Registration for 2013-14 School Year is About to Begin!


Registration for 2013-14 School Year is About to Begin!
January 2013
Optional Parent
Registration Meetings
Registration for 2013-14 School Year
is About to Begin!
Registration for the next school year
questions. Junior registration ends on
for current freshmen, sophomores, and
Tuesday, February 5. However, due
juniors will begin early in the second
to the auction holiday on Monday,
semester with an overview of the regFebruary 4, the last day for counselor
istration schedule and presentation of
appointments is February 1. It is the
available classes on Tuesday, January 15.
student’s responsibility to sign up for
Students will be given a
her appointment.
list of course offerings
Class of 2015
plus a four-year plan
Curriculum Guide
Sophomore registraworksheet. Department
tion begins on
representatives will
February 5 and will be
speak to each grade level
due on February 19.
about classes in their
The sophomores will
discipline. Having an
follow a schedule similar
informational meeting
to the one outlined for
prior to the start of regthe juniors. The last
istration allows students
day for sophomores to
to educate themselves
schedule an appointabout their options and
ment with her counbegin planning their
selor is February 15.
courses before meeting
Sophomores are also required to meet
with their counselor and registering.
with their counselor to complete the
Freshmen, sophomores and juniors
will be receiving information about
registration for the 2013-2014
school year in January and February.
The curriculum guide will be posted
on the Cor Jesu website in January,
and the counselors will be meeting with the students to give them
the forms they need to sign up for
courses for next year.
While the students may understand
this process, many parents have
shared that they would like to hear
more about the registration process
and course offerings so that they can
help their daughter choose classes for
the next school year(s).
2013-2014 School Year
registration process.
Class of 2014
The junior class will begin registering
for classes on Tuesday, January 22.
The juniors will meet with the counselors
and the registrar during activity period
to begin the process. Each junior will
be required to meet with her counselor
between January 22 - February 5 in
order to check graduation credits, course
prerequisites and answer individual
Class of 2016
Freshmen registration runs from
February 19-26. While freshmen are
not required to meet with their counselor because of limited course options
for their sophomore year, they are
encouraged to do so if they have questions about the registration process or
course selection.
Tuesday, January 22 –
Current junior parents
Tuesday, February 5 –
Current sophomore parents
Tuesday, February 19 –
Current freshman parents
Click on a title below to jump to that article.
Adoration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Annual Fund Participation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Auction Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Campus Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fathers’ Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Financial Aid Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mothers’ Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
New Uniform Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sr. Kathleen Mary’s Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We will be holding three optional
parent meetings for those parents
who want to hear more about the
registration process and the course
offerings for 2013-14:
These meetings will be held in the
Little Theater beginning at 7 p.m.
and will last approximately one
hour. There will be representatives
from each academic department at
the meeting to answer specific questions about courses. Students are not
expected to attend these meetings.
A Letter from the Principal
January 2013
Mother/Daughter Retreat Reg. Due
School Resumes - 2nd Sem. Begins
Academic Council, Board Rm., 3 PM
Senior/Alumnae Breakfast, Cafe, 8:10AM
Sophomore Retreat, Shrewsbury City Ctr.
Freshman “Mom & Me” Lunch,
Cafe, 12-12:30 PM
1:40 Dismissal - Dept. Mtgs.
Alumnae Back to School Day
Soph./Jr. NHS Applications due
Practice ACT for Juniors
Respect Life Speaker, Gym, 8:10-9:10 AM
Mission Trip Mtg., LT, 7 PM
Registration Assembly, Jr.-LT / Soph.-Cafe /
Fresh-Gym, 8:10-9:10 AM
Health Day
Musical Auditions, Music Rm., 3:30 PM
12:10 Dismissal - Faculty Mtg.
Interview Workshop - Seniors, 1-3 PM
Advisory Board, Board Rm., 4:15 PM
Father/Daughter Dinner Dance,
Millennium Hotel, 6:30 PM
NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Junior Registration Begins
Junior Parent Registration Mtg., LT, 7 PM
23-27 March for Life Trip
9 AM Start - Faculty/Staff Breakfast
1:40 Dismissal - Faculty Mtg.
