October 2015 - Cor Jesu Academy


October 2015 - Cor Jesu Academy
October 2015
Five Cor Jesu Seniors Named
National Merit Semifinalists
CJA Celebrates
the Pope’s U.S. Visit
The Cor Jesu community celebrated
Pope Francis’ visit to the U.S. in
many ways. During an assembly
on September 22, the student body
created and sent a #sayHItofrancis
message in several languages. Click
here to view the video.
l to r: Margaret Derdeyn, Anna Goldkamp, Elizabeth Onder, Mary Kate Morris and Claire Munsell
Congratulations to the following five seniors, who have been named 2016 National
Merit Semifinalists: Margaret Derdeyn, Anna Goldkamp, Mary Kate Morris, Claire
Munsell and Elizabeth Onder. These academically talented students represent less
than one percent of the 1.5 million U.S. high school seniors who entered the 2016
competition by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying
Test in October 2014. They have an opportunity to continue in the competition for
some 7,400 National Merit Scholarships worth about $32 million that will be offered
next spring. To be considered for a Merit Scholarship award, semifinalists must fulfill
several requirements to advance to the Finalist level of the competition. It is expected
that 15,000 semifinalists will advance to the finalist level in February 2016. All
National Merit Scholarship winners will be selected from this group.
National Merit Commended Students
#sayHItofrancis all-school assembly
His visit was commemorated in CJ’s
designated “Papal Wall,” which was
filled with highlights and photos
from his historic trip.
Many classes used this opportunity
to watch the pope speak and incorporate his message in their classrooms,
including Sr. Sharon Kalert’s American Literature and ACP American
Literature classes and Dr. Brian
Hohlt’s American Government class. Congratulations also to Cor Jesu’s National Merit Commended Students: Claire
Colvin ’16, Christina Nieters ’16 and Maureen Reilly ’16. These students are among
34,000 Commended Students who placed among the top five percent of high school
seniors nationwide who took the qualifying PSAT test in October 2014.
September/October Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
September 2015 Recap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Principal’s Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Upcoming Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Annual Fund Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Parents’ Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Students in the Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Campus Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Counseling News & Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
In the Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
CJ’s Lifetime Sports class took a picture with
(a cutout of) Pope Francis at Catholic Supply!
October 2015
Letter from the Principal
October 2015
1:40 Dismissal - PLC Mtgs.
Fresh.-Level Parent Mtg. and Auction
Gift Gathering Party, Gym, 7-9 p.m.
Enthronement Liturgy, Gym, 8:15 a.m.
Adoration in Chapel
Mothers’ Club Info. Mtg., LT, 6:30 p.m.
CJA Vendor Boutique, Café, 7 p.m.
1:40 Dismissal - Dept. Mtgs.
Jostens Junior Ring Orders Due
Grandparents’ Mass, Gym, 11 a.m.
Photo Retakes
Jostens Sr. Announcement Orders Due
October Kairos
11:30 a.m. Dismissal/
Fresh. Transition Day, 8-11:30 a.m.
PSAT Testing (Jr/Soph), 8-11:30 a.m.
1:40 Dismissal - Faculty Mtg.
First Quarter Ends
Fall Play Preview Night, LT, 7 p.m.
20; 23-24 Fall Play, LT, 7 p.m.
Junior Retreat, Cardinal Rigali Ctr.
Soph. “Mom & Me” Lunch,
Café, 12:45-1:15 p.m.
College Fair (All CJ students welcome),
Gym, 5-6:30 p.m.
College Kick Off (Jrs./Jr. Parents),
Gym, 6:45-9 p.m.
1:40 Dismissal
Parent/Teacher Conferences,
Café/Library, 2-7 p.m.
9 a.m. Start
Dec. Kairos Parent Info. Mtg.,
LT, 6:30 p.m.
1:40 Dismissal - PLC Mtgs.
Mothers’ Club Dress Re-sale,
Café, 1:45 p.m.
November 2015
1:40 Dismissal - Dept. Mtgs.
Father/Daughter Liturgy,
Gym, 8:15 a.m.
Open House
EXP3 Job Shadowing Day
1:40 Dismissal - Faculty Mtg.
Admissions Shadow Program Ends
Mother/Daughter Liturgy & Luncheon
CJ Trivia Night, Gym, 6:30 p.m., Gym
Adoration in Chapel
1:40 Dismissal - PLC Mtgs.
Fall Ball, Gym, 8 p.m.
Thanksgiving Liturgy Dismissal at 9:30 a.m.
Class of 2015 Breakfast, Café, 9:15 a.m.
NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
“Look at this Heart which has loved people so much, and yet people do
not want to love Me in return. Through you My Divine Heart wishes to
spread its love everywhere on earth.”
— from St. Margaret Mary Alacoque’s vision of Jesus
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, a saint who promoted devotion to the
Sacred Heart of Jesus, lived in the 1600s in France. She joined the
Sr. Kathleen Mary
Visitation Convent at Paray-le-Monial in 1671 and two years later
Coonan, ascj
began to have visions of Jesus revealing His Sacred Heart to her. Jesus
called her the Beloved Disciple of the Sacred Heart and entrusted her with the mission of
teaching and spreading devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In one of his appearances
to St. Margaret Mary, Jesus made 12 promises to those who would honor His Sacred
Heart. One of the promises is “I will bless the homes where an image of My Heart shall be
exposed and honored.”
