Chamber Heralds Annandale - Annandale Chamber of Commerce


Chamber Heralds Annandale - Annandale Chamber of Commerce
Annandale Chamber of Commerce
July 2009
2 Message
the President
Building the Annandale Marketplace
Chamber Heralds Annandale
Quiet citizens who define community
What does it take to become a community?
Neighbors who support one another? Leaders who
safeguard those least capable of taking care of
themselves – the elderly and the very young? Or,
View on Nature
simply people who interact in a common location?
However best defined, Annandale is more than an
Capitol Square:
urban village; it is a community; and, one that
recognizes that every act of compassion and
Death and Taxes volunteerism makes a difference.
3 Our
10 Protecting
11 New
13 Commercial
15 Health Watch
Brush Off
17 Don’t
Photo Retro:
Year Was
18 The
21 Restaurant
Special Spotlight:
22 Restaurants
the Chamber
27 What’s
29 Roads
31 Westwood
The Police Beat/
American Legion
Chamber Chat
On June 6th the Chamber gathered for their annual
Awards Banquet at Star Ballroom where the
communitas, the social spirit of the event, was
experienced by all. Twenty residents were honored
for the extraordinary work they perform on behalf of
our community. One was reminded of Margaret
Mead’s comment, “Never doubt that a small group
of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the
world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Cong ressman
G e r a l d
C o n n o l l y,
Virginia State
Delegate Vivian
Penny Gross,
the Chamber
two Awards of
Valor for an
officer from the
Mason District
Police Station
and a firefighter
Citizen of the Year
Shel Youtz, Sunset Grille
Volunteer Fire Department. These awards proudly
proclaim those who serve our community every day
of the year. A student from Annandale High School,
Luis Inarra, was the first recipient of the Sami Kalifa
Education Grant, named in honor of our beloved past
president and friend. Michelle Addington of FCHS
and William Law of NVCC were given similar
Awards of Valor
Kat O’Leary, FCPD/Congressman Connolly/ Jeff Allen, FCPD
achievement awards for both commitment to the
Annandale Community and their academic success.
Guests were entertained by the colorful and
energetic Bolivian dance groups Sangre Boliviana,
Caporales San Simon Virginia, and Embajadores del
Folklore. Wearing exquisite traditional costumes
their performance amazed and delighted all
privileged to observe. Both a silent and a live auction
raised funds to help future Annandale students
achieve their higher educational goals.
Congratulations to all twenty-two of our quiet
citizens who define and promote our community.
continued on page 20
AHS-Sami Kalifa Student Award
Luis Inarra and his parents
July 2009
Message from the President
The Year in Review
As I end my first of a two year term as your Chamber President,
I thought it would be appropriate to provide a report on what we
accomplished, what we are contemplating for the near-term, and
highlight the results of some of our more significant programs. To
say it was a busy year is an understatement. As an overall
assessment, I can report to you that our membership has
increased, our community outreach and visibility has increased,
and our ability to highlight and promote our membership has
certainly increased.
Of course, the year started with intense planning for the annual
Annandale Parade and Fall Festival. This is a major undertaking
requiring countless hours of planning and labor. It is an important
community outreach event and it also provides the Chamber with
much needed fiscal support. You may recall – I certainly do – that
the day started out with ominous clouds and threat of rain which
miraculously held off until completion of the parade.
Unfortunately it did not hold off for the rest of the day. Three
very positive factors in the face of these challenging conditions
were apparent. First, the kids on the inflatable rides didn’t seem
to notice. Second, judging from the attendance in spite of the
rain, we were elated to have such loyal food vendors who
continuously provided delicious hot
food. The aroma alone warmed the
spirit. Third, dozens of scrappy
Chamber Of Commerce
community vendors continued to
Board of Directors
offer interesting products and
services to those determined
enough to jog between canopies.
Marv Rodney
We will hold the 2009 Fall Festival
Commander American Legion
once again in the Safeway parking
Dept. of VA 17th District
lot on Saturday, October 24th ,
from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. –
James McConville, Esq.
I am already predicting sunny and
warm weather. As usual, we are
looking for many, many volunteers.
Dr. Barbara Saperstone
Provost, NOVA Community College
George Kresslein
George Kresslein CPA
Carol Zach Reuss
Annandale Shopping Center
RADM Dan McKinnon, Retired
Pat Sawhney, Realtor, Re/Max 100
John Fox, Retired
Irv Denton, Retired
Marilyn Hoosen, BB&T Bank
Gavin Dock, President, Clarocode
Matthew Cockerham,
Realtor, Re/Max 100
Kurt Langenwalter,
First Command Financial
Richard Owen,
President, Knights of Columbus
Helen Winter, Annandale CBD
Planning Committee
Toa Do, President,
Business Development Asst. Group
Vicki Burman
Our annual Holiday Lighting
Ceremony was nothing short of
outstanding with attendance well
beyond previous years.
Reception that followed was once
again held at Burke & Herbert Bank
on Annandale Road. We extend
our sincere appreciation to Pat
Leugers and Hector Ochoa who
provided warm hospitality and
several holiday gifts and surprises.
The 3rd quarter focused on the
internal workings of the Chamber.
One of the major efforts was
revising the out dated By-Laws – a
task that could infuse a lot of
spirited discussion. Because of the
efforts of Chair George Kresslein
and Co-Chair Dan McKinnon, the
By-Laws were updated, briefed to
the Board of Directors for input
and consensus, and approved by the
members at our May 14th
membership meeting. During that
same time period, Carol Zach
Reuss, Chair of our Nominating
committee, feverishly worked on
nominating candidates to fill Board
positions and the nominees for the
annual Awards and Recognition
Banquet. As usual this was another
outstanding job by Carol and her
Committee. Two new and very
welcome Directors were added: Kurt
Langenwalter of First Command Financial and Richard Owen,
President of the Knights of Columbus. On a sad note, Jason Sager,
Franchise Owner, Home Instead Senior Care, stepped down from
the Board for some much needed rest – we thank you Jason for all
that you did and continue to do for the Annandale Chamber of
Commerce. I also extend a heartfelt thank you to the Officers
and Directors for their time and dedication.
In May the Chamber hosted the Spring Carnival in the K-Mart
parking lot. Many thousands of people attended, many more than
once, and enjoyed the excitement of Carnival rides, games along
the midway, cotton candy, popcorn and every treat and merriment
from childhood memory. The Carnival was kicked off by our
annual Bed Race which benefits Virginia Special Olympics. This is
a relay race with teams competing to push pediatric hospital beds
along a course on John Marr Drive. Beds are decorated by each
company sponsor, one team mate placed in the bed with the other
four pushing.
Chairman Bulova and Sharon Stark from
Congressman Connolly’s office bravely rode with good natured
charm and challenged even the most experienced teams.
The major Chamber event during the 4th quarter was the annual
Annandale Chamber Awards and Recognition Banquet which was
held at the Star Ballroom on June 6th and Co-Chaired by Vicki
Burman and Marilyn Hoosen. This year we added Awards of Valor
for our Fire and Police Departments so that we could honor the
service of those who protect our community every day of the year.
They, along with students, Chamber members, and citizens were
honored for their special contributions and service to our
community. Recognizing all the award winners is one of the most
enjoyable aspects of serving as your Chamber President.
Speaking of people, we could not have even come close to the
success we enjoyed this past year without the ardent support of
our government representatives. We thank Congressman Gerry
Connolly (VA-11th District), Sharon Bulova (Chairman, FC Board
of Supervisors), Vivian Watts (Virginia State Delegate), and Penny
Gross (Mason Dixon Supervisor) for attending our events and
speaking at our luncheons. We thank them too for providing
valuable updates on issues that concern the business and
residential communities of Annandale.
Many valuable and constructive lessons-learned from this past year
will certainly make us stronger as we move forward. Of course
we start the cycle again with the challenges of ensuring the total
success of the upcoming annual Parade and Fall Festival. I would
like to thank every member who volunteered last year and hope
you will be able to participate again this year. We are, truly, a
Chamber on the move for the betterment of all – enjoy the ride!
I’ll sign off with my normal but very sincere offer for you to
contact me with any questions or ideas that you may have. Your
thoughts and ideas on how we can better serve you are most
welcome. My telephone numbers are: (H) 703-313-4152 or (C)
Marv Rodney
July 2009
Our Home Town: Historic Sites in Annandale
An Inventory of Historic Sites was established by Fairfax County in
1969. Included are approximately three hundred and forty sites.
Some are famous to all such as Mount Vernon. Others are much less
known and include churches, cemeteries, bridges, and little known
residences. Also listed on the inventory are twentieth-century sites
such as Holmes Run Acres off Gallows Road and Holly Hill on
Statecrest Drive in Annandale. Unfortunately, at least sixty of the
sites have been demolished since the Inventory was created often
due to fire or such extensive neglect that the buildings had to be
torn down. Being on the Inventory does not impose restrictions
on the owner nor limit the use or determination of the property.
The Fairfax County
Comprehensive Plan
does recognize the sites
and encourages their
preservation. Annandale
has six properties on the
Inventory. Most are
Annandale residents as
they have been long
integrated into our
Holly Hill
modern life and in
Courtesy of the Fairfax County Library
continual use.
Fairfax Room
According to the Historic American Buildings Survey, Holly Hill
was built by Mary Fitzhugh Mason in 1867. Originally part of the
22,000 acre estate of William Fitzhugh, she inherited this 174 acre
parcel from her father Mordecai C. Fitzhugh in 1858. Holly Hill
was kept in the Mason Family until 1901. The original house was a
two story steeply pitched structure with gabled roof and interior
end chimneys. An outbuilding, still present on the property was
built as a stable or run-in shelter with wood shingled roof and an
open south wall. During the 1952-1970 ownership of J.M.Woodard
a one and a half story addition with gabled windows was built along
with the Colonial Revival-style portico and Chippendale side
railings. They add a gracious charm to the house and remain true
to the original design. Holly Hill is shielded from view by extensive
plantings which represent the best of Virginia landscaping.
Madeline. In 1953 Wilbur Burnley Clark (son of William)
retired from farming and sold all his land except the house
and 6.1 acres. Here he established W.B. Clark and Sons Inc.
which sold top soil, sawdust, gravel, wood mulch,
fertilizer, firewood, and railroad ties. His sons Larry and
Wayne ran the business in an office next to the kitchen and
employed over 20 people.
Progress was not to
favor the Clark family.
In 1972 Fairfax County
went in search of a
building site for the
Mason District Gov’t.
Center and the Clark
property became a
Unfortunately, Wilbur
The Clark House
Clark had no desire to
sell. By this time four Clark generations had lived on the
homestead, built decades of memories, and a thriving
business. The issue was resolved when another site was
deemed more appropriate but that was not the end of
Wilbur’s problems. The Fairfax County Park Authority was
in need of 8.1 acres in the Mason District to meet the 8.5
acres of community parkland for every 1,000 people goal.
A long fight ensued but the Clarks were ultimately forced
to sell the house and remaining land to the Park Authority
in 1986. The house was moved down the road in 1990
(originally located at 6337 Columbia Pike); townhouses
built around it; and, a saddened Mr. Clark died two years
later at age 92. The house features a spacious six bay wrap around
veranda, center hall entrance, prominent dormer windows and even
a crows nest with views of the Washington Monument. The four
square architecture, common to farmhouses of that era, featured
four public rooms on the first floor and bed chambers upstairs. The
Park Authority has added air conditioning, carpeting and a spacious
modern kitchen in order to rent it for private and corporate events.
Green Spring Gardens/Moss Historic House:
The Clark House
6332 Barcroft News, Falls Church
(close to the Harris Teeter Shopping Center)
The Clark House was built in 1902 by William Lee Clark
and served as the family homestead of this 400 acre dairy
farm for over 50 years. The builder, Henry Manchester, was
a long time resident of Annandale and was paid two dollars
a day plus dinner. One of the first telephones in the area
was installed here in 1918 and electricity was added around
1935. The family consisted of William, his wife Minnie
Howdershell Clark and their children, Wilbur, Lillian and
4601 Green Spring Road, Alexandria, VA
In 1784, John Moss purchased a brick house near the natural springs
that flowed on a 540 acre farm. Here he cultivated grains and raised
cattle and pigs until 1843 when his grandson, Alfred, sold the estate.
Fountain Beattie became the next recorded owner from 1878 to
1917. He raised twelve children and cattle while cultivating fruit
and vegetables. In 1942 Michael and Belinda Straight purchased
the house and thirty-three acres. Michael Straight was a publisher
and editor, not a farmer. He did manage to raise cattle but did not
cultivate crops at Green Spring.
continued next page
July 2009
Our Home Town: Historic Sites in Annandale
He and his wife were known to
entertain many notable figures
while in residence including Aldous
Huxley and Hubert Humphrey.
Beatrix Farrand, a highly regarded
landscape architect,designed both
the formal and informal garden
spaces adding extensively to the
variety of plantings. In 1970 the
Straights deeded their house and 16
Historic House
acres to the Park Authority with the
Circa 1885 during
wish for the land to
Beattie ownership
Photo courtsey of Green Spring Gardens
remain a park. Today the Historic
House hosts a series of informative and fascinating formal English
Tea Programs and is surrounded by the most beautiful gardens to
include many huge boxwoods, azaleas, and rhododendrons from
the Straight era.
