2014 Apprecia on Celebra on! Newly Elected Board Members


2014 Apprecia on Celebra on! Newly Elected Board Members
River Biz
January 2015
Happy New
New Year!
Monthly publicaon of the
Rocky River Chamber of Commerce
Community of Opportunity
Chamber Luncheon—January 22
2014 Apprecia.on Celebra.on!
Newly Elected Board Members
Join us for networking and lunch at LaCentre Conference &
Banquet Facility on Thursday, January 22 as the Chamber
hosts its 5th annual Appreciaon Celebraon luncheon.
The elecon results are in! Congratulaons to two new and
two returning Board members who will serve on the Chamber’s Board of Directors for the next three years.
The 2015 Board of Directors will be sworn in by Mayor Pam
Bobst and the following disnguished awards will be presented to Chamber members:
Maria Cvitkovic
Key Bank
∗ Quality Business Award
∗ Beauficaon Award
∗ Outstanding New Member
∗ 2014 Most Acve Member
∗ Bright Star Award
Sponsored by:
Sharon Spooner
Rusty Deane
OneLink Technical Services
Jim Riedl
First Federal Lakewood
They will be sworn in at the January 22 Chamber luncheon at
LaCentre, which is when they officially begin their three-year
terms. At their December 2014 meeng, the Board of Directors elected the officers for 2015:
Chamber Luncheon
Thursday, January 22
Networking—11:30 a.m.
LaCentre Conference & Banquet Facility
25777 Detroit Rd., Westlake
By 1/19 On 1/20-21 On 1/22
Indicate your menu selecon when making reservaons:
#1 Pretzel crusted chicken
#2 Grilled steak salad
#3 Mahogany seared salmon
RSVP by Monday, January 19, 5:00 p.m. to the Chamber office
440-331-1140 or info@RockyRiverChamber.com
You can also pre-pay via PayPal (preferred method of payment)
by going to www.RockyRiverChamber.com
Advanced reserva.ons are required!
We cannot expect the chef to have a meal ready for you
if we’re not expecng you.
PLEASE NOTE: If you fail to cancel your reserva on before Monday at
5:00 p.m., you will receive a bill for the cost of your reserved meal.
Marc Hustek - Howard Hanna
Vice Chair of Economic Development:
Jason Lukz - W3 Wealth Management
Vice Chair of Membership:
Rusty Deane - OneLink Technical Services
Vice Chair of Events:
Jim Riedl - First Federal Lakewood
Vice Chair of Policy:
Steve Polly - Ba0le & Polly
Treasurer: Mike Trifile - Devries, Trifile4 & Loy CPAs
Secretary: Anne Kuenzel - Cleveland Clinic
Past Chair: Debra Bernard - Rocky River City Schools
Chair Marc Hustek appointed Penny Horton of The Proficient Office and Mike Trifile5 of Devries, TrifileH & Loy
CPAs to one-year terms on the Board.
The Board voted to fill the unexpired term of Nick Cronin
with Steve Polly of BaIle & Polly.
Thank you to outgoing Board members Paul Hvizda of Admiral Products and Mike Foss of Foss Soluons for their
LeBer from the Chair
We welcome and ancipate another excing year for the Chamber in 2015! A
year we have planned with great events
that promote business networking and
opportunies to meet new businesses
and interesng people. The 2015 Event
Calendar is enclosed, so be sure to put all
of our events on your calendar now!
Somemes we hear from some members that they are too
busy to aIend Chamber funcons. Did you know that your
Chamber membership provides many benefits, and the opportunity to aIend luncheons and other events is just one.
An addional, significant benefit of on-going networking,
markeng, and adversing of your business is also included
in your membership with the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce, whether you are able to aIend all events or not. The
new Save Local Now is a great example of this type of benefit. Check out details in this newsleIer. Your business lisng
on Save Local Now and on the Chamber’s website is another
benefit, along with referrals/support from the staff and other
This will be my final leIer, concluding two years as Chair of
the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce. I feel very fortunate
to have had the privilege to get to know and work with such
dedicated, hard-working board members who provide the
support necessary to keep our Chamber a thriving and progressive organizaon. Obviously, no one person is responsible for connuous success like the Chamber enjoys and I am
very grateful for having an outstanding Execuve CommiIee
and Board of Directors who are the foundaon of the Chamber. They are reless in giving of their me and energy to
support and develop the Chamber, while priorizing their
focus of engaging and promong our business membership.
Addionally, a huge thank you goes to our Execuve Director, Liz Manning, who as we all know runs the show. Her
ability to coordinate, organize, communicate, and facilitate
the Chamber's day-to-day business is exceponal and is evidenced by our growing number of members. In the office is
Donna Kopina, who greatly assists Liz so she can stay connected to our current membership and seek out new members--thanks for all you do Donna--it is appreciated! Lastly, I
would thank the membership for your support and the privilege of the chair posion for the last two years. I hope that I
have connued in the same vein as chairs before me in leaving the Chamber a liIle beIer off.
