Volume 21 - World Federation of Science Journalists
Volume 21 - World Federation of Science Journalists
AFRICA’S LEADING PUBLICATION ON SCIENCE Vol. 21 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Kshs. 100 SCIENCE JOURNALISM FELLOWSHIP FA L S E R & D European Food Safety Authority Denounces Seralini’s anti-GM Food Study W maize NK603 and its related stacks. The Seralini paper has caused much uproar in Kenya where the ministry of public health, without consulting local biotech experts, seems to have unwittingly fallen into the complex world of “antibiotech groups” who boast of the ban as a major propaganda breakthrough. Kenya has some of the world’s most credible biotech experts willing to publicly discuss all aspects Fly Maggots for the Treatment of Chronic Wounds in Kenya n Fly Maggots that clean wounds and kill drug resistant germs will soon be the norm in the biomedical world and KARI researchers at Trypanosomiasis Research Centre are at par with world’s best. n Larva secretions that is effective against Methicillin Resistant Streptococcus aureus (MSRA), a leading cause of amputations and death for affected patients. Full version of the scientific paper on Page 12 P L A N T PAT H O L O G Y Exclusive: Scientific Insight into New Maize Disease Threatening Kenya’s Food Security l Loses 30-100 Percent and affects all maize varieties l Caused by a co-infection with Maize Chlorotic Mottle Viruses (MCMV) and Sugarcane Mosaic Virus (SCMV) or any other cereal viruses M Solutions: nCarrying out strategic research for tolerance and resistance nCapacity building along value chain for disease and pest management nEstablishing a system for pest and disease forecasting and early warning nEstablishing a centralized data bank and backup systems nFormulating and implementing policies on handling of emerging pest and disease epidemics. Cont. on Page 9 EDITORIAL: ScienceAfrica Also Offers Well Researched Documentaries on All Aspects of ST&I in Africa: n VIDEO COVERAGE n NEWS CLIPS n FEATURES ScienceAfrica Journalist Wins Top Fellowship of biotechnology including perceived dangers. Final review of the Séralini et al. (2012a) publication on a two-year rodent feeding study with glyphosate formulations and GM maize NK603 as published online on 19 September 2012 in Food and Chemical Toxicology. q Full version of the EFSA abstract on Page 2. R E S E A R C H U P D AT E aize Lethal Necrosis Disease otherwise known as Corn Lethal Necrosis (CLN) Disease was first reported in September 2011, in the lower parts of Longisa division of Bomet district. In February 2012, it was noted in Bomet Central division, spreading into neighboring Chepalungu district, Narok North and South districts, and Naivasha. In April 2012, the disease spread into Sotik, Kainon, Transmara, Rumuruti, Kisii, Biveti, Kericho, Mathira East, Imenti South and Embu. According to field studies, it was observed that the disease is affecting all maize varieties grown in these regions. Reported yield loss in affected fields ranged from 30-100%. - Pages 9 to19 Tshs. 2000 Ushs. 3000 SPECIAL ISSUE hat has clearly come up as shoddy study by French scientist Seralini et al. is being branded as having insufficient scientific intergrity or quality needed for safety assessments. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concludes that the currently available evidence does not impact on the ongoing re-evaluation of glyphosate and does not call for the reopening of the safety evaluations of Selected 1 Scientific and Technical Papers from KARI Tel: 020-2053532, Cell: +254 722 843101 / 721 248761 Next Government Must Increase Funding and Elevate KARI’s Status - Page 7 George Achia S cienceAfrica’s leading writer George Achia has been awarded an IDRC/SciDev. Net Science Journalism Fellowship for 2013. The internship offered with support from Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and implemented by SciDev.Net allows early-career science journalists to work for six months with the editorial staff of both SciDev.Net’s regional offices and its main office in London. The fellowship starts in January and ends in June 2013. During the period, George will work for SciDev.Net and make up to four reporting trips to other countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa region to produce both news and feature articles. George is the journalist selected from East Africa with another journalist from the Middle East and North Africa region. While congratulating this beneficiary, SciDev.Net’s Sub-Saharan coordinator Ochieng Ogodo said the fellowship gives the journalists opportunity to report from their own country and within the region as well as horn their skills in science journalism. n Effective East Coast Fever Vaccine Finally Launched An effective “Infection and Treatment Immunization” against the East Coast Fever spearheaded by Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Veterinary Research Centre and the International Livestock Research Institute has finally been launched in Kenya after years of unsuccessful attempts. - Page 2 GMO Food Ban: Was Kenya’s Public Health Ministry Misled? Don’t Miss the Next Issue 2 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 BOOK REVIEW S E R A L I N I G M F O O D C O N T ROV E R S Y European Food Safety Authority Denounces Seralini Study ABSTRACT On 19 September 2012, Séralini et al. published online in the scientific journal Food and Chemical Toxicology a publication describing a 2-year feeding study in rats investigating the health effects of genetically modified maize NK603 with and without Roundup WeatherMAX® and Roundup® GT Plus alone (both are glyphosate containing plant protection products). As requested by the European Commission, EFSA reviewed this publication taking into consideration assessments conducted by Member States and any clarification given by the authors. The assessments of Member States and EFSA revealed an overall agreement. The study as report- ed by Séralini et al. was found to be inadequately designed, analysed and reported. The authors of Séralini et al provided a limited amount of relevant additional information in their answer to critics published in the journal Food and Chemical Taking into consideration Member States’ assessments and the authors’ answer to critics, EFSA reaches similar conclusions as in its first Statement (EFSA 2012). The study as described by Séralini et al. does not allow giving weight to their results and conclusions as published. Conclusions cannot be drawn on the difference in tumour incidence between treatment groups on the basis of the design, the analysis and the results as reported. Taking into consideration Member States’ assessments and the authors’ answer to critics, EFSA finds that the study as reported by Séralini et al. is of insufficient scientific quality for safety assessments. EFSA concludes that the currently available evidence does not impact on the ongoing re-evaluation of glyphosate and does not call for the reopening of the safety evaluations of maize NK603 and its related stacks. EFSA’s evaluation of the Séralini et al. article is in keeping with its role to review relevant scientific literature for risk assessment on an ongoing basis to ensure that the advice it provides is up-to-date. n © European Food Safety Authority, 2012 Kenya Rural Development Programme Launched Mohammed Elmi (centre), Kenya’s minister of state for development of northern Kenya and other arid lands and Romano Kiome (extreme right), permanent secretary in Kenya’s ministry of agriculture; Marjaana Sall (extreme left), deputy head of delegation of the European Union to Kenya, Jimmy Smith (second left), director general of ILRI, at the launch of the Kenya Rural Development Programme (KRDP) at the KARI centre in Kiboko, Makueni on 7 Sept 2012 (photo credit ILRI/ Paul Karaimu). VET MEDICINE KARI, Veterinary Research Centre, ILRI Set to Conquer East Coast Fever A n effective “Infection and Treatment Immunization” against the East Coast Fever spearheaded by Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), Veterinary Research Centre (VRC) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) has finally been launched in Kenya after years of unsuccessful attempts. The Parasitic disease East Coast fever (ECF) kills 1.1 million cattle (one every 30 seconds) in East, Central and Southern Africa causing losses of $186 million annually. Countries hardest hit include Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, DRC, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Southern Sudan. However, in Kenya four decades of R&D activities spearheaded by KARI, VRC and ILRI resulted in the recent launching of the vaccine against ECF. It also involved collabo- ration with Food Agricultural Organisation, Global Alliance for Livestock and Veterinary Medicine. “Effective control of ECF and other livestock diseases is key to the realization of Kenya’s Vision 2030 objectives that mark a broadening of the agenda in agricultural production to include marketing, value addition and agri-business.” said Kenya’s minister for Livestock Mohammed Abdi Kuti in a speech read by director of veterinary service Dr Peter Maina Ithondeka. “If no form of control measures is taken ECF would kill up to 100 percent of the exotic dairy cattle and half of the calves owned pastoralists,” he added. The disease caused by the singlecelled parasite, Theileria parva, transmitted by the brown ear tick (Rhipicephalus appendiculatus) is often fatal. Devastating clinical signs include reduced milk production, anaemia, cardiovascular problems, cough, diarrhoea blindness, stillbirths and others. Livestock which recover from ECF retain immunity a clear pointer to the potential role of vaccines. There are currently ongoing “Infection and Treatment” immunization. involving concurrent injection with certain forms or development stages of various types T. parva and some antibiotics which limit the infection. KARI developed ITM vaccine almost three decades ago. However, more research work was needed to help experts better understand molecular biology of T. parva variants that are endemic to certain parts of the country. It means that an effective immunization needed a cocktail of these T. parva variants. Thus KARI, VRC and ILRI researchers have over the years improved ITM and is nowadays considered safe and effective for use. n T his is a new publication, hot-off the press by the ISAAA AfriCenter office based in Nairobi. It is a timely publication - the first and only of its kind providing the latest documented information about the advancements in agricultural biotechnology research and development in Kenya before and up to 2012. The book is targeted as a resource for policy makers seeking quick facts and figures to make decisions regarding biotechnology. It will also be a handy piece of informative literature for other stakeholders in the industry like researchers, farmers, donor groups and the media. The handbook is divided into chapters giving details about - research and development for agricultural biotechnology in Kenya, funding for agricultural biotechnology research and development, the status of agricultural biotechnology legislative environment, awareness creation activities on agricultural biotechnology, the status of agricultural biotechnology in Africa, global trends in the adoption of agricultural biotechnology and the international instruments governing agricultural biotechnology. Biotechnology techniques currently being used in Kenya to improve crop production include tissue culture, marker-assisted selection and genetic modification. In the livestock sector, the focus is largely on the development of vaccines and diagnostic kits for effective vaccinations and accurate diagnosis for livestock diseases. Agricultural biotechnology is also applied in forestry to produce high quality seedlings. Some of the ongoing crop biotech projects in Kenya include the Bt cotton, the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA), Virus Resistant Cassava for Africa (VIRCA), Bio-fortification of Cassava for Africa, Africa Biofortified Sorghum (ABS), Drought Tolerant Maize for East and Central Africa and the Weevil-resistant Sweet potato project. According to the handbook, a majority of these research projects are public-sector driven and funded but with support and funding from donor agencies and the private sector. The handbook also makes a case for the adoption of agricultural biotechnology in Kenya’s agriculture sector which is flailing. According to the government statistics, agriculture contributes approximately 25% of the country’s GDP while employing more than 75% of the national labour force. However the sector has largely failed due to pests, diseases and unfavorable climatic factors. Biotechnology is one of the tools which can help circumvent each of these challenges and thereby turn around the fortunes of farmers and other stakeholders in the agricultural sector. n NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 3 S P E C I A L F E AT U R E O N O F A B E Six Years of Facilitating Dialogue, Inter-Institutional Collaboration on Agricultural Biotechnology ven though modern biotechnology is considered as the fastest adopted technology in the field of agriculture, there is still much skepticism towards it. The debate surrounding the technology has been plagued with misinformation and complicated by scientific and regulatory topics which are often poorly understood by laymen and majority of consumers. It is also intertwined with other societal concerns such as food safety, animal welfare, industrialized agriculture, and the global role of large private-sector corporations. This means that the benefits of biotech crops still need to be strongly communicated to the public. The Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology (OFAB) in Africa is one of the initiatives that was established to facilitate knowledge-sharing and awareness creation on matters pertaining to agricultural biotechnology. OFAB brings together key stakeholders and facilitates interactions between scientists, journalists, civil society, private sector, and policy makers among others. It aims to enhance knowledge-sharing and awareness that will raise understanding and appreciation of agricultural biotechnology and contribute to building an enabling environment for decision making. The first OFAB chapter was launched in Nairobi, Kenya in September 2006. A collaborative initiative between the African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) and International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) AfriCenter, the Kenyan chapter has paved way for the launch of 5 other chapters (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda and Tanzania). Mrs. Paloma Fernandes, was invited to give the millers’ views on the implications of the biosafety labeling regulations. The regulations had been met with an outcry from the biotech industry since they were likely to impede research and trade in GM products. The regulations include austere penalties of KShs. 20 million, ten years imprisonment or both for those contravening. Rather than ever face such penalSome of the top biotech ties, traders and technology experts who have made developers are most likely to presentations during shy away which in practice is monthly OFAB luncheons. similar to saying “No GMOs Top left Dr Jacob in Kenya”. Mignouna, AATF; Top Prof OFAB Kenya’s coverJames Ochanda, University age of key policy matters of Nairobi and Dr Allan has also attracted attention Liavoga, the Bio-Innovate of key policy makers. For Deputy Program Manager instance, the Kenya Bureau who is also a food safety of Standards chose OFAB expert as a platform to reach out to stakeholders and get views In its formative stages, OFAB Kenya on the biotechnology standards. Public took the form of monthly meetings, feareview is one of the most fundamental turing expert presentations, discussions stages in standard development. Another and an opportunity for stakeholders to important issue covered this year by OFAB interact. The forum has however expanded Kenya was the Maize Lethal Necrosis its activities to include special sessions Disease which is wiping out the crop in on need basis and county editions. OFAB a number of areas hence threatening the has made major impacts in creating a facountry’s food security. The disease has vorable environment for decision-making been erroneously linked to bioterrorism in regard to agricultural biotechnology. from some quotas and is most likely to The forum has often provided a platform influence formulation of some policies. for discussion of key policy issues. For This includes the on-going discussions instance, in June 2012 the Executive Ofto include a biosecurity clause within the ficer of the Cereal Millers Association, biosafety law. OFAB Kenya is also keen on strengthening capacity for biotechnology communication among various stakeholders. For example, the Forum held a training workshop on science communication for scientists and journalists on September 17th-18th 2012. The meeting brought together 14 scientists and 10 journalists. This was one of the activities aimed at bridging the gap between scientists and the media for improved objectivity in coverage of agricultural biotechnology matters. One of the participants, Prof. Laila Abubakar of the University of Nairobi, said that apart from reaffirming their strengths, the meeting identified weaknesses they had lived with without notice. “As a result of the workshop, I feel I can now address the biotechnology uptake issues in a much more comprehensive and organized way,” she said. Acceptance of any technology requires dialogue and inter-institutional collaboration among key stakeholders. This way, institutions are able to work in complement rather than competing and duplicating efforts. Constructive discourse and networking among stakeholders is therefore essential and will enhance their understanding and ability to communicate agricultural biotechnology issues. For the six years it has been in existence, OFAB Kenya has contributed a lot in enhancing the understanding of agricultural biotechnology. The Forum continues to offer participants an opportunity to network and form new linkages in addition to providing current information and relevant resource-materials on topical agricultural biotechnology issues. o UNIVERSITY R&D Baraton University: Summary R&D, Collaboration and Publications Collaboration The University of Eastern Africa, Baraton collaborates with a number of Research Institutions and Universities. We have memoranda of understanding with the African Regional Postgraduate Programme in Insect Sciences (ARPPIS) hosted at the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE),Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Finland, Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Finland, The University of Eastern Finland, University of North Karelia, Finland, University College Sjaelland, Denmark, Loma Linda University, U.S.A.and Support Africa International, Germany. Funded Research Activities in the School of Science and Technology Apart from the locally funded research activities, there are activities funded by external funding sources, which include: 1. Malaria Diagnosis Using Plasma and Selected Chemical Reactions funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This involves interdepartmental collaboration of the School of Health Sciences and School of Science and Technology. The Principal Investigator for this project is Ms. Jackie Obey, who collaborates with Prof. Fred Amimo and Dr. Zachariah NgaloOtienoAyayo, both of the Department ofBiological Sciences and Dr. Dixon Anjejo of the Department of Public Health The project received an initial grant of USD 100,000 and another similar amount after the first year of research for validation of the results. 2. Using Seneciolyratipartitus Extract After Anal Ablution, funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Principal Investigator in this project is Prof. AsaphMaradufu of the Chemistry Department, School of Science and Technology. The research is carried out in collaboration with Ms. Jackie Obey of the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, School of Health Sciences, with a funding of USD 100,000. 