endeavor - Annandale Chamber of Commerce


endeavor - Annandale Chamber of Commerce
Annandale Chamber of Commerce
January 2015
Building the Annandale Marketplace
President’s Message
Food Trucks
Real Estate: A Little
Buy, A Little Sell
May take the landscape by storm
From Capitol Hill
Chairman’s Corner
Heisey Antique Show
March 21 & 22, 2015
Roads and Rage
Finance: The Effects
of Lower Oil Prices
Last October, Fairfax County established new
rules for food trucks that will allow them to
operate at office parks and shopping centers,
including Tysons, the Mark Center, and
Reston, where hundreds to thousands of new
employees are searching (according to the
county) for lunchtime options. Here is a case
where high capacity office buildings are being
built and occupied well in advance of retail
A New Industry
The Police Beat
What a Difference a
Century Makes:1915
Washington: 1915
Where Skilled
Scholars Thrive
The Debt Trap of
Student Loans
Does Everything
Need to be Perfect?
The Wild Turkey
The Color of the Year
Chamber Chat
Be It Ever So Humble:
Pet Friendly Homes
Calendar of Events
By: M. Callahan
The zoning rules now make it significantly
easier for food trucks to do business in the
county, permitting them to operate at commercial and industrial properties like office buildings, shopping centers and construction sites
according to the county, and the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, who eagerly authorized the new rules. After all, it quiets the office workers need for a lunch time feed, and it
generates a number of grateful new entrepreneurs.
The first truck appeared in Annandale’s Giant
Food parking lot, just five days after the BOS
plan approval. It is highly doubtful that the
property owner was even aware of the truck’s
presence, let alone gave permission for use of
the property. This truck’s goal was not to feed
office or construction workers, as there are none
at this location. Instead, taking an unbelievably
inexpensive route to disturbing the livelihoods
of our local businesses, and their employees,
this food truck stood in direct competition with
5 other restaurants, all working hard to build a
permanent customer base.
In a press release announcing the changes, Fairfax County Chairman, Sharon Bulova commented,
“I am pleased that our Board has
proactively engaged the food truck
industry to make it easier for food
trucks to operate in Fairfax County.
Food trucks are particularly popular
continued page 12
Regularly parked on the access road at 7023 Little River Tpk. are 2 food trucks, 1 dump truck, 2 cabs, and 1 landscaping truck.
Turns out that this section, and only this section of the access road, is private property. The property owner will soon seek to
have these vehicles restricted from parking here, so that the building tenants can regain their use.
Swapping out their personal auto for their work vehicle, owners of these vehicles are parked for the duration, utilizing the access
road rather than leasing commercial parking. However, they do run the risk of a $100.00 fine per occurrence for illegal parking,
or towing from private property. You simply need to lodge a complaint with the Fairfax County Police Dept. non emergency
number 703-691-2131, or email mascapt@fairfaxcounty.gov The more times they are fined, the more likely they will be to find
January 2015
Message from the President
By: Marilyn Hoosen
“Whatever you do, or
dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius and
power and magic in it” Goethe
As we welcome the new
year, let us do so with
boldness, for as Goethe
reminds us, such action
commands power, magic
and genius. We bear witness that fleeting moments
blend into fleeting years,
but it is not just time in
quantity that matters; quality time is quintessential in bringing meaning to life.
If the quality of life is defined by boldness, imagine how
powerful and magical the genius of such life will be. With
record temperatures breaching long-held almanac accounting
at both extremes, the only constant we know to be true is
change. So with this transition into the new year, we know
that you will embrace the change in the bosom of boldness,
laden with courage and conviction, not conflict nor chaos. On
behalf of the Chamber, we wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year!
This year, we are excited as Annandale emboldens herself for
change as the skylines and outlines shift their patterns in our
hometown. New development looms or both business and
residences, restoration and upgrades of the lighting at Toll
House Park, and most of all, the potential to lure new businesses, families and organizations to our Northern Virginia
hub. Annandale extends a home for newcomers as warm and
welcoming as it has been for us loyal citizens who live, work
and play here.
It does not take a day to create a real community, but generations of lives, memories and exchanges to invest our time,
effort, energy and money into making a mere collection of
buildings and bodies into a heartfelt hearth, an edifying space
to call home. Annandale is our heartfelt hearth, not simply a
bedroom add-on to the DC Metro area. With one of the highest median household income measures in the Northern Virginia region, generations have put down their roots here and
watched their lives grow from seed to fruit with newer,
continuing the legacy their families and family businesses
As a Chamber of Commerce who represents our local fami-
lies and family businesses, we are honored to serve as a conduit
and advocate that nourishes this generational legacy and ensures
that we remain a vibrant community brimming with authenticity,
acumen and affinity. We love the purpose we serve for the people whom we serve. In this spirit, we look forward to deeper,
broader and wider engagement with all of you throughout the
coming year and well beyond.
Please visit our website www.annandalechamber.com to find the
most updated calendar of events that will embody opportunity for
further engagement. You can also read the latest in Annandale
History, Revitalization, Shopping and NEWS. We look forward
to seeing you at the next networking event on January 8, 2015.
Happy New Year, Annandale!
Your President,
Winter Weather Preparedness
Park on the odd number side of the street
VDOT requests that before a storm, residents put all cars in their
driveway, leaving the street clear for plowing, especially on
cul-de-sacs. If that is not possible, park on the odd number
side of the street.
Hotline to VDOT Plowing Central:
1-800-367-7623 or novainfo@vdot.virginia.gov
Local VDOT: 703-383-8368
Supervisor Penny Gross: 703-256-7717
Supervisor John Cook: 703-425-4044
January 2015
A Little Buy, A Little Sell
By: Scott Pearson
As we view the new calendar year, one can’t help but look forward to the forces that will come into play affecting the local
real estate market. Some will likely spur buyer activity and
some will encourage sellers, but whether the combination creates, a vigorous market is always a matter of speculation.
Although we have seen an uptick in activity due to continuous
low interest rates that encourage buying and a loosening of inventory due to gradually rising home prices, there continues to
exist pull on the market activity that reduces or holds in-check
more activity.
The effects of sequestration continues to affect activity in a negative way. It reduces the amount of money flowing into the local economy and creates economic uncertainty for those working
for government contractors. Present homeowners are disinclined
to move to more expensive housing and, therefore, market churn
is reduced. Those moving up in the housing market fuels a material portion of the housing industry.
6715 Little River Tpk. # 204 . Annandale, VA 22003 . 703-256-6847
Median Sales Price of Annandale Homes
Conversely, the FHA has recently announced that it is reducing
the minimum down payment for FHA loans from 5% to only
3%. This adjustment is significant as the greatest challenge for
first time home buyers is often the down payment, particularly in
areas like Annandale where single family homes often sell for
well above $400,000. Therefore, persons who qualify for FHA
financing will find it far easier to afford that first home.
Another likely event spurring buyers will be the anticipated rise
in interest rates due to the Federal Reserve’s backing off of
quantitative easing. The Fed’s policies over the last few years
have held interest rates to near historical lows, but we expect that
rates will rise approximately a half a point over the next six to
nine months. People who want to get in on the bottom will be
encouraged to act when the evidence of slowly rising home interest rate becomes more apparent.
(Will Rogers)
If you want to be successful, it's just this simple.
Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in
what you are doing.
A man only learns in
two ways, one by
reading, and the other by association
with smarter people.
You've got to go out
on a limb sometimes
because that's where the fruit is.
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over
if you just sit there.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of
that comes from bad judgment.
“The minute you read something that you can't understand, you can almost be sure that it was drawn
up by a lawyer.
In Annandale, the value of existing homes continues to rise and
the prices for newly built homes look much as they did prior to
the real estate collapse. This spurs both sellers and buyers to act.
Meanwhile, the rising cost of renting is a mixed bag. On one
hand it encourages qualified buyers to make the decision to own
rather than rent. However, those same rents reduce some persons’ ability to save for the down payment necessary to purchase
a home.
There are many other factors we could consider to part the
clouds in our crystal ball, such as an aging Annandale populace
that could result in increased home sales. However, at this time
we are seeing promising signs for the new year with reasonable
activity expected from both sellers and buyers.
January 2015
From Capitol Hill
Washington: IT Reform Bill Poised to Pass Congress
By: Congressman Gerald E. Connolly
The federal government
has no idea what technology it needs, struggles to
manage what it has, &
wastes billions of taxpayer dollars on failed IT
For nearly four years, I
have worked to develop
and pass the first major
comprehensive reform of
the laws governing how
the federal government
technology since enactment of the seminal
Clinger-Cohen Act that passed the Congress and became law
in 1996.
wastes billions of taxpayer dollars on failed IT investments. One
of the simpler, common sense changes in the bill would require
development of an enhanced government-wide software purchasing program that agencies may use to lower acquisition and management costs.
Program failures and cost overruns still plague the vast majority
of major federal IT investments, while federal managers report
that 47 percent of their budgets are spent on maintaining antiquated and inadequate IT platforms. There are more than 250 identified CIOs in the federal government, yet none possess the necessary authority to effectively manage IT investments. This has resulted in duplicative and wasteful IT spending, with taxpayers
forced to foot the bill for massive IT program failures that ring up
staggeringly high costs, but exhibit astonishingly poor performance.
A lot has changed in the world of technology and in the federal government’s use of technology since that time and the
need to streamline and strengthen how government buys and
manages technology is long overdue.
Clearly, effective federal IT procurement reform must start with
leadership and accountability. The Issa-Connolly bill will ensure
reforms are adopted government-wide. It gives broad authority to
Chief Information Officers at federal agencies and ensures that
the American public can go online and view accurate cost, schedule, and performance data for individual Federal IT investments,
such as the HealthCare.gov website.
Any doubts about this reality were put to rest by the frustrating rollout of the original Healthcare.gov website in 2013,
which resulted in millions of Americans in need of affordable,
quality health insurance struggling to navigate, or even enter,
the badly malfunctioning online healthcare marketplace. There
were similar problems in 2005 when the federal government
first unveiled its Medicare Part D website and it failed to function for the first three weeks after its launch date.
There are no quick fixes or legislative silver bullets that will magically transform a federal IT acquisition process designed for the
20th Century to meet the growing technology demands of the
21st. But our bipartisan FITARA bill provides the blueprint, the
right incentives, and most importantly, the legislative authority, to
help the federal government accelerate the process of modernizing
and enhancing federal IT systems so that they function with maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
As I pen this column for the Endeavor, bipartisan IT acquisition reform legislation I coauthored with Darrell Issa, the Republican Chairman of the House Oversight and Government
Reform Committee, passed the U.S. House of Representatives
in early December by a vote of 300-119 and is poised to win
passage in the Senate as part of a larger defense authorization
Hopefully, by the time this article is published, the Issa-Connolly
FITARA will be signed into law.
Annual federal IT spending totals more than $80 billion a year
and the Office of Management and Budget estimates our legislation – officially titled the Federal Information Technology
Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) – could save taxpayers
$2.5 billion over the next fiscal year and $20 billion of more
over the next decade.
Furthermore, the bill would take major steps to fix the broken
federal information technology acquisition process. Quite
frankly, the federal government has no idea what technology it
needs, struggles to manage what it has, and consequently
Gerald E. Connolly is a Democratic Congressman representing
Virginia’s 11th Congressional
District .
Honorable Gerald E. Connolly
(VA 11th District)
434 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC
District Director: Sharon Stark
January 2015
Chairman’s Corner
Fairfax: Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful
By: Sharon Bulova, Chairman
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
Trammell Road in Annandale is not passable until plowed.
Many have tried, but all have failed.