February 2013
12:10 Dismissal
Auction Preview Night, Gym, 7-9 PM
Treasures of the Heart Auction
NO SCHOOL - Auction Holiday
Junior Registration Ends
Sophomore Registration Begins
Academic Council, Board Rm., 3 PM
Soph. Parent Registration Mtg., LT, 7 PM
1:40 Dismissal - Dept. Mtgs.
8-15 Penny Queen Week
Ash Wednesday
1:40 Dismissal - Faculty Mtg.
PSAS Financial Aid form due
Penny Queen Dance, Gym, 8-11 PM
NO SCHOOL - President’s Day
Soph. Registration Ends
Freshman Registration Begins
Fresh. Parent Registration Mtg., LT, 7 PM
NHS Blood Drive
Sophomore Service Saturday
Fresh. Registration Ends
Incoming Freshman Registration,
Gym, 6:30 PM
12:10 Dismissal - Faculty Mtg.
A Christmas Prayer for Loved Ones
For those who have an abundance of love, a bounty in heart and home,
keep them mindful of the world’s poor, lift their voices often to You in
gratitude, loving God.
Sr. Kathleen Mary
Coonan, ascj
For those who carry hurts and anger and other heartaches, help them
feel the peace, which only You can give and the grace to let go of long
burdening memories.
For those who struggle with the lack of this world’s riches, who know what unemployment
and empty pockets feel like, gift them with a counting of blessings, which are often hidden
and far more valuable than earthly treasure.
For those whose faith has grown dim and whose sense of You is far away, raise in their
hearts a great yearning for You that will not cease and a desire for the truth that cannot
be ignored.
For those who are tired, weary, worn from a constant giving of their lives in love, be their
energy and enthusiasm, be a great and deep spark of light and happiness within them.
For those who grieve the goodbye of a loved one and whose hearts are very lonely this time
of year, touch them with dear memories and transform their inner missing and heartache
into a vision of what lies far beyond this time and space.
For those whose lives speak of growing old, bless them with peace and serenity, let them
know what gentle witnesses they are to all of us who still ponder the meaning of life
and growth.
And finally, Savior God, for those with young eyes, keep their hearts full of wonder, and
thank You for slipping some of their delight and simplicity into our own hearts each time
we celebrate the Christmas moment. Amen.
— Fresh Bread, Rupp, page 157
May the joy of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, the worship of the wisemen and
the peace of the Christ-child be yours this Christmas!
Be assured of my prayers for you and your family, as we celebrate the coming of our Savior.
May His coming fill your hearts with joy, hope and peace. May 2013 be a year filled with
many of God’s blessings for you and your family!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sr. Kathleen Mary Coonan, ascj
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Please join us in the chapel for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
January 14-15, 2013, from 8:20 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Cor Jesu Christmas Concert
14, 2012
New Alumnae Annual Fund Chair Named
to Grow CJ Class Endowed Scholarships
In sharing news
about Cor Jesu’s
advancement with
the parent community, I tend to
focus on the always
impressive effort
and support of our
Sr. Barbara Thomas,
parents, past and
present. In this issue, I thought it may
be interesting for our parents to hear
some news from the other segment of
our supporters—our former students,
over 5,000 in number.
As part of CJ’s ongoing effort to increase
support and commitment within our
community, Mrs. Anne Ponder Heilig
’93 has volunteered to serve as chair
of the newly formed Alumnae Annual
Fund Committee. In her volunteer role,
Anne will work closely with Director
of Alumnae Relations Ms. Patty Ferrara
’85 and the CJ Advancement staff to
lead the start-up of the new commit-
tee and help grow the Alumnae Class
Endowed Scholarships.
