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The procession of Corpus Christi will begin in the church at 6:30 p.m. Then we will process the
Blessed Sacrament through the streets of St. Lucy’s parish bestowing Christ’s blessings on the
whole neighborhood. All are invited to process with us, especially those who will be receiving
their First Communion and Confirmation this month. Certificates for First Communion and
Confirmation will be distributed after the procession.
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7th Annual Dinner Dance
Friday - May 13, 2016
Beckwith Pointe
700 Davenport Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10805
Come and Celebrate
our 7th annual
Dinner Dance
as a Parish Family
Cocktails: 7:00 p.m.
Open Bar, Dinner & Dancing: 7:30 - 11:30 p.m.
Honoring: Josephine Barresi, Teresita Carrion,
Cathy Cruz, Diane Diaz, Maria Iacovella,
Virgilio Ramirez, Marvin Rodriguez,
Josephine Trapasso and Rosina Vairo
Cost: $80.00
Questions/Reservations - contact Madeline Marinaccio at (718) 882-0710 or email:
stlucybx@gmail.com Reservations must be received no later than Monday, May 9, 2016
S›ò›Äã« Sçėƒù Ê¥ EƒÝã›Ù - Mƒù 8, 2016
833 Mace Avenue, Bronx, NY 10467 718-882-0710 - 718-882-8876 (fax)
May8,2016 Monday- May 9, 2016 - Easter Weekday
8:00 a.m. For All Mothers - Living and Deceased
9:00 a.m. Rose & Michel DeGuilmi
Tuesday- May 10, 2016 - Easter Weekday - St.
Damien de Veuster, Priest
8:00 a.m. Pasquale, Rose Sale and Family
9:00 a.m. For All Mothers - Living and Deceased
Wednesday- May 11, 2016 - Easter Weekday
8:00 a.m. For All Mothers - Living and Deceased
9:00 a.m. Edwin Berrios
Thursday- May 12, 2016 - Easter Weekday - Sts.
Nereus & Achilleus, Martyrs; St. Pancras,
8:00 a.m. Georgio Villani
9:00 a.m. For All Mothers - Living and Deceased
7:00 p.m. Carmen Lopez
Friday- May 13, 2016 - Easter Weekday Our Lady of Fatima
8:00 a.m. For All Mothers - Living and Deceased
9:00 a.m. Giuseppe Greco
Saturday- May 14, 2016 - St. Matthias, Apostle
8:00 a.m. Special Intention
9:00 a.m. For All Mothers - Living and Deceased
5:30 p.m. Nikolin Rragami
7:00 p.m. Elizabeth Lopez
Sunday- May 15, 2016 - Pentecost Sunday
8:00 a.m. Giuseppina & Maria Cogliatore
9:00 a.m. Javier Isla & Esperanza Vega
9:15 a.m. For all Parishioners of St. Lucy’s Parish
10:30 a.m. Luan Bulku
12:00 p.m. Gjek Sinishtaj
12:00 p.m. Creole Mass - Center Chapel
1:15 p.m. For all Mothers - Living and Deceased
First Reading — Because Stephen professes his faith in
the Son of Man, he is stoned to death (Acts 7:55-60).
Psalm — The Lord is king, the most high over all the
earth (Psalm 97).
Second Reading — I, the Alpha and the
Omega, am coming soon (Revelation
22:12-14, 16-17, 20).
Gospel — Father, I pray that they may
all be one, as you and I are one, that they
may be brought to perfection (John
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
La Vigilia de Pentecostes
El 14 de mayo, celebramos la Virgilia de Pentecostes
a las 7 de la noche en el auditorio.
Despues de la Santa Misa, haremos la presentacion
de todos los grupos hispanos.
We welcome
Stephanie Albarracin &
Derek Albarracin
Baptized on April 30, 2016
into the Roman Catholic Church
our Parish community of St. Lucy
May 21, 2016
Gjergj Bujaj & File Shabaj
Best Wishes & Blessings to
Wilfredo & Rafaela Martinez
Married on April 30, 2016
Requiescant in Pace
Please remember in your prayers the parishioners, friends,
relatives and benefactors who recently died especially,
Stephanie Helkowski
May they rest in Peace, Amen.