...but Fairfax County has some great tips and resources to
help you get ready for this winter!
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is responsible for plowing most roads in Fairfax County. Fairfax
County and VDOT stay in constant contact with each other
during snow storms to help ensure the safety of Fairfax County residents.
I will keep constituents up
-to-date on my personal
social media accounts as
If you ever need assistance or
have any questions about
plowing, shoveling, or winter
weather procedures, please
contact my office at 703-3242321, or email me at chairman@fairfaxcounty.gov. During snow storms, members of
my staff check office phone
messages and emails remotely,
and coordinate with VDOT to
help you with any questions or
concerns. In the event of an emergency, please call 911.
511 and www.511virginia.org
Call 511 or use the 511 website for real-time updates on Virginia road conditions and traffic incidents
800-FOR-ROAD (800-367-7623)
Report road hazards or ask road-related questions at VDOT's
24-hour Customer Service Center by calling this statewide
toll-free number
Sign up for free email and text alerts with Fairfax Alerts
Bookmark Fairfax County’s Emergency Information
VDOT Website - this is a fantastic site for real time conditions and snow plowing efforts
Check out winter travel tips, photos, video and audio clips
Follow Fairfax County on Facebook and Twitter
Learn how VDOT prepares for emergencies and what you
can do to help
VDOT Facebook and YouTube
Also, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/shovel for links, tips and
resources related to shoveling snow in your neighborhood
this winter. We encourage you to develop a plan with your
neighbors to help those who might have trouble removing
snow from their property.
An engaged constituency is a well-served community. Please
contact my office at any time with any comments or questions you may have, especially as winter weather approaches.
Hope you had a great Holiday Season and Happy New Year!
See page 9 of this edition of ENDEAVOR for even more
snowy weather information.
$10 off
Any purchase of $50 or more
with this coupon.
Not valid with other
Promotions, or on holidays.
Expires 4-15-15
4231 Duke St.
Alexandria, VA 22304
January 2015
Meet Penny & Tucker
New Graduates—FCPD K-9 Training Program
Penny & Tucker
Tucker and Penny graduated from their 16-week K-9 training
program last week. These two black labs are brother and sister
and they have spent the last four months learning basic search
techniques and explosive odors. Part of the Fairfax County
Police Department’s Explosive Detection Team, they are now
assigned to human partners who will continue their behavioral
Tucker and Penny were trained with food reward methodology, meaning that the dogs are given food reward when they
detect explosives and give the proper “alert” to their handler.
This form of training is extremely effective as well as timeintensive. Handlers and canines spent the entire 16 weeks together, working seven days a week, 24-hours-day, with the
exception of sleep.
The dogs joined K-9s Moose and Marco who are already part
of the Team. Moose and Marco graduated from their training
program in July 2010. The squad has had these K-9 teams
since the early 1970’s. All four dogs came to the police department from the “Puppies Behind Bars” program. (http://
This program works with inmates in various facilities in the
Northeast who are trained to raise service dogs for wounded
war veterans and explosive detection for law enforcement.
Moose & Marco
January 2015
The Heisey Antique Glass Show
Start Making Your Gift List
Mark your calendars and start making your gift list for the All
Heisey Antique
Glass Show. The
National Heisey
Collectors Club
that their FortySecond
show will take
place at the Annandale
House on Saturday and Sunday,
March 21 and 22,
2015. Preparations begin long in advance, as dealers from all
over the country participate. Coordination of this effort is handled by a committee of dedicated volunteers including Sherry
and David Warren, Annandale property owners and avid collectors.
What is Heisey glass? A.H. Heisey & Company began operations in Newark, Ohio, in April 1896. For the next sixty-two
years, they produced some of the highest quality glassware
made in American for
both the household
market as well as the
market. One of their major retailers was Marshall Field’s in Chicago, not far from their
Midwestern manufacturing facility.
addition to clear crystal, the company offered an array of colors, and were equally admired for the artistry of their cutting and etching departments. In November of
1900, Heisey began using the famous Diamond_H trademark,
which appeared on every piece of glassware sold by the company, either in the form of a sticker, or actually impressed into the
In the early 1950’s
a stunningly delicate and exquisitely etched pattern,
known as Orchid,
stemware to cake
plates, from bowls
and serving pieces
in multiple sizes,
Bring this show card for a discounted entry to the show.
to decanters, dresser sets and candlesticks, this pattern became
the number one wedding crystal in America. It has the luxurious look you’d expect on the dining table at Downton Abbey,
yet at very affordable prices. About price...Heisey sells for
about half the retail of other quality crystal. It is refreshingly
affordable for such gorgeous quality.
Unfortunately, in December 1957, Heisey went out of business, a victim of the economy. Other companies acquired
several of their molds and produced pieces in crystal and colored glass for another thirty-one years.
The Collectors Club promotes preservation of this fine glass as
an essential part of the American Heritage. Proceeds from the
show will help to support the National Heisey Museum. For
more information, see www.natcapheisey.org
Attend the show, see the displays; talk with the dealers to
learn about Heisey glass; and, buy that wonderful piece to
enhance your own home or to fill your gift closet.
Sat. March 21, 2015: 10am - 5pm
Sun. March 22, 2015: 11am - 4pm
Annandale Volunteer Fire Department
7128 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003
January 2015
Sudden Reversal on Columbia Pike Street Car Project
This decision underscores the historical divide between the wealth of North Arlington, and the lack of it in South Arlington.
the project, and the streetcar alternative for Columbia Pike has
been approved by both the Arlington and Fairfax County
boards on multiple occasions. Recently, considerable progress
has been made towards completing the project in 2020. We
continue to believe that the implementation of the streetcar
would provide both transportation and economic development
benefits to the corridor, as demonstrated repeatedly through
multiple analyses. In addition, businesses and residents in both counties have been eagerly waiting its arrival.
After years of discussion, votes, exploratory committees, and
state funding commitments, the Arlington County Board of
Supervisors (with new members recently elected) have decided
in their questionable wisdom to cancel the Columbia Pike
Street Car Project. Annandale had hung great hopes on seeing
Fairfax County extend their portion of the project all along
Columbia Pike to Annandale and onto Fairfax Corner, connecting us conveniently to Metro at one end, shopping at both ends,
and to encourage greater retail revitalization along all of Columbia Pike.
Local comments from Arlington residents ran from, "Are they
mad?" to, "That new Arlington Board should be impeached
and thrown out of town!" Another enraged citizen expressed
an interesting point of view. "Doesn't the board see, Metro is
for the young yuppies and people with expense accounts in
North Arlington. The streetcar was for the rest of us, maybe
not exactly poor, but on a very tight budget and without cars.”
In fact, this decision underscores the historical divide between
the wealth of North Arlington, and the lack of it in South Arlington. Residents of the northern region oppose having their
taxes used to fund a transportation system they will not likely
use. Conversely, taxes from South Arlington did help fund
their Metro.
We can only hope that the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors will not be so near sighted and work to connect Bailey's
and Annandale, to Fairfax and beyond with a street car system
of their own. And, there will always be another election. Below, is the statement released by Chairman Sharon Bulova
(Fairfax County) November 18, 2014.
From Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon
Bulova and Supervisor Penny Gross regarding the Columbia
Pike Streetcar Project: “We are both saddened and disappointed by the Arlington Board’s decision to end the Columbia Pike
Streetcar project. More than a decade of work has gone into
We also want to express our sincere appreciation to Governor
Terry McAuliffe, Transportation Secretary Aubrey Layne and
Department of Rail and Public Transportation Director Jennifer
Mitchell for their personal and professional interest in the project and their support for their financial support of the project. We are grateful for their willingness to assist with this
important transportation priority for eastern Fairfax County.
Although we believe the decision to end the project is shortsighted, we recognize that the project cannot happen without
the support of the Arlington Board. However, we remain committed to providing high quality transit for the residents, workers and businesses in the Bailey’s Crossroads area. Such transit
is important to unlocking the potential in this area of Fairfax
County and will assist the area in transforming itself into the
attractive, urban destination with a supportive transportation
January 2015
You can watch the progress of the plows at www.vdotplows.org
The Virginia Department of Transportation’s neighborhood
plowing website and plow-tracking program will again be
among tools the agency will use this winter in northern Virginia.
“We have seen a great success in the website so far,” said
Branco Vlacich, VDOT’s maintenance engineer for northern
Virginia, at the annual snow briefing. “Even in last year’s
heavy snows we saw a drastic drop in customer service calls,
and we think that is because drivers and residents can get
instant answers to their questions with real-time visuals of
road conditions and specific progress of our snow crews.”
VDOT is responsible for 17,737 lane miles in Fairfax,
Loudoun and Prince William counties (Arlington County
maintains its own secondary roads). About half of those miles
are highways, and half are neighborhood streets. Last winter’s budget for northern Virginia was $63 million and $152
million was spent. This year’s budget is $52 million.
Highlights for winter 2014-15:
Neighborhood plowing page: Residents are encouraged to
continue using vdotplows.org to monitor the status of plowing in northern Virginia neighborhoods. Once it snows more
than two inches, residents in Fairfax, Loudoun and Prince
William counties can enter their address and a color-coded
snow map shows whether plowing is underway, completed or
not yet started in their neighborhood.
Equipment: More than 4,000 trucks and plows are available
and all are equipped with automatic vehicle locator (AVL)
equipment. Special equipment includes:
 A jet-powered snow melter for park-n-ride lots where
massive snow piles block spaces.
 Seven high-pressure flush trucks clear snow and ice
around the bollards separating the I-495 Express Lanes
and regular lanes.
A truck-mounted weather station provides mobile
measurements on road conditions (dry, moist, wet, snow,
ice), as well as surface, dew point and air temperature,
humidity and thickness of ice. This helps ensure that
crews do not over- or under-apply chemicals.
Two super-sized front loaders plow interstates with 20foot wide blades during severe storms.
Speed-activated anti-icing equipment puts the right
amount of material on the road.
A super-sized salt dome at the Beltway and Van Dorn Street
holding 22,000 tons – about three times the capacity of a typical dome – helps ensure that crews do not run low during
severe storms.
 Pre-treating: Crews will pre-treat 850 lane miles of
trouble spots including 350 lane miles on interstates 66, 95,
395, and 495—including bridges and ramps prone to freezing
such as the Springfield interchange and Capital Beltway at
Route 1—with liquid magnesium chloride. (NB: If driving
behind one of these vehicles, stay well back. Spray from this
chemical can damage the paint on your automobile.)
500 lane miles on major roads, such as Fairfax County Parkway, routes 1, 7, 28, 29, and 50, are pre-treated with salt
brine. Brine (77 percent water, 23 percent salt) prevents ice
from bonding to the road surface, reduces the need for salt to
melt ice, is kinder to the environment and can lower snow
removal time and costs.
VDOT’s winter resources: See the status of plowing in
northern Virginia neighborhoods: www.vdotplows.org
Follow @VaDOTNOVA on Twitter
novainfo@vdot.virginia.gov or 800-367-7623
January 2015
No Gas in the Tank: The Effects of Lower Oil Prices on the Economy
Financial Advisor Marilyn Hoosen
Michael Hartnett, Merrill Lynch’s Chief Investment
recently opined, “The
collapse in oil & commodity prices in 2014
is positive for Main
Street, but negative for
Wall Street” (1) In essence, lower gas is
beneficent to consumers who are then able
to free-up more discretionary income to feed
other needs and wants,
such as bills, travel, and miscellaneous purchases, or even increase savings rates.
