By Kev Elliott - Wheelers Speed Shop
By Kev Elliott - Wheelers Speed Shop
o By Kev Elliott e back at Wheeler's eed Shop for the second month running to follow their buildup of a Merc woodie with a new, all-aluminum Ardun motor and modern 700-R4 trans. I'11 reiterate what I said Iast issue in that this isn't so much a "how-to" but more of an overview ofhow the crew at Wheeler's overcame the packaging problems of squeezing the Ardun into the Merc's engine compartment. While the block is the same as the Flathead that the car was originally equipped with, those Ardun heads are extremely large, making this a very wide motor, despite its identical length to the stocker. Add in the associated complications of fitting a new front chassis clip, independent suspension, steering, and new ABS electric brake system, and making all the components fi.t in the same small space required some intricate planning and fabrication. The end result is an extremely neat build, beautifully finished, and we're sure, not a Iittle inexpensive, both in parts and labor, but then some things are just worth having, whatever the outlay! I enjoyed watching the project come together, and picked up a number of tips for future use on my personal projects, as I'm sure you will too. Here's how the guys at Wheeler's Speed Shop wrapped up the install with brakes, oil pan, headers, and exhaust. Rad Here's where we left off lo$ monlh: with oll the heovy fobrirolion done, lhe Fotmon tlip lorked in plore, olong with the modified rrossmember. Note oll the inner ond ouler fenders ond grovel pon ore in ploce os ore lhe bumper brotkets ond bumpers, to cherk for finol fit before the Mert gels lorn down for lhe losl lime. 84 With everything finol welded, the Fotmon .5 Fobricotions rlip wos removed from the chossis. While usuolly it would be welded permonently ol this iunclure, the Merr's rhossis wos powdercooled for the first build, so the clip wos senl oul for powderrooting heot I lorge dio Ihe lo rleor prior lo welding in ducting heods ond re d oir ploce. 0nre welded, tontiol re_working opprorr,r. lhe oreos oround A lhe joints will be fobriroted to blended wilh point. .%H,, 0ncethedip o for fie lower inlo fie top sm I while lhe front clip wos or the powderrooters, there were plenty.of smoller iobs ro be romplered, "g:,rr,r. leosr of which beino rhis brorr<e,o pr-r, lo no,he he Note the residuol volve olso mounreJ ro The stock broke pedol wos modified ro pivol on rhis order lo ocluole the new mosler rylinder. f grou ioinls where the 0nce lhe f,bri(,red brocker in ,;rri rh;;;i;,' ,ytina* iio, iii ril b;;;k;i;; ;ointr,, b,ok, lirr,. s welded to the ending wilh nro*d *ri, November 2010 . r poin ROD & s ol C!STO^,4 85 m$Ese$&*ffs tlert With the chossis Ihrough-frome work compleled, fiflings were used powderrooled, on eorh side of the ond pointed, finol rhossis osembly could begin. broke lines to lhe Here, lhe eledrir fronl colipers. lo roule lhe ABS moster rylinder ond orcumulolor ore instolled ond plumbed with stoinles lines. Assembly of the Folmon fronl suspension could now begin. .!t ,## With oll ports either powderrooled or $oinless sleel, tore wos loken during ossembly. Nole the use of rogs to prevenl strolthes during the proces. Here Andy Humenik is removing port of o spring (0mpressor required when inslolling lhe coils. 86 rodondcustommogozinecom One of tuo couses for the slight deloy in progres (the other being woiling for the i00-R4 trons to be powderrooted ond rebuilt) were the front hubs. While the Wilwood oluminum hubs ore fouhles, the owner wonted to retoin his 5-on-5 1/2-inth eorly bolt poltern wheels, ond the Wilwood hub wos of insuffirient diometer to ollow re-drilling to suit. New hubs will be morhined for fie cor, but were not finished prior lo our deodline, henre the bore steel "roller" wheels used on lhe front for lhe remoinder of this story. srEERr tG u.-totNrs a CONVERS'OA'S We showed you fie beoutiful cost finned oluminum oil pon from Ardun Enterprises lost monlh, ond how it wos going lo require modificotion to fit lhis opplicotion. Afier meusuremenls were loken lo ensure il would cleor the cronk ond rods, o Sowzoll wos used to remove seclions lhot could be reused. The fronl port of the lower sump for in$once wos reloroled forfier bork. ACCESSOR'ES ,s *r il e;l i ie With o iig fobriroted to where fie oil pon wos bolted to ensure the mounting surfore remoined flol, CALL OR GO ONLINE FOR A FREE CATALOG. reconstruclion begon. The firsl oflempl wos lo reloin fie fins on the whole bottom surfoce, bul the finned sectionsweren'l long enough (onofl ond would require lobor-inlensive fobricolion. OFFICIAL STEERING COMPONENTS OfTHT NATIONAL STREET ROD ASSOCIATION teering You Forwrard 860.482.8283 or visit www. 91 Technology Park Drive . Torrington CT, 06790 lUleliculous tlerr Ihe finol resuh feolures o V'd lower seclion to cleor lhe cronk, lending some chororler lo lhe finished ortide, while soving on lobor lime ond still looking like o rost piece. 