CBI Bulletin Board - Congregation B`nai Israel


CBI Bulletin Board - Congregation B`nai Israel
Shevat/Adar 5775
Adar/Nisan 5775
Feb. 2015 ▪ March 2015
Volume 13, Issue 3
Here’s an event you don’t want to miss!
Tastings of homemade brisket and Kugel, delicious
sides, salads, and desserts! Beer tasting generously
provided by American River Brewing Company!
You can win a spot as a contest judge or win one
of several themed raffle baskets.
6:00-6:45—judging contest & Havdallah Service
7:00pm—live music & tastings begin. The brisket
contest will include Traditional, BBQ, & “Unique.”
Kugels will be Sweet and Savory.
To RSVP, call the temple office at 916-446-4861
or email MGrand@bnais.com.
Adults: $25 (by February 4, $30 at the door)
Children 10 & older: $10
Children 9 & younger: no charge
Founded 1849
The Voice of
B’nai Israel
Friday, February 6
6:55pm Pre-Shabbat Meditation
7:30pm Tzedek Shabbat with
Andrew Mudryk: “Do not
curse the deaf or put a
stumbling block in front of
the blind.”
Saturday, February 7
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Mini Minyan
10:30am Shabbat Morning Services
Friday, February 13
6:00pm Tot Shabbat
6:30pm 2nd Shabbes Dinner
7:30pm Shabbat Services
Saturday, February 14
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning Services
Friday, February 20
7:30pm Shabbat Services
Friday, March 13
6:00pm Tot Shabbat
6:30pm 2nd Shabbes Dinner
7:30pm Shabbat Services
Saturday, March 14
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning Services
10:30am Kavanah Shabbat (Chapel)
Friday, March 20
7:30pm Shabbat Services
Saturday, March 21
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning Services
Friday, March 27
6:50pm Prayer Practice
7:30pm Shabbat Services
Saturday, March 28
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning Services
Justin Williams, Bar Mitzvah
Friday, February 27
6:50pm Prayer Practice
7:30pm Shabbat Services
Friday, March 6
6:55pm Pre-Shabbat Meditation
7:30pm Tzedek Shabbat with Rachel Stern:
“V’shinantam l’vanecha - and
you shall teach your
children” (Deut.6:7), looking at
the juvenile criminal justice
Saturday, March 7
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Mini Minyan
10:30am Shabbat Morning Services
Anniversaries – Feb/March ............14
Birthdays – Feb/March ............. 13-14
Calendars – Feb/March............ 22-23
CBI Bulletin Board .................... 15-20
Community Bulletin Board....... 19-21
Donations.. ............................... 12-13
Education ................................... 6-10
Mourning Our Losses .....................17
President’s Column ..........................4
Social Action............................ 11, 18
Women of B’nai Israel ......................5
Worship ........................................ 1-3
Congregation B’nai Israel
3600 Riverside Blvd.,
Sacramento, CA 95818 •
www.bnais.com •
Phone: 916.446.4861 • Fax: 916.446.2875
February 17
Rosh Chodesh Shevat –
Regina, an Award-Winning
Join Rabbi Alfi and the Women of
B’nai Israel as we view a new awardwinning documentary about the first
female rabbi, Rabbi Regina Jonas. Join
us for a potluck vegetarian meal at 6:15
pm, followed by prayer, then the movie
and discussion.
Saturday, February 21
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning Services
Saturday, February 28
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning Services
Julian Churchill, Bar Mitzvah
Potluck dairy dinner is from
6:15 to 6:45 pm, with services and
program 6:45 to 8:30 pm.
No RSVP is necessary, and all
women over the age of 13
are welcome. Questions?
Email Deni Marshall:
The opinions expressed in the Koleinu
are entirely those of the contributors and
do not reflect official policy of CBI.
There is a 350-word limit on articles for the
Koleinu. Deadline for all issues is the first day
of the month preceding the publication date.
Please send your article to koleinu@bnais.com.
Koleinu is published six times a year.
March 17
Rosh Chodesh Adar –
Film Esther Broner: A
Weave of Women
Join Rabbi Alfi and Women of B’nai
Israel for a viewing of the outstanding
film, Esther Broner: A Weave of Women, on the first women’s Seder. Potluck
vegetarian dinner starts at 6:15 pm,
followed by prayers, film viewing, and
B’nai Mitzvah
CBI News
ulian Churchill, February 28
ustin Williams, March 28
Louise & Bill Bourne
Linda Byrne
Laurie & John Eaton
Ariella Emunah
Cassie Gilson & Loren Kaye
Tanya & Rick Guerrero
Samantha Guild
Elyse Gunter
Rachel & Gary Horsley
Valerie Jones & Mark Rasmussen
Jonathan Kaufman & Joanna Potenza
Amy & David Kiesling
Moniece & Alexander Lowe
Harold & Kelly Newbill
Justin & Robin Rollman
Roy Rubin & Elizabeth Kaske
Sara Sommer
Ben & Lauren Sosenko
Kerry Wittlake Taylor & Tim Taylor
Sean Ward
The L’Dor V’Dor Legacy Circle
is made up of forwardthinking people who have
made provisions for a gift to
our congregation in their estate
plans. Methods and amounts
vary, but each adds to the foundation on which our congregation rests. These donors are
providing for future generations just as those who came
before have done for us. In
this Koleinu, and in future editions, Legacy Circle members
will be profiled to thank them for their generosity and illustrate
the variety of donors who wish to provide a legacy to Congregation
B’nai Israel. Please join the L’Dor V’Dor Legacy Circle.
Contact Kent Newton at mkentn@gmail.com.
Meet L’DOR V’DOR Members
Terry and Barbara Allen-Brecher
We have found
so much warmth
at CBI. We have
learned how fulfilling it is to be
with people who
share our history,
our culture, and
our values of social action and
social justice. We
have been a couple for 25 years, but were only legally
able to marry in 2008. Terry is a Jew by choice, having
converted many years ago. Both of us feel very connected to CBI because of its “open tent” philosophy and
welcoming of all.
Barbara has served on the Board of Trustees for the
better part of 12 years and is currently the Board president. We believe it is important to support CBI financially, not just now, but also in the future. So we included CBI in our estate plan by dedicating a percentage of
our estate to CBI. We also want to set an example for
our children and grandchildren by leaving a part of our
estate for tikkun olam. How great it feels to know that
we will help sustain CBI for many years to come!
President’s Message
The Brotherhood
What’s Important
We Did It!
As I started to write the column for this ediMazel Tov and thank you!! We
I received the news that my Uncle George
have paid off the morthad
away in Pennsylvania, just a few
gage! After over 20 years our
days after his 96th birthday. Uncle George was
Congregation does not have a
a self-made man, a second generation Ameribank loan. In late December
can raised in near-poverty during the Great
2014, the Congregation paid off
Depression, who worked hard and prospered.
its loan with Merchants National
Jonathan Meltzer He lived his life with incredible gusto, taking
Barbara Allen-Brecher Bank. During the last 5 years, 385
Brotherhood delight in even the simplest of things. Along
congregant families and friends
CBI President
with my Aunt Mildred (of blessed memory), he
donated over $1 million to pay
made their home into a mansion of warmth, laughter, and celoff the balance of the congregation’s loan. These gifts,
ebration that was always filled with family and friends. His enlarge and small, came from over 75% of our congregathusiastic and passionate Judaism was the core of his life, his
tion’s members. The generosity of our members and
moral compass, and the source of his unreserved devotion to
friends has been amazing, and not only helps our fifamily, friends, and community. In his later years, after having
nances but also strengthens our community for the
been taken care of by his wife throughout their marriage, he
transformed himself into a loving and patient caretaker when
Contributions during the last 5 months, including a
she was no longer able to take care of herself. As I reminisce
$50,000 match, raised more than $135,000. This prothrough wonderful memories, I realize how much my uncle
vided CBI with enough funds to pay off the balance of
taught me by example what unconditional love really means,
almost $130,000 and to make an additional $5,000
to look for the sweetness in life, to find pleasure in the little
available for CBI’s maintenance needs. There are addi- things that are all around, and to find happiness not by focustional pledges and mortgage donations that remain
ing on one’s own self, but rather by bringing joy to others. In
the complex and oft-complicated world of Jewish men, he exand still need to be paid. These donations will help
emplified for me the important things in life and what being a
meet our budgeted payments year to date on the loan
and provide additional funds for much-needed mainte- real man was really about. May we all be so fortunate as to
have had an Uncle George in our lives, and may their memories
nance projects. Please continue to pay any remaining
always be for a blessing.
Turning back to other Brotherhood topics, we’re putting
In the coming months we will be focusing on L’Dor
our 2015 list of brunches. We should have our schedV’Dor, our planned giving program, to grow our enule finalized in the near future. We’re always looking for new
dowment and to improve some of our aging facilities.
Thanks again to all of you who made a donation to pay speakers and/or topics, so here’s where I am going to ask everyone, whether a Brotherhood member or not, for some input.
off the mortgage to help keep our Congregation finanIf you know of an organization or a member of our community
cially stable and secure for the future.
with a story to tell that you think would be of interest and relevant to our congregants, Gary Sibner (our Vice President of
Barbara Allen Brecher, President
Programming) and I would be very much interested in talking
Steven Goldberg, Immediate Past President
with you.