On the other hand, for oil producers, refiners and distributors,
when the market price per barrel of either crude or Brent oil
drops below the cost of production and distribution, it can lead
to inverse profit margins with negative outcomes. What complicates matters even more is the fact that many US energy
firms are highly leveraged, meaning that they have significant
lines of credit which they utilize in order to fund their cost of
production and distribution, with the express hope of making
enough profit to meet their borrowing costs and still remain in
the black.
With oil prices hovering in December 2014 around the $60
mark, it spells disaster for these firms, who really cannot sustain themselves, nor their borrowing leverage below an $80 per
barrel margin. Consequently, we are witnessing consolidation
in the energy producer sector, where only those companies
flush with cash on really healthy balance sheets will have the
ability to ride out the downturn and the opportunity to gobble
up those who are not as healthy – figuratively, those who have
no gas in the tank, by swift merger and acquisition buying
sprees. One such prominent example is Halliburton’s recent
purchase of a former rival, Baker Hughes.
OPEC (Oil Producing Export Countries), or more commonly
referred to as the oil cartels, made an unexpected and controversial decision on Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2014.
They decided NOT to cut oil production, which further encouraged the slide in prices toward the $60 mark. When OPEC
made this decision, spearheaded by Saudi Arabia, the goal was
to stamp out US competition by causing the prices to drop so low
that the leveraged firms could no longer meet their obligations
forcing them out of business.
Because the oil cartels have reaped hundreds of billions in profit,
and bankrolled huge economic and social development projects
in their nations, they have more gas left in their tank, so to speak.
They can more than accommodate a temporary slide in prices
with ample reserves of surplus cash during an interim deficit, or
sustain a lack of profit-generation. One might ask how?
As the economic equation of supply and demand dictates, when
there is a glut of supply, the demand by those in need can afford
to compete for lower prices because of the abundant availability
of the commodity on the market. Conversely, if there is a shortage of supply, then the cost of the commodity automatically rises.
Demand calls for the more scarcely available item than is readily
available on the market, thus giving suppliers the upper hand to
dictate price. When OPEC decided to not cut production, it in
essence incentivized the price drop because the glut of supply
would create lower price demand or need.
January 2015
The opinions expressed by the author are solely her own and do not necessarily reflect
those of Merrill Lynch.. The information and data in the article or publication has been
obtained from sources outside of Merrill Lynch & ML makes no representations or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of information or data from sources outside of
Merrill Lynch. Neither the information provided nor any opinion expressed constitutes a
solicitation by Merrill Lynch with respect to the purchase or sale of any security, investment, strategy or product that may be mentioned.
1) The Thundering Word, Bank of America Merrill Lynch publication Dec 4, 2014.
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If rates remain low, the hope is that they will stabilize markets
and lead to stimulus actions, which coupled with lower oil,
Marilyn Hoosen, Merrill Lynch Financial Advisor, (703) 838-6815
Coupled with fluctuating oil prices is the constant debate
around the Federal Reserve and other energizing actions being
undertaken by governments across the globe. We observe austerity policies fading in Europe, Japan and emerging markets;
monetary policy decisions are also creating enough liquidity to
encourage companies to hire more employees, pay their existing employees higher wages (Nov 2014 BLS report), and expand capital expenditures or investments, leading to further
economic expansion, bringing Europe out of its deflationary
environment, taking Japan out of its recent recession, giving
China, Brazil and South Africa a shot at growth and expansion,
helping Russia out of its current Ruble petro-driven economic
dilemma, and of course continuing the growth spurt in the US
economy we have witnessed post-2008.
So, we ask at the start of this year, 2015, will there be gas in
our economic tanks, whom will it help and whom will it hurt?
Or, will we finally depress our oil dependency and pursue more
inexpensive, environmentally-friendly ways to fill our tanks?
Only time will tell. In the meantime, drive up to your nearest
gas station and fill-up your tank, for who knows how long this
will last
Other energy sources currently being developed or enhanced
include solar, wind, biofuel, water, hydrogen and of course,
natural gas (the second most popular energy source). The calculated risk which OPEC assesses is that these sources are still
decades away from mass consumption and thus pose no nearterm threat to their cartel. Perhaps they are right, or perhaps we
will begin to see more expedited innovative technological designs and implementation by firms such as the heralded Tesla
Motors. Tesla eschews oil in favor of electric energy, and all
but eliminates the cost of gas in the tank, saving consumers a
chunk of their discretionary income to be deployed elsewhere
in their budgets. Demand for Tesla and other alternative energy vehicles like the Prius by Toyota, or the Volt by Chevrolet,
are seeing increasing sales to consumers worldwide. This
would certainly become a growing threat to OPEC, as would
the ways in which countries and companies are powering their
manufacturing and other commercial operations. Until it is
widely used, however, we will continue to remain dependent
upon OPEC’s decisions and dictation.
could have a boon effect on the global macroeconomy as a
whole. Yes, there are dangers of inflation further down the
pike, but until that becomes a reality, world wide the central
banks will continue to intervene stemming contraction, and/or
encouraging expansion. Both Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen
remind us, the Fed’s decisions are indeed data dependent, not
The lowering of oil prices has also served as a boon for countries who have recently been suffering lagging growth, such as
China, & Brazil with this precipitous price drop offered muchneeded relief. Oil drives so much economic growth because
energy is such an important input in every area of commerce
and personal need. The risk, on the other hand to OPEC, is that
this may be the very thing needed to motivate the creation and
innovation associated with alternative energy sources, leading
to decreased reliance on oil for energy needs.
January 2015
A New Industry: Food Trucks
Just think of this as a mobile bakery where you can purchase a slice of cake, a
cupcake, a dish of ice cream, or take an entire cake home for a dinner party.
for workers and residents in more urban areas, and I
expect to see more of them operating a popular destinations such as Tysons, Mosaic District, Reston
Town Center, and the newly renovated Springfield
Mall. Food trucks offer a convenient dining choice
and a new compliment to Fairfax County’s dining
Previously, food trucks were zoned as free standing fast-food
restaurants, and this classification required them to obtain a
special exception from the Board of Supervisors. These exceptions required a $16,375-fee, plus two public hearings.
Now, trucks may light up their stoves with vastly reduced obligations and just these few permits and permissions:
 An annual $100 zoning permit, along with a $35 Solicitor’s
License from the Department of Cable and Consumer Services, and a $40 Food Establishment Permit from the
Health Department.
Trucks must have written consent from property owners
to do business on their property.
Property owners must apply for a one-time $100 food truck
permit, and they must detail where the trucks will be located. The trucks may not block a property’s entrances or
exits, travel or fire lanes, or required parking spaces.
Trucks may stay at any single location for four hours in
total (including set-up and take-down), but they may sell
food from multiple locations. Property owners and food
trucks must specify the time period for operations, but they
may only be during a property’s normal business hours.
Up to three trucks may operate at any single location.
Trucks may only sell food at developed industrial or commercial properties that have a minimum of 25,000 square
feet in gross floor area. This threshold is based on the Zoning Ordinance that currently says an office park must be a
Southwestern Cuisine is very popular.
minimum of 25,000 square feet.
Trucks may not be the primary or principal use at a lot.
Under the proposed regulations they are considered an accessory use.
The rules also clarify that food trucks are allowed on county property or Fairfax County Park Authority land, with
appropriate approvals. The parks currently have 10 locations where trucks are licensed to do business, and separate
permits are required, along with the permits listed previously.
The county may revoke a food truck permit or property
owner’s permit if they do not comply with the zoning rules.
A most important issue to examine is the amount of business
these food trucks will take away from brick and mortar restaurants? After all, it is the brick and mortar restaurants that invest
huge financial sums in opening their establishments, who employ the local populace, who sponsor the local Little League
teams, and who imbed themselves in our community events.
Do you think the eleven eateries at the new Mosaic District
would have invested their life savings and their dreams into
these establishments, if they knew food trucks would soon be
monopolizing their lunchtime customers? Restaurants can not
continue to operate with only dinner service revenues. In many
instances, such as in mixed-use developments (Mosaic being an
example), they must generate both lunch and dinner revenue in
order to survive.
Annandale, through her revitalization efforts has been attempting to convince family friendly restaurants (Panera, Corner
Bakery, La Madeleine, Noodles & Company) to open in Annandale. As could be anticipated, they are NOT interested in
investing the hundreds of thousands of dollars required to open
a restaurant, if they watch a sea of food trucks operating in the
parking lot across the street. These food trucks are counterintuitive to revitalization; they are only useful in areas with
sudden growth spurts and instant populations. Annandale does
not qualify.
January 2015
Food Trucks specialize in everything from Korean BBQ to PIZZA.
Since the new regulations only apply to private property, food
trucks may still not park on public roads to sell food (a frequent
violation). This continues to be prohibited by the state, although
many food trucks have been selling while positioned in parking
spots along roadways that accommodate parking on both sides.
An example is Solutions Drive outside Booz Allen Hamilton
headquarters in McLean. Not long ago, as many as eight food
trucks regularly solicited business there until one day a fracas
broke out between one individual who had been saving a prime
space with his personal vehicle, and a competitor who took
exception to this initiative. Eventually the police were called
and all eight food trucks were evicted. It is fair to say that competition is fierce and territorial. Fairfax County Code, 82-1-30
prohibits sales from,
“Vehicles parked along any road, highway or street,
said Police Captain Michael Grinnan, commander of
the Traffic Safety Division. Vending along roads
poses a danger to other motorists and pedestrians.”
However, the next question is where are these food trucks parking when off duty? No arrangements have been made by the
county to provide municipal parking where trucks and personal
vehicles can be swapped each day. (Any room left at the Government Center?) Residential streets are off-limits; residential
drive-ways are off limits; and, most residential garages are not
high enough to accommodate these trucks.
In Annandale, with such a large number of service related businesses, our residential streets have already been inundated with
commercial vehicles. Legality is currently too broad and based
on the size of the vehicle, not the use. (See page 28) What will
food trucks add to the mix? Or, will they migrate to parking on
much needed commercial streets, denying patron parking for
restaurants and eateries? Will they be taking up residence in
the complimentary garages built by developers to promote new
shopping and dining projects, while robbing more customers of
parking spaces?
After years of courting restaurateurs, Annandale now has two great Thai
restaurants. Why should they have to compete against a Thai Food Truck?
This new county promotion has not addressed off duty parking
at all. Here again is another unfunded mandate, which is strictly complaint driven. Any violations that arise, whether illegally
operating the truck or illegal parking, will require citizens to
file complaints, and wait for action. Enforcement then falls on
the shoulders of an overburdened police department, and the
Office of Code Compliance, already complaint driven and
The county does plan to review the pros and cons of this new
initiative in one year. Why, oh! why, did they not first establish
a trial period before visiting difficulties on the rest of us? Why
not license trucks exclusively to the few known areas which
could benefit, rather than turning the fleet loose throughout the
To register a complaint about illegally parked commercial
vehicles call Complaints:
703-691-2131 or email
Continued on page 28
4600 John Marr Drive
Annandale, VA 22003
January 2015
The Police Beat
Citrus Sale
Take Responsibility for Your Own Safety
The Annandale Lions offer only the Best
Fairfax County Police Dept.
A 62-year-old Annandale man was
struck and killed while crossing Columbia Pike between Evergreen Lane
and John Marr Drive at around 8 p.m.
last November. Also in November, a
serious crash took place on Braddock
Road near Witch Hazel where a 23
year old woman was struck and critically injured as she crossed Braddock
Road. In both cases, the pedestrians
were NOT using a crosswalk but walking mid-block, where a driver is less
likely to anticipate them.
Over the past three years, more than 400 pedestrians have been
struck and injured in crashes on Fairfax County roadways.
