
Charities, his vision
treatment experience for children and
helped shape the global
philosophy and propel
parents makes all the difference.”
a movement that, now
—–‑ J. C. Gonzalez-Mendez,
includes more than 347
Houses in 38 countries.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Ronald McDonald House Charities President and CEO J. C. Gonzalez-Mendez
shared, “We were so impressed by John after the House was opened in Durham.
John knew early on what medicine was slow to learn – that a positive treatment
experience for children and parents makes all the difference. He has had a
tremendous guiding influence on Ronald McDonald House Charities globally.”
Thank you, Dr. Falletta, for the love you have shared with so many children and
lan, Jim W
r Kristin Jones Whe
The gala is
a Newkirk.
d Wayne and Zaid
Dawn Morgan, an
More than 400 friends joined us for the 16th annual Winterfest
Gala for an evening of fun and inspiration at the Angus Barn
Pavilion. This year’s event raised nearly $275,000, while
honoring our inaugural Hearts of Gold Society members for
lifetime giving and Dr. John Falletta, our first Heart of Gold
awardee. Next year’s event will transition to a new name, the
Hearts of Gold Gala.
Hearts of Gold Society
Special thanks to the friends who were inducted into the
Hearts of Gold Society for significant cumulative giving.
The Estate of Patsie Lee Clark John and Carolyn
Falletta Carol Martin/Camco Foods, LLC Carolyn K.
Penny and Wade Penny Jr. Ric and Jan Richards/The
Richards Advantage The Estate of Dr. Hanna Ruestow
Jerry and Brenda Schafer
Founding board member, Meg McLean
, and her husband Malcolm
pose for a picture with Ronald McD
It’s Beginning to look a Lot Like July!
The House runs low on everyday household items while groups and schools are
on break each summer. You can help by collecting items from our Wish List
throughout the month of July.
Companies & Organizations
Alpha Delta Pi Foundation, Inc. The Bin Charitable
Foundation, Inc. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
North Carolina Dillard’s, Inc. Duke University
Health System Duke Pediatric Blood and Marrow
Transplant Program William C. Ethridge Foundation,
Inc. Fox Family Foundation Inc. GlaxoSmithKline
JumpDC McDonald’s Corporation McDonald’s
Wilmington-Myrtle Beach Co-Op Norman & Bettina
Roberts Foundation, Inc. Ronald McDonald House
Charities, Inc. Ronald McDonald House Charities of
NorthCarolina, Inc. Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust
Skanska USA Southwest Airlines Wells Fargo
Items may be dropped at the Durham House or at any participating Hendrick
Auto Dealership in the area Thursday, July 23 – Saturday, July 25.
For our Christmas in July wish list and to find a drop off location near you, visit
Dr. Falletta was presented with the Tree of Love
and Hope, made of torn pictures, newsletters, board
minutes, original House plans and other materials
important in the life of the Ronald McDonald
House. A limited number of prints, signed and
numbered by artist Elizabeth Singletary, are
available for $35 plus shipping. Contact for more information.
d the
of our guests enjoye
Even the youngest
hn Van Ness Ph
gala. Photo by Jo
Page 2 • Love Notes
Ronald McDonald House Charities of NC was inducted into the Hearts of Gold Society.
L-R Carol Martin, Doris Huebner, Oie Osterkamp, Fred Huebner, and Wade Dixon.
Page 3 • Love Notes
#35 Years of Love
The House staffing model changes from a
live-in manager to a managing director.
A renovation project is underway, and statistics
provided to the global charity show the need
for a major expansion.
Duke and UNC Women’s Basketball donate the
proceeds from their Thanksgiving challenge
game. The Duke team pairs up with children to
paint ceiling tiles, sparking a tradition.
A database is set up to track volunteer activity.
McDonald’s begins fundraising across NC
Pediatric-Family Center of North Carolina is
incorporated with the purpose of opening a
Ronald McDonald House
The Family Room at Duke Hospital
The Durham House celebrates the
completion of its expansion, adding 28
long-term suites and public areas, such
as a chapel, learning center, playroom,
community room and computer room.
Today the Durham House operates 55
The first Winterfest Gala is held in celebration
of the 20th anniversary.
The corporate name is changed to Ronald McDonald House of
Durham, Inc. The House joins Durham’s Great Human Race.
A new dining room and two additional special-needs suites
are constructed. Room fees for House guests increase to $10
per night, $15 for transplant suites – rates that are still in place
The House expands to 20 bedrooms, including
special-needs suites for children
post transplant.
A five-bedroom Ronald McDonald House at
WakeMed opens.
The Family Room at WakeMed opens in
memory of Chyler Huebner.
The House purchases its first computer system.
A House expansion is explored.
Jerry Neville and Dr. John Falletta realize
the need for a Ronald McDonald House in
Durham. They recruit McDonald’s support and
involve parents of pediatric patients, Carolyn
Penny and Nancy Filston, who begin speaking
to civic groups.
Page 4 • Love Notes
Ronald McDonald House of Durham opens
with 13 bedrooms. Families are asked
to contribute $5 per night and help with
household chores.
This is the house where families meet,
To continue their lives, to eat and sleep,
To find their strength and dry their tears,
To look forward with hope to better years.
This is the house that becomes their home.
This is the home that love built.
Poem from the original
Ronald McDonld House brochure
Page 5 • Love Notes
Honor a Loved One with a Memorial or Tribute Gift
The House that
Love Built
To honor and remember
Donald House of Durha
Ronald Mc
a gift has been given to
In Memory of
your loved one
Given by
your name
With deepest sympathy.
Tribute gifts are wonderful ways to recognize the important people and events in our lives. Gifts may be given in
memory of a loved one or in honor of a friend, family member or special occasion. A personalized card will be sent to
notify your honoree or the bereaved of your special gift.
A Love Note for You
I wanted to tell you how much it means
to our family that we were able to use the
Ronald McDonald facilities at WakeMed. My
granddaughter, Trinity, is in PICU and has been
for over a week now.
It has been so nice for her parents and myself to
be able to take turns resting in such a nice place
and never leave the hospital. We have also used
the laundry services several times.
The service you provide to families at such
a stressful time in their lives is so greatly
appreciated. Thank you for all you do.
- Bil lie E.
11 nights at WakeMed House
Have you
Ronald M emembered
in your w House
How Will You Be Remembered?
New Security Blanket Society
recognizes Legacy Donors
Have you included Ronald McDonald House
of Durham in your will, life insurance policy or
other planned gift?
If you answered “yes,” you are a member of
our new Security Blanket Society! Named for
a child’s favorite blanket, the Security Blanket
Society honors friends whose future gifts will
wrap families with the support they need when
caring for a seriously ill child.
For more information, contact Nancy Jones at
(919) 281-1065 or
Page 6 • Love Notes
Report to the Community
The House that Love Built...and Continues to Grow
2015 Board of Trustees
Jerry Schafer, President
McDonald’s Corporation
Geoff Krouse, Past President
Smith Anderson Law Firm
From Jerry
Rudy Echeverria, Co-Treasurer
McDonald’s Corporation
From Oie
Ed Denning, Co-Treasurer
McDonald’s Corporation
Richard Blankenship
Franklin Street Partners
Ann Bradley
Duke University
Nick Cerullo
Cerullo Wealth Management team, Merrill
Lynch, PIerce, Fenner & Smith
Nichole Hatcher Foster
Hatcher Legal, PLLC
Jerry Schafer with his wife,
Brenda, at the Winterfest Gala.
While recently listening to members of our founding board reflect on the “early days,” I was struck by the realization that
every decision we make today is on the shoulders of the leaders, volunteers and supporters who came before us.
Every day, we open our doors to families struggling with the worry and fatigue of
caring for a sick or injured child, while away from home and support systems there.
Today’s trustees fully appreciate the promise that is the Ronald McDonald House. We know you are counting on us and the
stakes are high – so many children are depending on us all. This understanding led us to an extensive planning process last
year – including gathering feedback from guest families, donors, volunteers and staff – to guide us to 2020.
And every day, we see the healing effect that your love has on these same
What emerged was not just a strategic plan, but also a statement of our values – the way we will carry out the Ronald
McDonald House mission. I am excited to share them with you and invite your feedback.
RMHD Values
The needs of seriously ill children and
their families guide every decision we
We treasure our partners and carefully
steward the resources they entrust to
our care.
We celebrate our Ronald McDonald
House Charities community and our
work across the globe.
A commitment to continuous
improvement and support for one
another fosters our culture of
Thank you for your partnership and
compassion for the children and their
families, and for setting into place the
foundation on which, together, we are
building the future.
It’s humbling to experience your compassion in action, through every meal served,
every gift given, and every comforting word shared. With your help, families
are able to stay together and stay strong, while accessing the medical care their
children need.
This year began with the anticipation of opening a new, five-bedroom Ronald
McDonald House within WakeMed Hospital in Raleigh. This dream became a
reality in April.
Our dedication to grow our services is not just focused on new programs. This year,
we also:
launched a new reservation system to maximize stays at the Durham House,
budgeted for hotel stays, so we can support family emergencies, even when the
55-bedroom Durham House is full, and
added more healthy food options to sustain families in our Family Rooms.
Thank you for being an integral part of this life-changing work and for improving the
health and wellbeing of children in Durham and Raleigh – whether they are from
near or far. All of this is made possible because of your generosity.
RMHD board members show their stripes for the House.
Oie Osterkamp
Executive Director
P.S. To stay abreast of news and events, sign up for our e-newsletter at and follow our social media channels.
Jerry Schafer
President, Board of Trustees
Tim Fisher
McDonald’s Corporation
Laura Gorry
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
Jeff Langdon
Duke Hospital
Diane McIntee
Optima Asset Management, LLC
Scott Mofield
Duke PBMT Program
Johnny Moore
IMG College
Vanessa Raynor
Rehab Matters Speech & Language Services
Ann Reed, MD
Duke Children’s Hospital, DUMC
Ric Richards
The Richards Advantage
Edith Rosenblatt
Duke Children’s Hospital and Health Center
Jeff Snell
ENLIGN Business Brokers
Michele Snyder, MD
WakeMed Hospital
Advisory Council
Ric Richards, Chair
The Richards Advantage
Tim Denny
Daybreak Management Company
Joel Graybeal
Triangle Rock Club
William Holder
GAD Foods, Inc.
