The Racket - Salt Spring Tennis Association


The Racket - Salt Spring Tennis Association
The Racket
Fall: September, 2014
Tennis Wisdom:
Old Age &Treachery will overcome
Youth & Skill
… anon old person
Editor’s Sidebar: Well I try and I try --- but there is just toooooo much going on
to keep the Racket short…lots of white space, pictures and large print… Hope you
Enjoy… MCB
Roy Rajsic
The partnership between the SSTA and the SSI Golf Club is proving to be as great a
success as had been hoped. Another successful series of golf and tennis clinics for
juniors this year shows once again the good things that can happen in partnerships of this
Although tennis and golf tend to be natural partners that are coupled in clubs across the
country the two sports seem to be on completely different arcs at the moment.
Participation in golf has been slumping across North America. Equipment sales have fallen
dramatically as 400,000 payers left the game last year in the USA alone. Canadian figures
follow similar trends with the average course rounds played dropping 10% in the past 5
years. One BC resort reported that ten foursomes is a busy day and sixty people a full
house. The resort is currently $35 million in debt.
In Canada about 1.5 million people play golf on 2400 courses across the country: one
course per 625 players. The tremendous overbuilding of golf courses in the 1990’s was
tied to real estate development rather than the needs of golfers. Every new development
seemed to feature a golf course where the more expensive houses were located.
Unfortunately the houses were not filled with golfers.
The cost of maintaining the courses – water alone being ruinously expensive in some
areas – has forced courses to search for ways to get more people to use their facilities for
other purposes. One operator was quoted as saying “I don’t care if they are flying kites or
riding bicycles as long as they are on the course.”
Many people are deterred by the time commitment of 4-5 hours for a round of golf. When
you include time for a drink and snack the day has pretty much been taken up. Others are
deterred because the game is too hard. Even the rules are becoming more flexible for
today’s golfer with mulligans and improved lies becoming commonplace as the game gets
dumbed down.
Course operators are responding with fast playing 12-hole “executive courses” of easier,
simpler design. Why put in bunkers that are expensive when the guy you are catching is
already shooting 120 asked one course designer?
Some places are experimenting with larger holes to make putting easier going from the
standard 4.25 inch hole to eight and even fifteen inches. Some courses have entered into
a “foot golf “ league where a soccer ball is kicked through the course and into twenty-one
inch holes. It is going to be a challenging decade ahead for golf and it is likely that big
changes are in store for the golf world.
Tennis is in a completely different place at the moment…
In 2008 16 million Canadians had played tennis at least once; 4 million had played once in
the last year and 830,000 people played two or more times a week. The once a year
players were pretty evenly divided among men and women (56% /44%) while men are
more heavily represented among the frequent players (62%/38%).
Over the past three years it is estimated that participation in tennis has grown by a
whopping 18.5 % to reach 5 million players.
There are a number of reasons for the different trends in the two sports. Over 80% of
participation in tennis is on free or low cost public courts and the game only requires
shoes, a racquet and a can of balls. Compare this with golf where the equipment and
green fee costs can make a tennis player’s eyes water. So cost is almost certainly a factor
in the diverging paths of the two sports.
There is also no doubt that the success of Canadian tennis players in recent years has had
a tremendous part in the growth of both participation and viewership. Once carried
exclusively by the superb Daniel Nestor Canadian tennis is producing more players of a
calibre to attract world attention. Milos Raonic, Vasek Pospisil, Genie Bouchard and Filip
Peliwo are the first of the new generation of players from Tennis Canada’s Player
Development program. With a National Tennis Centre in Montreal and two other centres in
Toronto and Vancouver the Tennis Canada program provides intensive training to a dozen
or so late-teen players. Ten years ago Tennis Canada invested $4 million a year in player
development; last year it reached $12 million. The 300% increase seems to have been
well invested.
Tennis Canada now hopes to use the popularity of these rising international stars to create
a wave of popular participation in the sport.
