featuring - The Cambridge Citizen


featuring - The Cambridge Citizen
2 0 14
An Alternative Voice For Cambridge
With an ecclectic mix of
creative information from
a variety of writers and inspired artists, it’s not your
run of the Old Mill paper.
We’ve changed... Take a look.
news, politics,
sports, theatre
poetry, fiction,
golden years
spirituality, food
Making Healthy Choices
Photo Credit - Judee Richardson-Schofield
Find out
what’s going on
around town
on pages 10, 14
Cambridge Citizen • September 2014 • page 2
by Bill Goodsell Preston Travel
I belong to a travel consortium, they
negotiate the deals I am able to pass
on to my clients, they also get deals
for me and often they inspire me. This
quote was one of those moments. It
caused me to think of my clients faces
when they have returned from some
place extraordinary. The way the quiet
person lights up when they remember
just that exact moment when they forgot about work, bills, and the day to
day sludge we all wade through. This
is all just to get to those two or three
weeks a year that allows us to put
down the mouse, or the hammer and
just breathe.
Recall a time when your body
literally sank into itself with
relief because finally you
relaxed. Think about the
first time scenery took your
breath away. Or the true historical story of the sacred
ground you were walking on
that brought tears to your
I have had clients go to the
battlefields of France and
come home with a greater
reverence for those that
secured their freedom. If
you have ever gotten to
see the
the look of a proud parent when they come in to
show you the son they adopted from
breathing encyclopedia of colours,
sound and fury.
I got to experience one of those movie
Haiti, to hear their great stories almost moments when I was in a small village
brings a tear to my eye. These are in India called Samode. One of the
folks and their stories I will never ever first things our group did was visit the
village school. It was
For me, I used to watch movies and
so different from what our
Canadian children experience. I wish all of our students got to see how they
crave learning and the conditions under which they learn.
As great an experience as
that was the best bit came
when the Palace hosted us
on a roof top terrace (see picture for terrace above pool)
for dinner. This is the same
spot the original Maharaja
would host his guests and
in the same way. Rajasthani
folk dancers performed for
us. They then made all the
women join in for the stick
dance, there I was on a rooftop of a palace in rural India dancing to
Indian musicians with real Rajasthani
dancers beating the floor with a stick.
I couldn’t have been happier. I remember thinking this is one of those movie
These are the things that turn
travelers into story tellers.
I had a client that did public
speaking for a living. Jeff and
his wife were going to Poland
on a speaking engagement.
He asked me to book a side trip to
Krakow, one of the worst Nazi prison
camps. When he came home he told
me what it was like, I could feel the
passion, the compassion and the awe
in his voice. I will never forget how he
described the silence and reverence
of the school children that visited the
camp the same day as he.
see women doing really cool things,
and think why can’t that be me? Why
can’t I be the one to rustle cattle or ride
the white waves down a river in Borneo? Truth be told, I can, and you can
What would turn you into a storyteller?
What can I say, find the storyteller in
I personally see the world as a living you, it makes for great dining.
on Your Beautiful...
Imagine a
Silver Jubilee Sale
Save up to
FAST! Call
off your best Hy-Grade deal but act
& ask for Rhonda.
for all the details.
Hy-Grade could manufacture, sell & install any roof type
we wanted…but chose this ONE! Find out why…
Don’t “RENT” another asphalt roof…
page 3 • Cambridge Citizen • September 2014
The Salvation of the Fall Fair
by Scot Ferguson-Barber
The Citizen welcomes letters to the
editor. Letters should be signed
and include the name and
telephone number of the
writer. Writers will be
contacted for verification.
No unsigned letters
will be published.
Letters should be no longer
than 500 words.
The Citizen reserves the right to
edit any letter for publication.
Email letters to:
with the subject line
“Letter to the Editor,”
Cambridge Citizen • September 2014 • page 4
Nice night for a
party, isn’t it?
by Scot Ferguson-Barber
“Disgusteen” by Teenage
So began one of the first columns I ever had
published, an interview with the band that
appeared in The Cambridge Times in 1981.
I was a journalism student at the time, and
the interview and subsequent party with the
band made me the envy of my classmates.
This instilled in me a lifelong love of writing
about musicians that lasts to this day.
I followed the band through the years. On my
birthday some years ago when they played
at Fiddler’s Green Pete MacAuley took me to the show and got me backstage with the
band. It seemed that Frankie hadn’t changed in the intervening years, and we partied
like it was 1981. (Although it took me much longer to recuperate!)
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I mourned the passing of Frankie in 2008 from throat cancer. I was overjoyed when
Pete MacAuley picked up the mic in 2011 to front the band. The music would live on.
Now I find myself not only writing about the band, but sponsoring the event where
they are playing 30 years later. Life has come full circle.
Well I’ll take today, you take tomorrow
Kissing the Carpet Teenage
by Scot Ferguson-Barber and Jake Robinson
Photo credit Judee Richardson Schofield
I stopped into his store MacAuley’s Music on King St. to
chat with Pete MacAuley, the singer for Teenage Head. He
had just returned from a gig at Sturgis Canada where they
were on the bill with The Stampeders, Moxy and Burton
Cummings, to name a few.
Pete began playing music at the age of 23 and was
intrigued when the punk movement reached the bars and
“The punk rock thing hit and I thought, ‘I can relate to that and I can probably do that’,”
said Pete. “Within a year of picking up a bass, I was out playing in a bar and fronting
my own band.”
Email sandra2@sympatico.ca
Pete first saw Teenage Head over 30 years ago in Kitchener after a friend recommended he go see them; he was hooked from the start.
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“I saw those guys thirty-some years ago and I thought, ‘that’s awesome’, those guys
listen to the same things I do and that’s the same sound I have in my head, they just
kinda beat me to it,” said Pete.
Pete became friends with the band members over the following few years as the
band’s fame grew. They were getting frequent radio play and even supplied the
soundtrack for a few beer commercials.
In 2008, the band was overcome by grief after Frankie passed away. They were concerned that the legacy of Teenage Head was over and that the band would have to put
down their instruments.
Pete often traveled to Hamilton on business trips. One day he decided to visit Gord
Lewis, lead guitarist for the band. One thing led to another and Pete became the new
voice of the band.
“I have a similar style to him (Frank) without sounding like I’m copying him,” said Pete
in an interview with The Citizen several years ago. “I’m taking my friends space, not
his place. No one could ever take Frank’s place, he was probably the most charismatic
front-man in Canadian rock history.”
Our chat was interrupted when his phone rang.
“I have to take this one” he said as he flashed his phone at me. The name Greg Godovitz ( From the band Goddo) was on the screen. They talked about gigs, promoters and
the music business in general.
page 5 • Cambridge Citizen • September 2014
...Continued from page 4
Coincidentally, Goddo was another band I
wrote about back in 1981. Pete told me that
Greg did sales for him when he first opened
the store in 2008.
I asked him what it was like going from fan
to front man.”
“The time on stage is magic but the rest
of it can be a hassle,” he told me, referring
to booking gigs, the logistics of moving
people and equipment and the administration involved.
I had heard rumours that he was closing
the store and retiring, and the “for sale”
sign on the front of the store gave credence to the story.
He laughed at the word “retiring.”
“Just changing direction,” he told me.
He requires a double hip replacement as
a result of an accident several years ago,
and he wants to concentrate on his music
career, both with the band and some
solo work he hasn’t had time for. He was
excited about a song he has written about
the Friday the 13th phenomena at Port
Dover. A Harley rider himself, he hopes it
will become an anthem for the bikers who
faithfully flood the town every Friday the
13th, no matter the season.
To say he is looking forward to playing the
Fall Fair in his hometown on the event’s
175th anniversary would be an understatement. In the immortal words of his predecessor, Frankie Venom, LET’s Shake!
