Present Absent Call to Order Proclama- tion Welcome 588
Present Absent Call to Order Proclama- tion Welcome 588
CITY OF L•OYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES The Eighteenth Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Lloydminster was held on Monday, September 21, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. Present - P. Gulak - R. Summers-Gill - D. Arthur - R. Starke - C. MacKay - 3. Vinek City Commissioner - R. Brekko City Clerk - T. Lysyk Director of Finance & Admin.- D. Newlin Director of Planning & Dev. - J. Hamrnermeister Director of Eng.& Pub. Works- W. Roma Transportation Engineer - G. Dunn - G. Willard Development Officer Planning Assistant - S. Rowan Confidential Secretary - J. McLuckie Absent Alderman Call to Order Proclamation Welcome Mayor Aldermen - H. Flieger Mayor Gulak called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The Mayor presented and signed a Proclamation to Royce Sather and Kevin MacDougall of the Lloydminster ACTT Chapter proclaiming the week of September 28 to October 4 "Technology Week in Lloydminster". The Mayor welcomed the following people to the meeting: Fred Mabey Mike Lamb George Matheson George Phillips Tom Williamson Diana Rodwell Lawrence Davidson Rose Salt - R.C.M.P. Roy Beaton - C.I.B.C. Keith Denham Donna Bentley and Local Government Students -- Lakeland College Vermilion Campus 588-87 Minutes Moved y Alderman Starke, Seconded bz Alderman Summers-Gill That the Minutes of the last Regular Meeting of Council dated September 8, 1987 be approved as presented. CARRIED 87/09/21 PACE... 173 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES CITY CLERK'S REPORT 589-87 R.C.M.P. Report Inspector Roy Beaton presented the R.C.M.P. Report for the month of August, 1987. Moved by Alderman MacKay, Seconded by Alderman Arthur That the R.C.M.P. Report for the month of August, 1987 be approved as presented and attached to these Minutes. CARRIED R.C.M.P. C/O Lloydminst rinspector Beaton advised that S/Sgt. Walter Strauss from Prince Detachment Albert has been named as his replacement and is expected to assume his responsibilities in Lloydminster approximately early December of this year. Bylaws City Clerk Tom Lysyk advised that Bylaws Nos. 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 (Zoning Bylaws) received Ministerial approval September 8, 1987 and are now in effect. In addition, Bylaw 6-87 (Zoning) received Ministerial approval September 16, 1987. COMMITTEE REPORT - Alderman Cec MacKay 590-87 LEDA Terms of Reference Moved Alderman MacKay, Seconded la Alderman Summers--Gill That Council approve the Lloydminster Economic Development Authority recommendation to amend Lloydminster Economic Development Authority Terms of Reference to include Chairman of Community Futures Committee as full member and Bill Kondro to attend Lloydminster Economic Development Authority meetings in an advisory capacity. CARRIED Alderman Starke expressed concern as to whether the Terms of Reference were clear enough so that there is avoidance of duplication by Committees. Alderman MacKay noted that in order to be eligible for the Community Futures Program the Committee has to encompass surrounding areas; while some activities might be similar, liaison between the two groups is expected to avoid this problem, Alderman Summers-Gill remarked that the Community Futures Group is "sales" oriented, with LEDA concentrating on specific interests; both groups will be functioning under the direction of Director of Planning and Development James Hammermeister. 591-87 Lakeland Tourist Assoc. Moved Alderman MacKay, Seconded by Alderman Summers-Gill A.•ointmen That Council approve the Lloydminster Economic Development Authority recommendation to nominate Steve Rowan as the Director of Promotions for the 1988 calendar year for the Lakeland Tourist Association. CARRIED Planning Assistant Steve Rowan was introduced to those present at the meeting. 87/09/21 PAGE... 174 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES MAYOR'S REPORT Alberta Sport Council SRC Conference '87 Other Functions A.U.M.A. The Mayor advised that she had received a copy of a letter addressed to Vic Juba from Hon. Norm Weiss, Minister of Recreation and Parks Alberta reappointing him to the Board of The Mayor is to Directors of the Alberta Sport Council. forward a letter of congratulation. Pat Gulak attended the SRC Conference '87 Banquet on Mayor The Conference was a great Thursday, September 17, 1987. success, attracting 1100 student representatives from across the Western Provinces as well as the NorthWestern United States. Premier Grant Devine of Saskatchewan was the Guest Speaker. The Mayor had also attended the Community Futures Presentation, the Opening of the Art Show and a Farewell Banquet for Dean Tom Lownie of Lakeland College. Members of Council were advised that the departure time to the A.U.M.A. Convention would be 1 o'clock Wednesday, September 23, 1987. COMMITTEE REPORT - Alderman Richard 592-87 Seniors Recreation Centre Study Starke Moved ty Alderman Starke, Seconded by Alderman MacKay That Council approve the Parks and Recreation Committee recommendation that P.E.R.C. Ltd. be hired to undertake the Seniors Recreation Centre Functional Study for the amount of $8,000.00. CARRIED Arts Club Opening Concert Season Starke informed Council that he had attended the Alderman Opening of the 41st Annual Arts Club Show on Saturday, September 19, 1987. The Show was a tribute to Lindsay Evans and will continue in the Allied Arts Centre for the remainder of the week. The Allied Arts Concern Season commences October 14, 1987 with a concert by Diane Loeb. Further concerts will feature The Acrobats of the Pagoda of the Plentiful Lands, Solstice and Hagood Hardy. There will also be a Children's Arts Series commencing October 15 with Season Tickets selling for $12.00 later The opening concert features Morgan's Journey; each. concerts include a Christmas presentation by the Wheatland Theatre named "Christmas Tuba" and an April feature by Eric Nagler. 87/09/21 PACE... 175 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES COMMITTEE REPORT - Alderman Cec MacKay (Cont'd) 593-87 Fire Preventio Week Moved hy Alderman MacKay, Seconded hy Alderman Starke That Council approve the Protective Services Committee recommendation to declare October 4 - 10th, 1987 as Fire Prevention Week. CARRIED 594-87 Pest Control Contract Moved by Alderman MacKay, Seconded Alderman Starke That Council approve the Protective Services Committee recommendation to award the Pest Control contract to Mr. Roy Clark effective July 1, 1987 to June 30, 1988 in the amount of $440.00/month. CARRIED Council members were advised that rabid bats had been trapped at Provost and Elk Point; however, tests on bats caught in Lloydminster had proved negative. 