Mark Piehl
WakeMed Children’s Hospital
Executive Director
Oie Osterkamp
Your gifts provided comfort and support to Alessia and her mother
while waiting for a new heart
Mission Impact
Durham House
The Ronald McDonald House of Durham offers 55 rooms and a “home away from home”
for families with seriously ill children. Guests experience the comforts of home, including
warm meals, family activities and caring friends for love and support.
Guest Families Traveled From:
90 North Carolina Counties
31 U.S. states and territories
5 foriegn countries (Argentina, Canada,
943 Families Served
16,259 Nights of Care
Ecuador, Mexico, Saudi Arabia)
Top 6 Sources of Referrals
# of Nights
# of Families
Duke Pediatric Blood & Marrow Transplant
Duke Intensive Care Nursery/ICN
Duke Cardiology
Veritas Collaborative/Eating Disorder Treatment
Duke Pediatric ICU
Duke Neurology
Alessia and Shontae —111 nights at the Durham House
Alessia’s Cancer is in Remission, but Chemotherapy Damaged Her Heart
Find out how your gifts are helping Alessia and her mother while they wait for a heart Transplant
Alessia was just five years old when she was diagnosed with bone cancer. Her doctor in Washington, NC, sent her to Duke
Children’s Hospital where Alessia underwent chemotherapy. Throughout the treatment, Alessia’s mom, Shontae, slept in the
big blue chair next to her daughter’s bed. Thankfully, the treatment worked; Alessia’s cancer is in remission.
Two years later, Alessia was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. The chemotherapy that miraculously cured her cancer
also permanently damaged her heart.
Alessia and Shontae returned to Duke, and, this time, Shontae was referred to the Ronald McDonald House. Shontae shared,
“It was hard coming to the House at first. I didn’t want to leave Alessia alone at night, but the staff at Duke insisted that I
needed rest.”
After recovering from surgery to improve the functioning of her heart, she joined her mother at the Ronald McDonald House
to wait for a new heart.
Shontae shares that nine-year-old Alessia is happy at the House, “The home cooked meals and activities are Alessia’s favorite.
She loves playing Bingo.” She explains that the Durham House is keeping her strong while so far from home, “It’s been really
good here. I’ve met friends here. They’re like our family. I thank God for that – I don’t know what I would do without them.”
The warm hearts and helping hands
of volunteers make the Ronald
McDonald House a loving and
comforting home away from home.
4,482 Volunteers
39,333 Volunteer Hours
328 Activities Hosted
415 Meals Served
Children, whose families stay
at Ronald McDonald Houses,
tend to be the sickest, have
traveled the furthest distances
for care and spend the longest
time in the hospital.
Thank you for your gifts
that kept collin’s family together during a difficult time
Mission Impact
Family Rooms
Ronald McDonald Family Rooms are just steps away from the bedsides of children
on the pediatric floors at Duke and WakeMed Children’s Hospitals. They are calm,
welcoming spaces where families can rest and regroup, finding comfort in the
form of food, showers, laundry facilities and computer access.
35,101 Duke Family Room VIsits
Children heal faster and
cope better by having family
presence in the hospital.
5,752 WakeMed Family Room Visits
Volunteers operate the Ronald McDonald
Family Rooms at both Duke and
WakeMed Hospitals. With friendly smiles
and warm hearts, they offer caregivers
a place of respite and comfort just a few
steps from their hospitalized child.
A Sledding Accident Landed Collin in the Hospital with Serious Head Trauma
While Doctors Cared for him, the Family Room gave his family the support
they neded to stay close to their son
In February 2015, five-year-old, Collin suffered severe head trauma after a sledding accident.
The closest pediatric neurosurgeons near his family’s Wake County home were at Duke Children’s
Just when things seemed as stressful as possible, Collin’s mother, Meagan, became ill. “I was sick
and felt terrible being in the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit), having to rush out every ten
minutes,” she said.
With every minute spent away from Collin feeling like hours, Meagan’s husband, Aaron searched
for a way to help his wife stay closer to their son. That’s when he discovered the Ronald McDonald
Family Room, a space right in the hospital where Meagan could shower, brush her teeth and even
charge her phone.
“Even in the short time there, that room was worth its weight in gold,” Meagan said.
Family Room at Duke
149 Volunteers
4,888 Volunteer Hours
Family Room at WakeMed
32 Volunteers
2,474 Volunteer Hours
Your gifts Matter
Thank you for sharing your love in the form of time, talents, goods and services, and money that
provided hope for the children and families supported by the Ronald McDonald House of Durham.
We are touched by the many acts of kindness from our loving community. While we are unable to
list every name, we deeply appreciate every gift that is given to support our mission. If we made an
error or omission, please contact us at (919) 282-0434 so we may correct our records.
$90,000 and above
Companies and Organizations
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
of North Carolina
Ronald McDonald House
Charities of NC, Inc.
$50,000 to $89,999
Companies and Organizations
Joan Kroc Endowment Fund at
Norman & Bettina Roberts
Foundation, Inc.
Hilton Garden Inn Durham/
University Medical Center
Hipp Engineering &
Consulting, Inc.
Lofts at Lakeview*
McDonald’s Association of the
Carolinas Inc.
McDonald’s Corporation
Party Reflections*
Pop Tab Donations
QUALCOMM Foundation
SERVPRO of South Durham
United Therapeutics
Vehicle Donations via Action
Donation Services
WakeMed Foundation
$5,000 to $9,999
$35,000 to $49,999
Companies and Organizations
The Bin Charitable Foundation,
$20,000 to $34,999
John and Carolyn Falletta
Jerry and Brenda Schafer
Companies and Organizations
Wells McRae Cain Memorial
Milner, Inc.*
$10,000 up to $19,999
Dale and Lorraine Reynolds
Super Cooper Foundation
Companies and Organizations
Coca-Cola Company
Duke Hospital Auxiliary
ENLIGN Business Brokers
Grassfield High School Cheer
Capps Charitable Fund of
Fidelity Charitable Fund
Bill and Teresa Donovan
David and Sheila Groves
Hunter’s Hope Foundation, Inc.
The Glenn E. and Addie G.
Ketner Family Foundation
Anna and Landon Kirk
George and Susan Krouse
Tom and Mollie Lotrecchiano
Carol Martin
The McMichael Family
Newkirk Charis Foundation
Oie and Becky Osterkamp
Joel and Linda Pellicci
Carolyn K. Penny and Wade
Penny Jr.
I. J. Quinn, Sr. Family
Carol Richards
Debbie Roberts
Joe and Cheryl Schmidt
Barry Traub
Companies and Organizations
Alpha Delta Pi - NC State Zeta Beta Chapter
includes financial and in-kind donations * in-kind donation
Alpha Delta Pi - Omicron
Chapter - Duke University
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
North Carolina Community
Impact Fund
Bradford Portraits*
Concord Hotels
Couch Oil Co.
Diamonds Direct Crabtree*
Dillard’s, Inc.
GSK Endowment Fund at
Hendrick Cary Auto Mall
Chyler Huebner Memorial
Fund at RMHD
Inspiration Celebration Gospel
Tour Presented by
Let’s Give Back Initiative*
Long Beverage, Inc.
McDonald’s Corporation,
East Division
Microsoft - TechSoup*
North Carolina Circle of
King’s Daughters and Sons,
Patheon Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Ronald McDonald House
Charities, Inc.
Skanska USA
State Employees Combined
Campaign of NC*
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company
Total Wine & More*
Yardi Systems, Inc.
$2,500 to $4,999
Richard and Lynda Amey
Joe Barbee
Jason and Joy Barber
Beerstecher-Jaquet Family
Fund of Triangle Community
Richard Blankenship and
Elaine Matheson
Matt and Nicky Boyer
Carla Bracalente
Ed and Shea Denning
Rodney Dickerson
Guy and Betty Ann Guidry
Doug and Kim Harward
Bob and Jeanie Ingram
Matt and Karen King
Bruce and Janet Knott
Marty and Geri Lail
David and Pauline Lilley
John and Mary Musante
Jim and Marci Rakshys
Edith Rosenblatt
Mary Ann Ruegg
Wade Shelden
Snyder Watchorn Foundation,
Emily Webster
Bob and Barbara Yowell
Companies and Organizations
Arc & Company, LLC
Bank of America
Cornerstone Therapeutics Inc.
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Foelgner, Ronz & Straw, P.A.
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Golden State Foods
Greater North Carolina Area
Combined Federal
Hanna Andersson*
His Little Ones Ministry
IBM Employee Giving
Just in Queso Foundation
Liggett Vector Brands LLC
McDonald’s Raleigh Region
Merrill Lynch
North Durham Rotary Club
Pappas Ventures
PAR Ventures, Inc.
