Saint Joseph Church - St. Joseph Catholic Church, Joliet, Illinois


Saint Joseph Church - St. Joseph Catholic Church, Joliet, Illinois
Fr. Timothy P. Andres, O. Carm.,
Saint Joseph
Deacon Dave Raskowski
416 N. Chicago Street
Joliet, IL 60432
Weekend Masses
Saturday, 4:00 p.m.
Sunday: 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30 a.m.
Slovenian Mass, 4th Sunday, 8:30 a.m.
Weekday Masses
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.
Holy Day Masses
Refer to the bulletin for Mass times.
Adoration Chapel
Open after weekday Masses, 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
New Parishioners are most welcome and are asked to
register at the rectory.
Rectory Hours 7:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday
June 9, 2013
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Emergency Pager: 815-724-6151
Parish Website:
Catholics Come Home:
You changed my mourning into dancing;
, my God, forever will I give you thanks.
— Psalm 30:12, 13
Under ‘Pages,’ St. Joseph Catholic
Church, Joliet, Illinois
Historic St. Joseph Church
Historic St. Joseph Church, located at the north end of Joliet’s City Center, was established in 1891 to serve the growing
community of Slovenian immigrants who had se led in the town at the end of the nineteenth century. The present
church building, made of Indiana limestone, with its dis nc ve dual steeples and silver hue, was erected in 1905.
Saturday, June 8—Immaculate Heart of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
4:00 p.m. Marie Dragovan (Husband)
4:00 p.m. John M. Gulas (A) (Wife)
4:00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kernc (John R. Oblak)
4:00 p.m. Richard Shiffer (B) (Family)
4:00 p.m. Ma & Agnes Verbiscer (Family)
Sunday, June 9—Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 a.m. James Allen (George e Allen & Family)
8:30 a.m. Deceased Members of the Cernugel Family
(Chester Rutkowski Family)
8:30 a.m. Walt & Frances Smaron (Family)
8:30 a.m. Robert Wolz (Jean & Family)
10:00 a.m. For the People of St. Joseph (Pro Popolo)
10:00 a.m. Madonna Degener (Family)
10:00 a.m. James Frieders (Dorothy Ingraham, Ed & Mary
10:00 a.m. Margaret Horvat & Lorraine Mali (Mary Fran
& Muggs Mali)
10:00 a.m. Anton & Margaret Mali (Mary Fran & Muggs)
11:30 a.m. JoAnn Deufel (Nancy Costello)
Sunday, June 16—Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 a.m. Frank Cresto (B) (Joe & Mary Babich)
8:30 a.m. Holy Name Society, Living & Deceased Members
8:30 a.m. John M. Gulas (Wife & Children)
8:30 a.m. Marie Menozzi (A) (Family)
8:30 a.m. Mary Petrovic (B) (Family)
8:30 a.m. Joseph Sukle (Family)
8:30 a.m. Eugene Tezak (Holy Name Society)
10:00 a.m. For the People of St. Joseph (Pro Popolo)
10:00 a.m. Paula DeAngelis (Tom & Bev Kotowicz)
10:00 a.m. James Frieders (Cindy, Jeff, & Joe Frieders)
10:00 a.m. Michael Kozlowski (Friend, Angela Humphrey)
10:00 a.m. Bridget Lemonta (Mother & Family)
10:00 a.m. Frank Mali (Mary Fran & Muggs)
11:30 a.m. James Gregorash (Family)
11:30 a.m. Jaime Or z (Family)
Flame of Faith
In Memory Of
Ma & Stephanie Kochevar
Monday, June 10—Weekday
8:30 a.m. Kurt Gould (Family)
Tuesday, June 11—St. Barnabas
8:30 a.m. Fr. Roman Malavasic (A)
Budgeted weekly collec on: $ 9,000 plus $1,000 for
Maintenance and Repair.
Wednesday, June 12—Weekday
8:30 a.m. John W. Horvat (Family)
8:30 a.m. Art & Joyce Kraus, 15th Wedding Anniversary
June 2, 2013
Weekly Offering ......................................... $ 8,065.34
Maintenance & Repair ............................... $ 3,679.23
Debt Reduc on .......................................... $ 190.00
Thursday, June 13—St. Anthony of Padua
8:30 a.m. Anthony Ketz (Bob & Eva Iverson)
8:30 a.m. Agnes Mihalinac (George J. Rozman)
Thank you for your con nued support & generosity!
