endeavor - Annandale Chamber of Commerce


endeavor - Annandale Chamber of Commerce
Annandale Chamber of Commerce
October 2012
President’s Message
From Capitol Hill
Chairman’s Corner
Elite Contractors
IGlobal University
The Garden Path
Arlington National
Cemetery, Part II
Spruce Up for the
Halloween at the
A Day of Family Fun
Real Estate
Building the Annandale Marketplace
Tory Bailey to Headline on the Festival Stage
Nashville artist to perform at the Annandale Fall Festival
Have you ever wanted to drive a NASCAR?
Annandale’s Burke & Burke Insurance is hosting the Nationwide NASCAR with a driving
simulator so you can test your skills. If history
repeats itself, young children often beat their
fathers in this test module. Dads, better start
practicing your video game prowess before October 27th.
Frazier Tree Service
Roads & Rage
The Police Beat
Tory Bailey on the Festival Stage
The Chamber is proud to announce that the well
know country artist, Tory Bailey, will highlight
the entertainment slated for this year’s Fall Festival. Tory has been performing for over twenty
years and recorded many original songs while
living in Nashville. He has played with legendary country artists Waylon Jennings, Vince Gill,
Dwight Yoakam, and Sara Evans.
The Annandale Fall Festival offers your family a
full day of fun. The kids can experience a wide
range of games while parents shop the Community Market with one hundred vendors selling
fascinating products. All can relish the broad
variety of amazing food being prepared to represent ten nationalities as well as traditional festival favorites while mesmerized by amazing entertainment. Bring your friends and family to
celebrate Annandale.
Tory was raised in Bedford, Virginia and now
resides in Lynchburg. He started his career
singing and performing with his parents, Wayne
and Vickie Bailey, in their band, Denim and
Lace. At the 2011 Fall Festival, Tory’s performance brought the crowd to their feet, many
dancing in the aisles, and a deafening, appreciative applause
The Festival Stage will also host three distinctly
different International Dance Companies, The
Reunion Music Jazz Ensemble, Soloists Camille
New Members
Thornton and Melanie Reuter, The Logan Kraft
Band, and the eighty voice strong Fairfax ChoVolunteers Make the ral Society Children’s Chorus.
World Go Around
This spectacular celebration will close with a
performance by Diva Maria from Richmond
Chamber Chat
who is a legendary Jazz and Pop Rock vocalist
accompanied by her four piece band. Growing
Be It Ever So
up in a military family, Maria often entertains in
communities with significant military populaChamber Schedule
Elder Care in Fairfax
Saturday, October 27, 2012—10 am to 5 pm
Take a spin around the track in the Nationwide
racing simulator and try your luck at some games.
Sponsored by Burke & Burke Insurance
4115 Annandale Road
Annandale, VA 22003
continued page 16
October 2012
Message from the President
By: Marilyn Hoosen
As we all prepare for
the fall season of festivities, drawing nigh
the close of this calendar year, our interest
remains peeked by the
upcoming Annual Fall
Festival and Parade,
Halloween celebrations and costumes, the
in November, our
monthly networking
luncheons and evening mixers (all found on the back of this magazine’s calendar of events), Thanksgiving dinner, our Holiday
Lighting Ceremony in Annandale near Tollhouse, and of
course, our observation of Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa
and Eid, slowly driving us through a scenic route toward
New Year’s Eve into day, and all culminating in the Chinese
New Year. It often amazes me
how quickly these occasions do
pass and how our anticipation
enjoys a longer time horizon
Chamber Of Commerce
than the events themselves. Yet,
Board of Directors
this very angst in waiting creates
wonderful reasons for celebraMarilyn Hoosen, Morgan Stanley
tion, renewed energies to exeSmith Barney
cute our obligations and an imPRESIDENT ELECT
bued optimism for the fresh beRichard Owen, President,
ginnings of the coming year. Oh
Knights of Columbus
yes, the chance to create new
resolutions or resurrect old ones
Carol Zach Reuss
that fell short in years past, is
Annandale Shopping Center
Marv Rodney, American Legion
indeed formidable. It is, nonetheless, an opportunity to dust
Dr. Barbara Saperstone
off the old saddle and get back in
the rodeo. In this regard, as your
new President, I am elated to
George Kresslein, CPA
share this adventurous wild ride
together, entering our first holiPRESIDENT EMERITUS
day season as one and declaring
Dan McKinnon, USN retired
to all a time spent undulated in
Gavin Dock, Clarocode
Helen Winter, Annandale CBD
Planning Committee
Kurt Langenwalter
First Command Financial
Debi Pyne, Pyne Studios, Inc.
Jeff Levine, Levine Design Studio
Fred Coulter, Falls Church HS
Hector Ochoa
Burke & Herbert Bank
Annandale, a community that
has both the sophistication of a
metropolis, and the same small
town feel that binds neighbors
and friends, builds itself into a
festive frenzy as the autumn
leaves fall, stores put out their
best gift ideas, and lights adorn
our town Holiday tree, symboliz-
ing the spirit of the season.
It is also an election year, where signs splatter sidewalks, determined politicians pin their hopes on winning their races, and
voters make their traditional pant to polling stations. Please be
sure to check that you have all the necessary identification to cast
your ballot this November and that you have double-checked the
locations in Annandale where you may vote. In keeping with our
mandate, our Chamber takes no political position on candidates
nor their platforms, but we are good stewards of our civic obligation to encourage all who have a stake in our community to engage the political system and have your voice heard.
So, on behalf of the Annandale Chamber of Commerce and all of
our members, we wish you a wonderful holiday season, making
memories to share with your loved ones that will last a lifetime.
For in the words of one Helen Keller, the best way to sum up our
wish for all this season is in knowing that, “The best and most
beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.”
Here’s to Health, Happiness, and a Happy Holiday!
Your President,
October 2012
Making Adjustments in Annandale
By: Scott Pearson
The world of real estate has changed due to market conditions,
onerous lending practices, too little inventory, and the lack of
local employment opportunities. Times like these have separated the professional career agents from those who wanted to
make a quick buck for a few years. The real estate industry is
still persevering and succeeding in changing times, but one thing
has not changed. It’s a wacky business.
Sure, you look over the homes and commercial businesses and
everything looks quiet and normal in Annandale. Neighborhoods of bucolic peace seem to be everywhere. But lurking behind those doors are some of the most fascinating folks in the
world known as buyers and sellers.
One seller had a problem with hoarding. Not only did she want
to sell her home before the county arrived to cart away her stuff,
but she also wanted her real estate agent to make everything disappear (temporarily) until she could set-up a new hobbit hole.
Professional real estate agents can chart a helpful course but the
seller still has to call the moving company and be prepared to
sort, box, donate, and toss their hoard. They can also call Moira
Quinn who runs a packing service called Pack & Move. (To learn
of her services, see page 21 of this ENDEAVOR or go to the chamber’s website
and click on her ad. www.annandalechamber.com) .
There are also properties tied up in estates with wills drafted by a
lawyer who received his license from Fisher Price. The legal
contortions that arise make for the real estate version of Twister
with five heirs in line at the same time. Here again, agents earn
their commissions working with the heirs, a sharp attorney, and
top marketing skills. Dedicated agents will get the house sold in
spite of the obstacles.
Then there are the buyers who are looking for the perfect house.
You patiently look at house after house in their price range and
they find some perceived flaw with each one, but assure you that
they fervently want to buy. The problem is they want a million
dollar house on a $400,000 budget. These people are nice, kind
and caring individuals who just need time to grasp reality. Professional agents accept that everyone wants a property just a
smidge over their budget but when there are vast disparities between fantasy and reality, they educate their clients to market
conditions. Most come around and are happy in their new digs.
Commercial tenants can also be a sleigh ride of silly, thinking
they’ve got more leverage than any rational person could find.
Like the one client who needed some warehouse space to start a
business. He had a business plan, a quality idea, and lots of talent. What he lacked was money and yet could not understand
why that made a difference. Once on a course of raising capital,
it took about a year to start his dream business.
Or, how about the buyer who qualified for a loan, puts down a
contract, and was ready to move into his new 4,000 square foot
dream home? Unfortunately, before the deal was done he went
out and spent tens of thousands on new furniture, thereby blow-
ing up his credit. The loan was cancelled and the deal fell
through at the last minute. He now has the best furnished storage locker in Annandale. Fortunately, he’s recovering. In
fact, the interest rates have moved down so he should be in an
improved position when the right property comes along.
Annandale, the crossroads of Northern Virginia is the most
central and convenient location in which to live. Incomes and
education are above average as well as home values. The bottom did not dropout of Annandale’s market, which can’t be
said for many of her neighboring communities. In fact, home
prices have remained steady even if corrected as the market
demanded but no sudden dips.
Being a real estate agent in Annandale certainly presents challenges. In this market of low inventory, increasing demand
and often stingy bankers, helping people buy and sell real estate is no longer a cake walk. You have to be willing to do
more, work faster, and seek solutions to each problem. You
have to know the difference between a problem and a deal killer and advise your clients accordingly. Most clients are normal, straight-up folks, who are embarking on a somewhat difficult path. But even here in Annandale, agents can’t always get
away from the personalities who make for Real Estate lore.
October 2012
From Capitol Hill
Washington: Combating Distracted Driving: The Number One Killer of Teens
Distracted driving is a
growing epidemic on
our roads across the
nation and right here in
Northern Virginia. It
is now the number-one
killer of teens in the
United States, but a lot
of adults are also multi
-tasking as they drive
along our busy roadways here in the Commonwealth.
Whether it is texting,
reading emails, talking on the cell phone, putting on
makeup, combing hair, eating breakfast, reading the paper,
or some other activity that distracts a driver, police officers
have seen it all and say they are accidents waiting to happen.
At any given moment, the National Highways Traffic
Safety Administration estimates that more than 100,000
drivers are texting in their vehicles and more than 600,000
others are using their cells phones while they drive. A
recent Virginia Tech study showed that nearly 80 percent
of all crashes, and 65 percent of all near-crashes, involved
driver distraction.
Nationally, the U.S. Department of Transportation reports
that more than 416,000 people were injured, and 3,100
killed as a result of distracted drivers in 2010 alone. And
locally we are seeing a similar increase. The Fairfax
County Police Department reported a 48 percent jump in
the number of citations issued for distracted driving infractions between 2010 and 2011.
There are critical steps we can take to combat distracted
driving and save lives. As Chairman of the Fairfax County
Board of Supervisors, I held the first-ever teenage driving
summit in the county to bring together young drivers, parents, educators, and law enforcement to come up with
strategies to cut down on teenage driver accidents. We
identified several ways to reduce accidents, including improving driver’s education programs, expanding the county Police Department’s Youth Driver Program, and revok-
ing school parking privileges for teens who violate traffic laws.
In September, I lent my full support to an event in Tysons Corner that featured U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood,
insurance company officials and educators in a program to provide teen drivers and their parents with tools, resources, and
information to stay safe.
At the federal level, I’ve worked in Congress to build on my
experience in local government to develop a partnership between the federal government and state and local officials to
combat distracted driving. Included in the Transportation Authorization bill signed into law by the President, was a distracted driver provision. This provision creates a grant program for
states to enact laws to prevent texting while driving and prevent
cell phone use by teen drivers.
This legislation is a great step toward making our roads safer.
To further strengthen our efforts to fight distracted driving, I
have sponsored revenue-neutral legislation to increase funding
for prevention and public awareness campaigns about the dangers of texting while driving.
I still have vivid memories of meeting with the grieving parents
of a young woman who died in an accident a few blocks from
her home. The investigation determined she had been texting
while driving. That one tragic moment cemented my conviction that we need to do more, not less, to combat distracted
driving and reduce such tragedies in the future.
Honorable Gerald E. Connolly
(VA 11th District)
434 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
District Director:
Sharon Stark
October 2012
Chairman’s Corner
Fairfax: Back to School in Fairfax County
By: Sharon Bulova, Chairman
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
When I was a little kid, I hated school. The transition from top
-dog, oldest child in the family to one-of-many at an overcrowded Catholic elementary school in the suburbs of Baltimore wasn't easy for me. I worried about everything. Did I
have the right kind of notebooks? Book bag? Lunchbox?
