ÉÄç gÜ|Ç|àç V{âÜv - Holy Trinity Church
ÉÄç gÜ|Ç|àç V{âÜv - Holy Trinity Church
W|ä|Çx `xÜvç fâÇwtç 3 April 2016 Holy Trinity Church is a multiethnic community reflective of her Catholic tradition, united in one holy, catholic, and apostolic faith. Together we desire to adore the Triune God with the same reverence and devotion as did our Blessed Mother and all the saints. We invite all Catholics who have moved into the Hackensack~ Teaneck area to join us in worship and register as a member of our parish. We invite those interested in becoming Catholic to visit and join us in our faith and worship. Hackensack~Teaneck, New Jersey [ÉÄç gÜ|Ç|àç V{âÜv{ The Roman Catholic Parish of PASTORAL STAFF Masses~Misas Saturday Evening (anticipated) 5:00 PM; 6:30 PM (español) Sunday 7:00 AM; 8:15 AM (español) 10:00 AM; 11:15 AM 12:30 PM 4 PM (Tagalog-2nd Sunday) 6:30 PM (español) Holy Days: Please consult bulletin Monday-Friday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 12:10 PM Saturday: 8:00 AM, 12:10 PM Rev. Paul J. Prevosto, pastor frprevosto@holytrinity1861.org Rev. Mayhel Velasquez frvelasquez@holytrinty1861.org Rev. Jose Pablo Muralles frmuralles@holytrinity1861.org Rev. Doroteo Layosa frlayosa@holytrinity1861.org transitional deacon Rev. Mr. Francisco Mendonça, Mr. Julian Garcia, CRE julian@holytrinity1861.org Miss Viviana Villa, business manager viviana@holytrinity1861.org TRUSTEES Mr. George Croonquist, Trustee Mr. Lawrence Peele, Trustee CONTACTS Telephone: 201-343-5170 FAX: 201-343-5067 Parish email: churchholytrinity@yahoo.com Parish Website: www.holytrinity1861.org Penance & Reconciliation Saturdays: 4:00 – 4:45 PM OFFICE HOURS or by appointment Monday & Thursday: 9:00 AM till 8:00 PM Baptism: Tuesday & Wednesday: 9:00 AM till 5:00 PM Please call to arrange for your Friday: 9:00 AM till 3:00 PM child’s baptism soon. Saturday: 1:00 PM till 6:00 PM Por favor llame para registrarse Sunday: 9:00 AM till 1:00 PM a su niño para el bautismo con anticipación. CEMETERY OFFICE: 201-342-2096 St. Joseph’s Cemetery located on Hackensack Avenue offers Sacraments of graves, cremation niches, and mausoleums. Planning ahead Christian Initiation: saves the family much worry and anxiety. Adults (12 yrs. and older) desiring to be baptized, confirmed or become a Catholic please speak to any priest or Mr. Julian Garcia. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Anointing of the Sick: Please call for a priest to cele- Monday: brate this Sacrament of healing and forgiveness for someone who Tuesday: is seriously ill. Do not wait until Wednesday: the sick person is unconscious. Thursday: Friday: Sacrament of Matrimony: All Catholics should seek to Saturday: have their marriage blessed by the Church so as to live in God’s good Sunday: grace. Contact a priest a year prior to the intended date of marriage to ensure proper preparation for this Sacrament. Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Rv 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 [1-14] MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY A M S 5:00 PM Ron Pezzillo 6:30 PM Hilda Abascal SUNDAY April 3 D M S 7:00 AM People of the Parish 8:15 AM Intenciones de la familia Orellana Morocho 10:00 AM Michael Martin 11:15 AM Michael Menzella 12:30 PM Mary & Nicholas Gentile 6:30 PM Andres Angeles MONDAY April 4—T A L 7:00 AM Alice Hoell 8:00 AM David Velez 12:10 PM Eileen Redmond TUESDAY April 5—Vincent Ferrer, priest 7:00 AM Mary O’Shea 8:00 AM Mary K. Glynn 12:10 PM George J. Semler WEDNESDAY April 6 7:00 AM Elizabeth Ann Newton 8:00 AM Patrick O’Shea 12:10 PM Georgina & Francisco Velez THURSDAY April 7—John Baptist de la Salle, priest 7:00 AM Nell O’Shea 8:00 AM Robert Muchmore 12:10 PM Brian Kirk FRIDAY April 8 7:00 AM Joseph J. Hickey 8:00 AM Snow Uy (wee) 12:10 PM Frances Catarcio SATURDAY April 9 8:00 AM Patrick Clune 12:10 PM Rose Marie Kasper A M S 5:00 PM Maria Tambone 6:30 PM Nestor y Alba Hincapie SUNDAY April 10 T S E 7:00 AM Lucio Moreano 8:15 AM Jaime Ayala 10:00 AM People of the Parish 11:15 AM Laura Dugas 12:30 PM Augustine Akegnan 