The Vicar`s Corner - St. Cyprian Catholic Church


The Vicar`s Corner - St. Cyprian Catholic Church
Downriver Vicariate
Archdiocese of Detroit
Sharing Christ In and Through the Church
The Vicar’s Corner
by Fr. William Promesso
The results finally arrived! After months of
the nomination and election process that
takes place among all the priests serving in
the Archdiocese of Detroit, I am happy to
announce a new Vicar! Fr. Ed Zaorski
received the most votes from throughout the
archdiocese to sit on the Presbyteral
Council. He will also serve as Downriver
Vicar. Fr. Ed is the pastor of St. Mary
Magdalen Parish in Melvindale and Ss.
Andrew & Benedict Parish in Detroit. I will
be working with Fr. Ed to ensure a smooth
transition for the monthly newsletter, clergy
and vicariate council meetings, finances,
grant requests and other items. Thanks for
your support while I served as vicar and I
hope you will be as kind and cooperative
with Fr. Ed’s leadership.
Council of Catholic
All ladies and friends of the parishes are
invited to the CCW Downriver-Southland
area quarterly meeting on Tuesday, August
2 at 12 noon at St. Francis Cabrini parish at
9000 Laurence Avenue, Allen Park.
Guest speaker will be Marian Sidor, a
Sacred Heart, Grosse Ile, parishioner. See a
Job's Tears plant and hear how it's grains
are used to make rosaries.
August 2016 News
Our Lady of the Angels
6442 Pelham, Taylor 48180  Office: 313-381-3000
Fr. Dariusz, pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Parish in Taylor,
would like to invite you to join us on our pilgrimage to the Holy
Land fr om Apr il 26, 2017 to May 4, 2017 with an optional 4Night Jordan Post Tour Extension. Enjoy a 4-night stay in the
holy city of Jerusalem. Visit the Church of All Nations built over
the rock on which Our Lord prayed before He was crucified.
Celebrate daily Mass at several significant religious sites. Visit the
ancient cities of Nazareth & Bethlehem. Follow the Via Dolorosa,
walked by Our Lord on the way to His crucifixion. Stop at the
Garden of Gethsemane, the site of Christ’s betrayal by Judas. The
highlights of this pilgrimage are: Jaffa, Caesarea, Nazareth, Cana,
Tiberius, Sea of Galilee, Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum,
Transfiguration Church, Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity,
Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Church of the Holy Sepulchre,
Western Wall, Via Dolorosa, and Celebrate Mass Daily. Just
think how you will be spiritually enriched by going to the places
where Our Lord use to walk, preach, perform miracles, died and
was risen. What a great spiritual experience! Once in a lifetime!
A special travel presentation will take place on Monday, October
17, 2016 at 6pm at Our Lady of the Angels, 6442 Pelham Rd,
Taylor. For more information, or for an electronic brochure of this
pilgrimage, please contact our parish office at 313.381.3000 or email us at
Our Lady of the Scapular
976 Pope John Paul II Ave, Wyandotte 48192
Office: 734-284-9135 web:
10 Ways to be a Great Evangelist: Pr oviding an Avenue to
Share your Faith, Saturday, August 13, 9-10:30am in the parish
The day will begin with 8am Holy Mass. Brunch
included. Also, you are invited to evangelize at Bishop Park at
10:30am, immediately following this free workshop. To reserve a
seat contact Debbie Bloomfield by Wednesday, August 10th at
734-934-2599 or Our presenter,
Anne Harman, is a Regional Missionary with Saint Paul Street
Evangelization, see website: for more
Parish Polish Festival August 26-28: Polish Music;
Polish Food; Family Style Dinners and much more!
Polka Mass on Sunday at 12pm with Duane
Malinowski. Grand Raffle: 1st Prize $15,000.00 and
$4,500 in additional prizes. $1 raffle tickets available
now at the Parish Office.
August 15, The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Polish
Blessing of Flowers & Herbs at 6:30am, 12noon and 7pm.
August 22, Sung Tridentine Latin Mass at 7pm.