595-87 City Constable' Report Alderman Cec MacKay read the City Constable's Report for the month of August, 1987. Moved la Alderman MacKay, Seconded la Alderman Starke That the City Constable's Report for the month of August, 1987 be approved as presented and attached to these Minutes. CARRIED 596-87 Fire Dept. Report Alderman Cec MacKay read the Fire Department Report for the month of August, 1987. Moved by Alderman MacKay, Seconded by Alderman Starke That the Fire Department Report for the month of August, 1987 be approved as presented and attached to these Minutes. CARRIED COMMITTEE REPORT - Alderman Reg Summers-Gill 597-87 Parking Prohibitio 51 Street Moved by Alderman Summers-Gill, Seconded y Alderman MacKay That Council approve the Engineering and Transportation Committee recommendation that parking be prohibited on the south side of 51 Street from 49 Avenue to 71m west of 49 Avenue. CARRIED 87/09/21 PAGE... 176 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES 598-87 44 Street Overlay. Moved Alderman Summers-Gill, Seconded la Alderman MacKay That Council approve the Engineering and Transportation Committee recommendation to approve the overlay of 44 Street from 47 to 50 Avenue, and the repair of 44 Street from 45 to 47 Avenue, for a maximum cost of $85,000, by refinancing of existing asphalt repair accounts. CARRIED DELEGATION: 8:00 p.m. Peter Johnston representing Amador Lopez re. Removal of Highway access to Arby's Restaurant at intersection. Mr. Johnston, Solicitor for Mr. Amador Liopez,made a presentation respecting the removal of the intersection entrance to Arby's necessitating patrons to go around the corner and use the South entrance. This presents a problem in that the lane is constantly used by semi-trailers waiting to unload at the Nelson yards adjacent. He advised Council that prior to building on the site Mr. Lopez had received a letter dated May 21, 1986 from Mr. Gene Willard, Development Officer, copied to Transportation Engineer, Geoff Dunn stating that the access would remain open until such time as the City Engineer determines that it must be closed. Mr.Lopez said he was told that work on Highway 16 would affect the access, only when work on Highway 17 commenced would the access have to be removed. Mr. Johnston stated that Mr. Lopez felt that the discretionary nature of the letter was of concern and had attended a meeting at City Hall to discuss the matter. Had he been told the access would be closed he would have considered building in a different location; however, the Plot Plan showed the entrance going out to the East. It was felt that a Yield sign could be located at the access to minimize traffic problems. City Commissioner Roger Brekko drew the location of the access in question and noted that the City's concern is that of safe traffic movement exiting and entrancing and the crossing of lanes to effect such movement. With respect to properties opposite, entrances in those locations will have to be adjusted in the future. He noted that as highways are upgraded, similar exits/entrances are being deleted to ease traffic movement. The City Commissioner pointed out that the adjacent property west of Arby's was being similarly affected. He concurred that adequate signage will be required and observed that holiday trailers are considered to be a problem when making that turn. Mr. Johnston felt that there should be a Yield sign for those making a south turn from the West. Transportation Engineer Geoff Dunn advised Council that Mr. Lopez was advised that the drive-in location was a safety Mr. Lopez had appeared at a Transportation Meeting and hazard. it was pointed out to him at that time. Mr. Lopez had asked that the access be granted as a concession. 599•87 Moved la Alderman MacKay, Seconded ty Alderman Starke That the matter of the Highway 16 access to Arby's Restaurant be referred back to Committee level for further discussion. CARRIED 87/09/21 PAGE... 177 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES COMMITTEE REPORT - Alderman Reg Summers-Gill 600-87 Home Occupation R1-Dog Grooming Moved Ly Alderman Summers-Gill, Seconded Ly Alderman Arthur That Council approve the Planning and Development Committee recommendation to approve the request of Heather Wood to operate a Dog Grooming Service as a home occupation from her residence at 2607 - 49 Ave. (Lot 8, Block 4, Plan 77-B-03702), as a discretionary use in the RI (single detached) residential district for the balance of 1987. CARRIED 601-87 Home Occupation R1-Office Moved by Alderman Summers-Gill, Seconded by Alderman Arthur That Council approve the Planning and Development Committee recommendation to approve the request of Gladys Marciniw to operate an office as a Home Occupation from her residence at 3001 - 55A Avenue (Lot 7, Block 30, Plan 782-2724) as a discretionary use in the R1 (single detached) residential district. CARRIED ALDERMAN CEC MACKAY LEFT THE MEETING CITING CONFLICT OF INTEREST ON THE FOLLOWING MATTER. 602-87 Cl Discre ionary U -Bingos Moved hi Alderman Summers-Gill, Seconded Ly Alderman Arthur That Council approve the Planning and Development Committee recommendation to approve the request from the Lloydminster Softball Association and National Hosting Committee to hold bingos in the building at 4719 - 50 Avenue (Pt. of Lot 2 - Pt. of Lot 9, Block 15, Plan B1271) as a discretionary use in the Cl Commercial district subject to: (1) Landscaping to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. (2) Parking to be provided designating parking for bingo patrons. (3) A parking attendant to be employed before and during the hours of operation to enforce parking restrictions. (4) No operation of bingos between the hours of 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Discussion on the question of locating a Bingo in the old Alderman SummersEaton's building at 4719 - 50 Avenue ensued. Gill advised that the City had received several letters objecting to the locating of such a recreation facility at the site, that a list of those opposed had been circulated and signed and that the major objections centred on the moral issue and inadequate parking. Alderman Summers-Gill noted that the regulations governing Bingos fall under Provincial jurisdiction and that previous bingos had not elicited complaints on moral grounds. Parking considerations had been addressed, as had the question of parking attendant services and the doors to the He commented that Bingo Hall were to be opened at 6.00 p.m. street parking is a community facility and that meters are in effect until that time and there is no requirement under the current Zoning Bylaw for provision of parking in this area. Five major cities had been canvassed, some provided no parking, others provided limited parking. 