4:00 PM In thanksgiving to the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:30 PM Sonia y Guido Loayza Our Parish Community prays for the sick: Mary Badaracco, Evelyn DiDomenic, Ann Enrico, Phyllis Maher, Martin McCormack, Jose & Dorothy Nogueras, Carol Yaner /Veronic Garaventa, Andrea deGedrinsky, //Peter Klotz, Kristen Hurley, Cristian Coronel, Luis Abril///Tommy Knowlton, Nilda M. Redoblado, Fr. Eugene Hazewski, Amy Hsu////Rose Smith, Phil Marino, Sharon Breheny, Dante Murray, Michelle Murray, Ann Marquez, Dr. Kailas Please pray for our Faithful Departed & their loved ones Rafael Mendoza, James McCarthy, Luis Heribato Calle, Lilian Yamilete Sanchez, Jeff Romines Prayer for Our Troops Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen. Wisdom of the Saints Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself. — St. Paul I have never wished for human glory, contempt it was that had attraction for my heart; but having recognized that this again was too glorious for me, I ardently desire to be forgotten. —St. Therese of Lisieux Satan fears and trembles before humble souls. —St. Pio of Pietralcina A Charitable Gift Annuity With Spring just around the corner, now is a good time to evaluate your financial planning and ask yourself the question, Do I have a Will? If not, now is a great time to make a Will and get your financial affairs in order. Please consider leaving the parish in your Will. A bequest will ensure that the works of the parish will continue after your death. If you need information on how to prepare a Catholic Will, please contact me, Theresa Lynch, Planned Giving Manager at (973) 497-4042 or by e-mail at lynchthe@rcan.org. MEETINGS Finance Council Jun 23 7:30 Rectory Knights of Columbus Apr 11 8:00 Council Chambers Spiritual Renewal Apr 18 7:30 Rectory Human Concerns Apr 11 7:00 30 Maple St. Vincent de Paul May 17 7:00 Convent Pastoral Council Jun 16 7:30 Parish Hall Amor de Dios Lunes 7:00 Parish Hall Rosario Lunes 7:00 Chapel CCC Viernes 7:30 Parish Hall HT Prayer Group Thurs. 30 Maple Fil-Am: Officers May 07 6:30 Marcelino’s Fil-Am Ministry Jun 19 1:30 Parish Hall Living Stones Comm. TBA 7:00 Rectory 7:30 STEWARDSHIP Easter Sunday’s Collection/Colecta de Domingo Pasado: $29,681.00 Good Friday Collection for Holy Land: $2786.00 Holy Thursday Collection: $2117.00 Palm Sunday Collection: $12,996.00 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Psalm 51, known as the Miserere ... is a penitential prayer in which the request for forgiveness is preceded by the confession of sins and in which the one praying allows himself to be purified by the Lord’s love. Thus, he becomes a new creature, capable of obedience, steadfastness of spirit, and of sincere praise. The “title” that the ancient Hebrew tradition gave to this Psalm refers to King David and his sin with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah. Kind David, called by God to shepherd the people and guide them on the paths of obedience to divine Law, betrayed his mission and, after committing adultery with Bathsheba, has her husband put to death. A terrible sin! The prophet Nathan shows David his sin and helps him to recognize it. It is the moment of reconciliation with God, in confessing his sin. Here David was humble. He showed greatness! Those who pray with this Psalm are called to feel the same sense of remorse and of trust in God, which David had when he mended his ways and, although the king, he humbled himself without being afraid to confess his crime and show his misery to the Lord, yet confident that the Lord’s mercy was assured. What he had done was not a minor sin, a small lie: he had committed adultery and murder! The Psalm begins with these words of supplication: “Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy steadfast love; according to thy abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! (vv. 1-2). The invocation is addressed to the God of mercy in order that, moved by a love as great as that of a father or mother, he have mercy, that is, grant grace, show his favor with benevolence and understanding. It is a heartfelt plea to God, who alone can free one from sin. Very descriptive images are used: blot out, wash me, cleanse me. Made manifest in this prayer is man’s true need: the only thing that we truly need in our life is that of being forgiven, freed from evil and from its consequence of death. Unfortunately, life often makes us experience these situations. In [such circumstances] we must first trust in mercy. God is greater than our sin. Let us not forget this: God is greater than our sin! “Father, I do not know how to say it. I have committed many, serious [sins]!”