Also, the Brotherhood is collaborating with WBI on a CBIwide garage sale to be held at the end of May. We anticipate
that this garage sale should be a lot of fun, as well as being a
good fundraiser. Currently we’re in the planning stage, with
details to follow soon. In the interim, start looking through
your garages, closets, and storage sheds for unwanted and unneeded items that may be someone else’s treasure. Also,
"Life doesn't come with a remote control. If you
Brotherhood members, we’ll need lots of help to make this
want to change it, you have to get up and
event as successful as it can be – so give me a call at (916) 2030613
or e-mail at jemeltzer@comcast.net if you’re interested
change it yourself."
~ Unknown in helping.
Women of B’nai Israel
Ushering in 2015 With a Host of Activities
In the last issue of the Koleinu, I talked about what WBI
is and what we do as well as what it means for some of
our members. Historically we were called “the Sisterhood.” Some years ago, a national movement began to
make our women’s movement more inclusive and the
name more descriptive of who we are as well as what we
do - today! Thus was born the Women of B’nai Israel
(WBI). The name is intended to include all women who
Peggy Goldstein are involved in the life of our community.
WBI President
Early this year, our Executive Vice President Sandy Lee
is heading to Austin, Texas, to attend the Women of Reform Judaism
(WRJ) Fried Leadership Conference. The conference, held biennially, is a
weekend-long experience to hone leadership skills and deepen connections with other Sisterhoods, leaders, and WRJ. Sandy is the perfect representative of the leaders in WBI and will come back with many exciting
ideas for future programming and organizational effectiveness.
Participants in WBI have an opportunity to find their passion and work
on issues important to them. For example, Katharine Severson is our liaison to the KIVA program (see article to the right). KIVA is a program of
micro-loans for women in third-world counties. Katherine expresses her
commitment to social justice by managing this program for WBI.
Illene Carroll led a group of 18 individuals including the Wong, Soloway,
and Jacobowitz families, as well as Sherri Wells, Emilie Brosin, Paula Dunning, Sandy Kaufman, Margery Portman, Ben Foster, and Nora Mandell,
as they cooked and served Christmas dinner for women and children at
the St. John’s Shelter. Sandi Wasserman, with help from Janis Nielsen,
gave a special Hanukkah program (including latkes and songs) to participants in the Wellspring Center for women and children. On CBI’s Mitzvah
Day (January 18) WBI worked with the Brotherhood to “spruce up” the
CBI kitchen — power washing, organizing, and cleaning. These are just a
few of the activities WBI sponsors and in which members participate.
The next three months are busy ones as well – starting with Girls’ Night
Out on February 12 at Chicago Fire on J Street, then the Intergenerational
Tea and Hat Making on March 8 led by Doris Pittell and her family, with
Caryn Mizzi doing the cooking. (Please see enclosed flyer.) And don’t forget Rosh Chodesh on February 17 and March 17.
The WBI-sponsored CBI Second Night Seder takes place on April 4, and
on Saturday, April 11, we will have a special Women’s Saturday Shabbat
with a beautiful service of prayer and song honoring our women leaders.
A potluck lunch will follow the service
If you have any questions or any suggestions, our Board is ready to listen and to take action. We look forward to your participation.
March 8
April 4
April 11
April 23
May 3
May 31
June 3
June 7
Intergenerational Tea with Hat Making Fun
Second Night Seder at CBI
WBI Shabbat Service and Potluck
Girls’ Night Out – TBA
WBI Public Art Tour
Garage Sale-WBI/Brotherhood
WBI Mah Jongg Fundraiser
WBI Potluck Brunch TBD
By Katharine Severson
Women of B’nai Israel (WBI) comprises nearly
200 women who nurture personal, spiritual, congregational, and community connections. WBI supports community on the congregational, local, national, and international levels. Community and
local programs include condolence cards, Second
Night Seder, Rosh Hashanah reception, Chanukah
candles, Mah Jongg, fashion shows, intergenerational teas, Price Campership scholarships, Touch
of Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh, St. John’s Women’s
Shelter, Wellspring, YES fund donations, and our
Jonas Goldman Judaica Gift Shop. Where/what is
the international connection? KIVA.
KIVA, a nonprofit organization, connects people
through lending to alleviate poverty. KIVA leverages the
internet and a network of 290 microfinance institutions, Field Partners, to offer individuals the ability
to lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around
the world. Since its 2005 inception, KIVA has loaned
$651,806,425 to 1,504,820 borrowers in 85 countries.
The process is simple. An individual or organization
sets up an “account” with KIVA. Local Field Partners
approve applicants wishing to borrow money. Field
Partners then post applicants’ pictures, stories, and
requested loan amount on the KIVA website. The
individual selects the applicant and an amount to
fund. Once the loan is repaid, the funds return to
the individual’s account, ready to be loaned again.
WBI’s involvement with KIVA and microlending
started in 2010 with a $1000 portfolio. WBI has
loaned $5,125 to 56 borrowers (all women) in 26
countries. Microloan by microloan, WBI invests in
Tikkun Olam through supporting women’s independence and freedom from poverty.
For additional information about KIVA, please
visit their website at www.kiva.org, or contact
Katharine Severson at khiyar1@yahoo.com.
Dessert to follow at Rick’s
Dessert Diner. Bring a friend!
RSVP to Sandy Lee by Feb. 6:
or 847-5113.
Religious School Education
Todah Rabbah
Mordecai Kaplan, the founder of the Reconstructionist movement, once said that the aim
of Jewish education is “to develop a sincere
faith in the holiness of life and a sense of responsibility for enabling the Jewish people to
make its contribution to the achievement of
the good life.” All Jews worldwide, no matter
what Jewish denomination we belong to,
wholeheartedly agree that educating our
Rabbi Michal Loving youth is our utmost priority, for through
education we instill our Jewish ethics, morDirector of
als, and values.
This year, a member of Mosaic Law, Eric
Ratinoff, went above and beyond his obligation in fulfilling his responsibility to educate our children. His firm, Kershaw, Cutter & Ratinoff, granted our Religious School Enrichment Fund, and all Sacramento area congregation religious schools and Shalom School, an overwhelmingly generous Hanukkah gift of $1,000 for the purpose of enriching and supplementing our programs. He
hopes that, by doing this, his gift will encourage others in the
Jewish community to support youth education programs in
whatever ways they can.
Eric, todah rabbah. You have set the bar high, and raised the
standard of what it means to be a mensch in our interdenominational Jewish community.
Purim Fun for Everyone!
Our annual Purim Carnival, hosted by BISY, takes place on Sunday, March 1, from 12:00 to
2:00 pm, and you aren’t going to want to miss it! Along with traditional favorites like face
painting, the bounce house, and carnival games, we’ll have new activities and plenty of food.
The fun is open to the entire community, so feel free to spread the word to your
neighbors, co-workers, classmates at secular school… everyone!
Denise Crevin
Please keep your eye out for updates about the event – both on the teen bulletin board
in the office foyer and through the weekly Chadashot and other email updates.
Though the Carnival is largely planned and executed by BISY – our high school youth group – we’d love your
help. There are opportunities to assist beforehand on tasks such as publicity and donation solicitation, and also on the
day of the event with setup, food sales, and the various booths. If you are interested and would like to learn more,
please contact me at kesher@bnais.com or at 446-4861, x13. We look forward to this being an unforgettable event!
BISY Update
By Eli Clair, BISY Communications Vice President
During the past month, BISY has had wide participation in
our many events! On November 22, BISYites participated in
a social action program led by Ari Steinberg and then made
over 400 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the Sacramento Central Downtown Food Basket. On December 12,
we enjoyed our Hanukkah Shul-In! This event included
attending Shabbat services followed by a white elephant
gift exchange, latkes, and dreidel games. On January 16, we
kicked off the New Year with a Teen Shabbat! Other temple
youth groups from around the Sacramento area, including
DRTY, TASTY, USY, and BSTY, gathered at our temple for
mixers, Shabbat dinner, and a teen-led service in the chapel. It was a great time bonding with Jewish teens in our
area. The BISY board held our planning meeting for the rest
of the year in January and we have lots of great things
planned. For more information about upcoming events and
to get to know the BISY board, check out the bulletin board
in the lobby!
Religious School Education (Continued)
February/March Education Dates-at-a-Glance
Religious School – Sundays • 9:30am - 12:30pm
February 1, 8, & 22, and March 1, 8, 15, & 22. (No Religious School on Feb. 15 or March 29.)
Hebrew School – Tuesdays • 4 - 6pm
February 3, 10, 17, & 24, and March 3, 10, 17, & 24. (No Hebrew school on March 31.)