87/09/21 PAGE... 178 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES City Commissioner Roger Brekko advised that the building will provide a maximum of 250 seats. The only access to the South of the building is through the lane and pedestrian access may be gained at the North and South corners of the building; however, these are fire exits. Council had received a aletter from Barb Nixdorf of Canix Holdings Ltd. (attached) questioning the locating of a Bingo Hall as compatible with the downtown revitalization plans of the City. Mr. Ralph Burgess addressed Council on the issue and advised that he had approximately 183 signatures on the list presented to Council and that there were other objections raised, namely, had the R.C.M.P. provided an opinion on the potential problems of locating a Bingo Hall next to a liquor outlet, the danger of increased traffic crossing the Meridian, compatibility of bingo with the revitalization scheme, if bingo is considered a recreation how is Nevada gambling considered? In addition Mr. Burgess queried the charitable aspect of the operation and the private gain involved. He noted that the circular was not limited to signatories from the United Church congregation but that Church activities will be impacted by the increase in parking demand. He expressed concern regarding the hours that the Bingo Hall will operate and it's impact on rush hour traffic. He queried the purpose of an attendant. Mr. Burgess ended his presentation by expressing the view that the building could be used more properly than for a bingo/gambling facility. Mr. Burgess submitted a list of names expressing opposition to the Bingo Hall which was received by Council and is attached to these Minutes. Mr. Fred Mabey addressed Council voicing his objection on the basis of questioning the need for another bingo hall. He referred members of Council to the newspaper article in The Meridian Booster September 21 edition which refers to the Downtown Businessman's Association. He felt that in these difficult economic times there is insufficient disposable income to support another Hall and other bingo operations are experiencing a drop in attendance. He queried Council's decision respecting a previous like request last year which had been denied. The Mayor thanked Mr. Mabey for his presentation. Mr. Mike Lamb defended the proposal noting that the argument respecting liquor outlets was questionable in that there are 37 liquor outlets in town; and it was not his intention to debate moral standards. He feels there are sufficient patrons to support the proposal. In reply to questionning from Mayor Gulak, he advised that recent Government legislation restricts the payout to the public to 60% of the take in any one session, with the charitable organizations receiving 15 - 20% and the remainder designated as expenses. In response to Alderman Starke's enquiry concerning Christmas Shopping and late night opening, Mr. Lamb expressed the view that additional policing would be required and extension of mini-mall parking a possibility. The question of a shuttle bus service was raised. Mr. Lamb noted that particularly in the winter many patrons used taxis or were dropped off and picked up. Alderman Starke commented that the public perception of bingos is not good; however, it is legal and is a source of recreation for a large number of people. Lamb's "good neighbour" policy. He had been impressed with Mr. Mayor 37/09/21 PAGE... 179 \- L City Clod( CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES Alderman Arthur noted that Council was not in a position to decide moral issues. Alderman Vinek pointed out that out of the approximately 200 responses to the matter, few had been for the proposal and four of these had been from businessmen. Alderman Vinek pointed out that out of the letters received in favour of the proposal, four had been from businesses. The Mayor noted that it was not Council's mandate to decide how many like businesses could locate in the City but that their success would be dictated by public acceptance and patronage. Mr. Russell Walker of Grace United Church addressed Council noting he was saddened and dismayed by the remarks; he the economic benefit and stated that bingo is questioned gambling and that society is promoting a "get something for nothing attitude". He felt that Council should address moral issues and that all aspects should be considered and urged Council to oppose the proposal. Alderman Vinek Moved 603-87 That the matter be referred back to Committee. MOTION LOST FOR LACK OF A SECONDER MOTION NO. 602-87 CARRIED 1:1 WITH ALDERMAN VINEK OPPOSED. Alderman Cec MacKay returned to the meeting at 9.10 p.m. 604-87 Lot Sale Colonial Park VIII Moved Ly Alderman Summers-Gill, Seconded by Alderman Arthur That Council approve the Planning and Development Committee recommendation to approve the sale of 26 lots in Colonial Park VIB beginning at 8:00 a.m., Thursday, October 1, 1987 at the Planning and Development office at City Hall as per the attached prospectus. CARRIED Council was advised that the existing procedures and guidelines respecting burning for foundations and service connections will will continue in effect. 605-87 Rescind Motion 503-87 Moved by Alderman Summers-Gill, Seconded LI Alderman Arthur That Council approve the Planning and Development Committee recommendation to rescind Motion 503-87 which reads: That Council approve the Planning and Development Committee recommendation to permit the developer, Investis Properties Ltd. to pay the City $51,177 for all outstanding work on the Southridge VI residential development and that no further CARRIED." bonding be required by the developer. CARRIED 87/09/21 PAGE... 180 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES 606-87 Investis -Southrid VI Moved by Alderman Summers-Gill, Seconded by Alderman Arthur That Council approve the Planning and Development Committee recommendation to permit the developer, Investis Properties Ltd. to pay the City $42,677 for all outstanding work on the Southridge VI residential development and that no further bonding be required by the developer. CARRIED COMMITTEE REPORT - Alderman John Vinek 607-87 Statement of