On Friday, October 2, we will gather as a community
to celebrate the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart. At
this liturgy, we will consecrate ourselves and our school
to the Sacred Heart and recommit ourselves to the
mission of “Sharing the Love of the Heart of Christ.”
The students will be given a picture of the Sacred
Heart, which we will ask them to take home and
put in a prominent place. Perhaps you can choose
a special place in your home for this picture and choose to pray to the Sacred Heart of
Jesus, asking him to bless your family!
It is hard to believe that we have been in school for six weeks, yet so many things have
occurred! Our freshmen are adjusting to CJ and have learned a lot about the charism and
traditions that make up CJ. Sophomores have settled in and are excited about being tour
guides for prospective students who are visiting CJ this fall. Juniors are enjoying opportunities for leadership, as they assume new roles in various clubs, sports and activities. Seniors
are enjoying their role as leaders, as they also look forward and work through the college
process. The faculty and staff continue to work with your daughters each day so that they
experience success!
I would like to thank all of you who were able to attend the Back-to-School Night and
the level meetings for your daughter. The freshman level meeting will be held tonight,
Thursday, October 1, and I look forward to seeing many of you there. Your presence at
these meetings and your involvement in your daughter’s education is vital. All of us at CJ
look forward to working with you throughout the year and are grateful for all that you are
and for you do for your daughter and for CJ!
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus bless you and your family!
Sr. Kathleen Mary Coonan, ascj
October 2015
Annual Fund Update from the President
Give From the Heart Annual Fund:
The Foundation on Which We Build
It’s no secret that
we strive to make
Cor Jesu an exceptional school in
which our students
learn and achieve
beyond the required
Sr. Barbara Thomas
academic excellence
to a deeper sense of self and personal
vocation. And it is no secret to us that
our parents are vital and dedicated
partners in that shared mission.
The Give from the Heart Annual
Fund is the financial foundation for
Cor Jesu’s mission—the starting point
and ongoing support for everything
we do. Now, in the final stage of our
One Heart~One Spirit~One Vision
capital campaign, we are especially
aware of the vital importance of our
loyal Annual Fund supporters. In addition to supplying financial aid
to students who
could otherwise
not have access
to a Cor Jesu
education, Give
from the Heart donors provide vital
operational support, which enables CJ
to expand and improve in exciting and
innovative ways.
Very soon you will receive a mailer,
encouraging you to help us reach our
capital campaign goal by March 2016 in
order to break ground on the new gym
and student commons the following
June. I encourage you, in the midst of
that exciting endeavor, not to forget
the ongoing necessity of the Annual
Fund. Just as operations and the need
for student financial aid never ceases,
so we must rely on your loyalty to
ensure our foundation stays strong.
You may make a secure gift online at
www.corjesu.org/annualfund, mail
a check to Cor Jesu or talk with our
volunteer callers later this month.
Thank you in advance for Giving from
the Heart!
Sr. Barbara Thomas, ascj
Students in the Spotlight
Two Cor Jesu Seniors Named Watlow Scholars
Cor Jesu seniors Ellie Lunte and Renee
Ellegood were named this year’s Watlow
Scholars, an award which includes a
$7,500 scholarship toward their 2015-16
high school tuition and a paid summer
internship at Watlow.
To qualify for this award, current Cor Jesu
juniors who meet the following criteria
may apply in February 2016:
• Successfully completed her junior year of
studies through date of application
• Demonstrate an interest in engineering
and a legitimate financial need
• Have a willingness to give back to CJ’s
engineering program
l to r: Renee Ellegood
and Ellie Lunte
• Submit an essay, detailing her interest
in engineering
• Commit to an internship at Watlow for
summer 2017
The Watlow Scholars award is part of the
Cor Jesu Corporate Partners Initiative,
established in spring 2012 to enhance
learning and expand the definition of college preparatory through collaboration
with professionals in business and nonprofit sectors.
For more information, contact Cynthia
Wilhelm, Director of Corporate Engagement, at (314) 842-4429 ext. 235 or
October 2015
Two CJ Musicians
to Perform with
St. Louis Symphony
Youth Orchestra
Congratulations to Anna Groesch ’18
(cello) and Julia Harris ’19 (violin), who
were accepted into the St. Louis Symphony
Youth Orchestra and will perform three
concerts at Powell Hall this season. Auditions for the Youth Orchestra are very
competitive with only 100 musicians aged
12-22, who represent more than three
dozen schools in the bi-state region, being
accepted each year.
Welcome the Newest
NHS Members!
On September 21, Cor Jesu’s
Chapter of National Honor Society
inducted 18 new members. Students
who were accepted achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher and are
exceptional examples of scholarship,
service, leadership, and character.
