February 10 Newsletter


February 10 Newsletter
February 2010
Mr. Ningen-School Superintendent
A Q u ilt in M o re W a ys T h a n O n e
M r . N i ng en , S up t.
S o m e f ol ks m a y ca l l t he en d o f J a nu ar y a nd t he
be gi nn in g of F e bru a ry c ol d; o r w in dy; or l ong
a nd d re ar y, bu t a c tu al l y th is t i m e of ye ar c ou ld
be a t im e of a nt ic i pa ti on i ns t ea d o f tre pi da t io n; a
t im e o f w ar m th i ns t ea d of c ol d; a nd a ti m e of
t rea s ur e in ste a d of a t im e o f em p ti ne ss . P erh ap s
i ns t ea d o f f ee li n g t ha t th in gs a re un ra ve li ng
(e s pe ci a ll y i n th is w i nd ), w e co ul d fe el th at
t hi ngs a re c om i ng to ge th er.
W e ar e a l l “ ou t i n t he co ld ”, at t im e s , bu t w e a ll
c an be ne fi t f rom w ar m th .
S o , w in d a nd c ol d a sid e, l e t’s b eg in t o a nt ic ip at e
a ll th at a w a it s us a s e ac h da y be gi ns to gro w
l ong er, an d e ve ryt hi ng a ro un d us be gi ns t o s ho w
s i gns of gro w th a nd e ne rg y. B ef ore w e kno w i t ,
na t ure w i ll b e s h if ti ng in to hi gh ge ar , p rop el li ng
us i nt o s pr in g. T he re is a pl an o r a p at t ern to
e ve ryt hi ng .
W i th a go od boo k an d a w arm qui l t, th e co ld es t
ni gh ts c an be fi ll ed w i th w ond er an d w i th
l ea rni ng . H el pi ng p are nt s to p re pa re di nn er , a nd
t he n he lpi ng a ga i n to c le a n-u p af te rw a rd s w i l l be
a g re at w a y t o w a rm up f or a s t or y o r for
ho m ew ork . T h e ac t o f he lp in g w it h w or k at
ho m e w arm s you r ow n he a rt j us t a s it do es your
pa re nt s ’.
B oo ks m a y be a t re asu re , b ut s o i s t im e w it h
y our fa m il y an d f rie nd s. F o r t hi s t im e t o b e o f
t he g re at es t v al ue , r em e m be r t o do on ly on e
t hi ng a t a ti m e. If you a re e a ti ng, ju st ea t (d on’ t
r ea d or w at c h t v); i f you a re re ad in g, t he n ju s t
r ea d; (d on’ t s n ac k o r t ry t o ta lk on th e p hon e) ;
a nd
yo u
a re
vi si ti ng
w it h
p ar en ts ,
g ra ndp ar en ts , an d esp ec i al l y fri e nds , ju st vi s it ;
g iv e th em you r f ul l a t te nt io n. (do n’t b e th in kin g
o f w ha t you n ee d to do , o r w ha t you m i ght r at he r
b e d oi ng ) W he n i t c om e s t o he lp in g ot he rs , sa v e
m u lt i -ta s ki ng onl y f or em e rg en ci es .
I f w e t ak e t i m e t o e nj oy a boo k, o r e ve n a sh ow
o n te le vi sio n, it w i ll a dd s om e c ol or to ou r l if e. If
w e h el p o ur p are nt s , ou r t ea ch er s, or a n yon e i n
o ur H e m i ngf ord C om m u ni ty, i t w i l l str en gt he n
u s . If w e t ak e th e ti m e t o li ste n t o an ot he r p er so n
t ha t n ee ds to sh ar e th ei r s t ory, w e w il l fo rm a
b on d.
W h at ev er w e be co m e, ho w e ve r fa r w e go, our
l iv es a re m a de up of m an y b it s an d p ie c es th at
w ove n to ge th er, fo rm a fa bri c. T hro ugh ou r
e ffo rts at ho m e an d i n s c h ool , i n c l as s a nd on th e
fi e ld , w e w a nt t o b ec om e t he ve ry be st, th e m o s t
u ni que , a nd t he lo ng est la st in g fa br ic t ha t w e
ca n. S t ay w a rm … ..
We are into the third quarter of school, it just doesn’t seem possible. It
seems like yesterday that I was welcoming the students back for the
beginning of the school year. Progress reports will be coming home again
very soon. It has been an excellent school year so far. I’m very proud of
both students and teachers for all of their hard work and dedication. Our
goal is to help each student reach and pass their potential. This can achieved when teachers, students, and
parents work together as one.
