Dear Parish Family - St. Magdalen de Pazzi Roman Catholic Church


Dear Parish Family - St. Magdalen de Pazzi Roman Catholic Church
Dear Parish Family,
This past weekend was a high point for our parish and for our diocese. Bishop Checchio ordained
three men to the priesthood of Jesus Christ, one of them, Father Mauricio Tabera who has served as
a transitional deacon here at St. Magdalen’s. It has been a great joy for me and our whole
community to get to know him, support him and pray for him along the last steps of his journey to
the priesthood.
One of the great blessings for all of us, is that we were able to host his first mass of thanksgiving this
past Sunday. It was attended by nearly 500 people at 2:00pm. The mass and procession of the
Blessed Sacrament was beautiful and moving. And the reception with Colombian music, food and
dance was a great sharing in Father Mauricio’s Latino culture. The many visitors and priests
commented enthusiastically about such an uplifting event in the life of the Church.
I am deeply grateful to the parish staff, and celebration committee overseen by Darin Nelson our
pastoral administrator, the special first mass choir formed from the whole music ministry under Mrs.
Cheryl Manfredonia’s direction and the Latino Community, the Filipino American Association, and
the Knights of Columbus who provided volunteers and financial support. All of you gave
generously of yourselves. This is exactly what a Eucharistic community is to be about; giving of
ourselves because we have received from Him, which brings life to others.
May God be glorified.
This week we welcome one of our seminarians, Gilbert Starcher to our parish. He will be serving a
10 week summer internship here. Included in this bulletin is his own introduction. Please welcome
him and keep him in your prayers.
Please also keep me in your prayers. I will go to Colombia, South America next week end to attend
Father Mauricio’s first mass with his family in his hometown. I will bring with me your well
wishes and prayers. I want to express gratitude to his family for his vocation to the priesthood.
June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we never forget how much his heart burns for
love personally for each one of us. Please make every effort to commit time to pray before Jesus in
the Blessed Sacrament in our Chapel.
In the Heart of Jesus,
Father Tim
Evangelization and Mission
Encountering Christ
“The Almighty has
Done Great Things for
Me.”—Luke 1:49
I grew up in a Catholic family
and attended a school run by
Franciscan sisters. These sisters
instilled in me the desire to love
God, through their witness. I would
always see them praying their
rosary or making a visit to the
Church during lunch time. Their
love for Jesus stirred in me the
desire to love Him more deeply.
The Archdiocese of New York had a custom of inviting two
children from each Catholic school to wear the habit of the
religious community which taught them. I was one of the
children whom the sisters chose. As I walked down the aisle of
St. Patrick’s Cathedral dressed up as a religious sister, I realized
that it made me feel close to God and I wanted this.
When I was a senior in high school I met with the superior
of a community and spoke to her about entering religious life.
She gave me a novena to the Infant of Prague and the Sacred
Heart of Jesus to pray and instructed me to come back and
speak to her after I was finished. I entered on September 8 th—
Our Lady’s birthday.
Despite becoming a sister, I still felt that I didn’t really love
Jesus as much as I desired. I kept trying to find a program or to
read a book, or to learn a different way of praying. I always
wanted more in my relationship with Jesus and so I kept
searching for ways to love Him more deeply. As time went on,
a friend invited me to a prayer meeting. I noticed the people
there were praying from their hearts, not from a book; they were
talking to Jesus as a friend. I asked how people learned to pray
like this? I was then invited to be prayed over for a greater
release of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I noticed immediate
changes in my life, specifically in prayer. Before when I read
the Bible I didn’t understand what I was reading, now the
Scriptures were coming alive, I felt that it was Jesus talking to
me, that He was guiding and directing me.
Through my years of living religious life I have found that
by being in the presence of the Eucharist, placing all my
concerns and cares before Him has allowed me to grow in the
relationship I always longed for. Through spiritual direction, my
mind and heart have experienced healing. God’s love has been
made personal to me; “The Almighty has done great things for
me (Luke 1:49).
