cross+link cross+link - Bridgnorth Team Ministry


cross+link cross+link - Bridgnorth Team Ministry
The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth Anglican Team Ministry
Linking Parish Churches
around Bridgnorth
St Mary Magdalene
SS Peter + Paul
St Calixtus
St Nicholas
St Mary Magdalene
St Leonards Hall
Astley Abbotts
Acton Round
Aston Eyre
Upton Cressett
St James’ Hall
St Mary the Virgin
Aston Eyre
St Peter’s
St Gregory the Great
St Michael’s
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Letter from the Bishop of Ludlow
For many of us December brings with it a potent blend of pleasure and panic.
Pleasure, because if all goes well there is at least the promise of a Christmas
break from the usual routines and space for celebration and good times with
family and friends. There can also be a feeling of panic: am I sufficiently
prepared now that the countdown to the festivities has begun in earnest and the
celebrations are rapidly approaching? Even if the annual family letter has given
way to an update of your facebook page there are still the presents, the cards,
the various family gatherings, food and parties to organise and arrange. Perhaps
more worryingly the issues of overspending, overeating and overindulging loom
in the background with the wish that the January reality check doesn't kick in too
soon. None of this is helped by the fact that almost before bonfire night was over
nearly every advert on commercial television has encouraged us to enter into
their world of glamour, escape and bling. Garrison Keillor the American author
wrote in his usual dry wit "A lovely thing about Christmas is that it's compulsory,
like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together."
The commercial world motivated by profits is driven by the bottom line. When
the festivities finish for yet another year the judgement of success of the
Christmas season rests in sales. Whether the purchases are gifts to others or for
ourselves, behind the charm, twinkly adverts and nostalgic images lie these
strong forces. Being aware of the dangers does not mean that we are to avoid it
all. There can be a lot of goodness and kindness in and through it. What is
needed is perspective. What is Christmas for and how might we prepare well?
Although all too easily drowned out, the custom of marking Advent is a good
one. It encourages us in the weeks up to Christmas to prepare emotionally and
spiritually as well as practically by reflecting on the big issues of life, of human
failure, mortality, right judgment and wise living in a fractured world: to look at
our own needs and the needs of others. Advent sets our lives in the framework
of the hope and purposes of God to bring restoration, new creation and his
kingdom rule of justice and peace, it calls us to be reconciled to God and to
reflect again on how to be agents of reconciliation to others. Advent can open us
to our need of God and the gift of his life. It helps us to hear afresh the angels you is born in David's town a Saviour Christ the Lord.
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Clergy Thoughts - Liz Angell
Advent Hope
Advent is a time of expectation. The word itself means ‘coming’. It recalls ancient
Israel’s hope for the advent of the Messiah, and also expresses the Christian hope
and certainty in the fulfilment of God’s kingdom in the second coming of Christ.
In looking for the coming of the kingdom, Christians recognise that the kingdom is
already among us. We look for the fulfilment of that which is already here. Advent
proclaims the light shining in the darkness and Christ’s coming to lead the world
from darkness to light.
Advent comes at the darkest time of the year when the nights are longest. It’s a
special time of candle-lighting as we celebrate the coming of Christ - the Light of
the World.
While many of us count down the days of Advent with an Advent calendar or
Candle, many churches have an Advent Wreath or Crown containing five candles.
One candle is lit on the first Sunday of Advent, this year on 29 th November, two
are lit on the second Sunday and so on. Each candle has a different meaning in
Isaiah and other prophets in the Bible who predicted the coming of Jesus.
Mary, the mother of Jesus.
The Bible – the word of God.
John the Baptist, Jesus' cousin, who told the people in Israel to get ready for
Jesus' coming and teaching.
The fifth candle is lit on Christmas Eve/Day and represents Jesus, the Light of the
In many churches, the colour purple is used to signify the season of Advent. It’s a
time of longing and praying, of anticipation and hope. The candle representing
Mary sometimes changes to pink or rose. The colour for Christmas Day, the
birthday of Jesus, is usually white.
As I write this I’m hearing the news of yet more terrible atrocities in Paris at the
end of a year where we’ve seen tourists killed in Tunisia and Egypt, and
unprecedented numbers in recent times of migrants and refugees fleeing the
darkness of persecution and conflict and hoping for light in Europe.
Very soon after his birth Jesus was himself a refugee, forced to flee for his life
with his parents to Egypt. Jesus comes to those who are seekers and travellers in
the darkness, transforming our darkest days by his presence. May we not be
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
overwhelmed by the darkness but turn towards the Light, that we and those
around us may know the hope and love that Jesus alone brings. Come, Lord
Lord, by your presence
light up the past
that we might learn from it with thankfulness.
Light up the present
that we might live in it with love.
Light up the future
that we might prepare for it in hope.
As we watch and wait and pray
may we be always ready to encounter the Lord
who is already and always with us. Amen.
May you know the hope, peace, love and light of Jesus, God with us, this Advent
and Christmas and throughout the coming year.
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
St Mary Magdalene - Bridgnorth
November is a month for reflection before
we start the hustle and bustle of
Christmas. We at St Mary’s started our
reflections at the beginning of November
with our service of ‘Commemoration of the
faithful departed’. This is always a moving
service and our chance as a congregation
to support people who have recently lost a
loved one.
This service was quickly followed by
Remembrance Sunday, which began in the
Castle Grounds for laying the wreaths
around the Memorial before moving on to
St Leonards.
The atrocities in Paris presented another
moving time for reflection at the start of
our Sunday morning service when we lit
candles during our silence.
As November comes to a close, we start
to think of Advent and Christmas. On 5th
December we will be able to enjoy our
Christmas Concert with St Mary’s Chamber
Choir with mulled wine and mince pies
served at the end. Our Christmas Service
of Nine lessons and Carols will be held on
20th December at 6.30pm.
It has become a custom at this time of
year to review what happened over
the past year. So I will summarise events
as best I can: The first thing to mention
is that the year started with the Rector
being installed as a Prebendary at
Hereford cathedral. Jane Peeler has begun
her training as a Lay Reader and no less
than three people from our parish were
elected to the general Synod, (which
is akin to having three members of
parliament!) The Church Times report of
the proceedings at the Synod will no doubt
read like our local paper but we are very
proud of our three members, Simon, Laura
and Liz Bird.