3. The retention and partitioning of atrazine and its metabolites in Rivers Kimondi and Yala Wetlands in Lake Victoria Basin. This project was run by Mr. Shadrack Mule (who is nolonger with the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton) with funding from the National Council for Science and Technology 4. Determination of retention rates and attenuation capacity of selected wetland systems for halogenated and nonhalogenated hydrocarbons: Modeling and specialization. This project was run by Mr. Shadrack Mule (who is no longer with the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton), funded by Lake Victoria Research Initiative (VicRes) 5. Pilot study to assess the acceptability pearl millet grain at micro and macro levels in rural Eastern Kenya. The Principal Investigator for this project is Dr. HellenMueniNdiku of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, School of Science and Technology, with initial funding of USD 10,000 from the Nestle Foundation Representative Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals Bett, N.K.,Nderu, J.N., &Hinga, P.K. (2012).Neuro Fuzzy Interface System Based Control of the Three Phase Hybrid Power Filter for Harmonic Mitigation International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advance Engineering, 2(8), ISSN 22502459 (available online) Chihava – Shoko, M., Sibanda, N., Sibanda, M.M. &Otieno-Ayayo, Z. N. (2012). Factors contibuting to bacterial diversity and load in Bulawayo restaurants, Zimbabwe.In Press, Baraton Interdisciplinary Research Journal. Mkandawire F. L., Kebaki D., Poblete A. Angwenyi N., Mule S. &Muchee T. (2012). Non-Food sweetpotato products for industrial production at Universityof Eastern Africa, Baraton. In Proceedings of the 6th JKUAT annual Scientific, Technological and IndustrializationConference held from November 16 to 18, 2011. Pp 588-592. Mkandawire F. L., Onyango, J. H. &Angwenyi, N. (2011) Evaluation of the market potential of Sweetpotato processed products. BaratonInterdisplinary Research Journal.1,29-38, 2011. Ndiku M, Jaceldo-Siegl, K., Sabat, J. (2010). Dietary patterns of children < 5 years old in Mwingi and Makueni districts of Ukambani region, Eastern Kenya.African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development, 10(7), 2804-2817. Ndiku, M., Jaceldo-Siegl, K., Singh, P.,&Sabaté, J. (2011). Gender inequality in food intake and nutritional status of children under five years old in rural Eastern Kenya.European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.65, 26-31 Ndiku, M., Sabat, J., Singh, P., JaceldoSiegl (April 2009). Dietary patterns of children 0-59 months in Ukambani region of Kenya.FASEB Journal, 23:916.5 Abstract Otieno-Ayayo, Z.N., Ben-Dov, E., Cahan, R. , Manasherob, R. &Zaritsky, A. (2012). Response of three mosquito species to recombinant bacterial toxins from Bacillus thuringiensissubsp. israelensisexpressed in two model systems, BaratonInterdisplinary Research Journal2(1), 17 -32. Otieno-Ayayo, Z.N., Zaritsky, A., Wirth, M.C.,Manasherob, R., Khasdan, V., Cahan, R. & Ben-Dov, E. (2008).Variations in the mosquito larvicidal activities of toxins from Bacillus thuringiensisisraelensis.Environmental Microbiology10(9), 2191-2199 Seroney, G.C., Minnie, K., OtienoAyayo, Z.N., Mulaudzi, F.M., &Nyangena, E. (2012).Knowledge, attitudes and practices of trained traditional birth attendants on HIV/AIDS, Kenya, BaratonInterdisplinary Research Journal2(1), 8 – 16. Terer, E.K. &Magut, H. (2012).Nitrate anion levels of well and river water along Kimondi, Nandi.In press, African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry (AJPAC). Wakoli A. B,Ettyang G.A. &Lakati A.S. (2012)..” Title: Under nutrition of orphans and vulnerable children: a comparison of cash transfer beneficiaries and nonbeneficiaries in Korogocho Slums, Nairobi. East Africa Journal of Public Health, 9(3), 2012-2612 Book edited: FracksonLameckMkandawire and MkpadaMmaduabuchukwu(2011). Low Input Technologies for Sub-Saharan Africa Including a chapter written by the editor. Band 4, Peter LangVerlag, Frankfurt, Am Main, Germany 2011. Pp 120. Additional research activities are summarized at www.ueabresearch.roletech.net Availed by Dr Zachary OtienoAyayo, Dean School of Science and Technology, University of Eastern Africa, Baraton - Kenya 4 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 B I OT E C H Kenya: Ban on GM Foods Lacked Scientific Consultations By George Achia hen banning the importation of GM food, Beth Mugo, the minister for public health surprisingly said that the ban will remain in effect until there is enough information, data and knowledge demonstrating that GMO foods are not a danger to public health. This comes as a shock for those who know - especially scientists- that there was minimal consultation with relevant regulatory authorities before the contradictory announcement. The government instituted credible regulatory agencies such as the National Biosafety Authority, Kenya Bureau of Standards and Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services, National Environment Management Authority and others to ensure that GM foods have met the high standards of safety W set by these expert bodies working for the public interest. Dr Margaret Karembu, the director of Nairobi-based International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), notes that this is a gag to research and regulatory bodies by the same government that created them. She told ScienceAfrica that Kenya subscribes to CODEX Alimentarius– an International Food Standards – which gives guidelines and codes of practice to protect the health of the consumers and ensure fair trade practices in the food trade. And, according to Karembu, CODEX, Food Agriculture Organization, World Health Organization and majority of international academies of sciences have approved the safety of GM products. At the same time, she points out that this ban sends a negative signal to those wishing to trade in biotech crops in Kenya. “We are concerned that the government is putting up institutions including Universities to develop technology and goes behind the curtain to gag their activities,” said Karembu. “Safety of foods is a universal attribute and it does not matter where the data is generated. The available data locally and globally show that GMOs are safe for human consumption,” said Karembu. She notes that despite the clear benefits of modern biotechnology towards food security, poverty alleviation and socio-economic development, this science continues to be engulfed in controversy that threatens to thwart its real value. And according to Dr Christopher Ngichabe, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute’s assistant director in charge of biotechnology, the Cabinet move is a surprise to the scientific community. This, according to him, would move the country backward in terms of adoptation of biotechnology. “I am completely shocked that the Cabinet is living in denial. It is the same Cabinet which passed The Biosafety Act, 2009 into law. It received Presidential Assent on 12 February 2009 which instituted NBA,” said Ngichabe. “The government ought to have sought the opinion from the experts. And it is clear that we do not respect our institutions and their mandate,” he added. According to him, Kenya has a pool of experts and capacity to do research in biotechnology and even to ensure adequate level of protection in the development, transfer, handling and use of GMOs that may have an adverse effect on the health of the people and the environment. He asserts that there are 29 countries which have commercialized biotech products and the remarkable thing is that 15 million of those were resourced poor farmers in developing countries. However, Anne Maina, advocacy coordinator at African Biosafety Network (ABN), applauds the government’s decision to ban the GMOs, saying the safety of such products is still questionable. Quoting the already discredited anti-GM food study, Anne told ScienceAfrica that “with the recent Seralini study where maize variety NOK 603 was found to cause cancer in the lifetime of rats tested, the safety of GMOs are questionable.” ABN is opposed to adoptation of modern biotechnology. o SCIENCE & DEVELOPMENT Too Early to Celebrate Growth Prospects in Africa By George Achia frica’s growth if not driven by a diversified production structure especially in manufacturing sector that would deliver quality jobs and raise incomes, would remain fragile and susceptible to negative shocks, says Prof. Osita Ogbu, the director of the Institute for Development Studies based at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He warns that the continent’s growth is still very frail, noting that in spite of the impressive growth rates, Africa’s economic transformation has not occurred and any talk of structural shift is not backed by evidence. While giving a key note address during the ATPS 2012 annual conference held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia titled The Fragility of the Recent Africa’s Growth and the Opportunity for Creating Jobs through a New Technology and Industrial Policy, Prof. Osita notes that Africa should not celebrate yet about its recent growth and continued prospects. And, according to his paper, A there is an emerging consensus on new industrial and technology policy regime that if well crafted, contextualized and implemented, could stimulate greater manufacturing in Africa and lead to structural change. Prof. Osita notes that historically, industrial policy in various shades has always been used by every nation to climb the industrialization ladder. “Unfortunately, Africa’s initial attempts were not very successful. Rather than restrategize, Africa and those advising her abandoned this strategy completely in spite of its being responsible for the basic industrial structure that currently exist,” he said. According to him, there is now a greater opportunity for African governments and the sector to work together to address the problems that have hindered the emergence of a dynamic manufacturing sector in Africa. However, Africa still has a number of opportunities to exploit. “These opportunities include the emerging consensus in industrial policy, the rising cost of production in China, the youth force in Africa and the existence of basic manufacturing hubs,” said Prof. Osita. He spoke during the ATPS 2012 annual conference under the theme Emerging paradigms, technologies and innovations for sustainable development: global imperatives and African realities which brought together researchers, academia, policy makers and innovators from different Africa countries. The conference was reflecting on a post Rio +20 futures for Africa. Despite all Africa’s presumed economic growth, Prof. Osita notes that the continent’s growth is still very fragile. “And for Africa to fast track its development and growth agenda, the continent needs growth based on industrialization and Science, Technology and Innovation,” he told ScienceAfrica. “There should be a link between STI policies and the economic agenda so that one can be seen to be driving the AFRICA’S LEADING PUBLICATION ON SCIENCE other,” he added. Opportunity for Industrial Policy in Africa He points out that new vista of opportunity now exists for Africa to re-engineer its industrial base including the emergence of a policy space arising from the utterances of political leaders and scholars around the world who are now embracing the partnership between the state and the market as necessary for re-engineering growth with jobs in what can be characterized as a forceful support for and return of open industrial policy. “The rising commodity and mineral prices which provide the foreign exchange and revenue that would be used to source technology, capital goods and equipment as well as to offer “smart subsidies” that are market friendly,” he said, adding that the seemingly declining Chinese competitiveness in the lower-end manufacturing opens up additional opportunity for Africa to exploit. Prof. Osita called on African governments to give more attention to the manufacturing sector as it is critical for sus- tained inclusive growth, innovation and creation of quality jobs. “Africa’s structural shift will come from rapid growth in the manufacturing sector,” said Prof. Osita. Youth unemployment problem in Africa is so severe which constitute up to 30 per cent in many countries. “The manufacturing sector that employs both skilled and unskilled labour can provide the platform for resolving these issues,” he pointed out. He notes that the growth in the manufacturing sector occurs when entrepreneurs increase their demand for innovation which requires direct government actions. “The government can facilitate this through a robust industrial policy. The technological opportunities that now exist for low-end manufacturing means that Africa can leapfrog in order to innovate,” he said. According to him, growth that is not driven by industrialization, in particular, a growing manufacturing sector is fragile and likely to still leave many unemployed and poor. n INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT The Best Analysis of Science, Technology and Innovation in Africa Tel: 020-2053532 / 2473370 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 5 Stories From World Federation of Science Journalists Virtual Newsroom Edited by WFSJ Anglophone Virtual Newsroom Editor - Otula Owuor Ghana: Dangers of Used Undergarments By Maxwell Awumah (Ghana) L egislative Instrument (LI) 1586, passed in 1994, bans the importation, clearance and sale of used undergarments of any type, form or description, whether purchased, donated or procured in any other manner. “The ban on used undergarments remains non-negotiable because it is essential for the nation’s long term public health safety,” says Kofi Nagetey, a microbiologist at the Ghanaian Standards Board (GSB). “Undergarments absorb body and skin fluids in the form of sweats and discharges, which contain millions of disease causing microbes including yeasts, parasites, molds, fungi, bacteria and virus. These garments can serve as possible reservoir for organ and skin infections, when conditions become favorable.” Nagetey said. “Body fluids which soil used undergarments can be injurious to the skin and hair. Ringworm, genital candidiasis and other infectious fungi with high propensity to become dormant spores are a constant danger; normal laundering produces clean clothes, but does not necessarily kill all the microbes, ” he added. Mr Nagetey said that these spores stay in the fabric but revive and multiply when the right temperature and moisture occur and these “bouquets of microbes” are responsible for the recurrent skin or genital infections experienced mostly by users. However, it is a booming business with importers continuing to avail to members of the public these commodities including brassieres, pants, handkerchiefs, boxer shorts and other types of used garments because of laxity in enforcement. The Imported garments become the first clothing line for majority of Ghanaians irrespective of social status, race, ethnicity or religious attachment, despite renewed enforcement of the ban 19 months ago. Ghana’s Ports Authorities, Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Standards Board (GSB) have waged unrelenting crusade to cut-off the supply chain of the commodity due to health concerns. However, bales of used undergarments are still confiscated at the ports of entry through random sampling processes. State institutions grapple to totally cut-off the supply-chain but the porosity of borders serving as conduits for smuggling activities leaves much to be desired. However, importers are skeptical and see the ban as misplaced. “The authorities should focus attention on poor environmental sanitation which poses serious health risks to the populace, because no medical facility has reported ailments associated with wearing of used undergarments,” executive member of the used clothing importers in Accra, Daniel Ankomah says in report carried by Scidev.Net. He wonders why research and science would not pay attention to chemicals used in spraying farms, recycling of hospital equipment and the use of public latrines than waste resources and time on proscribing used undergarments. “I believe there are much public health issues in these areas than in undergarments. We usually wash them in bleach, other anti-microbes, denaturing substances and even dry them in the sun which helps to eliminate harmful germs,” Ankomah explains. Majority of the populace would be naked, if used clothing was entirely banned. That is the depth of the matter, the executive member adds. Source: WFSJ Virtual Newsroom, Coordinator of (Francophone, Arabophone and Anglophone) First Virtual Science Newsroom Professor Gervais Mbarga, Canada. West Africa: Over 1m could Die if Lake Nyos Natural Barrier Collapses By Ntaryike Divine Jr. he 200m-deep Lake Nyos captured global attention1986 when it spewed large clouds of carbon dioxide asphyxiating over 1,700 people and 3,500 livestock. It sits on a 1.5 square-kilometer crater on a defunct volcanic mountain in Cameroon’s remote northwest at the northern boundary of the Cameroon Volcanic Line, a zone of crustal weakness and volcanism. Cameroon’s Lake Nyos (Top) threatens to kill over 1 million people because of flooding and disintegrating natural barrier. It asphyxiated thousands of people and animals in August 1986. However, this doomsday scenario is already causing tension between Nigeria and Cameroon, a clear indication of the urgent need to harmonize or create regional water management policies as Nigeria fears that the damage to crops, buildings and infrastructure will run into billions of Naira. “The eventual failure of the dam will result in the discharge of about 55 million cubic meters of water which will result in flooding downstream. It is estimated that between the Cameroon border and River Benue, some 50 settlements and over 15,000 hectares of land will be flooded,” said Zanna Muhammad, NEMA’s director of administration. However, the Cameroon government has remained impassive, despite reiterated unease voiced by Nigeria over swelling of the collapse of a natural barrier retaining the waters at its Lake Nyos. Amid ravaging floods that killed hundreds wrecked farmlands and subjected most of West Africa to increased disease and famine between July and T September, Nigeria announced it had finalized a disaster-cushioning plan in expectation of an even more devastating calamity lurking just across the border with Cameroon at Lake Nyos. NEMA warned that a volcanic rock forming the natural barrier containing the lake waters has severely disintegrated. It could snap at a short-notice or “any moment from now.” NEMA’s fears are hinged on a combination factors including ongoing erosion from rain, wind, the swelling lake waters, potential volcanic eruption and earthquake. But one month after the alert was issued; the Cameroon government has remained aloof. An official with the country’s Institute of Mining and Geological Research [IMGR] which monitors the lake has however toned down the NEMA jitters. “Nigeria’s preoccupation is based on findings dating back almost a decade. But we regularly survey the lake and I can confidently state there’s no immediate cause for concern,” he said on condition of anonymity because he lacked authority to speak on behalf of the government. “Nonetheless, the government considers the matter sensitive. Nigeria has not contacted us to confirm anything, but unilaterally continues issuing these unscientific and dramatic alerts,” he added. The NEMA panic has been regular since 2005 when the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) issued a joint report warning the lake wall had seriously sagged and could crumple within a decade. The report recommended the dike be solidified with concrete, or some of the lake waters released to ease the pressure on it. “The government has the projects under consideration. But you’ll agree with me they are expensive ventures to undertake for a cash-strapped government, and besides it’s not a priority issue especially as our studies indicate there’s no immediate danger,” the IMGR source explained. On August 21, 1986 when Lake Nyos coughed up large clouds carbon dioxide scientists thronged the scene- from across the globe. They suspected that pockets of molten rock lying beneath the lake leaked carbon dioxide into the water, causing it to change into unstable and toxic carbonic acid. They concluded that degassing the lake by installing pipes to drain off gas-filled bottom layer watersand allow the carbon dioxide seep out in safe quantities atop was the best bet in avoiding a recurrence. The installation of the self-powered vent tubes was completed last year. Michael Halbwachs of the French gas-extraction company DATA Environnement led the project that spanned a decade. He said some 200 million cubic meters of carbon dioxide ensnared beneath the lake will be pumped out within two years, eradicating all lingering dangers of another deadly outburst. Meanwhile, an automatic alarm system has also been erected at the lake gateway to warn locals of any impending dangers. However, the efforts have hardly mitigated the Nigerian apprehensions. In September, NEMA published a handbook designed to guide relief operations in the event of the Lake Nyos dam collapse. The document captioned, Lake Nyos Disaster Response Manual contains early warning system methods and detailed practical measures to abate the impacts of the imagined adversity in the Benue, Adamawa, Taraba, Cross River and Akwa-Ibom states close to the border with Cameroon. Source: WFSJ Virtual Newsroom, Coordinator of (Francophone, Arabophone and Anglophone) First Virtual Science Newsroom Professor Gervais Mbarga, Canada. 