DDC Driving Lines November 2012


DDC Driving Lines November 2012
DDC Driving Lines
November 2012
DDC Meeting
November 7 BOD
conference call
6:00 pm
Call in #
Pw # 290535
Inside This Issue:
Nov 17 Hollyville Sporting Day of Traditional Driving-Harbeson, DE
(Rain date Nov 18)
Dec 1 Working with your Horses around the Farm Demo/Talk Chestertown, MD 2 pm-5 pm
Dec 2 Comegy Creek Farm Drive– Chestertown, MD 10am– 3 pm
Dec 8 DDC Holiday Party –Ruthsburg, MD 6pm-10pm
Dec 8 BOD
5:00 pm Meeting at
Ruthsburg Community Center prior to the
DDC Holiday Party at
Dec 8 DDC Holiday
Cocktails at 6pm
Dinner at 7pm
Ruthsburg Community Center,
Ruthsburg, MD
Please consider coming to this great
See flyer for more
info on page 5
DDC members listening intently to clinician Anne Councill explain what a ‘half-halt’ is.
Anne was our guest clinician at the DDC Clinic on Oct 6 in Harrington, DE.
November 2012 Newsletter Contributors
Contributors: Pao Lin Hatch, Frances Baker, Martha MacDonald, Jackie
McCann, Betty Donovan, Darby Hewes, John Bolinski
DDC Driving Lines
Inside this issue:
Meeting Schedule—p 1
Upcoming DDC Events—p 1
BOD Meeting Minutes —p 2
DDC Treasurer’s Report—p 2
Out and About News —p 3
Anne Councill Clinic —p 4
cussion regarding adding additional directors due to the increased size of the membership in the club. It was discussed
and will be presented to the membership at the December
meeting to add 2 additional directors to the board. Carol
Seiler and Noble Cahall agreed to take on these positions if
the monthly meeting can be moved to the 1st Thursday of
each month. This too will be presented to the board and
membership at the December meeting to be voted on.
Volunteer Request—p 4
Sunshine news—p 4
DDC Holiday Party—p 5
Sporting Day of Traditional Driving— p 3
DDC Calender— p 6
Proposed Bylaw Changes and 2013 Slate of Officers p—7
Advertisers — p 8
Working with your horses around the farm demo p—9
Comegy Creek Drive & Maintenance Talk p—9
October DDC Board Meeting Minutes
New Members were voted on and approved as follows:
Sharyn and Randy Murray.. Millsboro, DE
Billy and Paula Klein (friends of members) New Tripoli PA
Boyce and Margaret Failing.. Wyoming DE (Came to the Carriage tour luncheon)
Delaware Equine Council is looking to have DDC present
demonstrations on the different techniques of driving at the
Horse Expo to be held on April 6th and 7th, 2013. April Murray joined the meeting to discuss their needs. Donna Hurst
agreed to be contact for April Murray in order for DEC to inform DDC of what times they have available for the presentations. Also members were invited to attend the DEC speaker
meeting to be held on October 15, 2012 at the American Innspeaker will be Alex Brown, author of the book "Barbaro".
Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM by President, Donna Continued page 4
Hurst. Jane Ramsey, Pao Lin Hatch, Jackie McCann,
Sherry Harris Joan Smith, Martha MacDonald with guests
Carol Seiler, Noble & Lois Cahall, John Bolinski, and April
TDDC’s Treasurer’s Report
Murray from the Delaware Equine Council.
The minutes and treasurer's reports were accepted as
Beginning Balance – 09/25/12
printed in the newsletter.
Old Business:
Michael Lawrence drive was a success with a small enthusiastic group.
Jane to follow-up with Audrey Boswick regarding official
title. Catering is firm and menu is in newsletter. $10 per
individual. Members to bring appetizers and cocktails
from 6 - 7 and then follow with catered meal. Final payment will be mail to Ruthsburg Community Center for
complete payment of reservation fee this month.
Sale of merchandise
Total Income
The official 30th year anniversary of the Delmarva Driving
Club will be on September 11, 2013.
An additional liability insurance premium to have a 3rd
clinic added to the official Delmarva Driving Club events
was approved for the clinic on coaching and pairs at
Frances Baker's in February which will be a follow-up
clinic from the "introduction" clinic that is scheduled to be
held at Donna Hurst's in January.
DDC is sponsoring the Nov 17 Sporting Day of Traditional Driving at Frances Baker's and Dec 2 Comegy Creek
Farm drive at Darby Hewes.