Unfortunately, we have insufficient money
to meet our payment to the Diocese for
our Parish Share and the burden of
applying for grants towards replacing the
whole floor which is suffering from dry rot
and Death Watch beetle. However, our
Treasurer assures us that our giving has
increased so hopefully financially things
are looking up.
As you look round the congregation the
one thing that strikes me, is that nearly
everyone sitting in the pews is active in
some way in the life of the church. We
don’t have any ‘passengers’. So I think we
can say spiritually we have achieved much
this year.
Socially we have also been busy. For much
of this we have to thank Chris O’Brien
who, through the Friends of St Mary’s,
organises meals, theatre trips and outings.
Without this our church would be much
the poorer and so we thank Chris and her
committee (of which I am a member in
name only) for all their hard work.
The choral tradition of our church also
continues to thrive. Our choir sing for
at least two services a week and give
enjoyable and thought provoking concerts
at Christmas and in Holy week. We are
also fortunate to have others who wish to
come and perform in our church. Because
we are so lucky to have all this music
going on around us I fear we sometimes
take it all for granted. We thank the choir
and in particular our organist and Musical
Director, Dr John Turnock for all he
provides to the life of our church.
As this magazine is a double issue, it will
be February before I am reporting again. I
must therefore take this opportunity of
closing wishing you a very Happy
Christmas and New Year.
Catherine Wilson
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
20th Dec - Carol Service in church at
4pm (no morning service)
24th Dec - Midnight Service at 11.30pm
Quiz evening with Cheese & Wine in
Feb 2016 – (date to arranged)
Tasley Social Committee
2nd Jan - Tasley Village Christmas Party
in the Village Hall at 7pm. (starting with
a “hotpot” supper followed by carols,
mince pies and mulled wine).
St Peter and St Paul - Tasley
Christmas is fast approaching and we
start our Christmas celebrations once
again with “The Severn Singers
Christmas Concert”. The concert will be
held in church on Friday 4th December.
The church will be decorated for the
festive season. We will be having
audience participation once again and
this was a great success last year.
Come and join us with mulled wine and Tasley - 100 Club Winners
mince pies provided.
104 Mrs S Young
Forthcoming events for your Diary
Mr H Walker
Church events - 4th Dec - Severn
Mrs E Chafer
Singers Christmas Concert in Church at
7.30pm. Tickets £7.50
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and
20th Dec - Christmas Lunch Woodberry a Happy New Year.
Down 12.00pm
Bob and John
Amazing Grace
Blowing the whistle on the culture of
greed in banking cost Paul Moore his job
at HBOS. The trauma led to alcoholism
and clinical depression that brought
him to the brink of suicide. Eleven years
on he has published a book, Crash,
Bank, Wallop: memoirs of the HBOS
whistleblower, and co-founded the New
Wilberforce Movement that will campaign
for ethics in business. Moore was among
the first to lift the lid on the risk-taking
that eventually brought down HBOS and
threatened the entire banking system. He
credits his survival to his family, faith and
the monks of Ampleforth.
From the Tablet 14.11.15
Morning Prayer 8.40am to 9.15am
Mondays to Thursdays
The clergy and the occasional
congregation member meet for
Morning Prayer at St Mary’s at
8.40am (silence) for an 8.45am
(start) each morning, Monday to
Thursday inclusive. We use set
prayers, Bible readings, a psalm and
more informal prayer as we pray for
God’s world, our local communities,
our churches and those
particularly in need. It
lasts about 25 minutes.
Do join us whenever you
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
St Mary Magdalene - Quatford
After a late summer break our sheep
returned to the churchyard and at the
beginning of November, with all the
warm weather we have been having,
the grass was beginning to grow longer
than usual but they soon got munching
and it is now nicely mown. The
finishing touches were made by the
“Caring for Gods Acre” team, who have
worked hard doing general tidying up
and cutting back etc. We welcome
them back next May. The churchyard
now looks quite smart and ready for
the Spring.
The Table top sale at St Leonard’s Hall
made a reasonable sum for church
funds, but was not the great success
we had hoped for in spite of all of the
hard work put in by Rachel and her
team. We have learnt a few lessons
and will do better next time. Due to
unforeseen circumstances the “Beetle
Drive” at the Danery has had to be
postponed until the New Year.
Our Remembrance Day service, led
by Liz, was very moving and well
attended. Having the church open
every day from April until the middle of
October, (when the clocks go back) has
proved very successful, quite a few
visitors left nice comments in the
visitors book and with the help of our
opening and closing teams, we will do
the same in 2016.
The Carol Service is at 6.30pm on
Sunday December 20th (no morning
service) with sherry and mince pies to
follow and our popular “Midnight Mass”
is at 9pm on Christmas Eve. Do come
and join us. Wishing everyone a
Happy Christmas and a peaceful New
Bob Curtis
Music Notes
If you missed last month’s edition, the story continues! I am pleased to be able to include
the next instalment. There is so much detail and local interest in his memoirs that will be
of great interest to all who lived, or still live in, Bridgnorth. I am very grateful to Helen
Howell for allowing me to share this very interesting account of the musical life at St Mary
recorded by her father, Terry Briggs from 1914 - 1978. He was a choir member and
church treasurer for many of these years!
NUNC DIMITTIS - being some memories of Music at St Mary's and other matters.
Terry Briggs (dated 1978) - page 9
We were always welcome guests, usually on the "free list", at the various
Concerts given by the Kidderminster Choral Society, at which all the most famous
artistes of the time appeared, among them, Roy Henderson, the "Elijah" of his
time. On one occasion, knowing of my interest, he gave my wife and I his
Steward's tickets for a Three Choirs afternoon Concert in Worcester Cathedral, in
which Isobel Baillie, the most famous oratorio soprano of her day, was one of
the soloists. Later we met her walking to her Hotel. We smiled and received a
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
gracious smile in return. It was as if we had met a Goddess walking down
Foregate Street. But it was during the War that his greatest service to the cause
of music at St Mary’s was given. Arnold Clarke, appointed to succeed Reuben
Stanier in the autumn of 1939, left to serve in the R.A.F. and the majority of the
men were in one or other of the Services. My employment with Rootes Aircraft
Division, transferred from Coventry and housed in what had been the Carpet
Factory, meant that I was in a "reserved" occupation and not liable to immediate
call-up. Gradually we got down to a weekly practice for which Harry came up by
train on the old Severn Valley Railway Line (change at Bewdley) It must have
been a dismal journey as owing to the War trains and Stations were heavily
blacked-out. He played the harmonium or organ and I kept the boys in some
kind of order and tried to ensure that they knew the tunes to the hymns and the
chants and pointing of the Psalms. As I remember, we were given a fairly free
hand by the Rector, then Preb Jobling, and between us we produced a service
list which Harry took back to Kidderminster to get typed. He kept a watchful eye
on the Church's Calendar for Saints Days and minor Festivals and was careful to
see that these were marked by appropriate hymns. He also produced a complete
list of these Services on cards for our future guidance and I was fortunate in
being able to keep a set of these as they show what was achieved in most
difficult circumstances.
