Regolatore di tensione TAPCON®
Regolatore di tensione TAPCON®
Regolatore di tensione TAPCON® Allegato 3833285/02 IT . Descrizione del protocollo IEC 61850 © Tutti i diritti riservati a Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen Sono vietati la distribuzione e la riproduzione di questo documento, l'utilizzo e la trasmissione del suo contenuto, se non espressamente autorizzati. Eventuali trasgressioni comportano l'obbligo di risarcire i danni. Tutti i diritti riservati in caso di registrazione di brevetto, di modello e di disegno. Dopo la stesura finale della presente documentazione è possibile che siano state apportate modifiche al prodotto. Ci riserviamo espressamente la possibilità di apportare modifiche ai dati tecnici e ai progetti, nonché modifiche all'entità della fornitura. Le informazioni fornite e gli accordi presi in concomitanza con l'elaborazione dei relativi preventivi e il disbrigo degli ordini sono sempre vincolanti. Le istruzioni di servizio originali sono state redatte in lingua tedesca. Indice Indice 1 Introduzione......................................................................................................................... 4 2 Porte d'interfaccia ............................................................................................................... 5 3 Impostazione dei parametri dell'apparecchio .................................................................. 6 4 Descrizione del protocollo ................................................................................................. 7 4.1 Download del file ICD .......................................................................................................................... 7 5 Canali di dati........................................................................................................................ 8 5.1 IEC 61850 Edition 1............................................................................................................................. 8 5.1.1 LPHD class - Apparecchio fisico ........................................................................................................................... 8 5.1.2 LLN0 class - Nodo logico ...................................................................................................................................... 8 5.1.3 AVR1 - regolatore di tensione (ATCC) .................................................................................................................. 9 5.1.4 AVR2 - regolazione della tensione (AVCO) ........................................................................................................ 12 5.1.5 DIO - Processo generico I/O (GGIO) .................................................................................................................. 13 5.1.6 CIO - Generic process I/O (GGIO) ...................................................................................................................... 14 5.1.7 MMXU1 - Measurement ...................................................................................................................................... 15 5.1.8 MMXU2 - Measurement ...................................................................................................................................... 16 5.1.9 YLTC1 - Tap Changer (YLTC) ............................................................................................................................ 17 5.2 IEC 61850 Edition 2........................................................................................................................... 18 5.2.1 LPHD class - Apparecchio fisico ......................................................................................................................... 18 5.2.2 LLN0 class - Nodo logico .................................................................................................................................... 18 5.2.3 AVR1 - regolatore di tensione (ATCC) ................................................................................................................ 18 5.2.4 AVR2 - regolazione della tensione (AVCO) ........................................................................................................ 22 5.2.5 DIO - Processo generico I/O (GGIO) .................................................................................................................. 