May 2015 result in a profitable, producve, and excing year
for all!
Join us!
“Kick-off” the New Year at Force!
Business DURING Hours
Date: Thursday, January 8
Time: 12:00—1:00 p.m.
Place: Force Sports,
21220 Center Ridge Rd.
You and your guests are invited to network with other members at Force Sports on Thursday, January 8 from 12:00 –
1:00 p.m. Enjoy lunch co-sponsored by Panera and the Fairview Hospital Wellness Center. There is no cost to aIend
and advance reservaons are not required. You are welcome to invite a friend or colleague who could benefit from
meeng other area business people.
Are you (or have you ever been) a soccer player? Here’s an
opportunity to show off your best kick and try to “Beat the
Librarian!” Bring your sneakers and your best game face to
this Business During Hours at the Force. Take on the challenge to beat ace goalkeeper and Rocky River Public Library
Director Jamie Mason in the Rocky River Chamber Soccer
Shoot Out! All you need to do is take two or three simple
penalty shots (there will be a sudden death shoot out in the
event of a e). Join your Chamber friends for this fun event,
win a prize, and take home all the accolades as the penalty
king or queen of the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce. Pre-registraon is not required, just show up by
12:15 to be part of the compeon.
Lunch provided by:
Get a New Member & Get Dinner at Burntwood
When you recruit a new member to join the Rocky River
Chamber of Commerce, you will be rewarded with a
$20 giD card for BURNTWOOD TAVERN! *
Just make sure that your name is on the line in the middle of
the new member’s applicaon that says “Who encouraged
you to join the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce?”
To find out if a business is already a member, check the
website’s Member Directory
*One reward per person in 2015. Valid at Rocky River locaon only.
Quan..es are limited!
Thanks to
Debra Bernard
Page 2
for participating in this promotion with a generous donation!
River Biz
Rocky River Chamber of Commerce
2015 Event Calendar
(as of 12/18/14)
January 8
Business During Hours
“Kick-Off” the New Year at Force
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Force Indoor Sports
January 22
Chamber Luncheon
Sponsored by Corrigan Krause
2015 Appreciation Celebration
11:30 a.m.
February 12
Breakfast for 2014 New Members
Sponsored by Ferry Legal
Fat Tuesday Business After Hours
w/ Lakewood Chamber of Commerce
Sponsored by Cox Business
Chamber Luncheon
Speaker: Joe Pulizzi of Content Marketing Institute
“Ten Content Marketing Resolutions to Keep!”
7:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Don Umerley Civic Center
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Burntwood Tavern
11:30 a.m.
Westwood Country Club
March 19
March 26
March Madness Business After Hours
Chamber Luncheon
Sponsored by Dollar Bank
Speaker: Mayor Pam Bobst presents
“The State of the City”
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
11:30 a.m.
Buffalo Wild Wings
Westwood Country Club
April 9
April 23
Business Before Hours
Chamber Luncheon
Sponsored by First Federal of Lakewood
Speaker: Dr. Edward (Ned) Hill of CSU
presents “The Economy in 2015”
7:30 – 9:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
River Dog Cafe
Westwood Country Club
May 8
May 14
Coffee, Tea & Contacts
Sponsored by Geek With A Heart
Chamber Luncheon
Sponsored by: Timan Custom Window Treatments
Speaker: Ernie Lewis presents
“The 100 Mile Mindset”
8:30 a.m. –
4:30 p.m.
7:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Lutheran West High
Don Umerley Civic Center
11:30 a.m.
Westwood Country Club
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Herb’s Tavern
Avon Oaks Country Club
Westwood Country Club
Lunch sponsored by Panera Bread & Fairview Wellness Center
February 17
February 26
May 21
June 4
June 15
June 25
Business After Hours
Annual Golf Outing
Chamber Luncheon
Sponsored by: Normandy Senior Living
Speaker: TBD
11:30 a.m.
More events will be added! Visit www.rockyriverchamber.com to see the most current Event Calendar.
July 11
Taste of River/Buy River
Noon – 3:00 p.m.
Don Umerley Civic Center
August 6
Lake Erie Crushers game
w/ Lakewood/Rocky River Sunrise Rotary
Chamber Luncheon
Sponsored by Ohio Educational Credit Union
Welcome new Rocky River teachers
6:00 p.m.
All Pro Freight Stadium
11:30 a.m.
Westwood Country Club
September 3
September 24
Libations Tour
Chamber Luncheon
Sponsored by: Rotary Clubs of Lakewood/Rocky River
Speaker: TBD
5:00 p.m.
11:30 a.m.
Westwood Country Club
October 8
October 22
**Business Expo**
Chamber Luncheon
Sponsored by: Hospice of the Western Reserve
Speaker: TBD
2:00 – 7:00 p.m.
11:30 a.m.
Don Umerley Civic Center
Westwood Country Club
November 19
Chamber Luncheon
w/ the Lakewood Chamber
Sponsored Cox Business
Speaker: TBD
11:15 a.m.
