The Racket - Salt Spring Tennis Association


The Racket - Salt Spring Tennis Association
The Racket
Fall - October, 2012
SaltSpring Tennis History lesson:
These guys – recognize them - played Tennis with many of us on
SaltSpring in the mid 80’s --- during the Camelot days of Tennis on
SaltSpring and the formative years of SSTA. You just never know who you
will meet on the Court on this island….
David Foster
& Wayne Gretsky
Come on back guys try
out Centre Court…
Picture courtesy of
the Parksville
Qualicom Beach
Editor’s Sidebar:
This copy of the Racket is very long --- it
has large print for the older readers, lots of pictures and lots of white space
… so hang in there --- There is lots of interesting stuff for you too… MCB
Roy Rajsic
What an amazing stretch of weather we have had since the last Racket.
When summer came it lasted well past Thanksgiving and it is only now that
the rain has finally come.
The effects of the tent caterpillar infestation were felt right through the
season with even the Island Apple Festival falling victim to them. You know
that it has been a bad season when Ann Stewart has to offer some of her
apples to Bob Weeden !!! Bob did admit though, that it was something of a
relief to have the year off with respect to apples at least – time to work on
his Tennis.
Thanksgiving was a joy for more than the weather: how about that brand
new, wonderful indoor tennis court! I just love that court; it is really a joy to
play in there. We can all be thankful for the hard work of executive
members and the everlasting generosity of club and community members
for this great, great place to play.
It was sheer coincidence when four of our lady members realized that they
played on the indoor court on the very day of the 33rd anniversary of the
incorporation of the Salt Spring Tennis Association. Congratulations ladies;
what a long time coming!
The official opening day ceremonies were great fun. The demonstration of
kid`s tennis by Marianne Banman`s students was just a delight. For all of
us it was just terrific to see that future tennis players were being developed
and that the sport can really blossom. As one of our visitors observed, any
big city tennis club would consider Marianne the jewel of their junior
development program. We are lucky that we have her here on our own little
island; something else for which to be thankful.
Speaking of our visitors if you didn`t see the doubles game that visiting pros
Kathy Fox, Peter Schelling and Marjorie Blackwood, along with Victoria
magician Ranjan McArthur, put on for us you missed the best play that I
have ever seen on the Island. What a treat it was to see these talented folks
play the game.
Peter and Marjorie are planning on spending more time here so we will
have many more opportunities to see and learn from them. Peter is a very
talented and personable coach who is looking forward to working with
Island players of all ages and levels. As well as being a gifted teacher
Marjorie is one of the most talented Canadian women to play in the
professional ranks. Numerous doubles titles and a notable win over former
British and world number one Virginia Wade are just a few her many
accomplishments. The two have been married for thirty years and still have
fun playing together. Now, there is something they could teach us right off
the bat! I think in the coming years that we will be very thankful to have
Peter and Marjorie here.
Many of our members are off to their winter haunts; safe travel to you all.
We shall miss you and will look forward to your return in the Spring. You will
have to be ready for some awesome play from all the people who stayed
behind to work on their game in our fabulous new court! … RR
Presidents Report: Erica Ross, President.
Fall being the traditional season for the harvest, it is fitting that the SSTA is
finally enjoying the fruits of our labour, with the recent opening of Centre
Court. It was an exciting day and an accomplishment of which we can all
be proud. We plan to continue to care for our investment of energy, time,
and money with the “Court Watch” program Fernando has
introduced. Thank you to all those who have signed up so far to be part of
the rota on the calendar in the Green Room….there are still some spaces
left for those of you that have not done so yet. Many hands make light
SSTA membership is increasing. We are pleased to welcome several new
members and some returning ones, now that winter tennis is here
again. For those who would like a Fall “tune-up”, check our website
( for information on programs and
coaching. Marianne Banman performs wonders, and new member, Peter
Schelling, has been a high performance coach for 30 years. Please watch
for notices about programs they will be offering.
Happy days are here again!
On the Money Front:
Doris St Germain
Over the summer our club account looked after the usual expenses for
varies social functions like the summer BBQ, interclub lunches and
tournament prizes or food. Most of our club income is derived from
membership fees and these pay for almost all the club operations. This
year we have an extended fiscal year, as well as an increase in the
membership fee, which will produce a significant change in the financial
reports at the next AGM next spring. But for now our club account is
growing and stands at $4,444.83. The next biggest club expense will be the
Christmas Party – be sure to attend since you are paying for it!