22 5.2.6 CIO - Generic process I/O (GGIO) ...................................................................................................................... 24 5.2.7 MMXU1 - Measurement ...................................................................................................................................... 25 5.2.8 YLTC1 - Tap Changer (YLTC) ............................................................................................................................ 26 Glossario............................................................................................................................ 27 Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 3833285/02 IT TAPCON® 3 1 Introduzione 1 Introduzione La documentazione tecnica contiene descrizioni dettagliate dell'implementazione del protocollo d'interfaccia IEC 61850. Questa documentazione tecnica è destinata esclusivamente a personale appositamente addestrato e autorizzato. 4 TAPCON® 3833285/02 IT Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 2 Porte d'interfaccia 2 Porte d'interfaccia L'apparecchio è stato sviluppato in conformità alle relative norme CEM. Al fine di osservare le norme CEM vedere quando descritto al capitolo "Compatibilità elettromagnetica" delle istruzioni di servizio dell'apparecchio. Per maggiori informazioni sulle interfacce fisiche vedere le istruzioni di servizio dell'apparecchio. Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 3833285/02 IT TAPCON® 5 3 Impostazione dei parametri dell'apparecchio 3 Impostazione dei parametri dell'apparecchio Per poter utilizzare il protocollo per il centro di controllo, è necessario impostare i parametri dell'apparecchio. Per ulteriori informazioni relative all'impostazione dei parametri dell'apparecchio leggere le istruzioni di servizio dell'apparecchio. Si devono impostare i seguenti parametri: Parametri Campo di impostazione Indirizzo IP Maschera di sottorete Indirizzo gateway IED Name Device Name Impostabile liberamente Impostabile liberamente Tabella 1: Parametri apparecchio 6 TAPCON® 3833285/02 IT Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 4 Descrizione del protocollo 4 Descrizione del protocollo L'apparecchio mette a disposizione una parte dei comandi e dei messaggi del protocollo d'interfaccia IEC 61850 per la comunicazione. L'apparecchio supporta IEC 61850 Edition 1 e IEC 61850 Edition 2. È possibile selezionare l'edizione sull'apparecchio. Canali dei dati specifici I canali dei dati specifici per l'apparecchio e le preimpostazioni possono esdell'apparecchio sere ricavati dal file ICD dell'apparecchio. I seguenti documenti possono essere richiesti per il presente apparecchio o scaricati dall'apparecchio. ▪ MICS (Model Implementation Conformance Statement) ▪ PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement) ▪ PIXIT (Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing) ▪ TICS (Technical Issues Conformance Statement) Nella documentazione sopra menzionata tenere conto di eventuali limitazioni e commenti relativi ai canali dei dati specifici per l'apparecchio e alle preimpostazioni. 4.1 Download del file ICD Il file ICD può essere scaricato dall'apparecchio tramite la Gestione Importazioni/Esportazioni. A tale scopo si deve attivare una connessione Ethernet tra l'apparecchio e il proprio PC. Per ulteriori informazioni sulla gestione di importazioni/esportazioni consultare le istruzioni di servizio. Con i sistemi operativi Windows Vista/7/8 utilizzare Windows Explorer per eseguire correttamente il download. Per scaricare il file ICD procedere come segue: Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 1. Selezionare la voce del menu Impostazioni > Esportazione. 2. Selezionare l'opzione Configurazione sistema di controllo per l'esportazione. 3833285/02 IT TAPCON® 7 5 Canali di dati 5 Canali di dati Nella seguente sezione sono descritti i canali dati massimi possibili del protocollo. Tenere presente che, a seconda della configurazione dell'apparecchio ordinato, è disponibile solo una parte dei canali dati. Tenere conto di eventuali limitazioni e commenti relativi ai canali di dati specifici per l'apparecchio e alle preimpostazioni. Queste informazioni sono riportate nella documentazione indicata al capitolo "Descrizione del protocollo" [► 7]. Questi simboli sono riportati nelle seguenti tabelle: M O E C mandatory optional extension conditional Tabella 2: Simbolo 5.1 IEC 61850 Edition 1 5.1.1 LPHD class - Apparecchio fisico Attribute Name Attribute Type LPHD Data Common Logical Node Information PhyNam DPL PhyHealth ENS Proxy SPS Explanation M/O/E Remarks Physical device information M - Physical device name plate Physical device health Indicates if this LN is a proxy M M M - M/O/E Remarks Logical node zero Name - - Mode Behaviour Health Name plate M M M M Status-only - Tabella 3: LPHD class 5.1.2 LLN0 class - Nodo logico Attribute Name Attribute Type LN0 Data Common Logical Node Information Mod INC Beh ENS Health ENS NamPlt LPL Explanation Tabella 4: LLN0 class 8 TAPCON® 3833285/02 IT Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 5 Canali di dati 5.1.3 AVR1 - regolatore di tensione (ATCC) Attribute Name Explanation M/O/E Remarks ATCC1 Common Logical Node Information Mod INC Beh ENS NamPlt LPL Controls TapChg BSC AVR1 - - Mode Behaviour Name plate M M M status-only Change Tap Position C ParOp SPC Parallel/Independent M LTCBlk SPC Block Automatic Control O Auto SPC Automatic Manual O BndCtrAct1 SPC E BndCtrAct2 SPC BndCtrAct3 SPC BndCtrAct4 SPC BndCtrAct5 SPC CircASel SPC MasterSel SPC FollowerSel SPC Band center voltage (desired value) 1 active Band center voltage (desired value) 2 active Band center voltage (desired value) 3 active Band center voltage (desired value) 4 active Band center voltage (desired value) 5 active Circulating current selection activation (parallel control) Master mode selection activation(parallel control) Follower mode selection activation(parallel control) direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security Measured values CtlV MV Control Voltage M Unit: V Load Current (transformer secondary current) O Multiplier: none Unit: A Circulating Current (reactive) O Multiplier: none Unit: A O Multiplier: none Unit: deg LodA CircA PhAng Attribute Type MV MV MV Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 Phase Angle of LodA relative to CtlV 3833285/02 IT E E E E E E E Multiplier: none TAPCON® 9 5 Canali di dati Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation M/O/E Remarks CtlDv MV Control Voltage Deviation (in percent of BndCtr) E Unit: c Local operation Tap inidication error (e.g. wrong BCD code) LTC inhibit due to under voltage LTC inhibit due to over voltage LTC inhibit due to over voltage End position raise or highest allowed tap position reached End position lower or lowest allowed tap position reached Error of parallell operation Voltage high limit exceeded Voltage high limit 2 exceeded Voltage low limit exceeded Voltage low limit 2 exceeded Current overload Current overload 2 Current underload Current underload 2 Apparent power high limit exceeded Apparent power high limit 2 exceeded Apparent power low limit exceeded Apparent power low limit 2 exceeded Active power high limit exceeded Active power high limit 2 exceeded Active power low limit exceeded Active power low limit 2 exceeded Reactive power high limit exceeded Reactive power high limit 2 exceeded Reactive power low limit exceeded Reactive power low limit 2 exceeded Power Factor (Cosinus phi) low limit exceeded M E - E E E O - O - E E E E E E E E E E - E - E E - E E E E E E - E E - E - Status Information Loc TapOpErr SPS SPS LTCBlkVLo LTCBlkVHi LTCBlkAHi EndPosR SPS SPS SPS SPS EndPosL SPS ErrPar OvVLimEx OvV2LimEx UnVLimEx UnV2LimEx OvALimEx OvA2LimEx UnALimEx UnA2LimEx OvVALimEx SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS OvVA2LimEx SPS UnVALimEx UnVA2LimEx SPS SPS OvWLimEx OvW2LimEx UnWLimEx UnW2LimEx OvVArLimEx OvVAr2LimEx SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS UnVArLimEx UnVAr2LimEx SPS SPS UnPFLimEx SPS 10 TAPCON® 3833285/02 IT Multiplier: c Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 5 Canali di dati Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation M/O/E Remarks UnPF2LimEx SPS E - FuncMon VInFail SPS SPS E E - MotDrv SptCtlErr SPS SPS E E - TapPosDif Settings BndCtr SPS Power Factor (Cosinus phi) low limit 2 exceeded Function monitoring Voltage input failure (e.g. missing connection) Motor drive running Dynamic Setpoint Control error (TDSC) Tap position difference E - Band center voltage (actual reference - can not be set) O Unit: V ASG BndCtrV1 ASG Band center voltage 1 E Multiplier: none Unit: V BndCtrV2 ASG Band center voltage 2 E Multiplier: none Unit: V E Multiplier: none Unit: V E Multiplier: none Unit: V E Multiplier: none Unit: V BndCtrV3 BndCtrV4 BndCtrV5 ASG ASG ASG Band center