Friends of Claire Elliott
Restoration Community Church
The Richards Advantage
Smith, Anderson, Blount,
Dorsett, Mitchell & Jernigan,
Veritas Collaborative
Wells Fargo
William Branson III, Inc.*
YourCause, LLC-BCBS
$1,000 to $2,499
Brad and Jennifer Armstrong
Lawrence and Sharon Baxter
Geoff and Lisa Beale
Jerry and Peggy Bernstein
Stephen Bewley
Nelson Bobb
Ann Bradley and Scott
John Brennan
Shawn Britt
CJ and Mary Ellen Bruno
Ed and Kathie Bryson
Rebecca Buckley
Howard and Pat Burkart
Kenneth and Sandra Carson
Jimmy and Claudia Cholerton
Jeff and Karmen Coates
Gabe and Tracy Condie*
Sandy and Jean Costa
Dave and Emily Cottengim
Ellen Crowley
Brian and Laura Diefendorf
Anthony Dilweg
Paul Dolan
David and Kim Ebert
Rudy and Tiffany Echeverria
Alex and Tammy Evans
William Evans
Howard Filston
Steve and Carla Finnegan
Clif and Missy Flintom
Marion Foran
Herbert and Mary Ann Fuchs
Louis and Kimberly Gatch
Jenny Goguen
Allan and Laura Gorry
Mark and Liz Gustafson
Mary Gyurki-Kiss & Family*
Maurice and Melissa
Ann Henderson
Marilyn Hockenberry
Billy and Cheryl Honeycutt
Josh Huffman
Courtney and Sherry
Tamara Johnston
Bryan and Nancy Jones
Jon Jordan
Katz Family Foundation
Marque Carrington/Key to
Kenneth Kratz Family
Geoff and Anne Krouse
Karen Kuhn
Don and Susan Lane
Stephen and Sandra Lehrman
Sandy Ligon
Robert and Mary Long
Dan and Laura Magid
Paul and Karen Manning
Ed McCarthy
David and Diane McIntee
Bascom Hall McKay and
Frances Clayton McKay
Charitable Fund of Triangle
Community Foundation
Randy and Sheila McNeely
Tracy Mitchell
Bill and Meredith Monday
Gianluca and Alison Morello
Helen Morin
Tony and Shelia Myers
Cary and Melissa Nordan
Sean O’Leary
Aileen Ondrako
Fran O’Sullivan
Daniel and Judith Pearson
Judd and Mary Peck
Jim and Christine Perciaccante
The Perkins Foundation Inc.
Frank and Connie Plastina
The Lonnie & Carol Poole
Whitney Poplin
Steve and Martha Rafferty
Edward and Avni Rampersaud
John and Debbie Ratliff
Jeremy and Catrina Reading
Evelyn Richards
Edwin and Donna Rimes
Robert & Margaret Jackson
Family Charitable Fund/Bank
of America Charitable Gift
E.T. Jr. and Frances P. Rollins
Henry and Tammy Rutledge
Scott and Laura Ryan
Ralph and Ruth Sandle
The Schuster Family*
Bert and Kelly Scott
Eric and Lisa Setzer
J. R. and Su Shearin
Brian and Melissa Short
William Smith
Geoff and Heather Suddreth
Stan and Ann Swinson
Danny and Carolyn Talbert
Greg and Nancy Tavalsky
Ken and Cheri Taylor
Steve and Patricia Tetrault
Doug and Kathy Thomas
Bob and Jeanne Uhorchak
John and Jeaninne Wagner
Sherry Wanner and Peter
Caroline Welch
Jim and Kristin Whelan
Heidi Whitesell
Widmark Family Fund
of Triangle Community
Hayley Wood
Margie Wright
Reeves and Carol Young
Companies and Organizations
The Allstate Foundation
The American Legion
AT&T United Way Employee
Giving Campaign
Bella Trio
Camco Foods, LLC
Cisco Foundation
CMI Jewelry Showroom*
Convergence Technologies
Endrusick Enterprises, LLC
Eno Beach Shag Club
Fitness World
Give With Liberty Employee
Glass Doctor
Hamilton Hill Jewelry*
Hope Community Church Mina Project
Jada’s Helping Hands Helping
Johnson & Johnson Family of
Companies - Matching Gifts
Kerry Rockford Enterprises, Inc.
Kiwanis Club of
Kiwanis Club of Roxboro
Kiwanis Club of the Friendly
The Learning Experience
Lenovo Employees Care
Market Imports*
Marsupium Inc.*
McCain Foods USA, Inc.
McCracken Enterprises Inc.*
McDonald’s Raleigh Regional
Operator Association
Midway Middle School
Miss Clinton’s Outstanding
W.B. Moore Company of
Mrs. Gilmore’s 3rd Grade
North Carolina Farm Bureau
Women’s Committee
Optima Asset Management,
In Loving Memory
of Children
Lost in 2014
Maliyah Bolanos
Dylan Boswell
Chloe Collier
Keondra Cuffee
Jessica Denton
Jasiah Dudley
Bradley Grasmick
Nasir Holman
Emilyn Heustess
Derek Icenhour
Selah Jancart
Christopher Johnson
Telahni Johnson
Jaida Jones
Leah Grace Knight
Qumari Langley
Kelsey Lawson
Andre Lewis
Preston Lucas
Logan Maney
London Margita
Brady McKeefrey
Elijah Moore
Harlon Chase Oxendine
Desir Patterson
Alejandro Reyes
Star Richardson
Ariana Roberts
Evelyn Roblero-Mendoza
Alice Romero
Vivian Skoniecki
Evelyn Slone
Ian Smith
Sarah Smith
Jacob Trimble
Markus Watkins
Misty Weaver
Miracle Williams
Pearl Necklace Dinner Club*
Primrose School at The Park
Pulte Group - Raleigh Division
Rotary Club of Crabtree
SecurCare Self Storage*
South Johnston High School
Southwest Airlines*
Sparkmon & Associates, CPAs
State Employees Combined
Stone’s Creek Advent Christian
Church YLA
Team MVP Store 4 LLC
Tobaccoland Kiwanis
Tony’s Road Service, Inc.
Tour de Force of Dance
Theatre South
Triangle Luncheon Civitan
Triangle Presbyterian Church
Triangle Rock Club
Umstead Pines Country Club
United Way of the Greater
Velocity Fitness
VHB Engineering
The Volunteer Center of
Durham, Inc.
Wake County New Vehicle
Dealer’s Association, Inc.
Wells Fargo
Woodmen of the World Lodge
Woodmen of the World Lodge
Wynn Construction
Xtreme Results, LLC
$500 to $999
Kevin and Jane Anderson
Jeff and Judy Anderson
Adrian and Kim Atkins
Ed Batchelor
William and Sandra Berry
John Bianco
Ernest and Linda Blough
John Boggs
Bradley Family Foundation of
Fidelity Charitable Fund
James and Linda Brannan
Donald Brown
Valerie Brulet*
John and Janet Bunce
Maxine Call
Sandra Callahan
Dan and Niki Campbell
Mark and Julie Cantin
Terry and Sara Carlton
Nadine Carozzi
James Carroll
Margaret Cash
Phillip and Vicky Chance
Chris Ciapciak
Lee Clyburn
The Tom and Susan Colatsky
Charitable Fund
Mark and Leonela Connolly
Douglas Cook
Donna Cookmeyer
Margaret Crandall
David and Patricia Dance
Ken and Jodi Darrohn
Wade and Dana Dixon
David and Pamela Doolittle
Daniel and Mary Lou Drake
The Eason Foundation
Meg Ehm*
Matthew Farnitano*
Nathan and Megan Fast
Susan and Nicole Feaster
Jerry and Judy Felinczak*
Daniel and Emilee Fulcher
David and Linda Gallop
Chris and Karen Garmon
David Garrard Foundation Inc.
William and Barbara Gautier
Mark and Joan Gibbons
Stuart and Deborah Goldblatt
Jason and Gretta Handley
Douglas and Michele Hardy
Jim Hayne
Terry and Lila Hedlund
Allyson Hemric*
Stephanie Henry*
David and Anita Hester
Daniel Heyl and Sylvia
Sue Hicks*
Sondra Hinnant
Linda Hood
Mark Hopkins
Michael and Natalie Hoyle
Tim Hucks
Anne Hylton
Chad Ice
Robert and Cheryl Jaquiss
Andy and Devon Jarvis
Jack Jenkins
Tisha Jenkins
Ivey and Sylvia Johnson
Kerry Johnson
Lewis and Kathleen Johnson
Wesley and Brenda Jones
Johnny and Joan Joyce
Thomas and Cathy Kadeg
Prabhaker Kamath
William and Penelope Keadey
Kristy Kent
Paul and Cynthia Kimball
Renee Knight
Jonathan Kramer
Amy Lark
Barbara LeBlanc
Jane Lee
Thomas and Jany Leiser
Eva Leung
Sheila Lewis
Eugene and Diane Linfors
Tim and Rachel Lyons
Andy and Jennifer Martin
Jeannie Martin
George and Dorothy
Velvlyn Mayhue
Larry and Paula McAnallen
Terry and Suzanne McDonald
John McKinney
Marie Michelich
Patricia Miller
Steve and Vicki Miller
Lindsey Montgomery
Myrl and Margaret Moser
Lorrie Moss
Gerry and Rita Musante
Nathan and Kausalya
Ed and Christine Naylor
Jennifer Naylor and Kathryn
Bill and Linda Nelson
Erik and Barb Neudecker
Jason and Anita Parrish
Jeff and Paula Parrish
Ila Patel
Mike and Linda Pearce
Donna Peek
Carolyn Leigh Penny and
Greg Miller
Dwayne and Maria Perry
Thomas and Mary Phelps
Marie Porter
Ben and Diana Poston
Steve and Jody Power
Ben Price
Your gifts make a difference
In 2014, 90% of the total support and revenue came from you - our Ronald McDonald House family.
Thank you for your generosity and love!
& General
Support and Revenue
Rent and Interest,
RevenueInvestments & Other Income
In-kind Donations
For audited financial reports, visit
Contributions and
Special Events (net)
Jonathan and Reagan Pruitt
Greg and Wanda Queen
Edward Ray and Laura Delle
Michael Reese
ACR Supply Company Inc.
Aldersgate United Methodist
All American Athletic
JAE Enterprises
Kimley-Horn and Associates
Lisa Ellis & Company
$250 to $499
Your purchase of Shamrock Shakes at local McDonald’s restaurants generated $5,970 for the House.
