Section C - The Springfield Paper
Section C - The Springfield Paper
SECTION C s The Week Beginning June 16, 2010 s The Springfield Paper A Way To Keep Your Child From Getting Sunburned Beauty Buzz: Q. What is the best way to keep my child from getting sunburned? A. The best way is to keep your child out of the sun but that is certainly not the most practical. If you can have your child avoid the harshest times of day, 10am to 4pm for direct sun exposure that is very beneficial. Use a broad spectrum, UV A Stock Photo and UV B protection, sunscreen daily. According to an article by Pediatrician Dr. Iannelli, M.D. children are still getting sunburned and suntanned with the primary cause not being that parents forget to put on sunscreen but that many don’t put it on correctly. It only takes a few minuets to put sunscreen on properly. It should be applied 30 min- uets prior to sun exposure because it takes time for sunscreen to work. If you apply the protection prior to your child going outside you can do it before they even get dressed. Dr. Is Your Motivation Waning? The year is half over. For a lot of people , the resolution to get fit in the year 2010 is just a sad memory. Most people will find their motivational levels wane from time to time which can seriously derail your goals and overall belief in yourself. How much effort we put into all the aspects of our lives helps us to form our own self-efficacy, which is essentially our belief in ourselves to get things done. When you have low self-efficacy levels, you will find that you have an overall lower self-confidence and experience less success. Making sure that you stay on course with your workouts can help boost your self confidence. Every work-out missed makes it a little easier to miss the next one. You’ve probably read motivational strategies be- Stock Photo fore such as write down your goals, clip our some pictures of your ideal physique, find a gym partner, etc. But when these are no longer working, you may have to turn to other means to motivate your self. Usually the initial motivational strategies you are attempt- see C7 sunday, june 27 at 6pm th † SONG FEST † Bluegrass Gospel Group start the summer with a TAN $25.00/mo UNLIMITED TANNING (no hidden fees) - home bound first pentecostal church of god area. Go from area to area and take special care not to miss spots like the back of the neck, ears, feet, the backs of arms and legs. Dr. Iannelli also suggests you save the face for last. Children tend to dislike this application the most and it’s best left for last. Use a sunscreen with at least SPF of 15 or 30 and re-apply every two hours. Be sure not to use sunscreen on babies under the age of 6 months. Many companies have sunscreens designed for kids. They are usually more hypoallergenic and easy on children’s sensitive skin. While you are taking care of the kids don’t forget about yourself. Have a fun summer! Eliminate Fine Lines and Wrinkles Smooth and Refresh Your Face ing tend to be more surface level approaches that can wear off quickly. By going a little deeper and trying some higher level approaches, you might just hit the bulls eye and figure out what will keep you pushing onwards. One method is by journaling. The most common approach is to write down what you are doing each workout and what your meal plan consists of. This allows you to carefully track what you’re doing so that you can see where you may need to make improvements and what’s working for you. If you feel yourself still wanting to miss a workout, stop and take the time to write down what Pat Frock - Fitness Trainer Iannelli suggests you follow the same routine each time you apply sunscreen. You’ll develop a consistent way of application and won’t forget places on your child’s body and your child will get use the routine. Apply sunscreen generously. Most parents don’t apply enough. The amount of sunscreen that could fill up your child’s hand is usually enough. Larger children have larger hands so this is a good measure. Use whatever form of sunscreen you and your child tolerate best, lotion, gel, or spray. Start with one area of the body, like an arm, and apply a thick layer. Rub it in or spray it on completely before moving on the next Parking in back 2328 Selma Rd. Springfield, OH Mon & Fri 9am - 6pm 5VFT5IVSTBNQNt4BUBNQN For More Information: 937-325-6626 764 North Belmont Ave 937-322-0081 Do You Have Good Advice To Share? Want To Start A Weekly Article? Call 327-9017 The Springfield Paper Call Associated Dermatologists 399-5911 HOME DECOR GIFT SHOP Find Us On Facebook! 1026 N. Plum St. , Springfield, Ohio 45504 937-325-0131 | T-F 10am - 5:30pm Sat 10am - 4:00pm Guiding Light Salon EVENING ON THE ISLAND June 24, 4 - 8 PM (limited appointments) Indulge with a Revitalizing Evening $40.00 30 Min. Massage, 30 min. Facial, mini spa Pedicure Manicure, Hi/Lite (up to 8 foils) Haircut, hand paraffin dip $40.00 Complimented by either: Fruit & Chocolate Fondue with Chocolate Wine or Specialty Tea's and light Hors d'oeuvre's Appointments are needed so grab some friends and come enjoy a special evening. Guiding Light Salon (Next to the Drug-Mart in Enon) 7617 Dayton-Springfield Rd. Fairborn, OH 45324 864-0514 Senior Focus Page C2 s The Springfield Paper s June 16, 2010 A Treasure From The Deep Distinguished Administrator Healthy Living By Frank Miesse, Ph.D. Just as our houses and cars must have a properly operating thermostat to keep them functional and running smoothly, so must our bodies have the Thyroid gland. This gland is responsible for regulating our body temperature and maintaining proper metabolism so that the fuel we put into our body – in other words, our caloric intake – is successfully converted into energy. The Thyroid is a vital part of the vital systems of our bodies, and it must be kept healthy so that the organs that depend on it for energy are fed properly. Just along the low tide line in the North Atlantic and Northwest Pacific Oceans grows a type of seaweed that may be very beneficial to those of us trying to maintain thyroidal health. Dulse (scientifically known as “rhodymenia palmata”) is a red seaweed that grows along the rocks where the currents are strong and the bottom is clean. This plant is rich in protein and contains very little fat and no sugar or cholesterol. Sounds like the perfect Jackson Lytle & Lewis THE HERB PEOPLE .com Dulse food, doesn’t it? And, that is exactly what it may be for anyone interested in health improvements. As well as the low-fat, sugar-free dose of protein that you get with Dulse, you will also get a natural source of iodine, which is a trace mineral that is essential for the thyroid to perform its function of maintaining a proper healthy metabolism. As well as directly helping the thyroid, iodine is useful for blood cell production, muscle and nerve function, and other bodily functions. Dulse is also a natural detoxifier, and it has been used both by Irish and Atlantic Canadians for years as a food and a medicine. Sometimes the best of nature’s treasures can be found in some of nature’s most bizarre places, and Dulse is one of those treasures. To maintain better thyroid health, boost the metabolism, and provide your body with an extra portion of the minerals it needs, use this Natural Alternative harvested from the deep. Get Your Savings NOW in the Supports Optimal Thyroid Gland Activity & Function * Provides Several Essential Minerals and Trace Elements, Including Protein and Iodine * Formulated in a Tasteful Glycerin Base for Easy Ingestion * Supports the Glandular and Immune Systems Clip on Wednesday and Shop on Friday Clip N’ Go Visit us or give us a call about our Full Range of Health Services including: Metabolism Testing, Iridology, Voice Analysis, Kinesiology, a Full Line of Natural Medicinals & Homeopathics, & More! Jamie Houseman, Administrator of Oakwood Village in Springfield, has been named the 2010 recipient of the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA) Distinguished Administrator Award. The award was presented recently during the awards banquet at ACHCA’s Annual Convocation and Exposition in Philadelphia. The ACHCA Distinguished Administrator Award recognizes a Fellow of ACHCA who has demonstrated the highest professional standards as an administrator in long-term care. Houseman provides leadership at Oakwood Village, a continuing care retirement community serving approximately 266 seniors campus wide. She is also the interim administrator a sister facility, Mercy St. John’s Center, also located in Springfield. She has implemented many positive changes at the facilities, such as resident directed care, in which the care plan is based on the individual preferences In Springfield, Ohio Affordable Housing for People 55 Years and Older Ohio Relay Services - 1-800-750-0750 One bedroom and efficiency apartments with air conditioning. Rent subsidies available. Utilities included. Close to shopping. Small pets welcome. FRESH ORGANIC PRODUCE BLUEBIRD HILLS