To help protect y our priv acy , PowerPoint prev ented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content. OUDTSHOORN BESIGHEIDSKAMER OUDTSHOORN BUSINESS CHAMBER June 2012 Your Results, Your Fault Steve Gray In business the results you get can be ‘relatively’ proportionate to the effort you put in. So far so good, but a problem arises when people don’t do anything or do the wrong thing to try and get results. Far too often people will play the blame game. “I tried this to get more business happening and it didn’t work and the same with that, and that and such and such… nothings working!” I think it’s a bit like this, I want to build a house, I have some materials and I put them together but it’s not working… of course not no plan coupled with low skills, I may end up with a house with no floor, no roof or missing a number of key items . The same in business, if you need to market the business you need to know something about marketing, HR you need to know, Finances, Tax, Operational issues, hopefully you get the picture. IF you don’t know something you need to find out how to do it properly. Take marketing for instance, doing it properly makes a huge difference to the results, doing it long enough to see the results really flourish is another thing again. Being able to measure the results is another thing again. OK I hear you saying “There are only so many days in the week and hours in the day.” Here are my responses If you don’t like doing any of the things which HAVE to be done in business get someone else to do it. Outsource the task to free you up to do more of what you really want to do in the business Plan your time better, delegate more. Many people in business work long hours, often doing the only the tasks that need to be done in business hours in that time slot (calling customers etc.) then working after hours on other tasks like bookkeeping Stop procrastinating; either you want the business to do well or not, if not get out of it. Stop using creative avoidance techniques to ‘fluff about’ and get nothing done Success is working towards any worthwhile goal, therefore get better at setting your goals Focus on the results you want by being outcome driven Your business should provide a great lifestyle for you in so many ways, let it be all it can be by being the best business owner/operator you can be. Being at fault should not be an option, being successful should be your main priority. If you want something in your life that you’ve never had…. You will have to do something you’ve never done… 11 USING EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT SURVEYS TO BOOST CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND LOYALTY By Howard Deutsch If you need to increase your company's competitiveness and profit, where should you start? Should you focus on your employees first, or should you start by focusing on your customers first? In reality, you need to do both. It is almost always best to start by focusing on your employees first. Highly satisfied and engaged employees are essential for achieving high levels of customer satisfaction, retention and long-term loyalty. Start by listening to your employees and taking action based on their ongoing feedback. Conduct an employee survey / employee engagement survey to gather information, suggestions and insight from your employees. Ask them about what it is like to work for your company and what can be done to help them do their jobs more effectively and to do a better job of taking care of customers. Include questions about the effectiveness of internal communications, business processes, teamwork and how employees feel about your company's direction. Make sure your employee surveys / employee engagement surveys also include questions about effectiveness of supervisors and managers, empowerment, ability of employees to make suggestions, effectiveness of rewards and recognition, fairness of compensation, adequacy of employee benefits, treatment of diverse groups and fear in the workplace. Include questions about quality, customer service and ways to increase productivity. Ask questions about anything that may be positively or negatively impacting employees' and customers. Don't be surprised if you end up identifying a very large number of challenges and opportunities. If challenges and problems exist, you need to know about them, prioritize them and take action. There is no single silver bullet. Identifying and addressing the top three problems is not enough, especially when there are many more problems that are impacting your employees and customers. It is important to do a thorough and objective job of analyzing the survey findings. It is then equally important to create a comprehensive action plan and to do a good job of getting everyone involved and executing the plan effectively. This requires communicating the results of surveys so that employees know that you listened to them and that you are committed to making needed changes based on their feedback. Your goal should be to use the employee survey results to achieve large-scale increases in employee engagement and satisfaction, with a much greater focus on your customers and meeting or exceeding their expectations. To ensure that you are achieving success, conduct employee attitude surveys annually to measure progress and to identify any new challenges and opportunities that surfaced since the previous employee survey. Your focus on and commitment to continuous improvement will ensure continued customer satisfaction and loyalty. Once you start to achieve positive results, you should also conduct customer surveys to assess customer satisfaction levels and to see how your customers feel about your company, your employees, your products and services and other key issues that drive customer satisfaction and retention. Don't be afraid to ask customers about things you know you are not doing well. You need to learn about how customers feel. Guessing isn't good enough. Your customers are probably also buying from your competitors. It is important that you learn first-hand how they compare your company, products and services with those of your competitors. In summary, take good care of your employees, set the right direction, provide good leadership, identify problems and opportunities, take action and measure ongoing progress. This will enable your company to attract and retain customers and to be competitive and profitable. Courtesy of Lydia Baines 2012 2 2 Excerpt from the Management Meeting held 24 May 2012 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -CBD Upgrade No large projects would be undertaken by the Municipality before the end of June 2012. Geoff Wilck requested that André van Greunen sign a letter