April, 2015 Builder Newsletter - the South Dakota Home Builders


April, 2015 Builder Newsletter - the South Dakota Home Builders
March/ April 2015 EDI TI ON
Newsletter of the South Dakota Home Builders Association
I ssue
Builder New s is published by the South Dakota
Home Builders Association (SDHBA), affiliated with
the National Association of Home Builders.
P. O. Box 1218
Pierre, South Dakota 57501-1218
OFFI CE (605) 224-2761 FAX (605) 224-0820
WEBSI TE www.sdhomebuilders.com
EMAI L sdhbvp@sdhomebuilders.com
President-Frank Krause, Watertown
1st VP-Jeff Lage, Rapid City
2nd VP– Lynn Mennis, Brookings
Sec’y./ Treasurer-Jim Tolley, Black Hawk
Past President-Tim Frohreich, Yankton
State Rep Duane Bickett, Sioux Falls
National Director Dwight Eich, Rapid City
Alt Nat Director-George Houtman, Brookings
Assoc. Nat’l Director Candi Menke, Sioux Falls
Alt Assoc Nat Direct-Chane Patten, Sioux Falls
PAC Trustee-Curt Cartwright, Rapid City
John Kokales, Aberdeen
Pat Tollefson, Aberdeen
Chris Frost, Aberdeen
Kevin Foss, Aberdeen
Daene Boomsma, Rapid City
Desi Mendel, Rapid City
Denise Born, Rapid City
Rick Askvig, Rapid City
Ralph Siemonsma-Spearfish
Garth Johnson, Brookings
George Houtman, Brookings
Ronda Houtman, Brookings
Dennis Buys, Brookings
Daryl Christensen, Sioux Falls
Matt Swenson, Sioux Falls
Terry Konechne, Sioux Falls
Chane Patten, Sioux Falls
Mike Austad, Sioux Falls
Todd Boots, Tea
Scott Hjellming, Sioux Falls
Peter Ronning, Sioux Falls
Brad Mair, Sioux Falls
Mel Zelmer, Tea
Nick Kisch, Yankton
Lee Retig, Yankton
Lisa DeRose Watertown
Cory Obbink, Watertown
Mark Reishus, Watertown
Eric Skott, Watertown
Heath Scnee, Pierre
Ryan Krueger, Pierre
Corey Saurewein, Aberdeen HBA
Dave Asbridge, Black Hills HBA
Don Denure, Brookings Regional HBA
Cully Lebert, HBA of the Sioux Empire
Curt Weiman, Lewis and Clark HBA
Nick Osterkampr, Oahe HBA
Matt Moyer, Watertown Area HBA
Mission Statement
The South Dakota Home Builders Association is a
statewide non-profit trade association made up of
professional builders, remodelers and associate
members. We promote home ownership and quality
affordable housing through active participation in
industry related issues. We are the voice of the
homebuilding industry in South Dakota.
Frank Krause, Krause Construction, Watertown, SD Hello. It is hard to believe it is March already, these last
two months have really flown by. But time flies when you’re
having fun. Look at it this way, we are closer to spring and the building
I have visited a few Home Shows, which are in full swing now. I
went to the Brookings and Watertown shows, and will travel to Aberdeen
and to Sioux Falls this weekend, March 6,7 & 8. Then it will be Lewis &
Clark the following weekend, and Black Hills March 27-29. So it looks like
I’ll have a busy March, which I’ve committed to do, and I enjoy it. I want to
let our members know we are here for them and support them at the state
The two shows I’ve attended so far were great, with a lot of people
seeming very positive and ready to get something done, and the exhibitors
were very pleased with the crowds. One thing I did hear from a lot of
builders was about the shortage of help. Hopefully we will see a solution to
this workforce problem. New housing is at the highest we’ve seen for
several years, in line with what it was before the housing market crash. But
the help to get them built is not there.
The legislative session is about over. Bring Housing Home is slated
for March. We will let you know the time and date soon. Hopefully we can
meet with them all and voice our opinions on important housing issues, so
they can take them back to Washington.
Thank you to everyone who is taking charge of the SDHBA business
until we can hire a new Exec Officer for the state. It is a lot of commitment
on everyone’s part. Thank you!
As always, do business with a member, be safe, and God bless. If you
need to contact me, my phone number is 605-237-9165, and my email is
krauseconst@wat.midco.net. I will respond as soon as possible.