1. Make stories come alive for your child when you read. Be animated and use different voices.
2. Be patient – let your child read aloud at his or her own pace. Offer help only when needed.
3. Discuss what you read together. Ask questions, and listen attentively to your child’s answers.
4. Continue reading together even after your child learns to read.
5. Take along your child’s favorite books wherever you go.
Grades 4, 8, and 11 will participate in the state writing. This takes place on Wednesday, February 3rd
and Thursday, February 4th. It will be extremely important that you mark these days on the calendar.
Please help us by making sure that your child is in attendance.
Feb.4th Progress reports sent home
Feb. 12th – 1:00 p.m. Dismissal for all students
Feb. 15th – NO SCHOOL
March 29th --1:00 p.m. Dismissal for all students
We will be contacting parents who have children that will turn 5 years of age before
the October 15th deadline. If you are new to the district and have a child who will
meet the age requirement, please contact us at 487-3330.We will be having a
meeting in April. Items you will need to bring to that meeting are the original or
copies of the following: Birth Certificate, Immunization Records, and Social
Security Number.
Please remember to visit our school website for the latest happenings. The address is:
Together we can make a difference  Call us with any questions at 487-3330.
Thayer’s Thoughts
Your support in requiring your son or daughter to attend SST is very beneficial. If
they are on the warning week of eligibility, attending SST and making progress will
keep them eligible for the following week. Everyone is welcome to stay and work on
homework; which helps students since activities are continuing in full swing. Activity
practices begin at 4:00 after SST. Please continue to ask your child about assignments, projects, grades and behavior. In the event of weather, please listen to the
radio for announcements. Also changes are made throughout the month on the
school website calendar. You have the most current calendar at the time of the mailing of the newsletter; however, we all know how events can be changed.
Cell Phones
As the school tries to control the use of cell phones during the school day by allowing student use before
school, lunch and after school; please be aware that when you leave a voice mail or text
child, it is natural for them pull their phone out and see who it is from. If you need to get
a message to your child, please call the school and we will gladly pass it on. Even with
the best intentions of texting your child during lunch, the service may not come in until
they are back in class. Please do not be the reason, your son or daughter has their phone
confiscated. If you absolutely think that a phone is necessary, we can hold them in the
office during the school day. We do have a few students that do this. Thank you for cooperating with the school on this.
Progress Reports
Believe it or not the 3rd quarter will shortly be mid-way over. Progress reports are schedule to be mailed out
on February 4th. In between time, PowerSchool Parent Portal is available for use to check the status of
School Wide Events – State-Wide Writing
A system-wide event is the Statewide Writing Day. The date is set for February
3rd and 4th. Please mark your calendar—we need all students present at that
time. The first day is set for students to do pre-writing. Students will have 40
minutes to develop ideas with a specific prompt. The second day is used to finalize writing. Again students will have 40 minutes. All grades will participate, however; grades 4, 8, 11 writing tests will be submitted to the state and will be
scored by an independent group while the other grades plus grades 4, 8, 11 will
be scored by the Hemingford faculty on the next assessment day in March. It is
great to compare how the state scoring against faculty scoring. Our students had
outstanding scores and were top in the Panhandle in last year’s writing. The goal is match last year’s success.
Honor Roll
The honor roll can be found in the newsletter includes grades 4-12 for the 2nd Quarter and 1st Semester. It
was published in the Ledger during the Christmas break. The Distinguished List will include the names of
those students who have earned all “A’s”. The Honor List will include the names of those students who
have all “A’s” and “B’s” and have earned an average of 90% and above.
Thayer’s Thoughts Cont.
Curriculum/Activity News
High Plains Honor Band at CSC--February 1 and 2
Selected students will participate at Chadron. This is a super opportunity for our students to work with other
musicians and share their talents.
 Dinner Theater—March 5th, 6th, and 7th
The cast has been selected for the 2010 presentation. About 35 students in grades 7-12 will be involved.
 Music—February 26th
Guest Brass Clinician coming to Class
 Junior High Spelling Bee—February 24th
Mr. Robinson and Mrs. Fingar will have students in Grades 7 and 8 compete in the Box Butte County Spelling
Bee. Five or Six students will be completing at the event.
 Vision Quest—February 25th
Mrs. Thompson will be taking some 9th and 10th grade students Chadron. The event has a career focus.