What if I got lost on the way to my classroom? Would the
teacher ask me something I didn't know? It is not easy being
a little kid.
During the last few weeks of August, I participated in a number of Back-to-School events hosted by the Fairfax County
Public Safety family. To help disadvantaged and homeless
children, our Fire & Rescue personnel and our Sheriff's Department organized haircuts, backpack drives and shopping
opportunities at Target so that all of our Fairfax County students can start the school year with what they need to succeed.
On August 7th, I rode with Police Chief Dave Rohrer to National Night Out events throughout Fairfax County where
neighbors gathered to demonstrate the importance of strong,
vigilant and caring communities - neighbors looking out for
each other in partnership with public safety.
Two years ago I received a handwritten letter that I've kept in
my office to remind me of the value of these programs. As
September begins, with children returning to school now that
summer vacation is over, I'd like to share the letter with my
Byline readers:
To the Sheriff's Department of Fairfax,
I have two children, a seven year old and a two year old.
My husband and I lost our jobs the beginning of 2010. Due to
our health we couldn't pay our rent any longer. We decided to
go to a shelter to keep our
family together. We didn't
know what we were going to
do or how to do it. School was
going to start soon and we
didn't know how we were going to get school supplies,
school clothes, snacks, lunches
or backpacks.
Friday morning came. Staff
knocked on my door and I got
the shock of my life. I got Angelica, my seven year old,
dressed so fast it was unbelievable. We went downstairs and
there was a school bus. A sheriff was driving it. The staff said parents aren't going, but some of
the staff was going and there would be more sheriffs, both women
and men. They were taking twelve boys and girls to shop for
school clothes and other things.
When Angelica came back she was so, so happy!! We couldn't
believe how many bags she had. When we opened the bags I was
so happy I cried. She had clothes for school, shoes, socks, underwear, and something to play with.
I just want to thank the Sheriffs that took part in that whole day
and made time for families like us. I am still amazed every time I
think about or talk about it. It was like Christmas time for us.
My family can't thank you enough and will never forget what
you guys did.
Fall is shaping up to be a busy and challenging time. While we
have made significant progress during the past few years, we are
still struggling with a sluggish recovery from the Great Recession.
Fairfax is exercising caution as we prepare for the impact Federal
budget reductions might have on our economy and the services we
provide. We continue to fight for our fair share of State revenue
for education, human services and transportation.
But it's important to reflect on the many things that contribute
positively to the quality of life we enjoy. I truly believe Fairfax
County is the greatest place to live, work, play and raise a family.
Thanks to an active, engaged community, our professional and
caring Fairfax County workforce and our generous corporate
neighbors. I look forward to working with you during the months
Shopping with Deputy PFC Nick Andariese, Dylan (middle), and Justin
October 2012
Elite Contractor Services
Two locations in Annandale
A Local Firm with Vision
7857-A Heritage Drive, Annandale . 703-663-8272
7223 Poplar Street, Annandale . 703-813-1769
Emil Ranakusuma, owner of the Subway on Columbia Pike next to the Firehouse has opened a second location at
Heritage Shopping Mall near Annandale High School. Emil, raised in Indonesia, moved to Cleveland to study
at the University. Upon completion of
his MBA in Marketing, he opened his
first Subway franchise in Annandale.
Why Annandale? Emil first appreciated Annandale’s history deeply rooted
for 317 years in the country’s history.
Second, he enjoyed the broad diversity
of the
community and has eagerly
embraced his new home.
Elite Contractors Service is a home improvement and general
contractor based in Annandale and serving Northern Virginia
and the District. Their in-house architectural designer can meld
your functional needs with your vision to create an enhanced
and beautiful space for both commercial remodeling and home
Emil Ranakusuma
7120 Columbia Pike
Annandale, VA 22003
(703) 914-0391 Phone
(703) 738-6563 Fax
(888) 703-3090 Fax
(703) 789-3459 Cell
Always a good sport, Emil
dons a submarine sandwich
costume most years to join
the Chamber’s Annual Parade
and is involved in efforts to
revitalize the community.
It is not widely known that
Subway offers free wireless
internet access to their customers, many fundraising
programs for athletic teams,
lunch programs for private
schools and companies,
online ordering, and has VIP
rewards and discounts for
Drop into either location.
You will be warmly welcomed.
Are you looking for a kitchen or bathroom renovation? Elite
can customize for your individual specifications while enhancing the room with proper lighting and flooring. Do you need
your windows, roof, or siding replaced? Their qualified technicians are trained and experienced to handle any type of window
installation including awning, double-hung, casement and picture windows. Elite’s team of licensed and insured technicians
are both experienced and knowledgeable about the latest products and trends. They will deliver unmatched service and firstrate results that you can enjoy for years.
Here are five reasons why you should choose your remodeling
services from Elite Contractors:
They are certified from the Virginia Board for Contractors
License Class A.
They hold a District Of Columbia Contractor License.
They carry $2,000,000 General Liability Insurance and
Workers compensation.
EPA and OSHA Certified and because,
Their promise is to be on time every time and are not satisfied until you are.
October 2012
IGlobal University
Grasshopper Green
Revolutionizing Education Globally
A warm and comforting environment
for learning and discovering
7700 Little River Tpk # 600, Annandale (corner of Hummer) . 703-941-2020
4955 Sunset Lane, Annandale . 703-256-4711
IGlobal University recently attained national accreditation for its
Master of Business Degree (MBA) program. MBA classes are
held on weekends to help working professional students attend
classes without interrupting their jobs and the school also offers
online classes. Most part-time students take 1.5 to 2 years to
complete the required 12 courses for an MBA degree and “fasttrack” students can complete all the degree requirements within
a year.
Founded in 1939, Grasshopper Green is the oldest private
school in Northern Virginia. Beginning in the old Christ
Church in Arlington before relocating to Annandale, Grasshopper Green has had a long tradition of excellence. The school
today, originally a farmhouse was converted to a school in
1962. It is a warm and comforting environment for learning
and discovering. The secluded campus includes 3 buildings, a
gymnasium, meadow, blacktop, and a large 3 acre playground.
There are a large number of major concentrations to meet increasing demand in the local job market. Concentrations include Management, Marketing, Information Technology, Health
Care Management, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Education, Homeland Security, Public Service and Administration,
Global Business Management, Criminal Justice, and Church
Leadership & Management.
Grasshopper Green is a unique pre-school run by teachers and
staff who love children and thrive on watching them grow.
Here they celebrate childhood, a time of wonder, curiosity, and
investigation. Dedicated to individual growth and development, Grasshopper Green is more than the typical day care
center caring for children ages 2-5 years.
IGlobal University was founded in 2008 by Dr. David Sohn,
who was the founder, president and CEO of International Computers and Telecom, Inc. (ICT), which was ranked the 76 th Fastest Growing Private Company in America in the 1992 Inc. 500
List. Retiring from business, Dr. Sohn discovered a new passion
in education and founded IGlobal University with a global vision to transform the world through the most effective education.
Selecting a pre-school for your child is a big step. Stop by
Grasshopper Green for a tour of the school; tours are given
daily. You’ll love the teachers and home-like atmosphere and
park-like setting. The best time to tour the school is between 9
AM and 12 PM but you are welcome to come any time of the
day. Call them at 703-256-4711 to schedule your tour.
Since Dr. Sohn is so dedicated to making higher education attainable to all, especially underprivileged (financially, physically or socially) people throughout the world, IGlobal University
offers affordable tuition rates and many scholarships to students
in need. If you are seeking an MBA degree from an accredited,
affordable school, contact IGlobal University at
4955 Sunset Lane
Annandale, VA 22003
(off Backlick Road at Sunset Lane)
October 2012
The Garden Path
Gardening Tips for Fall
By: Donna P. Campbell, Campbell & Ferrara Outdoor™ Living
If you have gardening questions, please email:
info@annandalechamber.com Your question and answer will
be published in the next edition.
Fall is a great time to plant trees, shrubs, perennials and
fall annuals.
Feed your feathered friends! Install plants that provide
berries pyracantha, beautyberry and hollies; install bird
feeders and bird seed.
Plant icicle pansies for fall and spring color.
Plant fall bulbs for spring color; remember to add Espoma
Bulb-tone to the soil- environmentally safe and enhanced
with Bio-tone beneficial microbes.
Remove dead blossoms on butterfly bush (Buddleia).
Re-seed your lawn.
Top dress the lawn with organic compro to fertilize and
add nutrients to the soil and grass; your lawn’s health will
be invigorated and you’ll love the results this spring.
Time to fertilize your lawn with organic compro (safe for
humans & animals) to restore the lawn’s soil life and fertility in tired, sterile, compacted soils and to rejuvenate
tired, sick lawns. You’ll see amazing results in your lawn
in the spring.
Divide your perennials. Always use Master Nursery
Root Master B-1 or Plant Starter 3-10-3.
Save leaves for compost; they provide a great amount of
organic matter to the existing soil.
Bring patio tropicals such as Hibiscus, Mandevilla, Allamanda, Bougainvillea and Oleander indoors. Transplant
tropicals into a bigger container and use Espoma organic
potting mix. Feed tropicals with Osmocote Slow Release
19-6-12 Plant Food or Shultz All Purpose Liquid Fertilizer 10-15-10. Follow all directions on the label.
Prune evergreens to shape.
Plant trees and shrubs; fall is a healthy & safe time to install when the ground is not frozen.
Time to plant your spring bulbs! Prepare soils with peat
moss, Leaf-gro soil conditioner and cattle manure! Add
Plant-Tone granular fertilizer. Use Bonide animal repellent
to protect bulbs from damaging squirrels and voles.
Generally speaking most perennials can be cut back to
the ground in late fall after a killing; add the debris to the
compost pile and spread mulch over the perennials at a
depth of 2-3 inches to provide insulation to the plants.
Plant your Amaryllis and paper white narcissus bulbs indoors now and enjoy the lovely colorful flowers this holiday season.
Call now to schedule a landscape consultation with a landscape designer for your landscape design or redesign; perfect time to avoid the spring rush. Campbell & Ferrara
landscape design department is open year round.
Spray Wilt-Pruf on broadleaf evergreens to prevent winter
Add leaf compost and pine needles to perennial beds for
winter protection.
Plant bulbs indoors: Amaryllis, Hyacinths and Crocuses.
Poinsettia care: never allow soil to dry out, place in bright
indirect light that in a well ventilated area.
Get ready for the holidays. Decorate with lovely indoor
holiday plants such as Poinsettia, Cyclamen, African Violets, Gloxinia, and Christmas Cactus and of course the gorgeous tropical Orchid.
Freshly cut Christmas trees, natural swags, wreaths, and
garlands are now available; apply Wilt-Pruf to extend
green color and avoid dehydration.
Plants need water all year long, even in the winter. Use
your moisture meter to determine your plant’s watering
Add indoor plants to your home or work environment to
provide beauty to your environment, improve the health of
October 2012
The Garden Path
Gardening Tips for Summer
your environment and to increase your positive feelings.
Our plant experts at the Campbell & Ferrara Garden Center
will help you find an indoor-plant suitable to the environment in your home.
The Benefits of Indoor Plants
As the days grow shorter and there is less color out-of-doors,
create your own lively, healthy and colorful paradise with
lush indoor plants. Houseplants add beauty to your environment, improve overall mood and improve the quality of the air
you breathe.
A 2007 study by The Center for Health Design examined the
role nature plays in the healthcare environment. Citing research
by Ulrich, it states the use of plants and natural elements reduces stress, supports pain management and promotes an overall
sense of well-being.
A view of plants increases positive feelings and reduces
stress, fear and anger.
Plants enhance creative problem-solving skills among
men and women.
Plants help reduce the level of many common indoor air-borne
impurities or volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These
toxins are a common cause of sick building syndrome.
Plants remove carbon dioxide from the air and replace it
with oxygen.
