- Pilgrim Lutheran Church
- Pilgrim Lutheran Church
The Pilgrim’s Progress ww The Monthly Newsletter of Pilgrim Lutheran Church & School 3257 E University Dr Mesa, AZ 85213 Phone: (480) 830-1723 Pastor Brady E. Coleman Pastor James H. Winterstein Principal Jim Wade July 2016 pastorbc@pilgrimmesa.com pastorjw@pilgrimmesa.com jimwade@pilgrimmesa.com Light in the Midst of Darkness! When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." -John 8:12 The basement was a very dark, scary place for a youngster. You tugged on the pull-chain to switch the light off… and then you had only a few seconds to run to the bottom of the stairs before the darkness surrounded you. And no matter how fast you ran, it always seemed like the darkness was faster. It seemed to be crawling up your back and trying to get its hands on you. But it worked the other way too. When you walked down into the darkness and found that pull-chain, the light instantly drove the darkness back. It was still there, but it had retreated into the corners. You were safe. This world is full of darkness. It's under the temporary management of the prince of darkness. And it's evident from the dark thoughts we have, the dark things we hear in the news, and the dark fears that try to crawl up our back and get their hands on us. And we each have a dark side that no one else seesa sinful side that is capable of dark things. www.pilgrimmesa.com www.wels.net But when we follow Jesus, the darkness retreats. He is the Light of the world. We read from Isaiah chapter 9 at Christmas: "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light…For to us a child is born!" Jesus came into our dark world to give us the light of God's saving truth. He embodied light as the Son of God in human flesh and blood. He spoke light as he taught the good news of God's love. He drove back the darkness with miracles of healing and kindness. So when he died, the sun itself turned dark. But the light of life shone in the tomb's darkness. Jesus lived again! Jesus destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light. Through Jesus, we can stand in the light of God's presence. Sin is forgiven. Death stands defeated. The darkness is still there: dark thoughts, dark fears, dark events that happen in a dark world. But when we follow Jesus in faith, the darkness retreats. With him, we don't walk in darkness. We live in confidence and hope. We have the light of life. A life illuminated by Jesus' death and resurrection. A life lit up with hope in God's loving promises. A life shining with perfect peace and joy in heaven. Prayer: Lord Jesus, when the darkness surrounds me, be my light and my life. Give me hope all through life and when my life is over bring me to live in the glorious light of your presence. Amen. The Pilgrim’s Progress Page 2 Pilgrim Panther News’n Notes Re-accreditation Update Five years ago, Pilgrim Lutheran School went through a rigorous self-study process and officially became a nationally accredited school by the NCPSA (National Council for Private School Accreditation) and the WELSSA (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod School Accreditation). Every five years the self-study must be repeated in order to retain that accreditation; however, the second time around the process is a bit less tedious. With that in mind, we extend a huge “thank you” to all those congregational members, parents, and called workers who consented to serve on one of our eight, newly-formed re-accreditation subcommittees. Leading up to the accrediting team’s visit to our Pilgrim campus in early March, we anticipate each subcommittee will meet maybe 4 or 5 times to review educational standards of quality schools. Please pray for success upon our re-accreditation process! Achievement Testing Near the end of the school year, our students in grades 3 through 8 took the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, an assessment that evaluates students’ thinking skills and provides an understanding of their relative strengths and weaknesses in performing a variety of reasoning tasks. In a nutshell, the OLSAT 8 assesses cognitive abilities that relate to a student’s ability to learn and be successful in school. Tested are things like: detecting similarities and differences, recalling words and numbers, defining words, following directions, classifying, establishing sequence, solving mathematical problems, and completing analogies. How did our kids fare? (given in % of Pilgrim students) High Achievers – 44%, Average Range – 52%, and Below Average Range – 4%. We thank God that we have been blessed with such capable and accomplished students! Mark the Date(s) What: Back-to-School Night Where: Pilgrim Fellowship Hall Who: New and Returning School Families When: Wednesday, August 3, or Thursday, August 4, at 6:30 PM The Pilgrim’s Progress Page 3 School Recruitment News May was another busy month of interested parents in our school! We enrolled two new children and had visits from three more interested families. It is interesting to note, that many of these parents have said they visited multiple schools. When they have finally decided