October Koleinu online - Congregation B`nai Israel
October Koleinu online - Congregation B`nai Israel
קולנו Founded 1849 Tishri/Heshvan 5774 October 2013 Vol 12, Issue 3 www.bnais.com The Voice of Congregation B’nai Israel Worship O CTOBER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 7:30pm Tzedek Shabbat with Jason Weiner: Caring for the Homeless S ATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 9:00am Torah Study Potluck dairy dinner is from 6:15 to 6:45 pm with services and program 6:45 to 8:30 pm. No RSVP is necessary, and all women over the age of 13 are welcome. Questions? Email Deni Marshall: denimarshall@gmail.com. 10:30am Mini Minyan 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 6:00pm Tot Shabbat 6:30pm 2nd Shabbes Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Services FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18 7:30pm Shabbat Services From Rosh Chodesh in August... S ATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services Natasha Zimmerman, Bat Mitzvah FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25 7:30pm Shabbat Services S ATURDAY, OCTOBER 26 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services Miranda Asch, Bat Mitzvah 7:00 pm Scholar-in-Residence (SIR) Lecture, Rabbi Eris Weiss: “Jewish Approaches to Illness and death,” followed by reception S ATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Mini Minyan 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services Congregation B’nai Israel 3600 Riverside Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95818 Phone: 916.446.4861 Fax: 916.446.2875 www.bnais.com Tuesday, Oct. 1: “Lilith: Demon or Feminist?” Join the Women of B'nai Israel and Rabbi Alfi on Tuesday, October 1st. This month we will be studying Lilith and making protective amulets. Don't miss this provocative and fun Rosh Chodesh! Please bring a donation of canned goods for the Sacramento Downtown Food Basket. S ATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 7:30pm Tzedek Shabbat with Elizabeth Landsberg: Healthcare Reform Rosh Chodesh The Women of B'nai Israel created a Torah table cover for the Women of the Wall in Jerusalem. Designed by temple member Jana Stewart, this beautiful cover closely matches the colors and themes of the tallitot worn by the Women of the Wall. The cover is rimmed with squares, with each square including scenes of the seven species and the name of a different woman from the Torah. Avital Abadi, the Israeli Schlicha (emissary) to Camp Shelanu this past summer, took the Torah table cover back to Israel to deliver it in person to the Women of the Wall. Please view photos of the making of the Torah table cover on page 3. IN THIS ISSUE SUBMISSION GUIDE Anniversaries – October ................ 15 Birthdays – October ....................... 15 Board News .................................. 4-5 Calendar – October ........................ 19 CBI Bulletin Board ...................... 9-11 Community Bulletin Board ....... 16-18 Donations.. ..................................... 14 Education ..................................... 6-8 Mourning Our Losses ..................... 10 President’s Column .......................... 4 Social Action ............................ 12-13 Women of B’nai Israel ...................... 5 Worship ........................................ 1-3 2 The opinions expressed in the Koleinu are entirely those of the contributors and do not reflect official policy of CBI. There is a 350 word limit on articles for the Koleinu. Deadline for all issues is the first day of the month preceding the publication date. Please send your article to koleinu@bnais.com. Koleinu is published ten times a year. The June/July and December/January editions are combined. B ’ n o t Mi t z va h N atasha Zimmerman, October 19 Worship M 3 iranda Asch, October 26 Presid ent’s Messag e B oard Ne ws Any Ideas? Ways to Support Our Community At Rosh Hashanah, Daniel Kaufman and Alisa Chatham Sakowitz spoke fondly about their family history at Congregation B’nai Israel and their commitment to the wellbeing of our congregational community now and for generations to come, L’Dor V’Dor. I share their commitment to support our community through volunteer opportunities as well as financially, and I am sure most of you do as well. There are many ways to give financially to CBI. One simple but very significant way to give is a legacy gift through estate planning. That’s exactly what Terry and I have done. We have pledged a portion of our estate to CBI Barbara Allen-Brecher because CBI is our Jewish home and our Jewish family. CBI President Our most precious memory together is standing on the bimah with Rabbi Alfi on May 16, 2008. On that day, Rabbi Alfi officiated at our wedding, the first same-sex couple to be legally wed in our sanctuary. We invited the entire congregation to our wedding, and you came filled with joy and love. The sanctuary was filled to the brim. You have supported us, and we want to give our support back to our congregation. We also want to give this gift as a way to honor my parents, both of whom were devoted to the Jewish community. My mother, Nelly, immigrated to the United States in 1948 from Palestine. She had lost her parents and three sisters during the Holocaust and was looking for a new beginning. My mother and my father, Sidney, met at a dance at the Jewish Community Center in San Francisco. They always supported the Jewish community, and the Jewish community was always there for them. Now for some nuts and bolts: The easiest way to remember the temple with a bequest is to update your IRA or 401(k) beneficiaries. By making the temple a percentage beneficiary, you can easily leave a proportionate gift. For example, 1%, 5%, or 75%, or dare we say 100%? This requires a simple form from the institution that holds your IRA or retirement plan. This allows you to maintain your other beneficiaries while still providing for future generations at B'nai Israel. There are myriad other ways to approach leaving a bequest to the temple. For more information, please contact Alisa Sakowitz, chair of our Planned Giving Committee: Acandrs@gmail.com or 552-2711. By Jay Schenirer Each year, your Board of Trustees wrestles with budget — where to cut, how to trim, and how to continue to meet the programming needs and wants of the congregation while at the same time providing approJay Schenirer priate salary and benefits packages to our wonderful clergy and lay staff. Temple President Barbara AllenBrecher has asked me to assemble a task force/working group to look at additional potential sources of revenue. This would be in addition to our current efforts, which also include a group of congregants looking at possible uses for the