Summer at Holy Trinity Church - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Summer at Holy Trinity Church - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
NEWSLETTER OF HOLY TRINITY ORTHODOX CHURCH, PORTLAND, MAINE AUGUST 2013 Summer at Holy Trinity Church We Are A Community “And who is my neighbor?” Luke 10:29 When I began my pastoral ministry at Holy Trinity Church, I found Portland to be a wonderful city in which to live and work, but it was lacking the diversity that I was used to after living in several large cities in Canada and the US. And Holy Trinity Church, just like Portland, had very little diversity in those days. But things change, thank God, and both Portland and Holy Trinity Church have seen immeasurable changes in the past quarter century. And we are spiritually richer for these changes. We have matured and grown in so many ways, and we still have more and exciting growing to do. I am committed to seeing the progress continue! I will not give up the fight until my last day as your priest. I am grateful for the participation of children and young people in our Liturgy. I am grateful for the support that our Stewardship program has received from a large portion of our membership, though we still have some way to go before everyone is giving to the best of their ability. I am grateful for the openness that we show to visitors and newcomers to our church. But it is still difficult for many of us to go beyond the casual greeting and get to know people who are not part of our circle. “Who is my neighbor?” a man asked Jesus, wishing to get himself off the hook. But Jesus did not let him off the hook. He confronted him with the parable of the good Samaritan. Who is my “neighbor”? My neighbor is everyone, especially the one whose name I don’t know, especially the one I never talk to during coffee hour on Sunday. My neighbor is everyone who is not like me. My neighbor is everyone who is searching for God and who yearns to be embraced by God’s people. My neighbor is everyone who comes to church hoping to be part of a community. Are we a community? Silly question, you might say. Of course, we’re a community: We are the Greek (or, Hellenic, if you want to be even more authentically ethnic) Orthodox Community of Portland! Of course we are a community. We have property, a bank account, we have a Festival, we have community events. Why ask such a silly question? Why, indeed? Because the things that I listed here are things that make up a club! The church is not a club. It’s the “body of Christ.” It is a body, a living organism, that embraces everyone who believes in Jesus Christ and welcomes everyone who is drawn to Christ. It is a spiritual family where everyone is equally important, regardless of background, financial status, age, ethnicity. Some among us lament the fact that this is no longer the church of their youth. Hallelujah for that! Thank God we are not dead and buried in our 1950’s clothes. Nothing wrong with the 50’s, but we are in the 2010’s! The church today is in a similar situation as it was in the first 300 years of Christianity. While the Roman Empire provided one type of unity, based on power and violence, the Church provided a spiritual home and a unity that overcame the divisions of society. So also It’s a wonderful time to be part of a worshipping community. Liturgy is quicker in summer, sermons are shorter, and the air conditioning keeps us cool. It’s a good place to be on Sunday mornings. today, while money and power seek to control and divide humanity, the Church provides a respite, a home to all who seek a unity rooted in God and not in money or entertainment. So let us continue to cultivate those things that unite us as a spiritual family and make us a community: Faith: Our