I am sure that will happen but I think the long term future for tennis is being built through
another Tennis Canada initiative. The development of Tennis Canada’s Kid’s Tennis
program with, as the famous commercial says, smaller racquets, slower balls and lower
nets, holds the greatest promise for the future of Canadian tennis.
Currently the average starting age for tennis in Canada is about 13 years. The Kids
program is designed to start players a decade sooner. Why so young? It seems that kids
that start tennis before the age of six are twice as likely to maintain a lifelong interest in the
sport as compared with those who start later in life. Currently fewer than one-in-four
Canadians 6 – 11 years of age have ever played tennis. Tennis Canada’s Kid’s Tennis and
coaches like Marianne Banman who have made the program such a success on our island
give us confidence that tennis will continue to grow and provide good fun for young and old
So we can leave the future to the kids but the old folks are still rocking in the present. It
was a pleasure to see Dan Phelan at the courts a week or so ago. He was looking really
good and is getting ready to make a comeback he assures me. Hurry back Dan – it’s
getting harder for me to find someone I can beat!
Presidents Report:
Erica Ross, President
Thanks again to Jack and Ginny Giles and all the Poker Paddlers and supporters who
enabled the SSTA to expand the Junior Golf/Tennis Camps from two weeks to three this
year. Tennis coaches Pete Schelling and Ranjan McArthur, together with volunteers
Fernando dos Santos and Colin Ross, inspired great enthusiasm among the youngsters.
Many participants and their families are keen to continue with any further programs that
may be offered. Congratulations on another successful indoor summer session!
Outdoors, along with the usual myriad of other activities, the past glorious months have
been filled with fun and competitive tennis. We are grateful to Jennifer Morgan and Ann
Stewart for organizing many of these events. Now thoughts are turning turn to the
inevitable upcoming change of seasons, and members should watch their emails for
information on Block Booking and League registrations coming soon
I know that being a linesman is a thankless job…
Especially with guys like me around…
John McEnroe
On the Money Front:
We have new guys filling Doris’s big shoes, two guys to do the job of one woman ???
Anyway they are great guys… and given that we are dealing with SSTA member’s hard
earned cash in vast quantities I thought it might be nice to learn a little about our new
Money Men:
The SSTA Club Account: Jeff Bee: SSTA Club Treasurer
Jeff has taken over the SSTA Club account from Doris, filling one of her big shoes… Jeff
was born in Jamaica; he left for London, Ont. when he was 18 to get his B.A. From London
he went to Toronto to get his C.A. His career was split between working in the Insurance
Industry in London and then regulating the Insurance Industry and Banks as a Director in
the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) in Ottawa. He retired from
OSFI seven years ago and moved to Salt Spring with his wife Deborrah to a house they
bought 11 years ago on a 4-day visit intended for kayaking only ! He did not heed the
warning to beware volunteering: in addition to the SSTA Board, he’s on the Boards of Mt
Belcher Improvement District and Viva Chorale !
Jeff has three sons, a step-daughter and a step-son and three grand kids. He played
tennis in Ottawa in a small club in the middle of the Experimental Farm. Asked what it was
like moving from the Nation’s Capital to Salt Spring, Jeff replied “No problem, man !”
