A Big Welcome to all our New Members


A Big Welcome to all our New Members
All Club correspondence should be directed to the Secretary:
PO Box 456 West Heidelberg 3081
Mobile: 0412 037 705
Email: northcote.odc@optusnet.com.au
Volume 25 Issue 3
Reg. No. : A0019273W
PATRONS: Miss Loretta Hanson
Mr Ray Hanson
September 2013
A Big Welcome to all our New Members
In this Issue:
 We are pleased to welcome 128 new members!
Page 12
 And Congratulations to all members who have graduated
Page 13
Dianne Vapp
 President’s Report
Page 3
Vice President:
Neil Kirk
 Announcements
Page 4
Richard Stewart
 Northcote’s 2013 Trial Schedule
Page 5
Assist. Secretary:
Reno Ciantar
 Northcote members’ Trialing Successes
Page 7
 What breed is that? A new regular section of the newsletter
Page 6
 Trial Results – Our members are still regularly in the winners
circle. Check out their latest successes.
Page 8
 Newsletter competition – No winner last month – Be the first
to answer this question and receive a prize!
Page 11
 Support our Sponsors – we couldn’t run the club without
the financial and administrative assistance of our sponsors.
Please support them.
Page 15
Ordinary Committee Members:
Lorraine Razon
Jes Shaw
Betty Smith
Melanie Micheletto
George Kourabas
Training Co-ordinators:
Loretta Hanson, Janine Brullo,
Reno Ciantar
Trial Administration
Dianne Vapp, Bernadette
Funday Administration:
Jocelyn Clarke
PLEASE NOTE: The committee is keen to hear from anyone
keen to be treasurer. See an instructor or existing
committee member if you would like to join the
management team.
Richard Stewart
Betty Smith
Lorraine Razon & Dianne Vapp
George Kourabas & Dianne Vapp
Joy Allen, Betty Smith,
& Jocelyn Clarke
Dianne Vapp
The committee of the Northcote Dog Obedience Club Inc (NODC):
Reserves the right to decide in its absolute discretion what material of any nature including but not
limited to articles and advertisements (“material”) will be published in the NODC Newsletter
Reserves the right to refuse to publish any material, to edit and/or change the format of any material
and to place conditions on the publication of any material and
Accepts no responsibility for error in the publication of any material. The opinions expressed in any
material in the NODC Newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or of the Committee of the
NODC Inc. the NODC inc does not represent warrant that the information contained in any material
including but not limited to statements as to the condition or attributes of any dog are correct and is
not to be held liable or responsible in any way whatsoever for any misstatement or error in the
information, statements or representations contained in any material.
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
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Alphington Park is an ON-LEAD Park at all times:
Please keep your dog on-lead at all times unless executing advanced exercises.
Every Club requires its members to observe certain rules. Ours are not demanding and are
based on commonsense and courtesy.
1. No food is to be given to any dog on the training ground.
2. Should your dog foul the ground, you are responsible for cleaning up with the equipment
provided. Refusal could result in being asked to leave the ground. Exercise your dog prior to
arriving at the ground.
3. Bitches in season and sick dogs are not allowed on or near the ground.
4. Training will be cancelled if the predicted temperature for Saturday is 35˚C or greater, as
forecast by the Bureau of Meteorology on day of training.
5. You are expected to be in your class by the starting time. Should you be delayed, wait until a
halt occurs, apologize for your lateness and ask to join the class.
6. All dogs must be ON-LEAD on the grounds, unless doing advanced exercises with an
Instructor. Dogs must not be left tied to posts, trees or cars unless someone is in attendance
to supervise.
7. You must keep a close watch on your dog when near other dogs to prevent aggression either
to or by your dog. You alone are responsible.
8. Chatting to each other and inattentiveness in class is rude and will not be tolerated. You
can’t expect your instructor to compete with inattentive talking handlers or repeat an exercise
because you were not paying attention.
9. CLASS FEE: You must purchase a ticket prior to entering class. If you have an advanced dog
and are not attending class you need to purchase a ticket to enter the ring.