New Business: Discussion regarding current officers and
extension of those duties for another year. All current
officers agreed to continue serving for another year. Dis-
Christmas Party
$ 38.67
Total Expenses
Ending Balance – 10/17/12
Savings Account
CD Balance
Total Cash Available
Page 3
DDC Driving Lines
Come Have Fun
The Delmarva Driving Club is hosting a
This is a country drive of 3 to 7 miles on sandy wooded trails (anyone can do). There will be a cones course
along the way and some simple driver’s maneuvers to test your driving skills
Saturday November 17, 2012
With a Rain Date of Sunday November 18, 2012
Wayne & Frances Baker’s
Hollyville Farm
23430 Hollyville Road, Harbeson, DE
Starting at approximately 11 AM and ending at
Approximately 2 PM
With an Awards Luncheon
Cost is $10
This is not a line drive
See registration for more information or call
Frances Baker 302-381-2979 Or FrancesBaker65@gmail.com. Directions provided in previous newsletter
Out and About News
DDC members Anna Klumpp, Samea
Baker, Pao Lin Hatch, Cynthia Zola and
Joan Smith successfully competed at the
Chapter One HDT in Pedricktown, NJ.
Sharon and Larry Little’s beautiful farm
in Harrington DE for the Anne Councill
Clinic, see article and pictures in this
Former DDC member, Heidi Ferguson
has been appointed to serve as the MidAtlantic American Driving Society representative. She will serve the remainder
of the 2012 term and 2013.
Wayne and Frances Baker enjoyed a
week of memories and fun at the annual
4-in-hand coaching equestrian event in
Southern Pines, NC.
Former DDC President Carol Fox was
seen enjoying the DDC demo at Tuckahoe’s Fall Fling.
Delaware resident, Kim Stover of Smyrna has taken 2011 Reserve Championship honors in the Single Horse Intermediate Division of the ADS.
Eight DDC members and more than 10
auditors enjoyed a lovely fall day at
Martha MacDonald is getting to know
all her Aiken Driving Club members and
claims that their hidden name is also the
Aiken Dining Club!
Don’t forget, Georgetown DE’s Return
Day—November 8th.. If interested in
participating.. Call Catherine Pepper at
302 745-5056 or email ASAP cpepper@sussexcountyde.gov
Page 4
DDC Driving Lines
Anne Councill Clinic by Betty Donovan
Delaware Equine
Council meets on the
3rd Monday of each
month at the Harrington,
DE Public Library.
Special meeting locations may vary. For
more information check
inecouncil.com Or
phone Stan 302-6843966
Continued from page 2
April Murray would like to present
at their November 2012 meeting
that DDC will be putting together
demonstrations. DDC scheduled
events should not be conflicting
with the horse expo as the Blackbird Drive will most likely be scheduled for mid April and then the drive
show is always the first Saturday in
John Bolinski spoke about the animal control issues in Cecil County.
The new
regulations took effect on October
1, 2012. There was much discussion regarding what is going to be
required of equine owners when
going into Cecil County especially
those that use the Fair Hill area for
pleasure riding and driving. Hopefully John will continue to go to
these council meetings to keep all
members updated on the progress
of the new regulations.
Respectfully submitted:
Martha MacDonald with the help of
Jackie McCann
Sad news of the passing
of a long time DDC
member from the past,
George Scuse.
On a windy but gorgeous
Saturday, October 6th, DDC
sponsored a driving clinic at
the beautiful farm in Harrington Delaware that is
owned by the Little family.
DDC sponsored this clinic
in order to provide a rare
opportunity for DDC members and auditors to listen to
the wisdom and advice of
one of the most respected
clinicians in the MidAtlantic region, Ms. Anne
Councill. An enthused group
of seven drivers took private
lessons in front of a dozen
or so auditors. Anne kindly
provided a public address
system which was great for
the auditors. They were able
to listen in on the lesson and
hear Anne's suggestions and
comments that were directed
at the driver.
Equines of all sizes participated from Wendy Weinstein and her mini to Pam
Gray and her draft, and all
the sizes in between.
Over a brown bag lunch
there was a lot of casual
discussions on many topics.
One of the most interesting
was when Anne was asked
to explain a "half-halt". It
had been brought up during
Sharon Little's lesson with
her pony. This was discussed at length and Anne
patiently explained the term
as best she could, and explained that once perfected,
the results are stunning.
I was ready for my lesson at
2 o'clock and was a bit hesitant at first, wondering if I
would really get anything
out of my lesson. Well, let
me put it this way, I can't
wait to have another lesson
with Anne Councill. She
was very patient with me
and was able to clarify a lot
of "muddy" areas that I had.
We worked a lot on my reining and it is amazing the
result of that lesson. Minga
and I, by the end of the lesson "clicked", as we have
never before. Now, every
time I drive her we get better
and better. It is amazing to
me how just simple things
can make such a difference!
I really feel that we should
be open to having clinics
and lessons by different instructors. There is always
something we can learn
from different people. No
one has all the answers and
we can benefit by listening
and learning from different
teachers. It might be as simple as hearing the same
thing, but it being explained
in different terms.
