What do I “do” during Adoration? - St. Magdalen de Pazzi Roman
What do I “do” during Adoration? - St. Magdalen de Pazzi Roman
Parish Life What do I “do” during Adoration? St. John Vianney would notice a peasant come to his small church everyday and sit on the last bench. One day he went up to him and asked him, "My good fellow, what are you doing here? Are you praying? You seem to be doing nothing." And pointing to the Blessed Sacrament, he said in reply, "I look at him - and he looks at me." Come spend time with Him during our extended hours of Adoration: From after the 9am Mass-7pm, Monday –Thursdays Fridays as usual (see website for details) Starting February 15th For more information or to sign-up for an hour, contact Lucille Hess at (908) 788-5988. The Knights of Columbus: A look at how they enrich our Parish The Jordan Team The Sacrament of Baptism is often called "The Door of the Church"; it is the first of the seven sacraments not only in time, but in priority, since the reception of the other sacraments depends upon it. It is the first of the three Sacraments of Initiation, the other two being the Sacrament of Confirmation and the Sacrament of First Eucharist. Once baptized, a person becomes a member of the Church. Christ Himself ordered His disciples to preach the Gospel to all nations and to baptize those who accept the message of the Gospel. Our Council instituted the Jordan Team to assist the participants during this beautiful and crucial first step in their life as a Catholic, Christian. We prepare the church, light the ceremonial candle, lead the responses, and present the Knights gift (a beautiful crucifix provided by our Council) to the father of the child. We do this for the joy of serving our church, celebrating each new soul brought to God, while remembering those who are taken by our current culture. In this small way we continue our fight for life, faith and God. —Art Artiles, Member of the Knights of Columbus Interested in more information about the Knights of Columbus? Visit www.kofc3294.org Welcome to St. Magdalen de Pazzi Church Whether you are new to our parish or have been with us for a while, our priests, deacons, parish staff and community invite you into the heart of our vibrant, faith-filled parish family as we answer Jesus’ call: "Come follow me." To get started, please contact our parish office at 908-782-2922 ext. 1780 or visit our website at www.stmagdalen.org This Week at St. Magdalen’s: and Mass Intentions Monday, February 8th: 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13; Mk 6:53-56 7:00 David Anderson 9:00 Suzanne Haskoor Tuesday, February 9th: 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Mk 7:1-13 7:00 A Special Intention 9:00 Isac Flores Wednesday, February 10th: Jl 2:12-18; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 7:00 Agnes Kassick 9:00 Jonathan “Jed” Lazar 5:30 Peter Buda 7:00 Daniel Tarullo Thursday, February 11th: Dt 30:15-20; Lk 9:22-25 7:00 A Special Intention 9:00 Frank Dreher, Jr. Friday, February 12th: Is 58:1-9a; Mt 9:14-15 7:00 Edith Baker Jeanne Yannotta Christopher McCaffrey 9:00 George Lazar Thelma Helller Joseph & Florence Gessner Saturday, February 13th: Is 58:9b-14; Lk 5:27-32 8:00 The Parishioners of St. Magdalen’s 5:00 Jose A. Perlas Sunday, February 14th: Dt 26:4-10; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13 7:30 Veronica April Anna April Lillian Otranto 9:00 Rose Russo Angela Scotto DiLuzio Nicholas Gurski 10:30 Tom Powers Drew O’Donoghue Domenica Nolan 12:00 Michael Bassig Patrick Quinlisk Lynn Semanchik 1:30 The Parishioners of St. Magdalens PC (Parish Center); SFC (Spiritual Formation Center); C (Church); CPL (Chapel); HH (Our Lady of Hope House) Sunday, February 7th: RCIA 9:00 am (SFC) Symbolon A & B Classes (SFC) Knights of Columbus Monthly Rosary After the 9:00 am Mass Knights of Columbus Valentine’s Pancake Breakfast 8:00 am - 12:00 pm (PC) Knights of Columbus Watch Raffle at Pancake Breakfast 10:00 am (PC) Monday, February 8th: Religious Education Classes 4:45-6:00 