Will and Carolyn Remaklus
Sammy and Barbara Rigsbee
Elizabeth Ruffin
John and Mary Nash Rusher
Leonard and Elaine Saleeby
Danny Sanchez
Carlyn A. Sanders Family Fund
of Triangle Community
David and Dawn Sauro
Jason Saylor
Amy Schaberg
Joseph and Kathleen
DaMeshea Shorts
Carl and Elizabeth Smith
Krissy Snyder
Victory Stocks
Keith and Sandy Stover
John and Anna Strasser
Grayson Sullivan and Addy
Paul Sun
Steve and Betty Jo Suttle
Kyle and Lori Sykes
Alison Tart
Paula Taylor*
Nick and Jennifer Tennyson
Ed and Amy Thomas
John and Peggy Truesdale
Jeff and Chrissie Twisdale
Dave and Treva Tyson
Aaron and Michelle Vedder
Ken and Lauren Vincitorio
Link and Brittany Walls
Rick and Jamae Warren
Jessica Leigh Webb
Robert Webb
Dan and Stephanie Wechsler
Leonard and Dorothy Wester
Donna Wicker
Sterly Wilder
Dawn Willcox*
Jason and Susan Williamson
Fritz and Kathi Willis
Elizabeth Young
Eddie and Jane Youngbod
Companies and Organizations
ALMAC Clinical Services
Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha
Mu Chapter
American Enterprises, LLC
American Kennel Club
ATI Industrial Automation
Bath & Body Works Apex *
Bayada Pediatrics*
Bennett Pointe Grill
Bergelectric Charitable
Bladen County Farm Bureau
Women’s Committee
Blu Water Group
The BME Group, Inc.
Broadcom Foundation
Caidus Design PLLC
Cain Builders Inc.
Capital Wealth Management
Cerner Clairvia
Charter House Holdings, LLC*
Clearwater Turf Farm
Cleveland County Farm
Bureau, Inc.
Consolidated Charities
Roanoke Rapids Mill
Dakota Associates
Dancing Butterfly Foundation*
Davis Landscape, LTD
Duke Physician Assistant
Duke University CT Department
Eastover Drug LLC
Ecolab, Inc.*
ECS Carolinas, LLP Greensboro
Garden Environments
Girl Scout Troop 524*
Golden State Foods
The Hasentree Club*
Heritage Middle School
HH Architecture
Hospira Employee Giving
HUB International Southeast
IBM Retiree Charitable
Institute for Advanced Learning
and Research (IALR)
Lizzie Grey Chandler Sunday
Lonerider Brewery Company*
LPL Financial - Invest in Others
Matching Gift Program
Manning Enterprises Limited
McKeeman Communications
Group, Inc.
Merck Gives Back Employee
Giving Program
Mount Sylvan United
Methodist Church
N.C. Region Sports Car Club
of America Inc.
NAIOP Research Triangle
Nickelby Project, Inc.*
Olive Chapel Baptist Church
Pharma Matrix LLC
Phoenix Environmental, Inc.
Pine Ridge Baptist Church
QUALCOMM Matching Gift
Raleigh H. O. G.
Rho Inc.
Ridgecrest Baptist Church
Ronald’s Racers
Sparkman Construction
SPS Corporation
Stanley Dentistry
Steel Technologies Foundation
Sunrise Baptist Church
Talbert Building Supply
Tarheel Chapter of BMW Car
Club of America
Town & Country Sportsman
Club, Inc.
Treyburn Country Club*
Triangle Cycles
Trust International Paper
VAM-B Entertainment
Wal-Mart Store #1197*
Walt Disney World Company
Washington Duke Inn & Golf
Watts School of Nursing
Wilmington Stampers
Wines for Humanity*
Yelverton’s Truck Repair, Inc.
Ziptronix, Inc.
Rosalind Abernathy
Jim and Judith Agnew
Leslie Aldridge
Jason and Elizabeth Allbert
Sandee Allen
Evelyn Anderson
Ruth Anderson
Virgie Anderson
Anne Arella
Steve Arrington
Jerry Atkins
Elif Balkas
Cynthia Bantsolas
Dorothy Bartholomay
Thomas and Barbara Batchelor
Kevin and Teresa Beasley
James and Susan Bersch
Jason Blyth
John and Corrine Bonfiglio
John and Suzanne Borchers
Mrs. M. Pershing Braswell
Josiah Brock*
Leonard and Katherine Brooks
Stuart and Susan Brothers
Jonathan and Beth Broyles
Donald Bryson and Marisa
Ann Bullock
Terry and Christine Burgess
Joanne Byrd
Vickie Byrd
Lisa Cain
Matt and Allison Cain
Diana Call
William Campbell
Matthew and Scarlett Cape*
Rosario and Judith Cappello
Edna Carden and Tina Miller
Carlstedt Family Fund
William and Melissa Carter
Emily Castrodale
Michael and Kathy Celii
Charlie’s Memory Charitable
Ira and Patty Cheifetz
Karen Chilton
Mary-Dell Chilton
Jeff and Charlotte Clark
Our loyal pop-tab donors, led by the American Legion,
generated $11,085 for the House.
Greta Clark
Dwight and Lynne Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Collins*
Randy and Allene Collins
Michael and Suzanne
Jessica Copare
Tammy Cordes
Roland Creech
Mary Anne Cunneen
Stacy Danzey
Allen and Debra Daugird
Mark DeJournette
Kesah Delisio
Virginia Deltoro-Ramirez
Ben and Nancy Dew
Dan and Suzie Donabedian
Graham and Mary Douglass
Lee and Amy Dunlap
David Dwyer
Patricia Eaton
John Eck
Robert Edwards and
Mishew Smith
Michael and Cathy Evans
John and Sondra Faris
Caroline Farmer
The Randolph R. & Shirley
D. Few Charitable Fund of
Triangle Community
Michael and Barb Fiedler
Sarah Fish
Scott Flanagan
Aaron and Lianne Franklin*
Audrey Frasca
Mr. and Mrs. W. Erwin Fuller,
Eleonora Gabriel
Michael and Kathleen
Roberta Garcia
Ophelia Garmon-Brown
Lee Garrett*
Perry Genova
Geraldine Gilmore
Carter Glass
Goble Family Fund of
Renaissance Charitable
John and Jacki Goehrke
Anne Goldman
Barry and Nancy Gomez
Lauren Greene
Ross and Karen Greene*
John Griffin
Alberto and Linda Grignolo
Kenneth and Patricia Gritton
Joseph Guarglia
Nancy Hagwood
Timothy Hamill
Michael Hanas
Jon Hannah
Matt Harrell
Bryan and Jessica Harris
Janice Harwood*
Gregory and Georganne
Karen and Dan Hausser
Sylvester Herlihy
Tammy Herr
James and Lillian Herrod
Steve and Kristen Hess
Frank Hickman
Katherine Hirscher
Judith Hodgson
Alan and Haley Hoffler
William and Deborah Holder
Eugenia Howell
Sonja Ice
Derek Jackson
William and Gloria James
Thomas Jeffries
Joyce and Linda Joblonski
Gavin and Leann Jocius
Anthony Johnstone*
Ed Kanoy and Laura Parra
Kellie Kelbaugh
June Kennedy
Mike and Priscilla Kent
Steven and Brenda Kerley
Charitable Gift Account at
Michael and Linda King
Rachel King
Bill and Ann Kirkland
Nicholas Kredich
Len Kuhn
Harry and Kathy Land
Jeff and Mackenzie Langdon
Monika Laprad
Donnie and Linda Lassiter
Pamela Lattimore
Janet Lee
Norman Leonard
Keith and Mary Jane Lewis
Matt Lewis
William and Sandra
Henry Locklear
Marc and Tina Longworth
Ricky and Donna Lopes
Advised Fund of
Cumberland Community
Jean Losee
Carolyn Mackman
Kevin and Lois Magee
Louise Markert
Paul and Lenore Martin
William and Lisa Martin
Kathy Martino
Brenda McAllister
Walter and Dorothy
William McFarland
Heather and Sam McLean
Marty McLysaght
Bruce and Barbara McNair
Amit R. Mehta
Mark and Lizanne Meszaros
Johannes Meyer
Pamela Meyer
David Miller
Walter and Rita Miller
Vicki Mitchell
Scott and Bobbi Jo Mofield
Kyle Montgomery
Howard and Teresa Moore
Johnny and Robin Moore
James Morgan
Justin and Chelsey Morrison
David Moser
Don Munford
Kristin Murphy*
Bill and Ashley Nagel
Christine Nguyen
David Nolte
William and Denise Noonan
Heidi O’Connor*
Todd O’Neill and Cara
Lyle and Wendy Overcash
The Owls Landing Charitable
Fund of the National
Christian Foundation
Jeanette Oxendine
Jon Parker
Randy and Valerie Parker
Alan and Mary Parry
Carol Paul
Gerald and Brenda Peedin
Marilyn Perez*
Millie Perry
Ronnie and Diana Perry
Glenn Pierce
David and Louise Powell
Jeanne Price
Rick and Debra Punke
Douglas Quinn
Kathleen Radcliff
D.B. and Diane Ray
James and Carolyn Reason*
Glenn Reaves
Stephen Redding
Arlene Redgate
Charles and Carrie Reuben
John Rhoden
Anne Rice
Susan Richards
Ric and Jan Richards
Teresa Ring
Herbert and Barbara Roberts
Willie Roberts
Don Rogers
Mark and Susanne Rose
Carmen Ruth*
James and Jane Scheckel
Hank and Linda Scherich
Jerald and Charlene Scott
Harold and Beverly Scroggs
Andrew and Heidi Seitz
Machiko Shirahata
Robert and Barbara Simeone
Rocco Simone
John and Betty Sleasman
Gordon and Lilianne Smith
James and Rosemary Smith
Martha Smith
Sean Smith
Mike and Heidi Sobb
Maude Speakman
Sharon Spear
Michael and Elizabeth Staker
Brian and Linda Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Stevens
Chris and Whitney Stoffel
Sarah Stone
Henry Stoop
Cheryl Stotz
Alton and Mary Ann Strickland
Danny and Alene Thomas
Patricia Thompson
Kenneth Tiffany
Mark and Amy Timberlake
Donna Watkins
Jay Weber*
Martine Weinhold
Roy West
Kevin and Jane White
Patricia Whitehurst
John and Doris Wiggen
Christopher Wik
Rebecca Wiles
Alexis Williams*
Barry Williams
Robert and Lucille Williams
Douglas Williamson
Jonathan and Brandi Wilson
Scott and Jeanne-Marie Wittig
Nancy Wolk*
Thomas and Diane Womble
Beth Wood
Robert and Susan Wood
Louise Wormley
Chris and Kelly Zellman
Companies and Organizations
ABC Supply Co.
