October 18 - St. Stephen`s Catholic Church
October 18 - St. Stephen`s Catholic Church
IN THIS ISSUE: Gospel Reflection, page 2 Lights of Love and Remembrance, page 3 First Reconciliation Presentations This Week, page 4 Fr. Joe Kuharski’s Podcast Picks, page 4 School News, page 5 Information Meeting Set for High School Mission Trip to Washington, D.C., page 7 October 18, 2015 | 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 525 Jackson Street, Anoka, MN 55303 | 763.421.2471 | StStephenChurch.org !,/$0,3)9$"(1$ "13#)4$=*)9$ 4>'5*"#$(''14?$$ )9'*/$-"@*#*'4$ "(1$5"/'+*&'/4$ !"##$%&'()$ %&'(*(+$,-$.),/0)'##*(+$"(1$234*5$ 6,7$8'79"/1!.),/0)'##'/$ :,'$;,4<,)"!234*5*"( $ !/*1"0?$A,&'@7'/$B$ BCDEFG$>H@H$ $ Special Followers of Christ Survey We need your help! Do you know someone in our community who has special needs, or does someone in your home have special needs? We have a special needs ministry and would like to know how we can serve your needs. Please follow this link and complete a quick survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9FCYYTP. This will be very helpful to us and we thank you for your time. If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Barbara Ferron (bferron@ststephenchurch.org or (763) 712-7458). $ "#$%"#&'(&)*+%,-#(./01%,(231($ IJI$:"5<4,($.)/'')?$K(,<"$ L"/)*5*>"()4$=*##$7'$ "7#'$),$3)*#*M'$*L"14$),$ @"<'$,/*+*("#$@34*5H$$ :,'$;,4<,)"$9"4$ >37#*49'1$)=,$NO4$ =*)9$*(1*&*13"#4$=*)9$ 4>'5*"#$(''14H$ $ Knights of Columbus Fall Breakfast Next Sunday Join fellow parishioners and guests for a delicious breakfast Sunday, October 25 after the 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Masses in the Faith Community Center. The Knights will be serving scrambled eggs with ham (plain scrambled eggs for those who prefer no ham), O’Brien potatoes, and the world famous Anoka KC bread pudding. Beverages include coffee, milk, and orange juice. Proceeds benefit St. Stephen’s School and Hope 4 Youth. Pastor’s Page | Fr. Jack Long A Reflection for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Directory ©Liturgical Publications Inc PARISH OFFICE 763-421-2471 "Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant." In the wake of James and John's vanity, Jesus offers this directive. These two apostles had been thinking in terms of prominence, glory, and worldly honor. They wanted their association with Jesus to lead to public recognition and respect as they took their places at his right and left. But Jesus put them in their place. Director, Bernie Leach 763-712-7435 Associate, Barbara Ferron 763-712-7458 Associate/School Liturgy Coordinator, Terri Renner 763-712-7459 As was typical of so many of his teachings, Jesus upset the status quo. He told his followers that, although "great ones make their authority over them felt ... it shall not be so among you." Then, he put forward this clear image of the servant leader: "Whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all." As followers of Christ, this instruction applies to us as well. We are called to the humility of service that seeks neither personal glory nor gain. We are called to use what authority we may have in the world for the benefit of our brothers and sisters, not for the sake of stroking our own egos. It's easy to pat ourselves on the back for the good works that we do--to think that we are superior Christians, that others owe us a debt of gratitude, or that our names should be engraved on a public placard in some noteworthy hall. But Jesus calls us to a different standard--the one he himself exemplified through his life of service. At the same time, today's Gospel gives us cause to meditate upon our association with Jesus and what we hope to get out of it. Why are we Christian? Are we only after the glory of heaven? Are we afraid to publicly profess our faith when it might hurt our reputation? Or are we in this for the love of the Lord, who came into this world "to serve and to give his life as a ransom" for us? Thank You FAITH FORMATION Director and Adult Formation, Katie Gebhard 763-712-7439 Early Childhood (Sun. School), Ann Ridder 763-712-7430 Elem. Formation, Children’s Sacraments, Emilie Bauer 763712-7430 M.S. Formation, Tammy Santander 763-712-7480 H.S. Formation/Confirm., Chantell Haider 763-712-7440 RCIA Coordinator, Pam