pm, 6:30-8:00 pm (SFC) Lenten Study 9:45-11:45 am (SFC) Spanish Ministry 7:00 - 9:00 pm (PC) Spanish RCIA 5:00 - 6:30 pm (PC) Boy Scout Planning meeting 6:45 pm (PC) Tuesday, February 9th: Religious Education Classes 4:30 - 5:45 pm, 6:15-7:30 pm (SFC) Spanish Planning 7:00 - 9:00 pm (SFC) Wednesday, February 10th: Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule: 7:00 & 9:00 am; 5:30 & 7:00 pm (C) Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help After the 9:00 am Mass (C) Spanish Choir 7:00 - 9:00 pm (PC) Thursday, February 11th: Knights of Columbus Meeting 8:00 pm (PC) ELL 7:00 - 9:00 pm (SFC) Lenten Study 7:00 - 9:00 am (SFC) Adult Choir 7:30 pm (C) Friday, February 12th: Legion of Mary Meeting10:00 am (C) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after the 9:00 am Mass (CPL) Chaplet of Divine Mercy & Praise Songs from 3:00 - 4:00 pm (CPL) Rosary 4:00 pm (CPL) Adoration 6:55 pm (C) Simple Reposition 6:55 pm Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm (C) Boy Scouts 7:00 - 9:00 pm (PC) Spanish Young Adults 7:00 - 9:00 pm (SFC) Saturday, February 13th: Lord’s Supper 12:00 - 4:00 pm (PC) Shop Rite Gift Cards on Sale After 5:00 pm Mass Squires Meeting 6:30 pm (PC) Marriage Ministry Event 6:15 pm (SFC) Sunday, February 14th: RCIA 9:00 am (SFC) Shop Rite Gift Cards on Sale After all Masses (C) Evangelization and Mission Encountering Christ Finding God in Beauty Raised in the Assemblies of God Church, my relationship with Jesus was personal and secure at a tender age. However, all things Catholic were foreign to me and sadly misunderstood. A love for the visual arts motivated me to enroll in 4 years of art school where I studied the world's great artists, and traveled abroad on several occasions. I remember a particularly powerful encounter that occurred while standing inside the Vatican, at Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, staring at Michelangelo’s Pietà. There was Mary, enveloped in graceful acceptance, lovingly and tenderly holding her son's limp body. I could feel the weight of our crucified Lord upon her lap. Looking back now, I see this as my first powerful introduction to our Blessed Mother. Another profound moment occurred while sitting through Mass inside Germany’s Kölner Dom (Cologne Cathedral). Amidst sacred music, billowing incense and grand stained glass windows, I felt strangely at home. Not yet Catholic, my heart was being stirred! Years later, by the Holy Spirit’s gentle prompting I enrolled in RCIA, and was welcomed into full communion with the Catholic Church in April of 2011. Today, I continually encounter Christ in the beauty that surrounds me. A sunrise, a sunset, Autumn colors and fresh fallen snow. I see God's beauty in my family, and in my third grade CCD students, each of whom are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ (Psalm 139:14). Whether created, constructed, painted, sculpted or sung, God used and continues to use beauty to reveal himself to me over and over again. Encountering Christ through art and beauty, I've been brought into the fullness of truth and safely home to Christ's Church. —Cheryl Internoscia Feel called to share your story? Contact: Jennifer Prickel Communications Assistant jprickel@stmagdalen.org (908) 751-1730 Pope’s Corner “The mercy of God is His loving concern for each of us. He feels responsible; that is, He desires our well-being and He wants to see us happy, full of joy, and peaceful. This is the path which the merciful love of Christians must also travel. As the Father loves, so do His children. Just as He is merciful, so we are called to be merciful to each other. ” –Pope Francis, (MV, 9) For your reflection: Do I believe that God wants me to be happy? Why or Why not? Send your thoughts and reflections to Jennifer Prickel at jprickel@stmagdalen.org For more information visit www.stmagdalen.org Or Follow us on twitter @stmagchurchnj Evangelization and Mission St. Magdalen de Pazzi is pleased to announce our 2016 Lenten study. ‘Untold Blessings: Three Paths to