United Methodist Church
6935 Columbia Pike, Annandale
The original church was
built in 1846 on land deeded
by William Garges. One of
the original trustees was
Alfred Moss owner of
Green Spring Manor and
Farm. Popular lore tells that
the original church was used
as a Union hospital during
the Civil War although no
documentation can be found
to substantiate it. It is known
from a 1862 engraving from
Harper’s Bazaar that Union
Troops did encamp on the
grounds around the church
Annadale Methodist Church
Courtesy of the Fairfax County Library-Fairfax Room
following the 2nd Battle of
Bull Run. During that winter they partially destroyed the building by
removing some wood planks for firewood. Two years later the
church was burned to the ground by Union troops. Legend claims
that the order was carried out by Sgt. Elhanan Wakefield who later
atoned for this tragedy by helping to rebuild the church. It is known
he later went on to build Wakefield Chapel and preach from that
pulpit. Both he and his wife are buried in the cemetery of the
Annandale Methodist Church which is the church she attended
growing up.The cemetery registry lists: Rev. Elhanan W.Wakefield:
1834-1920 (2nd Mass Calvary 1863-1865), Mary Tennison
Wakefield: 1842-1907 wife of Rev. E.W. Wakefield, and Harry
Harold Wakefield: May 3, 1886-Oct. 5, 1959 son of Rev. Elhanan
Wakefield. (Editors note: Only one source reports this story about
Rev. Wakefield leading the troops that burned the Annandale
Methodist Church and later returned to rebuild it. No sources are
cited to verify the story. Although it is known that Wakefield served
in the Union Army and certainly came through Annandale during his
service, his dates of enlistment, hospitalization and recovery for
wounds suffered during battle, and discharge from the Army make
it remotely possible but not probable he was on the raid that burned
the church. No actual interview or newspaper report can be found
documenting this raid or Wakefield’s role in spite of the fact that he
continued to live in Annandale for 56 years following the War. For
now, this story can only be taken as popular lore and not fact.)
The small white frame and clapboard church seen today was built
by Thomas Walker between 1868 and 1870 slightly north and east
of the original with a balcony for African American worshippers.
By 1880 the first public school in Annandale was in the basement of
this building. In 1907 at the cost of $500 the belfry, pulpit and
vestibule were added by Rev. Lowell Wakefield and John Cock. A
year later the Ladies Aid Society donated the heavy bell for the
steeple (now on display outside the building). From then until 1923
it became Annandale’s only fire alarm and last tolled on VJ day 1945.
It was removed 12 years later when the aging louvered belfry could
no longer support the weight. In 1912 the small white building
beside this chapel was built. It has served as everything from a
community hall with a stage for performances and presentations to
a scout hall for Boy Scout Troop 150, the oldest troop in Fairfax
In 1946, one hundred years after the construction of the original
building, the large brick church at the top of the hill was dedicated
on land donated by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lynch. Additions were
added in 1956 and again in 1966. Adjacent to the church is a
cemetery containing over 100 headstones. The oldest gravestone is
that of Susan Fretz Garges who died on September 11, 1828. She
and others were most probably originally buried in family
cemeteries and then reinterred in this church ground once the
church was built. Twice the Little White Church has required major
renovations.The first occurred in 1973 due to general deterioration.
The second significant renovation took place in 2003 when a car
smashed into the building.
Wakefield Chapel
8415 Toll House Road, Annandale
Wakefield Chapel, a gothic structure with white clapboard siding
and arched windows, was built between 1887 and 1899 by Oliver
Besley, a local sawmill owner, on land he donated. The original deed
for Wakefield Chapel stated that the church was only to be used for
Methodist services two Sundays a month and used by other
denominations the rest of the time. Rev. Elhanan Wakefield was the
first preacher at the church. A trained carpenter, he provided most
continued next page
July 2009
Our Home Town: Historic Sites in Annandale
of the labor while Oliver
Besley provided the materials
to complete the chapel. Born
in Ohio in 1834 Wakefield
first sought riches in the
California Gold Rush and
later fought for the Union.
He was gravely wounded in
1864 at the battle of Tom’s
Brook, VA. Thought to be
dead, he was prepared for
burial in a mass grave when
Wakefield Chapel
someone noticed him twitch.
He was quickly pulled out, nursed and released from the army soon
thereafter and took up residence in Annandale where he married
Mary Tennison.
According to the Fairfax Herald dated October 2, 1903, Reverend
Wakefield had an X-ray conducted that revealed that he still had two
balls in his shoulder, which was the source of the pain he endured
throughout his life. Wakefield remained in the area until his death
in 1920. Both he and his wife were buried in the cemetery at the
Annandale Methodist Church on Columbia Pike.
By 1963 the building was largely abandoned because it was deemed
to be unsafe. An estimated $40,000 was needed to complete the
repairs. In July 1970 the old steeple was destroyed when struck by
lightning. The future of Wakefield Chapel never seemed more bleak.
An area wide appeal went out for funds to save one of the last
remaining examples of rural nineteenth century churches. Many
local politicians and citizens responded. By February 1971 the new
steeple was in place but it took many more years before a full
restoration took place. In 1975 it was conveyed to the Fairfax
County Park Authority who has done a masterful job in preserving
this local treasure.
Manassas Gap Railroad, Independent Line
7504 Royce Street, Annandale (Annandale Community Park)
In order to transport
agricultural products from the
Ohio and Shenandoah Valleys
to markets in Northern Virginia, the Manassas Gap Railroad was begun during the
1850’s. Quick access to the “Breadbasket of Virginia” became the mission of Alexandria
merchants who were afraid of
losing the crucial wagon trade
Railbed of Manassas Gap RR
Courtesy of the Fairfax County Library - Fairfax Room
they had established over
the previous fifty years.
The Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad already ran a line
to Winchester through
Harper’s Ferry. To avoid
paying enormous rail rental
charges with the B&O,
these merchants decided to
Masonry Culvert
build the Independent Line
of the Manassas Gap Railroad. It would run 34 miles starting at Bull
Run, passing through the city of Fairfax and then east near the
village of Annandale, onto Indian Run Valley and into the rail yards
of Alexandria.
The filling and leveling required for construction of the railbed was
basically completed. And then the money ran out. Unfortunately,
the rails themselves never left Alexandria. The rail beds did become
significant earthworks in Civil War battles and skirmishes in
Annandale and Fairfax.What remains today is 1,870 feet of railroad
bed, two historic culverts, and substantial masonry work.
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery
4111 Old Columbia Pike, Annandale
Founded in 1867 by
freed slaves, Mount
Pleasant Baptist Church
initially consisted of a
single pine log cabin.
Weekdays it became a
school, while weekends
it became a joyous place
fellowship. Immediately
after the Civil War,
Charles Brown sold 60
Mt. Pleasant Cemetry
acres of land to freed
slaves. He then deeded
to the, “freedmen of Fairfax County” one acre of land, “to be used
exclusively for religious and school purposes and a burying ground.”
A more substantial structure was built in 1881. More land was
acquired in 1913 for the purpose of expanding the cemetery. The
church building now present was dedicated in 1931 but the
growing congregation found it necessary to add a larger sanctuary
in 1971. In September 1992, the old sanctuary was renamed and
dedicated the Pinkett and Sheppard Memorial Chapel after past
Pastors, Reverend Pinkett and Reverend Sheppard. Today the
congregation numbers about 1,000. The cemetery has an unknown
number of unmarked graves along with 75 marked ones.
July 2009
Monarchs - The Super Hero of the Insect World
Look! Up in the sky! It’s amazing! Anywhere from three feet to two
miles high for miles on end you may see thousands of monarchs
passing through on their way to Mexico. Improbable as it may seem
to have an insect weighing half a gram complete a 3000-mile
journey in a few months. It is even more remarkable to witness their
life cycle from a 1/25 inch caterpillar to a majestic monarch within
30 days. You can become part of both fascinating processes this fall
at Hidden Oaks Nature Center in Annandale.
In late August, monarch butterflies (Danaidae plexippus) begin their
migration from Canada to central Mexico. Ours start moving by
September and continue through October. Millions of these winged
jewels will erratically fly a course that they have never traveled.
Unlike migratory birds, these sojourners do not
have the benefit of older brethren showing them
the way. With monarchs as far west as the Rockies
joining the northern and eastern population all
heading for an 18 by 36 square mile area 80 miles
northwest of Mexico, there are no common
landmarks to guide them along. So how do they
do it?
By: Suzanne Holland
Hidden Oaks Nature Center
grounds in the Mexican state of Michoacán was only located by
non-natives in 1975. This remote area containing 13 overwintering
sites also supports 75,000 natives who historically have used the
oyamel fir trees for lumber. In 1986, through the efforts of a
Mexican conservation group, Monarca, the Mexican government
listed six protected sites (11,000 acres) plus surrounding buffer
zones (another 28,000 acres) as ecological preserves.
Progress is being made but many problems still exist. Harvesting
trees in the buffer zone is still allowed which is like punching holes
in a protective blanket. Whereas the butterflies stop flying at 60
degrees Fahrenheit, they start to die under 55 degrees Fahrenheit,
the normal temperature inside the forest.
With the concerns of the overwintering grounds
and the destruction of milkweed as a “trash” plant
along roadsides and meadows in North America,
the future of the monarch migration phenomenon
is in jeopardy. Monarchs are not endangered for
they can still flourish as a subtropical species. The
last Ice Age pushed milkweed up north and the
butterflies followed. The phenomena of the
migration may not continue beyond the next
Scientists recently have theorized that monarchs
10-15 years according to Dr. Lincoln Brower,
have two systems that aid them. Since monarchs
premier monarch expert at Sweet Briar College,
can travel 90 or more miles in a day, many scienAmherst VA. Hidden Oaks is part of a tri-national
tists believe monarchs also fly at night, without the
organization, Monarch Watch, based at the
benefit of the sun to orient them. Monarchs may
University of Kansas, to track monarch migration
also fly by following magnetic fields. Caterpillars,
in hopes of learning routes as well as dynamics that
only eat milkweed as larvae. Consequently, they
affect successful migration. With data, key areas
biosynthesize magnetite from the plants. This
Monarch Butterfly
can be targeted to preserve and ultimately sustain
magnetite lines up the caterpillar to fly in certain
directions. Amazingly, each generation has a different chemical monarch migration. Hidden Oaks naturalists can provide you
adjustment than its parents’ generation. One theory is that guidelines on building your own native plant garden to support both
monarchs have a circular migration. The monarchs leaving Mexico caterpillars and adult butterflies.
in the spring mate and the females continue into Texas and the Gulf
coast states to lay their eggs. The majority then continue up through The techniques used to track butterflies have been improved to
the Midwest to the Great Lakes and Canada. The next generation lessen the risk to the fragile monarch. Self-adhesive, numbered tags
begins the journey south with the final generation returning to are attached to a specific section on the hind wing. After taking notes
Mexico. Each of the four generations during the year is heading a on characteristics of the butterfly, the monarch is released back onto
the flower from which it was gathered. Families neighboring the
different way so their magnetic alignment must be different too.
sanctuaries collect monarch tags usually from deceased butterflies on
Not only do they change with the alignment, they also have other the dusty forest floor. Occasionally they find monarchs from the
changes in each generation.The final generation born in late summer Washington D.C. Metropolitan region, but typically the monarchs
is physiologically different from the previous generations. Instead of migrated through the soybean belt in the mid-west. They redeem
being sexually mature, territorial and short-lived (about one the tags for cash from Monarch Watch. During the last 12 years over
month), the last brood is not sexually mature, is social with other 11,000 monarch tags have been recovered. You can marvel at the
monarchs, and can live over eight months. The monarch will amazing monarch life cycle plus the magnitude of its task ahead −
frantically feed on nectar, increasing its weight by 40%, bulking up a trip of a life time to Mexico. You just have to come around the
for its long journey. It will not become sexually mature until the corner to the nature center to enjoy the adventure!
days lengthen in the spring. Even with all of its buddies for support,
many do not successfully complete migration. Whether from Hidden Oaks Nature Center, a Fairfax County Park Authority facility, is located
starvation, weather conditions or predators, it is estimated that of at 7701 Royce Street, Annandale,VA. Phone (703) 941-1065. Hours of operathe 100 million to half billion that begin the journey, only 60-300 tion are 9 a.m. -5 p.m., Monday through Friday, noon to 5 p.m. weekdays and
million arrive to overwinter. The location of the overwintering holidays. Hidden Oaks is closed on Tuesdays.
July 2009
Capitol Square: Richmond
New Legislation
By: Vivian Watts, VA State Delegate
Tobacco has played – and continues to play – a significant role in
Virginia’s economy. In that context it’s all the more surprising that
the just-concluded General Assembly passed a statewide ban on
indoor smoking. The bill had the strong bi-partisan backing of
Governor Kaine and House Speaker Howell.
Most news coverage focused only on smoking in restaurants.
However, in fact, the smoking ban – which takes effect this
December – also covers many other enclosed public areas:
Indoor cashier or service lines,
Public schools and school buses,
Any licensed child center not in a private home,
Hospital emergency rooms and restrooms,
Public health departments and any restroom in a health
care facility, and
Public restrooms in any building occupied by a state agency.
Anyone who continues to smoke after having been asked to refrain
may be fined $25.
The restaurant smoking ban actually goes further than other states
because Virginia does not exempt bars. However, there are two
exceptions: (1) Private clubs – such as the American Legion and
VFW – may allow smoking. (2) Public restaurants can provide
smoking areas that are totally separate from the restaurant’s
to the Restaurants and Businesses
that supported our Annual Banquet.
Please Support Them!
ventilation either in an open outdoor
area or in a physically independent
building. In addition, to a total ban on
smoking in the enclosed spaces I’ve
mentioned, the new Virginia law will
require reasonable no-smoking areas in
public colleges and all private schools,
in healthcare or recreational facilities, and in retail stores larger than
15,000 square feet. Private employers who have not already
established no-smoking policies, however, can only do so with the
support of a majority of their employees.
Even though a majority of House members voted for a number of
amendments to significantly weaken the bill, in the final version the
Senate, the Speaker, and the Governor prevailed. Arguments against
the ban focused on smoker and restaurant owner rights. I joined
proponents in pointing out that regulating restaurants to protect
public health is well-accepted. Both sides used the fact that 68% of
Virginia restaurants are already smoke free. Opponents believe this
means a law is un-necessary while those supporting the bill believe
the law should reflect public concern about second-hand smoke.
Polls indicate 75% of Virginians favor bans.
The House floor debate went on at length. When it finally ended, I
mused that, when I first came to the Virginia legislature, by this time
the chamber’s ceiling would have been lost in a smoky haze. We’ve
come a long way.
Honorable Gerry Connolly
Greg McGillicuddy: Trust Properties
4115 Annandale Road, Annandale
Manassas, VA
Annandale Shopping Center
PF Chang’s
Columbia Pike, Annandale
1716 International Drive, McLean
The Spirit of Washington
Blue Iguana
12727 Shoppes Lane, Fairfax
The Odyssey Cruises
AnnSandra Gifts
The Lincoln Cottage
Star Lounge & Ballroom
Upshur Street at Rock Creek Church Rd NW
Washington, DC 20011
7203 Little River Turnpike,
The Great American Restaurants
The Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc.
