ari thart
ari thart
@" of civilny'glign -chairman shriAshok Gaiapathi Raiu Pusapati, Hon'bte Minister non;ute Minister of State in the Ministry of CivilAviation ;;l M;#it-$;;;, Shri A.P. Jithender ReddY Shri Chandrakant Raghunath Patil Shri E. Ahamed ShriJitendra Chaudhury Shri RaYaPati Sambasiva Rao Shri ThuPstan Cihhewang 4 l. 2. 3. ,4, 5, 6. Shri Paul Manq!Pandian Shri Praful Patel Shri $ukhdev Singh Dhindsia 7. 8. 9. and its organisations r+v civil Aviation of ulvtr The list of officers of t[t9 Ministry ot who attendeo ine *"uiing is 4443rgld them for attending )hairman welconted the Members and thanked its civl Aviation and organizations to the meetins. He i##;ffi'il;';rfi.,Jl-oiv'o Members of the Comrniftee' g:tt'-ti1l made lnitiatingl th9 p,roceedinss, of S-?,^.T::lts' .the other issues and Policy and iarious introductory ,r,nurkr-'on btjft Civil AiLtion gt" rtr*mbers on improvement of Civil Aviation sought tne comnrellil#;d"t" "r iunctioning of the. Ministry of Civil Sector. Thereafter, a Presentation tn *"i"ii Joint Secretary before the Committee' Aviation was made'U''i Sf,ti C' nsok fumar' 2. 3.Therea|terthemernb,etswererequelstedbytheChairmantoexpress their views and suggestions' 3.1, Shr.Llhtrpstqtn Ghhewanq f.r9m Ladakh to Delhi air fare in He has informed that drrring peaK season was for one way l-*: informed that this issue economic clas, ir'li,;,!*j Rs 2:6,06O Ladakh on (CA) Jufy'iOf 3 by secretary also raisecJ during the meetino held oulZ|o also disr:ttssed in that meeting and few issues. ln addition rllany other is::ues wele no decisio. has been implenrented by der;isions wen,, atscr'iu[*n' u*tort,netty norru, He also 3.1.1 Al 11ave trll{owing sugq(:'rlittons:- sh,.rr-rltj r>perate r$ai|y m:rintairr thrl slhedrrle integrttir flights to t]e|hi.Leh'De|hi round the year and ;.;.;--;; o,,u flights has mostry durins i'--;;t ;aV beern reschedulel Local people travels srinaoar' Yil snourd'be restored' Indiso & Jet *'n#'JJt;fi.FFt 'fiill' SiqPiJ be directed to rave regular flights' "rto experienced, pilots to fly over 12'000f 3.1.5. There is shortage of proper trained/ pilots are there witl Jn.J, #;;;;;; il;;i;"pJ nri'vate triineo it :t"j:'::: experienced and 3.1.6. The tenure o! ojficers Oos!,el$ "i L* t1"19"::^increasqd serve there for they that lir"rro b" officers must be posted there 'nd it "nrur*d longer Period. 3.l.T.Aprovislonhasbeen,mad'e.forNE.regionyhSreconcessionalfaresare in fare in ; r;gi.l"oo"tn, Theofdifference avaitabte. The same provision slgjlo be Affairs Home N.E. Region i, Oeinl pt'O nf Ue cJ,in"i[-Sitifutr'.Ministry the G;;i' oi lAr"Oo not have tunds to meet to ,on*iO*} rlt"JO"'VCH "; requested difference in fare- for Laddakh '3.i.8. Provision of concessional air tickets.T.?yr*-made winters' during [u.Iuu" itl" ,.,oi ,c*"uiiur* by otherun""nt of traniport people as at-least once in a week' ;t,wi!ie helpful ' Carso flights *,loy]S b.: parts around 6 months during Jhaskar remarns ,ri,t o*titft other ^ to started at-least for the period from December 3.1.10. Helicopter service should be :li]fd 3.1,9. Y:t"' March. 3.l.ll.NoairlineoperatesfrormKarrgi|airport,thismaybe|ookinto. 3.2 Sbt!-Af .JitnerMeCjy Shri ReddY mentionecl that should be held at some other 3.2.1 The next meetiing of roonsultative c<lmmittee ,^ ^^nnan*rata nnlv at civil :"1'#;""lY"lL'';l there shourd be caned after a rong time, lffit,i;T""li:T-:'ff;'#li,n'n"i,i; t-.