According to Captain Mike Grinnan, Commander of the Traffic
Unit, “This increase is likely due to a combination of factors;
and decreased daylight hours”
Captain Grinnan urges walkers, motorists, and bicyclists to pay
close attention to pedestrian safety rules, such as crossing with
a light and using a crosswalk. He also pointed out that some
residents are running in the roadway where there are sidewalks;
sometimes 2 or 3 people abreast, “This simply isn’t a safe practice. Wherever there are sidewalks available, they should be
Further, police note that both pedestrians and motorists are
equally responsible for observing laws and safety practices
related to pedestrian right of way. More information regarding
pedestrian safety may be found at www.dmv.virginia.gov/
Look both way before crossing a street
Cross at a corner, IN the crosswalk
Don’t try to outrun a car. If you aren’t sure you can safely
make it across the street, WAIT.
Don’t expect motorists to see you. Wear a fluorescent
armband, and or carry a flashing light.
Take responsibility for your own safety.
The Annandale Lions Club will host
their annual Citrus Fruit Sale on February 21 and March 21, 2015 from 8:30
AM—2:00 PM, weather permitting.
Visit them at the Annandale Swim and
Tennis Club, 7530 Little River Turnpike next door to Wendy’s.
They even offer drive-through service
so you can stay in the warmth of your
car. Proceeds are used for the Lions
sight and hearing projects in our community.
Ever since 1925 when Helen Keller challenged
the Lions to become the, “knights of the blind
in the crusade against darkness,” they have
been passionately dedicated to the effort.
Annandale Parade Awards
Cited as one of the, “Best Small Town Parades in America”
Best Dance Group
Tinkus Wapurys Tiataco
Tinkus Chaukas
Authentica Diabladz Arbieto
Best Music Group
Annandale High School Marching Atoms
Best Costume
Morenada Transpeco USA
Morenada Tricobol USA
Caporales Universitarios de San Simon Fundadores
Best Float/Exhibitor
Kena Shriners and Kena Car Club
Route 66 PT Cruisers
Grasshopper Green-Kenwood School
The Griffin Academy
Moms Club of Annandale
Magills Past & Pizza Restaurant
Congratulations to these groups,
and to all who participated in the 2014 Annandale Parade.
Don’t Drink and Drive — Call a Cab
Hot Lines: Report Human Trafficking
Cab Companies
Yellow Cab:
Checker Taxi:
Red Top Cab:
Blue Top Cab:
Sterling Cab:
Dept. of Justice: 1-888-428-7581
National Hotline (multi-lingual) 1-888-373-7888
Korean Hotline: 1-888-976-5274
Spanish Hotline: 1-888-802-9832
Email: Report@PolarisProject.org
January 2015
The Twenty-Six Hour Day
Tame Your to-Do List
By: Terry Monaghan, Time Triage™
Do you have a never ending todo list? Do your to-do’s tend to
breed and multiply until you just
know you are never going to get
through them? Are there some
tasks that you just know are really “never going to do’s”?
Step 1 – Distinguish the Master To Do List: Many people
confuse their master to do list
with their daily to do list.
The master to do list contains
everything there is for you to do.
This is the place where you
write all the different tasks that occur to you that need to be
done. Many of these items will be delegated, but this is where
you can write them down. The master to do list is a much better place for all of these tasks than where we usually keep them
– in our heads, relying on memory. We know how well that
Step 2 – Set up the Daily To Do List: The daily to do list
contains just those 3 or 4 items that really do need to be done,
by you, today. This is not the place for those tasks that you
really should be giving away to someone else (your assistant, a
team member, your kids, an outside service). This list is for the
most important tasks for you – those tasks that will ensure that
whatever you are working on will be accomplished.
Step 3 – Create a Not Going To Do List: This is my favorite
list! And far too few people are taking advantage of its power.
This list is where you can park all those tasks that you know
you are not going to do. They may need to be done – in which
case, give them to someone else. Or, they may have just found
their way onto your list because you don’t know how to say no
to someone else. These are not tasks that have anything to do
with your own projects, commitments, or goals. Most of the
time, they are someone else’s good idea, or something you
think you ‘should’ be doing. If you must put them on a list, put
them on the not going to do list. Then review that list once a
month or so, to see if you are ready to do them, delete them or
delegate them.
Step 4 – Schedule Time for Action: This step will greatly
increase the chances that your to do’s will get done. This is the
step that can really tame the evil list!
Schedule a specific time to deal with each item on today’s list.
I know, you think putting it on the list should be enough. But,
really, how well has that been working? If you have any question at all about ‘when am I going to get this done?’ – schedule
This one step goes a long way to eliminating overwhelm and
that nagging dread that you are going to forget something. It
will also force you to confront how much time that task will
actually take.
Step 5 – Eliminate your ‘yes, but…’: Yes, but I have a specific way I want it done! OK, but do you want it done, or do
you want it done your way? If you must have it done your way,
then you are going to have to schedule the time to get it done –
or train someone else.
Yes, but I don’t have time to write out a to do list. Anyway, I
can remember what I need to get done. And how is that working for you? If it actually works, then don’t change anything.
But if you find that you forget something, and have to take
more time or make an extra trip, then just try writing it down.
Yes, but I am completely overwhelmed! I don’t even know
where to start with a to do list! A good place to start is with a
notebook. Start listing everything you can think of that you
have to get done. Keep writing until you have finished your list.
This will get all that clutter out of your mind and onto a piece
of paper. Just set it aside when you are done. This is now the
beginning of your master to do list. Congratulations.
Terry Monaghan is an author, speaker, coach, consultant and founder of Time
Triage™ a consulting firm specializing in performance and productivity. She
can be reached at terry@timetriage.com. Terry will be the guest speaker at
the Chamber’s March 12, 2015 Networking Luncheon.
January 2015
What a Difference a Century Makes: 1915
US Population: 100,546,000
2015 US Population:
By: M. Callahan
President: Woodrow Wilson
Vice President: Thomas R. Marshall
Sect. of State: William Jennings Bryan
Virginia Governor: Henry Carter Stuart
Chief Justice Supreme Court: Edward Douglass White
Speaker of the House: Champ Clark (D-Missouri)
VA Senators: Charles A. Swanson & Thomas Martin
Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., Orson Wells, Mosha Dayan, Les Paul, Billie
Holiday, Herman Wouk, Ingrid Bergman and Frank Sinatra.
Booker T. Washington, William Seward, AG Spaulding, Alfred Vanderbilt on board the Lusitania.
 British ocean liner Lusitania sunk by German submarine, 1,198
 Second Battle of Ypres is fought and is the first time German
troops used poison gas. The battle began on Apr. 22, 1915,
when the Germans launched a massive assault on the salient at
Ypres. The attack was unsuccessful and was broken off in May.
 Massacre of Armenians by Turks begins
 1st German Zeppelin attack over Great Britain, 4 die.
 British nurse Edith Cavell is executed by a German firing squad
for helping Allied soldiers escape from Belgium
 Transcontinental telephone service inaugurated (NY to SF)
 US Coast Guard created from Life Saving & Revenue Cutter
 F F Fletcher is 1st admiral to receive Congressional Medal of
 Fire destroys most of the buildings on Santa Catalina Island,
 On October 21at the first transatlantic radiotelephone message,
was sent from Arlington, VA to Paris.
 Harry Houdini performs a straitjacket escape performance.
 Georges Claude patents the neon discharge tube for use in advertising.
British ocean liner Lusitania sunk by German submarine,
1,198 perish, including American Alfred Vanderbilt.
The 1915 Galveston Storm arrived 15 years after the great Galveston
Hurricane, took the lives of 250-400 people. The seawalls built after
the 1900 hurricane did help to slow the reported 21’ waves,
but did not prevent mass damage.
NY Yankees don pinstripes & hat-in-the-ring logo for 1st time
Congress sets up Federal Trade Commission, passes Clayton
Antitrust Act.
 Women in uniform were a novelty in 1914 and yet 80,000
women served in the forces as non-combatants during World
War I. The war put women into factories, driving ambulances,
nursing at the front lines, and on their way to the VOTE and
 In February, while working as a cook at New York's Sloane
Hospital for Women under an assumed name, "Typhoid
Mary" (an asymptomatic carrier of typhoid fever) infects 25
people, and is placed in quarantine on March 27th, for life.
 The familiar round Quaker Oats package is introduced.
 The “Second” Galveston Hurricane was the 4th most costly in
US history at 71.3 billion.
 There were an estimated 6.5 million farms in the U.S.
 The first stone of the Lincoln Memorial is put into place.
 Charlie Chaplin's film The Tramp is released.
 The one millionth Ford automobile rolls off the assembly line.
 The Victor Talking Machine Co. introduces a phonograph,
called the Victrola.
 Helena Rubenstein arrives in NYC encouraging women to take
charge of their appearance as well as their own lives, creating
an industry of self-improvement.
The Birth of a Nation, 1915 American silent drama film directed by
D. W. Griffith is released. Despite the film's controversial content,
Griffith's innovative film techniques make it one of the most influential films in the commercial film industry, and it is often ranked as
one of the greatest American films of all time. This film was later
used for recruitment by the KKK.
Federal Spending: $0.75 billion
Consumer Price Index: 10.1 up from 7.9 in 1914
Unemployment: 8.5% up from 4.3 % in 1913
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.02
January 2015
What a Difference a Century Makes: 1915
Sixteen months of war, tens of thousands dead, and a daily demand for two thousand pounds of explosives, and 300,000 shells
Loaf of bread: $0.05
Gallon of gasoline: $0.25
One dozen eggs: $0.27
Gallon of milk: $0.36
Movie Ticket: $0.07
Cost of Average Automobile: $500
Ave. Home Price: $3200
1 Oz Gold: $20.67
1 Oz. Silver: $1.29
World Series: Boston Red Sox d. Philadelphia Phillies (4-1)
Stanley Cup: Vancouver Millionaires
Wimbledon Women: Not Held (WWI)
Wimbledon Men: Not Held (WWI)
Kentucky Derby Champion: Regret
NCAA Football Champions: Cornell
19th Boston Marathon: Edouard Fabre
of Canada in 2:31:41.2
21st US Golf Open: John Travers shoots
a 297 at Baltusrol GC, NJ
Heavyweight Boxing Champion: Jack
Indianapolis 500: Ralph DePalma
Chemistry: American, Theodore W
Physics: Sir William Bragg and
William L. Bragg (UK), for analysis
of crystal structure by X-rays
Physiology or Medicine: None
Nobel in Literature-Romain Rolland (France)
Nobel in Peace-Not Awarded
Champ Clarke, Speaker of the House
The Second Battle of
Ypres (1915) was the only
major German attack on the
Western Front.
efforts were concentrated
against the Russians on the
Eastern Front.
and Gallipoli ends with the
Turkish siege of the Allied
forces. The Allies begin an
orderly evacuation of the
Gallipoli Peninsula at the
end of 1915, after months
of a stalemate in which
Turkish troops contained all
while inflicting 250,000
casualties. The British Navy
83,000 survivors. Churchill
resigns since he Gallipoli
plan had been his.
World War I became
the testing ground for the
tactics and technology of air
power; thereafter becoming
a focus in military deployment.
Aerial bombardment
consisted of simple bombs
made from modified artillery shells, simply dropped
by hand.
Italy leaves the Triple
Alliance with the German
AustriaHungary, and joins the
Aircraft were now
designed for specific tasks
& defined roles since becoming faster with more
powerful & reliable engines.
The Battle of Loos
was the largest British
offensive mounted on the
Western Front in 1915. The
first British use of poison
gas occurred and the battle
was the first mass engagement of New Army units.