and are asked what was the deciding factor in choosing Pilgrim over another school, they have consistently said it is because of our people. So, while we may not be the biggest school, our knowledgeable and welcoming staff and faculty continues to impress families. Even though we lost 12 students for the 2015-16 school year due to graduation and moves, to date, we have six new students enrolled for the 2016-17 school year with a total standing at 47 students. No doubt, our numbers will grow as the beginning of the school year nears. Annual Pilgrim Family Campout Thank you to Pat King for once again making arrangements for the Pilgrim Annual Campout. About 45 people participated over the course of the three days last weekend at the O’Leary Group Campground north of Flagstaff. 2017 Annual Family Campout is scheduled for June 16-18, 2017 at Woods Canyon Lake. Woods Canyon Lake Group Area is located in north central Arizona about 35 miles east of Payson just off Highway 260. Rooted in Christ “Rooted: WELS Phoenix Valley Fellowship” is a 20s/30s group hoping to connect WELS Lutherans and their friends from across the Phoenix Valley through a variety of formal and informal events. For more information, check out their Facebook page. Financial Peace University Financial Peace University is back! A new 9-week class is starting up on Saturday, September 10 at 9:00 AM. Each class will have a different lesson from how to save to how to plan your cash flow to how to save for retirement and everything in between. All lessons will be shown on video and will be taught by Dave Ramsey. As Dave Ramsey says, “Live like no one else now, so that later you can live and give like no one else.” For those couples who may be interested in changing their family tree today, go to www.daveramsey.com and click on the class link to find a class. For those of you who may be interested in taking this class, but may not have the necessary funds in paying for the registration materials, please speak to Paul Tomamichel, Mike Hansen, or Kirk Gibb first. The Pilgrim’s Progress ` Page 4 Pilgrim Technology Committee Windows 10 Upgrade for Pilgrim Computers The Pilgrim Technology Committee has recently upgraded all of Pilgrim’s computers from Windows 7 to the new Window 10 platform. This not only keeps us up to date with Microsoft’s latest operating system technology, but will give all of the users additional functionality. This was a free upgrade offered by Microsoft. In addition to the new body microphone that was purchased last month for Pastor Coleman, we have also purchased a new microphone head set for Pastor Winterstein to replace his old failing equipment. The committee would like to thank Barb Green and Frank and Eileen Matty for their contributions to the technology committee funds on our Vanco donation website that were used in part for both the new body pack mic and the headset. Technology needs are ongoing at Pilgrim so please remember our technology fund where donations can be made on-line at www.pilgrimmesa.com. The committee truly appreciates the donations from our members that have been earmarked for our technology equipment. A Better You David wrote, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made!”- Psalm 139:14 God has given each of us a body and soul. Here at Pilgrim, opportunities abound to feed the soul. And now, under the guidance of the Outreach Committee, Pilgrim will offer wellness workshops to help strengthen and nourish the body. The next wellness workshop will focus on weight management. The “Diabetes & You” Workshop is scheduled for July 25th @ 7pm, in the Fellowship Hall. The workshop should run approximately one hour. As an outreach event, feel free to invite your friends and those you know. If you plan to attend the Weight Management Workshop, please make use of the sign-up sheet located in the narthex. Good Shepherd Bible Camp GSBC is a full week (6 nights/days) of fun in the California mountains (about 7000 feet high) during July, for campers from 4th graders through 10th graders (as of Fall 2016). Our theme this year is “Always Be Ready.” Our dates are July 17-23. All the information that one needs for camp can be found at our website: www.lutherangsbc.blogspot.com. Your registrations will be due by June 30th. Get a registration form under "Links" on the right side of the page, click on "GSBC Downloads". For more info: Email at GSBCmail@gmail.com or call Pastor Warskow at 661-400-3828. LEGO Camp The second session of Lego Camp will be held the week of July 25 – 29th. This camp is focused on bringing Minecraft to life using LEGOS. Designed by the Play-Well instructors, projects include a motorized Creeper, and a motorized Minecart! The session is $140.00 and to register, please go on-line to www.play-well.org or call 602.317.7448 and ask for Jennifer. The Pilgrim’s Progress Page 5 Scrip Gift Cards Did you know that this year's Scrip rebate was for a total of around $650.00? The earnings from the Scrip program was a huge blessing and that money was put into the Pilgrim Scholarship Fund to help those Pilgrim members who are sending their children to Pilgrim