About Rainmaking - River Awareness Kits


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About Rainmaking
Rainmaking Myths and Rituals
The municipality of Gambos (Quipungo) is located in south- western Angola, a semiarid region, drained by the River Kaculuvar within the Kunene River basin. The region
is inhabited by pastoralists and agro- pastoralists. Mobility and transhumance are vital
elements of their production systems and socio- cultural life and economy. In the
event of droughts or delayed rainfall, the water points for people and cattle and goats
are affected. Then the elders of the region will come together to see Ohamba, the king
of Embala, which is the seat where the king resides. They will ask him to intercede
with the ancestors through mystical rituals and ceremonies which form part of the
local habits and customs. The ancestors may be very angry, so that prayers and
requests are needed to appease them. The Ohamba is persuaded or obliged to lead such
ceremonies. The first act is done by one to three men who at four in the afternoon, or
six in the morning, will anoint the sacred stones with mumpeke oil, at the site where
the kings of Embala are usually enthroned. After that, a traditional priest with
clairvoyant gifts continues with the second ceremony called okukelimbula to find what
the ancestors demand to "release" the rain. The act is closed by announcing what the
ancestors wish and what kind of ceremony they prefer. Among others, at least three
colourful black oxen are prepared; one is sacrificed in Embala at a festival full of
dances like Nkanqula, Lundongo, and Ondjongo Mutange. The remaining oxen are
brought to other important Embalas in the region, normally to Quihita or Jáu.
Source: Guilherme Santos, based on an interview with Mr. António Chipingui
(communal administrator of Chibemba in the municipality of Gambos/ Quipungo) on
3 November 2010.
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