Westwood Country Club
December 3
Christmas Party!
6:00 pm
Don Umerley Civic Center
August 20
Meetings of the Board of Directors are held on the first Thursday of each month at 12:00 p.m., except July.
More events will be added! Visit www.rockyriverchamber.com to see the most current Event Calendar.
December New Members
MCM Company Inc.
Melissa Ferchill-Swingos
1468 W.9th St., Ste. 125
Cleveland, OH 44113
A mul -faceted Developer/Construc on/Project Management firm specializing in historic preserva on/restora on
and owner’s representa ve services - focusing on ins tu onal and higher educa onal facili es.
Westshore Primary Care Rocky River
Alyce Enkler
19800 Detroit Rd.
Rocky River, OH 44116
A physician group dedicated to caring for you and your family through every stage of life with personal, quality and costeffec ve care.
Adver.se with the Chamber in 2015
The Chamber now has over 400 members who want to do
business with other members. If you’d like to send a
message to your fellow members about the products and
services that you have to offer, you can adverse through
the Chamber. Here are a few of the low-cost adversing
opportunies available to members only:
A LogoLink is your logo on the Chamber’s website and
delivers visitors to your website. The Chamber’s
website received over 11,000 hits in 2014. Your cost is
only $250 for an enre year.
Your logo or image on your Member Directory lisng
for $75/year. Members with a logo/image are moved
to the top of the list. Stand out among your
In a Quick River Biz email blast that goes out to over
700 people, send your 75-word ad for just $25.
A full page insert in one issue of the River Biz newsleIer
is $100. An 1/8 page ad in the River Biz newsleIer for
the year (11 issues) is $250.
Please consider these unique adversing opons in your
2015 markeng budget. Contact the Chamber office for
more details.
Want to see yourself in pictures?
Visit www.RockyRiverChamber.com and click on
Event Photos to see pictures from Chamber events.
January 2015
Member benefit: SAVE LOCAL NOW
Are you going to pass up an
opportunity for FREE marke.ng?
The Rocky River Chamber is thrilled to
offer Save Local Now, our newest
member benefit! Save Local Now is a
website (SaveLocalNow.com) and iPhone/Android app that give consumers
access to exclusive offers from their
favorite businesses. Locals and visitors
alike can use Save Local Now from any browser on any device to access deals, events, and savings.
Chamber members can use Save Local Now to create, manage, and analyze their digital markeng campaigns. Save Local Now includes live business lisngs, deal and event publishing, email markeng, iPhone and Android apps, social
media management, SEO (search engine opmizaon, which
helps businesses to appear higher in searches on sites such
as Google), and analycs— bundled together on a single integrated plaVorm.
Save Local Now is a way for businesses to have an online
presence, AT NO COST. Unlike Groupon, the businesses do
not have to give up any money. They can offer whatever
deal they want to potenal customers. They can schedule
deals/events to change daily, weekly, monthly, whenever.
They can even create annual deals that appear around certain holidays, without having to recreate them every year.
It’s so easy to use, you don’t need to have technical experse!
Save Local Now, a Chagrin Falls-based enterprise, works exclusively with chambers around the country to list and adverse their member businesses and even offers free markeng
guidance from its own markeng team. It allows businesses
to be in complete control of the content shared online.
The Save Local Now plaVorm is available at the App Store,
Google Play, and SaveLocalNow.com. Members of the Rocky
River Chamber are eligible
to create unlimited digital
If you already signed
markeng campaigns. Go
up on Save Local Now,
to SaveLocalbe sure to go back and
Now.com/Training today
add a deal or event to
to schedule your FREE
encourage poten-al
training session with Save
customers to take
Local Now’s digital markeng consultants and they ac-on toward
will walk you through
connec-ng with you!
seHng up your lisng, deals
and events. For FREE!
to save $ on Fed Ex
Page 3
‘Twas Another Jolly Chamber Christmas Party!
The Chamber’s 2014 Christmas party was fun and fesve,
with over 180 people sharing holiday cheer. A bounful
buffet was put together with generous donaons from 25+
area businesses. The raffle was a smashing success, with 11
baskets filled with giYs given by 100+ members, each
themed basket was worth over $700! Proceeds from admission and the raffle go to the Rocky River Assistance Program
and the Chamber’s Internship Program.
Thank You Food Donors!
Buffalo Wild Wings
Burntwood Tavern
Dairy Queen
Danny Boy’s Pizza
Giant Eagle
Great ScoI’s Bakery
Italian Creaons
Jet’s Pizza
Joe’s Deli
King Wah
Panera Bread
Pearl of the Orient
Rockport Senior Living
Salmon Dave’s
Tarne Bistro
Thai Cravings
West End Tavern
Westwood Country Club
Wild Flour Bakery
Wine Bar
The Woods
Thank You Volunteers!