Jeff assures us that the Club Account in very healthy and functioning well --- we have
nothing to worry about on the money front… So just keep playing tennis and participating
in the activities… If you are interested in the fine details of the Club Finances, Jeff has
some beautiful spreadsheets he would gladly share if you just email or call him…
ITF Account has Found someone !!!!!: Dave Blizzard
Dave Blizzard has graciously steppd into Doris’s other big shore… to manage the ITF
(Indoor Tennis Facility, aka Centre Court). Doris is giving him orientation and support on
this learning cliff, as she goes out the door… And I know that Doris will hand off the duties,
resources and everything else involved with the job in fine detail… She is so well
organized it is scary – think colour coded, everything you will need in ziplock bags and
lists, lots of list and detailed instruction, beautifully detailed instructions… I just love it…
She does it so well… Thank you Doris you are a gem… now retire gracefully to the
sidelines and concentrate on your tennis, garden, the man and Life… Enjoy…
Dave is new to both SaltSpring Island and tennis. Arriving here last May to retire. Dave
spent his working career in Kitimat, Calgary and Kuwait. He took up tennis four years ago
while in a compound in Kuwait. The courts were just out back door and there wasn't a lot
of other things to do when not working so he started hitting the ball. Since starting to play
tennis on SSI, he has met lots of people and all of them have been very welcoming. Dave
is looking forward to meeting more members on the court and now that he is actively
involved with the Executive of SSTA he is going to be very welcome and come to know
more about the good people of SaltSpring… Good Luck Dave and welcome aboard…
From a financial point, there really hasn't been anything major since the last report, just
regular operation costs and income from use of Centre Court. And yes, we are in good
shape, we have money in the bank… all is well…
Fundraising Activities:
Our fund raising efforts have diminished to some faithful ongoing earners. These include
the club clothing sales and the Smile Card and Save a Tape programs. We all know how
much more food costs these days – so using the Thrifty Smile Cards or stuffing your
grocery tapes in our box at Country Grocer, are easy ways to help out the tennis club
reduce the debt and pay for the junior camps and programs. If anyone wants to do
something this fall/Winter to raise some money, just let us know and we will gladly help
find the resources to make it happen --- this club is great at helping out. …Bring your
ideas, energy and skills to the table…
Bids & Bites Bridge Tournament:
There is a rumour afoot that there will be a SSTA Bridge Extravaganza this fall sometime -- so watch for emails… every one who loves Bridge, or even just tolerates Bridge come on
out to Bridge at Centre Court and see what SSTA can do to a Bridge tournament… If you
are interested in assisting in the organizing, set-up, clean-up just contact the organizers --they can always use extra hands…
Country Grocer Tapes & Thrifty’s Smile Card:
Our ongoing fund-raisers - the ‘Save a Tape’ program at Country Grocer and the Thrifty’s
Smile Card program*** are still bringing in money every month... It is certainly worth the
effort to stuff receipts in the box or use the Smile Card.
*** Please Note the changes made to Thrifty point cards (to Air Miles) does not
impact the donation contributions gained by using the Smile Card… Call Erica if you
need a Thrifty’s card she has a supply in her purse I think… and you can also get them at
Thrifty’s customer service desk --- load them up --- you have to buy groceries anyway…
why not help SSTA at the same time…
SSTA Clothing Line: Louise Devlin
Well ladies and gentlemen --- it is time to do the shopping for your holiday gift giving, you
know those tennis friends in the south, east, anywhere really …. Get them a piece of SSI
Tennis wear --- they will be the talk of their neighbourhood courts… It is a true status
symbol with the tennis Chic around the world… well we are trying to make it one
If you haven’t already, then do check out our apparel page on the club's website which is
full of great pictures of our club gear. You will also see our spiffy new posters pinned up in
and around CC and Portlock… Have a look at the new styles and colours… they are
extraordinarily lovely fabrics, comfortable and stylish --You can order online or by calling me, and don't hesitate to ask to see the samples which
are all conveniently kept at CC.
Lastly, thank you to all those members who have already supported the club clothing
range and are proudly showing them off on the courts… Louise
Tennis: the most perfect combination of
athleticism, artistry, power, style, and wit. A
beautiful game, but one so remorselessly
travestied by the passage of time…
… Martin Amis
Membership News:
Jeff Bee
Our membership as of the end of August 2014 is standing at 134, I’m sure we will see
additional members as the winter comes our Centre Court starts looking wonderful for
rainy days… We can always use new people in the tennis community so please
encourage all your friends to come on out and play… and join SSTA
Tournament Results:
Jennifer Morgan
Jack Fisher Memorial - May 31st:
The Jack Fisher Memorial tournament went off without a hitch in bright sunshine with 12
men and 12 women competing for the generous prizes donated each year by Jack's
daughter on behalf of the family. After 4 matches of 8 games each, the men's doubles
winner was Tony Mason with Dave Blizzard a close second. The women's doubles
winner was Justene Tedder with Jody Hawley also a close second.