voltage 3 Band center voltage 4 Band center voltage 5 BndWid ASG Band width voltage (as percent of nominal voltage) O Multiplier: none Unit: c CtlDlTms ASG Control intentional time delay T1 (in seconds) E Multiplier: c Unit: s BlkLV ASG Control voltage below which auto Lower commands blocked (relative) O Multiplier: none Unit: c LimLodA ASG Limit Load Current (LTC Block Load Current, percentage) O Multiplier: c Unit: c Time delay linear or inverse characteristic (0=lin., 1=inv.) Tap position of Load Tap Changer where automatic Raise commands are blocked Tap position of Load Tap Changer where automatic Lower commands are blocked Line drop voltage due to line resistance component (ohmic behaviour of the cable) O Multiplier: c - O - O - O - TmDlChr SPG TapBlkR ING TapBlkL ING LDCR ASG Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 3833285/02 IT TAPCON® 11 5 Canali di dati Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation M/O/E Remarks LDCX ASG O - LDC SPG O - LDCZ ASG Line drop voltage due to line reactance component (inductive behaviour of the cable) Line drop compensation. LDC is R and X or Z model TRUE = R and X, FALSE = Z. If compensation is deactivated, value is set to TRUE Line drop voltage due to line total impedance (percentage of nominal voltage) Maximum voltage value for dynamic setpoint control (TDSC) O Unit: c E Unit: V SptCtlVMax ASG Multiplier: c SptCtlVMin ASG Minimum voltage value for dynamic setpoint control (TDSC) E Multiplier: none Unit: V SptCtlV0 ASG Voltage value for dynamic setpoint control at active power of 0 W (TDSC) Maximum active power value for dynamic setpoint control (TDSC) E Multiplier: none Unit: V E Unit: Watts Minimum active power value for dynamic setpoint control (TDSC) E Multiplier: none Unit: Watts SptCtlWMax ASG SptCtlWMin ASG Multiplier: none Multiplier: none Tabella 5: AVR1 - Regolatore di tensione (ATCC) 5.1.4 AVR2 - regolazione della tensione (AVCO) Attribute Name Attribute Type AVCO1 Common Logical Node Information Mod INC Beh ENS NamPlt LPL Controls TapChg BSC Measured values Status Information Loc Settings - Explanation Remarks AVR2 - Mode Behaviour Name plate M M M status-only - Change Voltage M direct-with-normal-security SPS M/O/E Local operation - - - - - M - - - Tabella 6: AVR2 - regolazione della tensione (AVCO) 12 TAPCON® 3833285/02 IT Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 5 Canali di dati 5.1.5 DIO - Processo generico I/O (GGIO) Attribute Name Attribute Type GGIO1 Common Logical Node Information Mod INC Beh ENS NamPlt LPL Controls Measured values Status Information Ind1 SPS Ind2 SPS Ind3 SPS Ind4 SPS Ind5 SPS Ind6 SPS Ind7 SPS Ind8 SPS Ind9 SPS Ind10 SPS Ind11 SPS Ind12 SPS Ind13 SPS Ind14 SPS Ind15 SPS Ind16 SPS Ind17 SPS Ind18 SPS Ind19 SPS Ind20 SPS Ind21 SPS Ind22 SPS Ind23 SPS Ind24 SPS Ind25 SPS Ind26 SPS Ind27 SPS Ind28 SPS Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 Explanation M/O/E DIO - Mode Behaviour Name plate M M M Remarks status-only - - - - - - - O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O - DIO Input 1 DIO Input 2 DIO Input 3 DIO Input 4 DIO Input 5 DIO Input 6 DIO Input 7 DIO Input 8 DIO Input 9 DIO Input 10 DIO Input 11 DIO Input 12 DIO Input 13 DIO Input 14 DIO Input 15 DIO Input 16 DIO Input 17 DIO Input 18 DIO Input 19 DIO Input 20 DIO Input 21 DIO Input 22 DIO Input 23 DIO Input 24 DIO Input 25 DIO Input 26 DIO Input 27 DIO Input 28 3833285/02 IT TAPCON® 13 5 Canali di dati Attribute Name Ind29 Ind30 Ind31 Ind32 Ind33 Ind34 Ind35 Ind36 Ind37 Ind38 Ind39 Ind40 Ind41 Ind42 Settings - Attribute Type Explanation M/O/E SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS DIO Input 29 DIO Input 30 DIO Input 31 DIO Input 32 DIO Input 33 DIO Input 34 DIO Input 35 DIO Input 36 DIO Input 37 DIO Input 38 DIO Input 39 DIO Input 40 DIO Input 41 DIO Input 42 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O - - - - - Remarks Tabella 7: DIO - Generic process I/O (GGIO) 5.1.6 CIO - Generic process I/O (GGIO) Attribute Name Attribute Type GGIO2 Common Logical Node Information Mod INC Beh ENS NamPlt LPL Controls Measured values Status Information Ind1 SPS Ind2 SPS Ind3 SPS Ind4 SPS Ind5 SPS Ind6 SPS Ind7 SPS Ind8 SPS 14 TAPCON® Explanation M/O/E CIO - Mode Behaviour Name plate M M M Remarks status-only - - - - - - - O O O O O O O O - Generic indication 1 Generic indication 2 Generic indication 3 Generic indication 4 Generic indication 5 