We would like to congratulate the
following students on their new
Margaret Atkinson ’17
Isabel Bishop ’17
Madeleine Bishop ’16
Emily Campbell ’17
Olivia Collier ’17
Margaret Feder ’17
Natalie Gorla ’17
Olivia Hanford ’17
Rachel James ’17
Kathryn Keuss ’17
Grace Matthes ’17
Gwendolyn Mattingly ’17
Kathryn Mirbaha ’16
Allison Ortmann ’17
Emily Pudlowski ’17
Christine Reitz ’17
Mary Rohatgi ’17
Karley Winkelmann ’17
Cor Jesu Senior Julie Gauthier Spent
Summer Collaborating with Area Scientists
For academically talented high school
St. Louis area. Julie Gauthier ’16 was
juniors and seniors, this summer
one of the research scholar graduates for
afforded them a chance to research in a
the 2015 STARS program. This year’s
range of science fields from anthropolprogram had Julie conducting research
ogy to physics during the 2015 STARS
and presenting papers, taking part in
program hosted by
career workshops
the University of
and attending
Missouri–St. Louis.
lectures by leading
The program partscientists from the
ners students with
St. Louis commuresearch mentors
nity. She worked
from the Saint Louis
with Dr. Silviya
University, WashZustiak, a profesington University in
sor of Biomedical
St. Louis, University
Engineering at Saint
of Missouri-St.
Louis University.
Julie Gauthier at the STARS confirmation
Louis, Donald
The title of Julie’s
cermony on July 17, 2015
Danforth Plant
research paper was
Science Center and Confluence Life
“Analyzing the characteristics of carbon
Sciences. For six weeks, biologists,
nanotubes and swelling ration of PEG
chemists, engineers, medical researchers,
hydrogels to transplant carbon nanopsychologists and public health experts
tubes onto hydrogels for spinal cord
took on student apprentices in laborainjury treatments.”
tory settings and directed students in
We congratulate Julie on being chosen
research projects. for the 2015 STARS program and thank
Participants in the program included
her for her hard work and her commit63 students from 32 high schools in the
ment to research and science!
CJ Sophomore to Perform with
Artists for the Cause
Maggie Kuntz ’18 is performing in “The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber!”
with Terry Barber and Artists for the Cause at the Sheldon Concert Hall on
Friday, October 9 at 8 p.m. Artists for a Cause is a nonprofit organization
that uses visual and performing artists to “stimulate culture, while meeting
the critical needs of communities on a national scale.” For tickets to Maggie’s
performance, visit www.SheldonConcertHall.org or call (314) 533-9900. If
you use Cor Jesu’s school code (2006) when purchasing tickets, Cor Jesu will
receive donations from the production.
October 2015
Charger Update
Cross Country
In September, the Cor Jesu Cross Country team has raced hard during very
competitive races. Early in the month,
varsity finished 4th out of 26 teams, JV
finished 2nd out of 30 teams, and freshmen finished 6th out of 15 teams at the
Forest Park Invitational. CJA
hosts the MWAA Conference
race at Jefferson Barracks on
Thursday, October 8.
Both varsity and JV golf have had outstanding seasons this fall. Varsity (7-3)
finished 2nd at Districts, qualifying as a
team for Sectionals on October 5 at Forest
Hills. JV (4-0 in head-to-head play)
finished 3rd in St. Joe’s JV Tournament.
Field Hockey
Field hockey continues to
dominate at all levels. Varsity
(12-4-1) gave MICDS a run
for their money taking the
game to the final seconds of
Cor Jesu’s varsity golf team finished 2nd at Districts on Sept. 28.
overtime before falling to the
defending Midwest ChamSoftball
pions. Varsity and JV (9-2-1) will host
Kirkwood for their last home game
Varsity softball went 3-1 at the Cor Jesu
of the season on October 19. JV will
Softball Tournament, beating Jackson for
3rd place. The team (11-8 and undefeated
defend their title for the MWAA Chamin conference play) showed they are ready
pionship on October 17 at Nerinx.
for Districts, defeating two ranked teams to
The freshmen team brought home the
finish 2nd in the Parkway Central Tourna1st place trophy from the St. Joe Field
Hockey Tournament and will play at
ment on September 26. Fox High School
home on October 2.
hosts Districts October 7-9. JV will finish
their season October 2, versus Nerinx at
Affton Athletic Association.
Varsity tennis’ youth-filled roster has
proven to be very talented. The team
went 12-4 though the regular season.
The top two spots in the lineup,
Mary Grace Sullivan ’18 and Keeley
Van Antwerp ’19, are aiming to lead the
team through the postseason. Districts
are taking place this week. JV finished
the season strong with five wins in a
row, ending the season at Villa on
October 1.
Varsity volleyball (14-9) fought hard
against Villa in the finals of the Gateway
Volleyball Tournament. The team has
proven their depth, fighting through
injuries this season. Districts will be
held at Fox High School on October
21. JV (12-6) finished 2nd in the Incarnate Word Tournament and 3rd in the
Edwardsville Tournament. They play in
the Ursuline Tournament October 9-10.
The freshmen team (6-3) will host the
Charger Challenge on October 2-3.