Wimbledon Cup & Saucer June 28th – Mixed Doubles.
This is a mixed tournament, partners will be arranged and white attire is mandatory, retro
is preferred and wooden racquets (supplied) will be used for the first few games.
The winners were Justene Tedder and Peter McAllister with Bob Weeden and Doris St.
Germain runner up. Best dressed were Justene Tedder and Mike Leedham.
Unfortunately we never got to take that nice photo at the end as the last round was cut
short by a downpour and everyone ran for the exits. A fun time was had by all…
“ Deuce is used so you don’t have to count so
high ”
… Bill Cosby
President's Cup: July
26th for Men and July
27th for Women
The President's Cup in July winners
were Andrew Ross-Collins and Dave
Rowse, for the men and Jenny
Pickering and Barb Freitas for the
Annual SSTA BBQ:
Monday, August 4th –
It was another picture perfect day for
the Poker Paddle and SSTA Annual
BBQ. We had lots of keen paddlers in
sorts of craft… A few ran into problems
(see following) but in SSTA there is
always someone to the rescue… Bravo Christo… The fundraise brought in over $3000 --which will be used towards SSTA programs and junior programs… so well done all you
brave paddlers…
The paddle was followed by a BBQ at the Gilles home on St. Mary’s lake… There was lots
of food and lots of chatter and fun had by all… Thank you Jack and Ginny we are so glad
you didn’t sell the house… it is starting to feel like home to all of us… love you guys… you
are wonderful… All those that helped with the set-up/take-down, bringing food, organizing
the event… Thank you all… This is a wonderful SaltSpring tradition let’s do it again next
year !!!!
April’s friend suggested several captions and I JUST couldn’t choose one… so take yourpick…
You found
I swear that frog
was in there just a
minute ago
Have we
I have no idea, i
pushed on the
brakes and the
pedal just went
to the floor
The deframalator is
too in that location,
the mechanic
showed it to me just
before i launched
Tykes & Juniors July
Baseline Tennis Academy had another
successful coaching/teaching season
!!!! Coach Marianne Banman was busy
this summer coaching over 40 Tykes &
Juniors who attended her four tennis
camps in July. The camps are for ages
6-13 and each camp is carefully arranged so that similar tennis levels are placed in the
same camp.
“ In Tennis, it is not the opponent you fear, it is the
failure itself, knowing how near you were but just
out of reach “
… Andy Murray
6th Annual Rogers Rookie Junior Tournament:
A total of 16 junior tennis players age 7-14 turned out Saturday, August 9th at Portlock
Park Tennis Courts. One player came all
the way from Panama City to participate!
This is a fun, entry-level tournament for
beginner to early intermediate tennis
juniors. The registration fee guarantees
players 3 matches, player package and
goodies… a wonderful day of Tennis….
Congratulations to the Winners: Evan
Baukol (U8 Div), Sam Barrett (U12 Boys),
Kate Dubois (U12 Girls), and Oscar
Lyytikainen, (U14).
Tournament Director and Coach, Marianne Banman noted that this year's tournament was
by far the most competitive since the first SSI Rookie tournament was introduced back in
July 2009. "I was very impressed with the player's positive attitude, fair play, and
integrity during their matches." Coach Marianne adds that the individual skill level of
the players has improved 100% due to various factors and opportunities.
Many of the juniors take regular private or group lessons and participate in the week long
Summer Tennis Camps offered every summer by Baseline Tennis Academy. Many
SaltSpring children also attend the Golf/Tennis Camps hosted by SSTA and SSI Golf
Club. This together with the availability to play indoors at our new Centre Court during the
winter months is allowing more juniors to hit the fuzzy red, orange, yellow, and green balls
all year long.