Holiness’. The Study will begin February, 2016. Dates and times below. Our ultimate goal is to be a saint. It is our greatest calling and what is desired for us by our Creator. Bishop Barron paints a beautiful and mysterious image of what it takes to be a follower of Jesus Christ. He lays out three intriguing paths to holiness: 1.Finding the Center in Christ 2.Knowing you are a Sinner 3.Realizing your Life is not about You He also shares practical approaches to enhance the journey along these three paths. ‘Untold Blessings’ is an insightful guide for meditation and personal reflection during your Lenten journey and aided by small group study with discussion. Join us as we seek these blessings by participating in Bishop Barron’s 4 week DVD-based program. Registration fee: $11.00/person Registration forms and sign up will be available after this weekend’s Masses February 6/7 in the Narthex Look for registration forms in future Parish bulletins and on the website www.stmagdalen.org . Space may be limited for all sessions, so please register early! Course Dates Thursday evening: 7:00-9:00pm February 11, 18, 25, March 3 and 10 (if needed) Monday morning: 9:45-11:45am (after 9am Mass) February 8, 22, 29 March 7, 14 (if needed) All classes are held in the Spiritual Formation Center (SFC) which is lower level of the church. For additional information contact Lyn Anderson at ‘lyn_anderson@comcast.net’ or 908-788-3806 Are you interested in helping others grow closer to Jesus Christ? If you have desire to share with people your personal faith story and how you have grown closer to Jesus Christ, then being part of St Magdalen’s Evangelization Commission might be a place for you to serve. The Evangelization Commission is responsible for offer formation opportunities and searching for other ways to help people discover Christ. One new formation we are starting to consider is a group book study, possibly with the Being Catholic book or Rediscovering Jesus book you have learned about in the bulletin. If you would like to learn more about the Evangelization Commission please contact Darrin Nelson or Lyn Anderson. Darrin Nelson: email dnelson@stmagdalen.org - phone: (908) 751 - 1703 Lyn Anderson: email ‘lyn_anderson@comcast.net’ or phone: (908) 788-3806 Liturgies this Week February 10 Memorial: Saint Scholastica, virgin (480-547). She was the twin sister of St. Benedict. Following the rule of her brother, she founded the Order of Benedictine nuns. First Reading: Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 Isaiah recounts the awe he felt the first time he saw the Lord, who was surrounded by angels. He began to feel despair because he was a man of unclean lips, until an angel touched an ember to his lips and pronounced them clean. The Lord asked who he should send forth, to which Isaiah replied, "Here I am, send me!" Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Paul reminds the Corinthians that Christ died for us to free us from our sins. He encourages them to remember the importance of Jesus' death and resurrection. He admits that he initially failed to believe, and therefore was very grateful to be called an apostle and preach in the name of Christ. Gospel: Luke 5:1-11 Luke tells of Jesus preaching to a crowd, then joining Peter who was about to end a fruitless day of fishing. He told Peter to lower his net back in, and a great number of fish were caught. Upon seeing this, Peter and his companions, James and John, immediately abandoned their nets to follow Jesus. Here at St. Magdalen’s we have the privilege of attending one of four Holy Masses on Ash Wednesday. Ashes are distributed during Mass and parishioners are reminded to be in prayer during this time. In addition, please remain in Church until the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is ended and the priest says: “Go in peace” Mass Schedule: 7:00 am 9:00 am 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Opportunity for Prayer and Reflection Eucharistic Adoration: Q & A “Come to Me all you who are