Havel 763-712-7437 Youth Ministry, Troy Bauer 763-712-7456 Formation Asst., Mary Johnson, 763-712-7456 LATINO MINISTRY Deacon Ramón Garcia 763-712-7482 Suzanne Garcia 763-712-7464 PASTORAL CARE Director, Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer, SSND, 763-712-7441 SCHOOL Main Office 763-421-3236 Principal, Rebecca Gustafson 763-712-7484 PARISH ADMINISTRATION Administrator, Jay Gish 763-712-7434 Human Resources and Finance Director., Lynne Pinewski 763-712-7472 Facility Manager, Chuck Wilson, 763-712-7474 Office Manager, Monica Freeman 763-712-7438 Admin. Asst., Facility Scheduling, Bulletin Coord., Julie Gerads 763-712-7485 Admin. Asst., Marketplace Coord., Eileen Howe 763-712-7478 Admin. Asst., Cemetery Coord., Mary Jane Beberg 763-712-7479 Admin. Asst., Renee Hogan 763-712-7442 Weekend Admin. Asst., Sharon Sroga 763-421-2471 Weekend Admin. Asst., Kathy Whittaker 763-421-2471 Weekend Admin. Asst., Mary Ann Caesar 763-421-2471 Need Prayer? The Church of St. Stephen Intercessory Prayer Group will pray for any of your needs: health, financial, marital, spiritual. All requests are confidential. If you have a prayer request, please call Joan, 763-2705370 or Dolores, 763-421-0612. The Church of St. Stephen is served by the clergy of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis Mary Lou Wesp and Jackie Fletcher-Gill Our families would like to thank St. Stephen’s staff members for their caring support with the funeral of Nicholas Fletcher. It was beautiful. Our special thanks to Fr. Mike Van Sloun, Fr. Jack Long, Fr. Kevin Manthey, Bernie Leach, Barb LeCuyer, the Funeral Luncheon Group, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and Mary Jane Beberg for always being there for us. God bless. 2 WORSHIP Priest Staff Fr. Jack Long, Pastor Fr. Kevin Manthey, Parochial Vicar Fr. Joseph Kuharski, Parochial Vicar Deacons Rev. Mr. Peter Bednarczyk Rev. Mr. Charles Waugh Rev. Mr. Ramón Garcia Worship Come Ring with Us! The Handbell Choir is looking for one or two new members interested in a challenging and interesting ministry opportunity. This ministry requires knowledge of basic music notation and commitment to weekly rehearsals on Thursday afternoons from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. The Handbell Choir plays at Christmas, Easter and one weekend Mass per month from September through Pentecost. For more information, please call Terri Renner: 763-712-7459; trenner@ststephenchurch.org. MASS Intentions Monday, October 19 8:00 a.m. Pete and Isabel Dietrich Tuesday, October 20 8:00 a.m. Russell Blue Wednesday, October 21 8:00 a.m. Frank and Marilyn Schmidt 9:00 a.m. Michael Talbot Thursday, October 22 8:00 a.m. John W. Long Lights of Love to Be Displayed During November Lights of Love has been a tradition at St. Stephen’s since 1992. It has been a wonderful way to remember and pray for loved ones who have passed away, while raising funds for the parish’s charity account. With Lights of Love we remember the way these special individuals let their light shine before us in the past (Mt. 5:16) and pray that they may now enjoy everlasting light. This venerable tradition will take place the month of November, a month the Catholic Church has always set aside for remembering those who have gone before us. The month of November begins with All Saints Day and All Souls Day for this very reason. Throughout the month of November, the lights will be artfully displayed behind the statue of St. Stephen, our patron saint. As the light fades outside, the lights of remembrance for our loved ones will grow in that beautiful corner of our Worship space. Those who are interested in reserving one or more lights are invited to complete the form in the bulletin and return it to the parish office any time now, with a final deadline of November 9. The minimum donation is $10.00 per name. The funds generated by this worthwhile project will be set aside for outreach to those who are in need. As names are turned in, they will be recorded on sheets that will be placed near the St. Stephen statue and the number of lights behind St. Stephen will reflect the number of names each week. May our loved ones who have gone before us in death share Christ’s victory and enjoy forever the vision of his glory. Friday, October 23 