So be sure and stayed tuned
for more learning opportunities in the future. I know I
will be. Pics on p. 7
VOUNTEERS NEEDED! By Pao Lin Hatch Our dear friends, Frances and Wayne Baker are hosting their
first Sporting Days of Tradition Driving on November 17 at
their Harbeson DE Farm and need you help!
For those members and friends who are not planning on driving that day, WHY NOT VOLUNTEER FOR A FEW HOURS?
The work is light and we can ensure there is very little walking
involved. Lunch will be served and it will be a jolly time for
Please consider Frances’ request for volunteers and call her at
302 381-2979 or email her at francesbaker65@gmail.com
Page 5
DDC Driving Lines
Driving Club’s
Holiday Party
December 8, 2012 Saturday
Cocktails and Appetizers at 6 P.M.
Ruthsburg Community Center, 105 Damsontown Road Queen
Anne, MD 21657 (intersection of MD 304 and 471 Damsontown Rd, near Tuckahoe State Park)
Guest Speaker: Audrey Bostwick
Meal details: Fried or Baked Chicken, choice of 2 sides, salad,
roll and beverage (DDC members encourage to bring appetizers
to share for the cocktail social hour before dinner and or desserts to share after dinner).
Come out and reconnect
with new and old friends,
hear a great speaker and enjoy a hearty healthy holiday
Please RSVP to any DDC Board Member (see back page)
Page 6
DDC Driving Lines
Calendar of Events—DDC Items are in Bold
More information about activities
will be available in future issues. Check
for changes and additions. If you plan to
attend a DDC sponsored event, PLEASE
contact the host before the event.
540-4683. Interested in volunteering to help coordinate this
event, call Jane or any BOD
member asap!
All members are welcome to attend the
monthly BOD meetings, but we would
appreciate a heads-up if you plan to attend
so that we can phone in case of any
change in time or location. Deadline for
2013 Events
(Tentative Events & Dates)
January– ‘Safe Driving Talk for
new and prospective members –
Tentative date Sat 19 - George
Parris, Hartly, DE.
next’s newsletter is November 27
Nov 4 Larry Poulin Clinic, Rapidan
VA. Contact: Wayne Humphreys 10551
Willis Ford Road, Rapidan, VA 22733,
wishpony@vabb.com, 540-672-0120
February– Coaching/MultiplesTalk -Date TBD–
Frances Baker, Harbeson, DE
November 8 Georgetown, DE Return
Days. Contact Catherine Pepper asap
for info (302) 745 5056
March- St. Patrick’s Day Markl
Memorial C&D Canal Drive.
Tentative date in March
Nov 17 Saturday -Sporting Day of
Traditional Driving at Hollyville
Farm, Harbeson, DE. Volunteers
needed! Details to follow. Contact:
Frances Baker (302) 381-2979. Registration form was in the October
newsletter. Email or call ASAP for
details. This is not a line drive
April 6,7 Delaware Horse Expo
DEC and DDC Driving Demo.
Your support is needed! Point
of Contact: Carol Seiler 43466-5043
April —Redden Forest. Sponsor: Stan and Laurie Vonasek
and Shirley and Ed Mihm/ Date
April—Blackbird Forest Drive,
Date TBD. Sponsors Sherry
Harris and Donna Hurst
April—Continuous Drive at Cair
Paravelle (Anna Klumpp) Still
Pond, MD TBD
May 2013 DDC Spring Pleasure
Show-tentative date– 2013 Caroline County 4-H Park, Denton,
MD. Contact: Jane Ramsey.
Devon Horse Show– May 20May 27 Carriage Pleasure Marathon Drive Anne Councill Clinic—TBD
Dec 1 Saturday-- “Working with
your horse around the farm” Demo
and talk, Chestertown, MD. See Flyer
Dec 2 Sunday– Comegy Creek Farm
Drive, Chestertown, MD. Details to
follow. Contact: Darby Hewes (410)
Dec 8 DDC Holiday Party–
Ruthsburg Community Center,
Queen Anne, MD. Guest Speaker …
Delicious food.. good conversation
and fun.. See Flyer on Page 5! If you
are interested in being the chair of
this event (decorating tables, coordinating appetizers/desserts, etc. please
contact Jane Ramsey ASAP at 302
Maryland Horse
Council Legislative
Update by John Bolinski
Quite a number of Marylanders
have been asking about the impact
of Ballot Question 7 on the horse
industry. Ballot question 7 asks "Do
you favor the expansion of commercial gaming in the State of Maryland
for the primary purpose of raising
revenue for education to authorize
video lottery operation licensees to
operate “table games” as defined by
law; to increase from 15,000 to
16,500 the maximum number of video lottery terminals that may be operated in the State; and to increase
from 5 to 6 the maximum number of
video lottery operation licenses that
may be awarded in the State and
allow a video lottery facility to operate in Prince George’s County?"