faith in J esus Chr ist, by which we are one in his name. We are all children of one God. We are all equally loved, filled with the Holy Spirit. Worship: When we gather in the Liturgy, we manifest our faith and our unity. We experience mystical unity with God and with each other, and we go forth to live that unity. Language: Our wor ship can only be an expression of our spiritual unity if we worship in a language that is meaningful to us. We come from different backgrounds, but we all speak one common language, English. It stands to reason that English should be the language of our worship. Otherwise we’re just preserving a museum faith and a museum Liturgy, rather than a living faith and worship! We are a community! Let’s keep working on it, with love and humility. Let’s practice the art of being neighbor. Start with coffee hour on Sunday. If you see someone sitting alone go and sit with that person and start a conversation. Being a neighbor almost always starts with a conversation. God himself starts with a conversation! Jesus is the Word of God! Fr. Constantine Sarantidis CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Most Weekdays, 12:00 — 3:00 PM Office Phone Number: 207-774-0281 — Email: Fr. Constantine’s Cell Phone Number: 207-831-3016. His email address: August 2013 Page 1 spirit SUNDAY LITURGY 10:00 am FESTAL LITURGIES OF AUGUST — ΕΟΡΤΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΟΥ LITURGY OF TRANSFIGURATION — Tuesday, August 6th, at 10:00 AM LITURGY OF THE DORMITION — Thursday, August 15th, at 10:00 AM ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΜΕΤΑΜΟΡΦΩΣΕΩΣ — Τρίτη, 6 Αυγούστου, 10 π.μ. ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΚΟΙΜΗΣΙΣ — Πέμπτη, 15 Αυγούστου, 10 π.μ. August 4th — Sixth Sunday of Matthew READINGS: Romans 12:6-14; Matthew 9:1-8 READERS: Panos Pantelas, Rahwa Michael PROSFORO: Stacy Gikas PARISH COUNCIL: Team III—Angela, Greg, Mirela FELLOWSHIP: If you would like to sponsor this Sunday’s fellowship, please call 774-0281. August 11th — Seventh Sunday of Matthew READINGS: Romans 15:1-7; Matthew 9:27-35 READERS: Tass Varaklis, Merilla Michael PROSFORO: Elaine Vorias PARISH COUNCIL: Team I—John, Tess, Jim FELLOWSHIP: Pantelas Family, for the 40-day churching of Alythia Pantelas Perry. August 18th — Eighth Sunday of Matthew READINGS: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17; Matthew 14:14-22 READERS: Stacy Gikas, Tom Peterson PROSFORO: Rhea Williams PARISH COUNCIL: Team II—Helen, Regat, Paul FELLOWSHIP: Eritrean & Ethiopian Communities. August 25th — Ninth Sunday of Matthew READINGS: 1 Corinthians 3:9-17; Matthew 14:22-34 READERS: Angela Varipatis, Greg Tselikis PROSFORO: Bettie Moustrouphis PARISH COUNCIL: Team III—Greg, Mirela, Angela FELLOWSHIP: Nicholas Family, in memory of Anna Nicholas. September 1st — First Day of Ecclesiastical Year READINGS: 1 Timothy 2:1-7; Luke 4:16-22 READERS: Demo Varipatis, Diana Dowd PROSFORO: Stacy Gikas PARISH COUNCIL: Team I—Tess, Jim, John FELLOWSHIP: If you would like to sponsor this Sunday’s fellowship, please call 774-0281. Melpomene Shamos announces that she has become a great-grandmother. Her grandson, Alex Shamos Gaylord and his wife Andrea welcomed a boy, Bruin Nicholas. Congratulations to the parents, grandmother Elaine Shamos Gaylor, and great-grandmother Melpo. Spiro & Claudiana Dede announce the birth of their second daughter Nika. Congratulations to the parents, grandmother Letta, and great-grandmother Kasiani Para. We note the recent death in Greece of Konstantina Papadopoulos, mother of Nick Papadopoulos. We extend our sympathies to Nick & Stavroula and their family. MAY HER MEMORY BE ETERNAL! Page 2 Holy Trinity Church, Portland, ME CASH & IN-KIND FESTIVAL DONATIONS – 2013 Abraha, Michael & Regat