0nre it wos welded ond ground smoolh, il wos blosled wilh coorse medio to give o cosl 0ppeoron(e. Mission orromplished! ,r Wire & Hanress ZZ-2O Gon Compare before you buy! o We developed the ultra compact fuse paneF Base is only 1,5 x 3.5" Pre-Wired rcady to run! o Unlike other manufacturers, we use only GXL heat, . Our head and taillight wiring is 25 are shorter to cut cost. We use 8 gauge wirc fi! long,}lhers tot the main powet feedlo run heavy load accessories. Most others only use l0 . Our wire is color coded, labeled and nunbered every 4 inches making lt a Snap to read and install. .21 circuits .20 fuses .1 relay . 2 flasherc . Easy to hide in the glove box or console or mount to the steering column. flame and oil resistant wirc, , . ide! gauge wire. . . Proven reliabiliU!0ver 20,000 ModelZZ-2l harnesses sold in the USA alone! sleering rork, ond how il now fih obove the dropped rrosmemher. Every harness includes a colored schematic for Chevy, Ford and Chrysler Model ZZ-2}-panel/urire Every harness is Manulacfured in the U.S,A. lnstolled in lhe cor you con rleorly see how lhe oil pon is nolrhed ot the front to rleor the larness $159, OO $l53.OO Model Z7-12- 12 ctncuit panel^{ire trarness TP/.7ECH, lils rPA/rrE/V79 . EASY CALIBBATI0N with REM0fE . lor gear or tire size PBOGRAMING SWtfCH Easy to read white, black, gold or grey faces with red pointers $ ree Five gauge mechanical sets $ Five gauge pr0grammable speedo sets . , 2-1/16", 3-3/8", 5" sizes . Mechanical speedometer has trip odometer Many color combinations to choose from o Sets include sending units & mounting brackets 3-3/8" quad wiprogrammable speedo 0uartz Clock @nffiMilw ztz $ rss ..... Six gauge mechanical sets. Six gauge programmable speedo sets. . . . 5" quad w/programmable speedo , , , . ztz $Ha $ $zea $ls Here's how lhe sloinles steel exhousl looked ol the beginning of this proiect. Most of the front sedion would be removed from the mufflers forword. rodondcustommogozine com bl the pedol, oil pon, ond With the dummy th oll oncillories, like orm, broke rofion could stort. New collectors were ioined to the old syslem using V-bond domps (ororv) ovoiloble from componies like Deeds Engineering or Dynotech, which provide o leokJree ioiil fiot ron be removed ond reused indefinitely. A temporory iig wos used lo ensure bolh colledors would be ol similor heights ond then heoder conslruclion could slort. November 2010 o ROD & CUSTOM ffietttu*aur terc While he moy hove opted for o vintoge (olbeit With the heoders neorly completed, When fobricoiing on exhousl sy$em, especiolly fie syslem's olmo$ done. You ton see fie new forword seclion of the syslem, wilh the mufflers left fiey were before. A new crossover serlion brond-new!) molor, fie Merrt owner hod run vinioge rorbs on his old blown Flotheod, ond this time opled for o Demon four-borrel. Ardun Enlerprises offers this four-bonel monifold to suit heoders, il's vilol lhol oll olher tomponenls ore where in ploce, suth os the ex fte Ardun, whirh feotures seporole flonges, in lhe previous piclure. wos odded iust oft of the tons pon. The heoders vory in shope from side lo side in order lo cleor componenls, such os the lhe $eering shoft ond slorler molor. fie engine's "overhonging" rylinder os o one-piece inloke wouldn'l be removoble, owing heod flonges. removed ond reploted wilhod hoving lo remove fte heoder fie engine. the heoders. Thol's why side curve owoy from tubes on this New lop woler "hoses" were fobricoted from stoinles $eel. ls lhis going to be one cleon inslollotion or whot? Almosl loo nke lo insloll in o tor, fie oll'oluminum Ardun is o work of orl. The polished ribs on lhe volve covers ore replicoted on lhe oir tleoner, The woler inlels on top while o PowerGen olternolor mounls in lhe stork Flofieod lorotion. Even o ribbed Ardun piece. This is where we leove lhe proiecl, os il's still owoiling ils new lrons ond front hubs, plus some minor work fie oilfilltube is of eoth heod were reduced in height. Thott o $ock piece on the left. WilEEEDE'S SEEED,SITOF (7r4) 842-1881 EAFm4.M Eflnnro.arlrcds (704) 535-0469 www.lolmonlob.tom AEI}U,ryIEMtrEA,PETSES (323) 775-6803 surh os lhe heoler, whirh moy now be rhongedforonM( unil inside lhe tor. A8,SP0W/SE $frAr{B, trNA, (7141 771-6549 www.obspowerbtoke.tom