6 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 Stories From World Federation of Science Journalists Virtual Newsroom Edited by WFSJ Anglophone Virtual Newsroom Editor - Otula Owuor Central Africa Trains First Batch of Epidemiologists By Ntaryike Divine Jr. ouala, Cameroun- Medical science has frequently incriminated Central Africa as a cradle of some of the world’s deadliest communicable maladies. The sub-region, already longestablished as the birthplace of HIV is also home to recurring plagues of cholera, chikungunya, ebola, meningitis, polio, measles and others. Typically, self-declared cash-strapped governments in the sub-region resort to donors for assistance when untracked epidemics break out. Such “fire-fighting” efforts often come rather late when disease-causing organisms have besieged entire communities causing deaths and forcing the poor into costly hospital beds. However, a window of hope is opening for Central Africa. The sub-region has begun training its first-ever indigenous applied epidemiologists and laboratory D science experts and the first batch of 18 epidemiologists recently graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in the University of Yaoundé, Cameroon,. The two-year Master’s Degree course dubbed Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program, FELTP was launched in October 2010 with trainees selected via a competitive entrance examination. The epidemiologists who graduated included eight from the DR Congo, five from the Central African Republic and five from Cameroon. “Often, we’re surprised by disease outbreaks. However, with this training, we’re in a position to keep tabs on their evolution,” said Gerald Sume, one of the program alumni. “We’ll be working on epidemics investigations and management. Emergency situations like the recent cholera outbreak will henceforth be better tackled. During our training, we investigated outbreaks of measles in Cameroon and chikungunya in Congo,” added Norbert TankeuDongmo, another graduate from Cameroon. The FELTP introduction in Central Africa brings to 52 worldwide, the number of applied epidemiology and laboratory science programs started by the US Center for Disease Control, CDC, from 1980. For Central Africa, it is additionally sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the WHO to the tune of US$640,000. “There’re several vaccine-preventable diseases in Central Africa and this is an opportunity to start dealing with them using people who are trained here and who will be deployed here and we know this initiative will continue,” said Peter Nsabuga, CDC representative. “Additionally, It will boost sub-regional integration with envisaged possibilities of crossborder collaboration to track down, investigate disease behavior and check their spread from one country to another,” said Prof Oumarou Bouba, Rector of the University of Yaoundé I. However, neither timeframes for the enrolment of the next batch nor a working plan for the graduates have been announced, but Cameroon government officials say they willspare no efforts in ensuring the country and sub-region reap a hundred percent benefit from the program. They have pledged tocreate field laboratories across the country for permanent surveillance and prompt epidemics alerts. n Source: WFSJ Virtual Newsroom, Coordinator of (Francophone, Arabophone and Anglophone) First Virtual Science Newsroom Professor Gervais Mbarga, Canada. Cervical Cancer: Preventable, Treatable HPV Immunization Preventive Pap Smear Screening Test By Bibi-Aisha Wadvalla (South-Africa) right blooms of fuchsia and orange bougainvillea sway in vibrant contrast above the still, wan- looking face of *Noluthando Vilakazi. The 36 year old domestic worker was diagnosed with cervical cancer in August 2010. She staunchly holds back tears, narrating her diagnosis, and subsequent loss. “When I told my husband the news, he left me.” The tears fall. Vilakazi’s tale is not uncommon. In South Africa, over 7000 new cases are reported annually, with half resulting in death. An easily preventable and treatable disease is silently killing South African women of lower socio-economic status because of stigma. The same situation exists in Ghana, a country listed alongside South Africa as most affected by cervical cancer.Here, women, especially from the rural areas, are reluctant to visit the health centres for cervical cancer screening to avoid stigmatisation, in the event of testing positive for HIV. They hold the belief that there is a direct relationship between HIV and cervical cancer, and that both are the result of promiscuity. It is the same in South Africa. A misconception exists that being tested for cervical cancer indicates a woman has contracted HIV.Dr Kwasi Yeboah Awudzi, Kumasi Metropolitan Director of the Ghana Health Service, asserts, “There is no direct relationship between HIV and cervical cancer.”Vilakazi’s exhusband could not be convinced of the fallacy of his misconcep- B tions. He believed she slept with other men, therefore she was diagnosed with cervical cancer, and possibly had HIV too. Cervical cancer ranks as the first most frequent cancer among women in Ghana, most common amongst women between 15 and 44 years of age. A World Health Organisation (WHO) report (which WHO report and the date? indicates at least 2,000 Ghanaian women die yearly from the disease. By 2025, it predicts there will be over 5,000 new cases and at least 3,300 cervical cancer deaths annually. Dr Trudy Smith, a South African gynaecology oncologist, says cervical cancer is a leading cause of death for women. “It’s one of the biggest killers of women in the world.” Globally, the month of October turns pink during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Yet the preceding month of September does not flutter with teal ribbons to commemorate Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. Instead, it passes silently by, like the silent killer it represents. Cervical cancer is a disease in which cancer cells form in the tissues of the cervix. The cervix is part of a woman’s reproductive system located in the lower, narrow part of the uterus (womb). Cervical cancer develops after the cervix is infected with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which is sexually transmitted. According to Dr Awudzi there are many (more than 150) HPVs but about 40 of them can be sexually transmitted and can either cause genital warts or cervical cancer. Like all cancers, cervical cancer progresses slowly, over a period of years, from cells that have changed. “In the early stage, these changes are small that they are like a “rash” called dysphasia,” says Juana Nyame, a cancer expert at the New Cross Clinic in Kumasi. Though the early small rash could appear in a woman when she is in her twenties, Nyame says it takes many years to develop into cervical cancer in women between the ages of 40 to 60 years. The rash, caused by a Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), often causes no symptoms making it very difficult for women to know they have the cancer. Vilakazi sought treatment after noticing abnormal bleeding between her menstrual periods. But it took three months before she visited her local clinic. Dr Smith comments, “Symptoms of stages 1 and 2 include abnormal bleeding or smelly discharge. The vast majority of women will present at stage 3, when they bleed from their vagina or rectum.” Vilakazi was in stage 2. At the clinic, she was told to have a pap smear. “I didn’t know what it was.” When explained, she was afraid. “No, I didn’t want it. I thought they’ll tell me I have Aids.” A pap smear is a screening test for cervical cancer. Cells are scraped from the opening of the cervix with a wooden spatula, then examined under a microscope. Across Africa, poor screening procedures are said to be a primary factor in the rise of cervical cancer incidence. In 2000, South Africa developed a national cervical cancer screening policy, using a screening method of pap smears to prevent precancerous lesions from developing into cervical cancer through early detection and treatment. Free pap smears are offered to women at the ages of 30, 40 and 50. This policy was viewed as the most rational approach to ensure widest coverage to all women in South Africa. But statistics reveal less than 20% of women have used this service. This is either due to not knowing about it, like Vilakazi, or fear. The Cervical Cancer Prevention Programme in Zambia (CCPPZ), which was initiated in January 2006, is the world’s first large-scale public sector cervical cancer prevention intervention effort.Groesbeck Parham, gynaecological oncologist and CCPZ co-director, says CCPPZ developed an innovative approach to cervical cancer prevention comprising of nurse-led clinics supported by a modern mobile technology matrix. As of May 2011, the programme screened 60,650 women and treated over 8,000 patients for precancerous and cancerous lesions. Dr Smith says a pap smear is secondary prevention. “We must stop cervical cancer before it happens. We need to vaccinate.”Treatment of cervical cancer is possible after diagnosis by either a Pap smear or Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid. “But the primary prevention of HPV is through immunization, administered to teenage girls, before they become sexually active”, says Smith.However, vaccines are expensive, affordable and accessible to only those with private healthcare. In Africa, there are two vaccines on the market, Gardisal and Cevirax, costing $US100 and $US60 per shot, respectively. Three shots are required. Cervical cancer is easily treated if detected early. Cryotherapy is used to treat pre-cancerous lesions, or early stage cancer. Dr Smith explains, “We use a cryogun to freeze the abnormal area to -20 °C, which then falls away.” Nyame further says the procedure takes only 15 minutes and might cause some discomfort and abdominal cramps, adding, “After the treatment, your cervix is like any other wound, therefore it must be protected so that it can heal and not become infected.” The five year survival rate decreases for each stage, with stage 1 having an 85% survival rate, and stage 4 a 15% chance. Fortunately for Vilakazi, her stage 2 cancer was treated through radiation therapy. “Now I’m okay. I feel good, and I thank God He saved me”, she says gratefully. For those unable to seek treatment, death is painful. Dr Smith says fistula can develop in late stages.“In rural areas especially, women who haven’t been treated are ostracised because they have foul-smell vaginal and rectal discharge. They die a painful, lonely death.” q Source: WFSJ Virtual Newsroom, Coordinator of (Francophone, Arabophone and Anglophone) First Virtual Science Newsroom Professor Gervais Mbarga, Canada. NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 I 7 Next Government Must Increase Funding and Elevate KARI’s Status f Kenya’s next government is practically interested in attaining sustainable food security then it will have to allocate more resources and improve the status of agricultural research institutions beginning with the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute. It is one of Africa’s leading scientific institutions that can credibly and boldly point fingers at its various innovations backed by high quality R&D activities linked to its ability to attract external funding that still comes with all the dangers of dependency. In short KARI deserves increased budgetary allocations and should be promptly placed in the same category as the country most treasured state corporations especially in terms of staff renumerations. Over the years KARI, through innovative projects, has trained highly skilled agricultural scientists and specialists in some of the world’s best universities. Many may not know that institutions like the Kenya Seed Company, Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS), Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Sugarcane Research Institute and many others were actually highly successful specialist sections of KARI. KARI’s positive impact is easily noted in Kenya’s universities, NGOs, international research institutions and other institutions. Many top experts including professors in these institutions were fully prepared or “packaged” at the institute If Kenya’s next government is practically interested in attaining sustainable food security then it will have to allocate more resources and improve the status of agricultural research institutions beginning with the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute. and even while the ministry of agriculture had also extracted its top brass from KARI. In other words it is time for Kenya to adequately fund KARI and raise its status if the country’s policy makers really value “home grown” science, technology and innovation. The list of innovation from KARI is impressive and is bound to get better with increased support and ability to help in the initial implementation of its projects. KARI’s R&D impact on improvement and protection of the country’s crops and livestock sector speaks for itself. One just has to take an objective look –including challenges and achievements- into the country’s ability to produce and sustain its livestock, horticul- SCIENCE & DEVELOPMENT Bio Innovate Ensuring that R&D Results have Impact I ncreased collaboration between researchers, farmers, markets, NGOs and private sector players is vital towards the implementation and pick up of innovations in the agriculture sector to boost economic development, according to Dr. Seyoum Leta, the Program Manager Bio Innovate Program. This could mark a move from the norm in which scientist have been accused of working in isolation. Inclusion of all stakeholders from inception of pilot innovation projects to their completion and implementation phase is the best way towards ensuring the sustainability of such projects. This participatory approach has been adopted at the Bio Innovate program. “One of the unique features of Bio Innovate is that we really engage in science and technology activities not mainly because we want to generate knowledge and technology but to make sure that the results of the current program activities will have an impact at the end of the day,” notes Dr. Seyoum Leta, the Program Manager Bio Innovate Program. Dr. Leta. He also asserts that the Bio Innovate program has ensured that all stakeholders get on board at the beginning of the program. “We made sure that only the researchers from the universities or research organizations are responsible for the implementation and execution of respective consortia projects. We have made sure that the demand side especially farmers, markets, NGOs and private sector also put their eye on the de- velopment right from the beginning up to when it is ready for uptake,” adds Dr. Leta. This he adds makes sure that the end product is one modeled to meet the demands of the people and solve practical problems. The Bio-resources Innovations Network for Eastern Africa Development (Bio-Innovate) was established in 2010 as a body to offer grants to finance multidisciplinary bio-sciences and product oriented innovation activities in Eastern Africa. The program currently runs 9 consortia projects and works with 57 partners. Since its inception in 2010, the project has reached a total of 150 researchers and granted funds worth US$9.2million. The Bio-Innovate program is funded by Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) and the Private Sector. Its innovations are in four thematic areas: Improving crop productivity and adaptability and climate change, Waste treatment, production of bio energy from renewable bio resources and securing fresh water resource, third is innovation incubation and promotion of targeted value chain and finally, Bio-resources innovation policy and sustainability analysis. The program is set to officially launch one of its projects in Uganda in November 2012. A review of the entire consortia projects will be done in February in Addis Ababa in February 2013. n ture, cereals and tubers. It boils down to research leading to increased production of maize, wheat, sorghum, millet, peanuts, beans, peas, flowers, fresh fruits and vegetables, cassava, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, poultry, milk, sheep, goats, cattle, pigs and others. Apart from protection against myriads of diseases the institute has helped the country come with crop and livestock varieties that survive in various agro-ecological zones. Thus In this issue we have exclusively carried selected samples of scientific and technical papers that give a glimpse of R&D activities at the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute and more samples will be carried in future installments. n EDITORIAL TEAM Editor: Otula Owuor Consulting Editors: James Njoroge Wachai Uganda Editor: Esther Nakkazi Associate Editors: Daniel Otunge Dick Agudah Revise Editor: Naftali Mungai Staff Writer: George Achia Staff Photographer: Charity Muturi Marketing & Advertising: Anthony Rume, IT/Marketing: Sami Otieno Otula Operation & Co-ordination: Leo Ogwago Layout Design: James Chunguli james@mycrimson.com Contributors: Maxwell Awumah, Ntaryike Divine Jr, Bibi-Aisha Wadvalla, Bibiana Iraki, Phoebe Mukiria, Grace Murilla, Maichomo MW, Mutuku JM, Otieno Owino, Kimani E, Obukosia S, Gichuki S, Daniel Kamanga, Florence Wambugu, Mwasame E, Nzeve D, Taracha C, Ngichabe C www.scienceafrica.co.ke Email:info@scienceafrica.com 8 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 Media Competition on Agriculture in Africa T his might be of interest to those of you with connections to journalists working for print or audio media in Africa. It’s on the topic of how political, social and other factors affect how African governments invest in agriculture. See email below. The deadline is 8 Feb 2013. Main link: http:// www.future-agricultures.org/mediacomp-2013 The competition is only open to Africa-based journalists but we are looking to spread the word as widely as possible within that region. About the competition The Future Agricultures Consortium (FAC) has launched a competition for journalists/media specialists on the political economy of agricultural policy in Africa. The competition will address three key themes: nInvesting in agriculture: With agriculture the backbone of the African economy, why is it that African governments do not invest more in agriculture for the benefit of their economies? What are the political pressures leading African governments to increase investment in agricultural development? Do these favour smallholder agriculture or large-scale farming, food staples or export crops, state-led or private sectorled models, investment in public goods or transfers (such as subsidies)? n Influencing policy - the role of civil AfricaBio Fact Sheet: NK603 Herbicide-tolerant Maize society: How can a civil society organisation have an influence on agricultural policy making? n BRICS investment in Africa: How are investments from China and Brazil and other ‘rising powers’ having an impact on African agriculture? And what impact will they have in the future? The entry deadline is 8 February 2013 and the winners will be supported to attend FAC’s international conference on the Political Economy of Agricultural Policy in Africa to be held March 18-20, 2013 in Pretoria, South Africa. Help us bring this announcement to the attention of potential candidates by circulating it widely amongst your networks. About the conference: The FAC 2013 international conference will focus on Political Economy of Agricultural Policy in Africa and is co-hosted by the Institute of Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS). The conference organising committee include Colin Poulton, Blessings Chinsinga, Ian Scoones, Kassahun Berhanu, Augustin Loada and Gaynor Paradza. Media competition link: http:// www.future-agricultures.org/mediacomp-2013 Beatrice Ouma Communications and Networking Coordinator M: +254 (0)703 700 732 | www.future-agricultures.org NK603 was first approved for cultivation in 2000 in the US, and currently the maize is approved for import and food use in Argentina, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Taiwan. Like any GM crop, the NK603 GMO maize went through a rigorous safety assessment in these countries before approval for food, feed and environmental release. The safety assessment of foods or feeds derived from genetically enhanced crops addresses two major sources of potential health consequences: (1) those due to the activity and presence of the introduced trait (most often a protein) and (2) those due to the characteristics of the resulting food or feed crop plant. http://www.scribd.com/doc/115010474/FACT-SHEET-NK603-Herbicidetolerant-maize Biotech Indaba Food safety watchdog rejects GM Roundup cancer study November, 2012 – foodmate.com The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has officially rejected controversial research linking Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup and genetically modified (GM) maize with cancer and premature death. EFSA rejected the Seralini GM Roundup cancer study. In the second part of a two-part ruling, the Euro food watchdog said: “Serious defects in the design and methodology of a paper by Séralini et al. mean it does not meet acceptable scientific standards and there is no need to re-examine previous safety evaluations of genetically modified (GM) maize NK603.” http://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/press/news/121128.htm VIEW POINT GM Safe- Seralini’s Study a Hoax By Bibiana Iraki he recent cabinet decision to ban GM food imports in Kenya is unfortunate. However, what is worse is the basis of that decision. Sadly, the directive to ban trade and importation of GM foods was informed by a flawed and controversial study that recently generated worldwide headlines. On 19 September 2012, a French Professor - Gilles-Eric Séralini - released a report linking the development of cancerous tumours in rats to consumption of GM glyphosate-tolerant NK603 maize. The study has been used to propagate negative publicity against GMOs, re-igniting a massive global debate and raising concerns about the safety of genetically modified crops. Following the report, a multitude of renowned scientists worldwide and a number of credible scientific bodies have reviewed the study and are uniformly criticizing its objectives, flawed methodology and weak research design. Some of the organisations that have discounted the results of this study include: 1. The European Food Safety Authority 2. The Belgian Biosafety Advisory T Council 3. Danish Technical University 4. French Agency for Food, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety 5. High Council for Biotechnology, France. 6. Germany’s Federal Institute for Risk Assessment 7. Italy’s National Institute of Health Assessment 8. Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority 9. Food Standards Australia and New Zealand 10. Six French Academies among them the National Academy of Agriculture, Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, Technology and Veterinary Studies. According to the conclusions of separate and independent assessments carried out by EFSA and six European Union Member States namely; France, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands and Belgium, “serious defects in the design and methodology of a paper by Séralini et al. mean it does not meet acceptable scientific standards and there is no need to re-examine previous safety evaluations of genetically modified maize NK603” The criticisms come as no surprise bearing in mind the pool of reliable, scientifically sound information confirming the benefits and safety of GM crops, as well as the history of safe use for almost two decades. GMOs have been commercialized for food, feed and planting for the last 16 years with no adverse effects on human and animal health and the environment. A total of 16.7 million farmers in 29 countries worldwide have adopted and are benefitting from GM crops. Numerous International Organisations have also endorsed the health and environmental safety of biotech crops including: 1. The World Health Organisation 2. T h e F o o d a n d A g r i c u l t u r e Organisation of the United Nations 3. The Royal Society (UK) 4. The British Medical Association 5. The National Academy of Sciences (USA) 6. The American Medical Association 7. The European Commission 8. The French Academy of Sciences and Medicines The French academies conclusively rejected the study as a “scientific non- event” and voiced their concerns on the shocking images circulating in the media. According to the six academies, these images “contributed to fuel totally irrational fears since the results presented are not valid science.” Kenyans have nothing to fear. The government has put in place structures to ensure the safe handling and use of GMOs. There is the Biotechnology policy of 2006, Biosafety Act of 2009, Biosafety regulations and a functional internationally recognized National Biosafety Authority (NBA) structured according to the Cartegena Protocol on Biodiversity and mandated to advice the government on appropriate handling of GM foods to the advantage of Kenyans. Any fear or decision based on the Seralini’s study that has been found to be flawed even by scientists in his own country would therefore be a big embarrassment to Kenya, our regulatory agencies, research institutions and our scientists who have always commanded international repute. (The writer is the communication officer at African Biotechnology Stakeholders Forum ABSF) NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 9 Selected Scientific & Technical Papers from KARI Overview on Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease in Kenya Introduction Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease was first reported in September 2011, in the lower parts of Longisa division of Bomet District. In February 2012, it was noted in Bomet Central division, spreading into neighboring Chepalungu District, Narok North and South Districts, and Naivasha. In April 2012, the disease spread into Sotik, kainon, Transmara, Rumuruti, Kisii, Biveti, Kericho, Mathira East, Imenti South and Embu. According to field studies, it was observed that the disease is affecting all maize varieties grown in these regions. Reported yield loss in affected fields ranged from 30-100%. Insect species transmitting MCMV (Nyvall, 1999) include, Corn thrips (frankliniella Willimsi), three species of corn rootworms (Diabrotica): Southern corn rootworm (D.undecimpunctata), Northern corn root worm (D. ionicornis), and western corn rootworm (D.Virgijera) the corn flea beetle (Chaetocnema pulicaria), the flea beetle (Sytena frontalis), the cereal leaf beetle (Oulema Melanopa), Arthropods (Cicadulina Mbila C.Zeae, C.Cicadulina mbila, Storeji and C.Triangula ) (Rossel and Thotappilly) Participation The Ministry of Agriculture –Coordinator, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) Pest Control and Product Board (PCPB), and Seed Traders Association (SGA) have participated in partnership of this research. Disease outbreak The farmers in Bomet called it ‘Koroito’ which is the vernacular name for the plague. The disease was a sudden phenomenon that could not be explained with its cause not known yet having a devastating effect to the community. Action taken A Multi Disciplinary Technical Team (MDT) was constituted by the Ministry of Agricultural, field surveys and surveillance and consultative forum for farmers’ field days has been carried out. Further action has been taken by KARI through germplasm screening in search for resistance, awareness creation through press releases, technical brochures, posters and papers submitted in scientific journals National stakeholders maize tour was conducted in July 2012 with focus on disease prevalence. Field samples have been analyzed both locally and in two other independent labs. Figure1: screening for resistance in Naivasha Disease expression and symptoms Symptoms expressions depend on: n The virus/es infecting the crop n Titer of the virus/es n Cultivar n Time of infection in the crop growth n Prevailing environmental conditions DISEASE IDENTIFICATION Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) disease otherwise known as Corn Lethal Necrosis (CLN) disease is caused by a coinfection with Maize Chlorotic Mottle Viruses (MCMV) and Sugarcane Mosaic Virus (SCMV) or any other cereal virus in the portyvirus group (e.g. Maize Mottle VirusMMV and Wheat Streak Virus-WSV). Figure 2: infested vs healthy locality Challenges All -Availability of adequate quantities of clean planting materials -accessibility of quality seeds and other planting materials -diseases and pests -Poor marketing infrastructure -Exploitation by middlemen -Unreliable rainfall -Cost of farm inputs Narok Human wildlife conflict Kisii (Borabu) Poor road infrastructure, rigid mentality abuse of local brews Eldoret West Soil fertility Bomet, Chepalungu, Sotik, Narok, Machakos, Kathiani, Makueni Periods of moisture stress and seasonal droughts RECOMMENDATIONS Intervention Establishment of maize closed seasons should be carried out in all regions, quantitative movement of maize materials from affected areas should be established, removal of all infested maize crop from field and crop rotation schedules. A regime of disease management should be recommended through pesticide applications on seed folia for vector control and IPM options. Screening of released maize varieties for tolerance / resistance, inclusion of MLND tolerance/ resistance in maize improvement programs, verifications of status on seed transmission of viruses in all local cultivars and identification and documentation of alternate hosts of viruses and vectors is highly recommended. In addition, creating public awareness on disease and management options to extension staff, stakeholders and farmers via electronic and mass media, technical publications and public forums is advisable. % Relative areas reportedly affected by MLND nationally) 70 Sugarcane Mosaic Virus (SCMV) Sugarcane Mosaic Virus belongs to the family: Portyviridae genus: Portyvirus and species: Sugarcane Mosaic Virus. Its morphology appears as particular which are flexuous filaments about 750mm long and 13mm in diameter. Its nucleic acid is a single ssRNA species of c. 3.4 x106 daltons. Transmission of SCMV is by insect vectors; especially Dactynotus ambrosiae, Hysteroneura sectarieae, Rhopalosiphum Maidis, Toxoptera Graminum, which belong to the family Aphidae. The disease can also be transmitted by mechanical means, by grafting, through seed and continuous maize planting in a field also increases the incidence of maize chlorotic mottle. Area of intervention 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Rift Valley Figure 3: severe chlorotic mottle on leaves Eastern Central Nyanza Incidence of Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease (July 2012) Maize Chlorotic Mottle Virus (MCMV) The virus occurrence was first reported in Kenya this year. This is the only species in the genus Machlomovirus (family: Tombusvividae). The virus was first reported to infect Zea Mays in Peru (Hebert and Castillo 1973). MCVM is not widely spread in the US; it has been reported only in Nebraska, Kansas and Hawaii. Globally it occurs in South America i.e. Argentina, Mexico and Peru. Maize is the only natural plant least reported for MCMV. However the least range is limited to the grass family Poaceae (sheets 2004). Among these grasses, 73 plant species in 35 genera have tested susceptible to MCMV. Transmission of MCMV occurs mechanically, by insect vectors and it has been reported that it can possibly occur by seed at very low rates which is agronomically insignificant (1/22,189 seeds= 0.005%) (Jensen et al.,1991). Continuous maize production in a field also greatly increases the incidence of maize chlorotic mottle. Figure 4: mosaic and vein banding symptoms with chlorosis and mottling Opinions of farmers concerning the cause of the MLND Farmers’ views on origin of MLND included the following n Contaminated seeds from agro vet shops n Government relief seeds n Insects damage n Frost damage While others do not know the source, others believed that it was God’s vengeance due to sins. LONG TERM DISEASE MANAGEMENT MEASURES Strategic research for tolerance/resistance should be carried out, capacity building along value chain for disease and pest management, establish a system for pest and disease forecasting and early warning, establish a centralized data bank and backup systems and lastly formulate and implement policies on handling of emerging pest and disease epidemics. (Courtesy KARI) 10 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 Selected Scientific & Technical Papers from KARI Overview of the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) Project with a Focus on Transgenic Drought Tolerant Maize Problem identification frica is a drought-prone continent, making farming risky for millions of smallholder farmers who rely on rainfall to water their crops. One third of the population in the Sub-Saharan Africa starves from time to time and has led to an increased overdependence on aid from outside Africa. Maize is the most widely grown staple crop in Africa and there is need to consider the fact that over 650 million people in this region depend on maize whose survival and yield are controlled by the availability of moisture. However, maize is severely affected by frequent drought which leads to crop failure, hunger, and poverty. With the threats of climate change, the problem of maize loss may only get worse. Like drought, insects - particularly stem borers - present a challenge to smallholder farmers in Sub–Saharan Africa, as they have little or no resources to effectively manage them. These insects feed on the surviving maize and reduce the plant’s ability to use limited water and nutrients. This can have a negative impact on yields, particularly during times of A drought and farmers can experience complete crop loss when drought and insects combine in the field. This therefore means that Africa must adopt appropriate tools in science and technology to increase agricultural productivity and enhance food security.Drought tolerance has been recognised as one of the most important targets of crop improvement programs, and biotechnology has been identified as a powerful tool to achieve significant drought tolerance by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization. Identifying ways to mitigate drought risk and insect pressure, stabilise yields, and encourage smallholder farmers to adopt best management practices which is fundamental to realising food security and improved livelihoods for the continent. Consequently, the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) Project is an attempt to address this concern. The Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) Project is a public-private partnership whose objective is to develop and deploy royalty – free African drought - tolerant white maize varieties. This will result in increased yield stability, protection of the crops from insects of economic importance and promotion of best management practices among the small scale farmers in sub-Saharan African countries. The project was initiated by five African Countries namely; Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique and South Africa courtesy of Bill and Melinda/Gates and Howard Buffet Foundations. They are the financers of the project. To add value to the outcome of the project partnerships are embraced at the country level between the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARs) and key multinational organizations namely; the African Agricultural Technology Foundation(AATF), International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), and Monsanto. Each partner offers a unique role to the project given their areas of specialization. For example, the African Agricultural Technology Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that facilitates and promotes public/ private partnerships for the access and delivery of appropriate proprietary agricultural technologies for use by resource- poor smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. CIMMYT is an internationally funded, nonprofit scientific research and training organization. The Center works with agricultural research institutions worldwide to improve the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of maize and wheat systems for poor farmers in developing countries. Monsanto is a world leader in marker assisted breeding, gene discovery, trait development and licensing. Finally, the NARS of each country brings to the project expertise in field trials; result based breeding and capacity building. Methodology The Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) Project uses a combination of conventional breeding, marker assisted breeding and transgene to develop drought tolerant inbred lines. In the transgene CspB from Bacillus subtilis that is a common soil microorganism is used to confer drought tolerance in maize. Nutritionally Bacillus subtilis is used to prepare Japanese Soy food called Natto. The transgene CspB gene was first identified in the bacteria subjected to cold stress condition. The good news is that research has demonstrated that transgene CspB can help plants to cope with stress occasioned by drought. For WEMA maize these may imply an increase of yields by 20 to30% from the available local varieties as at 2008 when the project was started. Translated into food security it will result in an additional 2 million metric tons of maize during the drought years to feed about 14 to 21 million people that depend on maize. Achievements Generally each of the five countries is at various stages of the project. However, the project is on course and hoping to move to deployment phase by 2013. It is anticipated that the conventional variety will be released to farmers from 2013 through national seed companies. Further, the transgenic (Bt) Insect-pest resistant white hybrids will be available to farmers from 2015 having satisfied the local necessary biosafety regulations. (Paper Courtesy KARI) Practical Use 0f Doubled Haploids in Maize Breeding Programs in Kenya Doubled Haploid (DH) Technology in Maize Breeding shortens the breeding cycle significantly by rapid development of completely homozygous lines (in 2-3 generations), instead of conventional inbred line development process which takes at least 6-8 generations….. A “doubled haploid” (DH) is a genotype formed when haploid (n) cells successfully undergo either spontaneous or artificially induced chromosome doubling. Chase (1947, 1951, 1952,1960) pioneered the studies on maize monoploids (synonymous to haploids, in case of maize) and the use of DH lines in breeding. The DH technology shortens the breeding cycle significantly by rapid development of completely homozygous lines (in 2-3 generations), instead of conventional inbred line development process which takes at least 6-8 generations to derive line with ~99% homozygosity (Forster and Thomas, are otherwise difficult and time 2005; Geiger and Gordillo, 2009; consuming to combine in adapted Chang and Coe, 2009). germplasm using conventional Since the last 10-15 years, the technolbreeding practices ogy has been well-adapted by several commercial maize breeding programs e) Perfect fulfilment of the requirein Europe (Schmidt, 2003), North ments of DUS for plant variety America (seitz, 2005), and more reprotection due to the complete cently in China (Chen et al., 2009), homogeneity of DH-based parenalmost as soon as haploid inducer lines tal lines. became available for template environ- f) Reduces the effort for line maintements (Prigge and Melchinger, 2011). nance. g) In combination with molecular Why DH in Maize breeding markers, DH technology can faa) Significantly shortens the breedcilitate access to the germplasm ing cycle by development of compresent within either the female pletely homozygous lines in two or the male parental lines of hybrid generations cultivars b) Simplified logistics including less h) Provides opportunities for undertime, labor and financial resources taking marker-trait association in developing new breeding lines; studies, marker-based gene introthe time and resources thus saved gression, functional genomics, mocould be potentially channelized lecular cytogenetics, and genetic for implementing more effective engineering selections and for accelerated reDH status in KARI lease of elite cultivars. Five populations (KARI X CIMMYT) c) Enables greater efficiency and best drought tolerant, F crosses are 1 precision of selection especially been fixed using the DH technology at when used in combination with Monsanto DH lab. Upon conversion molecular markers and year-round the resulting DH lines will be tested for nurseries; drought tolerance, disease resistance, d) Accelerated product development and insect and storage pest resistance. by allowing rapid pyramiding of favourable alleles for polygenic Challenges traits influencing maize produc- Most of the haploid inducer lines with tivity and stress resilience, which high Haploid Induction Rate (HIR) and for commercial use are temperate adapted. These IL are poor are poorly adapted to tropical lowland conditions, they display poor vigor, poor pollen production, poor seed set, and high susceptibility to tropical maize diseases. Opportunities CIMMYT has intensively engaged over optimization of the DH technology especially for the tropical/subtropical maize growing environments, in partnership with University of Hohenheim, Germany. They have developed tropically adapted inducer lines with 8-10% HIR and are available for sharing with interested institutions for research or commercial use. Conclusion Tropically adapted inducer lines is expected to significantly enhance the efficiency of DH line production, increasing seed set and rates of induction, and reducing the cost of inducer line maintenance and seed production. DH LINES SEED INCREASE IN WEMA PROJECT 895DH lines derived from 10 droughts tolerant BC1F1 were planted. After phenotypic evaluation, 231 DH lines were discarded and 664 DH lines seeds were harvested. Contd. on Page 16 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 11 Selected Scientific & Technical Papers from KARI Introducing Fly Maggots for the Treatment of Chronic Wounds in Kenya l Fly Maggots that clean wounds and kill drug resistant germs will soon be norm in the biomedical world and KARI researchers at Trypanosomiasis Research Centre are at per with world’s best. l Larva secretions that is 100% effective against Methicillin Resistant Streptococcus aureus (MSRA), a leading cause of amputations and death for affected patients. By Phoebe Mukiria and Grace Murilla BACKGROUND aggot therapy (MT) is the therapeutic use of medical grade larvae of necrophagic/coprophagic flies to treat chronic wounds. The maggots act by feeding on dead tissue that covers the wounds,. The maggots are produced in a sterile manner in the laboratory. The fly most commonly used is Lucilia sericata (or green bottle fly) but other species have been used with similar efficacy. MT has also been called biosurgery or larval therapy or maggot debridement therapy (MDT) and can be described as a carefully controlled process where an artificial therapeutic myiasis is induced. The health care professional makes use of the natural ability of particular maggots to ingest necrotic or infected tissue without affecting healthy tissue, reducing bacterial burden locally and promoting wound healing. This method is applicable to both humans and livestock suffering from chronic wounds. A facility has been built at the KARI- Trypanosomiasis Research Centre, Muguga, with support from Kenya Government and the Slovak Academy for Sciences (SAS) to produce sterile maggots for use in Kenyan hospitals. The staff from the centre have been trained at the Institute of Zoology (IZ), Bratislava, where a similar facility has been operating since 2003, supplying sterile maggots to more than 15 hospitals in Slovakia. Working with IZ, there are plans for TRC to isolate compounds from the maggots for further research, utilizing the new facility at the Muguga Centre, Kikuyu. M BURDEN OF CHRONIC WOUNDS IN KENYA Chronic wounds are open wounds that for some reason simply will not heal, do not respond to treatment with antibiotics, and may be present for months or even years. Aging, chronic illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus, and simple wear-andtear all contribute to chronic non healing wounds. The three major types of chronic wounds include venous/arterial ulcers, diabetic and pressure ulcers. Often, especially in rural settings, the wounds have not received adequate care and without such care, the wound becomes covered with dead (necrotic) tissue. Such wounds seriously affect the quality of life of the affected persons and can be a major drain of family resources and more so if the underlying causes of the wounds have to be managed as well. Common symptoms of ulceration include pain, exudate and odour, and these symptoms are frequently associated with poor sleep, loss of mobility and social isolation. The burden of chronic wounds to the Kenyan economy has not been estimated but in the UK, it is estimated that the cost to the National Health Service of caring for patients with a chronic wound is conservatively estimated at around 3% of the total estimated expenditure on health (Posnett and Franks, 2007). Information on the wound burden in Kenya is sparse. However in a study by Nyamu et al 2003, about 4.6% of the patients attending clinic at the Kenyatta National Hospital were found to have diabetic foot ulcer. Also in one of the provincial hospitals, Muyembe et al (1999) observed that 25% of foot amputations in the hospital were due to diabetic foot ulcer, matching only road accidents. In the United States, the prevalence of DFU ranges between 1.0% and 4.1%, Netherlands 20.4%. Hospitalbased studies have also reported prevalence of limb ulcerations of between 11.7% and 19.1% among individuals with diabetes in Nigeria. The prevalence of DFU among hospitalized patients with diabetes in Iran was 20%. (Ogunlesi, 2010) The wound care market in Kenya is growing as a result of an increase in lifestyle diseases. The burden is heaviest in the resource-poor communities. These areas have limited or no access to sophisticated and efficient diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative facilities. According to Ogunlesi (2010), bacterial infections have been associated with 52% to 97% of DFU in parts of the developing world. A major cost of such wound management is the removal of the dead tissue (debridement) especially if