When plants are present, employees are more satisfied with
their jobs and reported fewer ailments.
Workers in plant-friendly environments miss fewer days of
work and experience less job stress.
Plants help reduce noise level, decrease temperature and lower humidity.
Send Donna your gardening questions at:
Removal—Topping—Trimming—Cabling—Weight Reduction
Filling Cavities—Firewood for Sale—Stump Removal
(1-888-873-8746) Toll Free
Edging & Mulching—Seeding & Sodding—Top Soil
Lot Cleaning—Trimming Bushes & Hedges
Make Your Thanksgiving Reservation Today
$10 off
Any purchase of $50 or more
with this coupon.
Not valid with other
promotions or on holidays.
Expires 12-31-2012
4231 Duke St.
Alexandria, VA 22304
October 2012
When to Consider a Living Trust
Financial Advisor Marilyn Hoosen, MSSB
Living trusts are flexible estate planning
structures that place
you in full control of
your assets during your
lifetime, and can help
to simplify the settlement of your estate
after you are gone.
The philosophy behind
the common phrase
carpe diem, or seize the
day, can be applied
when an individual
chooses to establish a
revocable living trust: it ensures that your assets are managed
according to your wishes today while you are alive, and in the
future, when you are gone.
Living trusts are flexible estate planning structures that can be
tailored to satisfy a range of planning needs and wishes. Because you serve as the trustee and maintain full control over the
assets placed in trust during your lifetime, a living trust offers
what many consider to be the most valuable benefit of all:
peace of mind.
The following are some of the most compelling reasons to create a living trust.
Reason #1—You can avoid probate. A living trust is often
used as a “substitute will” to transfer assets to heirs and avoid
probate. Individuals typically place all assets in a trust and
name themselves as income beneficiaries during their lifetime.
Upon death, remaining trust assets are passed on to designated
heirs without the need or cost of passing through probate court.
How a Revocable Living Trust Works: Probate costs vary
widely from state to state, but on average, attorney, court and
other fees can eat up about 5% of your estate. If the estate is
complicated, the fees can be even larger. Aside from the cost,
the probate process can take time: up to a year or more in many
Tax Tip—Income from property held in the living trust is reported
on your personal income tax return. No additional forms or filings
are necessary as long as you are both the “grantor”(i.e., the individual who set up the trust) and the trustee.2
Reason #2—You become incapacitated. While other planning
mechanisms, such as a durable power of attorney, can achieve
similar objectives, a living trust is a more flexible, user-friendly
alternative. In the event that you become incapable of managing
your financial affairs due to physical or mental illness, assets in a
living trust may be managed by the person you named to serve as
trustee at your death (or, if you made a shared trust, the other
trustee, typically a spouse) in keeping with your wishes.
Keep in mind that with a living trust, nothing is “set in stone.”
Because it is a revocable instrument, you can amend or revoke a
living trust at any time. If the trust is shared with a spouse or
partner, both of you must agree on changes, but either of you may
revoke the trust at any time.
Reason #3—You lack the ability or desire to manage your
own finances. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed by the thought of
managing the sizeable inheritance you just received. Maybe you
are a widow who always relied on your spouse to handle the finances. Or maybe you are a busy entrepreneur who would rather
entrust the management of your wealth to a competent professional. Whatever the reason, you can name a trustee (e.g., a bank
or other financial institution, a financial advisor or other trusted
individual) to manage the trust’s assets for you. If a professional
trustee is named, that entity is bound by law to take great care in
managing and protecting your assets.
While a living trust can greatly simplify estate planning, it would
be misleading to present it as a cure-all solution. Contact me to
learn more about the benefits and limitations of living trusts and
other potential tools to include in your overall estate plan.
For More Information
If you’d like to learn more, please contact Marilyn Hoosen , Financial
Footnotes/Disclaimers: 1Sources: The Internal Revenue Service, Reg.1.671-4;
Fairmark.com. 2Source: Nolo’s Guide to Living Trusts, Nolo.com, 2009.
*Sources: From McGraw Hill, The opinions expressed by the authors are solely their own
and do not necessarily reflect those of MSSB. The information and data in the article has been
obtained from sources outside of MSSB and MSSB makes no representations or guarantees as
to the accuracy or completeness of information or data from sources outside of MSSB.
MSSB and its Financial Advisors do not provide tax or legal advice, are not
“fiduciaries”( under ERISA, the IRS code or otherwise) with respect to the services or activities described herein, and this material was not intended or written to be used, and it cannot
be used by any tax payer, for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on
the taxpayer. Individuals should consult their personal tax and legal advisors before making
any tax or legal related decisions.
October 2012
Streetcars for Bailey’s
By: M. Callahan
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60 percent said that higher quality transit, like a streetcar,
was important to very important in choosing to develop
along the corridor.
64 percent said that a streetcar would cause them to add
more residential units to their developments (32 percent
indicated a 25 percent or greater increase in units while
another 32 percent reported a 4 to 14 percent increase).
70 percent said that a streetcar would increase retail sales
volume per square foot.
40 percent reported that they were more likely to develop
along the corridor as opposed to other places in Fairfax or
Arlington without rail service.
What is Anticipated
4-10% increase in property values within a quarter mile of
the line
10% new development along the corridor
Addition of $82 million in sales revenue, taxes, businesses
It is hoped that this streetcar line will be extended further along
Columbia Pike, sooner rather than later, through Annandale's
portion of Mason District and on into Fairfax via Route
236. Without a county backed project to jump start redevelopment in Annandale's Central Business District, revitalization
does not seem likely.
more information
see: www.annandalechamber.com under Our Community/
According to a joint study released by Chairman Bulova’s office, Fairfax and Arlington developers viewed the following as
benefits to the streetcar plan.
The Bailey's area is expected to experience a population growth
of 21% and a job growth of 23% by 2030. In this revitalization
area, as in most, the transit oriented development strategy is a
vital component in creating a mixed-use urban center. The
streetcar plan will also reduce pollution and the dependency on
The line will run 4.9 miles from Pentagon City in Arlington
County to Skyline in Fairfax County. Three stations are
planned in Fairfax County's portion of the line at Goodwin
House, Jefferson Street and Skyline where the highest bus ridership in Northern Virginia at 16,000 riders per day can be
found. Since streetcars can accommodate more riders than
buses and ridership is expected to double in the next eighteen
years, this is good news.
licenses and other fees over 30 years.
$156 million of additional property tax from increased development over 30 years.
The Columbia Pike
Streetcar Plan (a
joint project with
has been approved
by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors after many years
consideration. According to
Bulova, “The streetcar will relieve congestion and present
economic development opportunities
for the Skyline area
and serve a population with the demonstrated support and need for transit,” Bulova continued, “Light rail has the potential to become an important part of the transportation network as we look to add
new options and expand service in Fairfax County.”
October 2012
Arlington National Cemetery
By: Marv Rodney
just 624 acres, veterans and military casualties from each of our
nation’s wars are interred, ranging from the American Civil
War to our current military action in Afghanistan and Iraq. PreCivil War dead were reinterred after 1900.
In the July issue of ENDEAVOR, an historic perspective on
the origin of Arlington National Cemetery was presented. This
article will discuss some of
Arlington conducts
the major sections and burial
6,900 burials, the second
criteria at the cemetery.
largest number of all the
National Cemeteries.
Arlington National Cemetery,
or simply Arlington to all who
The largest number of
live near-bye, is a military
burials is performed at the
cemetery established in 1864
Calverton National Cemeduring the Civil War. It is
tery on Long Island, New
both the most hallowed burial
York with more than 7,000
ground of our Nation’s fallen
each year.
and one of the most visited
tourist sites in the WashingArlington is administon, DC area. The grounds of
tered by the Department of
Arlington National Cemetery
the Army unlike other cemhonor those who have served
eteries which are adminisour nation and their families
tered by the Department of
with a sense of beauty and
Veterans Affairs (VA) or
peace. The rolling green hills
by the National Park Serare dotted with trees, some
vice which administers
that are older than the cemeArlington House and its
tery itself, monuments, and
grounds as a memorial to
gardens throughout its 624
Robert E. Lee.
developed acres which contains approximately 400,000
39 authorized faith emindividual grave sites. The
blems are offered for placeimpressive landscape serves
ment on markers
as a tribute to the service and
sacrifice of all who rest here
Burial criteria: review
and the families that visit
Part II of Title 32, Code of
Federal Regulations which
includes info on eligibility
Approximately 27 funerals are
for internment (ground
conducted each workday or
burial) or inurnment.
6,900 per year providing a
final farewell. In an area of
Arlington is divided into 70 sections, with some reserved for
future expansion. Several sections are known for specific dedication such as the “Nurses Section” or Section 21. Several others include: “Chaplains Hill” which contains monuments to
military chaplains; a Confederate section that was authorized by
Congress in 1900 and contains the bodies of Confederate soldiers who were buried at the Soldiers’ Home – all Confederate
headstones in this section are peaked rather than rounded; and
Section 27 where more than 3,800 former slaves, known as
Contrabands during the Civil War, are buried with headstones
designated with the word Civilian or Citizen.
The Veteran’s Administration oversees the Cemetery Administration’s Orders for placement of inscriptions and faith emblems at no charge to the estate of the deceased. The next of
kin submits the information that will be placed on upright marble headstones or columbarium niche covers. The VA currently
offers 39 authorized faith emblems for placement on markers to
represent the deceased’s faith – this number has grown in recent
years. Due to limited space, the criteria for ground burial eligibility are more restrictive than at other national cemeteries. It is
slightly less restrictive for inurnment in the columbarium.
The Cemetery has numerous memorials and monuments located
within its perimeters, most notably the Arlington Memorial
Amphitheater and the Tomb of the Unknowns.
These two memorials, together with others selected, will be the
subject of future editions of the ENDEAVOR. Memorials of
great interest are the Space Shuttle Challenger Memorial; the
USS Maine Memorial; the Lockerbie Cairn Memorial; and the
Women in Military Service for America Memorial which is
located adjacent to the
Ceremonial Entrance to
the Cemetery. In 2012,
legislation began moving through Congress to
approve a Place of Remembrance Memorial
which will be an ossuary
designed to contain fragments of remains which
through DNA analysis.
The remains will be
cremated before placement in the memorial.
Interior of Memorial Amphitheater
October 2012
Arlington National Cemetery
“Although no sculptured marble should rise to their memory, nor engraved stone bear record of their deeds, yet will their remembrance be as lasting as the land they honored.” Daniel Webster
The Eternal Flame at the Grave of John F. Kennedy
The first soldier
to be buried in
Arlington was
Private William
H. Christman of
P e n n s yl v a n i a
on May 13,
As of
there were 367
Medal of Honor
recipients resting here, nine of
whom are Canadian.
Honor Guard prepares to fold flag over President Kennedy’s coffin.
Five state funerals have been held at Arlington: those of Presidents William Taft and John F. Kennedy; that of General John
J. Pershing; and that of U.S. Senators Robert and Edward M.
Kennedy. Whether or not they were wartime service members,
U.S. presidents hold the rank of Commander-in-Chief of the
Armed Services. Full military honors are naturally afforded
this rank.
Among the most frequently visited sites in the cemetery is the
grave of President John F. Kennedy who is buried with his wife
and two of their children. His remains were interred at the current site on March 14, 1967, a re-interment from his original
Arlington burial site some 20 feet away and remembered by all
who lived in November 1963. The grave is marked with what
has become recognized world wide as Kennedy’s eternal flame.
Mrs. Kennedy wished to mark the President’s grave with a
symbol that would never be extinguished, much like his
Arlington National Cemetery has not been without controversy.
On June 9, 2010, the Secretary of the Army reprimanded the
Cemetery’s superintendent and deputy after a Department of Defense
general’s report revealed that cemetery officials had
placed the wrong
coffins in shallow
graves, and buried
bodies on top of
one another. A
subsequent invesThe Tomb of the Unknowns
tigation revealed that cemetery employees were burdened in
their day to day work by,
Columbarium: a cham“dysfunctional management,
wall or a niche withlack of established policy and
wall in which urns
procedures, and an overall
the ashes of the
unhealthy organizational
climate.” As a result of the
investigators’ conclusions,
Ossuary: an urn or a
Kathryn Condon, the recently
vault used to hold the bones
appointed Director of the
of the dead.