Lutheran School! Now because of this, we're thinking about having some Scrip cards on hand again and we would love some feedback from you before we commit to doing this. Here are some questions that we have for all of you. Would you be more interested in purchasing Scrip if the cards were on hand? If so, what are the kind of cards that you would like to see? Please provide any feedback that you may have to either one of the pastors, Laura LaStrange, Gina Roach, or Kirk Gibb. “Tasty Treats” VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Set for July 18-22 The real name of this cooking VBS course is Super-Sized (Monday), Thin & Crispy (Tuesday), Hot & Spicy (Wednesday), Hold the Onions (Thursday), Finger Licking Tasty Treats (Friday). You guessed it! This cooking VBS course is centered on food, from the opening devotions presented just like a TV cooking show where real food is prepared from Bible times, to the printable recipe book the children get to take home. Each day a different main course is offered as we learn truths of God’s Word. We will see Jesus give a super-sized picnic, thin and crispy manna being sent from heaven, a hot drink prepared by Moses as he melted the golden calf for the people to drink, a hold-the-onions day as Martha learns about the one thing needful, and a finger licking lesson as Jesus prepares breakfast for his disciples. Complete cooking VBS instructions and recipes are provided for the opening cooking show devotions. Kids will love it! Sign up online or find forms in the church narthex or school office. VBS is open to children age 3 (potty-trained) through grade 6 (next year). Lots of teen and adult helpers are needed as well. VBS will be held from 9:00-11:30 AM during the week of July 18-22. Spread the word! The Pilgrim’s Progress Page 6 Arizona Lutheran Academy Update 6036 South 27th Avenue (27th Avenue south of Southern) Phoenix, Arizona 85041 www.ALAcoyotes.org 602-268-8686 In Loving Memory Mr. Vic Fenske, a member of Cross of Glory Lutheran Church in Peoria, was a teacher at ALA from 1978-2002. He was one of the very first teachers at ALA. Mr. Fenske passed away in his sleep on June 7, 2016, following a lengthy battle with cancer. He was 76 years old. Please keep Vic's wife, Doris, and the rest of the Fenske family in your prayers. What a beautiful thing to have confidence in the peace of forgiveness and the resurrection in Christ! Summer Camps The ALA Cheerleaders are hosting a Summer Cheer Camp for grade school girls during the last week of July, 2528 from 5-7pm, Grades 3-8, $55. Camp Director: Coach Hannah & Betty assisted by the ALA Varsity Cheerleaders, Located at Arizona Lutheran Academy. Reserve your spot by going to www.alacoyotes.org and look for “summer camps.” For more info: Email info@ALAcoyotes.org or call 602-268-8686 x12. Why Cheer? · Enhances coordination · Improves flexibility · Strengthens and conditions · Teaches Teamwork · Promotes positivity · Make new friends Arizona Lutheran Academy’s Gaining Ground Initiative The construction on the multi-purpose building is progressing pretty much on schedule. It remains our hope that the building will be operational by the beginning of the new school year, and we hope to enjoy the concession stands and new restrooms at the first football game this fall! You will also notice construction beginning no later than June 20 on a cell phone tower located just outside the southeastern side of our track. When completed, this tower will also have lights that will better illumine the southern end of our football field. WELS Day at Chase Field Join WELS individuals from over Arizona as the D-backs take on the Toronto Blue Jays on July 20. The tickets are in the Bleacher section. When: July 20 Game Time: 12:40 pm Ticket cost: $15 Register Deadline: July 1 Parking: Free at Arizona Lutheran Academy ALA TAILGATE at 11:00 am Arizona Lutheran Academy is hosting a free tailgate lunch at the school, parking, and busing to/from the game. Ticket Information: Rev. Aaron Mueller, 520.820.6487. The Pilgrim’s Progress Page 7 Summer Income Stabilization Fund These are donations which will go toward our typical shortage of funds that occurs in the summer, during June, July, and August of 2016. Each spring our goal is to save $25,000 to help us through these leaner months. In the past this approach has assisted Pilgrim in being able to meet all our budgeted expenses. We all know that though Jesus was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor, so that we, through His poverty, might become rich. If you are moved to give by God’s Spirit, please use the special envelope that is available in the church narthex. To date we have received $362. Matching Funds Drive We have recently received a generous donation of $10,000 from the estate of John and Helen Murray. The Council has earmarked this for our higher than usual medical expenses we have incurred this fiscal year, and invite the congregation to join in matching this gift so that by God's grace we can cover all these expenses in full. If you would like to donate, please us the special envelopes available in the entryway, or clearly mark "Pilgrim Medical Expenses" on your gift. To date we have received $240. The Council is encouraging us to reach our matching funds goal by June 30th. Online Giving During Summer Vacations Even Jesus and His disciples took time to rest from all their work. Our prayer is that God will grant you, and yours, rest and relaxation this summer as you plan and take time to recharge and rejuvenate. Remember, however, that your church needs your support, even while you’re away. Continue to pray for Pilgrim and its wellbeing, and as The Holy Spirit moves you, make use of the online giving portion of the www.pilgimmesa.com website. Online giving is a safe and friendly way to support the church and school, even though you may be away for summer vacation. May God bless your summer with joy and happiness! Amazon Smile Pilgrim Lutheran School is on Amazon! If you like to shop at Amazon, go to http://smile.amazon.com/ch/86-0256826 and be sure that Pilgrim is selected as your supporting charity because Amazon will give back 0.5% of all qualified purchases that you make. Also, as an added bonus, make sure that you purchase your Amazon Scrip Card too to use before you pay for your items. Amazon Scrip Card gives an additional 3%. WELS Youth Rally Please keep in your prayers our teens and their chaperones as they prepare to travel to the WELS Youth Rally in Ft. Collins, CO, to be held on the campus of Colorado State University, June 28 to July 1. Thanks to the congregation for all your support in making this trip for our teens possible. Executive Summary 2016 AZ-CA District Convention at the Chaparral Suites, Scottsdale, AZ June 13-15, 2016 The 32nd Biennial Convention of the Arizona-California District, under the theme: “One In Christ,” began with an opening communion service at Grace Lutheran Church in Glendale, Arizona. Pastor David Clark served as the presiding minister and Pastor Matthew Vogt of Water of Life, Las Vegas, Nevada served as the preacher. Pastor Vogt’s sermon, based on John 17:20-26, was themed, “One In Christ.” The offering totaled $1,798.00 and was later designated by the delegates to “The ‘RAS’ Scholarship,” for students of Martin Luther College. The convention was held at Chaparral Suites in Scottsdale, Arizona. One noteworthy change was the move to electronic voting. Despite a slow start due to internet connectivity issues, the electronic voting process was very effective. The delegates elected Pastor Jon Buchholz (reelected as district president); Pastor David Clark (elected as first vice president, formerly second vice president); Pastor Brian Doebler (elected as second vice president); and Pastor Steven Gabb (reelected as district secretary). Other district officers and circuit pastors were also elected by the delegates throughout the course of the convention. After many years of faithful service to the district in a variety of capacities, including two separate turns as the district first vice president, Pastor Steven Degner opted to decline nomination. At the end of the convention, Pastor Degner was recognized for his years of faithful service to the Lord and the district. He and his wife, Susan, were presented with a plaque, a monetary gift, and were thanked by the delegates with a standing ovation. His evangelical demeanor and wise counsel have been a great blessing to the presidium and district for many years. President Buchholz delivered a report in which he celebrated the priceless, God-given blessing that we, as the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, are united by our common faith in Christ. He encouraged the delegates to cherish this gift, as we, enabled and equipped by the Lord, work hard to preserve this unity. President Buchholz gave a number of updates, including the latest figures on recent called worker graduate assignments and our Synod’s called worker vacancies, both of which demonstrate that “the harvests are ripe but the workers are few. ” President Buchholz also informed the delegates with the latest figures of the Synod’s One In Christ offering. Finally, he noted official acts of the district from the past two years. The keynote speaker was Pastor James Hein (St. Marcus, Milwaukee, Wisconsin). His keynote address was entitled, “Ministering to Millennials.” A thoroughly informed presenter and a millennial himself, Pastor Hein shared a plethora of insights and suggestions for connecting this demographic to their Savior. WELS second vice president Pastor Joel Voss addressed the convention and thanked the delegates for their support of the Synod’s work. Various speakers highlighted work being done in the areas of missions, ministerial education, and congregational services in both the synod and our district. Three congregations were welcomed into the district with a round of applause: Christ’s Gospel, Clovis, California; Faith, Fresno, California; and Our Shepherd, Cornville, Arizona. The delegates passed a resolution encouraging the Synod to explore ways to reduce student debt at our synodical schools. Consideration of the WELS Compensation Review Committee’s suggestions was also given by the delegates, some of whom expressed concern