High Plains Honor Band & Choir
High Plains Honor Band & Choir will be at Chadron State College-February 1st and 2nd. Students selected will have the opportunity to work with other musicians and guest clinicians. Students selected are:
Luchia Sicari– Clarinet-Festival Band
Emily Sample– Clarinet-Festival Band & Women’s Choir
Hans Hansen– Trumpet– Festival Band
Richard Heule-Baritone– Festival Band
Bethany Wacker– Clarinet– Honor Band
Sha-Nae Orr– Mallets– Festival Band
Kotaya Rosentrator– Women’s Choir
Mindy Gibbons– Women’s Choir
Also selected for Women’s Choir– Taylor Michael
Elementary Honor Roll- 2009-2010 Quarter 2
Student Name
Bright, Abigail F
Frazee, Kortney J
Gasseling, Natalie M
Rohrbouck, Faith C
Horstman, Kelli M
Hanson, Devan C
Hinojosa, Brooke A
Horstman, Jacob D
Jespersen, Lee C
Klaes, Kelsey J
Laursen, Cody R
Manning, John P
Cullan, Carli A
Huddle, Austin A
Randolph, Mikayla B
Sutphen, Peyton J
Wobig, Austin C
Wood, Jameson W
Buchheit, Macee M
Connell, Dylan A
Davis, Madison M
Jespersen, Kage J
Manning, Anna M
Raben, Paul W
Ray, Ezra G
Stanley, Kati A
Wobig, Riley J
6 Distinguished List
5 Distinguished List
5 Distinguished List
5 Distinguished List
4 Distinguished List
6 Honors list
6 Honors list
6 Honors list
6 Honors list
6 Honors list
6 Honors list
6 Honors list
5 Honors list
5 Honors list
5 Honors list
5 Honors list
5 Honors list
5 Honors list
4 Honors list
4 Honors list
4 Honors list
4 Honors list
4 Honors list
4 Honors list
4 Honors list
4 Honors list
4 Honors list
Distinguished--all A's
Honors--all A's or B's @ least 90%
High School Honor Roll- 2009-2010 Quarter 2
Student Name
Mendiola, Ana K
Orr, Sawyer J
Wood, Baily J
Casey, Kaitlin C
Hansen, Hans C
Heitz, Kaitlyn A
Kaman, Rachel A
Mendiola, Sandra Y
Starman, Taylor J
Hannaford, Briley H
Callahan, Nickolas M
Ludlow, Amelia J
Fester, NaKaya L
Forgey, Taylor K
Golka, Kayla D
Hannaford, Brooke A
Hinojosa, Shaylea R
Mapes, Kaytlyn D
Minich, Ammie L
Orr, Elizabeth S
Reif, Tannis J
Smith, Shauna R
Campos, Jose A
Folkerts, Katrina E
Wacker, Bethany J
Wootton, Kayla
Carlson, Violette N
Sutphen, Morgan R
Christianson, Kayla A
Elder, Casandra B
Fernandes, Makenzy R
Forgey, Jayleen J
Horstman, Brady W
Hughart, Anna L
Huss, Samantha C
Jespersen, Kaitlyn S
Kumpf, Kyle T
Weber, Cash J
Wood, Kelsy J
Gibbons, Ana A
Hansen, Blake T
Kaman, Kyle N
Rohrbouck, Cali G
Fessler, Hannah L
Foster, Colt W
Grumbles, MaKayla A
Huss, Layne R
Nelson, Kaelia S
Rozmiarek, Christian E
Rozmiarek, Joseph M
Swanson, Hanna N
Wood, Matthew J
12 Distinguished List
12 Distinguished List
11 Distinguished List
10 Distinguished List
10 Distinguished List
10 Distinguished List
10 Distinguished List
10 Distinguished List
10 Distinguished List
9 Distinguished List
7 Distinguished List
7 Distinguished List
12 Honors list
12 Honors list
12 Honors list
12 Honors list
12 Honors list
12 Honors list
12 Honors list
12 Honors list
12 Honors list
12 Honors list
11 Honors list
11 Honors list
11 Honors list
11 Honors list
10 Honors list
10 Honors list
9 Honors list
9 Honors list
9 Honors list
9 Honors list
9 Honors list
9 Honors list
9 Honors list
9 Honors list
9 Honors list
9 Honors list
9 Honors list
8 Honors list
8 Honors list
8 Honors list
8 Honors list
7 Honors list
7 Honors list
7 Honors list
7 Honors list
7 Honors list
7 Honors list
7 Honors list
7 Honors list
7 Honors list
Elementary Honor Roll 2009-2010 Semester 1
High School Honor Roll 2009-2010 Semester 1
Benge, Trevor M
Honors list
Bergfield, Kaitlyn N
Honors list
Gibbons, Ana A
Honors list
Irish, Isabella L
Honors list
Kaman, Kyle N
Honors list
Phillips, Paige E