FARM INVITES YOU to share in a season of certified organic vegetables grown and distributed from our farm to 13 different pickup locations around the Miami Valley! With a pre-season payment, you can purchase a share of this year’s farm harvest and receive a box of fresh seasonal produce each week, from early June to the end of October. This type of arrangement is known as Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), and is a way to re-establish a connection between the grower and the consumer. BLUEBIRD HILLS FARM has been growing organic produce for market since 1994. We offer a wide assortment of vegetables, including many heirloom varieties. Our produce is fresh, with fantastic flavor, and grown entirely by us, using only organic methods, and no Genetically Modified Seed. A share will provide healthy vegetables for 2 to 3 individuals for a week and the cost is $475. We offer a payment plan and accept Mastercard and VISA. of each resident. Her goal is to provide high quality care to every resident of the facility. In addition to being the administrator of her facility, she has provided leadership and guidance as the interim administrator at other facilities. In nomination letters to the awards committee, several of Houseman’s col- Tubman Towers Shopper 413*/('*&-%9&/*"30"%t413*/('*&-%0)*0t Jamie Houseman, Administrator of Oakwood Village Springfield Now Accepting Applications 17 W. Johnson Street Springfield, Ohio 45506 (937) 325-7371 Springfield Manor Wings of Love Christmas for Kids A Benefit Event for Citi Lookout & Wings of Love Christmas for Kids Wild gs Mustain With a Live Performance from the Wild Mustaings! July 16 th, 2010 Show will begin at 7:00 pm Food & Drinks will be available You may purchase your tickets at Springfield Manor or Wings of Love starting June 1st. For more information please contact us: • 937-206-3936 • Tickets are $5.00 in advance & $8.00 at the gate. Children 12 and under get in free. For more information, please call (937) 399-8311 Springfield Manor - 404 East McCreight Avenue, Springfield leagues within Community Mercy Health Partners, Oakwood Village’s parent company, expressed their reasons as to why she would be deserving of such an award: Jamie has innovative ideas and is enthusiastic about the ministry to the residents of the Oakwood Village Community and Mercy St. John’s Center, said Jennifer Pearson, Administrator of Mercy McAuley Center in Urbana. She has a talent for being able to communicate her vision in a way that excites her team, and they buy into it fully” making the execution of the idea appear effortless. Said Sandy Chinn, Director of Resident Services at Oakwood Village, Jamie is a superior administrator and she has such a compassion for those that we care for. Jamie is leading the way in our region as we transform our culture to Resident Directed Care. She has cross trained her staff, eliminated a nurses station as she creates a culture that keeps the resident at the center of our work, said John Mauch, Administrator of Mercy Siena Retirement Community in Dayton. the beauty of caring... Commitment to Excellence Essex of Springfield We specialize in: At our facility, compassion and skill combined offer personal attention with a focus on physical health and well being. Our approach to care is love, kindness, patience, and respect. Skilled Nursing Services Medical Rehabilitation Services Physical Rehabilitation Services Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapies Respiratory Therapy Post Stroke & Neurological Rehab Cardiac Care & Therapy Hospice Care Respite Care ESSEX SPRINGFIELD of Experience the Beauty of Caring. Please visit us anytime for a tour to see what we are about. Contact Shonica For More Information. 2317 E. Home Rd. - Springfield, OH 45503 937-399-9217 - 937-206-3195 Visit our website at: Click on Essex of Springfield Thank you for all of the donations for our troops! Villa Springfield 701 Villa Road, Springfield, OH 937-399-5551 se e e s. Advice June 16, 2010 s The Springfield Paper s Page C3 A Good Father Will Guide His Daughter On The Right Path FOCUS ON THE FAMILY Dr. James Dobson QUESTION: Is there a way I as a father can influence my daughter’s attitude toward boys? If she chooses to marry, she will need to understand men and know how to relate to them. Is that something I should be thinking about? DR. DOBSON: You bet it is. Long before a girl finds her first real boyfriend or falls in love, her attitude toward men has been shaped quietly by her father. Why? Because the father-daughter relationship sets the stage for all future romantic involvements. If a young woman’s father rejects her, she’ll spend her life trying to find a man who can meet the needs he never fulfilled in her heart. If he’s warm and nurturing, she’ll look for a lover to equal him. If he thinks she’s beautiful and feminine, she’ll be inclined to see herself that way. But, if he rejects her as unattractive and uninteresting, she’s likely to carry self-image problems into her adult years. It’s also true that a woman’s relationship with her husband is significantly influenced by the way she perceived her father’s authority. If he was overbearing or capricious during her earlier years, she may precipitate power struggles with her husband throughout married life. But, if Dad blended love and discipline in a way that conveyed strength, she may be more comfortable with a give-and-take marriage characterized by mutual respect. So much of what goes into marriage starts with the bride’s father. That’s why it behooves those of us with daughters to give our best effort to raising them properly. You are right to be thinking about that vital relationship. QUESTION: As a father, what should I be try- ing to accomplish with my soul.” The son himself has son in these teen years? become a “living legacy to the leader of the band.” DR. DOBSON: SomeCan’t you see this man one has said, “Link a boy going to visit his aged fato the right man and he ther today, with a lifetime seldom goes wrong.” I be- of love passing between lieve that is true. If a dad them? That must have and his son can develop been what God had in hobbies together or other mind when he gave dads common interests, the re- to boys. bellious years can pass in Let me address your relative tranquility. What question directly: What they experience may be re- common ground are you membered for a lifetime. cultivating with your imI recall a song, written pressionable son? Some by Dan Fogelberg, which fathers build or repair cars told about a man who with them; some construct shared his love of music small models or make with his elderly father. It things in a woodshop. is called “Leader of the My dad and I hunted and Band,” and its message fished together. There is touches something deep no way to describe what within me. The son talks those days meant to me of a father who “earned his as we entered the woods love through discipline, a in the early hours of the thundering, velvet hand.” morning. How could I The father’s “song is in my get angry at this man who Another One Of Those Laws You Can Use Reverse Mortgages Convert Home Equity Into Cash Q: What is a reverse mortgage? A: Generally speaking, a reverse mortgage is a type of loan that may be used to convert the equity in a home into cash for a homeowner. The amount of the loan is derived, in part, from the amount of equity the homeowner has in the home. Q: Why is it called a “reverse” mortgage? A: A homeowner who uses a conventional (“normal”) mortgage begins with little or no equity in the home, and gradually pays the lender until the homeowner has paid so much money that he/she has 100 percent equity in the home, owning it “free and clear.” In a “reverse” mortgage, the borrower begins with substantial (or complete) equity in the home, and it is the lender who makes payments to the homeowner. In this way, the lender obtains equity in the home while the homeowner loses equity. Most homeowners choose to take monthly installments of their loan proceeds from a reverse mortgage, meaning that the lender makes monthly payments to the homeowner over time. However, a homeowner may choose to receive the proceeds through a different periodic payment schedule (such as an annual payment), or through a line of credit, a combination of periodic payments and a line of credit, or a lump sum. Q: If the bank pays me, does that mean I don’t pay anything? A: Not exactly. The loan is a transaction, and like any transaction, there are costs. The same types of fees and closing costs that apply to conventional mortgages also apply to reverse mortgages. Also, since you are still the homeowner, you will continue to be liable for property taxes and homeowner’s insurance. Q: How do I know if I qualify for a reverse mortgage? A: To qualify for a reverse mortgage, you must be at least 62 years old and you must own your own home. Also, you may obtain a reverse mortgage only for a home you use as your primary residence. Q: I’m more