Volunteers make the party happen! Special thanks to the
Christmas Party CommiIee chairs:
Ashley Gay of Panera Bread
Rick Joyce of Hun.ngton Na.onal Bank
And commiIee members Debra Bernard, Maria Cvitkovic,
Eileen Gorski, Barbara Jones, Amanda Kern, Gail LiggeB,
Julie Rowe, Cindy Sikora, Annemarie Synek, Dan Weist,
Mae Williams and Lori Yeager.
Also, sincere thanks to:
♦ Deneen Koehler of Simply Deneen Photography for taking pictures with Father Christmas
♦ K.G. Toomey for her hard work managing the food and
♦ Frank Eilberg for preparing and staffing the bar and Dan
Weist, Marc Hustek and Larry Gilbert for bartending
♦ Al Wilhelmy Flowers for donang the beauful wreaths
and candles on each table and creang the fesve floral
arrangements on the buffet
♦ Peter Toomey of Toomey & Friends for serving as emcee
♦ Kate McCarthy for working at registraon
♦ Chamber Board members who
picked up food donaons
♦ Father Christmas: Thom Rankin
♦ Krisn Duke of OneLink Technical Services who took leYover
food to the West Side Catholic
Page 4
Thank You Gift Donors!
#1 Express Carwash
& Detail Center
911 Driving School
Ace Hardware
Avon Oaks Country Club
Baker & Co.
BaIle & Polly
Bay Shore Insurance Agency
Bella Capelli Sanctuario
Belle Soiree
Bonnie's Restaurant
Brown Aveda Instute
Buffalo Wild Wings
Century Cycles
Charles ScoI Salons & Spas
Clague Playhouse
Connext Naon
Corrigan Krause
Cuddles Canine Spa
Dante Lucci Salon
Dawson Companies
DKM Salon and Spa
Dollar Bank
Dramac by Nature Photo.
Erie Shores Community
Federal Credit Union
Erieview Title Agency
Facelogic Spa
Fairview Lanes
Fairview Wellness Center
Farmers Naonal Bank
FiYh Third Bank (Center Ridge)
First Federal Lakewood
FirstMerit Bank
FitWorks Fitness Center
Floors 2 U
Ford's Clothier
Frame Arst
Gales Garden Center
geek with a heart
Giant Eagle
Girls Got Swing
Harry Buffalo
Herb's Tavern
Home Depot
Howard Hanna
- Marc & Sue Hustek
Indulge Coffee & Tea
Irish Barber
Jan Dell Flowers
Jason M. Orsky
Wealth Management
Jersey Mike's Subs
Keller Williams
- Brill Goepfert Team
KeyBank (Detroit Rd.)
Kids Kuts
King Realty
Lake Erie Crushers
Lake Road Market
Liz Nails
Madison Ave. Car Wash
Marlen Jewelers
Melng Pot
Men's Cuts
Mitchell Brothers Ice Cream
Mitchell Sotka
Mr. Rooter
MVP Services
Nature's Bin
Olive Scene
Once Upon A Time Toys
One World Shop
OneLink Technical Services
Paper Trails
Pat O'Brien Chevrolet West
PaIon Painng
Paws & Effect Pet Grooming
Prayers from Maria Foundaon
Pure Enchantment
Rocky River Presbyterian Church
Rocky River Public Library
Rocky River Senior Center
Royal Flush Plumbing
Salon O
School of Rock
Sherwin Williams
Sky Zone
Soothe Massage & Wellness
Sport Clips
State Farm Insurance
- Frank Martau
Steve Barry Buick
Stratos Wealth Partners
- John Ruebsteck
Studio 6a Salon & Spa
Style MuI
Sword Furs
The LiIle Gym
Urban Chiropracc
Valley Riding
West Shore Wine Co.
Zippy Shell
River Biz
Christmas Party Memories
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Yes, the Expo CommiIee is already at work planning for
Business Expo 2015!
Simply Deneen Photography took
pictures of party guests with
Father Christmas and the pictures
were e-mailed to the guests.
Execu ve Director Liz Manning (right) and Christmas
Party Commi0ee members
Rick Joyce (Hun ngton
Bank) and Debra Bernard
(RRHS) with Father Christmas.
Joe Romito of Western &
Southern Life won the Family
Fun basket. In an email aGer
the party he said, “My kids
and wife freaked out as we
went through the basket, we
truly had a blast and are
absolutely blessed and grateful for all the generosity!”
New Year’s Resolu.on:
Get More Involved!
2015 Board Chair Marc Hustek
(leG) enjoyed serving beverages
at the party. Frank Eilberg
(right) kindly prepares and
staffs the bar every year.
The Luxurious You basket contained a
fur scarf donated by Sword Furs, a
necklace from Marlen Jewelers and
other valuable items.
One of the most valuable benefits available to you as a member
of the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce is the opportunity to
build rela.onships. And one of the best ways to build
relaonships with your fellow Chamber members is to work
with them on one or more of the commiIees/events that help
to make the Rocky River Chamber such an effecve and
dynamic organizaon.