weary… ” Matthew 11:28 What is it like in an Adoration Chapel? Today, in the United States, there are 644 chapels where Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is exposed twenty-four hours for the adoration of the faithful. There are another 6,605 chapels that have partial adoration hours. St. Magdalen de Pazzi Church is one of these. This is a great blessing for our parish and for each of us individually. (See note below for news about additional adoration hours at St. Magdalen de Pazzi Church.) Each Adoration Chapel is like an oasis of peace in a busy, demanding world. All we need to do is walk in and be still. We will begin to feel Our Lord Himself there, personally present, All-Powerful and all good, waiting to listen to all we have to say. We come, often tired, burdened with problems, or even discouraged. We come ready to be fed, ready to be still in His Presence. We come to bathe in His Love, ready to be healed, allowing His Living Presence to minister to all our needs-those needs we know and those needs known by Him alone. We come to adore our Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist. We come to tell Him of our love for Him. We come to thank Him. We come to beg His mercy on someone’s behalf. We come. We step out of the buzz of our active lives into the hum of silence in the Adoration Chapel. We come. Eucharistic Adoration is available at St. Magdalen de Pazzi Church EVERY Friday beginning after the 9 am Mass and concluding with Benediction at 7:30 pm in the chapel. ****Additional hours of Eucharistic Adoration will begin on Monday, February 15. These hours will be every Monday through Thursday after 9 am Mass through 7 pm each night. Simple reposition will happen Monday thru Thursday at 7 pm. If you would like to commit to being the guardian of Our Eucharistic Lord on a specific day for a specific hour, contact Lucille Hess at 908-788-5988. MONTHLY Overnight Adoration is each first Friday of the month. Adoration will begin on Friday after the 9 am Mass. Benediction is at 7:30 pm. Adoration will continue throughout the night until 7:50 am Saturday morning. Mass follows at 8:00 am. For more information or to sign up for a specific time, contact Lucille Hess at 908-788-5988 or Ginny Shanahan at 908-782-6120. Parish Announcements Sacristan: Chr is Cozzi 5:00 pm: Extra Ordinary Ministers: D. Nuzzio, D. Guido, J. Novak, E. Pictroski. S. Pictroski Readers: W. Coey, K. Coleman Altar Servers: I. Colom, E. Schmerer, K. Schmerer 7:30 am: Extra Ordinary Ministers: R. Krug, A. Primiani, L. Rainey, M. Triosi, R. Edersheim Readers: D. Schmatz, J. Kane Altar Servers: P. Primiani, Z. Primiani 9:00 am: Extra Ordinary Ministers: B. Buchala, E. Crowley, R. Dixit, L. Muller, R. Thomas Readers: D. Sullivan, R. Sullivan Altar Servers: J. Foster, M. Niedziejko, MK. Niedziejko, M. Niedziejko Protecting God’s Children Training Educates adults on how to identify and prevent child sexual abuse thereby creating a safer environment in our parish community for all our children. All parish personnel who have regular contact with minors, including all volunteers involved in religious education, VBS, Boy Scouts or other activities involving children are required to attend this training as directed by the Diocese of Metuchen. Thursday, April 21st , 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm The session will be held in Spiritual Formation Center in classrooms 9 - 11 - 13. Pre register on-line at www.virtusonline.org. Please call Anthony or Barbara Primiani at (908)806-6637 if you have any questions or concerns. If you arrive late you will not be admitted into the session . The Knights of Columbus hosted The Annual Free Throw Competition and here are the winners for all of the age categories: 10:30 am Girls Age 9: Dagny Slomack (13 out of 15) Age 10: Ella Klopfer (11 out of 15) Extra Ordinary Ministers: F. D’Alio, T. Jeffas, N. Melancon, R. Rincon, D. Urcinas Readers: AM. Kelly, P. Bonura Altar Servers: J. Donaher, J. Donaher, R. O’Malley, D. Watchorn Boys Age 9: Matthew Schwartz (9 out of 15) Age 10: Carson Hilfiker (8 out of 15) Age 11: Ryan Schwartz (9 out of 15) Age 12: Ethan Klopfer (9 out of 15) Age 13: Zachary Mraz (13 out of 15) Age 14: Kyle Keay (10 out of 15) 12:00 pm: Extra Ordinary Ministers: A. Artiles, L. Artiles, N. Baus, F. Bernardoni, C. O’Brien Readers: L. Millan, M. Hein Altar Servers: E. McGee, I. Porras, J. Scimeca Friday, February 12th Stations of the Cross B. Hall, T. Szewczyk J. Weaver Saturday, February 13th 8:00 am Mass J. Betti, J. Betti Congratulations to all of our participants and GOOD LUCK to each of our winners who will proceed to the next level which will be the Championship at the District Level. More details to follow on the date and location. Knights of Columbus Jubillee Council #3294 A Message from Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski Catholics are not obliged to follow the precept to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation when weather conditions could make roads, sidewalks, and parking lots unsafe. When judging whether travelling could be dangerous, one should use common sense and always err on the side of caution. When unable to participate in the celebration of the Eucharist, the faithful still are encouraged to observe the Day of the Lord (Sunday). A practical approach may be to read and reflect on the Gospel of the day and, if living with others, you may discuss ways the Gospel message can be lived out in your own household, the Domestic Church. You may also consider praying together the Responsorial Psalm of the Day. Stewardship of Treasure In gratitude for the gifts we have received from God, parishioners and visitors made a joyful return to the Lord . The Collection last weekend was $ 18,725. In the event of inclement weather and you are unable to attend Mass, please feel free to mail offertory envelope or process an electronic donation. Thank you and God Bless Donna Conforti, Jane Whittle, Maryl Flory, Margaret Lutz, Maria Do Alvora, Fred Doremus, Elizabeth Lazowski, Kathryn Weber, James Ajamian, Melanie Debele, Phil Liberato, Ross Debele III, Kenneth Rambush, Sophia McGurgan, Dora Arcega, Mary Maher, Jennifer Cunningham, Kate Sandberg, Christine English, Leonardo Jimenez, Norma Merucci, June Randolph, Angelina Moise, Robin Bennett, Michael Doremus, Joyce Scarpa, Mary Ann Rago, Natalie Deddy, Anna Cavanaugh, Gladys Cucinotta, Kristin Nuzzio, Vincent Tratz, Karen Rinker, Amanda Lerke, Leneza Kardenski, Robert Turck, Michael Korab, Marie Nuzzio, Michael Bonifazi, Rita Kane and Carolyn Casey. Please make all checks payable to Saint Magdalen Church when donating to the Diocesan Second Collections. Donations through Electronic Gift Giving from January 1st –31st We Need Your Help!!!! Food Pantry: $ 24,202. This week we are low on: Thank you to all our new participants and seasoned donors for your love and commitment. Thank you to all who so generously donate to our food pantry. Please place the food items in bins in the Narthex. 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Grace, Mercy & Peace The Office for Catechesis works to train and nourish parish leaders and catechists who teach and echo the faith, build up the life of the worshipping community, and lead others to commit themselves to living our Christian values in everyday life, according to age and ability. Next weekend, Representatives from the Shop Rite Cards Ministry will be on hand with Shop Rite gift cards available for purchase and for pre order pick up. Why not stop by their table and purchase a few cards to donate to our St. Vincent de Paul’s Food pantry? Many families in need will benefit from your donation. Donate from your smart phone Coffee & Tea Mac & Cheese Hand Soap Jelly Canned Stews Mayo Tuna Pasta Sauce Canned Pasta Diapers Size 4-5-6 Toothpaste Pasta Around the Diocese Lenten Day of Reflection Sunday, February 21st Our Lady of Victories Church in Baptistown, NJ St. Magdalen Church now offers a mobile version of our online giving page to make it easy for you to give anytime from your smart phone. Simply scan the image you see here using your phone’s QR code reader. The Parish of Our Lady of Victories invite you to join them on February 21st for a Lenten Day of Reflection. The Program will begin at 2:00 pm and will include Recitation of the Rosary, Benediction and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The guest speaker will be Father Hank Hilton. Refreshments will be served. There is no charge for admission and is open to everyone. For more information please contact Bernadette at 908-996-2838. 