8:00 a.m. Josephine and Thomas Plante Saturday, October 24 8:00 a.m. G.R. - Special Intention 5:00 p.m. Ralph Smithers Sunday, October 25 8:30 a.m. Parishioners 10:30 a.m. Warren Ward 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) Nicholas Fletcher 6:00 p.m. Rita Kovar Presider & Musician Schedule Weekend of October 24/25, 2015 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joe Kuharski Parables Accompanist - Monica Thibault 8:30 a.m. Fr. Joe Kuharski Adult Contemporary Ensemble Accompanist - Marie Tomala 10:30 a.m. Fr. Kevin Manthey Adult Choir Accompanist - Nancy Furch 12:30 p.m. Fr. Kevin Manthey Corazon Mariano 6:00 p.m. Fr. Joe Kuharski Jennie Koch Accompanist - Linn Ahrendt Please light a “Light of Love and Remembrance” in memory of: Name: _____________________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________________ Name of donor: _____________________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Amount enclosed: __________ www.ststephenchurch.org/worship/ Readings for the Week Sunday: Is 53:10-11/Heb 4:14-16/Mk 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 Monday: Rom 4:20-25/Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21/Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Rom 6:12-18/Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Rom 6:19-23/Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Rom 7:18-25a/Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Rom 8:1-11/Lk 13:1-9 Next Sunday: Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52 3 Faith Formation Allow Mary to Lead You to the “Divine Mercy” of Her Son First Reconciliation Presentations This December 8, you have a very special opportunity to seek the Divine Mercy of God. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, will be declaring the beginning of the Jubilee Year of Mercy this December 8, on the feast day of The Immaculate Conception. This is no accidental date. Our Lady’s special role in salvation history is to bring all of us to the Mercy of Her Son. Students preparing for First Reconciliation will attend a presentation either Tuesday, November 3, or Wednesday, November 4, from 6:50-7:25 p.m. in FCC 8 and 9. At least one parent and the student should attend ONE of these presentations. For more information, please contact Emilie Bauer at ebauer@ststephenchurch.org, 763-712-7430. You are invited to participate in a six week group retreat / study with the book 33 Days to Morning Glory by Father Michael Gaitley. The retreat will prepare you for Marian Consecration this December 8. Consecration to Jesus through Mary gives our Holy Mother permission, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to assist us on our spiritual journey in a very powerful way. This consecration, intersecting this Holy Feast Day and the Pope’s declaration of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, is a powerful way to commit yourself more deeply and personally to Our Lord Jesus Christ. If you have been looking for a way to go deeper into your faith, if you have ever wondered if it’s really possible to grow in holiness, if you want to experience the motherly care of our Spiritual Mother, Mary, as Christ intended when He gave her to us from the cross, if you want to make the most of this blessed and grace filled year, please join us. Two groups will be offered: Monday evenings: November 2 – December 7, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Tuesday mornings: November 3 – December 8, from 9:00-10:30 a.m. To register and order materials, please call Kathy (763-755-6131) or Robin (763-421-0333) by October 20. High School Youth Ministry Events The Refuge: October 21, 6-8:00 p.m. A time to drop in for games, faith sharing, hanging out and learning from each other. Faith through Film: October 28, 6:309:00 p.m. Watch Captain America, enjoy snacks, and join in a spirited conversation about the film. Last Friday Night: October 30, 810:00 p.m. There’s no better way to spend a Friday night! Come chill with friends - food, music, games, fun! www.ststephenchurch.org/faithformation 4 Fr. Joe Kuharski's Podcast Picks Fr. Joe is excited about two Catholic podcasts started up by some friends and would like to share them. One podcast was just launched in Rome this summer, called “Catholic Bytes”. It