The British offensive was
part of the attempt by the
French to break through the
German defenses in Artois
and Champagne and restore
a war of movement. Despite
improved methods, more
ammunition and better
equipment the FrancoBritish attacks were contained by the German armies.
Sir Douglas Haig
replaces Sir John French as
commander of the British
Expeditionary Force.
Germany begins an
aerial bombing campaign
against Britain using Zeppelins. As one eye witness
explained, "The whole street
seemed to explode. There
was smoke and flames all
over, but the worst of it was
the screams of the dying and
the wounded and mothers
looking frantically for their
attacks on the Dardanelles
William Jennings Bryant, US Sec. State
Images of 1915: A German Fokker, Zeppelin,
and HMS Ark Royal with aircraft aboard.
Peter Stasser, German Imperial Navy
Commander Zeppelin Force 1915-17
German Army uses a
new weapon, the flame
General Joseph Joffre, France
January 2015
1915 Washington:
DC Population 361,329
2015: 643,000
Significant building projects pop up all over Washington, Society continues as usual although news of the European war, and
Japanese expansion in the east, are constant topic.
By: M. Callahan
Early Senate Subway Car 1915 runs between the Capitol & Senate Office Bldg.
Terrace at the Powhatan Hotel, 18th St. between Penn. Ave. & H Street
Once called "the shortest and most exclusive railway in the
world," the U.S. Capitol Subway—AKA "The Senate Subway"—is a little-known secret to most Americans. Initially
built in 1912, a small, two-line monorail system linked the
Capitol building to the Russell Senate Office Building just 1/5
of a mile away. The open-air cars held 18 people in wicker
seats, took 45 seconds to make a one-way trip, and were
known to travel back and forth up to 225 times a day when the
Senate was in session.
Designed by architect Frank Pierce Milburn, the Powhatan
Hotel was located two blocks west of the White House on
Pennsylvania Avenue, on 18th Street between Pennsylvania
Avenue and H Street. It, was one of the better hotels in the
The Powhatan had an excellent view of the city from its roof
deck making it an even more popular meeting place. By the
time buildings grew up around it obscuring its views, the Powhatan was dated. Ultimately, it was razed in 1977.
Why a private subway under the Capitol? Known as the shortest and most exclusive railway in the world, the US Capitol
Subway (also known as the Senate Subway) is needed so that
Senators and Members of Congress can travel from their office
buildings to their chambers at the Capitol to vote. The original
cars were built by the Studebaker Company and first put into use on March 7, 1909.
This line was replaced in 1912 (see photo above) with an operator-controlled monorail installed for the Dirksen Senate Office Building, just 1/5 mile away. Taking 45 seconds one-way,
these open air cars could hold 18 people on their wicker seats.
When the Senate was in session, they took up to 225 round
trips daily.
By 1993 additional lines were added connecting the Rayburn
House Office Building and the Dirksen Line was extended to
the hart Senate Office Building. It was also replaced by an
automatic train.
1915 DC Population: 361,329
2015 DC Population: 643,000
Senate Subway R.R., circa 1915”. (Photo above from Harris & Ewing Collection)
In 1915: Single room detached bath-$1.50, private bath-$2.50, parlor Suite $5.00
per day. Club Breakfast $0.50, Lunch $0.60 and Dinner & Music $1.25
AD from the Washington Times Newspaper
January 2015
1915 Washington
“There is such a thing as a man being too proud to fight; there is such a thing as a nation being so right that it does not need to
convince others by force that it is right.”
Woodrow Wilson, May 10, 1915 Philadelphia
Laying the cornerstone of the Lincoln Memorial 1915
Construction on the Lincoln Memorial broke ground in 1914.
The photo below reveals the foundation and interior walls of
the monument under construction in 1915. The foundation was
built on level ground and then partly covered with dirt so steps
could rise to the first level.
According to the guide books, “The Memorial is filled with
symbolism: the 36 columns represent the states in the union at
the time of Lincoln's death. The area where the statue stands
is 60 feet wide, 74 feet long, and 60 feet high. The interior of
the Memorial is divided into three chambers by two rows of
Ionic columns. These columns, four in each row, are 50 feet
tall and 5.5 feet in diameter at their base. The north and south
side chambers contain carved inscriptions of Lincoln's second
inaugural address, and his Gettysburg Address.”
“In this Temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he
saved the Union, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined
forever.” … Epitaph by Royal Cortissoz
1915 ADS & pictorial reviews from the Washington Times Newspaper for
Prominent Washington Brides, the Washington Horse Show,
and for the newest and highly sought after invention, the Victrola.
January 2015
Governor’s Health Science Academy
Where Skilled Scholars Thrive
By: Falls Church Academy
Medical Assistant students attended a specialized training
program at the Virginian Continuing Care Retirement Community to learn how to care for aging residents In the near
future, Health Science and Medical Assistant students will
attend Open Heart Surgery at Inova’s Heart and Vascular Institute
Students in the Level 3 Criminal Justice Program visited the
FBI National Training Academy in Quantico, VA. These students, all interested in careers in law enforcement, received an
all access tour and insight into what it takes to be a candidate
for the FBI and the training it takes to become an agent.
FBI Representative, Lisa Suckow, provided an enlightening
tour of the campus, including the dormitory, mock residential
neighborhoods used in law enforcement training exercises, and
the workout facilities, along with a description of an agents
daily work. During this tour students even witnessed a training
class practicing tactical maneuvers.
Suckow remarked, “Any job you are interested in doing is one
the FBI has a position for.” She encouraged the students to
visit www.USAJobs.com and www.FBIJobs.gov for more
information on the most up to date summer.
Several students from the Pharmacy Tech Program assisted
with the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day sponsored
by the DEA. This event was held simultaneously at the Falls
Church Police Station, West Springfield Police Station, and
NVCC Annandale Campus. Pharmacy students made posters,
presented information on the safe disposal of medications,
learned and answered questions about drug disposal, and observed the astonishing amount of drugs people presented for
disposal. After only 30 minutes at one location, they had two
larges boxes completely full of medications and expected 15 or
more 15 gallon boxes to be filled by the end of the day
Children from the Falls Church Pre-School visited the Falls
Church Academy Dental Careers class-room for a “Visit to
the Dentist” experience. Thirty-two pre-school children were
invited to the Dental Careers class-room to learn what it’s like
to go to the dentist.
Activities at this event included an oral hygiene puppet show,
coloring dental related pictures, hand painting with Halloween
images and experiencing the dental chair and tools that children
will see when visiting the dentist. The Chamber thanks Dr.
Lorena Forbes, Dr. Michael Ellis and Dr. Michael Kiesel for
allowing FCHS students to shadow them at their offices.
January 2015
The Debt Trap of Student Loans
Help Your Children Avoid This Burden
By: Michael Guerrero, Edward Jones Financial Advisor
It’s not so easy being a college
kid these days. The job market
for recent graduates has been
shaky while, at the same time,
students are leaving school with
more debt than ever before. If
you have children who will
someday be attending college,
should you be worried?
Clearly, though, it will take discipline and perseverance on
your part to save and invest for both your children’s education and your own retirement. Like everyone else, you don’t
have unlimited resources. But you do have another ally —
time. The earlier you begin investing for education and retirement, the greater your chances of achieving your goals in
these areas. And by understanding how your goals interact,
you can work to make sure you don't inadvertently derail one
when saving for another.
You might indeed have cause
for concern. Americans now
owe more on student loans than
on credit cards, according to the
Federal Bank of New York, the U.S. Department of Education and other sources. For the college class of 2011, the most
recent year for which figures are available, the average student loan debt was about $26,500, according to the Institute
for College Access and Success’s Project on Student Debt.
Avoiding the student loan “debt trap” while still making progress toward your retirement savings will require creative
thinking — and both you and your children may have to
make some sacrifices along the way. But the ultimate goals
— a college degree that isn’t one big IOU and a comfortable
retirement — are worth the effort. For Tax Tips on Education,
This type of debt load, coupled with the struggles to find a
well-paying job commensurate with their education, is causing many recent graduates to get off on the wrong foot in
terms of developing savings and investment strategies that
could help them throughout their lives.
So, what can you do? If you want to help your kids pay for
college, you may want to consider a 529 plan. When you invest in a 529 plan, all withdrawals will be free from federal
income taxes, as long as the money is used for qualified college expenses. (However, non-qualified withdrawals may be
subject to ordinary income tax plus a 10% penalty on the
earnings portion.) Contribution limits are high, and, contributions may be eligible for a tax deduction or credit for residents in certain states.
A 529 plan, while valuable, is not the only college savings
vehicle available. You may also want to consider a Coverdell
Education Savings Account, which, like a 529 plan, can generate tax-free earnings if the money is used for higher education expenses. However, a Coverdell account’s contribution
limits are much lower than those of a 529 plan. You could
also establish a custodial account, known as an UGMA or
UTMA, which offers some tax benefits and no contribution
Nonetheless, while these vehicles may help you save and
invest for college, they may also divert resources that you
might have used for other financial goals — such as a comfortable retirement. Of course, it’s not an “either-or” situation
— there’s nothing stopping you from contributing to a 529
plan, Coverdell account or custodial account along with your
401(k) and IRA.
please see the TAX TALK Column on page 24.
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward
Jones Financial Advisor.
Michael S. Guerrero, Financial Advisor
www.edwardjones.com . 732-547-2639
January 2015
Sleepy Hollow Preschool
The School Bell
Learning Through Play Since 1949
More Sleep for Teens
Fairfax County Public Schools
The Fairfax County School
Board voted to delay school
commencement times to between 8:00 AM and 8:10 AM
by a vote of 11 to 1, with board
member Kathy Smith (Sully)
opposed. This will affect 22
county high schools and 3 secondary schools, or 57,000 students. The change will cost
$4.9 million primarily required
for the purchase of twentyseven new buses.
Sleepy Hollow Preschool is a cooperative, non-profit, nonsectarian, inclusive preschool with a staff and membership of families who are dedicated to providing the very best in preschool
education to children ages 2, 3, 4 and 5.
They have proudly nurtured the development of Northern Virginia children for over sixty years. At Sleepy Hollow Preschool, they appreciate and respect the uniqueness of every
child, and believe in identifying children’s individual strengths,
encouraging their interests, and meeting each child’s particular
needs. Sleepy Hollow Preschool strives to create an emergent
curriculum that enriches the lives of our children, families,
staff and community.
The National Children’s Medical Center sleep experts discovered that early classes (earlier
than 8 AM) adversely affect student health since teens need up
to nine hours of sleep. After a decade of discussion on start
times, the school board found this most recent report so compelling, that they could no longer delay the decision.
Another change beginning with the 2015-2016 school year is
that the school bell will ring 30 minutes earlier (7:30 AM) at
middle schools with the exception of Hayfield, Lake Braddock,
and Robinson secondary schools, where classes begin after 8:00
FCPS Awarded $760,000 Grant from DoDEA Educational
Partnership: FCPS was eligible for this grant because the district serves military-connected students from the Ft. Belvoir
Military installation. The new initiative will help to close the
achievement gap between general education students and special
education students in mathematics by using a hands-on, interactive math program during an after-school program and embedded as an intervention during the school day. This will ensure
that all students will have the tools necessary to achieve more
rigorous math goals centered on problem solving, communication, connections, and representations, resulting in a deeper understanding of math content and increased Virginia Standards of
Learning scores for special education students in grades 3-6.
They are still accepting applications for limited spaces for the
2014-15 school year. Email them for more information at
info@sleepyhollowpreschool.com Tours of the facility are
now available. Be certain to see the Pretend Room, a magical
place for friends to play, imagine, and learn. It has been home
to Space Exploration, a Transportation Hub, a Fall Festival and
Costume Shop, a
Hospital, a Zoo, and a Winter Wonderland, to name but a few.