The main focus of our financial operations throughout the summer has been
in the Indoor Tennis Facility Account for the construction of Centre Court.
We are very hopeful that the last bill has been paid, but we’ve had to revise
our final total a few times! The total cost to build was $630,376.96, but that
is adjusted by HST rebates to $567,843.07 – still a very big number! We
have been very lucky to have eleven members who supported this project
by loaning us $300,000 on promissory notes. We have ten years to repay
them, but this has to be a priority.
Since mid September we have been in operational mode and it has been a
very busy start. Thankfully most of the financial transactions have been
incoming payments for leagues, block bookings and private game bookings.
League fees brought in $5,184 for the seven leagues and the six block
bookings added $3204 to the bank balance for the fall session and one
winter session. Our current bank balance is $9,629.32 – but that is
changing daily. We do have some outstanding receivables such as the
HST rebate, Tennis Canada donations, a local grant and some coaching
reservations that should add around $17,250 to the bank balance.
The on-line booking system for private games needed some rain to kickstart it! The payments are made through PayPal and our PayPal account
balance is constantly changing. At some point we will electronically transfer
some of those funds into our bank account. This whole process has been a
learning experience for the executive as well as the members using it – but
we’re getting there.
Now that we are up and running, we will start to incur operational expenses,
but luckily this is a very simple building with low operating costs. We know
that monthly costs will include rent to the Golf Club, hydro for those
fabulous court lights and the rest of the building, fees for PayPal
transactions and the online booking service. HST will have to be paid for all
the court bookings on a quarterly basis and annual costs will be insurance
and perhaps some taxes. There will be some minor maintenance expenses
for things such as bathroom supplies and drinking water, but it will take a
year to get a complete picture.
Our Premium Savings Business Account has been dormant throughout the
summer except for a patronage bonus which raised it to $177.86 and is to
become our Reserve Fund once we have money to save.
Fundraising Activities:
Doris St Germain
Now an established SSTA Summer tradition. The
LobsterFest held on June 10th, saw Fernando & Tami Dos Santos and
Frank & Patricia Marrek working hard in Meadon Hall to ensure all the
details of this event were looked after to guarantee another wonderful
evening for all involved.. This has become an annual favourite with club
members, their guests, tourist and the general community; the ticket sales
are very brisk! It is the must have ticket for the social scene in June – Don’t
miss it next year. The hard work of the Dos Santos and Marrek teams
added $2,123.43 to the ITF account and provided a $160 donation to the
Copper Kettle... Well done all of you --- Thank you for your hard work,
good natures and generosity…
St Mary’s Paddle& Poker
Monday August 9th, This year the
annual St Mary Lake Swim morphed into a St Mary Lake Paddle and
Poker Run that was managed by Doris St Germain. It was a successful
day --- great weather, good Boatspersonship, great food, lively music and
wonderful company. The event was held on August 6th and was followed
by the summer BBQ at the home of Virginia and Jack Giles. The 13
paddlers collected pledges totaling $3785 for the building fund and the
poker pot of $130 went to Grania Litwin who beat out her sister Erica
Ross with her last card drawn. A very Successful SSTA day all round --During the BBQ another fund raiser took place – the First Game Auction!
Fernando Dos Santos acted as auctioneer and got the bidding up to $500
for a spot in the first game. The highest bidder was given the chance to buy
more than one spot and then anyone else was allowed to buy the remaining
spots at the same price. So $2000 was raised and the four players ended
up being Rick Weatherall, Dan Phelan, Erica Ross whose husband
bought the spot for her and Fernando Dos Santos, who wife bought the
spot for him.
Thanks to all those who worked so hard setting up, taking down, doing
dishes, bringing food, paddling, passing out poker cards…. You all made it
a lovely day…
Country Grocer Tapes & Thrifty’s Smile Card The ongoing fund raising programs of the Smile Card and Save a Tape are
continuing to bring in a bit of money every month. They have brought in
$1,451.29 this year – which is almost twice what we have seen in any
previous years.
Thanks to all our members for making this happen,
keep stuffing those tapes in Box 77 at Country Grocer or using the Thrifty
Smile Cards!
In July Penny Sira decided she needed to step up and do something for
the club – so she took over the Country Grocer tape box duties from Doris.
