The Pilgrim Messenger - Pilgrim Baptist Church
The Pilgrim Messenger - Pilgrim Baptist Church
A Publication of the Pilgrim Baptist Church—Rockford, Illinois The Pilgrim Messenger March-April, 2014 Volume VIII, Issue 12 PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH 1703 S. Central Avenue Rockford, IL 61102 815-968-4449 MINISTERIAL TEAM Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Board, Senior Pastor Minister Ernest Evans Rev. R. Brady Johnson Minister Sharon M. Olson Minister Willie Reed Minister Carl L. Towns “A Church inspired by the Word and Empowered by the Holy Spirit.” ALL ARE WELCOME! WEEKLY WORSHIP Tuesday: 9:30 am - Bible Study Wednesday: 12:00 Noon - Bible Study 6:00 pm - Prayer Service 6:30 pm - Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm - Youth Bible Study Sunday: 9:00 am - Sunday School 10:30 am - Worship Service 10:30 am: Children’s Church for ages 6-12 except each first Sunday for Communion INSIDE Events & Announcements Birthdays & Anniversaries Thanks from Mrs. Due Jayden’s Award New Ushers Ministry Training Ushers Annual Day Black History Month Transform Rockford Pastor at MLK Event 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 We are gearing up for Pilgrim’s Pilgrimage to the Holy Land from November 1 through 10. Israel has been the focal point of God’s people for thousands of years, and every Christ follower knows the historical, spiritual, and emotional importance of this amazing place. It is the will of all believers to walk and live as Jesus did. What would it be like to literally walk where Jesus walked and live a few moments where He lived? We are inviting Pilgrim members, family, and friends as well as other local Clergy leaders, members, family, and friends to prayerfully consider accompanying us as we experience Israel from November 1 through 10, 2014. Some of the places on our itinerary will include the birthplace of Jesus; the Garden of Gethsemane; the Garden Tomb where Jesus was laid; the Upper Room; the Sea of Galilee where our Lord stilled the waters; and much more! Our total of 45 reservations will be accepted on a first-come, firstserved basis, and sign-ups are now in progress. Complete information can be found on Pilgrim’s Website under “Events”: Negotiated accommodations are all at selected Five-Star Hotels. The complete information on Pilgrim’s Website includes such topics as payment, including deposits and what is covered in the total price; typical November weather; travel safety; amount of physical activity, such as walking; and a dayby-day itinerary of travel, lodging, meals, tours, and other activities We pray that you and/or your family can join us. God Bless! Pastor Kenneth R. Board Our 2014 Israel Tour Coordinators: Leonard Tolbert, Jr. Joy Tolbert For more information or to sign up, please visit our Website,, under the “Events” section; or Pilgrim members and visitors may see Bro. Leonard or Sis. Joy after Sunday worship service. You may also contact the church at 815-968-4449 or PASTOR BOARD’S HOLY LAND TOUR - 2009 In May, 2009, Pastor Board was one of 20 nation-wide ministers who toured the Holy Land to retrace the footsteps of Jesus. Their many experiences included crossing the Sea of Galilee and rededication of baptism and conversion in the Jordan River. VISION STATEMENT The vision of the Pilgrim Baptist Church is the fulfillment of God’s promise of salvation through the belief in the Ministry of Jesus Christ and the empowerment of excellence in all people through Christian education and community activism. Page 2 The Pilgrim Messenger March-April, 2014 SPECIAL EVENTS & INFORMATION PILGRIM OFFICE STAFF Office Manager Mrs. Beverly Owens Phone: 815-968-4449 Fax: 815-968-2603 Administrative Assistant Mrs. Lorraine Wilson 815-968-4449 NEWSLETTER TEAM Senior Editor/Advisor Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Board Senior Pastor of Pilgrim Editor and Producer Mrs. Helen Ware 815-877-6593 Associate Editor/ Publisher Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30 