. God is greater than all the sins we can commit. His love is an ocean in which we can immerse ourselves without fear of being overcome: to God forgiving means giving us the certainty that he never abandons us. Whatever our heart may admonish us, he is still and always greater than everything (cf. 1 Jn 3:20), because God is greater than our sin. In this sense, whoever prays with this Psalm seeks forgiveness, confesses his sin, but in acknowledging it, celebrates the justice and holiness of God. Moreover he asks to be granted grace and mercy. The Psalmist trusts in the goodness of God. He knows that divine goodness is immensely effective, because God creates what he says. He does not hide the sin but destroys and blots it out. He blots it out from the very root, not as they do at the dry cleaners’ when we take a suit and they remove a stain. No! God blots out our sin from the very root, completely! Therefore the penitent person becomes pure again; every stain is eliminated and now he is whiter than pure snow. We are all sinners. Is this true? If any of you does not feel you are a sinner, raise your hand.... No one. We all are sinners. We sinners, with forgiveness, become new creatures, filled by the spirit and full of joy. Now a new reality begins for us: a new heart, a new spirit, a new life. We, forgiven sinners, who have received divine grace, can even teach others to sin no more. “But Father, I am weak, I fall, I fall”. — “If you fall, get up! Stand up!”. When a child falls, what does he do? He raises his hand to dad or mom to help him to get up. Let us do the same! If out of weakness you fall into sin, raise your hand: the [Father] will take it and help you get up. This is the dignity of God’s forgiveness! The dignity that God’s forgiveness gives us is that of lifting us up, putting us back on our feet, because he created men and woman to stand on their feet. The Psalmist says: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Then I will teach transgressors thy ways, and sinners will return to thee” (vv. 10, 13). God’s forgiveness is what we all need, and it is the greatest sign of his mercy. It is a gift that every forgiven sinner is called to share with every brother and sister he meets. All those whom the Lord has placed beside us, family, friends, coworkers, parishioners... everyone needs, as we do, the mercy of God. It is beautiful to be forgiven, but you too, if you want to be forgiven, forgive in turn. Forgive! May the Lord allow us, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, to be witnesses to his forgiveness, which purifies the heart and transforms life. Thank you. Pope Francis, March 30, 2016 Interested in Going to Fatima and Lourdes this June but have questions? Then come to our informational gathering on April 6 at 7:00 PM Holy Trinity Convent 20 Pangborn Place Hackensack NJ 07601 (Behind the school) Meet Ann Breslin, coordinator the tour and proprietor of Great Experiences, Inc. and The others who plan on going. WE ARE LIVING STONES Joint Capital Campaign 4 Year Goal: $590,000.00 Pledged: $142,961.00 WE ARE LIVING STONES CAPITAL CAMPAIGN NEWS In conjunction with the Archdiocese we are launching a Capital Campaign to raise funds for the painting of the church interior, repairing of the pews, refinishing the doors, and replacing the roof and façade of the rectory, and maybe even a new AC for the church. In the coming weeks we will hear from fellow parishioners about the importance of giving to the