Mini Minyan Saturdays – February 7 and March 7
10:30am - noon
K’tonton – Sundays, February 8 & 22 , and March 8
10:30am - noon
Tot Shabbat / 2nd Shabbes
Fridays, February 13 and March 13
Tot Shabbat - 6:00pm
2nd Shabbes Dinner - 6:30pm (RSVP required)
Shabbat Services - 7:30pm
Rosh Hodesh: It’s A Girl Thing! (RHIAGT, 6th – 7th grades) In December, Kesher Limud teens put together 30 goody bags for
Sundays, February 8 & March 15, 12:30 – 2:00pm, chapel Project Birthday. L to R: Ilana Klusky, Dani Wiesenthal, Maddy Halseth,
Leeza Wong, Rhiannon Stewart, Michele Brandabur, & Natalie Brown
Kesher Limud (8th+)
Sundays, February 8 & March 15, 12:30 – 3:30pm, library
Rosh Hodesh: It’s A Girl Thing! (RHIAGT, 8th grades and up),
2:00 – 3:30pm, chapel
Madrichim Training & Lunch
Sunday, February 22, 12:30 – 2:00pm, location TBD
BISY Shul-in
Saturday, February 28, beginning at 9:00pm – overnight to
Annual Purim Carnival
Sunday, March 1, noon – 2:00pm, hosted by BISY
Annual Purim Dinner – Chili & Cornbread
with the Megillah Reading & PurimSpiel
Wednesday, March 4, 6:00pm, hosted by the Confirmation
Class (followed by the Megillah reading and PurimSpiel) In November, BISY planned a social action program that included
making 400 PB&J sandwiches for the Central Downtown Food
Basket. L to R: Jacob Paxson, Elliot Raskin, Jonah Wiener-Brodkey,
Rose Meinrath, & guest
Adult Education
Lifelong Jewish Learning — February & March Classes & Lectures
February Classes and Lectures
Sunday, February 1 ● Achim: A Discussion Group for Men, sponsored by the Brotherhood
7:00 – 8:30 pm, Chapel ● Dr. Glenn Hammel and the Brotherhood
Achim is the Hebrew word for “brothers,” and this group is a monthly forum for education, facilitated discussion,
contemplation, and camaraderie. Glenn Hammel, PhD, is the Rebbitzen.
Tuesday, February 3 ● Rabbis’ Lunch and Learn
Noon – 1:00 pm, Conference Room ● Rabbi Loving
The Rabbi introduces us to the practices of Reform Judaism. Learn about the holidays, family life, and synagogue practices. Bring a brown bag lunch. No RSVP is required.
Tuesdays, February 3, 10, 17, and 24 ● Israeli Dancing
7:00 – 9:00 pm, Social Hall (Multipurpose room on February 17)
This fun-filled evening begins with instruction for beginners from 7:00 - 7:45 pm. Beginning at 7:45 pm, we take requests and learn
intermediate to advanced dances. We enjoy circle and line dances, from the classics to some of the newest dances coming out of
Israel. This is a welcoming group of mostly adults, but teens and children are invited, too. Please wear tennis or soft-soled shoes.
Fee: $5 donation. For more information, please contact Jeanette Salkin, 916-799-7213.
Friday, February 6 ● Tzedek Shabbat: “Do Not Curse the Deaf or Put a Stumbling Block in Front of the Blind”
7:30 pm, Sanctuary ● Andrew Mudryk
Tuesdays, February 10 and 24 ● Religious Ethics in the 21st Century
Noon – 1:00 pm, Law Offices of Greenberg Traurig, 1201 K Street, 11th Floor ● Rabbi Alfi
Rabbi Alfi tackles some of the toughest issues of Jewish ethics as applied to modern life. We discuss politics, economics,
Israel, Jewish communal relations, and many other issues. To request or suggest a topic, please e-mail Rabbi Alfi with
ideas. Regular attendance is not required; drop-ins and newcomers are welcome! Bring a brown bag lunch. There is no fee.
Tuesdays, February 10 and 24 ● Jewish Meditation and Mindfulness – Building Your Spiritual Practice
6:30 – 7:30 pm, Chapel ● Deni Deutsch Marshall, LCSW
Judaism is full of important reminders – rituals intended to make us keep the Divine at the forefront of our daily consciousness. This Jewish Meditation class will help you incorporate the spirituality of Judaism into your daily life. The group will explore a number of Jewish mindful meditation practices, both ancient and modern, designed to help you have a more personal
relationship with G-d. Sessions include guided sitting meditations, chanting meditations, and silent meditations, as well as a
number of mindfulness techniques to practice at home. The class is open to both long-time meditators and those with no
experience, and can be attended as an ongoing session or on a drop-in basis. The class is led by Deni Deutsch Marshall, LCSW
and Certified Spiritual Director. She is currently in the Institute of Jewish Spirituality's Meditation Teacher Training Program.
Fee: $5 per session on a drop-in basis. The class meets two Tuesdays per month through June (see below for additional
dates). For more information, contact Deni Deutsch Marshall at denimarshall@gmail.com or (916) 684-5161, or contact
Melissa Grand in the CBI office at (916) 446-4861 or mgrand@bnais.com. No advance registration is required. Class dates
through June 2015 are as follows: March 10 and 24, April 14 and 28, May 5 and 26, June 2 and 23.
Tuesday, February 17 ● Rosh Chodesh: Regina, An Award-Winning Documentary
6:15 - 8:30 pm, Social Hall ● Rabbi Alfi and the Women of B’nai Israel
This month we will view a new award-winning documentary about the first, properly ordained female rabbi
in the world, prior to WWII, Rabbi Regina Jonas, who was murdered in Auschwitz in 1944. Potluck dairy dinner at 6:15 pm. Services and program begin at 6:45 pm. All women age 13 and over are welcome. No RSVP
Saturday, February 21 ● Migrant Care Workers in Israel: How They are Shaping the Israeli Family and the Provision of Care
to the Elderly and Disabled
7:00 – 8:30 pm, Chapel ● Professor Hila Shamir (UC Berkeley)
As in other aging Western societies, Israel has struggled with how to provide care for its growing numbers of senior citizens. In
Continued on next page.
Adult Education (Continued)
Continued from previous page.
the early 1990s, Israel opened its gates to migrant guest workers who were invited to work, on a temporary basis, in areas of
agriculture, construction, and in-home care. A new long-term care benefit was created, which subsidized the employment of
in-home care workers to assist dependent elderly and disabled Israelis. Migrants flocked to the in-home care sector, and a transformation of Israeli families ensued. This presentation, made possible by the Shirley Seave Scholar-in-Residence Fund, will describe the legal and public policy ramifications of this transformation. A wine-and-cheese reception will follow.
Thursday, February 26 ● Jewish History in Late Antiquity: Religious Transformation: How Ancient Jews Became Christians
7:00 – 8:30 pm, Chapel ● Professor Catherine Chin (UC Davis)
Messianic fervor was widespread in the first century. It fueled Jewish uprisings against Rome, as well as the birth of what
would eventually become a new religion, Christianity. When and how did Judaism and Christianity “part ways”? This lecture
will discuss how Jews and Christians in the ancient world started to distinguish between their communities, as well as the
ways in which they continued to act as members of the same religious group. This presentation (postponed from an earlier
date) is made possible by a generous gift from Ken and Linda Henderson.
Friday, February 27 ● Prayer Practice
6:50 pm – 7:20 pm, Chapel ● Lisa Brodkey
Do you sometimes feel frustrated trying to follow the Hebrew prayers at Shabbat services? Lisa Brodkey has designed special
practice sessions to help build your expertise in our liturgy. Each month she will focus on a specific prayer and help you practice, practice, practice until it becomes easy. Practice reading Hebrew or the transliteration - either way, don’t let a strange
language get in the way of a deep and meaningful participation in our services.
March Lectures and Classes
Tuesday, March 3 ● Rabbis’ Lunch and Learn
Noon – 1:00 pm, Conference Room ● Rabbi Alfi
Tuesdays, March 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31 ● Israeli Dancing
7:00 – 9:00 pm, Social Hall (Multipurpose room on March 17)
Friday, March 6 ● Tzedek Shabbat: The Juvenile Criminal Justice System: “V’shinantam l’vanecha – And You Shall Teach
Your Children …”
7:30 pm, Sanctuary ● Rachel Stern
Saturday March 7 ● A German Life: Against All Odds, Change Is Possible (Why the Son of a Decorated
Nazi Officer Converted to Judaism)
7:00 – 8:30 pm, Sanctuary ● Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger
Born in mid-1950s Germany, Bernd Wollschlaeger discovered that his father, a highly decorated Nazi war
hero, had kept his past hidden from his children. Dismayed by the legacy of the Holocaust, Bernd rebelled and began to study Judaism. He learned about the horrors of his father’s generation, and then
befriended living Jews. These experiences resulted in a spiritual journey, his conversion, and eventual emigration to Israel.
The rift with his family never healed. In his book, Bernd explores his fractured relationship with his father and how his newfound faith informed his life’s decisions.
Fee: $5. This presentation is co-sponsored by the Central Valley Holocaust Educators’ Network, and a portion of the proceeds will go to them. A reception will follow the talk.
Sunday, March 8 ● Achim: A Discussion Group for Men, sponsored by the Brotherhood
7:00 – 8:30 pm, Chapel ● Dr. Glenn Hammel and the Brotherhood
Tuesdays, March 10 and 24 ● Religious Ethics in the 21st Century
Noon – 1:00 pm, Law Offices of Greenberg Traurig, 1201 K Street, 11th Floor ● Rabbi Alfi
Tuesdays, March 10 and 24 ● Jewish Meditation and Mindfulness – Building Your Spiritual Practice
6:30 – 7:30 pm, Chapel ● Deni Deutsch Marshall, LCSW
Continued on next page
Adult Education (Continued)
Social Action News
Continued from previous page.