Magills Pizza & Buffet
Good Day Total Health Clinic
Charlottesville, VA
7301 Little River Turnpike, Annandale
4215 Evergreen Lane, Annandale
The Friends of Gunston Hall,
The Sunset Grille
Mason Neck, VA
7250 Columbia Pike, Annandale
6525 Frontier Drive, Springfield, VA
Pinecrest Golf Course
Tempo Restaurant
Jaipur Royal Indian Cuisine
6600 Little River Turnpike, Alexandria
4231 Duke Street, Alexandria
9401 Lee Highway, Suite 105, Fairfax
Green Spring Gardens
Villa Mozart Restaurant
Bombay Tandoor Restaurant
4603 Green Spring Road, Alexandria
4009 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax
8603 Westwood Center Drive, Vienna
The Red Fox Inn
Ireland’s Four Provinces
Campbell & Ferrara Outdoor Living
Middleburg, VA
105 W. Broad Street, Falls Church
6651 Little River Turnpike, Alexandria
Shear Shack Salon & Spa
Lightfoot Restaurant
Radiant Printing Services
6548-B Little River Turnpike, Alexandria
11 North King Street, Leesburg
10560 Main Street, Suite 422, Fairfax
Szechuan Star Restaurant
Ariana Grill & Kabob
Flower Den
6960H Bradlick Shopping Center, Annandale
6920-H Bradlick Shopping Ctr. Annandale
6960-T Bradlick Shopping Ctr, Annandale
4417 John Marr Drive, Annandale
8280 Willow Oaks Corp. Dr., Fairfax
Juke Box Diner
7039 Columbia Pike, Annandale
Gavin Dock: Clarocode Co.
4203 Sandhurst Ct., Annandale
Matt Cockerham: ReMax 100
5501 Backlick Road, Suite 100, Springfield
Virginia Kinneman:Kinneman Insurance
50 S. Pickett, Alexandria
Marilyn Hoosen: BB&T Bank
4401 Backlick Road, Annandale
George Kresslein, CPA
5515 Piedmont Place, Annandale
The Kennedy Center
Microsoft Corporation
July 2009
Death and Taxes
By: Marilyn Hoosen
We’re all familiar with adage that says, “There are only two things
that remain certain in this life: death and taxes.” I would add
chocolate and its invincible ability to uplift anyone’s day, however,
unlike the other two, the law pays no attention to one’s sweet tooth
cravings! Speaking of the law, the IRS is probably more influential
on both the treatment of death and taxes than any other agency,
public or private. Its code-book boasts more sections than the
number of Caribbean beaches or Scandinavian ice-caps. Definitely
not for the Glamour magazine set of readers nor Golf Today’s set of
subscribers per se, there are sub-sections in the IRS code-book that
could lead one into a logic-defying labyrinth, which upon
re-emergence from its darkest depths delivers one drunk with
details, and even then, more mystified than before.Wait until you log
on to its main website – this agency keeps its publishers in business,
adding new codes and sections quicker than twitter adds users on a
daily basis. Still, the taxman is not to be tinkered with and how one
manages one’s assets through tax treatment is critical in the equation
for successful long-term growth and protection of assets both in life
and after death…not to mention the role that compliance with the
tax code plays in keeping one out of the slammer! As such, there are
three main tax-sensitive categories that define one’s asset allocation:
taxable, tax-deferred and tax-free instruments.The appropriate mix
of these three components seeks to achieve and maintain a more
tax-efficient portfolio.
exceed one’s expected return
objectives, even after taxation, then
they certainly have earned their seat at
the portfolio table of assets and should
be fed a healthy course of reinvestment for long-term wealth accumulation
transfer opportunities.
When considering the place that taxable assets occupy in a portfolio
of holdings, one must be able to justify the returns or gains on initial
capital, once taxes have been assessed and withdrawn. No one is
particularly fond of paying excessive taxes, albeit that the term
‘excessive’ may be seen through subjective lenses, yet it remains an
obligation in life with which we are all saddled and must pay by law.
A taxable instrument by its very definition denotes that all dividends,
interest and capital gains earned on any initial fund or asset be taxed
at some rate (marginal income, property, short- or long-term
holding period, i.e. under or over 12 months, etc.) which in turn
reduces the net return that one realizes on the asset or fund’s
principal amount. Of course, I should naturally state, that the fund
or asset be a legally viable one not invested on the black market or
in a cash transaction conducted under the table. In fact, if memory
serves us, it was exactly this kind of tax-evasion violation that Al
Capone was finally apprehended for – the stuff of legendary
criminals indeed! Bear in mind however my cautionary note above,
that is, that the taxman is not to be tinkered with. Taxable assets can
be lucrative for a portfolio if it can justify profitable gains despite
the tax treatment of such assets. Examples of taxable assets include
CDs, money market accounts, equities and bonds held in brokerage
accounts or directly through issuers, real estate property, etc. If the
growth and income derived from these instruments meet or even
How Taxable, Tax-Deferred and Tax-Free components comprise the efficient
equation for long-term wealth accumulation and wealth transfer.
Upon retirement many of us have no desire to work a full schedule
or even at all after years of productive input, blood, sweat and tears.
There are myriad upsides to post-retirement living, which include
much more leisure, the chance to take up line-dancing or bungee
jumping, and best of all, being dropped from a higher tax-bracket
into a more modest one. Such benefit falls inside the asset category
otherwise known as the tax-deferred pool. By nature, a tax-deferred
asset is one in which one pours funds into an IRS-sanctioned
tax-qualified account before having paid any taxes on either the
principal or any interest/gain on the principal. Taxes are then paid
as one pulls the funds out of the account for income or another
purpose after it has been held in the account over a given period.The
strategy behind placing one’s assets into a tax-deferred instrument
is dual-prong: first is the potentially compounding growth
continued next page
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July 2009
Death and Taxes
opportunity over a longer time horizon under the guise of pre-taxation; and the other involves drawing down income from assets
incrementally while retired when one falls into a lower tax-bracket.
If these same assets were held in a taxable account and one were to
draw income from them while still earning wages or a salary, one
may be subject to hefty taxation in a higher bracket.
The IRS incentivizes workers to put some funds away during the
higher wage-earning years by deferring payment of their taxes until
retirement, so that a nest egg of resources may be available to live on
during the post-workforce years when an individual’s capacity for
productivity drops but the need for income continues. In addition,
if and when that individual passes away, with those retirement funds
held in an IRA (traditional or Roth), the IRS allows that these assets
pass directly to one’s beneficiaries rather than be lumped in with the
rest of one’s taxable estate. The same is true for insurance policy
proceeds passed onto named beneficiaries upon the death of the
policyholder, where these proceeds are not counted as part of the
taxable estate of the deceased. These wealth transfers thus help
mitigate tax consequences for both the benefactor and the
beneficiary. Hence, the importance of managing tax-deferred assets
as both a future income stream and a tool for passing on wealth from
one generation to another becomes even more valuable as one’s
wealth cache experiences long-term and compounding growth.
If death and taxes are life’s most bankable certainties, then getting a
free-pass on either is like hitting the lottery over and over again,
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although I don’t think we have found the cure for death yet! With
taxes, however, individuals, families and some organizations
experience this same lottery euphoria repeatedly when they adopt
tax-free instruments in their pool of holdings. A tax-exempt asset is
as plain vanilla as its definition suggests, i.e. an asset whose principal
and/or gain/interest are not subject to taxation.Two such examples
include municipal bonds and Roth IRAs. The benefit here is that the
stated or gross rate of return equals the net return. If one were to
compare this rate of return to that of a taxable asset, the
tax-equivalent yield of the taxable asset would have to be equal or
greater than the return or yield on the tax-exempt asset in order to
justify selecting the taxable over the tax-free option. More often
than not, a mix of both taxable and tax-exempt assets are placed into
the portfolio to meet different objectives. For example, the funds
in a CD or money market, while taxable, may be held there as the
6-9 month emergency fund pool should some unforeseen event
occur such as a job loss or a medical need. A tax-exempt account
or asset may meet a different objective, simply to neutralize or
balance out the portfolio with holdings that are tax-generators, and
thus manage taxes for optimal efficiency. Financial advisors generally
customize the mix of these assets to suit each individual’s unique
objectives and needs appropriately.
As baby boomers begin their exit from the workforce, the transition
to post-retirement income poses even more of a need to efficiently
manage their assets, with a special focus on the tax treatment of
assets and their withdrawals from accounts. In many cases, the
amount of wealth that has been accumulated may outlast these
retirees (aside: perhaps not this year, given the market’s
performance, but that is still subject to cyclical behavior) and thus it
beckons for solid advice on the best legal and financial help to create
and continue legacies that transfer accumulated wealth beyond the
life-span of the benefactor as he or she bequeaths assets to named
heirs. How an inheritance is then managed upon the death of the
benefactor is also critical in continuing the legacy of wealth. As longterm projections of increasing tax rates and individuals’ net worth
indicate, a hands-on active approach must be applied. We know
without question that death and taxes are fixed upon us like rims on
tires, so it is then up to us and our advisors to build strategies and
acquire instruments that help manage and mitigate all consequences
that accompany wealth accumulation and transfer in tandem.
Ignorance is bliss, knowledge is key, but action is power!
Marilyn Hoosen is a Private Financial Advisor at BB & T Private
Financial Services. For more information, please call (703) 924-2216
or Email:
BB&T Private Financial Advisors serve as your primary contact at BB&T while utilizing a multi-discipline team approach
toward achieving your financial goals. Investment and or insurance products offered through BB&T Investment Services,
Inc. are not deposits or other obligations of Branch Banking and Trust Company or any affiliate; are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other agency of the United States Government, Branch Banking and
Trust Company or any affiliate; and in case of a product that is subject to investment risk, there is possible loss of value.
BB&T Investment Services, Inc, is a registered Broker-Dealer, member FINRA and SIPC, and is a wholly owned subsidiary
of Branch Banking and Trust Company. Neither BB&T Investment Services Inc., nor Branch Banking and Trust Company,
is a tax or legal advisor. We suggest you consult your legal or tax advisor before making any tax or legal decisions.
July 2009
Protecting What Matters
I was in a car accident, what now?
You are driving. The radio is on. Everything is great in your world.
Suddenly, the ringing of your cell phone distracts you. In only
seconds, a good day turns into a nightmare. You are in a car crash.
If you are involved in an accident, first make sure neither you nor
anyone in your car is injured. Next, check on the passengers in the
other vehicle; or, if necessary, make certain that no pedestrians
are hurt.
Five things to do if you are in an accident:
1. Stay at the scene. Leaving can result in additional violations
or fines.
2. Call 911 or the police as soon as possible. They will
dispatch medical personnel and a police officer
immediately to the scene of the accident. Wait for the
police to complete anaccident report.
3. If you are on a busy highway, stay inside the car and wait
for the police or an ambulance. It is dangerous if
passengers stand along a busy street.
4. Don’t get into an argument or a fight with the other driver.
Simply exchange contact and insurance information. If
possible, also get the name and phone numbers of
5. Call your insurance provider to report the claim. Your
agent will ask you to send any paperwork you receive
regarding the accident and will give you instructions as to
where you can get your car fixed.
By: Virginia Kinneman
Three things you should
always have in your car:
1. First Aid Kit: It will help with
some minor injuries until the
ambulance arrives. However, make
sure the paramedics check
2. Camera: If possible, take pictures of the accident. It will help
document the crash, position of the cars, etc.
3. Insurance and vehicle registration: You want to make sure that
you always have these two documents in your car.
In addition, remember: you are required to have insurance to drive
in the United States. I can help you choose an insurance policy that
will fit your needs today and tomorrow. Let’s talk.
To learn more about car insurance, contact Virginia at Kinneman
Insurance 703-823-8800 or go online at
Have questions about insurance? Just ask
Virginia who has lived in Annandale and has
been a Nationwide Agent for more then 15
years. Kinneman Insurance: Offers a full line
of insurance and financial services.
Nationwide and the Nationwide Framework are federally registered service marks of Nationwide Mutual
Insurance Company. On Your Side is a service mark of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company.
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Call us to review your needs at: 703-354-6359
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July 2009
New members spotlight
A Good Day Total Health Clinic
A New Concept in Wellness
This clinic is an integrated total health clinic offering Chiropractic
and Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Oriental Medicine, Weight
Management, Cellulite Reduction, Cosmetic Treatments, Facials,
Yoga and Pilates, as well as Wellness Medical Spa treatments.
Owner, Dr. Wonhyn Son has two other Chiropractic practices in
Fairfax and Centerville. After many years relieving pain, often
caused by injury, she was determined to open a clinic that would
promote prevention of further injuries by stressing all aspects of
health. Dr. Son’s goal was to, “Get behind the pain.” Yoga and Pilates
were selected as preferred exercise because few, if any injuries are
associated with these forms of exercise. Instead they are associated
with relaxing the body and rejuvenating it. If you have never taken
these classes, don’t be fooled into thinking they are a walk in the
park.Your body will feel extremely well exercised and toned but not
In order to integrate both
inside and outside health,
numerous spa treatments
are available after a
consultation to determine
what type of treatment
would be most beneficial.
Advanced skin care in the
form of facials addressing
enlarged pores, uneven
pigmentation caused from
Dematologic Skin Care and
Therapeutic Products
sun damage or acne, along
with Lumilift Facials for rejuvenating the skin and
microdermabrasion are available. Listed in their brochure are ten
distinctive facial treatments including Reiki, Meridian, European
and Acupressure, and
Green Peel. As Esthetician
Janice Jeon explains,
“Looking healthy is looking
younger.” Well hydrated
skin can stave off plastic
surgery. Specialized MakeUp Artistry and multiple
waxing services are
Massage Room
offered as are every
treatment. The proficient professionals at Good Day will help you
decipher the benefits of Swedish, Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, Hot Stone,
Thai, Reiki and Reflexology Massages and which would best suit
your needs. Impressively, all are offered as well as a specialized
massage for pregnant ladies. Fantastic body treatments such as Dead
Sea Salt Polish, Herbal Cocoon Wrap, or an Enzyme Mud Mask are
accompanied by a complimentary period in their Swiss steam
shower. If you can’t relax here, you can’t relax.