Thank you so much Penny, every little bit helps make the Club run well for
all of us… It is a big help and relieves some of the pressure from Doris..
On SaltSpring we KNOW you have to dress Good to play
Good…. But did you know….
Kids listen to this…
When the first "revealing" ankle and forearm dress made its debut
at Wimbledon in 1919, it was in stark contrast to the high-neck
dresses and floor-length skirts favored by 40-year-old, seven-time
champion Dorothea Douglass who was dressed in a high-neck
dress which swept the floor.
And for the guys – did you know…
Henry "Bunny" Austin was the first player to wear shorts at
Wimbledon in 1932, shocking many... including Queen Mary.
SSTA Clothing Line:
Louise Devlin
Our clothing sales are an on-going fund raiser managed by Louise Devlin.
She has set up her samples at fund raisers and at the events at Centre
Court encouraging members to buy our tennis clothing. She sells from her
supplies or places orders whenever a different size or colour is needed.
Since the start the clothing line has been offered in white, navy or blue.
However, you might see a new colour showing up soon and you might just
have to have it!
She is hoping to have a permanent display in the Green Room at Centre
Court in the near future, but for now call her at 537-4622 if you want to buy
something. It’s great to see our members wearing our logo on the court
and around town. Don’t forget they make great gifts for your tennis envy
Anyone Out There ?????
Only more urgently !!!!!
SSTA still needs of a Coordinating Committee in the Fundraising area. We
really need someone or a team of someone(s) with good organization skills,
enthusiasm and Volunteer Wrangling skills… we have lots of Volunteers,
they just need some wrangling and poking. There is no shortage of great
fund raising ideas, what we need is a team to shepherd them to completion
and coordinate all the various efforts… Anyone out there ??? Contact Doris
St Germain
Future Fundraising Ideas
Anyone with some creative ideas for raising money for the Indoor Court,
come forward… we need you and your ideas. It could be: a really sound
stock tip in a gold mine, or RIM, a bake sale, an invention of some tennis
technology the world needs desperately (score keeping thingy for the
Golden Age technophobes), an event like the Lobster Dinner, a party for the
whole Community - SSTA Style.
Something unique, fun and raises as much money as quickly as possible –
so we can stop fund raising, donating and working so hard and get back to
just playing tennis, laughing, partying and enjoying SaltSpring – you know
the real stuff of the club….
Congratulations !!!!!
So far this year we have deposited
$32,389.31 in donations for our new Centre Court. But we have spent it all!
There are still some donations sent to Tennis Canada that have not come
back to us and we are still waiting for a $5000 grant from SS Island
Foundation to help cover the expenses of our wheelchair accessible
Now that the building is up and being used does not mean the end to fund
raising. We have a $300,000 debt to pay off and donations are still needed.
The Tennis Canada program for taxable deductions is still available and
you might want to consider a donation for 2013 to help reduce some of your
taxes next year while helping out your tennis club.
Membership News:
Doris St Germain
“If you build it…they will come …and join our club” – seems
to be the reason our club membership has been growing since Centre
Court opened. We now have 166 members on our list, which is up from last
year’s 147. However, we did change our membership year at the AGM in
June to move the end date from September 30 to December 31st - so we
could reach record numbers by the end of the year. All our members were
given three free months of membership and the renewal date is now
January 1, 2013.
We are very pleased to welcome our newest members : David Baukol,
Boe Beardsmore, Marjorie Blackwood, David Cummings, Janet
Cummings, Mark Cutten, Diane Dumont, Kathy Fox, Karl Holmqvist,
Bruce Housser, Paul Jensen, Daniel Kalf, Heather Kalf, Bernadette
McAllister, Peter McAllister, Ranjan McArthur, Marie Mullen, Peter
Phelan, Peter Schelling, Jean Southgate, Suzanne Tremblay, and Mary
The excitement of Centre Court has spurred some previous members to
rejoin. Welcome back: Lorne Bunyan, Eugene Chung, Jim Dearing,
Ruth Hopping, Colin Lawler, and Wayne Wrigley.