Friday, June 14—Weekday
8:30 a.m. William Binzen (B) (Wife)
8:30 a.m. Ann Meader (A) (Family)
8:30 a.m. Aloysius & Caroline Zelinski (Mr. & Mrs. Bob
Saturday, June 15—Weekday
4:00 p.m. Ma & Stephanie Kochevar (Family)
4:00 p.m. Glenn Minnick (Bernadine Spieler)
4:00 p.m. John R. Oblak (St. Joseph Holy Name Society)
4:00 p.m. Clyde, Mildred, & Clare Reeves (Joan Reeves)
4:00 p.m. Delores Valen no (Family & Friends)
Remember St. Joseph Church in Your Will
As you pray about your long-term financial plans, consider a gi to St. Joseph Church. Your gi will guarantee
that our beau ful Church and important ministries will
con nue well into the future. Please call the rectory for
more informa on.
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
We o en hear the word “stewardship” when talking about various ministries in the Church. The
U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops says this about Stewardship: “Stewards of God’s gi s are not
passive Beneficiaries. We cooperate with God in our own redemp on and in the redemp on of others. We are also
obliged to be stewards of the Church. This mission—proclaiming and teaching, serving and sanc fying—is our task. It
is the personal responsibility of each one of us as stewards of the Church. All members of the Church have their own
roles to play in carrying out its mission.”
Our Parish Council members are stewards who work to make our parish a true community of faith. I’d like to welcome
the newest member to our Parish Council, Bob Zelinski. Bob is a graduate of St. Joseph School, Joliet Catholic High
School, and Joliet Junior College. He is married to Debbie (Vicich) and they have two young children, Eli and Olivia.
Bob was a member of the St. Joseph Youth Group and is a current member of the Holy Name Society. Please join me
in welcoming Bob and in thanking him for his willingness to serve.
I would like to thank Nancy Churnovic and Nick Szalinski for their service to Parish Council. Nancy served for many
years at various mes when the parish needed her. Nick, one of our youngest Parish Council members, also gave of
himself to serve St. Joseph Parish. I pray their service to our parish encourages others to step up and serve in ways
that they are able.
There are only two weeks un l our parish picnic—the 30th Annual Homecoming Fair. The event chairpersons, Lillian
Cepon and Mary Leja, are busily working on the final details for the weekend. The individual chairpersons are working
on volunteer schedules for their par cular areas. Have you signed up to work a shi or two yet? If not, please contact
one of the chairpersons or call the rectory. This is the main fundraiser for our parish each year. Invite your family,
friends, and neighbors to join us at St. Joe’s Park the weekend of June 22nd and 23rd. There will be plenty of food,
drinks, music, games, and much more, for everyone. Also, don’t forget to turn in your raffle ckets. If you need more,
call the rectory.
I ask for your prayers for Bob Zelinski as he begins his service on the Parish Council. Also, remember Nancy Churnovic
and Nick Szalinski in your prayers of thanksgiving for their devoted service over the years, and for all of those who
serve St. Joseph Parish in various ways. Pray, too, for the success of our Homecoming Fair and for good weather. Be
assured of my prayers for you.
Wishing you a Blessed Sunday and a wonderful week of work and prayer.
May God bless you and all those you love,
Fr. Timothy P. Andres, O. Carm.
Bob Vicich (le ) & John Lukancic
pick the Early Bird winner
….and the winner is…….
Bob & Judie Smrekar!
Early Bird Drawing Winner Picked!
Congratula ons to Bob & Judie Smrekar who won the
$100 Early Bird drawing in our Homecoming Fair raffle.
Thank you to everyone who turned in their ckets early
for a chance to win the early bird. Don’t worry, you s ll
have a chance to win big money! Winners will be drawn
Sunday, June 23rd at the Fair. Make sure you turn in
your raffle ckets! Drop them in the collec on basket,
bring them to the Fair, or mail them to the
rectory. Need more ckets to sell? Call 815727-9378. Thanks for your support!