Alpha Delta Pi - Theta Epsilon
Chapter - Methodist
Armstrong McGuire
Bank of America Foundation
The Bargain Barn Flea Mall
BB&T Corporate Banking*
Bethesda United Methodist
Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC
IT Quality Engineering
Bob Timberlake Gallery*
Briegan Concrete Constructors
Buncombe County Farm
Capital Genealogy*
Carolina Hurricanes*
Chatham Chamber of
Concord United Methodist
United Methodist
Corporate Investors *
Mortgage Group
Dexter Baptist Church
Doubletree Hotels and Guest *
Duke Alumni Association
Duke Children’s Hospital
Department of Pediatrics
Duke Clinical Research
Duke Energy
Duke School Student Council
Duke University Graduate
Student Affairs
Duke University Hospital Women’s Services
Duke University Hospital
Perioperative Services
Duke University Office of
Durham Elks Lodge #568
Ladies Auxiliary
Durham Performing Arts
Edgewood Baptist Church
Eisai Inc.
Elliott Davis
Emmanuel Church of the
The Exchange Club of Durham
Expression Analysis
FIM Group*
Firestop Carolinas, Inc.
Freedom Life Church
Freeman Beard Art*
Games 2U Triangle*
Gap Foundation Gift Match
Girl Scout Troop #35*
Good Clean Fun
HairyDayz Salon
J C Electric Inc.
Kellum Baptist Church
Kids’ Place of Kingdom Place
Lexitas Pharma Services
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Liggett Group, Inc.
Lenovo Group Ltd.
LZ Enterprises, LLC *
Magic Express Tennis Club
Main Street United Methodist
Martha’s Chapel Christian
Merck & Co.
Mi-Co/Advanced Digital
Midway Middle School Beta
Morgan Stanley
Mount Gilead Baptist
Mount Sylvan Ruritan Club
NC State Good Sam Club
Nelson Baptist Church
Nelson Baptist Church GAs
New Bethel AME Zion
New Hope Wilders Grove
Exchange Club
North & South Logistics, Inc.
North Carolina Theatre *
Northeast Elementary 1st
North Raleigh Christian
Academy *
The Oaks at Whitaker Glen
Oasis of Hope Ministries
Onslow County Combined
Federal Campaign
PRMO Service Access
Pure Water Innovations, Inc.
Real Life Ministries *
Regional Anesthesia, PLLC
Saint Giles Presbyterian
Church Youth Group
Salem Baptist Church
Through McDonald’s Give-A-Hand promotion, you donated more than $11,000 to the House.
James Townsend
Travis Tracy
Sean and Stephanie Tucker
Christy Tyer
Clara Underwood
Patricia Villines
Ann Vollmer
Kisha Wallace
Philip and Donna Walther
Paula Ward
Christian Faith Center of
Creedmoor, Inc.
Christy’s Picture Framers*
ChumpCar International LLC
The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints Durham
1st Ward*
Class Act Maid Service*
Clearwater Irrigation & Turf
Hilton Garden Inn Chicago
North Shore/Evanston*
Holy Infant Catholic Church
Hope Community ChurchRaleigh Campus
Horrell Swine & Poultry Inc.
HYATT House Raleigh North
Inlet Inn*
Ivy Creek Baptist Church
Sea Glass Fine Art *
Shady Grove Free Will Baptist
Fred Smith Company
Stanley Steemer*
Sullivan Construction
Thrills From The Grill*
T P of the Carolinas
Temple Baptist Church
Town of Wendell
Training Industry, Inc.*
Triangle Brewing Company*
The Tyler Foundation
United Way of Asheville and
Buncombe County
United Way of Central Ohio
Vacuum Cleaner Hospital*
Voyager Academy Elementary
Wake Forest-Rolesville High
Weldon Steel Corporation
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
West End Senior Citizens Club
Westfield Baptist Church CoEd IV Sunday School Class*
Witherspoon Rose Culture
Women at the Well
Iris Adkins
Vikki Alberto
John and Cynthia Aldrich
Syd and Laura Alexander
Bob Allegroe
Brad and Twilla Allen
David and Marie Allen
James Allen
Carl and Peggy Allen
Mitchell and Cathy Allen
William Allen
John and Sheila Allers
Benjamin and Jennifer Allred
Alice Alston
Mary Alsup
John and Marlene Althiser
George Alwon
* Ebony Lania Ambrose
Theodore Ammering
Special thanks to the many groups who held benefit
events for RMHD, including ServPro of South Durham,
Grassfield High School Cheer Team, Inspiration
Celebration Gospel Tour, Skanska USA, Fitness World,
Tour De Force of Dance Theatre South, Carillon,
Kendra Scott Jewelry, Wells McRae Cain Memorial
Golf Tournament, and ABC Supply.
$100 to $249
Danielle Adams
Geoff and Heather Adams
John and Jody Addeo
Tod and Teresa Addison
Edward Ancherico
Douglas and Elizabeth Anders
Craig and Christine Anderson
Caitlin Andrews
Dan and Brenda Andrews
Phillip Antoine
Holly Apostolopoulos
Ryan Appleby
Caroline Applegate
Kandee Arencibia
Jeffrey and Tori Arens
William and Pat Armistead
Margaret Ashworth
Yolonda Askew and Carliteau
Douglas and Susan Atkinson
Mary Atkinson
Todd and Jeremy Atlas
Wayne Augustine
James Autry
Anita Aviles
Walter and Sharon Bach
Adrianne Bagley
Angela Bailey
Ruth Baird
Jacque Baker
Susan Baker
Donald and Katherine
Daniel and Deborah Ballard
Mary Ballard
Steve and Julie Barberio
Scott Barbour
Rachelle Barefoot
Bertie Barham
Richard and Kay Barnes
William and Ruth Barnett
Gary Barnhart
Edward Barringer
Pat Barringer
Derek Bartee
Jo Bartee
Ann Bartholomew
Thomas and Jill Bashore
Eugene Baskett
Shelia Baskett
Brian and Sharen Bass
Robert and Carolyn Bass
Janice Batten
Jill Batten
Gene and Kay Baynor
Brian Beatty and Elizabeth
Larry Beatty
Susie Beaver
Paul Beavers
Daniel Beckwith
Paul and Linda Bedo
Philip and Heidi Begany
Harold and Jean Bell
Mary Benes
Charles and Priscilla Benoit
Meg Berg*
Howard Berinson
James Berkey
Keith and Marcia Bernard
Merrick and Roberta Bernstein
Bertold and Helga Berrang
Jack Berry
Joe and Nancy Berryhill
Tyrone Bethune
Frank Bio
Donna Bishop
Brian and Cheryl Bivins
William Blackburn and Kathy
George Blalock
Raymond Blanchard
Pan Blaser
Peter Bley
Michael Blinson
Norman Bodley
J. H. and Emily Boeckel
Judith Bond
Lemuel and Miriam Boone
David and Anna Booth
Veora Y. Boren
Frank Boron
Richard Bostick
Caitlin Bottorf
Paul and Deborah Boucher
Mark and Jennifer Bouck
Becky Bowden
Nancy Boyette
Angela Boykin
Anthony Bracca
Jennifer Bradbury
Thel Brady
Kenzie and Gene Brannon
Brian and Roberta Brave
Richard Brennan
Garrett and Barbara Bressler
Sue Bridge
Christian Briefs
Leigh Brierly
Hildred and Phyllis Briggs
Lehman and Gayle Brinkley
John Britt
Mary Britt
Ralph and Gennie Britt
Christian Britto
John Broderick
Naomi Brogden
Elizabeth Brooks
Eddie and Sandra Brooms
Keith Brown
Kyle Brown
Mark and Elaine Brown
Robert Brown
Sue Brown*
Amy Bryant
Michael Bryant
Bernice Bryson
Robert and Kathleen Buckheit
Ethel Buckner
Robert Bullard
Robert Bunn
David Bunnell
Clarence and Syvil Burke
Noreen Burke
Gale and Maureen Burns
Veronica Burr
Craig Burris
Thomas and Marjorie Busch
Blaine Butterworth
Bob Cabe
John Caddell
Amy Cagle
Elise Cagle
Phyllis Cagle
Susan Camp
Joanne Campione
Frederick Camplin
Jill Cantera
Kanika Capel
Josephine Capone
Wayne Carlson
Jane Carlyle
Julie Carmichael
Peter Carney
Kay Carrington
John and Carolyn Carroll
John and Judy Carroll
Martelia Carroll
Ronald and Maureen Carroll
Brian and Terri Carrozza
Michael Cassidy
Daniel Castelgrant
Donna Cates
Eric Cates
Thomas and Jackie Cates
David Shore and Karen Catoe
Nick and Kate Cerullo
Nichole Chapin
Jamie Charniga
Chanda Chase and Andrew
Charlie and Billie Chase
Crafton Chavis
Sherldon Chavis
Bob Chelemer
Carlisle Chenault
Marilyn Chester
Chien Family
Susan Childs*
John Christensen
Jewel Christian
Dr. and Mrs. Richard
Josephine Cialone
Lauren Cierpial
Glenn and Gina Clapp
Adella Clark
Gail Clark
Richard and Yvonne Clark
Ruth Clarke
Wayne and Jane Clayton
Mary Clayton
Mike and Debbie Clayton
Gwen Cleary
Talmage and Jacqueline
Arthur and Irene Clessuras
Lenora Cleveland
Jane Cline
Donna Coffey
Linda Coffey
Tammy Coggins
William and Patricia Coghill
Barbara Colabelli
Marsha Colbert
Frank Cole
Hershell and Christal Cole
Tim and Christine Cole
Betty Coleman
Andrew and Shirley
Randy and Paziley
Anne Comilloni
Ursula Contostavlos
Charlie and Terry
Patty Cook
Frances Cope
Leto Copeley
Frederick and Frances
Bill Corne
Lonieta Cornwall
Sam and Joanna
Joey Costa and Belen
Ruth Courtney
Estate of Glenda M.