In the Classroom
Introducing the Charism of the Sacred Heart to Freshmen
Cor Jesu’s motto, “Sharing the Love of the Heart of Christ,” comes from the charism
(a gift of the Holy Spirit for the benefit of the Church) of the Apostles of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus. Charism is a part of the theology curriculum at all grade levels. Freshmen
explore the history of Sacred Heart devotion, studies the beginnings of the Apostles of
the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as well as the history of CJA. The unit concludes with prayer
and sharing. A closing prayer service takes place in chapel, where each student receives
a Sacred Heart lapel pin. Each student also has a chance to share her own Sacred Heart
Project with her classmates. This project is a prayerful, creative reflection on what she’s
learned in the unit and how it applies to her own faith life. Some of this year’s projects
(and projects from previous years) are on display throughout the halls of CJ.
October 2015
September Recap
Celebrate CJ Month — Mercy Lives!
What makes Cor Jesu the special place that
it is? Celebrate CJ Month (CCJM) brings
to life CJ’s special charism through activities
and assemblies held throughout the month
of September, culminating in the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart on Friday, October 2. This year’s CCJM theme is “Mercy
Lives” in honor of Pope Francis’ Jubilee
Year of Mercy. The focus of our lived mercy
broadened each week, beginning with our
school community, then extending to our
alums and the ASCJ community, next
encompassing the global church during the
papal visit, and finally returning that awareness to our own families.
LOCAL - In a September 8 assembly, students were challenged to practice random
acts of kindness with each other, symbolized by the “What’s HapPINing?” activity.
Students looked for opportunities to make
someone’s day, surprising her by clipping
a clothespin with an inspirational quote to
her when she wasn’t looking.
to record their reflections: via voice recordings, sidewalk drawings, or a photo booth
for whiteboard creations. Many of these
reactions will be incorporated into the
Enthronement liturgy on October 2.
Student reflections on mercy
GLOBAL CHURCH - As a school, we
extended our welcome to Pope Francis
in the U.S. by creating a #sayHItofrancis
video on September 22. Cor Jesu welcomed Pope Francis in all the languages
taught at our school.
ably remind you of the people or events
that have been important to you. Similarly,
this image of the Sacred Heart reminds us
of someone who loves us more than we can
comprehend— Jesus. When you receive
your image of the Sacred Heart on Friday,
think of where you might place this image
so that you will see it every day. Also, think
of ways in which you can get the rest of
your family involved. This is just a simple
way in which we can remind ourselves of
Christ’s love for us that we are meant to
share with one another.”
The main goal of our yearly Consecration
to the Sacred Heart is to remember that
as individuals, families and as a school,
we can always invite God into our lives.
The Sacred Heart image is a friendly
reminder of our intentions. Here are some
suggestions for how to personalize your
Enthronement of the Sacred Heart:
• Display it in a prominent place; add a
candle to signify a prayer space
FAMILY - In preparation for the Enthrone-
“What’s HapPINing”
Random Acts of Kindness
ASCJ COMMUNITY - Drawing on the rich
experiences of our alums and the ASCJ
sisters, students headed to breakout sessions on September 18, where they listened
to CJ alums speak about how they’ve experienced mercy in their lives. Students spent
time reflecting on how they were impacted
by these speakers, then had a choice of how
ment of the Sacred Heart Liturgy, the
student body gathered on September 29 to
reflect on the impact that intentional commitment makes. Alum parent Anne Gerard
and her daughter Madeline ’15, who
participated in the Apostles’ Great Families
of the Sacred Heart program, shared their
family’s journey to special dedication to the
Sacred Heart. Every family will receive a
card with an image of the Sacred Heart at
the October 2 Enthronement Liturgy.
In the words of Maria Zak ’16, member
of Charism Connection team, “Think of
your favorite pictures that you use for your
laptop and phone backgrounds. From your
many pictures that you have, you choose a
few of your favorites to display in a place
you will see every day. These pictures prob-
Anne Gerard and her daughter Madeline ’15
• Give it to someone you feel needs it
• Seniors can bring it to their dorm room
next year
• Make a prayer commitment you will
keep (e.g. morning offering, Hail Mary)
• Invite your family to join the
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You! Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Your love for me!
October 2015
21st Annual Cor Jesu Golf Tournament
On September 14, 124 golfers
participated in the 21st Annual CJA
Golf Tournament at Sunset Country Club. We exceeded the number
of golf foursomes and sponsorships
sold last year and earned a recordhigh net income of $46,000 for
2015! We are grateful to the CJ
community who joined together in
this remarkable show of support for
CJ’s students.
September Brings
Flashback Fun
and Festivities
September was a busy, but successful
month for Student Council. Students had a great time at the #TBT
(Throwback Thursday) mixer on
Saturday, September 19, dressing up
in retro attire and dancing to songs
from past decades all night.
More than 120 golfers came out to support of CJA.