An Introduction to Mussar
Sunday, March 15 ● When Frying Eggplant Could Get You Killed: CryptoJews, Cooking, and the Inquisition
1:00 – 3:00 pm, Social Hall ● Jason Lindo
This class will examine how Crypto-Jews in Spain, Portugal, and the New
World attempted to preserve their Jewish identity through cooking, and how
the Inquisition of the Catholic Church used this style of cooking to identify
secret Jews. The class will discuss traditional recipes and food customs and
their continued practice today by Anusim throughout the world. There will
be samples of dishes prepared for tasting during the class. This class is presented as a cultural and historical overview and will not feature actual cooking demonstrations.
Fee: $10. To reserve a place, contact Melissa Grand in the CBI office at
916-446-4861 or mgrand@bnais.com. Pre-registration by March 1 is required.
By Deni Deutsch Marshall
In January, Alan Morinis, the founder of
the Mussar Institute, came to Congregation
B’nai Israel for an evening to share a little
about this wonderful spiritual practice. If
you missed him, or if you want to learn
more about Mussar, Deni Deutsch Marshall
will be offering a four-week Introduction to
Mussar class starting this spring.
Mussar is the ancient Jewish ethical and
spiritual discipline that became a popular
Tuesday, March 17 ● Rosh Chodesh: Esther Broner: A Weave of Women
social/spiritual movement beginning in the
6:15 - 8:30 pm, Social Hall ● Rabbi Alfi and the Women of B’nai Israel
early 1800s, and has been enthusiastically
Join WBI to view this outstanding film about the first women’s seder. Potluck revived today. In recent years it has been
dairy dinner at 6:15 pm. Services and program begin at 6:45 pm. All women embraced and practiced by Jews from all
age 13 and over are welcome. No RSVP necessary.
streams of Judaism, and by non-Jews as
Thursdays, March 19 and 26, and April 9 and 16 ● An Introduction to Mussar
Mussar is drawn from Talmud and Torah,
7:15 – 8:45 pm, Chapel ● Deni Deutsch Marshall
and is both a spiritual perspective and a
Come learn about Mussar. See article to the right.
discipline that can transform your life. In
Hebrew, Mussar shares the same root as
Friday, March 27 ● Prayer Practice
the word “ethics.” The principles of Mussar
6:50 pm – 7:20 pm, Chapel ● Lisa Brodkey
will impact how you relate to people in your
Saturday, March 28 ● What Israel’s Farming Practices Can Teach Us About
life by having you focus on values such as
patience, compassion, lovingkindness,
7:00 – 8:30 pm, Chapel ● Shahar Caspi
respect, judgment, and honesty, and then
As California grapples with the third year of extreme drought, local farmers
incorporate them into your daily life. In this
are forced to cut back on food production, leading to shortages and higher
introductory class, you’ll learn the history of
prices. But what if we could learn to grow food with much less water? To
this uniquely Jewish perspective, and begin
find out how we can produce fruits, vegetables, and even wine grapes much working with a chevruta or partner. Tomore sustainably, we should look to Israel's farming practices.
gether you'll work on different soul traits
Shahar Caspi, an Israeli farmer living in nearby Oregon House, will talk about with the guidance of Mussar masters both
the water management technologies and soil management techniques that
ancient and present day.
are helping him to beat the drought and grow food for his community. This
Classes will be held in the Chapel on four
presentation is supported by a generous gift from Ken and Linda Henderson. Thursdays: March 19 and 26, and April 9
A wine-and-cheese reception will follow.
and 16, from 7:15 to 8:45 pm. The program
will be led by Deni Deutsch Marshall, CertiTuesdays, March 31 - June 2 ● Advanced Beginner Hebrew
fied Jewish Spiritual Director.
6:30 - 7:30 pm, location TBA ● Professor Galia Franco
Fee: $20 for members, $25 for nonmemProfessor Galia Franco is a native speaker who currently teaches modern and
bers. For more information or to sign up, conBiblical Hebrew at UC Davis. This class is a continuation of the Beginning Hetact Deni Deutsch Marshall at (916) 684brew class taught earlier this year. Students interested in taking this class
5161 or denimarshall@gmail.com.
should know how to read Hebrew and be familiar with some grammar.
Fee: TBA. For more information or to sign up for this course, please contact Melissa Grand in the CBI office at 916-446-4861 or mgrand@bnais.com.
Social Action News
Blood Drive Going on Hiatus
By Todd Mendell
Congregation B’nai Israel has been hosting blood drives for approximately fifteen years. The drives were initially held
annually, and semi-annually in recent years. During this period, many congregants have taken time out of their schedules to perform the potentially life-saving mitzvah of donating blood.
We have been informed by BloodSource that they will no longer be conducting mobile drives (i.e., the Bloodmobile)
on weekends. The impetus for this decision is twofold: 1) While there is still a continuous need for whole blood, this
need has seen a mild decline in recent years due to improvements in surgical techniques which require fewer blood
transfusions; 2) At the same time, there is an increasing need for plasma and platelet donations, which are currently
only collected at BloodSource's free-standing facilities.
So, what is a civic-minded congregant who would like to donate blood to do? There are several options:
 BloodSource will still be holding mobile drives during the week. You can choose to donate at a drive held at your
place of work or school.
 You can make an appointment to donate blood at one of BloodSource's free-standing facilities. You can find a facility
near you at the following link: http://www.bloodsource.org/Locations.
 Please also consider making plasma or platelet donations. This would also be done at a BloodSource free-standing
Remember, Congregation B’nai Israel will continue to have an account with BloodSource, so you may request that
whatever type of donation you make be credited to the congregation's account, if you choose.
Those of us who have been in a corporate or government environment, or who have clients in those environments,
understand that decisions like this are often reversed after a period of time. If and when that happens, we will of course
resume our blood drives at CBI.
Finally, we would like to thank all congregants who have made appointments over the years to donate blood. It has
been a pleasure to get to know you.
If you have further questions about blood donations, please contact Todd Mendell at ptmendell@comcast.net.
Sustainable Living Committee
Ewaste Drive
The CBI Ewaste Drive was held on Sunday, January 4, 2015. The exact results of the drive are not known
as of this writing, but many congregants and residents of the neighborhoods surrounding CBI came by to
drop off their Ewaste.
We would like to thank all the congregants who helped to plan and execute the drive for their enthusiasm and hard
work. In particular, we would like to thank Kesher students Daveed Waithaka, Mackenzie Ross, Rachel Chancellor, Ben
Schwartz, Harrison Bernales, and Maren Skarstad for the great job they did!
CBI Garden
Spring planting is just around the corner. If you can help out in the CBI garden, please contact Judy Painter at
portpaint@sbcglobal.net, or Sue Rosenberg at susanarosenberg@gmail.com
American River Parkway
The next scheduled cleanups are scheduled for Friday, February 13, at 10 AM, and Sunday, March 15, at 2 PM.
If you would like to be put on a notification list of future cleanups, please contact Todd Mendell at
ptmendell@comcast.net, or call 916-684-6734
Continued on page 18.