To be continued in next month’s issue (Edited by John Turnock - Dec 2015)
Together at Christmas provides a free meal and
company for anybody who needs it on Christmas Day.
This year it will be at The Castle Hall Bridgnorth.
If you find a guest who wishes to attend, or you
would like to help, please contact Catherine Brown
01746 768129. We need 25+ volunteers to work in teams to visit the residents
of Bridgnorth on three Saturday mornings, 10.00am - 11.30am: 14th November,
5th December and 12th December - following up on leaflets that will have been
posted to them - contact Derek Bartlett 07958 561619 or
We need an estimated £1,200 to fully pay for the event. Please make cheques
payable to Bridgnorth Community Trust and hand these to Catherine Brown at
Number Seven West Castle Street (next to the Baptist Church) or bring to the
next meeting if more convenient. Some people may want to provide a gift e.g. a
box of biscuits wrapped in Christmas paper.
Please liaise with Carol Wellings on this
Next meeting
Thursday 26th November 7.30pm at the Baptist Church. Thank you.
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
invite you to a Christmas Concert on
Friday 4th December
St Peter’s & St Paul’s Church
Tickets £7.50 inc. refreshments available from
Bob & Ann Turner- 764881
All proceeds to Church Funds
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Amnesty Write Campaign 2015 - 2016
Marjorie Brooks
Just a reminder - by the time you get this magazine, the
Amnesty Write Campaign materials will be available in your
church. Please send a card - which should be non-religious
and definitely not an Amnesty card - to one of the prisoners
whose details you will find in the campaign booklet or on the
AIUK website. The campaign goes on throughout December and January. You
can also go the Amnesty website and follow the Campaign links .
It will take only a few moments to add in an extra card or two when you are
writing all your other Christmas cards, so I do hope that as many of you as
possible will take part in this campaign. And many, many thanks to all those of
you who have taken the time to do so in the past. Former prisoners have
frequently testified to the difference these cards make to their treatment and, in
many cases, to their chances of release, so it does make a difference!
Donating to our Churches
We are very grateful for any donations we receive for our churches. These
enable us to keep our beautiful buildings in good repair and to fund activities for
the benefit of the whole community. The Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) of the
Bridgnorth Team of churches welcome all gifts and legacies left in wills. These
gifts will be used for the work of the church concerned. Please contact the
Treasurer of the specific church for more details:
St Mary Magdalene Bridgnorth - Martin Blackburn 766529
St Nicholas Oldbury - Jo Kerridge 766473
St Peter and St Paul Tasley - Irene Rogers 765926
St Calixtus Astley Abbotts - Mary Tipton 763171
St Mary Magdalene Quatford - Phyl Taylor 762318
St Leonard’s Hall Church - Martin Blackburn 766529
St James’ Hall Church - Martin Blackburn 766529
Thank you.
SERMON SERIES - Once 2016 gets underway Lent will be here before we
know it! However, before then we intend to run a sermon series exploring Holy
Communion, central to our worship throughout the year. Drawing on
Scripture and the Pilgrim teaching course we hope to inspire you, the series will
run from early January through to early February.
Rev Laura Hill
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Trying to find new homes for
some pre-loved books which
need to be appreciated again. All
monies to be donated to the A-T
Society. There is a list of hundreds of
books which are mostly general fiction,
crime and historical romances. So if
you're interested in a list please contact
Joy Ferguson on 767963 or email:
The League of Friends
of Bridgnorth Hospital
The Day Centre at the Community
Centre behind Innage Grange, needs
volunteers - Monday, once a month to
help serve tea, coffee and lunches
and generally just listen, chat, do
quizzes, etc. Contact Jenny Smith,
Area Coordinator for Age Concern:
01952 201803 mobile 07905147444.
Our Christmastime meal has now
been booked! We will be going to
"Bridgnorth Golf Club" on Monday 4 th
January 2016 at 7pm for 7.30pm.
For members the cost will be £14 for
a 3 course meal plus coffee/tea.
Please book your meal as soon as
possible with Chris O'Brien.
A £5 deposit will be required per
person with the booking.
The Severn Valley
Handcraft Guild
Meet on the last Wednesday
of the month (except August
- no meeting) in Bridgnorth
Library Meeting Room,
at 7:30pm. Contact the
Secretary, Emma Chandler, on 01746
769339 or for more information e-mail:
are holding their
Christmas Coffee Morning on
Saturday 28th November between
10am and 12pm at the Coffee Shop at
the Hospital. It will include a raffle, a
variety of stalls and tombola, together
with refreshments. Please come along
and support our local hospital.
The next Friendship
Lunch is on Tuesday
8th December and 12th
January. Please contact
768983 for details of venue.
A cleaner is wanted in Bridgnorth, for two and a half to three
hours a week references needed and good rate of pay.
If interested please contact Lorraine Ladha
on 01746 767297 or 07984028039
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
‘The Severn Singers’
“Christmas Calls”
in aid of
Save the Children
19 December
Endowed School
Old Hall
"Your donation will be matched by the
government pound for pound up to £5 million,
helping us to reach many more children.”
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
HEREFORD - TANZANIA LINK - a note from the Bishop and Dean
The link between the Diocese of Hereford and Tanzania has a history of more than
thirty years. The contacts have been at many levels, and in several different areas,
for example education, health and permaculture. Recent reminders of the link
have been the visit of the new Bishop of Masasi, the Rt Revd James Almasi in April
and the presence of the Revd Emmanuel Mnkai at The Gathering in July.
The link is now focussed on the four dioceses of Tanga, Dar es Salaam, Masasi
and Newala. The link is not primarily about offering financial aid to these dioceses;
it is about the mutual enrichment we can offer. We in Hereford can certainly be
enriched by seeing the confidence of a growing church and by discovering the
sheer joy in worship for people for whom the Sunday morning service has nothing
to do with duty, but is quite literally the highlight of their week.