We would like to thank our main tournament sponsor, Dan Sinclair Buick-GMC,
for their support. Other sponsors included: Vincent’s Jewelers, Closest to the Pin and
Hole-in-One Sponsor; The Rupp Family, Lunch
Sponsor; Tramar Contracting, Inc., Bar Sponsor;
Motor Control Specialties and Flower and Fendler
Custom Homebuilders, Drink-Cart Sponsors;
American Air Charter/American Air Management, 19th Hole Sponsor; Hastings + Chivetta, Golf
Ball Sponsor; Anic Enterprises, Men’s Longest Drive
and Michelson Commercial Realty and Development, Women’s Longest Drive. In addition, 21 businesses and individuals registered as hole sponsors.
#TBT mixer
Current parents Marguerite Stewart
(Anna ’19) and Sandy Hughes
(Caroline ’16, Claire ’17 and Grace ’19)
We would like to offer a special thank you to the
Golf Tournament Committee—Tom Magee,
Kevin Leahy, Andy Dawson and Rob Funke—for their dedication to making this a
successful event. We’d also like
to acknowledge Golf Pro Dennis
Biedenstein and all the volunteers
who worked to help make the
tournament a success.
If you are interested in being a
member of the 2016 Golf Tournament Committee, please contact Shelley Fendler, at sfendler@
corjesu.org or (314) 842-4429
ext. 272.
Sr. Barbara Thomas at the “Celebrity Putter”
The fun carried over into the annual
StuCo Barbeque on September 25,
complete with tasty food and fun
games and activities. Looking ahead,
the student body is eagerly anticipating fall Spirit Week October 26-30.
StuCo members are working hard
to keep this year’s spirit theme,
“Made in the CJA,” alive throughout
the year!
October 2015
Upcoming Events
Cor Jesu Vendor Night
Jumpstart Your
Holiday Shopping!
Mothers’ Club Informational Meeting
at 6:30 p.m. in the Little Theater followed by
the Alumnae Vendor Boutique
at 7:00 p.m. in the Café
Come at 6:30 p.m. to hear about the
CJA Mothers’ Club and how you can get
involved — then go shopping! Several vendors comprised of CJ moms, alumnae and
friends of
CJ will be
showcasing jewelry,
health and
beauty essentials, candles,
stationery and much more! Get a headstart on your Christmas shopping or just
treat yourself to something special. Snacks
and beverages will also be served. If you
are able, please consider bringing a bottle
of wine to donate to the Auction’s Wine
Pull Booth. Feel free to bring your daughter, sister, mother, friend or even your
neighbor who might also like a night out. Please contact Patty Ferrara, CJ Director
of Alumnae Relations, at pferrara@corjesu.
org if you would like to be a vendor.
CJ’s 13th Annual Grandparents’ Mass
We invite all our current students and grandparents to join us for a beautiful
Sunday liturgy, followed by light refreshments. The school will be open for
your daughters to give tours, if they wish, and a photographer will be available
for grandparent-granddaughter pictures. Your daughter’s grandparents should
have received their invitation in the mail.
Although this is primarily a Mass for the girls and their grandparents, parents
are welcome to come if grandparents need assistance. For additional questions,
please contact Shelley Fendler, Special Events Coordinator, at sfendler@corjesu.
org or 314-842-4429 ext. 272.
Cor Jesu’s Fall Play: More Than Meets the Eye
You’re invited to attend this year’s fall play, More Than Meets the Eye, on October 20, 23,
and 24, with a preview night on October 19. All performances are at 7:00 p.m. in the Little
Theater. Tickets are $7.00 in advance and $10.00 at the door. Order forms are available in
the main office.
More Than Meets the Eye tells the story of Stanley Nichols, an author attempting to write
a great American novel. To supplement his income while working on his novel, Stanley
secretly writes children’s books under the pen name, Grandma Letty. But when Grandma
Letty wins Grandmother of the Year, Stanley faces a decision: Tell the truth about the books
or cover up the fact that he and Grandma Letty are the same person.
Cor Jesu College Fair
and College Kickoff Meeting
College Fair: 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. College Kickoff: 6:45 – 9:00 p.m.
Please join us in the chapel for
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
October 5 – 6, 2015
from 8:20 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
The CJ College Fair is open exclusively to Cor Jesu students of ALL grade levels.
The College Kickoff meeting is MANDATORY for all juniors and their parents.
Juniors and junior parents will receive an email during the first week of October
to register for specific College Kickoff information sessions.
October 2015
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 22, 2015
2-7 p.m. in the Cafeteria and Library
Parent/Teacher conferences will be on Thursday, October 22 between 2-7 p.m.
Please check your daughter’s grades online BEFORE the conferences so that you
know which teachers you would like to meet with. No individual appointments are
provided — teachers are available during the time periods listed below, and parents meet
with them on a first-come, first-served basis. No report cards or progress reports will be
given out at the conferences.
Teacher’s Last Name
A-O (Aasgaard – O’Brien)
P-Z (Pankratz – Zak)
Available Times
2:00-4:00 and 4:45-7:00 p.m.
2:00-4:45 and 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Sr. Susan Marie Krupp, Mrs. Kay Fellin and Ms. Sarah Zartman will be in the Student
Learning Center.