over the proposal to eliminate salary raises for called workers after 22 years of service. An additional resolution was adopted to encourage Wisconsin Lutheran College and Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary to expand scholarship offerings for Seminary students interested in studying Mandarin. Delegates enjoyed growth in the Word, work for the church, and social time with fellow Christians. Thank you to all of you who have shown your love and support towards the children of Pilgrim by taking a few extra minutes of your own personal life by bringing the following items to Pilgrim so that they can turn into fundraising dollars! You’ve already purchased these items, so there’s not any extra cost associated. You will just need to bring these to Pilgrim! Aluminum Cans: By bringing your aluminum cans, these turn into fundraising dollars to help the ChrisTeens’ group with their yearly youth rally travel expenses. Total raised in this current fiscal year totals $115.00. Box Tops for Education: You can find these on all sorts of grocery items, such as General Mills Cereals, Ziploc bags, Hefty trash bags, Green Giant vegetables, and many others (www.BTFE.com). So, before you throw out your cereal box, make sure your tear or cut off the Box Top! Total raise in this current fiscal year totals $398.00. Shoparoo: Shoparoo is an app that is installed onto your smart phone or tablet. With the app, you just take a picture of your receipt from the grocery store, restaurant, pharmacy, pet store, or wherever you purchase your items. Once your receipt is recorded, your receipt turns into points, then the points turn into fundraising dollars. If you don’t have the necessary item available to download the app, simply turn your receipts into Pilgrim (there’s a box labeled as Shoparoo located in the narthex that you can drop your receipts into). Total points raised to date is 93,235, which equals $186.47. The goal is 100,000 points earned on or before July 31, 2016. Pilgrim should be expecting this check in either August or September. Visit www.shoparoo.com to learn more and to download the app! Coca-Cola Products: On every 2-liter or 20 oz bottle cap, there’s a code, along with a code located inside a 12-pack or a case of Dasani Water. Bring these codes in and the codes will earn points. The points will then turn into cash for Pilgrim School. Or, you can also create your own account at www.mycokerewards.com and donate your points to Pilgrim as well. Total raised this current fiscal year is $15.36. Scrip Gift Cards: Start thinking about paying for your purchases in a different way. Instead of using your debit/credit card, use a Scrip Gift Card instead! Each Scrip Card you purchase earns a percentage back to Pilgrim of the total amount that is purchased. For instance, let’s say you buy a $50 Safeway gift card, the full $50.00 that you bought, you can spend every penny of that $50.00. That $50.00 is yours to keep! It’s Safeway that will then give 4% or $2.00 of that $50.00 back to Pilgrim and ALA. You can start ordering your cards not for only Safeway, but hundreds of other retailers, by going to www.shopwithscrip.com. You will need to have ALA’s school code though before you go. Their code is: 99C4D2751263. Total raised this fiscal year with the Scrip program is $645.00. Fry’s Community Partners Program: Enroll your Fry’s VIP Card at www.frysfood.com. Once you’re there, click on the Community pull-down link, then select Community Rewards from the options. This will bring up another page and then select the ENROLL NOW button towards the bottom of the page. As a side note, Albertson’s discontinued their community partners’ program back on December 31, 2015. Total raised this fiscal year between both Fry’s and Albertson’s is $415.57. Thrivent Choice Dollars: If you’re a Thrivent member, Thrivent will give you dollars that you can donate back to Pilgrim once or twice a year. Make sure you keep your ears open as to when those donation times are so that you may be able to do so. For all of the Thrivent Choice dollars donated, those dollars go into the Pilgrim Scholarship Fund to help Pilgrim members who have decided to send their child(ren) to Pilgrim Lutheran School. The total raised from this so far this fiscal year is $5026.00. Amazon: Pilgrim just recently signed up with www.smile.amazon.com, so there isn’t any dollar amount to report as of yet. However, if you do like to shop at Amazon, make sure that you go to the preceding link to show your support for Pilgrim! The two different web addresses are the exact same Amazon; the “smile” address just gives back! Target Debit/Credit Cards: Thank you to those who have had their Target card linked to Pilgrim School! Target discontinued this program on May 14, 2016. The total raised from this program for this fiscal year is $194.04. Paper & Cardboard: We all get junk mail! Don’t just throw away your paper and mail, bring it to Pilgrim and place it in the paper recycling bin at the west end of the parking lot. We haven’t received a fundraising check yet this fiscal year. We are following up with the company to see when that will be.