Generic indication 6 Generic indication 7 Generic indication 8 3833285/02 IT Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 5 Canali di dati Attribute Name Ind9 Ind10 Settings Attribute Type SPS SPS - Explanation M/O/E Generic indication 9 Generic indication 10 Remarks O O - - - M/O/E Remarks MMXU - - Mode Behaviour Name plate M M M - - Total active power (total P) O Unit: Watts O Multiplier: none Unit: VAr O Multiplier: none Unit: VA - - Tabella 8: CIO - Generic process I/O (GGIO) 5.1.7 MMXU1 - Measurement Attribute Name Attribute Type MMXU1 Common Logical Node Information Mod INC Beh ENS NamPlt LPL Controls Measured values TotW MV TotVAr TotVA MV MV Explanation Total reactive power (total Q) Total apparent power (total S) status-only - TotPF Hz MV MV Average power factor (total PF) Frequency O O Multiplier: none Unit: Hz PPV DEL Phase to phase voltages (VL1VL2, ...) O Multiplier: none Unit: V Phase to neutral voltage O Multiplier: none Unit: V O Multiplier: none Unit: A O Multiplier: none Unit: Watts PNV A W WYE WYE WYE Phase currents (IL1, IL2, IL3) Phase active power (P) VAr WYE Phase reactive power (Q) O Multiplier: none Unit: VAr VA WYE Phase apparent power (S) O Multiplier: none Unit: VA Multiplier: none Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 3833285/02 IT TAPCON® 15 5 Canali di dati Attribute Name Attribute Type PF PhAng WYE WYE Explanation M/O/E Phase power factor Phase Angle O E Remarks Unit: deg Multiplier: none Status Information Settings - - - - - - - - - Tabella 9: MMXU - Measurement 5.1.8 MMXU2 - Measurement Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation M/O/E Remarks MMXU2 Common Logical Node Information Mod INC Beh ENS NamPlt LPL Controls Measured values TotW MV MMXU2 - - Mode Behaviour Name plate M M M status-only - - - - Total active power (total P) O Unit: Watts TotVAr Total reactive power (total Q) O Multiplier: none Unit: VAr MV TotVA MV Total apparent power (total S) O Multiplier: none Unit: VA TotPF Hz MV MV Average power factor (total PF) Frequency O O Multiplier: none Unit: Hz PPV DEL Phase to phase voltages (VL1VL2, ...) O Multiplier: none Unit: V PNV WYE Phase to neutral voltage E Multiplier: none Unit: V A WYE Phase currents (IL1, IL2, IL3) O Multiplier: none Unit: A W WYE Phase active power (P) O Multiplier: none Unit: Watts Multiplier: none 16 TAPCON® 3833285/02 IT Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 5 Canali di dati Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation M/O/E Remarks VAr WYE Phase reactive power (Q) O Unit: VAr VA WYE Phase apparent power (S) O Multiplier: none Unit: VA PF PhAng WYE WYE Phase power factor Phase Angle O E Multiplier: none Unit: deg Multiplier: none Status Information Settings - - - - - - - - - Explanation M/O/E Remarks YLTC1 Common Logical Node Information Mod INC Beh ENS NamPlt LPL Controls TapChg BSC YLTC1 - - Mode Behaviour Name plate M M M status-only - Change Tap Position C TapChgV BSC Change Voltage E direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security - - - - SPS E - M - M - E E - - - Tabella 10: MMXU – Measurement 5.1.9 YLTC1 - Tap Changer (YLTC) Attribute Name Measured values Status Information TapOpErr Attribute Type EndPosR SPS EndPosL SPS MotDrv MotDrvLoc Settings - SPS SPS Tap inidication error (e.g. wrong BCD code) End position raise or highest allowed tap position reached End position lower or lowest allowed tap position reached Motor drive running Motor drive local - - Tabella 11: YLTC – Tap Changer Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 3833285/02 IT TAPCON® 17 5 Canali di dati 5.2 IEC 61850 Edition 2 5.2.1 LPHD class - Apparecchio fisico Attribute Name Attribute Type LPHD Data Common Logical Node Information PhyNam DPL PhyHealth ENS Proxy SPS Explanation M/O/E Remarks Physical device information M - Physical device name plate Physical device health Indicates if this LN is a proxy M M M - M/O/E Remarks Logical node zero Name - - Mode Behaviour Health Name plate M M M M Status-only - Tabella 12: LPHD class 5.2.2 LLN0 class - Nodo logico Attribute Name Attribute Type LN0 Data Common Logical Node Information Mod ENC Beh ENS Health ENS NamPlt LPL Explanation Tabella 13: LLN0 class 5.2.3 AVR1 - regolatore di tensione (ATCC) Attribute Name Explanation M/O/E Remarks ATCC1 Common Logical Node Information Mod ENC Beh ENS Health ENS NamPlt LPL Controls TapChg BSC AVR1 - - Mode Behaviour Health Name plate O M