Local HBA’s Upcoming Events 2015
Aberdeen HBA
Jennifer Hieb
20 12th Ave SW
PO Box 201, Aberdeen, SD 57401
(605) 225-2055 FAX (605) 225-2365
EMAI L ahba@midconetwork.com
Black Hills HBA
Cheryl Bettmeng, Executive Vice Pres.
3121 West Chicago
Rapid City, SD 57702-2313
(605) 348-7850 FAX (605) 348-7864
Oahe Home Show
April 18-19
Black Hills Parade of Homes
May 2-3
Sioux Empire Parade of Homes
May 9-11 &16-18
Aberdeen Parade of Homes
June 7th
**Please check local association websites
for updates to Calendar of Events**
Brookings Regional BA
Nancy Ahlers, Executive Officer
510 Main Street Suite 12
PO Box 323
Brookings, SD 57006
(605) 692-5405 FAX (605) 692-5406
Visit www.NAHB.org/MA
Lew is & Clark HBA
Judy Studebaker
420 Broadway Ave
PO Box 582
Yankton, SD 57078
(605) 661-7215 FAX (605) 260-8526
EMAI L lchomebuilders@iw.net
Watertow n Area HBA
Vern Brenden, Executive Officer
110 8th Ave SE, Ste 2
PO Box 1271
Watertown SD 57201
(605) 878-3033 FAX (605) 878-3034
EMAI L wahba.sd@gmail.com
HBA of the Sioux Empire
Julie Terrell, Executive Vice President
6904 S. Lyncrest Place, SF SD 57108
(605) 361-8322 FAX (605) 361-8329
EMAI L info@hbasiouxempire.com
Oahe HBA
Monacha Ellerton , Executive Officer
PO Box 221
Pierre, SD 57501
(605) 222-9069 FAX (605) 224-1659
March/ April 2015 I ssue
South Dakota Builder News
page 2
Curt Cartwright Rapid City Window & Glass 2015 NAHB PAC
Trustee for SD
The 2015‐2016, 2 year Build Pac cy‐
cle is here. A quick look at what hap‐
pened in 2013‐2014. If you contributed and paid your share THANK YOU. Your local Build ‐Pac com‐
mi ee will be holding fund raisers this year and will be asking again for your support. Get involved today! page 3
South Dakota
Builder News
Meet your 2015 Leadership
* * 2015 Executive Board* *
President—Frank Krause
First VP—Jeff Loge
2nd VP—Lynn Mennis
March/ April 2015 I ssue
Past President— Tim Froerich
Treasurer—Jim Tolley
Secretary—David Asbridge
South Dakota Builder News
boundaries. On the education side
also is a House Joint Resolution
Legislative that was pasted this year and that
Committee is HJR1003. This has to do with
the Board of Regents and School
Districts and giving the option for
Tech Schools to have their own
Todd Boots, board. This will be a change to the
Constitution so it will be on the
next general election ballot. This
to me would be a good thing and
something we will need to discuss
The 90th South Dakota legislative and see what kind of action we
session has wrapped up for 2015. would want to take. To me this
The total for bills introduced was would be a great thing for the
a total of 429. This is the lowest
Tech Schools.
amount of bills in the history of
our legislature.
On the national scene we have
gotten our Bring Housing Home
The bills that we supported in this meetings set up. They will take
session have all been passed and place Monday April 6th. Please
signed by the Governor. The two RSVP if you haven't yet. We are
main ones should help out our in- scheduled to start at 12:30 PM
with a premeeting. We will get
started at 1:00 PM with Sen.
HB1072 - Provide information
Thune, then Rep. Noem at 1:45
regarding post secondary techPM, then ending with Sen.
nical institutes be given to parents Rounds at 3:00 PM. If you could
of middle school and high school please review the NAHB bring
housing home material that is on
HB1105 - The workers compensa- the website. This went well last
tion bill to provide affidavit that a year and I hope it does again this
person is not an employee for pur- year.
poses of workman's compensation
Again I would like to say Thank
The other bill we watched closely You to all for their work during
was SB1 the funding for roads and session and as we move forward
bridges. It was changed and
in 2015. There is still work to do
amended and past the last day.
this year. If any members have
This bill when passed had an
any questions or comments again
emergency clause in it so it will
please feel free to contact me. My
go into effect April 1st. Hopefully cell phone number is (605) 359this money will be well spent and 5778 and my e mail address is
they can get ahead on some of
these roads and bridges before
they need a total replacement and Also one more thing. Please keep
that will cost quite a bit more.
helping to get the word out about
The Ride For Housing Poker Run
on August 1st. And for members
I feel next year will be the year of to get more info you can go to
education with two tasks force
being formed to help with K-12
pokerrun or call (605) 348-7850
education and the other in school
page 5
South Dakota Builder News
See you all at the end of April at
the spring board meeting
-Todd Boots
CityWide Insulation
Member Message
To the BHHBA for winning the NAHB Wants
You Video Challenge ….