Mebrahtu $150.00 AHEPA - $500.00 Belanger, Barbara - $35.00 Bodley, Constance & Rosalind Bridges - $25.00 Bouras Family - $100.00 Brown, Amelia - $25.00 Budri, Emil & Helen – buckets and butter Budri, Thanas & Marianna - $200.00 Cala, Fotaq & Mirela - $100.00 Callahan, Robert & Anna - $100.00 Cannon, Katherine - $100.00 Carson, Penelope & Robert - $100.00 Cox, John & Debra Sinclair - $100.00 Dede, Redi - $300.00 Dobra, Shkelqim Hazis & Violeta $250.00 Dowd, Diana & Craig Doremus $150.00 Dragoumanos, Rosella - $100.00 Eco Electric – electrical services Ferros, Maxim & Diana - $100.00 Flocatoulas, Costas & Lisa - $250.00 Foss, Ardelle & David Sturtevant $100.00 Gianibas, Dina - $100.00 Gianibas, Mary – supplies and hosting children’s event table Giatas, Amelia - $100.00 Giatas, Domna - $100.00 Giftos, Helene - $100.00 Gikas, Alexandra - $30.00 Gionis, Panagiotis & Kiriaki - $200.00 Glicos, Evangelos & Joanne - $50.00 Good Table - $500.00 Gribizis, Mary - $150.00 Gudis, Anna - $150.00 Habtemariam, Tsegaye & Tighisti Reda - $100.00 Hasiotis, Olga - $30.00 Hassapelis, Ted – electrical services and supplies for Set-Up Day Heel, Helen - $300.00 Hunt, Elaine & H Draper - $100.00 Jasonides, Chris & Meg Handlin $210 (in-kind donation of licenses) Jiottis, Constantine - $250.00 Kafenio - $100.00 Kapothanasis, Costa & Effie - $300.00 Kourakos, Sophie - $100.00 Kourinos-Sprague, Caroline & Mark Sprague - $100.00 Krestos, Dean & Estelle - $225.00 Lampros, George & Mary - $25.00 LaRosa, Vincente & Margarita $50.00 Lekousi, Arthur & Freda - $140.00 Liakopoulos, George & Dorothy $25.00 Mageles, Priscilla - $30.00 Makrides, Christopher - $100.00 Makrides, John & Carol - $100.00 Markos, Arthur & Diana - $100.00 Michael, Merilla - $50.00 Moll, Richard & Faith - $50.00 Morrell, Joanna - $25.00 Morrell, William & Dorothy - $100.00 Moustrouphis, Angela – signage and supplies Moutzourogeorgos, John & Hrysoula - $150.00 NTI/J Liponis Family - $1,000.00 Nanos, Lucille - $75.00 Nawfel, Michael & Karen - $100.00 Nawfel, Sam & Bonnie - $100.00 Neal, Byron & Alexandra - $300.00 Nere, Daniel - $100.00 Nicholas, James - $75.00 Pachios, Harold - $100.00 Paideia of Maine - $100.00 Pantelas, Panos & Phyllis - $27.00 plus $23.00 for supplies for beans & coffee table Papalimberis, Ted & Laurie Sutherland - $150.00 Pappas, Argy - $50.00 Pappas, Nicholas & Nicoletta - $50.00 Peterson, Thomas & Marian - $100.00 Philoptochos - $1,000.00 Pizza Villa - $100.00 Poulios, Persefone - $100.00 Poulis, Aspacia - $100.00 Prompto Inc - $2,500.00 Regan, Dennis - $50.00 Regios, Constance - $100.00 Romeo’s Pizza - $150.00 Schneller, Marina - $100.00 Sferes, Jeanette - $200.00 Sferes, Philip & Nancy - $100.00 Shamos, Melpomeni - $100.00 Sibson, Cassandra - $50.00 Sotiropoulos, Angelo - $4,000 (in-kind donation of the lamb) Sotiropoulos, Sotirios & Antonia $350.00 Sparangis, Aristides – cups & coffee Standish House of Pizza - $300.00 Stratis, Emily - $50.00 Stratis, Thomas - $50.00 Tesfai, Zeru & Askalu Ezra - $100.00 Tselikis, Gregory & Jackie - $400.00 Tselikis, Steven & Julie - $100.00 Ureneck, Paul - $31.84 (Propane) Vaghena, Nicoletta - $100.00 Varaklis, Anastase & Soula - $100.00 Varipatis, Demosthenes & Angela $400.00 Varipatis, Theodore & Beth - $100.00 Vorias, James & Alexandra - $2,000.00 Vorias, Nicholas & Doreen - $350.00 Williams, Rhea - $50.00 We are extremely grateful for all the cash and in-kind donations we received. These donations greatly enhanced the success of our Festival. And it was indeed another successful Festival, despite the less-than-ideal weather. Every effort has been made to accurately record all donations. But mistakes and omissions can happen. Please notify the church office in the event of any error or omission. spirit August 2013 Page 3 The