A Brief History
by Terry Hutchinson
Some day you’ll remember me
And picture my face
Some day you may smile at me
And I’ll walk away
“Picture My Face” by Teenage Head
Teenage Head was formed in 1975 when
the band members were students at Westdale High School in Hamilton. By May 1978,
they released their first single “Picture My
Face” on Epic Records, and their self-titled
debut, Teenage Head, followed a year later.
interviews and footage of Teenage Head. It
was released on DVD in 2008 as a tribute
to the late Frankie Venom.
1980’s Frantic City was the band’s breakthrough album, making them stars across
Canada with the hit singles “Let’s Shake”
and “Somethin’ On My Mind”.
again in the
spring of 2008.
In June 1980 their performance at Toronto’s Ontario Place sparked a riot when
authorities shut the gates after deciding
there were already too many people there.
The incident made headlines across the
country, and led Ontario Place to ban rock
concerts for several years afterward.
The remaining members of the bands
continued to perform after Venom’s
death playing a tribute show for him, and
performing at the 2008 Hamilton Music
Their infamy helped them get a contract
with an American label. In 1983 when the
band released Tornado their American
label, MCA Records demanded that they
change their name to Teenage Heads so as
not to disturber American listeners.
In 1985 after the release of Trouble in the
Jungle, Venom was replaced by Dave Desroches, who led the band for three years
before departing to form his own band, The
This started a ride on the rock and roll roller Dave Rave Conspiracy. Venom rejoined the
coaster that lasts to this day.
band in 1988.
One of the first punk bands in the country
, the band’s performance at the The Last
Pogo concert on December 1, 1978 at The
Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto, ended in a
riot and was shut down by the police. The
concert was made into a short film by Colin
Brunton, The Last Pogo. In 2006, Brunton
began a feature-length documentary film
about the concert, including additional
In 2003, the band recorded a host of previously released material with Ramones
drummer Marky with Ramones producer,
Daniel Rey. The resulting album was released in Canada on April 22, 2008, titled
Teenage Head with Marky Ramone.
In the spring of 2007, Teenage Head
played in Alberta and British Columbia for
the first time in more than ten years. They
On October 15, 2008, Gord Lewis announced that Frankie Venom had died
following a battle with throat cancer.
In 2011, longtime fan and owner of MacAuley’s Music in Cambridge’s Pete MacAulay
joined the band as the new singer, to “take
Frankie’s space, not his place”.
April, 2014 Gods of the Hammer The Teenage Head Story by Geoff Pevere is published
Studio Albums
1979 – Teenage Head
1980 – Frantic City
1982 – Some Kinda Fun
1983 – Tornado EP
(as “Teenage Heads”)
1986 – Trouble In The Jungle
1988 – Electric Guitar
1996 – Head Disorder
2008 – Teenage Head with
Marky Ramone
Live Album
1984 – Endless Party
Cambridge Citizen • September 2014 • page 6
business feature - Cobycreative.ca
Art and Soul Collection
We’ll start with a flashback...
The year is 2009. I just finished
reading the Ringing Cedar Series
and have had a major paradigm
shift. My background is split
right down the middle, half in the
creative, and half in business. I
was leaning more towards making a million and settling into
retirement in the real estate rental
business, however, these books
impacted my life so much that I
started looking for my space of
love. (I guess you’ll have to go
read the books if you want to
know what that means, I’ll have
them at the store if you want to
borrow them.)
The universe is listening and
wants to work with you. This is
something I have learned over the
last five years. My dreams were
very fuzzy and I was not able to
pin point where I fit into the world
being an absolute half and half
mixture of creative and business.
This threw me for a loop as I tried
to create the perfect version of
myself. Through time and patient
discovery, I have found a combination that works both of my
worlds magnificently. All I had to
do was wait and watch for signals, take baby steps and realize
things as they come into being,
which at times can be an excruciating experience. Just when you
think you’re a drone and on auto
pilot and that’s it for the rest of
your life... You come to terms with
the finality of everything, then the
Universe does its magic and off
you go in a completely different
Tony Paleczny
Heritage Stone Art
Kitchener, ON
-Jane Wojtaszynski
Kaitlyn Richardson
Cambridge , ON
So here it is... I have and am realizing the dream that has come
into focus for me and my husband and partner in life. We are
approaching retirement age and
with the world the way it is, there
are few options for a 52 year old
woman with crazy and diverse
experience. Thus the store and
festival option.
My desire is to promote local
artisans and support/develop
any soul who is struggling to
find their voice in the arts, be it
writing, painting, photography or
what have you. I am also selling
the things that I love to surround
myself with.
We offer an eclectic mix of art,
oils, incense, statues, pottery,
Boho clothing, and various art
from local artisans. In addition to
that, graphic design and advertising possibilities/services. A new
adventure to add to the mix is
also in the works. Stay tuned.
7 Simcoe St, Cambridge ON
Jane Wojtaszynski
Cambridge , ON
Dana Morostega
Paris , ON
Jeanne Yardley
Halciyon Handworks
Clyde , ON
By Ingrid Thomson
During my own childhood, dinners were
often hit-and-miss. Sometimes there
wasn’t enough food in the house for anything more than a slice of rye bread and
a glass of milk.Because I’d felt hunger, I
wanted to make sure my son never did.
I walked through the farmers’ market
I had other rituals. The house was
this morning, avoiding the seductioncleaned every weekend; sheets changed
-baskets of ripe fruit and vegetables--far
and floors scrubbed, until I could afford a
too much for a single person. I ached to
make dill pickles and can fresh tomatoes, cleaning lady, avoiding the never-ending
arguments with my son over housekeepturning the bounty into spaghetti sauce
or chutney. I shook my head at my nos- ing.
talgic thoughts. There are not enough
people in my life that I feed anymore, but “Here’s the scoop, Kid. You can either be a
hero or a bum. You’re going to clean your
once upon a time, this late summer ritual
room one way or another--before my
was a natural part of my life. How times
lungs reach their full velocity or after I’ve
have changed.
rained down the consequences of your
sloth. Do it before I ask, and you’re a hero.
Before my family scattered, and despite
Do it after I’ve lost my temper, and you’re
having a demanding job, I made sure
a bum. Your choice, but you’re going to
there was always a pot of homemade
soup on the stove. I didn’t follow any reci- clean your room.”
pe, and it would have been an impossible
Kids today are used to dinner served
task to recreate a particular soup or write
from a box in the freezer to microwave, or
down the ingredients.
eaten in the car after parents go through
the drive-thru on their way to some acOn weekends, I always made a roast or
tivity. Children are enrolled in so many
chicken. Bones and leftovers went into a
activities these days. I shake my head at
pot to make stock. Uneaten vegetables
the scheduling and the physical fitness
and meat scraps from weekday meals
joined the medley, along with the ever- goals. Are parents confused?
present onions and garlic. My latch-key The caloric intake from a McDonald’s
Happy Meal is higher than my grandson
son always had a nutritious, after-school
can run off during an hour-long soccer
snack, a bowl of soup to tide him over
match. Not to mention the nutritional
until I got home to prepare a proper meal
void in the food he wolfs down in record
As he grew older, his buddies followed
time, in order to be finished before the
him home for the soup. I just increased
whistle blows, and the game begins.
the volume.
Jessie Louise Beattie:
For the Love of Writing
Aug. 26, 2014 Bill Ashwell
Jessie Louise Beattie was born in Blair on
Oct. 2, 1896, the youngest of the seven
children of Frank and Janet (Fleming) Beattie. Although she compressed several
careers into one lifetime including those
of librarian, teacher and social worker,
her most important vocation to be that of
She began composing poetry at age 5
and at 15 published her first work, a poem
written in honour of Dr. Charlton, a Galt
physician who cared for her during her
various illnesses. The poem was printed
in the Galt Reporter and was soon followed by others written under her pen
name Rainbow Bright.