—Sr. Barbara
Pope’s Corner
“God never tires of reaching out to us.
He is always ready to listen…All one
needs to do is accept the invitation to
conversion and submit oneself to
justice during this special time of
mercy offered by the Church.”
–Pope Francis, (MV, 19)
For your reflection:
Do I speak to God about my need for
Him and His Mercy?
Send your thoughts and reflections to
Jennifer Prickel at
For more information visit
Follow us on twitter
Father Mauricio Tabera
Ordination &First Mass May 28 & 29, 2016
Living Liturgy
Eucharistic Adoration: God Dwells With Us
Sacristan: Matt Slebodnik
5:00 pm:
Extra Ordinary Ministers:
L. Anderson, T. Johann, T. Martin,
C. Nelson, J. Novak
D. Schmatz, L. Williamson
Altar Servers:
I. Colom, E. Schmerer, K. Schmerer
7:30 am:
Extra Ordinary Ministers:
K. Ebel, R. Edersheim, R. Gessner,
J. Ryan, M. Triosi
S. Rourke, J. Kane
Altar Servers:
P. Primiani, Z. Primiani
9:00 am:
Extra Ordinary Ministers:
B. DeBacco, L. Calamito, S. Sabol,
J. DiGiandomenico, M. Vanacore
D. Sullivan, R. Sullivan
Altar Servers:
J. Foster, M. Niedziejko,
MK. Niedziejko, M. Niedziejko
10:30 am
Extra Ordinary Ministers:
R. Krysiak, J. Santos, M. Santos,
F. Seboria, G. Aceti
K. Vandemore, D. Berardi
Altar Servers:
J. Donaher, J. Donaher,
R. O’Malley, D. Watchorn
12:00 pm:
Extra Ordinary Ministers:
MA. Campbell, C. Escue, D. Stout,
V. Norsworthy, J. O’Brien
L. Millan, AM. Kelly
Altar Servers:
J. O’Brien, M. Zembur, S. Zembur
Friday, June 10th
J. Barbee, G. Woltornist
Saturday, June 11th
8:00 am Mass
V. Hodoske, J. Scimeca
'We must speak to God as a friend speaks to his friend asking some favor, now
acknowledging our faults, and communicating to Him all that concerns us, our
thoughts, our fears, our projects, our desires, and in all things seeking His counsel.'
--St. Ignatius of Loyola
From after the 9:00 am Mass - 7:00 pm, Monday –Thursday; Fridays as usual
(see website for details)
For more information or to sign-up for an hour,
contact Lucille Hess at (908) 788-5988.
In order to continue our extended hours of adoration we need committed
adorers, people willing to sign–up for a particular hour of Eucharistic
adoration each week. Please help us make this blessing a reality.
A very ancient and venerable hymn: The Gloria
“Bless the Lord, you angels of the Lord, sing praise to him and highly exalt him
forever.” (Daniel 3:37)
The Gloria is a very ancient and venerable hymn in which the Church glorifies the Father and the
Lamb. It is preferably sung (or said) on Sundays and feast days outside the
seasons of Advent and Lent. The Gloria is a joyful response to the forgiveness received in the Penitential Act. When it was first introduced to the Roman liturgy, it was sung only at the midnight
celebration of the Nativity of our Lord – called the “Angelic Hymn” (because it begins with the
song of the angels that was heard at the birth of Jesus Christ).
“Suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, sing
Gloria to God in the Highest and on earth peace to people of good will. ”
(Luke 2:13-14).
During Advent, the Gloria is omitted in anticipation of its first singing by the angels at Bethlehem.
During Lent, it is omitted because of the somber and penitential nature of the season; we consider
what our lives would be like if Christ had not come to save us! It is sung again, with great joy and
fervor, at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, complete with bells ringing! We are
reminded that in the Mass, Heaven and earth are
mystically joined, as explained in Vatican II. Our liturgy is a foretaste of the Heavenly
liturgy, that we journey toward where Christ is sitting at the right hand of the Father.