As the cornerstone of all our fundraising efforts, the Annual Fund is
comprised of the donations raised each
year cover the tuition gap per student,
i.e., the difference between the cost to
educate a student and the amount of
tuition charged. The Alumnae Annual
Fund Committee will focus its efforts
on increasing alumnae participation in
the Annual Fund, further increasing
the dollar amount raised in the Class
Endowed Scholarship program so that
more support can be given to Cor Jesu
students who are in need of financial
Your daughters will soon be part of this
alumnae community, and we encourage
their participation to perpetuate the
flame of the Cor Jesu spirit!
Sr. Barbara Thomas, ascj
Cor Jesu’s
College Credit Courses
1818 ACC Courses
The week after Christmas break, the process of signing up juniors and seniors for
St. Louis University’s 1818 ACC courses
for second semester will begin. Sign ups
for those students previously enrolled in an
ACC course will be held on Tuesday, January 8 in the Little Theater during activity
period. It is important that students are
able to log into their account at that time.
Please have your daughters attempt to log
into their accounts at www.myslu.slu.
edu to be sure they are able to do so prior
to January 7. If they have problem accessing their account, they may either call the
1818 ACC technology office at 977-3142
ext. 2 and ask for assistance or email Sr. Susan Marie or see her during the first
day of classes (Jan. 7) to get help doing so.
Students who are signing up for an ACC
course for the first time will sign up on
Friday, January 11. These students will be
given instructions at school and need not
worry about the information above.
Did you know that when your daughter
accesses her account, she can look up the
classes she is taking, her grades once they
are posted by the university, and her financial status by logging in at www.myslu.slu.
edu? The “Student” tab at the top of the
page will give her all of this information.
Please talk with your daughter over break
about the possibility of signing up for
credit from St. Louis University. Students
are able to take up to 11 credits each
semester from SLU and help them get a
head start on their college credits.
UM-St. Louis ACP Courses
Seniors taking English courses for
UM-St. Louis credit will also be signing up
for credit in their classes the first few weeks
of second semester. New Option for
the Uniform
Beginning in January 2013,
students will have the option
of wearing a navy blue fleece
with their kilt and polo shirts.
This fleece comes in either a
full-zip jacket or a quarterzip pull-over. “Cor Jesu” is
embroidered on the left side of
the jacket/pull-over (the same
as it is on the polo shirts). The
fleece must be ordered from
Just Me Apparel. You may
place the order directly from
Just Me Apparel. This fleece is
optional for those who would
like to purchase it and wear it
with their uniform — it is not
something that all students
must have.
Corde Players Update
A lot has been going
on in the drama world
at CJ! On November
20, the Corde Players gathered together
to get in the spirit of
Christmas by watching Miracle on 34th
Street. The evening was
filled with food, theatre games, and lots of
fun! It was a great way
to kick off the Christmas season.
Speech Team
Cor Jesu’s Speech Team
CJ’s Speech Team excelled at a meet on
December 2, where nearly every team
member earned at least one ribbon.
In addition, the team is eagerly anticipating the debut of 10 new freshmen
trainees at the next meet in February.
Freshman Kathleen Reschke was a lastminute replacement at our December
meet and won a first-place ribbon.
Congratulations, Kathleen!
Spring Musical
Our spring musical production this year
will be Annie! Performance dates will be
April 18-20 at 7:30 p.m. and April 21 at
2:00 p.m., with a preview night on April
17 at 7:00 p.m. and a grade school matinee performance on April 18. Auditions
for Annie will be on January 16 from
3:00-5:30 p.m. in the Music Room.
Good luck to everyone who auditions!
2012 Alumnae Visit with Santa
Christmas elves (CJ students) helped entertain Cor Jesu alumnae and their children with dancing, games, face painting and much
more at the Alumnae Visit with Santa on December 1. Thanks to all who worked hard to make this alumnae event a huge success!
Auction Notes…
Plans are in full swing for
the February 2, 2013, CJ
“Treasures of the Heart”
Auction, and we are looking for
volunteers to help. Timeslots are now
available using EditGrid. EditGrid is
an online spreadsheet service allowing
multiple users to edit a spreadsheet
simultaneously, with the changes synchronized in real-time. EditGrid will
enable auction workers to view and
select a timeslot in real-time.
