BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Growth Management Division, Planning and Regulation Florida 34104 * 239-252-5250 Please fold plans with the nlain side out. Ensure documents are stapled inside each set of plans. 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples I ! Residential 1 or 2 Units PermitNo. \\ I n b D 'h2t30cl-o Er Owners phone No. dZ 31 7-809-6360 _Block_ Unit A Subdivision COURTHOUSE SHADOWS TRACT 12 Sectio. Range E 25 50 COA sDP PL2o12-2368 Zono._ FEMA: BFE:_ 7v Yz Twnshp ! I New Construction Marine a @ F Eti E] z I @ P I 2 4< 9Z IJY IElectric/Low Mechanical ! Alteration f]Fence Home Voltage IShutter l--l Convenience Book Fire flDemo l_l Electric from House !Gas ISolar IPool Description of <7 d= #Fixtures#Floors_ #Units_ 4000'00 # TonsCostofJob Total Area Exterior Sq Ft Interior Sq Ft SDP: E] -] = l--l Electrical [Low Voltage 33912 IPlumbing Uts IRoofing Iseptic zo l-l a = ()ri >e. t> FF a z Description of E]IA EIB EIIA EIIB EIIIA EIIIB EIVA EIVB EVA E]VB Occupancy Classification () Shutters Non-Sprinkled flSprinkled z IMechanical F= Work: U c7 Et) ,..: < iz -d ZC 't'a 2Z a COA: :.1 Code Case: a MYERS Statej!_ztp Phone 239-936-9154 Fax 239-936-2899 ti OF THE FRONT ELEVATION nermit by City FT I U) Work: INSTALL AWNING FOR BUFFALO WILD WINGS ON THE EAST SIDE ! 7981 MAINLINE PKWY E_Mait Address JENNY@USSIGNANDMtLL.COM Screen Enc'losure ZZ (, Address Re-Roof ISigo/Flagpole ri e= fl !Plumbing U THOMAS P QUINN Qualifier Name Contact 1.t.11. JENNY RIVERS !Doors/Windows Addition l-lMobile Through Company Name US SIGN & MILL or*".KRffi Lot IWalk No. cGC01 9632 srate cert Add..rr 32 z o Fl kZod Folio 28750000028 Job Q Residential 3 or more Units 17 Commercial _ # Units _ Cost of Job _ #Bedrooms_ # Baths_ #Tons_ Living Sq Ft Non-Living Sq Ft Total Area # Stories SDP: COA: Code Case: Affldavit SEWAGE lseptic [Ave Maria fpity of Naples J-Collier County lcolden Gate City Ilmmokalee flOrange Tree flother_ July l, 201 1 (ro. u'" I l_l'ut" Provider Permit by Affidavit flPrivate Provider WATER SUPPLY [well [Ave Maria E CitV of Naples -l !Collier E OE City 7e it Z Phone fllmmokalee l--l a ti ! County Golden Gate City Orange Tree z Cz Name Address State _Zip [other By county Staff) PMR Date: Days Review:_ #of Sets _ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COLLIER COUNTY REGULATIONS Per Floida Slatutes 71 3 'l 35 a Notice of Commencemenl (NOC) s rcqui.ed for consgvclion ol mprovements totaling more than $2,500, Mth certair exceptions. For A,/C Replacemenls a notice ofcommencemenl s rcquired for imprcvemenls more than 57,500. The applicant shallfile wilh the issuing authoaty pdortothe first inspection eilher a certifred copy ofth6 remded NOC ora nobnzed sratemenr thattho NOC has been filed for recoding, along with a copy thereof. ln order to comply wllh the stal€ requiremenl, p€rmits will be placod n inspection hold until prool of ths N OC is fl€d wllh the bui ding pemitling and inspection depadment. The issuing authodiy shall not periorm or approve subsequenl inspeclions unlilth€ applcanlnles by mail, facsimile, hand delivery, emailor any other means such certjried copy with the issuing authodty WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. The approved permit and/or permit application expires f not commenced within six (6) months from the date of issuance. The perfirit or application fee will be four times the amount of ihe permit fee, if work is starled without an approved permit. The permiftee fuihet underslands that only licensed conlractars may be employed and that the structure will not be used or occupied until a certifcate ofoccupancy is issued. By signing this pemit application, I agree that I have been reta ned by the owner/permittee to provide conkacling services for the trade for which I am listed. Furthermore, it is my resrcnsibility to notify the Customer Service seciion of the Building Review and Pemitting Department should I no longer be the contractor responsible for providing said contracting services. I further agree that I understand that the review and ssuing of this permit does not exempl me lrom complylng with all County Codes and