a.m. / Communion each First Sunday MARCH, 2014 05 08 09 09 18 19 12 13 13 17 18 20 Sat. Sun. Sun. Thur. Fri. Sun. 24 Thur. (All are Birthdays unless Labeled Otherwise) Photography Copies of our newsletter are archived on Pilgrim’s Web site: CONGRATULATIONS to Jayden Lamb Leaders Council Training Session for PBC Ministries, 9 am-Noon Palm Sunday Worship Service, 10:30 am Kantorei Concert at Pilgrim, 4:30 pm Annual Maundy Thursday Feast at Pilgrim, 6:00 pm Church closed for Good Friday Easter (Resurrection) Sunday: Youth Easter Program, 9:00 am / Worship Service, 10:00 am Pilgrim at Progressive Baptist Church, 7:00 pm (Pastoral Anniversary) BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES MARCH, 2014 Mrs. Helen Ware and Contributing Photographers Mrs. Jacquelyn Tenard Ash Wednesday Health Screening at Pilgrim, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Daylight Savings Time Begins (Turn Clocks Ahead One Hour) Pilgrim to Allen Chapel at 4:00 pm-Annual Ushers Day (Pastor & Choir) General Primary Election Day Presentation by Dr. Sharon Woolwine, 6:00 pm, about the Murrow Indian Children’s Home APRIL, 2014 Mrs. Beverly Owens 815-968-4449 Proofreader Wed. Sat. Sun. Sun. Tue. Wed. 01 02 03 11 13 15 16 16 26 29 30 APRIL, 2014 Tracey Iverson Grace Elliot Patrick Cook Akeyla Evans Vera Forte Deloras Ransom Leonard & Dorothy Tolbert 42nd Wedding Anniv. Jacqueline Prymer Sataria Angel Foster Shawndolyn Smith De’Vonte Sims 08 09 12 17 18 20 20 22 24 27 27 29 Janet Mitchell Crystal Tolbert Mary Ish Carter Leonard, Jr. & Joy Tolbert Wedding Anniversary Greta Foster Clara Anthony Nan Mynatt Albara Morris Matti Chappel Minister Carl L. Towns Vivette Hall Giovanni Van NOTICE “The Pilgrim Messenger” will now be published every other month: January, March, May, July, September, and November. . . . who was presented with an award “In Recognition of classroom helper at White Swan School, 2013-2014.” Jayden also received a letter from the Principal inviting him to a special lunch. Jayden’s family, headed by Mr. and Mrs. Parnell and Shawndolyn Smith, and his Pilgrim family are all very proud of him. Keep up the good work, Jayden! THANK YOU! From Mrs. Nanelle Due Mrs. Due was surprised with a belated 89th birthday party on Sunday afternoon, January 19, planned by Mr. and Mrs. Mitch & Matti Chappel. She was truly surprised by many of her friends and Pilgrim family members. Mrs. Due extends her heartfelt thanks to all for their attendance, cards, cards, gifts, and well-wishes! Welcome to our Newest Pilgrim Ushers! Four newer members found their ministry niche by joining the Senior Ushers! Left to Right: Sataria Angel Foster; Michael Jones; Roy Purifoy; Dorothy Tolbert March-April, 2014 The Pilgrim Messenger Page 3 Pilgrim Training Seminar - Saturday, January 25, 2014 By Minister Sharon Olson On Saturday, January 25, over 50 Pilgrim ministry leaders and members participated in the training session, “How to Become a Kingdom-Minded Church,” led by Dr. Rodney Smothers, Senior Pastor of St. Paul at Oxon Hill Church in Maryland. Dr. Smothers led a very engaging and challenging seminar in which he talked about the changing world outside of the church and how the church needs to turn its focus outward. During the morning session, Pilgrim members mapped their spiritual leadership levels. Dr. Smothers drove home the point that being a church member is not necessarily the same thing as being a disciple of Christ. He challenged members to exchange the mentality of merely attending church events for one that participates in God’s Kingdom by meeting the needs of others. After lunch, Dr. Smothers divided members into small groups to brainstorm ways in which we could meet the needs of different age groups, from infants to seniors. Members were encouraged to think “outside the box” for ways to address people’s needs. It was encouraging to see the entire group enthusiastically participating in this envisioning exercise and presenting a wide variety of creative ideas to the group as