We Thank Our Contributors
Rabbi Alfi’s Discretionary Fund
 Angela Acosta thank you to Rabbi Alfi “just because”
 Jeff & Cairn Aran in honor of Melissa McElheney for her
commitment to public service
 Nancy & Dick Bernheimer in memory of Marian Di Fiore
 Susan & Allen Blum & Family in appreciation of Rabbi
Alfi and Dr. Hammel
 Marcy & Cory Brown thank you to Rabbi Alfi for their
daughter Natalie’s enriching Bat Mitzvah experience
 Glenda Claremon in appreciation of Rabbi Alfi
 Dr. Jerome Gutterman in appreciation of Rabbi Alfi’s
spiritual support for Gail Gutterman-Hart and for a loving
celebration of life service
 Mark & Barbara Len in honor of the wedding of
Joette Warchol and Jon Len, and for the yahrzeit of
Sam N. Len
 Fran Levy in memory of Bill Hubbs and Joe Schwartz,
and in honor of Greg Hubbs’ retirement
 Jason Lindo & Michael Maslowski in appreciation of
Rabbi Alfi for the mesheberah and her support of Michael
 Melanie Mages Canale & Ed Canale in memory of
Madeline R. Goodwin
 Twila Morris & Dale Kasler thank you to Rabbi Alfi in support of their daughter, Jo, before leaving on her trip
 Kelly, Harold, Joshua, & Samuel Newbill thank you to
Rabbi Alfi for a beautiful bris ceremony and blessing for
their baby, Samuel
 Bonnie Penix in memory of Marian Di Fiore
 Betty & Jack Reuben in appreciation of the kindness of
Bill Schwartz
 Sue & Chuck Rosenberg in appreciation of Rabbi Alfi
 Roy Ruben in appreciation of Rabbi Alfi
 Linda Suliafu in memory of Rella Askenas
 Judy Warburg & the Mayer-Warburg families in memory of
Ethel I. Mayer
and for the yahrzeit of George A. Cristy, father of Jonathan
 Ralph Lubick in support of Adult Education programs
 Jane & Steve Orkand in memory of Marian Di Fiore
 Myrna Rudman in memory of Madeline R. Goodwin and
Leona Laverty
Archive & Museum Fund
 Louise Mueller in memory of Joe Schwartz &
Madeline R. Goodwin
Camp Shelanu Scholarship Fund
 Fran Levy in memory of Madeline R. Goodwin
 Debbie & John Lewis in memory of Madeline R. Goodwin
 Katharine Severson in memory of her father, Don Maynard
Caring Community Fund
 Barbara Colton in support of the Caring Community programs
 Alice Hammel in honor of Barbara Colton’s special birthday
 Tiffany King in support of the Caring Community programs
Carl Naluai, Jr. Music Fund
Rita Bekowitz in memory of Bobby Horsley
Illene Carroll in memory of Marian Di Fiore
Eleanor & Jerry Mitchell in memory of Alan Stromberg
Sue & Chuck Rosenberg in support of the music program
Eleanor J. Marks Holocaust Project Fund
 St. James School in Davis
 Valley Charter High School and teachers Adell Meyers
and Ernest Wah Gong
Feldstein Israel Scholarship Fund
 Norman Fassler-Katz in memory of Madeline R. Goodwin
General Fund
 Anonymous in memory of Bobby Horsley
 Jeff Aran in appreciation to Lou Analpolsky for his support
and guidance in 2014
 Barbara & Bruce Berg in memory of Joe Schwartz
 Norma & Millard Fore in memory of Bobby Horsley
 Myrna & Tom Frankel in honor of Anna Frankel’s Bat Mitzvah
 Cassie Gilson & Loren Kaye in support of CBI
 Jean & Norm Gold with appreciation for CBI and Rabbi Alfi
 Carol Licker & Sonny Cooperson in memory of Joe Schwartz
 Laura Mahoney & Joel Schwartz in support of CBI
 Judith Reid in memory of Bobby Horsley
 Sue & Chuck Rosenberg in support of CBI
 Sol Sigel in support of CBI
 Ivana & Todd Thompson in memory of Bobby Horsley
Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
 Marcy & Cory Brown thank you to Cantor Steinberg for
her caring and effective effort in helping their daughter
Natalie prepare for her Bat Mitzvah
 Natalie Brown thank you to Cantor Steinberg for the wonderful
and loving experience in preparation of her Bat Mitzvah
 Dr. Jerome Gutterman in appreciation of Cantor Steinberg
for her beautiful musical contribution for Gail Gutterman-Hart’s
celebration of life service
 Jason Lindo & Michael Maslowski in appreciation of
Cantor Steinberg for the mesheberah and her support of Michael
 Sue & Chuck Rosenberg in appreciation of Cantor Steinberg
 Judy Warburg & the Mayer-Warburg families in memory of
Israel Youth Fund
Ethel I. Mayer
 Roslyn & Bob Dinsfriend in honor of Al Malkin’s special
Educator’s Discretionary Fund
birthday, and in memory of Marian Di Fiore
 Sandy Lee in memory of Muriel Romer, mother of
 Fran Levy in honor of Jeff Rabinovitz on his retirement
Sunny Romer
Adult Education Enrichment Fund
 Terri & Jonathan Cristy in memory of Marian Di Fiore,
We Thank Our Contributors (Continued)
Israeli Dancing Fund
Galia Franco in support of the Israeli Dancing Program
Joan Epstein in support of the Israeli Dancing Program
Israeli Dance Group in support of the Israeli Dancing Program
Jill Stecher & Dan Weitzman in support of the Israeli
Dancing Program
Len Maintenance Fund
 Barbara Colton in support of the Len Maintenance Fund
 Mark & Barbara Len in honor of the wedding of
Joette Warchol & Jon Len, and for the yahrzeit of Sam N. Len
Oneg Shabbat Fund
 Carol Moon Goldberg & Steve Goldberg in memory of
Joe Schwartz, and in celebration of retiring the mortgage
P r a y e r B oo k F u n d
 Jodie Rubenstein in memory of her husband,
Loren Rubenstein
Religious School Scholarship Fund
 Marcia & Mandy Greene in memory of Marian Di Fiore
and Rella Askenas
Rothholz Renovation Fund
 Barbara Colton in support of the Rothholz Renovation Fund
Social Action Fund
 Barbara Colton in support of the Social Action programs
 Sue & Chuck Rosenberg in support of the Social Action
Sosnick Library Fund
 Barbara Colton in support of the Sosnick Library
 Fran Levy in honor of Bonnie Penix’s 70th birthday
 Carol Kovnick in honor of Bonnie Penix’s 70th birthday
 Jane & Steve Orkand in honor of Bonnie Penix’s 70th
 Celine Sankary in memory of Marian Di Fiore
WBI Funds
– Price Campership
 Linda Tochterman in support of WBI’s programs
– Women Feed the Hungry
 Elaine Berghausen & Dave Brubaker
 Nancy & Dick Bernheimer for Touch of Shabbat
 Muriel & Art Molho for Touch of Shabbat
 Betty & Jack Reuben in memory of Madeline R. Goodwin
 Saturday Night Bridge Club
Yahrzeit Fund
 Vida & Gordon Adelman for the yahrzeits of
Vida’s father, Lyle Hardy; Gordon’s mother, Fern Adelman;
and Lee Jordan, cousin
 Tina Gustavson & Gail Brosnan for the yahrzeits of
William & Mitzi Hornick
 Betty & Jack Reuben in memory of Betty’s father,
Emanuel Salter, and Betty’s late husband, Harry Schnider
Deidra Meyers, Noah Schenirer
Emma Ford, Simon Ford, Dylan Hirschensohn, Andrew Mudryk,
Jill Stecher, Linda Tochterman, Sarah von Oeyen
Scott Cassman, Herbert Cohen, Peggy Goldstein,
Alice Kronick
Jonathan Brosin, Ilizabeth Gilbert, Melissa Grand,
Sabrina Steiner
Sydney Acosta, Andrew Berg, Tyler Block,
Alyssa Kronick
Max Harris, Leo Sakowitz
Hannah Archibald, Gregg Fishman, Karun Grossman,
Glenn Hammel, Harvey Wolkov
Madison Sherman, Benjamen Tracey
Natalie Korengold, Matt Link-Crosier, Phillip Stillman
Evalyn Boyce, Matthew Nevins
Susan Aguilar, Renzo Bernales, Susan Ducore,
Adam Levy, Jana Stewart
Samuel Applebuam, Jeremy Fassler-Katz,
Norm Fassler-Katz, Jonathan Meltzer, Erin Newhouse,
Janice Smith, Miriam Stillman
Ted London, John Panneton
Dan Albert, Carl Boyer, Barri Freeman, Stu Gluckman,
Aaron Molho, Kylie Moore, Melo Taylor
Joel Harris, Rio Roth
Corey Brown, Illene Carroll, Bernard Goldsmith,
Jacquie Harris, Aliya Passovoy
Sarah Friedman, David Lipton, Rachel Pulverman, Randell
Allen Asch, Susan Cox, Matt Halseth, Susan Lauer,
Mores Stelling
Ken Brody, Steven Goldberg, Marie Haullou, Anna Joy,
Elizaabeth Kaske, Isabel Olen, Jacob Willsie
Matthew Merksamer, Jerry Mitchell, Arieh Steiner
Gaby Belsky, Jonny Bowles, Emily Schoenfeld,
Philip Stanger, Jennifer Webb
Marcy Brown, Judy Painter, Tyler Tochterman
Julian Churchill, Brad Kliman, Catrina Rubenstein
Lois Anapolsky, Matthew Gevercer, Sarah Spector
Sandra Felderstein, Dan Levy, Nathan Rosenberg,
Kaiya Slovak, Ari Steinberg
Ben Freeman, Samuel Friedman, Natalia Knezienski,
Leslie Oberst, Steven Orkand, Haley Panneton,
Spencer Tochterman
Joseph Clair, Evan Grijnsztein, Heidi Grijnsztein,
Gary Horsley, Pat Macht, Steven Marshall, Nate Solov,
James Willsie
Continued on next page.
Birthdays (Continued)
Continued from previous page.