It’s simple to use; just follow these steps:
1. Go to
2.Under “User Login” log in with:
Username: corjesu Password: auction
3. Click on “Spreadsheets.”
4.Select the “2013 CJ Auction
Volunteer Sign Up” spreadsheet.
a) Type in your name in the time
slot requested and press enter.
b) Add your email and press enter.
Important note: You MUST
PRESS “ENTER” after inputting your information!
c) When finished, close the
spreadsheet, (Go to File, Close)
as all information will be saved
upon closing.
d) R
e-open the spreadsheet. Under
“Recently updated spreadsheets,”
click on “2013 CJ Auction
Volunteer Sign up” and verify that
your times have been saved.
(If two people are in the spreadsheet
simultaneously and select the same
timeslot, the first person to exit the
spreadsheet will be the one whose
name and time will be saved.)
e) When finished, click on “Logout.”
Thank you so much for taking the time
to volunteer. If you have any questions,
please email
Many student workers
are also needed to help
on auction night. Sign-up
sheets are located in the first
floor hallway by the faculty room.
Please encourage your daughter to sign
up to work where needed. It will be a
great experience for her and a lot of fun!
If you haven’t already purchased your
raffle tickets for the iPad raffle or the
Senior Quilt raffle and would like to do
so, please go online at www.corjesu.
org/raffle. Tickets for the quilt are $10
each, and the winner must be a member
of the senior class. All raffle winners will
be drawn on auction night. You need
not be present to win.
Remember to get your auction reservations in soon! You wouldn’t want to
miss out on a wonderful evening and a
chance to bid on these exciting items:
• St. Louis Cardinals green seat tickets
• Disneyworld Tickets and Condo
in Orlando, Florida
• Condo in Vail, Colorado
• SLU Billiken Men’s Basketball Tickets
• Sanibel Island Getaway
• Duck Hunting Trip • Golf and Lunch for four at
Sunset Country Club
• Yale Football Tickets
• Private Bowling Party for 100
• Trip to Tuscany
• St. Louis In-town Getaways
• Vacation in Tuscon, Arizona
• Diamond hoop earrings • War Horse at the Fox Theater
• Condo at The Beach Club in
Gulf Shores, Alabama
• Brighton Extravaganza
• Puppy
And much more!
Safety at Cor Jesu
Over the past week, we have joined in
prayer for the Sandy Hook community in
Newtown, CT. Cor Jesu does have a safety
plan in place, which was reviewed by the
administration, office staff and school nurse
in October 2012. We will reiterate and
practice the safety plan procedures with
the school community when we return in
January 2013.
Retreat 2013
This year, we are once again offering a Mother-Daughter Retreat for
juniors and seniors and their mothers. It will be held in the spring,
March 2-3, and will last about 24
hours — from Saturday arriving
about 2:30 p.m. and ending Sunday
about 2:30 p.m. The retreat will
be held at Mercy Retreat Center in
Kirkwood. You may choose to spend
the night or commute.
The theme of this year’s retreat is
Created in God’s Image and Likeness: Called to Relationship. Registration information is available on
CJ’s website. Registration is due on
January 1 and space is limited. This
is a great opportunity to spend 24
hours of quality time together. Also please consider helping with a
presentation and contact Mrs. Linda
Martin at if
you are interested. The presentations
will cover the following topics:
Many Facets of Relationship, Presence, Forgiveness and Celebrating
If you have questions, please contact
Mrs. Linda Martin at lmartin@ CJ
If you are who you should be,
you will set the world on fire!
The Martin Luther King, Jr.
Model of Justice Award
“It will give you a rare sense of nobility
that can only spring from love and selflessly helping your fellow person. Make
a career of humanity.”
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
to Damaris Dernlan ’13, Cor Jesu’s
recipient of the 2013
Martin Luther King,
Jr. Model of Justice
Award. Because of her
Damaris Dernlan
dedicated work with
her neighborhood community garden,
Damaris receives this award with other
high school students who have demonstrated a commitment to serving
humanity in the broader community. These students have made justice a
central part of their life and have committed themselves “to the noble struggle
for equal rights.”