Cash Receipts Payments Moved by Alderman Vinek, Seconded by Alderman Starke That Council approve the Finance and Administration Committee recommendation to approve the Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments for the month of August, 1987. CARRIED 608-87 City Treasurer Ai.ointme t Moved hy Alderman Vinek Seconded by Alderman Starke That Council approve the Finance and Administration Committee recommendation to appoint Nancy D. Huston to the position of City Treasurer effective October 1, 1987. CARRIED 609-87 Texas Industrie Agreement Moved la Alderman Vinek, Seconded by Alderman Starke That Council approve the Finance and Administration Committee recommendation that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the Agreement between the City of Lloydminster and Texas Industries Ltd. for the purchase of 60 acres in the W 1/2 12-50-28-W3 for utility corridor, land bank, and road widening, in the amount of $510,000. CARRIED COMMITTEE REPORT - Alderman Dale Arthur Water Consumpti n Alderman Dale Arthur presented to Council two water consumption Report reports as follows: For the week ending September 13, 1987 there were 8,698,954 gallons of water consumed as compared with 9,495,662 gallons for the same period in 1986, or an 8.4% decrease. For the week ending September 20, 1987 there were 9,445,282 gallons of water consumed as compared with 9,133,756 gallons for the same period in 1986, or a 3.4% increase. 87/09/21 PAGE... 181 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES BYLAWS There were no bylaws. ACCOUNTS 610•87 Moved by Alderman Vinek, Seconded la Alderman Starke That Council approve for payment accounts in the amount of $3,392,922.55 as presented and attached to these Minutes. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT Moved la Alderman Starke. Seconded by Alderman MacKay That the Meeting be adjourned at 9.25 p.m. CARRIED The next Regular Meeting of Council will be held on Monday, October 5, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, and will be opened in Prayer by Alderman John Vinek. MAYOR CITY CLERK 87/09/21 PAGE... 182 Royal Canadian Mounted Police Gendarmerie royale du Canada Box 960 Lloydminster, Saskatchewan 59V 0Y9 Your /lie voi le r6lOrence Our hie Noire reikencra September 10th, 1987 The Mayor City of Lloydminster Lloydminster, Saskatchewan Dear Madam: Re: Policing the City of Lloydminster August 1987 The City was covered by the full contingent of men during August. There were 938 complaints received which is down from 950 in July 1987 and down from 954 in August 1986. There were no serious offences in the City during August, but a number of Break,Enter and Thefts were successfully concluded. Statistics for the month of August are reflected thus: Offence Number Total Assaults B & E (Business) B & E (Residence) Theft of Motor Vehicles Theft Over $1,000 Theft Under $1,000 Property Damage Under $1,000 Total Criminal Code Total Narcotics Total Provincial Traffic Municipal Traffic Criminal Code Traffic Total Collision 15 12 8 7 1 99 29 217 5 180 48 43 64 Canada! % cleared 100 8 13 33 200 16 14 80 80 82 100 67 SEP 21 r:37 1. 1 if. I rk. 1 ,11;iN CAN1X HOLDINGS LTD. 5020 - 4k,Street, Lloydminster, Alberta T9V CC) Phone 875-1984 September 21, 1987 The City of Lloydminster Saskatchewan I Alberta RE: Proposed Bingo Hall located in the former Eaton's Building I feel obligated as a business in Lloydminster to make a comment on the opening of the above proposed Bingo Hall in the above noted location. It has been my understanding that the City of Lloydminster has been making a concentrated effort to upgrade, re-vitalize and in general make the downtown core of Lloydminster an attractive place in which to locate a business and a convenient place in which to shop, visit professional services (lawyers, dentists, etc.) for residents and tourists of and to the city. By and large you have been slowly succeeding. I do not feel that the proposed usage of the above location is a conforming usage in keeping with the overall plan for the city thus far. I am therefore, against the proposed site usage. One could put forward many supporting points, parking, traffic flow, incompatibility with surrounding businesses and/or services (i.e. United Church) and so on. Several relocations have occured within a two block radius of this location in the recent past, the Legion Hall, Furniture Clinic, the Medical Center, even my own business. Future development is slated for the area behind the Royal Bank and the present site of the old Lakeland College. These relocations and developments have changed the parking requirements and traffic flow considerably and will change them further in the near future. I suggest an intensive study be made of the impact these changes have effected and will effect before the Bingo Hall is approved in the proposed location. From a moral standpoint, I an not interested in the clientele of the Bingo Hall, their socio-economic background, nor the organizations which will benefit from the operation of the Bingo Hall. I am concern that the a city with the name of Lloydminster, founded by Barr colonists, straddling the Saskatchewan / Alberta border - very intent on becoming a major player in both provinces economically and socially should have located in its very center - a Bingo Hall. Just not very impressive is it!! Sorry, zero points!! Please feel free to call, I would be more than happy to sit in on any serious disc\ ssion regarding this issue. Yours tr Barb Nixdorf MONTH August 1987 CONSTABLE'S REPORT TICKETS ISSUED / METER VIOLATION ISSUED CURRENT MONTH PREVIOUS MONTH YEAR TO DATE 885 1144 9403 129 188 1355 48 26 584 R.C.M.P. 7 16 251 CANCELLED WITHDRAWN (25) (22) 154 BUSINESS VOLUNTARY PAYMENT ' RESIDENTIAL VOLUNTARY PAYMENT TOTAL 1044 1352 OUTSTANDING TICKETS 1427 1721 --_ 11,747 REVENUE \-- METER COIN 5,474.99 6,496.49 40,949.77 METER VIOLATIONS 3,161.43 3,746.50 29,137.99 VOLUNTARY PENALTIES 1,625.00 2,147.00 13,755.28 TOWING — IMPOUNDING 294.00 320.00 7,373.85 DOGS 441.00 138.00 3,054.00 10,996.42 12,847.99 94,270.89 OTHER TOTAL DOGS VEHICLES 10 IMPOUNDED 7 IMPOUNDED 7 RELEASED 7 DESTROYED 5 V.P. PAID 6 RELEASED 5 ADOPTED OUT 1 V.P. ISSUED COURT ACTIVITY SUMMONSES ISSUED PARKING DISMISSED OTHER WITHDRAWN 1 PROSECUTIONS CONVICTIONS TRIALS WARRANTS COMPLAINTS HANDLED PARKING 23 NUISANCE DOGS 22 OTHER LICENSE REMARKS : 1 LLnYDPINSTEP FIRF DF0ARTMENT MONTHLY FIRE RFPnRT TO: R. N. Brekko, City Commissioner FROM: D. E. Gustayson, Tire Chief MC)NTH OF August, 1987 No. nEITRE NO. nt FALSE ALARMS CALLS 2 4 No. OF INSPECTIONS RESInENTIAL MERCHANTILE No. OF