3rd Annual World Marriage Day Event Marriage Celebrating the Gift of Saturday, February 13th 6:15 PM in the Church Enjoy a couples’ evening out especially planned so that together you can share in: Prayer, Witness, & Individual Blessing of your Marriage Reception & Fellowship with other couples ********************************************** SIGN IN will begin at 6:15 pm Light refreshments available in the Narthex prior to the start of the evening. The Prayer, Witness & Blessing will take place in the Church The evening will conclude downstairs in the Spiritual Formation ********************************************** Minimum $10 Suggested Donation* to Offset Cost is Greatly Appreciated! *Donations Will Be Collected the Day of the Event at Sign In ********************************************** If you are able to join us, kindly RSVP by completing the form below or emailing us at StMagMarriageMinistry@Gmail.com no later than Monday, February 8th. Sponsored By The St. Magdalen de Pazzi Marriage Ministry CUT HERE ----------à*****************************************************************************************************************ß---- CUT Please RSVP no later than Monday, February 8th to help us prepare for our hospitality! Minimum$10 Suggested Donation to Offset Cost is Greatly Appreciated! *Donations Will Be Collected the Day of the Event at Sign In Husband: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First Name Last Name Wife: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please provide an email that you check r egular ly. We will be using email in the event of a cancellation due to weather. Email __________________________________________________________________ Phone Number_________________________________________________________________________________ Place completed form in the box on the Marriage Ministry table after Mass, or email StMagMarriageMinistry@Gmail.com and include the information requested above. DIOCESE OF METUCHEN OFFICE OF THE BISHOP Lenten Instructions – 2016 Lent allows each of us to let our Catholic tradition of fasting and abstaining be an important reminder of what it means to suffer or to be without. This liturgical season is a blessed opportunity for us to unite with our brothers and sisters who are hungry, poor, homeless, or living on the fringes of society and to draw near to all those who suffer from illness, affliction, addiction or other serious burden. The following is a reminder of the Lenten instructions to use as a guide as we unite with those who suffer, near and far. So that the Church of Metuchen may be spiritually one in a common observance of Lent, the following days of fast and abstinence are to be observed by all Catholics of the Diocese who enjoy the blessings of good health: 1. The days of fast and abstinence are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. 2. All other Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence. 3. From the Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday until the celebration of the Easter Vigil on the evening of Holy Saturday, the Easter fast is suggested so that, with uplifted and welcoming hearts, we may be ready to celebrate the joys of the Resurrection. This ancient tradition, intimately connected with the Rites of Holy Week and the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, is encouraged, especially in those places baptizing catechumens at the Easter Vigil. The obligation to fast applies only to Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59. To