In the middle section, the text might seem a bit repetitive: we praise you, we bless you, we adore
you, we glorify you, we give you thanks…..but our praise of God’s greatness should be so constant
– almost indescribable!
The prayer ends with contrition and petition: asking the Lord for Mercy, as well as asking for Him
to Hear our Prayer. We can compare this in a way to the Lord’s Prayer: first we glorify Him,
then we thank Him, then we present our needs to Him. Perhaps a little homework: how can you
make your private prayer much like the Gloria?
Cheryl Manfredonia - Director of Sacred Music and Liturgy
Liturgies this Week
First Reading: 1 Kings 17:17-24
The child of the mistress of the house where Elijah sojourned
became ill and died. The woman pleaded with Elijah who
took the son and prayed over him. When the child revived
Elijah returned him to his mother who recognized Elijah as "a
man of God."
Second Reading: Galatians 1:11-19
Paul proclaims the gospel, not as human, but coming from the
revelation of Jesus Christ. Paul continues to acknowledge his
own sinfulness and call to grace.
Gospel: Luke 7:11-17
The gospel continues to recount the miracles and healing
powers of Jesus. As Jesus neared the gates to the city of Nain,
they came upon a deceased young man who was being carried out of the city. His mother, a widow, and a large crowd
accompanying the body, met Jesus on the way. Compassionately, Jesus comforts the weeping mother and restores life to
the dead man.
“And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and
said to her, ‘Do not weep.’” LUKE 7:13
This verse is a great reminder that the Stewardship lifestyle
is one of service, putting God first and to “love one another.” Unfortunately today, many people have “passion” for
activities they enjoy - their job and off-work activities. Many times our “passion” to excel is at the expense of
someone else. Maybe we need to focus on a little less passion for our individual concerns and a lot more compassion
for others.
Solemnities, Feasts and Memorials are special days in the
life of the church and provide us with opportunities to
make an extra special effort to attend church and be spiritually nourished with the lives and events of our ancestors.
June 11
Memorial: Saint Barnabas, apostle. He
was a Jew from Cyprus. The Holy Spirit
destined Barnabas to a universal mission,
as it was he who introduced St. Paul to the
other apostles, paving the way for that
broad apostolate of St. Paul’s which required the approval of the pillars of the
Church. He was with Paul in the first missionary journey
and at the first Council of Jerusalem. After having converted many souls to Christ, Barnabas died in Cyprus during Nero’s reign; tradition has it that he was stoned to
death. His name is included in the Roman Canon
(Eucharistic Prayer I).
Opportunity for Prayer
and Reflection
Eucharistic Adoration: Q & A
“Come to Me all you who are weary… ” Matthew 11:28
What Are the Two Eucharistic Miracles That Took
Place in Lanciano, Italy? (Part One)
Here is the First of the Two Eucharistic Miracles of
Lanciano, Italy:
God our Father longs to increase our faith in His
Eucharistic Presence still here on earth. There are
many miracles of the Eucharist in Church history.
One such miracle took place in Lanciano, Italy. This
town’s history is closely related to the crucifixion of Jesus.
In John’s Gospel it says: The soldiers therefore came; and they
broke the legs of the first, and of the other that was crucified with
him. But after they were come to Jesus, when they saw that he
was already dead, they did not break his legs. But one of the
soldiers with a spear opened his side, and immediately there
came out blood and water. And he that saw it, has given
testimony; and his testimony is true; that you may also believe.
For these things were done, that the scripture might be fulfilled:
“You shall not break a bone of him.” And again another
scripture said: “They shall look on him whom they pierced.”
John 19:32-37
Tradition says the soldier who pierced Jesus’ side was named
Longinus. After observing all that happened, he rightly
proclaimed, “Truly this was the Son of God.” It is said he
suffered from poor eyesight, but he dipped his fingers into the
blood and water dripping from the wounded heart of Jesus and
touched it to his eyes. His eyesight was restored and his heart was
converted. He gave up his position as a Roman soldier and was
later martyred for the faith.