In Memoriam 
The Candle in honor of the Blessed
Mother burns this week in memory of
Mildred & Anthony Capano
St. Lucy’s Church/School
50/50 Raffle Tickets are available and can be
purchased at the Rectory, School, Gift Shop
and after Sunday Masses. Please support our
parish/school fundraiser.
May8,2016 It is Mother’s
What a
beautiful moment to thank, to pray, and to love our dear
mothers, grandmothers, godmothers living and deceased! I
wanted to share with you a very moving moment of my
experience in the parochial school which is one of my
priestly joys is to spend time with the students of our
parochial school. It was my first assignment at our Lady
of Mount Carmel. That day I was scheduled to be with the
third grade students. They always were very happy to see
me, and I in turn was delighted to be with them. That day
I decided to do something that I never experienced with
them before. I told them that today we were going to
picture ourselves as if we were in the presence of a
beautiful place with the Christ, Mary and Joseph. I said to
them that they were free to picture whomever person they
would like to have with them.
Also they could ask
questions or express their desires to Christ. After they
were set and ready to take this imaginary journey, it was
amazing to me to see those innocents faces, beautiful faces
with closed eyes and relaxed tiny bodies. It was a deep
and profound silence that I felt absorbed into that moving
scene. I had my own conversation with Christ, Mary and
Joseph. I asked Jesus to guide and lead all the students
and their families.
Suddenly, Sam, one of the students who unfortunately had
lost his dear mother a few weeks before, broke the silence.
In his tiny face I saw tears. He said with a trembling
voice: Father Pergjini I asked Jesus if I could see my mom
again. I miss my mom. And then, he continued: I pictured
my mom next to Jesus. I wanted to touch and speak to
her, but I couldn’t. Tears. I saw other students with teary
eyes. Silence mixed with pain.
The eye contact between him and me was too strong. I try
to hold my tears, and I painfully cried within my heart.
After a few moments Sam with his weak voice said: Thank
you for feeling sorry for me. Silence. Again tears. The
students who were next to him moved from their seats and
hugged him. One of the girls with her tiny hands dried his
tears. She said to him: Your mom is with Jesus. She is
with Him. We love you Sam. A smile came into his eyes;
the joy of friendship warmed his heart. The bell of the
school rang. It was time for lunch. To my surprise none
of them moved from their seats. They were looking at Sam
and at me. These were moments of hope, love, moments
filled with Christ’s presence. How powerful is that
presence when we experience pain. They and I experienced
the pain of Sam, but Christ made it possible to bring his
joy and peace. I did not speak much that day. It was
Christ that spoke to our hearts. And now, in the spirit of a
humble prayer, in the spirit of silence and peace, filled
with love and gratitude for our mothers, as I place all
living and deceased mothers, the Sam’s mother, my dear
mom, before Christ our Savior , our blessed Mother Mary,
and Saint Joseph! We love you, we thank you and God
bless you! Happy Mother’s Day!
Message from Father Pergjini:
Es el Día de la
hermoso momento para agradecer, para orar y amar nuestras
queridas madres, abuelas, madrinas vivos y difuntos! Quería
compartir con ustedes un momento muy emocionante de mi
experiencia en la escuela parroquial, que es una de mis
alegrías sacerdotales es pasar tiempo con los estudiantes de
nuestra escuela parroquial. Fue mi primera asignación a
nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo. Ese día yo estaba
programado para estar con los estudiantes de tercer grado.
Siempre fueron muy feliz de verme, y yo a su vez estaba
encantado de estar con ellos. Ese día decidí hacer algo que
nunca he experimentado con ellos antes. Les dije que hoy
íbamos a imaginar a nosotros mismos como si estábamos en
presencia de un hermoso lugar con el Cristo, María y José.