Following graduation from high school,
Ms. Beattie went to work in libraries in
Kitchener, Buffalo and Hamilton. By 1928,
however, she returned to Blair to care for
her aging parents.
The following year, a neighbouring family asked Ms. Beattie to tutor their three
daughters. As a result she contacted the
Ministry of Education which provided her
with a licence to teach elementary grades
privately anywhere in Ontario.
Soon she converted a room in the Beattie home into a class room and set about
teaching the neighbouring children. In
1929 Ryerson Press published a book of
her poems called Blown Leaves. This was
followed, in 1931, by a second book of poems called Shifting Sails. In 1935 her first
novel, Hill Top, was published. In all, she
published 20 books, three plays and an
Accomplished in the literary arts, Ms.
Beattie formed a Literary Club in Blair,
called the “Cruisers”. With the Great Depression in full swing, there was a lack of
reading material available to the group
and money to buy books was scarce. The
Cruisers raised some money by putting
on a play. Ms. Beattie decided to write
the play herself and produced The Four
Leaf Clover. The play was first staged in
the Blair Union School early in 1934.
The play proved a resounding success.
The Ontario Welfare Council of Ontario
became aware of the project and between 1934 and 1937 engaged Ms. Beattie to travel to rural areas and small villages to teach theatre skills as a means by
which these areas could develop winter
recreation and local fundraising activities.
From 1937 to 1939 Ms. Beattie took a po
Occasionally, I cook a proper meal for my
son’s family, scheduling it so the meal fits
into their agenda and doesn’t become a
big deal. But it is a big deal, and damn it, it
was a big deal when he was growing up. I
made nutritious dinners a priority. But my
grandkids don’t seem to care. Bellies full,
they’d be just as happy with Kraft dinner.
I stopped to admire bouquets of freshcut flowers before leaving the market. I
used to fill vases after the cleaning was
done. When I got to the car, I questioned
why I hadn’t bought a bouquet. Because
the house hasn’t been cleaned, you Door
Knob, I answered, and then--Why didn’t
you clean the house this morning?
Because I don’t have to. Nobody lives
with me and no one cares. What an
epiphany! Maybe no one ever cared. Did
I do all that for myself? But if that were
true, I’d definitely have done the laundry
this morning.
My family must have appreciated my
efforts, didn’t they? It would be easy
to curse at them—they took things for
granted. Maybe, but what if all that cooking and cleaning wasn’t that important to
my nearest and dearest?
Calm down, girl, I said to myself. You
did the best you could for people you
love. Now pay attention-- garage sale up
sition as House Mother at the Ontario
Training School for Girls in Galt. Here,
with the permission of the Ministry of
Education, Ms. Beattie introduced, with
considerable success, a teaching method aimed at Handicapped Children that
had been developed in California.
During the Second World War, Ms. Beattie lived in Vancouver, working at the
Vancouver Public Library and writing a
column called “I Listen In” for the Vancouver Province.
While pursuing other careers, Ms. Beattie continued to write many acclaimed
books. Unlike some authors who are
strong only in one area, she had success in various literary forms publishing
books on travel, adventure, biography
and fiction as well as her autobiography.
Following the Second World War, Ms.
Beattie settled in Hamilton with her new
husband David Gaffin. She continued to
tutor students and to write, but by 1967
she began to lose her sight. Despite
this setback, she continued to write, her
books now dictated onto tape. Her last
book was published in 1983.
She died in Hamilton on Oct. 5, 1985 just
two days after her 89th birthday. She is
buried in the Blair Cemetery with other
family members.
page 7 • Cambridge Citizen • September 2014
For Heroes and Bums
Cambridge Citizen • September 2014 • page 8
The religious significance of hair
dates before the Bible as a symbol
of spiritual faith, power, and cultural
tradition. Many religions view hair
as a retainer of one’s vital essence,
an extension of the soul and physical manifestation of one’s thoughts.
Whereas, Rastafarians consider their
long, matted hair their connection to
God, calling their dreadlocks “God
antennae.“ Dreadlocks are also a
result of their Biblically-based belief
that a blade shouldn’t touch the hair
of any believer or the beard of a man.
The world’s leading saints, including Jesus, the Sikh gurus and Hindu
The Spirituality of Hair
By April Bulmer - Columnist
prophets, also refrained from cutting
their hair because they believed it
strengthened their relationship to
God. Sikhs allow their hair to grow
naturally and long as a symbol of
respect for the perfection of God’s
creation. Ancient Middle Eastern
tradition includes offering hair for
religious rites in place of human sacrifice.
Numerous stories are told of religious leaders, like Samson, with
long hair and supernatural powers
who became weak when it was cut
or shaved. Samson lost his battle
when seven locks of his hair--the secret source of his strength--were cut
by Delilah.
The shaving of the head can also
become an act of grieving. Native
people cut their hair during mourning periods and early women who
lost their lovers at sea would often
shave their heads. The Buddhist
monastic tradition is also to shave
the head completely; Zen Buddhists
call hair “ignorance grass” and maintain their connection to the divine
with a bald head as a symbol of their
faith and as part of the process of
renouncing physical goods and their
ties to the material world. The bald
head makes each monk similar to
his brothers in the presence of the
divine, and allows him to focus on
spiritual activities.
So, the symbolic styling of hair
often depends on religious tradition. Judaism has many practices
and traditions regarding hair. Observant Orthodox men who follow
Jewish law allow their beards to
grow untrimmed and their “peyes,”
or side locks to curl around the sides
of their faces. Unlike Natives, they
refrain from shaving or cutting their
hair when in mourning. Beards are
considered holy and are kept long
by Jewish men, while women’s hair
is regarded as a nakedness that
should be covered with a wig.
Many Jews believe hair transmits
and funnels energy. Metaphysically
speaking all head hair originates
and grows from within the skull and
represents mind energy, they say. In
observant families, no scissors can
touch the head of a baby boy until
he turns 3. He lives in somewhat of
a Nazirite state. (The Nazirites were
obligated only by spiritual laws).
Later, his parents give him a ritual
haircut called an “upshern” (Yid
dish for “to shear” or “to
cut off”), primarily to form
the “peyes.”
Similarly, hair styles are important to Native Indians as they portray and announce participation in
various religious and social events
and express feelings--merriment
or mourning at significant stages of
life. They also suggest tribal status
and whether the tribe is in a time of
peace or war. Sometimes hair is offered and placed in fire, so thoughts
can be sent through smoke and
moved by the power of the Moon,
then given to the spiritual Father, the
creator god, or buried and returned
to the Mother, the Earth.
Native peoples often cut their hair
to be in harmony with the natural
rhythm of the universe. There are
times to wear the hair braided and
times to let it flow. For fresh starts,
as in planting and pruning time,
they cut their hair by the light of the
new moon, so it will grow thick and
quick. Young men are often seen
with braids of sweet grass which
they create for personal purification
rites. In some tribes, they weave
sweet grass into their hair to unify
and strengthen their thoughts of
oneness with their Mother, the Earth.
In fact, sweet grass, which grows
around the world, is considered the
hair of Mother Earth.
Cutting of Native hair also severs past thoughts and usually occurs during great change in life. The
resulting pure thoughts prevent evil
witches from using clippings of hair
in their ceremonies to cause harm.
Still, there are countless books on
hoodoo and folk magic that describe
recipes that involve the use of human hair as part of a spell or “trick.”
In some pagan religions, women
choose to cover their hair when in
public. While the practice often relates to modesty, in some traditions
it suggests beliefs about the power
of the crown chakra. When it is open
and uninhibited during rituals, it is
said to allow a woman direct communication with the divine.
Similarly, dreadlocks have been
the antennae of many spiritual systems, not only the Rastafarian religion. From Christianity to Hinduism,
they have been a symbol of a highly
spiritual person who is trying to draw
closer to God, or the gods. In the
Bible it states that those who don’t
shave, drink alcohol, or eat meat are
in communion with Him.