Damaris will be honored with the other
recipients at the 37th Annual Archdiocesan Mass and Commemoration taking
place January 20, 2013, at 2:30 p.m. at
the Cathedral Basilica. Respect Life
Under the direction of Mrs. Bonnie
Goodwin and Ms. Laura Gantner, CJ
will be well-represented at the annual
Pro-Life March from January 24-27 in
Washington, D.C., with more than 100
students and 26 chaperones attending. As a community, we will pray for the
strength that all of us may “embrace life
from the inside out,” strengthening our
own faith in our own goodness in God’s
eyes. On Monday, January 14 at 8:10 a.m.,
nationally known Pro-Life Speaker and
CJA alumna parent, Patty Schneier, will
address the entire school community on
the topic of “Finding True Love.” For more
information about Patty Schneier, please
Mission Appalachia 2013
The second prep meeting for Mission
Appalachia is on Monday, January 14 at
7:00 p.m. in the Little Theater. (Please
note the change from the original January
24th date). There are 57 participants going
on the trip, including 40 students and 17
adults. Save your used children’s books for
our next book drive for the families we will
serve in Appalachia!
CARE and IMPEL Service Clubs—
Service to Others in Action
This year, CARE AND IMPEL joined
forces to make a difference in the lives of
others during this special season.
Along with seven families in the PostDispatch’s “100 Neediest Cases” program
who were served by CJA juniors, Covenant
House was one of the beneficiaries of the
2012 CARE Christmas Drive. Thanks to
the classes of 2013, 2015 and 2016, more
than 450 gift items — valued at more than
$5,000 — were delivered to Covenant
House by IMPEL club
members. IMPEL members
also baked cookies, which
were delivered to Covenant
House as part of the annual
IMPEL Cookie Baking
and Decorating event with
homeless teens.
Cor Jesu Makes an Impact!
Here are a few of the grateful responses
to our CJA Caring Community works
of compassion during first semester:
For the 100 Minutes of Service Event:
Barbara Mainster, Executive Director,
Redlands Christian Migrant Association: “The box of blankets from Cor Jesu
was one of my most pleasant surprises this
fall! Thank you—and your compassionate
girls—so much! I gave the blankets to our
child-care centers for their cots when kids
are sick. Those blankets are destined to
provide comfort to many children.”
For the Veterans’ Day collection:
From Karen Irwin, founder, Operation
Sunscreen: “Thank you for your generous
support of our deployed Missouri National
Guard “Citizen Soldiers” through
Operation Sunscreen. Your donation of
$448 helped to send Christmas Care
Packages to each of our 555+ deployed
Missouri Guard Soldiers and Airmen.”
For the Thanksgiving collection:
Sr. Deborah, principal of St. Raphael
School in Bridgeport, CT: “The two
boxes filled with breakfast bars arrived
just a little bit ago...we are thrilled! Our
supply was down to nothing, and now
you have provided us with a new supply. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. Also, with the check for $570 you
sent, we are helping several families with
milk money, supply money, tuition.”
Upcoming Service
Saturday Events
February 23 — Sophomores
April 27 — Freshmen
CARE Christmas Drive
Unavailable During
Christmas Break
Parents Corner
Mothers’ Club News…
Did the girls seem less stressed on dayone of exams? It was likely because CJ
moms greeted them with “Goodies for
Our Girls” and smiles as they arrived at
school. Thanks to all the moms who put
together the goodies and eagerly came
in to hand them out. It’s just a little
something for them to know we love
them and are praying for them as they
take their exams. Special thanks to T
Judge for overseeing this effort.
An important reminder as you put up
your 2013 calendar:
Freshman Mom and Me Lunch
Wednesday, January 9, 12-12:30 p.m. Moms bring a special lunch for their
daughter or arrange for another mom
or grandma to bring lunch for their
daughter if unable to attend. The cafeteria will be closed, so buying lunch is not
an option. Arrive before noon to avoid
parking concerns and to ensure you
have a good quality half hour with
your daughter.