Army Cemeteries Program,
announced that the ceme367 Medal of Honor
tery’s staff had been inrecipients
are buried at Arcreased from 102 to 159 and
of whom are
the Army was acquiring addiCanadian.
tional equipment in order to
properly perform their misThe Tomb of the Unsion to the standards set by
is guarded 24-hoursthe Department of the Army.
365-days-per year
All has been quiet since those
trained memactions were implemented.
bers of the 3rd US Infantry
also known as The Old
If you have any comments,
questions or would like more
details regarding this article,
please contact Marv Rodney
at 703-328-3052 or online at
next quarter’s issue I will
discuss the Amphitheater and
Tomb of the Unknowns.
The above information was extracted
in part from The Official Website of
Arlington National Cemetery and
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Memorial Amphitheatre was the scene of
General John (Black Jack)
Pershing’s funeral.
Tomb of the Unknows
carved from marble found
in Marble, Colorado and
mined by the Vermont
Mining Company March
24, 1931
October 2012
MaidPro of Alexandria
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Contact them today for your free and easy estimate. It only
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If consistent and dedicated customer service is what you want,
and superior quality is what you expect; MaidPro Alexandria is
here to serve you.
October 2012
Halloween at the Parks
Fairfax County Park Authority
To register call 703-569-3464.
Then from 6-9:00 p.m. it’s fun for all ages at Lake Accotink’s
Goblin Golf and Spook-tacular Carousel event. Dare yourself
to venture onto the haunted mini-golf course to play a round
of mini-golf with glow-in-the-dark golf balls, ride the spooky
carousel and join in storytelling over a cup of hot chocolate
around a beach bonfire. $7 per person. Costumes are welcome, but not required. To register, call 703-569-3464.
Lake Braddock Boneyard
Halloween history takes center stage at Sully Historic Site for
the third annual All Hallows’ Eve celebration. It’s a familyfriendly event designed to shed light on centuries-old customs
that evolved into the holiday traditions of today.
Four days of fall harvest fun are on tap at Frying Pan Farm
Park’s Fall Carnival. Enjoy games and rides from October 18
– 21. On Saturday and Sunday October 20-21, try your hand
at farm chores. Milk a goat, shuck corn, peel apples, meet the
farm animals and see traditional farm demonstrations. Admission is free, but there is a charge for carnival and wagon
rides. For more information, call . 703-437-9101 or see the
Events section of the fall issue of Parktakes magazine:
“Our event gives you a glimpse of things that would have
been done on All Hallows’ Eve in the 18 th and 19th centuries
and before,” said Sully event coordinator Barbara Ziman.
“Halloween is typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, which marked the end of the harvest.”
The Sully celebration features cooking demonstrations, storytelling and other games and activities that were once popular
at Halloween, a shortened version of All Hallows’ Eve. It all
takes place from 5-7 p.m. on Saturday, October 20th at Sully
historic site in Chantilly.
Can’t make it to Sully? There are several other fall harvest
activities scheduled in parks, including a double-header October 27 at Lake Accotink Park in Springfield. It starts at 2 p.m.
with the “Howloween” Dog Costume Contest and Boneyard
Hunt, which gives you a chance to show off your furry family member’s unique
dog costume contest
is followed by a
walk through the
“boneyard” to sniff
All dogs
must be leashed and
friendly toward other dogs, children
and people of all
All Hallows Eve at Sully Plantation
$6 per dog.
October 20th from 5-7 PM
Howloween Dog Costume Contest at Lake Accotink
October 2012
Come to the Annandale Parade & Fall Festival
Sixty-Two Year Tradition and Better than Ever
The popular Annandale Parade and Fall Festival
will be held on Saturday, October 27, 2012 beginning at 10:00
AM. Marching along
Columbia Pike from
the historic white
church all the way to
the Bowling Alley/
of participants from
Clowns, Storybook
Marching Bands to
Antique Vehicles, Fire
Trucks, Civic Organizations, Scouts,
and beautifully
costumed International Dancers
will parade before the residents
of Greater Annandale. Sponsored by the Annandale Chamber
year old tradition
only gets bigger and
better every year.
This year’s Grand
Marshal is Mr. Roy
Eppard who will, after
the police and fire
escorts, lead the parade over to the festival grounds in the
Safeway Parking Lot
on Little River Turn-
Entertainment Schedule
10:00 AM
10:45 AM
11:15 AM
11:40 AM
12:30 PM
1: 15 PM
1:45 PM
3:00 PM
Reunion Music Jazz Ensemble
Tinkus Cochabamba Dance Group
Camille Thornton (Pop-Country)
Fraternidad Cultural Pachama Dancers
Melanie Reuter, FCHS – Broadway Hits
Fairfax Choral Society Children’s Chorus
Authentica Diabladz Arbieto Dancers
Logan Kraft Band (Pop Rock)
Headline Performance by
Tory Bailey (Country Western)
4:15 PM
Diva Maria (Jazz & Pop Music)
The Secret Garden
Performance Schedule
OSMAR the Magician
1:00 PM
Bob Brown Puppet Show
2:00 PM
OSMAR the Magician
3:00 PM
Bob Brown Puppet Show
Judges, who are
positioned on the reviewing
platform in the Giant Food
lot, will be representatives
from the Annandale Women’s Club. The most popular announcer in the Parade’s history, Bob Reuss,
will be back again this year
to provide his enthusiastic
color commentary on the
Children in the community
are invited to watch the parade in their Halloween costumes and to
collect the frequent gifts of candy that the marching groups handout. Bring your Trick or Treat Bags! Looking for a day of family
fun? Start at the parade and then stroll over to the Fall Festival for
a day filled with fun, food, entertainment, and games.
FALL FESTIVAL: In the Community Market
hundred vendors will contribute hours of enjoyment and an early opportunity for holiday gift shopping. Amazing handmade jewelry, silk
scarves and shawls, clever pet accessories and toys, copper and brass
metal works, outdoor grills and smokers, children’s books and toys,
holiday ornaments, fashion handbags, and herbal wraps and wreaths,
are but a few of the offerings. Fashion Stylists will also be there to
Games & Activities at the Festival
Bungee Jump
Obstacle Course
Turbo Tubs
Mega Slide
Magic Shows
Puppet Shows
Face Painting
Mini Bowling
International Dancers
New Model Cars
Fire Trucks
Sand Art /Paint Me!
Dart & Balloon Throw
NASCAR with Simulator
Hidden Oaks Petting Booth
Lil’ Pirates Toddler Play Land
Bubble Booth and Color Me an Artist
October 2012
Looking for a Day of Family Fun?
Start at the parade and then stroll over to the Fall Festival for fun, food, entertainment, and games.
show you the latest fashion trends and suggest accessories to update your wardrobe. A score of Pet Vendors made their debut last
year to rave reviews.
This festival will again
feature a broad range of
colorful pet accessories,
dog trainers & walkers,
gourmet pet food &
treats, veterinary services, and two especially endearing organizations, Pets on Wheels
and Canine Companions. Visit their booths and learn about the work they do in our
community to provide comfort and companionship to seniors and
help others with seizure
Also located in the Market, you will find The
Secret Garden decorated by Campbell and
Ferrara Outdoor Living
Center. In The Secret
Garden Bob Brown will
provide his highly entertaining puppet show at 1:00 and 3:00 PM. At NOON and 2:00
PM Osmar the Magician will thrill with his enchanted conjuring.
In the Kids Zone a full day
of fun awaits. There will be
a toddler play area with age
appropriate games such as
the bubble booth and a Lil’
Pirate Inflatable. The crowd
pleasing Obstacle Course
and Bungee Jump will be
back again along with interactive children’s crafts and
games, various inflatables,
and the Nationwide NASCAR with driving simulator.
In the Food and Entertainment Zone, you can enjoy dishes
from many culinary cuisines. Try Japanese, Thai, Nigerian, Greek,
Italian, or the perennial favorites such as Barbeque, Fried Chicken
or Fish & Chips, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, or Philly Cheese Steaks.
Specialty Vendors
will offer delicately
shaved Snow Cones,
Fu nn el
Cakes, Kettle Corn
and Home Brewed
Root Beer along
with the signature
coffee of Falls
Church High School,
Jaguar Joe.
Slated for the Festival Stage are Costumed Bolivian Dance
Groups, Falls Church High School senior, Melanie Reuter who
stunned the crowd last year with her sophisticated Broadway performance, Country, Rock and Jazz Groups with a Headline performance at 3:00 PM by Nashville’s county western star Tory Bailey
and well known jazz singer Diva Maria. There will also be a special performance by The Fairfax Coral Society Youth Chorus who
have performed at the White House, Carnegie Hall and Riverside
Church, in NYC.
This Youth Chorus
is a home grown
ensemble who practice in Annandale
and are made up of
80 vocalists ages
five to nineteen.
Shopping at the Festival
Fashion Jewelry
Flameless Candles
Outdoor Grills & Smokers
Pet Accessories & Toys
Children’s Books & Toys
Herbal Wraps & Wreaths
Fashion Stylists & Clothing
Hair & Fashion Accessories
Puppets and Marionettes
Wood Carvings & Marquetry
Copper & Brass Metalwork
Exceptional Handcrafted Jewelry
Gourmet Pet Food and Doggie Treats
Silk Scarves, Shawls & Handbags, and much, much more!
Food at the Festival
Chicken Teriyaki, Noodles & Fried Rice , Egg Rolls
Beef Spare Ribs, Beef Basil, Pork, Beef & Chicken
Satay, Pad Thai, Papaya Salad, Beef Curry,
Sticky Rice/Mango
Tamales, Empanadas and Chorizo sandwich
Chicken Kabobs, Jerk Chicken, Vegetarian
Dishes & Fried Plantains
Gyros, Greek Salad, Kabobs, Hummus, Falafel
Italian Sausage (hot & mild) w. Peppers
Barbeque, Philly Cheese Steaks, Polish
Sausage, Steak Fries, Chicken Tenders & Wings,
Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Fish & Chips
Snow Cones, Funnel Cakes, Kettle Corn, specialty
Cup Cakes, Homemade Root Beer & Lemonade,
Amish Breads & Cakes, Jaguar Joe Coffee
October 2012
The Police Beat:
ATM cards skimmed at hospital
Fairfax County Police Dept.
Special Performances
In The Secret Garden at the Fall Festival
October 27th
Mason Police District – Police responded to
the Inova Fairfax Hospital Cardiac Care
Center where they removed a skimmer from
the ATM machine located in the lobby near
the gift shop. They believe thieves attached
the skimmer to the machine in late August
and have been stealing thousands from unsuspecting employees, patients, friends and
family members at the hospital.
Financial crimes detectives were alerted to
the issue when they began to receive complaints that ATM
cards were being used fraudulently to purchase groceries, expensive coffees, and, primarily, to get cash from other ATM
machines. An alert customer spotted the skimming device on
the machine and contacted hospital security who immediately
called police. Detectives are investigating four cases now but
feel that there are many more victims that have not checked
their statements and may be unaware they’ve been victimized.
Bob Brown Puppets—1 & 3 PM
Osmar the Magician—Noon and 2:00 PM
Police report that this crime is on the rise and they urge those
that have used the machine in late August through September
2012 to check their statements closely. If they detect a discrepancy, they should contact their bank and police at 703-6912131. They may also make an online report or learn more
about financial crime scams at http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/
The Chamber thanks Cardinal Bank for
Sponsoring the September 27, 2012 Mixer.
October 2012
Dramatic tax increases scheduled to go into effect in 2013 make 2012 tax planning imperative.