consists of 7-9 minute segments in which a seminarian or student priest is interviewed about a topic of faith related to their specialized field of study. Perfect for busy Catholics who want solid Catholic content on the go. http://catholicbytespodcast. com/ The other podcast is done by priests in Denver, and has been very successful: “Catholic Stuff You Should Know.” It covers a wide-range of both prominent and obscure Catholic topics in a light-hearted manner. These ones are usually at least a half an hour, but are often very funny and have gotten very high ratings on iTunes. http://catholicstuffpodcast.com/ School Thank You! Enroll with Confidence Becky Gustafson, Principal Thank you for supporting our school by purchasing/selling raffle tickets. Thank you for attending the September 27 pancake breakfast! Thank you especially to the Raffle Committee for organizing the parish Pancake Breakfast. Your hard work, before, during and after the breakfast is much appreciated. Thank you, Michelle Smith, Jackie and Bill Hoppenrath, Angie and Greg Burnes, Connie Hergenrader, Lisa Schindlbeck LaPlante; Sheila Prosper, and Lori and Robert Hatton, for your work on the committee. Thank you to the teachers and fabulous parents who stepped in to serve juice and scrape dishes. I am proud of our middle school students who volunteered and completed their service hours requirement by serving at the breakfast or at Mass. We raised $3,427 at the pancake breakfast! From pre-school through eighth grade, St. Stephen’s School offers a quality faith-based Catholic Education. Come join our family of believers. All are welcome! To enroll, please call the school office at 763-421-3236. 2015 Anoka Halloween Parade We are very excited that St. Stephen’s Catholic School will be participating in the 2015 Anoka Halloween Parade on Saturday, October 31! The School Advisory Council needs your help ensuring our float is a success! We are seeking donations of hay bales (15+) and corn stalks (5+). We also need YOU! Do you love to decorate and have a knack for building? We are in need of decorators and builders to construct the float on Friday, October 30 at 5:00 p.m. in the School Parking Lot! Volunteers and their families will be given the first opportunity to participate in the parade! Donations, volunteering and general questions…please contact the School Advisory Council Parade Committee: Sandy Lang – bradandsandy@live.com, Jackie Hoppenrath – jackiehoppenrath@ gmail.com, or Melissa Jacobs – ssc.jacobs4@gmail.com. Students Study Minnesota History Mrs. Ashley Widmyer, Fifth Grade Teacher Fifth graders at St. Stephen’s School have begun studying Minnesota History. Students read about Lake Itasca, the Mayo Clinic, and the many inventions that originated from Minnesota. In addition to these readings, students had the opportunity to create their own license plate. The students had a great time using their imaginations to create their plates. Mission Statement St. Stephen’s Catholic School is a caring Christian community that nourishes spiritual development and academic excellence. Philosophy St. Stephen’s Catholic School integrates faith with academics to prepare students to make solid Christian choices. It is an accredited, private school, comprised of pre-school, elementary, and middle school levels. Faith: As a vital part of the parish community, we educate students in a Catholic atmosphere enriched by the Gospel messages of peace and justice. The spiritual development of students is the primary goal. The school recognizes that a person's faith is formed by living out that faith in community through prayer, worship, service and study; and grounded in our Catholic tradition. Academics: In partnership with their family, each student is encouraged and directed to reach his or her potential. Our academic program emphasizes mastery of the basics, academic excellence, and a variety of extracurricular activities. The school prepares students to be fully equipped for their next level of academic achievement. Community: The school seeks to provide a safe and trusting learning environment where each student is valued and challenged to grow spiritually, academically, emotionally, socially, and physically. www.ststephenschool.org 5 Pastoral Care Grief Support Please Pray