10. If you carry a mobile phone and it rings whilst you are in class, please step out of class to
answer your call
11. All jumping of dogs over obstacles must be supervised by an Instructor.
 Parents are responsible for their children on the training grounds
 No one should approach a tethered or caged dog, with or without your own dog
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
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Normally the Winter months see fewer people at training and a decline in the
number of new members, but this year the stream of new members continues and
the classes are growing and growing!
It’s great to see so many people continuing with their
training and obtaining increasingly higher standards.
In recent months you may have noticed a new class starting up
with the “Rally” signs. This is a separate class for people who
want to train in or trial in Rally, along side traditional
obedience classes. There is more information on that class on
page 4. Many of the members of this class have started to
and I am very pleased to announce that 5 members have gained
their Rally Novice title in recent weeks. Congratulations to them all!
Some very exciting discussions are currently being held with the City of Yarra with
regards to new club rooms including our own toilet! I will keep you posted on the
progress of these talks!
Lastly, our annual Obedience Trial will be held on Melbourne Cup Day. This is an
exciting but hectic day with competitors and judges coming from all over Victoria.
We desperately need help on the day to organize the 1001 things that are required
to make a trial run smoothly. The very stressed and overworked committee needs
your help!! More information is on page 4 and there is a form to fill in on the last
page of this newsletter if you are able to help.
Have fun Training! Dianne Vapp & Bella
Keep up to date with our Club
on the Internet
Visit http://www.northcoteobediencedogclub.org.au
or facebook.com/Northcote Obedience Dog Club Inc
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
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Cup Day Trial
As announced in previous editions of the newsletter, our annual Obedience Trial will be held on the cricket
oval above our grounds, on Melbourne Cup Day, Tuesday 5th November 2013.
This year for the first time we will also be holding a Rally trial in the afternoon. We expect to have
competitors and judges come from all over Melbourne and Victoria to compete. Even if you don’t want to
enter yourselves you will learn a lot just attending the day and helping with the organization.
The committee needs your help! There are many, many jobs to do, big and small, indoor and outdoor, some
requiring lifting but many just helping with the organization. If you are able to offer ANY time, both on the
day before (Monday 4th November) to set out the rings and on the day, please fill in the form attached at the
END of this newsletter and hand it in at the Front Desk on a Saturday.
The judges and classes are listed on the Trial Schedule on the next page.
Please Help!! The committee alone cannot put on this trial – we need the members’ support!!
Meeting to discuss changes in Rally Trial Rules
The Obedience, Tracking and Endurance Committee (OTEC) is holding a meeting to discuss Rul changes for
Rally Trials. Everyone is welcome to attend and if you are trialing in Rally this is a MUST! Details are:
Notice of Meeting
Rally Obedience Judges and Handlers
A meeting to review the recent amendments to the rally obedience rule book is being held on
Monday 18 November 2013 at 8 pm
KCC Park, 655 Westernport Hwy, Skye
The changes involve clarifications and interpretations of the current rules.
This is a compulsory meeting for all licensed rally judges. Handlers are welcome to attend.
The new rules take effect 1 January 2014.
RSVP klecka@ncable.net.au or Ph: 5282 3986
Rally Classes
Rally classes have now been running since early August. They are run each week and go through some of the
Rally exercises, starting from Novice, and have some actual Rally courses set up for practicing, as seen in the
Trial rings.
Class exercises start at 1.15pm each Saturday. If you would like to join this class (you must be in class 4 or 5
only) or would like to receive the email each week with the course and notes, please email Dianne at
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
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Entries close Friday 18 October 2013
Affiliated with Dogs Victoria
Alphington Park, Parkview Road, Alphington
Melway 31 C12
MELBOURNE CUP DAY, Tuesday 5 November 2013
Entries to: Trial Secretary, PO Box 5004, Alphington Vic 3078.
Inquiries: email (preferred) diannev@tenacity.com.au or ph 0412 037 705 (day & evening to 9pm)
Cheques made payable to Northcote Obedience Dog Club Inc.