Dramatic tax increases scheduled to go into effect in 2013
make 2012 tax planning imperative. The following taxes may
be impacted:
Not only are the Bush Administration tax cuts set to expire, but a new 3.8 percent surtax on investment income and a possible reinstated claw-back of itemized
deductions could raise the tax rate on ordinary income to as high as an effective 44.6 percent for some
Similarly, the tax rate on long-term capital gains could
increase from 15 percent to 20 percent and the rate
on qualified dividends from 15 percent to an effective 44.6 percent.
Finally, if Congress doesn’t take action, the federal estate
tax rate will increase from 35 percent to 55 percent
and the exclusion amount will drop from $5,120,000
to $1,000,000.
This article will suggest some ways to avoid or minimize the
adverse effects of these changes. Planning for these likely tax
changes is a major undertaking and many clients are beginning the process now rather than waiting for the fall elections.
This is prudent because the additional time will allow you to
become comfortable with the gifting process and provide time
to custom design trusts for your family.
Gain Harvesting
For many taxpayers it will make sense to harvest capital gains
in 2012 to take advantage of the current lower rates. You
would sell appreciated capital assets and immediately reinvest
in the same or similar assets. You would then hold the new
assets until you would otherwise have sold them, so there
would be no change in your investment strategy.
Deciding whether to use the strategy is not as simple as it
might appear on the surface, however, because the lower tax
rates must generally be weighed against a loss of tax deferral.
By harvesting the gains in 2012 you would be paying a lower
tax rate, but recognizing the gains earlier. The greater the differential in tax rates and the shorter the time before the second
sale the more favorable gain harvesting would be.
In some cases, the correct decision will be clear without doing
any analysis. If you are currently in the 0% long-term capital
gains bracket, 2012 gain harvesting would always be favorable because it would give you a free basis step up. Gain harvesting would also be more favorable if you planned to sell
the stock in 2013 or 2014 anyway. The time value of the tax
deferral would be small compared with the future tax savings.
At the other extreme, if you are currently in the 15% longterm capital gain bracket and plan to die with an asset and
pass it on to heirs with a stepped-up basis, there is no reason
to recognize the gain now. You would be incurring tax now
without any offsetting future benefit. Nor would it make sense
to harvest losses to create additional capital loss carryovers.
These loss carryovers would be better employed to offset capital gains in the future when rates are expected to be higher.
If you do not fall into one of these categories, you will have to
do a quantitative analysis to determine whether 2012 gain harvesting would work for you. The decision could be thought of
as buying a future tax savings by recognizing gain in 2012. By
analyzing the decision in this way, you could measure a return
on the 2012 investment over time. If this return on investment
exceeded your opportunity cost of capital, gain harvesting
would make sense.
Planning for the 3.8 Percent Medicare Surtax
For tax years beginning January 1, 2013, the tax law imposes a
3.8 percent surtax on certain passive investment income of individuals, trusts and estates. For individuals, the amount subject to the tax is the lesser of (1) net investment income (NII) or
(2) the excess of a taxpayer's modified adjusted gross income
(MAGI) over an applicable threshold amount.
Net investment income includes dividends, rents, interest, passive activity income, capital gains, annuities and royalties. Specifically excluded from the definition of net investment income
are self-employment income, income from an active trade or
business, gain on the sale of an active interest in a partnership
or S corporation, IRA or qualified plan distributions and income from charitable remainder trusts. MAGI is generally the
amount you report on the last line of page 1, Form 1040.
The applicable threshold amounts are shown below.
Married taxpayers filing jointly
Married taxpayers filing separately
All other individual taxpayers
A simple example will illustrate how the tax is calculated.
Example. Al and Barb, married taxpayers filing separately,
have $300,000 of salary income and $100,000 of NII. The
amount subject to the surtax is the lesser of (1) NII ($100,000)
or (2) the excess of their MAGI ($400,000) over the threshold
amount ($400,000 -$250,000 = $150,000). Because NII is the
smaller amount, it is the base on which the tax is calculated.
Thus, the amount subject to the tax is $100,000 and the surtax
payable is $3,800 (.038 x $100,000).
Fortunately, there are a number of effective strategies that can
be used to reduce MAGI and or NII and reduce the base on
which the surtax is paid. These include (1) Roth IRA conversions, (2) tax exempt bonds, (3) tax-deferred annuities, (4) life
insurance, (5) rental real estate, (6) oil and gas investments, (7)
timing estate and trust distributions, (8) charitable remainder
trusts, (9) installment sales and maximizing above-the-line de-
October 2012
Elder Care in Fairfax County
An Amazing Array of County Services for Aging Residents
Fairfax County Office for Older Adults
Karen Hannigan Director
The Chamber’s Healthcare Consortium was
honored to have the new Director of Fairfax
County’s Office for Older Adults, Karen
Hannigan, as their guest speaker at the August 14th meeting. Ms. Hannigan reviewed
the many impressive services Fairfax County offers their aging residents. Whether you
are ready to receive these benefits personally
or are a caregiver who needs as much information (and help) as
possible to properly care for your senior relative, here is a break
down of services.
A famous advocate for older adults once said, “Old age is not for
sissies!” While there are, indeed, a great many challenges related
to aging, aging often presents wonderful opportunities as well.
Many older adults have more time to commit to their own health
and wellness, explore their creativity and contribute their ideas
and expertise to community planning and volunteering.
Fairfax County recognizes the full range of the experiences of
older adults. The county offers a terrific variety of health and
wellness programs, learning opportunities, and opportunities for
community engagement such as volunteering and participating
on boards and authorities. Many county older adults stay very
active as evidenced by their participation in county recreation
centers, sporting events and leadership in community organizations.
I hope you will visit our webpage at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dfs/
olderadultservices to find out more about wellness, services and
community engagement opportunities for older adults.
In this article, however, I want to focus on the county’s services
when older adults need assistance.
Aging, Disability and Caregiver Resources Line: The first,
and perhaps most important service since it is your gateway to
all other services, is the county’s excellent Aging, Disability and
Caregiver Resources Line at 703-324-7948, TTY 711. County
social workers who are experts in aging services answer calls
from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. They can provide
information in all languages through a telephone language line
patch-in system.
Adult Day Health Care Centers: Fairfax County’s Health
Department runs five centers that provide day care to older
adults who need supervision during the day. Hours are 7 a.m. to
5:30 p.m. The centers are licensed by the Virginia Department
of Social Services and provide a safe, fun and therapeutic environment. The staff includes a registered nurse who can dispense
medications. This program also provides support to family caregivers. The Annandale Center is located at 7200 Columbia Pike.
You can call them at 703-750-3316, TTY 711.
Adult Protective Services:
If you suspect an adult living in
Fairfax County (over 60 or between 18 to 59 and physically or
mentally incapacitated) is being abused, neglected (this includes self-neglecting behaviors) or financially exploited, call
Adult Protective Services (APS) at 703-324-7450, TTY 711.
State law requires that the identity of people who report suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation be kept strictly confidential and reporters are immune from any civil or criminal liability unless they act in bad faith or with a malicious purpose.
In-Home Care Services: In-home care refers to a wide range
of services that help people remain in their own homes. This
can include housekeeping, grocery shopping, bathing, laundry, medication reminders and more. To obtain these subsidized services, a social worker will visit an older adult in his
or her place of residence to complete an assessment. Some of
the in-home care services are free and others have slidingscale fees based on income. If an older adult can afford to pay
for these services privately, the county can provide assistance
with finding a provider.
Meals on Wheels: Meals on Wheels are offered five days a
week and include two nutritious meals: a hot lunch and a cold
meal that includes a salad or sandwich. There is also an ethnic
meal program, which includes Korean, Vietnamese and Middle Eastern meals delivered in some areas of the county. Call
703-324-5421, TTY 711.
A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and
won’t change the subject. – Winston Churchill
You can’t build a reputation on what you are
going to do. – Henry
It’s not that I’m so
smart, it’s just that I
stay with problems
longer. – Albert Einstein
Use soft words and
hard arguments. –
To be upset over what you don’t have is to waste
what you do have. – Anonymous
October 2012
Elder Care in Fairfax County
Caregiver Support Services: If you are a caregiver, there are
services geared for you as well. The Caregiver Telephone Support Group can be accessed from the comfort of your own
home every second Tuesday. Register online or call 703-3245484, TTY 711. For the Caregiver Telephone Support Group in
Korean – Korean speakers can join a free caregiver telephone
support group, call 703-324-7948, TTY 711.
Each fall and spring, the county sponsors the caregiver series
which includes presentations throughout the county by experts
in law, care management, finances and community resources.
Find information on the fall series by calling 703-324-5205,
TTY711 or visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dfs/olderadultservices/
Caregiver respite refers to temporary care of a care recipient so
that the caregiver can take a break. It can be for a few hours
each week or for an overnight. Fairfax County offers a volunteer respite program that provides six hours of respite care from
Northern Virginia Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program:
This program helps residents and families of residents concerned about care in nursing and assisted living facilities. They
can provide information and counseling on selecting a facility,
residents' rights, and quality of care. They can also provide
information on their investigations.
Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program
(VICAP): This program provides insurance counseling and
helps resolve claims and billing problems with Medicare. Also,
each year, the program sponsors a series of presentations during
Medicare’s Open Season – October 15-December 7. The next
presentation in Annandale is Wednesday, October 10 at 11:30
a.m. at Wakefield Senior Center, 8100 Braddock Road, Annandale. Call 703-321-3000, TTY 711 to register. Go to
more information on this program and additional fall presentations.
One final note, I want to point out the county’s commitment to
providing information and services to its multi-ethnic communities. We are aware of and celebrate our county’s diversity
which, according to the September 6, 2012 Washington Post, is
ranked among the top 25 most-diverse metropolitan areas in the
country. As mentioned earlier, our Aging Disability and Caregiver Resource Line can find translators upon request. Also,
our webpage can be translated by clicking on the Google translation program.
tions and Tax Preparation for seniors starting in February of
each year.
Fairfax County Tax Relief: If you are at least 65 years of age,
own and occupy your home in Fairfax County as your sole
dwelling, or have permanent and total disability at a younger
age, you may qualify for relief from real estate tax, in whole or
in part. Household income and asset level limits apply, but
many Mason District residents have found that the tax relief
program enables them to remain in their homes. Applications
are still being accepted for first-time filers through Dec. 31,
2012. For information or to obtain a tax relief applications, visit
www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dta, or call 703/222-8234 from 8 a.m.
to 4:30 a.m., M-F.
Spanish speakers may call 703/2228234. Or stop by the Mason District Government Center Supervisor’s office to pick up an application.
AARP Tax Preparation: Every spring, volunteers from the
AARP Tax-Aide program assist local residents with their federal and Virginia state tax preparation. The free program usually
begins in early February and extends until Tax Day, April
15. Specific schedules for the AARP Tax-Aide Program at the
Mason District Governmental Center, 6507 Columbia Pike in
Annandale, are available in early January. Assistance is rendered on a first come, first served basis, and all returns are filed
M. Quinn Designs’ PACK-N-MOVE™
Your Local Resource for Lifestyle Transitions
At M. Quinn Designs, we can handle
all or part of your lifestyle transition.
Our services include the design and
supervision of the installation of accessible kitchens, baths, stair-lifts and
elevators. Our PACK-N-MOVE™
team can take care of local and interstate moves with unpacking and setup. They can meet your expectations,
including making your beds and hanging the artwork in your new spaces.
Our goal is to meet your needs. We meet with you to discuss
your specific objectives and requirements. Together, we work
out a plan to handle your transition whether you are staying in
your present home or are moving to a new one.
Mason District Government Center
Our professionals can assess your mobility and visual abilities
in order to give you a living environment that meets our Beautiful Accessibility℠ criterion. Please call 703-354-6359.
Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross offers assistance in her
office with both Fairfax County Real Estate Tax Relief applica-
Member: The Annandale Chamber’s Healthcare Consortium
October 2012
New Members Spotlight
Horizons Hospice, LLC
Rice and Spice
It’s not about how much life you have
But, how you choose to live it.
Thai cuisine at its best.