Campaign which benefits both the parish and the greater Church. A video will be viewed on the weekend of April 3and we hope you will be able to make a commitment in the following weeks. You are also invited to visit the parish website, holytrinity1861.org, wher e ther e is a link to the W e are L iving Stones website, and there you can make a pledge. Be sure to designate Holy Trinity Church, Hackensack. That is very important so that we receive our due portion of the campaign. The We Are Living Stones Committee Sanctity of Life Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Rachel’s Vineyard retreat for those who have experienced an abortion is May 13-15 or Sept 9-11, 2016. Call Cheryl Riley at 973-497-4350 for more info. Confidential. SPIRITUAL LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY LA VIDA ESPIRITUAL EN LA COMUNIDAD C ,P U Holy Trinity Prayer Group - charismatic prayer every Thursday at 7:30 PM at 30 Maple Adoration - every first Friday from 12:30 to 10:00 PM HUMAN CONCERNS COMMITTEE Thanks to everyone who participated in our peanut butter drive. We collected well over 300 jars of peanut butter and $75 to help with shipping costs. It was delivered to the drop-off point before Easter on the way to Haiti. We are looking for volunteers to cook &/or serve dinner 1 evening during the week of May 15-22 for the Family Promise Shelter. If inter ested, please call Denise Gor don at 201774-8805 We are looking for new or gently used baby boy items for a brand new parishioner. Please drop off items at the rectory. Please think of us if you or someone you know needs assistance. Grace to Grief “Let the Church always be a place of mercy and hope, where everyone is welcomed, loved, and forgiven.” ~ Pope Francis The Church can also be a place to heal. We are called to “Be Merciful like the Father” So many are suffering from the effects of emotional, physical and sexual abuse. Where can they heal? Where can they feel safe and loved? The Archdiocese will be sponsoring a “Grief to Grace" retreat September 11-16, 2016 .This retreat is for those who have suffered from emotional, physical and sexual abuse. If you or someone you know has been a victim of abuse, please know that healing is possible. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! For more information Contact Jeanne at Info@GrieftoGrace.org Also Visit our website: www.GrieftoGrace.org Or call our Hotline: 610-203-2002 A Pilgrimage to Fatima & Lourdes th To mark the 100 Anniversary of Our Lady’s Appearance to 3 shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal we will be traveling via TAP Airlines to Portugal, Spain and France June 1 - 9, 2016 Fatima, Portugal; Salamanca, Spain; Lourdes, France and more. MEETING APRIL 6, 7 PM, CONVENT REGISTRATION FORMS ARE NOW AVAILABLE SEE FR. PAUL. SEND IN THE DEPOSIT NOW. DO NOT DELAY. SPACES ARE STILL AVAILABLE. $2900 p/p DOUBLE OCCUPANCY. $3200 p/p SINGLE OCCUPANCY PLEASE REGISTER SOON. Sunday Afternoon Tea April 10, 2016 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm at St. John’s Knights of Columbus 61 Armour Place, Dumont, NJ Please join us for a delicious assortment of sandwiches, desserts and of course Tea. Look for our Spring Baskets. Wear your Fanciest Hat and vote for your favorites! Advance Sales Only For reservations call Nina at 201-338-2617 or email Ninad70@aol.com or Laura at labetti250@optonline.net or mail your reservation and payment to: Laura Labetti - 250 Dixon Ave., Dumont, NJ 07628. Please specify children’s age and gender. NEW HOPE, INC. 31st ANNIVERSARY GALA "New Hope Building Lives" SAVE THE DATE! Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 6:30 10:30pm. Seasons, 664 Pascack Road, Washington Twp. 07676. $75 per person. Cocktail hour, gourmet dinner, silent auction, Tricky Tray, raffle, huge 50/50 and dancing. Your generosity enables us to reach out to first-time single mothers and their babies so please celebrate with us! Reservations: Kathy: (201) 573-8697 or kturlick@gmail.com SUMMER SPORTS CAMPS AT SJR St. Joseph Regional High School in Montvale, NJ is the site for sports camps in football and basketball for area youths this summer. The SJR Elite Performance Football Camp runs in two sessions: June 27 – 30; and July 5 - 8. The camp runs daily from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and is open to boys, grades 4-10. Free Tshirt to campers…guest lecturers… great fun & competition! The 28th annual Green Knights Basketball Camp, for boys ages 9 to 15, runs in three sessions: July 11-15; July 18-22; and July 25-29. The camp day is from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Great fun & competition… guest lecturers… free basketball & T-shirt to each camper! Birth Parents Must Take Action to Preserve Their Privacy The Catholic Church has provided adoption services and she promised to honor the privacy of parents & adoptees. But on May 27, 2014, a new law took effect that will allow adoptees to request & obtain the names of their biological parents beginning Jan. 1, 2017. Any birth parents who wish to preserve their privacy must submit a Redaction Request Form to the NJ Dept. of Health no later than December 31, 2016. By filing this form, birth parents will be able to keep their names off any documents provided by the State to adoptees or anyone else. The form can be downloaded at http://nj.gov/health/forms/reg-36c.pdf If you know anyone who placed a child in adoption, please tell them that if they do not file a Redaction Request Form, their name & other info could be given to the adoptee. Anyone needing assistance can call a HELPLINE AT 609-989-4809. Children’s Choir A child’s choir is now forming. Children in grades 4 thru 7 are invited to join. Practice: Tuesdays from 7-7:45 PM in the Choir loft Directed by Lee Eilert and Lucia Wehr. If interested please call 201-343-5170 and leave your name, number, and grade level. Practice begins April 5. SAVE THE DATE Friday April 22 FISH & CHIPS DINNER Take out or Eat in Music by Virgil Friday night April 22th - Advanced Ticket Sales Only. Knights of Columbus and the Youth Group to sell tickets for their Fish & Chips Dinner, after masses on Saturday and Sunday, April 9-10 and April 16-17. TAKE OUT - $12.00; EAT IN $15.00 Enrich your Spiritual Life El Coro de Niños Coro de niños se está formando. Niños que asisten a los grados 4 a 7 están invitados a unirse. Reuniones: martes las 7-7:45 PM en el coro. Ellos serán dirigidos por Lee Eilert y Lucía Wehr. Si tu estás interesado en unirte por favor llama al 201343-5170 y deja su nombre, teléfono y grado escolar. La práctica comienza el 5 de abril. COME AND LISTEN! An opportunity to increase your faith. An experience that answers the deepest questions of your life: Where is true happiness for me? What is the meaning of my life? CATECHESIS FOR ADULTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE (13 and over) 8 PM Mondays&Thursdays Convent@20PangbornPlace Freechildcarewillbeprovided STARTS: MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2016 For information: Contact Fr. Paul Bishop Barron Program Untold Blessing: 3 Paths to Holiness Our ultimate goal is to be a saint. It is our greatest calling and what is desired for us by our Creator. Bp. Barron paints a beautiful and mysterious image of what it takes to be a follower of Jesus Christ. He lays out 3 intriguing paths to holiness. He also shares practical approaches to enhance the journey along these 3 paths. Path One: Finding the Center April 2 and April 9 Path Two: Knowing You are a Sinner April 16 and April 23 Path Three: Your Life is Not about You April 30 and May 7 Saturday mornings at 10:00 AM in the Parish Hall Each video program is 20 minutes followed by a group discussion and prayer. Any questions contact Lynn at 201-342-6304 or inkycat7@aol.com Quo Vadis? “Where are you Going? A Retreat for Catholic Young Men (Grades 8-11) The Quo Vadis Retreat is an opportunity to examine where your life is going. This retreat is designed to help young men top understand their baptismal call to holiness via the priesthood, religious life, or marriage. On this retreat, you will take time to ask the Lord