At the AGM in June, not only did the membership term change, but a
special resolution was passed to increase the annual membership fee to
$25 which includes the HST. This new fee went into effect in mid
September when the resolution was filed by the Registrar under the Society
To date we have 74 new or renewed memberships for 2013. We are happy
to receive your renewal anytime between now and the end of the year. Just
send in your $25 cheque to our club mailing address or if you are playing at
Centre Court, you may drop it in the payment box in the storage room. Just
be sure to include a renewal form with the payment. Thanks…
Upcoming Events:
Christmas Party
November 28, 2012 6:00 pm Meet & Greet – Cash Bar 7:00 pm Dinner Where: Meadon Hall - Lower Legion Building Cost:
$10.00 – per person – payable at the door* Meal:
Roast Beef Entree with Yorkshire
Pudding & Veggies will be provided by the
Club To request a vegetarian meal - please
notify Rose when you RSVP What to Bring: Appetizer - or - Salad – or Christmas Dessert Music:
By a DJ - bring your dancing shoes! To reserve your seat, please RSVP by November 25th to: Rose Heinekey at 538-5574,or by * If you plan to pay your 2013 membership at the door – please bring a separate cheque. Please bring a little something for the Copper Kettle Gift Hampers…
unused or gently used that would brighten someone’s day… just a little
something nice…. Tasty treat or thoughtful trinket… There will also be a
donation Kettle set up at the door. We all have so much and others so
little… mark on a tag male or female… think older adults… Thanks… MCB
Rose Heinekey - the wonder woman who organizes all of our yummy
SSTA Feasts, would like to ask for some help decorating, setting up and a
little clean up --- come on out and join the fun…. Just give her a call or
email at
Action on the Courts:
Centre Court Watch:
We will be looking for 60 of our members to volunteer to keep an eye on
Centre Court for one day every two months.
It will involve going to the court at least once during the day and also
making certain that the facility has been properly closed up. In this way we
can be certain that the facility is secure and successful.
Business Ladies: Outdoor:
The summer saw some league play, but it was not as active as last year.
The Wednesday Women’s Evening League was in operation throughout the
summer. This league has a long history of serving the needs of the
business ladies in the club who work during the day and look forward to
their evening games. Sunday mornings saw a number of women out in a
league organized by Leah Hartley.
Contact Doris St Germain at 250-537-1635 or email
Indoor Leagues:
October 1st was the start of the indoor league season in our new Centre
Court. The response for league players was great – but we can always add
more. There are seven leagues set up – four for women, two for men and
one mixed. We had tried to establish a few other ones, but did not get the
players to make them work. Some were changed by group, some were
reduced in time, and others were dropped due to the lack members.
Those players who did turn up to play were thrilled to be in such a fabulous
facility! They won’t be hesitant to sign up for the winter session. We do
have lots of players already signed up for the next session – many signed
up for both sessions right from the start. If you want to get your name in just send Doris St Germain an email at .
Regarding the current schedules - to those players in groups of eight – I
apologize for using the wrong schedules when I set up them up. I used the
outdoor schedule which is not appropriate for a single court where time
needs to be taken into consideration. So I searched my SSTA 2006 emails
and found the right one that will be used for the winter session.
Drop In --Drop Ins’ have gone indoor to Centre Court for the Winter. As Doris
mentioned above --- there are leagues which are intended to be the Winter
version of Drop In – some people didn’t understand what was going on,
others couldn’t figure out how to do it on-line and then there were those
who put it off because of the great weather --- any way anyone who signed
up is either playing or sub-bing…
To ensure that you are included in the next session starting in Jan. get
registered early … there is lots of room and we can make more if the
demand is there… come on out…. It is sooooo much fun!!!!! The court is
beautiful to play on and makes you feel like a great player --- you remember
like 10 years ago….
Men’s – Still Tuesday Morning…
Women’s – still Thursday Morning…
Mixed: still Friday Morning…
Tournament Results: --- Jennifer Morgan
Wimbledon Cup & Saucer - June 30th - Mixed Doubles
with some wooden racket play and with the same allotted partner. White
attire only please, think vintage. All in all a very dignified even. Wimbledon
Champions on SaltSpring this year were Frank Marrek and Carol
Wright. Well done it isn’t easying winning such a prestigious honour….
Well done all who played in another fun day with Strawbearries and
Cream…. And cookies too…
President's Cup – Men July 21st - President's cup for men was won by Mike Leedham and Dave Rowse,
runners up were Michael Powell and Allan Bruce.
President’s Cup - Women July 22nd –
President’s Cup for Women was won by Justene Tedder and Doris St
Germain, Runners up were Ann Stewart and Barbara Freitas.