rooms currently being used by Brookfield. While I plan to contact URJ to see what other congregations might be doing in this area, I wanted to begin this work by tapping into the entrepreneurial knowledge base at B’nai Israel. If you have an idea about ways in which we can raise additional funds, short of selling naming rights to the temple, please get in touch (jay@capimpactllc.com). I’d like to bring recommendations to the Board by the end of the year. Do you like to dust? Volunteer in the library on your own schedule. Contact Barbara Ullman, 422-2134 or ullman@pacbell.net. 4 Board News Women of B’nai Israel October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Spotlight on Board Member Gary Leiserowitz I have participated in all but the first Sacramento Komen Races for The Cure, and have been one of the Top 100 fundraisers for the past six years. I keep abreast (no pun intended) of current trends in research and treatments, I pester people to go for their annual mammograms, and I support breast cancer awareness wherever possible. And, sadly, I've known far too many people Dana Hirschel who have been diagnosed with breast canWBI president cer. Thankfully, all are survivors. But I was rocked to my core when my best friend was diagnosed in mid-August. My childhood friend (and Komen race partner — we are the "Besties for Boobies"!) was now in for the fight of her life when we had been working so hard to make sure no one has to go through this. How could it be? October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, the month when everything you see or buy will be pink and purchases will support the fight. Don't get me wrong, I am all for it and will definitely do my part. But the fight is every day, not just in October. Please join us on November 17 at our paid-up membership luncheon. We are thrilled to have the founder of Girls Love Mail as our key speaker. Girls Love Mail is a local organization that gives the gift of hand-written letters to newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. By writing letters, you're on your way to making a wonderful difference to a woman newly diagnosed with breast cancer. All it takes is a little of your time, and a woman in need will receive your personal words of encouragement. Such an easy and wonderful way to make a difference. I hope you will join the breast cancer fight! Have a wonderful October and be sure to "like" Women of B'nai Israel on Facebook. Gary Leiserowitz became an at-large member of the CBI Board of Trustees in 2012. He, his wife Heather Bevan, and daughter Erica have been CBI congregants since 2007. Erica had her Bat Mitzvah in August of 2011. She is part of the 2014 Confirmation Class (you’ll all be hearing more from Gary about that over the next few months … yes, it’s fundraising season all year). Being appreciative of the Jewish education that Erica received, and Gary decided that some payback was due to CBI. He participated in the CBI leadership training in 20112012 with Hope Rabinovitz. He has co-led the Social Action Committee with Lynn Belzer since 2012, worked on the Neighborhood Stabilization Task Force, and organized Mitzvah Day in 2013, and will again for 2014. In his day job, Gary is a gynecologic oncologist at the UC Davis Medical Center, where he is a professor and division chief, director for a fellowship in gynecologic oncology, vice-chair for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the new director for the Women’s Cancer Care Program at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center. In his spare time (hah, who has time for that?), he enjoys cooking, reading, cycling, and traveling. Mah Jongg by WBI is going weekly—now EVERY Monday of each month Interested in playing Mah Jongg with WBI friends? An enthusiastic group of Women of B'nai Israel will be gathering EVERY Monday at 1:30 pm in the CBI Sosnick Library (except holidays, of course) to play American (Jewish) Mah Jongg. We have found that twice a month is not enough to satisfy our Mah Jongg fun and we are getting better and better. Join us for a lively afternoon. If you are new and want to join, please RSVP to Peggy Goldstein at taragold44@aol.com or call her at 214-7124. All levels of players are welcome. Gary and Heather with daughter, Erica, in China 5 Education October Education/Kesher Dates The Joy of Learning Religious School — Sundays Although the chagim are well behind us, 9:30am - 12:30pm • October 6, 13, 20, & 27 my sons still ask to eat apples and honey because they love the sweetness. They’re Hebrew School — Tuesdays not alone… honey is actually present in a 4 - 6pm • October 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29 number of ceremonies in Judaism because of its symbolic value. Did you know, for Mini Minyan, Saturday, October 5 at 10:30am instance, that the food was crucial in introducing a child into Torah study in north- K’tonton, Sunday, October 6 & 20 •10:30 - noon Rabbi Michal Loving ern France and Germany from the 11th cenDirector of tury on? The teacher would write Hebrew Congregational letters on a slate and then cover the slate with honey, so that when children licked it off, they would know that Torah and Hebrew learning were sweet on the tongue. CBI is proud to follow in this grand tradition, as on October th 20 , our youngest religious school learners will experience a modern version of this ceremony. They will be gifted with a small Torah and a Bit O’Honey during Consecration, acknowledging the importance and the sweetness of this momentous occasion in their Rosh Hodesh: It’s A Girl Thing! (RHIAGT) lives. Our 4th-7th graders, a week earlier, will also receive their very Groups 6-7th & 8th-12th • Sunday, Oct. 6 at 1pm own Mishkan Tefillah prayer books from which to study, along with – you guessed it – some honey so that their study may be Shevet Achim sweet. 