CALL BACK INSPECTIMS IssuEn UNDER THE FIRE PREVENTION ACT 86 10 4 No. OF ORDERS Nil No. OF BURNING PERMITS ISSUE!' Nil No. nr COMPLAINTS Nil REMARKS: August 3, 1987 - False Alarm - 6:08 A.M. - Lloydainster Hospital - Pkchanical failure. Cost $260.00. August 15, 1987 - TalmeAlarm - 3:25 P.M. - Payless Gas - Prank Call. Coat $234.00. August 29, 1987 - False Alarm - 6:50 A.M. - Dontar - Mechanical Failure. Cost $299.00 August 31, 1987 - False Alarm - 8:05 A.M. - lloydmall - Contractor shut off sprinkler system. Cost $234.00. August 3, 1989 -- The Fire Department organized and set off fire storks at Bud Killer All Seasons Pork Heritage Days. August 16 - 20, 1987 -- I attended the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs convention held in Edmonton. During the month of August, the Fire Department held two (2) practices. I also spoke to one (1) youth group on fire safety. D. E. Gustayson, Fire Chief C.C. - Mayor Culak Ald. Arthur Ald. Flieger Ald. Maclay Ald. Starke Ald. Summers-Gill Ald. Timek D. Newlin We, the undersigned, wish to express our opposi n to the bingo hall planned to be operated in the old Eaton's building for the following reasons: 1. Deterioration of family life - patrons will use welfare, unemployment, and family allowance cheques at this facility. 2. Limited amount of parking space which will be impossible to police. 3. No need for another bingo hall in the city. •••■ ••••• PRINT NAME k - Ag AI 5 fer 5 X6 rn/ ADDRESS SIGNATURE if Lott; se v_senue.i. It \ • :;)--7").11,2.-•■ • ,1 /I • /-,, .!. ,, ) We, the undersigned, wish to express our opposition o the bingo hall planned to be operated in the old Eaton's building for the following reasons: 1. Deterioration of family life - patrons will use welfare, unemployment, and family allowance cheques at this facility. 2. Limited amount of parking space which will be impossible to police. 3. No need for another bingo hall in the city. PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE /Ike_ dz,eiz 12.04, 16-33 - 1CRR? CioDY KRA6r 5705-31 y 7 4 I t- .et 3 '74-tL • '" /i fki .'71it7 4 "' Y4 /(7 1/ L. C6 - s rloe 11 4 Q, CI edge-4-Z CYO > /c L We, the undersigned, wish to express our opposition to the bingo hall planned to be operated in the old Eaton's building for the following reasons: 1. Deterioration of family life - patrons will use welfare, unemployment, and family allowance cheques at this facility. 2. Limited amount of parking space which will be impossible to police. 3. No need for another bingo hall in the city. PRINT NAME ADDRESS SIGNATURE LC) ,„ Os_ ee / , AL.,? 0 1? Ey pgi--:17-1- FF , 14/e# 'G15C- C - S2 5 fti / i! - rI 5 4 5 C ) s x r rig 0- /- J,r(2 764 t a-1 it tt 7 1 7/ / 1-/- 3 6 _j /6/4 1 0 - (LI C7L ji/A16' is: s' "IT / 7-/,̀ f4,3t-Zt .-/Y/ - yi),04-0,-arte.„;„„a2b v\jk . We, the undersigned, wish to express our opposition to the bingo hall planned to be operated in the old Eaton's building for the following reasons: 1. Deterioration of family life - patrons will use welfare, unemployment, and family allowance cheques at this facility. 2. Limited amount of parking space which will be impossible to police. 3. No need for another bingo hall in the city. PRINT NAME 57 q6 ^5,5D - 5-0 1A--C7,(1 •-, / /4- • /;14./ - Lk 7 / /-/ i //\ . LeiALE;_ -J --//c "-Y S r /17, SIGNATURE ADDRESS /V7 • ( /c o • •e 2, tc,,__ iJr 1 7 ;) „D4-75 H/Ve.L.,6"/ a-aL..e.6( 14_ tr, .75-6-6-A AE) - S4/5gb 3 I - VI' e Ab/06- 53 .4v-a. 6-60 cr//‘ - nv 7 o (5 771 ajd>97 azi,/ 1 da2 07)/(ii-07 . We, the undersigned, wish to express our opposition to the bin go hall planned to be operated in the old Eaton's buildin g for the following reasons: 1. Deterioration of family life - patrons will use welfare, unemployment, and family allowance cheques at this facility. 2. Limited amount of parking space which will be impossible to police. 3. No need for another bingo hall in the city. PRINT NAME ADDRESS ( SIGNATURE UC tee)/7 — 3 0 LI —CC", - c--922A-4 lc) VL y UI 4/se //2,92-2-r-in4 Cjige0/6e 02 4 /(9(%/-7 xgex czfw 2 /cl( cr-s 37E 33 Wid201 : 1,i,e /DVS-- 33 57 2 VO 40A, II IA+ i --V-\ c c7:3 560.V-- Q7,Le. .5-127e 7( 5-0 0 1, 1/3 ? 04,t?'c ,Lka-14, f /-7-S C:, .57j)Sr 344 3 7/•:.-70m '::5171 -' y7,„ z a ct s 1672. 4 )9 t tuleaver- PP7 fi..- -r7or....eg_e___ y5v. L 4 44)-p>,,,,,x-1.t /op-, r 1.14 We, the undersigned, wish to express our--oppose ion to the bingo hall planned to be operated in the old Eaton's MTMing for the following reasons: 1. Deterioration of family life - patrons will use welfare, unemployment, and family allowance cheques at this facility. 2. Limited amount of parking space which will be impossible to police. 3. No need for another bingo hall in the city. SIGNATURE ADDRESS PRINT NAME r P 47' 7 ypr-/9 Aee,i_e7/ r LZ , _,„ /-7' / ( 7 r ))t-r . f.g,"4,/ '21 2-'72 f) • We, the undersigned, wish to express our opposition to the bingo hall planned to be operated in the old Eaton's building for the following reasons: 1. Deterioration of family life - patrons will use welfare, unemployment, and family allowance cheques at this facility. 2. Limited amount of parking space which will be impossible to police. 3. No need for another bingo hall in the city. 5/ n/ 4=1 On •• 7:42122_, f, 1)4 SIGNATU ADDRESS PRINT NAME 4 Li LAA., 6-i\J a-V_S _T./OF-NE 2-7S Sro 7 vt h 47.?-7-4)45,r /4y."2/11,, 45`11;,‹ 0 ,70 .741,--1 43" 4f7,6,, 43 S. 472 L/7 - A Wadb "LI -6/ 17/Z ZazJeii-z ,S7z Ay( 5- s s et I- n Se . aL -69-74 ebt uIuVS A QUa. 1) We, the undersigned, wish to express our opposition to the bingo hall planned to be operated in the old Eaton's building for the following reasons: 1. Deterioration of family life - patrons will use welfare, unemployment, and family allowance cheques at this facility. 2. Limited amount of parking space which will be impossible to police. 3. No need for another bingo hall in the city. PRINT NAME ADDRESS (.f; 7/ 7"re c SIGNATURE SaA,3ci. .5(111L C- s /%7-r1794figis vi_ /ee AV& rir C A .5-7-75EGT tip 3- 4(4-AA-ye Ay 0 -SA-Cie I L 74.7"A 14 St- A./Id -sksk /4/66ct.- sc-sk K - . CL,t k'k e 4-te, out(4 L-/- 7 6 - 3 9 ,d-c ? 3 _52ki, 0 //07C1,11) vs t,94' 617' s2 - 4fr-7 t foc, 4/-01,2 otwZow27, M 1P_o ck „ Ja144) spvw 53ch 6-41 frof /04/4 _,6dtd We, the undersigned, wish to express our opposition to the bingo hall planned to be operated in the old Eaton's building for the following reasons: 1. Deterioration of family life - patrons will use welfare, unemployment, and family allowance cheques at this facility. 2. Limited amount of parking space which will be impossible to police. 