The town of Lanciano was renamed from the original name of
Anzanum for the words “The Lance” in honor of Longinus, the
saint who pierced the side of Jesus.
Next week we will hear about the second miracle involving the
Precious Body and Blood that takes place in Lanciano, Italy. As
in the story about the soldier Longinus, it involves healing and
Eucharistic Adoration is available at St. Magdalen de Pazzi Church
EVERY Monday through Thursday after 9:00 am Mass through 7:00 pm
each night. Simple reposition happens Monday thru Thursday at 7:00 pm.
Eucharistic Adoration on Fridays begins after the 9:00 am Mass and
concludes with Benediction at 7:30 pm in the chapel.
MONTHLY Overnight Adoration is each first Friday of the month.
Adoration begins on Friday after the 9:00 am Mass. Benediction is at 7:30 pm.
Adoration continues throughout the night until 7:50 am Saturday morning. Mass
follows at 8:00 am.
If you would like to commit to being a guardian of Our
Eucharistic Lord on a specific day for a specific hour, contact
Lucille Hess at 908-788-5988 or
Ginny Shanahan at 908-782-6120.
Stewardship of Treasure
In gratitude for the gifts we have received from
God, parishioners and visitors made a
joyful return to the Lord .
The Collection last weekend was $ 14,541.
Thank you and God Bless
Please make all checks payable to
Saint Magdalen Church when donating to the
Diocesan Second Collections.
Donna Conforti, Jane Whittle, Maryl Flory, Margaret Lutz, Maria Do
Alvora, Elizabeth Lazowski, Kathryn Weber, James Ajamian, Phil
Liberato, Kenneth Rambush, Sophia McGurgan, Dora Arcega, Mary
Maher, Jennifer Cunningham, Kate Sandberg, Christine English,
Leonardo Jimenez, Norma Merucci, June Randolph, Angelina Moise,
Robin Bennett, Joyce Scarpa, Mary Ann Rago, Natalie Deddy, Gladys
Cucinotta, Kristin Nuzzio, Vincent Tratz, Karen Rinker,
Amanda Lerke, Leneza Kardenski, Robert Turck, Michael Korab,
Marie Nuzzio, Michael Bonifazi, Rita Kane, Marie Denbigh, Mary
Gural, Vincent Rose, Ella Miller, Mary O’Donnell, Bela Kamensky, Jerry
Market, Art Henn, Frank Barone, Linda Wells and Carolyn Casey.
Give the Gift of Faith Remember our Parish in Your Will
Just as you rely upon receiving income on a regular basis, St.
Magdalen Church relies on your regular contributions. St.
Magdalen’s appreciates the efforts of our parishioners to make
consistent donations throughout the year-especially during
popular summer travel periods. To assist you, our church
provides a convenient electronic giving option for setting up
regular contributions. Please contact the business office for
details or go to and click on
More and more Catholics are responding to the idea of giving a gift
that perpetuates our Catholic faith. Please consider remembering St.
Magdalen Church in your will. By doing so, you establish a legacy of
love for others by enabling the Church to continue the expansion of
our Catholic faith through its ministries.
Hope House
Donations through Electronic
Gift Giving from May 1st thru 31st
$ 24,102.
Thank you to all our new participants and
seasoned donors for your love and commitment.
Can You Help?
With the Summer Months fast approaching we are in
need of new or used air conditioners
(in good condition) and fans to
help families in need.
Please call Sister Pat at 782-2342
Donate from your smart phone
St. Magdalen Church now offers a mobile version
of our online giving page to make it easy for you to
give anytime from your smart phone. Simply scan
the image you see here using your phone’s QR code
We Need Your Help!!!!
Food Pantry: This week we are low on:
Thank you to all who so generously donate to our food pantry.