7-9th grade • Sunday, Oct. 6, offsite As is said in Psalm 119, and spoken in all medieval ceremonies: “From all my teachers have I learned wisdom,” and “How Confirmation Class – Tuesdays sweet are Thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to 6:30 – 8pm • October 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29 my mouth!” No matter your age, whether you be in kindergarten, 6th grade, teen, or adult, I encourage you to indulge in Jewish learning this year, to bask in the sweetness of all of our educational offerings. BISY is BUSY By Riane Barney As the new school year is starting, BISYites are springing into action! BISY (B'nai Israel Senior Youth) is a youth group open to 9th through 12th graders. BISY hosts a variety of fun, exciting events throughout the year to help create a stronger Jewish community among high school students. This year's board is headed by senior Alan Grossman as the President. Senior Max Schooley is our PVP (Programming Vice President), who will be helping to create some wonderful programs. Our new SAVP (Social Action Vice President) is junior Rose Meinrath, who will help to educate us on matters of social action. Our MVP (Membership Vice President), senior Elijah Bloom, will help us to create friendships through mixers. Junior Morgan Folger is serving as our RCVP (Religious and Cultural Vice President) and is in charge of everything related to Judaism and Israeli culture. Our new CVP (Communications Vice President) is senior Riane Barney, who will be communicating all that is happening in BISY to teens and their families. Finally, we have our Treasurer, junior Shana Smith, who is in charge of merchandise and fundraising. This new board has a whole bunch of great events they are working on for this upcoming year. In September, we had our first event - the Rosh Hashanah teen service led by the newly elected BISY board. We sang and prayed together in the chapel and enjoyed a lovely and meaningful service created by Morgan Folger, BISY's RCVP. She won a Creative Service Award for last year's teen Rosh Hashanah service, and this year’s was just as amazing! Please keep an eye out for our event calendar for the year – coming out this month! Questions? Contact us at kesher@bnais.com. 6 Confirmation Class News Lifelong Jewish Learning October Classes & Lectures Confirmation Class News Another year, another Confirmation Class. As you The Adult Education Program for read this, the High Holy Days will have passed, and we are 2013-14 is packed with interesting living in the year 5774. The Confirmation Class is now lectures, classes, and workshops, and meeting regularly with Rabbi Alfi and embarking on the they are all for you. next phase in their Jewish experience and knowledge. This The brochure describing our year’s class is also working toward their four-week Israel offerings is available on trip this summer, and fundraising is in full swing. the CBI website. As in years past, the costs are significant for each class A shortcut address is: member who is going to Israel – close to $8000 per stuhttp://tinyurl.com/AdultEdCBI. dent. This covers round-trip airfare, accommodations, Join us on this e tours, and ground travel. Throughout the year, the class educational adventure! will host and participate in many events to help defray the cost of the trip. They have already participated in two events to raise money for the trip: working at Michael Schermer’s 70th birthday party in July and helping serve at PLEASE NOTE: Lunch and Learn scheduled for Tuesday, Jonah Wiener-Brodkey’s bar mitzvah in August. By the by October 1, has been cancelled. the time you read this. Tuesday, October 1 • Rosh Chodesh Heshvan • Lilith: by the time you read this. Demon or Feminist? By the time you see this, the class will have hosted Potluck 6:15 pm, Services 6:45 pm, Social Hall • Rabbi Alfi B’nai Israel’s Simchat Torah dinner on September 27. We Each month Rabbi Alfi joins WBI for lively discussion, prayer, are looking for opportunities for the Confirmation Class kids to engage in events and projects that might help and make and a potluck vegetarian meal. On October 1 we will be studying Lilith and making protective amulets. Don't miss this prouse of our able-bodied teenagers. If you have an event that vocative and fun Rosh Chodesh! Any woman over the age of 13 they can help with, please contact Eileen Jacobowitz at (916) is invited. No reservation necessary. 444-1907 or e-mail to ejacobowitz@comcast.net. Tuesdays, October 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29 • Israeli Dancing Upcoming events: (Please watch out for Chadashots 7:00 - 9:30 pm, Social Hall (Oct. 1 in the multipurpose rm.) for the most current details.) The evening begins with instruction for beginners, then moves on to Car wash – Sunday morning, September 29th. An opintermediate and more advanced dances. $5 donation requested. portunity to wash that summer dust off your favorite ride For more information: Jeanette Salkin, 799-7213. and contribute to the Confirmation Class fund. Friday, October 4 • Tzedek Shabbat Pancake breakfast – Sunday morning, Nov 3rd. What’s Hach’na’sat Orchim – Caring for the Homeless not to like? Carbo-loading before Religious School classes 7:30pm, Sanctuary • Congregant Jason Weiner – good for students and parents alike. In many lands, Jews have been at the forefront of social change, with Latke dinner – Friday evening before Shabbat services, an emphasis on equality and justice - traditions passed down to Nov 29th. That’s right, it’s the day after Thanksgiving, but us from the Torah. The Reform Movement, through our synaChanukah is early this calendar year. Tired of turkey algogues and the Religious Action Center, has carried on this sacred tradition of tikkun olam. Jason will share divrei Torah (words ready? – let’s have latkes. Bring your menorah to light. Adults: $14, children $10 (5-13), under 5 years free. Reser- of Torah) regarding this important social and ethical issue. vations required by Nov 25th. Sunday, October 6 • Interfaith Family Discussion Group 10:30am, Sanctuary • Rabbi Alfi Meighan Einsel Mackenzie Ross Sarah Smith This class is intended to shed light on the interfaith family exErica Leiserowitz Mira Shulman Daveed Waithaka perience, especially when different religious practices and expectations seem to collide. Rabbi Alfi stresses the importance of Joel Lieberman Abby Smith Kyle Wiesenthal honoring the beliefs and traditions of each household member and, often, their extended families. Meet the Confirmation Class members of 2014: Continued on next page Thank you in advance for your support of these teens. 