A special thanks to Thrifty Foods and the Salt Spring Tennis Association for their generous
monetary donations year after year, Parc for court time, the dedicated team of volunteers
who tirelessly assist in all facets of the event, and the parents for supporting the sport of
tennis. A HIGH FIVE to all the Rookie players who hung in there for over 4 hours of
matches in over 30 degree C heat. It always feels hotter on the courts!
NEXT YEAR's 7th ANNUAL ROGERS ROOKIE will be on Saturday, August 8th
at Portlock Park. This is an entry level tournament for ages 6-14
“ How many tennis players does it take to change
a light bulb?
“What do you mean it was out, it was in… “
Junior Tennis and Golf Development Program:
The Junior
Golf/Tennis Camp did happen again: due to its
inaugural success for two weeks last year, the
SSIG&CC and SSTA were once again collaborating,
and expanded the program to three camps… filled
with 8 juniors in each ---- that is 24 kids learning
about tennis and golf from the pros… that is a huge
Thanks to all that are involved with the sponsoring, funding,
instruction, support folks and the two clubs… Great job all --a real gift for the community youth…
A big thank you to Ranjan MacArthur who filled in for Pete
Schelling for the third camp.
Also big thank you to Erica and Colin Ross, and Fernando
dos Santos for helping out with camps. Their assistance was
greatly appreciated.
Hopefully we can get some of those campers to continue their tennis training this fall.
Gulf Island Open Tournament: Aug. 30th & Sept. 1st
The Gulf Island Open is open to all near and far: Men’s and Women’s Singles and Doubles
and also Mixed Doubles. Select your own partner format...
Winners were:
Men's singles - Mark Rennisen ( a ringer from Vancouver
who is moving to Ontario, but hopes to vacation here again and
have another go)
Runner up - David Barclay (watched by his young son,
baby Jack) A terrific match.
Consolation winner - Andrew Ross-Collins.
Men's doubles - Tony Mason & Markus Wenzel. Another
couple of terrific matches.
Runners up - John LaPointe & Colin Ross (consoling
themselves with cookies…)
Consolation - this could not be completed due to
absentee players heading for a ferry, but Gary McClellan &
David Naphtali made it to the finals.
Women's singles - Elly McKeague won again in a
round robin event with Jenny Pickering second.
doubles Amanda
Heffelfinger &
Jadwiga Downarowicz (from Victoria) in a very
entertaining match over Marianne Banman & Sandra
Consolation winners - Elly McKeague & Erica
Mixed doubles - Steve Perks & Amanda Heffelfinger in
another entertaining match over Tony Mason & Julia
Consolation winners - Andrew Ross-Collins & Jenny
The weather cooperated mostly - just some rain in the middle of Saturday - with the result
that sweeping the wet courts removed most of the goose droppings, which was quite
helpful really. About 4 matches were played in our great indoor facility, which we were
able to show off to the visitors. The whole affair I think considered by all to have been a
Rave Reviews for the Gulf Island Open:
“ Great weekend of tennis for the GI Open...Jennifer was brilliant...above and beyond the
call of duty...even supplying fresh coffee this morning with cookies! A big entry field, with
some hot shots from Vancouver and Victoria...really exciting and quality games!... “ quote
from a happy happy participant…
Mark Renneson says “ Hi Jennifer. I just wanted to say thanks again for running a great
tournament. Even though you had your hands full with multiple events, ferry schedules and
a little rain, you made the tournament friendly and inviting for players and spectators alike.
It was a pleasure to play in the Gulf Islands Open and I will certainly recommend it to
others (that's why I've cc'd Lenka Moravcova from Tennis BC). I hope to be back again.
Jennifer’s response is as always understated: “This is part of what it is all about". But it
sure shows that she really did a great job and especially with a large entry of 35
participants ... Job well done Jennifer and SSTA for putting on a great tournament again
this year… It seems the outside world is finding out that we know how to play tennis and
have fun on this rock…
Summer Business Ladies League:
The ladies tennis weds business league is going to wrap up soon - we had fabulous ladies
tennis including some new faces and thanks to some brave men spares (although the skirt
dress code slacked a little!!!!) we managed to keep tennis going every week this summer!