4thAnnual Roger’s Rookie Juniors: July 28
Saturday, July 28th Rogers Rookie Junior Tournament Winners:
Age 6-8: Graham Fisher (SSI)
Age 9-12: Maya Boucher (SSI)
Age 13-15: A young lad from Arizona
Saturday, August 4th Le Petit Rogers Rookie
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Next year's Rogers Rookie Tournie Saturday,
July 27th at Portlock
SSTA’s Future --lovely to see -- good
going players,
organizers and
Gulf Islands Open Tournament – August
30th to September 3rd The Gulf Islands Open was again this year was great success, largely due
to the tremendous efforts of Jennifer Morgan, who maintained her
composure and friendly nature no matter what challenges she was faced
with. This woman is wonderful !!!!! Thank you so much for all your hard
work and your good humour…
Many thanks also to all those who played. It was full of great tennis, great
sportsmanship, numerous close third set victories, great fun and blessed
with great weather, except perhaps for some windy conditions during the
finals. Our off island contenders all want to return next year for another try
at defeating so many good SaltSpring players. Congratulations to the
winners and on the great play by everyone involved.
Women's Singles –
Men's Singles
Winner - David Barclay.
Runner up - Markus Wenzel.
Consolation - Adam Lawrence.
Winner - Donna Wrigley.
Runner up - Marianne
Consolation winner - Eva
Men's Doubles –
Winners - David Barclay and
Wes Bertch.
Runners up - Peter Lamb and
Fernando dos Santos.
Women's Doubles –
Winners - Erica Ross and
Elly McKeague.
Runners up - Donna
Wrigley and Marianne
Mixed Doubles Winners - Colin and Erica Ross.
Runners up - Markus Wenzel and Justene Tedder.
Consolation winners - John Handy and Doris St.Germain.
Sadie Hawkins: Oct.13 on Centre Court
Scheduled for Portlock the Sadie Hawkins was endangered of being
cancelled due to a lovely long awaited rain. However through Jennifer
Morgan’s creativity and persistence the Sadie Hawkins was the first Club
tournament held in our new Centre Court. The tournament ran from 9 am
to 12.30 - 6 teams played for two half hour games with a final between
Colin & Erica and Markus & Justene. Markus & Justene won the final
exciting match. It really went very well and would not have gone at all
without that lovely court. Thanks everyone who organized and played so
well – magic happened – it demonstrates beautifully that we can have some
fun tournaments over the Winter…
Interclub Report:
Ann Stewart
Oak Bay exchange to us was cancelled for the second time, so we decided
to leave it to next year, but we did have a great time with them - taking 6
men and six women.
The annual battle with Gabriola took place - we won when we went over
there, and we also won when they came here, (host Jennifer Morgan).
Thanks Jen. The trophy sits in majesty in the Green Room until next
year!!!! That was for four men and four women… Well done all you have
restored our honour…
Arbutus cancelled any exchanges as not one Arbutusite signed up - lack of
enthusiasm was deemed to be the cause! --- we will try again next year…
maybe we have them nervous or they just haven’t heard how much fun we
are and what great lunches we put on…
Sept 14: SSTA to Langford: SSTA players were: Roy Rajsic, Ann
Stewart, Jeff Bee, Jennifer Morgan, April Wright, Micheal Powell, Pat
Papparzzi trying to herd CATS into
organized picture form….. ah SSI folk
After corralling the CATS into some
order --- a happy bunch of Tennis
Sept 29th Langford comes to SSI…. SSTA was represented by: Michael
Powell, Pearl Gray, Dave Rowse, April Wright, Roy Rajsic, Erica
Ross, Bob Weeden, Donna Wrigley, Rick Weatherall , Derek
Emmerson, Doris St. Germain and Jan Coates
SSTA’s Best Style
Ann Stewart
Roy Rajsic & Micheal Powell
Jennifer Morgan
Instructional & Coaching Opportunities:
Embarrassment of Riches in
Tennis Teaching and Coaching
for SSTA and the SSI Community
After many years of having very little Tennis instruction and coaching on
SaltSpring we are truly blessed to now have so many wonderful options:
Marianne Banman
It all started to change a few years ago with Marianne Banman’s Baseline
Academy. All of those who were fortunate enough to be at our Grand
Opening had a chance to see an example of her wonderful teaching skills
and enthusiasm as she demonstrated how to teach juniors. She not only
teaches juniors but also beginners of all ages. Ducky over the mountain,
Shoot the Bunny and parent involvement were particularly popular with the
crowds and looked like a lot of fun…
Andrew Ross Collins
We are also fortunate to now having Andrew teaching beginners to
intermediates, as of last year. A very personable young man who was part
of the Red Court Demo at the Opening.