than 62 years old. How can I tell if a reverse mortgage is right for me? A: If your income is too small to cover your regular living expenses, a reverse mortgage can help you make ends meet. However, because you would be giving up the equity in your home, you should consider a reverse mortgage only when you have a significant financial need. Avoid being pressured into obtaining a reverse mortgage if you have sufficient assets to meet your financial obligations and needs. Q: If I think a reverse mortgage may be right for me, what should I do? A: First, assess your financial situation. Consider your budget and past expenses and try to realistically predict your future needs. Second, meet with a counselor; this is required under federal law. A list of government-approved counselors can be found at A counselor will help you understand reverse mortgages, and possible alternatives. Third, if you believe a reverse mortgage is right for you, ask friends, relatives or co-workers to recommend a lender. Fourth, shop around; investigate many lenders and compare the information they give you. It is wise to choose a lender that regularly makes reverse mortgage loans. You also may wish to consult an attorney before signing anything. Q: I’ve heard that some lenders prey upon older people. How can I get more information about reverse mortgages and make sure I’m dealing with a reputable lender? took time to be with me? We had wonderful talks while coming home from a day of laughter and fun in the country. I tried to maintain that kind of contact with my son. Opportunities to communicate openly and build the father-son relationship have to be created. It’s a goal that’s worth whatever it takes to achieve. Dr. Dobson is founder and chairman of the board of the nonprofit organization Focus on the Family, P.O. Box 444, Colorado Springs, CO. 80903; or Questions and answers are excerpted from "The Complete Marriage and Family Home Reference Guide" and "Bringing Up Boys," both published by Tyndale House. Social Security Administration Q&A Is it true that a divorced couple could receive twice the Social Security income of a married couple? When we retire, will we each be able to collect our full Social Security benefit, or will it be reduced? Getting divorced will not increase a couple’s total Social Security income. A couple’s total Social Security income will be the sum of the primary insurance amount earned by the spouse entitled to the highest benefit, PLUS the LARGER of (1) half the primary insurance amount, or (2) the benefit to which the second spouse is entitled as a result of his/her own employment history. Example #1 - Both spouses worked: If the highest benefit to which one spouse is entitled is $1,500 per month, and the second spouse is entitled to $1,200 per month because of his/her own work history, the couple’s total Social Security income would be $2,700. If this couple divorced, their total Social Security income would remain the same: $1,500 plus $1,200 for a total of $2,700. Example #2 - Only one spouse worked: The couple’s total Social Security income would be $1,500 PLUS a spouse benefit amount equal to half the primary amount ($750) for a total of $2,250 a month. If this couple divorced, the spouse benefit could be as little as $0 depending on the length of their marriage. Relax, Rejuvenate, Enjoy HOUSTONIA Bed & Breakfast Premier Bed & Breakfast Since 1990 25 East Mound Street South Charleston, Ohio 45368 phone or fax 937-462-8855 888-462-8855 CIRCA 1900 Sherry and Jim Wahl - Innkeepers Spring Detox and Stress Release *SPECIAL* $45 Session Valid only with this coupon. Expires May 31st A: For general information about how reverse mortgages work and how to avoid predatory lenders, you may wish to visit the Web sites of the Federal Trade Commission ( and the Department of Housing and Urban Development ( Type “reverse mortgage” in the “search” box of each site 14 E. Main, Bushnel Building, 4th level parking garage Follow the Sign. -Call Check website for other specials 244-5711- 1 Chronicles 16:24 NLT - Publish HIS glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things HE does. Print & on the Web Page C4 s The Springfield Paper s June 16, 2010 THE WEEK OF JUNE 16 - June 22 Wednesday Evening 7 pm 7:30 8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 ABC Judge Judy Millionaire The Middle The Middle Family Cougar Happy Town (N) (CC) News Extra (N) CBS Fortune Ent TV’s Greatest Surprises Rules Criminal Minds (CC) News Letterman NBC Inside Ed. Jeopardy! America’s Got Talent News Jay Leno FOX The Office Simpsons So You Think You Can Dance (S Live) (CC) The Office Seinfeld PBS Business Served Secrets of the Dead Great Performances Dancers perform seven ballets. (N) (CC) America’s Next Model America’s Got Talent (N) Law & Order: SVU Fox 45 News Source CW Family Guy Two Men America’s Next Model AMC ››› Superman (1978) ››› Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut (1980) DISC MythBusters (CC) MythBusters (CC) DISN Wizards Princess Protection Program (2009) E! ESPN Hannah E! News (N) Daily 10 FAM ’70s Show Challenge HGTV House HIST Modern Marvels Snow. LIFE Reba (CC) MTV True Life ’70s Show House Reba (CC) King Raymond Phineas Take Miami Teenage Trafficking ››› Freaky Friday (2003) Jamie Lee Curtis. (CC) King ››› Superman Returns (2006) (CC) MythBusters “25 Best Busted Myths” (N) (CC) MLB Baseball Philadelphia Phillies at New York Yankees. (Live) (CC) FOOD SPIKE Holly’s News Phineas MythBusters (CC) Hannah Wizards Suite/Deck Little Girl Gone Chelsea E! News 30 for 30 (N) SportsCenter (Live) (CC) Funniest Home Videos Good Eats Property Renovation Nails Property Holmes on Homes (CC) House Modern Marvels “Ice” Ice Road Truckers (CC) American Pickers (CC) Reba (CC) › What a Girl Wants (2003) Amanda Bynes. (CC) Reba (CC) True Life The Hills The Hills House Unwrapped MonsterQuest (CC) Will-Grace Will-Grace Hard Times Hard Times Warren the Pranked CSI: Crime Scn The Ultimate Fighter TNT Bones (CC) Law & Order “Strike” Law & Order (CC) (DVS) Law & Order (CC) (DVS) CSI: NY “Green Piece” Ultimate-Finale USA NCIS “Under Covers” NCIS (CC) NCIS “Heartland” (CC) Thursday Evening 7 pm 7:30 In Plain Sight (N) (CC) 8:30 9 pm 9:30 Judge Judy Millionaire J. Kimmel CBS Fortune Ent The Mentalist (CC) CSI: Crime Scene The Mentalist (CC) NBC Inside Ed. Jeopardy! Community Questions The Office The Office FOX The Office Simpsons Glee “Acafellas” (CC) So You Think Fox 45 News Source PBS Business Served Old House Hr. Antiques Roadshow CW Family Guy Two Men The Vampire Diaries Moonlight (CC) AMC Rubicon: Sneak Preview ›› Caddyshack (1980) Chevy Chase. (CC) DISC Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch DISN Wizards ›› The Lizzie McGuire Movie (2003) E! ESPN FAM Hannah E! News (N) Daily 10 Law & Order: SVU Scariest Moments Phineas Keeping Up With the Kardashians “The Wedding” Golf U.S. Open Championship, First Round. From Pebble Beach, Calif. (CC) Thursday 8:30 p.m. on NBC 100 Questions: Charlotte (Sophie Winkleman) dates a guy who becomes obsessed with her, going so far as to have her face tattooed on his chest. To get her out of this crazy relationship, Charlotte’s friends hatch a nutty scheme that involves pretending that Mike (Christopher Moynihan) has died. Smith Cho, Collette Wolfe and David Walton also star in the new episode “Have You Ever Dated a Bad Boy?” Friday Evening 7 pm 7:30 Sophie Winkleman stars in “100 Questions” Thursday on NBC. June 18, 2010 MOVIES 8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 News ABC Judge Judy Millionaire Miley Cyrus in London Wife Swap (CC) 20/20 (N) (CC) Overtime Extra (N) News Letterman CBS Fortune Ent Medium (CC) Flashpoint “The Farm” Miami Medical (N) (CC) News Letterman News Jay Leno NBC Inside Ed. Jeopardy! Friday Night Lights (N) Dateline NBC (N) (CC) News Jay Leno The Office Seinfeld FOX The Office Simpsons House “The Down Low” The Good Guys (CC) Masterpiece Mystery! (CC) (DVS) T. Smiley PBS Business Served Washington Columbus News King NBA Basketball: Finals, Game 7 -- Celtics at Lakers 30 Rock TV’s Greatest Surprises: A Paley Center for Media Special: If you watch television, you’ve experienced those “What the ... ?” moments. Thirty of them are compiled in this new special, hosted by Jeff Probst (“Survivor”) and featuring commentary from Tina Fey, Ellen DeGeneres, Whoopi Goldberg and many others. The list won’t be revealed until airtime, but you can probably expect to see the famous Bobby Ewing shower scene from “Dallas” in there somewhere. 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 ABC NBA Half Pint June 17, 2010 MOVIES 8 pm Half Pint By DICK GROEBER 8 p.m. on CBS The 700 Club (CC) Next Food Network Star Bobby Flay Bobby Flay Dinner: Impossible (N) Parks News 4th Quarter The Office Seinfeld McLaughlin Need to Know (N) The New Recruits (CC) T. Smiley Supernatural (CC) King King CW Family Guy Two Men Smallville “Echo” (CC) ›› Caddyshack (1980) Chevy Chase. (CC) AMC ›› Caddyshack (1980) › Caddyshack II (1988) Jackie Mason. Premiere. › Caddyshack II (1988) Jackie Mason. Premiere. Deadliest Catch (CC) Deadliest Catch (CC) DISC Swamp Loggers (CC) Swamp Loggers (CC) Dual Survival (N) (CC) Phineas Wizards Suite/Deck DISN Suite/Deck Suite/Deck The Suite Life on Deck Sonny Chelsea E! News E! News (N) Daily 10 E! True Hollywood Story The Soup King Raymond Hannah Take Miami Holly’s E! ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (Live) (CC) FAM Sexiest “Beach Bodies” Saved My Life News Good Luck Wizards Golf U.S. Open Championship, Second Round. From Pebble Beach, Calif. Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos Homie awards. The 700 Club (CC) Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos (CC) Challenge Cupcakes. Good Eats Good Eats Iron Chef America Cakes Cakes Good Eats Unwrapped FOOD Challenge Reno, Nev. Chopped “In a Pinch” Diners HGTV House First Place My First Selling New Selling New House House House House HGTV House Outdoor HIST Modern Marvels (CC) Modern Marvels (CC) Modern Marvels (N) (CC) America the Story of Us Pioneers head west. (CC) HIST Modern Marvels (CC) Valkyrie: The Plot to Kill Hitler (CC) LIFE Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Sins of the Mother (2010, Drama) Jill Scott. (CC) Will-Grace LIFE Reba (CC) Reba (CC) MTV Movie Awards True Life (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Pranked (N) Pranked MTV True Life (CC) TNA Wrestling (N) (CC) SPIKE SPIKE Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Reba (CC) True Life Phineas Suite/Deck Soup Pres Chelsea E! News The 700 Club (CC) Diners Chefs vs. City “Seattle” Good Eats Color House Design Star (CC) House Gangland (N) (CC) Gangland “Hell House” Lovewrecked (2006) Amanda Bynes. (CC) The Hills Rachael Will/Grace How I Met Hard Times ›› Never Been Kissed (1999) Drew Barrymore. UFC Unleashed Ultimate-Finale CSI: Crime Scn CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Bones (CC) ›› Disturbia (2007, Suspense) Shia LaBeouf. (CC) ››› 1408 (2007, Horror) John Cusack. (CC) TNT Bones (CC) ››› Transformers (2007, Action) Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson. (CC) ››› Die Hard (1988) USA NCIS “Probie” (CC) NCIS “Agent Afloat” Royal Pains (N) (CC) USA NCIS Murdered model. NCIS “Knockout” (CC) Royal Pains (CC) Saturday Evening 7 pm 7:30 8:30 White Collar (CC) June 19, 2010 MOVIES 8 pm GoodFellas Reba (CC) Curb/Block Sarah Swamp Loggers (CC) Hannah TNT Burn Notice (N) (CC) Half Pint Will/Grace House Raymond SportsCenter (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (Live) (CC) FOOD House 9 pm 9:30 Sunday Evening 7 pm 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 7:30 Police Chases NCIS “Honor Code” World’s Fastest Police Chases (CC) NCIS “Angel of Death” June 20, 2010 MOVIES 8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 ABC CSI: NY “Boo” (CC) ›› She’s the Man (2006) Amanda Bynes. (CC) Castle “The Fifth Bullet” Overtime Desperate ABC Funniest Home Videos Extreme Makeover Scoundrels (N) (CC) The Gates “Pilot” (N) News Seinfeld CBS Fortune Three Rivers (N) (CC) 48 Hours Mystery (N) News House (CC) CBS 60 Minutes (N) (CC) I Get That a Lot (CC) Cold Case (CC) Cold Case “Chinatown” News Bones (CC) NBC Golf U.S. Open Championship, Third Round. From Pebble Beach, Calif. (S Live) (CC) News SNL News Cash Exp. 48 Hours Mystery (CC) FOX Judge Judy Judge Judy Cops (N) PBS Lawrence Welk Keeping Up Keeping Up As Time... CW Two Men Movie (CC) Two Men Cops (CC) America’s Most Wanted As Time... News PBS Eighth Wonder Nature (CC) (DVS) CW TMZ (N) (CC) Movie (CC) ››› Thunderheart (1992) Val Kilmer, Graham Greene. (CC) Family Guy AMC ›› Heartbreak Ridge Worst-Case Worst-Case Man vs. Wild “Oregon” DISC MythBusters (N) (CC) MythBusters (N) (CC) DISN Sonny Sonny Wizards Suite/Deck Chelsea › Coyote Ugly (2000) True Hollywood Story ESPN Baseball Tonight (CC) MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at Boston Red Sox. (Live) College Baseball NCAA World Series, Game 2: Teams TBA. (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight (CC) SportsCenter (Live) (CC) ››› The Parent Trap ››› Happy Feet (2006) Voices of Elijah Wood. FAM Unwrapped Unwrapped Iron Chef America FOOD Challenge HGTV House HIST Top Shot (CC) LIFE Confined (2010) David James Elliott. (CC) Drop Dead Diva (N) (CC) Army Wives (N) (CC) MTV True Life Dieting. True Life The Hills Ultimate Knockouts 6 Ultimate Knockouts 7 ››› Ice Age (2002) Voices of Ray Romano. (CC) HGTV House Genevieve HIST Modern Marvels (CC) LIFE ›› She’s Too Young (2004) Marcia Gay Harden. MTV ››› More Than a Game (2008) House Divine Sarah Curb/Block Color Holy Grail in America Kensington Rune Stone. House House ››› Gia (1998) Angelina Jolie, Elizabeth Mitchell. (CC) True Life Pranked Pranked Pranked Wives Hard Times Warren the SPIKE The Ultimate Fighter (S Live) TNT ››› Transformers (2007) Shia LaBeouf. (CC) ››› War of the Worlds (2005, Science Fiction) Tom Cruise. (CC) USA ›› Bad Boys II (2003, Action) (CC) ›› Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins (2008) Martin Lawrence. Monday Evening 7 pm 7:30 8 pm 8:30 9 pm Judge Judy Millionaire The Bachelorette (N) (CC) CBS Wheel Ent How I Met NBC Inside Ed. Jeopardy! Last Comic Standing FOX The Office Simpsons Lie to Me (N) (CC) PBS Business Served CW Family Guy Two Men Sleepy Law Order: CI June 21, 2010 MOVIES ABC House The Templar Code (CC) The Ultimate Fighter 9:30 Design Star (N) (CC) Color Ice Road Truckers (N) Top Shot (N) (CC) Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Color Drop Dead Diva (CC) Hard Times Hard Times Warren the ››› Bad Boys (1995) Ultimate Knockouts 8 Spike Guys Choice (N) TNT Leverage (N) (CC) Leverage (N) (CC) USA NCIS “Judgment Day” NCIS “Jet Lag” (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles (CC) House “Wilson” (CC) NCIS “Judgment Day” Tuesday Evening 7 pm 7:30 June 22, 2010 MOVIES 8 pm 8:30 Bones (CC) 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 Wipeout (N) (CC) Downfall (N) (CC) CSI: Miami (CC) News Letterman CBS Wheel Ent NCIS “Flesh and Blood” NCIS: Los Angeles (CC) The Good Wife (CC) News Letterman Last Comic Standing (N) Persons Unknown (N) News Jay Leno NBC Inside Ed. Jeopardy! Losing It With Jillian (N) America’s Got Talent (N) Last Comic Standing News Jay Leno The Good Guys (N) (CC) Fox 45 News Source The Office Seinfeld FOX The Office Simpsons Hell’s Kitchen A twist surprises everyone. (N) (CC) Fox 45 News Source The Office Seinfeld Antiques Roadshow History Detectives (N) Korean War As Time... T. Smiley PBS Business Served NOVA (CC) (DVS) Desert Reef (CC) Frontline (CC) (DVS) As Time... T. Smiley 90210 (CC) Gossip Girl (CC) News Raymond King Life Unexpected (CC) News Raymond King Rules Two Men Big Bang King CW Family Guy Two Men One Tree Hill (CC) ››› Enter the Dragon ›› The Specialist (1994) Sylvester Stallone, Sharon Stone. MythBusters (CC) DISC Deadliest Catch (CC) Deadliest Catch (CC) Wizards DISN Wizards You Wish! (2003) A.J. Trauth. (CC) Heartland Thunder (N) ›› Ella Enchanted (2004) Anne Hathaway. Phineas Hannah Suite/Deck Take Miami Take Miami Holly’s Holly’s Soup Pres Soup Pres Chelsea E! News World Cup Primetime (N) Baseball MLB Baseball: Yankees at Diamondbacks Pretty Little Liars (CC) Ultimate Car Build-Off ››› Dirty Dancing (1987, Romance) Secret-Teen Secret-Teen FOOD Challenge Hamburgers. Unwrapped Unwrapped Best Thing Best Thing Diners Diners Good Eats HGTV House Property House Selling New First Place HIST American Pickers (CC) Pawn Stars Pawn Stars American Pickers (N) LIFE Reba (CC) Reba (CC) MTV ››› Bad Boys (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith. Property Reba (CC) House My First Secret-Teen House Primetime: Mind Games News AMC MythBusters (CC) Ways Die Ice Road Truckers (CC) Cupcake Wars Holmes on Homes (CC) Judge Judy Millionaire Wizards Reba (CC) House ABC MythBusters (CC) House House ››› Remember the Titans (2000) Denzel Washington. (CC) Next Food Network Star Iron Chef America (N) Extra (N) DISN SportsCtr House Chelsea SportsCenter (Live) (CC) News DISC E! News (N) Challenge Hannah The Soup ››› War of the Worlds (2005) Tom Cruise. (CC) 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 ››› Grease (1978) (CC) ››› Dirty Dancing (1987) Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze. Hannah ››› Remember the Titans (2000) Denzel Washington. (CC) Take Miami Take Miami Holly’s Wizards True Beauty (N) (CC) AMC SPIKE E! Saved My Life Wizards The Soup Holly’s Family Guy Scrubs ››› Thunderheart (1992) Val Kilmer. Scariest Moments Jonas L.A. The Pixar Story (2007) (CC) Paid Prog. Money FatherLoss Independent Lens King Take Miami Holly’s Snacks Unwrapped FAM Dirty Jobs (CC) CSI: NY (CC) Kardashian Take Miami › Coyote Ugly (2000) Piper Perabo, Adam Garcia. Bobby Flay Bobby Flay Sunny’s Summer Eats ESPN Sonny Masterpiece Mystery! (N) (CC) (DVS) News ›› Heartbreak Ridge ››› The Incredibles (2004), Holly Hunter (CC) FOOD E! Cleveland Globe Trekker (CC) Suite/Deck Suite/Deck The Suite Life on Deck