Electronic on-line entry and payment by Paypal available later. See www.vicdog.com
Obedience Judges:
Mr Barry Cotton
Mrs Noeline McIlroy
Ms Yvonne Ross, Mr Frank Tipping
Mr Ray Ashman
Mrs Dawn Howard
Rally-O Judges:
Mrs Dawn Howard
Advanced A & B: Ms Yvonne Ross
Excellent A & B: Mrs Kim Houlden
Conditions of Entry: Separate form for each entry. HAS in mm for Open and Utility. Must show titles, Rally Advanced
& Excellent also show A or B & Height Category. Photocopies are acceptable, but please trim to size. Performance
entry forms available on www.dogsvictoria.org.au. Entries confirmed by E-mail or include SSAE.
The Committee reserves the right to add to judging panel should entries be excessive
Entry Fee: $10.00 per class per dog
Catalogue: $3 each (Obedience & Rally-O combined) prepaid with entry or free online at www.vicdog.com,
a few days before the trial.
Obedience Check In: 8.00am – 8.45am
Obedience Judging Time: 9.15 am
Rally-O Check In: 11.45am – 12.30pm
Rally-O Judging Time: 1.00pm, or 30 minutes after the completion of Obedience presentations (whichever is later).
Catering: Limited
Awards: Trophy and sash for class winners, Obedience and Rally. Ribbons for second and third placings. Qualifying and title
Special Awards: Highest Obedience score in Trial – trophy and sash (CCD scores not eligible). Highest score in CCD - sash. Mavis
Hanson Memorial Perpetual Trophy to highest scoring Northcote member (CCD scores not eligible). Highest scoring Northcote
member in CCD - sash. Highest scoring Northcote member in Rally-O. Any additional awards will be detailed in the catalogue.
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
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The Rhodesian Ridgeback
The Rhodesian Ridgeback, once known as the African Lion Hound,
was developed in South Africa by Boer farmers. The farmers needed
a versatile hunting dog who could withstand the extreme
temperatures and terrain of the bush, survive when water rations
were low, protect property, and be a companion to the entire family.
They started by crossing dogs they'd brought from Europe--such as
Great Danes, Mastiffs, Greyhounds, and Bloodhounds--with a halfwild native dog kept by the Khoikhoi, a pastoral people. This dog had
a distinctive ridge of hair along its back, and breeders noticed that
crosses who had this ridge tended to be excellent hunters.
At first, the Boers primarily used the dogs to flush partridge or bring
down a wounded buck. When big-game hunting became popular,
they found that the dogs were well suited for accompanying them
when they hunted lions from horseback. The dogs would hold the
lion at bay until the hunters arrived.
A hunter named Cornelius von Rooyen began a breeding program in what was then known as Rhodesia (now
Zimbabwe). A breed standard--a written description of what the breed should look and act like--was set down in
1922, and it's changed little since then. In 1924, the Rhodesian Ridgeback was officially accepted by the South
African Kennel Union.
A Rhodesian Ridgeback male stands 690 millimetres tall at the shoulder and weighs about 40 kilogram; females are
640 millimetres tall and weigh around 34 kilogram.
The Rhodesian Ridgeback is independent and intelligent, a combination that can be entertaining, frustrating, and
rewarding, all in one. It's important to begin training early and to be firm--but not harsh--and consistent.
Because of his hunting roots, the Rhodesian Ridgeback has a high prey drive. That means stray cats and other small
furry animals aren't safe in your yard, and it also means your yard should be
securely fenced, to prevent him from going hunting on his own.
Exuberant and active in puppyhood, he matures into a quiet dog with
moderate exercise needs. The Ridgeback is protective of his home and a
discriminating barker who can be counted on to alert you to trouble. He's
reserved with strangers but gentle and affectionate with family members.
Like every dog, Rhodesian Ridgebacks need early socialization--exposure to
many different people, sights, sounds, and experiences--when they're young.
Socialization helps ensure that your Ridgeback puppy grows up to be a wellrounded dog.
Coat, Color and Grooming
The Ridgeback coat is short and shiny and tends to be odor-free. The color of the coat ranges from light wheaten to
red wheaten; in other words, buff to gold to reddish gold. Some Ridgebacks have black on the muzzle, ears, or
around the eyes.