They won the category of
- Best Video from a
What a great honor—and
again another plug for
South Dakota and how
great our local associations are!
March/ April 2015 I ssue
page 6
South Dakota Builder News
March/ April 2015 I ssue
Lynn Mennis
HBA Membership Chairperson
April is among us and things
are at full throttle. Most people in our industry are very
busy planning for new projects. Looks to be a fantastic
The workforce group has
been working with the SD
Department of Labor/
Apprenticeship, in developing a 2 year Residential Carpentry Program curriculum
and students would earn a
National Career Readiness
Certificate. It is getting close
to reality. We are applying
for a grant up to 5000.00
matching funds grant from
the Challenge/Build/Grow/
The South Dakota Education
Campus of Brookings is our
latest Student Chapter.
The rebates have been sent
out to the associations participating in the member advantage program. Most associations reported several
hundreds of dollars for their
association. The SD State
Association has qualified for
March/ April 2015 I ssue
the 1st quarter toward their
goal of getting 40% of the
rebates back for non-due
The Q1’15 Rebate claim
forms will be due May 15th
for those builder Members
All associations are signed
up for the “I Want You”
2015 membership drive. The
state associations goal is to
reach 2000 members. New
members and retention will
help us attain that goal. Remember that double and triple spike points could be
possible in your associations
qualified member drive
months, May then
Sept or Oct, ask you eo.
able to fit and grow our association, yet.
I am excited about what our
members can accomplish. I
like the positive direction
that we are headed. I appreciate the different views
shared together to work
things out.
So if your excited!!!!! And
your positive!!!!! And want
to be appreciated!!!!!
Go out and recruit a new
member and show them the
values it has to offer.
Most of the Home Shows
have been completed and
have had good success, several had moved to new places and their numbers increased dramatically.
The EO position for the state
HBA is still
trying to be
SDHBA Builder Members Are
filled with a
Eligible To Participate I n The
Governor’s House Program
and we just
Tw o Bedroom Or Three Bedroom
have not had
Options—For Details Call The
a good qualiSouth Dakota Housing
fied individDevelopment Authority at 605 ual that
would be
South Dakota Builder News
page 7
Aberdeen HBA
HERE !!!
Board – 1ST Thursday of month, noon at
The Pizza Ranch, Aberdeen, SD.
Black Hills HBA
Board– 3rd Thursday of month, 3:30 p.m.
Membership – 3rd Tuesday, @ TBA
Brookings HBA
Board – As needed
Membership – 3rd Thursday of month,
Noon @ TBA
Reasonable Rates
Full Page $600/12 months
Full Page $70/month
Half Page $450/12 months
Half Page $50/month
HBA of the Sioux Empire
Board – 3rd Wednesday of month, 11:30
a.m., HBASE office
Membership—Last Thursday of month,
5:30 p.m. Various Locations
Call SDHBA 224-2761 or email
Lew is & Clark Area HBA
Board – 1st Tuesday of month, 7 p.m.,
Office-420 Broadway, Yankton
Membership—3rd Tuesday of month,
7 p.m. Minerva’s Yankton
Oahe HBA, Pierre
Membership— First Tuesday of month,
11:30 a.m., Perkins, Fort Pierre
Watertow n HBA
Board—As needed
Membership – 3rd Tuesday of month,
7 p.m., WAHBA Office
Are You Looking For New Opportunities For
People To Do Business With You?
www.sdhomebuilders.com Can Help You Do That
By Investing In A Banner Ad For Your Business,
Or By Linking Your Web Site Or Email Address
To Our Membership List On SDHBA’s Web Site
12 Month Banner Ad Is Only $150
12 Month Link For Your Web Site Or Email
Address Is Only $65 Or $0 Extra With Banner
Call SDHBA at 605-224-2761 Or Email Us at
sdhbvp@sdhomebuilders.com To Get Connected
February 2015 I ssue
South Dakota Builder News
at Work
page 10
South Dakota Builder News
March / April 2015 I ssue
March/ April 2015 I ssue
South Dakota Builder News
page 11
March / April 2015 I ssue
South Dakota Builder News
page 12
Builder Service at its finest—
Chili anyone?