done in the theatre. In the UK, it is estimated that 200,000 patients at any one time have such a wound. A considerable amount of this cost is taken up by the nursing time involved in dressing changes (http://www. ukti.gov.uk/lps/sciencetechnology/item/356146.html). The presence of a chronic wound in a family member is traumatic to both the sufferer and the people around them. It is a constant drain on family resources and when the wound is of long duration, it arouses feelings of stigma, fear and even rejection, and the fact that more often than not, these wounds are associated with chronic illnesses complicates the lives of those with the wounds and their families. Traditionally wound treatment involves periodic removal of necrotic tissue (a process called debridement) either mechanically or surgically, flushing of the wound with antiseptic and covering the wound of fresh dressing, a procedure dreaded even by the most courageous. This is dressing is coupled with an antibiotic cover. Mechanical debridement often does not remove all the The two patients below were photographed in one of the local hospitals. dead tissue, thus slowing down the rate of wound healing and that’s where biosurgery is considered as a viable alternative. HISTORY OF MAGGOT THERAPY Larval association with infected wounds has been reported since ancient times, with the Old Testament being the oldest written piece to cite the infestation of an infected wound of a man by fly larvae - ‘My body is clothed with worms and scabs, my skin is broken and festering…’ Job 7:5. Evidence exists that larvae have been used for the last thousand years by various ancient cultures, such as the aborigines, ancient inhabitants of Burma and the Central America. It is reported that the Central American tribal healers soaked dressings in the blood of cattle and exposed them to the sun before applying them to certain lesions, by which time certain flies had laid eggs in the dressings and thus introducing maggots to the wounds. Thereafter maggots were extensively used during Napoleonic Wars and in the American Civil War in the 18th and 19th centuries when military surgeons found that the wounds that were infested by maggots healed faster and even survived better than those without. However, during the second half of 19th century Koch and Pasteur discovered the germ theory and this stopped the willingness of doctors to apply contaminated matter to an open wound and by the end of the 19th century, there were hardly any doctors left who would support the use of non-sterile fly larvae for the public. During World War I, mortality from open wounds increased to 70%. In 1917, William S. Baer, a military surgeon in France, resumed successful treatment of wounds with maggots. At the end of the war he was appointed Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Johns Hopkins University, and he extended the use of larval therapy to patients with failed wounds. To minimise the disgust of patients, as well as staff, and to avoid the migration of larvae, doctors created net-cage bandages to cover and hide the larvae. ‘Maggot therapy experienced a real boom from then on and military doctors during World War II ob- served the therapeutic application of the fly larvae by the local population. More than 300 US American hospitals introduced maggots into their programme of wound healing between 1930 and 1940. However the discovery and subsequent industrial production of antibiotics in 1944 and the development of new antiseptics led to a rapid decline in the use of larval therapy and the academic/medical interest in the use of maggots was lost. However proponents of the technique did not entirely give up and there are reports of low level use of the technique for the rest of the 20th Century. HOW DOES THE THERAPY WORK? The fly species most commonly used for maggot therapy is the green bottle blowfly, Lucilia sericata, as the maggots live only on dead and necrotic tissue. This fly lays its eggs on carrion and when an animal is being slaughtered there will be the fly (mistakenly referred to as the toilet fly) that will generally be a nuisance in the area of slaughter. (It has not come to eat the meat, it is looking for substrate to lay its eggs). The eggs hatch in 18 to 24 hours, producing larvae 1–2 mm in size. These larvae immediately start feeding on the food available and grow to a length of 8–10 mm in four to seven days, when they form pupae in a dry area. If circumstances allow, the adult fly emerges from the pupa in 10 to 20 days, and the cycle repeats itself. Adult Lucilia sericata in a cage Eggs laid on liver/wheat bran substrate Hatched sterile maggots Pupae which will hatch into adults to start the life cycle When 7 days old, the flies are offered a substrate of a moist mixture of liver and wheat bran is introduced in the cages for 2 hours. This simulates carrion on which the now adult females will lay a mass of eggs. The eggs are then sterilised with an antiseptic and incubated in sterile egg yolk media for 24 hours at 280 C. The then sterile maggots are removed from the media and rinsed several times with sterile water and counted into Fig 1 Life cycle of Lucilia pre-prepared sterile sacs, the size sericata of the wound determining the size In the laboratory, flies adult flies of the sac and number of maggots of both sexes are held in special therein. The sac is moistened with cages and fed on a special diet of cold saline and the maggots are a mixture of sugar, yeast extract packaged and transported to the doctor. and water. Contd. on Page 18 12 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 Selected Scientific & Technical Papers from KARI Overview of Bt-Cotton Research in Kenya Background Cotton Production in Kenya Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) is one of the cash crops grown by small scale farmers and is important in Kenya as a strategic cash crop in low rainfall and most of the semi-arid areas covering about 87% of the landmass and home to about 27% of Kenya’s population. This area has low potential for arable farming and the population living there is resource poor. Two main varieties have been developed and commercialized in Kenya with HART 89M commercialized in areas East of the Rift Valley and KSA 81M for areas West of Rift Valley. Cotton offers an opportunity for poverty reduction. The crop’s present contribution to the national economy is smaller compared to the major export crops like coffee, tea and pyrethrum. However, it has a great potential in the creation of employment, both at the household and industrial level as it is the principal raw material for the local spinning and textile industry and has a great potential for export and thus foreign exchange earning. Cotton production trend in Kenya took a down turn since 1985/86 when an all time high of 70,000 bales was produced nationally dropping to an all time low of 20,000 bales by year 2001. Factors contributing to collapse of cotton production included; n The liberalization of this cotton sector diminished the regulatory and monitory functions of the Cotton Board of Kenya, n The removal of subsidies to cotton growers by the Government contributed to the collapse of the sector, n Delayed payments of farmers money by the co-operatives’ discouraged the cotton growers, n Mismanagement of farmers’ cooperatives impacted on the industry negatively while middlemen also exploited the farmers, n The importation of second-hand clothes (Mitumba) which reduced the demand for locally made cotton garments, n Lack of co-ordination between stakeholders in the sector, n Poor pricing, n Poor management of the ginneries, n Collapse of Hola and Bura Irrigation Schemes which used to produce 30% of national seed cotton, n High cost of inputs hence leading to poor agronomic practices, n Lack of a certified seed production system, n Poor infrastructure, and n Lack of strong producer associations. The declining trend of cotton production has reversed since the government introduced measures to revitalize the cotton sector. The national production of cotton was estimated at 40,000 bales per annum by year 2006. Transgenic Bt-cotton The transgenic Bt-cotton is a cotton plant genetically engineered to insert cryIAc gene either singly or in combination with cry2Ab2 gene. The two genes are from a soil dwelling bacterium known as Bacillus thuringiensis subsp Kurstaki. The protein toxins CryIAc and Cry2Ab2 expressed in the engineered plants are toxic to key lepidopteran pests including the Africa bollworm, the most important pest of cotton in Kenya. The proteins used for over 30 years in commercial foliar spray formulations of Bt are made much more persistent and effective when genetically engineered into cotton plants. The expression of Bt-toxins in cotton plants greatly reduce the need for application of broadspectrum insecticides, minimising the negative effect of the insecticides on the natural enemies of cotton pests. Bollgard I® (cry IAc) Bollgard I® (BGI) line 531, contains the following 3 genes inserted via genetic engineering techniques: n The CryIA© gene which encodes for an Insecticidal protein, B.t.k. HD-73, derived from the common soil microbe Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (B.t.k.). n The nptll gene which encodes the selectable marker enzyme 3”(9) neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPTII), was needed to identify transformed cells that potentially contained the B.t.k. protein. It served no other purpose and has no pesticidal properties. n The and gene which encodes the bacterial selectable marker enzyme 3”(9)-O-aminoglycoside adenylytransferase (AAD), allowed for the selection of bacteria containing the PV-GHBK04 plasmid on media containing spectinomycin or streptomycin. The aad gene is under the control of a bacterial promoter and the lack of any expression was confirmed. These genes were stably inserted into the genome of cotton using the Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation utilizing a single border binary transformation vector, PV-GHBK04 (EPA MRID # 43145201). This means that the inserted DNA is no longer a functional T-DNA i.e. once integrated it cannot be remobilized into the genome of another plant even if acted on again by vir genes. the second cassette contains the uidA gene encoding the GUS scorable marker protein. The purified linearized segment, PV-GHBK11L, contains only the Cry2Ab2 and uidA plant gene expression cassettes and does not contain the nptII selectable marker gene or origin of replication of the plasmid PV-GHBK11. Project Objectives The main objective of the Bt-cotton project is to establish the efficacy of the Bollgard I® cotton carrying cryIAc gene and Bollgard II® carrying cry1Ac and cry2Ab2 genes on Lepidopteran pests of cotton. The other objective include establishing the effect of Bt-cotton on beneficial arthropods and general species diversity, evaluate the risk of the Bt-cotton intercrossing with commercial cotton varieties and evaluate the economic advantage of Bt-cotton compared to commercial cotton varieties Justification of Introducing Btcotton Poor agronomic practices which was occasioned by the high cost of inputs and lack of credit to cotton producers was one of the main reasons leading to the collapse of cotton production in the country. At the top of the agronomic practices was pest control where the most damaging and earliest pest at the reproductive phase of cotton is the African bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera Hb). The African bollworm alone can cause up to 100% yield loss, if un-checked. Cotton is also attacked by other important pests including the cotton stainer (Dysdercus spp.), cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii Glov) and cotton red spider mite (Tetranychus teralius L.). Use of synthetic pyrethroids in cotton lead to serious explosion of aphid and mite populations. IPM-chemical, cultural, biological and use of resistant cultivars are best for control of cotton pests. Pest control and related activities take up about 32% of production costs. Introduction of Bt-cotton will indirectly lead to better control of the sucking pests while increasing activity of natural enemies. Bt-cotton will lead to reduced spraying with pesticides hence reduced environmental pollution and minimal deleterious effects on non-target organisms and human Bollgard II® (cry1Ac and cry2Ab2) beings. It will also decrease the chances ® Bollgard II (BGII) cotton event 15985 of development of resistance and cross was generated through the re-trans- resistance to pesticides. formation of Bollgard cotton event Bt-cotton Introduction Process 531 (Bollgard I®). Particle acceleration plant transformation procedures The Kenya Agricultural Research Instiwere used to insert the cry2Ab2 insect tute through its Institutional Biosafety control coding sequence and the uidA Committee (IBC) forwarded to the then scorable marker coding sequence National Biosafety Committee (NBC) into the Bollgard cotton genome. The an application to introduce Bollgard ® plasmid vector, PV-GHBK11, contains I cotton seeds of variety NuCotn 35B well-characterized DNA elements for containing cryIAc gene in February selection and replication of the plasmid 2001 which was approved in February in bacteria. The vector inserted into the 2003. The seeds were used for screencotton genome was a purified linearized house tests to establish the direct or segment of the plasmid, designated indirect effect of CryIAc protein toxin PV-GHBK11L. The linearized plasmid in the cotton plants on Trichogramma segment includes two adjacent plant spp., cotton aphid (A. gossypii) and its gene expression cassettes, each contain- efficacy on African bollworm ing separate controlling DNA elements essential for expression in the cotton (H. armigera). The then NBC and the plant cells. The first cassette contains Kenya Standing Committee on Ima copy of the cry2Ab2 gene encoding ports and Exports (KSTCIE) approved the Bt insecticidal protein Cry2Ab2 and importation of more Bt-cotton seeds of transgenic varieties DP404BG and DP448B and isolines DP4049, DP5415 and DP5690 in December 2005. The aim was to establish the efficacy of the Cry IAc proteins on the lepidopteran insects under field conditions where pest pressures are experienced. The confined field trials were initiated in December 2005 at KARI-Mwea. It was expected that cotton varieties carrying the gene would exhibit resistance to the bollworm complex of cotton and particularly the African bollworm (H. armigera) commonly found in the cotton growing areas of Kenya. The application to introduce Bollgard II® cotton containing cry1Ac and cry2Ab2 genes was forwarded in March 2007 and approved in April 2007. The objectives of the introduction of Bollgard II® are similar to Bollgard I®. The rationale of shifting from Bollgard I® to Bollgard II® is that Bollgard I® is being phased out as the two genes in Bollgard II® offers better control of lepidopteran pests and better management of resistance. Collaborating Institutions Monsanto International Sarl Monsanto International Sarl of Switzerland through their local company Monsanto Kenya Ltd is the main sponsor of the Bt-cotton research in Kenya. The company owns the cry1Ac and cry2Ab2 genes being tested in the Btcotton project. KARI entered into two agreements for field testing of Bollgard I® and Bollgard II® cotton seeds with Monsanto International Sarl. Monsanto also provided the transgenic Bt-cotton seeds containing the Monsanto gene cry1Ac and variety BGII 06Z604D containing cry1Ac and cry2Ab2 genes. The varieties so far provided include transgenic NuCotn 35B, DP404BG and DP448B and isolines DP4049, DP5415 and DP5690. Delta and Pine Land Delta and Pine Land provided the transgenic Bt-cotton seeds containing the Monsanto gene cry1Ac and variety BGII 06Z604D containing cry1Ac and cry2Ab2 genes. The varieties so far provided include transgenic NuCotn 35B, DP404BG and DP448B and isolines DP4049, DP5415 and DP5690. International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) ISAAA has been involved in advocacy of Bt-cotton through their financial and logistical support for visits to the Bt-cotton Confined Field Trials at KARI-Mwea. Africa Harvest The Africa Harvest has been involved in support in preparation for the visits. African Biotechnology Stakeholders Forum (ABSF) The African Biotechnology Stakeholders Forum has been involved in logistical support in preparation for the visits by the GoK officials and cotton stakeholders. Contd. on Page 17 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 13 Selected Scientific & Technical Papers from KARI Project Seeks to Deliver Virus Resistant Cassava for East Africa’s Farmers C assava is the staple food for over 600 million people across the globe and is a source of livelihoods for even more. It is also the second most important staple crop in sub-Saharan Africa. According to FAO statistics, the crop is cultivated in over 11 million hectares across the African continent – by far the largest area under cassava farming globally. The importance of cassava as a food crop or its immense industrial potential cannot therefore be disaffirmed. However, In recent times, especially in subSaharan Africa region the crop has increasingly been ravaged two destructive viruses – the Cassava Brown streak Disease (CBSD) and the Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD). It is approximated that CBSD for example causes an 80% yield loss thereby significantly threatening the livelihoods of families which are dependent on cassava. The project dubbed Virus Resistant Cassava for Africa (VIRCA) is therefore spearheading research in Kenya and Uganda to develop new farmer preferred cassava varieties which are resistant to the two viruses. In Kenya the project is being led by the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) while the National Crops Resources Research Institute (NACRRI) is leading research in Uganda. Other partners involved in the project include the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, the In- ternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) AfriCenter and the Science Foundation for Livelihoods and Development (SCIFODE). VIRCA project is therefore joining the ranks of other biotech projects within the East Africa region expected to deliver biotech/GM crops that will drastically enhance food security. In Kenya for example, there is good progress in field trials of maize for pest resistance and drought tolerance, cotton for resistance to bollworm, sweet potato for virus resistance among other efforts. In Uganda, field trials of transgenic banana for improved vitamin A and Iron content, banana bacterial wilt disease resistance, black Sigatoka resistance, cotton for resistance to the bollworm pest and herbicide tolerance, cassava for resistance to viral diseases, maize for drought tolerance among others are on-going or have been completed. The project is currently at the research stage with initial results showing positive indicators for the development of this new cassava variety. This is therefore a cause for optimism that in the near future East African cassava farmers will be able to harness the potential benefits of this new cassava variety for food and even economic/industrial purposes. n Industrial uses of cassava Cassava tubers affected by CBSD A cassava plant ravaged by the CMD virus Cassava plantlets in a greenhouse at KARI Kakamega research center where the VIRCA research is based Field trial site at KARI Kakamega research center Cassava is the 2nd most important subsector for growth-inducing development BIOSAFETY RISK ASSESSMENT MECHANISM COMESA States Focus on Regional Biosafety Risk Assessment Mechanism T he 19 member countries to the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) trading bloc could soon have a regional-level biosafety risk assessment mechanism. The move to develop a regional framework for biosafety has been on-going since 2001 after a meeting of the COMESA Ministers of Agriculture recommended the development of a common policy framework to mitigate any potential adverse impacts of GM crops on trade, food security and access to emergency food aid in the region. The initiative is being implemented through a project dubbed RABESA (Regional Approach to Biotechnology and Biosafety Policy in Eastern and Southern Africa) project. The RABESA project which is now in its ninth year of operation has to date held at least 19 national and regional consultative meetings to ensure concrete inputs by the member states into the proposed policy framework. The main output from national and regional consultative processes carried out under RABESA have primarily focused on harmonization of - commercial planting of GMOs, trade in GM products and delivery of emergency food aid with GM content. In 2009, the COMESA Secretariat initiated the drafting of COMESA Regional Biosafety Policies and Guidelines. A Biosafety Roadmap and a Communication Strategy have also been drafted. The roadmap seeks to ensure that the efforts of all the member countries are aligned to achieving the common project goals. In addition, the COMESA communication and advocacy strategy aims at supporting and creating awareness on the benefits associated with regional harmonization. The policies and guidelines, the Roadmap and Communication Strategy drafts have been subjected to several rounds of technical review and stakeholder consultations to reflect comments and inputs from COMESA member states. A final regional workshop was held in May 2012 to review and validate feedback, comments and recommendations incorporated into the revised draft from the national workshops. It is therefore anticipated that come 2013, these draft documents will be adopted by the COMESA Ministers of Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources heralding a new regime for handling GM products in the region. Countries in the COMESA region are characterized by porous borders. In order to realise increased gains in intra-COMESA trade, harmonisation of biosafety policies and their rational implementation will play a significant role in social and economic development within the block. Implementation of a regional initiative of RABESA’s magnitude