The distinct, tapering ridge of hair on his back grows in the opposite direction of the rest of the coat, and starts just
behind the shoulder and runs to a point between the rise of the hips. The ridge usually has two whorls--hair growing
in a circular pattern--directly opposite each other. These whorls are known as crowns, and a Ridgeback with only one
crown or with more than two crowns stands little chance in the show ring.
When it comes to grooming, the Rhodesian Ridgeback is pretty low-maintenance. Give him a good going over with a
rubber curry brush weekly to remove loose or dead hair, then wipe him down with a damp cloth. Voila! A clean
Want to know more? – See Richard Stewart, the club secretary, who has a Ridgeback. He would be happy to talk
to you about his dog, the breed and its temperament.
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Northcote Members Trialing Successes!
Competition Trialing with your dog is the most rewarding and equally the most frustrating of pasttimes!!
When you get it right, it is the highest of highs - addictive and oh so satisfying. Seeing all those
hours of hard work pay off when you and your dog work as a team and they do exercises you
weren’t really sure they could do - those are the great days.
What’s not to love! You are out in the fresh air with your
dog, demonstrating how much (or how little) you know,
and well those frustrating times when you are sitting on a
pass for the first time in over a year and all you have to
finish is the 1 minute sit when someone from the next ring
loudly yells “drop” at the 58 second mark and your dog
drops, and you just want to cry, well you don’t think about
those moments (much). Still, there’s always next time.
For me, trialing is a sport best shared. For most of last
year I was the only person from the club trialing in
Obedience and Rally trials. And while being the only
Northcote member was a blessing for the times we did
badly (and believe me there were many) and the
embarrassing times you trip over or go the wrong way
(hmm, lots of those as well) when you do finally have a
win or gain a pass, its nice to share that with other likeminded, equally daft and obsessed people you know and
who understand what you’ve been through to achieve
that success.
This year, I finally managed to convince more Northcote members to have a go at Rally, and a
small group of us have been trialing together. It’s so much more rewarding to share the
experience. And boy, WHAT A SUCCESS!!
Richard and Jim, pictured above, have both been extremely successful, gaining their Rally
Novice titles in only 3 trials. Richard managed a PERFECT 100/100 for his first trial, and was
placed 1st in the ring! Jim also did extremely well with an amazing 96/100! Janice Crooks, Gayle
Baxter, Julie Conroy and Ernie Frappa have also gained
their Rally Novice titles this year.
Janice and Gayle have been trialing for years in Agility
and both have had tremendous success gaining many
titles. Janice’s Harvie, pictured right, as well as gaining
his Novice title, also gained his Novice Snooker title in
So, come and join the trialing gang. We have a lot of fun
and get lots of exercise and fresh air. And it’s great to
have someone to share the experiences with. Come
and talk to me, or Richard or Jim, or any of the other members trialing and we can tell you all
about what a fantastic sport it is! Hope to see you soon.
Dianne Vapp (and Bella)
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
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Many more members have started trialing and the hard work is certainly paying off. These results
show a number of different people and different dogs in a HUGE variety of trials. For the first
time in a LONG time (maybe ever!) the results go over 2 pages.
There are many activities in which you can participate with your dog, so if you are interested in
pursuing something new, please talk to one of the committee members, or any of the members
listed below who would be more than happy to talk to you.
Maybe we will see your successes in the next newsletter too!
Results for 2013 since last newsletter:
16/03/13 at Southern
 Janice Crooks & Harvie – received 1st pass in
CCD with a score of 90/100
13/07/2013 at East Gippsland
Dianne Vapp & Bella – received 5th double pass in
Rally Advanced Excellent with a score of
79/100 (Advanced Ring) and a score of 72/100
(Excellent Ring)
28/07/2013 at GSP Club RATG trial
 Dianne Vapp & Bella – received 2nd pass in
Retrieving Ability Test for Gundogs in Novice
class with a score of 80/100.
28/04/13 at Croydon
 Janice Crooks & Harvie – received 2nd pass in
CCD with a score of 90/100
19/05/13 at Berwick
 Janice Crooks & Harvie – received 3rd pass in
CCD with a score of 91/100. Congratulations
on receiving your title!