We are so thankful for the gift of CJ
moms who have been so generous with
their time and talents in supporting the
Mothers’ Club so far this school year. We have had an excellent year due to
the wonderful moms who have gotten
involved in one way or another. We
can’t thank you enough! May all of
you find the time to relax and enjoy
every minute with your loved ones and
friends this Christmas season.
Season’s Greetings!
Mary Luckey
Mothers’ Club President
CJ Spirit Stop
Open Monday-Friday during lunch,
Tuesday/Thursday before school,
Wednesday after school
As the Spirit Stop winds down a
bit from a fun Christmas shopping
season, we would like to thank all
our volunteer moms. Every regular
school day and
for all our
special events,
our volunteers
arrive ready to
help our girls
and our Cor
Jesu families find Cor Jesu Academy
baseball caps now
that perfect CJ
available in red,
item. Each sale
white and black in
the Spirit Stop.
represents our
pride in Cor Jesu:
in our community, in our school and
in our students. Thank you to our
volunteers for your reliability, for
showing up and helping us spread
the pride and the spirit. We truly
appreciate you!
Reminder: For your convenience,
we have a supply of the official
uniform leggings available in the
Spirit Stop.
In January, we return to our regular
Spirit Stop hours. Watch for the
February Principal’s Perspective for
special store hours to welcome
Cor Jesu’s Class of 2017!
Parents and students will be unable
to access NetClassroom from Monday,
December 17, 2012, until Sunday,
January 6, 2013.
Business Office Notes
Student Financial Aid
Forms Available
The PSAS Student Aid form for the
2013-14 school year is available in the
office for those students who wish to
apply. The form may be downloaded
at under the
“Financial Aid and Tuition” heading. Send the completed form to:
Private School Aid Service
P.O. Box 89434
Cleveland, OH 44101-6434 Completed applications should
be submitted to PSAS by
Friday, February 15, 2013.
The Sophomore retreat will be
held on Wednesday, January 9,
2013, at the Shrewsbury City
Center, 5200 Shrewsbury Ave.,
Shrewsbury, 63119. Mr. Dan
Huss, Lifeteen Coordinator at
Incarnate Word Parish, will be
the presenter. Charger Update
After a win over Borgia, the
Varsity basketball
team gained
some valuable
playing experience in the
Nerinx Hall
finishing 4th. Junior Varsity
is 5-0 with a first-place finish in the St. Charles West
Tournament. Both teams
will be playing in Christmas
Tournaments. Varsity will
be in the Visitation Tournament, and JV will play in the
Incarnate Word Tournament.
JV’s first round game is against
Mehlville on December 26 at
Cor Jesu.
Swimming & Diving
Swimming and diving are off
to a great start, with wins over
John Burroughs and Nerinx
Hall. They return to the pool
after Christmas break to swim
against Mehlville on January 4
at Mehlville at 4:30 p.m.
To view Cor Jesu sports
schedules please visit
Parents Corner
Fathers’ Club News…
Father/Daughter Bowling
Fifty-six CJ dads and daughters hit
the bowling lanes for a fun-filled afternoon on Sunday, December 2. The
participants took part in a “crazy bowl”
followed by “cosmic bowling.” Bowling
Committee Chair, Joe Jedlicka (Allison
’13), had plenty of food and drinks for
everyone, as well as a coveted “Charlie
Brown Christmas Tree” for the grand
prize. Many thanks to Mike Bluth
(Emilee ’15), owner of Crestwood Bowl,
for hosting this popular event.
son, but can’t make it? Can you obtain
gift cards to Bread Co., Starbucks or
your favorite restaurants in the area?
These items would make great prizes at
the Father/Daughter Trivia Night on
Sunday, March 3, 2013. If you have
unused items or gift certificates, please
drop them off at the CJ office and mark
them “Father/Daughter Trivia Prizes.”