Dreadlocks are mentioned in most
holy books, though they have their
origin in Africa among priests who
considered hairs to be huge emitters and receptors. Hairs can be very
helpful or a disturbant, depending on
the energetic needs in the temple.
Many Pharaohs in Egypt had locked
hair and dreads can even be found
on Tutankhamen’s mummy. Cave
men also wore them, as did John the
Baptist. Caesar claimed the Celts
wore dreadlocks, too, and described
them as having “hair like snakes.”
So, in many traditions and countries around the world, holy men
and women are recognized by the
length, style, and glory of their hair.
In some societies, however, the cutting of hair by oppressors has long
represented the political, cultural, or
religious submission and defeat of a
people through humiliation and the
subsequent loss of these various
forms of power.
Katie Star Heron Update
Submitted by Paul Heron
Katie’s chimerism results finally
came back. Still 100 percent donor
cells. Great news as we don’t want
to see any of Katie’s show up as we
know Katie’s bone marrow could potentially produce cancer cells. Sunday will be 150 days post transplant!
She is feeling good, looks great
and has settled in well at home. An
organization called Million Dollar
Smiles came to our house this past
Wednesday and presented Katie
with a huge playhouse. The team,
myself and two friends of mine did
the build. Katie is still smiling ear to
eat. Katie will be starting school from
home next week, a teacher from Coronation public school will come to
our house 3 days a week for 1 hour of
one on one schooling. She will continue follow up tests every 3 weeks
at sick kids. She will remain under
home isolation until April 2015.
by Larissa Spencer
“I just realized the other day, that before I
am even legal in this country, I will have 2
nationwide tours under my belt. I freaked
out a little when I realized that. The first
one being the Young Guns tour and the
second one will be the upcoming Decade
of Hits tour with George Canyon.”
Jordan McIntosh is a young and
upcoming artist from just outside
of Ottawa. At the young age of
18 he has already accomplished
so much in his career. This past
May, McIntosh took home the Rising Star Award at the 2014 Country Music Association of Ontario
Awards. Jordan traveled across
Canada with the band One More
Girl and with singer Brett Kissel for
the Young Guns tour. He said that
it was “a dream come true.” Jordan
is currently top 6 in the CCMA Discovery program. The experience
has been incredible. Jordan said
“For a new artist to receive what we have
gotten is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
I have earned so much its unbelievable. “
This past summer Jordan performed at
Boots and Hearts Music Festival. He said
it was an unforgettable experience. It was
an extra special event for him because not
only had he been looking forward to this
performance all summer, but he knew that
a lot of his friends and family were going
to be in attendance. When performing, he
noticed them all singing along and it was
a life changing feeling. When he left the
stage he felt so grateful for everything in
his life.
Music has always been a part of Jordan’s
life. He comes from a very musical family;
his older sister Melissa was a big influence
Right now there really isn’t an artist targeting the younger crowd. “The younger
crowd is just starting to get into country
music, so I want to be there to introduce
them.” Someday, he’d like to collaborate
with Taylor Swift, and Hunter Hayes – he
has a lot of respect for both artists and
think they’re both very talented.
The best advice Jordan has ever
received was “Always remember
where you came from. Appreciate
everybody on your way up, because
they’re the ones you will meet on the
way down.” Jordan offers a piece of
advice to other young artists looking to make their dreams come true
someday. His advice is “Never stop!
If you have the talent and this is
truly your passion, then keep at it!
Sing everywhere you can. Don’t be
shy. Keep your head up and be confident.”
on his singing. “I did everything she did because I looked up to her, and still do. So
when she started singing, I naturally followed in her footsteps.” When asked the
question “where would you be if you didn’t
get into music?” Jordan didn’t have an answer – this is simply because music has
always been the one thing he excelled at
and enjoyed and he couldn’t picture a life
without music.
Jordan has always loved country music.
You can catch Jordan this September,
when he hits the road with George Canyon
for the Decades of Hits tour. For more information you can find Jordan on various
social media websites listed below.
Website: www.jordanmcintosh.ca/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JordanMcIntosh
Twitter: @jordanmcintosh
Queen Street Music School
is a locally-owned, community driven school.
Students regularly perform at local events including The Cambridge Mayors Celebration
of The Arts, Forbes Park Music Festival, Cambridge Youth Arts Week and other venues.
We have also partnered with Ideas Unlimited
through the Cambridge Library providing our
“Rock Out ‘S’Cool” music program at the
Clemens Mill Library Music Hub. In this program, children are given a free opportunity
to discover and learn electric guitar, drums,
keyboard, and bass guitar.
Owner Richard L’Abbe, originally from beautiful Northern Ontario, has toured the country in heavy rock and rock acts as singer and
guitar player. He first studied both violin and
piano but soon moved to guitar. Richard has
been teaching since he was sixteen so having the opportunity to open a music school
and share the love of music with others is a
dream come true. We consider our instructors and students as part of our family and
the school is a welcoming and family-oriented environment.
“Music has been a huge part of my
life as a creative “outlet and in build
ing lifelong friendship
The focus of Queen Street Music is creativity, performance, learning and fun with engaging programs. Students learn by playing
together both in groups and privately. Music
lessons offer many benefits and enjoyment
for students from ages 3 to adult.
“Like” us on facebook
or visit our Website - queenstreetmusic.com
page 9 • Cambridge Citizen • September 2014
Rising Star Jordan McIntosh
By Trisha Porter
An American, an Italian and a German fly
into Paris. Sound like the opening of a joke?
With Drayton Entertainment’s production
of Boeing Boeing, Cambridge will be in for
a night of laughter.
Boeing Boeing is the next play to hit the
Dunfield theatre and, as all the productions before it, Drayton doesn’t disappoint.
It plays from Aug. 13 to Aug. 30 and tickets
are selling fast.
The production stars a comic duo of James
Kall and audience favourite Keith Savage.
Kall plays an American playboy, Bernard,
living in Paris who is semi-successfully juggling three fiancées – who all happen to be
flight attendants with the first letter ‘G’. A
literal international affair, with each woman
a different nationality and just as clueless
about the other.
Bernard, living in Paris and with
the help of his clever and witty maid Bertha,
played by Valerie Boyle, manages to keep
each woman in the dark about the other
two. He’s devised a clever plan, taking advantage of the women always being in the
air, to know their schedules so one is never
‘home’ at the same time. He even has Bertha change the bedroom and meal plans to
suit each woman. An Italian room for the
Italian, an American room for the American and a German room for the German.
Until his oblivious American friend Robert,
played by Keith Savage, comes for a visit
and things hit the fan.
Together, the playboy, maid and American struggle comically to keep the secret when suddenly the mighty German,
played by Jackie Mustakas (who Cambridge may remember as Mrs. Darling
from Peter Pan last season) makes a surprise visit while the suspicious Italian,
played by Sarah Mennell, is still staying
Now it becomes a humorous
and cringe-worthy spectacle as Robert,
home alone with the German, devises
overdramatic and comical ways to help protect his old friend’s secret and keep the Italian and the German from running into each
The production was directed by Marcia Kash, the same director as Run
for your Wife, that Cambridge theatregoers
would remember from earlier this season.
Up next for Dunfield is the second-last production of the season, Broadway Heroes, in October and then comes the
season finale Disney’s The Little Mermaid
in November.
1. James Kall and
Keith Savage
in Boeing Boeing
2. Keith Savage,
Katie Lawson
and James Kall
in Boeing Boeing
Photographer Hilary Camilleri
Cambridge Citizen • September 2014 • page 10
Dunfield’s Boeing Boeing the comedy of the summer
3. Jackie Mustakas, James Kall and
Keith Savage in Boeing Boeing
By Suzi Hollihan
Alter Egos are fun. They allow me to be someone I am
not. I can swear and say shocking things that I wouldn’t normally say. Now some may call this schizophrenia. I call it my
life. I started a blog that I could write about all the things we
think about, but due to the rules of life, we don’t say. Which
brings me to the topic of rules of life.