We also want to introduce the latest addition
to the SaltSpring Tennis Club and
Community: Marjorie Blackwood and
Peter Schelling, who will be offering their
services on SaltSpring teaching private
lessons as well as clinics. Marjorie and
Peter (black shirts) treated us to a
wonderful demonstration of tennis at
our Grand Opening with their
match against Ranjan McArthur
and Kathy Fox, the best tennis
seen on SaltSpring in many years.
Marjorie and Peter have taught tennis together for over 30 years. After 18
years as Tennis Directors at the Whistler Racquet Club, they moved to
Galiano Island in 2010. They continue to deliver tennis clinics, lessons and
camps on Galiano Island, Whistler and Vancouver Island.
Marjorie Blackwood
• Former Top 50 WTA Tour player, competed at Wimbledon, US Open,
Aussie Open, holder of 13 professional titles
• Past wins over Top 10 players, Virginia Wade, Pam Shriver and
Helena Sukova
• Three time past Canadian Champion in singles and doubles
• Former Federation Cup and National Team coach for Canada, has
coached all levels of play for over 20 years
Peter Schelling
• Two time Men's Masters National Doubles Champion
• Coach 3 certification level
• 30years of coaching all levels of play from top juniors, adults,
beginning and intermediate players
Peter being the new guy on the block - would love to get some feedback
from members as to what types if programming they might be interested in.
He assures me he can offer anything from drill sessions, workshops,
specific lessons, camps ,clinics, you name it. Just contact him at
604-698-6506 or
You can also check out their web site at
He is looking forward to meeting everyone out and about the Courts…
And… all of these people are really skilled, fun folks who
are going to help bring Tennis to a whole new level on
SaltSpring…. Good luck all of you… and thanks all …
Baseline Tennis Academy Offerings:
Marianne Banman
Baseline is a local SaltSpring company offering programs for adults, youth
and kids. Marianne is a keen supporter of SSTA and is very interested in
developing ongoing tennis for everyone on the island, especially young
players. For the following programs contact her directly.
Le Petit, Tykes & Junior Indoor Tennis starts November 2nd.
Register now to avoid disappointment. Several spots left in each
Le Petit: Ages 3-5.
Registration: $59 each for 5 sessions
Nov 2 to Dec 7 at SSE GYM. Time: 12Noon – 12:45pm (no
class on Nov. 16)
The following programs will take place at Centre Court (at the
Golf Club):
TYKES Tennis Ages 6-8: Registration $79 each for 6 sessions, Nov 2 to
Dec 14, 2-3pm
Junior Tennis I Ages 9-14 Registration $89 each for 6 sessions, Nov 2Dec 14, 3-4pm
Junior Tennis II Ages 10-14 (by permission of instructor): $89 for 6
sessions, Nov 2 – Dec 14, 4-5pm
Note: There is no class on Nov. 16th as school is in session.
Or if you are curious about Red Court – this is for you….
NEW: Adult RED COURT TENNIS Workshop: If you would like to
learn to play and compete in red court tennis, please arrange your
group of 4-12 adults and call Marianne to book your workshop.
90 minute red court tennis for Adults: Saturday afternoon time in
November or early December works best for the Instructor. Participants
pay the court booking fee and Marianne Banman will coach the workshop
for a small participant fee of $12 each. First 30 minutes would be instruction
and rules. Last hour would be fun, yet competitive match singles or
doubles match play.
Saturday November 3rd from 9:30 – 11:00 am. She will be available
during these times to provide help with the rules and to answer any other
questions. You can either use your own racquet or use one of the smaller
racquets available at the court. $5/per/session. If it proves to be successful
we will be looking for volunteers to come out on successive Saturdays to
set up the nets and take them down.
Email to request a registration form. Or call 250537-5870.
A UNIQUE DOUBLES EXPERIENCE WITH Marjorie & Peter Saturday & Sunday November 17 &18 Doubles 101, Saturday 9:00 ² 12:00
(this is for players wanting to know the basics of doubles)
Theme: focus is on Serving Team, drills and jobs of Server and
6HUYHU·V3DUWQer as they work to hold serve, lots of drills and
doubles strategy
Doubles 101, Sunday, 9:00 ² 12:00
Theme: Focus is on Returning Team skills.