09/06/2013 at East Gippsland
 Dianne Vapp & Bella – received 3rd double
pass in Rally Advanced Excellent with a score
of 79/100 (Advanced Ring) and a score of
72/100 (Excellent Ring)
 Dianne Vapp & Bella – received 4rd double
pass in Rally Advanced Excellent with a score
of 82/100 (Advanced Ring) and a score of
84/100 (Excellent Ring)
15/06/2013 at Labrador Retriever Club RATG trial
 Dianne Vapp & Bella – received 1st pass in
Retrieving Ability Test for Gundogs in Novice
class with a score of 75/100
15/06/2013 at Warringal Agility Trial
 Janice Crooks & Harvie – received pass in
Novice Strategic Pairs and Masters Agility
29/06/2013 at Schipperke Agility Trial
 Janice Crooks & Harvie – received two
passes in Masters Agility
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
25/08/2013 at Moorabbin
 Jim Allen & Jessie – received 1st pass in Rally
Novice with a score of 96/100.
 Dianne Vapp & Bella – received pass in Rally
Advanced B with a score of 93/100
 Richard Stewart and Tessie – received 1st
pass in Rally Novice with a PERFECT score of
100/100. They were also placed 1st in the
31/08/2013 at Geelong
 Dianne Vapp & Bella – received pass in Rally
Advanced B with a score of 71/100
07/09/2013 at Dogs Victoria State Trial
 Janice Crooks & Harvie – received 3 pass in
Novice Snooker and were placed 1st in the
ring. Congratulations on receiving your
08/09/2013 at Northern
 Jim Allen & Jessie – received 2nd pass in Rally
Novice with a score of 78/100
 Richard Stewart and Tessie – received 2nd pass
in Rally Novice with a score of 76/100
 Ernie Frappa & Kandi – received pass in Rally
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TRIAL RESULTS – continued!
EVEN MORE Results for 2013 continued:
September 13
 Janice Crooks & Astro – received 3nd pass in
Rally Novice. Congratulations on receiving
your title!
Please ensure you give your scores in at
the Office or to a Northcote ODC
Committee member to ensure publication
in the Newsletter;
21/09/2013 at Knox
 Jim Allen & Jessie – received 3rd pass in Rally
Novice with a score of 98/100.
Congratulations on receiving your title!
 Richard Stewart and Tessie – received 3rd
pass in Rally Novice with a score of 92/100
and in the afternoon trial an additional pass
with a score of 96/100. Congratulations on
receiving your title!
 Ernie Frappa & Kandi – received pass in Rally
Novice. Congratulations on receiving your
11/10/13 at Golden & Gordon Clubs
 Dianne Vapp & Bella – received pass in Rally
Advanced B with a score of 85/100, and
were placed 3rd in the ring.
You must submit a Club APPLICATION FORM
to the Club Secretary no later than 28 February
2014 once your dog has obtained an Australian
National Kennel Council (ANKC) Title. (We
recognise all AKNC titles - not just Obedience.)
Give your forms and title copy to the Office or
email northcote.odc@optusnet.com.au
In order to be eligible for a gift at the 2014
AGM in recognition of trialing titles/awards
gained during the 2013 calendar year:
 Please give or send a copy of your Dogs
Victoria certificate to the Secretary;
 You must have recorded a min. of 10
attendances at Club training: and
 Please ensure to sign your name into the
exercise book at the front desk on each
training day attendance at Club this
calendar year
New Trial Calendar Website!
For all current Trial Information relating
to Obedience, Rally DWD, RATG, Tracking
& Endurance visit:
For all current Trial Information relating
to Agility visit:
See the NODC Noticeboard
for more details on upcoming
trials and copies of Trial
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
Janice Crook’s Astro, after gaining his CCD
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Trial Closing Date is shown in brackets on the right.
We were very sorry to hear of the passing of Julie Conroy’s Cavvy Oscar, and Jes Shaw’s boy Kane.
They were well loved and will be sorely missed.