where he desires to lead you. July 13-16, 2016 Immaculate Conception Seminary Seton Hall University, 400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, NJ 07079 www.newpriestnj.com Come Celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 3:00pm You are invited to an extended celebration of God's great mercy - a Eucharistic Holy Hour, including, sung recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and Benediction. Bring family, friends, and all who need to hear God's message of merciful love. Bilingual (English y Español) St. Joseph Church 115 East Fort Lee Rd, Bogota, NJ 07603 Interesado en ir a Fátima y Lourdes este mes de junio pero tiene preguntas? Entonces venga a nuestra reunión el 6 de abril a las 7:00 PM Convento Santa Trinidad 20 Pangborn Place Hackensack NJ 07601 (Detrás de la escuela) Conocer Ann Breslin, coordinador de la gira y propietario de Great Experiences, Inc. y los otros que planean ir. Queridos Hermanos de Holy Trinity : Es una Fiesta nueva en la Iglesia, que tiene la particularidad de haber sido solicitada por el mismo Jesucristo a través de Santa Faustina Kowalska, religiosa polaca de este siglo, quien murió en 1938 a los 33 años de edad y quien fue canonizada por Juan Pablo II precisamente en esta Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia del año 2000. Nos dijo el Papa Juan Pablo II el día de la Beatificación de esta Santa de nuestros días: “Dios habló a nosotros a través de la Beata Sor Faustina Kowalska”. La devoción de la Divina Misericordia ya se ha ido difundiendo bastante en todo el mundo. Incluye la imagen de Jesús de la Divina Misericordia, la Fiesta, el Rosario de la Misericordia, la Novena (se inicia cada Viernes Santo y culmina el Sábado antes de la Fiesta), la Hora de la Gran Misericordia, etc. El Evangelio nos relata cómo Jesús instituyó el Sacramento de la Confesión. Pero también Jesús habló a Santa Faustina cosas importantes sobre la Confesión: “Cuando vayas a confesar debes saber que Yo mismo te espero en el Confesionario, sólo que estoy oculto en el Sacerdote. Pero Yo mismo actúo en el alma. Aquí la miseria del alma se encuentra con Dios de la Misericordia. Llama a la Confesión Tribunal de la Misericordia. Y para acogerse a El no nos pide grandes cosas: sólo basta acercarse con fe a los pies de mi representante (el Sacerdote) y confesarle con fe su miseria ... Aunque el alma fuera como un cadáver descomponiéndose (es decir, muerta y descompuesta por el pecado) y que pareciera estuviese todo ya perdido, para Dios no es así ... ¡Oh! ¡Cuán infelices son los que no se aprovechan de este milagro de la Divina Misericordia!” ¿Qué otras cosas nos ha dicho Dios a través de Santa Faustina Kowalska? “Habla al mundo de mi Misericordia, para que toda la humanidad conozca la infinita Misericordia mía. Es la señal de los últimos tiempos. Después de ella vendrá el día de la justicia. Todavía queda tiempo... Antes de venir como Juez justo, abro de par en par las puertas de mi Misericordia. Quien no quiera pasar por la puerta de mi Misericordia, deberá pasar por la puerta de mi Justicia”. Por Teología sabemos que Dios posee todos sus atributos o cualidades en forma infinita. Así es, infinitamente Misericordioso, pero también infinitamente Justo. Su Justicia y su Misericordia van a la par. Pero a través de esta Santa de nuestro tiempo nos hace saber que por los momentos, para nosotros, tiene detenida su Justicia para dar paso a su Misericordia. No nos castiga como merecemos por nuestros pecados, ni castiga al mundo como merecen los pecados del mundo, sino que nos ofrece el abismo inmenso de su Misericordia infinita. Pero si no nos abrimos a su Misericordia, tendremos que atenernos a su Justicia. ¡Graves palabras del Señor! Por lo demás, coinciden con su Palabra contenida en el Evangelio... Y llegará el momento de su Justicia ... Llegará … ¿Cómo podemos acogernos a su Misericordia? Veamos qué nos ha dicho el Señor sobre la Fiesta de hoy: “Deseo que la Fiesta de la Misericordia sea un refugio y amparo para todas las almas y, especialmente, para los pobres