In addition to a fun evening, Trivia
Night Chair, John Monda, tries to
ensure that all participants depart with a
prize. Your assistance is appreciated!
Auction Set-up and
Tear-down Assistance
Upcoming Events and
Service Opportunities
On Saturday, January 26, the CJ
Fathers’ Club will assist in setting up
the gym for the annual Treasures of the
Heart Auction. Gym clean-up will take
place on Sunday, February 3. If you can
spare a few hours to assist on either day,
please contact our CJFC Service Chair,
Jim Lewis, at
Thank you!
Prizes Needed for
Father/Daughter Trivia Night
Wondering what to do with those
company-logo’ed golf balls, umbrellas,
shirts or travel mugs? Do you have tickets to a Cards’ game for the 2013 sea-
Father/Daughter Dinner Dance –
January 19 at the Millennium Hotel
Auction Set-up – January 26
Auction Tear-down – February 3
Father/Daughter Trivia Night –
March 3 in the CJ Café
Fix-it Night – March 5
General Meeting/NCAA Basketball
Finals Event – April 8 in the CJ Café
Please check the Cor Jesu weekly email
or for
more details. On behalf of the CJ
Father’s Club, have a Happy New Year!
Rick Davis (Anne ’13)
CJ Father’s Club President
Maintenance Appreciation Day
By Madeline Childs ’14 and Sofia Carretero ’13
We all appreciate the teachers who put their hard work into teaching the students to reach their highest potential, but sometimes
we do not stop to think about the behind-the-scenes work performed every day at Cor Jesu. Maintenance Appreciation Day was
celebrated on December 11 in order to thank our maintenance crew — Walt Bell, Tom Noonan, Glenda Dugan and Jeanette Voloski
— for all that they do. During the assembly, a video was shown in which the students thanked the crew for their dedication and contributions to keeping CJ running smoothly. The maintenance staff then enjoyed a lunch provided by StuCo. Remember to thank our
wonderful maintenance crew when you see them around the school!
Penny Queen 2013 Preparations
Get Underway
From the
Nurse’s Corner
By Madeline Childs ’14 and Sofia Carretero ’13
It’s the event that every CJ girl looks forward to each year — an event filled with a
variety of entertainment, clothing, and sweets galore. Yes, it is almost time for Penny
Queen 2013! The elections for the class Penny Queens were held, and the winners
will assume a leadership position in helping their class raise money for this year’s
designated Penny Queen charities. The charities will be selected by the Cor Jesu
community in January, and fund-raising begins after school on Friday, February 8
and continues through Friday, February 15.
2013 Penny Queen Teams
Class of 2016
Class of 2015
Class of 2014
Class of 2013
Maureen Reilly
Mackenzie Orf
Kristen Kimble
Meghan McGowan
Abigail Eleeson
Sarah Jaeger
Laura Naeger
Maria Gorla
Julia Venker
Ellen Boll
Emily Ainsley
Melanie Hosty
Ten Super Foods for Better Health!
1. Sweet Potatoes – loaded with
carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium
and fiber
2. Grape Tomatoes – packed with
vitamins C and A, you also get
some fiber and phytochemicals
3. Fat-free (Skim) or 1% Milk
(but not 2%) – Excellent source
of calcium, vitamins and protein
with little or no artery-clogging fat
and cholesterol
4. Broccoli – Lots of vitamin C,
carotenoids and folic acid
Cor Jesu Teacher Exhibits Calligraphy at Webster
5. Wild Salmon – The omega-3 fats
in fatty fish like wild salmon can
help reduce the risk of suddendeath heart attacks.
6. Crispbreads – Whole-grain rye
crackers are loaded with fiber and
are often fat-free.
7. Brown Rice – Enriched white rice
is nutritionally weak. You lose the
fiber, magnesium, vitamins E and
B-6, copper, zinc and phytochemicals that are in whole grains.