Sleepy Hollow Preschool is located just off Columbia Pike
between Ancient Oak Court and Whispering Lane, sharing
space at the John Calvin Presbyterian Church.
6531 Columbia Pike
Annandale, VA 22003
703-941-9791 . www.sleepyhollowpreschool.com
January 2015
Does Everything Need to be Perfect?
Stress Starts Early
By: Eileen Joseph, FCHS
I am staring at a blank page waiting for inspiration to come.
Today, in my AP English Language and Composition class, we
talked about what a eureka moment is compared to an epiphany. When presented with the task of writing this article, I guess
I had the eureka moment without fully having the epiphany.
How can someone write about stress without it being negative?
But does stress have to be a negative? I have experienced stress
in writing this article, first finding the time, than actually writing, that I should be an expert on stress. I am no expert, but I
do know what stress is like as a high school student.
High school students may not appear to have much stress, I
mean, we are handed everything, right? But with everything
from home to school to sports to work, our lives exude stress.
With pressure from parents, coaches, bosses, and teachers,
teenagers experience pressure from all aspects of our society.
Countless times, we are told to strive to be the best and to always try to be perfect. While some people thrive under pressure, many come up short. With parents, teachers, bosses, and
coaches telling you that you can be better, although many do it
with the best intentions, you feel as if you are holding the
weight of the world. The responsibility is put on you, you have
to be prepared for this someday, you are the future.
The growing responsibilities that come with becoming an adult
coupled with all of the responsibilities of a high school student,
many students are stretched thin. Whether it is earning money
or studying for a test, driving a car or learning to drive, making
dinner or playing in the championship game, there never seems
to be enough time. Balancing life makes time management a
necessity. Working around set times for practices and extracurricular activities, adding this to the varied workload of classes,
and the mysterious scheduling of tests and projects all at once
equals no time. I am not complaining about this, it is just reality.
I guess it seems like we are the lazy generation. We have all
heard the same story, “when I was younger we got all of our
information from books, and we walked a mile to school every
day.” Yes, the Internet makes some things easier, but it also
makes more knowledge more accessible, which means we are
expected to know more things. Then there is the addition of
social media, where we are all trying to look as good as possible, because after all we need to be perfect.
Expectations are the biggest stressor. Everyone expects you to
be perfect, they expect you to be smart, responsible, and timely. Parents are not the only ones who push this, teachers,
coaches, and bosses do as well. If you tarnish the perfect facade, can you ever forgive yourself? The answer is yes.
Stress is not caused by one aspect of life, it is a culmination of
all things. Everything needs to be perfect. Perfection is so
ingrained in our society that it makes it hard to accept the fact
that no one is perfect. This acceptance is when most high
school students have their eureka moment, though they may
not have the full epiphany. We are always hungry for a new
challenge, stress may come with it, but the outcome is all that
matters. Stress can create its own adventure, but if we keep
the end in mind, everything is worth it.
9650 Hawkins Drive
Manassas, Va. 20109
January 2015
Updates & Changes
Some Education Benefits Still Alive But One Has Expired:
Contact Your Congressional Representative
Congress extended a few tax benefits that will help you if you
are paying for post high school education expenses. These
benefits come in the form of a credit. A credit is an item
which reduces your actual tax.
The American Opportunity Credit is still available for those
taxpayers who have a modified adjusted gross income below a
specified threshold amount depending on their filing status.
The credit can be as high as $2,500 for each of the taxpayer’s
qualifying students. A qualifying student could be the taxpayer, the spouse or a dependent child of the taxpayer. The $2,500
maximum credit is available for a married couple filing a joint
return who has a modified AGI of less than $160,000. The
$2,500 amount is reduced as the income grows to $180,000.
After that level it is completely phased out. If you are a taxpayer whose filing status is single or head of household then
the levels of income are half of those amounts beginning at
$80,000 and ending at $90,000. A taxpayer who files as married filing separately cannot take advantage of the credit. In
order to get the full $2,500 credit the taxpayer must pay a total
of $4,000 in qualifying tuition, fees and required course materials. The first $2,000 qualifies for a 100% credit therefore
$2,000 and the second $2,000 qualifies for a 25% credit which
would be $500. This is especially attractive for those taxpayers
who may be attending a community college where the tuition
and fees are generally less expensive than those at a 4 year university. The credit is available for the first 4 years of post-high
school education. The provision has been extended through
Another education benefit that Congress has renewed is the
deduction for Student Loan Interest. It is available even if you
do not elect to itemize your deductions on Schedule A. The
maximum deduction is $2,500 per year. It is available to all
taxpayers except those with a filing status of married filing separately. There is a modified adjusted gross income test which
begins at $65,000 and ends at $80,000 for a filing status of single and head of household and for a married couple filing a
joint return it begins at $130,000 and ends at $160,000. The
important issue to be aware of is that no matter what the filing
status is on your return the maximum deduction is always only
$2,500. If two single people file their returns then each is eligible for the maximum $2,500. However, if those two single
people were to marry and file a joint return then there is only
one $2,500 deduction. And remember if they file married separately then they get no deduction. Contact me for more details.
There is another education benefit that expired at the end of
2013 that we are waiting for Congress to extend for 2014 and
beyond. The benefit is the deduction for “qualified higher
education expenses” which is also available for those taxpayers who do not itemize deductions on Schedule A. This benefit would be available for each qualifying student on the tax
return. The deduction could be $2,000 based on your modified AGI or $4,000 if your modified AGI is lower than a specified threshold amount based again on your filing status. If
your filing status is single or head of household and your income is $65,000 or less then you could be eligible for a
$4,000 deduction. If your income is greater than $65,000,
but is not greater than $80,000 then you would be eligible for
a $2,000 deduction. Any amount greater than $80,000 disqualifies you from the deduction. For a married couple filing
a joint return the $4,000 deduction is available if your income
is less than $130,000. If it is more than $130,000 but not
more than $160,000 then you would be eligible for the $2,000
deduction. If you are married but file separately from your
spouse then the deduction is not available to either of you.
Health Care Legislation Issues
2013 began the era of the new additional Medicare tax on
wages and self-employment income of specified taxpayers
based on their filing status and level of wages. Many taxpayers will not be affected by the imposition of this new tax but
those who are or will be in the future need to be aware of the
changes. A new additional Medicare tax of .9% was imposed
on wages in excess of certain amounts. A single taxpayer
including those with a filing status of head of household will
have the tax assessed against them on wages greater than
$200,000. For a married couple filing a joint return that
amount is $250,000 and for those with a filing status of married filing separately the amount is half of that at $125,000.
As an example, if a taxpayer who is single has wages of
$225,000 which is $25,000 over the threshold amount of
$200,000 then that excess $25,000 would have an additional
tax of $225. If that taxpayer was married and filed a joint
return with the spouse then there would not be an additional
tax imposed because the threshold amount for a married couple begins at $250,000. However, if the taxpayer earned
$225,000 and files a return separate from the spouse then the
excess amount would be $100,000 since the threshold is half
that of filing joint, which is $125,000 as a result the additional
Medicare tax would be $900 which is .9% of $100,000.
This would be the same result for a taxpayer who is selfemployed. Call me soon to discuss your situation. There may
be a need for you to either increase your withholding or increase your quarterly estimated tax payments. Note that employers are not required to withhold the additional tax until
the employee’s Medicare wages actually exceed $200,000 no
matter what your filing status may be when you actually file
the return.
January 2015
Updates & Changes
In addition to the new Medicare tax on wages and selfemployment income, there is also an additional Medicare tax of
3.8% being assessed on what is called “net investment income”
of specified taxpayers based again on the filing status. The
3.8% tax will be assessed on the lesser of a taxpayer’s “net investment income” or the excess of (if any) of the taxpayer’s
modified AGI greater than a specified threshold amount. The
threshold amounts are again based on filing status and fortunately are the same thresholds as we saw for wages and selfemployment income of $200,000 for single and head of household, $250,000 for married filing joint and $125,000 for married
separate. For example, if you are single and you have net investment income of $1,000 and your modified AGI was
$250,000 then your additional tax would be 3.8% of the lesser
of $1,000 or 3.8% of the excess of $50,000 ($250,000 $200,000). Therefore, you would pay an additional Medicare
tax of $380. If you were married filing a joint return then you
would not have an additional tax because the threshold would
be $250,000 and there would be no excess (3.8% x $0 - $0).
However, if you were married filing a separate return then your
excess would be $125,000 and you would pay 3.8% of the lesser of the excess $125,000 or 3.8% of the $10,000 which would
still result in $380.
For this purpose “net investment income” includes the gross
income from taxable interest, all dividends, annuities, royalties,
rentals, income from passive activity and gain from the disposition of non-business property. From the gross income you will
subtract all expenses related to these items of income. Contact
me so that we can discuss the major details of this change.
Your investment income will not include any distributions from
pension plans of any kind including IRAs and it will not include
any item which is not included in gross income for federal income tax purposes. Therefore, municipal bond interest is not
included and the excluded gain from the sale of your principal
residence is not included.
Also there is a major change which began in 2013 for the ability
to deduct medical expenses on Schedule A. Prior to 2013 a
taxpayer had to reach a 7.5% floor amount before the first dollar
of medical expenses could be deducted. As an example, if the
taxpayer had an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $100,000 in
2012 then the taxpayer would absorb the first $7,500 of eligible
medical costs before they could deduct the first $1. Therefore,
if they incurred $10,000 of medical costs not covered by insurance or reimbursed then they would have an allowable deduction of $2,500. However, beginning in 2013 the floor was increased to 10% so there would be no excess amount which
could be deducted.
More on Health Care
In March of 2010 Congress passed health care legislation which
has become known as the “Affordable Care Act” or ACA.
For purposes of filing your 2014 tax returns and beyond
you may be eligible for a new refundable credit called the
“Premium Assistance Credit” (PAC). You are eligible if
you have obtained your insurance coverage through the
government’s “market place” or American Health Benefits
Exchange. Each state was required to establish an exchange no later than January 1, 2014. For those states that
did not do so, there is a Federal Exchange through which
insurance can be obtained. The credit is available if the
insurance you obtained meets the requirements of “minimal
essential coverage” as provided in the
Approximately 8 million individuals have acquired insurance coverage through the Exchanges and about 6.7 million
are eligible for the premium assistance credit and you may
be one of them. The credit is based on your modified adjusted gross income which will be determined when we
prepare your 2014 federal income tax return in 2015. If
you are eligible for the credit then you may have already
benefitted by it in the form of an “advanced” PAC where
the government has paid a portion of your monthly premiums directly to the insurance provider. In order to determine whether you will receive additional credit or have to
give some of the credit back because your income actually
increased over what was reported when you applied for the
coverage, there will be a reconciliation calculation at the
time we prepare your return.
Even if you are not eligible for the PAC everyone is required to have health insurance coverage beginning January
1, 2014 and there could be a penalty imposed for not having
coverage. Even if you have coverage you will need to report that fact on your 2014 Form 1040 and we will be required to fill out extra forms with your return as a result of
this new legislation. Your insurance provider will be sending you a required government report which you will need
to provide to us in order to properly prepare your return.