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
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One of the oldest
dogs to ever live,
an Australian
cattle dog, lived
for 29 years and
5 months. Les
Hall of Victoria,
Australia, got
Bluey as a puppy
in 1910, and the
dog worked with
cattle and sheep
for nearly 20
years before
being put to sleep
on Nov. 14, 1939.
Our Club Statistics and Facts
 The Northcote Obedience Dog
Club was founded in 1988
Got something we could use in our newsletter?
Email: Dianne at dvhome@tenacity.com.au
No-one correctly identified the
end of the financial year as 31st
In this edition –
What year was the club
 The Club’s main aim is to teach you
how to train your dog,
responsible dog ownership.
 For those who joined this year, the
most popular breed was Staffordshire
Terrier, closely followed by Labrador
and Border Collie. The most popular
name was Bella.
Remember 3 things when
training :
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
Praise where it is due
Correction where it
Above all, be consistent.
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A Big Welcome to all our New Members
15th June to 5th October
Sava Antoniou & Buddy
Emily Armstrong & Rosie
Llewi Bargh & Marlon Bargh
& Truffle
Laura Giszewslu & Tom Giszewslu
& Danni
Julia Glush & Rusty
Jon Hagger & Elli
Alister Bayston & Gabriel Bayston
& Jasper
Jackie Hancock & Simba
Andrew Benjamin & Banjo
Louise Hearman & Pigly
Greg Beresnev & Catherine
Brimble Combe
& Charlie
Robyn Henderson & Minnie
Alana Birchall & Bella
Nancy Hanley & Bamboo
Tuan Hoang & Ann Tan
& Dexter
Julia Blackwood & Adie
Tessa Hoffman & Paul Young
& Rusty
Madison Brown & Ann Brown
& Leroy
Billy Hogan & Fiona Wright
& Dot
Alistair Brown & Sara Connolly
& Jedi
Jioshna Holdsworth & Josephine
Hughes & India
Susan Browne & Tony Browne
& Bobby
Dante Howard & Jaguan Howard
& Stella
Dianne Camilleri & Truffles
Carly Iles & Luke Waddell
& Marley
Cathyrn Canteri & Justin Berasconi
& Zeeha
Henry Inglis & Frankie
Georgia Cavin & Maisy
Elisha Kelly & Molly
Marlene Chila & Harry
Camilla Kelly & Grundy
Louise Crowe & Liam Sutton
& Rafa
Emily Keppel & Coco
Anthea Dee & Murphy
Max Dennehy & Frankie
Lydia Disint & Bella
Christine Killingsworth & Lucinda
Breen & ?friend
Andrew King & Anne McNavin
& Bosco
Kath Dolan & Diva
Christine Knee Chong & Brenton
Knee Chong & Sally
Geoff Donohue & Alan Donohue
& Bella
Simone Kunek & Benji
Brendan Douglas & Scout
Penny Lamble & Ruby
Evan Douglas-Smith & Trigger
Katie Larson & Nala
John Downes & Gracie
Dominique Lemon & Frankie
Alison Egan & Jeremy Crase
& Matey
Grant Lester & Nina Zimmerman
& Dougal
Marie Fabris & Shelby
Philippa Losper & Brixton
Sarah Farnsworth & Maizy
Ben MacFarlane & Stevie
Matthew Fisher & Lizzy
Caroline Maher & Lohn Belfrage
& Desi
Ernie Frappa & Kandi
Paul McLean & Maisey
Kate Gallus & Ben Wardle
& Abbey
Mat McLeish & Hunter
Elena Gaziyna & Jake
Shaun McLeod & Abbey McLeod
& Lotta
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
Amy McWilliam & Oliver
Andrew Mock & Marie Sinclair
& Harvey
Sandra Munroe-Wilson
& Molly Rose
Morten Neve & Buddy
Jade Parr & Geoff Donohue
& Louie
Oscar Perri & Gus Perri
& Reggie
Allison Piper & Kerry Lowen
& Bonnie
Martin Porter & Adele Walters
& Sarge
Maggie Prince & Sam Wilkinson
& Taffy
Alex Renaudin & Isabelle
Renaudin & Milo
Carly Rothschild & Misty
Melanie Saba & Dolly
Ben Schulz & Kira
Benn Scrivener & Ruth Barnett
& Lacey
Dianna Spicer & Bailey
Barbara Stephens & Jack
Katherine Thomas & Peter
Antonopoulos & Leah
Fiona Tosolini & Bobsy
Tony Trapani & Felice Trapani
& Daisy
Henry Von Doussa & Rizzo
Maria Vrbovszki & Pat
O’Shannassy & Darey
Lauren Walkley & Jason Hiskins
& Mali
Peter Walsh & Ziggy
Ruby Warber & Banjo
Louise Wheelahan & Mary Little
& Hilde
Rody Wheeler & Buddie
Emily Wilson & Stuart Omond
& Jessie
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And a Big Congratulations to all Members
who have graduated to a new Class !