7 Lifelong Jewish Learning (Continued) Continued from previous page Tuesdays, October 8 & 22 • Religious Ethics in the 21st Century Noon - 1:00 pm, Offsite • Rabbi Alfi The rabbi tackles some of the toughest issues of Jewish ethics as applied to modern life. We discuss politics, economics, Israel, Jewish communal relations, and many other issues. Bring a brown bag lunch. The class is held at the law offices of Greenberg Traurig, 1201 K Street, 11th floor. Thursdays, October 17 & 24, November 7 & 14 • Beginning Jewish Meditation: God in Your Heart, God in Your Body 7:00 - 8:30 pm, Chapel • Deni Deutsch Marshall, LCSW This fall we offer a beginning Jewish Meditation Class. This class will explore a number of Jewish meditation techniques, ancient and modern, all designed to help you have a more personal relationship with Judaism and with God. The class will include guided sitting meditations, chanting meditations, silent focused meditations, and movement meditations. Beginning Jewish Meditation is open to both long-time meditators and those who have no experience in meditation. Deni Deutsch Marshall, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is a certified Spiritual Director, trained through the Morei Derekh Jewish Spiritual Direction Program. Fee is $20 for the series for B’nai Israel members, $30 for non-members. To register, please contact Deni at denimarshall@gmail.com Conversations With the Authors As part of our adult education program this year, we would like to highlight the original creative work of some of our congregants. We have tremendous talent within our B’nai Israel family. There are writers, poets, playwrights, artists, sculptors, talented chefs, scientists, scholars, and many others whose professional work or avocations should be a source of pride for us all. We have invited three authors to present their work. First in the series: Island of the White Rose by R. Ira Harris Thurs., Oct. 31, 7:00 - 8:30pm, library Sunday, October 20 • Achim: A Discussion Group for Men 7:00 - 8:30 pm, Chapel • Dr. Glenn Hammel "Heinei ma tov uma'naim, shevet achim gam yachad - Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together." This is a song that affirms the basic joy found in fellowship and connection. Come to B'nai Israel's Achim: A Study Group for Men. Achim is the Hebrew word for "brothers," and this group is a monthly forum of education, facilitated discussion, contemplation, and camaPublished this year, R. Ira Harris’ raderie. Glenn Hammel, Ph.D. is the Rebbitzen. Sponsored by the Brotherhood. first novel, Island of the White Rose, is a Always an insightful, educational, and entertaining evening of discussion and camastory of intrigue and adventure, armed raderie. struggle, and forbidden love, set in Saturday, October 26 • What do Reform Jews Do...and Why? 1950s Cuba during the time of the We Comfort the Sick and Bereaved: Reform Jewish Approaches to Illness and Castro revolution. In the words of Death Guillermo Martinez, a critic from the 7:00 - 8:30 pm, Chapel • Rabbi Eric Weiss South Florida Sun-Sentinel, this novel is Illness, approaching the end of life, and living with grief are universal human ex“a good page-turner . . . a novel that periences. Each stimulates spiritual reflection and each creates a yearning for a com- depicts the true story of many Cuban munal response. Yet we tend to approach them - or not - with a focus on the psyyouths who risked their lives to oust a cho-social, legal, and medical aspects of these human experiences, and then somebrutal dictatorship only to find that times lose track of the spiritual flutterings that emerge. Spend an evening exploring they had brought into power a ruthless spiritual reflection in the midst of illness, at the end of life, and during periods of totalitarian regime . . .” grief. If the topic seems daunting, then come just to see folks and enjoy the wine R. Ira Harris, known to most of us and cheese! This lecture is supported by the Shirley Seave Scholar-in-Residence Fund. as “Bob,” is an attorney living in Sacramento. He is a past President of B’nai Thursday, October 31 • Conversations with the Authors: Israel and a former director and officer Island of the White Rose by R. Ira Harris of the Albert Einstein Senior Residence 7:00 - 8:30 pm, Library • R. Ira Harris Center. His novel has won Honorable Please see the full article to the right. Mention at both the Hollywood Book Festival and the New York Book Festival. 8 CBI Bulletin Board Leisure League in October By Bonnie Penix ...to Katia DaviesDavies-Kemmler and Richard Kemmler, Kemmler who are proud to announce the birth of their grandson, Auguste Yves Davies. Gus" Davies "Gus Gus was born in Manhattan on June 6th to proud parents DavidDavid-Michel and Stella Davies. Davies Big brother Louis also shares in the family's pride. ...to grandmother Barbara Colton, auntie Stephanie Abbott, and uncle David Abbott, Abbott who are overjoyed to announce the arrival of Sage Elizabeth RahberRahber-Daniels on August 14 in Houston. The proud parents are Emily (Barbara’s daughter) and Damon Rahbar-Daniels. ...to Katia Monasterio and Nick Schrier, Schrier both members of CBI, who recently became engaged. They are planning a June 2014 wedding. ...to Maury Macht Macht, who is retiring after a 40-year career in journalism. For the past 27 years he was the continuous news editor at the Sacramento Bee. His retirement comes just in time. He and his wife Pat will soon be grandparents. Their son, Daniel, and his wife, Rosaleen, Rosaleen who live in New York City, are expecting their first child in November. Maury and Pat will have lots of time to make many trips to the Big Apple. …to Brian & Dorothy Landsberg, Landsberg who were invited to the White House to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, established by President John F. Kennedy. They had the opportunity to meet President Obama, Obama and Brian, as a Board member, attended an address given by the President. ...to Emma Hollis and Jacob Swedlow for being selected to the Premier jazz band at Rio Americano High School. The band will play at the Monterey Jazz Festival this year and will travel and perform in Italy during the summer of 2014. ...to Caryn Mizzi for her amazing reign as our High Holy Days “ticket queen.” She filled the awesome shoes of long-time ticket coordinator Judy Mansfield with grace and a healthy dose of humor. We can’t say enough thanks to Caryn for filling in on short notice, and for being an outstanding ticket coordinator! Thank you to the anonymous donors of the beautiful new sanctuary chairs and pews. Nothing but compliments and praise of the elegant seating has been heard! Leisure League is going strong, and you are invited! All congregants and their Jewish friends 55 and better, affiliated or not, are welcome at any of the events. Each month there are two lunches, with entertainment of various kinds. Enjoy one or both luncheons and come meet friends, old and new. This Month Wednesday, October 9, 9 at Temple Or Rishon, 7755 Hazel Avenue, Orangevale, noon: "Aging in Place." Educational seminar, including a variety of topics for seniors and adult children caring for parents, including Geriatric Care Management, Estate Planning, Durable Medical Equipment, Home Health Care, & more. Thursday, October 24 24, at Albert Einstein Residence Center, 1935 Wright St., Sacramento, noon: Val Floren Brewer & Family Band. Val is an accomplished accordionist, bit-band entertainer, music teacher, and the sister of the Lawrence Welk Show star Myron Floren. She performs with her son, Jan, a professional drummer, and her daughter-in-law, Carole, a singer and pianist. For each luncheon, $5 payable at the door. For more information or to RSVP, please call 486-0906 or send an email to: federation@Jewishsac.org. Leisure League is supported by the Jewish Federation of Sacramento and the Trust Fund for the Jewish Elderly. Next Leisure League Dates Wednesday, November 13, 13 at TOR, and Thursday, November 21, 21 at the Einstein Residence Center. 