calls for strong and sustained partnerships. The COMESA Biotechnology and Biosafety Program has been financially supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The partners that have supported COMESA in the implementation of the RABESA project since inception include the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA); the Program for Biosafety Systems (IFPRI/PBS); the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA AfriCenter) and the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS). RABESA Achievements The RABESA project has been implemented in two distinct but interrelated phases focused on the ultimate goal of bringing together COMESA members to cooperate in handling biosafety issues at the regional level. The following key activities and achievements were recorded. Significant Policy Studies: Policy studies were conducted to generate evidence required to support realization of the project objectives. Policy studies were commissioned in three areas: (i) potential farm-income gains from the adoption of GM crops; (ii) The magnitude of commercial export risks associated with GM crops; and (iii) The delivery of emergency food aid with GM content in the COMESA region. The food aid policy study revealed that sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is the largest recipient of emergency food aid globally, and COMESA countries receive 85% of all emergency food aid to SSA. About 50% of the food aid arrives as in-kind donations from countries that are leading producers of GM crops, including USA and Canada. Creation of a biotechnology and biosafety unit within the COMESA secretariat This is a major spill over of the project. The unit has emerged as COMESA’s focal point on biotechnology and biosafety issues. Lessons Learnt from RABESA Implementation Important lessons have been learnt during the implementation of the RABESA project over the past eight years. Key among these are: n Issues of regional harmonization should be handled in a consultative, participatory and inclusive manner. n R e g i o n a l h a r m o n i z a t i o n of biosafety policies is both a technical and political process that requires strong political will and commitment at various levels within member states. RABESA was initiated by the Ministers and it has been on the agenda of 5 COMESA Ministerial meetings which are held once in a year and implementation pace has been determined by resolutions and recommendations made during the meetings. n N a t i o n a l s o v e r e i g n t y i s a fundamental and sensitivity issue. The convergence and divergence between national and regional frameworks has to be clearly spelt out and pertinent concerns handled carefully to dispel fears that the regional process may infringe on or override national interests and decision making powers. n Awareness and outreach efforts need to be stepped up in order for countries to appreciate the benefits of a harmonized approach in biosafety decision making. This necessitates the need for a focused and demand-driven communication and advocacy strategy. n 14 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 Selected Scientific & Technical Papers from KARI Use of Embryo Transfer for Multiplication of Superior Animal Breeds in Kenya Maichomo MW, Mutuku JM, Murilla GA KARI-TRC P.O Box 362-00902, Kikuyu BACKGROUND he main objective of biotechnologies in reproduction is to increase reproductive efficiency and rates of animal genetic improvement thereby contributing to an increased output from the livestock sector. They also offer potential for greatly extending the multiplication and transport of genetic material and for conserving unique genetic resources in reasonably available forms for possible future use. However, many of our Kenyan farmers do not know that a cow can produce as many as 10 calves in one year. This has been made possible through multiple ovulation and embryo transfer technology (ET). Available information indicates that 3-4 calves can be produced per super-ovulation on average, making it possible to induce a cow to superovulate 4-5 times a year resulting in 10 calves per cow per year (http:// www.livestockkenya.com/index.php/ cattle/240-embryo-transfer-in-cattle ). However, due to its high cost and not being readily available, ET is not widespread in Kenya. This is despite its obvious benefits which have been exploited by only a few individual farmers and big farms that can afford the technology. Over time, the demand has been gradually increasing as more farmers want to improve productivity of their livestock. In Kenya, uptake and adoption of these biotechnologies are at different levels, and involves various organizations including ILRI, ADC, KARI, University of Nairobi, CAIS, several commercial diary farms across the country and the Kenya Livestock Breeders Organization under the umbrella body of East Africa Semen and Embryo Transfer Association (EASETA).The selection of KARINaivasha as the Dairy Centre of Excellence in East Africa and establishment of the ET facility at KARI Muguga will enable institution to take its place as a leading player in the dairy industry by providing the much needed support to the small scale dairy farmers. T ET IN KENYA – HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE In their review ‘Case for embryo transfer for Kenyan Dairy Farmers’, Cherogony and Kariuki (ref) showed that non-surgical ET, as we know it today, only succeeded in the late 1970’s; the first commercial surgical ET having been conducted in 1970 and was very unpopular. In 1978, the first batch of frozen embryos was imported into Kenya, the use of which resulted in a conception rate of 20%. This technique was fully established in 1990s at ILRI by David Kennedy. Private farms and ADC benefited from these services with ADC recording success rates of 50% following transfer of 100 embryos. However, with his exist, the project went into a lull until August 2005 when EASETA was established and registered the following year. KARI is one of the corporate members. Currently, this organization trains core team of ET practitioners and also helps farmers to establish ET facilities and market their products. EMBRYO TRANSFER Artificial Insemination (AI) has already had a major impact on cattle, sheep, goat, pig, turkey and chicken improvement programmes of developed countries by accelerating breeding progress primarily through increased intensity of selection of males and through diffusion of breeding progress (FAO, 2000). Although classical livestock breeding has been very successful, it is a slow process and several decades may be needed to breed a livestock population with improved genetic traits. Biotechnology makes it easier to produce animals with superior genetic traits, and to multiply these animals rapidly. An important advance is Embryo Transfer (ET) technique, which has been used widely in the cattle industry to improve the genetic merit of populations at a greater rate than can be achieved by conventional selection methods. It is accepted to be one of the most crucial procedures for achieving optimal pregnancy rates during assisted reproduction. Improved genes are in this way transmitted to a greater number of offspring, while the interval between generations is reduced. This speeds up the genetic improvement of farm animals, and helps reduce the cost. Embryo transfer technology can greatly contribute to research and genetic improvement in local breeds (Rege, 1996). There are two procedures presently available for production of embryos from donor females; the in vivo and the in vitro embryo production methods. In vivo method consists of super-ovulation, followed by AI and then flushing of the uterus to recover the embryos. On the other hand, in vitro fertilization (IVF) consists of recovery of eggs from the ovaries of the female then maturing and fertilizing them outside the body until they are ready for implantation into foster females. IVF facilitates recovery of a large number of embryos from a single female at a reduced cost thus making ET techniques economically feasible on a larger scale. Additionally, IVF makes available embryos suitable for cloning. The principal benefit of embryo transfer is the possibility to produce several progeny from a female, just as AI can produce many offspring from one male. For example, the average lifetime production of a cow can be increased from 4 to 25 calves (Rege, 1996). Increasing the reproductive rate of selected females has the following benefits: genetically outstanding animals can contribute more to the breeding programme, particularly if their sons are being selected for use in AI; the rate of genetic change can be enhanced with specially designed breeding schemes which take advantage of increased intensity of female selection combined with increased generation turnover; transport of embryos is much cheaper than that of live animals; risk of importing diseases is avoided; facilitates rapid expansion of rare but economically important genetic stocks; and the stress to exotic genotypes can be avoided by having them born to dams of local breeds rather than importing them as live animals. ET, enhanced by Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer (MOET), allows acceleration of genetic progress through increased selection intensity of females, and freezing of embryos enables low cost transport of genetic material across continents, and also conservation of diploid genomes (Cunningham, 1990; Jasiorowski, 1990). MOET may also be used to produce crossbred replacement females whilst only maintaining a small number of the straightbreds (FAO, 2000). RATIONALE AND JUSTIFICATION FOR ESTABLISHING ET AT KARI KARI has some of the best agricultural research facilities in the country. Three of the 23 main centres are hosted at Muguga, Kikuyu, on a 3000 acre prime land that is planned to be the centre for ET as well as studies on animal nutrition. A quarantine laboratory at the Trypanosomiasis Research Centre was fully equipped by KAPAP for ET, however, a shortage of animal breeders has delayed its operations. In order to build the critical capacity required to initiate the activities, KARI has developed a Memorandum of Understanding with EASETA. TRC hosts a biobank with a large collection of semen, DNA, parasites, serum, and blood amongst other biological specimens which are available to researchers. The centre also has well equipped molecular biology laboratories and undertakes training in genomics at national and regional level. It is expected that this centre will work very closely with the dairy centre of excellence in Naivasha to ensure excellent service to farmers. In collaboration with ILRI and AGREF, KARI plans to assist livestock farmers in pastoral areas identify, document and conserve productive indigenous breeds that have special traits for future exploitation. CONTRIBUTION OF LIVESTOCK SECTOR TO THE ECONOMY Livestock production plays an important role in the Kenyan economy. It contributes 10% of the national GDP and about 50% of the agricultural GDP, which in turn contributes about 25% of the national GDP (Odhiambo, 2006). The dairy industry in Kenya is one of the largest in Sub-Saharan Africa. It has a well developed production and processing capacity based on over 3million improved cattle. Dairy farming earns close to $ 2 billion, representing between 6-8% of GDP and supports over 1 million smallholder dairy households. One feature of these potentially very important smallholder dairy production systems is their rapid expansion, driven essentially by the urban demand and the opportunities to generate income (Devendra, 2001). The sub-sector is reeling from the effects of post-election violence, which saw farmers lose a lot of animals. The loss, coupled with the combined effects of escalating cost of diesel used to power equipment at the farms, and high prices of livestock feeds due to the rising cost of the raw material such as maize and wheat, are negatively affecting the subsector. A large number of dairy farmers who had obtained loans from Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC) and other financial institutions are also struggling to repay the money. The loss has now pushed most dairy farmers into abject poverty while being expected to continue servicing the huge loans they had secured from various financial institutions. Whereas the cost of diesel and that of animal feeds has continued to rise, the producer price for raw milk remains constant. These factors would adversely affect milk production in the country unless urgent measures are taken to enable farmers enhance production. Enhancing the breeding of heifers is seen as the only option available for the country as local farmers have no sufficient resources to import pedigree cows as very few countries in Africa rear quality dairy cows. Although AI has been widely used, its success has been limited due to problems of heat detection, timely insemination and the high costs of setting up an effective AI programme in rural areas. Use of technology such as embryo transfer could enable farmers breed more heifers within a short period. Production of more quality heifers is also deemed to substantially lower the cost of the dairy animals hence making them affordable to many small scale farmers. Since majority of ET is from elite cows that have not been selected as bull mothers but with the desire of maximizing their impact on the genetic base of a herd, ET would increase the availability of replacement heifers produced from elite cows compared with what would be available from routine AI or natural service bulls. Contd. on Page 19 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 15 Selected Scientific & Technical Papers from KARI Overview of the African Biofortified Sorghum Project S orghum is the fifth most important cereal crop for global production, after rice, maize, wheat and barley (FAOSTAT, 2005). However, it is ranked second to maize in grain requirement within sub-Saharan Africa. It is a staple food for 300 million people in Africa. Sorghum is also used as for non-food applications. Sorghum has an advantage over the other cereals, as it is able to grow in marginal areas lacking sufficient moisture and fertility unfeasible to support maize, wheat or rice. Sorghum is a high energy valued food, however, it has poor protein digestibility, poor protein quality i.e. low in lysine, tryptophan, threonine, and sulfur amino acids. It is also has low bioavailable iron and zinc and low pro-vitamin A content. Globally at least two billion people live with vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Vitamin A, iodine, iron, zinc and folate pivotal roles in maintaining healthy and productive populations. In Africa, about 46% of pregnant women suffer from iron deficiency while 49% of the preschool are vitamin A deficient. Progress has been made to control micronutrient deficiencies through supplementation and food fortification, but new approaches are needed, especially to reach the rural poor. Biofortification is one of the approaches in addressing these deficiencies and success has been achieved in developing the orange sweet potato. The advantage of biofortification is that it is a onetime investment and the impact is easily accessible to the rural poor. The African Biofortified Sorghum (ABS) project started in 2005 to address some of these preceding nutritional deficiencies of sorghum through development of biofortifed sorghum for the arid and semi-arid tropical areas of Africa. The project set to address the problem through the biotransformation of sorghum followed by introgression of novel traits into locally adopted sorghum varieties. Presently, ABS project has settled on developing and deploying sorghum with enhanced amount of pro-vitamin A to meet about 50% of the daily requirements as the first priority product. In future when funds become available the second priority product will be to develop sorghum with enhanced Fe and Zn in addition to pro-vitamin A, followed the sorghum with enhanced protein quality and digestibility as the third priority product. Phase I of the ABS was funded by the Grant Challenge for Global Health of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation from 2005-2010. Phase II of the project that commenced in July 2010 is partly funded by Howard Buffet Foundation. ABS Phase I was implemented through a Consortium of 14 institutions consisting of the technology development team: DuPont Pioneer USA, and CSIR South Africa; the product development team, involving scientist from the International Crops Research Institute for the SemiArid Tropics (ICRISAT India, the Agricultural Research Council for South Africa (ARC), South Africa, University of Pretoria- South Africa, the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), the Institut de l›Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles de Burkina Faso (INERA) and the Institute of Agricultural Research (IAR) in Nigeria. The fourth team was the Enabling Environment Team that included Project management, biosafety and regulatory, communication and capacity building key institutions involved were- Africa Harvest Biotechnology Foundation International, Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF), and CORAF Senegal among others. ABS Phase I (2005-2010) focused on proof of concept. Key results included- development of a high efficiency sorghum transformation protocols, which created a high throughput transformation system in sorghum; development of eventsABS 188 (with increased of provitamin A (β-carotene) and enhanced iron and zinc bioavailability in the sorghum grains achieved through 80% reduction in phytate; ABS 203 event with enhanced pro-vitamin A alone, ABS 032 with improved protein quality and digestibility. ABS confined field trails have been carried out in USA, in Kenya and in Nigeria. The total carotenoid and beta carotene (pro-vitamin A) reached very significant levels; the first-ever “golden” sorghum was produced. This first phase also included capacity building training of 12 post doctorates, scientists and sorghum breeders in the transformation technology at DuPont Pioneer, USA. Preliminary ABS Phase II product development has involved crossing ABS traits into local adapted sorghum varieties in Kenya and Nigeria. ABS 188 with enhanced vitamin A, improved bioavailability of Fe and Zn has been crossed to local sorghum varieties under confined field trials (CFT) in Kenya to produce F1 generation with the local varieties. Successful crosses are identified using the dip stick method for expression of phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) protein. The ABS traits will be backcrossed to popular Kenyan sorghum varieties and the resultant hybrids evaluated with the objective of analysing the performance and the stability of the ABS traits in different genetic backgrounds. In addition, the trials also aims at analysing the effect of the nutritional genes on fitness of hybrids of ABS with sorghum wild relatives. The work is being carried out in the confined field trial situated at KARI Kiboko with the keen observance of the biosafety regulations and the resultant seeds are stored at the KARI Biosafety Level II green house. Biosafety regulations are observed at every step, and the biosafety regulators from Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) and the National Biosafety Crosses of wild sorghum relatives and ABS 188 Biosafety regulators overseeing the complete destruction of the waste sorghum material Pre-harvest training Authority (NBA) oversee all the major activities. However, it is noteworthy that ABS 188 CFT provides us with preliminary data on stability and performance of ABS traits in local sorghum genotypes and under local climatic condition. ABS 203 that will form the first priority product is undergoing CFT testing at DuPont Pioneer and will soon be introduced into Kenya and backcrossed to local sorghum varieties for product development. R.T.; and Holmes, B.J. 1989. “Grain Sorghum (Milo).” Alternative Field Crops Manual. www.hort.purdue. edu/newcrop/afcm/sorghum.html FAOSTAT data, 2005 By Kimani E., Obukosia S., Gichuki S., Daniel Kamanga, Florence Wambugu, Mwasame E., Nzeve D., Taracha C., Ngichabe C. Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Africa Harvest References: Biotechnology Foundation Carter, P.R.; Hicks, D.R.; Oplinger, International E.S.; Doll, J.D.; Bundy, L.G.; Schuler, 16 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 Selected Scientific & Technical Papers from KARI Practical Use 0f Doubled Haploids in Maize Breeding Programs in Kenya From Page 10 DH lines harvested in Kenya Pedigree #DH lines planted #DH lines discarded #DH lines harvested La posta seq C7-F96-1-2-1-1-B-B-B/CML395/ CML395 108 29 79 La posta seq C7-F96-1-2-1-1-B-B-B/CML444/CML44 124 25 99 La posta seq C7-F96-1-2-1-1-B-B-B/ CML312SR=MAS[MSR/312]-117-2-2-1-2-B4-B-B-BB/CML312SR 47 12 35 La posta seq C7-F71-1-2-1-2-B-B-B/CML395/ CML395 124 57 67 La posta seq C7-F71-1-2-1-2-B-B-B/CML44/CML444 181 32 149 La posta seq C7-F71-1-2-1-2-B-B-B/CML488/ CML488 133 29 104 La posta seq C7-F71-1-2-1-2-B-B-B/CML488/ CML488 48 13 35 CML395/[M37W/ZM607Bf37sr-2-3sr-6-2-x]-82-x-1-BB-B-Xp84C1F27-3-3-B-1-B]F29-1-22x[KIIMAST94A]-30/MSV-03-101-08-B-B-1Xp84c1F27-4-1-4-B-3-B]F2-1-2-1-1-1-BxCML486]-1-1/ CML395 70 14 56 CML395La posta seq C7-F102-1-3-1-2-B-B-B/ CML395 19 5 14 CML488La posta seq C7-F102-1-3-1-2-B-B-B/ CML488 41 14 27 Total 895 231 664 For evaluation of per sc disease on 3. Reduces population size for DH, DH lines were planted at Kiboko gene pyramiding substantially. for seed increase, Kakamega for Tur- 4. Increased power for QTL deteccicum and GLS and at Zimbabwe for tion. MSV screening. The seed was sent for 5. CIMMYT embarked on DH quality control and finger printing. technology aimed at developing tropical inducers as well as DH WEMA DH Testcross Formation lines from elite germplasm. In Feb 2010, 664 DH lines were Safety issues are still important in planted to form testcross one tester the chromosomes doubling stage was used from opposite groups. A with toxicVB total of 767 different TWH were har- References vested in July 2010. Test crosses were n COE E.H., 1959: A line of maize planted at Kiboko under managed with high haploid frequency. Am. stress conditions and the best hybrids Nat. 93: 381-382. will be available for NARs for testing n GAYEN P., J.K. MADAN, R. and release. KUMAR, K.R. SARKAR, 994 Chromosome doubling in Issues for future of DH at CIMMYT: haploids through colchicine. To upscale haploids production and Maize Genet. Coop. Newsletter advance development of tropical and 68: 65. subtropical inducers n SARKAR K.R., A. PANDEY, P. To improve capacity, safety and efGAYEN, J.K. MANDAN, R. KUficiency of haploid doubling facilities MAR, J.K.S. n SACHAN, 1994: Stabilization of Questions Relating to Inducer high haploid inducer lines- Maize nAlternative/ improved marker Genet. Coop. Newsletter 68: 64systems 65. nIncreased induction rate n D. C., and R. F. Nyvall; 1999: nAdaptation to tropical climate. Nematodes that attack corn in Iowa; Iowa State University Question relating to genome douExtension Publication PM-1027; bling Ames, IA. Online: nGenerate background effect n B.M. Prasanna, Vijay Chaikam nOptimized procedure ( with and George Mahuku (eds). 