From Puppies to Class 1
Ian Sequeira & Lilly
Darcy Warren & Ninna
Faye Lendell & George
Keren Jackobson & Milly
Kim Singline & Chester
Kire Sterjovski & Coco
Nicole Hartley & Maggie May
Phillip Bloeman & Chester
Raema Sterjovski & Coco
Stevie Brownsea & Zippy
Tim Thomas & Chewie
Verity Brownsea & Zippy
Diane Ward & Rusty
Margaret Howard & Lochie
Meg Wilkinson & Saffron
Tara Piazza & Franklin
Vince Argiro & Mya
Kit Hodges & Damian Hodges & Luna
Neve Moiten & Buddy
Ben Fergeson & Buster
Meghan Fergeson & Buster
Alexandra Hobbs & Banks
Jayne Hobbs & Banks
Alex Hobbs & Banks
Anna Isaks & Percy
Jason Isaks & Percy
Sam Wilkinson & Taffy
Anthea Dee & Murphy
Josephine Hughes & India
From Class 1 to Class 2
Janet Hagger & Archie
Jeff Eels & Ruby
Kath McColl & Mack
Patrick Rice & Scoota
Sophia Dimitropoulos & Ally
Zoe Graham & Leo
Diane Ward & Rusty
Margaret Howard & Lochie
Barnaby Willis & Hazel
Ian Sequeira & Lilly
Julie Finning & Appa
Kath Dolan & Diva
Michelle Woulaham & Doc
Paul Wilson & Appa
Rob – Henderson & Minnie
Rob Bailey & Minder
Isabel Souter & Edie
Katie Larsen & Nala
Jason Hiskins & Mali
Emily Keppel & Coco
Emily Wilson & Vessie
Faye Kendall & George
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
From Class 1 to Class 2…continued
Robyn Pang & Ari
Michael Finnigan & Digby
Phil McLean & Maisey
Stevie Brownsea & Zippy
Tara Piazza & Franklin
Caroline Maher & Desi
Elena Gazina & Jake
Kire Sterjovsjki & Coco
Kit Hodges & Luna
Mason Bower & Alby
Neve Moiten & Buddy
Stuart Omond & Jessie
Suzanne Allnut & Minnie
Nicole Hartley & Maggie May
Sarah Farnsworth & Maizy
Alistor Bayston & Jasper
Raema Sterjovski & Coco
Tim Thomas & Chewie
From Class 2 to Class 3
Reno Ciantar & Bella
Jill Ohman & Tennessee
Claire McConuille & Jess
Margaret Howard & Lochie
Mathew Porter & Gordon
Zoe Graham & Leo
Dominique Lemon & Franie
Linda McCloskey & Daisy
Olga Katseris & Bailey
Patrick Rice & Scoota
From Class 3 to Class 4
Bernadette James & Mr Darcy
Kathryn Stevenson & Henry
Melanie Micheletto & Wilson
Elvie Gothard & Fei
Reno Ciantar & Bella
Elizabeth Porter & Gordon
Claire McConville & Jess
Jackie Crockford & Tyson
Jessie Cunningham & Captain
Linda McCloskey & Daisy
Nicola Dalheim & Suki
From Class 4 to Class 5
Lainie Parker & Billy
Elizabeth Sleigh & Jack
Faye Bowyer & Rufus
Elvie Gothard & Fei
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Yellow Bandanas still
A reminder to all members that the
Yellow Bandanas are available from the
Office to all members, whose dogs need
special consideration.