Honors list
Rohrbouck, Cali G
Honors list
Callahan, Nickolas M
Honors list
Carlson, Asa L
Honors list
Fessler, Hannah L
Honors list
Foster, Colt W
Honors list
Grumbles, MaKayla A
Honors list
Rozmiarek, Christian E
Honors list
Swanson, Hanna N
Honors list
Student Name
Fester, NaKaya L
Mapes, Kaytlyn D
Mendiola, Ana K
Orr, Sawyer J
Folkerts, Katrina E
Wood, Baily J
Wootton, Kayla
Casey, Kaitlin C
Hansen, Hans C
Heitz, Kaitlyn A
Kaman, Rachel A
Mendiola, Sandra Y
Fernandes, Makenzy R
Hannaford, Briley H
Horstman, Brady W
Huss, Samantha C
Wood, Kelsy J
Hansen, Blake T
Ludlow, Amelia J
Forgey, Taylor K
Golka, Kayla D
Hannaford, Brooke A
Hinojosa, Shaylea R
King, Tylor J
Minich, Ammie L
Orr, Elizabeth S
Reif, Tannis J
Smith, Shauna R
Campos, Jose A
Wacker, Bethany J
Adamson, Amber L
Aguallo, Kanela S
Carlson, Violette N
Starman, Taylor J
Sutphen, Morgan R
Adam, Delaney R
Boone, Kohl G
Carlson, Caralina J
Christianson, Kayla A
Connor, Whisper L
Elder, Casandra B
Forgey, Jayleen J
Hughart, Anna L
Jespersen, Kaitlyn S
Jesus, Antonio J
Kramer, Kristina R
Kumpf, Kyle T
Schekall, Nicole E
Wood, Matthew J
Honors list
Weber, Cash J
Student Name
Bright, Abigail F
Frazee, Kortney J
Gasseling, Natalie M
Wobig, Austin C
Horstman, Kelli M
Ansley, Taeller N
Hanson, Devan C
Hinojosa, Brooke A
Horstman, Jacob D
Jespersen, Lee C
Keegan, Taylor A
Klaes, Kelsey J
Laursen, Cody R
Cullan, Carli A
Hansen, Emily M
Huddle, Austin A
Randolph, Mikayla B
Rohrbouck, Faith C
Sutphen, Peyton J
Buchheit, Macee M
Connell, Dylan A
Davis, Madison M
Jespersen, Kage J
Manning, Anna M
Raben, Paul W
Ray, Ezra G
Stanley, Kati A
Swanson, Conner L
Vogel, Taylor L
Wobig, Riley J
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Distinguished--all A's
Honors--all A's or B's @ least 90%
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Distinguished List
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
Honors list
On Friday, February 12, Hemingford Elementary School will be participating in the
American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart. These events are held at schools
nationwide and not only help students learn about the benefits of regular physical activity
and heart health, but also raise funds to support vital heart and stroke research as well as
educational programs.
Each student will be bringing home a collection envelope with all the information about
participating. There is even an online fund-raising tool found at
www.americanheart.org/jump. Click the link “Students Register” and your child can
personalize his or her own Web page and include a message about why he or she is
participating in JRFH. Next send e-mails to friends and family to ask for support. They
can donate online by credit card and when you have completed raising money online, print
your child’s online donation report and include it inside the collection envelope. Refer to
the collection envelope for more detailed instructions on online fund raising.
Fund raising is strictly voluntary, and all K-6 students will be participating in the event on
February 12 from 9:30 – 10:00 AM. They will be jumping rope in the high school gym with
the 9th grade PE class helping to organize the event.
2010 Winter Olympics
February 12 – 28, 2010
Vancouver, Canada
The enormous appeal of the Winter Olympic
Games creates several teachable moments for
showing how science illuminates human activity.
Go to the following website for mini courses on Sports
Nutrition, Physics & Biomechanics, and Physiology &
Mrs. Giorgi
February Science Corner-Mrs. Giorgi
Scientific Slugger Webpage – see what makes a home run!
