June 2015 - Pilgrim Church of Sherborn
June 2015 - Pilgrim Church of Sherborn
From the Pastor... June 2015 S PECIAL P OINTS I NTEREST "...endurance produces character, and character produces hope." --Romans 5:4 “…don’t ask, What do I want from life? ... ask a different set of questions: What does life want from me? What are my circumstances calling me to do? In this scheme of things we don’t create our lives; we are summoned by life.” --David Brooks, “The Road to Character” One of the things I love about summer worship at Pilgrim Church is it gives us the chance to think more deeply, thoughtfully, and intentionally about one faith topic or idea. For the ten weeks, from mid-June to late August, I always pick a summer sermon theme for our 9 am worship, something to collectively consider for these quieter Sabbaths. This summer we'll take our cue from a recently published book, "The Road to Character", by New York Times columnist and author David Brooks. In this compelling, accessible and interesting book, Brooks talks about human character: personal and communal. He argues that a truly good life is not just found in what we possess or achieve but more important, a good life is about the quality of how we live. The best life is not just about mastering the world but also about mastering ourselves and how we relate to and with the folks we inhabit planet earth. Brooks is writing “public theology”, unlike any other popular writer I've ever read. He identifies ten virtues which for him mark the road to character and takes these from the lives of various historic figures, folks from Dwight Eisenhower, to Catholic social activist Dorothy Day, to Saint Augustine and civil rights leader Bayard Rustin. For ten Sundays, June 14th to August 23, I’ll identify ten faith based virtues for us to consider as we walk together as Christians on the lifelong road to character. I won’t say yet what I think the virtues are…you’ll just have to come on Sundays! What virtues do you think mark and make for a good God informed life? Think on it. Pray on it. I encourage you to buy the book and read it this summer: with a friend or spouse or child, on the train or on the beach. Give it as a graduation gift. Come to a class on the book I’ll lead at the Sherborn Library on Wednesday, August 5th at 7:30 pm. The library is also securing extra copies for lending. What might it mean to live a good life? A life of character? See you this summer! Peace, Pastor John • • • • • • • OF Cape Cod is Calling You!, pg. 2 Scholarship Offering, pg. 4 PMC Pilgrims Ride Again, pg. 4 Pine Street Inn, pg. 4 8th Annual Golf Extravaganza, pg. 5 Summer Schedule, pg. 6 2016 Adult Mission Trip, pg. 10 I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : M ODERATOR ’ S M SG . 2 D EACON ’ S C ORNER 3 C HRISTIAN E D 7 SHYG 8 MSYG 8 M ISSIONS 9 P AGE 2 P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER O NE OF THE P IECES … BY CAROLE MARPLE, MODERATOR May. June. June? How did it get to be June already? May was Confirmation. Mothers’ Day. Family Promise. New Member Sunday. Salvation Army. Now June beckons... Youth Sunday and a celebration of the senior high work campers. The change to 9:00 am worship time. Pastor John’s summer sermons. (Hint: read The Road to Character by David Brooks.) Graduations. The Golf Tournament. School lets out. From the busiest time of year we transition to the slower (please, God) days of summer. Outdoor time. Playing in the dirt. Reading in the shade. Fresh tomatoes—real tomatoes, not the plastic winter ones. Sunshine by ocean or lake. Picking your own berries. Bare feet in the grass. Slow time with children, grandchildren. Oh, the joys of summer. Time to reconnect… with nature, with each other, with God. Parish Board slows down in the summer, too. But much continues on… Property Trustees. The Memorial Garden. Missions. Deacons’ work. And many of us will be working on our first All Church Fair in many years. Saturday, November 7th. We need everyone! Please consider how you might participate… Donate to the silent auction or the Gourmet Pantry. Attend a workshop to help create something. Think about The Big Cheese. Children’s games. Fair Dinner. Plant Table. Crafts. Jewelry. And more. and more. Don’t miss out—get in on the fun! Maybe you have a talent for PR or staging or leading a workshop. We need you! I pray you all have a good summer—with meaningful work and time… time to slow down… time