Folks want to know what the impact
of a yes or no vote will be. The short
answer is "not much." The 70 page
Senate Bill 1, which was enacted
during the special legislative session
last summer, does contain some
revisions to the amount and timing
of video lottery (slots) proceeds to
the racetracks. But it appears that
those provisions are included in sections of the bill that are not subject
to the referendum. Of course, the
overall amounts of those proceeds
will likely be affected (in hard to predict ways) by changes in the number and location of slots facilities
that are subject to the referendum.
The legislation does not appear to
provide for distribution of any of the
proceeds of table gaming to the
tracks. Knowledgeable sources inside the racing industry say that the
outcome of the referendum will not
affect the horse industry much either
DDC Driving Lines
Page 7
Election of New Officers and Proposed Changes to the DDC
DDC’s Board is proposing 2 changes
to the existing DDC Bylaws at the
upcoming Annual General Members
meeting at the Holiday Party on Dec
8, 2012 at the Ruthsberg Community
It is our express intention to encourage adequate representation of the
membership on the board of directors and given the fact that the DDC
membership has grown substantially
since its inception in 1967, the DDC
Board would like to propose the
permanent addition of 2 Board positions to its Board of Directors. Such
board members, like all others, would
serve two year terms and be elected
by the membership.
The proposed slate of officers and
Board members for 2013 is as follows:
Donna Hurst– President
Pao Lin Hatch– Vice President
Martha MacDonald– Secretary
Jack McCann– Treasurer
Our Current Board of Directors
running unopposed:
*Jane Ramsey
*Sherry Harris
*Joan Smith
Our two additional slots of Board
of Directors
Proposed candidates:
*Noble Cahall
*Carol Seiler
The 2nd proposed change to the DDC
Bylaws would be to allow the Board
meeting to be regularly held on the 1st
Thursday of each month. With the exception of the May meeting which has been
held recently on the day before the
Spring DDC Pleasure show, most meetings have been held on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Due to scheduling
conflicts, several members have expressed an interest to serve if the meeting was moved from Wednesdays to
Both of these motions to amend the Bylaws as well as the proposed slate of
officers will be voted on at the annual
Holiday Party on December 8, 2012 at
the Ruthsburg Community Center,
Ruthsburg, MD 6-9pm.
Page 8
DDC Driving Lines
Crumpton, MD
DDC Club pins will
be available for purchase at all DDC
events for $5.00.
Here’s our beautiful new pin! Buy a few and
support your club.
DDC logo hats, polo shirts, and sweatshirts for
sale at very reasonable prices. Maroon and
Grey …..Contact Donna Hurst
(302) 492-3932
Page 9
DDC Driving Lines
Working with your Horse on the Farm
Saturday December 1, 2012
2– 5 p.m.
Have you ever thought you wanted to use your horse around the
farm? Mow, Plow a few rows, Pull logs? Want to ask an expert?
Bill West will be giving a demonstration of farming with your horses at Jade Acres Farm. Bill has been farming with his horses for
most of his life, does it professionally and full time and a long
time member of the DDC. Come on up and have a great time, arm
yourself with lots of questions and dress appropriately!. Weather
and ground conditions permitting, we will plow a few rows or pull
some logs around the farm. This is a no-horse event, we will be
using Bill West’s well trained Suffolk horses.. So leave your equine friends at home. 22988 Fairgale Farm Lane, Chestertown,
MD. (240) 274 6180. . paoball2000@yahoo.com for directions
But wait.. There’s more..
Comegys Creek Farm Drive, Chestertown, MD
Sunday December 2, 2012
10:00 a.m. –3:00 p.m.
Trail Drive, Cones Course and Dressage Course Schooling Opportunity.
Drive off when ready.
During lunch, Donald Hewes will discuss how to maintain the finish on equine
vehicles. Directions available from Hewes3dFarm@hughes.net
Donna Hurst
Sunshine Lois Evans
Photography Archives Martie Bolinski
Vice President
Pao Lin Hatch
Web Master: Pao Lin Hatch
Membership Chair
240 274 6180
410 398-0257
Martha MacDonald
Board Members:
Sherry Harris (410) 482-2402
Joan Smith (610) 299-1191
Jane Ramsey (302) 659-2827
Jackie McCann
Webpage http://www.delmarvadrivingclub.com
Newsletter Editor Pao Lin Hatch
240 274 6180 paoball2000@yahoo.com
Delmarva Driving Club
c/o Pao Lin Hatch
22988 Fairgale Farm Lane
Chestertown, MD 21620