January 2015
Updates and Changes
The 2010 Health Care Legislation Known As The Affordable Care Act
The 2010 Health Care Legislation known as the Affordable
Care Act (ACA) provides that all “applicable individuals” will
have to ensure that they are covered under a health insurance
policy that provides “minimum essential coverage” beginning
January 1, 2014. The coverage must include the taxpayer,
spouse and those dependents of the taxpayer claimed for the
dependency exemption on their tax returns. If the taxpayer
does not have the “minimum essential coverage” in 2014, then
a penalty known as a “shared responsibility payment” may be
assessed on the 2014 tax return when it is filed in 2015.
Some taxpayers will not be assessed the penalty if they satisfy
any of the following categories:
 Qualify for religious conscience exemption which the
taxpayer will need to verify
Member of a healthcare sharing ministry which will also
need to be verified
Any month in which the taxpayer is not a US citizen or
US national or an alien lawfully present in the US
The person is incarcerated other than incarceration pending the disposition of charges
In addition to those listed above, there are additional individuals who will not be assessed a penalty because they have coverage under a government sponsored program as follows:
TRICARE for Life program
VA Health Care program
Peace Corps
In addition, the following taxpayers are also deemed to have
“minimum essential coverage” and will not be assessed a
“shared responsibility payment” (penalty):
Those with coverage under an eligible employersponsored plan
Coverage under a health plan offered in the individual
market within a state
Coverage under a grandfathered plan which existed prior
to enactment of the ACA which has not substantially
changed the terms of coverage
Any other health benefits coverage such as a state health
benefits risk pool, which the Secretary of Health and Human Services with coordination with the IRS recognizes
as “minimum essential coverage”
There are also some “applicable individuals” who will be provided with an exemption from the requirement to maintain a
minimal level of health coverage as follows:
Individuals who cannot afford coverage which is defined
as a premium payment amount which is greater than 8%
of the taxpayer’s household income (e.g., if the taxpayer’s
household income was $40,000 and the total annual premium was greater than $3,200 then the taxpayer would be
exempt from the required coverage)
Taxpayers with income less than the threshold for filing an
income tax return (e.g., a single taxpayer will have a personal exemption of $3,950 and a standard deduction of
$6,200 totaling $10,150 and $20,300 for a married couple
filing a joint return in 2014)
Months during “short coverage gaps” which is for taxpayers not covered for a continuous period of 3 months or less
(without regard to a calendar year)
Members of Indian tribes
Hardships as defined by Health and Human Services
If the taxpayer is not covered or exempt, then the “shared responsibility payment” (penalty) that will be assessed on the
taxpayer’s individual tax return will be the greater of a flat
dollar amount or a percentage of the taxpayer’s household income over the threshold for filing a tax return. In 2014, the flat
dollar amount is $95 per person up to 3 persons in a family for
a total of $295. In 2014, the percentage is 1%. Therefore if a
single taxpayer has household income in 2014 of $19,650 or
less, the shared responsibility payment will be $95 ($19,65010,150=$9,500 x 1%=$95). If the amount were $20,650 the
payment would be $105 ($20,650-10,150=$10,500 x 1%). The
maximum penalty will be no greater than the national average
cost of what the law calls a “bronze” plan.
For more information, contact your tax advisor, or give me a
call at 703-354-1411.
January 2015
The Elusive, the Cunning, the Stunning Wild Turkey
By: S. Wendt
and less colorful to securely raise broods of 10-15 young
(poults). An amazing survival fact is hens lay one egg a day in
hidden ground nests, but all her chicks hatch within minutes of
one another. Turkeys tower over the forest floor, consuming
plants, seeds, nuts, berries, fruits, insects and frogs, lizards and
small snakes. They can even digest whole acorns and harder
nuts softened in their throat crops and ground in their pebblepacked gizzards within hours.
Just a Trace: Acrylic painting by the author
Just a Trace… that’s all there was on that beautiful autumn
morning where a striking zebra-patterned black and white
feather lay among the autumnally colored forest carpet…just a
trace of the elusive, beautiful wild turkey.
Most of us think turkeys are the 45 million slow, fat barnyard
birds that Americans are eating on Thanksgiving. But, the wild
turkey is one of Nature’s wonders. They weigh up to 30
pounds, are able to run 25mph, and can fly straight up and over
the tallest tree canopy with their 4½ ft. wingspan at speeds
reaching 55 mph! These wary birds are equipped with 360degree vision; three times better than humans, have very acute
hearing, and are able to swim.
Wild turkeys are absolutely beautiful, especially the males
known as toms or gobblers, with over 5,000 feathers that exhibit metallic glistening in coppery, bronze & purple iridescence,
and striking black and
white wing bands. To see
a tom fan out its broad
banded tail, fluff up its
shimmering body feathers,
and bob its red and blue
head in a morning mating
ritual is unforgettable.
Of the five subspecies,
only the Eastern variety
lives in Virginia. Males
have a beard of coarse
hairy feathers growing
from their breasts; females
(hens) are smaller (9 lbs.)
Resilience is the wild turkey’s middle name. Despite many
predators and harsh winters, they live up to 5 years in the wild
and 13 in captivity. First domesticated by the Aztecs 1,500
years ago, Spanish explorers brought them home in the early
1500s to become popular European fare. Several millions of
wild turkeys lived across the land when the Europeans first
settled Virginia in 1607, but were decimated by unregulated
hunting, deforestation and market demand to a trace of 30,000
birds until laws changed and intense wildlife management
spurred the most successful animal restoration ever. Today over
7 million thrive in 49 US states, Canada and Mexico. And
they are alive and well in Fairfax County, because I saw a hen
off Bennett Dr. in Annandale just this past May.
played a significant role in the
cultures of Native
descendants. Their
eggs, meat and
are longtime favorites of Eastern
tribes who intentionally
forests to create more turkey habitat. Their striking feathers are
favorites for headdresses and ceremonial cloaks, and their agile
movements inspire many tribal dances.
William Bradford, one of the 53 (of 102) pilgrims who survived the harsh 1620 winter in Massachusetts, wrote of the wild
turkey when celebrating the first harvest at their Thanksgiving
feast, “And besides waterfowl there was great store of wild
turkeys, of which they took many...” Benjamin Franklin wrote
his daughter in 1784 of his preference for the turkey over the
bald eagle as the U.S. national bird admiring its proud demeanor and protective instincts. And every autumn, representatives
of the Mattaponi and Pamunkey tribes honor a 1667 Native
American/British crown treaty by donating a deer and a wild
turkey to the governor of Virginia which are in turn, donated to
the poor.
January 2015
Parking Restrictions
Food Trucks and Other Commercial Vehicles
Continued from page 13
Commercial vehicles are prohibited from utilizing residential
streets as their personal parking lot, or commercial streets for
long term parking or to perform what is known as a vehicle
swap….leaving their personal vehicle for the work hours
while picking up their commercial vehicle, and then reversing the process at the end of each work day. Ravensworth
Road, and most streets adjacent to town house communities
have been particularly hard hit with this practice. One home
improvement firm regularly parks as many as five vans
nights, weekends and holidays. Unfortunately, some vehicles, used exclusively for commercial purposes & insured for
commercial purposes, slide under the vehicle size limit;
while robbing residents of much needed residential parking
because these businesses are too irresponsible and selfish to
pay for appropriate parking. NOTE: If you run a business,
don’t alienate your customer base by taking their parking.
Prohibited vehicles: more than 21 feet long, more than 102
inches in width, or more than 8 feet in height. The length
restriction would include any paraphernalia attached such as
landscaping trailers. The height restriction includes vans and
pick-up trucks that include rooftop cargo such as roof racks,
ladders, or PVC pipes. Vehicles carrying commercial freight
in plain view, 18 wheelers, vehicles with a gross weight of
12,000 pounds or greater, and dump trucks are also restricted
from parking on residential streets 7 in residential driveways,
and now on certain commercial streets as indicated by local
signage, such as Daniels Ave, Annandale.
2015 Color of the Year
Cooler and Softer; Try Guilford Green
Pantone forecasts that 2015
will lean toward the cooler
and softer side of the color
brights, pale pastels, and
nature-like neutrals will restore a sense of well-being.
These quiet zones will allow
us to disconnect from technology and unwind.
Pantone’s press release announced that color of the
year is Marsal, much like the
fortified wine that gives its
name, “This tasteful hue
embodies the satisfying richness of a fulfilling meal
while its grounding redbrown roots emanate a sophisticated, natural earthiness. This hearty, yet stylish
7610 Newcastle Drive . Annandale 22003
703-941-1419 . shepherdscas@vacoxmail.com
Guilford Green by Benjamin Moore
tone is universally appealing and translates easily to
fashion, beauty, industrial
design, home furnishings
and interiors. “
Vehicles exempted from these size and weight limits are:
commercial vehicles used by public service companies, watercraft or motor home, school buses, vehicles driven by or
used for transporting persons with disabilities, vehicles for
cable television service, moving vehicles for 48 hours, and
vehicles for propane gas service. However, many homeowners associations restrict these vehicles further and are entitled
to do so.
Tickets will be issued by the Fairfax County Police, Traffic
Safety Division. The fine for illegal commercial vehicles
parked on residential streets has been increased from $25 to
$100 per occurrence. For further information go to the
County website at www.fairfaxcounty.gov and look up
Changes to Section 82-5-7 of the Fairfax County Code.
Benjamin Moore’s Color
of the Year 2015 is Guilford Green, a color they
advertise will tie things
together. "A neutral that's
natural. A silvery green
that works with, well, everything.”
Old Claret and Carter Plum
Chamber Chat:
January 2015
News, notices & bulletins posted by
Annandale Chamber Members
The Annandale Shopping Center is pleased to announce that we have
a new website where you will find news and announcements about our
shops and businesses. You can also join our mailing list to receive
advanced notice of our events and special offerings at
AnnSandra We represent over 70 of the finest lines of tabletop-china
and giftware in the US from exquisite to whimsical. We are also
pleased to offer shipping and custom gift wrapping services.
4417 John Marr Drive. www.annsandra.com . 703-354-2110 See our
website for a listing of Special Events.
Annandale Boys & Girls Club Sign up for email alerts or text “follow
annandaleabgc” to 40404 on your cell phone for text alerts. Twitter at
https://twitter.com/#!/AnnandaleBGC Facebook at www.facebook.com/
#!/AnnandaleBCG 703-941-ABGC (2242).
Annandale Volunteer Fire Department provides an exciting bingo
game and lots of opportunities to win every Thursday and other special
times throughout the year. Doors open 4:30pm – Early Birds start at
6:45pm – Regular Session starts at 8:00pm. See AVFD BINGO special
events. Must be 14 yrs.
of age to play, ATM machine available. Bingo Hotline is 703-9411328.
Burke and Herbert Bank: Did you know that Burke & Herbert Bank
delivers! Stop by 4235 Annandale Road to find out how we deliver
products and services that can save you time and fees. Berhand Beraki,
manager, LaVita Weaver, assistant manager, and staff are ready to offer
you our legendary customer service. Ask about Convenient Checking,
Online and Mobile Banking, and more. Member FDIC.
ENDEAVOR Advertise in ENDEAVOR, Annandale’s popular news
magazine. Stay in touch with local happenings, learn more about Annandale’s history, discover new business enterprises, and celebrate
events in Annandale.
Read current and past issues at
www.annandalechamber.com For information about advertising rates
(discounted to Chamber members) email: info@annandalechamber.com
First Command Financial Services is offering complimentary financial workshops on Understanding College Savings Options 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015, The Power of Planning 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015, and Tax Strategies for Smart Investors
6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 18, 2015. RSVP to Cricket Stewart at
703.658.2943 or e-mail cystewart@firstcommand.com. 5285 Shawnee
Road, Suite 305, Alexandria, VA 22312
Northern Virginia Community College-Annandale Campus is beginning an Evening Studies program to allow busy adults to earn an
associate degree by taking in-class, hybrid, and online course only in
the evenings. Flexible class schedules and free parking, too! Go to
nvcc.edu/an/evening or call 703-764-5059 for information. The Spring
Semester starts on January 12.