This bandana will signify “Give Me My
Space” for any dog that needs a little
room and where you don’t want other
dogs or people rushing up to you.
This could be for a variety of reasons:
 The dog may be shy and scared of
other dogs or people;
 The dog may be aggressive;
 You may have trouble controlling
your dog around other dogs.
For whatever reason, if you want to
signify to other members and their dogs
that they should NOT APPROACH, please
see the Office. The Bandana will initially
be free of charge to you, but you will
need to take care of it and bring it each
week, until you don’t require it any
more. If you lose or damage the
Bandana you will need to pay a small
fee for a replacement.
So if you see a dog wearing a Yellow
Bandana from now on – please give
them a wide berth and don’t touch them
or allow your dog to rush up to them or
play without talking to the handler first.
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
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Items for Sale
at Marked prices
We are currently seeking members who would like to enrich their obedience experience by becoming an
Instructor. We will run another Instructor’s course as soon as we have enough participants.
You must have trained a dog to Class 3 level minimum and completed our Instructors Course, consisting
of lectures & a practical session. You would be required to 'understudy' our Instructors for a minimum of
6 months to obtain an understanding of our methods and the various techniques our Instructor's utilize.
All of our Instructors must carry a current 'Working With Children' Card. You must also be a member of
the Club for at least 6 months.
We do not expect you to give up training your dog, nor do you need to commit to every weekend of the
year. The more instructors we have, the more we can share the workload and occasionally train our own
Instructing can be a very rewarding pastime!
If you are interested in becoming a NODC Instructor please see a Committee
Member or see your Instructor.
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
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Our Sponsors
Veterinary Clinics
Ivanhoe Central
Veterinary Clinics
51 Upper Heidelberg Rd
Ivanhoe 3079
(03) 9499 3691
Fax 9499 1387
470 Wellington St., Clifton Hill 3068
Est. 1973 by John Sandford
 Ox Cheek
 Roo
 Beef and Chicken
 Rabbit Mince
Specialists in pet
supplies and also
stock feed and
OPEN Mon to Fri
8.00am – 5.30pm
Sat 8.00am – 3.30pm
Sun Closed
 •Consultations
 Vaccinations
 Dental
 Surgery
 Cryo Surgery
 Health Checks
 Microchipping
 Desexing
 Xrays
 Orthopaedics
 House Calls
 Grooming
 Pet Foods
9489 4055 all hours
647 High Street THORNBURY
Phone: 03 9484 3805 ● fax: 03 9484 6506
Thank you to our Sponsors for their continued
Thanks to the City of Yarra for the
continued use of Alphington Park.
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
Fax: 9486
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2013 Obedience Trial Helpers Form
If you are able to help out at the Melbourne Cup Day Obedience Trial, please fill in the form below
and return it by email to diannev@tenacity.com,au, or hand it in at the Front Desk on Saturday.
We require as much help as we can get, so please help if you can, even if it is for just an hour or
two. You don’t have to commit to the whole day.
We will start the day at 6.30am, setting up the rings and the equipment. There will be a change of
equipment in the rings sometime between 11.30am and 1.00pm, and the second trial should start
around 1.00pm. It should be all finished and ready to pack up at around 3.00pm.
If you are able to help in the morning we will give you toast and coffee or tea!! During the day
there will be sausages or cake available.
It does not matter if you also plan to enter the trial – we can work around that and there will be
plenty for you to do in between classes. We will make sure whatever job you get, for example
selling raffle tickets, will not distract you from your dog and your ring.
Email Address:
Are you a member of
Dogs Victoria?
Are you also planning on
entering the trial
 Yes
 No
 No
 Yes, Obedience Only
 Yes, Rally Only
 Yes, Both Obedience and Rally
What time can you arrive?
How long are you able to
Do you have a preferred
Any other comments or
things we need to know?
Thank you! Your help is much appreciated!!
Northcote Obedience Dog Club Newsletter, September 2013
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