Mark Blum, Meredith Halseth, Neal Pereira,
Rachel Resnick
Barbara Allen-Brecher, Julie Turrini
Emily Abbott, Sheila Budman, Diana Dravis,
Meighan Einsel, Gayle Govenar, William Sakowitz,
Jennifer Stoecklein
Laurie Meyer, Shana Roth
Michael Bray, David Citrenbaum, Sarah Goodwin,
Ilse Spivek, Sydney Wasserman
Jacob Govenar
Claire Conlon, John Davis, Michael Ortega, Barbara Ullman
Teresa Mendick
Nancy Dee Barankin, Florence Beller, Sarah Blincoe,
David Felderstein, Jayna Fishman
Jacqueline Bernales, Fran Bremson, Spencer Cohn,
Denise Crevin, Aviva Pellman, Breia Travis
Susan Hammer
Rachel Ducore, Karla Fung, Davita Levin-Rebinson,
Rabbi Michal Loving, Sunny Romer
Carol Choate, Karen Churchill, Isabella Govenar,
Irwin Karp, Jonah Michaels, Keith Siegel, Rob Wiener
Margi Park-Landau, Guy Sanford, Vicki Weiner
Daniela Gaj, Alekka Mendelson, Aaron Rosenberg
Mara Behar, Herb Cohen, Allison Einsel, Ezra Hammel,
Trevor Newhouse, Gabriella Siegel, Ariel Slaton
Rita Marowitz, Toby Myers, Joshua Newbill
Alan Kuper, Teven Laxer, Larry Meyer, Joey Pruger,
Ramesh Raskin
Jay Kurtzman, Stephen Mendick, Alexis Prisco,
Nicole Searls
David Goldstein, Jim Margolis, Stewart Richardson,
Jeff Smith, Carson Williamson, Seth Williamson,
Michael Zimmerman
John Crawford, Todd Mendell, Eleanor Meredith,
Marci Ortega, Mary Spear
Jacki Cottingim-Dias, Laura Koretsky, Lara Pearson,
Laurie Richardson, Joel Schwartz
Benjamin Rosen, Janice Spitzer, Justin Williams
Jennie Silver, Edythe Swidler
Gordon Dean, Shirley Rosenbloom, Sarah Roth,
Ari Tochterman
Andrea Ellinghouse, Valerie Feldman, Emily Kiesling,
Tiffany King, Steve Kronick
28 Lou Anapolsky, Bob Dinsfriend, Ava Eation, Ethan Grand,
Ari Loving, Tom McElheney
29 Shelley Ellinghouse, Rachel Poppers, Evan Roth,
Linda Santistevan, Tim Stoecklein, Barbara Tincher,
John Yarbrough
30 Ed Canale, Judy Emick-Leatherwood, Wendy Fischer,
Dan Fisher, Carol Goodman-Gane, Martha Moon,
Leo Tochterman
31 Cindy Attia, Roslyn Dinsfriend, Kai Myers,
Rachel Turner, Jacob Watson
Rachel & Jonathan Turner
Rebecca & Meagan Olson
Laurel & Jeremy Hollis
Kerry & Tim Taylor (5th)
Linda & Harry Karnofsky
Peggy & Michael Agron
Rachael & Gary Horsley, Laurie & David Supkoff (10th)
Sue & Harvey Weinstein (50th)
Kelly Lewellen & Josh Mastronarde
Mary & Steven Gevercer, Mike & Betsy Schoenfeld (30th)
Sharon Usher & David Townsend
Tami & John Crawford, Melissa & Allen Grand
Debra & Ben Freeman
Irene & Mark Paxson, Kent Newton & Bill Slaton
Anne & Hal Eisenberg,
Deborah Haskell & Ven Mendoza
Rachel Resnick & Jennifer Webb
Valerie Feldman & Jay Wisham
Leah & Mervin Ezray
CBI Bulletin Board
... to Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg on receiving
the Robert T. Matsui Community Service Award at
Sacramento’s 16th annual MLK, Jr. celebration on January 31 at
the Sheraton Hotel.
From Israel 21C Staff,
edited by Bonnie Penix
...to Blair Leatherwood, who is now a proud member of the
Actors' Equity Association, the union for professional actors
and stage managers.
... to Dr. Karun Grossman, Division VP at Sutter Medical Group,
for being selected as the CA Academy of Family Physicians
member of the month. Karun was honored for her dedication
to patient care, teaching family medicine residents, and
working on laws that govern health care.
Israeli Inventions
That Are Saving Lives
 Emergency Bandage ("Israeli Bandage"), invented by an
Israeli medic, used to stop bleeding from hemorrhagic
wounds. Credited with saving US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in 2011.
... to Ted London and his committee for an awesome, uplifting
musical weekend with Julie Silver.
... to Dr. Jonathan and Susan Ducore on the marriage of their
son Aaron to Sheena Aniel on December 13 on the island of
 Mobileye technology, being built into virtually all new
vehicles to identify and alert drivers to hazards. Mobileye is the largest private high-tech company in Israel
and the world's largest R&D center for artificial vision.
...to Natalie Sequoia Brown on her leaf on CBI’s Tree of Life in
honor of her Bat Mitzvah on May 10, 2014.
We are pleased to announce the births of our newest little
 Mabel Lilyan Sauro, on November 22, to parents Troy &
Annie Sauro and grandparents Ron & Rachel Kaldor
 Samuel Michael Newbill, on December 1, to parents Harold
& Kelly Newbill, and big brother Joshua
 Louisa G. Powers Kaufman, on December 26, to parents
Jonathan Kaufman & Joanna Potenza, big brother Oliver, &
grandparents Todd & Jennifer Kaufman
 Clara Mabel Baum, on December 22, first child to parents
Gideon & Erin Baum
 Blake William Gonchoroff, on October 28, to parents Aaron
& Christine Gonchoroff and grandfather Bernie Marks
 Lubo Airway Collar, an adjustable, disposable, novel cer-
vical collar device. The first-ever noninvasive device to
open an airway while on the way to a hospital in cases of
severe trauma to neck and spine.
 Babysense, a breathing monitor that alerts parents of
respiratory cessation in babies, protecting more than
600,000 babies from crib death around the world.
 XSight Systems' FOD (foreign object debris) sensor that
keeps runways safe from debris, birds, and wildlife with
a unique hybrid optical-radar remote-sensing technology.
Todah Rabbah!
 To Mary Sorrels & Edye Swidler for their donation to the
Religious School Enrichment Fund from the sale of Mary’s art
 To Bernie Marks for polishing all the silver on the Torah
Scrolls for the High Holy Days.
 Hyginex makes a smart bracelet worn by staff members
The December 8 Winter Sanctuary evening was made possible by generous contributions from the volunteers pictured
below: Front row, L to R: Barbara Colton, Sheri Welles, Bernie
Marks, Jason Weiner, & Susan Orton. Back row: Drew Kyler,
Illene Carroll, & Robb Layne.
 Blizzard Jacket leads the market in hypothermia care.
in a hospital to make sure all personnel wash their hands
after contact with a patient, eliminating most hospitalborne infections.
 Skysaver, to help evacuate skyscrapers in emergency
situations. The device is worn like a backpack and includes a fire-resistant cord that can rappel people to
CBI Bulletin Board
New at the Sosnick Library
Sosnick Library LOVES Volunteers!
Winner of Hadassah Magazine’s
Annual Literary Award for 2014
By Jackie Fields
In The Golem and the Jinni, a
chance meeting between mythical
beings takes readers on a dazzling
journey through cultures in turn-ofthe-century New York.
Chava is a golem, a creature
made of clay, brought to life by a
disgraced rabbi who dabbles in
dark Kabbalistic magic and dies at
sea on the voyage from Poland.
Chava is unmoored and adrift as
the ship arrives in New York harbor
in 1899.
Ahmad is a jinni, a being of fire born in the ancient Syrian
desert, trapped in an old copper flask, and released in
New York City, though still not entirely free.
Ahmad and Chava become unlikely friends and soul
mates with a mystical connection. Marvelous and compulsively readable, Helene Wecker's debut novel The Golem
and the Jinni weaves strands of Yiddish and Middle Eastern literature, historical fiction, and magical fable into an
inventive and unforgettable tale.
Do you have an extra couple
of hours a week or even once a month?
Why not become a volunteer at the Sosnick Library? Volunteers are always needed to help with shelving, processing, and
covering materials as well as assisting
with inventory. No experience is necessary, we will train you. For further information, contact Jackie Fields at
jackietoby@hotmail.com or
Wednesday, March 11,
at Temple Or Rishon,
7755 Hazel Avenue,
Orangevale, noon: TBA
Thursday, March 26,
at Albert Einstein Residence Center,
1935 Wright St.,
Sacramento, noon: TBA
Funded by The Jewish Federation
of the Sacramento Region and the
Trust Fund for the Jewish Elderly.
CBI Bulletin Board
We Mourn Our Losses
Stars and S’mores Intergenerational Retreat,
March 20 – 22
Rella Askenas
Beloved mother of Jeff Askenas and Susan Askenas
Harold Berg
Beloved father of Bruce Berg
Beloved father-in-law of Barbara Berg
Beloved grandfather of Adam and Andrew Berg
Hannah Darkhshidan
Beloved grandmother of Dela Rostrami
Marian Di Fiore
Beloved mother of Sandora DiFiore,
Thomas DiFiore, and Darlene Frybarger
Beloved mother-in-law of Stephen Gilbert
Registration is open and the planning is well underway! The CBI
retreat will be on March 20 – 22, 2015! To join us, please make your
reservations now at tinyurl.com/cbismores (paste this link in your
web browser). We will gather together at URJ’s beautiful Camp
Newman near Santa Rosa—an easy 90-minute drive from Sacramento. Rabbi Alfi will lead services,
Cantor Steinberg and Michael Hersher will be filling our weekend
with wonderful music, and the camp is ours!
The retreat is intended for all age groups. It will be filled with
food, music, dancing, meditation, arts & crafts, sports, and an awesome Shabbat service under the stars. We already have families
with three generations registered to join us. We are also planning
for “special adult time” with BYO adult beverages in the evening,
while people will monitor the cabins after the kids go to bed, so
that parents (and non-parents) can schmooze and relax. There will
be sing-a-longs, delicious camp food, wonderful services with our
clergy, Torah study, nature walks, athletics, cooking classes, and
more. You can do as much or as little as you want. Plenty of time is
available to bond with your family or chavurah, and to meet new
CBI members. The weekend will have something for everyone!
The costs for the weekend are: Adults (18+): $200 ●
Teens (13-17): $135 ● Youth (3-12): $85 ● Under 3: Free
The registration fee includes a private cabin and all your meals
and snacks. Additional FAQs can be answered at tinyurl.com/
A limited number of scholarships are available. If you need a
scholarship, please contact Rabbi Loving.