Action on the Courts:
Indoor Fall/Winter Leagues - October 6th to December 15th:
League Manager Justene Tedder
The indoor league schedules are out for sign up and we’re hoping to get even more new
faces - its a great way to keep your fitness going throughout fall and winter in our beautiful
indoor Centre court - and the price can’t be beat!!!!! Email if
you want to be included - we’re always looking for spares too!!!
Sign up deadline for these leagues if you want to play or spare is September 19th
Ladies Doubles
Monday Afternoon 1-4 pm --- for 3.0+ players
Wednesday Evening 5:30-8:30 pm --- working women*** and others
AKA The Business Ladies League…
(what woman do you know that isn’t working ???)
Thursday morning 9-12 am – open to all players…
Men’s Doubles
Monday Evening 6-9pm --- for 4.0 players, by invitation/application
Tuesday Morning 9-12 am --- open to all players
Thursday Evening 6-9 pm – open to all levels
Mixed Doubles:
Tuesday Evening 6-9 pm --for 3.0 players
Friday Morning 9-12 – for all players…
*** Days and/or times may change depending on the demand and interest…
All League fees are to be prepaid at the start of the season…
Each session (1.5 hours) costs $9/player
Singles League Indoors ???
I thought we could put the word out and see if there was enough interest for a singles
league indoor this fall? Email me at if you’re interested.
Red Court :
GREAT NEWS !!!!! Red Court will be happening again this year… Laura &Harvey Moore
are working with Dorothy & Gary McLellan will be doing the coordinating again this year…
thank you guys… Come out and enjoy some fun and exercise on Sunday afternoon 3-5,
rain or shine at Centre Court… If you haven’t tried Red Court , it is lots of fun, great
workout, lots of laughs with great people, no stress just plain fun… it will be from 3-5 pm
Sunday afternoons… watch for an email announcing the start dates They are thinking of
starting after Thanksgiving… ENJOY !!!!!
Upcoming Tournaments and Events:
Jennifer Morgan
Sadie Hawkins: October 25th
The format for the Sadie Hawkins Tournament is Mixed Doubles… Attention Ladies you get to
pick the guy, any guy you want… Think about it very, very carefully… it is all about the
points !!!! AND the fun… You can enter by contacting Jennifer at or 537 8366.
SSTA Christmas Party: Thursday December 4th – Meaden
Hall (Legion)
Mark your calendars so that you don’t miss SSTA’s very popular and enjoyable Christmas
Party… The food is great and the company is wonderful…. It is a chance find new sides
of people you have known for years… You can even dance to wonderful SSI musicians –
it is a wonderful evening of friendship and fun... Rose Hienikey will once again organizing
her team so if you can offer some assistance give her a call… she would like help with setup, take-down, decorations, and all the things that go into making this a wonderful party…
but most importantly come on out an enjoy….
Interclub Report:
Ann Stewart
On August 12th, Salt Spring went over to Gabriola for the last of our two Interclub
matches. Gabriola had won the last contest and the HUGE cup, (very close it was, 48 50), we had hoped to better that result. The team of Ron Perring, Ron Meville, Rick
Weatherall, Jennifer Morgan, Ina Curran and Ann Stewart set off with high hopes, but it
was not to be. We had a delightful pot-luck lunch hosted by Gabriola, and then returned
home, determined to do better next year. Now we certainly have something to aim
for! Until next year…
We also had a couple of lively exchanges with Oak Bay, both fun and non-competetive - a
lovely way to spend a day.
Next year there will be another opportunity to come on out and uphold the honour of the
SaltSpring Tennis Association give Ann a call and get involved… Anne would love to hear
from you at or (250) 537-9250
On Doctor’s orders… to stay healthy a middle ager
decides to play Tennis again after many years away…
After a couple of weeks a friend asks how it is going…
“ It’s going great” is the reply… “when I am on the
court and I see the ball speeding towards me my
brain immediately says: “To the corner! Back hand!