Who are “they” that set them?
How come no one questions them? We have very few
rules in our home. There is no singing at the table except
for Johnny Appleseed prayer, and no hats are allowed. And
that is about the extent of it. I am not sure why we can’t sing.
That was the rule while I was growing up. And I am not sure
why there are no hats. Perhaps it is so you can’t bolt out the
door before dishes are done?
I have never sorted that out. We did have a rule that you
couldn’t eat the homemade bread as it came out of the oven
because it gave you worms, but we have since disproved
that when my son questioned the logic of that with butter
dripping off his chin.
There are rules that you can’t say certain words in public
without offending someone. Now I know you know those
words like menopause and peeing. Because most people
cringe when you throw that “m” word around. Even though
you can’t breathe and you have rivulets of sweat running down your cheeks dripping onto the floor. I think it is
There are rules when it comes to social etiquette such
as apparently you cannot discuss fruit fly sex at the lunch
Accordion Rock Star
(“by Mark Zlomislic
I wanted to take guitar lessons but was signed up to study
accordion at the Conservatory. I finished grade four accordion before the itch to become a rock star dashed my parent’s
hopes of seeing me on stage with Lawrence Welk.
The 80’s ushered in heavy metal and accordion however electric was not cool. Guitar players got the girls and accordion
players received the admiring looks of grandmothers.
My friends Allan Benner and Rob Saudelli were influenced my
musical transformation. The formed a rock band aptly named
OverKill and for a short time I was the lead singer.
We played at the battle of the bands audition at my high
school. Jim Habjan played drums and Sean Maloney did
Fiction Writing Contest
Publication in The Citizen
Prizes will be announced in our Oct. Issue
Any genre
Two Categories Over 18/Under 18
As of Sept. 15th, 2014)
Open to all residents of Cambridge
Deadline Sept. 15th. Maximum 2,000 words.
Send entries to editor@cambridgecitizen.ca
table without someone leaving the room. (Google it but not
from a work computer apparently). I can’t say those words
here, (see, rules!) We are conformists and follow along. We
know how to sit in church and not scream out at the priest
when we disagree, and we know we are to scream out at a
concert and hee and haw. (What if it is was reversed?) And
are they really that different? We whisper in a hospital and
a funeral home, although at the latter, they can’t even hear
us if we yell, so that doesn’t make any sense. We are polite in the grocery store line up when the person ahead has
33 items in the express 8 limit only checkout line. I want to
scream then, not whisper! But I am sure she can feel my
glaring eyes burning a hole in her Coach purse. Don’t worry,
I’ve got that one covered!
I acquired the name Betty Shocker one day while I
was sweating up a storm in the kitchen, and I say one day
loosely, because it is every day. There are rules to meals and
I guess they are these: cook lots and always. I must question that! But Betty would simply start loading the woman’s
groceries back into her cart and put hers up on that rotating
belt at the checkout and scream, “Move it Lady!” And Betty
would walk right up the priest and say “What the “f”…. are
you kidding? You expect us to believe that story? Prove it
mister! From a man’s rib?” Except she wouldn’t even use
the initial “f”… and if she was really brave, she would toss out
the word Menopause while she was at it!
I am on a quest to find “they”. Because “they” have a lot
of power. Where do “they” live? What do “they” do for a living? “They” must be retired because there such are a vast
amount of rules! And I want to question each and every one
of them. Except the rule of the man pays at dinner.
(This is based on a chapter of my book soon to be released:
Dancing on Rainbows, 28 Days to a Juicy Life!)
the mixing. Maloney did not know a thing about mixing but he did get a deal on the sound equipment we
would need to play. We filled the Notre Dame auditorium
with white noise. Heavy metal rained down on the crowd
as the nuns and priests got out the holy water and recited the rosary. I sang Judas Priests’ Breaking theLaw and
Van Halen’s Running with the Devil. Benner launched into
a solo of Hendrix’s Star Spangled Banner while Saudelli
climbed on top of his bass stack. Benner’s frenzied playing
electrified the crowd. The nuns were sure that Satan himself
had descended because Benner was writhing on the floor as
if possessed by the ghost of Hendrix.
After the solo was over Benner smashed his guitar while
Saudelli threw his bass down from the stacks. The crowd applauded wildly. They had not seen such a finale since Teenage
Head and Platinum Blonde played the school. For a brief time
we were rock stars.
page 11 • Cambridge Citizen • September 2014
Betty Shocker Does Rules!
Cambridge Citizen • September 2014 • page 12
oga and meditation
are key ways to relax
and manage stress in your
busy life. Making time for
yourself is crucial.
hoose local fresh
fruit and vegetibles at
your local farmers market
whenever possible.
Making Healthy Choices
for Helathy Change
By Lee Pryke, Author, Speaker, Happiness Coach, Life Event Specialist
Things have changed considerably from
the days of our grandparents when
things were simple and choices were
easy. We picked from trees for our fruit
and planted gardens full of fresh vegetables. Our cattle roamed freely and
our chickens saw sunlight. Chemicals in
the air and ground were at a minimum.
We built houses on large properties and
when we looked out the window, we saw
trees and green land, not the wall of the
neighbour’s home as we do today. Years
ago, people got up with the sun and retired when the sun went down. Our body
rhythms worked with nature.
Progress they say...more technology to
run things more efficiently and make our
lives easier. Running the world at a faster
pace has increased the stress and damaged the lands we grow our food on. Our
cattle are housed in tight quarters to produce more and our vegetables fly in from
thousands of miles away to save money!
Aside from the question of how many
nutrients remain after the journey, is the
issue of handling. How many hands
touch the fruit and vegetables from start
to finish and who were the people handling them?
Over the past few years there is more information available and companies and
people are becoming more educated
on how and what to do to make healthy
choices. Organic which many, including
myself; thought was a buzz word more
for trying to get us to spend more money,
is becoming more of the norm. I am happy about that and I am happy to research
my own choices in being healthier. Organic is a large part of my shopping and
when I can, I choose alternative healing
modalities taking responsibility for my
own health and wellness.
This came from a severe illness where
my standard health
care failed to diagnose a condition
properly and I faced
exiting the world, as
I know it. Researching
became a vital part
of my choices and
luckily, there are
many available within our own community. Health stores
are popping up and
bigger organic and natural sections in
the grocery stores.
Through my research, I met some incredible people who taught me the value of
backing things up and remembering
what it was like for our grandparents.
When you read the ingredients on packages and cannot pronounce it – run in
the other direction. Processed foods are
everywhere and sometimes when life
gets busy, it is the easier choice especially for families on a budget, however;
there are ways to make healthy choices
without spending a fortune. Making
small changes is a great start. Replacing
a few of our staples with natural products
and cutting back on what comes out of a
box or can for fresh market vegetables.
We live in a region full of amazing farmers growing without chemicals and raising animals with love, not infused with
drugs. When I discovered just how much
we have available in our own back yard,
I thought more people might be like me,
not aware of what was available.
In 2010, I reached out to businesses and
practitioners I had in my research and offered them a place to create more awareness. I developed the Healthy Choices
Wellness Show and four years
later we continue to bring together exhibitors and speakers on topics of breathing, hydration, organics, meditation, and
alternative healing modalities.
Each year I meet new people and learn
more about the amazing region we live
in, and the options we have for making
healthy choices so we can make healthy
If you are in the neighborhood, Sunday
September 21, come out to the Holiday
Inn Cambridge and visit our Healthy
Choices Wellness Show. We have eight
incredible speakers and 30 exhibitors
sharing their passion of helping families
be healthier.