In this newsleIer is a form that lists the commiIees and events
that could benefit from your talents, vision and experience,
while you gain visibility and connecons. To sign up, just check
the boxes next to those that interest you and return it to the
Chamber office.
Tips on Tech
Great Lakes Computer's monthly
technology p
Ryco Crawford, manager of
Lowe’s in Rocky River, was
presented with a special giG
in recogni on of Lowe’s
Heroes Project. This year’s
project supported fellow
member The Gathering
Place by dona ng materials
and labor to convert two
offices to a support group
January 2015
Expo sponsors who register and pay by January 13, 2015 will get
year-round brand name exposure, in addion to the usual
benefits of sponsorship:
♦ A pop-up banner will be made on January 13 with
the early sponsors’ logos and it will showcase your
logo at EVERY Chamber event in 2015! This will
provide brand name exposure for the enre year.
♦ Logos of early sponsors will be put on the Expo
registraon form that is distributed all year at
Chamber events and in newsleIers.
This is a great way to gain exposure ALL YEAR for your business,
while parcipang in the west side’s premiere networking
Registra on form enclosed or visit www.RockyRiverChamber.com
Only 6% of companies that suffer a data
loss event survive longer than two years
aYer the loss. The only way to protect
your company from the same fate is to protect your data with a
sound Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan. When was the last
me your data backup was tested, and if a disaster struck, how
quickly could you get your systems and data back up?
This tech p has been brought to you by Great Lakes Computer.
Subscribe to our blog "Tips on Tech" for the most up-to-date
technology news: www.GreatLakesComputer.com/blog.
Page 5
Member Spotlight
Member Spotlight
Tom Ford
Lutheran West High School
3850 Linden Rd.
Rocky River, OH 44116
Our family began frequenng Rocky River businesses as our
three children aIended two of River's private schools:
Ruffing Montessori followed by Lutheran West High School.
My es to River became even stronger as I joined Lutheran
West as Director of Strategic Partnerships in 2010 aYer a 30
year career as co-owner of two internaonal logiscs companies near the airport. My role at West includes being on the
admission team, community outreach, markeng, and teaching Business Management.
Being acve in the Chamber has proven fruiVul both personally and professionally. Personally, my wife and I were feeling the need to get into beIer shape but nothing we had
tried seem to "sck". Meeng CrossFit Cleveland owner Bill
Russell at a Chamber luncheon in April 2013 began a journey
that has "stuck" for 20 months now. My wife and I both feel
like we are in the best shape of our lives thanks to Bill and
Staci at CrossFit Cleveland. This year, members of CrossFit
Cleveland also partnered with the Lutheran West Girl's Basketball team by contribung about 500 cans to the team’s
seventh annual food drive
Professionally, our membership has resulted in the Chamber
co-hosng Leadercast Cleveland along with The Senney Honors Academy at Lutheran West each year since 2013. When
Liz joined our Leadercast Cleveland commiIee early in 2013,
we quickly found out why the Chamber runs like a well-oiled
machine. As you can imagine, Liz brought great energy and
ideas to the commiIee, which has contributed significantly
to the success each year of Leadercast Cleveland.
Lastly, the Chamber luncheons have provided an excellent
plaVorm for students in my Business Management class to
exercise their networking skills. Each year, I have Dale Carnegie trainer Marilee MacAskill come to my class prior to
students aIending the Chamber lunch. Marilee has done an
amazing job in reducing their fear and gives the students the
skills necessary to make new contacts at the Chamber luncheons.
LIKE the Rocky River Chamber of
Commerce page on Facebook!
Page 6
Shannon Cain
Cain & Associates
Invesgave Accountants
1991 Crocker Rd., Ste. 600
Westlake, OH 44145
Career Path: Missionary or CPA?
FLASHBACK … Senior Year in high school: I was deciding between becoming a missionary in South America or aIending
John Carroll to pursue accounng.
FLASH FORWARD … Today: Graduate of JCU, CPA, Fraud Examiner and founder of Cain & Associates Invesgave Accountants. I am married to fellow blue streak Mike Cain and
blessed with 6 children ages 7 to 19. Mike has taught Math
at Rocky River Middle School for 19 years.
So, while I didn’t head to South America, I do enjoy serving in
local communies that fulfill my mission. The Rocky River
community, especially the youth, is very special to me. My
husband and I are commiIed to an-bullying programs and
have been acvely involved in the 7th Grade Challenge Day
program for the past 12 years. I am also involved with the
Rocky River Community Coalion, which promotes asset
building in the community for the benefit of the youth. Lastly, I am involved in Path To Faith, a faith-based healing ministry with prayer offered by Dr. Issam and Kathy Nemeh.
I joined the Chamber October 2013 to learn more about the
“people” behind the businesses of Rocky River Chamber and
learn how we can be resources to one another, both professionally and personally.