And yet we would be selfish and irresponsible if the relationship had no financial
implications. Several years ago, the late Prebendary Walter Gould, whose
contribution to nurturing the link was enormous, spoke with Bishop John
Ramadhani, Archbishop of Tanzania from 1984 to 1998, and still, in retirement in
Zanzibar, very much the elder statesman of the Anglican Church of Tanzania.
Walter Gould asked the Archbishop, in financial terms, what assistance would be
most useful. The Archbishop had no hesitation is saying that the support of
ordinands in theological college was his highest priority.
Until last year, the cost of supporting a student for one year at the college was
about £700. This cost has now increased to £1,000 for students studying for the
certificate and diploma course, and a little more for those studying for a degree.
(The increased cost is partly because of St Mark's becoming a campus of St John's
Anglican University.) To offset the increase in cost, we began by reducing the
number of students supported from twelve to ten. This caused considerable
distress for dioceses which now found that Hereford Diocese was only supporting
two of their students instead of three. It was decided, therefore, as an act of faith,
to continue to support twelve students. This means that, instead of the £8,400 per
year which was formerly sufficient to support twelve students, we now need more
than £12,000 a year.
Please send any contributions by bank transfer to the Hereford Diocesan Board of
Finance sort code 30-94-14 account number 00201015 using reference TAP
Appeal, or by cheque payable to Hereford Diocesan Board of Finance with a note
saying it is for the TAP Advent Appeal, to Mr Stephen Herbert, Director of Finance,
the Diocesan Office, The Palace, Hereford HR4 9BL.
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
St Mary’s with St Leonard’s 200 Club
Winning tickets in the November draw are as follows:
Ticket No
November - Winners
Terry Hall
Sheila Royle
William Davies
Sheila Bradley
Mike James
Tim Bingham
Sylvia Palmer
Jennifer Durham
John James
Sue Rumble Evans
A potted history of a life in Bridgnorth
I had not been to church since childhood, when I would be sent to a Methodist
chapel each Sunday in St Martins, Oswestry. Later in Bridgnorth, I would go
occasionally with Tony, my husband, to St John’s Catholic church at Northgate,
further to these tentative steps back towards Christ, I began to buy books that I
found in charity shops for study and, to spend time sitting in quiet reflection in
St Marys church.
Gradually, and with the friendship of the parishioners of St Marys, I became a
frequent participant at the services there, whilst also having to look after my
ailing father who was in the early stages of dementia.
I became a sides person and, two years and a bit ago, was honoured to be
elected church warden, which I have taken too enthusiastically. I was asked,
and was delighted to accept, to be a participant in the lay ministry, which is very
rewarding taking communion to the elderly; I also manage the piety shop and
help out at little stars toddler group each Thursday; and also have an interest in
developing the church library at St Marys. I greatly enjoy working on my art
projects and increasing my knowledge of Christian theology in general.
I well remember the warm welcome I received from the parishioners of St Marys
and, because of this; I endeavour to make visitors feel welcomed into the church
of St Marys, which I have made my spiritual home.
A big thank you to all who have helped me in my spiritual journey.
Sandie Phillips
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Little Stars
Babies & Toddlers (Under 5’s)
& their Grown-Ups welcome
for a story, activity and time
to play and chat!
Thursdays in term-time – no need to book!
St Mary Magdalene Church,
East Castle Street, Bridgnorth
9.30am - 11.00am
£1 per ‘family’
for more details contact Rev. Laura Hill -
or find us on Facebook – ‘Little Stars Bridgnorth’
Where’s it all going?
It was September 12th 2001, and we headed, with some trepidation, to Germany
by air. At Birmingham Airport, armed guards were on duty, and the headlines on
the Newsstands screamed “Apocalypse!” Since that fateful day, 9/11, the world
has changed, is changing still. We have become aware of global warming; of
population pressure; of mankind as a threat to the earth, to our own continuing
existence. The world has shrunk and become a global village. So where is it all
going to end?
Back in the 90s, when I was preparing my first solo Exhibition, I thought it would
be “fun sometime to paint my way through the book of Revelation.” Suddenly, in
2001, that enigmatic book which purports to tell us what the future holds, was on
everyone’s minds. Even the Times’ main cartoon depicted the four horsemen of
the Apocalypse. I began to read it more carefully, and respond in words, in paint
and print, in collage and clay. This Exhibition has been fifteen years in the
making, on and off. But now here it is at last. It was first shown as part of the
Church Stretton Arts Festival “Fringe” and then on to St Mary’s Shrewsbury. Now
it is coming to St Mary Magdalen Bridgnorth for the first weekend of Advent
And for all the book’s depiction of disaster and pain, the over-riding message is
one of hope and joy! For as Mother Julian of Norwich famously said: “All shall be
well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.”
Valerie Morris
“DESTINY: reflections on the Book of Revelation in Paintings, Pots and Poetry” is
on show at St Mary’s on Friday November 27 th from 1pm, and on Saturday 28th Monday 30th from 10am - 4pm approximately (except during services).
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Bridgnorth Youth & Schools Project
A day of prayer for children & young people
At the beginning of November the BYSP team spent a week running a full
programme of lessons for Bridgnorth Endowed school within the context of a
creative reflective environment. They taught lessons on Christian Pilgrimage,
Creation, Identity and the Sanctity of Life. Through the week the team taught
around 400 students and gave each and every one of them a time and space to
explore their own thoughts about life, their beliefs and their responses to issues in
the world around them.
To put that into context, that’s 400 students taught over 16 hour long lessons,
weaved in amongst a programme that included assemblies for the whole school, 4
hours of targeted support meetings with students who have specific needs in both
schools and six evening clubs that are run with and/or by our central team. Each
club has around twenty five young people attending in the different areas at
present, and that was the scope of work in just one week.
On Sunday 6th December we’re encouraging churches to have a prayerful focus
on young people and work with young people around the area whether the work is
done through BYSP or not. On the same day we’ll also be opening a prayer room
which will remain available for 24 hours from 2pm in the afternoon. If you would
like to spend some time in the prayer room which will be situated in cafe area of
The Bridge Youth Centre please do book your time slot with us by using sign up
sheets in your own church or by contacting the Bridge office on 01746 218285.
You can also email me using the following email address:
A day of prayer for children & young people
Sunday 6th December - Monday 7th December 2pm - 2pm
At the Bridge Youth Centre
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
What? – A mid-week gathering
of Christians and not yet Christians from across the area to meet with God in worship, testimony,
teaching and prayer ministry, with a particular emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Each month a speaker from outside the area will be invited to come to minister.