Please place the food items in bins in the Narthex.
2lb. Flour
2lb. Sugar
Cake Mix &
Canned Stews  Sanitary
& Meats
Canned Peas 
Volunteers are needed for the food pantry, especially on the Tuesday
after the 15th of the month. On this day we pack for approximately 80%
of our families in need. We start at 11am and usually finish by 1:00 to
1:30pm. If you can donate an hour or two, your help would truly be
appreciated. We operate out of Hope House on Bonnell St. across from
Parish Center parking lot.
This Week at St. Magdalen’s
Whether you are new to our parish or have been with us for a while, our priests, deacons, parish staff and community invite you into the heart
of our vibrant, faith-filled parish family as we answer Jesus’ call: "Come follow me."
To register with our parish please contact our parish office at 908-782-2922 ext. 1780 or visit our website at
Scheduled Events:
PC (Parish Center); SFC (Spiritual Formation Center); C (Church); CPL (Chapel);
and Mass Intentions
Monday, June 6th:
1 Kgs 17:1-6; Mt 5:1-12
7:00 The Deceased Members of the Schmid Family
9:00 Richard Goodell
Tuesday, June 7th:
1 Kgs 17:7-16; Mt 5:13-16
7:00 Frank DiGiandomenico
9:00 The Parishioners of St. Magdalen’s
Wednesday, June 8th:
1 Kgs 18:20-39; Mt 5:17-19
7:00 Lucena Casares
9:00 Ed DiLillo
Thursday, June 9th:
1 Kgs 18:41-46; Mt 5:20-26
7:00 A Special Intention
9:00 Jack O’Brien
Friday, June 10th:
1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Mt 5:27-32
7:00 Benjamin Lomasang, Sr.
Paul Fania, Sr.
Thomas Verga
9:00 Julia Alesi
Brandon Tallau
Mary Ann Hassan
Saturday, June 11th:
Acts 11:21b-26, 13:1-3; Mt 5:33-37
7:30 Evangeline Luceri
5:00 Mary Grace Fullan
Sunday, June 12th:
2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36—8:3 or 7:36-50
7:30 John Dombroski
Rudy Sedor
Shawn Kupal
9:00 Teresa Coppola
Jasper Pellegrino
Emil Svoboda, Jr.
10:30 Salvatore Mannino
Martha Suhayda Vogt
Carman Vocke
12:00 Herbert & Betsy Sinclair
Elizabeth & Samuel Kerr, Sr.
James McFarland
1:30 Carlos Valencia
Sunday, June 5th:
Spanish Ministry Mother’s & Father’s Day Celebration 2:30- 6:00 pm (PC)
Spanish Monday Choir Practice 7:00 - 9:00 pm (PC)
Bereavement Group Meeting 1:30 - 3:00 pm (PC)
Monday, June 6th:
Eucharistic Adoration After the 8:00 am Mass until 7:00 pm (C)
Spanish RCIA 5:00 pm (PC)
Intercessory Prayer Meeting 7:00 - 8:00 pm (CPL)
Spanish Ministry 7:00 - 9:00 pm (C)
Tuesday, June 7th:
Eucharistic Adoration After the 9:00 am Mass until 7:00 pm (C)
Spanish Planning Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 pm (PC)
Christ Life Meeting 6:30 - 9:00 pm (C)
Wednesday, June 8th:
Eucharistic Adoration After the 9:00 am Mass until 7:00 pm (C)
Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help 5:30 pm (C)
Spanish Choir 7:00 - 9:00 pm (PC)
Spanish Confirmation 5:00 - 7:00 pm (PC)
Children’s Choir End of Year Celebration 5:00 -7:00 pm (PC)
Thursday, June 9th:
Eucharistic Adoration After the 9:00 am Mass until 7:00 pm (C)
Young Adult Group Meeting 7:00 - 8:30 pm (SFC)
Knights of Columbus Meeting 8:00 pm (PC)
Friday, June 10th:
Legion of Mary Meeting10:00 am (C)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after the 9:00 am Mass (CPL)
Chaplet of Divine Mercy & Praise Songs from 3:00 - 4:00 pm (CPL)
Rosary 4:00 pm (CPL)
Benediction 7:30 pm (C)
Spanish Young Adult 7:00 pm (PC)
Boy Scout Meeting 7:30 pm (PC)
Saturday, June 11th:
Lord’s Supper 12:00 - 4:00 pm (PC)