The Scientific Slugger imitates a ball being hit perfectly by a major league player.
In order to see what makes a home run, try adjusting the strength of your swing and the angle
at which the ball leaves bat. You can also vary the pitch speed to create more complex
combinations. Try changing one variable at a time, and notice what happens.
The distance a baseball travels depends on two primary factors: the angle at which the ball
leaves the bat, and how fast the ball is hit. The speed of the ball depends on both the speed of
the pitch and the speed of the bat. If the bat is standing still and the ball hits it, the ball will
bounce off the bat with most, but not all, of the pitch speed. (Some of the energy is wasted in
the friction of deforming the ball, making a sound, etc.) If the ball is standing still and is hit by
the bat, it's given a good portion of the bat's speed. Combine the two and you can see that a
pitched ball hitting a swinging bat gains a good portion of the sum of both the pitch and the bat
Gravity is always pulling downwards on the ball. If you hit the ball straight up, it spends quite a
bit of time in the air, but doesn't travel far from home plate. If you hit the ball horizontally, as in a
line drive, the ball moves away from home plate at maximum velocity, but quickly hits the
ground because of gravity -- still not very far from home plate. To maximize your hitting
distance, you need to have both a high horizontal velocity AND you need to keep the ball in the
air for a longer time. You can do this by hitting the ball at an upward angle.
If there were no air resistance (that is, if a ball didn't have to make its way through the air on its
way out of the park), the ball would travel nearly twice as far. Air resistance depends on
humidity, temperature, and altitude: To make a ball go farther, you want high humidity, high
temperature, and high altitude. The Scientific Slugger is set for constant air resistance based on
zero humidity, at 56 degrees Fahrenheit, all played at sea level.
Science of Baseball Website: http://exploratorium.edu/baseball/
Science Corner-Mrs. Osmotherly
Trashing Trash
Before Christmas break the 4th grade students were learning about the effects trash has on our environment. We learned that the average American produces around 4 pounds of trash a day. Then we figured
how much our class produces alone and came up 108 pounds a day and 756 pounds in a week. With these
figures and knowing how many people there are in the world it really hit home on what we can do to help
eliminate so much trash.
Some of the ways people today dispose of trash are
through dumps, incineration, and landfills. Our class discussed
how dumps are ugly, smelly and harmful to the environment. We
also talked about how burning trash can reduce the materials
and even produce electricity, but it also produces harmful chemicals that get into our air in the form of smoke. We ended our unit
by creating mini landfills to show how trash in a landfill takes a
long time to decompose because everything is packed in so tight.
To help reduce trash and protect our environment, we all
need to reduce, reuse and recycle. We can reduce the amount of
trash by buying products that use less packaging. Wrappings of
products constitutes about one third of the trash in landfills today, so if we look at what kind of products we are buying we can decrease that amount. Along with this we
can recycle. There are recycling plants all around us. Recycling products such as paper, plastics and metals
help save our natural resources around us. So look at your packages or containers of items and help our environment by recycling them.
The Hemingford Cheerleaders will be showcasing a routine at a cheer and dance showcase in Scottsbluff on February 17th. Any bobcat parents or fans are invited to come cheer us on!
Did You Know?
Did you know that the transfer date for 2010-2011 will be March 15,
2010? Enrollment Option transfers, transfers from public-to-private,
private-to-public, private-to-private, intra-district , and transfers from
out-of-state must be completed by March 15 (for fall enrollment) and
entered on a new electronic entry page on the NSAA web page. Such
students meeting the March 15 deadline and whose information is
submitted electronically to NSAA by March 15, 2010 can be eligible in
the new school in the fall. Failure to meet this March 15 deadline will
result in a 90 school days ineligibility period for the transfer student.
Students who submit transfer paperwork on or before March 15, 2010,
and who later decide not to transfer, will be ineligible for 90 school
days in the school where they have been attending. Please make students aware of this rule change.
PE/Strength-Mr. Hiemstra
PE/Strength & Conditioning
Hello to all the Bobcat fans out there. We are well under way in the second
semester and the PE and strength and conditioning classes are progressing well. We are presently
utilizing implement training, alternative training, and complex training along with our regular
weight lifting. The kids have really embraced some of our new ideas to help improve athletic
Our 7th, 8 th, grade PE students as well as our freshmen also are getting an opportunity to
experience some new training techniques as we are integrating our program with the younger
students. I look forward to having an opportunity to discuss our program with parents in our
upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences in March.