Where? – Endowed School Library
– best to park on the Innage Lane car park next to the Fire Station and walk over the footbridge – signs
will direct you.
When? – 2nd Thursday each month
Starting at 7.00pm with coffee and snacks, and aiming to finish by 9.30pm
Why? – to encourage and equip God’s people
Do you find yourself ‘running on empty’ spiritually at times? Many of us do. The Filling Station aims to
complement local churches by providing a specific opportunity to come and be filled afresh with the Holy
Spirit, so that we can be more effective in demonstrating God’s Kingdom day by day through our lives.
1 Cor 4:20 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power
A team of people from various churches across the area has come together to be responsible for running
the meetings. The meetings will be run under the auspices of Torchbearers Trust, which is a local Christian
Trust which works to support local churches, build relationships amongst Christians across the area, and
see God’s Kingdom demonstrated in our midst.
The Filling Station Trust is a national organisation committed to seeing Filling Station Meetings running
across the whole of the UK – currently over 60 are held each month. For more information see their
For further details contact:
Keith Bowley, Filling Station Administrator. , Tel: 07971 522167
Torchbearers Trust is a charity registered in England and Wales No. 1000113
64 Dunval Road, Bridgnorth, Shropshire. WV16 4NB
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Thursday, in term time
6.30pm – 8.00pm
SJ Youth Club @ St James’ Hall Church
from School Year 5 and upwards
Food, games, craft, food, activities, food, trips, food!
No need to book – just turn up!
£1 per session
For more info contact Rev’d Laura Hill
Tel: 768027, or email
Find us on Facebook ‘SJ Youth Bridgnorth’
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Pied Piper of Bridgnorth
Pest Control Service
Rats, mice,
wasps, fleas,
moles and other
Reliable and friendly service.
Please contact
Howard Galbraith on
01746 764472 or
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Praise & Prayer
An informal time to gather,
to worship, to pray, to be
4th Sunday of the month
24th January
(United Service for the Week of Prayer
for Christian Unity)
28th February
24th July
24th April
25th September
22nd May
23rd October
27th November
6.30pm for 7pm
start with refreshments
St James’ Hall Church
Lodge Lane, Bridgnorth, WV15 5DD
Bridgnorth Handy
Fun and Fellowship
at St Nicholas’ Church
Property maintenance & pest control
UPVC fascia, soffit and guttering
Roof & chimney repairs
Gutter cleaning & repairs
Garden clearance
Re-felting sheds
Interior & exterior painting/decorating
Tiling & re-sealing bathrooms
Hanging pictures, mirrors and so much more...
No job too small
Life and Soul
Relax with a cuppa, squash, biscuits,
chat and a fun activity followed by informal worship.
Any age, families, singles - everyone!
We also do pest control
Rats, Mice, Wasps, Fleas and all the nasties
Come and join in.
First Sunday of the month at 10.30am:
6th December, 7th February
6 March - Mothering Sunday
3rd April
Competitive rates. Friendly & reliable.
Contact Jackie:
01746 218487 or 07891 168961
Need to know more? Contact Liz Angell 01746 767187
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Advertise here: promote yourself to the local community, and support the parish churches of Bridgnorth
St James’ Hall Church
For Hire
Lodge Lane, The Grove.
Available to hire.
Following extensive
renovation provides a
comfortable, welcome venue,
at a very reasonable cost.
Bookings: Liz Fisher
01746 764059 or
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Tasley Village Hall
Church Lane, Tasley.
Available to hire.
Following extensive
Tasley Village Hall
provides a comfortable,
welcome venue, at a very
reasonable cost.
Opening hours Mondays
10.30am – 12.30pm
Number Seven,
West Castle Street, Bridgnorth
01746 768129
Bookings: Rachel
01746 767660
Reach over 500 local households, and support your parish churches.
Advertise your local services here at very economical rates. Contact Mrs James 01952 461421 or email:
Tree Surgery
Digger Work
Mobile Welding
The Blacksmiths Shop,
13 Nordley,
WV16 4SU
Mob: 07967524742
Tel: 01746 552415
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Marjorie Hayward
Our October meeting was all about bricklaying, painting in oils and child
care! Tim Bingham came to talk to us how he juggled his life to fit in
with all his interests and commitments.
Originally the four Bingham brothers lived in Cartway. The family business was in
the building construction. When Tim left school he went into the building trade
and trained.
It is a demanding job and there is a need to have an escape to something more
creative and therapeutic. Both Tim’s Uncle and Dad were painters in their spare
time. Tim always wanted to paint and learnt from his dad in the evenings.
Eventually the builder and budding artist moved to a house on the Green where
he had his studio with Paul Weller. It was an exciting stage in his life and there
was a visit from the well known ‘Time Team’ programme digging up the area. It
was at this time Tim began to paint portraits and was making his name as a
portrait painter. He got to meet and paint well-known stars of screen and theatre,
including Charlton Heston at Shepperton Studios. In the noughties the building
trade took a nose dive and this gave Tim more opportunity to paint! He has tried
the ‘wild’ type of oil painting but has always returned to portraits with depth of
feeling and catching the character of the person, after the style of Titian’s portrait
of a young boy. We have all heard of Honeysuckle Weeks and Tim had the
chance of painting her portrait which shows the other side of her nature that we
don’t generally see, his smooth use of oils mixed with linseed and turps add to
the sensitivity of the character.
Tim is married to Sarah. He became a full time stay-at-home dad after their first
daughter Holly was born. Sarah is a dentist and went back to work after three
months. Tim reflected on the first few months that there wasn’t much to do, only
to feed one end and clean up the other. Holly slept a lot for the first four months
giving her dad time for his paintings and household chores… lucky daddy!!
Then there were two girls to look after! With a new baby Poppy and toddler Holly
there was rather more to do. Tim considered that the relationship is different
when you look after children all the time. He remembers when one of the girls
hurt herself she came to daddy for comfort, he felt he had made it!
Tim has a great sense of humour which a dad has to have when caring for girls.
After returning from nursery one time the elder one got fed up carrying her
handbag and gave it to dad, which caused a great deal of amusement to passing
lorry drivers.
About two years ago there was going to be another happy event in the Bingham
family which turned out to be a double one, twins Honey and Indigo. Now Tim
has a good routine of getting the girls ready for the school run! Holly attends
secondary school and Poppy is about to join her soon and the twins go to the
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
childminder and their next stage will be nursery.