SPIKE News Simpsons Raymond Swamp Loggers (CC) FAM Law Order: CI Family Guy Amer. Dad Tucson Served DISN ESPN Law Order: CI ’Til Death King DISC E! Golf U.S. Open Championship, Final Round. (CC) FOX Served ›››› Unforgiven (1992) ›› Heartbreak Ridge (1986, War) Clint Eastwood, Marsha Mason. Man vs. Wild (N) (CC) NBC The Wanda Sykes Show News AMC Man vs. Wild “Oregon” The Office The 700 Club (CC) Unwrapped E! ESPN Hannah E! News (N) Rich Kids Who Kill World Cup Primetime (N) King Extra (N) ››› True Lies (1994, Action) (CC) Deadliest Catch (N) (CC) After the Catch (N) (CC) Deadliest Catch (CC) Phineas Born Different Phineas Hannah Wizards Take Miami Take Miami Chelsea 30 for 30 (N) Suite/Deck E! News SportsCenter (Live) (CC) Pretty Little Liars (CC) Pretty Little Liars (N) ››› Mean Girls (2004) Lindsay Lohan. (CC) The 700 Club (CC) FOOD Challenge Cakes Cakes Cupcake Wars (N) Good Eats Unwrapped HGTV House First Place First Place House For Rent First Place FAM House Chopped Pasta dishes. Bang, Buck House House HIST Modern Marvels (CC) Who Really Discovered America? (N) (CC) Top Shot (CC) The History of Sex (CC) Will/Grace LIFE Reba (CC) Reba (CC) Grey’s Anatomy (CC) Grey’s Anatomy (CC) Will/Grace Hard Times Hard Times Warren the Hard Times Warren the MTV 16 and Pregnant (CC) 16 and Pregnant (CC) The City The Hills CSI: Crime Scene Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior (N) BlueMount BlueMount Pawn Stars Pawn Stars American Pickers (CC) Ann Rule’s Too Late to Say Goodbye (2009) (CC) › Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000, Action) Nicolas Cage, Angelina Jolie. TNT Bones (CC) Bones (CC) USA NCIS “Jet Lag” (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles (CC) WWE Monday Night RAW (S Live) (CC) Saving Grace (N) (CC) Entourage Saving Grace (N) (CC) Will/Grace Entourage Entourage SPIKE Reba (CC) Reba (CC) The Hills The City (N) Downtown Will/Grace The Hills Saving Grace (CC) TNT Bones (CC) Bones (CC) HawthoRNe (N) (CC) Memphis Beat (N) (CC) HawthoRNe (CC) Burn Notice (CC) USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law Order: CI Law Order: CI jump for joy What is happening in Springfield Ohio? Plenty! For all Springfield...all the time... watch Time Warner Cable Channel 5 Penda Publishing offers the best way to advertise in the community. It’s fair, honest, and reliable. Nothing compares. 937.327.9017 You Can Get The Good-News Online at: Weather Outlook Wednesday June 16, 2010 MOVIES June 16 - 22, 2010 Scattered rain showers and thunderstorms dominated the local area for Tuesday night into Wednesday of June the 08th and 09th, 2010 with 0.95 inch of rain. More rain and thundershowers were noted over the second wekkend of June in the warm and humid air. The National Weather Service extended outlook maps for the period of Wednesday, June the 16th through the Next Wednesday, June the 23rd, 2010 covering the Father’s Day weekend into the first day of summer is predicting near normal temperatures and rainfall for the local Springfield-Clark County, Ohio area. The period should begin on Wednesday on tn the western side of a high pressure area with fair skies, dry conditions, and warming temperatures. A low pressure area along with a warm front could bring in scattered thundeshowers and rain for Thursday. A high pressure area should then return fair skies, dry conditions, and warm temperatures for Friday and continue into the Father’s Day weekend. The first day of summer should see the high pressure area continue to dominate with these same conditions lasting into the next Wednesday. My weather records for the period of June the 16th through the 23rd, 1968 through 2009 show a high temperature of a hot 99 degrees recorded the weekend of June the 18th and 19th, 1984. The lowest temperature was a cool 45 degrees recorded June the 17th, 1980. The average high temperature is 82 degrees with an average low of 61 degrees for an average of 71.5 degrees. The greatest rain total was a soaking 3.30 inches recorded June the 18th, 1992. The Funny Paper June 16, 2010 s The Springfield Paper s Page C5 Homegrown Comics & Cartoons from Around the Local Area! Wanted: Homegrown Cartoons Cartoonists or Amateur Artists: Have you ever thought of becomming a cartoon artist? Do you have a character that you’ve developed and would love to share it with the general public? We want multi-panel cartoons. We want to showcase your talents to the good people of our area. Tips: For your comic to succeed, and to assure weekly use, please make at least 3 comics stips before submitting to insure you have a buffer. It is prefferable to send a group of comics in instead of one every week to meet deadlines. To submit your cartoon(s), send to: P. O. Box 2400, Springfield, Ohio 45501 email: 3 3 Sudoku Solution Y E A R S OF SE RV I N G O U R G R E AT C OM M U N I T Y On The Record Page C6 s The Springfield Paper s June 16, 2010 Betty L. Stephenson Betty L. Stephenson, 75, of Springfield died June 6, 2010 in Springfield Manor. She was born in Ewing, VA on March 6, 1935, the daughter of Esker and Martha Frye. Betty is survived by her children David (Raven) Stephenson of Springfield and Lisa (Ken) Schattmeyer of Huber Heights; three sisters Judy (Ronald) Dale and Pauline Frye both of Xenia and Patricia Bowling of Mooresburg, TN; one brother Charles (Evelene) Frye of TN; five grandchildren Eric Stephenson, Joseph Isaac, Michael Jensen, Tosha Ball, and Shayla Jenkins; four greatgrandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents. Services will be Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 2:00 pm in the RICHARDS, RAFF & DUNBAR MEMORIAL HOME with Pastor Buck McIntosh officiating. Visitation will be one hour prior to services. Burial to follow in Rose Hill Burial Park. Expressions of sympathy may be made at JoAnn Littler JoAnn Littler, 69, of Springfield, passed away on Saturday, June 5, 2010 in the Eaglewood Care Center. She was born on March 6, 1941 in Springfield the daughter of Bill and Roxie Myrtle (DeWitt) Crummie. She worked for many years in health care at Community Hospital, Ohio Masonic Home, and Home Health Care. She was a member of the Open Bible Church and attended the Full Gospel Tabernacle. JoAnn was preceded in death by her husbands, Stanley Littler in January of this year and her first husband, Donnie DeWitt in 1986. She is survived by her son, Terry DeWitt, daughter Sherry Suttles, granddaughters, Amy Horton, Angel Suttles, and Ashley Suttles; great grandchildren: Sierra Horton, Miguel Horton, JazLynn Williams, and Henry Suttles Jr. all of Springfield, and close friends, James Andrews and Chuck Horton. A celebration of her life will be held on Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the LITTLETON & RUE FUNERAL HOME. Friends may call two hours prior to the time of service. You may express condolences at www.littletonandrue. com SHELLEY L. ALGREN 38, of Springfield, Ohio passed away Sunday June 6, 2010. She was born October 18, 1971 in Springfield the daughter of Rick & Sena (Weeks) May. She was a Registered Nurse at Kettering Memorial Hospital, Dayton and she was a Girl Scout Leader of Western, Ohio. She is survived by her husband, Michael; children; Logan, McKenzie & Alivia; her parents, a brother, Todd & Carrie May; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Visitation will be 4-8 PM Thursday June 10, 2010 at the TROSTEL, CHAPMAN, DUNBAR & FRALEY FUNERAL HOME, New Carlisle, Ohio. Funeral services will be at 11:00 AM Friday in the funeral home. Burial will be in Myers Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Attn: Donor Services, P.O. Box 650309, Dallas, TX 75265. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to Mildred J. Neal Mildred J. Neal, 88, a Springfield resident since 1989 died Tuesday, June 8, 2010 in the Ohio Masonic Home. She was born January 18, 1922 in Columbus, Ohio the daughter of John A. and Josephine (Geschwilm) Zechman. Mrs. Neal served in the United States Navy during WWII, retired from General Motors in Columbus in 1976, and was a member of The Order of East- ern Star in Springfield and Columbus. She is survived by one step-son Roger (Nancy) Neal of Bermuda Dunes, California; one step grandson Roger Neal, Jr.; several nieces and nephews; and a special friend Mary Molt. She was preceded in death by her husband George A. Neal; one brother Jack Zechman; one sister Helen Zechman Ruse. Private burial will be in Greenlawn Cemetery, Columbus. The family is being served by RICHARDS, RAFF & DUNBAR MEMORIAL HOME. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to Ronnie Shatto Ronnie Shatto, 24, of Springfield Ohio, unexpectedly passed away in the Springfield Regional Medical Center surrounded by family and friends on June 6, 2010. He was born on November 19, 1985 to Danny and Catherine (Webb) Shatto. A hero to many, Ronnie conquered his fight with Muscular Dystrophy every day. Ronnie graduated from Springfield North High School in 2004. He was an avid fan of the Ohio State Buckeyes, the Cincinnati Bengals and the Cincinnati Reds. Ronnie enjoyed playing Warhawks bingo, gambling, and spending time with his closest friends and family. He enjoyed being an active member at the VFW 3660 where he loved hanging out with his friends. Ronnie was survived by his parents; his sisters, Danielle and Stephanie Shatto and Nikki Littler; his nephew Jaylen, his niece Haylee; his maternal grandmother, Mary Hart; his paternal grandmother, Cenis Shatto; Special aunts and uncles: Carolyn (Paul) Wilson, Kimberly Perry, Michael (Opal) Webb, Beverly Louden, Becky Dinnen; several cousins including his very special cousin, Cheryl (DeWell) Rust. Ronnie had many friends including very special friends, Kevin Wallace, David(DK) Kellough, Roxanne Hatcher, Adam Burns, Aaron Lawson, Jimbo Delawder, Chris Newman, Jason (Fatboy) Holmes, David Rust, Abe Greathouse, Billy Sanders and Vaughn Moss ; Special Caregiver, in addition to his parents, Dinky Salyer. Ronnie is preceded in death by his grandfathers, Ronald Shatto and Roy Webb; Uncle Steve Dinnen; Cousins, Roby Louden and Morgan and Macy Rust; and his special friend Adam Morton. Although he didn’t walk, he left footprints on everyone’s heart. A gathering of friends and family will be Friday from 1-4 and 6-9 pm in the RICHARDS, RAFF & DUNBAR MEMORIAL HOME. Funeral services to honor Ronnie’s life will be Saturday, June 12, 2010 at 11:00am in the Forest Valley Free Will Baptist Church with Pastor Del Wallace officiating. Burial to follow in Ferncliff Cemetery. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions can be made in Ronnie’s name, at Security National Bank to help fulfill Ronnie’s wishes. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to Margaret R. Munson 85, of New Carlisle, died peacefully on June 8, 2010 after a brief illness. She was born on August 22, 1924 and was preceded in death by her husband, Stanley W. Munson in 2004. Surviving are her children James (Beverly) Munson of Kalamazoo, MI, John (Barbara) Munson of Stevens Point, WI, Jane Evans of Worthington, OH, Richard Munson of Oxford, OH and Susan Hampton of Dublin, OH; eleven grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren (who knew her as “Grandma Great”). Margaret was a lifelong gardener and enjoyed playing cards with friends. She was very active in crafts and sewing with many projects going all the time. Most recently she developed a love for making complex, handmade greeting cards that delighted all who received them. Family visits gave her great joy as they provided a constant source of stories and humor. She was able to attend the high school graduations of all her grandchildren. She was actively involved in many events and activities of the Asbury Methodist Church in North Hampton, OH. Visitation will be 9:30-11:00 AM Friday June 11, 2010 at the Asbury Methodist Church in North Hampton, OH. Funeral service at 11:00 in the church with Rev. Marcia Rummel officiating. Interment will follow at Glen Haven Memorial Gardens. Arrangements by the TROSTEL, CHAPMAN, DUNBAR & FRALEY FUNERAL HOME, New Carlisle, Ohiol. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made in her memory to the Asbury Methodist Church, 104 E. Clark St., North Hampton, OH 45349. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to www. schools at McKinley and Kenwood and retired from teaching at the age of 70. Many students had her math and English in the 3rd and 4th grades. Florence and John were married for 68 years. Florence confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior at Storms Chapel Church in Ohio many years ago and was a faithful member of Central Methodist Church. She was a devoted mother to her sons and a faithful wife to John. She paid for her son’s college educations, and was a avid gardener and canner. She bought a piano and encouraged her sons to become musicians. Services will be Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 2:30 pm in the RICHARDS, RAFF & DUNBAR MEMORIAL HOME with Pastor Keith Sarver officiating, and where visiting hours will begin one hour prior to services. Burial will be Monday at 10:30 am in the Fletcher Chapel Cemetery. If you appreciated Florence, thank a teacher! VICKI ROHM Rev. Kenneth H. Weaver 36, of New Carlisle, Ohio went to be with the Lord Wednesday June 9, 2010. She was born October 20, 1973 in Columbus, Ohio the daughter of Jim & Agnes (Chesnut) Andrew. Vicki was a graduate of Tecumseh High School and Rets Tech Center as a medical assistant. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of New Carlisle. She is survived by her husband of 16 years, Ben Rohm; a son, Christopher; a daughter, Amanda Rena; her parents; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Visitation will be 1012 Saturday June 12, 2010 at the First Baptist Church with funeral services at 12 with Rev. Rick Shoemaker officiating. Burial will be in New Carlisle Cemetery. Arrangements by the TROSTEL, CHAPMAN, DUNBAR & FRALEY FUNERAL HOME, New Carlisle, Ohio. Memorial contributions may be made to the Jeff Chesnut Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box , New Carlisle, Ohio 45344. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to Jack Dale Tefft TEFFT, Jack Dale (Sunny), 75, died June 9, 2010 after a long illness. He was born January 22, 1935, to Marvin and Margery Tefft and was a life-long resident of Springfield. Proud of his military service to his country, he served in the Army stationed in Germany and Texas. He worked 30 years at SPECO Kelsey-Hayes until his retirement. A kind and compassionate man, Jack had many friends. A modern day Noah, he loved all animals and cared for many beloved pets throughout his lifetime. He is survived by his special friend John Geis, his brother and sister-in-law, Richard and Teresa Tefft and nephew Justin Tefft. Graveside services Monday, 3:30 p.m. at Ferncliff Cemetery. Richards, Raff & Dunbar Memorial Home entrusted with the final arrangements. Florence M. Parker Florence M. Parker passed away at her son’s house in South Vienna, Ohio, Wednesday June 9, 2010. She would have been 100 years old this August 25th. She was born in Ross County, Ohio, the daughter of Levi M. and Elizabeth (Burke) Crooks. She was preceded in death by her husband, John E. Parker in 2005, 4 sisters and 1 brother. An infant sister and brother also preceded her in death. She is survived by 2 sons and daughters in law, Richard and Sharon Parker of Hartford City, IN and Loren and Susan Parker of South Vienna; 6 grandchildren Melanie Phillips, Laura Lipscomb, Tim Parker, Kari Anama, David Parker, Amy Nichols, and 21 great-grandchildren. Florence graduated from Bourneville High School in 1928 and with a BS in Education from Wittenberg College in 1957. She taught in the Springfield Public Rev. Kenneth H. Weaver, age 90, of Tipp City, passed away Thursday June 10, 2010 at Miami Valley Hospital. He was born February 1, 1920 in Trotwood, Ohio the son of the late Orion J. & Mary Frances (Wogaman) Weaver. A graduate of Trotwood-Madison High School, Heidelberg College, and Bonebrake (now United) Theological Seminary, he was ordained a Congregational Christian (now United Church of Christ) minister in 1950. He pastored two churches in Ohio and two in Indiana, including Murlin Heights UCC and Hagerstown UCC. From 1964 until his retirement in 1985 Kenneth was an admissions officer at Sinclair Community College, and also served as a supply pastor for southwest Ohio UCC churches until 1990. A member of Knob Prairie UCC, he was preceded in death by his wife of 58 years, Harriet, in 2008 and is survived by a son, John. Visitation will be 6-8 PM Monday June 14, 2010 at the TROSTEL, CHAPMAN, DUNBAR & FRALEY FUNERAL HOME, 507 W. Jefferson St. (Rt. 571), New Carlisle, Ohio. Funeral services will be 11:00 AM Tuesday in the funeral home with Rev. Tom Ritschard-Sell officiating. Graveside services will be at 1:00 PM at the Bear Creek Hill Grove Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Enon Knob Prairie United Church of Christ, P.O. Box 101, Enon, OH 45323 or Church World Service, P.O. Box 968, Elkhart, IN 46515. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to Rebecca Ward (Robinson) Wilkerson Rebecca Ward (Robinson) Wilkerson, 67, of Springfield, Ohio went home to be with the Lord on June 8, 2010 at 2:30 P.M. in her residence surrounded by her loving daughters. She was born August 29,1942 in Springfield, Ohio, a daughter of William J. and Ethel I.