Shop Rite Gift Cards on Sale After Mass (C)
Squires Meeting 6:30 pm (PC)
Sunday, June 12th:
Shop Rite Gift Cards on Sale After All Masses (C)
Knights of Columbus Monthly Rosary After the 9:00 am Mass
Youth Group Meeting 6:30 - 8:30 pm (PC)
Bereavement Group Meeting 1:30 - 3:00 pm (PC)
Spanish Monday Choir Practice 7:00 - 9:00 pm (PC)
The Sanctuary Candle
will burn this week
in Memory of
Lucena Casares
Parish Announcements
Protecting God’s Children Training
Our parish offers opportunities to attend “Protecting
God’s Children” designed for anyone who has significant
contact with children. This program educates adults on
how to identify and prevent child sexual abuse thereby
creating a safer environment in our parish community for
all our children. All parish adults who have regular
contact with minors, including all volunteers involved in
Religious Education, VBS, Youth Group, Boy Scouts or
other activities involving children are required to attend
this training as directed by the Diocese of Metuchen.
Monday, August 29th
7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Jubilee Council 3294
First and Second Degree May 20, 2016
The session will be held in Spiritual Formation Center
in classrooms 9 - 11 - 13.
Pre register on-line at
Please call Anthony or Barbara Primiani
at (908)806-6637
if you have any questions or concerns.
If you arrive late
you will not be admitted into the session.
Consider joining the LYDIA MINISTRY…
The Lydia’s help with tidying the Liturgical environment of the
Church. You will tidy up ONLY ONE AREA: either the Chapel,
the Church, the Narthex, or the Books in the pews. Tasks take
about 30 - 60 minutes about once a month. Flexible
scheduling. Your assignment can be done between
11:00 am - 4:00 pm on any weekday. Individual orientation
will be provided.
Contact Fran at: or 908-442-4056 to
join the Lydia team or for further questions.
You have to be in it to win it!!!!!
Drawing: Friday, June 17, 2016
After the 9:00 am Mass in the Narthex
Ticket Price $10.00 each
1st Prize: 40% of total
2nd Prize: 6% of total
3rd Prize: 4% of total
Please return all unused tickets
Parish Announcements
I’m Gilbert Starcher, a seminarian for our Diocese who will be staying here at St. Magdalen’s for the
summer. I am very happy to be here and am hoping to learn much from the life of the parish and from
working with Fr. Tim and the rest of the clergy. I had come previously for a visit last November to
speak about vocations, so I was very excited when Bishop Emeritus Bootkoski assigned me here for the
summer. So far, I have received a very warm welcome, for which I am extremely appreciative. I look
forward to sharing in the spiritual life of the parish and to having an enjoyable time getting to know
you. I give thanks to God for the opportunity to spend the summer with you. I assure you of my
prayers, and I ask for yours in return.
May God Bless you all,
Gilbert Starcher
Spring is here and the Gardening Ministry has started their annual ministry to beautify the
grounds of St. Magdalen campus. We are looking for any parishioner who enjoys working
outside and can offer a little time to participate in our ministry. We are in need of
additional help watering and maintaining of the planted beds.
If you have any immediate questions or interest, please contact Jim Barile at
908-788-0948 or
Jo Ann Fisher at 908-328-9139.
Are you going to college next year?
Are you starting at a
Catholic High School?