Coach Hiemstra
PE/Strength & Conditioning
Jessica VanCoppenolle received a silver medal for her Family Challenges and Issues talk on Rape and Shaylea Hinojosa received a silver medal for her Life Planning Event on planning dorm life. Shaylea advances on to state in April. Cassie
Elder will also be running for district officer at state.
KISSOGRAMS: Kissograms will go on sale, starting the end of January and are due
back February 9th. These will be delivered on February 12th. To get your kissograms,
contact any FCCLA officer.
BIG BROTHER/SISTER: February 10th at 2:30. We will be decorating Valentine ’s Day boxes.
Dinner Theatre
Save the date for the Dinner Theater!
March 5th, 6th & 7th
Come see two great shows:
The shows are cast staring Hemingford’s finest! Rehearsals will begin this week. We are very
excited to get these productions up and running; they promise to provide a night of wonderful
entertainment for all ages!
Tickets will go on sale February 15th at the Hemingford Community Federal Credit Union.
We hope that you are able to join us!
Parents and Friends of the Drama Department – We need your help!! We will be having a
meeting on Thursday, February 18th at 6 pm at the Multipurpose Hall to discuss plans for the
dinner theater. If you are unable to attend but would like to help please let me know via email
tbryner@panesu.com or call me at 308-760-1120.
This year we are using an electronic schedule. If you would like to join the dinner theater
calendar please email me. Included is a hard copy of the tentative rehearsal schedule for both
Thank you for supporting the student’s involvement in the arts!
We hope to inspire them to be creative problem solvers on and off the stage!
Tabi Bryner & Irene Prochazka
– It’s FAFSA Time! If you’re a college-bound senior, it’s time to get
O Seniors
serious about the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Make sure
read your Education Quest Handout. It gives you step by step instructions on
R you
how the complete the FAFSA.
N Juniors – If you are thinking about going to college after you graduate, this is the
E time for you to take the ACT.
R The next registration date for the ACT is March 5. The test date is April 10.
If students are planning to take the ACT test in April, they need to watch for the
registration signup form that is on my door for the ACT prep class.
9 – 11 graders will soon start filling out the registration sheet for classes next
year. You need to be thinking about the classes you will need to fit into your
I will be working with the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders during the month of
February. We will be fine tuning our social skills.
The mind is a bit like a garden. If it isn’t fed and cultivated, weeds will take
it over. Erwin G. Hall
Page 1
February 2010
EMPOWERING individuals to become
AND RESPOSIBLE… partners in
Casper Ningen, Superintendent
Mrs. Peggy Thayer, High School
Mr. Ron Foster, Elementary Principal
Mrs. Mandy Plog, Special Education
PO Box 217
911 Niobrara Avenue
Hemingford NE 69348
Phone: 308-487-3328 High School
Phone: 308-487-3330 Elementary
Phone: 308-487-Distance Learning
Fax: 308-487-5215
In an effort to maintain all possible communication links, Hemingford
Public Schools will offer numerous ways for parents, students, community members and all other interested citizens to stay abreast of happenings at the schools. Some ways to communicate are: Hemingford
Public Schools Website
Hemingford Ledger - Important information is posted in the Briefs.
Sports info and other needed school info can be found here as well.
Monthly newsletter - Mailed to every patron in the district each month.
Also can be found on the webpage.
Notices sent home with students
Information sent home with reports
Phone calls to students’ homes
when necessary.
PowerSchool for attendance, grades
and other notes to students and parents found on the Hemingford
Schools webpage.
t our
Check ou
Hemingford Public School District #10 will
not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, or marital status in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its
programs and activities
Web-Email Lunch Account System
Access your current account information
online-at www.hemingford schools.org
and click the button on the right labeled
“What’s for Lunch”.
The Superintendent of schools is authorized by
the Board of Education to close public schools in
case of severe weather. The Superintendent’s
will notify local news media when inclement
weather warrants such action. The information
is broadcast regularly by radio stations, (KCOW AM
1400, KQ 106 & 97.5 FM, KMOR 92.9 FM), our web site
(www.hemingfordschools.org), and Mobius web site
(www.bbc.net ).
If you have not been contacted by “School
Messenger” our web based calling system to alert
parents of school cancellations, late starts or any
other events, please contact the school. You
may have changed phone numbers, or
disconnected numbers the school is unaware of.
Also, if you don’t want to be contacted please
notify us so we can take you off of the calling list.
Please call the school of any changes at 4873330.