Ordinances. lt is further understood that the prope(y owner/permittee is the owner of the permit. WARNING OF POSSIBLE DEED RESTRICTIONS THE LAND SUBJECT TO THIS PERMIT MAY BE SUBJECT TO DEED, AND OTHER RESTRICTIONS THAT MAY LIMIT OR IMPAR THE LANDOWNER'S RIGHTS. COLLIER COUNTY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THESE RESTRICTIONS, NOR ARE COLLIER COUNTY EMPLOYEES AUTHORIZEO TO PROVIDE LEGAL OR BUSINESS ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC RELATIVE TO THESE RESTRICNONS. THE LANDOWNER OR ANY APPLICANT ACTING ON BEHALF OF THE LANDOWNER IS CAUTIONED TO SEE PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. WARNING ON WORK IN COUNTY RIGHT.OF.WAYS This permit does not authorize construction or installation ol any structure or utility, above or below ground, within any right- of-way or easement reserved for access, dlainage or utility purposes. This restriclion specifically prohibits fencing, sprinkler systems, landscaping other than sod, signs, water, sewer, cable and drainage work therein. lf such improvements are necessary, a separate pelmit for thal purpose must be obtained from Tlansportation/Row Permits and lnspections (239) 252-5767. E[Lg,Etn addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional reslrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management district, state agencies, or federal agencies. CONVENIENCE BOOKS A convenience book can be purchased for ak conditiofling, water heaters, or residential garage doors (size for size). They may not be used for wort having a value ol over 55000. They are not valid for work in the Right of Way. A separate ROW p€rmit hust b€ obtained. Reapplications are allowed for convenience permits. The permit musl be completely filled out by you prior to commencing the wo.k, and the job€ite copy posted at the el€ctric meter. lt is your responsibility to ensur€ the documents are posted correclly and securely. lnspectlons must bs callBd for wlthin 2rt ho'rrs ot work completlon. A permll ls not required for a water hert€r under 52 gallons fora slngle family detached ho'rs€ only. Residentirl garage doors need NOA or Florlda Product Approval. Approval nuhbers must be writt€n on the convenience permlt. Approval must be on th€ Job sit€ with lh€ copy ot the permlt. Convenience permlts can be delivered or faxed lo the office at (239) -252n990. Company Name: USSGN A M LL OUalifier'S Name 9 rHoMAs P State License#: oulNN /1-/--::::::t:--::-:: lD Qualifier's Signature of /CelD_ ---/-t---t State of . County Sworn to 1or affirnredl and subscrioeE oEforeie this Who is personally known _trl OR Produced .--------------Type of Notary Public Name t ,> (SEAL) Notary Public Signature BOSEM. M ENICO MY CoMMSS|oN # EE 852272 COM MERCIAL SUBMITTAT REQU!REMENTS E N/N Permit application Owner/guilder Disclosure Statement-this obtain ing a permit is required when an owner is K Notice of Commencement-a certified copy is required if job value is 52,500 or greater prior to the first inspection. (it is not required to submit for the permit) n fefua soz Rule-for addition/alterations-if property is located in a flood zone provide the FEMA 50% Rule or an elevation certificate Commercial K N/Al K SOp- fir" req ired ) u copies including the cover page and site plans (architectural plans if energy calculations-five copies of the current year calculations Construction Drawings-five sets of structural plans sealed by architect or registered P.E. per current FBC including the following: o Architectural, plumbing, mechanical, and gas o Truss layouts, shop drawings, & design loads including a written statement by the engineer o Electrical plans w/load calculations and panel schedule o Stair and ramp details including guardrails and handrails o Accessibility o Building elevation plans o Wind load & design pressures o Specialty items, shop drawings w/design loads including a written statement by the engineer o Project data information o Fire alarm information (if applicable) o Sprinkler system information (if applicable) o Code data information i.e. year of FBC & FFPC, occupancy type and type of construction N/fl produa npprovals-five sets of NOA or State of