^ -[-'arad ranttlaflv il ruture so rfrat valrrable sugsestions can be shared resularlv' ;#,'iJ".,'[E"i'*]i',i'3;;;:$g:r:^f^"lg:::,.,i:"'?ff ffi" il;?,t'jliJ::ffi: rnav be 32,2 ln relangana' some srnerllein airports ""i:i:i::1"f?:i".i'31*': ii' * u"t':::g dd ; ; li' ;i,l'ffi # ; iu';i" "dl' il11"T;?3ffi\iJ"il1i,ft3 *,ii,i6l**'ui"' said ytolicY 3.2 3 Program" i\.? 4 :\ 2.5 l,leeptnq ln :"fj: I?1..1'T: i: li, I ff' inl?nthe3 capacitv, rerensana mav be incruded N'IRO policy under "Make ilte ps; t,o be tal'len fc'r r,;trengtheninr; [[i,,r work at lntierni:rtionetl arrpolt at irtr;lalt be exp;edited' should be started .Jaisaltrl'er frras' beel str:p[rsd Al flight .1,()(ll) people arrl lrt'irlq tllere' anrl rt r:; als,o a totrrist Place i<1lrl vrel'uv -[ lor ln lndia 3.2.6. to be , On availability of seats, seat of MPs were gpgraded but this has discontinued. lt may be rrs-looked. ' At many instances, it has been seen' that seats "in flight remained 3.2.7 fares does not come down. lt may also be look into. unfilled, but 3.3. Shri Jitendra Chaudhury Shri Chaudhury suggested tlrat For better participation, he suggested that copy of CivitAviation policy 3.3.1. should have been provided in"advance 3.3.2. ln the presentation it has been shown that Air India's passengers are increasing. India is a country with 1.25 billon population and these are only 60 million passengers in a year. Thus, it has been seen it is only small portion of peoplehon'Uf""Mp OesireO to know ihe poputation, likely air services may be worked out. - Policv should be formulated in such a way that on hand it shoufd support National iarrier and on the other hand more and more people should travel by Air lndia. 3.3.3, 3.3.4 ln Tripura, up to few months ago around 20 flights were operated every day and almost all'the flignts were full- But, nir fndia reduced its operations and its fliqhts are ineqular. Due to which the people have fed up with it. Moreover, the scihedule do nJt provide connecting flights to Bangalore, Chennaia.1d.9v9n for Delhi, from Agartala to'Kolkatir. Similarly to ieach Delhi, one has to wait Kolkata airport for a period of six hours. Govt should fOcus on the areas which do rrot have connectivi$ such as Aizawal, lmphal, ltanagar, Kohima etc. instead of providing flights to Guhawati, which is well connected. 3.3,5. 3.3.6. Govl shoufd also mr:nitor prices, sometimes prices increase by six times. Some monitoringl mechanisnr s;hould be there. 3.3.7. Each and every str,rter c:apital of India should be connected by Al flight in a phase manner. 3.3.8. ln CSIF, behaviour personnel should be trained in such public. 3.3.g airports. personnel is not proper- The CISF manner so that no inconvenience is caused to of CISF .a lMPs should be frrovicled witlr some extended protocol services at all 3.4, :' ShriAhamed mentioned 3.4.j, tlat ' ,:' . : 'r:' To'trave! from Calicut one to-Calicut One more aircralt must be'.given to catch a'flight to Delhi' one gengaturu'"i"rrrr,i*nti"ilpq^l: has to go to cne,nniioi additionat ftight may';l,i"rtrJ tio* calicut to Delhi., , l;iff;:Xi|[?.?r fares in count"riei[? the of most In 3.A.2. ?9?t,li: i,,1r1i.,"j;l?it; ire c'harging ditferentfares for same oittqp*iulrrinu" with consunation r"H;;fiich should be regulated' ctestination. rn p*rx-l#.;'i ,are; wotr' ;;t;ioiution' Ministry of