St. Agnes Catholic Church
St. Agnes Catholic Church
St. Agnes Catholic Church 100 Harbor Drive, Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Phone: (305) 361-2351 Fax: (305) 361-8514 Email: Web Site: BAPTISMS: 2nd Sunday in Spanish; 4th Sunday in English. Call Parish Office ONE month in advance. FIRST COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION: Two years of Religious instruction required. MARRIAGES: Arrangements must be made SIX months in advance. CATECHESIS - C.C.D. Phone: (305) 361-1378 For children in public and private schools. Director: Nery Quintela, MFT, GC PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Mon. - Fri. Msgr. José L. Hernando, Pastor Rev. Julio Solano, Parochial Vicar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:30 P.M. Sunday: 8:30 A.M., 10:00 A.M., 11:30 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. - English 12:45 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. - Spanish DAILY MASS SCHEDULE 8:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon Saturday 8:00 A.M. CONFESSIONS Saturday 4:00-5:00 P.M. - Anytime upon request PERPETUAL ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT IN THE CHAPEL (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) - Email: Blessed Sacrament Benediction Wednesday 7:45 P.M. EDUCATION MINISTRY ST. AGNES ACADEMY • PK-3 through 8th Grade • 122 Harbor Drive Key Biscayne, FL Phone: (305) 361-3245 Web Site: Principal: Mrs. Susana T. Rivera PARISH REGISTRATION We welcome the new parishioners. You are invited to fill out this registration form. Return it to us, please. Family Name_________________________________________ Ph._________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ City___________________________________ Zip___________ Fourth Sunday of Easter Page Two May 11, 2014 FROM 05-10-14 TO 05-17-14 Day Time Intentions Saturday 5:30 P.M. Sunday 8:30 A.M. ENVELOPES 414….....…....$ LOOSE MONEY…..… …...$ TOTAL OFFERING……....$ 8,022.00 3,550.00 11,572.00 10:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. TODAY’S READINGS 12:45 P.M. First Reading — All peoples called by God will receive the gift of the Spirit if they repent and are baptized (Acts 2:14a, 36-41) Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. (Psalm 23) Second Reading — Once we were like straying sheep; but now we have been returned to the shepherd, our guardian. (1 Peter 2:20b-25) Gospel — The shepherd leads the sheep out into pastures of abundant life. (John 10:1-10) 6:00 P.M. Monday 7:30 P.M. 8:00 A.M. 12:00 P.M. Tuesday 8:00 A.M. 12:00 P.M. Wednesday 8:00 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. Thursday Mothers’ Novena † Miguel “Coco” Bacallao Mothers’ Novena Mothers’ Novena † Miguel Canal † Carlos F. Concheso READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mothers’ Novena Mothers’ Novena Living and decesased members of the Pantin Family † Luis Alberto García Amaro 8:00 A.M. Mothers’ Novena 12:00 P.M. Mothers’ Novena 8:00 A.M. 12:00 P.M. Friday Saturday Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 11:1-18; Jn 10:11-18 Acts 11:19-26; Jn 10:22-30 Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Jn 12:44-50 Acts 13:13-25; Jn 13:16-20 Acts 13:26-33; Jn 14:1-6 Acts 13:44-52; Jn 14:7-14 Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33; 1 Pt 2:4-9; Jn 14:1-12 A LETTER FROM GOD Good Day: I am the Lord your God. Today, I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If the Devil happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, DO NOT attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFJTD (Something For Jesus To Do). It will be addressed in MY time, not yours. Once the matter is placed in the box, do not hold on to it or attempt to remove it. Holding on for removal will delay the resolution of your problem. If it is a situation that you think you are capable of handling, please consult Me in prayer to be sure that it is the proper resolution. Because I do not sleep, nor do I slumber, there is no need for you to lose any sleep. Rest my child. If you need to contact Me, I am only a prayer away. Love Eternally, The Lord Your God WANTED - HEROES Date Activities Place Time Sunday 11 Buen Pastor’s -English Program Classes Parish Hall Baptisms Lozano / Perez Church 10:00 AM 2:00 PM Tuesday 13 Rosary N.A. 10:00 AM—12:00PM 8:00 PM—9:00 PM Wednesday Catechism Classes Blessed Sacrament Benediction 14 Men’s Emmaus Meeting Youth Group Thursday 15 Friday 16 Saturday 17 Chapel Parish