9 We Mourn Our Losses CBI Bulletin Board Come See What’s New in our Gift Shop Sidney Bearman Beloved uncle of Cantor Julie and Darrell Steinberg Beloved great uncle of Jordana and Ari Steinberg We hope one of your New Year’s resolutions is to visit the Jonas Goldman Judaica Gift Shop! A wide assortment of Chanukah items – including menorahs, dreidels, candles, games, and toys – has been ordered and will be arriving this month. The shop is filled with beautiful jewelry from various Israeli designers; Shabbat candlesticks; Havdalah sets; kiddush cups; exquisite wool, silk, and organza tallitot and kippot from Israel; Yahrzeit candles and holders; bookends; carved wooden boxes; children’s games and puzzles; cards; and Judaica books for adults and children. Shabbat and yahrzeit candles are available at the receptionist’s desk, for your convenience, when the gift shop is not open. Think of WBI’s gift shop whenever you need a special gift. We have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Wedding Gift Registry. We’re open Tuesdays 1:30 – 6 pm and Sundays during Religious School from 9:30 am to 1 pm. Questions? Or can’t come in during scheduled hours – call Carole Kovnick 974-0875 or Jane Orkand 283-4325. Orly Ginossar Beloved niece of Matania and Alice Ginosar Beloved sister of Dror Ginossar Scott Hinkley Beloved friend of Rabbi Michal Loving Patricia Louise Kearney Long time, dear friend of Barbara Rogers Paul R. Milch Beloved father of Judith Milch Goldberg Beloved father-in-law of Richard Goldberg Joseph Mizzi Beloved uncle of John and Caryn Mizzi Beloved great uncle of David and Sara Mizzi Neil Mueller Beloved husband of Louise (Kronick) Mueller Beloved father of Paige Mueller and Kipp Mueller Simon Prenovitz Beloved father of Robin Lewis Beloved father-in-law of Rick Lewis By Bonnie Penix Lena Ruden Beloved aunt of John and Caryn Mizzi Beloved great aunt of David and Sara Mizzi Columbus had Jewish physicians, and his tools and maps were developed by Jews. The first Jewish settlers in America were of Spanish and Portuguese descent, who had lived in Brazil, were captured by Spanish pirates, and arrived on a French ship. Asser Levy, a member of that group of first Jewish settlers, was admitted as a burgher in New Amsterdam, thus becoming the first Jewish citizen in North America. 10 CBI Bulletin Board Pancreatic Cancer: Know It. Fight It. End It. It is estimated that more than 45,000 Americans will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year, and more than 38,000 will die from the disease. It is the fourth leading cause of cancer death, with a five-year survival rate of just 6%. Pancreatic cancer has the lowest relative survival rate of any major cancer. Yet it is the most underfunded, most under recognized, and least studied of all major cancer killers, with only two percent of the National Cancer Institute's annual budget dedicated to pancreatic cancer research. Your donations will help to change these dismal statistics by funding research grants, advocacy efforts, patient support, and awareness activities coordinated by the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Most of us know at least one person who is battling or has faced pancreatic cancer. This year Lynn Belzer has formed Team Belzer in honor of Steve’s and others’ courageous battle against this terrible disease. Our goal is to raise $5,000. I hope you will help by participating in the Purple Stride Sacramento 2013 walk and by passing this on to your friends and family. Please join us in walking the Purple Stride Sacramento 2013: • Date: Saturday, November 2 • Registration: Opens at 8:30 am; walk begins at 10:30am • Location: William Land Park, corner of Freeport Blvd. & Sutterville Rd., Sacramento. For information about signing up or donating, go to: to purplestride.kintera.org/faf/search/searchTeamPart.asp? ievent=1070172&lis=0&kntae1070172=9588C305DDAF445E98CE83DFB67D53F4&supId=&team=5678500&cj=Y 0 The W's -- L'Chayim When our widows/widowers group met in August, ideas were shared about specific community activities which we can attend together as they pique our interest -- places to go, things to see, food to savor. We look forward to enjoying some of these times together and to continue getting to know each other better. Our third get-together and potluck was Sunday evening, September 29. We decided on an earlier meeting time of 6pm now that the days are shorter. If you are a "W," widow or widower, we'd love to have you join us any time. Please feel free to call or email Jodie Rubenstein, Neal Peirera, or Bonnie Penix for more information and the date and location of the October gathering. All of us are listed in the temple directory. Save Your EE-waste The Sustainable Living Committee will conduct an E-waste drive on Sunday, December 29, in the parking lot of CBI. Look for a flyer describing the event and listing items that will be accepted. If you would like to help plan this E-waste drive or volunteer on the day of the drive, please contact Todd Mendell, ptmen@alum.rpi.edu, or Chuck Rosenberg, chuckrosehill@gmail.com. " People who say it can't be done should not interrupt those who are doing it." ~George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright 11 CBI Social Action News Camp Shelanu Visits the American River Parkway On July 31, 32 campers and counselors from Camp Shelanu visited Mile 17 of the American River Parkway, CBI's adopted mile, to help clean up the river. Guided by 4 members of the Sustainable Living Committee, we split into 2 groups to work different parts of our mile. The cool weather cooperated, and everyone had a good time performing a mitzvah close to nature. A highlight of the morning was when a couple of curious deer came close to one of the groups. On a more serious note, CBI's mile has been victimized by three fires over the course of the summer, charring portions of the mile. The fires did not interfere with the access to the bike path or the river, but the damage is noticeable and it will take a while for foliage to grow back. Our next cleanups are scheduled for October 18 and November 17. If you would like to be put on a notification list of future cleanups, please contact Todd Mendell at ptmen@alum.rpi.edu, or call 916-684-6734. NEEDED: Groups to participate in PB&J Sandwich Project 2014 from the Social Action Fund with individual donations from congregants. The project is an exciting