September 12, Shipshewana/Middlebury Indiana Overnight Bus
Trip all inclusive bus tr anspor tation, Essenhaus Inn, 2
continental breakfast and family style meal at the Essenhaus
Restaurant. $185.00/double occupancy, payment is due by
August 12. For reservations please call the parish office at 734284-9135.
Sacred Heart
21599 Parke Lane, Grosse Ile 48183  Office: 734-676-1378
Weekday Mass times: Monday 7pm, Tuesday & Wednesday
8:30am at St. Anne Chapel, Thursday Scripture Service
8:30am at St. Anne Chapel.
Eucharist Adoration — Please join us on the 1st, 2nd
and 4th Tuesdays in the Church from 4:00 p.m. – 8:00
p.m., First Friday after the Noon Mass, and the 3rd Tuesday with
Mass at 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel with Adoration until 4:00 p.m.
Contact the Parish Office to sign up, 676-1378.
Religious Formation Classes — Registration begins on Monday,
July 11th at the Parish Office. Grades Pre-8th. Classes offered on
Sunday and Monday. Catechists needed! For more information,
Camp D.A.S.H. (Disciples At Sacr ed Hear t) — Tuesday,
August 10th & 24th 10am–Noon, ages Pre – 6th grade. Join us
for fun, faith, activities, snacks and fellowship. Free, just show
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser! Save the Date! - Saturday,
September 10th in the Parish Hall.
St. Alfred
24175 Baske St. Taylor, MI 48180  Office: 313-291-6464
Fall Festival September 9-11 — Bands: The Reflections; Steve
King & The Dittlies; 50 AMP Fuse.
Church picnic August 14 at Papp Par k
70th Anniversary — check out Mass
celebration, parish pictorial book, logo
merchandise, celebration
much more. For more information call 313
St. André Bessette
4250 W. Jefferson Ave, Ecorse 48229 Office: 313-383-8514
St. André Bessette 5th Annual Festival September 9-11 —
Games, rides, food, prizes, face painting, beer/wine, dinners,
music, Mariachi Mass, Polka Mass, Kielbasa Kings, 50 Amp
Fuse, Square Pegz, Grupo Vicio, Nandez Band and Dj Sal!
St. Constance
21555 Kinyon, Taylor 48180  Office: 313-291-4050
Weekday Masses ar e Tuesday at 6:30pm and Wednesday at
Monday Night Rosary Group meets at 7pm.
Alcoholics Anonymous “Monday Night Miracles” meets at
First Friday Mass is ever y month at 6:30pm.
Light of Christ Prayer Group meets Wednesdays at 8pm.
Narcotics Anonymous meets Wednesdays at 8:30pm.
St. Cyprian
13249 Pennsylvania Rd, Riverview 48193
Office: 734-283-1366  web:
What are you doing this summer? Are you interested in knitting,
crocheting, or sewing? Why don’t you join us? We make all
kinds of things for those in need here and around the world! The
St Cyprian Crafters will continue to meet during the summer on
Wednesdays from 10:15am to noon in the social hall. The group
is open to all. You do not need to be a parishioner or Catholic. We
will also be offering lessons to teach others to knit, crochet, and
sew, with private lessons at 9am (by scheduled appointment).
Students of all ages are welcome. Last summer a few children
participated and we hope to see more this year. If you would like
more information, please call the parish office, or join us on any
St. Frances Cabrini
9000 Laurence, Allen Park 48101  Office 313-381-5601
Holy Doors, Historic Churches, ArtPrize - The Tuesday
Travelers group is taking reservations for two upcoming trips.
Aug. 23, 9:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.: Pilgrimage to the Holy Doors - A
personal journey through eight Holy Door Stations inside and
outside the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Detroit,
offered during this Jubilee Year of Mercy in union with basilicas
in Rome and cathedrals throughout the world. In addition, visits
and guided tours of Old St. Mary’s and Sweetest Heart of Mary,
both beautifully designed Detroit churches that are the early parish
communities of German and Polish immigrants. Lunch at
Fishbone’s Rhythm Kitchen Café. Cost: $70 (includes lunch).