Positioning, moving as team, lots of volleys
The Art of Doubles: Saturday, 2:00 ² 5:00
Level: Players 3.5 and up with more advanced doubles skills
Intense and active doubles drills, transition to net, emphasis on
the Serving Team
Art of Doubles: Sunday, 2:00 ² 5:00
More advanced drills, Emphasis on Returning Team
Team strategies and tactics. Fun drills and tactics to
improve your doubles game.
$50.00 per day/$100 both sessions
Register at or call 604 698-‐6506
Priority booking to people attending both days
Court Maintenance Report:
Pat Lazenby
Fulford Court:
was well used this summer with many coming to spend
bucolic tennis time in the Valley…. Nice to see it in use again… see you in
the Spring…
Portlock Courts:
Pat had a chat and a walk about with our new
PARC manager, Lorraine Brewster, last week. She was assured that no
more courts will have pickle ball painting on them...The nets on courts 2,3
abd 4 will be repaired or replaced... As she is a tennis player herself, she
will be wanting to play (hey another new member ?) when she finally has
her house here on SSI. Seems like a great Director, with a huge load on her
shoulders, so we might not be first in line, but we have her full support and
that is definitely a plus.
Thanks Pat for your efforts on our behalf.
“ Wimble-down “ is the ball fluff that gathers in the corners of the
indoor court…..
Centre Court:
Pat Lazenby is looking for volunteers to clean our new
indoor court, run the sweeper (it’s like a push mower, no power cords to
slow you down – great warmup) to clean up the Wimbledown. Tidying up
the greenroom and the bathroom, general straightening up etc. It is not a
huge task and doesn’t require a huge commitment of time --- but every bit
helps, we would like to keep the place tidy and looking new. Contact Pat if you can help out with part or all of it….Thanks all….
Note To All :
On going to court yesterday I took my tennis shoes
to put on there (as they are brand new) and it seems to me it might be a
good idea with the bad weather arriving that all players do this whatever the
weather. I think it would save getting grit and dirt on the court and cut down
on the cleaning needed.,,, Sylvia Leedham
SSTA’s Website:
Well the Website is looking pretty cool these days. It has the Indoor
Booking site, the catalogue of our fashionable tennis clothes, the schedule
for tournaments and Interclub Activity and it even has sources for supplies
like stringing, balls and grip wrap….
There was also a very useful and simple 'Online Booking' explanation by
Michael Powell...complete with his pictures of the various screens people
would see during the steps of the process
Check it out….
We are looking forward to seeing a section for the Racket and the back
issues of the Racket…. Sort of an archive for posterity….
Who's that (French) Guy?
The French Open - also known as the Roland-Garros - is named after ... Roland
Garros. While his name is most closely associated with tennis now, he was actually
a world-famous aviator and World War I flying ace. He was the first to motor over
the Mediterranean in 1913, using a Morane-Salnier Parasol monoplane. Even so,
Roland Garros was also an avid sportsman and skilled tennis player.
Got any news or kudos to…. Let me know… MCB
Michael Powell is doing such an amazing job as our volunteer techno guru
--- his help with the Website and the On-line booking system has been
terrific and invaluable to all of us. He is indeed a WebMaster & Wonder
Tech…. Thanks Micheal… and he plays a mean game of tennis too.
Who’d have thought ????? There actually is a difference between men’s
balls and ladies balls - okay stop giggling --- it’s really true and not what
your are thinking… However personally, I really think that some people
have way too much time on their hands to figure this stuff out…
There is adifference in balls used by men and women at the US Open! Be
sure to get to the end where there are some photos of the balls.
Who knew!!!
Michael Powell and Avril Kirby introduced Centre Court to the
Photography Club in an interesting/unique way --- with a beautiful
photography by Avril and some very fuzzy economic/accounting by both of
them…. It seems the christening game cost each player between 14 cents
and 30 cents/sec depending on the time of day of the calculation – it
appears the sobering morning after is more correct. I’ve even heard a
rumour that the $2000 game made it on to Youtube – though this techno
peasant can’t find it. Micheal added that at the reduced rate of September
it would cost 20 cents per minute per person for doubles… maybe we
should stick to tennis rather all this higher math….