(Marion) Robinson Sr. She was the devoted wife of Jesse L. Wilkerson. Rebecca was a member of the Church of God, 709 E. Grand Ave. where she served as a Sunday School teacher, choir member, kitchen helper and worked on many committees. Rebecca enjoyed reading, music, traveling, scrapbooking and the OSU Buckeyes. She dearly loved her family, attending church, and most of all, her Lord. She was employed by the Ohio Masonic Home where she worked for 13 years before retiring to be a full-time homemaker. Rebecca is survived by her loving family, including her husband; three daughters: Brook E. Wilkerson and Yolanda F. (Roderick) Wilkerson-Nesby of Springfield, Leah S. Wilkerson of Columbus; one son, Jeffrey M. Wilkerson of Riverdale, GA.; siblings: Timothy (Katherine) Robinson Sr., Faith (Nathan) Fletcher, both of Springfield and Benjamin (Karen) Robinson of Fairbanks, AK; grandchildren: Kamaron Ferrell, Monaco Wilkerson; and Jordyn and Kimyah Wilkerson, both of whom she opened her home, embracing them as her own; special sister-in-law: Katherine Robinson; special cousins: David and Nancy Payne Sr., Joanne Shepard-El, Kristi Payne and special friends: Patty Quisenberry, Patricia Kenerly and Janie Kenerly. Rebecca is preceded in death by her parents, her brother William J. Robinson Jr., her son Jesse A. Wilkerson, and her granddaughter Kortni Ferrell. The family will receive friends on Sunday, June 13, 2010 from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. at the Church of God, 709 E. Grand Ave., Springfield, Ohio. A celebration of Rebecca’s life will be held at the church on Monday, June 14, 2010 at 11:00 A.M. with Elder Ronald M. Cavin II officiating. Her body has been entrusted to the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home Frances I. Wynn Frances I. Wynn, 56, of Springfield , Ohio , passed away Wednesday, June 9, 2010. She was born January 20, 1954 to Frank Fullen, Jr. and Thirza H. Fullen. Frances was employed by Mueller Residential Services for over 30 years. She enjoyed reading and spending time with her family. She is survived by her husband, Ernest Wynn; three sons, Rashad Wynn of Atlanta, GA, Dorian Wynn and Joshua Wynn of Springfield; two daughters, Thirza Wynn and Lauren Wynn of Springfield; grandchildren, Davia, Xavier, Dorian Jr., and Joskoya; her loving mother, Thirza Fullen; three sisters, Marianna Worley, Cynthia (Todd) Jones, Saundra (Anthony) Berrien all of Springfield; two brothers, Victor Fullen of Springfield, and Elliot (Angela) Fullen of Houston, TX. Frances was preceded in death by her son, Seth Wynn and her father, Frank Fullen, Jr. Visitation will be Monday from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at Greater Grace Temple, 380 W. Leffel Lane, Springfield, Ohio. Funeral services will follow in the church at 1 p.m. Burial in Ferncliff Cemetery. Arrangements provided by the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home. Beverly E. Brotherton Beverly E. Brotherton 80, formerly of Medway, Ohio passed away at her residence in Rome, New York Wednesday June 2, 2010. She was born February 22, 1930 in Rome the daughter of the late Fred & Beatrice (Hettrick) Jones. Beverly was a graduate of Rome Free Academy the Class of 1948. On January 31, 1953 she married John Brotherton in Taberg, who passed away on December 3, 1993. She was employed by B&B Tax Service, Medway, Ohio. She is survived by a son, Richard Brotherton of Tennessee; a sister, Freda Medick of Rome, two grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; several nieces, nephews, including a special nephew and niece, Fred & Nora Jaynes, with whom she resided. In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by a sister, Isabella Jaynes. Visitation will be 3-8 PM Tuesday June 8, 2010 in the TROSTEL, CHAPMAN, DUNBAR & FRALEY FUNERAL HOME, New Carlisle, Ohio. Funeral services will be 10 AM Wednesday in the funeral home. Burial will be in Forest Hills Memorial Gardens. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to country in the U.S. Army and was honorably discharged. He leaves to cherish his memory his mother, Esther Evans; wife, Diane Evans; sons, Marlon (Fanta) Avery and Suluki Evans; daughter, Natasha Ervin; brother, Marc Evans; sisters, Terri (Lawrence) Strodes, Geraldine (Marshall) Thomas, Toni Beard, Patricia, Beth, Alice, Treva, Kathy and Danielle Evans; 9 grandchildren, other relatives and friends. Visitation will be Tuesday from 35 p.m. in Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church. Funeral services will follow in the church at 5 p.m. Burial will be Wednesday in the Dayton National Cemetery with full military honors. Arrangements provided by the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home. The family will receive friends at 807 Rice Street. Dorothea J. Hursh Dorothea J. Hursh, 82, of Springfield died unexpectedly Wednesday, June 2, 2010 in Community Hospital. She was born July 1. 1927 in Middletown, Ohio the daughter of Albert Sidney and Blanche (Mahoney) Stiles. Mrs. Hursh was a 1945 graduate of Springfield High School and was a lifelong member of First Baptist Church. She is survived by four children and their spouses Janie and Carl Castiglione, Jim L. and Karen Hursh, Patricia E. and David Greene, and Joan M. and Lynn Rowland, all of Springfield; one brother and sister-in-law Donald and Ruth Stiles of South Charleston; half brothers and sisters Mike, Michelle and Denise Stiles, all of Springfield; nine grandchildren Alicia (Tim) Griffith, Ben (Ashley) Hursh, Hope (Tim) Flessner, Faith (Darren Perez) Breslin, Abram (Heather) Breslin, Adam Breslin, Anna Greene, Krista Rowland and Brad (Kim) Rowland; many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband Paul L. Hursh, and three sisters Alberta, Peggy and Joan. Visitation will be Friday from 6-8 PM. in the RICHARDS, RAFF & DUNBAR MEMORIAL HOME. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10:30 AM. in the Memorial Home with Pastor Ken Whitt officiating. Entombment will be in Rose Hill Mausoleum. Memorial contributions may be made in Dorothea’s name to the First Baptist Church. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to ELIZABETH J. GOODE ELIZABETH J. GOODE, 86, of New Carlisle, Ohio passed away Tuesday June 1, 2010. She was born September 18, 1923 in Clark County, Ohio the daughter of the late Jesse & Elizabeth (Reed) Anspaugh. She retired from Mercy Medical Center and was a member of the Asbury United Methodist Church, North Hampton, Ohio. She is survived by her husband, of 66 years, Richard Goode; two daughters, Elizabeth Ann & Michael Lubbers, Susan & Thomas Griffith; seven grandchildren; ten great grandchildren; and friends. In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her brother, Fahren. Visitation will be 11-1 PM Friday June 4, 2010 at the TROSTEL, CHAPMAN, DUNBAR & FRALEY FUNERAL HOME, New Carlisle, Ohio with funeral services at 1 PM in the funeral home. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, St. Paris, Ohio. Memorial contributions may be made to Susan G. Komen Foundation or the American Cancer Society. ExDarrel E. Evans pressions of sympathy may be sent to www.trostelchapman. Darrel E. Evans, 57, of Spring- com field passed June 1, 2010 in Springfield Regional Medical “Precious in the Center. He was born Novemeyes of the Lord ber 20, 1952 in Springfield, are the death of His Ohio a son of Elbert and Esther saints" (Beard) Evans. Darrel was a self employed Drywall Finisher and a Master Mason, PhoeJohn 11:25 nix Lodge 112. He served his Every Obituary, Every Day: We update our online obituaries every weekday morning at <> Business Old Ohio Edison Plant To Be Torn Down Photographs Of The Old Ohio Edison Plant That Is To Be Torn Down-To see the whole gallery go to and click Photos under the Community link.” WANING continued ...................... from pg 1 your feeliing at that point. What are you planning to do that is more important? This may help you to better plan your schedule so that exercise is not the thing that is getting dropped. If you do decide to skip the workout, write down again two of three hours later what you actually did during that time and what you feel. Don’t hold back while you are doing this , write down what thoughts are running through your mind. Then do the same on days when you do your workout as planned so that you can clearly see the difference between the two. In some cases you may find out what triggers a certain frame of mind that prompted you to skip the workout and be able to overcome it. Pat Frock Pat’s Personal Training 937-319-6200 PROUDLY SERVING AMERICAN & PERUVIAN CUISINE Mon-Fri 11am - 9pm | Sat 8:30am - 9pm | Sun 8:30am - 8pm Breakfast Lunch and Dinner BBQ Nights Every Thursday BBQ Chicken Meal $9.99 SLOW HOT BBQ Rib Dinner $9.99 ROASTED SMOKIN’ BBQ Pulled Pork $5.99 101 Corry Street, Yellow Springs June 16, 2010 s The Springfield Paper s Page C7 BBB Warns Beware Of Loan Scams Struggling Families & Business Owners Lose Thousands To Phony Lenders DAYTON, OHIO, June 11, 2010 - According to complaints filed with your Better Business Bureau, victims across the country have lost a total estimated quarter million dollars to advance fee loan scams this spring. Advance fee loan scams target individuals and small business owners desperate to get loans and often take victims for thousands of dollars. Despite recent improvements, the economy continues to provide a great opportunity for scammers to take advantage of struggling individuals and small business owners. Lending