Along with traditional Chiropractic Services performed by Dr. Son,
Choi, and Ahn, Acupuncture is available from either Dr. Lim or Dr.
Yu. This is a science with 2,500 years of history and is used to
prevent disease, control pain, and achieve longevity. As practiced in
oriental medicine, it is used to increase both the function and the
quality of life more
so than to eliminate
symptoms. It is
particularly effective
in pain control
because it influences
the central nervous
system, improving
circulation and releasing endorphins to
control pain. This
will allow the body
Treatment Room
to heal more quickly.
This wellness spa is committed to physical and emotional
well-being, natural healing, and the pursuit of a healthier life style.
Remember, stress kills. Do everything possible to eliminate stress
from your life and let Good Day work with you for the healthy
balance it takes to achieve.
4215 Evergreen Lane, Annandale
July 2009
New members spotlight
Pinecrest EXXON
Manjeet Jolly
6566 Little River Tpk.
Alexandria, VA 22312
Edsall Road Exxon
Manjeet Jolly
6550 Edsall Road
Alexandria, VA 22312
Take care of your car, or it won’t take care of you. Provide high
quality repairs and preventive maintenance with the help of
Pinecrest Exxon or Edsall Road Exxon both owned by Manjeet
Jolly. They both offer superior mechanical services, inspections,
and a new Auto-Detailing Service. When in doubt about auto
service, contact either Pinecrest Exxon or Edsall Road Exxon
for trustworthy service.
Alexander Imports, Inc.
Zia Hassanzadeh
106 S. Early Street
Alexandria, VA 22304
Michael Olwan, CPA, retired
5144 Leesburg Pike
Alexandria, VA 22302
July 2009
Thinking of Building or
Revitalizing Commercial Space
Plan carefully with an expert who knows the pertinent codes.
Levine Design Studio is pleased to announce that it will be
providing architectural and planning services to local businessmen
and residents in Annandale and other locations in the Washington
Metro Area. The newly formed firm will be focusing on design
quality, personal and cost effective service.
One of the services will be to provide feasibility studies. An owner
of a commercial building may want to improve his building.
A developer may be interested in the potential for a piece of
property. A realtor may be looking for images of future design
possibilities which could be shown to interested buyers. Levine
Design Studio will work with these owners, developers and
realtors to explore appropriate design solutions, and visualize in
3-D what a future project could look like. The zoning ordinance
and all other pertinent codes and regulations will be explained;
and cost implications for any solutions will be provided.
There is the opportunity during these current times to focus on
good planning - to understand the potential and feasibility of a
project. This planning will provide a solid base for deciding
whether a development should and could move forward, say, in a
more favorable economy.
Another service is for homeowners who would like to remain in
their existing residence through their golden years. Levine Design
Studio will work with these owners to make their homes easier to
move around in, to provide safer bathrooms, convenient kitchens,
accessible storage closets, and to make the house more energy
conserving. The homes will be studied to discover the most
efficient and cost-effective way to remodel, the design solutions
drawn up, and arrangements made to bring in an appropriate
contractor to perform the work.
Jeffrey Levine, the principal of Levine Design Studio, is a
LEED-accredited architect/planner/urban designer with over 30
years experience in the public and private sectors. He has taught
architecture and construction at grade & college levels and
administered projects in local government agencies. He has earned
the Virginia Distinguished Architect Award and is a seasoned
designer of public, private and non profit work. Jeffrey has also
been awarded for inner-city developments, for work with Habitat
for Humanity, and for his own house, which was televised and on
the cover of the book, “New City Home”. Recently he was
Senior Urban Designer in the Office of Community Revitalization
and Reinvestment of Fairfax County.
July 2009
Gunston Hall Calendar of Events
Historic Home of George Mason
Architecture in the Afternoon Tours
First and Third Sundays of each month
April through October 2:00 pm.
Discover the stunning architecture of George Mason’s home. This 90 minute
tour explores the mansion’s exterior and interior including the cellar. Find out
why Gunston Hall’s carpenter-joiner William Buckland and master carver William Bernard Sears continue to be highly regarded.
1759 Conversations: Establishing Gunston Hall
First and Third Sundays of each month,
April through October 3:30-4:30 pm.
In 1759 George Mason and his wife Ann moved into a house that served as a
plantation seat for their extensive tobacco operations. What were the early days
like for the Mason family, servants, and slaves? Encounter a member of the
household, portrayed by a reenactor, and learn about the origins of the Gunston
Hall Community.
Plantation Sleuth Family Program
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays
in July & August 9:30 am –3:30 pm.
Uncover a mystery that dates to 1759, when George and Ann Mason moved
into Gunston Hall. Young detectives and their adult companions seek important
clues in the schoolhouse, hearth kitchen, and garden. The story unfolds as you
take a child friendly tour of the house. Assemble all the clues and the 18th
century prize is yours!
The Hands That Built Gunston Hall
Sunday, September 27th 1-5 pm / Lecture at 2 pm.
Join noted scholar, Dr. John Michael Vlach, to learn about the sawyers, carpenters, blacksmiths, and other workers who contributed their skills to creating this
mansion. Shiloh Baptist Church of Mason Neck performs music dedicated to
the builders of Gunston Hall.
Open Hearth Cooking Class, Level I
Saturday, October 31st or Sunday, November 1st: 10 am—4 pm.
Acquire the basics of 18th-century hearth cooking employing traditional cooking techniques and period recipes. Make dishes representative of the period.
Call 703-658-1222 for fees and information or register online at for class HI03881.
This is only a partial listing of Gunston Hall’s exciting Calendar of Events. See: for fees. Although most events do not require reservations, some
programs do, especially for large parties. A 30 minute mansion tour is part of all public
programs. Tours offered from 9:30 and 4:30 pm. Most events do not require a reservation and the calendar is subject to change.
10709 Gunston Road, Mason Neck, VA 22079 703-550-9220
(202) 829-0436
July 2009
Health Watch
Business $urvival Summits: Disaster Preparedness Education for
Business Owners & Managers
By: Raja’a Satouri, MD
Assistant Director of Health
Fairfax County Health Department
“Small to medium sized businesses are the foundation of our
community’s economy, which is why it is imperative that we
engage them and assist in their preparedness efforts,” said Gloria
Addo-Ayensu, M.D., M.P.H., Fairfax County Director of Health.
“These seminars will provide business owners practical
information for developing their emergency plans and strategies to
lesson the impact of disasters on their business.”
Business owners are encouraged to attend one of the upcoming
seminars. Participants will learn how to…
Fairfax County Health Department
The declaration of a pandemic by the World Health Organization
in response to ongoing outbreaks of illness due to the new H1N1
Influenza A virus highlights the importance of having an emergency
plan and being prepared. The Fairfax County Health Department
will hold a series of free Business Survival Seminars this summer
and fall to educate business owners about how disasters, such as a
hurricane, a flu pandemic, or a terrorist attack, could impact their
businesses and how to prepare for them.
Disasters have the potential of disrupting our daily lives and can
prevent businesses from operating, resulting in financial losses.
Small to medium sized businesses (SMB) are especially vulnerable
because they have few resources to assess disaster risks and develop
comprehensive mitigation and recovery. SMBs that aren’t able to
resume operations within ten days of a disaster are not likely to
survive. It is estimated that 25 percent of SMBs do not re-open
following a major disaster. Therefore small businesses need
emergency plans not only to survive disasters, but also to recover
• Develop a Business “Continuity of Operations Plan” (COOP)
• Prepare for all types of emergencies and identify the potential
impact of a disaster on your business
• Identify the essential functions of your business
• Stay open when there is high absenteeism for an extended period
of time
• Offer services in non-traditional ways to keep their business open
during periods of low demand for services or when needed
services are not available
• Improve workplace safety and to minimize the impact of a
Please go to: for more information on upcoming seminars or email
Erin Matthews ( at
Fairfax County Health Department
10777 Main Street
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
703.273.0825 FAX
July 2009
Investing For All Your Goals
(703) 941-4411 • FAX (703) 941-4412 • EMAIL:ABGC@ABGC.ORG
ABGC is the oldest youth soccer club in the Washington area.
We are 50 Years Young and never deny anyone for lack of funds.
TO REGISTER – Call ABGC at 703-941-4411 or go to
www.ABGC.ORG Students eligible for Free or Reduced Lunch receive
reduced or free registration.
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Coaches, Referees, and Commissioners are needed!
Basketball and soccer referees especially needed for the 2008/2009 season. No
experience necessary, but must have knowledge of basketball or soccer rules.
Basketball games are on Saturdays (some Sundays) from January – March. Soccer
is played in the Fall and in the Spring. Coaches, Umpires and Commissioners are
needed for teeball. Call ABGC at 703-941-4411 for more details or to sign up.
CHEERLEADING –Contact Joy Lynch at 703-725-0138 or visit our website for
more information.
LACROSSE - For boys and girls in grades 3-8. Players may register at
BASKETBALL - For grades K-12. Cost is $60, with new players only $30.
Registration begins in October, with practices starting in December. The basketball season runs from January through March.
WRESTLING – Registration opens in October for winter wrestling and the
program starts in November. Cost is $75. Instructor: Keith Sholders
INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUES - Indoor soccer leagues for youth start forming
in October for the winter sessions. Games are on Saturdays at the Annandale
Sports Center in North Springfield for ages 5 – 10 only. Cost is $60.00
REC/TRAVEL SOCCER – Pre-K - 12th Grade. Registration for the Fall rec
soccer season usually begins at the end of May. The Spring registration starts in
mid-February. Contact Bo Amato at for travel soccer information.
SPRING BREAK SOCCER CAMP - Held mid to late March. Registration will
begin mid-January. Cost is $125 for full
day or $70 for half day.
BOXING - Boxing lessons are available year-round and are held at the Annandale
Sports Center. Call 703-750-1751 for more information.
TEEBALL - Registration for youth teeball will begin mid-February. Teeball is
available for Kindergarten – 2nd graders.
FOOTBALL – Contact Robert Meadows for information at
KUNG FU/TAI CHI - Kung Fu and Tai Chi lessons are available year-round to
youth and/or adults. Call Binh Dang at 703-914-1584 for more details.
JAZZERCISE - Contact Melany at 540-846-2592 or send an email to:
ZUMBA - Contact Asuka at 703-300-7448 or send an email to:
Provided by Kurt Langenwalter, CFP®
If you had only one financial goal — retirement, for example —
investing money to reach it would be simple.
But you don’t have only one goal; you have several. You may need
money for a down payment on a home, a child’s college education,
or retirement. Because all your goals are different, how soon you’ll
need the money will help determine the types of investments you
make to reach them.
In the Near Future
You’ll probably want to invest money that you’ll need for shortterm goals, like buying a new home, in income investments that
don’t present a lot of risk to your principal. Bonds, Treasury bills,
and other fixed-income investments pay interest, usually at a fixed
rate, over the term of the investment, which may be a few days to
several years.
Going the Distance
Your retirement money and other funds that you won’t need for
several years generally should be invested mainly in growth investments with the potential to increase significantly in value over time.
Certain stocks and mutual funds are examples of growth investments. Because they are typically more volatile, growth investments
are considered riskier than income investments.
Some dividend-paying stocks of well-established companies provide
both growth and income opportunities. Your financial professional
can help you choose investments that are right for your goals, time
frame, and risk tolerance.
Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Mutual funds are sold by prospectus,
which includes information on charges, expenses, and risks. To obtain a current prospectus,
please contact your registered representative. Please read the prospectus carefully before you
invest or send money
Kurt Langenwalter, CFP®, is a Financial Advisor at First Command Financial Services in
Alexandria, Va. This article was written by Newkirk, and it is intended to promote the professional services of First Command. First Command Financial Services, Inc., parent of First
Command Financial Planning, Inc. Financial planning services and securities are offered by
First Command Financial Planning, Inc. (Member
SIPC, Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®,
Certified Financial Planner™ and CFP (with flame
logo) ® in the U.S., which it awards to individuals
who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and
ongoing certification requirements.
First Command Financial Services
5285 Shawnee Rd., Suite 305, Alexandria,
VA 22312 703-658-2943
July 2009
Don’t Brush Off $350,000!
Chamber Networking Pays Off
By: Gavin Dock, Chamber Commerce
Those of you who have been coming regularly to our monthly
Networking Breakfasts know that we have been focusing on how
to grow our businesses through the power of referral networking.
We are confident that by learning more about each other’s business
we can become informed mutual referrers. Together, we will be
able to generate more transactional value than through being a
“sales-first” group. Indeed, an informal survey at a recent breakfast
indicated that more than $350,000 of revenues can be attributed
to connections made in our group. With encouragement from
President Marv Rodney and Executive Director Vicki Burman, we
have taken the Networking Breakfast away from strictly a
meet-and-greet format to one where we not only provide the
opportunity for business mingling, but also are a forum for more
in-depth spotlight presentations from our members (a benefit of
joining the Chamber!) and now business education highlights.
Recently, Mr. Jason Sager of Home Instead Senior Care provided
an informative overview of lessons learned on building a dedicated
and professional workforce, and I discussed a different way of
looking at the famed (and dreaded) “elevator pitch” which I’ll
summarize here:
Every business person knows that they should have some sort of
canned speech that they spout, on cue, in response to the, “And
what do you do?” question. But most people don’t have one, either
because they don’t know how to go about creating one, or perhaps
because it seems like such a stilted approach (how many times have
your own eyes glazed over as you sense someone launch their
spiel?). Most business owners think they need to tell folks
everything that they have to offer and end up struggling desperately
(and often incoherently) to stuff it into thirty seconds, or lose their
audience by talking too long.
So instead of a talking at someone, why not try talking with
someone? Barbara Lopez of Brightfarm Introductions
( makes the case that the thirty-second
interaction should be more of conversation than a speech.
Information must, to some degree, flow two ways. You must tune
into the other person, giving some sign that you notice his/her
nonverbal responses. She notes that some experts believe that 75%
of trusted communication is nonverbal and that every conversation
involves a two-way flow of information at all times. This approach
fits perfectly with our desire as a Chamber to foster one-on-one
business relationships.