7010 Little River Turnpike # 360, Annandale
6244-K Little River Turnpike, Alex.-Landmark (5 minutes from Annandale)
Horizons Hospice is new to the NO VA area, but not new to
Virginia. We have been providing quality hospice care in the
Richmond area since January 2011 and recently expanded into
NO. VA. with an office at 7010 Little River Turnpike, Annandale across from the library. We are excited to join your community and look forward to serving the hospice needs in the
Northern Virginia area .
The Best Kept Secret in Fort Belvoir is the original Rice &
Spice restaurant. Now owners Natalie and Chef Rod bring their
authentic Thai dishes and family-friendly service to Annandale
with Rice & Spice II. Just 5 minutes from the heart of Annandale and conveniently located on Little River Tpk. At Beauregard Street in the Plaza at Landmark Shopping Center.
At Horizons Hospice we offer more than quality hospice care.
Our caring and experienced staff provides compassionate medical care and symptom management to ensure the best quality
of life for each of our patients. At the time it is needed most,
we provide emotional and spiritual support to our patients and
their loved ones. By educating the patient and the family about
their options of care we can relieve many of the burdens a family sometimes experiences.
To reach these goals Horizons Hospice provides Registered
Nurse Case Managers who work closely with your attending
physician to manage your healthcare needs, Certified Nursing
Assistants to meet your personal care needs, Social Workers
and Chaplains to meet your spiritual and emotional needs and
experienced Hospice Medical Directors (Physicians) who specialize in maintaining your quality of life through pain and
symptom management. There are many other support services
provided by Horizons Hospice through our volunteers such as
bereavement services, physical therapy, occupational therapy
and speech therapy all designed to ensure the best quality of
life for each of our patients and their families.
Horizons Hospice, LLC.
7010 Little River Tpk. # 360
Annandale, VA 22003
Chef Rod's family recipes have been known to be the best Thai
food in the DC metropolitan area, with notable favorites such as
Pad Thai, Green Curry, as well as unique creations such as
Short Rib Thai Red Penang Curry which he will be serving at
the Annandale Fall Festival. Other specialties include like the
intensely rich 5-spice beef broth or the Slow cook beef noodle
soup (Noua Tun noodle soup) and the Chiang Mai Khao Soi Gai
Curry Noodles.
With a full-service bar, restful modern Thai décor, affordable
prices, and delivery available to the surrounding communities
(within a three-mile radius,
please call for service area
details), Rice & Spice brings
authentic ethnic cuisine to
the Annandale community.
Private Event bookings and
Catering is also available.
11:00 am - 10:00 pm
11:00 am - 10:30 pm
11:30 am - 10:30 pm
11:30 am - 10:00 pm
As you enter off of Beauregard,
turn to your right in the shopping center. Rice and Spice is
unfortunately hidden from
Little River viewing but is
located in the building closest
to Little River.
703.750.1084 landmark.ricespiceva@yahoo.com
October 2012
New Members Spotlight
Trico Office Solutions
Customer satisfaction is our first goal
Barkley Square, Inc.
Pet Sitters, Dog Walkers, Gourmet Dog Bakery, Pet Boutique
& Taxi Service
Tom O’Daniel, President Trico Office Solutions.
www.barkleysquare.com in Alexandria
Tom O’Daniel, President of
Trico Office Solutions, grewup in a family who owned and
operated an office equipment
store in Maryland. He has
watched manual typewriters
fade into electronic ones and
word processors into computer-printers. His family serviced
mimeograph & fax machines, word processors & early printers,
and now, high tech, high speed digital printers. Tom’s career
has paralleled the evolution of office machinery and few could
be more knowledgeable.
Barkley Square is an accredited in-home professional dog walking and pet sitting service catering to you and your pets’ specific needs. Founded in 1991, they work with clients throughout
the metropolitan area, including Annandale. Their professional
pet sitters and dog walkers are bonded and insured and are committed to the highest standard of pet care service. In addition to
the specialized professional pet services, their dog walkers and
pet sitters will take out the trash and recycle bins, bring in the
mail and newspapers, set alarms, adjust lights, water plants and
gardens, and raise & lower the blinds.
In 1972 after military service, Tom started Trico later to become
Trico Office Solutions. Then as now, he sells new and refurbished office equipment; provides service and repair to new and
old equipment; and, sales of printer supplies. He even offers
soy based environmentally friendly toner as well as the more
common oil based. If you have a small or large printer, fax,
scanner or copier that needs repair, who do you call? Office
machinery has fallen victim to an ever growing throw-away
society. Trico will first try to repair your current equipment
before attempting to sell you replacements. They have built
long lasting relationships with a network of nationwide suppliers who can locate many older parts and even many old equipment manuals.
More than anything, Tom builds relationships with his clients
that have lasted through second and third generation family
businesses. Trico employs well vetted and highly skilled technicians who perform regular service checks on Chamber office
equipment and the exceptional printer on which ENDEAVOR is
tricova@ymail.com . 386-527-8876 or 703-327-6893
Barkley Square also features a dog bakery and pet boutique
specializing in delicious treats, gifts and furnishings for dogs
(and cats) with a taste for quality.
Ever have trouble getting your pet(s) to and from their appointments? Let them help. Barkley Square will pick up and deliver
your pets to veterinary and grooming appointments, as well as
take them to the airport and even to grandmother’s house.
Their website is packed with information, including Bed &
Breakfast and Overnight Stays. For a full list of services see
www.barkleysquare.com and meet them at the Fall Festival.
Their Booth will be in the Kids Zone.
Barkley Square, Inc.
Kristina Robertson
PO Box 10724
Alexandria, VA 222310
October 2012
New Members Spotlight
US Small Business Administration
The U.S. Small Business Administration
(SBA) was created in
1953 as an independent agency of the federal government to aid,
counsel, assist and
protect the interests of
small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise
and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation. We recognize that small business is critical to our economic recovery and strength, to building America's future, and to
helping the United States compete in today's global marketplace. The SBA helps Americans start, build and grow businesses. Through an extensive network of field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations, SBA delivers its
services to people throughout the United States, Puerto Rico,
the U. S. Virgin Islands and Guam.
Since its founding, the U.S. Small Business Administration has
delivered millions of loans, loan guarantees, contracts, counseling sessions and other forms of assistance to small businesses.
SBA provides assistances primarily through its four programmatic functions:
Access to Capital (Business Financing)
SBA provides small businesses with an array of financing for
small businesses from the smallest needs in microlending --- to
substantial debt and equity investment capital (venture capital).
Entrepreneurial Development (Education, Information,
Technical Assistance & Training)
SBA provides free individual face-to-face, and internet counseling for small businesses, and low-cost training to nascent entrepreneurs and established small businesses in over 1,800 locations throughout the United States and US territories.
Government Contracting (Federal Procurement)
In keeping with the mandate of Section 15(g) of the Small Business Act, SBA’s Office of Government Contracting sets goals
with other federal departments and agencies to reach the statutory goal of 23 percent in prime contract dollars to small businesses. This office also provides small businesses with subcontracting procurement opportunities, outreach programs, and training.
Advocacy (Voice for Small Business)
Created in 1978, this Office reviews Congressional legislation
and testifies on behalf of small business. It also assesses the
impact of the regulatory burden on behalf of small businesses.
Additionally, it conducts a vast array of research on American
small businesses and the small business environment. The
Chief Counsel of this office is appointed by the President of the
United States
Are you thinking about starting a business of your own? Congratulations! It’s a huge step, and you’ll need to be prepared.
That’s where SBA comes in: Learn the aspects of starting a
business, plus get the answers and information you need to
As you get started, take advantage of free training and counseling from experienced business owners who’ve already walked in
your shoes. Learn about government-sponsored mentorship programs and resources.
How to Write a Business Plan
Get tips on how to organize your thoughts and develop a business plan that puts you on the road to success.
Establishing a Business
What type of business should you set-up and how should you
structure it? Read about various business types, how to incorporate your business, purchase an existing business, and
Prepare Your Business Finances
How much does it cost to start a business? At what level of
revenue will your business break even? Do you need a loan?
This guide can help you build a picture of your business financing needs.
Explore Loans, Grants & Funding
This guide explores options for financing your small business.
From loans to venture capital investments, find out what’s
available and how to tap into these sources.
Understand Business Law & Regulations
A variety of laws and regulations govern how you manage employees, conduct business, and ensure a healthy workplace. But
the law can also protect your small business interests in areas
such as intellectual property. This guide explains what you can
do to comply and use the law to your advantage.
How to Market Your New Business
Get tips on how to build your marketing budget and develop a
plan to grow your business.
For more information contact the SBA at:
Julie Veratti or Bridget Bean
740 15th Street NW
Washington, DC 20005
October 2012
How the holiday evolved
Photograph of President Truman receiving a Thanksgiving turkey from
members of the Poultry and Egg National Board outside the White House.
11/16/1949. (Courtesy of the National Archive photographic library)
According to the National Archives, President George Washington issued a proclamation naming Thursday, November 26,
1789 as an official holiday of, "sincere and humble thanks." The
nation then celebrated its first Thanksgiving under its new Constitution.
Seventy four years later on October 3, 1863, President Lincoln
made the traditional Thanksgiving celebration a nationwide
holiday to be commemorated each year on the fourth Thursday
of November. In the midst of a bloody Civil War, President
Lincoln issued a Presidential Proclamation in which he enumerated the blessings of the American people and called upon his
countrymen to, "set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of "Thanksgiving."
In 1939 President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved the holiday to
the third Thursday of November to lengthen the Christmas
shopping season and boost the economy still recovering from
the Depression. This move, which set off a national debate, was
reversed in 1941 when Congress passed and President Roosevelt approved a joint house resolution establishing, by law, the
fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day.
October 2012
PRO Maxx Fitness
It was worth the wait
PRO Maxx Fitness in the Annandale Shopping Center
“Live Life to the MAXX”
PRO Maxx Fitness underwent an extensive eco-friendly renovation and will happily reopen in October after exhausting
delays caused by backups in the county permitting offices.
Warning: You should anticipate a wait three times the length
you are first quoted.
The renovation increased the cardio vascular and free weight
workout areas so new fitness machines and equipment could
be installed. The also added a tranquil massage therapy room,
a high-energy aerobics room, a safe play area for children,
contemporary executive locker rooms and a special section
dedicated specifically for Olympic-style weightlifting training
and coaching.
PRO MAXX Fitness will offer fitness classes and programs to
strengthen, tighten and tone the body in a vibrant and inviting
setting. Services provided by Pro MAXX Fitness will be tailored to meet the needs of its members as well as focusing on
sport-specific training of individuals and groups in areas such
as skills-enhancement, agility and endurance.
PRO MAXX Fitness is dedicated to providing its clientele
with highly personalized customer service, professional expertise and direct access to its community involved decision
makers. It provides the resources and amenities desired to
improve one’s game, health and self image. The PRO MAXX
motto, “Live Life to the MAXX,” is the inspirational message
for all to pursue. www.promaxxfitness.com
or promaxxfitness@gmail.com
PRO Maxx Staff hosting the Chamber’s June Mixer
CBPD and SkillSource
Move to Annandale
7611 Little River Turnpike, West Wing, Annandale
The Center for Business Planning and Development (CBPD)
and its strategic partner Fairfax County SkillSource Center
have moved to Annandale.
CBPD, operated by Business Development Assistance Group
(BDAG), has been a chamber member since 2006. BDAG is a
non-profit organization whose mission is to help small and
minority-owned businesses become more viable in American
economic life through technical assistance, training and access to business opportunities.
CBPD provides the following services to startup and existing
One-on-One counseling.
Business Plan Development.
Business Training in collaboration with NVCC.
Permits and Licensing Assistance.
Marketing and Networking.
Government Contracting in collaboration with U.S. SBA
& SCORE/DC Chapter
The Annandale SkillSource Center, operated by The Fairfax
County Department of Family Services, offers the following
services to job seekers:
Listing of current job openings and upcoming job fairs.
Resume preparation and career counseling.
Evaluation of current skill level.