Phyllis Crabb
Debbie Crabtree
Lynn and Diane
Linda Creech
Julie Cronin
Jean Croom
Haywood Crudup
Frank Crumbley
Charles Crumpler
Edna Crumpler
Margaret Curren
Jack and Doris Current
Kim Currie
Barbara Currin
David and Ebie Curtis
Richard and Deborah
Georgia Dabinett
John and Renee D’Alesio
John Dambaugh
Denise Daniels
Glenda Daughtry
Gary Davis
Thurman and Margaret Davis
Jess Davis
Justin Davis
Leona Davis
Linda Davis
Mack and Marie Davis
Valerie Davis
Alexander and Linda De
Steve de Satnick
James and Kathryn Deal
Joshua Dean
John and Mary Dearmitt
Carol DeBarardinis
Darlene Deberry
Beth Dees
Kristi Deese
John and Pamela Defalco
James and Patricia Defrance
Gloria Delfino
Geera Desai
Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Desai
Andrea Descisciolo
Gerald and Barbara Desmond
Mihail Devetsikiotis
Joseph Deweese
Nora Dickens
Rebecca Dickerson
Merwin and Betty Diekmann
Edna Dillard
Thomas Dillard
Mary Dionne
Shelby Dixon
John and Barbara Donagher
Daniel Doran
Anna Dorsett
Ann Doty
Joe Doty
Jacqueline Dove-Miller
David and Lindsey Dowdy
Erin Downing
Paul Downs
Leland and Linda Dubois
Alice Dunn
Viola Dunton
Heidi Durham
Wayne and Alicia Durkee
Richard and Margaret Dwane
Wesley Dyke
Walt Easterling
William and Katharine
Charles and Jane Edgerton
Cathy Edmondson
Dan and Cynthia Edwards
Matt Edwards
Nancy Edwards
Matt and Jill Eisenhuth
Donna Elium
Diane Eller
June Ellington
John Ellis and Karyl Walls
Michael and Brenda Ellis
Robb and Jennifer Ellis
Kimbelyn Emory
Cathy Ennis
Earl and Anita Enzor
Diane Evans
Joreen Evans
Ted Evans
Mary Evans-McCormick
Willie and Shirley Everette
Brent Faggart
Richard and Clare Fair
Muki Fairchild
Ron and Heather Faircloth
Natilee Falk
Miriam Falkner
Jean Fariss
James and Michelle Farmer
Tommy and Carolyn Farmer
Sharon Fauscett
Jeffrey Feinberg
Shawn Fenimore
Carrie Feth
Earl and Linda Fick
Mattie Fields
Barbara Fischer
Greg Smith and Cynthia
Chuck Fitzpatrick
Thomas and Helene Flaherty
Ryan Flintom
Melissa Florio
Beverlie Floyd
Giles and Sherry Floyd
Eve Fontaine*
Katherine Foresta
George and Marie Forrest
Fred and Kim Forthofer
Patricia Foster
Kimberly Foust
Della Fowler Mol
Landon and Berniece Fox
Lenn Fox
Jerry Frady
Michael and Ruth Frank
Shannon Franks
Michael and Sarah Frazier
Neil and Sharon Freedman
Jenny Frost and Family
Erin Fulk
John Funkhouser
Randy and Lynn Futrell
John Gabra
Gene and Anne Gallagher
Thomas and Joanne Gallagher
July Gallardo
Guy and Eva Galloway
Beverly Garner
Tenaja Gay
Myles and Laura Gaythwaite
Beverly Geer
Sandi Gerberich
Mary Gibson
Ray and Ronnie Gilbarte
Christopher and Bonnie
Shaefer Gilliam
Audrey Gilman
William and DeLinda
David Allen Glandon Jackson
and Shirley Glasgow*
Nicole Griffin Gatchalian*
Zachary and Robin Glenn
Elizabeth Glover
Faye Godwin
James Goertz
Betty Goodbar
Ruby Goodman
Jerry and Charlotte Goodwin
John Gould
Rex and Lora Goulding
Roslyn Grace
Joan Grady
Gregory Graham
Andrew and Denise
Dwight and Jane Grant
Sheila Gravelin
Tom Gray
Joel Graybeal
Barbara Greco
Daren and Diane Green
Keith Greene
Seth and Beth Greene
Aloise Gref
Tammy Greguire
Wade and Kay Gresham
Scott and Susan Gressel
John Griffin
Nancy Griffith
Ronald and Patricia Groover
Mary Grossi
Allen Grubb
Gool and Jagmohan Gupta
Archie Gupton
Lisa Gwyn
Donald and Clair Hadley
Gregory and Robin Hall
Andrew Hamer
Stephen Hamlin
Blair Morrison and Emily
Steven Hancock
John and Mary Hannon
Kim and Tor Hansen
Brenda Hardin
Sanford and Brenda Hardin
Brittany Harper*
Rachel Harrington
Susan Harrington
David Harris
Elizabeth Harris
Racquel Harris
Raina Harris
Debra Harrison
David and Pamela Harsant
Jesse Hartley
Heather Hartman
Richard Hartman
David Hartmann
Jim and Barbara Hastings*
Anne Hayes
Matthew and Stacey Hayes*
Betsy Haynes
Mary Hazlebeck
Amanda Headley
Marilyn Heath
Todd and Jamie Heaward
Linda Heiner
Ruth Heinlein
Patty Heivly
Bobby Ray Helms
Steve and Sherry Helton*
Eric and Dawn Henderson
Jeff and Pam Henderson
William and Gail Henry
Elizabeth Herman
James Herstine
Richard Hibbits
Mike Hicken
Michael Hickey and Family
Billie and Mehre Higgs
Clarence and Peggy High
Frank and Jeanette Hill
Micah Hill
Mack Hill
Sharon Hilliard
Karen Hills
Carolyn Hinson
Mike and Helen Hinton
David Hodge
Glenn Hodges
Harry Hodges
Jerry Hodges
Jonathan and Sarah Hodges
D. Hodgin
James and Judith Hoffman
Valerie Hoffmann
Roy Holley
Joyce Holmes
Suzanne Holmes and Sue Stott
Troy and Beverly Holt
Arthur and Cynthia Honeycutt
Constance Honhart
Danny and Nancy Hooks
Robert L. Hoover
John Hope
Cynthia Hopkins
Daniel and Patricia Horne
Jim and Dana Horner
Chung-Kang Huang and
Shao-Hang Chu
Rebecca Hudson
Thomas and Yen Hudson
Barry and Diane Huggins
Warren and Annie Hughes
Marie Humphries
Hunt Family Foundation
Margaret Hupf
Lynne Hutchison
Glenn and Elizabeth Hutto
Michael Hynes
Jennifer Infantino*
Todd and Mary Frances
Brenda Jackson
Margaret Janelle
Deborah Janes
Kristin Jantz
Cathy Jarboe
Tony and Tiffany Jarvis
Jimmie and Katharine Jenkins
Robert and Helen Jenkins
Susan Jessup
Jim and Teresa Jester
Adelaide Johns
Aaron and Mattie Johnson
Deborah Johnson
Eleanor Johnson
Janet Johnson
Johnnie and Alicia Johnson
June Johnson
Mark Johnson
Nicholas and Hayley Johnson
Patricia Johnson
Phillip and Cindy Johnson
Reginald Johnson
Robert Johnson
Tonnette Johnson
Allen and Linda Jones
Barry and Jeannie Jones
Elsie Jones
Flave Jones
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Jones
John and Jackie Jones
John and Emma Jones
Linda Jones
Linwood Jones
Elinor Jones
Matokia Jones
Patricia Jones
Pat Jones
Robert Jones
Leon and Shirley Jordan
Marlene Jordan
Michele Jordan
Shawn Jordan
Kadavil Family Fund of Fidelity
Charitable Gift Fund
Anne Kane
Bernard Karam
Bharata Karumanchi
Jon and Sandra Kates
Ed and Marlene Kearney
Kevin and Kathleen Keating
Joseph Kehoe
Hans Keizer
Catherine Kelly
George and Fonda Kendley
Chad and Lisa Kennedy
Hollie Kernan
Michael and Nirva Keyser
William and Mary Lynn Kidd
Leslie Killeen
Holly King
Lisa Kinlaw
Quincy Kirby
Daniel Kirk
Patricia Kirk
Alan and Gwen Kittrell
Ray Klimas
William and Judith Klotz
Lyle and Mary Knapp
Charitable Gift Fund at
Kristine Knight
Richard Koffenberger
Frederick Kohlhepp
Margaret Kohring*
Sreeni Komma
Julie Kopetsky
John and Rachele Kopp
Sandra Korbel
Steven Kordus
Roshni and Rajan Kotecha
Katherine Kraeblen
Peter Kramer
Norman and Isabel Krause
Colleen Kritz
Carol Kulwicki
Ronald and Marcia Kuzniar
Robert Lacin
Roger and Diana Lacy
William and Joyce Ladney
Christine Ladrie
Louis and Margaret Lafoon
Brian Laible
Michael Laino
Rachel LaManna and Family
Elaine Lambert
Bentley Lamontagne
Karen Lancaster
Rickey and Betty Lancaster
Ronald and Bonnie Lancaster
Dr. and Mrs. Tryon Lancaster
Patti Landolfi
Michel Landry
Dudley and Christy Lane
John and Virginia Lane
Cecil and Cynthia Lang
Paula Lang
Stephen and Virginia Lang
JC and Shelby Lanier
Julia Lapeza
Claire Latham
Judith Laut
Tony La Vopa and Gail
Phil and Margaret Lawless
Lara Lawrence
Kathleen Layden
Christopher Lee
Don and Laura Lee
Larry and Kathy Lee
Michael Lee
Norman Lee and Sheila
Richard and Virginia Lee
Roger Legendre
Clay and Allison Lehman
Sharon Lehto
Richard and Robin Lemke
Liz Leone
Janet Lessard
Keith and Jodi Levine
Leland Lewis
Chun Lin
Nancy Lincoln
Meta Linde
Sarah Lindquist*
Sara Lindsey
Kurt and Patricia Lindstrom
Isaac Linnartz and Jacki
Aileen Litwiller
Renee Lloyd
Alex Locklear
Letha Locklear
Millard Locklear
Mary Long
Nancy Lonson
Richard and Priscilla Lopez
Heather Lord
Scott Lord
Grace Lotrecchiano
Amanda Lunn
Alex and Carolyn MacFadyen
David and Connie Maier
Amanda Majors
Linda Makepeace
Kirk Mangum
Leroy and Althea Mangum
Harold and Betty Mann
Robert and Josephine Mann
Eleanor Manning
Karen Marchbanks
J.R. Marchitello
Lisa Markley
Christopher Martin
Raymond and Maxine Martin
Rebecca Martin*
Stephen Martin
William and Judith Martin
Joe and Wendy Martinoni
Angela Massenburg
Perry and Mary Massey
Howard and Dot Matthews
Nancy Maxwell
Phyllis May
Elizabeth McCarthy
Bill and Robyn McChesney
Scott and Jennifer McClure
Elizabeth McConnell
Emily McCraven
Duane McDermond
Jerry McDonald
Luther and Ella McDonald
Shelby McDonald
Joanne McDonough
Bob McDowell
Stacie McEntyre
Bonnie McGee
Candi McKay
Chris and Kim McKeeman
Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie, Sr.