Happy Faces!!
South Dakota working
together for a strong
Member Advantage at a Glance www.nahb.org/ma
Lowe’s - Visit www.LowesForPros.com/NAHB or call 877-435-2440 and register to save 2% on your Lowe’s Accounts Receivable (LAR) purchases and
free delivery on purchases over $500. Save an additional 5% every day at the
store when they mention the 5% at time of purchase and when using their
General Motors - $500 exclusive private offer on most Buick, Chevrolet and GMC vehicles. Business
Owners receive a $1000 private offer on select vehicles and may also qualify for additional incentives,
visit www.nahb.org/ma and click on the GM logo to find out more.
AT&T, Verizon, Sprint & T-Mobile - Savings up to 35% including a free analysis of new and existing
plans. Program offers free mobile to ANY mobile, free mobile device management, dedicated help desk
support, and much more. Visit www.eMemberBenefits.com/NAHB or call 866-430-NAHB (6242).
2-10 Home Buyers Warranty - Visit www.2-10.com/NAHB or call 855-280-1328 to receive exclusive access to discounts on select products, including the Builder Backed Service Program and the systems and
appliances warranty.
UPS Savings Program & YRC Freight - UPS discounts of up to 36% on a broad portfolio of shipping
services. Savings of at least 70% on less-than-truckload shipments 150 lbs. or more with UPS Freight
and YRC Freight. Visit www.1800members.com/NAHB or call 1.800.MEMBERS (800-636-2377) for more
TransFirst - Payment solutions with average savings of 16% per year. Web/mobile tools, credit card and
eCheck processing and more. Free "Savings Analysis" call 800-613-0148 or visit
Dell - Up to 30% off on all Dell computers. Call 800-757-8442 and Mention NAHB or visit www.dell.com/
Associated Petroleum Products (APP) - Earn $0.015 for EVERY gallon purchased using the APP
Fuel Card program. Visit www.associatedpetroleum.com/nahb to enroll or call 800-929-5243, Option 6 &
mention NAHB.
GEICO - Exclusive discounts for members on auto and home owners insurance. Visit www.geico.com/
disc/nahb or call 800-368-2734 and mention NAHB for a free quote.
Hertz - Up to 20% off on rental cars and FREE Gold Plus Rewards membership. Visit www.hertz.com/
nahb or call 800-654-2200 and use CDP# 51046.
Avis - Up to 25% off rental cars and FREE Avis Preferred Service membership at www.avis.com/nahb or
call 800-331-1212 and use AWD code G572900
Budget - Up to 20% off rental cars and FREE Budget Fastbreak at www.budget.com/nahb or call 800283-4387 and use BCD code Z536900
Hewlett Packard - Discounts: 9% notebooks, 5% printers/scanners, 7% handhelds, 12% workstations,
16% servers, 12% storage and more. Call 888-202-4488 and mention pass code "NAHB" or visit
Office Depot - 10% off all delivery orders. Free shipping on orders of $50 or more. Call 800-274-2753
mention NAHB.
Omaha Steaks - Save 10%, in addition to any online specials. www.OSincentives.com/promo/nahb
Endless Vacation Rentals - 25% discount on over 200,000 vacation rentals worldwide. Call 877-7829387 and mention NAHB at time of reservation or go to www.endlessvacationrentals.com/nahb
Wyndham Hotel Group - 15% off at over 7,400 hotels. Call 877-670-7088 and mention ID 8000002688.
Go to www.nahb.org/ma and click on the Wyndham logo to find out more
FTD - 20% off floral arrangements and gifts at www.ftd.com/nahb or call 800-SEND-FTD use code 17421
NAHB Career Center www.nahb.org/careers - 20% off of standard rates for job posting & 15% off other
HR services.
Version 12.19.2014
Please visit www.NAHB.org/MA for more information! www.sdhomebuilders.com
South Dakota Builder News
March/ April 2015 I ssue
South Dakota Builder News
March / April 2015 I ssue
South Dakota Builder News
March/ April 2015 I ssue

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