Sept. 27: 7:15 a.m. to 9:45 p.m.: ArtPrize in Grand Rapids –
you’ve heard about it; now be part of the experience! The art of
more than 1,500 global artists is displayed everywhere within a
three-mile radius of city’s center, and we mean everywhere –
street corners, restaurants, museums, banks, churches and the
bridges over the Grand River. Start at Founders Brewery, a
sponsor and ArtPrize venue, touring the taproom and unique
production facility of craft beers that are wildly popular across
Michigan and the United States. Lunch at the historic Women’s
City Club, and time to view ArtPrize entries at this unique venue.
The afternoon to explore art on display throughout the downtown
area. Cost: $87 (includes coffee and muffins before departure,
lunch, and Founders tour and souvenir glass). Dinner on own
during return home. Registration deadline for ArtPrize trip is
Aug. 25.
Both trips leave from the church parking lot. To reserve a spot for
either day trip, stop by or call the parish office, 313-381-5601.
Living Every Day With Passion & Purpose with Matthew
Kelly and special musical guest Eliot Morris. Friday, October 7,
2016, 7pm–10:45pm at St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church. Are
you thriving or just surviving? Are you ready for more energy?
A deeper sense of purpose? More joy? A clearer understanding
of God’s plan for your life? Join us for one of our Passion &
Purpose events. It has been a life-changing event for tens of
thousands of people. Living Every Day with Passion & Purpose is
presented by internationally acclaimed speaker and author
Matthew Kelly and the incredibly talented Eliot Morris. Tickets
can be purchased at various parishes in the Downriver Vicariate,
at St. Frances Cabrini, and at
AllenPark or call 859.980.7900. Ticket price is 39.00 and
includes all retreat materials.
St. Joseph
2565 Third St, Trenton 48183  Office 734-676-9082
St. Joseph Parish will have
it’s Annual Nest Egg Raffle
20 cash prizes
totaling $20,000.00 will be
awarded to the lucky
winners! Buy your ticket
early! It’s a win-win
situation for everybody! We
start selling tickets the weekend of August 13th, & 14th after all
Masses. Don’t forget, you can’t win without a ticket only 500
tickets available. Tickets are $100 each and also be available at
the parish office at 2565 Third St. Trenton.
Medical studies have shown that certain activities are highly
beneficial to your health. Exercise, being in nature, socializing,
prayer — Know where can you get all of these health benefits in
the same place at the same time? Come to join our weekly parish
walking group called Walk His Way wher e we star t and end
with a brief prayer, get to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation in
our wonderful Elizabeth Park, keep in shape by walking around
the park, or sitting by the water, or walking your dog, and meet
and talk to many Catholic parishioners from Churches around the
Vicariate. We gather every Wednesday evening at 7pm in front of
the Chateau building on the riverside. The walking, or relaxing, or
socializing last for one hour and then we pray together before
heading home. If you have not joined us this year please come by
and enjoy this perfectly pleasant method of improving your health
and growing spiritually.
St. Mary Magdalen
19624 Wood St, Melvindale 48122  Office 313-381-8566
St. Mary Magdalen as part of their 90th
Anniversary celebration is looking for
former students, teachers, priests for an all
class reunion and anniversary celebration to
be held on 9/17 and 10/15. If you know of
someone, please have them call Gerri
Ferraiuolo at 313-574-3259 or the rectory at
313-381-8566. You may also reach Gerri via
email at
St. Timothy
2901 Manning Dr, Trenton 48183  Office 734-676-5115
It's time to clean house! In conjunction with the Trenton citywide
garage sale and bake sale, St. Timothy's Social Hall will be filled
with toys, children's clothes, tools, household or electronic items,
sporting goods etc, along with yummy baked goods, for sale from
8am to 3pm, Saturday only, August 13. Sponsored by the
Christian Women's Association, proceeds will help pay for church
linens and a new vestment for our pastor.
For golfers and onlookers, St. Timothy Classic
Golf Outing will be August 14 at Riverview
Highlands Golf Course. Dinner follows at the
Sportsman's Den next to the golf course.
Monies generated will benefit the Trenton/St.
Philip Lutheran Food Pantry. Volunteers and
spectators welcome! Tom Lowler has more
at 734-692-0291.