What do you really want to focus on during your first 30 seconds?
• Make a solid first impression – dazzle ‘em if you can!
• Be clear and concise – ensure
they quickly understand what
you do.
• Be unique – let folks know how
you are different from your
• Leave them wanting more –
this is the most important goal and is the purpose of your pitch!
So how do we go about that? Brightfarm Introductions have come
up with their F.A.R.M System™ to help you plant those seeds of
future business. The idea is to examine your business to address a
few questions, and then phrase that knowledge as discreet
statements and questions that you can either use as a “directed
conversation” or naturally slip into conversations.
In a nutshell:
• F: Find their pain point: what problem does your service or
product solve?
• A: Answer their problem: how doYOU specifically ease that pain?
• R: Reasons you are different: what are you “known for”, why are
you different?
• M: Make them want more: what do you want them to do with
the information you just gave them (e.g. call, visit your website
We are using these ideas at our Networking Breakfast to grow
a portfolio of businesses in Annandale. Members have the
opportunity of perfecting their 30-second conversation. They can
also add a written version to our “Snapshot Binder” so they will
always be part of the conversation. With our friendly, supportive
environment and with a strong business focus, we have our eyes set
on reaping a bountiful harvest together. Come join us and be part
of the conversational buzz at the Chamber! Information on
Networking Breakfasts can be found on the Chamber website
under Chamber events.
July 2009
Photo Retrospective: Annandale of Old
US President:
Vice President:
VA Governor:
US Senators
from Virginia:
Chief Justice U.S.
Supreme Court:
Speaker of the
Jimmy Carter (D)
Walter Mondale (D)
John N. Dalton
Harry F. Byrd, Jr. (I) &
John W. Warner (R)
Warren Burger
Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr. (D)
Pulitzer Prize: Norman Mailer for
The Executioner’s Song
Nobel Prize for Literature: Czeslaw Milosz
Miss America: Cheryl Prewitt
(Ackerman, MS)
Best Picture of the Year: Ordinary People
Best Actor: Robert DeNiro in Raging Bull
Best Actress: Sissy Spacek in
Coal Miner’s Daughter
US Hockey Team beats Russians at
Lake Placid Olympics
US attempts to rescue the 53 hostages held
in Teheran.
Queen Juliana of the Netherlands abdicates
on her 71st B-day.
Polish labor Union Solidarity is formed.
Zimbabwe gains independence with Robert
Mugabe as Prime Minister.
Ronald Reagan wins the November
Presidential Election.
Double digit inflation strikes US.
John Lennon is assassinated Dec. 8th.
First donations and plans for Vietnam Wall
are made.
Mt. St. Helens erupts May 18th killing 57.
Thirty percent of US auto sales are imports.
The “Gang of Four” are put on trial in
World Health Organization says smallpox
is eradicated worldwide.
Scarsdale Diet Dr. Herman Tarnower is
shot to death by Madeira School
Headmistress Jean Harris.
The Mt. Saint Helens erupon on May 18, 1980.
It lasted for 9 hours and reduced the elevaon of the summit
by 1312 feet and le a mile wide horseshoe shape crater.
NCAA Basketball Champion: Louisville
Stanley Cup Winner: NY Islanders
College Football Champion: Georgia
Heisman Trophy Winner: George Rogers
from SC
US Open Winner: Jack Nicklaus
Super Bowl XIV: Pittsburg beats Los
Angeles 31-19 at Pasadena
World Series Champion: Philadelphia
Phillies (4) v Kansas City Royals (2)
Heavy Weight Boxing Title: Larry Holmes
Reggie Jackson hits his 400th home run
Indianapolis 500 Winner: Johnny
America’s Cup: US Freedom defeats
Australia 4-1.
Pres. Jimmy Carter
World Population: 4.43 billion
US Population: 227,224,681
Virginia Population: 5,346,000
Sugar: $.85/5 pounds
Cost of a new house: $68,714
Average Income: $19,173
New Car: $7,201
Average Rent: $300.00 per month
Tuition to Harvard U.: $5,300 per year
Movie ticket: $2.25 each
Gasoline: $1.20 per gallon
US Postage Stamp: $.15
Gallon of milk: $2.02
Eggs: $.50 per dozen
Ground Hamburger: $.95 per pound
Bread: $.51 per loaf
Bacon: $1.40 per pound
Coffee: $2.50 per pound
Life Expectancy: 73.7 years
Pac-Man makes black & white games
obsolete in US arcades.
McDonald’s introduces Chicken
US Government bans paint containing
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers is
Federal Minimum Wage: $3.10 per hour.
Dow Jones Ave. closes Dec. 31st at 963.99
up from 838.74 at end of 1979.
Gold prices range from $600 to a peak of
$875 per ounce
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, The
Shining, The Blues Brothers, Raging Bull,
Ordinary People
Christina Ricci, Michael Vick, Christina
Aguilera, Jessica Simpson
Jessie Owens, Joseph Tito, Steve McQueen,
Alfred Hitchcock, Oscar Romero,
Alice Longworth
July 2009
Annandale Retail Establishments
Special offers...
Banks raise interest rates for home mortgages. Over the course
of the year they see-saw from a high of 16.78% to a low of 13%.
Giant and Safeway offer the following:
Fresh Turkey
$ .59 per pound
Frozen Turkey $ .49 per pound
Chuck Roast
$1.19 per pound
Florida Oranges $ .59 for 12
White Bread
$1.00 for 4 loaves
$1.00 for 5 pounds
Real Estate Sales in Annandale:
7716 Bristow Drive
4301 Greenberry Lane
5120 Red Fox Drive
4454 Airlie Way
7205 Auburn Street
4156 Elizabeth Lane
$ 92,000
$ 89,500
$ 71,000
$ 94,000
$ 71,000
Foreground: Ravensworth Park - Beltway to right
Braddock Exit in center
May 8, 1983: Green Spring Gardens Horticulture Center opened.
1985-1989: Thomas Jefferson High School was merged with AHS
because both school’s populations were under capacity. Eventually
Thomas Jefferson High School would be re-designated as a magnet
school for the sciences and technology.
LOCAL NEWS 1975-1980:
1980: Safeway opens remodeled store at 7414 Little River Tpk. They
expanded by 7,000 sq. feet to 30,190 sq. feet.
1980: Mr. C. Douglas Adams, Esq. becomes president of the
Annandale Chamber.
1980: Fairfax County Real Estate Tax Rate was $1.54 per $100.00 of
assessed value.
July 31, 1980: Fair Oaks Mall opens
Crime Statistics in Fairfax County 1980:
Aggrevated Assault:
Larceny Theft:
Vehicle Theft:
Total Crime:
August 4, 1980: J. Hamilton Lambert appointed County Executive
Oct. 30, 1982: the present Post Office opened at 4270 John Marr Dr.
This is at least the 4th Post Office in Annandale’s History. The first
recorded location was on Little River and Backlick. The second
dates to the early 50’s in the brick building at the corner of Annandale Road and Maple Place. The third was on Little River
/McWhorter Place where the Annandale Vet Clinic is now located.
This location had terrible access, and little parking. People avoided
using it. Finally the John Marr location was built.
Dec 22, 1982: Interstate Route 66 opens between 495 and
Washington, DC
January 29, 1983: Ground broken for construction of Dulles Toll
Fairfax Hospital 1980
July 2009
Chamber Heralds These Quiet Citizen Heroes
continued ...
Congratulations to the following Awardees:
William Law: NVCC Student Award
Luis Inarra: AHS Sami Kalifa Award
Michelle Addington: FCHS Student Award
Jason Sager: Lossie Tucker Meritorious Service Award
Shel Youtz: Citizen of the Year
Marilyn Hoosen: Chamber Member of the Year
Pyne Studios, Inc: New Chamber Member of the Year
Burke & Herbert Bank: Business of the Year
Award of Valor: Kathleen O’Leary, FCPD
Award of Valor: Jeff Allen, FCFD
Special Recognition Awards:
Meritorious Service Award
Jason Sager, Home Instead Senior Care
Capt Barry Harlow: Annandale Fire Dept
Suzanne Holland: Hidden Oaks Nature Center
Oak Oh: Korean Community Service Center
Chef Lorraine Lombardi: FCHS Culinary Arts Dept.
Gene Meale: Life Member of the Chamber
Richard Owen: Knights of Columbus
Gerry Llames: Radiant Printing/ENDEAVOR
Fran Tunick: Office of Supervisor Gross
George & Freda Hill: Citizen Volunteers
Clarence Brown: Citizen Volunteer
Business of the Year: Burke & Herbert Bank
Hector Ochoa, Hunt Burke, Pat Leugers
FCHS Student Achievement Award
Michelle Addington with Congressman Connolly
NVCC Student Award Winner
Chamber Member of the Year
William Law with Congressman Connolly
Marilyn Hoosen, BB&T Bank
July 2009
Restaurant Review
Present Vietnamese Cuisine
Imperial Vietnamese Cuisine
Do you remember where the old Jefferson Movie Theatre was
located? At Annandale Road and Arlington Boulevard one of the
first Korean Restaurants opened decades ago and before that a Steak
restaurant. Now, tucked next to Merchant Tire in an architectural
hemisphere is the recently opened Present Vietnamese Restaurant,
an epicurean gem.
Upon entering you will
quickly note the open airy
pendant lighting, and deeply
carved coffered panels. An
impressive fountain gently
cascades into a rock pool
emitting gentle and soothing
ripples heard throughout the
restaurant. Dozens
delicately potted orchids add
Waiter Vu Tran &
a gracious elegance to the
Manager Austin Pham
décor. The restaurant is
owned by Gene Nguyen, son of Tu Nguyen (Pho Hot, Annandale
and Diamond Night Club, Eden Center). Present is managed by
Austin Pham who grew up in Silver Spring and gained his restaurant
expertise at both Clyde’s in Georgetown and at the Old Ebbit Grill.
Austin manages a serving staff of amiable individuals with both perfect English speaking skills and expert knowledge of their menu.
Austin explained, “This restaurant is dedicated to giving you the
best food and the best service and ambiance. We want you to live
in the present and enjoy this dining experience.”
Present offers dishes from all three Vietnamese cuisines under the
direction of Chef Luong Tran who won the Best Restaurant in
Vietnam award for four consecutive years. Chef Tran provides an
authentic Saigon cuisine with all the polished skills and layering of
flavors known to this region which was highly influenced by French
techniques. After all, Saigon has always been called the Paris of
Southeast Asia. To prove the point a perfect Flan is offered on the
dessert menu. The sugar is expertly caramelized while the custard
texture is gently firm yet creamy. The second cuisine is Huey which
refers to the city where the old Imperial Palace was located and the
center of cultural arts. It led the country in all artistic pursuits
including the elaborate and impressive Imperial presentation of
food. It proves the adage that the first taste of food is taken through
the eyes. Chef Nhan Nguyen, an exceptionally artistic chef, is
primarily responsible for their platter presentation.The third cuisine
is found in the north, close to the China border so it is heavily
influenced by Chinese flavors. Present Restaurant has crafted a
menu to reflect the flavors, beauty, and ingredients of the entire
nation… not an easy task.
Begin your experience with Smokey Petal (sautéed baby clams), the
crispy Jewel Green Papaya Salad or Treasure from the Sea (seafood
pineapple salad). This, as much as any dish, represents the light yet
bold flavorful tastes found in Vietnam. Try one of the nine soups
ranging from beef noodle to gumbo or even a beef stew served with
French bread. Move onto a few of the creatively named menu
selections such as Pilgrim on the Beach (crabmeat and shrimp stir
fried with rice) or Fish in the Tropical Garden (sautéed mackerel
with pineapple cooked in a clay pot) or Duck in Tamarind Basket
(crispy duck marinated in Chef’s special tamarind sauce). This is
one restaurant where every taste preference can be accommodated.
Cellophane Noodle Crab with Shredded Jerky-Mosaic Pathway
Shaken Tender Beef-Cow on the Open Field
Try it soon, try it often, but do try it.
6678 Arlington Blvd., Falls Church, VA 22042
There is an interior seating capacity for 110, another 30 on the
patio, and a private dining room under construction that will
accommodate up to 50 people. Group parties can easily be
July 2009
Special Spotlight
Restaurants of the Chamber
Tempo Restaurant
The Sunset Grille
Where Traditional Influences and Innovative
Cuisines Combine
Along Little River
fifteen minutes east
of Annandale, you
unpretentious but
restaurant tucked
behind awnings and
signage of bright
Restaurant serves a combination of Italian, French, and Nouveau
cuisines honed from the experience of two remarkable chefs. Serge
and Wendy Albert combine traditional influences and innovative
cuisines with quality products to insure those dining at Tempo an
outstanding culinary experience.
The heart and soul of Annandale
The standing menu consists of dishes Serge and Wendy consider
those which they could NOT do without such as the Beef
Carpaccio, Sea Scallops prepared with ginger and garlic, Steak
Diablo, Medallion de Boeuf Roquefort, and perhaps the lightest
most expertly prepared Fritto Misto ever encountered.
Additionally 14-16 special entrees are prepared weekly to enhance
your dining choices. The gracious energetic staff engages warmly
with the patrons while providing superb service. A soothing
atmosphere permeates Tempo with white linen cloths and napkins,
white china in interesting shapes, beautiful flatware, flowers and
candles. This is a quiet restful space. Every aspect of the design
prepares you to observe as well as savor your meal. Tempo will also
prepare their world class cuisine for enjoyment at home. Order by
phone and they will have it ready to pick-up on your way home.
Sunday brunch is held from 11:30-2:30 pm. In addition to the
regular menu French Toast, Prosciutto Benedict, three amazing
omelettes, and Capellini Carbonara are offered. Tired of the
impersonal breakfast buffets? At Tempo you will be served and
pampered. If you are planning a special occasion or lunch with
mom, visit Tempo. You will be proud to introduce your friends to
this experience.
4231 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22304
Lunch: Sunday-Friday 11:30am to2:30pm
Dinner: Monday-Saturday 5:30 to 10:00 pm
Sunday 5:30 to 9:00 pm.