I enjoy the monthly “Up and Running” Group where we share
entrepreneurial stories ~ both triumphs and challenges ~ and
grow together in the process! At certain meengs, new members “spotlight” their businesses. Earlier this year I had that
opportunity and shared about the nature of our forensic services which include assessing financial losses due to fire or
other perils, such as business interrupon, and employee
embezzlement losses. I also shared about our new
“challenge” of finding ways to share our firm’s resources with
the local business and nonprofit community so that they can
migate their risk of employee embezzlement.
I have enjoyed geHng to know members of the “Up and Running” group and look forward to meeng more Chamber
members in 2015!
River Biz
2015 Event Calendar
January 8
Business During Hours
Kick-off the New Year at Force Sports
12:00—1:00 p.m. Force Sports
Lunch co-sponsored by Panera Bread and Fairview Wellness Center
January 22
Chamber Luncheon—Appreciaon Celebraon!
Sponsored by Corrigan Krause
11:30 a.m.
LaCentre Conference &
Banquet Facility
February 17
Fat Tuesday Business AYer Hours
w/ Lakewood Chamber of Commerce
Sponsored by Cox Business
5:30—7:00 p.m.
Burntwood Tavern
February 26
Chamber Luncheon
Speaker: Joe Pulizzi of Content Markeng Instute
11:30 a.m.
Westwood Country Club
March 19
March Madness Business AYer Hours
5:30—7:00 p.m.
Buffalo Wild Wings
March 26
Chamber Luncheon
Sponsored by Dollar Bank
Mayor Bobst presents “The State of the City”
11:30 a.m.
Westwood Country Club
CommiBee Mee.ngs
Expo CommiBee
Tuesday, January 13, 8:15 a.m.
Chamber office, 19543 Center Ridge Rd.
Contact: Jason Lukz 586-306-9761
Workers’ Compensa.on Change
Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensaon (BWC) is switching
from retrospecve billing to prospecve billing starng in
2015. That means private and public employers will pay in
advance of receiving workers’ compensaon coverage. Prospecve billing will help BWC modernize its operaons and
provide beIer service to employers.
The switch will occur July 1, 2015, for private employers and
Jan. 1, 2016, for public employers. Prospecve billing melines, frequently asked quesons and more resources about
prospecve billing are available at bwc.ohio.gov.
Membership CommiBee
Wednesday, January 14, 8:30 a.m.
Chick-fil-A at Westgate
Contact: Liz Manning 440-331-1140
Up & Running Small Business Group
A support group for businesses with 1, 2, or 3 people
Wednesday, January 21, 8:00 a.m.
Panera Bread, 19705 Center Ridge Rd.
Contact: Peter Toomey 440-333-6698
Would you like to be a part of a commi0ee? Not only will you be
suppor ng the Chamber, it’s also a great way to get to know other
Chamber members. Many business partnerships have formed between commi0ee members! Call the Chamber office to find out
which one is a good fit for you.
Rocky River Chamber members can take advantage of a
workers’ compensaon group rang program with Benefits1
Group, which is offered to all Chambers that are part of
NOACC (Northern Ohio Area Chambers of Commerce). Go to
www.benefits1group.com/NOACC for a free assessment or
call Peter Young 877-765-4200 x254.
Mission Statement
The Rocky River Chamber of Commerce, an advocate and vital
presence in Rocky River, strives to support a network of businesses and civic interests to promote business for its members.
January 2015
Page 7
How can YOU get involved in the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce?
One of the most valuable benefits available to you as a member of the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce is
the opportunity to gain new business by building relationships. And one of the best ways to build relationships
with your fellow Chamber members is to work with them on one or more of the committees that help to make the
Rocky River Chamber of Commerce such an effective and dynamic organization.
These committees could benefit from your talents, vision and experience, while you gain visibility and
connections. Please check the boxes next to those that interest you and return this page to the Chamber staff.
Committee Descriptions
Membership Committee
Business Expo
Responsibilities: Plan the event and make calls requesting food and raffle prize donations. On the
day of the party, help with set-up and clean-up.
Schedule: 4-5 brief meetings October-early December, plus set-up on the day of the party.
Golf Outing
Responsibilities: Recruit sponsors and exhibitors. Plan, organize and staff the 5-hour annual
October event.
Schedule: Meets 3 Tuesday of January, May and August, 8:15 – 9:15 a.m. at the Chamber office.
Also meets weekly in September. Sets-up for Expo the afternoon before Expo and work at Expo (if
not exhibiting).
Christmas Party
Responsibilities: Serve as an Ambassador for the Chamber. Help attract new members to the
Chamber, retain members, bring more to their membership experience. Plan the Chamber’s annual
event calendar and works at various networking events.
Schedule: Meets 2 Wednesday of each month, 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. at various breakfast locations.
Responsibilities: Plan annual June outing. Recruit sponsors, golfers and prizes, oversee outing
Schedule: 6-8 meetings between February – June, typically Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. at a local bar.
