Uthandi, Chennai- 6001 19. [Mob: Dr" Pratap Singh Birthal, Principal
Uthandi, Chennai- 6001 19. [Mob: Dr" Pratap Singh Birthal, Principal
' No, 13020/612012.1ES Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Economic Affairs (lES Division) Room No. 59, North Block, New Delhi, dated: 1.10.2A12 OFFICE MEMORAN DUM Subject: Induction-level Training for feeder post holders promoted to Grade-lV (Junior Time Scale) of the lndian Economic Service. An induction-level training programme is being organized by the lndian Economic Service (lES) Cadre, Department of Economic Affairs, for the feeder post holdens promoted to Grade-lV (Junior Time Scale) of the lES, 2. The following training programmes have been organized for the 25 promoted officers during the period mentioned against each: No. Name of lnstitute/Organization and course title Duration From Contact Details To Dr. A. Mourougane, Assistant Professor, lndian Maritime University 1 (lMU), Chennai Course title: I nfrastructure issues including regulation lndian Maritime University, East Coast Road, 'l week 8" 1 0" 2012 Uthandi, Chennai12"10.2012 2. Course title: Core lssues related to Agricultural Sector Course title: lnternational & National Economic l-aws 1 week Economist, National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy, Dev Frakash Shastri 22"14,2A12 26"10,2012 Marg, Pusa, P. B. No" 1 1305, New Delhi110012 [Mob: 09910052752, Tele: 01 1,r ;* 1 week 29,14.2012 2,11"2A12 4, Economics 25842665, E-mail: psbirthal@ncap. res.i nl Shri Vinai Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor, lSlL, V,K. Krishna Menon Bhawan, 9, Bhagwan Dass Road, New Delhi- 110001. [Tele: 23384458/59, Mob: 981 05801 79] lnstitute of Economic Grov'rth (lEG), New Delhi Course title: Basics in [Mob: Dr" Pratap Singh Birthal, Principal lndian Society for lnternational Law, New Delhi 3. 19. rnail: mou rougane_a@yahoo. coml National Gentre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi 6001 09176667608,Te|e: 044-245303431345, E- 4 weeks 5,11,2012 30.1 1"2012 Dr. Arup Mitra, Professor, lEG, University of Delhi Enclave, North Campus, Delhi-110007 [Tele: 27667288, Mob: 09818948470 e-mail: arup@ieqindia.orql 3. Order for the one week training programme (i.e. from 1sth -1gth October, 20121on "Secretarial procedures and practices" at lnstitute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM), New Delhi would be issued shortly on receipt of confirmation from them. 4. No. 1 2, 3. 4, 5. b. The following officers have been nominated for the above-mentioned training programmes: Name of officer Designqtion and place of present posting Shri V. Srikanth Shri R. Nihal Pedric Shri G.L.Gu pta Assistant D rector, Depaftment of Expenditure, M/o Finance Assistant D rector, M/o Women & Child Development Smt. Shirley M. Daniel Shri 0.P. Kala Shri R. Mahesh Ass stant D rector, D/o Economic Affairs, M/o of Finance Ass stant D rector, Dlo Co!"nmerce Ass stant D rector, D/o Commerce Ass stant D rector, DCMSME, Chennai Page I of 3 7" _IShri Vinodid: tb tastii A$j!!g4g!_rggto$", Shni Arnal l-lazra $hri Damdoar Bawari Shri Ani! Kumar rxff ResearchOfficer, Assistant Dire$or, &rirtunt_Di r*rtg,, Kotkat a nffi Cffimission -layanti Kala LlShri F. ,MuraliclhaEn lVIs Assistant Di %%* '- Tariffi Lrboffi q.irgotot SgFil Shri illirmal 0handra Monda! qhrdbhay Kumar plaffi R e s e a rc h Q-fftceLrta Assistant Director, fariff 1' Usha Kunnat. $hri Ashok Kurnar Sinoh Shri Ram Pradeep Mishra ![ti illila n Ban dyopadhva 17" t Aqqlslq$qtpctolpEg NrU, Krtkara rector, Direct {Kolkata} ' pl Bes"qEfgh O_fficer, annin Lokhan 4ssisla!.t_gt Oe Shri B.D" Raibhole Shri ..f .0" Vaishampavan A_ssistant Director, O/o Assistant Shri M.T. Sarnbantham Shri Ravi Singh Di Dd[,lSM Mumbf E rector, Foruva Assistant Director, Comrn of Aqriculture 23, i Strri K. C. Bh;rti Assistant Director, Direci Aq riculture Shri Sriram appa V Shri Anil Kumar Neqi Asglglanl ?llector, Fotura rO &gls ta n t D tle.clp-LL4o u ffi -5' Participation and successfu ! completion tr:jnins programmes by the above.mentioned nominated ,of officers have heen made mandatory. lt is requested thal the om."rt pirLlin iour tr,tinisrry/ oepartmenvorgi i;:ri;;i;Zi be relieved (with effect from 8'10.20i2 up to io'tt.zo12)to enabte flrlr o rttdro the training programmes at lMU, tsTM, NOAP' lsll and IEG on the dates mentioned against each at para 2 above, jle 5' The cosl of the kaining will be borne by the IES cadre, Department of Economic Affairs, However, T,A/DA of the nominated officers is required to be bome by the iespective rvrrnisirylolpa'tr.nu'orgrnirarion. officers may be directed to report to the respective couise Directors of the lnsiitutes .r irr. or commencemeni'oi*re respective training programmes, as mentioned in para 2 above. 4" ' n -'-,'Irt" ine;rriffi This issues with the approval of the competent authority. ;: "&? (Bidisha Chaudhuri) Director Tele: 230929,9! Fax: fiA%SlQ To 1, 2. 3. Economic Adviser, Tariff commission, Ministry of commerce & lndustry, 7rh Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi. Member, Fonmrd Markets commission, 'EVEREST', 3'o Floor, 100, Marine Drive, Mumbai-400002. Secretary, Commission for Agricutturat Costs & p,i.*., 'frrfinirtry Ji'njri.rftrr.* Krishi Bhawan, New ffifi"r 4, 3fl:;:llfi:TBstration), l. 6' ' 7 B' 9' Directorate of Economics & statistics, Department of Agriculrure & cooperation, Krishi Adviser (Administration), planning commissibn, yojana Bhawan, sansad Marg, New Delhi, Joint secretary (Administration), Deparlmentof Economic nnafs, Minliry'oirinrnr., North Block, New Delhi. Joint secretary (Administration), Department bf Expenditure, rvirtir11 rii,rjnce, North Block, New Dethi. tr,tinistryof women a o';ro'or*roircni,'i:nrrt,t *Ul:,i:ffy#dministration), l,:l,mf;ilirstaotlstrmenq, ehrrrr, ilirjrii,,p,rr.o Departlrent of commerce, Ministry of commerce & tndustry, udyog Bhawan, Page 2 of 3 10. 12. 13. 14. Jute Commissioner, Olo of the Jdte Connnissioner, Ministry of Textiles, O,G,O. Complex, 3d MSO Building, 4u' Floor,, DF Btock, Salt Lake City, Kolkata -700064, Textile Commissioner, O/o of the Textile Commissioner- Mumbai, Post Bag No. 1 1500, New C.G.O. Building, 48, New Marine Lines, Mumbai. DirectorGeneral, LabourBureau, SCO 28-31, Sector 17-A, Chandigarh-l60017. Director General, Directorate of Economics & $tatistics (MlU), 15, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata. Director (Administration), Forward Markets Commission, 'EVEREST', 3'd Floor, 100, Marine Drive, Mumbai- 15" 400002. Director (Administration), O/o DC MSME, 'A' Wing, 7h Floor, Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi, 11. Gopy to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, Dr" Pratap Singh Birthal, Principal Economist, National Centre for Ag,ricultural Economics and Policy, Dev Prakash ShastriMarg, Pusa, P. B, No. 11305, NewDelhi"110012 Dr.Arup Mitra, Professor, lEG, Univenity of DelhiEnclave, North Campus, Delhi-110007 Dr. A. Mourougane, Assistant Professor, lndian Maritime University, East Coast Road, Uthandi, Chennai- 6001 19, Shri Vinai Kumar Singh, Assistant Professoy, lStL, V.K. Krishna Menon Bhawan, 9, Bhagwan Dass Road, New Delhi- 110001 Officers concemed. (Bidisha Chaudhuri) n- & t t;;;: &t I \ .t i I Page 3 of 3