3. No need for another bingo hall in the city. fiddireS 5 oti) a In- )4706-- 3 gt I::: E C4-3 Na_z lkor,e 50,(\ - ,5-6) 5--& 3 c, L V; aw 1.-r /90e v A.) 5-404 - 35 5e- y 0 r n1 A--/q(4)KriuerE-Driv so 06 to 4/7 0 3 I> q4 561 3 IVI/E- A #10 - 701 - 4A6-zo C 1710.4e- Ave je 6-70S 41 re ,z•A(4 ,(3/Fo/rk-8' / 7 (.2/156:1/fri-.5 tCr" ,25' 3 luf A 4'1 01. loydminster esidential Lots Liti . --t ""-=. • Tab:mint irk uhtfittisirin LLOYDRAINISTR stimr. '1__1KLK,1 ittrimm = . -411$141, -511WEII.OLDKMMV ▪ MilimililloOMMAIIIIIiimillimamIMIIIIIMIIIIIMIMMIIIMBOMIMIMMORMIMIMMOOSIMMIammigs% 1 ■ ■ 2B Lots) 1 1 1 V 1 COLONIAL PARK 1 M • 1 Location: 46th and 45A Avenue Closures North of 27th Street. (Phase VIA1 46th Avenue South of 27th Street. (Phase V111-26 Lots) 1 1 Zoning: RI - Single Family Residential 11 1 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1 II 1 1. Available on a first-come, first served basis beginning Thursday, 1 ■ October 1, 1987, 8:00 A.M., City of Lloydminster's Planning and Development B Department at City Mall. 1 ■ 2. All lots will he made available to private individuals only beginning at ■ m 8:30 A.M. and to contractors beginning at 1:00 P.M. M M 3. Applicants intending to qualify for the purchase of a lot as an individual III or contractor shall file with the City an "APPLICATION TO PURCHASE". 1 1 111 II 1 M m II ■ M II I 1 I 4. Applicants filing with the City an "APPLICATION TO PURCHASE" as a private 1 individual shall provide such evidence as the City may require in order 1 to determine whether the applicant is qualified as a private individual 1 1 purchaser, such evidence to be provided by a sworn affidavit in such ■ 1 form as may be required by the City, which will be included in an "OPTION ■ M ■ TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT". ■ N ■ 1 1 5. Lots sold to private individuals shall be limited to one (1) lot per 1 person. (including spouse). Only applicants, or their nominee duly authorized in writing (which authorization shall be established to the satisfaction 1 1 of the City prior to the time of sale) present in person at the time 1 of sale designated by the City shall qualify for the purchase of the 1 M lot as a private individual. Lots sold to private individuals shall II I be for the purpose only of constructing the applicants own permanent I 2 private residence, which shall be a condition of sale. 1 I 111 • 1 ■ 6. lots sold to contractors shall be on a rotating basis to a maximum of ■ five lots. All contractors must have a "CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER CONTRACTOR'S • LICENCE", prior to the sale and must produce the licence for confirmation 0 at the time of the lot purchase. I 1 7. The city reserves the sole and absolute right to make a final and binding 1 1 1 II 1 111 N determination as to whether the applicant is qualified for the purchase 1 of a lot as a private individual or contractor. 1 I II TERMS OF SALE ■ I 1. Upon, selection of a lot, the applicant shall pay to the City, a deposit of 10% of the lot price. M 1 1 1 I ■ ■ 2. The total outstanding amount is due within sixty (60) days of the initial ■ ■ • deposit. M 1 3. Notwithstanding the above, the full purchase price must be paid prior N to the issuance of a BUILDING PERMIT. 11 M N 1 M ■ ■ 1 I 1 II 4. Construction must commence no later that six (6) months from the application imm being made, and completed within twelve (12) months of commencement. 1 1 1 ■ DEFAULT 1 ■ 1 M 1 1. Failure by the applicant to pay the City any deposit or balance of the 1 1 1 11 purchase price within the time required shall result in the cancellation of the purchase, and the City shall charge to the account of the applicant an administrative fee of $500.00 and refund to the applicant the balance of the deposit and/or purchase price paid. B m 2. Should the applicant wish to return the lot after 60 days, an administrative fee of $1,000.00 shall be charged to the account of the applicant and 1 ■ refund to the applicant the balance of the purchase price paid. 1 1 3. Should the applicant fail to commence and complete construction within the times required and/or comply with all or one of the terms of the ■ OPTION TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT, this shall result in the cancellation of II the purchase and the City shall charge to the account of the applicant 1 the amount paid as consideration for the granting of the option. a 1 1 M 1 m 1 1 M a 1 1 1 1 1 liMmeMMEIIMMIIM•11111MININKINIIMmiNmmOMIBUMmulMilMoMMNIOMMUNN iamil For further information, please contact Mr. Steve Rowan (403)825-6184 ta.881 17 $25,010.00 87.418 16 323,780.00 2,6.144 22 • $11/94 0 86.014 23 $17,94" 1° 06•* 24 $11194°'°° 86.5 14 $20,910.00 86.5 13 $20,910.00 36.6 12 9 $23,870 aka SOLD SOLD SOLD 54.615 29 SOLD $33,800.00 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD 11.It 2241 14.8 0 DI S28,884.00 49 11311•11•IMMIllia 27 tiv VIA STREET j UrallS 4 WIYSTON CHURCHILL SCHOOL STREET 1 FUTURE i 3711:1 1AL DEVELOPMEN T - I 0 STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1987 Receipts Payments Water & Sewer Taxes Grants in Lieu of Taxes Sale of Services Other Revenue: Rents,Fines,Investments Unconditional Transfers Conditional Transfers To Reserve/Suspense Miscellaneous 250.04 960.15 217.07 925.78 202 103 9 386 (1 280.45 647.00 363.20 752.95 858.78) Ordinary Payments 2 614 725.68 Contract Payments 222 110.18 Payroll 215 028.40 86 189.67 Capital Total Receipts 334 354 135 53 1 664 727.53 Total Payments Balances beginning of month: Balances end of month: Cash on Hand Current Bank Account Public Reserve Term Deposits Public Reserve Bank Cash on Hand Current Bank Account Public Reserve Term Deposits Public Reserve Bank Arterial Trust Bank Term Deposits - Arterial Term Deposits - General Arterial Trust Bank Term Deposits - Arterial Term Deposits - General Total 780.00 1 647 708.19 399 429.60 259.84 1 621.74 6 145 571.04 13 988 857.70 523 848 955.84 3 051 864.26 740.00 961 623.82 406 740.50 519.34 47 180.74 6 123 066.00 13 257 221.18 523 848 955.84 Total Submitted to Council this 21st day of September, 1987. 