Taste of River
Responsibilities: Plan the 3-hour annual July event, which is part of River Days. Recruit food and
retail vendors. On the day of the event, help with set-up and clean-up.
Schedule: 6-8 meetings between February – July to plan annual event in mid-July. Set-up and
work at the Saturday event.
Complete and return this page to the Chamber office:
Name: ____________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________
Business Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________
RRCC 19543 Center Ridge Rd. info@RockyRiverChamber.com Phone 440.331.1140 Fax 440.331.3485
Page 1 of 2
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Some find volunteering at Chamber events is an easier and less time-consuming way to connect with your
fellow members and build relationships. It also shows that you support your business community.
Here is a list of events at which volunteer roles are available. These events allow you to help, gain visibility and
meet nice people. Please check the boxes next to those that are of interest to you, fill out the form on the other
side and return it to the Chamber staff.
Registration at Chamber Luncheons
Responsibilities: Check-in attendees at monthly Chamber luncheon, collect payments.
Schedule: Luncheons are typically 4 Thursday of each month (except July and Dec). Arrive
at luncheon at 11:00 a.m., work until luncheon begins at 12:00 p.m.
Which months are you available? _____________________________
Ambassador at Chamber Luncheons
Responsibilities: Sell 50/50 raffle tickets.
Schedule: Luncheons are typically 4 Thursday of each month (except July and Dec). Arrive
at luncheon at 11:00 a.m. Sell tickets until luncheon begins at 12:00 p.m.
Which months are you available? _____________________________
Volunteer at Golf Outing
Responsibilities: A variety of roles are available, such as selling food/raffle tickets, clearing
tables, distributing flyers.
Schedule: 2015 Taste of River is July 11, 12:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Volunteer at Business Expo
Responsibilities: A variety of roles are available, such as registration, recording for the putting
contest, selling raffle tickets, taking pictures.
Schedule: 2015 Golf Outing is June 15, starting at 9:00 a.m.
Volunteer at Taste of River/Buy River
Which months are you available? _____________________________
Raffle ticket seller at Chamber Luncheons
Responsibilities: Welcome a new member or prospect, introduce that person to other
members, sit with them, answer any questions they may have, explain volunteer opportunities.
Schedule: Luncheons are typically 4 Thursday of each month (except July and Dec). Arrive
at luncheon at 11:00 a.m.
Responsibilities: A variety of roles are available, such as greeter, selling beer/wine tickets,
post-event data-entry.
Schedule: 2015 Business Expo is October 8, 2:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Volunteer at Christmas Party
Responsibilities: A variety of roles are available, such as selling raffle tickets, running food
from kitchen to buffet.
Schedule: 2015 Christmas Party is December 3, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Please check the boxes next to those that are of interest to you, fill out the form on the other side and return it to
the Chamber staff.
Page 2 of 2
2:00—7:00 PM
“Dawson has been a sponsor of the Business Expo since 2006. This is a well-attended, professional Expo, with
great opportunities to connect and network with area businesses." ~ Terry Johnson, Dawson Companies
Platinum Sponsorship
Gold Sponsorship
Silver Sponsorship
Two 8’ tables
One 8’ table
One 8’ table
Most prominent showcase of logo on
banner, posters, postcards, tickets,
bags, welcome screen
Showcase of logo on banner, posters,
postcards, tickets, bags,
welcome screen
Showcase of logo on banner, posters,
postcards, tickets, bags,
welcome screen
Logo included in Expo advertising on
cable TV, radio, print
(Sign up by May 31
to be included in TV spot!)
Logo included in Expo advertising
on cable TV and print
(Sign up by May 31
to be included in TV spot!)
Logo included in Expo print advertising
First choice of placement on show
Second choice of placement on show
Choice of placement on show floor
LogoLink on www.rrexpo.com
LogoLink on www.rrexpo.com
LogoLink on www.rrexpo.com
Facebook & Twitter promotion of your
business on the Rocky River Chamber
of Commerce page
Facebook & Twitter promotion of your
business on the Rocky River Chamber
of Commerce page
LogoLink on Rocky River Chamber’s
website home page throughout 2015
Category exclusivity
Sign up as a sponsor by January 13, 2015 and you’ll receive even more brand name exposure!
In addition to the benefits listed above,
Your logo will be printed on a color banner that will be displayed at every Chamber event in 2015
Your logo will appear on this registration form, which is distributed all year at Chamber events
Your logo will appear on the Chamber’s website and newsletters throughout 2015
“We enjoy participating in the Business Expo because it is a great place to network with business owners and residents of the Rocky
River area. 2014 was our sixth year at this great event and every year we enjoy it more and more. The early Gold Sponsorship was
a great business decision because of the exposure all through the year. Exhibiting brings awareness to the community that we are a
family owned and operated business serving Northeastern Ohio and surrounding communities for 29 years.”