It takes time and knowledge to begin to
make healthy choices and small changes count towards living a healthy, happier
lifestyle. My journey is a never-ending
one and every day gets better and better. I am proud to live in a region full of
experts making a difference for individuals and families both in feeding the body,
the mind, and the soul living more like
our grandparents did so many years ago.
You can get all the information about the
upcoming show at www.healthy-choices.ca and please come over and say
hello to me, I love meeting new friends!
Lee Pryke
By Jesse Hollihan
How many times have you said to yourself;
“This is it, I’ve had enough; time to lose
weight”? Imagine if you would have stuck
to that oh so infamous statement the first
time you said it? Well, what happened?
Are you healthier? More fit? “Skinnier”?
Heavier? Or have those jeans you struggled to get in to 5 years ago--- the same
jeans that made you declare the infamous
statement “time to lose weight” got even
tighter? Or have they been banished to the
abyss of the closet back?
Don’t feel discouraged, you’re not alone.
Weight loss is simple, eat healthy, and
exercise. However, if it’s that simple, why
don’t we all have bodies of Greek gods?
Because simple isn’t easy.
Consider taking on the role of a healthy
lifestyle like starting an online course. It
takes time, dedication, and most importantly consistency. Weight doesn’t come
off overnight. Consider this, how long did
it take you to put the weight on? 5 years?
10 years? Longer? You’ve been living an
unhealthy lifestyle for years. Don’t expect
to change in a week. We need to take baby
steps. Do research. Get some guidance
whether that be a gym partner, a nutrition-
ist, a personal trainer. This is your health,
your confidence, your image, no one else’s.
You need to be comfortable with who you
With the world literally at out fingertips
through smartphones, tablets, laptops;
healthy recipes are a click away. Stop ordering the salad or wrap at your favourite
fast food places and then asking yourself
every morning “why haven’t I lost weight
yet”. The most important thing you can
do is ease your way into this. Start by not
eliminating things from your diet, because
we all know that will be tossed out the
window the second that double chocolate
cake comes out; but start replacing them.
For example instead of fries and gravy, try
Avocado fries and Greek yogurt dip, or instead of potato chips have baked zucchini
chips. You may have had some of these
eating habits for most of your life. We need
to replace them with better choices before
we can eliminate them. As for exercise, join
a gym, take a class, go for walks, and invest
time into this. How good would you feel if
you hopped on that scale and the number was the weight you were in your early
twenties? Or 30’s? Let’s use that as mo-
tivation to push through these lazy habits
of fast food and chips and microwaveable
meals. Stop excuses such as “I had a long
day at work I’m too tired for the gym”. The
“why” has to outweigh the “how”! Now go
do some research. Find out about proper
diet and exercise, not a fad way that will
take your money. There is no quick fix!
Be motivated. And take baby steps in to
this. Because once this adventure starts. It
will forever be your lifestyle.
Jesse Hollihan is a personal trainer and the
developer of SkyBound Hoops.
Cambridge Adult Team Sports
LOCATION: Fields throughout Cambridge
Cambridge Adult Team Sports is currently accepting
registrations for the following fall 2014 leagues:
OUTDOOR LEAGUES (starts September)
SUNDAY: 7 on 7 Ultimate Frisbee
SUNDAY: 11 on 11 Men’s Soccer
MONDAY: 5 on 5 Flag Football
TUESDAY: 6 on 6 Co-ed Soccer
WEDNESDAY: 5 on 5 Co-ed Ultimate Frisbee
INDOOR LEAGUES (Starts October)
MONDAY Men’s 5 on 5 Basketball
TUESDAY: Dodgeball
WEDNESDAY: Intermediate/Advanced Volleyball
THURSDAY: Intermediate / Advanced Volleyball
FRIDAY: Recreational / Intermediate Volleyball
Jill Nothstein
League Director
Cambridge Adult Team Sports inc.
page 13 • Cambridge Citizen • September 2014
Losing weight is simple. Not easy!
Cambridge Citizen • September 2014 • page 14
Cambridge Live Music
Calendar for September
Jam Night – Brown Dog
Thursday, September 11th Tuesday, September 16th Mainlanders – Black
Open Mic – Kiwi CamLucas Stagg – Argyle Arms Juneyt – Easy Pour
Craig McNair – Burns’s
Bluegrass Jam – Galt
Skirkish _ Duke & Duchess Open Mic – M&M Bar
Tuesday, September 2nd Saturday, September 6th Howff
Buskers – Cambridge
Jam Night – Fiddle & Firkin
Juneyt – Easy Pour
Helix/Teenage Head/Sev- David Rodenburg – Duke &
Farmer’s Market
Bluegrass Jam – Galt
en Sundays – Cambridge Duchess
Wednesday, September
Friday, September 26th
Fall Fair
Open Mic – Kiwi Cam17th
Sunday, September 21st Almost Hip – The Grand
Mississippi Thudd – Black bridge
Jam Night – Argyle Arms Jam Night – Burns’s Howff Kris Nicholls – Duke &
Wednesday, September Badger
Open Mic – M&M Bar
Buskers – Cambridge
Live Music - Montys
Panda Dogs – Beaver &
Jam Night – Fiddle & Firkin Farmer’s Market
Poor Boys 2 – Dar’s Newfie TABU – Moderno Bistro
Jam Night – Argyle Arms Bulldog
Buskers – Cambridge
Vat Blues Band – Dar’s
Friday, September 12th
Thursday, September 18th
Saturday, September 27th
Farmer’s Market
Newfie Bar
George Canyon – Portu- Lucas Stagg – Argyle Arms Tuesday, September 23rd Cambridge International
D & Scott C – Duke &
guese Club
Craig McNair – Burns’s
Juneyt – Easy Pour
Thursday, September 4th Duchess
Michael Knight & The Legg Howff
Bluegrass Jam – Galt
Footbridge Road – Ernie’s
Eleven Past One – Cam- Buskers – Cambridge
Warmers/Lost Dogs/III – David Rodenburg – Duke & Legion
Jesse Parent – Black
bridge Fall Fair
Farmer’s Market
Newfoundland Club
Lucas Stagg – Argyle Arms
Lager St Duo – Duke &
Open Mic – Kiwi CamWednesday, September This Is Identity & Trapped
Craig McNair – Burns’s
Sunday, September 7th
In Thought – Candy
Tracenine, The Wormwood
Open Mic – M&M Bar
Jam Night – Argyle Arms Funhouse
David Rodenburg – Duke & Scrubs & more – CamSaturday, September 13th Jam Night – Fiddle & Firkin Backlot Sessions – Moni- 4 PLAY – Duke & Duchess
bridge Fall Fair
Brother Freedom – Burns’s
gram Coffee
TBA – Beaver & Bulldog
Bill Muir – McDougall
Jam Night – Burns’s Howff Howff
Friday, September 19th
Buskers – Cambridge
Buskers – Cambridge
Live Music - Montys
Eric Bolton – Easy Pour
Absolute Journey/Keep Farmer’s Market
Farmer’s Market
Open Mic – Kiwi CamPoor Boys 2 – Dar’s Newfie Romantic Traffic – Beaver The Faith – Newfoundland
& Bulldog
Thursday, September 25th Sunday, September 28th
Open Mic – M&M Bar
Gabe Lee – Black Badger Jesse Webber – Argyle
Lucas Stagg – Argyle Arms Mill Race Folk Society –
Jam Night – Fiddle & Firkin Tuesday, September 9th Buskers – Cambridge
Craig McNair – Burns’s
Argyle Arms
Juneyt – Easy Pour
Farmer’s Market
David Gallagher – Duke & Howff
Jam Night – Burns’s Howff
Friday, September 5th
Bluegrass Jam – Galt
Kenny Menshaw – Easy Live Music - Montys
Sunday, September 14th Jam Night – Brown Dog
Poor Boys 2 – Dar’s Newfie
Mill Race Folk Society –
Conor Gains/Jerome God- Bar
Fall Fair
Wednesday, September Brownestone Gastropub
boo – Gator’s Tail
Guitared & Feathered –
Jam Night – Burns’s Howff Saturday, September 20th David Rodenburg – Duke & Tuesday, September 30th
Argyle Arms
Jam Night – Argyle Arms Live Music - Montys
Preston Music Festival – Duchess
Juneyt – Easy Pour
Cameron & MacNeil –
Buskers – Cambridge
Poor Boys 2 – Dar’s Newfie Central Park Preston
Allison Lupton, Enoch
Bluegrass Jam – Galt
Brownestone Gastropub Farmer’s Market
Joe Lopez & Company–
Kent, Ian Bell – McDougall Legion
Steve J – Duke & Duchess
Beaver & Bulldog
page 15 • Cambridge Citizen • September 2014
About Giant Tiger:
In 1961, Giant Tiger Stores Limited opened its first store in Ottawa. The business was started with a very simple idea – keep
the cost of operation low and sell a large volume of merchandise at everyday low prices. It is the adherence to this idea
that has allowed Giant Tiger to grow to over 200 stores.