Yo les dije que eran libres de imaginar quien sea la persona
que les gustaría tener con ellos. También podrían hacer
preguntas o expresar sus deseos a Cristo. Después de que se
han configurado y listo para tomar este viaje imaginario, fue
increíble para mí ver esos inocentes caras, caras bonitas con
los ojos cerrados y pequeños cuerpos relajados. Era un
silencio profundo y profundo que me sentí absorbido en esa
escena en movimiento. Tenía mi propia conversación con
Cristo, María y José. Le pregunté a Jesús para guiar y
conducir a todos los estudiantes y sus familias.
De repente, Sam, uno de los estudiantes que
lamentablemente habían perdido su querida madre unas
pocas semanas antes, rompió el silencio. En su pequeña cara
vi lágrimas. Dijo con voz temblorosa: Padre Pergjini me
preguntó a Jesús si podía ver a mi madre de nuevo. Extraño
a mi mamá. Y luego, continuó: Me imaginé a mi madre al
lado de Jesús. Yo quería tocar y hablar con ella, pero no
pude. Lágrimas. Vi a otros estudiantes con los ojos llorosos.
El silencio se mezcla con el dolor.
El contacto visual entre él y yo era demasiado fuerte. Trato
de contener las lágrimas, y yo lloré dolorosamente dentro de
mi corazón. Después de unos momentos Sam con su voz
débil dijo: Gracias por sentir lástima por mí. Silencio. Una
vez más las lágrimas. Los estudiantes que estaban junto a él
se movieron de sus asientos y lo abrazaron. Una de las
chicas con sus pequeñas manos se secó las lágrimas. Ella le
dijo: Tu madre está con Jesús. Ella está con él. Los amamos
Sam. Una sonrisa apareció en sus ojos; la alegría de la
amistad le calentó el corazón. La campana de la escuela
sonó. Era la hora del almuerzo. Para mi sorpresa, ninguno de
ellos se movió de sus asientos. Estaban buscando a Sam ya
mí. Estos fueron momentos de esperanza, amor, momentos
llenos de la presencia de Cristo. Qué poderoso es que la
presencia cuando experimentamos dolor. Ellos y yo
experimentamos el dolor de Sam, sino que Cristo hizo
posible traer su alegría y la paz. No hablaba mucho ese día.
Fue Cristo quien habló a nuestros corazones. Y ahora, en el
espíritu de una humilde oración, en el espíritu de silencio y
paz, lleno de amor y gratitud por nuestras madres, como
coloco todas las madres vivos y fallecidos, la madre de Sam,
querida madre, antes de Cristo nuestro Salvador, nuestra
bendita Madre María, y San José! Te queremos, te damos
gracias y que Dios los bendiga! ¡Feliz día de la madre!
Mensaje del Padre Pergjini:
As our Parish opened the month of May honoring all mothers (Living and Deceased) with the Coronation of our
Blessed Mother, we will close the month of May with Our Blessed Mother. On Tuesday, May 31st at 7:30 p.m.
in the Grotto, all parishioners are invited to pray together an Illuminated Pro-Life Rosary. We will honor all
Mothers-to-be and mothers and fathers of unborn and deceased children. The Illuminated Pro-Life Rosary will be
recited in all languages as an open gate FOR LIFE and an END TO ABORTION.
Rosario Iluminado
A medida que nuestra Parroquia abrió el mes de mayo en honor a todas las madres (vivos y muertos) con la
coronación de la Mater, vamos a cerrar el mes de mayo con la Santísima Virgen. El martes, 31 de mayo a las 7:30
de la noche en la Gruta, a todos los feligreses están invitados a rezar juntos un Pro-Vida Rosario Iluminado. Vamos
a cumplir con todas las madres-a-ser y las madres y los padres de los niños no nacidos y fallecidos. El Iluminado
Pro-Vida Rosario se recita en todas las lenguas como una puerta abierta POR LA VIDA y por el FIN DEL ABORTO.