in which he would mention specific areas that needed urgent attention. He agreed to do this. -Airport project André van Greunen requested that a letter be sent to AIFA and TFASA regarding the airport. He stated that the Municipality had requested that a letter be sent from the chamber to Minister Anton Bredell regarding the chamber’s support of the airport, and that a copy of this should be sent to AIFA and TFASA. He mentioned the discussions conducted with the Municipality and said that the long-term rental contract for the airport was in the process of being negotiated. A Public Participation Process is a requirement for the contract . André van Greunen stated that the Oudtshoorn Business Chamber would assist with ensuring that the Municipality follows the processes needed for this development to be successful. -Analysis of all sources of funding & Subsidies available Lesego Maruping discussed the Job’s Fund and the possibility of hosting a workshop in order to inform the SMME’s on how the system works. He will discuss his plan with Melcus Nel. -Golf Development André van Greunen said that the liquidators had indicated that they have a developer who would like to take over the project. -Car Guards / Children on the street André van Greunen discussed the letter received from Route 62 Security and the fact that they would be patrolling certain areas in the town as part of a test to determine the effectiveness of such security measures. GREATER OUDTSHOORN TOURISM BUREAU Niel Els reported that the combined network evening had been a huge success and that it was long overdue. He thanked all involved for their contributions and mentioned that the candidates for the position of CEO for the Tourism Bureau had given positive feedback on their experience of the evening. He stressed the importance of a transparent process of selection and recruitment. He mentioned that a Dietary Requirement Course would be presented in Oudtshoorn which was specifically geared towards the Indian tourism market. André van Greunen discussed Minister Winde’s visit to Oudtshoorn and he requested that an alternative date is arranged with his office. MUNICIPALITY -Communication opportunity with the Municipal Manager & the Mayor Melcus Nel referred to the monthly breakfast meeting that would be held with the executive committee of the chamber. -Centre of Hope André van Greunen discussed the building and mentioned that it was in dire need of repairs and maintenance. He will meet with Melcus Nel to discuss this issue. STRATEGIC PARTNERS -SCBF Niel Els remarked that there was good cooperation between the various tourism bureaus on this forum and this was more successful than the meetings held with tourism bureaus only. COMMUNITY POLICE FORUM Geoff Wilck discussed his concerns regarding this forum. Strong leadership is critical in order for this forum to be successful. The ideal opportunity for you to get involved and get your business known. Sponsor a network evening and members meet at your business or at a specific venue of your choice. U besigheid borg die venue, snoeperye en dalk ‘n glasie wyn vir elke lid, en u kry ‘n geleentheid om die lede van u besigheid te vertel en daardeur goeie blootstelling te kry. We will assist you with the planning and organising – the sky’s the limit! Stel u belang? Kontak my en ons gesels daaroor. Helen : 044 272 6637 / 084 443 6320 / business@odnchamber.co.za 3 Ondersteun asseblief hierdie inisiatief Chamber Golf Days Join us for a game of golf on the first Wednesday of every month. Members are given the opportunity to network with other businessmen and women and have some fun at the same time. You can get involved by: • Sponsoring a tee at R250 • Being a Golf Day sponsor and providing the prizes for all the winners • Sponsoring specific prizes • Signing up your team for a game of golf • Attend the prize-giving All sponsors are given recognition and your participation could result in better visibility in the marketplace. Interested? Call me! Helen: 044 272 6637 / 084 443 6320 Members of the Oudtshoorn Business Chamber get a full advert for their businesses for R175 per year on the Oudtshoorn Info website. Contact Greg: 044 272 0041 Make your product easier to buy than your competition, or you will find your customers buying from them, not you. Mark Cuban Business is not financial science, it's about trading.. buying and selling. It's about creating a product or service so good that people will pay for it. Anita Roddick Let us all take more responsibility, not only for ourselves and our families but for our communities and our country. Bill Clinton 4 CALENDAR JUNE / JULY 2012 1/6 Pizza & Drinks – Kaalgat Kudu – De Rust Contact: 044 241 2014 2/6 De Rust Boeremark Contact: 044 241 2214 2/6 Wijnhuis Market – Oudtshoorn Wijnhuis Contact: 044 272 8660 8/6 Pizza & Drinks – Kaalgat Kudu – De Rust Contact: 044 241 2014 8 – 10/6 Dog Show - Oudtshoorn 11 – 15/6 SAPS National Athletics Championships 15/6 Pizza & Drinks – Kaalgat Kudu – De Rust Contact: 044 241 2014 22/6 Pizza & Drinks – Kaalgat Kudu – De Rust Contact: 044 241 2014 29/6 Pizza & Drinks – Kaalgat Kudu – De Rust Contact: 044 241 2014 22/6-1/7 Youth Sport Event- Oudtshoorn Contact: 082 881 4186 20 – 22/7 Smitswinkel- Get to know our Karoo Flora Contact: 044 213 3801 Oudtshoorn’s Twin City in the Netherlands - Alphen aan den Rijn Visit their website at: www.alphenaandenrijn.nl Do you know of any event taking place that does not appear on this list? Let Helen know at 044 272 6637 or business@odnchamber.co.za Besig besig besigheid Janet Botha Jy staan tussen die boer en die kok, tussen die internasionale verskaffer en die middelman, tussen die huisvrou en die kredietkaart – want jy het wat almal wil hê of kan dit teen die beste prys kry. Dis 'n opwindende, uitdagende en baie diverse wêreld – van die eenmanwinkel op die straathoek tot die groot kokkedore met honderde-duisende werknemers in luukse winkelkomplekse... Groot klerehandelaars soos Edgars, Woolworths, Truworths en Foschini bou 'n netwerk wat verder as die grense van die hele Afrika strek en verskaf, vervoer en verkoop saam met Pick n Pay, Shoprite/Checkers en Clicks. As jy jou oë toemaak, kan jy elke rak in elke winkel van hierdie plekke besoek en reeds weet waar om wat te kry – en naastenby hoeveel dit behoort te kos. Dis hoe goed hulle hul werk doen. Jy ken hulle en weet wat om te verwag. Dis diens. 5 ONTMOET ONS NUWE LEDE / MEET OUR NEW MEMBERS Vivo Marimbas Contact details : Chrisna du Preez 074 3028 836 If you want to have the sounds of Africa at your function then the Vivo Marimba band, a group of young musicians, perform at any events with an International repertoire. 6
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