Hall St. Agnes Academy 7:45 PM Chapel 8:00 PM Pastoral Center 401 8:00 PM Parish Hall To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry, To release the prisoner, To rebuild the nations, To make music in your heart, Rosary for Missing People Holy Hour Grupo de Oración “Madre de Dios” Grupo Buen Pastor ( Evangelización) Chapel Chapel Parish Hall Pastoral Center 402 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM—10:00PM Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Wedding Gagne—Schmitz Chapel Church 3:00 PM 7:00 PM May the unrest of Christ be always with you!!! Confessions Church 4:00 PM—5:00 PM YOU ARE WANTED !!!! To bring peace. Page Three Fourth Sunday of Easter MASSES FOR MOTHER’S DAY Starting this Sunday May 11th, Mother’s Day, a Novena of Masses will be celebrated for all mothers, living or deceased. Those who wish to include the names of their mothers in the intentions of these Masses, can use the special envelopes that are at the entrance of the church. Please, return them by May 11th . SECOND COLLECTION OF MAY 18th FOR THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Our contribution to this annual collection supports religious and moral education, restoration of churches, seminaries and convents, religious communications. Please support with your generosity the Church that for many years has been suffering under the persecution of the Communist system. May 11, 2014 HUMOR CORNER MOTHER’S DAY HUMOR A mother was surprised on Mother’s Day by her children who ordered her to stay in bed in the morning. She lay here looking forward to breakfast in bed, as the smell of bacon wafted up the stairs. After a long while, though, she became concerned and headed downstairs to see if there was a problem. She found both of her children sitting at the table, eating bacon and eggs. Surprised, she asked them what was wrong. “Nothing,” said the children. “We thought we’d surprise you for Mother’s Day and cook our own breakfast.” MOTHER’S DAY “No man is poor who has had a godly mother” Abraham Lincoln “An ounce of mother is worth a ton of priest.” Spanish proverb “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” John Gary “People are what their mothers make them” Ralph Waldo Emerson CHANGE OF SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE St. Agnes Academy’s 2nd graders received their First Holy Communion on May 10th. We congratulate them on this important moment in their lives! The school will have a special May Crowning ceremony on Tuesday, May 13th at 9:00 a.m. in the Church. Youth Group News: Follow all of the Youth Group happenings @stakbYG—Twitter STAKBYG—Instagram Join us for fun, fellowship and food Wednesdays at 7:30 P.M. in Albertson Parish Hall. Within a few weeks, summer vacations will begin, and many families will leave Key Biscayne to take a break elsewhere. Since during these months the Mass attendance is reduced, beginning Sunday, May 25th, until August 31st, 2014, the Mass schedule will be as follows: 9:00 A.M., 11:00 A.M., and 6:00 P.M. (English) 12:45 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. (Spanish) This of course combines the Masses at 8:30 am and 10:00 am into only one at 9:00 am. At the same time, the Mass at 11:30 am will be advanced to 11:00 am. The Saturday Mass will continue as always at 5:30 pm. On September 7th, we will return to the regular schedule. Page Four May 11, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Easter He Himself bore our sins in His body upon the cross, So that, free from sin, we might live for righteousness. — 1 Peter 2:24a Sunday’s Message VIRGIN MARY, COME WALK WITH US John 10: 1 - 10 “The sheep hear the shepherd’s voice and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out…” That feeling of purpose, that sense of being part of something mysterious and meaningful, is the voice of Christ, the Good Shepherd, calling us follow Him in His life of selfless compassion and humble generosity. The challenge facing every disciple of Jesus is to listen for His voice in the midst of competing voices demanding our attention, conflicting noises assaulting our senses, dissonant messages noisily challenging our beliefs and values. Pastor’s Notes At times we invite a friend or neighbor to walk with us. Having their company makes the walk shorter and less boring. The beauty of the morning or evening is more enjoyable with the pleasure of the conversation. Every morning, as I leave the rectory, start up the car and begin my daily