The CJ community shows its support at the opening of
Ms. Yanzi Geng’s exhibition. Pictured from l to r: Mr. Kelly
White, Olivia Warner ’16, Mr. Larry Russell, Mrs. Peggy
McGraw, Ms. Yanzi Geng and Ms. Helen Colston
8. Citrus Fruits – Rich in vitamin
C, folic acid and fiber
9. Butternut Squash – Every half
cup has five grams of fiber and
payloads of vitamins A and C.
Cor Jesu’s Mandarin Chinese teacher, Ms. Yanzi Geng,
currently has several pieces of calligraphy on exhibit
at Webster University. The exhibit, entitled “Connecting Cultures, The Way of Calligraphy,” opened
on December 8, 2012, and will remain on display in
the East Academic Building until early spring.
10. Greens – Loaded with vitamin
C, carotenoids, calcium and fiber.
Unlimited by Ms. Yanzi Geng
Courtesy of the Center for Science in the
Public Interest
An Evening of Art & Science
On Tuesday, December 11, 2012, members of the Cor Jesu community were
treated to the fifth annual Evening of
Art & Science. This program showcases
the work being done by students in the
independent study courses offered at
Cor Jesu. The presentations, by students
in the Independent Science Research,
Independent Study in Art, Independent
Study in Theater Stage Management
and Independent Music Study courses,
were both informative and insightful.
The program began with presentations
by the Science Research students who
described the various scientific projects
that they had been researching throughout the semester. The presenters and
their projects were: Allison Gmelich
’13: Glucosinolates in Iron-Treated
Brassica Rapa; Melanie Hosty ’13:
Chlorine Metabolites in Tap and Source
Waters; Kelsey Keady ’14: Detection of
4-Methylimidazole in Colas; Ellen
Komlos ’13: Triclosan Bacterial Resistance Studies; Sarah Maciorowski ’14:
The Imaginary Solution by Katie Sainz ’13
Mental/Physical Effects of
Energy Drinks Related to
Caffeine Concentration;
Cassidy Manns ’13: Detection of Melamine in Pet Foods;
Claire Mullaney ’13: Heavy
Metals in the Environment
of the New Lead Belt; Nicky
Quinlivan ’14: Studies of Diabetes-Related Enzymes; Kate
Walter ’13: Characterization
of Enzyme Inhibitors; and
Tess Wemhoener ’13: The
Effect of Circadian Rhythms
upon Student Accomplishment.
Senior Claire Mullaney presents her science research project.
As part of her Theater Stage Management
class, Senior Claire Mullaney described
her duties as stage manager for Cor Jesu’s
Fall production You’re a Good Man
Charlie Brown.
The Independent Study in Art students,
all seniors, each of whom chose a piece of
artwork that she had completed as part
of the course requirements. In discussing their work, students
shared the conceptual idea
of the piece, the media and
techniques used to produce
it, and the struggles and
successes of the creation
process. Samantha Chumley
discussed her acrylic painting, Death Day Party. Anna
Cruzen described her acrylic
and mixed media piece, Time
Warped, which was part of
a series of pieces she created
around her concentration
related to time. Cara DeBellis spoke about her graphite
drawing, Born This Way.
Damaris Dernlan talked
about the development of
her piece, I Have Made You Mad, which
was based on Shakespeare’s The Tempest.
Emily McGowan described her mixedmedia piece, Mahishasura. Shelby Nord
chose to present her acrylic painting,
Madonna and Child. Katie Sainz entertained the audience with the story of how
her painting, The Imaginary Solution,
grew out of her musings during math
class. And finally, Hannah Stark spoke
about her acrylic painting, Murky Waters.
The program concluded with a shared
presentation by the students in Music
Study. Bridget Mess ’13 shared her
exploration of Jazz Studies in St. Louis,
and Kristen Wacker ’13 spoke about her
research of the composer, Rachmaninoff.
The program was a great success, and
although each student’s presentation was
unique, the process — especially that
most important component of having
students work independently to make
choices about their own paths to discovery — was the same. CJ is very proud
of each of these students and knows that
they will go on to do great things in the
future. Congratulations girls!