If you have any questions whatsoever, please do not hesitate to
contact Ted London at 916-284-7277 or ted.london@cgi.com.
Fagel “Fay” Herbstman
Beloved great aunt of Rabbi Michal Loving
George Hirsch
Beloved uncle of Jonathan and Robin Meltzer
Beloved grand uncle of Michaelle and Sarah
Thelma Hoffman
Beloved Nana of Donna Hoffman-Cullinan
Beloved grandmother-in-law of Kevin Cullinan
Beloved great grandmother of Theo Cullinan
Abe “Sonny” Karnofsky
Beloved father of Jan Smith and Harlan Karnofsky
Beloved father-in-law of Bob Smith
Beloved grandfather of Erin Doering,
Rachel Smith, Jordan Karnofsky, and
Dara Karnofsky
Beloved grandfather-in-law of Sean Doering
Christine Elizabeth Mettler
Beloved friend of Susan Orton and Larry Friedman
William “Billy” Namahoe
Beloved cousin of Jason Lindo and
Michael Maslowski
Muriel Romer
Beloved mother of Sunny Romer
Beloved grandmother of Noah and Aron Oblath
Walter Wolf
Beloved father of Jenny Seamans
Beloved father-in-law of Raymond Seamans
Rabbi Avraham Goldberg ▪ Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky ▪
Rabbi Kalman Levine ▪ Zidan Saif ▪
Rabbi Moshe Twersky
Jerusalem victims of terror
Paris victims of terror
Social Action News (Continued)
Continued from page 11.
More Projects
If there is a project listed here that you would like to be
working on, or if there is a project not listed that you
think we should be working on, please contact the chairs
of the Sustainable Living Committee, Chuck Rosenberg
at chuckrosehill@gmail.com, or Todd Mendell at ptmendell@comcast.net.
Social Action Committee Working with SacACT
CBI's Social Action Committee, working with SacACT
(Sacramento Area Congregations Together), has as its
focus the situation in local public schools and the need
for establishment of a positive culture for students, their
families, and educators. We have held meetings with
key individuals within the Sacramento City Unified
School District — teachers, program directors, principals,
and the superintendent-- to better understand what is
currently provided by our local public schools and what
efforts are needed to create a more positive educational
We look forward to furthering our knowledge of the
social/emotional learning (SEL) skill set, restorative rather than punitive discipline practices, and student support services, as well as associated funding needs, to
determine where we can effect the most change to improve the environment of our schools.
Our committee has joined forces with other congregations’ committees to develop an advocacy plan that will
ensure SCUSD continues to better integrate and sustain
support for the success of our children.
If you have questions or would like to participate, please
contact Sharon Rogoff at michaelandsharon@comcast.net
or at SocialActionAtCBI@gmail.com.
Annual WBI-Sponsored Art Tour
Sunday, May 3, 1-4pm
This year we will be touring
East Sacramento art studios.
May 3 might seem like a long
time in the future.... but I’m
sure this will be a popular
tour. Last year we had over
40 attendees; this year we
are limiting it to 25. If you
don’t want to miss out on this fun and unique tour, please
RSVP (text, email, or call) to Merle as quickly as you can.
Merle Axelrad, 916-804-4961 or merleaxelrad@gmail.com
CBI Bulletin Board
CBI & Community Bulletin Board
Jonathan Brosin -- Jonathan wears many volunteer
hats, including conducting Torah study at least once a
month, sometimes twice; helping in the office on
Thursday mornings, answering phones and doing other
tasks as needed; and co-teaching the "Choosing Judaism" class with Rabbi Alfi.
The Play SEVEN Celebrates
Remarkable Women
Making a Difference
Sunday, February 22, 2pm, at
Congregational B’nai Israel
Susan Aguilar — Susan is another volunteer instrumental in leading Torah Study, as well as teaching
courses such as the series on “Jewish History in the
Middle Ages” that continues into February.
Steve Orkand -- Steve is also a wearer of many hats,
including running the Adult Education program almost
single-handedly for three and a half years. Most of the
lectures and classes in this year's Adult Education catalog were arranged by him, and he also took the lead in
getting the catalog put together and online for the first
time. Additionally, he regularly acts as a shamas, both for Shabbat
services and during the High Holy Days.
Steven Tincher— Like most of our volunteers, Steven
helps out in a variety of ways. He is currently on the
committee for our Stars and S’mores Intergenerational Retreat (coming in March) and is on the Board of
Trustees. He also has joined the roster of Torah study
leaders. He and his wife Barbara serve as shamasim for
services on occasion. Additionally, he helps out the Adult Education program by putting the information for the Education Chadashot
into our email program, and he helps keep the CBI website up to
Todah Rabbah to our featured volunteers —
their service is priceless!
WBI Board Meetings
In advance of International Women's Month,
National Council of Jewish Women, Sacramento
Section, presents a one-time-only theatrical reading of SEVEN, a groundbreaking work of documentary theater. Based on personal interviews, it
tells the gripping stories of seven women from
around the world whose tremendous courage led
them to become leaders empowering women in
Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria, Northern
Ireland, Cambodia, and Guatemala. Sunday,
February 22, from 2 to 4pm at Congregation B’nai
Israel, 3600 Riverside Blvd., Sacramento.
Local organizations serving victims of domestic
violence, human trafficking, and sexual harm and
those which empower women will be recognized.
For tickets go to ncjwsac.org. Seating is limited.
Reserve now.
Every Monday Afternoon (Except Holidays)
Feb. 8 and March 15 (please note
the change of date), 10:15 am, in
the Conference Room. All Board
members, including committee
event chairs, are urged to attend.
Other members are also welcome. RSVP to Peggy Goldstein
at taragold44@aol.com.
Interested in playing mah jongg with WBI friends?
Come to the Sosnick Library at CBI at 1:00 pm on
Mondays (except holidays).
All levels of players welcome.
Questions or to RSVP, contact Emilie Brosin:
bemilieb@hotmail.com or 443-3067.
Community Bulletin Board
Greetings From the New
RAC Director
Dear Friends,
I write to you today from the Arthur & Sara Jo Kobacker building in Washington, D.C., the home of the
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. I received the honor of a lifetime when Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President of the Union for Reform Judaism, announced my appointment as the new Director of the Religious
Action Center of Reform Judaism. For fifty years, the RAC has been the hub of Jewish social justice and
legislative activity in Washington, D.C.
I have the great honor of succeeding my mentor and friend, Rabbi David Saperstein, who, for forty years,
has built the RAC into a powerful force grounded in ancient Jewish values of social justice for North America
and across the world. The rabbis taught that in every age we see ourselves as if we ourselves were liberated
from bondage. Our work for justice is bound up in the thousands year old essence of what it means to be a Jew.
The Reform Jewish Movement has been at the center of critical and successful campaigns for civil rights,
Rabbi Jonah Persner,
equality for all people, Israel, World Jewry, and a range of other issues, because of David's remarkable leadNew RAC Director
ership. The RAC has supported countless local and congregational social action efforts, and tens of thousands of young people have been inspired through its educational programs.
My personal connection to the RAC is deep; in fact, my wife Dana and I first met David when we attended RAC youth seminars as
NFTYites more than thirty years ago. David was also instrumental when I founded Just Congregations and, with his support, we
have grown it into a widely successful grass-roots complement to the work of the RAC.
I look forward to building effective coalitions, which will enable the faith community to be a force for justice as we help America
and the world confront some of the challenges of our age. Specifically, my vision for the RAC has three key pillars:
 Deepening our advocacy work by organizing thousands more leaders through our congregations and beyond to mobilize their
communities and leverage their social networks to advance the Reform Movement’s vision for a more just society;
 Strengthening the capacity of synagogues across North America to be agents of change on a state and local level, training
their leadership to effectively act on cherished shared moral values for the common good;
 Playing a central role in the Reform Movement’s Campaign for Youth Engagement, as we empower tens of thousands of
young people to deepen their Jewish identity by working for Tikkun Olam.
There will be no pause in our sacred work. As the New Year — and the new Congress — begin, the urgency of our work has never been greater. From Ferguson to Staten Island, the searing pain of racial disparity continues to divide American society. Gun
violence spreads like a plague. The chasm between the rich and poor widens even beyond what we can imagine, as working families and low-income people struggle with debt, stagnant wages, and poverty. Millions of immigrants cry out for justice, and our gay
and lesbian brothers and sisters still struggle for the right to marry. Our planet’s natural resources are diminishing almost as fast
the climate is changing, perhaps beyond repair. As we survey these challenges, we hear the call: do justly, love mercy, and walk
humbly with God. The RAC and I cannot do this alone; we need you. We need you to join the Reform Jewish Movement in our
commitment to realize God’s vision for a world of goodness and healing. As we commit to double down on our commitment to
justice, and affirm the centrality of Tikkun Olam in Jewish life, please consider how you will lead.
Will you commit to ongoing actions in our Movement’s campaigns?
Start today: the End Racial Profiling Act would address the injustice of racial profiling, which raises civil rights concerns, and undermines the criminal justice system. Please take just a moment today to contact your Senators and Representative through our action alert.
Will you come to Washington, D.C. and raise your voice in the halls of government?
Start today: I hope to see you at the Consultation on Conscience from April 26-28, 2015, where our Movement’s top leaders join
with policy makers to address key priorities in Washington, D.C.