work, I like to invite Mother Mary to come along with me. This invitation to her signifies many things. I see in Mary the most inspiring model of an authentic Christian. I want to hear from her lips the same command that she gave at the wedding feast of Cana: "Do whatever He tells you." (John 2:5...) And at the end of the day, I realize that it was valuable to follow her counsel. Asking Mary to walk at my side helps me to feel closer to Christ. Mary is a Mother who always leads us to Jesus, her Son and our Savior. Inviting Mary to walk with us reminds me of her long trip from Nazareth to the home of Elizabeth and Zachary. Her journey, long and difficult, while pregnant with her Child Jesus, is motivated by love and service. "In those days, Mary arose and went immediately to the mountainous region of Judea. She entered the house, and the child in the womb of Elizabeth leaped for joy. Mary stayed there 3 months, and afterwards, returned to her house." (Luke 1:39-56) We struggle to hear in the midst of trauma and turmoil, speaking to us in the quiet of our hearts, pointing out the path of what is real and lasting and of God. How I would rejoice if Mary's company and counsel, always leading to her Son, would make the child within me and all of us leap for joy…that child who is innocent and trusting, and at the same time selfish and rebellious…a child of dreams fulfilled or of dreams denied. It is a child who has become an adult, and who sometimes forgets that we always need someone stronger and wiser than ourselves…Christ, our Savior and Best Friend. To live faith that is authentic is to discover the “role” Christ calls us to “play” –the role of disciple, the work that inspires us to acts of loving compassion, Christ-like generosity, and Gospel-inspired justice. The companionship of Mary journeying with us truly makes this child leap for joy, because it is her Son, whom she offers us, who fills us with His Spirit. He is the One who opens our eyes to the nearness of the Savior. Let us walk beside Mary during this month of May, the month of Mary. It is the month of mothers, of flowers, of First Communions, of the Holy Spirit, of graduations, beautiful memories and of nostalgia. Let us celebrate our Faith, full of joy, convinced that Christ is living among us and that His Mother Mary accompanies us on our journey of life. Page Five May 11, 2014 Cuarto Domingo de Pascua Cargado con nuestros pecados, subió al madero de la cruz, para que, muertos al pecado, vivamos para la justicia. — 1 Pedro 2:24a Mensaje del Domingo Juan 10, 1 - 10 “Las ovejas oyen la voz del Pastor. El las llama por su nombre y las guía…” Oír la voz de Dios es tener un objetivo en la vida, es sentir que uno es parte de algo misterioso y con sentido. Esta es la voz del Buen Pastor, que nos llama a seguirle e imitarle en una vida de compasión y humilde generosidad. El desafío que tiene que enfrentar todo discípulo, dispuesto a seguir al Maestro, es oír la voz de Cristo en medio de otras muchas voces, que compiten y exigen nuestra atención; son voces conflictivas que asaltan nuestros sentidos, nos envían mensajes confusos y desafían nuestras creencias y valores. Si nos esforzamos por escuchar la voz del Pastor en medio de traumas y dificultades, veremos que esa voz se dirige a nuestros corazones en el silencio y la paz, es la voz que nos señala el camino verdadero, duradero y que viene de Dios. Vivir la fe auténticamente es descubrir “el papel” que Cristo nos llama a realizar como discípulos suyos, es descubrir el trabajo que nos inspira a actuar llenos de compasión, amor, de una generosidad como la de Cristo y de una justicia inspirada en el Evangelio. VIRGEN MARIA, VEN CON NOSOTROS A CAMINAR A veces invitamos a un amigo o vecino a caminar con nosotros. Con su compañía el recorrido se hace menos largo y aburrido y la belleza del amanecer o de la tarde se disfruta mejor al calor de la conversación. Cada mañana, al salir de casa, Comentarios del Párroco al arrancar el automóvil, al comenzar la tarea diaria… me gusta invitar a nuestra Madre María a que venga conmigo a caminar. Esta invitación significa muchas cosas: quiero ver en María el modelo más desafiante de una auténtica cristiana; quiero escuchar de sus labios el mismo mandato que surge en las bodas de Cana de Galilea: “Hagan lo que mi Hijo les diga” -Juan 2, 5-. Y al final de día me doy cuenta que vale la pena seguir su consejo. Pedir que María camine a mi lado me ayuda a sentirme más cerca de Cristo. Maria