To the net! Smash!!! Go Back!!!!...”
Wow!! says the friend then what happens…
Then my body says
“Who me? You must be kidding!!!
Instructional & Coaching Opportunities:
Baseline Tennis Academy Offerings:
Marianne Banman
At the time of this writing dates have yet to be finalized for the indoor Tykes and Junior
Programs. Coaches Marianne and Pete Schelling will be collaborating on who is offering
what and when! Watch the Salt Spring Exchange for Winter Tennis Offerings. If you
would like the winter junior tennis info emailed to you please let Marianne know by sending
her an email to
2015 Tennis Camps open up mid April 2015-- these camps are very popular and
fill up fast! If you would like BLTA Camp 2015 info and registration form emailed to you
next April please let Coach Marianne know by emailing her at In the meantime, put these dates on your calendar for next
July 13-16 TYKES Camps for ages 6-8 Morning Camp or Afternoon Camp
July 20-23 JUNIOR Camps for ages 9-13 Morning Camp or Afternoon Camp
From the Baseline:
Coach Marianne's FUNamental Tennis Tips:
Ever wonder just how hard you should be gripping
your racquet when playing?
Imagine you are holding a bird in your palm –
Hold it tightly enough that it won't fly away
Gently enough that you don't harm it…
Happy Hitting !!!
Andrew Ross Collins:
Andrew now has his qualification for tennis instructor level... if you are interested in
coaching or lessons he can be reached at 250 537-7990… Have you ever heard his serve
--- THHHWWWWACK!!!! Really scary !!!!!
Pete’s Corner:
Peter Schelling
Doubles Clinics: Pete and Marj will be offering Skill Development and Doubles
camps on various themes through the fall and winter --- watch for notices for dates and
times… so watch your emails…
Editorial aside… “ These are fun, hardworking and skill developing opportunities with the
nicest teacher ever… and sometime they even bring Ranjan MacArthur over which adds to
the fun… All these guys are sooooo supportive and patient… I can’t tell you enough --treat yourself to a Tennis Fix or a Fix for your Tennis… “ Did I mention PATIENT ? …
Junior Programs: Pete will also be running Junior programs this fall and winter
for all levels. If you are interested just contact him at
Pete is also available for one on one or small group coaching/lessons…you have probably
noticed some of his influence on some of the people you are playing with… just give him a
Pete's Tennis Tip
Experiment with your Doubles Formation
For years we have been teaching doubles and the most common formation in
doubles is the one up, one back formation.
This is when you have a server at the baseline and servers partner at the net. Also
a returner at the baseline, and returners partner at the net. Play starts from there.
If you are watching tennis on television you will be seeing many different formations
such as :
One up/one back vs two back… All four back.
Two up / two back… All four getting to net.
Two up vs one up, one back.
Confusing? Not really.
Just remember that each player has a job. No matter what position you are in in
doubles you have a job. Think about where you are and where your opponents are before
the point begins. What are you responsible for?
Also know your strengths and weaknesses. If you don't have the greatest volleys
and overheads or don't feel comfortable at the net, stay back and use your weapons if
groundstrokes are what you hit best. If your net game is good, get in and pressure.
Have fun.