St. Joseph Parish Mission Statement
As living members of the Body of Christ, the people of St. Joseph Parish embrace the Tradi ons of the Church as given to us by
Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we teach, live, and love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, and celebrate the Word
of God as a faith-filled community that welcomes all who seek the truth. We celebrate the presence of God in our midst through
worship, service, and catechesis. In accordance with the teachings of the Church, we work to assist all parish members in discernRevised January 2012
ing the truths of our faith and the moral obliga on to which we are called to live the Gospel.
Ministry Schedule for June 8 & 9, 2013
4:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Ministry Schedule for June 15 & 16, 2013
4:00 p.m.
8: 30 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Judith Anderson
John Lukancic
Cindy Kadela
Bob Terdich
Dan Todorovich
Frank Bruno
Helen Lawson
Jeff Archambeault
Extraordinary Ministers:
4:00 p.m. Ken & Pat Lockwood, Kim Sefcik
8:30 a.m. Amy Koncar, Anne e Koncar, Stan Markun
10:00 a.m. Jan Coats, Cindy Kadela, Denise Stout
11:30 a.m. Judy Legan, Frank Os r
Extraordinary Ministers:
4:00 p.m. Anne Johnson, Dan Todorovich
8:30 a.m. Mark Cepon, Suzanne Kairis, Mary Smaron
10:00 a.m. Helen Lawson, Doug Starasinich, Darla Tomac
11:30 a.m. Jeff Archambeault, Bill & Cherie Gimbel
Altar Servers:
4:00 p.m. Jessica & Stephanie Bravo
8:30 a.m. Alison, Cloe, & Zoe Carter
10:00 a.m. Lauren Ferencik
11:30 a.m. Lauryn Borrego, Eric & Veronica Briceno
Altar Servers:
4:00 p.m. D. Pasdertz, A. Perfecto, & V. Sturdivant
8:30 a.m. Jack & Anna Bruno
10:00 a.m. Jessica & Stephanie Bravo
11:30 a.m. Ian Cozzi, Louis Sniegowski
Saints & Special Observances
Today’s Readings
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Barnabas
St. Anthony of Padua
Flag Day
Blessed Virgin Mary
Prayer to St. Joseph
(over 1900 years old)
Oh, St. Joseph, whose protec on is so great, so
strong, so prompt, before the throne of God, I
place in you all my interests and desires.
Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession,
and obtain for me from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings
through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, so that having engaged here
below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and
homage to the most loving of Fathers.
Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary contempla ng you and Jesus
asleep in your arms. I dare not approach while He reposes
near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine
Head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my
dying breath. St. Joseph, patron of depar ng souls, pray for
me. Amen.
With Ecclesias cal Approval
Pray to St. Joseph
God’s Will Be Done
This prayer was discovered in the fi ieth year of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Make it known everywhere!
First Reading: Elijah revives son of a widow (1 Kgs 17:17-24).
Psalm: I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me (Ps 30).
Second Reading: Paul explains God’s call to him to preach to
the Gen les (Gala ans 1:11-19).
Gospel: Jesus raises from the dead the son of a widow in the
city of Nain (Luke 7:11-17).
Readings for the Week
2 Cor 1:1-7; Ps 34:2-9; Mt 5:1-12
Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 119:129-133, 135;
Mt 5:13-16
Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11; Ps 99:5-9; Mt 5:17-19
2 Cor 3:15 — 4:1, 3-6; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14;
Mt 5:20-26
2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 116:10-11, 15-18; Mt 5:27-32
2 Cor 5:14-21; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Mt 5:33-37
2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Ps 32:1-2, 5 7, 11;
Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36 — 8:3 [7:36-50]
The St. Joseph Parish Family joins in prayerful
remembrance of those who have died, especially
Carol Tyler, Cecilia Vidmar
May the souls of the faithful departed rest
in peace. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let the
perpetual light shine upon them.
People perform acts of kindness for St. Joseph Church that
are done “behind the scenes.” We’d like to take this
opportunity to thank some of the folks that help at our
Thank you to everyone who served at and a ended the
Mass on Memorial Day at St. Joseph Park. Unfortunately,
the weather did not allow us to celebrate the Mass in the
Gro o. Thank you to the many, many people who
a ended the Mass. We also thank the cemetery crew for
keeping everything so beau ful.
If you no ce someone doing an act of kindness for our
Parish, give them a big Thank You! Let us know as well, so
we can thank them, too!