fast in the Catholic tradition means to limit oneself to one full meal during the day so as to experience hunger. The obligation of abstinence affects all Catholics who have reached the age of 14. Abstinence in the Catholic tradition means to abstain from meat. The obligation of fast and abstinence, as a whole, is a serious obligation. While failure to observe any penitential day in itself may not be considered serious, the failure to observe any penitential days at all, or a substantial number of them without good cause, would be considered a grave matter. Those unable to abstain for a valid reason on any given Friday of Lent are asked to perform some other penitential act, or to abstain on another day. My faithful brothers and sisters, in our fasting and abstaining this Lent, I pray that we each may choose to embrace this small suffering rather than accept it with misery or complaint. For, if we are joyful in our Lenten observances, we will be granted an opportunity to more fully understand the true sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for all humanity by accepting death on the cross in order to gain our eternal salvation. +Most Rev. Paul G. Bootkoski Bishop of Metuchen Boletín en Español : 7 de Febrero 2016 Información General Confesiones Sábados 4:00 - 4:40 pm (Ingles) Domingos 3:40 - 4:00 pm (Español) Para registrarse como miembro de la Parroquia Favor de solicitar el formulario de registro en la oficina de la Parroquia de Lunes a Viernes de 9:30 am - 12: 00 y 1:00 - 4:00 pm. Bautismos Los padres deben estar registrados en la Parroquia. Se require que asistan a una clase de preparación antes del bautismo. Favor de comunicarse con la Sra. Maria Teresa Dávila. De ante mano, consiga una fotocopia de la partida de nacimiento del niño(a), tener un padrino y una madrina para cada nino(a). En caso los padrinos elegidos sean pareja, deben haber recibido el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Así mismo, se solicitará una donación voluntaria. El Sacramento del Bautismo se llevara a cabo el primer Domingo de cada mes a la 1:30 pm. Matrimonios Iniciar el proceso de casarse por la Iglesia 9 meses antes de la boda. El novio o la novia deber estar registrado(a) como miembro de la Parroquia al menos 6 meses antes de laboda. Se requiere que los novios participen en un curso titulado: Pre-cana o Encuentro de Comprometidos. Para mas información, favor de comunicarse con el Padre Antony al 908- 782-2922 ext. 1713. Sacramento de Unicion de los Enfermos o Visitas a Enfermos Favor de llamar al Padre Antony al 908- 782- 2922 ext. 1713. Coordinadores de Ministerios de la Comunidad Hispana de St. Magdalen Coordinador Principal, Dante Garcia, 908-642-4212 Lectores, Virginia Herrera, 908-500-3610 Acólitos, Guillermina Quezada, 908-397-0500 Coro Divino Salvador, Idalia Laines, 908-644-8258 Coro Voces del Señor y Catequesis de adultos, Betty Calle, 908-392-3667 Ministerio de la Santa Comunión, Nicodemo Guerrero, 908-283-0594 Grupo de Oración y Bautismos, Maria Teresa Dávila, 908-283-0609 Catequesis de niños, Dolores Duran, 908-328-5847 Grupo Jóvenes Adultos, Juan Jose Corrales, 908-500-6201 Hospitalidad, Sofía Menéndez, 908-788-6730 Eventos Sociales, Julia Montero, 908-442-1758 QUINTO DOMINTO EN TIEMPO ORDINARIO Primera Lectura: Issaías 6:1-2a, 3-8 Isaías cuenta la impresión que sintió la primera vez que vió al Señor rodeado de ángeles. Empezó a sentir desesperación porque era un hombre de labios impuros, hasta que un angel los tocó con una brasa y los purificó. Entonces el Señor preguntó a quién debía enviar, a lo que Isaías respondió: “Aquí estoy yo, envíame a mí”. Segunda Lectura: 1 Corintios 15:1-11 Pablo les recuerda a los corintios que Cristo murió para liberarnos de nuestros pecados. Los alienta a recordar la importancia de la muerte y resurrección de Jesús. Admite que al principio no creyó, pero por eso está muy agradecido de ser llamado apóstol y predicar en nombre de Cristo. Evangelio: San Lucas 5:1-11 Lucas cuenta que Jesús había predicado a una multitud. Luego se unió a Pedro, quien no había pescado nada en todo el día. Le dijo a Pedro que tirara una vez más su red, y al hacerlo, agarró un gran número de peces. Al ver esto, Pedro y sus acompañantes, Juan y Santiago, inmediatamente abandonaron sus redes para seguir a Jesús. Parish Directory Parish Office 908-782-2922 Fax 908-782-0952 Website– www.stmagdalen.org Pastor, Rev. Timothy A. Christy Administrative Assistant to the Pastor, Meghan Luu .ext. 1750 mluu@stmagdalen.org Parochial Vicar, Rev. Antony Arockiadoss..