The Trenton Food Pantry housed at St. Timothy more than 40
years is moving to St. Philip Lutheran Church, 1794 Ford St.,
Trenton, between King Rd. and Harrison. Last day of service at
St. Timothy will be 9:30-11:30am Thursday, July 28. Hours of
operation at St. Philip will be 11am-2pm on Wednesdays.
Nonperishable food still can be brought to St. Timothy.
Please join us for Mass on August 15, Feast of the Assumption of
Mary into Heaven, Body and Soul. Mass times ar e 8:30am,
Noon, and 4pm.
St. Vincent Pallotti
334 Elm St., Wyandotte 48192  Office 734-285-9840
Circle of Peace meeting August 1— Join us at 6:30pm in the St.
Joseph Church Hall, Wyandotte, to talk about diversity within our
faiths and how we can create a plan to live in peace.
All Saints Soup Kitchen, August 17 — Join us as
we take a trip to Detroit's All Saints Soup Kitchen
to set up the food and help serve the homeless.
Meet at St. Joseph Church, Wyandotte, parking lot
at 8:15 a.m. to depart by 8:30 a.m. Plan on
returning by 12:30 or so. Great opportunity for the
youth to help with this ministry.
Save the Date
Sign Up for Mercy
in Action Service
Saturday, October 1, 2016
In this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis
encourages us to serve people who
need help. We are the hands, feet, and
heart needed to lift burdens from
Southeast Michigan (CCSEM) is
collaborating with parishes, schools,
and others to coordinate a regional Day
of Service on October 1 to help those in
need through local service projects like
helping those in need with chores and
tidying up around the house, stocking
neighborhood parks, and other efforts.
Learn more about service projects in
your area and register to help! Get
involved by calling Joyce Hyttinen at
Protecting God’s Children Workshop
Saturday, September 17, 2016
9:00 AM to Noon
St. Pius X Social Hall
If you are a school parent, parish member, coach, volunteer, catechist or teacher that needs to complete
this workshop before volunteering/working in a school or parish please see the Archdiocese of Detroit
website ( under Protecting God’s Children Safe Environments Virtus Workshop and register
online for St. Pius or or
Any questions please call St. Pius Faith Formation Department 734-284-6562.
You must Pre-register online to attend. Space is limited!
Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge
All boys and girls ages 9-14 are invited to participate in the local
level of competition for the 2016 Knights of Columbus Soccer
Challenge. The local Competition will be held August 6 from 9am
-12pm, at Riverview Gabriel Richard High School. The school is
located at 15325 Pennsylvania Rd, Riverview, MI. 48193. The K
of C Soccer Challenge is a competition to demonstrate one basic
soccer skill9the Penalty Kick. Each Player will be allowed 15
shots at the goal from the penalty line 12 yards from the goal).
Points will be awarded depending upon the area of the scoring
zones through which the ball passes. Winners progress thru local,
district, and state. All boys and girls 9-14 years old are eligible to
participate and will compete in their respective age divisions.
Participants are required to furnish copies of proof of age and
written parental consent. For entry forms or additional
information contact Charlie Zammit, K of C Trenton Council
#3615, 734-795-6204,
The Knights of Columbus is an International Catholic family
fraternal service organization with 1.8 million members. Last
year , Knights donated 70 million volunteer hours and $170
million to charitable and benevolent causes, sponsoring projects to
benefit their Church, communities, councils, Culture of Life,
families and youth.
St. Patrick High School Alumni
Golf Scramble
Save the Date!! September 12, 2016 and remember We will be
friends until we are old and senile …then, we will be New
Friends! St. Patrick's High School Alumni and Friends 2016
Luncheon & Golf Scramble at Lakes of Taylor Clubhouse & Golf
Course Taylor, Michigan Golfers: $85 price includes golf, cart,
and lunch. Lunch Only: $30.00 by check in advance or cash if
paid at the door. Lunches include 1 adult beverage. This event is
planned and organized by the Class of 1965 and its chairman,
Dick Zanglin along with Tom George, Tom Brohl, Dean
Affholter, Alice Ugljesa, Kathleen Lorey, Kathy Angell '62 and
Craig Squire. Contributing committee persons are: Mike Ososkie
'59, Jim Zanglin '59, Jim Wagner '63, Joe George '63 and Dan
Valascho'63, Bob Valascho '64 and Rick Dawson '58. Contact
information: Dick Zanglin: ofc 440-967-4497
cell 440-823-4204.