Exploration of potential opportunities for enhancing
Job-readiness and on-the-job training.
English as a Second Language and literacy enhancement.
Skills upgrading.
Occupational and vocational skills training.
Interview preparation and techniques.
Practice interviews.
You will find both, employment and business services under
one roof. For more information call: CBPD at 703.538.7412
and The SkillSource Center at 703.533.5400.
October 2012
Make the World Go Around
By: Suzanne Holland, Asst. Mgr. Hidden Oaks Nature Center
Hidden Oaks Nature Center, similar to the Chamber of Commerce and many non-profit organizations, depends on volunteers to fulfill its mission. Hidden
Oaks has 45 volunteers who
spend as little as an hour per
quarter to 8 hours per week, enabling the site to provide natural
and cultural history education
programs plus support natural
resource management. The reasons people volunteer are as different as each person but generally fall into several categories.
Many students volunteer to fulfill
class, scout or church requirements. Retirees volunteer to follow
a passion, stay active and make new friends. Teens may be
building their resume. Many report the desire to contribute to
their communities in a meaningful fashion. Some plan on donating a few hours with a scout or school project and end up staying on for years.
One such volunteer is anything but typical. Jean Laub, 87 years
young, has volunteered at Hidden Oaks for over 20 years, donating over 250 hours per year with a grand total of over 5000
hours. The only break she took was for brain surgery, but that
hardly even slowed her down. Jean is being recognized this November as Fairfax County Park Authority’s outstanding volunteer of the year with the agency’s highest volunteer honor, the
Elly Doyle Award.
Jean retired from being a public school teacher after having
spent over twenty years introducing first graders to a love a nature along with their ABCs. She proudly carries on the family
tradition of environmental education. Her husband introduced
Arbor Day celebrations into Fairfax County Public Schools
through his Tree Commission position back in the 1980s and
Jean pioneered an outdoor classroom in 1980 which is still in
use today at Chesterbrook Elementary.
Jean declares that she feels better when she volunteers and recommends it highly for everyone. She likes to dabble in many
volunteer arenas. She assists with volunteer services by answering the phones and welcoming the public on Sunday afternoons.
On weekday mornings she may lead a trail walk for first graders
or guide 3-5 year olds and their parents on the wonders of wind
as they set their homemade windsocks flying. In the afternoon
she may assist with an afterschool elementary program series on
American Indian Survival Skills or Animal C.S.I. On weekend
afternoons she could also be explaining Moh’s scale of hardness
to Cub Scouts for their geology badges, or animating a raccoon
in a puppet show at a public library presentation.
Jean’s motto is that life is good if you make it so. She translates
this belief into helping children who have trouble separating
from a parent for summer day camps or who want to spend
more time at a worm experiment. What could be more encouraging than having your own stand-in grandmother for the day.
Jean herself is a true force of nature, although she eschews that
kind of praise. She volunteers because she enjoys herself and
staying busy is a great way to get motivated daily. Hidden Oaks,
and other Park Authority facilities, welcome retirees, students,
adults, the young and the young at heart to volunteer. You just
might find that niche you have been looking for right in your
own community by donating your time and talents.
To quote William James, “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” Contact our volunteer coordinator, Janis Jeffers.
If she cannot find a perfect fit for you she can direct you to another organization which may suit your interests. Contact her at
janis.jeffers@fairfaxcounty.gov or at 703-941-1065. You do not
have to plan on volunteering for 20 years – but we would certainly enjoy your support for whatever time you choose to
Hidden Oaks Nature Center is located in Annandale at 7701
Royce Street, one block back from Hummer Road. Reach us at
Fun and Fulfilling
Volunteer Opportunity
Annandale Fall Festival
Help celebrate Annandale, run a children’s game, read stories
in the Secret Garden, help with the entertainment stage, aid
the facilities coordinator, (The festival is October 27, 2012.)
Volunteer for two hours or the entire day. These hours will
count toward school community service requirements. All
ages welcome as volunteers. See forms for details.
Forms available at www.annandalechamber.com under
Our Events then Fall Festival/Parade or write
October 2012
TAX TALK...continued
Fall Teas & Programs
at Green Spring Gardens Historic Manor House
(Entrance on Braddock Road across from Pinecrest Golf Course)
ductions. We would be happy to explain how these strategies
might save you large amounts of surtax.
Accelerating Ordinary Income into 2012
A final opportunity that should be noted is accelerating ordinary
income into 2012. Perhaps the best way to do this would be to
convert a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA in 2012, if a conversion
otherwise made sense. Ordinary income could also be accelerated by selling bonds with accrued interest in 2012 or selling and
repurchasing bonds trading at a premium. Finally, you might
consider exercising non-qualified stock options in 2012.
Estate Tax Provisions
The estate tax exemption is currently $5,120,000 per person and
will revert to $1,000,000 on January 1st, 2013 unless Congress
acts. The President is suggesting a $3,500,000 exemption. The
potential reduction in the estate tax exemption is resulting
in many client making large gifts, in trust, for their family. In
some instances the trusts are for the spouse, children and grandchildren and in others just for children and younger generations. Most experts would define the savings at 35%, 45% or
55% of the amount gifted over $1,000,000. On a $5,000,000 gift
the savings would be $1,800,000 ($4,000,000*45%).
George H. Kresslein CPA . www.kressleincpa.com
5155 Piedmont Place . Annandale, VA 22003
703-354-1750 . gkresslein@kressleincpa.com
Traditional English Tea and Program
Programs are by reservation only and require a non-refundable prepayment.
A traditional full English tea is included in each tea program. For tea program reservations: 703-642-5173 or register online at www.greenspring.org.
Saturday, October 13: Teas of Africa Tasting Party 10:30am-noon $22
Africa produces a surprisingly wide range of teas that are worth exploring.
Hear the story of tea in Africa and sample some delicious brews, from the
robust black teas of Kenya to the green and even white teas of Tanzania and
Sunday, October 21: The King and Mrs. Simpson 1-3pm $27
Hear the captivating tale of the man who gave up his throne for love. We’ll
examine the scandal, intrigue and drama that brought Britain to the brink of
constitutional crisis in 1936 as we tell the sensational story of King Edward
VIII and Mrs. Wallis Simpson.
Sunday, November 11: The Changing Shape of Fashion
1-3:30pm. $30 (program + tea)/$10 (program only)
Collector and exhibitor Caroline Hottenstein shows her fabulous collection
of antique dresses, bodices, outerwear, trimmings and more. Take the opportunity to examine exquisitely hand-crafted pieces up close as Caroline explains the changing shape of female form and fashion during the nineteenth
Saturday, December 8 and Sunday, December 9: Jane Austen’s Regency Christmas 1-3pm $27
"At Christmas everybody invites their friends about them..." wrote Jane
Austen in “Emma.” Imagine yourself at home at Christmas with the Elliots,
Bingleys or Bennets as we learn how Austen’s characters, and the novelist
herself, would have celebrated the festive season in the early 1800s.
Garden Programs
Saturday, November 17: Thanksgiving Design 1-3pm $35
Create beautiful floral designs to take home for your Thanksgiving table
after Northern Virginia Community College instructor, Bruce Nash, demonstrates the dazzling possibilities. Floral material, greens and containers provided. Registration and $20 supply fee due by November 4.
Sunday, November 18: Mother and Daughter Tea Party: Beautiful
Bling! 1-3pm. $27/$18 child 12 and under (7 yrs. and older)
Every girl deserves to sparkle! Hear about the fun history of fashion jewelry
as we discuss all things bling. Make an adjustable slip knot and create a
beautiful bling bracelet for the holidays. Materials included.
Saturday, December 1: Floral Design Workshop: Wreaths 1-3 pm $35
Create a beautiful wreath to take home for your door after Northern Virginia
Community College instructor, Bruce Nash, demonstrates the dazzling possibilities. Greens, cones and forms provided. Please bring pruners and gloves.
Registration and $20 supply fee due by November 16.
This is just a partial listing of programs. For Garden Program reservations and
details call: 703-941–7987 or go to www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/gsgp
Chamber Chat:
October 2012
News, notices & bulletins posted by
Annandale Chamber Members
The ACCA Child Development Center (CDC) is enrolling! Bring
child's up-to-date immunization records, birth certificate and $100 registration fee. We provide affordable, high-quality early education and
developmentally appropriate care for children ages 3 months to 5 years
in a safe, healthy and diverse environment. More information at 703256-0100 or info@accacdc.org
AH Dental Clinic offers quality dental care right in the heart of Annandale. Your first consultation comes free of charge. We speak Spanish
and accept Medicaid for kids under age 21. Free check-ups are also
offered for parents with kids covered by Medicaid. 4231 Markham
Street # 214, Annandale. 703-256-3589. www.ahdentalclinic.com
American Disposal Services: Quite possibly the most important advancement of our company happened just this year. In 2011, American
Disposal Services, Inc. launched a company-wide initiative to increase
recycling participation for all customers we service. This campaign
operates under the name, ThinkBeforeYouThrow®. As a result, we no
longer think of ourselves as a trash company, but rather, a recycling
company with a trash problem. We proudly service Residential, Commercial, Roll-off, and Compactors. Contact 703-368-0500 or info@adsimail.com.
Follow us! @AmDisposal or, visit us at
American Legion Bicentennial Post 1976 YARD SALE-Oct. 27th,
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM 4206 Daniels Ave., Annandale, VA 22003
Questions, Call (703) 941-9608
AnnSandra: Holiday China Sale-Limited quantities of Bernardaud
Grenadiers, Lenox Holiday & Winter Greetings, Portmeirion Holly &
Ivy, Spode Christmas Tree, and Royal Worcester’s Holly Ribbons Holiday are now available at up to 70% off manufacturers suggested retail
price. Please see our store website for more details at
www.annsandra.com or give us a call at 703-354-2110. We are proudly
celebrating 31 years in Annandale! 4417 John Marr Drive.
Annandale Boys & Girls Club has moved to their new location at
4216 Annandale Rd and has launched several new social media sites
helping us to communicate directly to current and prospective families,
players and community members. Sign up for email alerts or text
“follow annandalebgc” to 40404 on your cell phone for text
alerts. Twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/AnnandaleBGC Facebook at
https://www.facebook.com/#!/AnnandaleBCG 703-941-ABGC (2242).
LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/company/annandale-boys-&-girls
-club and our new Blog ABGC
Annandale Volunteer Fire Department: The Annandale Volunteer
Fire Department provides an exciting bingo game and lots of opportunities to win every Thursday and special times throughout the year. Average Payouts of over $14,136 per night. Doors open 4:30pm – Early
Birds start at 6:45pm – Regular Session starts at 8:00pm. See AVFD
BINGO special events. Must be 14 yrs. of age to play, ATM machine
available. Bingo Hotline is 703-941-1328.
Capital Caring: Our Grief Support Groups provide expert hospice and
palliative services available for those who qualify. Anyone can place a
referral to Capital Caring @ 1.800.869.2136. We also provide InService and educational presentations. Drop-In Groups (no registration
required) and 8 k. Support Groups offered. www.capitalcaring.org
Cosmetic Hearing Solutions is the leader in discrete and overall hearing aid technology in the Northern Virginia area. Specialized training,
superior service, and affordability are just a few of the factors that allow
us to rise above the rest. 6715 Little river Turnpike, Suite 203, Annandale. 571-257-2560.
Edsall Park Exxon: 6550 Edsall Road, Alexandria, VA 22312 703-752
-1111 Friendly and professional services for private or company vehicles. www.edsallparkexxon.com
ENDEAVOR Advertise in ENDEAVOR, Annandale’s news magazine. Stay in touch with local happenings, learn more about Annandale’s history, discover new business enterprises, and celebrate Annandale. www.annandalechamber.com
Green Spring Features – Thanksgiving Centerpieces—Saturday, November 11th 1 PM Create beautiful floral designs to take home for
your Thanksgiving table. NVCC instructor, Bruce Nash demonstrates
the possibilities. Floral materials, greens and container provided. Reservation and $20 material fee due by Nov. 4th. Reservations: 703-6425173 visit the Web site at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/gsgp.