es la Madre que siempre nos lleva hacia Jesús, su Hijo y nuestro Salvador. Invitar a María a caminar con nosotros me hace pensar en su largo peregrinar desde Nazaret hasta la casa de Isabel y Zacarías. Su caminar, largo y difícil, pues llevaba en su seno al Niño-Dios, está motivado por el amor y el servicio: “En aquellos días se levantó María y se fue con prontitud a la región montañosa de Judea. Entró en la casa y el niño que llevaba Isabel en su seno saltó de gozo. Allí permaneció María 3 meses y después se volvió a su casa”. - Lucas 1, 39-56 Como me gustaría que la presencia y la palabra de María, siempre trayéndonos al Hijo, haga saltar de gozo dentro de mi al niño que todos llevamos dentro: al niño inocente e ingenuo o al travieso y egoísta; al niño de los sueños logrados o de los sueños frustrados; al niño que se ha hecho adulto y se ha olvidado de que siempre necesitamos de alguien más fuerte y más sabio que nosotros. Y este es Cristo, nuestro Salvador y el mejor de los amigos. La compañía de María caminando con nosotros hace que “salte de gozo el niño”, pues es el Hijo, que ella nos ofrece, el que nos llena de su Espíritu y hace que veamos que la Salvación está cerca. Caminemos al lado de María en este mes de Mayo: mes de María, mes de las madres, mes de las flores, mes de primeras comuniones, mes del Espíritu Santo, mes de graduaciones, mes de bellos recuerdos y de nostalgias nobles. Celebremos llenos de gozo nuestra fe, convencidos de que Cristo vive y que María nos acompaña en nuestro caminar. Page Six Cuarto Domingo de Pascua MISAS POR LAS MADRES EN SU DIA Comenzando este domingo 11 de mayo, Día de las Madres, se celebrará una Novena de Misas por las madres, vivas o difuntas. Los que deseen incluir los nombres de sus madres en las intenciones de estas Misas, pueden utilizar los sobres especiales que están a la entrada de la Iglesia. Por favor, los devuelven este domingo 11 de mayo. SEGUNDA COLECTA EL 18 DE MAYO PARA AYUDAR A LA IGLESIA CATOLICA EN LOS PAISES DE LA EUROPA CENTRAL Y DEL ESTE Esta Colecta ayuda a reconstruir iglesias, a cubrir gastos en la educación religiosa y moral, atender seminarios y conventos, mantener los medios de comunicación de la Iglesia. Ayudemos con nuestra generosidad a los hermanos que por tantos años sufrieron la persecución del sistema comunista. EN VERANO CAMBIA HORARIO DE MISAS Dentro de unos días comenzarán las vacaciones de verano y muchas familias dejarán Key Biscayne para tomar un descanso fuera de la Isla. Dado que en estos meses disminuye la asistencia a la Iglesia; a partir del domingo, día 25 de mayo hasta el 31 de agosto de 2014, el horario de misas de los domingos en St. Agnes será así: 9:00 A.M., 11:00 A.M. y 6:00 P.M. (English) 12:45 P.M. y 7:30 P.M. (Español) El cambio supone reducir las misas de 8:30 A.M. y 10:00 A.M. a una sola, a las 9:00 AM. Al mismo tiempo la misa de 11:30 A.M. se adelanta media hora, en estos meses será a las 11:00 A.M. La misa de los sábados seguirá como siempre a las 5:30 P.M.. El domingo, día 7 de septiembre regresaremos al horario de siempre. May 11, 2014 EL HIJO PREDILECTO DE MAMA “Cierto día le preguntaron a una Madre de la que se decía ser sabia: Tú tienes varios hijos, ¿Cuál de ellos es tu preferido? La mujer respondió: Tengo mis preferencias por el menor de ellos hasta que se haga mayor; por el que está lejos, hasta que regrese; por el que está enfermo, hasta que se cure; por el que está prisionero, hasta que recupere su libertad; por el que pasa dificultades, hasta que las haya superado…” Anónimo ANDAR, CORRER Y VOLAR Si te llama tu hermano, anda; Si te llama tu padre, corre. Pero si te llama tu madre, vuela. QUE DIOS BENDIGA A LAS MADRES Feliz tú a los ojos de Dios por ser madre. Cuando tienes cuidado de tus hijos, entonces alimentas al hambriento, confortas al enfermo, consuelas al triste, curas al que tiene roto su corazón. Tú has hecho de maestra, de enfermera, de consejera y de guia. Has jugado con sus hijos. Has rezado con ellos. Y les has dado todo tu amor y tu atención. Las flores de este día te tienen que recordar que tú eres una rosa preciosa en el jardín de Dios. Tú eres una linda flor para tus hijos, ya que siempre les das alegría y gozo. Felices también las madres que han encontrado el descanso eterno junto a Dios. Que las semillas de fe y de amor que ellas plantaron entre nosotros continuen floreciendo y creciendo, Hoy, en el Día de las madres, y siempre. Amén.
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