to relax… time to reconnect. Cape Cod is Calling You!!! to attend our Annual “All Church” Retreat September 25 – 27, 2015 (Friday dinner through Sunday lunch) at The Craigville Conference Center on Cape Cod This is a relaxing weekend full of fun and fellowship for our entire church family…kids, seniors, singles, couples and families. Share meals, sing songs, play games, have group discussions, do arts and crafts, participate in mission projects, walk on the beach, fly kites, visit the penny candy store, laugh at the talent show, share evening vespers, communion and worship. Costs for the entire weekend: $ 170 per adult, $ 70 per youth (age 6 through high school) Kids under 6 are free Includes: 2 nights lodging, all meals, use of the conference center facilities including Craigville Beach Prime lodging facilities overlooking the ocean Everyone has a private room and bath Reserve your space now! Questions? Contact Paul Maguire; 508-907-4842, pmmaguire@rcn.com P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER P AGE 3 D EACONS ’ C ORNER … BY DONNA HOSMER A recent letter from my closest high school friend suggested that we get together more often so we could walk down memory lane. As I pondered this and as the warmer weather promised the advent of summer, I thought about the many experiences we had that were a connection to our faith. Each summer we vacationed with our families and three other families while cruising the waters of Cape Cod and the islands. While we took complete advantage of water sports, Lynne and I always looked for a church to attend. We enjoyed participating in services that differed from the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church of which we were members. While we were the only ones that attended services, the entire group frequently found wonderful church suppers. The food was delicious (worth far more than charged) and the company was always welcoming. Back at home we taught Vacation Bible School and attended Bible camp. We welcomed Lutheran Youth Caravaners into our church, youth group and homes as they traveled the country. I am sure that there will be many more memories when Lynne and I get together. One thing I know for sure, all of these experiences in which we participated helped set the foundation for my faith journey. I hope that one day my children and grandchildren (with whom I am fortunate to attend Pilgrim Church) will have similar memories to look back on with fondness. In preparation for worship Memorial Day weekend, Pastor John asked folks to say what spiritual advice they would most like to pass on to the next generation, in memory and hope. Sixty folks weighed in at Bible Study and on Facebook. The above "word cloud" reflects these sentiments, with words mentioned most often in larger type. P AGE 4 P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER PMC P ILGRIMS R IDE A GAIN ! BY PASTOR JOHN HUDSON A special offering will be taken on Youth Sunday, June 7, for the Pilgrim Church Service Scholarship Fund. Two scholarships are awarded annually to a male and female student who are entering into their college education and who have been actively involved in Pilgrim Church or the Pilgrim Church Youth Group and demonstrate an outstanding record of service to church and/or community. The women's scholarship is now named the "Dorothy M. Quinn Service Scholarship" in memory of Dorothy Quinn. After thoughtful consideration, we were able to increase the amount of the scholarships to $1250, with faith that with continued support we will be able to sustain this increase. We hope that you will prayerfully consider supporting the outstanding youth of our church and the many worthwhile service opportunities they take part in, with the intent that the recipients will take this culture of service with them as they pursue their higher education! Offering envelopes will be available in church on Youth Sunday, and donations will be accepted anytime. Come on Youth Sunday, June 7 and find out who this year’s scholarship recipients are! Our PMC Pilgrim Church Team is in full training mode as we all prepare for our bicycle trek to defeat cancer, this August 1st and 2nd. Pictured above on a recent team ride are (l to r) Dave Boyles, Eric Dragsbaek, Don Spongberg and Steve Solomon. The rest of the team includes Matt Beaudet, Brooks Zug, Bob Searle, Owen Searle, Jennifer Searle, Jeff Moore and Pastor John Hudson. We will