Recently Tim hasn’t had much time for painting and at the moment has a bigger
project to complete. Good luck with the oils in the future!
Our November’s meeting was all about the church warden also known
as the sparrow painter and worry over a lemon. This is the artistic and
spiritual life story of Sandra Phillips, affectionately called Sandie.
She trained as an artist at Shrewsbury Art College and went on to Birmingham to
study fashion and textiles. Sandie opened a treasure trove of photographs of
beautiful embroideries that were done at college and further commissions as a
result of her exquisite execution of very fine stitchery. Most of the embroideries
were worked on silk fabric with the sky and foreground painted and the subject
matter embroidered in fine thread using a variety of techniques.
Sandie’s sampler is a delicate piece of embroidery beautifully done. She used
many different flowers with birds to show her complete knowledge of embroidery
Moving on to another part of Sandie’s life … with very tentative steps she talked
to her husband and son about going back to God! Looking around charity shops
on the religious shelves she came across ‘Short cuts to God’. As St Mary’s church
doors are always open Sandie felt welcome to stay as ‘Young Family Praise’ was
about to start. She chatted to Bernard Speke there and spoke with the Rev Mike
Kneen who agreed she could be confirmed and then became a regular at St
Mary’s. Soon Sandie found that the church was desperate for a sidesman, she felt
it was a challenge but God worked on her and with the late Tony Riddiford saying
he would help she agreed!
Only 6 years on from joining St Mary’s Sandie was Church Warden. She finishes
her duties in 2016. She has been a dynamic warden… sorting out the library with
a much higher profile, working hard to maintain a successful shop of prayer cards
and other religious merchandise and supporting ‘Little Stars’ for babies and
toddlers on a Thursday in term-time. She remembers going to a toddler group
with her son, it got them out of the house and likewise with the present families.
The little ones love exploring the church. Sandie takes communion to the Innage
and takes with her the love of God.
It wasn’t easy to start painting again whilst her son was small but it was time to
take up her artistic career again when Danny grew up. She now paints in acrylic
on canvas and is known as the sparrow painter. All her subjects are full of
character and she captures the chatterbox sparrows so well. She is a very
successful local painter and her work is much admired.
There is no space left for the lemon story!
Our Advent Service is on Tuesday 8th December at 2.30pm in St Mary’s.
Join us for the service and refreshments. You are most welcome. Marjorie
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
St Mary’s Church is in a worrying financial position. The budget shows a
substantial shortfall with Diocesan Quota instalments still due.
For the most part the Church of England, the Established Church - and therefore
everybody’s church if and when they need it - has in years past been seen to be
just there for all time. Wealthy landowners maintained it as part of their Christian
commitment to the community. The Church of England was rich - look at all the
property it owned, while you and I - I dare to suggest - may well have been
living in tied cottages. Not anymore. Things have changed and, like other
denominations, we, the regular congregation, have to pay our way.
You and I may own our own houses – making us property/land owners, but very
few of us are rich in financial terms. Nor are the vast majority of our Congregation
who see their regular giving to the upkeep of the Church as a prominent part of
their monthly budget and in many cases as sacrificial giving.
There is a danger, because the C of E is seen as the State Church, of thinking it
will always be there. There for family baptisms, weddings and there to see us
despatched at a dignified service when our time comes. However for those of us
who worship there, some who have worshipped there for a long time, it is more
than that. It is a family - one removed from our blood family, but still part of that
extended and glorious family - The Family of God. Our membership and
involvement is a natural part of being one of that very family.
I believe that as a family we have a responsibility to play our part - not just in the
fun and happy sides of family life but of taking seriously the less appealing,
unpopular, perhaps grudging aspects - it’s anxious times, it’s demands - and its
There are many in our Church family who work unstintingly, giving time as well as
money, playing a part in the administration of all that goes on there - the worship,
the music, organising events, keeping the place clean, and living out their Christian
faith through caring and being there for people - the list is endless.
It would be good if the community as a whole who gravitate towards the Church
from time to time to meet their occasional needs could see a way to play a part to
ensure its survival. Yet it almost certainly will fall largely to the regular
congregation to rise to the challenge. We are being asked to think about how we
give and to consider a regular standing order to make budgeting easier - for both
ourselves and the Church finances.
Suggestions would be welcomed on how we can address this crisis, how we can
enhance that feeling of family which gives more people a sense of belonging and
commitment to that most Blessed body - the Family of God in this place.
Thank you.
Pearl Layland
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Little Stars
Little Stars is a ‘stay and play’ session, for under 5’s and
their grown-ups. Those grown-ups may be mums, dads,
grandparents, child-minders, carers… and presently we
attract a mix! Our main aim is to provide a friendly
space to enable the adults to build relationships with
one another and with us. We provide toys and simple activities for the children,
as well as simple refreshments. We often tell a story, either a popular children’s
story, or a story from the Bible.
We meet most Thursdays in term time, from 9.30am ‘til 11am, in St Mary’s, in
East Castle Street, Bridgnorth.
Why bother? What difference does it make?
We don’t claim to be saving the world… but we are reaching and building
relationships with folk who don’t come to church. We’ve recently celebrated our
first Little Stars Baptisms! Building friendly and trusting relationships can often be
the first step towards talking about faith, and Jesus. I came to faith through the
relationships built in a similar group in 1998… and look how that ended up!!!
Where could I fit in?
Are you friendly? Can you make a decent cuppa? Could you help provide a simple
activity?... any of these?... Yes?... Brilliant!! To ensure that we can continue this
significant outreach in to our community we need more help. We’re not looking for
anyone to commit to be there every week, but a few people stepping forward
means we can take turns - many hands make light work and all that!
Want to know more?
Great… talk to me, or Sandie Phillips... or feel free to pop in and join us one
Thursday morning!
Rev Laura - / 768027
Congratulations Margaret Cosh
One day in October just gone by, Margaret Cosh slipped out from Aston Eyre and
was made a member of The Order of Saint Ethelbert in a ceremony in Hereford
Cathedral. There were others, of course, at this event and each person was being
honoured for all the work they have done in our church and diocese over many
years. So next time we meet her, we can look very carefully at the badge she’s
wearing and express our pleasure that at last our bishops have recognised what
we have long known, namely that there is no one who deserves this honour more
than she does. Many congratulations, Margaret. Laus Deo - John
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Growing in Prayer
Do you find prayer a welcome time of personal space? A tedious duty? An
adventure? An embarrassment? A struggle with concentration? Uplifting?