On June 1st, 1991, the Sisters of Life were
founded by His Eminence John Cardinal O’Connor,
the then-Archbishop of New York. On that day eight
women entered the fledgling community that has
now grown to nearly 100 members.
June 1st, 2016
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
10:30 am at St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Main Celebrant Timothy Cardinal Dolan
Followed by a BLOCK PARTY celebration
from 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
450 W. 51st Street, between 9th and 10th Ave,
(weather permitting).
[Please RSVP online at www.sistersoflife.org]
If you would like to make a donation to help
the Sisters and their missions please send your gift to:
Sisters of Life, 38 Montebello Road, Suffern NY 10901
or make an online donation: sistersoflife.org
We are tremendously grateful for your generosity!
Youth and Young Adult Group Announcement:
St. Lucy’s Youth and Young Adult fellowship group
now meet every Friday in the Chapel at St. Lucy’s
Center on Bronxwood and Waring Avenue from 79pm. Share experiences, give witness, make friends,
pray together, share Faith and learn how to be a
dynamic Catholic in today’s world! We focus on
junior, high school and college students.
Anuncio : Grupo de Jovenes y Jovenes Adultos
La Parroquia de Santa Lucia ha comenzado el Grupo
para Jovenes y Joven-Adultos: se reunen cada
Viernes en la Capilla del Centro de Sta Lucia en
Bronxwood Y Mace Avenue de 7 a 9pm. Comparten
experiencias, como defender la Fe, y un lugar
donde pueden hacerse amigos, orar juntos, y
aprender como ser un Catolico dinamico en el
mundo de hoy. (Para estudiantes de sepƟmo grado
y en adelante. )
To date our parish has received $47,255 in pledges/gifts toward the 2016 Cardinal’s
Appeal, from 229 families. For this Appeal to be truly successful, we must have support
from all of our families. The Appeal is a vital source of funding for the programs and
ministries that sustain the parishes across our Archdiocese. It is not too late to make
your gift. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you for your kind support.
$47,255 - pledged to date (93% of goal)
229 - gifts - $51,000 - our parish goal
Hasta el día de hoy nuestra parroquia ha recibido $47,255 en promesas/regalos para la
Campaña de Corresponsabilidad del Cardenal 2016, por parte de 229 familias. La Campaña es
un recurso vital de fondos para los programas y ministerios que mantienen a nuestras
parroquias a través de la Arquidiócesis. Todavía están a tiempo para hacer su regalo. Por favor,
sean tan generosos como les sea posible. Muchas gracias por su amable apoyo.
$47,255 - comprometido hasta la fecha (93% de la meta) 229 - regalos - $51,000 - meta de nuestra parroquia
May8,2016 Happy Mother’s Day! - Feliz Dia de la Madre!
A Novena of Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all
Living & Deceased Mothers, Grandmothers and Godmothers
Please use the special Mother’s Day
envelopes found in the rear of the
church to include your Mothers’,
Grandmothers’ and Godmothers’
names in the Novena .
The Immaculate Heart of Mary Altar Rosary Society will be sponsoring a Mothers’ Day plant sale
on TODAY, May 8th. After each Mass, members of the Rosary Society will be outside in the
church plaza selling small plants to raise money and greet parishioners. All funds raised will be
contributed to help defray the expenses of a student preparing for the priesthood. Thank you for
your support.
Pilgrimage Dates
Please register at
Rectory Office
May 26th:
National Shrine of Divine Mercy at
Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Cost per
person $35.00.
June 24th:
The beautiful Philadelphia shrines of
St. John Neumann and the Central
Shrine of the Miraculous Medal.
Cost $35.00 per person.
July 15th:
The beautiful Shrine of Our Lady of
Litchfield in Litchfield, CT. Cost
per person $35.
September 22nd:
The National Centre for Padre Pio
Shrine located in Barto, PA. Cost
per person $35.00.
October 21st:
Sight and Sound Theatre Samson. Sit down lunch at Good
and Plenty Restaurant pr ior to the
play, all in beautiful Lancaster,
Pennsylvania. Cost per person
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