be dedicated and consecrated as a team in worship on Sunday, July 26th. Please keep us all in your prayers and if you see us cycling around town wave "hello!". We ride for a cure. We ride in witness to those angels and friends and family among us who have died from cancer and those still facing the struggle. We ride as active friends in faith, with God riding bike #1. RIDE ON! Pine Street Inn Sunday, June 27 Sign-up in Fellowship Hall on Sunday or contact Sarah O’Connell at sajwight@gmail.com or 508-545-1544 We will meet at the church on the 27th at 3:30pm and carpool to Pine Street Inn to serve dinner at the women’s shelter. We will arrive back to the church around 7:00pm. P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER P AGE 5 F INANCE C ORNER , J UNE 2015 BY BART MORSE DID YOU KNOW? When you donate appreciated stock, in most cases, you don’t have to pay capital gains tax. (And, the cash doesn’t come out of your checkbook). The value of the stock when it is transferred is your charitable donation deduction. Many families do this already and it’s easy – just have your broker transfer the donated stock to Pilgrim Church’s account at Fidelity. Just call José Muri (508-655-1667) for the account number and routing number. That’s it! to our 2015 Confirmation Class Peter Barnard, Emily Batchelor, Meredith Borden, Caroline Buehler, Brooks Burt, Maddy Charity, Will Easley, Eli Gallant, Laura Maher, Brian May, Abby Niles, Mitch Reinhart, Reed Risinger, Scott Sirri, Cece Twining, Brooks Walsh. Welcome the to Pilgrim Church Family! O UR M INISTRIES - A RE YOU AVAILABLE TO LEAD THE WAY ? BY JANET WALSH 8 TH A NNUAL P ILGRIM C HURCH G OLF E XTRAVAGANZA ! Sunday, June 14, 1:30 pm Hearts To Hands – Knit, crochet, or purchase baby blankets, sweater, caps, etc. for donating to causes around the world. You don’t need to be a knitter, you just have to believe in how special this ministry is, and be willing to make it happen next May! Lots of great advice awaits you from those who have run it for many years. The Men’s Group – Are you interested in helping organize a Men’s Group of Pilgrim Church? Would you be willing to lead the charge for coffee hour once or twice a year on behalf of the guys of Pilgrim Church? This could be as little or as much of a job as you choose. Please reach out if you would like to lead either of these ministries, or if you would like to help with any others, and I will help connect you with those that serve on them! Sassamon Trace Golf Club, Rt. 27, Natick Nine holes of fun and fellowship! Who: for men and women of all skill levels (youth/teens are welcome to play!) Cost: $26 includes a cart To join please send a check for the full amount by June 7 to: Charles Blaney, 11 Hollis St., Sherborn, MA Please arrive at Sassamon by 1:00 pm on the 14th! Questions, please email or call Charles Blaney: 653-2375/charlieb@alum.mit.edu Sign-Up Today! P AGE 6 P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER Summer At Pilgrim Church Schedules and Notes Summer office hours: Beginning on June 16, the office will be open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Tuesday through Thursday. There will be a volunteer in the office from 9:00 AM to noon on José’s vacation days. If you would like to be an office volunteer please call or email José at 508-655-1667 or admin@pilgrimsherborn.org. From Pastor John: I will be in and out of town for the summer. My time away will include a visit to Minneapolis, a writing class in Vermont, time on Nantucket, a church camp in Connecticut and of course, I’ll be on my bike in preparation for the Pan Mass Challenge with the Pilgrim Church team. May we all refill our spiritual hearts and souls and minds in the coming months. Pastoral Care coverage: when I am away coverage will be provided by Pilgrim Church members Tom Hunt, Liz Williams, and area pastors. Summer Worship: 9 am worship begins on June 14th and continues through Labor Day weekend. Filling in the pulpit for three Sundays will be some amazing and gifted preachers including our own Liz Williams, a recent graduate of Andover Newton Theological School and candidate for ordination in the United Church of Christ. She will bring the Word on August 2nd. Summer Worship Childcare: The nursery is available for those children ages three and under. All children over the age of three are to remain in the sanctuary for our summer worship service. Please consider being an