The Knights of Columbus are pleased to offer to the parish of St. Magdalen’s
The Fourteenth Annual
Bishop Vincent De Paul Breen
Scholarship Program
Two five hundred dollar ($500) scholarships for graduating high school seniors
A two hundred fifty dollar ($250) scholarship for a student starting Catholic High School or in a catholic homeschool program
(grades 8,9, or 10) next year
A two hundred fifty dollar ($250) scholarship for the child or grandchild of a Knight going on to college
Eligibility guidelines and applications are available in the Narthex and on the Knights website
at under the Downloads section.
All applications must be submitted by June 30th.
Please contact Craig O’Brien at 908-284-2207
Boletín en Español 5th de Junio 2016
Información General
Sábados 4:00 - 4:40 pm (Ingles)
Domingos 3:40 - 4:00 pm (Español)
Para registrarse como
miembro de la Parroquia
Favor de solicitar el formulario de registro en la
oficina de la Parroquia de Lunes a Viernes de
9:30 am - 12: 00 y 1:00 - 4:00 pm.
Los padres deben estar registrados en la
Parroquia. Se require que asistan a una clase de
preparación antes del bautismo. Favor de
comunicarse con la Sra. Maria Teresa Dávila. De
ante mano, consiga una fotocopia de la partida
de nacimiento del niño(a), tener un padrino y
una madrina para cada nino(a). En caso los
padrinos elegidos sean pareja, deben haber
recibido el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Así
mismo, se solicitará una donación voluntaria.
El Sacramento del Bautismo se llevara a cabo el
primer Domingo de cada mes a la 1:30 pm.
Iniciar el proceso de casarse por la Iglesia 9
meses antes de la boda. El novio o la novia deber
estar registrado(a) como miembro de la
Parroquia al menos 6 meses antes de laboda. Se
requiere que los novios participen en un curso
titulado: Pre-cana o Encuentro de
Comprometidos. Para mas información, favor de
comunicarse con el Padre Antony al
908- 782-2922 ext. 1713.
Sacramento de Unicion de los
Enfermos o Visitas a Enfermos
Favor de llamar al Padre Antony al
908- 782- 2922 ext. 1713.
Coordinadores de Ministerios de la
Comunidad Hispana de St. Magdalen
Coordinador Principal, Dante Garcia, 908-642-4212
Lectores, Virginia Herrera, 908-500-3610
Acólitos, Guillermina Quezada, 908-397-0504
Coro Divino Salvador, Idalia Laines, 908-644-8258
Coro Voces del Señor y Catequesis de adultos,
Betty Calle, 908-392-3667
Ministerio de la Santa Comunión,
Nicodemo Guerrero, 908-283-0594
Grupo de Oración y Bautismos,
Maria Teresa Dávila, 908-283-0609
Catequesis de niños, Dolores Duran, 908-328-5847
Grupo Jóvenes Adultos, Juan Jose Corrales, 908-500-6201
Hospitalidad, Sofía Menéndez, 908-788-6730
Eventos Sociales, Julia Montero, 908-442-1758
Primera Lectura: 1 Reyes 17:17-24
El hijo de la dueña de la casa en donde Elías se alojaba
enfermó y murió. La mujer, que era viuda, le rogó a Elías,
quien tomó al niño y oró sobre él. El niño revivió y Elías se
lo devolvió a su madre quien reconoció que Elías era “un
hombre de Dios”.
Segunda Lectura: Gálatas 1:11-19
Pablo proclama el evangelio, no como humano, sino
viniendo de la revelación de Jesucristo. Pablo continúa,
aceptando su propio pecado y llamado a la gracia.
Evangelio: San Lucas 7:11-17
El evangelio continúa contando sobre los milagros y curaciones que Jesús hace. Cuando Jesús se aproxima a las
puertas de un pueblo llamado Naín, vió que llevaban a enterrar a un muerto. Su madre viuda y una multitud
acompañaban el cuerpo. Lleno de compasión, Jesús consuela a la madre y le devuelve la vida al hombre muerto.