Confusing? Intimidating?
Do you see it as a skill to be practised? An art to perfect? An exercise to be
endured? As natural as breathing? As tricky as skateboarding or mastering the
Do you want to explore what it means to pray with purpose, growing in
understanding of and intimacy with God? Come along to four weekly sessions in
January and February and we’ll learn and grow together. Sessions will cover:
praying on my own, prayer and other people and difficult decisions.
When? Wednesdays 13th, 20th and 27th January and 3rd February at 7.30pm. Or
perhaps you’d prefer a daytime session? Where? 32 Goodwood Avenue.
Please let me know by 14th December if you’d like to join us.
Liz Angell tel: 767187 email:
Scarlett Rose Tudor
Aime Jayne Tudor
Ava Mai Savage
Luke Christopher Morris
Layla Grace Savage
Dennis Smallman
Michael George Stewart
Robert John Lewis
Roger Groves
Harry James Crowther
Alfred William Humphries
Patricia Eunice Mole
Dorothy Humphries
Jean Evelyn Godson
Iain David Gladwell
Margaret Ann Jones
Elizabeth Jane Wilton
Irene Wellings
Irene May Sankey
Hilary Morris
Richard Rutter/Catrin Wassell
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital 01743 261000
Shropshire Fire and Rescue 01743 260260
Princess Royal Hospital 01952 641222 Bridgnorth Library 763358
NHS Direct 0845 4647
Traveline (Buses) 0870 6082608
Shropdoc 08444 068888
Bridgnorth Endowed School 762103
Bridgnorth Hospital 762641
Oldbury Wells School 765454
Bridgnorth Medical Practice 767121
St John’s Primary School 762061
Police non-emergency calls 101
St Leonard’s Primary School 762781
Gas emergency 0800 111999
St Mary’s Primary School 763455
Electricity emergency 0800 056 8090
Castlefields Primary School 764072
Shropshire Council 0845 678 9000
St Leonard’s Church Custodian 769720
Bridgnorth Anglican
Team Ministry
Team Office: St Leonard’s Hall Church,
Racecourse Drive,
WV16 4NR
Tel: 01746 767174
Rev’d Prebendary Simon Cawdell - Rector
16 East Castle Street, WV16 4AL
01746 761573
Rev Liz Angell - Team Vicar
32 Goodwood Avenue, WV15 5BD
01746 767187
Honorary Assistant Ministers
Rev Sarah Cawdell 761573
Rev Hugh Patterson 765298
Rev John Webb
01384 295856
Rev John Ward
Local Ministry Development Group
Mrs Dorothy Leiper 764514
Mrs Meg Marshall
Mrs Jane Peeler
Mrs Sandie Phillips 769271
Mrs Kay Prior
Miss Sheila Royle
Rev Laura Hill - Team Curate
41 Innage Lane, WV16 4HS
01746 768027
Rev Marjorie Brooks - Team Curate
01746 761942
Open to personal callers:
Mon - 11.00am - 12.30pm
Tues - Thurs 8.30am - 11.30am
Fri - 8.30am - 10.30am
Email :
Website :
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
St Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth
Mrs Kathy James…01952 461421
Mrs Sandie Phillips...769271
Secretary Mrs Kathy James…01952 461421
Treasurer Mr Martin Blackburn...766529
Verger Mr Roger Taylor...767345
St Mary Magdalene, Quatford
Mr Bob Curtis...766126
Miss Rachel Edwards...766146
Secretary Miss Rachel Edwards...766146
Treasurer Mrs Phyllis Taylor...762318
Verger Mr Bob Curtis...766126
St Nicholas, Oldbury
Mrs Liz Fisher...764059
Deputy Churchwarden
Dorothy Leiper...764514
Secretary Mrs Diana Scutt...761679
Treasurer Mrs Jo Kerridge...766473
St Peter & St Paul, Tasley
Mr John Hirst...763626
Mr Robert Turner...764881
Secretary Ms Leslie Edwards...761847
Treasurer Mrs Irene Rogers...765926
St Mary the Virgin, Acton Round
Mrs Bridget Chappuis...714035
Mr Thomas Kennedy...714360
Secretary Mrs Jane Madeley...785751
Treasurer Mrs Susan Kennedy...714203
St Calixtus, Astley Abbotts
Mrs Shelah Westley...762871
Mrs Idonea Pickering...763065
Secretary Mrs Juanita Gennard...768674
Treasurer Miss Mary Tipton...763171
Upton Cressett Monkhopton
Mr Terry Fellows...01902 564748
Mrs Tammy Williamson...785576
Treasurer Mr Tim Morris...789271
St Gregory the Great, Morville
Mr Barry Jenkinson...714009
Mr Dominic Crowe...01952 728883
Treasurer Mrs Kathy Renshaw...789271
St James’ Hall Church
Booking Secretary Mrs Liz Fisher...764059
Aston Eyre
Mrs Margaret Cosh...714248
Mr Ian Morris...714378
Treasurer Mrs Shelley Caine...714362
St Leonards Hall Church
Booking Secretary Rachel Connelly...767660
Deadlines for Cross+Link articles for 2016
(Which means we go to PRINT on this date at 1pm!)