Break times for teachers are staggered so that there will always be someone available to
conference with. If you are not able to make the conferences and still want to meet
with your daughter’s teacher(s), please contact them by email to set up another time.
Father/Daughter Liturgy
Join us for one of Fathers’ Club’s biggest events of the year, and one you and
your daughter will want to experience
together—the Father/Daughter Liturgy,
which begins in the gym at 8:15 a.m.
As a reminder, dads should park at the
Schnucks lot on Gravois. The Fathers’
Club will have attendants directing you
to the approved spots, as well as shuttle
2014 Father/Daughter Liturgy
service to and from CJA. Please refrain
from parking on Gravois. Watch your email for more information in the coming weeks.
Parent Network
Speaker Series
The St. Louis High School
Party Scene: How to Protect our
Teens from Substance Abuse
Scott Snodgrass, M.A.,
Bridgeway Behavioral Health
and Officer Daniel Zarrick,
St. Louis Metro Police Department
Scott Snodgrass holds a holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology and a dual
master’s degree in professional and
school counseling. Scott has spent a
majority of his 14-year career in the
human service field. Scott counsels
teens struggling with substance abuse
and addiction.
Scott, along with Officer Daniel
Zarrick, will educate us on what
is occurring on the St. Louis high
school party scene and provide counsel on how we can protect our teens.
Yes, heroin is rampant in St. Louis
and today’s marijuana is not the
same marijuana that was prevalent
in the ’60s and ’70s. They will arm
us with information about “skittles
parties” in which prescription drugs
from parents’ and grandparents’
medicine cabinets are dispersed to
the party attenders. You won’t want
to miss this most informative session!
Cor Jesu Trivia Night
Come and be part of the fun at the 14th annual Cor Jesu Trivia Night, sponsored by the Alumnae Association, on Saturday, November
14, 2015, in the gym! Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and questions begin at 7 p.m. The cost is $25/person or $200 for a table of eight and
includes three drink tickets and light snacks on the table. Please feel free to bring your own food. You do not need to be a CJ alum or
have an alum at your table to participate in this event. To reserve your table(s), you may register online at www.corjesu.org/trivia15 or
you may send a check payable to Cor Jesu to the main office. Contact Director of Alumnae Relations Patty Ferrara at pferrara@
corjesu.org or (314) 842-4429, ext. 266, if you have any questions.
October 2015
EXP3 – Career Exploration Day
A Great Opportunity to Help your Daughter Learn More About Herself and Her Future
Talk to your daughter about taking
advantage of this unique opportunity to
experience a day at one of more than 20
corporate sites to explore more about her
talents, interests and the career that may be
right for her!
a traditional field trip where students visit
a location to tour and observe, EXP3 corporate hosts create a day designed specifically for a small group (2-15) of Cor Jesu
students. The day emphasizes hands-on
involvement, enabling students to experience a career, rather than just be told about
it. There is also valuable time built in for
informal interaction and lunch with professionals, allowing students to get a very
personal sense of the work environment.
No problem! The purpose of EXP3 is to
offer students meaningful exposure to a
variety of careers and help them discover
new areas of interest and new talents they
want to explore.
Each year, since the program began in
2012, the list of career offerings has grown.
Please have your daughter let us know
her area of interest so that we can explore
finding a site for her and/or consider her
request as we build the program. If we can’t
make an exact match, we will try to find
another location that is in some way related
to your daughter’s area(s) of interest.
37th Annual Treasures of the Heart Auction
all CJ students. Students are encouraged to
participate each of their four high school
years and thus gain maximum career experience to help guide their college choices.
As part of the Cor Jesu Corporate Partners
Initiative, participating EXP3 hosts offer
this day free of charge to all students.
HOW DO WE SIGN UP? Registration information and a list of visit sites are available
on Cor Jesu’s website at www.corjesu.org/
QUESTIONS? Contact Cynthia Wilhelm,
Director of Annual Fund and Corporate
Engagement, at (314) 842-4429 ext. 235
or at cwilhelm@corjesu.org.
what to give, take a look at our wish list
below or visit our online registries at Target
and Crate & Barrel (First Name: Cor Jesu;
Last Name: Academy) for ideas. Feel free
to use your imagination and get creative,
these are only suggestions.
• Special experiences, such as private
tours, bus trips and helicopter rides
Treasures of Heart Auction Wish List
• A fishing or hunting trip
Dave and Maria Thro Herdlick ’86
• Tickets to Cardinals, Blues, or Rams
games and other sporting events
• A wine-tasting, theme party, beertasting or cooking lessons
Volunteers Opportunities
• Airline vouchers or frequent-flyer miles
• Unique furniture
• Vacation homes or timeshares
• Almost anything you can think of . . .
sports items, home décor, bar items,
jewelry, kitchen items, electronics, etc.
And of course, anything with CJ!
Auction Contacts:
Shelley Fendler (sfendler@corjesu.org)
Joe and Nancy Horas Robinson ’84
Don’t miss the chance to be part of CJ’s
largest annual fundraiser by volunteering to help with the auction. Signing
up is easy! Visit the Parent Volunteer
Online Sign-up form at http://goo.gl/
forms/HM9GdxjnTm and indicate
how you would like to get involved.