In 1968, another simple idea was incorporated into the Giant Tiger formula - franchising! Today most of our stores are
franchised so our valued customers will be better served by
having the owner in the store. Giant Tiger franchise owners
become members of the community, sharing community concerns and serving community needs. Giant Tiger also helps
to bring communities together. In 2012, Giant Tiger donated
more than $2 million to more than 700 local associations and
charities across Canada.
Giant Tiger offers a large assortment of casual clothing and
footwear for the entire family including many of the latest
fashion items at the lowest possible price. The identical quality and fashion items offered by major chain stores are sold at
Giant Tiger often at remarkably lower prices. In addition, Giant Tiger provides everyday needs for families in groceries,
confectionery, pet food, cleaning supplies, housewares, stationery, toys and health and beauty
Join us at our Galt Store Sept. 6th
as we open our doors with a new look,
same low prices!
Here are the activities we have planned for the day:
Apprearances by Friendly, the Giant Tiger
Giant Value product sampling
Free face painting
cake and coffee
Gift cards to the first 50 customers
For Immediate Release
GRAB Your Mutt & Walk for Rescue Animals!
Grand River All Breed Rescue presents our annual charity
dog walk - Mutt Strut! The walk takes place at Riverside Park
in Cambridge on Sunday September 14th. Registration is at
10:30am and the walk starts at 11am.
The first 100 walkers will receive a treat filled goodie bag!
First 40 people to raise $200 plus and receive a free rescue
t-shirt. Enjoy doggie games, nail trims, dog bling, pet photos
and a BBQ.
All funds raised go to care for rescued dogs, cats and small
animals in need. Animals are taken in by the rescue when
local shelters/pounds can no longer keep them. The shelters
also works to help animals at local reserves. All animals receive vet care and are housed in volunteer foster homes until
adopted by responsible families.
Contact: Robin Bremner
Email: grandriverrescue@hotmail.com
Phone: (519) 650-9228
Website: www.grandriverallbreedrescue.ca
Alternate Contact:
Sandra Clarke
(519) 584-5829
Join us for the fun
and the savings!
120 Main Street, Cambridge
927 King Street East, Cambridge
To view our weekly flyer visit: and follow
us on
Cambridge Citizen • September 2014 • page 16
Years- Meet Jane Brewer
By Shelly Buyers
Photo Credit Judee Richardson -Scholfield
When visiting the Region of Waterloo website, click on Jane Brewer’s link. The first
words are in bold: “Meet Jane Brewer” followed by a description of her incredible
accomplishments as a Regional Councillor representing the City of Cambridge, as
well as Ward Alderman to the City of Cambridge Council, and Mayor of this fair city.
It doesn’t mention that she loves playing
Jane recently threw in her hat, for the last
time, to continue as Regional Councillor.
At 90, she has unfinished items on her paper agenda. She prefers paper to the online version. That way, she can take notes
and check off completed items like, seeing
the development of the east side industrial lands come to a conclusion and seeing
the roads program for Cambridge paved.
“Being Councillor does keep me busy. Not
as busy as local government did, but busy
enough,” says Jane from her cozy apartment in Preston.
“I’m a bridge player.” Jane tries to play
at least once per week. “I’m treated as a
woman who likes to play…not as the former mayor.”
Jane was born in Toronto but moved here
when she was three. With the sudden
death of her mother, she was adopted by
her grandfather, Otto Homuth, who just so
happened to be the mayor of Preston.
When her grandfather passed away, she
and her sister Pat were adopted
by an aunt and uncle. The losses
were shattering, but Jane takes
them in her stride.
“I’m one of the few people who can
say they were adopted twice,” she
Her uncle, Karl Homuth, a Member
of Parliament was stricken with
throat cancer. Often times, Jane
would speak for him when he was
unable. The foundation of her political career was setting as was her inner
spirit of giving.
“I think it was just natural that I wanted to
do something and so was very much involved politically before running for public
Jane married Don Brewer, had two children,
John and Donna, and was a stay-at-home
mom. After many years of marriage and
armed with her high school diploma, Jane
embarked on part-time studies through
Conestoga College. Her formal education
would end here, but her self-sustaining
education was just beginning.
“My children were very young and my husband was running a business. A friend of
mine said, ‘You need to do something besides looking at four walls.’”
Jane joined the Preston chapter of the
IODE a national women’s organization focusing on children, education and community involvement.
She still attends
monthly meetings
and is proud to say
that there are now
three generation of
her family involved.
After her children
were out of high
school, Jane assisted in the office
of the family business, what is now
known as Grand
Valley Distributors
Now they need you
Inc. (Brewers Car
to help them make
Parts Plus), which
is currently owned
the right decision.
and operated by
her son, John.
Present this ad for
What changed Jane
the most was a difa complimentary
ficult divorce. She
dinner for 4!*
was 56.
because I’ve of10 Melville St. N.,
ten thought that I
Cambridge, ON
wouldn’t have done
Your parents
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the street…
Chartwell offers residents
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*Some conditions apply.
what I’ve done
if I hadn’t gone
through the divorce,” she recalls.
“A good friend of
mine called one
night and said they
had the nomination papers for me
to run for city council…I just had to file
Jane had to think. She went grocery shopping. Then she met with an encouraging
friend. Why not? She ran for local council
and has not looked back.
“I truly believe God put me in this place.
The hardships shaped me.”
In 1988, Jane was elected Mayor. She has
fond memories of the role; the growth of
the Toyota Manufacturing Company is
one of many.
Her trip to Japan was an exchange of cultures. There was to be a banquet. The sight
of the Canadians proudly wearing their
red jackets as they walked up the street to
the building is foremost in Jane’s memory;
and the voices of the children singing.
However, what gives her a chuckle is the
recollection of a beautiful purse.
“It was to die for!” When the wife of the
President of Toyota noticed his loose
button, she pulled a sewing needle and
thread from the bejeweled bag and fixed
the flaw right there at the table.
Her years serving the city have been both
uplifting and tragic. When her daughter,
Donna, passed away from ovarian cancer
at 42, Jane received cards of sympathy
from people she had never met. They gave
her hope and courage. It is something she
will never forget.
She also received strength from her other
love, The Lutheran World Federation.
“I was fortunate enough to have those
seven years of actually shaping the Lutheran Church in the world.”
As the only Canadian on the board, she
was Vice President of Administration and
Finance and was involved with the Constitution Committee where she and others
tried to interpret scripture to accommodate everyone. There was a disagreement.
“Where the words came from, I’m not
sure,” says Jane. “I found [them] and said
‘Can you agree with that?’ and they did.
The constitution went through. I was part
of that!”