for... The North Metro Grief Support Coalition (in which St. Stephen’s is a participant) began a series of six grief support sessions on Thursday, October 15. You are invited to come, even if you missed the first session. The sessions are at St. Timothy’s in Blaine, 707 89th Avenue NE, 55434. They begin at 6:45 p.m. with a speaker, followed by a break and facilitated small group time, ending at 9:00 p.m. It is best to come to the entire series, but come when you can. For more information, there are flyers in our parish office or call the coalition phone number: 763-413-2985. Susie Abbott Michael Abbott Lynn Aker Jo Alexander Rosie Ancheta Eleanor Anderson Casanova Antonia Geoff Arseneau Donna Bajtosh Rose Bartholomew Pat Bednarczyk Bruce Berg Matt Berg Sue Berg Harlen Beyer Judy Biermaier Anne Blue Jeffery Blue Wayne Blue James Boyce Don Breyen Julie Bright Kenneth Bright Sheila Brisbin Jerry Brletich Phil Brunt Deborah Burkhardt-Cotter Harold Burkhardt Jr. Theresa Burns Erma Butler Dorothy Carver Judy Chouinard Shane Cotter Jr. Karen Czech Daniel Daly Bernice Davich Phyllis Day Aeryn DeKrey Samantha Rose DeLapp Rosemary Donnette Barb Dryden Jami Ducharme Richard Duclos Roslyn Duclos Jeff Eickhoff Pam Eklund Rachel Aykens Elliot Charlie Evans Sr. Catherine Fiegen Liam Fields Theresa Filkins Richard Fillmore Jeff Fox Paul Gammelgaard John Gobernatz Sherry Goldenstein Mila Gonser-McGill Lynn Gravett Cullen Groff Gloria Guimont Guthrie Family Don Haller Greg Harm Cody Harmon Sandra Hartmann Khloe Hartnett Mary Heie J.C. and E.L.P. Hernandez Jane Herr Tatiana Huele Katy James James Januschka Tammie Kaslow Mass of Remembrance A Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated on All Souls’ Day, Monday, November 2, at 7:00 p.m. We pray especially for all parishioners who have died since November 2, 2014. Getting to Know You If you are already a Stephen Minister or Hospital Minister or Volunteer for any area of Pastoral Care, and if you use email, please send Sister Mary Anne an email, listing your role(s): mschaenzer@ststephenchurch. org. If you do not use email, please call the parish office and ask for Sister Mary Anne during the coming week to share the same information. Thank you. Loaves and Fishes Loaves and Fishes will be serving Tuesday, October 20 at River of Life Lutheran Church. Impact Services (formerly called Meals on Wheels) Benefit at Texas Roadhouse Texas Roadhouse (2780 Main Street NW, Coon Rapids) invites you to a benefit lunch Thursday, October 22 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lunch includes pulled pork sandwich, sides, and beverage. All donations benefit Impact Services (Meals on Wheels). With Sympathy The prayers and sympathy of the parish are offered to the family and friends of Mercedes Beuning, Leon Flesner, and Curt McDaniel. www.ststephenchurch.org/service/pastoral_care 6 Ramona Kasper Janice Katnis Kate Kempston Justin Ketz Bill Keyes Jeremy Kletzin Tom Kobelinski Melissa Koscisko Jeanette Lashinski Edward LaTuff Michael Lehn Vernon Lieser Joelle Lilly Ellie Linn Dolores Martinson Shirley Masters Ed Melnarik Elissa Merritt Janelle Merritt Eileen Mevissen John Mevissen Madisyn Mevissen Jane Meyers Duane Michaelis Bruce Novak Jerry Odash Kerry Offerdahl Cynthia Olson Mary Olson William Olson Lucille Patchen Barb Petschl Bernadine Phillips Gavin Pierson Joe Pilon Philip Pinewski Russ Radloff Rick and Leanne Rajtar Betty Redepenning Linda Renstrom Barbara Rivard Jeff Roller Arnold Rudenick Linda Sauve Lynn Schaust Matt Schaust Tom Schinn Eileen Scott Jack and Millie Sigfrid Carter Simonson Molly Spang Helen Stege Paula Steigauf Kathy Steinke Hope Stewart Chad Swanson Jeni Thomas John and Janet Tracy Leo Vanyo Janet Vittitow Jeanna Wanczykiv Steve Waterman Sandi Weis Kim Wennerlund Bents Kathy Wojcehowicz Isaac Yarmon Alice Zappa Dennis Zinda The Grapevine ! !"#$%&"'(#)*"&+,'-.$)/$%.01' ' !" 2)3"/",,'4%.%,+#%",'' ' !" 5%,67/"8'98:/+'4%.%,+#%",' ' !" ;/8"#/<'=".+"#,' ' !" >#76.'?6#8".,' ' ' !" @%&+%3,')A'5)3",+%&'97:,"' !" 