Ron Perring will be away from November to the end of January, so anyone
needing a restringing job done should contact Peter Schelling at 250-5393694. The Club stringing machine is now in the storage area of the Green
Room and Peter Schelling will take over the stringing duties while Ron is
It isn’t all Glamour at the Exec level --- here are
some hard working folks getting Centre Court ready
for the Opening --- they all worked so hard --- thanks
so much all of you --- you have built us a beautiful
facility and we owe you a huge debt of gratitude….
Ahh !!!!!
The Glamour of it all !!!!!!!
Erica Ross, Colin Ross
and Doris St-Germain
Colin Ross is not only an amazing Court Washer but also a very dignified
Linesman, Netsman and Ball Boy… as he hosted the Champions Match at
the Centre Court Opening. He is a snappy dresser and generally a nice
man too --- Thanks Colin for all your support of the Club.
Jennifer Morgan also deserves thanks for her dedication to the garden at
Centre Court – she planted it and kept it watered every day through this
lovely dry Fall…. Well done – Mother Nature is here to help you now
The Open House of “Centre Court” was well attended by SSTA members
as well many others. Check out the Album below for all the action.
Fernando dos Santos sends this for your perusal…
You are invited to view Tami's
photo album: Summer Opening
of "Centre Court"
Summer Opening of "Centre
Aug 28, 2012
by Tami
View Album
Play slideshow
If you are having problems viewing this email,
copy and paste the following into your browser:
To share your photos or receive notification
when your friends share photos, get your own
free Picasa Web Albums account.
Thanks to Marianne Banman for her Try Tennis Everyone !!! at Centre
Court on September 29th…. New blood is a coming…
Doris St. Germain and Fernando Dos Santo put on a super Orientation to
Centre Court on October 22.23 --- they showed us how not to lock
ourselves in or out of the washroom, how to work the lights, the side
garage doors and the front lock… it was fun, informative and relieved some
of the nervousness of meeting our new facility…. It is wonderful…. What a
wonderful Treat to play tennis there…. Thanks guys it was great and
We would also like to thank Jeff Bee --- because of his personal
preferences he bought and installed a toilet paper holder in the washroom -- we would like to encourage anyone who sees something they would like
taken care of or added to the facitlity (within reason and taste of course) to
take the initiative --- It is our facility and we want it to be as cozy, comfy
and clean for everyone… Waiting for “them” to do it doesn’t work --- the
“them” is each of us guys and girls… Thanks Jeff.
A Bit of Dick Dobell at Centre Court - The metal cable holding up the
screens at the back of the court came from Dick. He had a spool of cable
for lifting his boat and gave the leftovers to Ron Perring... who donated it to
the club so that Dick Dobell could do his bit for Centre Court.
We Recycle - Things we had for the bubble found their way to a new life at
Centre Court.
• the main entry door and frame to Centre Court was the court door to
the Bubble;
• the second door and frame from Green Room to the court was the
emergency door of the Bubble;
• the water dispenser and cup holders were in the Bubble airlock; all
the bulletin boards were in the airlock;
• the drop box was in the airlock; and
• the court sweeper was brought back to life by Marianne and Menno
Banman to sweep up the Wimbledown in Centre Court!
• The 2010 Olympic screens on the side garage doors were donated by
Avril Kirby and Doris St. Germain - Doris and Erica masterminded
the hanging of the screens…. Nice work you guys – they are lovely.
• Joy Newtwon’s bench has migrated in from Portlock and we who
knew her know she would be delighted..
Margaret C. Benmore
and Roy Rajsic
Okay !!!!!! Okay!!!!!!!
Enough already… My eyes are crossed
and my brain is fried… Man this is one very busy little Club- ‘ The Little
Club That Could “ Erica calls us…
There is so much going one to report on; results, coming events, services,
great work by all sorts of people and of course the gratitude to all for
contributing to SSTA’s lifestream. I am sorry it is so long but it is just what
is happening…. I didn’t even get in my two bits worth and you know how
wordy that can be… But I didn’t dare – if you made it this far you get
extra points… Well done… MCB
Members are encouraged to send in all sorts of things for the RACKET:
jokes, pictures, news, gossip, articles, and manifestos, Snippets. Anything
that might be interesting or fun to share with the others in our Tennis
community.... The help will be appreciated…. We’d love to hear from
Cheers… MCB & RR