5C1 MAYOR 4,) CITY TREAS RER CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ALLOCATION August 31, 1987 WATER AND SEWER 13 115.90 SALE OF GOODS & SERVICES (37.00) OTHER REVENUE (493.38) WATER & SEWER 93 219.98 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES 29 278.88 PROTECTIVE SERVICES 14 340.42 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 80 098.17 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 28 419.41 ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 545.13 PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE 20 149.41 RECREATIONAL AND CULTURAL SERVICES 63 628.74 FISCAL SERVICES 166 388.73 OTHER SERVICES 66 431.74 PAYABLES 6 756 571.96 CAPITAL 5 043 381.75 TOTAL $12 375 039.84 API50 DATE 87/09/18 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER PAGE CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES DATE NUMBER 028998 028999 029000 87/09/18 87/09/18 87109/18 CONTROL CHEQUE NUMBER CODE 1 1 1 D D D 029001 87/09/18 1 D 029002 029003 029004 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D D D D D D D D D D 029005 029006 029007 029008 029009 029010 029011 GROSS AMOUNT 25.00 70.00 10.00 144.27 425.00 33.20 100.00 72.40 364.60 45.00 4.47 29.47 26.60 24.65 DISCOUNT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NET PAYMENT 25.00 70.00 10.00 144.27 425.00 33.20 100.00 72.40 364.60 45.00 4.47 29.47 26.60 24.65 029012 87/09/18 1 D 12.80 .00 12.80 029013 029014 02901 5 02 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 1 D D D D 020T/ 87/09/18 1 D 029018 029019 029020 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 0 0 D 12.80 23.69 24.50 33.50 24.30 37.71 24.47 4.08 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 12.80 23.69 24.50 33.50 24.30 37.71 24.47 029021 87/09/18 1 D 12.48 .00 029022 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 D D D D D 0 D D D D D D D D D D D 6.86 12.25 160.00 .00 .00 .00 2,217.95 .00 029027 029028 029029 029030 029031 029032 029033 029034 029035 029010 02! 02g1 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 029039 87/09/18 1 029042 87/09/18 1 117.20 1,177,06 229.95 559.30 45.00 16.45 20.09 24.30 37.47 24.75 12.50 60.00 112.60 15,843.97 388.35 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 029023 029024 029025 029026 4.08 12.48 6.86 12.25 160.00 2,217.95 117.20 1,177.06 229.95 559.30 45.00 16.45 20.09 24.30 37.47 24.75 12.50 60.00 112.60 15,843.97 388.35 NAME OF BENEFICIARY COMPUTER BITS THE LEATHER PLACE CF PARCEL EXPRESS CERTANIUM ALLOYS & RESEARCH CO. ROBERT J. LITTLE RICHARDS, DON & SHEILA ALBERTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MABEY, NANCY WESTERRA INSTITUTE BARBER, BRAUM FUNDYTUS, DARCEY KOHLRUSS BROTHERS LARRE, LEO STEW-LIN HOLDINGS LTD. KELLY, JIM DENWOOD DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED NORTHGATE INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS CARPENTER, CARLA OLIVER, LARRY KOTYLAX, DON GUNDERSON, JOHN LARSON, NELSON HARDING, DWAYNE KERR, DON KANE, DEBRA LAUINGER, BARB A & B RENTALS LTD. IMC CONSULTING GROUP INC. BUCKNELL SALES & SERVICE LIMITED BENNETT & EMMOTT TUNES - MUSIC & AUDIO HAUSER TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT LTD. SEELY, DOUG LAVENDER'S CONTRACTING LTD. DESAI, ROHIT GASPER, ROBERT JOHANSSON, GLEN TRUSS, BRENDA AMBROCK, HARRY PAWLIVSKY, DAN MYRON MANUFACTURING CORP. ALBERTA POWER LIMITED. ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES AP150 DATE 87/09/18 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER PAGE 2 CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES CHL„.... _ NUMBER DATE 029043 87/09/18 1 4,674.85 .00 4,674.85 029044 87/09/18 1 50.00 .00 50.00 029045 029046 029047 029048 029049 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28.45 562.50 1,650.00 90.70 1,555.85 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 28.45 562.50 1,650.00 90.70 1,555.85 262.83 .00 262.83 87/09/18 1 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 134.35 85.35 98.89 79.50 226.11 2,070.00 91.50 1,181.56 126.85 58.00 470.53 627.55 150.00 193.00 8,537.21 12.91 28.80 71.85 21.00 65.50 90.60 400.00 6,027.87 290.62 131.40 180.00 1,561.68 110.00 66.66 435.00 9,981.22 498.60 25,475.69 58.63 850.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 134.35 85.35 98.89 79.50 226.11 2,070.00 91.90 1,181.56 126.85 58.00 470.53 627.55 150.00 193.00 8,537.21 12.91 28.80 71.85 21.00 65.50 90.60 400.00 6,027.81 290.62 131.40 180.00 1,561.68 110.00 66.66 435.00 9,981.22 498.60 25,475.69 58.63 850.00 029050 029051 029052 029053 029054 029055 029056 029057 029058 029059 029050 02, 029'D 2 029063 029064 029065 029066 029067 029068 029069 CONTROL CHEQUE NUMBER CODE 87/09/18 1 029071 029072 029073 029074 029075 029076 029077 029078 029079 029080 0290A1 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Oh 029' 029086 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 029087 87/09/18 1 029070 GROSS AMOUNT DISCOUNT NET PAYMENT NAME OF BENEFICIARY ALBERTA TRAFFIC SUPPLY LTD AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION ABBY ROAD FLOWERS & GIFTS BENDIXEN, M.R. BROADWAY PROPERTIES LIMITED BOB JACK'S SHEET METAL LIMITED. BORDER PAINT LIMITED. BOW-DELL PARTS TOWN LIMITED. BREKKO, ROGER BEARING & TRANSMISSION (LLOYD) LIMITED B.C. STEEL (Dry OF BORDER CITY TRANSIT MIX 19 BRE-GESCAN ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS BILL'S PRINTING & STATIONERY BOCHRIS CONSTRUCTION LIMITED BEARING SUPPLY (CANADA) LTD. BENNETT JONES DIANE BEISEL CRYSTAL GLASS. CURLETTE SALES LTD. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. cHOmIAK, DON CLARKSON, GORDON CANADA VALVE INC. COUNTY OF VERMILION RIVER NO. 24 (GAS UTILITY CANADIAN LINEN SUPPLY CHEMONICS SCIENTIFIC LTD. COMPLETE SPRING & MECHANICAL CANADIAN FREIGHTWAYS LIMITED CITY LOCKSMITHING LTD. CLARK; ROY CONSOLIDATED CONCRETE LTD. CONSOLIDATED WESTERN INDUSTRIES CO. LTD. DMYTRYSHYN, DAVID DZUS MOTOR REPAIR DREYER, MAL GEOFF DUNN DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE ENFORCEMENT EDMONTON JOURNAL 8 H PLASTIC & ELECTRIC PRODUCTS LIMITED ENDIEM OIL TOOLS LTD. FELDSPAR EXCAVATING & REDI-MIX FISHER'S REGALIA & UNIFORM ACCOUTREMENTS CO. FORSYTH, OLIVER CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER 87/09/18 PAGE 3 CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES I 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 DATE CONTROL CHEQUE NUMBER CODE 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GROSS AMOUNT DISCOUNT NET 1,847.78 339.96 59.39 248.32 152.77 291.95 193.00 21.65 900.00 150.43 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,847.78 339.96 59.39 248.32 152.77 291.95 193.00 21.65 900.00 150.43 18 19 10 II 12 13 87/09/18 1 110.00 .00 110.00 87/09/18 1 110.00 .00 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 1 4,322.30 .00 14 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 15 17 18 19 .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 !O 1 !2 2 !4 15 1 !9 10 NAME OF BENEFICIARY PAYMENT 1,730.40 .00 110.00 4,322.30 1,730.40 25.00 271.15 .00 .00 25.00 271.15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 764.58 5,773.61 58.41 1,877.00 787.38 176.00 2,879.42 229.92 695.50 1,539.