The Sunset Grille is
an eatery where
local clientele span
This is one of the
friendliest places in
town with a diverse
clientele and lively
Known for some of
the best American
food in Northern Virginia it ranges from their Award Winning Chili
to oysters on the half shell, giant prawns cooked your way, and
mouth watering burgers, pasta, and home made soups. There is
also an amazing Blue Plate Special offered daily for only $6.00.
With two separate bars, the Grille offers a wide range of
entertainment. The Back Bar is a gathering spot for sports and
games. The room has 7 television sets and numerous video games.
The Front Bar draws local patrons as well as clientele from all over
the Metro area for some of the best live entertainment you could
hope to enjoy.
Sunset Grille also offers full service catering. If you are hosting a
business breakfast or lunch, a summer bar-b-que, or a themed
extravaganza give Shell Youtz or Kay Hobson a call. Their purple
catering van is seen more and more around town answering the
catering needs of our community. You will find them energetic, fun
loving, professional, and reliable. You will also find the cost fair and
7250 Columbia Pike, Annandale
Kabul Kabob
Dine In or Carry Out...a great meal to end your day!
Located in the heart of Springfield, Kabul Kabob offers some of the
finest Afghan dishes in the Metro area. Their Lunch menu features
a buffet as well as A La Carte dishes while their entrees are freshly
made to order. Just one block from Backlick Rd. on Commerce
Street, this is an easy restaurant to locate. Kabul Kabob is owned by
Chamber member Abuzar Mamoodi. He has been operating this
festive restaurant for five years and providing friendly reliable
service both in house and out with a catering business. You may
continued next page
July 2009
Special Spotlight
Restaurants of the Chamber
also order meals to go with in house pick-up. Parking is readily available. Look for the double door entrance on the right side of the
building. The dining room to the left of the entrance can
handle up to 120
people for private
parties. Servers are
well versed with the
menu and more than
helpful explaining all
Authentic Afghan
Appetizers such as
Aushak, which is
Afghan Ravioli filled
with leeks, as well as
Boolawnee, which is Clay-Oven baked pastry stuffed with scallions
are crowd favorites. They have a variety of Kabob dishes which are
all served with yogurt sauce and a choice of Afghan bread or brown
rice. It is difficult to select a favorite from Palau Kabob, seasoned
rice with meat sauce and your choice of chicken or lamb, or Chopan
Kabob, cuts of tender lamb ribs, marinated in special spices. Do try
their Kabul Special, which is a combination of each: chicken, shami
and lamb kabob, marinated in special herbs and spices, broiled on
a skewer over charcoal. Kabul Kabob offers a sumptuous array of
Vegetarian dishes all sure to appease your appetite. For a complete
list of their menu choices, go to
Szechuan Star’s menu has something for everyone and all very
reasonably priced. Start with a Pu Pu Platter for two at only $12.95,
an ample and tasty lunch for two. The platter includes shrimp
tempura, spring rolls, fried chicken wings, beef on skewers, and BB-Que spareribs all served with condiment sauces. The tempura is
light and crispy and expertly prepared to allow the flavor of the
main ingredient to shine through.
If you haven’t already, you should try their house specialty −
Szechuan Star’s Lemon Peanut Chicken. Chicken breasts are coated
with water chestnuts, lightly fried, and then topped with their
special peanut sauce. Delicious! Aside from traditional Chinese fare,
Szechuan Star offers several variations of Singapore rice noodles
and chow foon. Those of you watching your waistline will be
thrilled to know you have many choices including a Diet Delight
Menu. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday a buffet is available from 11:00
am to 2:00 pm for only $7.95 for adults and $5.95 for kids under
12. Dine in, call for delivery, or stop in to pick up your order
between 11 am and 10 pm seven days a week with hours extended
to 10:30 pm on Fridays and Saturdays.
6960-H Bradlick Shopping Center
Annandale, VA 22003
Pho Hot Vietnamese Noodle Restaurant
The only thing better than the hospitality is the PHO
6802 Commerce Street
Springfield, VA 22150
Szechuan Star
A Neighborhood Gathering Spot for 24 Years
Known for its friendly
feeling, Szechuan Star
has been preparing
Chinese dishes for 24
years. Owners Kim
and Ming Yu take great
restaurant’s inviting
atmosphere. They use
only the freshest
carefully prepare each
dish to order.
Mrs.Tu Nguyen, a local
resident since 1987
opened Pho Hot five
years ago in the Little
Shopping Center. This
spacious, cheerful, and
inviting family friendly
restaurant has a seating
capacity for 170
patrons and is open
seven days a week from
8 AM to 11:30 PM. This genial restaurant strives to make every
customer feel at home beginning with the sign prominently hung at
the entrance saying, “Welcome Home.” Mrs. Tu, who is
warmhearted and engaging, hopes patrons will feel like family when
they sit for a meal. All the serving staff speak English and provide
an affable and welcoming atmosphere. Menus have English subtitles
so navigating the interesting selection is easy.
continued next page
July 2009
Special Spotlight
Restaurants of the Chamber
Although a considerable menu selection is available, Pho soup is the
house specialty. The crystal clear broth takes a minimum of ten
hours to simmer with many ingredients being added and removed
throughout the process. Until you taste this for yourself, it is
impossible to believe that anyone can infuse this much flavor into
water.Various meats can also be ordered to customize your bowl of
Pho, rice noodles are added, and condiments are served on the side
for more personalized flavoring. An impressive vegetarian menu is
available and is being expanded to satisfy the increasing demand for
healthy menu choices. Birthdays are celebrated in style with a large
bowl of Pho served complimentary to the birthday person when
accompanied by a party of at least three others. Responsive
waiters, comfortable surroundings, memorable food, and a
welcoming atmosphere make Pho Hot a restaurant choice for
everyone. By all means, bring the kids. Children love customizing
their bowl of PHO.
7442A Little River Turnpike
Annandale, VA 22003 (in the Safeway Shopping Center)
Juke Box Diner
Food for Every Palate
Remember hanging out at the
local diner and playing your
favorite 45 on the jukebox?
Who could forget soda jerks
and the frothy, rich
milkshakes and ice cream
floats of our own “Happy
Days?” Now a little piece of
the 50’s known as the
Jukebox Diner can be found
in Annandale. For those who wish they could share in the
memories, this special diner is the next best thing. The Jukebox
Diner serves breakfast, lunch and dinner 7 days a week and is open
from 6:30 am to 12:00 am. They are known for their famous
“Thanksgiving meals with all the trimmings every Thursday.”
You can order on line, dine-in, pick-up, or have it delivered in our
delivery area. There is also a private dining/meeting room that will
accommodate 100 and is available for rental. The Chamber has
hosted numerous luncheons at Juke Box with great success. They
provide excellent service, reasonable prices, and prompt service.
If your family or company needs a private dining space, check with
Juke Box for available dates.
7039 Columbia Pike, Annandale
Green Spring Garden Historic House Teas
Taking Tea has been a tradition since 1830.
Why not make it yours?
At the Historic House,
formal English Teas are
conducted throughout the
year. All include one of
their many ingenious
programs. Groups may
contact the Historic
House to reserve a
private tour of the
gardens followed by Tea,
or enjoy a customized
presentation. They have an intensely creative and fun loving staff
with program titles ranging from Tea Time Accessories and A Taste
of Britain to Tassels and Tea and Ribbons and Roses, One such
program scheduled for August 23rd is called, “A Feast of Flowers:
The New Haute Cuisine,” which will
discuss the ancient art of Cooking and
garnishing with flowers…it is all the
rage again! Bridal and Baby Shower
Teas include either a presentation of
bridal traditions or a royal shower of
good wishes for the mother-to-be.
They can host a party for up to 36
people. All of the tea programs are
followed by a sumptuous English tea to include delicate and
delicious finger sandwiches, assorted pastries, as well as traditional
scones, cream and jam. If you are planning a special celebration or
simply want to enjoy a splendid day with a friend, contact Deborah
Waugh at the Historic Manor House. Taking Tea at Green Spring is
a must!
4603 Green Spring Road, Alexandria
703-941-7987 (across from Pinecrest Golf Course)
DelMar’s Baja Mexican
Tastes Great, Costs Less...Everyday!
Inspired by the coastal beach shacks in Baja and California, this
eatery serves the best fish tacos and mission-style
burritos in a friendly relaxed beach environment.Their burrito was
voted the BEST in Seattle where this chain is headquartered. Del
Mar’s is a fresh, fun, and fast alternative to traditional Mexican food.
continued next page
July 2009
Special Spotlight
Restaurants of the Chamber
Surf Board inspired bar
height tables flank two
walls while family style
tables fill the rest of the
space. Interesting festive
art work abounds and
enticing aromas beckon
from the minute you open
the door. Manish Arora,
the owner commented,
“The salsa and guacamole
are made fresh daily and
our fish is never kept
more than 20 minutes
after cooking.” When Del
Mar’s says fresh they really
mean it.
The menu includes six types of meat, fresh Alaskan Fish, and three
kinds of beans for variety. You also have a choice of four tortilla
options: flour, wheat, spinach, or tomato. A tasty mojito sauce
which is a mild blend of cilantro and lime sauce is offered on their
signature burrito. This one ingredient transforms the ordinary into
the extraordinary. The menu also caters to vegetarians as well as
those on a gluten free diet. Quesadillas, meat and cheese nachos,
chips and dip, salads and tacos round out the menu. The most
expensive option on the menu is the Enchilada-Taco-Meat
Quesadilla Platter for $6.59. Del Mar’s is easy on your wallet and
sensational for your taste buds. This is a better meal served fast.
6920-G Bradlick Shopping Ctr.
Annandale, VA 22003
coffee bean. Beanetics
selects the finest green
coffee beans from a
variety of growing
regions around the
world. They roast the
beans to accent the
characteristics of each
coffee, not burn the
flavor out of them.
Customers can watch
as they use a computer
controlled roaster in
the glass-enclosed roasting room. They have single origin beans and
blended roasts to satisfy a variety of tastes. Customers are able to
enjoy their freshly roasted coffee, along with a bagel, muffin,
authentic NY black-and-white cookie, or coffee cake. For those
who prefer non-coffee drinks a variety of smoothies, teas, and other
beverages are offered. Beanetics will also blend a specialty
signature coffee for your company or organization with your
personal label. Great for gift giving. Beanetics Coffee Roasters
generously sponsors the Trivia Contest in ENDEAVOR, participates
in the Fall Festival and are one of the sponsors for the Chamber’s
Bed Race each May. We thank David and Amy Star for their
community spirit and friendship.
7028 Columbia Pike, Annandale
(703) 941-4506
Beanetics Coffee Roasters
The Evolution of a Better Coffee
David Star, who owns Beanetics with his wife, Amy, started
roasting coffee as a hobby in our garage, but could not keep up with
the demand of friends and family. Today they operate
Annandale’s only independently owned micro coffee roasting
facility. At Beanetics Coffee Roasters customers are able to taste the
full potential of a coffee bean by experiencing freshly-roasted coffee
- before the aroma and taste is eroded through time. If you have
never tasted coffee that has been recently roasted, you have never
really enjoyed a true coffee experience. The evolution of better
coffee starts at the source – the country of origin of the green
Fast Service but not Fast Food
Every year at our Annandale
Parade, Subway franchise owner,
Emil Ranakusuma, dons a
submarine sandwich costume to
entertain the children along the
route. His sense of humor and
friendliness are evident both on
the parade route and in his eatery.
From the 1965 opening of this
chain in Bridgeport, CT to the
present, Subway is proud to serve
an alternative to greasy food.
continued next page
July 2009
Special Spotlight
Restaurants of the Chamber
Nutritional information is readily available both on line and on site
in order to provide consumers with the necessary tools for making
health conscious decisions. Right now they are featuring a $5.00
foot long sub that will surely please everyone’s budget. Not widely
known Subway offers free wireless internet access to their customers; many fundraising programs for athletic teams; lunch programs for private schools and companies; and, free delivery for
Annandale residents with orders over $30.00.
7120 Columbia Pike, Annandale (next to the Firehouse)
Burger King
Have it your way!
Burger King is more
than a cross country
franchise, it is now a
franchise. Countries
around the world
enjoy the famous
WHOPPER just as
much as Americans.
Our local franchise
is conveniently located
on Columbia Pike and John Marr Drive. The latest addition to their
popular menu is late night burger shots. Six, flamed broiled mini
burgers, are a great way to satisfy after-activity hunger pangs… and
they are open until 2 am! The local Burger King is owned by Mr.
Tuyen Pham, a gentleman who, with his family, faithfully sponsors
the Chamber’s Bed Race each May.
Fun facts about Burger King.
• BKC was founded in 1954 in Miami, Florida.
• The WHOPPER® sandwich was introduced in 1957 and quickly
became one of the best-known sandwiches in the world.
• There are 221,184 possible ways for a guest to order an Original
WHOPPER® sandwich.
• In 1966, the first international franchise restaurant opened in the
Bahamas for the BURGER KING® brand.
• The BURGER KING® restaurant with the greatest altitude is in
La Paz, Bolivia, at 11,000 feet above sea level.
• Budapest is home to the largest BURGER KING® restaurant
• The 10,000th BURGER KING® restaurant in the world opened
in Sydney, Australia, in 1998.
Magills Famous Pizza & Buffet
Their delicious buffet fills everyone and serves your
entire group in minutes!
Magills is one of the few places
in Annandale where breakfast is
served as early as 8:00 am. A
country buffet with everything
from cold cereal, pastries, and
fresh fruit to scrambled eggs,
grits, bacon and much more can
be found every day of the week.
Magill’s has served Annandale and hundreds of tour groups for over
22 years. An equally bountiful luncheon and dinner buffet is served
seven days a week with additional seafood dishes on Friday nights
and their famous Ribs on Saturdays. Disco parties can be privately
booked for groups of at least 100 with pizza and soft drinks
included. Dance the night away to the hottest Top-40 sounds in a
safe and secure environment. Their experienced DJ's will give your
group a night to remember with dance contests and prizes.
Magill’s will also deliver boxed breakfasts and lunches for your
private or office needs.
7201 Little River Turnpike, Annandale, VA 22003
July 2009
What’s Cooking
Heirloom Tomatoes
By the end of World War II, agriculture in America became
industrialized. Most food no longer came from small family farms.