….ext. 1713 Deacon, Thaddeus Wislinski……………….ext. 1696 deaconted@stmagdalen.org Deacon, Mike Bachynsky .………………...ext. 1693 deaconmike@stmagdalen.org Deacon, Stephen Kern…………………....ext. 1695 deaconstephen@stmagdalen.org PARISH STAFF Business Administrator, Regina Edersheim ……….ext. 1728 redersheim@stmagdalen.org Cemetery/Mausoleum, Dave Beckman……………ext. 1726 dbeckman@stmagdalen.org Director of Sacred Music & Liturgy Cheryl Manfredonia, ext. 1759 cmanfredonia@stmagdalen.org Office of Religious Education Bridget Rincon Parish Catechetical Leader……………..908-751-1743 brincon@stmagdalen.org Maggie Castles Asst. Parish Catechetical Leader.....……..908-751-1745 mcastles@stmagdalen.org 8th Grade and Rel Ed. Stewardship……...908-751-1781 jprickel@stmagdalen.org Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Michele Beckman … ..ext. 1739 mbeckman@stmagdalen.org Pastoral Administrator / Director of Communications Darrin Nelson ……………………………908-751-1703 dnelson@stmagdalen.org Communications Assistant Jennifer Prickel………...…………………908-751-1730 jprickel@stmagdalen.org Receptionist…………………………………...ext. 1780 Bulletin Editor, Parish Admin. Asst., ……………. ..ext. 1723 ckinney@stmagdalen.org Sisters of Jesus Our Hope Sr. Pat Vayda, Social Ministry .……….............. ext. 1773 srpat@stmagdalen.org Hope House (782-2342) Fax : 751-1774 Sr. Barbara Haworth………….……………..ext. 1727 srbarbara@stmagdalen.org St. Magdalen’s Ministry Contacts (Office Staff can be reached at 782-2922 and the extension listed.) Altar Servers, Meghan Luu ext. 1750 Boy Scouts, Rick Rainey, 788-0234 Building & Grounds, Dave Beckman, ext. 1726 Cursillo, Lucille Hess, 908-788-5988 Eucharistic Adoration, Lucille Hess, 788-5988 Eucharistic Ministry Outreach Medical Facilities, Don Anderson, 788-3806 Homebound Catholics, Dave Beckman, ext. 1726 Extraordinary Ministers, Steve Carroll, 782-9904 FASTMAG, Liezl Millan , 619-0637 Finance Council, Jeff Anclien, 797-0393 Gardeners, Jim Barile, 788-0948 or JoAnn Fisher, 328-9139 Greeters, Jayne Gilbert, 752-0614 Holiday Outreach, Sister Pat Vayda , ext. 1773 Home Schooling, Mary Nasta, 917-697-1694 Knights of Columbus, Ray Blaser, 215-260-4554 For More Information visit www.kofc3294.org or email us at info@kofc3294.org Readers, Dolores Wright, 782-1359 Lord’s Supper, Pat Beckman, 788-5174 Lydias, (church cleaning), Fran Holmok, 442-4056 Natural Family Planning Deacon Stephen & Rosemary Kern, 782-4447 Marthas (linen cleaning), Sister Barbara, ext. 1727 Military & Veteran Family Outreach, Bob Hendershot, 442-6094 Children & Youth Choir, Gina Niedziejko, 788-7150 Pro-Life, Robert and Eva Jane Woodruff, 788-4042 RCIA, Dolores Wright, 782-1359 Squires, Jim Mitchell, 806-6407 Social Ministries, Our Lady of Hope House, 782-2342 Fax: 751-1774 Homebound, Sister Pat Vayda, ext. 1773 St. Vincent de Paul, Tom Jeffas, 201-637-3270 Bereavement, Joan Purdy, 369-4841 ELL, Jim Tubman, 963-0546 Interfaith Hospitality, Sue Sabol, 782-0482 Youth Ministry, Michele Beckman, ext. 1739 Ushers, Frank Seboria, 782-4152 We Invite You to Celebrate Baptism– Please call Parish Office for preparation & for arrangements or visit our website for more information: www.stmagdalen.org Matrimony– Arrangements must be made one year in advance by contacting Parish Office. Sponsor Certificates– Only registered parishioners can be given a certificate to be a Godparent/Sponsor. Forms can be found on our website: www. stmagdalen.org. Please contact Parish Office. To Register as a Parishioner: Please call Parish office