O O status-only - Change Tap Position C ParOp SPC Parallel/Independent M LTCBlk SPC Block Automatic Control O direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security 18 TAPCON® Attribute Type 3833285/02 IT Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 5 Canali di dati Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation M/O/E Remarks Auto SPC Automatic Manual O BndCtrAct1 SPC E BndCtrAct2 SPC BndCtrAct3 SPC BndCtrAct4 SPC BndCtrAct5 SPC CircASel SPC MasterSel SPC FollowerSel SPC Band center voltage (desired value) 1 active Band center voltage (desired value) 2 active Band center voltage (desired value) 3 active Band center voltage (desired value) 4 active Band center voltage (desired value) 5 active Circulating current selection activation (parallel control) Master mode selection activation(parallel control) Follower mode selection activation(parallel control) direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security Measured values CtlV MV Control Voltage M Unit: V Load Current (transformer secondary current) O Multiplier: none Unit: A Circulating Current (reactive) O Multiplier: none Unit: A Phase Angle of LodA relative to CtlV O Multiplier: none Unit: deg Control Voltage Deviation (in percent of BndCtr) E Multiplier: none Unit: c Local operation Tap inidication error (e.g. wrong BCD code) LTC inhibit due to under voltage LTC inhibit due to over voltage LTC inhibit due to over voltage End position raise or highest allowed tap position reached End position lower or lowest allowed tap position reached Error of parallell operation Voltage high limit exceeded O O - O O O O - O - O E - LodA CircA PhAng CtlDv MV MV MV MV Status Information Loc TapOpErr SPS SPS LTCBlkVLo LTCBlkVHi LTCBlkAHi EndPosR SPS SPS SPS SPS EndPosL SPS ErrPar OvVLimEx SPS SPS Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 3833285/02 IT E E E E E E E Multiplier: c TAPCON® 19 5 Canali di dati Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation M/O/E Remarks OvV2LimEx UnVLimEx UnV2LimEx OvALimEx OvA2LimEx UnALimEx UnA2LimEx OvVALimEx SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS E E E E E E E E - OvVA2LimEx SPS E - UnVALimEx UnVA2LimEx SPS SPS E E - OvWLimEx OvW2LimEx UnWLimEx UnW2LimEx OvVArLimEx OvVAr2LimEx SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS E E E E E E - UnVArLimEx UnVAr2LimEx SPS SPS E E - UnPFLimEx SPS E - UnPF2LimEx SPS E - FuncMon VInFail SPS SPS E E - MotDrv SptCtlErr SPS SPS E E - TapPosDif Settings BndCtr SPS Voltage high limit 2 exceeded Voltage low limit exceeded Voltage low limit 2 exceeded Current overload Current overload 2 Current underload Current underload 2 Apparent power high limit exceeded Apparent power high limit 2 exceeded Apparent power low limit exceeded Apparent power low limit 2 exceeded Active power high limit exceeded Active power high limit 2 exceeded Active power low limit exceeded Active power low limit 2 exceeded Reactive power high limit exceeded Reactive power high limit 2 exceeded Reactive power low limit exceeded Reactive power low limit 2 exceeded Power Factor (Cosinus phi) low limit exceeded Power Factor (Cosinus phi) low limit 2 exceeded Function monitoring Voltage input failure (e.g. missing connection) Motor drive running Dynamic Setpoint Control error (TDSC) Tap position difference E - Band center voltage (actual reference - can not be set) O Unit: V Band center voltage 1 E Multiplier: none Unit: V BndCtrV1 ASG ASG Multiplier: none 20 TAPCON® 3833285/02 IT Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 5 Canali di dati Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation M/O/E Remarks BndCtrV2 ASG Band center voltage 2 E Unit: V BndCtrV3 ASG Band center voltage 3 E Multiplier: none Unit: V BndCtrV4 ASG Band center voltage 4 E Multiplier: none Unit: V BndCtrV5 ASG Band center voltage 5 E Multiplier: none Unit: V BndWid ASG Band width voltage (as percent of nominal voltage) O Multiplier: none Unit: c Control intentional time delay T1 (in seconds) E Multiplier: c Unit: s Control voltage below which auto Lower commands blocked (relative) O Multiplier: none Unit: c Limit Load Current (LTC Block Load Current, percentage) O Multiplier: c Unit: c Time delay linear or inverse characteristic (0=lin., 1=inv.) Tap position of Load Tap Changer where automatic Raise commands are blocked Tap position of Load Tap Changer where automatic Lower commands are blocked Line drop voltage