• Hotel accommodations
Donate an Item
• Electronics (iPads, Kindles, iPhones,
Beats by Dre, laptops, Xbox 360 or PS4)
If you would like to donate something
to the auction, but you just don’t know
• Tickets to Fox, Powell, Muny or Peabody
• Transportation services; limo, van or
party bus
• Tickets and/or backstage passes to
concerts or sporting events
• Autographed sports memorabilia
• Flatscreen TV
• Gift certificates to restaurants,
wineries, bed and breakfast, day spas
or specialty stores
• A golf outing at your club
Please remember to turn in a completed
Auction Donation Gift Form with every
item that you donate.
Thank you to everyone who has already
made an auction donation! Bringing in
your donation in October help us to
assess where we still need to place items.
October 2015
Parents’ Corner
Mothers’ Club News
Upcoming Events
Remember, you don’t have to be a
“member” to take part. If you are a CJ
mom…you ARE a member!
Mothers’ Club Informational Meeting
and Cor Jesu Vendor Boutique
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Meeting at 6:30 p.m., Little Theater
Vendor Boutique at 7:00 p.m., Café
Come at 6:30 p.m. to learn about the
CJA Mothers’ Club and how you can
get involved, and then go shopping!
Many of the vendors are CJ moms,
alums or friends of CJA. Get a headstart on your Christmas shopping or
just treat yourself to something special!
Bring a friend or relative who might also
like a night out.
Sophomore “Mom & Me” Lunch
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
from 12:45-1:15 p.m. in the Cafe
Moms are invited to bring a special
lunch for their daughter or arrange for
someone else to bring lunch for their
daughter if they are unable to attend.
Watch your email for more details as the
date approaches.
Liturgy and Luncheon
Saturday November 14 at 8:30 a.m.
More details about this special mother/
daughter event will be available soon.
Volunteer Opportunities
It’s simple to volunteer to assist with
one of the many Mothers’ Club events
throughout the year. Just visit www.
corjesu.org/mothersclub and email
the chairperson for the event you are
interested in.
The hospitality committee is in particular need of volunteers. This committee
provides food for various events and
sometimes helps set up or serve at events.
When volunteers are needed, you are sent
an email with the event details and you
volunteer if you can. Please contact Linda
Munger at lmung@corporateclaims.com to
get your name added to the hospitality list.
Many hands make light work.
Below is a list of upcoming events in
need of volunteers:
2nd Annual Dress Resale
Thursday, October 29, 2015
from 1:40 – 3:00 p.m. in the Cafe
Mothers’ Club is sponsoring this special
opportunity for CJ students to sell or buy
a “new” dress for an upcoming dance. To
volunteer to help during the sale, contact
Teresa Lunte at (314) 645-4622 or designtoday@msn.com.
• Vendor Boutique on Tuesday,
October 6 at 7 p.m.
• Grandparents’ Mass on Sunday,
October 11 following Mass Can’t make it to Cor Jesu to shop?
You can order selected items from the
Spirit Stop right from your laptop!
Simply go to www.cjspiritshop.com
and start your shopping today!
September 2015 Recap
Mothers’ Club had a great start to the
new school year and thanks the moms
who have volunteered for our upcoming
events. Thank you to Cheryl Carosone
and Donna Glomb for planning the
Mother’s Back-to-School Mass and
Fellowship. A special thank you to
Grandparents’ Mass Reception
Sunday, October 11 at 11 a.m. in the Gym
CONTACT: Amy Goeddel at (314) 457-8209
or agoeddel@sbcglobal.net
Prospective Student Open House
Sunday, November 8 from 12-4 p.m.
CONTACT: Laura Pacheco at (314) 729-7842
or noel.pacheco@sbcglobal.net
Cor Jesu Spirit Stop
Spirit Stop Hours:
Mon.-Fri. during lunch periods
Tues. and Thurs. from 7:30-8 a.m.
The Spirit Stop will be open additional
hours for the following special events
occurring in October:
Taylor Glomb ’18 and Anna Groesch ’18 playing for the Mothers’ Club Back-to-School Mass
sophomores Taylor Glomb and Anna
Groesch, who blessed us with the beautiful music during the Mass.
Kathleen Carril and Sandy Hughes
Mothers’ Club Co-Presidents
October 2015
Fathers’ Club News
Upcoming Events
Fix-it Night
Thursday, November 5 at 6:30 p.m.
The first Fix-it Night will be on Thursday, November 5 at 6:30 p.m. Dads
will set up for Father/Daughter Liturgy.
If you signed up at the BBQ to help,
please look for an email from Bob Curran with more information.
Father/Daughter Liturgy
Friday, November 6 at 8:15 a.m.
CJ dads will pack the gym for a very
special liturgy with our daughters on
Friday, November 6, at 8:15 a.m. in
the gym. If you are musically talented
and would be willing to help with the
music at the Mass, please contact Pat
Reilly at fathersclub@corjesu.org. As a
reminder, dads should plan to park at
the Schnucks lot on Gravois. We will have
attendants directing you to the approved
spots, as well as shuttle service to and from
CJ. Please refrain from parking on Gravois.