With only her spirit and her gut to guide
her, Jane has managed to create change
for her community and far beyond. It is
her family who she gives the most credit
to when describing her accomplishments.
“I am so fortunate. My children were always supportive and made room for me in
their lives.”
Her message is simple, “There is a place
for you.”
A mother, grandmother, great grandmother, politician, leader of change: Meet Jane
Norris Trophy (best defenseman) - Twice in the
last 5 years Chicago Blackhawks stud Duncan Keith has captured this award. He did it in
2014 and I had no problem with it. He was the
best blue liner in the game. You could pick
a half dozen names here. You could choose
Zdeno Chara the 2009 winner and perennial
contender. Or Erik Karlsson or P.K. Subban
the 2012 and 2013 winners respectively. Maybe Drew Doughty finally has a regular season
worth putting him in the conversation again.
No, I am going to go with a guy who I think will
get the benefit of the doubt if he has a great
season - and he will. I’m going with Nashville
Predator’s Shea Weber. Weber finished 2nd
in voting in 2011 to Niklas Lidstrom and 2nd
again in 2012 to Karlsson. In both years you
could argue he played better than either one
of them. He’s been a little snake bit over the
years and it doesn’t help playing in relative
obscurity in a place like Nashville but he has
been the backbone of that franchise for years
and if he has another season like his last, I
think they finally bring him on the stage to accept his Norris trophy. The argument against
Keith repeating is that it would be his 3rd win
should he win the support of the voters in
2015. There are a select few that have won
that many and they include: Doug Harvey,
Bobby Orr, Pierre Pilote, Denis Potvin, Ray
Bourque, Chris Chelios, Paul Coffey and Niklas Lidstrom. I’m not saying it’s impossible,
but it is extremely difficult to win a trifecta of
this award. I believe Weber will prosper.
Vezina Trophy (best goalie) - I could pick Henrik Lundqvist but that might be too easy. Or
maybe it isn’t. Either way, I’m going to pick
Carey Price here. It isn’t as if he’s a longshot
to win it either. Lundqvist is the 2012 winner and he’s been the best goalie in the last
decade - period. While 32 years isn’t exactly
ancient by NHL standards the truth is Lundqvist has shouldered a lot of weight over the
last few years playing on a Rangers team that
doesn’t exactly break down the door offensively to support him. So maybe he’s getting
tired since he did decline a bit last year from
his normal level. So I’ll go with Price. He’s
coming off a high from backstopping Canada to the gold medal in February during the
Olympics and he has to be seeking revenge
after getting injured during the playoffs last
spring. He’ll have something to prove and
while Montreal doesn’t score a lot of goals,
they do rely on him and Subban to lead them
to victory. Expect Price to play 65-70 games.
Hart Trophy (MVP) - I’m going with Sidney
Crosby again. He won it in 2014 and there
wasn’t a debate at all. Crosby is the premier
player in the game and anyone who disagrees
doesn’t bother following the NHL at all. The
Penguins superstar won this award in 2007
and most likely would have won it in 2011 and
2013 if his seasons weren’t cut short by injury.
He’s in the prime of his career and as far as I
am concerned this hardware is his to loose.
Art Ross Trophy (leading point scorer) - I
sound like a broken record but I am going
with Crosby here again. Granted, last year his
own teammate Evgeni Malkin who has won
it twice and is more than capable of making
it three times was injured for a chunk of the
NHL season and we barely saw any of Steve
Stamkos. That’s Crosby’s best competition
right there and we’ve yet to see Stamkos even
break the century mark in points in a season.
So a full and healthy season and I think Crosby has this wrapped up, maybe as much as
by 17 points just like last season which he did
over 2nd leading scorer Ryan Getzlaf.
Rocket Richard Trophy (leading goal scorer) I’ve got to give it to Stamkos here. He’s the
owner of the most recent 60 goal season and
he’s going to get a lot more responsibility now
that Martin St. Louis is gone. That might mean
more opportunities for him to score, we’ll see.
The only reason he didn’t win this award was
because of injuries last year thanks to his broken leg that kept him out of the Olympics as
well as the majority of the season. His best
competition is Alex Ovechkin. You can’t turn
your back on Ovechkin because he led the
NHL last year with 51 goals, but two things are
at play here: number one, Stamkos is now the
NHL’s most prolific sniper and number two,
Ovechkin is now being coached by former
longtime Nashville coach Barry Trotz who has
never been an advocate of high scoring firewagon hockey. This might hurt Ovechkin’s
numbers, so I think barring injury Stamkos
wins this in a walk.
final was between Chicago and the eventual
champion L.A. Kings during the semi-final.
The Kings beat the Rangers in the final and I
have no doubt Chicago would have done the
same. If Chicago scored that overtime goal in
Game 7 against the Kings and not the other
way around then they would have advanced
to the final. Instead they lost a heartbreaker.
My opinion is that in the Western conference
you’ve got the Blackhawks and the Kings
fighting it out. San Jose will do what they always do - choke. Anaheim is missing a piece
or two and the likes of Colorado just isn’t
ready to compete in a 7 game series against
Jonathan Toews, Patrick Kane and Duncan
Keith. The Hawks have reliable goaltending
in Corey Crawford, one of the best defensive
cores, lots of offensive depth and probably
the best leader in the sport in Toews - “Captain Serious.” Throw in another extremely
clutch player who always seems to get the big
goals in Kane, some veteran leadership in the
ageless wonder in Marian Hossa and you’ve
got your Cup winner. Boston will get there because they will avenge their defeat from the
hands of their hated rivals - Montreal. Expect
a great Cup final in 2015 and the playoff Most
Valuable player (the Conn Smythe Trophy) will
go to Toews - just like in 2010.
Stanley Cup champion - Chicago Blackhawks over Boston Bruins. I’m betting on a
repeat of the 2013 Stanley Cup final and its
result. Look, Chicago was one shot away
from winning the Cup last year. The true Cup
That’s my predictions for the major awards.
Flame away all you want but I’m going to keep
a copy of this just to see how right - or wrong
- I was. Bundle up, and enjoy the NHL season!
page 17 • Cambridge Citizen • September 2014
NHL Predictions for 2014’-15 By Phil Shlenker
As soon as you can feel the autumn weather
in the air you can bet your bottom dollar that
the NHL season is right around the corner.
With that comes loads of predictions and
what is more fun than to see what sort of predictions you made in September or October
come true by June? Or maybe they don’t and
you’re left scratching your head wondering
what you were thinking a few months back.
Either way, I’m going to take a flyer here and
do my best to predict who I think will not only
win the Stanley Cup, but who will win major
awards. So here it goes:
Cambridge Citizen • September 2014 • page 18
1102 King St. East, Cambridge, ON
Karaoke Every Sunday
September 5, 6 Chadley Chase and the Catch
September 12 - Zed
September 13 Mainland Kitchen Band
September 19, 20 - Neon Rain
September 26 - Almost Hip
September 27 - Nowhere Road
Local Artists
Unusual Gifts
Boho Wear
Essential Oils
and more
Visit us at
7 Simcoe St.
Cambridge ON
page 19 • Cambridge Citizen • September 2014
Music and Splashes of Art transform Hespeler
Downtown Hespeler was humming with art and music in celebration of A Day & Night in Hespeler - Art meets music . Guests enjoyed a little history on walking tours with local Lary Turner & Mayor Doug Craig with skits performed
by Hespeler Village Players along the tour route. They were able to get up close and personal with the artists dotted throughout the downtown core and dance, sing and toe tap to the eclectic musical sounds from a variety of
local performers. Sue Sturdy and her crew manned the super-sized loom – a community textile art project and children discovered their inner artists at the many craft and play stations.
The Costume Shop
960 King St E Unit 3
Cambridge, ON N3H 3P3
Costume Rental and Sales
Open Mid September