opportunity to promote sustainable living and add a unique, meaningful sculptural piece to the campus. Jo Ann and Amy Solov, Sustainable Living Committee Looking for a Meaningful Community Service Project? Become a Reading Tutor! School has started, and it is a great time to volunteer to tutor underserved elementary school students in reading. You will be trained and supported by Reading Partners site coordinators to use a structured and research-validated curriculum to help students who have fallen behind. According to Reading Partners, kids who are not reading on grade level by third grade are at risk for high school dropout and decreased ability to be successful as they move on through their school years. You have the opportunity to make a very significant difference in a child's life. Contacts: Sacramento City Schools info: Barbara Berg, bberg1023@gmail.com or 395-7007. San Juan opportunities: Terri Cristy at cristyjt@comcast.net or 638-8108. We need Temple groups to commit to a month in 2014. Contact: Jonathan/Allison Stein: jonathan@jonathangstein.com. To reserve the CBI kitchen, contact Mandy Greene, 446-4861. Blood Drive at CBI, October 20 by Todd Mendell PLEASE HELP: Greater Need for Feeding the Hungry From Mary Baumbach, Central Downtown Food Basket: “The Central Downtown Food Basket is once again facing tough times after a grueling summer. Summers for CDFB do not bring in enough cash flow for our programs. We are currently feeding between 400-450 families a week at our midtown location. Our two other locations, Rosemont and River Park, are seeing high numbers as well. It's with this information that we are coming to you for much needed assistance. Please consider making cash donations, as it enables us to get exactly what is needed. Thanks again to CBI for everything that you have done for the Central Downtown Food Basket. You have been and are a great voice in our mission to feed the hungry.” New Artistic Bike Rack Coming Soon to CBI Evolving over the past three years to address the need for additional bike storage at BI, this year we began working with local metal artist Gina Rossi to design a creative, functional bike rack for CBI. The rack will be a sculptural rendering of the 4 Hebrew letters for Shalom. It will integrate the “Seven Species” as additional design elements, and feature wheel caddies to safely lock bicycles. Approved by the Board of Trustees in early August, some funding has been provided As promised last spring, the Bloodmobile is returning to Congregation B'nai Israel. The blood drive has been an annual event at CBI for almost 15 years. With the need for blood donations as strong as ever, we have decided to go to a twice a year schedule. The Bloodmobile will be here on Sunday, October 20, between 8:30am and 12:30pm. It should be noted that many conditions that prevented people from giving blood in the past may be allowable today. For instance, a diagnosis of cancer used to cause deferral of blood donation indefinitely. This is still true of some cancers (such as leukemia, myeloma, and melanoma), but for other types, it depends on how recently you were treated and the treatment plan. If you were once told you could not give blood, and are interested in donating again, call BloodSource, 888-822-5663, or go to their web age: http:// www.bloodsource.org/Donate/WhoCanDonate.aspx If you can donate blood on October 20, please send an email to Todd Mendell at ptmen@alum.rpi.edu, or call at 916-684-6734. 12 CBI Social Action Projects List ACTIVITY CONTACT E-MAIL ONGOING PROJECTS TOUCH OF SHABBAT (MONTHLY, LAST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH) W ELLSPRING W OMEN’S CENTER, OAK PARK: DROP OFF TRAVEL-SIZE TOILETRIES TO FOYER BETWEEN CBI OFFICE & GIFT SHOP ST. JOHN’S CENTER “GAN ORGANIC” CBI’S GARDEN CBI YOUTH PROJECTS Betty Reuben bjreuben@comcast.net Radyne Citrenbaum radyne@comcast.net To be d eterm ined Amelia Lorenzo Dana Schneider-Penn Chuck Rosenberg & Todd Mendell Gary Ziegenfuss SUSTAINABLE LIVING COMMITTEE ABRAHAM’S TENT (INTERFAITH COMMUNITY PROJECTS) georgeamy@surewest.net danaspenn@bnais.com chuckrosehill@gmail.com ptmen@alum.rpi.edu gziegenfuss@me.com/916-524-9739 FOR OUR OWN CBI COMMUNITY: REACHING OUT TO THOSE IN NEED CARING COMMITTEE: CONTACTING & VISITING THE ILL & HOMEBOUND BEREAVEMENT Melissa McElheney Gennifer Phero Lynn Terleski-Katz meldefense@hotmail.com gennifer.phero@gmail.com lrtk@sbcglobal.net HELP FEED THE HUNGRY YEAR ROUND FOOD DRIVE TO BENEFIT CENTRAL DOWNTOWN FOOD BASKET: DELIVER FOOD TO FOYER BETWEEN CBI OFFICE & GIFT SHOP MONTHLY JEWISH COMMUNITY DAY @ LOAVES & FISHES (3 MONDAY OF EACH MONTH) RD MONTHLY FOOD BASKET SANDWICHES KOSHER FOOD CLOSET Jodie Rubenstein Jodie.Rubenst@gmail.com Chuck Adelman chuckadelman@earthlink.net Jonathan & Alison Stein Anne Eisenberg jonathan@jonathangstein.com alison@jonathangstein.com anneisenb@yahoo.com EDUCATION EFFORTS: MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN STUDENTS’ LIVES & THEIR ABILITY TO SUCCEED SACRAMENTO CITY SCHOOLS READING PARTNERS SAN JUAN SCHOOL DISTRICT READING PARTNERS Barbara Berg Terri Cristy bberg1023@gmail.com cristyjt@comcast.net HELP THE HOMELESS & TO HELP SAVE HOMES (ESTABLISHED AT 2012 SHABBATON) SACRAMENTO NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION COMMITTEE ADDRESSING HOMELESSNESS IN OUR COMMUNITY Steven Tincher Jason Weiner Sarah Zimmerman Stincher@beta-techconsulting.com Jason.weiner@gmail.com szmodotti@gmail.com ANNUAL & BIANNUAL EVENTS BI-ANNUAL BLOOD DRIVE GAY RIGHTS COMMITTEE/GAY PRIDE W EEKEND & PARADE MITZVAH DAY HHD FOOD DRIVE TO BENEFIT CENTRAL DOWNTOWN FOOD BASKET FAMILY PROMISE (ANNUAL EVENT IN JUNE) Todd Mendell Diana Gibson Gary Leiserowitz Eileen Jacobowitz Sandy Kaufman ptmendell@comcast.net dlgibson555@yahoo.com gsleiserowitz@ucdavis.edu ejacobowitz@comcast.net kaufman.sandy@gmail.com OCTOBER EVENTS You can make a difference by donating your time. October 18, 10am: American River Parkway CleanClean- Up. Contact Paula & Todd Mendell: ptmendell@comcast.net. ptmendell@comcast.net. 684-- 6734/ ptmen@alum.rpi.edu. October 20, 8:30am: CBI Blood Drive. Contact Todd Mendell: 684 October 21 & November 18: Jewish Community Days at Loaves & Fishes. Contact Chuck Adelman: chuckadelman@earthlink.net. October 25 & November 22: Touch of Shabbat. Contact Betty Reuben: bjreuben@comcast.net. November 2: Purple Stride Sacramento 2013 to fight Pancreatic Cancer. Cancer. Contact Lynn Belzer: lbelzer@sbcglobal.net. lbelzer@sbcglobal.net . 