Altar & Rosary June Meeting
The next Altar & Rosary mee ng will be held on June 19,
2013, at 10:30 a.m. at St. Joseph Park. Following our
mee ng, there will be a Mass. We will be discussing our
booth for the Fair. We are asking for prizes for the booth.
We will also need workers for Saturday and Sunday, June
22nd and 23rd.
Our card party in May was a huge success. Thanks to all of
you! We look forward to seeing you at our June mee ng.
Try to a end and don’t forget to bring prizes for the Fair.
Rosemary Konopek, President
The St. Joseph Holy Name Society will come together for
8:30 Mass on Sunday, June 16th. The breakfast mee ng
in Ferdinand Hall will follow Mass. All members are encouraged to a end.
Any male parishioners, age 15 years and older, interested in learning more about the Holy Name Society are
welcome to a end.
Please pray for the following couples as they prepare to
receive the Sacrament of Marriage:
III Frank Koncar & Kathy Allen
June 15, 2013
II Brad Lang & Emily Redd
June 22, 2013
Free for All Wrap Up
We would like to thank everyone for their dona ons and
volunteer me at the recent Free for All. Approximately
110 people a ended the sale. A total of $115.46 was
received in dona ons, which was given to St. Joseph
Church. Thank you to Georgina Berman and her volunteers for all of your hard work.
St. Joseph Seniors Meeting
The St. Joseph Senior organiza on will have their June
mee ng Wednesday, June 19th, at Noon, at St. Joe’s Park.
We will celebrate Mass at the Park at 11:15 a.m., prior to
the beginning of our mee ng.
Any parishioner 55 years or older is eligible to join. Caregivers are also welcome. This is a non-dues organiza on.
There will be no July mee ng.
Our annual steak fry will be held at the Park Wednesday,
August 21st. Everyone who wants to a end the steak fry,
including care givers, should sign up at the June mee ng.
If you know someone who cannot a end the June mee ng
but would like to come to the steak fry, please sign up for
them. There is a $5 non-refundable charge. This money
will be donated to our Seniors Fund. Only members and
care givers are eligible to a end the steak fry. July &
August birthday celebrants will be honored in September
and October. We encourage all members to a end the
June mee ng. Thank you.
John Konopek, President
A Note from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
Regarding Disaster Assistance
If you sustained losses or damage from severe storms or flooding, you may be eligible for
disaster aid. You can call to apply at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362). The TTY number is 1-800-4627585. For more informa on or to apply, visit or apply on your
smartphone at FEMA requires informa on when you call to apply, such as your social security
number, insurance info, etc. A complete lis ng of what is needed can be found on FEMA flyers located at all
Church entrances.
Parish Homecoming Fair
Saturday, June 22nd, 6—11:00 p.m.
Sunday, June 23rd, 11:30 Gro o Mass un l 10:00 p.m.
Look for the flyer in next week’s bulle n for more info!
“Fill the Truck” Food Drive
Benefi ng St. John the Bap st Catholic Church Food Bank
Sunday, June 23, Noon – 5:00 PM
St. Joe’s Park Main Entrance
St. John’s Food Pantry serves over 124 families a week
in the 60435 area. The pantry is open every Monday,
from 9:00-11:30 AM and is staffed en rely by volunteers. Relying heavily on dona ons from individuals,
community groups, schools, and organiza ons, the
pantry is busiest during the holidays and summer
months when children are home and cannot par cipate in school nutri onal programs.
Items Needed Include: canned goods, paper products,
dish and laundry soap, cleaning supplies
S __ ccess: What’s Missing? “U” Are!
We need your help to make our Homecoming Fair successful. We encourage each parishioner to volunteer
for just one two-hour shi either Saturday or Sunday.
Please all the rectory and let us know when you can volunteer. Many hands make light work!
Communications from the Bishop
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
On Father’s day, June 16, there will be a special
collec on to care for our infirm and re red
priests. The money raised from this collec on will go to the
fund which provides long term care for our priests who
need assisted living or skilled nursing care. Currently the
diocese cares for seven of our re red priests who need
these services. While we were blessed to ordain five young
men to the priesthood on May 18, we have many more
priests approaching re rement age. As such, there is a
need to strengthen the fund that will provide for their care
should they not be able to care for themselves. This collecon should not be confused with the collec on for the Rerement Fund for Religious, which is taken in December
and assists religious men and women who belong to religious orders. That collec on does not benefit or provide
care for our re red diocesan priests.