Rice & Spice Thai Restaurant: Traditional Thai Cuisine tested to
perfection by owner Natalie and Chef Rod. Family favorite street dishes in a attractive & sleek modern atmosphere. Dine-In, Carry out and
Delivery within 3 mile radius. Plaza at Landmark just 6 minutes away.
6244 K Little River Turnpike, Alexandria, VA 22312 . 703-750-1084
Shear Shack Salon & Spa is the premier salon and spa in Northern
Virginia. We offer a spectrum of personalized services to our guests,
including creative hair design; precision threading and rejuvenating nail
and skin treatment. 6548 Little River Tpk. (Pinecrest Shopping Center)
703-642-1113. Visit Harjeet’s Boutique (in the upper loft of Shear
Shack) while you are here. Delicate jewelry, silk scarves, shawls, pillows and accessories all imported from India. There is a gift for every
The Food Sherpa: Would you like to enjoy healthy, delicious dinners
in your own home, but have someone else do the cooking? The Food
Sherpa will shop for your groceries, come to your home with all the
necessary cooking equipment, prepare your meals; then package and
store them for you to enjoy at your convenience. The Food Sherpa
offers custom menus for busy families, couples, and individuals, the
health-conscious, the adventurous eater, and the senior citizen. Cooking classes in you home can also be arranged. Contact: Keith Steury at
703-379-7339 or email at ksteury@thefoodsherpa.com. Details available at www.thefoodsherpa.com
The Shepherd's Center of Annandale-Springfield: We are a nonprofit seniors helping seniors organization that provides assistance to
adults 50+ in the Annandale area. We provide transportation to medical
facilities to area seniors that no longer drive. We are always looking for
volunteer drivers to meet the needs of the community. Call the office
for details. 703-941-1419.
Tim Frazier Tree Service: Winter is upon us; wind and snow storms
can play havoc with your landscape. How are you set for firewood?
Had storm damage & lost a tree? Do your trees need trimming, topping, cabling, or removing? Do you need landscaping services, edging
& mulching, seeding and sodding, top soil, lot cleaning, or hedge trimming? Do your gutters need cleaning? Please give me a call. My business is fully insured and satisfaction is guaranteed. 1-888-873-8746 toll
Treasure Trove Thrift Shop: Come see new surprises every week.
Treasure Trove is a thrift and consignment shop filled with thousands of
treasures benefits INOVA Fairfax Hospital. 7010 Columbia Pike, Annandale 703-256-7715 In the Annandale Shopping Center at Columbia
Pike and Gallows Rd. www.treasuretroveannandale.com
JTF Business Systems: We specialize in sales and service of all types
of office machines. Whether for a commercial office or home office we
can find you the machines that match your needs and budget. We can
also locate those hard to find parts and supplies for older machines.
Need machinery, service or a maintenance plan? Call Tom O’Daniel
on his cell at 386-527-8876 or tom.odaniel@jtfgov.com
Website Advertising now available on the homepage of the
Chamber’s NEW website. View the site for yourself and see
why this is the best viewed site in Annandale. Looking for
Shopping and Restaurant ideas, news about Revitalization, local
activities? Go to www.annandalechambe.com. For advertising
information contact advertise@annandalechamber.com or see
the rate and specification sheet on the chamber website. Place
an ad on this site for the best niche marketing in the region.
January 2015
Winter Teas & Programs
at Green Fall Gardens Historic Manor House
(Entrance on Braddock Road across from Pinecrest Golf Course)
Traditional English Tea and Program
Programs are by reservation only and require a non-refundable prepayment.
A traditional full English tea is included in each tea program. For tea program reservations: 703-914-7987 or register online at www.greenspring.org.
Sunday, January 11: Consider Carnations Tea Program
Carnations are perfect flowers for lush and substantial winter bouquets or
arrangements. They are inexpensive, last well and come in almost every
color. And, though much maligned, they can look elegant! Discover how to
play up the carnation’s strengths to create simple yet sophisticated displays.
$32 1-3 pm (13-Adults)
Sunday, January 25: Caricature: The Wicked Art
View exaggerated and comical illustrations that convey biting social satire.
A gallery of bold and bawdy prints shows how talented caricaturists of the
late 18th and early 19th centuries documented and ridiculed current events,
fashions and social mores, and provided a humorous and illuminating
“photo” archive of their time. $32 1-3 pm (Adults)
Sunday, February 1: Tea with Tempo: Meet John Phillip Sousa
Meet the man behind the music. Historic re-enactor Ron Anzalone portrays
composer and bandmaster John Philip Sousa, one of the most popular and
prolific American musicians of all time. Anecdotes about his fascinating life
and career reveal that “The March King” was also a skilled and amusing
raconteur! $15 program only, $38 program + tea. 1-3 pm (13-Adult)
Employing Northern Virginia Through Entrepreneurship (ENOVATE),
is designed to help Workforce Investment Act eligible adults and dislocated job seekers start their own business in Northern Virginia. For
more information visit www.enovate NOW.org or contact:
Agerie Tefera,
Jennifer Wayne
The Virginia Employment through Entrepreneurship Consortium is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor's Workforce Innovations Fund to support collaborative entrepreneurial
efforts in Northern Virginia, Richmond and Norfolk/Virginia Beach. Preparation of this item
was funded by the United States Department of Labor under Grant No. IF-23413-12-60-A51. This documentation does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations
imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Sunday, March 1: Appetite for Art
Food has been a central theme in art for centuries. Experience these two
great pleasures together in a sumptuous selection of food-filled masterpieces
which express cultural and social values by depicting the rituals, customs and
symbolism of food and dining through the ages. Bon appetit!
$32 1-3 pm (13-Adults)
Thursday, March 26: Lecture (English tea NOT included): Upstairs,
Downstairs: Do You Believe in Downton?
(18yrs. – Adult) How accurate is Downton Abbey in its depiction of the
interconnected lives of aristocrats and their servants one hundred years ago?
Green Spring historian Debbie Waugh explores the grim realities of life for
domestic servants and the true nature of their relationships with their employers. Discover whether the popular TV show provides real historical
insight or a rose-tinted historical fiction. Light refreshments served. $15 78:30 pm, (18yrs. – Adult)
This is just a partial listing of programs.
For Garden Program reservations and details call: 703-941–7987
or go to www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/gsgp
January 2015
Be It Ever So Humble
7 Ways to Make Your Home More Pet (and Pet Owner) Friendly
either a built-in food and water station under cabinets or a slide
-out drawer that holds the food and water bowls. You may wish
to consider a door-less cabinet lining the inside of the base cabinet with aluminum sheeting to minimize splatters. With multiple dogs, this one is a big time saver. A roll-out trash bin cabinet next to it stores the bulk dog food. Adding a dedicated storage space for your pet's food, toys and grooming tools is also a
great option.
5. Bathing your pet can make a big mess, but there are ways
to make this dreaded task easier. One popular pet home improvement is a washing station, which can be incorporated into
a laundry or mudroom that's used as a multi-purpose mudroom
for the whole family. There are many options for this room,
from the basics of easy-to-clean tile flooring and a low shower
with a handheld showerhead, to a raised-height bathing station
with a ramp for the dog and commercial-sized pet dryers.
For most pet owners, their animals are a very important part of
the family. So when remodeling your home, why not remodel
some areas that both help make life better for your pets, and
make it easier for you to care for them?
According to a national survey conducted in 2011 by a remodeling referral organization, nearly a quarter of the home remodeling and improvement projects referred by that organization
included something for pets. While you don't need to build
your dogs, cats, fish or other pet their own room, there are
plenty of ways to integrate special spaces for your pet into your
home. Here are 7 pet and pet owner friendly remodeling ideas.
1.The most popular pet-related home improvement, according to the survey, was adding a pet door. But that is just the
start of what you can do.
2. Consider a built-in sleeping space for your dog or cat.
This may help keep them off your furniture or out from underfoot while they sleep. Popular locations for these sleeping spaces are beneath cabinets and counters, under the stairs, or in
bedrooms, laundry or mudrooms, kitchens or bathrooms.
3. Think about your pet's playtime needs when you remodel, both in terms of what they should and should not play with.
Consider cat-safe window treatments. Blinds and shades without cords, instead of draperies, will help avoid cat-related disasters. Cats should have a safe place to play, jump, and climb.
Install shelves on a wall for them to play on, or an elevated cat
window seat where they can take a nap or watch the outside
world. Pet doors allow your dog or cat to easily take their playtime outside.
4. Since feeding your dog or cat is a daily chore, why not
install a built-in feeding area to make it easier? Options include
6. Your flooring choices will also make a big difference in
ease of cleaning up after your pet. It can be very difficult to
clean pet hair or other pet stains from carpet. Hardwood or
laminate with hard coating will prevent claw scratches, and
tightly sealed seams can help prevent leakage if your pet has an
accident. Tiled areas will help keep your pets cool in the summer, and radiant heated floors will keep them (and you) warm
in the winter.
7. Finally, like humans, our pets need some extra help when
they get older and can benefit from planned aging-in-place designs that can make a big difference in their quality of life.
Ramps to their favorite sleeping spots will help elderly dogs
and cats reach them easily. Long, low-riser staircases make
walking up stairs a little easier for everyone, as does good
lighting in stairwells for those with poorer vision.
Your pet–friendly options range from simple adjustments to
major creative projects.
With so many possibilities, there is truly something available for every
pet and every pet owner.
Pyne Studios, Inc.
Debi & Mike Pyne
6448 Elmdale Road
Alexandria, VA 22312
January 2015
Calendar Of Events
All reservations and entrée selection for luncheons can be made by emailing: info@annandalechamber.com. Luncheons are generally $20.00/members and $25.00/non members.
RESERVATIONS & MENU SELECTIONS ARE APPRECIATED THREE DAYS IN ADVANCE. If Fairfax County Schools are closed due to inclement weather, all Chamber
activities will be cancelled. For more details & menu selections see the Chamber’s website calendar at www.annandalechamber.com.
Thurs. January 8
Juke Box Diner
NOON-1:30 PM
business owner, author, entrepreneur, syndicated iHeart
Radio and Money for Lunch personality, and real estate
investor & educator, will address how to manage your
work and life, how to make opportunities into habits, and
the snowball strategy for business clients Chris will reference insightful information from his upcoming book, The
Whiteboard: Rethinking your business, Life and Productivity", which promises to be a great read to start the New
Year off right.
Thurs. Feb. 13
Juke Box Diner
NOON-1:30 PM
NEW TAX LAWS: George Kresslein, a whimsical &
lighthearted CPA, author of TAX TALK, & brilliant
speaker has been asked back as a Valentine’s Day
treat. There are new tax laws that will affect your re
turn...just in time for this year’s filing. Do you know how
you can break even or save money by using the VA charitable contributions credit? Let George make discussing tax
issues fun.
Thurs. March 13
Juke Box Diner
NOON-1:30 PM
THE 26 HOUR DAY: Terry Monaghan, author, speak-
er, coach, consultant and founder of Time Triage™
will teach you how to take control of your business
life by improving your day to day performance leaving you more productive and in control. Don’t simply
create TO DO LISTS, schedule time for ACTION.
The MOST Effective Website
Advertising in Annandale
Looking to attract local customers?
Place an AD on this site for the best niche marketing in the region.
Discounted rates available for Chamber Members.
Photographs & images in this publication are not available for use by other publications, websites, blogs or social media sites.

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