SHRI DILIPBHAI SANGHANI MINISTER OF JAILS (CABINET LEVEL) GUJARAT STATE SHRI PRAFULBHAI PATEL MINISTER OF STATE (HOME) (PRISON) GUJARAT STATE “FIRST TIME IN THE HISOTRY OF THE INDIAN PRISON, CONVOCATION CEREMONY WAS HELD BY TWO PROMINENT INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITIES, ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY & PRAJAPITA BRAHMAKUMARI ISHWARIYA VISHWAVIDYALAYA IN AHMEDABAD CENTRAL PRISON, GUJARAT” SHRI P C THAKUR IPS ADGP & IG GUJARAT PRISON ુ ુ જરાત લ ડપાટમે ટ ( હૃ િવભાગ) તથા હમા ુ માર ઝ તથા અ ામલાઇ િનવિસટ વારા સાબરમતી લમાં વતીય પદવીદાન સમારોહ Gujarat Prison Department organised second consecutive convocation in Sabarmati Central Jail, Ahmedabad. A total of 79 prison inmates across the state received the degrees in value education & spirituality from senior officials of Annamalai University & Brahmakumaris Ishwariya Vishvavidyalaya at the Jail which became first in the country to hold convocation for the graduates in the prison with effect from 2011. Hon’ble invitees including Shri S. K. Nanda, Principal Secretary (Home), Shri P. C. Thakur, ADGP & IG (Prisons), Shri M. Ramnathan, Vice Chancellor of Annamalai University, Rajyogini Sarladidi, Director of Brahamakumaris, Gujarat & senior officials from Gujarat Prisons and Education Department presided over the function . Out of total graduates 29 received their Master Degree, 11 received Post Graduate Diploma and 38 got Diploma in Value Education & Spirituality. The course was conducted by Brahamakumaris Education Wing in collaboration with distance learning wing of the Annamalai University that provided the certificates. Compared to last year, the number of graduates has increased due to reach of the courses to even smaller Jails in the State. In the opening of the ceremony, marchpast of the prisoners with Band created historical moments for the spectators. Then all the invitees gave contemporary speech for this noble occasion. At the end, all prisoners took oath for the reformation and with the tunes of National Anthem this historical event finished and open a new era of correctional administration. Prisonwise Summary Name of Jail M.Sc. P.G. Diploma Diploma Ahmedabad Central Prison 22 03 13 Lajpore [Surat] Central Prison 02 03 03 Vadodara Central Prison 02 00 04 Rajkot Central Prison 01 01 01 Palanpur District Prison 03 03 02 Mehsana District Prison 00 01 03 Junagadh District Prison 00 00 05 Himatnagar Sub Jail 00 00 07 30 11 38 Total Result of Gujarat Jail Students of Brahma Kumaries & Annamalai University Master of Science In Value Education & Spirituality Toppers Students List Jail Name Name Total Mark Percen-tage Rank Ahmedabad Central Jail Harshdkumar Mafatlal Rathod 414 82.80% 1st Ahmedabad Central Jail Ayaz Razzakmiya Saiyed 407 81.40 % 2nd Vadodara Central Jail Radheshyam Bhagvandas Shah 407 81.40% 2nd Ahmedabad Central Jail Safdar Husain Nagori 407 81.40% 2nd Ahmedabad Central Jail Virendrapratap Ramdavar Yadav 407 81.40% 2nd Lajpore (Surat) Central Jail Bankubhai Maganbhai Patel 403 80.60% 3rd Lajpore (Surat) Central Jail Piyush Odhavjibhai Munjapara 403 80.60% 3rd Result of Gujarat Jail Students of Brahma Kumaries & Annamalai University Post Graduate Diploma In Value Education & Spirituality Toppers Students List Jail Name Name Total Mark Percentage Ran k Lajpore (Surat) Central Jail Vikas Nirmalkumar Jain 433 86.60 % 1st Rajkot Central Jail Ashvin Lakhmanbhai Jaru 423 84.60 % 2nd Lajpore (Surat) Central Jail Chetan Manubhai Makwana 417 83.40 % 3rd Result of Gujarat Jail Students of Brahma Kumaries & Annamalai University Diploma In Value Education & Spirituality Toppers Students List Jail Name Name Total Mark Percentage Rank Ahmedabad Central Jail Patel