following have sent in payments and/or pledges for 2013. Please report errors or omissions to the church office, 774-0281. Michael Abraha & Regat Mebrahtu Mana Barnabas Spiro & Margarita Basha Christina Bathras Barbara Belanger Helen P Blewett Kimberly Blewett Constance Bodley & Rosalind Bridges Amelia Brown Mark & Jean Butler Robert & Anna Callahan Katherine Cannon Penelope & Robert Carson Deane & Anne Constantine John & Charlene Constantine Viola & Fred Conti Philip Coupe & Alexia Pappas John Cox & Debra Sinclair Christos Dadiotes Lola Dadiotes Menelaos Dadiotes Lillian Dantos Suzanne & David Dargie Todd & Helen Delaney Stratos & Carol Demakis Despina Deveres Christos & Sheila Dilios William Doukas Diana Dowd & Craig Doremus Alexander & Elizabeth Dragatsi Rosella Dragoumanos Dolores Drivas Fotini & Robert Eberhard Maxim & Diana Ferros Costas & Lisa Flocatoulas Ardelle Foss & David Sturtevant Hailegiogis & Tsega Gebrehiwot Dina Gianibas Mary Gianibas Amelia Giatas Page 4 Domna Giatas Dyonisia Giatas Helen Giatas Helene Giftos Alexandra Gikas Anastasia Gikas Stefanos & Kasiani Gikas Aphrodite Goulatis Connie Goulatis Dimitri &Anilda Gribizis Mary Gribizis Anna Gudis Tsegaye Habtemariam & Tighisti Reda Olga Hasiotis James & Katherine Hatch Aqilla & Kasiani Haxhi Helen Heel Stella & Guy Hernandez Joni & William Hewitt Evangeline & Richard Hopkins Elaine & H Draper Hunt Helen Huntley Karen & Jeff Irwin Constantine Jiottis Christo & Kimberly Kapothanasis Constantine & Effie Kapothanasis Paul & Irene Kapothanasis Tasso & Valentina Kapothanasis Evanthia & Brian Kennedy Anthony & Sylvia Kostopoulos Angelo Koukos George & Darlene Koukos Harry & Maria Koukos Vladimir Koulchin Sophie Kourakos Odie & Christine Kourapis Emmanuel & Nicole Kourinos John Kourinos Dean & Estelle Krestos George & Mary Lampros Holy Trinity Church, Portland, ME Vincente & Margarita LaRossa Eugenia Lebares Arthur & Freda Lekousi George & Lisa Lekousi George & Dorothy Liakopoulos Peter Liakopoulos Anne Madore Ksenofon Makoci Christopher Makrides John & Carol Makrides Arthur & Diana Markos Cathi Mavodones Lesya & Brian Mavor Anthony Mezoian Merilla Michael Richard & Faith Moll Joanna Morrell Timothy & Susan Morrell William & Dorothy Morrell Angela Moustrouphis Elizabeth Moustrouphis John & Hrysoula Moutzourogeorgos Lucille Nanos Michael & Karen Nawfel Sam & Bonnie Nawfel Byron & Alexandra Neal Daniel Nere James T Nicholas Alex Notis Vasso Notis Andrea & Edward Nutter Arthur O’Neil & Maria Tzianabos Amy Panagakos & Edward Libby Petros Panagokos Panos & Phyllis Pantelas S Victor & Evie Papacosma Ted Papalimberis & Laurie Sutherland Argyro Pappas John & Kathy Pappas Nicholas J & Nicoletta Pappas Nicholas T & Anita Pappas James & Flora Para James & Taxia Paras Nicholas Peterson Thomas & Marian Peterson Angela Plummer Persephone Poulios Aspacia Poulis Nicholas & Lefco Poulos Loucas & Thalia Prodromou Jani & Irini Qirushi Amanda & Mark Rand Dennis Regan Fr. Constantine & Madeline Sarantidis Theodora & Ken Sawyer Jeanette Sferes Philip & Nancy Sferes Cassandra Sibson Christopher Sibson Carolyn Snyder Angelo Sotiropoulos Nicholas & Jodie Sotiropoulos Sotirios & Antonia Sotiropoulos George Spatoulas & Doreen Morrow James & Shellie Spirounias Emily Stratis Paul & Allison Stratis Thomas Stratis CG & Anna Trouvalis Gregory & Jackie Tselikis Robbyn Tselikis Steven & Julie Tselikis Stephen Tsicouleas & Susan Lemieux Barbara Tsonis Andrew & Mirella Tucci Paul Ureneck Anastase & Soula Varaklis Kalliope Varaklis & Sean McCormick Demosthenes & Angela Varipatis Connie Vatsinaris Chris Velentgas Anastasia Vorias Elaine Vorias James & Alexandra Vorias Nicholas & Doreen Vorias Iliana Vultur Efrem & Alganesh Weldemichael Rhea Williams James Yalouris Frank & Nicolette Yattaw Christos & Niki Zoulamis Laura Zoulamis-Gordon & Charles Gordon Chrissy Zoulamis-Miller & Jason Miller Total Pledged: Total Received: Average Pledge: $104,613 $78,370 $608 “Thank You” to all our stewards! If you haven’t made a pledge or payment for Stewardship year 2013, please do so. It is important that you be part of the community that cares and supports our gospel ministry! You can pay your Stewardship with a Credit Card! Call the office, 774-0281, or visit the Bookstore after Liturgy. Altar Oil July 21-27, Terry Sawyer, in memory of her parents and sister. July 28-Aug. 3, Rosella Dragoumanos, in memory of loved ones. August 4-10, Terry Sawyer, for the health of family and friends. August 11-17, Alex & Byron Neal, for the good health of friends and family. August 18-24, Connie and Freda Goulatis, in loving memory of their parents, Sylvia & Louie Goulatis. Aug. 25-31, Melpo Shamos, in memory of Marie Shamos Twitchell and her birthday. September 1-7, Connie and Freda Goulatis, in loving memory of their grandparents, Connie & Harley Vetas and Aphrodite & Demetrios Goulatis. Several weeks are open for your sponsorship. Donations are $10 per week. THANK YOU. The Sunday School is grateful for the framed picture of Jesus that was donated by Dolores Drivas, in memor y of Dana Vamvakias. Dolor es had Dana as student in Sunday School year s ago. Have you noticed the two icons that frame the stairs to the Sunday School and fellowship area in our church? The icon of the Trinity was donated by the Varaklis family, and the icon of the face of Christ is the icon the children of our Sunday School made with the help of Chris Gossey last year. Next time you go downstairs after Liturgy, pause to look on both sides of the stairs. And praise God for all things great and small. spirit August 2013 Page 5 AUGUST 2013 Holy Trinity Orthodox Church 133 Pleasant Street, Portland, ME 04101 207-774-0281 THIS ISSUE IS SPONSORED BY ANNA & BOB CALLAHAN, FOR THE HEALTH OF THEIR FAMILY. The deadline for submissions to the September issue is August 16th. Christos & Mary Papoutsy announce: The Prof. John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series October 23, 24 & 25 at University of New Hampshire—Free Public Lectures GREEK SCHOOL YEAR 2013-2014 AGIASMOS for the beginning of the new school year will take place on Monday, September 16, 2013 at 4:00p.m. in the Parish House. All children of Greek School and their parents are requested to be present for this special service. Any child 6 years or older can attend Greek school. For more information please call Mrs. Varipatis at 799-6485 . Classes begin on Tuesday, September 17th. Class times remain the same, 4:00-6:00 pm daily. STUDENTS WILL ATTEND CLASSES AS FOLLOWS: MONDAY: Theodore Gordon, Alexia Kostopoulos, Nia Kostopoulos, Richard Kourinos Despina Pashos TUESDAY: Pavlos Casvikes, Nicoletta Coupe, Andrew Jasonides, Jack Pellechia. WEDNESDAY: Dimitri Coupe, Philip Coupe, Nausica Ferros, Alexander Gordon THURSDAY: Kristina Arabatzis, William Ferros, Zachaios Fitts, Lena Kombakis, Evangelos Kapothanasis, Anna Pilioglos, Angela Spiler, Andrew Varipatis. ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ Ο ΑΓΙΑΣΜΟΣ για την έναρξι του νέου σχολικού έτους θα γίνη την Δευτέρα, 16 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2013 στις 4:00μ.μ. στην κοινοτική αίθουσα. ΄Ολα τα παιδιά του Ελληνικού Σχολείου παρακαλούνται να έρθουν με τους γονείς τους στην ειδική αυτή τελετή. Παιδιά ηλικίας έξι ετών και άνω γίνονται δεκτά στο Ελληνικό Σχολείο. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες τηλεφωνήσατε εις την Κα Βαρυπάτη, 799-6485. Μαθήματα αρχίζουν την Τρίτη, 17 Σεπτεμβρίου. Οι ώρες της λειτουργίας των μαθημάτων παραμένουν οι ίδιες, 4 έως 6 μ.μ. Page 6 Holy Trinity Church, Portland, ME