As we celebrate this Year of Faith, prayerfully consider making a dona on to help our aged and sick priests as an expression of apprecia on for all they have done to nourish
your life of faith through their spiritual guidance and celebra on of the sacraments. On behalf of all the ac ve and
re red priests of the diocese, I am grateful for your prayers
and for your generous support of the Father’s Day Collecon for our aged and infirm diocesan priests. Please be
assured of my prayers for you.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon
Bishop of Joliet
Anniversaries of Bishops
Community Blood Drive
Sunday, June 23, Noon – 3:00 PM
St. Joe’s Park Main Entrance
St. Joseph Church is sponsoring a blood drive for
Heartland Blood Centers. The blood drive will be held
at St. Joseph Park on Sunday, June 23rd from noon3pm. To schedule an appointment, please call the
Rectory at (815)727-9378 or sign up in the back of
Church the weekend of June 15th & 16th.
Heartland Blood Center is the sole supplier of blood to
both Presence-St. Joseph and Silver Cross Hospitals.
With summer coming, please help those in our community who may need blood!
Stop by today and give the gift of Life.
I join my sen ments of congratula ons to those of many
others in the Diocese of Joliet on the occasion of Bishop
Joseph Siegel’s twenty-fi h anniversary of ordina on as a
priest. June 4 is a great day. I am grateful to God for Bishop Siegel’s able and generous service as Auxiliary Bishop
and Vicar General.
Although Bishop-emeritus Joseph Imesch’s for eth anniversary as a bishop was marked last month, it is not too late to
congratulate him and to thank him for the many ways he
con nues to serve our diocese.
Please pray for all three of us.
Bishop R. Daniel Conlon
Thank you Lillian Cepon, Julie Kaluza, Mary Leja, and
Kay Lennon and your devoted helpers for providing
the delicious fruit & vegetable trays and cakes at
the recent recep on for Joe Jere na. Everything
was fantas c!
May you know His protec on, peace and
power to do all He has called you to do. In
the calm moments trust Him, in the storms
call on Him and in all you do, be strong in
the power of His might. In Jesus’ name.
Please con nue to pray for our parishioners who are
serving in the military: PFC Nicole Albri on, Specialist
Rafael Arias, Andrew Bender, Jesus Borunda, James
Carrigan, Lindsey Carroll, James Cheney, Major David M.
Conner, Jason Draksler, Josh Draksler, Michael A. Elmore,
Michael J. Elmore, Jeramie Engelman, Major Donald
Erickson, Patricia Franchini, Michael Hilkert, Chris an T.
Mar nez, Jared Anthony Mason, Kathleen Mosher, Steven
Qualizza III, Charles B. Ritzler IV, Anthony Urbancic.
If you would like anyone added to our list, please call
the rectory with their names or drop the name in the
collec on and mark it “Military.” Thank you!
We must never re of clarifying misunderstanding and
shedding light where there is myth and confusion,
demonstra ng empathy and compassion and a deeper
vision...Our task is to present the truth with civility, empathy and clarity. Being champions of the Gospel of Life
is about building a civiliza on of love.
- Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap.,
Archbishop of Boston, homily at the Opening
Mass for the 2013 Na onal Prayer
Vigil for Life, January 24, 2013
Hope and Life
Today’s readings tell the story of two widows. The first
reading relates the plight of the widow with whom the
prophet Elijah stayed; the Gospel tells about the widow of
Nain. In each story, the widow’s only son had died. For people who lived in those cultures, the son was the only support of a widow, and the carrying on of the family name by
the son was equal to immortality. A widow whose only son
has died could lose all hope.
Elijah and Jesus are the restorers of hope; they bring the
sons back to life. Saint Paul was metaphorically raised from
the dead when he experienced the conversion and call from
God that he describes in today’s second reading.
What are Chris ans called to do today? We may not be able
to raise the dead, but perhaps we can rekindle hope for a
single parent. We may not be able to convert a persecutor
like Paul, but if we speak the gospel openly and gently with
our lives, we might touch a life with the Good News.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
“Father of love, hear our prayer for the sick
members of our community and for all who
are in need. Amid their suffering may they
find consola on in Your healing presence.