Atulkumar Manilal 247 82.33% 1st Ahmedabad Central Jail Mehandi Hasan 242 80.66 % 2nd Lajpore (Surat) Central Jail Vasava Jayeshkumar Kalusingh 241 80.33 % 3rd APPEAL ALL CORPORATE SECTOR, EMINENT INSTITUTIONS, PROMINENT GOVT. RECOGNIZED NGO’S, PROMINENT UNIVERSITIES, PROMINENT TECHNICAL / ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONS & PROMINENT INDIVIDUAL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BE THE PARTNERS IN THE NOBLE OBJECTIVE OF REFORMATION & REHABILITATION OF THE PRISONERS. YOUR NOBLE HELP & CONTRIBUTION IN LITERACY, EDUCATION, LIBRARY, SKILL DEVELOPMENT, FINE ARTS, MUSIC, SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT & REHABILITATION PROGRAMMES IS WELCOME. YOU CAN CONTACT US ON FOLLOWING ADDRESSES & NUMBERS & EMAIL TO PROVIDE YOUR CONTRIBUTION IN ANY PRISON OF THE GUJARAT STATE. THANK YOU OFFICE OF THE ADGP & IG (GUJARAT PRISON) JAIL BHAVAN, NR. SUBHASHBRIDGE CIRCLE, AHMEDABAD -380027 TELEPHONE 079-27550818 | FAX 079-27557798 EMAIL LIST OF ALL THE CENTRAL, DISTRICT AND SUB PRISONS IS ATTACHED IN NEXT PAGE. SHRI P C THAKUR IPS ADGP & IG GUJARAT PRISON GUJARAT PRISON CONTACT (TO BE PARTNER IN REFORMATION & REHABILITATION) Sr. No. Name, Designation and Address STD Code Phone Fax 1 Shri P. C. Thakur, I.P.S. ADGP 079 27557792 27557798 2 Shri Amitkumar Vishwakarma I.P.S. DIGP (Jail) 079 27557793 27557798 3 Shri R. J. Pargi (IPS) (Zone.Officer) Superintendent Ahmedabad Central Prison Sabarmati, Ahmedabad – 27. 079 27531498 27521692 27522134 4 Shri R. F. Sangada, (IPS) (Zone. Officer) 0265 2412224 2410772 2412231/24 0286 2243020 2242510 2393101 2393108 2242443/45 5 6 7 8 9 10 Superintendent Vadodara Central Prison Shri H. R. Chaudhari (IPS) (Zone Officer) Superintendent Porbandar Shri B. R. Pandor (IPS) Superintendent Central Prison Surat.(Lajpor) Shri Virbhardrasinh Gohil, Supdt. (Probation), Bhavnagar District Jail Shri Prashant Gohil, Supdt. (Probation), Junagadh District Jail Shri S. R. Rabari I.C Principal, Jail Staff Trai. Sch. Shri A. R. viyas, Jailor Gr.I Ic. Superintendent. Rajkot, central prison. 0261 (G) 2393100 0278 2521413 2423228 2223228 0285 2620128 2655629 079 27558660 27561690 0281 2451007 2459376 2459376 Sr. No. Name, Designation and Address STD Code Phone Fax 11 Shri S. I. Vora, Jailor Gr.I I/c.Supdt. Bhuj Special Prison, 02832 244048 12 Shri J. M. Jadeja (Zone. Officer) Supdt. Amreli Open Jail. 02792 223569 223569 13 Shri M. I. Shekh, Supdt. Bhavnagar District Prison 0278 2521413 2423228 2223228 14 Shri A. B. Kambodia , Jailor Gr.I I/c. Supdt. Junagadh District Prison 0285 2620128 2655629 15 Shri N.G. Baria Supdt. Jamnagar District Prison 0288 2670355 2552206 2552206 16 Shri V. B. Chauhan I/c. Supdt. Di. Pri.Nadiad. 0268 2566462 2563020 17 Shri I. V. Chaudhari Supdt. District Prison Mehsana. 02762 251103 232253 232253 18 Shri M. G. Rabari I/c. Supdt. Dis.Pr.Palanpur 02742 253999 265144 19 Shri R. D. Shrimali Supdt. Bharuch Sub Jail 02642 240083 220508 ® 20 Shri J. R. Taral Sup, Himatnagar Sub Jail 02772 241894 241894 Sr. No. Name, Designation and Address STD Code Phone Fax 21 Shri H. T. Patil, Supdt. Amreli Sub Jail 02792 223389(S) 223389 22 Shri M. M. Bhakhariya I/c. Supdt. Chhota-Udepur Sub Jail, 02669 232082 232082 232718 23 Shri J. S. Sonar Supdt. Surendranagar Sub Jail 02752 282901 282901 283819 24 Shri L. M. Rathod Supdt. Navsari Sub Jail 02637 258020 234369 234369 25 Shri N. U. Baraiya I/c. Sup Rajpipla Sub Jail 02640 224483 220091 26 Shri H. D. Gameti Supdt. Godhra Sub Jail. 02672 240145 241397 27 Shri G. J. Makwana Superintendent Morbi Sub Jail 02822 221901 221901 222992 28 Shri S. S. Panchal. Supdt. Modasa Sub Jail. 02774 243814 243811 29 Shri F. K. Chauhan I/c. Supdt. Gondal Sub Jail 02825 295064