Instead, it was grown in huge fields limiting the diversity of crops
raised. In order to maximize the consistency of crops, fewer
varieties of each type were planted. A variety was selected for its
production rate, ability to withstand mechanical picking and long
distance shipping, as well as its tolerance to pesticides, drought and
frost. Taste does not make it on the list of priorities.
Heirloom gardening grew up in protest to these practices.
Heirloom or heritage varieties are those grown in home organic
gardens. When developing a variety of Heirloom tomatoes, the
gardener takes two plants that bear the traits most desired and
propagates them in close proximity in order to produce fruit with
the desired traits. Growing the plants in a block formation rather
than in long rows encourages cross-breeding. Later, seeds from the
born fruit are gathered and reserved for the next season. After
some to many years of this practice, an heirloom tomotoe with
strong characteristics is developed. It is a custom plant that
performs admirably in the grower’s garden.
The flavors, colors, and even the consistency of the tomatoe meat
are reminiscent of those tomatoes enjoyed by generations past.
They are also full of vitamins and anti-oxidants. Darker color
Gazpacho Soup
6 ripe tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 red/purple onion, finely chopped
1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, and chopped
1/2 cucumber, sliced thin for garnish
2 sweet red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
varieties are usually more acidic. The red tomatoes tend to be sweet
while green ones are tart. Yellow/orange varieties are milder but
sweet. Often, Heirloom tomatoes are available at Farmers’
One of the most refreshing uses for fresh tomatoes is in Gazpacho
Soup. This is a cold spicy meal most often served with warm crusty
bread. It is best to prepare the day before and refrigerate overnight
in a non metallic container, allowing the flavors to blend.
2 stalks of celery, chopped
2 TBS chopped fresh chives
3 cloves garlic, minced
¼ cup red wine vinegar
¼ cup olive oil
2 TB fresh lemon juice
2 tsp sugar
6 drops of Tabasco
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
4 cups tomatoe juice
Sea Salt and Pepper to taste
Zest of Two lemons reserved for garnish
1 pint of sour cream reserved for garnish (optional)
Combine garlic, red wine, olive oil, sugar, lemon juice, Tabasco,
Worcestershire, and tomatoe juice in blender and process until
smooth. Remove to a non metallic lidded storage container. Add
chopped vegetables, chives, salt & pepper. Stir until well blended.
Refrigerate overnight. When serving, add lemon zest, a few slices
of cucumber and a dollop of sour cream on top. Serves 6
July 2009
Pinecrest Golf Course
Summer Tournaments
Expires: 03/2010
August, 22 Saturday
Pinecrest Junior Club Championship
(8 - 17yrs.) 1pm. 9-hole individual stroke play tournament in three
divisions: 10 and under, 11-13, 14-17. Long drive and closest-tothe pin contests. Prizes awarded. $20 for FCPA Junior Program
members; $30 for non-members. Rain date, August 23.
September, 27 Sunday
Pinecrest Club Championship
(13 yrs. and up) 8am.18-hole individual tournament with competitors placed into flights based upon front nine gross scores. Prizes
awarded in each flight and for closest-to-the-pin for both nines. A
nine-hole optional shootout for the top 10 low gross scores will follow. Tournament entry fee is $50 (excludes riding cart) for Pinecrest
handicap members; $60 for non-members. Advanced registration
required. Call ahead for a rain date.
July 2009
Widening of Clogged Intersection
Talk about Johnny come lately.
The Federal Highway Administration, sometime ago evaluated the
proposed improvements to widen both Lee Highway and Gallows
Road to five and six lanes divided, with a twenty-eight foot median,
as follows:
-Lee Highway from 0.009 mile west of Merrilee Drive (Rte 6065)
to the Capital Beltway (Rte I-495) and
-Gallows Road from Gatehouse Road (Rte 4037) to south of
Prosperity Avenue.
Anyone who commutes between Annandale and Tyson’s could have
informed the Highway Administration that it would have been wise
to evaluate and complete this project before the HOT Lanes project
began. Gallows Road to Tyson’s is the only direct alternative to the
Beltway. The intersection of Lee and Gallows has always been the
major bottleneck even prior to the start of the HOT Lanes. Because
thousands of commuters are now avoiding the Beltway while
construction takes place, traffic along Gallows Road has backed up
and clogged traffic on Gallows, Annandale, Hummer, and Backlick
Roads. Possibly road planners should personally commute the major
and alternative routes for no less than a year during the planning
phase. If done, they would have realized that the HOT Lanes Project
had to wait until this intersection improvement was completed.
None the less, the project is finally underway.
Slow Down/Move Over Law - Let
them Pass
Driving in the left lane and not moving over for a vehicle to pass
tends to cause a lot of “road rage” incidents that could otherwise be
avoided. In Virginia the law states that, “Any vehicle proceeding at
less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under
the conditions existing, shall be driven in the right lane when such
lane is available for travel.” This means when not overtaking or
preparing for a left turn you should not be driving in the left lane of
travel. Another law that ties in with this one relates to driving on a
divided highway. “When an overtaking / passing vehicle gives an
audible (horn) or light signal (flashing headlights) the overtaken
vehicle shall move to the right to allow the other vehicle to pass as
soon as possible.” Do not slam on your brakes or use rude hand
gestures. This type of behavior could escalate into something much
worse and don’t forget, moving out of the way is the law. It’s not up
to you to enforce speed limits or stay in the lane just to prove a point.
It is the responsibility of the police to enforce the law. You can help
by driving defensively and always obeying traffic laws.
Residential Parking
Recently, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors was briefed on
complaints concerning commercial and large vehicles parking in
residential neighborhoods. The issues involve neighborhood quality
of life, safety, aesthetics, and the potential impact of more
restrictions on small business owners, and businesses in general.
Recent state legislation (HB 1694) as well as an opinion from the
state attorney general permit the Board of Supervisors to broaden
restrictions on some vehicles. County staff recommended that the
board consider amending the County Code to address typical
complaints using this authority. Board members were asked to
provide FCDOT with examples of typical parking complaints in
their districts that they would like to have reviewed and addressed
with revised parking regulations.
Spotlight by Starlight
Summer Concert Schedule
Spotlight by Starlight is a free summer concert series presented by the Friends
of Mason District Park. All performances are at the Newton W. Edwards Amphitheatre at Mason District Park, 6621 Columbia Pike in Annandale, on
Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday beginning at 7:30 pm. Performances for children on Saturday (not listed below) begin at 10 a.m. Shows are cancelled in the
event of rain. For rain cancellation and information, please call this number
703-324-SHOW (7469), or visit
Tonic and Gin A Capella (A Cappella Vocal Music)
Tom Principato (Blues)
Andrew Acosta and Speedy Tolliver String (Folk/Bluegrass)
Falls Church Concert Band (Big Band)
Tommy Lepson Band (Blues/Soul)
Ruthie and the Wranglers (Roots/Rock)
The Winstons Band (Motown)
MSG - The Acoustic Blues Trio (Piedmont Blues)
The United States Navy Band “Country Current” (Bluegrass)
Jennifer Cutting’s Ocean Orchestra (Irish/Celtic)
City of Fairfax Band “Saxophone Quartet” (Classic/Pop)
Squeeze Bayou (Cajun)
Kings Park Band (Big Band)
July 2009
Fairhill Elementary Supports FCHS
Jaguar Joe becomes their coffee choice.
On Friday, April 3rd, Fairhill
Elementary was introduced to
the signature coffee of Falls
Church High School, Jaguar
Joe. Principal, Trish Phillips,
purchased this superb blend of
coffee as Fairhill’s Coffee of
Choice. It will be served to
staff and at school functions.
On this In-Service day, the staff
assembled in the library where
fascinating art, history, and
reading projects fill many counters and shelves. Clearly these
teachers and staff provide a broad and interesting range of
educational experiences to their students.
Fred Coulter, the enthusiastic FCHS Marketing Teacher and
Coordinator discussed the development of this coffee; the funds it
has raised for their Technology Department; and, the practical
education this project has provided the students at FCHS. Most
students at Fairhill will matriculate to Falls Church High School
where they too will have the opportunity to advance and expand
the project.
Third grade teacher, Hilary Harrison, Asst. Principal, Pam Morgan,
and Administrative Assistant,Vicki Wiles, organized a drawing with
numerous Jaguar Joe gift bags awarded to those assembled. Not
unexpectedly, this full
bodied coffee with an
underlying subtle hint of
chocolate was a big hit.
The Annandale Chamber,
Beanetics Coffee Roasters,
and Falls Church High
School all thank Fairhill
Elementary for becoming a
regular brewer of Jaguar
If any other school or business would like to brew Jaguar Joe
as your Coffee of Choice, please contact Fred Coulter at or the Chamber office at 703-256-7232.
Falls Church High School
Building on Our Success...One Child at a Time.
Jaguar Joe
Our own sensational blend of coffee.
Buy our coffee for your office and
support Annandale Students.
7521 Jaguar Trail
Falls Church, VA 22042
Phone: (703)207-4000
July 2009
Westwood College
Not your typical institution of higher learning.
Easily visible from Little River and Heritage Drive near the Beltway
towers this beautiful building. Inside resides Westwood College.
Students in this career-focused school receive a hands-on education
on the fast track, earning a bachelor’s degree in just three years or an
associate degree in less than two years. “Career-focused” means that
students who meet certain admissions placement requirements may
be placed in career-related courses starting in their first term.
Westwood’s goal is to equip graduates with skill sets that make them
highly productive from their first day on the job. The end result is a
three-pronged success for graduates, employers and Westwood. In
fact, a number of businesses maintain close ties with the school,
actively pursuing its graduates specifically because of the benefits of
career-focused training.
The secret to Westwood’s winning formula is a faculty consisting
mainly of instructors who are working professionals in their fields. By
bringing real-world experience into the classroom and
employing a hands-on approach to learning, they instill students with
a real-life perspective instead of just textbook theories. With
campuses in Annandale, Arlington and 15 other locations across the
mainland U.S., plus an online campus,Westwood currently has more
than 15,000 students enrolled in over twenty degree programs
specialists to game
software developers.
(2) Technology growth
has also spurred an
increase in the number
of students choosing
careers in design in
recent years, especially
in game art. The
massive popularity of
electronic games has
7619 Little River Turnpike at Heritage Drive
rendered game art an
explosive career field for a new generation. Local employers can
explore mutual opportunities with Westwood by visiting the school’s
Virginia campuses at 7619 Little River Turnpike in Annandale and
4300 Wilson Boulevard in Arlington. Information is also available
online at or by calling 877-789-7352.
Editor’s Note: Westwood goes the extra mile to help their students
succeed. In any subject,Westwood offers tutoring at no cost to their
students. They also offer help building their resumes, portfolios, and
interviewing skills while still a student and even after they graduate.
They are committed to helping their students find a great career.
And when technology and business skills change, Westwood offers
their grads refresher courses in their original field of study at no
additional cost. Tour their campus, talk to their staff. This could be
the right school for you.
(1) State and local restrictions may apply. Additional training may
be required.
(2) Westwood prepares graduates for certification. Graduates
wishing to attain certification must take and pass any applicable
(3) Books, tools and other fees apply.
Westwood Staff
Mary Kay Svedberg, Jennifer Gates, Jane Starr, Roz Moore
Degree offerings are designed to meet specific workforce
requirements in some of today’s most in-demand career fields.
Westwood’s Virginia campuses each have four schools: business,
technology, design, and justice. The School of Business prepares
students for mainstream careers, such as marketing, operations and
construction management, while a bachelor’s degree in criminal
justice prepares graduates to serve as criminal investigators,
corrections officers, children’s advocates and youth care
counselors.(1) Information technology programs have long been
popular thanks to the unrelenting growth of technology as a cultural
phenomenon. The result is a steady demand for specialized
technical skills ranging from computersoftware engineers and
Computer Graphics Class-Small Class Size means more one-on-one
attention from instructors who genuinely care about student success.
July 2009
The Police Beat
Running and Walking Safety
Before You Leave:
especially avoid poorly lighted areas at night.
• Plan your outing. Tell someone where you're going and when
you'll return. Tell friends or family of your exercise routes.
• Run or walk clear of parked cars or bushes.
• If you don't want to carry your ID, write your name, phone
number, blood type, and other medical information on the inside
of your athletic shoe.
• Don't wear jewelry or carry cash.
• Wear reflective material.
• Stay alert at all times.
• Run or walk with a partner or a dog.
• Don't wear headsets. If you wear them you won't hear an
approaching car or person. Pay attention to your surroundings.
• Carry a cell phone. Program with the emergency number 911 and
the non-emergency number for the FCPD 703-691-2131. Call
immediately if you notice anyone or anything out of the ordinary.
• Exercise in familiar areas.
• Vary your route.
• Avoid unpopulated areas, deserted streets, and overgrown trails.
• Ignore verbal harassment. Use discretion
in acknowledging strangers. Look directly
at others, but keep your distance.
• Run or walk against traffic so you can
observe approaching automobiles.
• Trust your intuition about a person or an area.
React based on that intuition and avoid areas you
feel unsure about.
• Be careful if anyone in a vehicle asks you for directions - if you
respond, keep at least a full arm's length from the vehicle.
• If you think you are being followed, change direction and head for
populated areas
• Have your door key ready before you reach your home.
• Stay alert! Sometimes runners and walkers get lulled into a "zone"
where they are so focused on their exercise they lose track of what's
going on around them. This state can make runners and walkers
more vulnerable to attacks.
The American Legion
Spotlight on Programs
The American Legion has two outstanding programs known little to
those outside the Legion. The first promotes American civics and
the second recognizes and honors WWII Veterans. The American
Legion Boys State Program was founded in 1935 for the purpose,
at that time, of counteracting efforts of foreign fascist governments
to influence the political development of American youth. The
American Legion continues to sponsor Boys State in the belief that
our young citizens, who are familiar with the operation of our form
of government, will be better prepared to uphold its ideals. It is a
1-week exercise in establishing and executing a government
structure, to include elections, and learning the “ins and outs” of
governing at the state and local levels.
It is conducted each year in June at Liberty University, Lynchburg,
Virginia. Eligible nominees for attendance are high school juniors
recommended by their individual school and screened by a
committee from a local American Legion Post. Sponsorship is
normally provided by the local Post, civic groups, businesses, or
individual personal sponsors. Your local Annandale Bicentennial Post
1976 sponsored eight boys for this year’s event.