Parish Directory
Parish Office 908-782-2922 Fax 908-782-0952
Pastor, Rev. Timothy A. Christy
Parochial Vicar, Rev. Antony Arockiadoss..….ext. 1713
Deacon, Mauricio Tabera
Deacon, Thaddeus Wislinski……………….ext. 1696
Deacon, Mike Bachynsky .………………...ext. 1693
Deacon, Stephen Kern…………………....ext. 1695
Business Administrator, Regina Edersheim ……….ext. 1728
Cemetery/Mausoleum, Dave Beckman……………ext. 1726
Director of Sacred Music & Liturgy Cheryl Manfredonia, ext. 1759
Office of Religious Education
Bridget Rincon
Parish Catechetical Leader……………..908-751-1743
Maggie Castles
Asst. Parish Catechetical Leader.....……..908-751-1745
8th Grade and Rel Ed. Stewardship……...908-751-1781
Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Michele Beckman … ..ext. 1739
Pastoral Administrator / Director of Communications
Darrin Nelson ……………………………908-751-1703
Communications Assistant
Jennifer Prickel………...…………………908-751-1730
Receptionist…………………………………...ext. 1780
Bulletin Editor, Parish Admin. Asst., ……………. ..ext. 1723
Sisters of Jesus Our Hope
Sr. Pat Vayda, Social Ministry .……….............. ext. 1773
Hope House (782-2342) Fax : 751-1774
Sr. Barbara Haworth………….……………..ext. 1727
St. Magdalen’s Ministry Contacts
(Office Staff can be reached at 782-2922 and the extension listed.)
Boy Scouts, Rick Rainey, 788-0234
Building & Grounds, Dave Beckman, ext. 1726
Cursillo, Lucille Hess, 908-788-5988
Eucharistic Adoration, Lucille Hess, 788-5988
Eucharistic Ministry Outreach
Medical Facilities, Don Anderson, 788-3806
Homebound Catholics, Dave Beckman, ext. 1726
Extraordinary Ministers, Steve Carroll, 782-9904
FASTMAG, Liezl Millan , 619-0637
Finance Council, Jeff Anclien, 797-0393
Gardeners, Jim Barile, 788-0948 or JoAnn Fisher, 328-9139
Greeters, Jayne Gilbert, 752-0614
Holiday Outreach, Sister Pat Vayda , ext. 1773
Home Schooling, Mary Nasta, 917-697-1694
Knights of Columbus, Ray Blaser, 215-260-4554
For More Information visit
or email us at
Readers, Dolores Wright, 782-1359
Lord’s Supper, Pat Beckman, 788-5174
Lydias, (church cleaning), Fran Holmok, 442-4056
Natural Family Planning
Deacon Stephen & Rosemary Kern, 782-4447
Marthas (linen cleaning), Sister Barbara, ext. 1727
Military & Veteran Family Outreach, Bob Hendershot, 442-6094
Children & Youth Choir, Gina Niedziejko, 788-7150
Pro-Life, Robert and Eva Jane Woodruff, 788-4042
RCIA, Dolores Wright, 782-1359
Squires, Jim Mitchell, 806-6407
Social Ministries, Our Lady of Hope House, 782-2342 Fax: 751-1774
Homebound, Sister Pat Vayda, ext. 1773
St. Vincent de Paul, Tom Jeffas, 201-637-3270
Bereavement, Joan Purdy, 369-4841
ELL, Jim Tubman, 963-0546
Interfaith Hospitality, Sue Sabol, 782-0482
Youth Ministry, Michele Beckman, ext. 1739
Ushers, Frank Seboria, 782-4152
We Invite You to Celebrate
Baptism– Please call Parish Office for preparation & for
arrangements or visit our website for more information:
Matrimony– Arrangements must be made one year in advance by
contacting Parish Office.
Sponsor Certificates– Only registered parishioners can be given a
certificate to be a Godparent/Sponsor. Forms can be found on
our website: www. Please contact Parish Office.
To Register as a Parishioner: Please call Parish office