13 We Thank Our Contributors Rabbi Alfi’s Discretionary Fund • Bonnie Penix for the yahrzeit of her husband, Bill Penix • Sheri Zeff in gratitude to the librarians who stock a wide • Marcia & Danny Cohen in memory of Stanley Kronick, • • • • • selection of children’s books father of Louise Mueller Jeanne Herman in appreciation to Rabbi Alfi for her thoughtfulness and loving presence in being there and for giving her the strength to carry on Fran Levy in memory of Sam Sankary, Doris Blum, & Jack Weintraub Teresa & Stephen Mendick in honor of the marriage of their son, Jonathan, to Samedi Thach in August Shirley & Skip Rosenbloom in memory of Stanley Kronick & Jack Weintraub Muriel Simons & family thank Rabbi Alfi for her loving support and the beautiful memorial service for Sandy Simons WBI Funds – Women Feed the Hungry • Illene Carroll in memory of Irv Herman • Betty & Jack Reuben in honor of Elise Louise Solov, daughter of Kelly and Nate Solov, and granddaughter of Jo Anne and Marty Solov, and in honor of Barbara Colton’s newest granddaughter Women of B’nai Israel (WBI) Funds Price Campership Fund Cantor’s Discretionary Fund • Jeanne Herman in appreciation to Cantor Julie for her thoughtfulness, warmth, and beautiful voice that gave her strength to carry on Help our kids go to camp! Women of B’nai Israel (WBI) has been awarding camperships to CBI children every year for over 40 years. Women Feed the Hungry Fund Help feed the hungry in Sacramento. Did you know that Women of B’nai Israel provide financial support to Loaves and Fishes and to the Central Downtown Food Basket every month? Help us continue this important work – relieving hunger in our community. Educator’s Discretionary Fund • Muriel Simons & family in appreciation to Rabbi Loving for comforting the family and Sandy during his final days Archive & Museum Fund Donations to Price Campership and Women Feed the Hungry funds should be made out to WBI and sent to: • Susan & Theo Goodwin in memory of Stanley Kronick Celine Sankary• Sankary 2817 Robinson Creek Lane, Elk Grove 95758 Yahrzeit Fund Carl Naluai, Jr. Music Fund • Shirley & Skip Rosenbloom in memory of Gertrude Lewis • Rita & Len Marowitz in memory of Eunice Marowitz, Len’s mother & Harriette Schwartz • Muriel Simons & family thank Judy Emick-Leatherwood for the lovely music at the memorial service for Sandy Simons General Fund • Susan, Allen, Jimmy, & Matthew Blum in memory of Irving Herman • Maxine & Stephen Fisher in memory Sam Sankary • Judy & Steve Lewis in memory of Harriette Schwartz • Kent Newton & Bill Slaton in support of Kesher (teen Todah Rabbah to...Lindie & Ken programs) at CBI Prayer Book Fund • Celine Sankary in memory of Sandy Simons Social Action Fund • Robin & Alan Michaels to help fund the new, artistic bike rack for CBI & in appreciation of Rabbi Alfi • Kent Newton & Bill Slaton to help fund the new, artistic bike rack for CBI Sosnick Library Fund 14 Henderson for underwriting the beautiful High Holy Days music. Birthdays & Anniversaries 26 Adam Cohn, Judy Hersher, Reed Walker 27 Stacey Tanenbaum Grijnsztein, Brian K. Landsberg, 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Jeffrey Clair, Laurie Earl, Louise Mueller, Bob Travis, Jake Wallin, Sandi Wasserman Zachary Brody, Megan Florida, Michael Panush, Rachel Schoenfeld Tyler Boyce, Susan Geiger, Beth Katz, Jill Morales-Ratner, Rebecca Shragge, Cindy Swartz, Joel Tochterman Benjamin Agron, Bob Harris, Julie Steinberg Ava Crevin, Josh Singer, Emily Vasquez Julia Bluth, Eric Rosenberg, Myrna Rudman, Emma Townsend Lynne Galin, Xander Loving, Sophia Oberst, David Supkoff, Joanne Swedlow, Hannah Wood Lillian Hannes, Mark Merin, Adira Orit Weiner Erin Carroll, Irv Kagan, Ashley Slovak, Joan St. Martin, Rachel Zerbo Kiley Schwartz Tim Brandabur, Benjamin Gevercer, Mike Kalamaras, Russell Kronick, Len Marowitz, John Mizzi, Emma Singer, Jordan Younger Lucy Beckett, Richard Ginsburg, Clara Shader-Seave, Gina Whitfield Alice Hammel, Leslie Korengold, Zalia Lipson, Greg Pearson, Howard Sarasohn Debbie Lewis, Wendi Shulman, Roxanne Stanger Abby Archibald, Ann Bancroft, Ralph Lightstone, Shelli Pruger, Darrell Steinberg Zander Cornelius, Alicia Gaj, Claire Lipschultz Adam Block, Ann Patterson Carol Moon Goldberg, Gail Hart, Wendy Hubbs, Nadine Muench Amber Anapolsky, Bruce Berg, Jeremy Hollis, Sara Mizzi, David Schenirer, Nick Schrier, Bob Smith Peggy Blincoe, Eli Frankel, Damon Hirschensohn, Helen Nusbaum, Ben Stewart, Ariel Waithaka Aldo Aran, Eric Gorfain, Liane Ofenham Hall, Sofi Hersher, Mindy Richardson, Muriel Simons, Mychal Stecher Weitzman Mandy Greene, Elise Huggins Steve Belzer, Barbara Berg, Art Choate, Laura Mahoney, Jonathan Mendick Justine Dowden, Rachel Orkand, Stan Wallin Jackie Fields, Jacob Halseth, Lizzy McElheney, Andee Press-Dawson 29 30 31 1 2 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 17 19 20 21 22 26 27 15 Mark Paxson Steve Felderstein, Ed Klinenberg, Rebecca Merksamer, Bryan Shragge, Asher Stewart Nathan Barankin, Jack Goldberg, Marcia Greene, Dick Riemer, Rachel Rosenbloom Tami Crawford, Peri Zeff Propper, Emmett Weiner Naomi Spitze Sarah & Scott Lipton Peggy & David Goldstein, Julia Himovitz & Gregory Reis Leslie & Seth Oberst Jan & Bob Smith, Lisa & John Yarbrough Joy & Herb Cohen, Judy & Steve Lewis, Melanie Mages-Canale & Ed Canale Judy Painter & David Porter Janet Gordon-Boyer & Carl Boyer, Jacki Cottingim-Dias & Joe Dias, Stella Levy & Richard Jaffee Cohen, Jason Lindo & Michael Maslowski, Hilary Abramson & Tom Rosenberg Marilyn & Ezra Amir, Kelley Taber & Gary Jakobs Barri Freeman & Gary Gilbert, Jana & Ben Stewart Ashley & Jeff Slovak Alice & Matania Ginosar Jody Cooperman & Laurie Earl Cathleen Williams & Mark Merin Rita & Len Marowitz Marcia Steinberg & Michael Schoenleber, Tami & Bob Travis Alisa Chatham Sakowitz & Robert Sakowitz Loril & Bruce Tochterman Community Bulletin Board The National Council of Jewish Women’s General Meeting, October 7 at 7pm Prescription for Health — CoveredCalifornia by Claire Lipschultz, NCJW-Sacramento The National Council of Jewish Women-Sacramento and Bnai Israel want to remind you that sometimes Mom's chicken soup is not enough. enough We all need health insurance for those unexpected illnesses and accidents that can bankrupt a person and family. And we need regular preventive care to keep us healthy. Starting October 1, 2013, Californians will be able to access affordable, comprehensive health care by enrolling in the new health care marketplace — CoveredCalifornia — created under the Affordable Care Act. You can choose among a number of health insurance plans that are required to offer a standard set of benefits. If you need help paying the insurance premium, there is financial assistance to make it affordable. Check out the plans and cost calculator at www.CoveredCa.com. We all know that no one is invincible. Let your adult children, other family members, and friends know that there is a prescription for health and financial