Feb - Wed 20th Jan
Mar - Wed 17th Feb
Apr - 16th Mar
May - 13th Apr
February issue copy date:
Wed 20th January 2016 at 1pm
If you would like to contribute to or
receive a copy of the magazine via email,
please send your name and email address
to or - Cross+Link Editors
Jane Downing & Kathy James
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Christmas Eve
Thursday 24th
Oldbury - 3.00pm Nativity and Crib Service
St Leonard’s Hall Church - 5.30pm Crib Service
St Mary’s Bridgnorth - 6.30pm Crib Service
Astley Abbots - 6.30pm Crib Service
Quatford - 9.00pm Christmas HC
Tasley - 11.30pm Christmas HC
St Mary’s Bridgnorth - 11.30pm Christmas HC
Morville - 11.30pm Christmas HC
Christmas Day
Friday 25th
St Mary’s Bridgnorth - 8.00am HC
Astley Abbotts - 9.00am Christmas HC
Oldbury - 10.00am Christmas HC
Aston Eyre - 10.00am Christmas HC
Acton Round - 10.00am Christmas HC
St Mary’s Bridgnorth - 10.30am Christmas FC
Morville - 11.00am Christmas FS
Castle Hall - 12noon for 12.30pm lunch ‘Together at Christmas’
New Year Eve
Thursday 31st
St Mary’s Bridgnorth - 11.30pm Watchnight Service
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
30 Mon
Tasley PCC Meeting
Tasley Ch
01 Tues
Morville PCC Meeting
South Pavilion
02 Wed
Holy Communion BCP
St Mary’s Ch
02 Wed
Deanery Synod
Alveley Vill Hall
02 Wed
Healing Ministry Course
03 Thurs
9.30am - 11.00am
Little Stars
St Mary’s Ch
03 Thurs
6.30pm - 8.00pm
Youth Club from School Year 5 and upwards
St James’ Hall Ch
04 Fri
Townswomens’ Guild Carol Service
St Mary’s Ch
05 Sat
St Mary’s Chamber Choir Christmas Concert
St Mary’s Ch
06 Sun
2.00pm - 2.00pm (Mon)
Youth Work 24 hour Prayer
The Bridge
06 Sun
Christingle Service
Astley Abbotts
06 Sun
Dickens ‘A Christmas Carol’
Oldbury Ch
08 Tues
Mothers Union Advent Service
St Mary’s Ch
08 Tues
Schools and Friends Carols
St Leonard’s Ch
08 Tues
LMDG Christmas Social
The Woodberry
09 Wed
Holy Communion BCP
St Mary’s Ch
10 Thurs
9.30am - 11.00am
Little Stars
St Mary’s Ch
10 Thurs
6.30pm - 8.00pm
Youth Club from School Year 5 and upwards
St James’ Hall Ch
10 Thurs
7.00pm - 9.30pm
Filling Station
Endowed School Library
11 Fri
9.00am - 12noon
St Leonard’s School Christmas Celebration
St Mary’s Ch
13 Sun
Carols by candlelight
Eardington Vill Hall
13 Sun
Christingle Service
St Mary’s Ch
15 Tues
Endowed School Carols
St Leonard’s Ch
15 Tues
Innage Grange Carols
Innage Grange
15 Tues
Endowed School Carols
St Leonard’s Ch
16 Wed
Holy Communion BCP
St Mary’s Ch
17 Thurs
St Mary’s School - Carols
St Mary’s School
17 Thurs
9.30am - 11.00am
Little Stars
St Mary’s Ch
17 Thurs
Carol Service
18 Fri
St Leonard’s Nursery Christingle
St Mary’s Ch
20 Sun
Carol Service
Tasley Ch
20 Sun
Christingle Service
20 Sun
Carol Service
Quatford Ch
20 Sun
Nine Lessons and Carols
St Mary’s Ch
20 Mon
Carol Service
Aston Eyre
21 Mon
Carol Service
22 Tues
Carol Service
Oldbury Grange
23 Wed
Holy Communion BCP
St Mary’s Ch
See previous page for Church services on
Thursday 24th - Christmas Eve, Friday 25th - Christmas Day & Thursday 31st New Year's Eve
25 Fri
12noon for lunch 12.30pm
Together at Christmas
The Castle Hall, Bridgnorth
30 Wed
Holy Communion BCP
St Mary’s Ch
06 Wed
Holy Communion BCP
St Mary’s Ch
07 Thurs
9.30am - 11.00am
Little Stars
St Mary’s Ch
12 Tues
32 Goodwood Ave
13 Wed
Holy Communion BCP
St Mary’s Ch
14 Thurs
9.30am - 11.00am
Little Stars
St Mary’s Ch
14 Thurs
6.30pm - 8.00pm
Youth Club from School Year 5 and upwards
St James’ Hall Ch
14 Thurs
7.00pm - 9.30pm
Filling Station
Endowed School Library
16 Sat
Opening Concert of the Grand Piano - Roy Howat International Pianist
St Mary’s Ch
19 Tues
St Mary’s PCC Meeting
19 Tues
Astley Abbotts PCC Meeting
20 Wed
Holy Communion BCP
St Mary’s Ch
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Anglican Church Services in Dec 2015
HC = Holy
MP = Morning
Advent 2
Sunday 6th
Advent 3
Sunday 13th
Advent 4
Sunday 20th
Christmas 1
Sunday 27th
8.00am HC
8.00am HC1662
8.00am HC
8.00am HC1662
10.30am HC
10.30am HC
10.30am HC
10.30am HC
4.30pm Christingle
6.30pm Nine
Lessons & Carols
St Mary
9.00am HC
9.00am HC1662
6.30pm Carols
St Calixtus
4.00pm Christingle
9.30am FC
9.00am HC
St Nicholas
10.30am FS &
St Peter and
St Paul
10.30am HC
St Mary
10.30am HC
3.30pm Carols at
Eardington Vill Hall
10.30am FS
4.00pm Carols
St James’
Hall Church,
The Grove
3.00pm HC ext
St Leonard’s
Hall Church,
10.30am FS
St Gregory
the Gt
11.00am HC
10.30am FC
11.00am HC (SSch)
Aston Eyre
10.00am HC
St Mary the
Virgin Acton
10.00am HC
10.30am HC
11.00am FS
11.00am FS
10.00am MP
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016
Anglican Church Services in Jan 2016
HC = Holy
MP =
Sunday 3th
Epiphany 1
(Baptism of
Epiphany 2
Epiphany 3
Epiphany 4
Sunday 17th
Sunday 24th
Sunday 31st
Sunday 10th
8.00am HC
8.00am HC1662
8.00am HC
8.00am HC1662
8.00am HC1662
10.30am HC
10.30am HC
10.30am HC
10.30am FS &
10.30am FC
St Mary
9.00am HC
9.00am HC1662
9.00am HC
9.00am HC
9.00am HC
St Calixtus
9.00am HC
9.30am FS
9.00am HC
9.00am MP
9.00am HC
St Nicholas
10.30am HC
10.30am HC
10.30am HC
10.30am HC
10.30am HC
St Peter &
St Paul
10.30am HC
10.30am FS
10.30am HC
10.30am MP
10.30am HC
St Mary
3.00pm HC
St James’
Hall Church,
The Grove
3.00pm HC
St Leonard’s
Hall Church,
10.30am FS
St Gregory
the Gt
11.00am HC
10.30am FC
11.00am HC
Aston Eyre
10.00am HC
St Mary
the Virgin
Acton Round
10.00am HC
6.30pm United
Service of Prayer
for Christian Unity
11.00am FS
11.00am FS
Healing Service
10.00am MP
10.00am MP
Cross+Link December 2015 / January 2016