due to line resistance component (ohmic behaviour of the cable) Line drop voltage due to line reactance component (inductive behaviour of the cable) Line drop compensation. LDC is R and X or Z model TRUE = R and X, FALSE = Z. If compensation is deactivated, value is set to TRUE Line drop voltage due to line total impedance (percentage of nominal voltage) Maximum voltage value for dynamic setpoint control (TDSC) O Multiplier: c - O - O - O - O - O - O Unit: c E Unit: V Minimum voltage value for dynamic setpoint control (TDSC) E Multiplier: none Unit: V CtlDlTms BlkLV LimLodA ASG ASG ASG TmDlChr SPG TapBlkR ING TapBlkL ING LDCR ASG LDCX ASG LDC SPG LDCZ ASG SptCtlVMax SptCtlVMin ASG ASG Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 3833285/02 IT Multiplier: c Multiplier: none TAPCON® 21 5 Canali di dati Attribute Name Attribute Type Explanation M/O/E Remarks SptCtlV0 ASG Voltage value for dynamic setpoint control at active power of 0 W (TDSC) Maximum active power value for dynamic setpoint control (TDSC) E Unit: V E Unit: Watts Minimum active power value for dynamic setpoint control (TDSC) E Multiplier: none Unit: Watts SptCtlWMax SptCtlWMin ASG ASG Multiplier: none Multiplier: none Tabella 14: AVR1 - Regolatore di tensione (ATCC) 5.2.4 AVR2 - regolazione della tensione (AVCO) Attribute Name Attribute Type AVCO1 Common Logical Node Information Mod ENC Beh ENS Health ENS NamPlt LPL Controls TapChg BSC Measured values Status Information Loc Settings - Explanation Remarks AVR2 - Mode Behaviour Health Name plate O M O O status-only - Change Voltage M direct-with-normal-security SPS M/O/E Local operation - - - - - M - - - Tabella 15: AVR2 - regolazione della tensione (AVCO) 5.2.5 DIO - Processo generico I/O (GGIO) Attribute Name Attribute Type GGIO1 Common Logical Node Information Mod ENC Beh ENS Health ENS NamPlt LPL Controls 22 TAPCON® Explanation M/O/E DIO - Mode Behaviour Health Name plate O M O O 3833285/02 IT Remarks status-only - Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 5 Canali di dati Attribute Name Measured values Status Information Ind1 Ind2 Ind3 Ind4 Ind5 Ind6 Ind7 Ind8 Ind9 Ind10 Ind11 Ind12 Ind13 Ind14 Ind15 Ind16 Ind17 Ind18 Ind19 Ind20 Ind21 Ind22 Ind23 Ind24 Ind25 Ind26 Ind27 Ind28 Ind29 Ind30 Ind31 Ind32 Ind33 Ind34 Ind35 Ind36 Attribute Type M/O/E Remarks - - - - - - - - O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O - SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 Explanation DIO Input 1 DIO Input 2 DIO Input 3 DIO Input 4 DIO Input 5 DIO Input 6 DIO Input 7 DIO Input 8 DIO Input 9 DIO Input 10 DIO Input 11 DIO Input 12 DIO Input 13 DIO Input 14 DIO Input 15 DIO Input 16 DIO Input 17 DIO Input 18 DIO Input 19 DIO Input 20 DIO Input 21 DIO Input 22 DIO Input 23 DIO Input 24 DIO Input 25 DIO Input 26 DIO Input 27 DIO Input 28 DIO Input 29 DIO Input 30 DIO Input 31 DIO Input 32 DIO Input 33 DIO Input 34 DIO Input 35 DIO Input 36 3833285/02 IT TAPCON® 23 5 Canali di dati Attribute Name Ind37 Ind38 Ind39 Ind40 Ind41 Ind42 Settings - Attribute Type Explanation M/O/E SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS DIO Input 37 DIO Input 38 DIO Input 39 DIO Input 40 DIO Input 41 DIO Input 42 O O O O O O - - - - - Remarks Tabella 16: DIO - Generic process I/O (GGIO) 5.2.6 CIO - Generic process I/O (GGIO) Attribute Name Attribute Type GGIO3 Common Logical Node Information Mod ENC Beh ENS Health ENS NamPlt LPL Controls Measured values Status Information Ind1 SPS Ind2 SPS Ind3 SPS Ind4 SPS Ind5 SPS Ind6 SPS Ind7 SPS Ind8 SPS Ind9 SPS Ind10 SPS Settings - Explanation M/O/E Remarks CIO - - Mode Behaviour Health Name plate O M O O status-only - - - - - - - Generic indication 1 Generic indication 2 Generic indication 3 Generic indication 4 Generic indication 5 Generic indication 6 Generic indication 7 Generic indication 8 Generic indication 9 Generic indication 10 O O O O O O O O O O - - - Tabella 17: CIO - Generic process I/O (GGIO) 24 TAPCON® 3833285/02 IT Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 5 Canali di dati 5.2.7 MMXU1 - Measurement Attribute Name Attribute Type MMXU1 Common Logical Node Information Mod INC Beh ENS Health ENS NamPlt LPL Controls Measured values TotW MV TotVAr MV Explanation M/O/E Remarks MMXU - - Mode Behaviour Health Name plate O M O O - - Total active power (total P) O Unit: Watts O Multiplier: none Unit: VAr Total reactive power (total Q) status-only - TotVA MV Total apparent