Will you encourage young people to find inspiration in our programs?
Start today: if your congregation is not already attending our transformative L’Taken social justice seminars, be in touch with us
today to learn about opportunities for your students and young people.
Will you donate resources to support our work?
Start today: consider making an annual pledge of at least $36 and ensuring Jewish social justice for generations to come.
Our cause is just and the time is now. In whatever way makes sense, join us as we realize the vision of our sacred tradition. Help
transform the world as it is, parched with suffering, into the world we know it should be, overflowing with justice.
That is the very purpose of our lives, and the RAC will continue to strive toward that vision every day.
Rabbi Jonah Pesner
Director, Religious Action Center
Community Bulletin Board
Day at Loaves
& Fishes
No Mah Jongg
Noon Rel. Ethics, off-site
4:00pm Hebrew School
6:30pm Confirmation
6:30pm Continuing Hebrew
6:30pm Jewish Meditation
6:30pm Confirmation
6:30pm Continuing Hebrew
7:00pm Israeli Dancing
16 Presidents’ 17
4:00pm Hebrew School
6:15pm Rosh Chodesh
9:30am Religious School 1:00pm WBI
10:30am K’tonton
Mah Jongg
10:30am Confirmation Parent
12:30pm Madrichim Training
& Lunch
2:00pm NCJW program “Seven”
11L30am NCJW Mah Jongg
(Silverado Design
No Religious School
Noon Rel. Ethics, off-site
4:00pm Hebrew School
6:30pm Confirmation
6:30pm Continuing Hebrew
6:30pm Jewish Meditation
7:00pm Israeli Dancing
1:00pm WBI
Mah Jongg
9:30am Religious School
10:15am WBI Board Mtg.
10:30am K’tonton
12:30pm RHIAGT Gr. 6th-7th
12:30pm KESHER Limud
2:00pm RHIAGT Gr. 8th +
10:00am Play at B’nai
Noon Rabbis’ Lunch
& Learn (Rabbi Loving)
4:00pm Hebrew School
6:30pm Confirmation
6:30pm Continuing Hebrew
7:00pm Israeli Dancing
9:00am Leisure League—
Wine Country Trip (offsite)
7:00pm Jewish
History in Late
Antiquity, Prof.
Catherine Chin
10:00am Play at B’nai
6:00pm Exec. Cmte. Mtg.
6:00pm WBI—Girls’
Night Out (offsite)
6:00pm Board of
7:00pm Jewish History
In the Middle Ages
(Conference Room)
Shevat/Adar 5775
9:30am Religious School 1:00pm WBI
10:15am Choosing Judaism Mah Jongg
10:15am Gr. 6– B’nai Mitzvah
1:00pm Tallit Making
7:00pm Achim
CBI Calendar
6:00pm Brisket & Kugel
Cookoff 2015
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Mini Minyan
10:30am Shabbat Services
6:50pm Prayer
7:30pm Shabbat
7:30pm Shabbat
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning
Services &
Julian Churchill
Bar Mitzvah
6:30pm Darrell Steinberg
Gala Tribute at
the California
State Railroad
9:00pm BISY Shul-in
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning
7:00pm Migrant Care
Workers in Israel, Prof.
Hila Shamir (reception
13 2nd Shabbes
10:00am American River 9:00am Torah Study
Parkway cleanup 10:30am Shabbat Morning
6:00pm Tot Shabbat
6:30pm 2nd Shabbes
7:30pm Shabbat
Services (Gr. 4)
6:55pm Pre-Shabbat
7:30pm Tzedek
Shabbat with
Andrew Mudryk:
“Do not curse the
deaf or put a
stumbling block in
front of the blind.”
February 2015
Annual Purim Carnival
No Hebrew School
6:30pm Confirmation
6:30pm Advanced Beginner
Hebrew, Prof. Galia Franco
7:00pm Israeli Dancing
3 First Night Seder
5:30pm EARLY Shabbat
Service in the
5:30pm 2nd Night
Seder (CBI)
April 1
12:00pm WBI
Mah Jongg
6:00pm Board of
1:00pm WBI
Mah Jongg
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning
Services & Justin
Williams Bar Mitzvah
7:00pm Israel’s Farming
Practices (reception
following talk)
6:50pm Prayer Practice
Noon Leisure
7:30pm Shabbat Services
League at
Einstein Residence
7:15pm Intro. to
Stars & S’mores
Intergenerational Retreat
Stars & S’mores
Intergenerational Retreat
through Sunday 3/22
No Religious School
Noon Rel. Ethics, off-site
4:00pm Hebrew School
6:30pm Confirmation
6:30pm Jewish Meditation
7:00pm Israeli Dancing
1:00pm WBI
Mah Jongg
9:30am Religious School
Stars & S’mores
Intergenerational Retreat
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Kavanah Shabbat
9:00am Torah Study
10:30am Mini Minyan
10:30am Shabbat Services
7:00pm A German Life:
Against All Odds, Change is
Possible, Dr. Bernd
Wollschlaeger (reception
following talk)
7:30pm Shabbat Services
13 2nd Shabbes
6:00pm Tot Shabbat (Gr. 3)
6:30pm 2nd Shabbes
7:30pm Shabbat Services
(Gr. 5)
with Rachel Stern:
“V’shinantam l’vanecha and
you shall teach your children”
(Deut.6:7), (juvenile criminal
justice system
6:55pm Pre-Shabbat
7:30pm Tzedek Shabbat
10:00am Play at
6:00pm Exec.
7:15pm Intro. to
6:00pm Board of
March 2015
4:00pm Hebrew School
6:15pm Rosh Chodesh
6:30pm Confirmation
7:00pm Israeli Dancing
1:00pm WBI
Mah Jongg
Day at Loaves
& Fishes
9:30am Religious School
10:15am Choosing Judaism
12:30pm RHIAGT Gr. 6th-7th
12:30pm KESHER Limud
1:00pm “Forbidden Food of
the Inquisition”
2:00pm RHIAGT Gr. 8th +
2:00pm American River
Parkway cleanup
4 Erev Purim
10:00am Play at B’nai
6:00pm Dinner
Noon Rabbis’ Lunch
7:00pm Megillah
& Learn (Rabbi Alfi)
Reading &
4:00pm Hebrew School
6:30pm Confirmation
6:30pm Continuing Hebrew
7:00pm Israeli Dancing
Noon Rel. Ethics, off-site
Noon Leisure
4:00pm Hebrew School
League at
6:30pm Confirmation
6:30pm Continuing Hebrew
Or Rishon
6:30pm Jewish Meditation
7:00pm Israeli Dancing
1:00pm WBI
Mah Jongg
Adar/Nisan 5775
9:30am Religious School
1:00pm WBI
10:00am Leadership Class #3
Mah Jongg
10:30am K’tonton
1:00pm WBI Intergenerational
7 :00pm Achim
9:30am Religious School
10:00am Leadership Class #3
Noon Purim Carnival
CBI Calendar
Koleinu Our Voice
Phone . . . 916.446.4861
Fax . . . 916.446.2875
Rabbi Mona Alfi, Senior Rabbi, RabbiAlfi@bnais.com
Rabbi Lester A. Frazin, Rabbi Emeritus
Cantor Julie Steinberg, jsteinberg50@gmail.com
Rabbi Michal Loving, Director of Congregational Learning,
Mandy Greene, Administrator, mgreene@bnais.com
Timothy Zeff, General Counsel, zeffdj@aol.com
Congregation B’nai Israel
3600 Riverside Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95818
No. 311
Sacramento, CA
- - - - -
President, Barbara Allen-Brecher,
President-Elect, Alan Steinberg, asteinberg@gfsacto.com
VP Finance, Deidra Meyers, deidra.meyers@gmail.com
VP Administration, Marc Koenigsberg,
VP Education, Ted London, ted.london@cgi.com
VP Facilities, Stan Wallin, jstanleywallin@gmail.com
VP Membership, Joel Schwartz, joel@joelschwartz.com
CFO, Alex Swedlow, aswedlow@appliedoutcomes.com
Secretary, Eileen Jacobowitz, eJacobowitz@comcast.net
Past-President, Steve Goldberg, sgoldberg@downybrand.com
Time Dated Material
Or deliver to current resident
- - - - -
Koleinu Staff
Editor: Bonnie Penix, bpenix@att.net
Layout & Design: Barbara Rogers
Proofreader: Terri Cristy
Arroz de Yucatan (toasted rice simmered in chicken broth, oregano, corn, and coarse black pepper)
Teriyaki chicken
Rajas con crema (thin chili strips, onions, & tomaVegetarian egg rolls
toes seasoned and folded into sour cream)
Stir fry vegetables
Cauliflower salad with fresh Italian parsley, peas, &
Fried rice
Children’s Menu: small beef tacos with lettuce &
March—catered by congregant Amelia Lorenzo jack cheese, served with refried beans & melted
Chicken with mole poblano (traditional sauce
made with cumin, sesame seed, peanuts,
chocolate, 2 types of chilies)
Adults $14, if reserved by the Wednesday before 2nd Shabbes; $16 after Wednesday. Meals are complimentary for children
12 & under. RSVP to the office at 916-446-4861, ext. 31, or mgrand@bnais.com.
Please mail your payment to: Congregation B’nai Israel • 3600 Riverside Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95818. Thank you!