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 764.58 5,773.61 58.41 1,877.00 787.38 176.00 2,879.42 229.92 695.50 1,539.00 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 771.00 1,700.00 169.87 .00 .00 .00 771.00 1,700.00 169.87 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 44.80 10,000.00 118.24 .00 .00 .00 44.80 10,000.00 118.24 87/09/18 1 12.55 .00 12.55 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 6,964.50 177.00 .00 .00 6,964.50 177.00 87/09/18 1 110.00 .00 110.00 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 350.00 110.00 125.00 5,863.13 341.00 22.35 1,778.51 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 350.00 110.00 125.00 5,863.13 341.00 22.35 1,778.51 FLECK BROS. LIMITED FISHER SCIENTIFIC FIRST TRUCK CENTRE INC. GROSSER PARTS LIMITED. GULAK, MAYOR PAT GRAND & TOY LTD. GUSTAVSON, TODD GREYHOUND LINES OF CANADA LTD. GUTIERREZ; PATRICIA GROCERY PEOPLE LTD. HUDSON, E.G. HUDSON, NEIL HUSKY OIL MARKETING COMPANY HI SIGNS MANUFACTURING LIMITED. HILL, TONY HAMMERMEISTER: JAMES HERCIK; IRENE HARDY BET LIMITED HERITAGE HONDA INTERPROVINCIAL SURVEYS INTERWEST MECHANICAL LTD. J. E. H. MAINTAIN-A-LOT JAMIESON; EMERY KINDEHSLEY TRANSPORT LTD. KONDRO ELECTRIC LTD. K & L ELECTRIC LTD. KLEEN-BEE KENYON; SIDNEY L. & PAMELA M. KOCH ASPHALT COMPANY KASHUBA CATERING LLOYDMINSTER PUBLIC LIBRARY LLOYDMINSTER & DISTRICT CO-OP ASSOCIATION LIM LOOMIS COURIER SERVICE LIMITED. LLOYDMINSTER INVESTIGATION & SECURITY AGENCY LLOYDMINSTER COMMUNIPLEX LYSYK, TOM LLOYDMINSTER & DISTRICT JR. HOCKEY ASSOC. INC LAFRENIERE; DENNIS LA FLECHE BROS. LTD. LLOYDMINSTER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (1986) INC. MAJESTIC DISPOSALS LTD MEDICAL HALL DRUG CO. MERIDIAN PRINTING (1979) LTD. AF151) DATE 81/09/18 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER PiLGE CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES CHI NUMB-SR DATE 029131 029132 029133 029134 029135 029136 029137 029138 029139 87/89/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 1 1 87/09/18 1 45.00 .00 45.00 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 87/09/18 1 029142 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 029145 87/09/18 1 029146 029147 029148 02910 029152 029153 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 90.76 1,375.14 1,055.72 029140 90.76 1,375.14 1,055.72 821.36 590.04 9.36 634.94 4.99 358.00 232.50 19,752.05 12,183.50 146.50 408.80 384.90 141,378.31 590.04 9.36 634.94 4.99 358.00 232.50 19,752.05 12,183.50 146.50 408.80 384.90 141,378.31 029154 87/09/18 1 11,400.00 .00 11,400.00 029155 029156 029157 029158 029159 029160 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40.00 34.50 239.85 110.00 5,556.42 1,307.10 135.34 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 40.00 34.50 239.85 110.00 5,556.42 1,307.10 135.34 1 1 1 1 1 1 192.50 200.00 25.00 17,106.73 250.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 192.50 200.00 25.00 029167 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 029168 029169 87/39/18 87/09/18 1 1 1,609.00 47,271.28 25.00 .00 .00 .00 47,271.28 0293 70 87/09/18 1 453.38 .00 453.38 02! 87/09/18 1 87/09/18 1 .00 .00 4.00 02917f 4.00 2,784.00 025173 87/09/18 1 029174 87/09/18 1 12.00 2,560.10 .00 .00 029143 029144 02! 0291,1 029161 029162 029163 029164 029165 029166 CONTROL CHEQUE NUMBER CODE GROSS AMOUNT 269.75 813.27 13.30 12.50 22.00 DISCOUNT NET NAME OF BENEFICIARY PAYMENT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 269.75 813.27 13.30 12.50 22.00 821.36 17,106.73 250.00 1,609.00 25.00 MACKAY, ALDERMAN CECIL MOORE BUSINESS PRODUCTS HARDEN INDUSTRIAL DIV. OF ASAMERA INC. MONTEITH: RICK MOTOROLA LIMITED. MAXI NOPP NELSON LUMBER COMPANY LTD. NORWOOD FOUNDRY LIMITED NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS NORTHWESTERN UTILITIES LIMITED NORTHLAND STATIONERS (1963) LTD. OFFICE KING SUPPLIES LIMITED PRAIRIE INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS INC. PEAVEY MART POLITESKI MILER & BALLEGOOYEN PAUL'S BUSINESS MACHINE SERVICE LTD. ROBERTSON BAYNTON MOSKAL STOLNUIK & STRILCHUK RUSWAY CONSTRUCTION LTD. ROYAL LIFE SAVING SOCIETY CANADA RAM PRINTING COMPANY LTD ROYAL TRAVEL REDHEAD EQUIPMENT LIMITED RO-VAC PUMP TRUCK SERVICES LTD. RENCAR TRANSMISSIONS LTD. RAYDON RENTALS ROMA; WAYNE ROWAN: STEVE SASKATCHEWAN POWER CORPORATION SCOTTY'S RENTALS AND SALES STEWART FORD MERCURY SALES LTD. SIGNS BY GENE (ALBERTA LTD.} SASK-ALTA. BROADCASTER. SPOKOWSKI, KEN. SASKATCHEWAN REVENUE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES SKORETZ; DAVID SASKATCHEWAN AUTO FUND SPOTOWSKI HARTWIG ARCHITECTS LIMITED STEINACHER, ALLEN ?RI LAND WELDING & MACHINE LTD. 2,784.00 12.00 TROPHY GALLERY TRI-SAB SYSTEMS LTD. TOWN & COUNTRY TIRE & AUTO 2,560.10 UNITED CHEMICALS LTD. CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER 87/09/18 PAGE 5 CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES DATE CONTROL CHEQUE NUMBER CODE GROSS AMOUNT 436.32 75.00 34.95 75.85 124.74 200.17 129.75 88,052.25 6,857.91 472.00- DISCOUNT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NET PAYMENT 436.32 75.00 34.95 75.85 124.74 200.17 129.75 88,052.25 6,857.91 472.001,970.00 32.60 20,012.12 189.00 255.00 1,000.00 391,456.00 '5 '6 '7 '8 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/13 87/09/18 1 1 1 1 '9 87/09/18 1 T 1 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 .4 87/09/18 1 M .5 / '9 10 1 12 4 6 16 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M M M M M M H 1,970.00 .00 32.60 20,012.12 189.00 255.00 1,000.00 391,456.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 [7 87/09/18 1 M 2,462,413.00 .00 2,462,413.00 T 1 12 07/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 87/09/18 1 1 1 1 M M M M 284.00 250.00 300.00 1,099.08 .00 .00 .00 .00 284.00 250.00 300.00 1,099.08 M C 2 OF CHEQUES 194 3,392,922.55 3,392,922.55 :TER TOTALS 2 OF CHEQUES 194 3,392,922.55 3,392,922.55 NAME OF BENEFICIARY VERNS'S DIESEL SALES & SERVICES 1TD. VALLEY 'C' FARM & CONSTRUCTION LIMITED WINDSOR BUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED WAYSIDE INN. WILTER AUTO & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY (LLOYD) LTD. WESCLEAN LAKELAND SALES LTD. XEROX CANADA INC. RECEIVER GENERAL OF CANADA ALBERTA URBAN MUNICIPALITIES ASSOCIATION NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS C.U.P.E. LOCAL 11015 LLOYDMINSTER UNITED APPEAL THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER SOCIAL CLUB ALBERTA SOCIAL SERVICES & COMMUNITY HEALTH ALBERTA URBAN MUNICIPALITIES ASSOCIATION CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS WILLARD, GENE MASTERKAN, WILF ALBERTA POWER LIMITED.