a whole. Minister Sharon Olson Dr. Rodney Smothers Dr. Smothers’ training is only a start. Pilgrim will be working to align its various ministries to work together in a more focused manner. To that end, the Leadership Council has scheduled a follow-up training session on Saturday, April12, to begin envisioning how to work toward our goal of “Meeting Needs, Sharing Christ.” BLACK HISTORY MONTH For the past 11 years, the Pilgrim Ushers Ministry has been faithfully led by Greta Foster. Prior to their Annual Day celebration on Sunday, February 23, Greta Foster passed the “white-gloves” baton to Shirley Aliprandi as President. At left, Shirley and Greta (R) take time for a warm embrace! Special guests for the 4:00 p.m. celebration were Rev. Bennie Reed, Pastor of True Vine Baptist Church, Rockford, along with choir and members. Pastor Reed delivered the message. Other special guests were members of the Rockford & Freeport Ushers Council who represent 18 churches in the Rockford and Freeport areas. In addition to their ever-faithful service, Pilgrim’s Senior Ushers do a wonderful job of mentoring the youth who form the Junior Ushers. A fellowship reception followed the 4:00 p.m. worship service. February is Black History Month. Each Sunday in February this year, Pilgrim’s Special Projects Ministry created and delivered a special presentation during morning worship. Staci Wright narrated a history of hymns (Negro Spirituals) sung by slaves relating to messages for escape via the Underground Railroad and as a source of strength! Matti Chappel sang one of the hymns! Pilgrim was one of several early Black churches in Rockford recognized during Black History Month at the Ethnic Heritage Museum in Rockford. Also recognized were the pastors of those churches, with the late Rev. Dr. E.H.E. Gilbert honored for Pilgrim. Page 4 The Pilgrim Messenger March-April, 2014 Pilgrim’s Ministry Focus for 2014: “Meeting Needs, Sharing Christ” (Acts 2:42-47) Visioning Session at Pilgrim - February 15, 2014 Pilgrim was host to the Transform Rockford team and the community from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Saturday, February 15. Deacon Oliver Emerson served as coordinator for Pilgrim with Mrs. Patricia Fricks as co-coordinator. Pastor Kenneth R. Board is one of the 16 Transform Rockford Steering Committee members. These community leaders developed the “Case for Change” and agreed to accept the “challenge to dramatically improve the social and economic conditions of our region and its residents through a structured and inclusive process where all ideas will be heard and given weight for the betterment of our community.” Ideas are shared by diverse community members through meetings called “Visioning Sessions,” which are the second phase of the six-part Transformation Process. Meetings are held at various community places. Moderator Complete Information? Go to Join the Conversations! Break-outs Sharing Ideas Overview A celebration of the life and legacy of the late Dr. Martin Luther King was held on Monday evening, January 20, at the Boys and Girls Club of Freeport (Illinois) and Stephenson County. Keynote speaker for this event was Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Board, Pastor of Pilgrim Baptist Church, Rockford, Illinois, who spoke on the topic, “Strength to Love.” An article in The Journal Standard of Freeport quoted Pastor Board as saying: “This is all about the strength and love of what Dr. King preached, and it’s a Godly love. My message is about the love of service and for one to follow the will of God. I want to convey to young people to sacrifice today’s pleasures for a future with God. People need to sacrifice for future blessings.” Photo used with permission of The Journal-Standard, Freeport, IL Pilgrim Baptist Church / 1703 South Central Avenue—Rockford, IL 61102 Office Phone: 815-968-4449 / Fax: 815-968-2603 / Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Board, Senior Pastor
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