standards remain stringent at most banks and many cash-strapped people are turning to fraudulent lenders promising loans regardless of credit history. “Schemes preying on people looking for loans aren’t new and they’re flourishing in an economy when so many are struggling to get by,” said John North, BBB president and CEO. “Complaints received by your BBB are only the vocal few and we know from experience many more people across the country are falling for this scam every day-just when they can least afford it.” Your BBB has recently received complaints about advance fee loan scammers operating under more than 75 different names, including Capital Alliance Financial Group, Harford Financial Services, Howard and Clark Financial, Lending Hand Financial, Stock Photo among others. Most people stumble upon the scams online or learn about the bogus loan offers from ads in local Thrifty Nickel publications and online through classified sites, like Craigslist. Often, an advance fee loan scam Web site will be created and taken down within a couple weeks only to be replaced by another operating under a different name and fake business address. The Web sites look professional and might even put the victim through the rigors of filling out loan application forms-often requiring the victim’s bank account and Social Security numbers. Eventually victims are told they’re approved for loans and just need to pay as much as thousands of dollars upfront via money order or wire transfer to pay for insurance or collateral. Those who pay never get the promised loans and are even sometimes tricked into giving the scammers more money. Your BBB advises cash-strapped individuals and small business owners THANK YOU TO OUR VETERANS Questions About Retirement Income? Dixon Investment Services, LLC William H. Dixon, CFP® to recognize the following red flags of advance fee loan scams: *The lender has a bad reputation-or none at all. Most trustworthy lenders have established track records. Be wary if you can’t find much information about a lender online. Research lenders thoroughly online and with your BBB. Visit or call (937) 222-5825 or (800) 776-5301. *The lender isn’t registered with the state to do business. Check with Ohio’s financial or banking regulators. *The lender asks you to wire money or send a Uncommon Grounds “Freshest Whole Bean Coffee In Town!” Buy a pound of Fresh Boston Stoker Coffee and get a drink FREE!!! In Upper Valley Mall (937) 324-5282 On-site and online remote computer repair at your home or office Flexible hours that fit your schedule Most problems can be fixed same-day Friendly and knowledgeable specialists with answers to your computer questions IRA Transfers, 401(k)s, Variety of Investment & Insurance Products, 38 Years Of Service Computer training available ASK BILL! (937) 653-8680 Registered Investor Advisor, Only Securities and Advisory Services offered through Wall Street Financial Group, Inc. RINRA/SIPC money order (for insurance or collateral) before you can receive the loan. You might be told to wire money to another country, another red flag. If you’ve become a victim of an advance fee loan scam, contact your Better Business Bureau and report the incident to your police department. If you were asked to wire money to Canada, file a complaint with Canadian law enforcement by calling toll free (888) 4958501 or e-mail info@ Call Today! 937-684-9243 Visit us online at: MERCHANTS NATIONAL Member FDIC Bridget O’Neal-Risner Branch Operations Manager Funerals · Cremation · Pre-Arrangements Pet Cremation · Free Grief Support Groups RICHARDS, RAFF & DUNBAR TROSTEL, CHAPMAN, DUNBAR & FRALEY 325-1564 845-9477 MEMORIAL HOME 838 E. High St. Springfield FUNERAL HOME 507 W. Jefferson St. New Carlisle “locally owned & operated by people you know & trust” “A Real Community Bank with REAL Customer Service” 3473 EAST NATIONAL ROAD | SPRINGFIELD, OHIO | 937-322-4200 WWW.MERCHANTSNAT.COM Brock Burcham Loan Officer • In House Loan Officers • Drive up ATM • Convenient location • Products & Services to meet • Four lane drive thru all your banking needs Cell Phones - Technology - Safety Nationally 25% of people Do Not have land lines. OFFICE SHERIFF OF THE . KELLY A E N E G F F I SHER ty n u o c k r la .c www VE. FOUNTAIN A 120 NORTH 119 HIO 45502-1 O , D L IE F G SPRIN .521.2050 OFFICE: 937 937.328.2515 FAX: s of Clark To the Citizen County es have American hom l al f o % 5 2 , arch oods 75-100% the latest rese me neighborh so According to In e. n li d d help in an ne, a lan When you nee e. n NO home pho o h p e m o cate your cell have NO h logy we can lo o n ch of the homes te h it w can speed matters. Yes, ress so that we d ad an e emergency, it av h gency would like to e have an emer w If . u yo phone, but we to nning of getting help med suspect ru ar l, il sp al ic up the process em uld like to call derailment, ch g child, we wo n such as a train si is your m a r o r this, we need neighbo o r d u o yo T . gh n u o g ro th is goin ll our local u know what u will please ca yo If you and let yo . er b m u n our web ll phone n r contact us o o n io address and ce at rm fo ciated with ve us this in numbers asso e n o h p number and gi ll ce r r any ter all of you one number fo h p ll ce r u page we will en yo use r serve We will NOT help us, bette e as le P s. es your address. n usi than official b other purpose YOU! Clark County Emergency Management Agen cy e A. Kelly Sheriff Gen hio lark County O 3130 East Main Street 1E Springfield, Ohio 45505 Sheriff of C 24 Hour: 937-521-2175 Fax: 937-327-3862 Clark County Residents, The Clark County Homeland Security Committe e has purchased the Wide Area Rapid Notification system known as WARN. WAR N is used by public safety officials in the event of an emergency to notify you quickly of important information such as boil alerts, chemical leaks , evacuation instructions, or tornado warnings. Currently, a reverse 911-type system in place to call every county residence and business that has landlines. We can even target calls inten ded just for your neighborhood. However, we recognize that not every household has tradit ional landlines, and that several homes now have cellular service as their primary means of comm unications. Therefore, I want to encourage our residents to register all their phone numbers using our Citizen Sign-up service. By regist ering your cell phone you can be informed of critic al information immediately, even while you’re away. George A .S Clark Cou odders nty Audit or Ohio - Th e Heart of it All! Clark Cou The only information you need to provide is an address and any phone numbers associated with that address. You can remain anonymous if you choose. For added security, visit any of the websites to password protect your informatio n and make updates as needed. For your convenience, you may register your phone numbers in the following manner; visit the following websites and click on the WARN logo: the Clark County Homepage,, the Sheriff’s Offic e,, the Emergency Management Agency,, the Auditor’s office,, and City of New Carlisle,, Or call the Citizen Signup hotline at 937-521-2179 and leave your complete maili ng address with your phone numbers. nty Resid ents: Clark Cou nty Audit or Informati on System George Sodders is m (GIS) ava the reside ilable to p aking his Geograp nts of Cla hical r omote en rk County hanced pu . b lic safety I’m excite to d to be pa rt of Clar (WARN) k C System. O ounty’s W Because in an emergency - time is precious. ur GIS is Please take a few ide Area R system,” S critical to a mom p ents of time NOW to keep you, your loved ones odders sa id N o ti th fi and pets e c id a o . tio that are cu peration o The WAR safe in the FUTURE. rrently m f this early n anaged by N system utilizes th e property warning this depar tment. locations “In additio n, our GI Lisa D’Allessandris. Director S departm Clark County Emergency Management Agen ent will b cy e be entered maintaining the da ta that wil by l ment of th the end-user in the e early-wa developrn database,” ing notifi cation according to Sodder s. Lisa D’Allessandris, Director “In order Ken Johnson, Deputy Director/Planner for us to u Office: 937-521-2176 Office: 937-521-2178 pdate you tion in ou Mobile: 937-605-0576 r info rd Mobile: 937-605-2692 visit my w atabase, I ask all cit eb page at izens to www.clark countyau dit your prim ary phone and enter number(s ).” “Early wa Robert M. rning cap Vanderhors ab becoming t Fiscal Serv a necessar ility is increasingly ices y part of lo ties. We w cal comm ant to ens Tina L. Cow uniure the sa citizens.” an fety of all Assessmen our t Administr ation George A . Sodders Clark Cou nty Audit or Nikki Cra wford Appraisal Tanya Schi lling Computer Operations David Cre w, CPA Accountin g and Auditing Jodi Fitch, Finance and Administrative Assistant Office: 937-521-2177 Official Business Only Privacy Protection CALL TO ACTION: Phone: 521-2179
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