Show Your mercy as You cure illness, and
make broken bodies whole. We ask this through the Lord
Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen.” Please
take the list below home & pray for the sick of our Parish.
Pat Maren c
Rose Maren c
Gracie Mae Mason
Eugene Menozzi
Dorothy McCarthy
John McCarthy
Mary Papesh
Julia Pasdertz
James Sefcik
Nancy Sraj
Be y Starasinich
William Stewart, Jr.
Raymond Stoiber
Cecilia Strle
Leona Terdic
Mary Tezak
Ray Ver n
Walter Viscum
Elaine Willey
Sharron Zelinski
Elaine Allen
Janice Andrews
Catherine Bazik
Erica Ceballos
Frank Cepon
David Conner
Marge Franze
Marge Gasperich
Rev. Ed Geschke
Dorothy Govoni
Carolyn Grady
Al Gregory
Mary Ann Gregory
Jim Guinn
Kathleen Heikkila
Joseph F. Jonish
Bob Keca
Dolores Klepec
Joyce Korst
Michael Lara
Edgar Manzo
And for all those who have no one to pray for them.
We are happy to keep the name of your loved one on the
Prayer List for one month. If you wish to extend a request for
prayers beyond this me, please contact the rectory to let us
know so we do not remove the name from the list. Thank you.
Fifth Grade Assignment
A teacher in a Chris an school asked her 5th graders to
look at TV commercials and see if they could use them in
ways to communicate ideas about God:
God is like Tide, He gets the stains out others leave behind.
God is like Allstate, You’re in good hands with Him.
God is like Bounty, he’s the quicker picker upper...can
handle the tough jobs...and He won’t fall apart on you.
God is like Dial Soap, aren’t you glad you have Him? don’t
you wish everybody did?
God is like Coke, He’s the real thing!
Special Collections Next Week
June 15th & 16th
Debt Reduc on
Father’s Day Collec on for
Diocesan Priests’ Care & Support
Parish Calendar at a Glance
Saturday, June 8
Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Litany, & Rosary, 3—4:00 p.m.
Confessions, 3:00—3:30 p.m.
Mass, 4:00 p.m.
Neo-Catechumenal Way, 6:00 p.m., Ferdinand Hall
Sunday, June 9
Masses: 8:30, 10:00, & 11:30 a.m.
Bap sms, 12:30 p.m.
St. Jude Picnic, St. Joseph Park
Monday, June 10
Daily Mass, 8:30 a.m.
Adora on Chapel, 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
Shepherd’s Table, 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
Tuesday, June 11
Daily Mass, 8:30 a.m.
Adora on Chapel, 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
10:00 Choir prac ce, 5:00 p.m.
Youth Discipleship Teen Group, 6:45—9:00 p.m.
Neo-Catechumenal Way, 7:00 p.m., Ferdinand Hall
Wednesday, June 12
Daily Mass, 8:30 a.m.
Adora on Chapel, 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
Thursday, June 13
Daily Mass, 8:30 a.m.
Adora on Chapel, 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
Park rented
8:30 Choir prac ce, 5:00 p.m.
Friday, June 14
Daily Mass, 8:30 a.m.
Adora on Chapel, 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
Park rented
Legion Room rented
Wedding rehearsal, 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, June 15
Wedding, 1:00 p.m.
Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Litany, & Rosary, 3—4:00 p.m.
Confessions, 3:00—3:30 p.m.
Mass, 4:00 p.m.
Second collec ons, Debt Reduc on & Diocesan Priests’
Care & Support
Neo-Catechumenal Way, 6:00 p.m., Ferdinand Hall
Market Day orders due
Sunday, June 16
Masses: 8:30, 10:00, & 11:30 a.m.
Second collec ons, Debt Reduc on & Diocesan Priests’
Care & Support
Holy Name Society, 8:30 a.m. Mass, mee ng following
in Ferdinand Hall
Shepherd’s Table
St. Joseph’s parishioners are on schedule to
cook and serve the hungry in the Joliet area
Monday, June 10th. All helping hands are appreciated.