2012: colchicines) Doubled Haploid Technology nAre there other procedures in Maize Breeding- Theory and without colchicines? Practice; Mexico, D. F., CIMMYT. nIncreased doubling/success n Testcross performance of doubled rate haploid maize lines derived from Summary tropical adapted backcross popu1. Homozygous lines are obtained lations in short time. n Yoseph Beyene1*, Stephen 2. Maximal genetic variation Mugo1, Kiru Pillay2, Tadele among lines; increased selecTefera1, Sammy Ajanga3, Stephen tion gain. Njoka3, Haron Karaya1, John Gakunga1 nBouchez, A., Gallais A., 2000: Efficiency of the use of doubledhaploids in recurrent selection for combining ability- Crop Sci 40: 2329 nBriggs FN, Knowles PF, 1967. Introduction to Plant Breeding. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, USA 426 nBordes, J., Charmet, G., Dumas de Vaulx, R., Pollacsek, M., Beckert, M., Gallais, A., Lapierre, A. – 2007: Doubled-haploid versus single-seed descent and S1-family variation for testcross performance in a maize population. Euphytica 154: 41 -51 nCorn lethal necrosis - Douglas, J. Jardine- Extension Specialist, Plant Pathology nDoupnik, B.L. Jr., 1994: Corn Lethal Necrosis Tests- 1994 Corn Hybrid Reactions and Disease Update: UNL/SCREC 94/5. nCorn Lethal Necrosis, pp. 68-69 in Compendium of Corn Diseases, Second Edition, M.C. Shurtleff, Ed. APS Press, St. Paul, MN. nCharacterization of Maize Chlorotic Mottle Virus Associated with Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease in ChinaJournal of Phytopathology Volume 159, Issue 3, pages 191–193, March, 2011 nRegistration of IBM2 SYN10 Doubled Haploid Mapping Population of Maize: T. Hussain*, P. Tausend, G. Graham and J. Ho nSeitz, G. 2005: The use of doubled haploids in corn breeding; p. 1–7 nIn Proc. 41st Annu. Illinois Corn Breeders School, Urbana, IL., 7–8 Mar. 2005. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign nChase, S.S., 1951: Production of homozygous diploids of maize from monoploids. Agron. J., 44:263–267. ( Note Research Papers Courtesy KARI) NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 17 Selected Scientific & Technical Papers from KARI Overview of Bt-Cotton Research in Kenya From Page 12 Program for Biosafety Systems-BBI inspectors and reports made to the may not have any significant effect on force has realized major achievements A project proposal IP01-06 “Baseline biodiversity impact studies of transgenic Bt-cotton on wild ecosystems in East African region” was prepared by scientists from three institutions of the East African countries Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania in response to proposal call for the year 2006. The project funded by the Program for Biosafety Systems through the BBI program was awarded USD 327,878 to run for a period of three years with Tanzanian Tropical Pesticide Research Institute (TPRI) as the lead institution in collaboration with Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) and Makerere University (Uganda). KARI would receive USD 75,572 for a period of three years. then NBC. the underground fauna. Accomplished Work Effect of Bt-Cotton on Insect Nematodes. The results of the reported work confirmed that the survival and ability of the entomopathogenic nematodes to infect G. mellonella was not affected by exposure to the Bt protein toxins. including; 1. Establishment of mandatory tests required before clearance for open release and protocol development for the same. Characterization and quantification of arthropods in cotton production systems in Central, East2. Establishment of National Perforern and Coastal regions of Kenya. mance Trials for cotton varieties The data generated in the reported targeted for transformation i.e. study will be used as a bench mark in 06K485, 06K486 and 06K487 future impact studies to be conducted The impact of transgenic cotton which are ongoing. after the introduction of transgenic cot- on soil rhizosphere bacterial and fungal populations. The results ton in Kenya. of the reported work suggests that a 3. Establishment of key research single-year cultivation of transgenic areas necessary after confined Screen-house evaluation of transBt-Cotton may not affect the funcfield trials genic cotton NuCotn 35B for imtional bacterial and fungi populations pact on selected target and non4. Formation of an outreach and in rhizosphere soil. target arthropods. The findings of stewardship secretariat and conthis work confirmed that Bt-cotton had Effect of transgenic cotton on sequent identification of outreach no effect on the test species parasitic nematode community assemblagand stewardship activities, chanwasp Trichogramma when directly or es. The results of the reported work nels, target stakeholders, priority National Biosafety Authority indirectly exposed to the Bt-toxin and showed that Bt-Cotton had no different regions and implementing insti(NBA) had no effect on cotton aphids but was effects on nematode abundance and tutions. genus richness from the conventional The National Biosafety Authority is effective on bollworm larvae. cotton. 5. Identification of business partresponsible for the implementation ners, seed production areas, acof the guidelines and regulations for Field evaluation of transgenic Bt- Baseline Biodiversity Impact quisition/production modalities biosafety in biotechnology. The NBA is cotton DP448B and DP 404BG Studies of Transgenic Bt-Cotton and acreage for initial planting, also responsible for all matters related for efficacy on African bollworms on Wild Ecosystems. The results drawing up tentative business to the development and introduction of and its impact on non-target spe- of the reported work showed that models for seed multiplication, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) cies. The results of the reported work Bt-Cotton had no effect on arthropod processing and distribution. showed that the transgenic Bt-cotton biodiversity different from the consuch as the review of relevant proposvarieties compared to their isolines and ventional untransformed cotton. Wild 6. Establishment of demonstration als/applications and may recommend the commercial local variety effectively cotton is available in the wilds of Kenya sites for the varieties earmarked conditions under which the proposed controlled African bollworm and the and home backyards. for transformation in various work should be conducted. The NBA cotton semi-looper and their damage on parts of the country. also ensures that the adequate testing cotton plants. The transgenic Bt-cotton Evaluation of Candidate Varieties 7. Setting up of commercialization of GMO or their products has been per- varieties had no significant effects on for Transformation and Commercialization. Trials with the Monsanto and product launch timelines. formed in the country of origin. In the the populations of the non-target cotton varieties 06K485, 06K486 and 06K487 The Bt-Cotton stakeholders encase of the Bt-cotton project, the then pests and on the beneficial arthropod targeted for transformation were set up visage commercialization to start species studied. National Biosafety Committee (NBC) and are ongoing at Mpeketoni, Msain 2014. provided all necessary approvals for the baha, Mwea, Siaya. conduct of the work. Effect of Bt-cotton on beneficial Summary of Achievements arthropods and general species Bt-Cotton Commercialization 1. Bollgard 11® Cotton variety conKARI-Institutional Biosafety diversity. The results of the reported Taskforce. A taskforce spearheaded taining cry1Ac and cry2Ab2 genes work showed that the effect of trans- by KARI comprising of 12 members repCommittee (IBC) was approved for Confined Field genic cotton containing cry1Ac and resenting stakeholders from public and The KARI-IBC assisted in drawing up cry2Ab2 Bt genes on arthropod species private sector was formed to oversee trials. and vetted the application and research diversity was not detrimental. commercialization of Bt-Cotton. The 2. Twelve Research Activities toproposals in line with the applicable taskforce was to put in place systems wards generation of data for biosafety measures required by the then regulators have been completed Risk of the Bt-cotton intercrossing that would address issues of input NBC. The application were forwarded to with commercial cotton varie- supply, operations, distribution and to date. the then NBC by the IBC. ties. The results showed that sexual marketing that will support the delivery 3. Outreach Activities including six compatibility exists between transgenic pathway of transgenic seed in Kenya. stakeholder visits to Bt-Cotton and non transgenic lines. Finding in Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate sites, nine print media articles open pollination experiment suggest Bt-Cotton Commercialization Service and nine radio presentations in that natural pollen mediated gene flow Process vernacular and Kiswahili lanKEPHIS is the regulatory agency man- will occur up to 8 meters from the Bt guages have so far been accomA taskforce comprising of 12 members dated to enforce the National Policy source. To avoid hybridization with the plished. representing stakeholders from public on biotechnology and Biosafety with conventional cotton, isolation distance and private sector was formed to overrespect to GM plants, insects and micro- would be necessary. 4. Four technical reports have so far see commercialization of Bt-Cotton. organisms, among other mandates. been generated. KEPHIS has a regulatory role in GMO Cost Benefit Analysis of Transgen- The taskforce was to put in place 5. Twenty eight Publications in Contrials including issuance of import ic Cotton. Seasonal data indicated systems that would address issues of ferences/Workshops proceeding permits, facilities inspections, monitor- that yields of the Bt varieties were input supply, operations, distribution were accomplished. significantly higher than those and marketing that will support the ing and inspection and to certify and of the HART 89M. Transgenic cotdelivery pathway of transgenic seed in register GMO seed. Under monitoring 6. Three Local and 2 International and inspection, KEPHIS also inspects ton requires lesser pesticides relative Kenya. The commercialization process study tours to Bt-Cotton trials quarantine facilities for certification to HART 89M and ensures that the entailed a three phased plan comprising and growing areas were accombefore importation, starting with in- fruiting structures are not damaged by initiation, strategy and implementation. plished. spection and approval of containment the bollworms thus resulting in higher The taskforce commenced its work in 7. Twenty Local and seven Interfacilities (laboratories, screen houses productivity. The significant reduction July 2010 by first identifying five fonational workshops have been and open quarantine facilities) for han- in pesticide use has the potential to cal points of discussion subsequently attended. reduce environmental poisoning thus forming five subcommittees to for each dling genetically engineered organisms preserving the ecosystem. focal point. Specific terms of reference as set out in the existing regulations and 8. Four papers have been submitand timeframes were drawn for each guidelines. A satisfactory inspection ted for publication in refereed report of the containment facilities is Effect of Bt-Cotton protein endo- subcommittee to guide through the dejournals. required before an importation permit toxin on below ground fauna and liberations. The subcommittees worked 9. Four merit awards were won by is issued. All the above activities were flora. The results of the reported work within their mandates reporting back to the taskforce their outputs. The taskProject outputs. q showed that growing of the Bt-Cotton conducted for Bt-cotton by KEPHIS 18 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 Kenya to Commercialize Bt. Cotton by 2014 By Otieno Owino (ScienceAfrica Correspondent) he successful revival of commercial cotton growing in Kenya will require an inclusive participation of all stakeholders including the government, cotton growers, scientists and technology owners to come on board to revitalize the once lucrative cotton sector, a forum heard. This emerged at the Open Forum on Agriculture and Biotechnology (OFAB), a meeting that brings together researchers, policy makers, journalists and the civil society to share on new developments in the field of biotechnology. In a presentation on the success story of Colombia, Dr. Charles Waturu who is the principal investigator of the Bt. cotton project in Kenya and also the centre director for Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI)Thika shared lessons that Kenya could T emulate. Kenya is set to begin commercialization of Bt. cotton in 2014 about ten years after the process of introduction of transgenic cotton was authorized for trials by the National Biosafety Committee which is now the National Biosafety Authority. If commercialized, Kenya will join Burkina Faso and South Africa as countries growing the transgenic cotton in Africa as well as Egypt, Mauritius, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Tanzania, and Uganda which are the other countries in the process of conducting field trials for both Bt. cotton and maize. With a population of 46million people, and most cotton growing done by poor farmers, the Colombian situation is almost similar to Kenya where constraints such as small land holdings, fluctuation of cotton prices and the presence of brokers and intermediaries have hampered cotton growing. But this could change if concerted efforts are put in place to revamp the cotton growing industry. Government intervention is critical if cotton growing is to become a reality. “The government of Colombia realized the importance of textile development and decided to revitalize it. Cotton is grown by poor people and so government had to support poor people,” said Dr. Waturu. The major contribution of the government is through the Minimum Guaranteed Price (MGP) which is a measure to stabilize to cotton prices. According to Dr. Waturu, cotton associations have played an important role in Colombia. They are instrumental in provision of farm inputs, rental land and machinery, labour for harvesting and also facilitate ginning. The Kenyan case is different with farmers going it alone, mostly in small scale. The associations are also instrumental in the implementation of legislations on planting, pest control and stalk destruction. This has made it possible to effectively mitigate the effects of boll weevil. This is a practice that Kenya must put in place when it eventually goes into the commercialization of cotton. Dr. Waturu also stressed on the need to engage technology owners and cotton associations in the stewardship of the cotton production. In addition, he cited the need to locally produce Bt. cotton seeds so that they are well adapted to local conditions. Fixing of seed prices is also a necessity as is the promotion of large scale irrigated cotton and farming and collection and documentation of data on cotton production. Kenya conducted trials for cotton in Athi, Mwea and Kirinyaga. The data from field trials in Mwea showed that Bt cotton is safe, effective and environmentally friendly. Selected Scientific & Technical Papers from KARI Introducing Fly Maggots for the Treatment of Chronic Wounds in Kenya From Page 11 In order to debride necrotic tissue, larvae produce a mixture of proteolytic enzymes, including collagenase, which break down the necrotic tissue to a semi-liquid form, which can then be absorbed and digested. Their antibacterial properties are designed for selfdefence; it is believed that they ingest microorganisms, which are then destroyed in their gut. There is evidence that they secrete chemicals with a broad-spectrum bactericidal effect. Dissection and culturing of different portion of the larvae midguts has revealed that whereas the foregut and midguts have bacteria, the hindguts are sterile The larvae also secrete ammonia, causing wounds to become more alkaline, which is believed to inhibit bacterial growth. Several substances secreted by maggots have been found to stimulate wound healing, with larval secretions inducing fibroblast migration into the wound space, facilitating tissue regeneration. As a result, maggots eliminate odours and kill malignant tissue producing a clean wound, free from necrotic residues. According to Prof. Boulton (2007) “Maggots are the world’s smallest surgeons. In fact they are better than surgeons - they are much cheaper and work 24 hours a day……” CURRENT STATUS OF MAGGOT THERAPY In 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the British National Health Service (NHS) allowed the production and prescription of medicinal maggots for treatment of chronic wounds and today, any physician in the U.S. can prescribe maggot therapy and over 4,000 therapists are using maggot therapy in 20 countries. In the UK, The Biotherapeutic, Education & Research Foundation was established in 2003 for the purpose of supporting patient care, education, and research in maggot therapy and the other forms of symbiotic medicine (diagnosing and/or treating diseases with live animals, such as maggot therapy, leech therapy, honey bee therapy, pet therapy & sniffer dogs, ichthiotherapy, bacteriotherapy etc). Today there are 300 centres in the US and about 1000 centres in the UK and Europe doing maggot therapy. In Africa, use of maggots to treat wounds has been reported in South Africa (Du Plessis et. al., 2011) and in TRC we have a facility to produce sterile larvae for use by local hospitals Justification for the establishment of Maggot rearing facility at KARI, Muguga To most, the mention of the word “maggots” and wounds conjures images of painful bedsores that maybe occasionally be infested with the dreaded flesh eating maggots. In livestock and in some cases humans, maggots that feed on live tissue may cause myiasis which presents a serious problem for livestock industries, causing severe economic losses worldwide. On the other end of the spectrum are species of flies which, in their life cycle will produce maggots that feed exclusively on dead tissue. This feature is what has been exploited by the medical fraternity in Maggot Therapy (MT) or Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT) or biosurgery. We set to describe the possibility of introducing the technique in Kenya, as we have introduced a Lucilia sericata rearing facility at the Trypanosomiasis Research Centre – KARI (KARI-TRC) with a view to collaborating with local hospitals to introduce an alternative method of managing wounds in the country. This is in appreciation of the fact that where they occur, they cause considerable morbidities and loss of productivity, especially when the wounds lead to loss of limbs through amputations and long term medical care. WAY FORWARD In addition to domesticating the production of Lucilia sericata, a programme of senstisation of both medical practitioners and patients needs to be mounted to deal with the “yak” factor associated with the use of maggots. Search will be done to identify local species of flies that can be used in the therapy. Increased awareness may facilitate its use in conjunction with established treatments, hopefully in the setting of prospective clinical trials. Larval therapy may decrease antibiotic use, prevent hospital admission, and decrease outpatient visits. As antibiotic resistance becomes increasingly prevalent, this ancient remedy may once again be at the forefront of human survival. The nature of secretions produced by colonised Lucilia is another area of study. In Wales, scientists have discovered a new antibiotic in Lucilia larva secretions that is 100% effective against Methicillin Resistant Streptococcus aureus (MSRA), a leading cause of amputations and death for affected patients. Laboratory studies are underway to isolate and identify enzyme systems and antimicro- bial agents produced by different species of fly, which may shed more light on the mechanism of action. This research may yield topical or intravenous therapies with improved efficacy, without the need for maggot application. As most wounds are treated in the primary care setting, there is now a tendency to prescribe larval therapy in the home for people who do not have to be hospitalized. This should prove to be cost effective, decreasing hospital admissions and the need for surgical intervention. Swansea University (2008), August 5). Multi-tasking Maggots In Superbug Showdown. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 24, 2012, from http://www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2008/08/080805155624. htm CONCLUSIONS The materials used in the compilation of this story was gathered whilst the author was on a1-month study tour of the Slovak Academy of Science in August 2011 on a project “Introduction of the Maggot Debridement Therapy for management of Chronic wounds in Kenya” supported by the Slovak Government. applications of fly larvae in human medicine, especially for treating osteomyelitis SELECTED REFERENCES Ogunlesi F.B.: Challenges Of Caring For Diabetic Foot Ulcers In Resource-Poor Settings. The Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice. 2010 Volume 10 Number 2. DOI: 10.5580/1d6d – University of Manchester (2007, May 3). Maggots Rid Patients Of Antibiotic-resistant Infection, MRSA. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 22, 2012, from http:// www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2007/05/070503094447.htm Posnett, J., Franks, P.J. (2007) The costs of skin breakdown and ulceration in the UK. In: Pownall, M. (ed) Skin Breakdown: The Silent Epidemic. Hull: Smith & Nephew Foundation. Martin, D. L. (2003) Maggot debridement therapy in the treatment of nonhealing chronic wounds. Master of Physician Assistant Thesis, University of Wichita Sherman RA, Pechter EA. (1988) Maggot therapy: a review of the therapeutic Med Vet Entomol; 2:225–30. Sherman RA. (2003) Maggot therapy for treating diabetic foot ulcers unresponsive to conventional therapy. Diabetes Care 26:446–51. Beasley, W.D, and Hirst, G. (2004) Making a meal of MRSA—the role of biosurgery in hospital-acquired infection, Journal of Hospital Infection 56 (1), Pages 6–9 Du Plessis, H. J. C. 2011. The utilisation of maggot debridement therapy in Pretoria. South Africa Wound Healing Southern Africa 2011 Volume 4 No 2 80-83 Richard Maino: Faster relief for patients with chronic wounds. http:// www.ukti.gov.uk/lps/sciencetechnology/item/356146.html Source: KARI-Trypanosomiasis Research Centre, P.O. Box 362, Kikuyu-00902, Kenya centre@kari-trc.org; phoebe. mukiria@gmail.com NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 19 Selected Scientific & Technical Papers from KARI Use of Embryo Transfer for Multiplication of Superior Animal Breeds in Kenya From Page 14 Further, almost all sires that are tested by AI organization are produced using ET or MOET (De Vries et al., 2008). As cows of high genetic merit are identified, they are mated using ET to produce male calves from a number of desirable sires of sons to maximize the availability of bull calves from these matings for selection and entry into AI progeny testing programs as soon as possible. It is clear that sexed semen will have an impact on the use of ET in both the beef and dairy industries. ET would also enable use of low productive animals as recipients in a herd hence improving the economic benefits of ET and open up new markets for use of many cows in dairy herds as surrogates for both beef and dairy embryos. Production of several closely related, and hence genetically similar, individuals through ET techniques can make critical contributions to research. For example a project at the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD) to locate the genes responsible for tolerance of some cattle populations to trypanosomiasis required large numbers of closely related crosses of trypanotolerant and trypanosusceptible cattle. Use of ET has made it possible to generate such families thereby facilitating the search for genetic markers of trypanotoler- ance. Additionally, ET could be useful in studying the extent to which a trait is influenced by the embryo (direct component) or the reproductive tract (maternal component) (Rege, 1996). ACHIEVEMENTS There are several ET players in Kenya; University of Nairobi – serves as a training and research facility for graduate students. It utilizes sexed semen technology to offer female calves for heifer replacement by farmers. ILRI – has excellent facilities for research and also offers training in the highly technical area of in vitro fertilization KARI – national research body, has ET facilities at trypanosomosis research centre, plans to multiply superior cattle breeds (dairy and beef) for use by farmers. So far, there is no proper ET program to meet high demand of superior dairy cows as its uneconomical for farmers to raise breeding bulls. Once operationalised, this facility can be or used by breeders for research as well as extension services. Building on the sahiwal breeding model whereby demand for the breed exceeds supply, ET comes in handy to mass produce sufficient stock. Central artificial insemination services (CAIS) – mandated to control and man- age animal breeds in the country. They import semen for superior genotypes for breeding purposes in order to improve livestock productivity while also conserving semen for indigenous breeds Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) – extension organ with farmer training component on all aspects of agriculture. The institution uses ET technology. Commercial dairies eg Limuru – offer ET specifically sexed semen technology to its dairy customers to avoid cost of raising males. The certainty of raising own and superior replacement heifers is a significant boost to the dairy farmers. However, many farmers in Kenya in need of this service have no access to it and there is need to expand the service to deserving areas. A large flushing programme was set up in 1992 to export Boran embryos to Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwean veterinary team designed a quarantine area and facility on Ol Pejeta Ranch in Laikipia District, central to most Boran breeders. In 1994, Kenya exported Boran embryos to South Africa for the first time; the year 2000 saw a second exportation. Despite the presence of all these players in the country, the technology has not been effectively exploited to offer cost effective products to livestock produc- ers. Its done in a haphazard and uncoordinated manner. KARI has planned to multiply priority cattle breeds (Sahiwal, exotic dairy, indigenous orma boran) to start with in order to bridge the gap in collaboration with the ministry of agriculture and livestock. IMPACT The impact of ET in Kenya has not been quantified because its use is not widespread, however, once established, the Kenyan livestock farmers can participate in international trade in genetic products as well as export embryos. For the past five years, Embryo Plus in collaboration with the Kenya Boran Cattle Breeders Society (BCBS) has been collecting embryos from Boran donor cows in Kenya and exporting to South Africa. The country also has productive indigenous Zebu that are tolerant to most of the livestock diseases. These breeds need to be identified, selected and conserved as a genetic resource. Besides, availability of highly productive livestock breeds are required in order to attain the 7% GDP growth rate in the agriculture sector as spelt out in vision 2030. Consequently economic revitalization, more employment opportunities to rural communities, improved rural livelihoods, poverty reduction, improved food security will be realized. n R E S E A R C H A N D I N N O VAT I O N AT J K U AT Universities Urged to Become Leaders in Innovation and Product Development By George Achia n order to achieve rapid and sustained socio-economic development, institutions of higher learning must become leaders in innovation and product development. This call was made by Dr. Roy Mugiira, deputy director of research, in the ministry of higher education, science and technology who spoke on behalf of the minister Prof. Margaret Kamar at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) during the university’s annual scientific conference. For a long time, said Dr. Mugiira, local researchers and innovators have immensely contributed to knowledge creation. However, the uptake and application of such knowledge have largely remained elusive due to infrastructural challenges. “It is of great concern that Kenya imports most of its technology without an attempt to digest it,” he said, adding that the digestion of technology will provide a fertile opportunity for I Deputy Director of Research in the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Dr Roy Mugira looking at one of the innovations at JKUAT innovation to speed up technological development of the country. He called on universities and the industry sector in Kenya to emulate the East Asian giants of China, South Korea and Japan who have been able to innovate and eventually produce their own products through this concept. “I am aware that universi- ties continue to grapple with the challenge of successful commercialization of their innovations,” said Dr. Mugiira. He noted that there is need for concerted efforts to forge collaborations with other institutions that have complementary capacities and capabilities to effect successful commercialization of their innovations as a way to address this chal- lenge. Dr. Mugiira said the country’s development agenda including science, technology and innovation is likely to receive a major boost if recommendations proposed to increase research funding budget are passed. The proposals contained in the Education Bill 2012, now in Parliament for discussion, propose to increase the national research budget from the current 0.04 percent to two percent of Kenya’s gross domestic product, a figure that will far surpass the United Nations recommended target of one percent. Dr. Mugira said the expected Bill would lead to the establishment of the National Commission for Science and Technology to regulate and set the country’s research agenda. The Bill, he added, would as well be instrumental in the establishment of the National Research Fund that he said would be charged with mobilization and funding of research kitty. Speaking at the same venue, JKUAT’s vice chancellor, Prof. Mabel Imbuga noted that the major bottleneck facing the institutions of higher learning is inadequate funding that continues to hold universities back from maximally contributing to the national development agenda. She said the scenario has forced local researchers to turn to foreign funding which comes with conditionality and unpredictability. “The Ksh. 52 million budget is scarcely enough to fund the over 50 research projects we are currently conducting”, said Prof. Imbuga, adding that researchers in the University were grappling with the slow pace of commercialization of the numerous research outputs from the institution. The seventh JKUAT scientific conference brought over 140 researchers, industrialists, policy makers and donor agencies drawn from over 10 countries from Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia to discus latest research, innovation and developments. n 20 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 AT P S 2 0 1 2 C O N F E R E N C E , A D D I S A B A B A E T H I O P I A Resolutions and Key Messages for the African Union and the African Governments T he African leaders and scholars from 29 countries from Africa, Australia, Europe, United States of America, India and Africans in the Diaspora meeting in Addis Ababa for the African Technology Policy Studies Network international conference 2012 observed that: n Africa has a comparative advantage for transitioning to a low carbon development pathway that is inclusive, sustainable and resource efficient. n If supported by endogenous research and capacity building, some emerging technologies and existing sustainable development practices on the African continent can help to improve productivity and resource efficiency for inclusive development in Africa. n Social innovations provide opportunities for enhancing economic growth and social prosperity through youth employment, entrepreneurship and value creation. n African Universities stand to benefit from the mainstreaming transdisciplinary research and teaching to overcome the weak collaboration and coordination that exist between disciplines, universities, industry, the public sector and civil society in Africa. n African countries are not effectively harnessing the untapped potential of the continent’s bulging youth and women population for development. Based on these observations, they came up with recommendations for the African Union and African governments including: n Africa needs to lead its own dialogue on low carbon development and green growth and proactively invest in the required capacities to ensure African ownership of the inevitable transitioning processes that are unfolding globally. n There is a need for a shift towards trans-disciplinary teaching and research approaches to encourage collaboration and networking across disciplines and between universities, the productive sectors and civil society, with special reference to innovation-driven value addition, employment creation and inclusive development strategies. n In order to harness the resource potential for productivity improvements in Africa, urgent and significant investments is required in STI education and research to build endogenous capacities for appropriate technology development, diffusion, deployment and regulation. n Harnessing the opportunities for social innovations will require a favorable policy environment, incentive structures, innovation incubation, training and mentorship in entrepreneurship. n Proactive measures to harness the potentials of the youth and women in STI policymaking and implementation are necessary pre-requisites for achieving the SDGs in Africa. While closing the conference, Prof. Shaukat Abdulrazak, the chair of the ATPS Board pointed out that African governments and policy makers in education must emphasize demystification of science. Through this, noted Prof. Abdulrazak, attitude of science can become a culture in Africa. The executive director Prof. Kevin Urama said that Africans should stop agonizing about problems facing the continent, but rather to start organizing the solution. He noted that technology innovation is the way out for Africa, noting the innovation in telecommunication like Mpesa technology in Kenya which changing millions of lives in the country. q AFRICA’S LEADING PUBLICATION ON SCIENCE Vol. 20 NOVEMBER 20th, 2012 - JANUARY 20th, 2013 INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Kshs. 100 SCIENCE JOURNALISM FELLOWSHIP FA L S E R & D European Food Safety Authority Denounces Seralini’s anti-GM Food Study W maize NK603 and its related stacks. The Seralini paper has caused much uproar in Kenya where the ministry of public health, without consulting local biotech experts, seems to have unwittingly fallen into the complex world of “antibiotech groups” who boast of the ban as a major propaganda breakthrough. Kenya has some of the world’s most credible biotech experts willing to publicly discuss all aspects R E S E A R C H U P D AT E nFly Maggots that clean wounds and kill drug resistant germs will soon be the norm in the biomedical world and KARI researchers at Trypanosomiasis Research Centre are at par with world’s best. nLarva secretions that is effective against Methicillin Resistant Streptococcus aureus (MSRA), a leading cause of amputations and death for affected patients. Full version of the scientific paper on Page 12 P L A N T PAT H O L O G Y Exclusive: Scientific Insight into New Maize Disease Threatening Kenya’s Food Security l Loses 30-100 Percent and affects all maize varieties l Caused by a co-infection with Maize Chlorotic Mottle Viruses (MCMV) and Sugarcane Mosaic Virus (SCMV) or any other cereal viruses aize Lethal Necrosis Disease otherwise known as Corn Lethal Necrosis (CLN) Disease was first reported in September 2011, in the lower parts of Longisa division of Bomet district. In February 2012, it was noted in Bomet Central division, spreading into neighboring Chepalungu district, Narok North and South districts, and Naivasha. In April 2012, the disease spread into Sotik, Kainon, Transmara, Rumuruti, Kisii, Biveti, Kericho, Mathira East, Imenti South and Embu. According to field studies, it was observed that the disease is affecting all maize varieties grown in these regions. Reported yield loss in affected fields ranged from 30-100%. Solutions: nCarrying out strategic research for tolerance and resistance nCapacity building along value chain for disease and pest management nEstablishing a system for pest and disease forecasting and early warning nEstablishing a centralized data bank and backup systems nFormulating and implementing policies on handling of emerging pest and disease epidemics. Cont. on Page 9 EDITORIAL: ScienceAfrica Also Offers Well Researched Documentaries on All Aspects of ST&I in Africa: n VIDEO COVERAGE n NEWS CLIPS n FEATURES ScienceAfrica Journalist Wins Top Fellowship of biotechnology including perceived dangers. Final review of the Séralini et al. (2012a) publication on a two-year rodent feeding study with glyphosate formulations and GM maize NK603 as published online on 19 September 2012 in Food and Chemical Toxicology. q Full version of the EFSA abstract on Page 2. Fly Maggots for the Treatment of Chronic Wounds in Kenya M - Pages 9 to19 Tshs. 2000 Ushs. 3000 SPECIAL ISSUE hat has clearly come up as shoddy study by French scientist Seralini et al. is being branded as having insufficient scientific intergrity or quality needed for safety assessments. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concludes that the currently available evidence does not impact on the ongoing re-evaluation of glyphosate and does not call for the reopening of the safety evaluations of Selected 1 Scientific and Technical Papers from KARI Tel: 020-2053532, Cell: +254 722 843101 / 721 248761 Next Government Must Increase Funding and Elevate KARI’s Status - Page 7 George Achia S cienceAfrica’s leading writer George Achia has been awarded an IDRC/SciDev. Net Science Journalism Fellowship for 2013. The internship offered with support from Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and implemented by SciDev.Net allows early-career science journalists to work for six months with the editorial staff of both SciDev.Net’s regional offices and its main office in London. The fellowship starts in January and ends in June 2013. During the period, George will work for SciDev.Net and make up to four reporting trips to other countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa region to produce both news and feature articles. George is the journalist selected from East Africa with another journalist from the Middle East and North Africa region. While congratulating this beneficiary, SciDev.Net’s Sub-Saharan coordinator Ochieng Ogodo said the fellowship gives the journalists opportunity to report from their own country and within the region as well as horn their skills in science journalism. n Effective East Coast Fever Vaccine Finally Launched An effective “Infection and Treatment Immunization” against the East Coast Fever spearheaded by Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Veterinary Research Centre and the International Livestock Research Institute has finally been launched in Kenya after years of unsuccessful attempts. - Page 2 GMO Food Ban: Was Kenya’s Public Health Ministry Misled? Don’t Miss the Next Issue The Leading Publication on Science, Technology, Innovation and Development ScienceAfrica Vol. 21 Nov/January 2013 Kenyan Scientist Nominated Fellow of IChemE-Britain - Linked to various innovations in the market By George Achia Staff Science Writer authoritatively comment and advise on his areas of competence inrenowned Kencluding environmental yan chemical ensafety, chemical engigineer Dr. Moses neering and policy deMakayoto has been nomivelopment worldwide. nated fellow of Institution His over three of Chemical Engineers decades of contribu(IChemE)-Britain; retions to science, regarded as the “ultimate search, private sector, professional career recgovernment minisognition”. Dr Moses Makayoyo tries, national research Dr. Makayoto, Kenya one of Africa’s Leading institutions, Kenyan Industrial Research and chemical engineers universities and interDevelopment Institute nominated to IChemE national research insti(KIRDI)’s chief research tutions was recognized scientist was recently by Mwai Kibaki, President of Kenya, named after the nominating commitawarding him The Order of Grand tee approved him as a “Fellow” of the Warrior. Institution of Chemical Engineers. As KIRDI’s chief research scienHe becomes the first Kenyan with tist, Dr. Makayoto is responsible for a doctorate in chemical engineering to developing research capabilities inbe a Fellow of a prestigious Institution cluding human, methodological, and of Chemical Engineers in Britain. technological for developing evidence “This is the top and most honourof the validity and utility of research able achievement that any profesproducts. sional would like to achieve in his “As the Chief Research Scientist, lifetime and peers recognition,” he I have contributed immensely in the told ScienceAfrica in Nairobi, Kenya. establishment of Mini-Tanneries, Dr. Makayoto was overwhelmHoney Processing, Fruit Processing ingly recommended by two Internaand many other plants in different tional Fellows of the Institution to be parts of Kenya. awarded a professional gold memberMentorship, according to him is ship after a vigorous interview. his key interest, given that currently This means that Dr.Makayoto can A Dr Makayoyo is skilled at communicating science, technology and innovation to the public he has several masters and doctorate students under his supervision. Dr. Makayoto has strong interests in innovation, processes, product development, environmental safety, Policy development, Technology Transfer Systems, Incubation Systems and chemical engineering and biotechnology consultancy for micro, small, medium and large industries in Kenya. He has also had his hand in the creation and innovation of technologies and products including Mama Safi, a Powder Detergent and Clax, Industrial Detergent both for Unilever, East Africa; DuduStop for bio pesticide for control of filth flies, BT. “M442”for biocontrol of stem borers of maize and sorghum and Mosquito Larvicide – repellents. He remains on a journey of academic excellence that started from the University of Nairobi when he earned his BSc in 1977 before proceeding to Norway where he earned his doctorate in chemical engineering in 1985. He has received several research grants awards, supervised and trained several postgraduate students. He has also published and presented many papers globally. Dr. Makayoto can be summed up as all round man - scientist, engineer, a manager, environmentalist, a mentor and a family Man. n Published at Fatuma Flats, Suite No 6, Ground Floor by ScienceAfrica P.O. Box 57458-00200, Nairobi-Kenya, Tel: 020-2053532 Cell: +254 722 843 101