power (total S) O Multiplier: none Unit: VA TotPF Hz MV MV Average power factor (total PF) Frequency O O Multiplier: none Unit: Hz PPV DEL Phase to phase voltages (VL1VL2, ...) O Multiplier: none Unit: V Phase to neutral voltage O Multiplier: none Unit: V PNV WYE A WYE Phase currents (IL1, IL2, IL3) O Multiplier: none Unit: A W WYE Phase active power (P) O Multiplier: none Unit: Watts VAr WYE Phase reactive power (Q) O Multiplier: none Unit: VAr VA WYE Phase apparent power (S) O Multiplier: none Unit: VA O E Multiplier: none Unit: deg PF PhAng WYE WYE Phase power factor Phase Angle Multiplier: none Status Information Settings - Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 - - - - - - - - 3833285/02 IT TAPCON® 25 5 Canali di dati Tabella 18: MMXU - Measurement 5.2.8 YLTC1 - Tap Changer (YLTC) Attribute Name Explanation M/O/E Remarks YLTC1 Common Logical Node Information Mod ENC Beh ENS Health ENS NamPlt LPL Controls TapChg BSC YLTC1 - - Mode Behaviour Health Name plate O M O O status-only - Change Tap Position C TapChgV BSC Change Voltage E direct-with-normal-security direct-with-normal-security - - - - SPS E - M - M - E E - - - Measured values Status Information TapOpErr Attribute Type EndPosR SPS EndPosL SPS MotDrv MotDrvLoc Settings - SPS SPS Tap inidication error (e.g. wrong BCD code) End position raise or highest allowed tap position reached End position lower or lowest allowed tap position reached Motor drive running Motor drive local - - Tabella 19: YLTC – Tap Changer 26 TAPCON® 3833285/02 IT Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 Glossario Glossario ATCC Automatic Tap Changer Controller AVCO Automatic Voltage Control CEM Compatibilità elettromagnetica ICD IED Capability Description IED Intelligent Electronic Device IP Internet Protocol LLN0 System Logical Nodes, common LPHD System Logical Nodes, Physical Device MMXU Measurement Unit Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen 2014 3833285/02 IT TAPCON® 27 MR worldwide Australia Reinhausen Australia Pty. Ltd. 17/20-22 St Albans Road Kingsgrove NSW 2208 Phone: +61 2 9502 2202 Fax: +61 2 9502 2224 E-Mail: Brazil MR do Brasil Indústria Mecánica Ltda. Av. Elias Yazbek, 465 CEP: 06803-000 Embu - São Paulo Phone: +55 11 4785 2150 Fax: +55 11 4785 2185 E-Mail: Canada Reinhausen Canada Inc. 3755, rue Java, Suite 180 Brossard, Québec J4Y 0E4 Phone: +1 514 370 5377 Fax: +1 450 659 3092 E-Mail: India Easun-MR Tap Changers Ltd. 612, CTH Road Tiruninravur, Chennai 602 024 Phone: +91 44 26300883 Fax: +91 44 26390881 E-Mail: Indonesia Pt. Reinhausen Indonesia German Center, Suite 6310, Jl. Kapt. Subijanto Dj. BSD City, Tangerang Phone: +62 21 5315-3183 Fax: +62 21 5315-3184 E-Mail: Iran Iran Transfo After Sales Services Co. Zanjan, Industrial Township No. 1 (Aliabad) Corner of Morad Str. Postal Code 4533144551 E-Mail: Italy Reinhausen Italia S.r.l. Via Alserio, 16 20159 Milano Phone: +39 02 6943471 Fax: +39 02 69434766 E-Mail: Japan MR Japan Corporation German Industry Park 1-18-2 Hakusan, Midori-ku Yokohama 226-0006 Phone: +81 45 929 5728 Fax: +81 45 929 5741 Malaysia Reinhausen Asia-Pacific Sdn. Bhd Level 11 Chulan Tower No. 3 Jalan Conlay 50450 Kuala Lumpur Phone: +60 3 2142 6481 Fax: +60 3 2142 6422 E-Mail: P.R.C. (China) MR China Ltd. (MRT) 开德贸易(上海)有限公司 中国上海浦东新区浦东南路 360 号 新上海国际大厦 4 楼 E 座 邮编: 200120 电话:+ 86 21 61634588 传真:+ 86 21 61634582 邮箱 Russian Federation OOO MR Naberezhnaya Akademika Tupoleva 15, Bld. 2 ("Tupolev Plaza") 105005 Moscow Phone: +7 495 980 89 67 Fax: +7 495 980 89 67 E-Mail: South Africa Reinhausen South Africa (Pty) Ltd. No. 15, Third Street, Booysens Reserve Johannesburg Phone: +27 11 8352077 Fax: +27 11 8353806 E-Mail: South Korea Reinhausen Korea Ltd. 21st floor, Standard Chartered Bank Bldg., 47, Chongro, Chongro-gu, Seoul 110-702 Phone: +82 2 767 4909 Fax: +82 2 736 0049 E-Mail: U.S.A. Reinhausen Manufacturing Inc. 2549 North 9th Avenue Humboldt, TN 38343 Phone: +1 731 784 7681 Fax: +1 731 784 7682 E-Mail: United Arab Emirates Reinhausen Middle East FZE Dubai Airport Freezone, Building Phase 6 3rd floor, Office No. 6EB, 341 Dubai Phone: +971 4 2368 451 Fax: +971 4 2368 225 Email: Luxembourg Reinhausen Luxembourg S.A. 72, Rue de Prés L-7333 Steinsel Phone: +352 27 3347 1 Fax: +352 27 3347 99 E-Mail: Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH Falkensteinstrasse 8 93059 Regensburg 3833285/02 IT ▪ 09/14 ▪ +49 (0)941 4090-0 +49(0)941 4090-7001