security a click or phone call away. It's a mitzvah. L'shana tova to the Jewish community of Sacramento from NCJW. The National Council of Jewish Women is beginning its year with an important event, free of charge and open to the public. We would be happy to see you at the NCJW General Meeting. Monday, October 7, 7:00 to 9:00 pm Silverado Design Center, 5250 South Watt Ave., Ste. 200, Sacramento NCJW's General Meeting will focus on the United States Supreme Court and feature a talk by Leslie Gielow Jacobs, McGeorge Professor of Law. There is no charge. For more information, contact: infoncjwsac@gmail.com or visit www.ncjwsac.org. Sacramento Chapter of HADASSAH invites you to the Sima Spector Healthy Women, Healthy Lives WOMEN’S HEALTH CONFERENCE “Overcoming Stress and Anxiety in Today’s World” While we cannot control all of the stressors in our lives, this program will feature experts who will discuss how stress impacts our physiology and biochemistry, how to identify symptoms of anxiety, and the community resources and methods to help overcome stress and anxiety. Thursday • October 17 • 5– 5 – 8 p.m. • Free Rancho Cordova City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova • RSVP: (916) 464– 464 – 1910 Doors open at 4:30 pm to view exhibitors. Sponsors: Hadassah, Assembly member Ken Cooley, Sierra Health Foundation, and the Gordon-Goldstein Foundation. For more info: www.CoveredCa.com or call 11-888888-975975-1142. Look for NCJW and B'nai Israel sponsored events on CoveredCalifornia at the congregation this fall. If you would like to help NCJWSacramento spread the word, contact infoncjwsac@gmail.com. 16 Community Bulletin Board Happy Kids Bloom College Preparation to Get Students Where They Belong. Be a Happier Parent Get Tools - Get Support Get Results Call Russ Naymark at Prime Path College Consulting for a complimentary evaluation: (916) 934-2524 Classes for Parents & Tutoring for Kids We help you with all of the following: - Applications and essays - Course selection - Extra-curricular activities - SAT/ACT/AP coaching - Subject-matter tutoring - and more. . . . to build stronger, happier families and communities. Find out more at www.HappyKidsBloom.com info@happykidsbloom.com (916) 850-0830 Right Path, Bright Future. Erin Naymark, founder/owner Happy Kids Bloom LLC www.PrimePathSac.com 17 Community Bulletin Board 18 19 28 1:30pm WBI Mah Jongg 27 8:00am 9:30am 10:00am 1:00pm Walk-a-Thon Religious School Teacher Training Israeli Dance Workshop 1:00pm Kesher offsite 2:00pm JCFW Annual Mtg Einstein Center 21 1:30pm WBI Mah Jongg Jewish Community Day at Loaves & Fishes 20 8:30am Blood Drive 9:30am Religious School with Consecration 10:15pm WBI Bd. Mtg. 10:30am K’tonton 7:00pm Achim 29 4:00pm Hebrew School 6:30pm Confirmation 7:00pm Israeli Dancing 30 7:30pm Modern Hebrew 22 23 Noon Rel. Ethics off-site 7:30pm Modern Hebrew 4:00pm Hebrew School 6:30pm Confirmation 7:00pm Israeli Dancing 16 7:30pm Modern Hebrew 15 4:00pm Hebrew School 6:30pm Confirmation 7:00pm Israeli Dancing 14 1:30pm WBI Mah Jongg 2 7:30pm Modern Hebrew WED 13 9:30am Religious School 11:00am WBI Fashion Show offsite 1 4:00pm Hebrew School 6:30pm Confirmation 6:15pm Rosh Chodesh 7:00pm Israeli Dancing TUE 8 9 Noon Rel. Ethics off-site Noon Leisure League (Or Rishon) 4:00pm Hebrew School 7:30pm Modern 6:30pm Confirmation Hebrew 7:00pm Israeli Dancing MON 31 7:00pm Conversation With the Authors: Presenter Bob Harris SAT October 18 10:00am American River parkway Cleanup 7:30pm Shabbat 11 2nd Shabbes 6:00pm Kesher Shul-in 6:00pm Tot Shabbat 6:30pm 2nd Shabbes Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Services November 1 7:30pm Tzedek Shabbat Elizabeth Landsberg— Healthcare Reform November 2 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Mini Minyan 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services 26 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services Miranda Asch, Bat Mitzvah 7:00pm SIR Lecture, Rabbi Weiss 8:30pm SIR Reception 19 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services Natasha Zimmerman, Bat Mitzvah 12 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services 5 9:00am Torah Study 7:30pm Tzedek Shabbat 10:30am Mini Minyan 10:30am Shabbat Morning Jason Weiner— Services Caring for the Homeless 4 FRI 24 25 Noon Leisure League 7:30pm Shabbat Services (Einstein Ctr.) 7:00pm Beginning Jewish Meditation Class 17 6:00pm Exec. Cmte. Meeting 7:00pm Beginning Jewish Meditation Class 10 3 6:00pm Board of Trustees Meeting THUR Tishri/Heshvan 5774 7 9:30am Religious School 1:30pm WBI 10:30am K’tonton Mah Jongg 1:00pm RHIAGT Gr. 6-7th 1:00pm RHIAGT Gr. 8th + 1:00pm Shevet Achim offsite 7:30pm Interfaith Family Discussion Group 6 SUN CBI Calendar Koleinu Our Voice Phone . . . 916.446.4861 Fax . . . 916.446.2875 www.bnais.com Rabbi Mona Alfi, Senior Rabbi, RabbiAlfi@bnais.com Rabbi Lester A. Frazin, Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Michal Loving, Director of Congregational Learning, RabbiLoving@bnais.com Cantor Julie Steinberg, jsteinberg50@gmail.com Mandy Greene, Administrator, mgreene@bnais.com Timothy Zeff, General Counsel, zeffdj@aol.com Congregation B’nai Israel 3600 Riverside Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95818 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT No. 311 Sacramento, CA Time Dated Material Or deliver to current resident - - - - - President, Barbara Allen-Brecher, Bela.allen-brecher@comcast.net VP Finance, Deidra Meyers, deidra.meyers@gmail.com VP Administration, Marc Koenigsberg, koenigsbergm@gtlaw.com VP Education, Ted London, ted.london@cgi.com VP Facilities, Alan Steinberg, asteinberg@gfsacto.com VP Membership, Joel Schwartz, joel@joelschwartz.com CFO, Alex Swedlow, aswedlow@appliedoutcomes.com Secretary, Alex Kelter, akelter.home@gmail.com Past-President, Steve Goldberg, sgoldberg@downybrand.com - - - - - Koleinu Staff Editor: Bonnie Penix, bpenix@att.net Layout & Design: Barbara Rogers Proofreader: Terri Cristy S econd Shabbes, October 11, at Congregation B’nai Israel 6:00 pm Tot Shabbat • 6:30 pm 2 nd Shabbes Dinner • 7:30 pm Shabbat Services Fajita Bar with Mexican Rice, Refried Beans, and Caesar Salad We always have “kid friendly” meals! Adults $14, if reserved by the Wednesday before 2nd Shabbes; $16 after Wednesday. Meals are complimentary for children 12 & under. RSVP to the office at 916-446-4861, ext. 31 or Marissa@bnais.com. Please mail your payment to: to Congregation B’nai Israel 3600 Riverside Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95818. Thank you! Sunday, October 20 8:30am to 12:30pm Mobile Coach located in the parking lot. For information or to make an appointment, contact Todd Mendell: 684684-6734 or ptmen@alum.rpi.edu. 20