Katherine McKinley
Evelyn McLamb
Malcolm and Meg McLean
Jere McMillan
Marion McMorris
Lesley McRae*
Elizabeth Meine
Tom and Jennifer Miller
Melissa Mills
Cornelius and Alexandra
Ann Milton
Carol Mims
Robert and Thelma Mistrough
Victoria Mitchener
Betty Mittag
George Mohan
Chad Moody
Nancy Moody
Albert Moore
Beth Moore
Carthel and Sandra Moore
James and Vaun Moore
Jim and Margaret Moore
Rick and Karen Morgan
Tara Morgan
Robin Morgenstern
Frank and Helen Morisey
Beverly Morris
Thank you for all of the wish list drive and
Christmas-in-July donations!
Sally Merrell
Linda Metzger
Beth Michael
Jeff and Elizabeth Michel
Hemesh Midha*
Brian Migdal
Meredith Millen
Tarra Millender
Bryan Miller
Liz Miller*
Stephen Miller
Sylvia Miller
Lois Morris
Bill Morris
Steve and Griffin Morrisey
Dorothy Morrison
Sharon Mosley
Richard and Lisa Mowat
Mozingo Family
Shuyun Mu
Richard Mullins
Nancy Muniz
Beth Murnane
Harold Murphy
Maryann Murphy
James Muse
Keith and Joy Nance
Freddie Navarra
Norman Naylor
Shannon and Lisa Naylor
Andrea Neagle
David Neal
Gail Neises
Christopher and Megan
Lynn Nelson
Mel and Bea Nelson
Frank Nemethy
Janet Neville
Lewis and Mildred Newcomb
David and Annmarie Newman
Mary Newman
Quang & Phong Nguyen
Charles and Myra Nickolaus
Elizabeth Nies
Shirley Nifong
Lexus Nixon
Ronald Nixon
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Nizich
Jim Norberg
Ricky and Barbara Norris
Ben Nottingham
Andrew and Casey Novak
Michael and Nicole Nowell
Craig and Sylvia Nygard
Ricky and Brenda Oakley
Angela Odom
John and Gertrude O’Donnell
Kevin and Judith Oehler
Gary Oerther
Edna and Tina Ogburn
Charles Oglesby
Crystl Oliveiro
Janet Oliver
Terry Oliver
William Opal
Frederick and Connie
Betty Orander
Alison O’Reilly
Mona Ornelas-Staneck
Richard Orth
Alex Ortiz
Robert Ottaviani
Katherine Otto
Ronald Ouellette
Yvonne Overton
Phyllis Owen
Ryan Pack
Wanda Page
Pamela Palmeter
Jeanie Pappalardo
Selene and Zankhna Parekh
Frances Parker
Jerome Parker
Michael and Brenda Parker
Robert and Judithy Parnell
Helen Parrish
Jerry and Mary Ellen Parrish
John Parrish
Ron and Kate Parton
Margaret Pasquale
Ilyus Patanam
William Pate
Janice Patriss
Walter and Constance Pattillo
Margaret Pattison
Frances Pearson
Paula Pearson
James Pease
Daniel and Carolyn Peebles
Lois Peele
Louis Peele
Hallie Frank M. Pegram
Janet Pennington
Martha Penny
Wade Penny III
Susan Perkins
Beth Perry
Jim and Rebecca Perry
Marsha Perry
Mitch Perry
Joseph and Antoinette Peters
Trish Peters
Linda Peterson
Mary Anne Peterson
Farigol Petrale
Ray and Brenda Pettersen
James and Barbara Petty
Lou Phelps
Fred and Nancy Phillips
Sandra Pickett
Mark and Meggan Piehl
Dawn Pieper
Don Piper
Hannah Pistorius
Jackie Pollard
Vickie Pollock
Charlie Ponsock
Cheryl Poole
Richard Poole
Richard and Elizabeth Popillo
Catherine Portaro
Emma Potter
Jackson and Marie Potter
Pouyan and Tabasom Pourbeik
Joan Pratt
Scott and Yuki Prescott
Jennifer Presnell
Faye Price
Melissa Price
Sheri Prince*
Pattie Proctor
Charles and Margaret Pruitt
Jonathan Pruitt
Bruce Puckett
William Puryear
Beverly Pyle
Ben Pysch
Michael and Amanda Quigley
Timothy and Delores Quinn
Connell Radcliff
Jack Radford
Katie Radford
Rosemary Raleigh
Chris and Susanne Rallis
Leonard and Annemarie
Nicholas Randall
Brenda Randolph
Janessa Ravenel
Elizabeth Ray
Elizabeth Rearick
Dr. and Mrs. Morgan Reed
Nancy Reese
Danny and Laura Reeves
Chrystal Regan
Martin Reidinger
Gail Reilly
Dick and Sheila Reilly
Denise Reinert
Diane Renfrow
Deborah Renner
Robert and Elizabeth Renner
Ernest and Jean Renzulli
Deena Revels
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Reynolds
Gloria Rhames
Paul and Laura Ridgeway
Mitzie Riedel
Ray Riggs
Arnold and Peggy Rigsbee
Katherine Rihani
Michelle Riley
Sylvia Ritchie
Carrie Rivenbark
Alfred and Daphne Rivers
Franklin Roberts
Clyde and Virginia Robinson
Susan Robinson
Walker Robinson
Gary and Karen Rockhold
Susan Rodger
Billie Rodgers
Alex Rodriguez
Erik and Kristin Rodriguez
Carolyn Rogers
Larry Rohlik
Sharon Romaine
Kathleen Rosato
Cindy Rose
Deborah Roseman
Madeline Ross
Ron and Lynne Ross
Susan Ross
Terry and Melanie Rowe
Tarsha Rowland
Don and Carol Ruch
Elizabeth Rudd-Myers and
Griffin Myers
Elizabeth Ruffins
Emily Rush
Danielle Russell
Yvonne Sagers
Nancy Saitta
Marie Salistean
Dorothy Sankey
Mrs. Dudley H. Sargent
Helga Sauter
Jeffery and Karen Saville
Karen Sawyer
Anna Scarola
Leonard and Anna Scarola
Michael Schaefer
Anita Schaffer
Janice Scherch
Jerry and Pam Schmid
Craig and Lori Schomburg
David and Margaret Schultz
Bryan and Ellen Schwerer
Anne Scorza Ambrose
Artie and Linda Scott
Thomas Sedlak
Rebecca Seegars
Frank Seifert
Raymond and Barbara Sellers
Ralph Selmont
Paal Selnaes
Joe and Ruth Sernak
Andy Seto
Mary Lee Shanahan
David and Barbara Shaw
Dory Shaw
Herman Shaw
Horace Shearin
Sadie Shearod
Rick and Kim Sheldahl
Marissa Sheldon
Paul Shepherd
Tracey and Katie Sheriff
Isaac and Paula Sherlock
John Sherman
Lyndelle Sherman
Kitty Sherwin
Donald Shinn
Fernice and Kentessa Shirden
Ann Shivers
Ann Shoaf
Herman and Dorothy Shoaf
Edd and Tamma Shope
Paula Shore
Dean Shults
Kalliopi Sideri
Margaret Siegel
Thomas and Amelia Sievers
Ralph Silver
Fern Simeon
James and Kim Simmons
Dorothy Simon
Stephanie Simon
Richard Simpson
Aaron Sink
Wendy Skelding
Brian and Elaine Skelly
Irma Slater
Robert and Emma Smart
Dorothea Smith
James Smith
Jane Smith
Johnny Smith
Maurice and Diane Smith
Pamela Smith
Phyllis Smith
Nancy Smith Roberts
Michael Snell
Virginia Snell
Justin Snider*
Rose Sommer
Irene Sotiriou
Sophia Soto
Robert Souza
Joe and Dorothy Spearman
Julie Spearman
Lorraine Spekczynski
Paul Spreen
Patricia Spruell
Sandra Stallings
Edwin Stanberry
Lisa Stark
Paula Stetler
Carolyn Stevens
Gail Stevens
Jeffrey Stevens
Wayne Stevens
David and Karen Stewart
Kemp and Sylvia Stewart
Marianne Stewart
Brian and Alison Stigall
Bobby and Christine Stone
Herbert Stout and Teresa Elli
Roger and Elaine Stow
Samuel Straight
Sabrina Strasnicsak
Anne Strasser
Patrick Streko and Family
Tori Strickland*
Debbie Stroud
Kevin Strupkus
Calvin and Camille Stubbs
Linda Suitt
Shawn and Melanie Sullivan
Mary and Joseph Summer
Randy Summerlin
Judy and Jack Sutton
Alice Swearingen
Alexander Sy
Joan Sykes
Jim and Barbi Taperek
Donations of cars and other vehicles contributed $11,148 to help the
children and their families. To learn more, call 1-855-CARS-HELP.