office volunteer this summer. The office needs to be covered from 9:00 am to noon, Tuesdays through Thursdays, during my vacation weeks. Teenagers are welcome to volunteer and earn community service! If you would be able to help out this summer, please contact José, at 508-655-1667, or admin@pilgrimsherborn.org. Thanks so much! S UMMER W ORSHIP S ERVICES Summer is fast approaching and the Deacons are inviting families or small groups of people to serve as hosts for our 9:00am summer services beginning Sunday, June 14th and running through September 6. Summer Sunday worship at Pilgrim Church is simple, casual and peaceful. Hosting a summer service is a wonderful and unique way for families and friends to actively participate in worship together. Deacons are on hand at each service to support and guide you before, during and after worship. Families or friends who would like to serve as hosts are asked to bring flowers for the altar (a simple bouquet from the garden is especially appreciated), welcome people as they arrive, assist the Deacons with ushering duties, serve as Lay Leader, provide light refreshment (a pitcher or two of lemonade and a small goodie) for socializing on the patio after the service. More than one family or a group of friends are welcome to sign-up together. Many Pilgrim members and friends make it a tradition to serve at a Summer Service - please join us! Select a Sunday and sign up during coffee hour in Fellowship Hall or contact Donna Hosmer at dhosmer42@comcast.net. P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER P AGE 7 Christian Education BY COREY LINCOLN AND JANE RAITHEL Y OUTH S UNDAY ON J UNE 7, 10 AM WORSHIP Youth ministry is one of the most vibrant aspects of church life here at Pilgrim. Nursery care, church school, senior high fellowship, junior deacons, acolytes, middle school youth group, confirmation, senior high work camp, human sexuality education; the list goes on and on. So many rich opportunities for our young ones to nurture their inner moral compass as God’s compassionate people. It happens every week at Pilgrim Church. Come celebrate all the givers and gifts of this special ministry on Youth Sunday, June 7, 10am worship. If you are a church school student – come. If you are a fellowship participant – come. If you teach, mentor, chaperone or otherwise serve in any of our youth ministries – come. Really, if you’re a child of any age (one to one hundred!) – just come. And afterward come downstairs for a Pancake Reception featuring a special media presentation of the Senior High Youth Group’s April 2015 work camp in New Orleans. Not to be missed. B E THE MOST POPULAR PERSON IN C HURCH S CHOOL We are looking for a volunteer to fill the position of Church School Friend (the famous donut person!) for Session 2 – October 25 through December 6, no November 29 -- of the 2015-16 program year. You’ll pick up the munchkins from DD (conveniently next door to the church), deliver them to church school classrooms along with a pitcher of water, and clean up snack debris after students are excused. Once in a while, you might be asked to do some small task like photocopying. This is a good opportunity for someone new to Pilgrim Church to see our church school program from the inside. Let us know as soon as possible at ce@pilgrimsherborn.org to volunteer today. Thanks. 8 TH GRADERS IN 2015-16 PROGRAM YEAR Detailed information will be sent to all incoming eighth grade student families in late June about the special programs for their eighth grader on Sunday nights throughout the coming 2015-2016 program year. Human Sexuality from a Christian Perspective orientation and classes will meet 6:30-8:30pm on Sundays from September 11 through November 22. Confirmation orientation and classes will meet 6:00-8:00pm on Sundays from January 10 through Confirmation Sunday on May 1. Consistent attendance is an important component of participation. Please mark your calendars now. S UMMER WORSHIP FOR CHILDREN As our summer schedule begins on June 14, we would like to remind you of our summer childcare policy. The nursery is available for all children ages three and under. Children ages four and older stay with their families in the sanctuary for the entire service. Summer worship services are informal, short, and overall family-friendly. Thank you for your cooperation. Thank you… ….Brad Kohl for patiently and skillfully leading the Cherub Choir. ….Donna