Prepara on starts at 9:00 a.m. (un l 1:00 p.m.). If you
cannot stay the whole me, that is no problem. We
appreciate whatever me you have to help. Use the East
entrance at 611 E. Cass St. in Joliet. There is parking in the
rear of the building or in the east sec on of the bank lot. If
you have ques ons, call Bob or Jean at 815-741-0437.
Food Pantry
We will collect food for St. John’s Food Pantry the
weekend of June 22nd & 23rd. Food will also be collected at the Homecoming Fair at St. Joe’s Park on Sunday,
June 23rd. Please consider helping out those in our
community who are in need, by dona ng non-perishable
food, soaps or paper products. The Food Pantry is very
low at this me. They truly need our help. Thank you
very much for what ever you can give.
Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass
The Diocese of Joliet will hold its Thirty-fi h annual Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, September 8, 2013 at
2:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet. If you
are celebra ng either your 25th or 50th anniversary this
year, please contact the rectory so that we may submit
your name to the Diocese for a formal invita on. Those celebra ng over 50 year anniversaries do not receive a formal
invita on, but will be able to register at a later date.
Senior Companions Needed
Catholic Chari es’ Senior Companion Program (SCP) is looking
for people 55 years and older who are interested in visi ng
with another senior who is homebound and living in Grundy,
Iroquois, Kankakee and Will County. This is strictly a friendly
visit, no homecare du es are involved. Volunteers who meet
the income guidelines will receive a tax-free hourly s pend and
a mileage reimbursement for me spent with clients.
The possibili es are endless: have a cup of coffee, take a walk
in the yard, go out to lunch, shop, or transport to an appointment. What a fantas c way to meet new people and give back
to the community that has enriched the lives of so many for
decades. Call Meg at 815-933-7791 x126. For more informa on about the programs and services provided by Catholic
Chari es, visit catholicchari
Memorial dona ons were received
recently in memory of Robert Wolz.
We extend our thanks to Robert’s
family and friends for their memorials
in his name.
St. Joseph Teen Group
Sacrament of Reconcilia on (Confession):
Youth Discipleship
On Saturday from 3:00 to 3:30 PM. Other mes upon
request. Please call the Rectory.
All teens of the parish are invited to a end
our gatherings on Tuesday evenings from
6:45—9 p.m., in the school building.
“Go therefore and make disciples of every na on.” ~ Jesus
Summer Fun at St. Joe’s Park
Sacrament of Bap sm Guidelines:
 Must be an active registered parishioner of
St. Joseph Parish
 Call the rectory to set up Baptismal appointment
 Baptisms will be scheduled at the Baptismal meeting
Sacrament of the Sick:
Celebrated individually upon request. If someone is
seriously ill, the person should be anointed. Please call
the rectory.
June 9, 2013
St. Jude Church
June 22 & 23, 2013
St. Joseph Parish Homecoming
Parishioners should make arrangements at least six
months in advance.
June 29, 2013
Wrestling Show
New Parishioners are most welcome and are asked to
June 30, 2013
St. Joseph Academy
July 7, 2013
St. Mary Na vity Church
Fr. Tim Andres, O. Carm., Pastor
July 13, 2013
Polka Fes val
Deacon Dave Raskowski
July 14, 2013
St. Ambrose Church
July 21, 2013
St. Joseph Parish
July 28, 2013
St. Anne Church
August 4, 2013
City of Crest Hill
August 10, 2013
Wres ng Show
August 11, 2013
Holy Cross Church
August 18, 2013
St. Mary Magdalene Church
August 24 & 25, 2013
Joliet Fire & Police Unions
September 1, 2013
Crest Hill Lions Club
September 8, 2013
St. Joseph Parish Fall Fest
September 14, 2013
Irish/American Fest
September 22, 2013
Grape Dance
September 28, 2013
Wrestling Show
Sacrament of Marriage:
register at the rectory.
Parish Staff
Diana Feigerle, Office Manager
Cheryl Gimbel, Coordinator of Parish Services
Judy Halsne, Parish Secretary
Pat Marentic, Music Coordinator
Tom Plankar, Facilities Manager
Rectory: 815-727-9378
Emergency Pager: 815-724-6151
Richard Cabay, Park Manager/Cemetery Sexton
Cemetery: 815-722-6016
Parish Website:
Catholics Come Home:
Under Pages: St. Joseph Catholic
Church, Joliet, Illinois