Jeffrey and Jackie Tarkington
Frank and Leslie Tart
Jerome and Phillis Taylor
Julie Taylor
Patricia Teasley
Hattie Terry
Christine Tew
Mark and Nancy Thoman
Edward and Estelle Thomas
Lynda Thomas
Mariamma Thomas
Ronald Thomas and Janet
Sandra Thomas
Randy Thomasson
Barney Thompson
Jackie and Donna Thompson
Retha Thompson
Spruill and Karen Thompson
Harold and Louise Tilley
Phil and Martha Timmons
Stephany Tisdale
Edwin and Debra Todd
Tim and Karis Tompkins
Patrick and Brianne Tonker
Meredith Towery
Marie Townsend
David Trego
James and Margaret Trotter
Brianna Tucker
Amalie Tuffin
Kay Turley
David Turlington
John Turner
Leon Turulski
Suzanne Tuttle
Dorothy Tyson
Chuck and Mallory
Laura Upchurch*
Barbara Vaeth
Michael Valentino
Rajendra Valiveti
Steven and Mary Vance
Kelly Vandermel
Kevan Vanlandingham and
Debara Tucci
Scott and Christine VanLue
Arsen and Carole Varjabedian
Michael and Sabine
Sarah Vega
Lilia Villalobos
Jeff Vista
Rachel Vogel
Ioannis Vogiatzis
Carole Vohwinkel
Karl and Jane Von Schaaf
Larry and Anna Wade
Horace Wahl
Lewis and Jerri Wallace
Matthew and Lori Wallace
James and Mildred Waller
Richard and Erika Wallis
Heather Walters
Pat Walters
Delton Waltman
Carol Walton
Pascall Walton
Jennifer Ward
Susan Ward
Doug Warf
Hazel Warlick
Faye Warren
Judi Warren
Michelle Warren
Joyce Wasdell
Steve and Connie
Alex and Jean Watkins
Arthur and Jane Watson
Myles Watson
Alice Watts
Leon and Effie Weaver
Christine Webster
Jim and Lou Welch
Brenda Wells
Cherlyn Wells
Twyla Wells
Bill and Ellen Wenger
Jane West
Theresa West
James Whelan
Charles and Fannie White
Hezekiah and Sarah White
Susan Whitehouse
Barbara Whiteman
Jeff and Delores Wickham
Julia Wilkie
Janet Wilkins
Scott and Jonlyn Wilkins
John and Jean Willard
Allen and Sharon Williams
Brenda Williams
Charles Williams
Cindy Williams
Ethel Williams
Pete and Cathy Williams
Ora Williams
Bobby and Marsha Williams
William and Alice Williams
Barbara Williamson
Michael and Stacie
Peggie Williamson
Ronald Willie
Debbie Willoughby
Cynthia Wilson
Donnie and May Wilson
Hazel Wilson
Kenneth and Linda Wilson
Mark and Patricia Wilson
Thomas and Dawn Wilson
George and Teresa Winstead
Erica Winter
Charles Wohlnick
Mike and Lynn Woinicki
Charlotte Womack
Charles and Brenda Wood
Winifred Wood
George Woodard
Phyllis Woodard
Lorrie Woods
Lorraine Woodyard
Donald Woolard
John Woolard
Patricia Workman
Annie Worth
David Wright
John Wright
Teresa Wright
Mrs. Rufus Wynn
Beth Wynne
Peter and Min-Yin Yang
James and Mary Beth Yeager
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Yenor
Smedes York
Callie Young*
Cheryl Young
Johnnie and Jacqueline Young
Leslie Young
Philip Young
Chris and Denise Young
Gary Yurcak
Gerald Zelenke
Anthony and Barbara Ziberna
Michael Zivitz
William and Vincenza
Dorothy Zurek
Companies and Organizations
AbbVie Inc. Employee Giving
A. E. Wiley Photography*
Aggie Technologies
AIG-American International
Group, Inc.
Aldersgate United Methodist
Church-Helping Hands
Alivia’s Durham Bistro
The Allison Office/Rod of God
Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha
Theta Chapter of N.C.
Alston Ridge Elementary
American Express Workplace
Giving Program (America’s
American Legion Auxiliary
American Legion Post 423
Anderson & Olszewski CPAS
Animal House Veterinary Clinic
Anna’s Gourmet Goodies, Inc.
Apogeo Services
Ashe County Farm Bureau, Inc.
Association of Pediatric &
Oncology Nurses*
Banks United Methodist
Beacon Light Missionary
Baptist Church
Bergen County United Way’s
Charitable Flex Fund
Best Tile Durham*
Big Game Enterprises Inc.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
of NC Credit Union
BMO Harris Bank N.A.
Boy Scout Troop Hike-aThon
Bronto Software
Broughton/Lewis Sunday
School Class
Burt’s Bees*
Cary Page Rotary Club
CASL Xtreme Team
CEVA Logistics
Chubby’s Tacos*
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints Durham 4th
City of Durham Seven Stars
Clay County Farm Bureau, Inc.
CMS Farming Co., Inc.
CrossRoads Christian School*
Columbia AssociatesMcDonald’s
Concord United Methodist
Church - Forever Young
C. Wonder*
Dawn Avila LLC
DHTS- Duke Medicine
Integration Team*
DHTS Useo Provisioning
Dickey’s Barbecue PitDurham*
Disney Worldwide Services,
Domino’s Pizza*
Duke Deptartment of PediatricsNeonatology Division
The Duke Energy Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Duke McKids
Duke School
Duke University CEPD
Provider Services
Duke University Office of
Internal Audits
Durham Area Transit
Authority (DATA)*
Durham Masonic Lodge
Number 352
Durham Parks and Recreation
Durham Police Bike Squad 10
DZs Auto Sales
Eaton Corporation
Empire Eats and The Pit
Eta Phi Beta Sorority - Alpha
Theta Chapter
Extended Hands
Fairmont United Methodist
Church JOY Circle* Faith
Deliverance Church of
Faris Properties, LLC
Fayetteville Ladies Power Lunch
FDH Engineering, Inc.
Fork Chapel Baptist Church
First Insurance
Full House Marketing, Inc.
Fuqua School of Business
Town of Fuquay-Varina Teen
Garner W. H. & F. M. Society
Girl Scout Troop
Girls on the Run*
Glass Doctor
Global Knowledge
Grace Christian School
Halifax Electric Membership
Harrell Painting, Inc.
Hawfields Civitan Club
Helena United Methodist
Heritage Girls
Hillsborough Pediatrics
Holler Enterprises, Inc.
Holly Ridge Church of God
Honeywell International
Immaculata Catholic School
Immaculata Girls on the Run
International Paper Riegelwood Mill
Jack & Jill of America Burlington-Graham
JDCS Enterprise
Jimmy John’s*
Jordan Oaks
Kerry Henry Piano Studios
Lamberth Memorial Baptist
Lilly Pulitzer
Lincoln & Associates, Inc.
Lincoln County Farm Bureau,
Massage Envy Southpoint
Mateo Bar de Tapas*
McDonald’s Philadelphia
Region Management
McDowell County Farm
MCHS Cookie Club
The Meoli Companies
L.E. Meyers Builders
Microsoft Matching Gifts
Milo’s Enterprises, Inc.
MIX 101.5 WRAL-FM*
Mount Sylvan United
Methodist Women
Mt Sylvan UMW Ruth Cook
Mystery Brewing Co.*
NC Association of CPAs
Triangle Chapter
NCDE Junior Civitans
NC Pediatric Associates*
New Hanover County Farm
Bureau, Inc.
North Raleigh United
Methodist Church-Just Older
Youth Group
Oak Grove U A Free Will
Baptist Church
O. C. Mitchell Jr., Inc
Olive Grove Baptist Women
Optix Eyecare Center
Oxford Industries Foundation,
Pender Nursery Inc.*
P. Hendel Products
Piedmont Club
Pine Level American Legion Auxilliary Unit 405
Primrose School at Hope
Valley Farms
Progressive Women’s Guild
Raleigh Charter High School*
Rebecca’s of Clinton
The Rock Church*
Roxboro LaSertoma Club
Ruby Tuesday
Ruth Bible Class
Saint Barbara’s Philoptochos
Saint Francis of Assisi
Catholic Church
Saint Paul’s Holiness Church
Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church
Women’s Missionary League
Sheila Geibig Insurance
Agency - Nationwide
Shiloh Family Ministries
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority
Skin Essence-A Day Spa
Smith Orthodontics
Smyrna FWB Church
Sneads Ferry Lions Club
Social & Scientific Systems Inc.
Soule Employment Law Firm
South Brunswick Islands
Woman’s Club
Southwest Elementary - Girls
on the Run*
SRA International, Inc.
Sunless Seduction Mobile
Spray Tanning*
Taylor Organizing*
Thales Academy
Robert Thum Construction
Ticon Properties
Triangle Insights Group*
Triangle Pest Control - Raleigh
UNC Charlotte - KNES Dept.
United Way of Central
Indiana, Inc.
United Way of Cleveland
Vance County Farm Bureau
Women’s Council
Verizon Foundation
Vin Rouge*
Vox Printing, Inc.
Wake Christian Academy Lady
Bulldogs Varsity Volleyball
Wake Forest High School DECA
Wake Forest United Methodist
WakeMed Gives Employee
Warrens Grove Church
Watauga County Farm
Bureau, Inc.
Wayne’s Service Center, Inc.
The Well Fellowship Church
West End Church of Christ
Westgate Wine*
Whaley’s Refrigeration HVAC
WhiteHall Products, Inc.*
White Rock Missionary Baptist
WMU Summersett Baptist
Wright Co. Electrical &
Maintenance Services
Youngsville McDonalds Bingo
Zdenek Law Firm, PA
Provide Comfort to Families at WakeMed Children’s Hospital
With the opening of the Ronald McDonald House at WakeMed come new opportunities to support
and comfort seriously ill children and their families. Join the Ronald McDonald House Family by
volunteering with our new meal program at WakeMed. Sponsor a meal for families at the Ronald
McDonald House at WakeMed, families with children in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and the
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.
To learn more, contact Jessica at 919.948.9877 or
506 Alexander Avenue • Durham, NC • 27705 • • 919.286.9305