Keep improving … Pete
Court Maintenance Report:
Peter McAllister,
Fulford Court: There has been concern about the chalky mess left behind by
the Pickleballers and the nets being lowerd and not returned to the right level… There is
concern that PB folks will try to have permenant red lines put on this court… SSTA and
southend tennis players are strongly against this… So take a trip to southend and play on
this beautiful court… let’s use it so we don’t lose it…
Portlock Courts: There is a plan to deal with the cracks and surface of the
Portlock courts… a timeline is forth coming from PARC. The other issue of concern at
Portlock is again the invasion of the Pickleballers… this is upsetting many of our members
and is being taken by the Exec to a meeting with PARC… the stance the Exec is taking is
that they are not multi-use courts, they are Tennis courts…
Centre Court: On behalf of Centre Court maintenance Peter McAllister thanks
everyone who has played indoors this year for making his job pretty easy by helping to
keep the place in shipshape condition…
Don’t forget we have a new court cleaner and the only way you will get to play is by
volunteering to clean the court occasionally.. .Peter’s Cleaning team captain Mark Cutten a
call 250 537-0031 and make an appointment with him for your time with the Court
Cleaner… Also if you have a few spare moments while waiting - take a look around and
tidy up a bit… the bathroom, green room, upstairs corporate viewing box (we need a really
catchy name for our viewing porch – status seats… )
“ Everyday two million plus Americans play tennis
and one million of them lose… “
…Vic Braden
SSTA’s Website:
Michael Powell
Check out our Website, if you haven’t been there lately it is truly world class and we have
Michael Powell to thank for it… He does a great job maintaining and updating it with
pictures of past events as well as information about upcoming events. If you want to know
what is going on, check out the website. For example, under the Gallery Tab there are
pictures of the Poker and Paddle submitted by Avril Kirby and Michael Powell:
Centre Court Online Booking instructions: Indoor court booking page will be made more
mobile friendly for smartphones and tablets… no completion date available on this yet..
SSTA hits the Social Media:
Salt Spring Tennis YouTube Channel: Michael will be editing his GoPro kayak video of the
Poker and Paddle journey across St. Mary’s… He will post it on our YouTube channel --Who ever would have thought our Club would have a YouTube channel… better go find
out what is one it… you never know what you might find…
The new videos may also be found at
like us on Facebook
Twitter: follow us on Twitter
Got any news or kudos to…. Let me know… MCB
Found Items:
A basket, hat, pans and a few other things were left behind during the
rain day of the Gulf Island Open - please check the CC Lost & Found if you are missing
anything… it is right below the coat rack in the Green Room…
Coffee time:
SSTA thanks the Lawlers, for the generous donation of a coffee maker
and its paraphernalia just in time for the winter season tournaments… They also donated
some great prize items for future SSTA tournament use… we wish them happiness and
more leisure time in their new Salt Spring home.
Best of the Best Tennis Court:
several SSTA members crowed about Centre
Court in the Driftwood’s Best of SaltSpring supplement, pages 28&29. Great profile for CC
and the Club… The word is getting out and there will be more islanders coming out to
Think Solar –Would SSTA like to sponsor a Solar Panel for the
High School - Opportunity to Help SSI and the Environment:
The Gulf Islands Secondary School has a “Solar Scholarship Project” which appears to be
win for everyone, generating clean solar power to save the SD64 around $2K/year,
educate and empower students, the establishment of a Solar Scholarship Fund into the
future… If you are interested in helping to raise $750 for a club sponsored solar panel
contact Peter McAllister … For further information the Solar
Scholarship project their website is
Fashion Flash: There has been a citing of some TENNIS WEAR in the Golf Club
Pro Shop. We don’t want to undercut our own wonderful SSTA Line of clothing, but it is
great to have a second source of apparel on-island. Continuing stock may depend on your
interest, so pop in and inquire…
Get Well Soon: There are a lot of people missing with ailments, aches and pains of
one sort or another --- we are missing them and really would like our fodder back on the
court… get well soon all of you… We are sending you healing wishes…
Margaret C. Benmore
and Roy Rajsic
If you find spelling errors, typos and shifting photos you win the Prize … the satisfaction of
beating all the proof readers and editors… enjoy the hunt and enjoy the news…
Members are encouraged to send in all sorts of things for the RACKET: jokes, pictures,
news, gossip, articles, and manifestos, Snippets. Anything that might be interesting or fun
to share with the others in our SaltSpring Tennis community... The help will be
appreciated…. We’d love to hear from you…