Watch for more information via email in
the coming weeks.
September 2015 Recap
We had a record number of dads attend the
BBQ in September, who enjoyed a delicious meal and socializing with other CJ
dads. Everyone also learned about opportunities to get involved at Cor Jesu.
If you would like to receive emails on the
Fathers’ Club service opportunities and
events, such as Fix-it Nights, BBQ and the
parking committee and didn’t sign up this
year, please send an email to fathersclub@
corjesu.org to be added to the email list.
Fathers’ Club BBQ
Campus Ministry
September 2015 Recap
Christ the center of our lives. Our celebrant will be Bishop Edward Rice.
All-School Service Saturday
Approximately 100 students, parents
and faculty were living witnesses to
God’s mercy for St. Louis community as
they served side-by side at 11 different
locations during CJA’s Service Saturday
on September 26. This was the first of
four Cor Jesu service events scheduled
for this year. Volunteers made muffins for residents at Little
Sisters of the Poor.
Upcoming Events
First Friday Liturgy and
Enthronement of the Sacred Heart
Friday, October 2 at 8:15 a.m. in gym
Each year at this Enthronement Liturgy,
we recommit ourselves to making Jesus
Students helped organize items and prepare paint
buckets at Rebuilding STL.
Cor Jesu will continue to collect food
for local food banks at each First Friday
Liturgy. On Friday, October 2, the
collection will benefit the Affton
Christian Food Pantry.
SENIORS: canned fruit
(especially low sugar)
JUNIORS: canned entrees
(chili with meat, chicken and
dumplings, etc.) and peanut
SOPHOMORES: peanut butter
FRESHMEN: dry beans and dry rice
Continued on page 13
October 2015
Campus Ministry
Continued from page 12
Upcoming Retreats
October Kairos Retreat
Please pray for the seniors who will be
attending Kairos retreat on October
13-16, 2015 at King’s House Retreat
Center in Belleville, IL.
Parent Information Meeting for Seniors
Attending Kairos in December
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
at 6:30 p.m. in the Little Theater
Junior Retreat
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
The presenter will be Steve Allgeyer,
Vice President Ministry Development
for LifeTeen, Inc. Juniors will be given
permission slips and additional information soon.
Pro-Life Trip
Registration and deposit is due
Friday, October 2, 2015
If you are interested in joining Cor Jesu
and Generation Life to participate in the
March for Life in Washington, D.C.,
on January 22, 2016, please download
the Pro-Life Trip Fact Sheet, which details
the trip’s cost, itinerary and registration
deadlines. 2016 Appalachian
Summer Service Trip
June 12-18, 2016
Visit Cor Jesu’s website at www.corjesu.
org/service for more details and to
Volunteer spots are limited, and are
accepted on a first-come, first-served
basis, with priority given to juniors
and students with parent chaperones.
A $100 non-refundable deposit is collected at the time of application, made
payable to Cor Jesu Academy.
Counseling News & Notes
Personal and Wellness
Ms. Laura Gantner
Director of Personal and
Wellness Counseling
(314) 842-4429 x122
2016 Missouri Bright Flight
The table below displays the ACT or SAT score necessary to qualify members of the
Class of 2016 for a Missouri Bright Flight Scholarship and the statutory maximum
award amounts. The actual award amount is dependent on the amount of funds
allocated for the program during the 2016 legislative session. Final award amounts
are typically set in August.
Statutory Maximum
Award Amount
2016-2017 Estimated
Award Amount
ACT Score: 31 or above /
SAT Critical Reading and
Math Scores: TBA
Up to $3,000
ACT Score: 30 or above /
SAT Critical Reading and
Math Scores: TBA
Up to $1,000
Source: Missouri Department of Higher Education
More information about Bright Flight scholarships can be found on the Missouri
of Department of Higher Education’s website at http://dhe.mo.gov/ppc/grants/
Mrs. Victoria (Tori) Cox
(314) 842-4429 x267
College and Career
Mrs. Pamela Hopkins
Director of College
(314) 842-4429 x253
Mrs. Teresa Zielonko
(314) 842-4429 x117
Counselor Alpha Split
Seniors ’16 (A-L): Cox/Hopkins
Seniors ’16 (M-Z): Gantner/Zielonko
Rest of Classes (A-K): Cox/Hopkins
Rest of Classes (L-Z): Gantner/Zielonko
October 2015
PSAT / NMSQT Testing for Juniors and Sophomores
The PSAT/NMSQT is a standardized test that will be given to CJ sophomores and juniors on October 14, 2015, the national test date.
Juniors (Class of 2017) who score well on the PSAT/NMSQT may be eligible for the National Merit Scholarship competition. The
National Merit program recognizes students whose score ranks among the top one percent of students nationally and those students may
have an opportunity to compete for scholarships next spring.
PSAT Test Prep
A PSAT practice test is available, along with the answer key, for any student who wishes to prepare for the PSAT test. Free PSAT and SAT
test prep information is also available at www.khanacademy.org/sat.

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