Florida prod uct approvals for windows and doors (shutters, if needed) N/N nignt-of-Way Permitting - (Anything more than a single family or duplex is considered commercial) ROW Permit is required for all work off site in Collier County ROW or Drainage Easement. N/N utility t.pact Complete the WATER And WASTEWATER lmpact FEE form referencing Florida Administrative code. Call 239-252-6237 for assistance. Fee - 12n2/2012 ,gGiil CORPOBATION orte, tl,zltz t, L *,. .9,c2-L.,d .. Mainline pknry Fort Myers Fl, JJ912 7981 (2i9)_93G9154 Fax (239)-936-2899 Cell (239)325-7371 E-Mo i I :j e n ry@n s ig n a n dmil L c om . property Owner/Authorized Agent of; Authorize US Sign & Mill to permit and install signage and awnings at: ,{ir -&di -t 'it"e.' Owner / Agent Phone Number SEAL County Statgof *,.rffi,ffi,,. t)nriow rv corfl lr lqclia/\4 ;!gf ,po2g__ My Commissi on Exptes Thank you Jennifer Rivers Permit Department Manager ,rffio ryre3 Slbr?,20 Page I of I Collier County Property Appraiser Property Summary Parccl Namc I No. 28750000028 Address KRG couRTHousE Site Adr. 3390 TAMIAMI TRL E sHADows Ltc 30 S MERIDIAN ST STE 11OO Strto lN Clty INDIANAPOUS Mrp No. 5Ar2 Logrl Mlllaqe Area I Zlp Strrp No. Soctlon Townrhlp 248200 A 15A12 t2 50 ! Rengo 25 Acror *Acreaoe ! *Calculations School Other Tota! 5.575 8.8845 14.4603 Millaqe Rates 63 15 - COMMUNfIY SHOPPING CENTERS latest Sales History 2OL2 Ceftified Tax Roll (Not al! Sales are listed due to Confidentiality) (Subject to Change) Drtc 12.63 COURTHOUSE SHADOWS TRACT A Sub./Condo 248200 - COURTHOUSE SI{ADOWS Use Code 46204-3565 Book-Prgc Amount 07t12t06 4070-3932 $ 08t12199 2580-3435 Land Value 19,750,000 (+) Improvcd Vrtuo 3 21.609.700 ' (r) Mrrkot Valuo $ 4,126,2L5 $ 3,867,373 $ 7,993,599 (-) SOH* & other Exempt. (.) Aromd Vrluo $0 17,993,588 (-) Homestead & other Exempt. $o (-) Trxeblc Vrluc $ 7,993,588 (=) School Taxable Value $ 7,993,588 If all Values shown above equal 0 this parcel was created after the Final Tax Roll *SOH = "Save Our Homes" exempt value due to cap on ass€ssment increases. 312812013 Page 1 of I Print Map Buffalo Wild Wings HAP LEOEND Snart E f] ttrll.a rruaurom lxl{rrt, A..ld. rt2 F ln.n 12 urt&l tEE l Eulroh! ?oonp.t6it ' L] Golllr. Co{ttty O 2004. CollierCouniy Property Appraiser. \ryhiE the Collier County Properly Appraiser is committed lo providing the mosl accurate and uPto-date infomalion, no wsarantiB express€d or impli€d ere plovided for tha dEle h€reh, its usc, or ils inlerpr6tation. http:i/ 312812013 @r titttnte o f frLumeBesistunce IEGIIITITD Dole WoA Per{orned AtPuoil0lr (0Mtlll COALE\" llo. ISSUEO BY I NCORPORATED AVENUE 50 ESTEN PAWTUCKET F-10a1Ei RI 0A860 -724-900A to cerlify thol the moteriols described on lhe reverse side hereol fiove Seen flome- This is relardonl treoled (or ore inherenlly nonflonoble). Tnr vnltmeel t-t-c FOR CIfVELAND 5111p OHIO Cerlificotion is hereby mode thot, (Check " o" or D b") ClTY tr 2937 WEST 25th SIREET AT (o) Ihe o lcles descdbed ol the botlom of lhis Cediflcote hove been lreoied wilh o flomerelordont chomicql opproved ond reglslered by lhe Slole Flre Mo6holond lhol th6 opplicollon o, sold chemlcol wos done in conlornonce wilh lhe low of lhe Slol6 ol Colirornio ond lhe Rulss ond Regulotions ol lhe stote File Morshol. Nome ol chomicol ussd Chem. Reg. No. Melhod ot opplicolion tr (b) Ihe orlicles d6scribed ql the botlom hereot ore mode trom o rlome-resisloni lobrlc or molsriol ,eglslered ond opproved by lhe Stote Flte Morshol fotulflE$H&r".u Irocl€ nomo ol llome-resislonl fobric or molerlol us€d R€9. No. The flome Retordont Process Ur"d -l;;;H;, DAVID PETTY OUALITY By Nom. oI Producl;on ' 44113 Su Be Removed By Woshing PIANACER - pennlendcnl Title We hercby certify $is-to be'o-truc'copy of rhc originol" CERIIFICATE OF FLAME RESISTANCE" isucd ro ur, "originol copy" ol which hos bean fited with rhi Colifornio Siotc Firc Morshol. TRI VANTAGE, tLC By Control/ lot 1Cro. OOO YD # Quontity # Curtomcr order Td V(rtlogp, llc 3q7 LB7 40 lnvolc€ THE AI.,N I I NG PARTNERS LLC 60 I,{EST 1 sTH IND1ANAPELIS 1 I Product STREET IN 46802 +N* WEATHERTYTE tITL-74DSltt l.( Et 839970 Co& Descriplion LITE 7L$Z ]4" ACt{ /El lic l,i