~ Kathleen Timan, Timan Custom Window Treatments
Rocky River Chamber of Commerce, 19543 Center Ridge Rd., Rocky River, OH 44116
Phone 440.331.1140 • Fax 440.331.3485 • info@rockyriverchamber.com • www.rrexpo.com
2:00—7:00 PM
Registration Form
In accordance with the terms and conditions set forth, enter my order for display space at the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce Business Expo 2015.
This contract, upon signature, is non-cancelable and payments are non-refundable.
Platinum Sponsor
Paid BY July 31
Member, Single Space
Member, Double Space
Non-Member, Single Space
Non-Member, Double Space
~ includes double space
Gold Sponsor
~ includes single space
Silver Sponsor
~includes single space
Paid AFTER July 31
Payment is due
with this
to reserve
your space
Electrical included upon request. Check only if you need ELECTRICAL:
Single space exhibitors, choose one of these options to go in your 8’ wide by 30” space
One 8’ table
One 6’ table
Card table
No table (for floor display)
Double space exhibitors, choose one of these options to go in your 16’ wide by 30” space
Two 8’ tables
Two 6’ tables
One 8’ table (for 1/2 table and 1/2 floor display)
No table (for floor display)
One 6’ table (for combination table/floor display)
SPACES WILL BE ASSIGNED IN THE ORDER RECEIVED. You may request a location here and the Chamber will attempt to
accommodate your request: ______________________________________________________________________________
Chamber members only need to fill in Business Name, Contact Person and Email
Business Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________________ Zip _______________ Phone __________________________________
Email ____________________________________________________ Website ______________________________________________
This contract will govern the conduct of the parties hereto from move-in, event day and move-out, except in the event of an unavoidable emergency necessitating the cancellation or
postponement of the event. In such event, this agreement shall terminate immediately, both parties hereto waiving any claim for damages or compensation. The Rocky River Chamber
of Commerce reserves the right to reject any exhibitor at any time for any reason without notice, and shall not be liable for failure caused by labor disputes, strikes, war, flood, accident
or any act of God. In any case Rocky River Chamber of Commerce assumes no liability for lost or stolen merchandise.
Exhibitor Responsibility: Exhibitor shall be solely and completely responsible for the erection and removal of its exhibit and operation of its assigned display area, and shall hold Rocky
River Chamber of Commerce, its members, agents and servants harmless from all liability which may result either directly or indirectly from said activities. All activities shall be in
compliance with the rules and regulations imposed on Rocky River Chamber of Commerce by reason of its master agreement with the facility in which said event will be held. The
exhibitor furthermore shall assure adequate manning of its display space at least thirty (30) minutes prior to opening of the display area to the event’s attendees and shall not tear down
such display until the closing of the show at 7:00 pm or earlier only by notification of show management. Exhibitor Agreement to be provided to exhibitors in October with space
assignment; Exhibitor must sign an Exhibitor Agreement by the day prior to the event. This contract may not be cancelled because of space assignment.
Signature (required) X ______________________________________________________________ Date______________
This portion of the application will be cut off & shredded after credit card processing
Check #__________ enclosed (payable to Rocky River Chamber of Commerce)
MasterCard/VISA Sorry, we do not accept American Express or Discover
Name on Card (please print)
Credit Card Number
Billing ZIP code
Exp. date
Return to: Rocky River Chamber of Commerce, 19543 Center Ridge Rd., Rocky River, OH 44116
Phone 440.331.1140 • Fax 440.331.3485 • info@RockyRiverChamber.com • www.RRexpo.com
3 Digit Code
River Biz
Monthly publicaon of the
Rocky River Chamber of Commerce
19543 Center Ridge Rd.
Rocky River, OH 44116
Our website is always current!
Rocky River Chamber of Commerce
2014 Officers
Vice Chair Economic Development
Vice Chair Policy
Vice Chair Events
Vice Chair Membership
Past Chair
Execuve Director
Debra Bernard, Rocky River School District
Rusty Deane, OneLink Technical Services
William Ferry, Ferry Legal
Marc Hustek, Howard Hanna Real Estate
Mike Foss, Foss Business Solu ons
Anne Kuenzel, Cleveland Clinic
Paul Hvizda, Admiral Products
Liz Manning
2014 Board of Directors
Ashley Gay
Rick Joyce
Christopher Klym
Gail LiggeB
Jason Lukz
Steve Polly
Jim Riedl
Ellen Todia
Panera Bread
Hun ngton Na onal Bank
Rocky River City Council
W3 Wealth Management
Ba0le & Polly
First Federal Lending
Find great resources in our
Member Directory online at
LogoLink Your Business
The Chamber’s website received over 11,000
hits in 2014 and an average of over 700 unique
visitors each month! For just $250 per year,
those visitors can see YOUR logo on the home
page and mulple pages of the website!
Contact the Chamber office for details.
River Biz Credits
Wring, Design & Layout: Liz Manning
Proofreading: Peter Toomey
Prinng: Minuteman Press
Phone: 440-331-1140 • Fax: 440-331-3485 • Email: info@RockyRiverChamber.com • Website: www.RockyRiverChamber.com