Dear Ones, June 24, 2016 “The call will take place at 3pm UK time. Relevant international call times are as follows: US Pacific - 7am, US Mountain - 8am, Kenya - 5pm, Philippines - 10pm” These were directions for a new team we get to be a part of, to develop a strategy to facilitate the global networking of our church-related ministries in pursuit of our Navigator Calling, Values and Vision. Over the next year, we will seek God and work to determine how to take what we’re learning in church ministries all around the world and more effectively share and resource across the entire Nav work. We are all very familiar with the Great Commission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” The Lord is increasingly bringing the nations before us, at home and abroad. At the Christian Leadership Alliance meeting in Dallas, Dr. Michael Oh, President of the Lausanne Movement, shared that 23% of the world’s 7.4 BB people have not been evangelized, but at current rates we are not keeping up with population growth. So much is happening globally we thought we’d share a glimpse of how our U.S. work is intersecting with work in Africa and Central America in the wake of our trips there this past year. Africa You may remember we spent a week each in Kenya, Uganda and Madagascar last fall meeting with pastors, local staff and leaders to resource and equip them with materials, processes and coaching. The Lord has used our humble efforts in a rippling way throughout each of those countries and beyond. Even before we left, we were asked to come back to Africa, and are praying about a trip next spring. Kenya A significant outcome of our time in Kenya was to begin coaching Geofrey Washiali, the NCM Country leader for Kenya. The church leader for Navs Africa was so impressed by the growth he’s seen in Geofrey, he's asked Geofrey to figure out how to bring coaching to key Nav leaders all over the continent. One small example of change in Geofrey is that he decided he wants to be much more involved in the life of their 18-month-old daughter, Ahadi, than the average Kenyan dad. This is so different than the “world” around him, that neighbors have noticed, commented to him and given him the opportunity to share Christ with them. Geofrey is coming to Colorado for 2 weeks next month to go through NCM Coach Camp, become a certified coach and brainstorm with us how to take coaching back to Kenya and beyond. Geofrey is bringing on new staff, training current staff and taking our GiDC (Growing intentional Disciplemaking Cultures) process to churches all over Kenya and beyond. He is also joining our team in New York City in October to share at Movement Day (during our track on disciplemaking in the church – to over 3,000 people) the impact of coaching and the GiDC. Uganda Most of the staff is new, and largely focused on securing their funding to minister effectively. We trained them in MPD – Ministry Partner Development. A recent update from a from a young staff member, Denis, says: “Hi Roy and Margaret, we are always happy to communicate with you because you left a mark on our hearts, you exposed us to MPD. We are growing in it as uncle Barham indicated to you. I am sorry for taking long to communicate this to you earlier but the delay has always been caused by limited access to Internet because I don't have a computer of my own but am always glad to update you on how we are doing. My prayer is that one-day we will get to see each other and share our lives once again. Your visit to Uganda impacted our lives. WE LOVE YOU. COLOSSIANS 3:12-17.” Madagascar Andre` is the only full-time Nav staff. We worked with him and a partner (volunteer) named Liva. Here are quotes from a recent email sharing the ripple effect in Antananarivo and beyond. “We are meeting with young people, about 40 of them, at our home every month. We will have bible study and our aim is to have them living in purity and be young disciples of the Lord. Youth Meet at Andre`s You have already given the tools, it is up to us to work and expand them. So once again, thanks a lot for your gift and prayers for us. I was asked to teach in a school of pastors (90 pastors). I will be there for 5 days. “Since you were here we have become more busy. Good problem! Now we have 2 radio broadcasts. Pray also for us for time management. I need to work a lot on that! I [recently] appointed Liva to speak on the radio every Friday evening, on FM 91.00 on which you spoke while you were here.” World Gospel Outreach – Honduras and Beyond Margaret and I leave for Belize on June 25. Two years ago we helped lead the process with WGO leadership to evaluate and select a second country to multiply their highly successful model of evangelism and discipleship through medical missions. They selected Belize, and we are heading there to work with staff on the ground to help define what the program will look like, how they will conduct follow-up and to begin discipleship. One of the major reasons Belize bubbled to the top was that it is the only country in Central America where English is the primary language. This allows a faster ramp up for U.S. missionaries coming to serve as well as the ability for Serve Teams from U.S. churches to go deeper with those they lead to Christ – not having to use a translator! We are excited about being a part of shaping the future Please note – You are a part of all this – you are with us! Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers! Prayer Requests Please lift up these requests in the coming weeks: 1) Our time in Belize the week of June 26, 2) Coach Camp and Geofrey’s visit and stay with us July 9-22, 3) Meetings in August with developing partnerships with other organizations, 4) Chris with his new career and Stephen flying missions to the Middle East. You are dear to us, Roy and Margaret The Fitzwaters v 821 Red Eagle Ct v Woodland Park, CO 80863 v M’s C: 719-200-1019 v R’s C: 719-930-0869 v v search: roy.fitzwater or margaret.fitzwater on Facebook