Mary Reparatrix Retreat House
17380 Grange Rd., Riverview, MI 48193
734-324-0901 ▪
Persons of Faith; Lives of Vision and Invitation
John O’Donohue
THURSDAY, AUGUST 11 Frank Sheed & Maisie Ward
10 – 11:30 a.m.
Free Will Donation
Register by Monday of each week for Thursday session, or for
all 3 sessions @ 734-324-0901
In all ages and circumstances, God has blessed individuals with
deep faith and vision, within the context of their own life’s
journey. By exploring the writing, speaking, and particularly the
lived experiences of these contemporary mystics, we will
discover together God’s invitations to us.
Facilitated by Denise LaPorte, Mary Therese Lemanek, and
Sr. Margaret Hoey
A New Monroe
Educational Series
~ Hosted By ~
Stewart Road Church of God
1199 Stewart Road, Monroe
(East of Telegraph Rd)
2nd Saturday of the month – 9 to 11:30 am
(*except November)
Open to the Community
Booklets for each Topic
No Charge
Same Location Each Month
August 13 Understanding
Alzheimer’s and When
Hospice Can Help
 September 10 Finding the
ME in Dementia
 October 8 The Dementia
Care Toolbox
 *November 5 A Caregiver’s
Travel Guide: The
Alzheimer’s Journey
 January 14 Caregiver
 February 11 What If YOU
Could Outsmart
 March 11 Pain
Management: End-Stage
Carol Waarala,
Certified Specialist in Aging and
Dementia Care
or 734-679-3000
Downriver Vicariate Parishes
Weekend Mass Times
Christ the Good Shepherd, Lincoln Park  313-928-1324 ...................................................................... Saturday 4pm; Sunday 9 & 11am
Our Lady of the Angels, Taylor  313-381-3000 .................................................................. Saturday 4pm; Sunday 8 & 10am & 12 noon
Our Lady of the Scapular, Wyandotte  734-284-9135.......................................... Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 8 & 10am (Polish), 12 noon
Our Lady of the Woods, Woodhaven  734-671-5101 ........................................................................... Saturday 4pm; Sunday 9 & 11am
Sacred Heart, Grosse Ile  734-676-1378 ......................................................................................... Saturday 5 pm; Sunday 8:30 & 11am
St. Alfred, Taylor  313-291-6464 ..................................................................... Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 9 & 11am, 12:30pm (Spanish)
St. André Bessette, Ecorse  313-383-8514 .......................................... Saturday 4:00pm; Sunday 9:30 & 11:30am (Bi-Lingual/Spanish)
Ss. Andrew & Benedict, Detroit  313-381-1184 ..............................................................................................................Sunday 11:30am
St. Constance, Taylor  313-291-4050 ..................................................................................... Saturday 6:30pm; Sunday 9:30 & 11:30am
St. Cyprian, Riverview  734-283-1366 .................................................................................................. Saturday 5pm; Sunday 9 & 11am
St. Frances Cabrini, Allen Park  313-381-5601 .......................................................... Saturday 5pm; Sunday 8 & 10am, 12 noon & 7pm
St. Joseph, Trenton  734-676-9082 ................................................................................. Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 8 & 10am & 12 noon
St. Mary Magdalen, Melvindale  313-381-8566 ..................................................................................... Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 10am
St. Pius X, Southgate  734-285-1100 ...................................................................................... Saturday 4pm; Sunday 8, 9:30 & 11:30am
St. Roch, Flat Rock  734-782-4471 .................................................................................................. Saturday 4pm; Sunday 9 & 11:30am
St. Timothy, Trenton  734-676-5115 ..................................................................................................... Saturday 4pm; Sunday 9 & 11am
St. Vincent Pallotti, Wyandotte  734-285-9840
334 Elm St., Wyandotte (St. Joseph Church) ................................................................................ Saturday 4pm; Sunday 8 & 11:30am
135 Superior Blvd, Wyandotte (St. Patrick Church) ......................................................................... Saturday 5:30pm; Sunday 9:30am
Deadline for September 2016 Issue: Monday, August 15 by 12pm; send to