Henry for enthusiastically and professionally introducing church music to the Junior Choir. ….CE committee: Diana Beaudet, MariAnne Bloecher, Doreen Brooks, Nick Grant, Lindsey Hancock, Dale Kohl, Greta Kohl and Addie Mae Weiss for their leadership and wise counsel. ….the countless volunteers whose generous contribution of time, talent and treasure makes the educational ministry of Pilgrim Church possible.. …Confirmand/mentor teams who helped refurbish the downstairs classrooms – Eli Gallant/Rick Stone for assembling new furniture, Cece Twining/Susie Burt for installing wall art, and Scott Sirri/Jim Byrnes for refinishing a cabinet. P AGE 8 P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER M IDDLE S CHOOL Y OUTH G ROUP BY JOAN WHITMAN There has been a lot going on for the SHYG members. The work camp trip to New Orleans last month was wonderful. A few of the highlights were working to restore a small church in an area that had been devastated by Hurricane Katrina, worshipping at a Catholic jazz service in the French Quarter, observing alligators on a swamp tour and dancing to Cajun Zydeco music. We hope you will join SHYG during coffee hour on Youth Sunday to see the slide show of the trip! SHYG wants to express their gratitude to the wonderful advisors who were on the trip - Kathy Somerville, Lisa Cross, Eve Smith, Kirk Dragsbaek, Eric Brooks, Matt Fontaine and Anna Williams. SHYG also had their Senior Banquet where we bid farewell to the graduating seniors. The parents of the Juniors hosted the event. They had a New Orleans theme and decorated with Mardi Gras beads and masks and served a delicious jambalaya! This week was the end of the year SHYG BBQ hosted by Eve and Steve Smith. We are grateful for the Smith's wonderful hospitality! We played an ice breaker game, ate lots of burgers and heard all about prom night! It has been a wonderful year with SHYG, and I look forward to what is in store for next year! What do you get when a bunch of adults and a whole lot of middle school kids get together to play the wonderful game of Apples to Apples? You get some pretty crazy answers (Grace, how do you know that cow-pies are "spicy"?) and you get a room full of infectious laughter. That's exactly what happened at the Middle School Youth Group's annual Apples to Apples Party in Fellowship Hall the other night. How I love watching the kids and adults interacting with each other and hear the laughter coming from all ages! The love note that I handed out at the end of our party is a quote by Frances H. Burnett - "It is astonishing how short a time it takes for very wonderful things to happen." Earlier in the day, when I chose those words, I just knew that wonderful things would happen that night. This past year has been full of wonderful things happening in very short periods of time. The kids of MSYG have done an extraordinary number of things to bring joy and hope to others. How I love being the Middle School Youth Group leader! I am so proud of our program and our kids and the messages that they send throughout the year. I am especially proud of Amanda Borden and Nelson Everts for being the recipients of the Carol Leitch Book Award that we present each year to two members of MSYG for outstanding service to others. I am so grateful for all of our awesome kids, for their parents who support us in so many ways, for Faith Carlson who makes sure we are fed at every meeting, and for Eric Brooks and Lynn Jameson who share this extraordinary experience and group of kids with me. P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER P AGE 9 S ALVATION A RMY D INNER BY DAN MARPLE THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! Special thanks & appreciation to all the Pilgrim Church volunteers who helped deliver, prepare, & serve casseroles, salad, & dessert at the Salvation Army facility in Framingham on May 27. John Hudson Sally Tipton Sue Anderson Charlotte Davidson the Risinger family Heidi Dostoomian Katie LaBonte Laura Eiman Amelia Walsh Heather Dragsbaek Jennifer Searle the Geary family Nan Theberge Ruth Stewart Rick Stone Tom Hunt Joan Whitman Susie Burt Megan Hall the Moore family Rosemary Sortor Annemarie Bowen Jacque Lewis Peter Liffiton Carol Ann Oliver David & Marti Boyles Jane Vaughn Maddy Berkowitz Eve Smith the Young family Denise Towne the Gallant family Thank you all very much for your help & support. It was very much appreciated & was