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St. Stephen’s Softball Team Update The St. Stephen’s team had a winning season, taking third place in the Christian Women’s Softball League. Playing this year were Julie Bash, Maureen Foy, Jolene DeJarlais, Jane Rausch, Deb Jones, Kathy Sautter, Jan Lokken, Molly Rausch, Rachel Matlon, Jackie Bortnem, Kelly Danzl, Hannah Bortnem, Marty Young, Dani Dean, Shawnte’ Kehn, Amber Kehn, Laura Hudson, Shannon Stewart, and Jacki Humphrey. The league has room for at least one more team in 2016, so if you’re interested in organizing a second softball team from St. Stephen’s, contact Jan Lokken (612-599-8887 or DonLokk@aol. com) for more information. Players must be age 16 or older, nonparishioners are also allowed on the roster, and games are on Thursday nights in Andover. It’s a great way to get to know other women from our parish and from other local churches! A Thought to Ponder A person’s rightful due is to be treated as an object of love, not as an object for use. - St. John Paul II 7 ADMINISTRATION New Parishioner Registration Next Sunday The next new parishioner registration is scheduled for Sunday, October 25 immediately following the 8:30 a.m. Mass in FCC Room 10. A general overview of parish programs and ministries will be presented. All are welcome! Monday, October 19 Church Cleaners: Church/Chapel/FCC 6, 8:30 a.m. Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 20 Grs. 1-8 Faith Formation Mass: Church/FCC, 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, October 21 Stewardship Reflection Stewardship takes on all shapes and sizes. Many of us think that Stewardship is all about giving money to the church. That is just one facet of the term. It also includes using our time and varied talents, which comes in all shapes and sizes to respond to Christ’s invitation to discipleship. Our recently formed Stewardship Commission invites and encourages others to serve. The only requirement is your desire to serve. If interested in learning more about the purpose of this commission or any other St. Stephens’ commission, please contact Monica Freeman (763421-2471). Anoka Knights of Columbus Haunted House The 28th Annual Haunted House at the Anoka County Fairgrounds will be October 22 and 29 from 7:00-9:00 p.m., October 23, 24, 30 and 31 from 6:00-10:00 p.m. Adult tickets are $10, children 10 and under are $8. Discounts: $1 with Anoka Halloween button, $2 with a non-perishable food donation for the ACBC food shelf. Maximum total discount per person: $3. Cash and checks only; no credit/ debit cards please. Visit www.anokahauntedhouse.org or call 763-307-2661 (BOO1) for more information. Aluminum Can Recycling If you have aluminum cans to recycle, please drop them off at the recycling trailer located in the west parking lot of the Anoka KC Hall at 2421 Fourth Avenue. That is only a few blocks down the road - you could swing by on your way home from church. The extra effort is appreciated as the recycling proceeds benefit our parish charity needs. Thank you to the Anoka Knights of Columbus Council 2018, especially Al Kempf, for coordinating this ongoing project. And, thank you to all of you for donating your cans! 8 Calendar of Events WHO Group: Archbishop Romero Room, 8:30 a.m. Grs. 1-8 Faith Formation Mass: Church/FCC/ School, 6:15 p.m. Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation: Chapel, 7:00 p.m. Peace and Justice Committee: School Library, 7:00 p.m. Thursday, October 22 Mardi Gras Committee: Archbishop Romero Room, 6:30 p.m. Bible Study: FCC 4, 7:00 p.m. Friday, October 23 Saturday, October 24 Reconciliation: Chapel, 3:30 p.m. Sunday, October 25 Sunday School: School Classrooms, 10:30 a.m. High School Faith Formation/Confirmation: School Gym, 4:15 p.m. Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 7:00 p.m. Intercessory Prayer Group: Bride’s Room, 7:00 p.m. High School Faith Formation/Confirmation: School Gym, 7:15 p.m. Weekly Collection Report Week of October 10/11, 2015 OFFERTORY Adult Stewardship $17,016.75 Automatic Offering $14,543.00 Plate (Cash and Checks) $6,527.02 Children’s Envelopes $1.52 TOTAL $38,088.29 OTHER INCOME Stephen’s Marketplace Easter All Saints Contingency Fund $127.45 $25.00 20.00 $200.00 TOTAL $372.45 OUTREACH MINISTRY World Mission WomenSource ACBC Food Shelf Second Collection $40.00 $25.00 $25.00 $30.00 TOTAL $120.00 “Hearing God’s Call to Share” Mark 10: 35-45 9 Mark 10: 35-45 10 Friends Helping Friends Since 1919 763-421-2700 CONCRETE • PATIOS • SIDEWALKS • DRIVEWAYS • STEPS • PAVERS • RET. WALLS • WATER FEATURES Terry 612-599-9849 435 W. Main St. • Anoka www.mainmotor.com Dehn’s Country Manor BARNA, GUZY, & STEFFEN, LTD. • LUNCH • BANQUETS • DINNER • TAKE-OUT (763) 420-6460 Now Open For Sat. & Sun. Breakfast 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 11281 Fernbrook Ln., Maple Grove, MN 55369 Stores in Anoka and Champlin “A Full Service Law Firm Since 1938” Mike Hurley Chuck Seykora Parishioners John Buchman Ofrecemos Servicios en Español www.bgs.com 200 Coon Rapids Blvd # 400 (763) 780-8500 Parishioner Owned MIKE’S ANOKA GARAGE DOOR 763-427-3060 Sales, Service, Spring Replacement and Repair Champlin Auto Care • Maintenance • Brakes • Alignment • Shocks • Suspension • Engine Lights 763-421-4905 12130 Champlin Dr., Champlin Open 6a – 6:30 p License #BC400829 763-421-5559 (763) 754-2594 On the corner of Bunker & Thrush, Andover 763-323-8885 terryoverackerplumbing.com “We can build you the best home for the best price.” Ages 6 wks to 12 yrs, BRENT & BROOK PARENT CUSTOM HOME BUILDER 3919 COON RAPIDS BLVD., COON RAPIDS, MN 55433 www.parentcustomhomes.com Lic. #PC001247 Parishioners Mark Anthony Gabriel CFP , ChFC , CRPC Financial Advisor Chartered Financial Consultant Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. 3200 Northwest Main St. Ste. 230 Coon Rapids, MN 55448 ® ®, ® Bus: 763.421.3848 • Fax: 763.208.0948 JELLINGER LAW OFFICE www.LaMachineShop.com Richard Jellinger All Repairs 50+Years 763-421-0092 14101 7th Ave. NW • Andover • FREE Consultation • Mark LaBonne, Parishioner mark@lamachineshop.com 15740 Lincoln St. NE • Ham Lake, MN 55304 P: 763-434-6108 • F: 763-434-6188 763-433-2871 www.jellingerlaw.com WE PROVIDE BUSING SERVICES 763-421-5785 334 E. Main Street Anoka, MN 55303 763-421-4052 1827 Coon Rapids Boulevard SEMAN FUNERAL CHAPEL, CEMETERIES & CREMATION SERVICES 763-767-1000 www.washburn-mcreavy.com FLEETWOOD COLLISION For All Your AUTOBODY Needs 763-323-9491 8060 Viking Blvd. NW • Nowthen, MN 55330 Red Wing Shoe Store Open M-F 10-8 Sat 9-4 “The world has always been changed not bygreat numbers, but by small numbers of great leaders”. ~Jonathan Reyes Your Hosts The Virgillo Family - Parishioners • Recipes made from scratch • Nightly Specials • • Wine bar, Bottled beer, Spirits available • • New private meeting room available • College of Arts and Sciences 2613 NW Coon Rapids Blvd. 763-754-3013 11949 W. River Rd. • Champlin • 763-421-1814 Free Latino Leadership and Scholarship Program Center For Catholic Studies Contact Laura Stierman • 651-962-5864 • ljstierman@stthomas.edu The Oaks SAME DAY SERVICE of lake george Apartment rentals for adults over 55 in Oak Grove, MN * Fullsize washer/dryer in each home! * Community Room, Guest Suite, Library and more! 21202 Lake George Blvd. NW 763-753-8385 NEW DOORS OPENERS es (763) 422-4000 Estimat www.pinewski.com p Over 25 Years Since 1987 Contact Terry Collins to place an ad today! TCollins@4LPi.com or 952-852-4053 546 W.MAIN ST. ANOKA, MN Daniel Pinewski 763-422-0329 FOR AD INFO CALL Terry Collins at 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM SEW & PRESS 10% Discount on Alterations & Dry Cleaning 763-323-3203 231 East Main Street, Anoka ST. STEPHEN, ANOKA B-2C 02-0491 Electric Systems Plus Molly Roberts 612-272-7417 Residential Repair & Service Drug Tested • Background Checked 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Serving Your Best Interests In Real Estate Terry Lehn • 763-421-6846 www.mollyrobertsrealestate.com Shirley A Curbow, AAMS® Rebecca L Bratulich Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Minnesota 2150 3rd Avenue N Suite 110 Anoka, MN 55303 763-427-0828 Stocks • Bonds • CDs • Mutual Funds • IRAs RICHARD J. MUSSELL, AGENT 763-421-5502 TTY 711 Authorized independent agent / agency for Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® of Minnesota and Blue Plus®, nonprofit independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association COPPER LEAF PLUMBING Steve Murphy - Parishioner 612-889-7698 Engels Apartments Parishioner-Owned & Operated Anoka/Champlin Area (On Bus Line) (763) 234-6253 • (763) 208-8818 Cremation Services • Advance Planning Pines Independent Senior Living Meaningful, appropriate, affordable Assisted Living & Memory Care COON RAPIDS 763-755-6300 ANOKA 763-421-4347 Licensed - Bonded - Insured 1800 111th Ave. NW, Coon Rapids MORNINGSIDE 763-755-1700 763-772-1066 Residential - Commercial Charles Kallemeyn • Lisa Kallemeyn ATTORNEYS AT LAW • ESTATE & WILLS • COMMERCIAL • REAL ESTATE • FAMILY LAW www.kallemeyn.com 763-427-5131 EpiphanySeniorHousing.org 3200 Main Street, Coon Rapids Lorri Kaas, Realtor LICENSED BONDED INSURED Parishioner 763-755-1300 Office 612-581-8759 Jeff 612-581-0755 Cathy Joe Green 19949 St. Francis Blvd. 763-753-5022 Anoka, MN 55303 Mobil Ph: 612-865-3262 KALLEMEYN & KALLEMEYN ® Jeff & Cathy Green 3-WAY ELECTRIC, INC. 10955 Hanson Blvd, Coon Rapids Licensed • Bonded • Insured 763-234-5169 lorri@mnrealestateteam.com www.JeffAndCathyGreen.com The Minnesota Real Estate Team Expert Tree Service Year-Round 20 Yrs. Experience • Locally Owned & Operated 763-421-8901 Same Day Service www.anokafifthavedental.com CALL TODAY (763) 515-9037 Faster, Cleaner, Better No Job too small Water heaters Faucets repair replacement Pipe repair Softners Disposals Sump pumps Air conditioner Furnace repair & replacement Appliance hookups Drain cleaning Pipe thawing Bathroom remodels Sedation • FastBraces • General Dentistry Timothy Talbot, CPA EXCLUSIVE OFFER $59 OFF CBIZ MHM, LLC of Service Tax & Advisory Services Expires 12/31/15 612-339-7811 www.cbiz.com/cbizmhm-skb/ The Youngquist Group Scott E. Rensch, D.D.S. William S. Becker, D.D.S. Kyra A. Iwen, D.D.S. Douglas T. Jonak, D.D.S. (763) 427-2740 • Anoka (763) 434-5868 • Andover (763) 757-7540 • Coon Rapids (763) 253-7531 • Elk River (763) 763-3393 • St Francis (763) 757-2768 • Blaine Tuesday is Senior Day! www.straightsmiles.net bettervaluesliquor.com West 427-1821 East 421-3070 612-518-6860 CarlYoungquist@kw.com ungqui TheYoungquistGroup.com 2740 Main St. NW, Ste. 114 Coon Rapids, MN 55448 (next to Lowe’s & Texas Roadhouse) Monroe Place Apts. OELKERS PAINTING & DECORATING PAINTING • PAPERHANGING Interior Exterior David Doyea, Parishioner 763-755-6100 • www.davidinsuresme.com MONTE (763) 213-0401 CELL (612) 267-7321 427-2878 25% Off All In Stock Merchandise Excluding Pandora 120 E. Main St. Quiet 1 or 2 bd. apts. located 3 blocks from St. Stephen’s Church. Parishioner owned & operated. Heated parking and elevator. 999-6113 / 421-6655 AKER GARAGE DOORS www.akerdoorsmn.com * 763-434-4545 Mon - Fri 7am -2pm Weekends 7am - 1:30pm (763) 421-0059 222 East Main Street Anoka 55303 Serving Breakfast All Day, Everyday Make a difference. Enrich a life. www.kofc.org www.hbimn.org Knights of Columbus for Catholics If you’ve been denied benefits, please call. Tim Baland, Parishioner, Attorney, and Counselor at Law Baland Law Office, P.L.L.C., www.balandlaw.com Denied Disability or Unemployment? (763) 450-9494 Upside Down Because You’ve Been FOR ALL YOUR HEATING, COOLING AND ELECTRICAL NEEDS Discover the Catholic difference for your financial needs. Find an agent at kofc.org or by calling 1-800-345-5632 Parishioner Residential & Commercial Family Owned & Operated Since 1993 Phones Answered 24/7 - 365 Days a Year 763-422-1721 CALL TODAY ANOKA PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES KATHLEEN A. SPARTZ, M.A.L.P. $100 will be donated to St. Stephen Church for each Parishioner that chooses Aspen for their next remodeling project Licensed Psychologist (763) 754-1531 11427 Hanson Blvd., Coon Rapids, MN 55433 LEASE SPACE AVAILABLE ROOFING • SIDING • GUTTERS STORM DAMAGE Hundreds of Local References (763) 434-3687 MN LIC #BC322251 The life you want. The care you deserve golden living center Twin Rivers • 763.421.5660 305 Fremont St. • Anoka, MN 55303 THURSTON Contact Terry Collins to place an ad today! TCollins@4LPi.com or 952-852-4053 • LAND DEVELOPMENT • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • Ramsey Office Plaza • Alpine Business Center • Ramsey VA Medical Center Build to Suit * 14107 St Francis Blvd. • Ramsey (763) 427-7131 • www.rumriverwine.com Call for More Info Matt Kuker Pam and Jim Deal 763-427-5955 office FUNERAL HOMES Parishioners 612-282-9466 cell Anoka 763-421-0220 Andover 763-767-7373 www.PSDLANDDEVELOPMENT.com FOR AD INFO CALL Terry Collins at 1-800-678-4574 • METHVEN-TAYLOR FUNERAL HOMES New Owners ANOKA CHAPEL Tim, Kelly, & Steve Taylor (763) 421-9393 WWW.4LPi.COM 424 West Main St., Anoka • (763) 421-3892 ST. STEPHEN, ANOKA A-4C 02-0491