pecadores... Ese día derramo un mar de gracias sobre las almas que se acerquen al manantial de mi Misericordia. El alma que se confiese y reciba la Santa Comunión obtendrá el perdón total de las culpas y de las penas... Que ningún alma tema acercarse a Mí, aunque sus pecados sean como escarlata” (o sea, muy graves o muy feos). Así que quien aproveche este ofrecimiento del mismo Dios para el Día de la Divina Misericordia, queda “¡0 kilómetro!”como si se acabara de bautizar, totalmente purificado de toda culpa, como si no hubiera cometido nunca ningún pecado. Sólo hay que confesarse al menos 7 días antes, estando verdadera y completamente arrepentido. Además hay que comulgar ese día. ¿Qué más podemos pedir? Más fácil no puede ser. Es el abismo insondable de la Misericordia Infinita de Dios, que no desea que nuestro pecado nos lleve a la muerte eterna. Lo que desea es darnos todas las oportunidades posibles de conversión, para que podamos tener la Vida Eterna, ésa que nos espera después de esta vida terrena. Como si fuera poco, aparte de quedar totalmente preparados para el Cielo, purificados de toda culpa, si aprovechamos las gracias que la Misericordia Divina nos tiene para este día, tenemos la promesa del Señor de que recibiremos lo que pidamos en este día de la Fiesta de la Divina Misericordia, siempre que lo que solicitemos esté acorde con la Voluntad de Dios. Para recibir las gracias otorgadas este Día de la Divina Misericordia, es necesario recibir la Eucaristía y haberse confesado, condición para recibir el perdón total de las culpas y de las penas, que son consecuencia de nuestros pecados. La Paz! Padre : J.P. Muralles SOMOS PIEDRAS VIVAS Campaña Capital Meta: $590,000.00 Prometido: $142,961.00 En conjunto con la Arquidiócesis estamos poniendo en marcha una campaña capital de recaudación de fondos para la pintar el interior de la iglesia, la reparación de las bancas, renovación del acabado de las puertas, y la sustitución del techo y la fachada de la casa parroquial, y tal vez incluso un nuevo AC para la iglesia. L S F El Sacramento de Reconciliación: El sábado a las 4-4:45 PM o por cita. El Sacramento del Bautismo: Por favor llame par a r egistrarse a su niño para el bautismo con anticipación. Los Sacramentos de Iniciación: Adultos (aquellos tienen 12 años o más) que buscan el bautismo o confirmación debe preguntar acerca de RCIA o Catequesis de Adultos con el Padre. El Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos: Por favor llame a sacerdote a celebrar este sacramento de sanación y perdón para alguien que está enfermo gravemente. Favor de no esperar hasta que el enfermo este inconsciente. El Sacramento del Matrimonio: Las par ejas deben contactar a un sacerdote con un año de anterioridad a la fecha deseada del matrimonio. Es un pecado grave no casarse sin el Sacramento o la permisión del obispo. Ven y Ora con Nosotros Hora Santa Santa - Todos los viernes a las 6:30 PM en la iglesia Adoración - El primer viernes de la mes desde las 12:30 hasta las 10:00 PM en la capilla CCC - Una hora de reflexión de la Biblia cada viernes a las 7:30 PM en Salón Parroquial Amor de Dios - Grupo de Oración todos los lunes a las 7:00 PM en Salón Parroquial El Rosario - Todos los lunes a las 7:00 PM en la capilla. REGISTRARSE COMO FELIGRÉS Ventajas del Registro 1. Elegibilidad para ser un padrino o madrina 2. Las tarifas de feligrés para bodas y funerales 3. Prueba de residencia para la inmigración y una recomendación positiva del párroco que Ud. contribuye a la sociedad y la iglesia. 4. Recibir los sobres para que pueda contribuir al bienestar de su parroquia. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Holy Trinity Church #007418 34 Maple Avenue Hackensack, NJ 07601 TELEPHONE 201 343-5170 CONTACT PERSON Fr. Paul Prevosto EMAIL: pjprevosto@hotmail.com SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat XI Windows 8 TRANSMISSION TIME Thursday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION April 3, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Sorry about the lateness. Difficulties at the parish