Hidden Oaks Nature Center: Fearless Fest: Join a Naturalist on
Saturday, October 20th at 7 PM for a night hike, meet costumed creatures including a black widow spider, skunk, owl and a dead tree who
explain why they have scary reputations. Investigate real animal skulls,
owl pellets and make crafts. Great for scouts. All adults and children
must register. Guided trail hike is 50 minutes. Additional activities,
including crafts inside for before and after your scheduled walk. Fun for
ages 4 yrs. and above. One flashlight per family. Welcome to come in
costume. Fun, not scary, costumed character presentations For this and
many other programs see www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parktakes or call 703222-4664. Can also register online. $7 county resident/$9 non resident.
Joseph’s Coat: Come see new surprises every week. Joseph’s Coat is
a resale outlet which benefits Bethany House of Northern Virginia and
filled with your next treasure. 7219 Columbia Pike, Annandale 703538-6289 www.josephscoatresale.com
Lee’s Hapmudo Martial Arts Studio: School age, Teen, Adult Classes and Special class for ages 3-5 years are all offered. We have Beginner & Advanced Martial Arts, Anti-Bully, Exercise & Flexibility,
Weapons Training, and Summer & Spring Camps, After School Programs and more. Please contact 703-750-3330 or see our website at
www.hapmudo.net. 7036 Columbia Pike, Annandale
The National Capital Heisey Collector’s Club will hold their
40th Annual All-Heisey Glass Show and Sale in Annandale, VA.
At the Volunteer Fire Department John G. Fox, Jr. Memorial
Hall, 7128 Columbia Pike, Annandale. Hours: Saturday, March
16, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Sunday, March 17, 11:00am-4:00 pm
Tickets are $7.00. The finest dealers from across the country
will show and sell Heisey Glass. A.H. Heisey & Company began
operations in Newark, Ohio in 1896.
The Annandale Chapter of the National Association of Active/
Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) is working with VDOT to keep
Evergreen Lane and High Place litter free. Watch for us in our orange
vests. Also, please join us at our monthly meetings. While our mem-
October 2012
Chamber Chat
bership is limited to active and retired federal employees, our meetings are open to the public. Check us out at www.narfe.org/
Patch.com: Visit annandale.patch.com to experience local news,
search community events and discover new establishments in town.
Businesses receive a free listing on annandale.patch.com, and business owners can claim their listing to update information and keep the
listing fresh and accurate. All Annandale Chamber members who
claim their Patch listing will receive a 10% advertising discount (with
a 3 month minimum). Contact Jake VanWoerkom at 703-957-8704 or
jake.vanwoerkom@patch.com for details. View and claim your free
listing on annandale.patch.com today.
PHILLIPS Programs is breaking ground! The PHILLIPS Building
Futures program provides intensive hands-on vocational training for
youth with special needs. The program helps students to a better future through hands-on job skills. We’re excited to announce that we’re
building a house on Holyoke Drive. Follow the building progress
online at www.phillipsprograms.org. Contact: Sarah Caldwell, 703941-8810, Sarah.Caldwell@phillipsprograms.org.
October 19, 2012 at 7:30 PM Reserve
your tickets now our 20th Anniversary Celebration, "Bach to
Blues: Two Decades of Music, Magic & Memories", 7:30 p.m
NVCC Ernst Center. $35 each including light refreshments,
Jazz with Strings & multimedia show. Call Pat Sawhney, 703503-9387. Advertise in our program.
Reunion Music Society:
November 9th at 8:00 PM at the Ernst Center, “Masters of Melody”
see website www.reunionmusic.org for more information.
Rice & Spice Thai Restaurant: Traditional Thai Cuisine tested to
perfection by owner Natalie and Chef Rod. Family favorite street
dishes in a family friendly atmosphere. Dine-In, Carry out and Delivery within 3 mile radius. Plaza at Landmark just 6 minutes away.
6244 K Little River Turnpike, Alexandria, VA 22312 . 703-750-1084
Shear Shack Salon & Spa is the premier salon and spa in Northern
Virginia. We offer a spectrum of personalized services to our guests,
including creative hair design; precision threading and rejuvenating
nail and skin treatment. As our guests can attest, our talented stylists
and therapists guarantee a superior experience for every client, every
time, at an affordable price. 6548 Little River Tpk. (Pinecrest Shopping Center) 703-642-1113. Visit Harjeet’s Boutique while you are
The Food Sherpa: Would you like to enjoy healthy, delicious dinners in your own home, but have someone else do the cooking? The
Food Sherpa will shop for your groceries, come to your home with all
the necessary cooking equipment, prepare your meals; then package
and store them for you to enjoy at your convenience. The Food Sherpa offers custom menus, vegetarian, low sodium, low-fat and personal
chef services for busy families, couples, and individuals, the healthconscious, the adventurous eater, and the senior citizen. Cooking
classes in you home can also be arranged. Contact: Keith Steury at
703-379-7339 or email at ksteury@thefoodsherpa.com. Details availa-
ble at www.thefoodsherpa.com
Tim Frazier Tree Service: Have you experienced storm damage or
lost a tree? Do your trees need trimming, topping, cabling, or removing? Do you need landscaping services, edging & mulching, seeding
and sodding, top soil, lot cleaning, or hedge trimming? Do your gutters need cleaning? Please give me a call. My business is fully insured and satisfaction is guaranteed. 1-888-873-8746 toll free. I
have worked for many Chamber members. Contact the Chamber
TRICO Office Solutions: We specialize in sales and service of all
types of office machines. Whether for a commercial office or home
office we can find you the machines that match your needs and budget. We can also locate those hard to find parts and supplies for older
machines. Need machinery, service or a maintenance plan? Call 703327-6893 or see www.tricoofficesolutions.com
Virginia Commerce Bank: Join Virginia Commerce Bank during
Protect Your Identity Week for a FREE Community Shred-It Event!
Purge your paper and learn how you can minimize your paper trail by
signing up for eStatements. 4230 John Marr Drive. Please call the
branch at 703-256-8889 for more information.
Website Advertising now available on the homepage of the
Chamber’s website. Contact advertise@annandalechamber.com for
more information. Looking to attract local customers? Place an ad
on this site for the best niche marketing in the region.
October 2012
Forget Cookie Cutter Kitchens:
Pyne Studios, Inc.
Granite counters, islands
and stainless remain popular for kitchen remodels in
Northern Virginia. But,
the kitchen you’ll love the
most will be the one designed around the activities
you love the most.
Baker’s Kitchen
Marble countertops are
ideal for kneading dough
and rolling flaky pastry but
they’re easily stained by
berries, red wine, vanilla,
and lemon juice. A solution is to create a marble
work station that’s lower in
height than the counters and use engineered quartz like
Casesarstone for the rest of the counters. The quartz offers the
same cool-to-the-touch baking advantages but it’s far easier to
maintain than marble.
Island workstations with plenty of elbow room for rolling
dough are ideal. A heavy duty slide out shelf can lift a stand
mixer out of a lower cabinet up to counter level and send it
back when you’re done. No heavy lifting and you’ve saved
counter space. If you prefer large mixers to remain on counter,
hide with a pull down tambour door when not in use. For storing dry goods, drawers offer easier access than cabinets. Include some deep cabinets for organizing large baking sheets,
muffin tins and racks. Add a double over so you can bake in
large batches and at different temperatures. Crisp yet tender
breads and pastry crusts are easily achieved in the newer steam
injection ovens.
Comfort Kitchen
A trend has begun away from industrial grade kitchens. Stainless steel continues to be popular for appliances but new oiled
bronze finishes offer warmer choices for more traditional
kitchen décor. For a welcoming furnished feel, add upholstered armchairs at the table, plan for a built-in refrigerator and
dishwasher with cabinet front insets. Kitchen Islands can be
made to look more like fine furniture when different finishes
are used than on the cabinets and table legs and display shelves
are added. Use a variety of counter heights to accommodate
adults, kids, and those with limited mobility so everyone can
help with preparations.
Gourmet Kitchen
Gourmet recipes call for chopping, simmering, searing and any
number of other culinary techniques. That’s why your dream
kitchen needs multiple types of lighting, counter heights, and
work surfaces. Butcher block may not be right for all countertops but it makes a perfect inset for a chopping station that’s
also designed to keep knives handy.
You may want to plan the kitchen with an island and a second
prep sink, so several cooks have room to work. If you use lots
of fresh ingredients, consider a bottom freezer refrigerator that
raises fresh food to eye level. New French Door models solve
the problem of side-by-side refrigerators that are too narrow to
accommodate large platters and trays. Install a water faucet at
the stove for filing heavy pots.
Maintenance Tip
About 8% of home water use takes place in the kitchen. To
conserve, install a low-flow faucet aerator; cutting the water
use by half. Use an efficient dishwasher with water saving features; run only with full loads.
Pyne Studios, Inc. - Mike and Debi Pyne
6448 Elmdale Road . Alexandria, VA 22312
703-462-3405 . www.pynestudios.com
October 2012
Calendar Of Events
All reservations and entrée selection for luncheons can be made by emailing: info@annandalechamber.com. Luncheons are generally $20.00/members and $25.00/non members.
RESERVATIONS ARE APPRECIATED THREE DAYS IN ADVANCE. Afternoon Mixers are free to members but there is a $20 admission charge for non-members payable at the
door. If Fairfax County Schools are closed due to inclement weather, all Chamber activities will be cancelled. For more de tails & menu selections see the Chamber’s website calendar at www.annandalechamber.com
Sat. Oct 6
Skate Annandale Fire House Columbia Pike
Thurs. Oct. 11
Juke Box Diner
7039 Columbia Pike
NOON – 1:30 PM
For Security’s Sake: Five Steps Business Owners
Should Take –ET Smith of ESTECH, Annandale based
Security Firm. Mr. Smith will also answer questions
you have about improving your own security.
Sat. Oct. 27
Annual Parade
Columbia Pike
10 am—NOON
See www.annandalechamber.com for Entry Form
Sat. Oct. 27
Fall Festival
Safeway Parking Lot
7414 Little River Tpk.
10 am—5 PM
Community Market, Food, Entertainment, Games and
Inflatable Rides...Obstacle Course and Bungee Jump
Wed. Nov . 14
Inter Service
TBA by Rotary
Hosted by the Annandale Rotary—see their website for
details and reservations.
Thurs. Dec 13
7052 Columbia Pike
4:00-5:00 PM
Networking Opportunity sponsored by the Chamber’s
HealthCare Consortium. Bring your marketing materials to
exchange at this quick fire networking session.
Thurs. Jan. 10, 2013
7039 Columbia Pike
Juke Box Diner
NOON – 1:30 PM
TAX TALK for Small Businesses: George Kresslein,
CPA and author is back by popular demand to discuss
changes in the tax code and how they may affect your
return this year.
Thurs. Jan. 24
7052 Columbia Pike
4:00-5:00 PM
Networking Opportunity sponsored by Pyne Studios, Inc.
Bring your marketing materials to exchange at this quick
fire networking session.
Thurs. Feb. 14
Juke Box Diner
7039 Columbia Pike
NOON – 1:30 PM
The State of Commercial Real Estate in Annandale &
Fairfax County: Curt Hoffman, Sr. Mgr. for Real Estate with FC Economic Development Authority will provide an overview of the local commercial market as well as
a submarket analysis.
Thurs. Feb 28
7052 Columbia Pike
4:00-5:00 PM
Networking Opportunity sponsored by Pyne Studios, Inc.
Bring your marketing materials to exchange at this quick
fire networking session.
This event is open & FREE to skaters of all ages
and skill levels. Participants are encouraged to provide their own safety equipment. This event will test how popular skateboarding is in Annandale. If the
response is great enough, Annandale might get it’s own Skate Plaza.
2:30-5:00 PM
Tory Bailey-3PM
Annandale Chamber of Commerce
7263 Maple Place, #207
Annandale, VA 22003
and on the
Chamber’s Website
Discounted rates for Chamber Members