Our second program is Honor Flight. By way of background, in
May 2004, the WWII Memorial was finally completed and its
dedication in Washington, D.C. quickly
became the topic of discussion among
WWII Veterans. Due to the advanced age and physical challenges
borne by many of our WWII Veterans and the concern that many
would not be physically or financially able to visit the memorial, the
Honor Flight program was created as one means of honoring our
WWII-era Veterans by ensuring they have an opportunity to visit
THEIR memorial.
Each week Veterans from one or several states are flown into D.C.
and met by American Legion family volunteers who provide a warm
welcome, provide water, escort the Veterans to the buses and the
memorial and ensure they return back to buses and the airport on
time to return to their home state. On some Saturdays, as many as
six hundred WWII Veterans from across the Country arrive and
require assistance. We do this with pride knowing that this is the
least we can do for those who did so much for us. The smile, look
of contentment, and gratitude on the faces of our Veterans is reward
enough for honoring these Veterans. If you are interested in
learning more or participating in either of the above programs,
please contact your current Chamber President and the Post 1976
Service Officer Marv Rodney at 703-328-3052.
July 2009
Mechanical Bull
Obstacle Course
Bungee Jump
24’ Dual Lane Slide
Bungee Basketball
Sticky Wall
Moon Bounce
Face Painting
Fire & Police Vehicles
and so much more!
Further information along with vendor & volunteer applications will be available at by
August 2009. Questions can be directed to
Chamber Chat:
July 2009
News, notices & bulletins posted by
Annandale Chamber members
Annandale Fall Parade
Applications will be available by August at
for participation in our Fall Parade to be held on Saturday, October 24th,
rain or shine. Join the bands, the dancers, the fire trucks and the antique
cars, the crowds and the fun while celebrating our home town,
Annandale. Mail or fax completed applications to the Chamber office.
Instructions and numbers are on the forms. Fall Festival to follow parade.
See website for details.
Annandale Boys and Girls Club: View our ad in this edition to see
everything the Annandale Boys' and Girls' Club has to offer. This year we
are celebrating our 50th Anniversary!
Annandale Volunteer Fire Department: Starting in 2009 Annandale
Volunteer Fire Department provides an exciting bingo game and lots of
opportunities to win every Thursday and special times throughout the
2009 year. Average Payouts of over $14,136 per night. Doors open
4:30pm – Early Birds start at 6:45pm – Regular Session starts at 8:00pm.
Starting 1 January 2009, AVFD BINGO goes to a non-smoking inside
format. We also start Thursday night only BINGO along with several
special events throughout the year. See AVFD BINGO special events 42”
LCD TV monitors display next ball to be called. Must be 14 yrs of age
to play, ATM machine available. Bingo Hotline is 703-941-1328.
AnnSandra: All of July is our Christmas in July Sale. Save up to 75% on
all our Holiday china patterns such as Lenox Holiday and Winter
Greetings, Spode Christmas Tree and Woodland, Royal Worcester Holly
Ribbons, Portmeirion Holly and Ivy and so many more. See full details
of these events at 4417 John Marr Drive,
Annandale. 703-354-2110. (between the Pet Shop and the Party Store)
We carry quality giftware for every occasion, offer complimentary store
gift wrapping, and have both a bridal registry and a corporate gift buying
Arden Courts: Congratulations to the team of Arden Courts Alzheimer’s
Assisted Living of Annandale for their dedication to providing quality
patient care. The Virginia Department of Social Services completed their
unannounced quarterly survey and found Arden Courts to be DeficiencyFree. If you would like more information about our services or would like
to arrange for a personalized tour, please call: 703-256-0882.
Artisans United Gallery: Starting in July selected artisans conduct
demonstrations each Saturday from 12pm-2pm at the Packard Center
(Annandale Community Park). On July 11: Woodturning / Pen Making
and Patchwork Quilting, July 18: Stained Glass and Bead Weaving and
July 25: Kumihimo (the Japanese art of Braid-Making) and Paper BeadMaking will be demonstrated by skilled artisans to show the fun and
excitement of these crafts. These demonstrations are free to the public.
Reservations are not required. Come and meet the artisans and learn
the crafts.
In addition our all-new JULY show: “ SUMMER DELIGHT” which will
be featuring crafts and items of the season.The Gallery displays and makes
available for sale artisans works as well as educating the public about
quality crafts. Come in and find unique hand-made craft items and gifts.
Also see “the best kept secret in Fairfax County”. Located at 4022
Hummer Rd., Annandale,VA. 703-941-0202. The Craft Gallery is open
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and on Sundays from 11
Beanetics Coffee Roasters offers a variety of smoothies, teas, and other
non coffee drinks to quench your thirst during the hot days of summer.
At Beanetics Coffee Roasters we want our customers to taste the full
potential of a coffee bean by experiencing freshly-roasted coffee - before
the aroma and taste is eroded through time. If you have never tasted
coffee that has been recently roasted, you have never really enjoyed a true
coffee experience. 7028 Columbia Pike, Annandale 703-941-4506
Burke & Herbert Bank: Bank Worries? Not at Burke & Herbert. Despite
turmoil and uncertainty in the banking industry, we remain strong and
steady. Burke & Herbert is consistently rated among the most financially
sound and best managed banks in America. Hector Ochoa, Assistant
Manager, 4235 Annandale Road, Annandale, 703-519-1627
DelMar’s Baja Mexican: We were voted one of the “Top Ten Healthiest
Fast Food Restaurants” in the nation by Health Magazine. To celebrate we
are offering $5.00 daily specials. Mondays: Mondito Burrito, chips and
salsa and small drink. Tuesdays: Two Tacos, rice & beans and small drink.
Wednesdays: Taco Salad and small drink. Thursdays: Meat Quesadilla
and small drink. Fridays: Baja Bowl and small drink. Saturdays: Mondo
Buritto and small drink and Sundays: Choice of Platter. Come enjoy
healthy food at budget friendly prices.
ENDEAVOR: The Most Effective Advertising Vehicle in the Greater
Annandale Area.
Each edition is also published online at and archived for two years, so your advertising is exponentially viewed. Read about issues that concern Annandale. Get to know Chamber members and their businesses. Read
interesting columns such as The Police Beat, Roads and Rage, View on
Nature, The Beanetics Coffee Quiz: How well do you know Annandale?
Stay informed with the Finance Column, Tax Talk, and Our Home Town.
See concert and other social schedules. Support fellow advertisers by
shopping in Annandale. Contact: for rates
and opportunities.
Falls Church High School: For holiday, corporate, or personal gifts, we
now have our signature Jaguar Joe Coffee available in a snazzy gift pack
ready for presentation. Using a wood handled burlap bag printed with
coffee beans we have inserted a generous bag of Jaguar Joe Coffee and
matching mug.
Orders can be placed on our website at or email
All proceeds from Jaguar Joe benefit our student activity and technology
Green Spring Gardens Tea Program: Sunday, August, 23r -A Feast of
Flowers: The New Haute Cuisine from 1-3pm. The ancient art of cooking and garnishing with flowers is all the rage again. Edible flowers, fresh
and cooked, add a tasteful and healthful dimension to our tables. Hear
about which flowers are edible and how to grow them.
Chamber Chat:
July 2009
News, notices & bulletins posted by
Annandale Chamber members
Learn how to enhance your dishes with a wide range of floral flavors and
add a touch of elegance with artistic garnishes and decorations. Taste a
variety of Green Spring’s blooms! $25. Please call for this or other Tea
Program Reservations: 703-941-7987.
Green Spring Gardens: The Garden Gate Plant Shop Open: Mon.-Sat.
9am-4pm, Sunday noon-4pm
Visit our expanded plant sales area offering unusual, hard-to-find plants
nurtured by Green Spring’s own horticultural staff. The shop specializes
in plant varieties that do well in local growing conditions, such as
drought-tolerant and shade-loving perennials. It also offers specialty
plants featured in Green Spring’s gardens, such as rock garden and
water-wise plants. Don’t miss this opportunity to try something new in
your own landscape. Friends of Green Spring members receive 10% off
all plants in the Garden Gate Plant Shop.
Hidden Oaks Nature Center's: Visit our outdoor unstructured play area,
Nature Playce, for story time and fun on Sunday, May 31 from 10-11
a.m. Enjoy naturalist-led stories and activities intended to guide young
families to the benefits and wonders of playing outdoors. 7701 Royce St.,
Annandale, Reservations required by calling 703-941-1065.
Pyne Studios, Inc: Pyne Studios, Inc. is pleased to assist The Leary School
of Virginia by providing design and project support for their Jobsite
Program. The Leary School’s Jobsite Program offers hands-on
experience in all phases of the building trades to disadvantaged teens,
culminating in the construction or renovation of residential homes. Pyne
Studios, Inc. will be teaming with Westwood College to offer their
Interior Design students the opportunity to prepare kitchen and bath
designs for the Leary School’s upcoming Jobsite house. The student
designs will be judged and the “winning” designs will be installed in the
Jobsite house. Pyne Studios, Inc. was launched to help people realize the
potential in their homes and is excited to develop this partnership with
the Leary School and Westwood College to help students develop their
potential in the building industry. Pyne Studios, Inc. offers
comprehensive design / build services for residential clients with
innovative, cost effective design solutions, professional, reliable project
management and outstanding, lasting construction quality, whether it’s a
whole house remodeling, an addition, a basement renovation, or a new
kitchen or bath. Remodeling is not just our job, it’s our destiny. Visit us
at or call 703-462-3405 for a free consultation.
Festival will take place from 10 am – 6 pm in
the Safeway Parking Lot. More than 100
merchants with hand made and fashion
jewelry, art work, quality giftware from
major manufacturers, beeswax candles and
gourmet foods ready for your pantry or for
a gift basket, Discovery Toys, home services
and so much more will all be available for
Costumed international dancers, jazz bands,
and scrumptious food from many culinary
cuisines will be featured at this festival. The Kid’s Zone will entertain
with a mechanical bull, huge slides, sticky wall, an obstacle course,
kiddie games for the very young, and interactive games and activities for
toddlers to teens. This is a day to celebrate and all of Annandale is invited
to participate. Information and Vendor applications available online by
August 2009 at
Shear Shack Salon and Spa: We are proud to announce the opening of
Harjeet’s Boutique located in the newly decorated and charming loft of
our shop. We have beautiful silk scarves and pillows, a large and
glamorous collection of hair accessories, bracelets, necklaces, and
earrings not seen anywhere else in the area and much more at extremely
reasonable prices. Need a quick gift and don’t want to bother with the
Mall? Want something not available at any other shop? Visit us MonFriday 10 AM – 8 PM and Saturdays 10 AM - 7 PM. 6548-B Little River
Turnpike in the Pinecrest Shopping Center next to Pinecrest Golf Course
and across from Home Depot.
Subway: All day, every day $5.00 foot long Sub sandwiches. We also have
New Flatbread Sandwiches fully flavored and freshly toasted. Try the
Chicken Florentine, it is outstanding. Chamber members enjoy a 10%
discount at our Subway.
7120 Columbia Pike, Annandale
(next to the Firehouse)
Sunset Grille: Shel Youtz now offers catering services for all occasions.
Having a summer party, a business breakfast or luncheon? What about a
themed extravaganza? Call Shel at 703-658-0928 for ideas, great food,
and fantastic service.
Radiant Printing Services: We can lay-out and print newsletters,
magazines, programs, and invitations for your business. Do you need
brochures, business cards, stationary and envelopes? Whatever your
need, we can provide. 10560 Main Street, Suite 422, Fairfax
Tim Frazier Tree Service: Do your trees need trimming, topping,
cabling, or removing? Do you need landscaping services, edging &
mulching, seeding and sodding, top soil, lot cleaning, or hedge trimming?
Do your gutters need cleaning? Please give me a call. My business is
fully insured and satisfaction is guaranteed. 1-888-873-8746 toll free.
I have worked for many Chamber members. Contact the Chamber office
for references at 703-256-7232 or
Reunion Music Society will be conducting concerts at Mason District
Park, Lake Accotink, and Lake Royal Park throughout the summer. All
concerts are free to the public. Please visit their website for exact dates
and times at
The UPS Store at 6920-B Bradlick Shopping Center reminds everyone to
look for their coupon in this issue of ENDEAVOR for savings and specials.
SAVE THE DATE: The Annandale Chamber will host the Annual
Annandale Parade and Fall Festival on Saturday, October 24, 2009. The
Virginia Heritage Mortgage: First time homebuyers can qualify for up to
$10,000 that need not be repaid if the buyers stay in the home for five
years. Learn more! Call Bruce Gordon at 703-855-4087.
July 2009
Calendar of Events
Thurs. Sept. 3
Board meeting
Knights of Columbus
4200 Martin St., Annandale
8:30 AM
Thurs. Sept. 10
Juke Box Diner
7039 Columbia Pike, Annandale
NOON – 1:30 PM
Tues. Sept. 22
Networking Breakfast
Knights of Columbus
4200 Martin St., Annandale
Grow Your Business through
Chamber Membership
Gavin Dock & Matt Cockerman
8:30 AM – 9:45 AM
Thurs. Oct. 1
Board Meeting
Knights of Columbus
4200 Martin St., Annandale
8:30 AM
Thurs. Oct. 8
Juke Box Diner
7039 Columbia Pike, Annandale
NOON – 1:30 PM
Disaster Preparedness for
Business Owners
Dr. Raja Satouri
Sat. Oct 24
Annual Parade
Fall Festival
Columbia Pike
Safeway Parking Lot
10:00AM – NOON
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM FUN for the whole family!
Tues. Oct. 27
Networking Breakfast
Knights of Columbus
4200 Martin Street, Annandale
8:30 AM – 9:45 AM
Thurs. Nov. 5
Board meeting
Knights of Columbus
4200 Martin Street, Annandale
8:30 AM
Wed. Nov. 18
Juke Box Diner
7039 Columbia Pike, Annandale
NOON – 1:30 PM
Annandale Chamber of Commerce
7263 Maple Place, Suite 207
Annandale, Virginia 22003

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