truly “Faith in Action”! Our next Pilgrim Church Salvation Army “Miracle Kitchen Dinner” is scheduled for Wednesday, August 26, 2015. M OTHER ’ S D AY B ABY B LANKETS AND S WEATERS BY DONNA HOSMER Many thanks for the amazing support for our Mother's Day mission project. Blankets, sweaters, hats, scarves and slippers have been sent off and will be keeping children and some adults warmer. Thanks to Natalie Barlow, Charlie Williams and José Muri for their invaluable help. Winnie Williams, Barbara Ambos and Donna Hosmer Heart and Hands Committee T HE A BUNDANT T ABLE BY AMELIA WALSH AND DONNA MOORE It happens every summer - too many veggies from our gardens! A surplus abundance what to do? Bring them to Pilgrim Church on summer Sundays and drop them off in the large, well marked "Veggie Drop-Off" basket in the kitchen. Each week Amelia Walsh and Donna Moore alternate delivering this fresh produce to A Place to Turn food pantry in Natick, where it quickly goes to feed people who need it. Everyone deserves an abundant, healthy table! As Christians, lets help make this happen!!!! P AGE 10 P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER A P OSSIBLE W INTER 2016 A DULT M ISSION T RIP TO C UBA ! BY PASTOR JOHN F. HUDSON Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. --Matthew 5:9 What would it be like to travel to one of our closest neighbors but a place which has been largely sealed off from much of the rest world for more than fifty years? What would it be like to be peacemakers, to visit with fellow Christians and learn about their life on this island nation? What would it be like to be immersed in a brand new culture and experience God in a very foreign land? In the months ahead I will be working with other Pilgrim Church folk to see if we can find a host program in Cuba to give us entrée and a way into our neighbors to the south. The door is now opening to Cuba—what would it be like to be among the first to go? Pray on it and let Pastor John know if you might be interested. The hope is to go for a week in late February/early March 2016. Look for more information in the fall. SHERBORN BOY SCOUTS TROOP 1 BY AMY DAVIDSON Well, the boy scouts have wrapped up another successful year! They conclude with a Court of Honor for all scouts on June 9th. We will also hold an Eagle Court of Honor to celebrate the dedication, leadership, and accomplishments of Scott Ambos and Brendan Webb. Please join us for this special celebration on Sunday, June 14th at 4:30 at Pilgrim Church! Lastly, the scouts have two exciting adventures to look forward to this summer: During the week of July 11-23 a group of older scouts will be hiking at the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, and from July 19-24 many of the younger scouts will be attending Camp Resolute in Bolton, MA. From all of us in Troop 1, we wish you a happy and relaxing summer! Troop Meetings: Sundays, 7 pm – 8:15 pm, Pilgrim Church Troop Committee Meetings: Second Monday of the month, 7:30, Pilgrim Church Scoutmaster: Mike Donovan 508-785-2308 Chair: Jeff Waldron 508-653-4399 Parish Board Rep.: Charlie Williams P AGE 11 www.pilgrimsherborn.org P ILGRIM C HURCH N EWSLETTER . 25 South Main St. P.O. Box 322 Sherborn, MA 01770 Phone: 508-655-1667 Fax: 508-655-7997 E-mail: admin@pilgrimsherborn.org WE’RE ON THE WEB WWW.PILGRIMSHERBORN.ORG Massachusetts Conference Website www.macucc.org United Church of Christ Website www.ucc.org Joséfine Muri, Church Administrator admin@pilgrimsherborn.org For Pastor John’s column in the DS Press: Reverend John F. Hudson Senior Pastor pastorjohn@pilgrimsherborn.org www.townonline.com/dover/news/lifestyle Pilg r im Churc h Newsletter Janet Walsh, Congregational Ministry dcm@pilgrimsherborn.org David Tiedman, Music davetiedman@pilgrimsherborn.org Diane Anderson, Senior High Youth Group pilgrimshyg@gmail.com Joan Whitman, Middle School Youth Group msyg@pilgrimsherborn.org Dale Blanchard, Assistant Treasurer finance@pilgrimshberborn.org This is a monthly publication. Please submit comments, articles to the church administrator by email or written copy. Submissions will be edited for length and clarity. Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Permit #1 Sherborn, MA 01770 Articles for the NEXT issue are due by the 15th of the month. P OSTMASTER : ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Corey Lincoln, Jane Raithel Christian Education ce@pilgrimsherborn.org