civilAviltti'ti"trlr : "il;;ii;ei @;#ffiff ' '' 3:4'3.EveninaSameflightforSan]efacility,airlinesarechargingdifferentfares ' this should'be looked trr.o.o. slrollo into' - 'utmost.transparency in fixing' fares it of DGCA shr:uld introduce a riy.stem to meet their rising cost int ue, nenefii;;l';;;.i-t d-'t,,ir-tt "tlin"t also. 3..4.S.Thissystemoffareisaclversety."ff:*'|ndia.He moit transparent Cilerctioti t" DGCA t9 *Janfistr requested the Cnairman lg glye them :;]|"'}Tr"*r'6i'riiuiriirres in consultation with . r i's lacking 4s one in.fevenue earning butbeit set up in system may ! 3.4.6. calicut airport rrs in profit_'1nd an '[nbs"tot*iri"nce necessary facilities, A radar or outf countries' Saudi Arabia plilqg iffifrJ1ri because Calicut to ensure safetv 4 S"uJi A'u6i' frave equal no' of flights' Al has though even futl always are to ftiqhts ttom cari"ut lo Jeddah and Calicut ,"isrrisii bJen sranteo b'e qtilised' Riyadh. Thus, tnut* i'g,* should to large number of lndians t1gng i:s Arabia Saudi 3.4.7. are belng .proviclinq.glTployryI revenue krut no additional flights Gulf countries rersultecl in genera$on provided to $audi A'rabia' Policy may be discussed separately 3.4.g. He recluestrad that Nat[onal 0ivilAviation lnol full day be allotted for its disr:ussion' &""i;.Tl;t-;;4, 3.5. Shri Dl'linctsa nrention'ed tl"rat name of chandigarh lrrternational raised t!'te isrlue of chang;e of iriip"tt 25 $;1[6rerd Bhagat Sirrgh A'irport' DelhiLondon fli-c1ht trr': re'touted as hrrtriltsar-Delhi thart rtxluesteld He 52. 3 l\mritsar-Lo11flqtil of [.iltirttt rtlir for cotrstrtrction F.leetl :1.5.3, He nrenti'ltle'rl Ih'lt lirllcl fra; be,etr ProvrrdeC nc.rt ;tirgt<tt I irits; Yct bttt ;rrrpcrrt artd b-t l<ltrrtl lta:; ltt:ct't <:.rttstrLlct':cf 3.5.1. shri Dhinclsa \t ffi inaugurated and operations have not been started from Bhatinda. The flights may be started a's,early as , , .. , r' '' possible. a.S.+. r "rfiii'liropor"l of :Greenfietd airport at Machlwada (Ludhiana) may be ' expedited. 3.5.5. l'lniemational flights musi be started from Chandigarh , airport. . 'r' 3.5.6. Air lndia is again adopted old practice of getting delayed and irregularities in operations and due to this people prefer other airlines to travel. At least message for delayed in flights should be conveyed to the passengers. 3.6. ' .,i ,., Shri Charrdrakant ,,, S.,fttiPatif Raqhun@ -- menlionedthat ;- , ,,:, 3.9.1, Shii Patil mentioned that no important issue has been included in draft Civil Aviation policy. 3.6.2. The first priority should be accorded to build the credibility. He suggested that a lesson be leamecl from privale airlines they are always adhere time. He further suggested that new pecrpte be engaged on contract basis, it may be beneficialto Al' 3.6.3 Generally, Air India flights remain unfilled, on the other hand other airlines flights are full. Accordingly, Air India should reschedule there flights. He suggested that flight may be introduced on $urat-Delhi route in evening and in case there ts shortage in fleet they may tlke aircraft on lease. He further mentioned that parking charges of aircraft are more than parking charges of a car at Sunat airport. Tlris should be looked into. 3.6.4. 3.6,5. lt is projected cluring the prer;entation that passengers share o! Alr India has increased this ii due to closlr of ifre private airlines not due to efforts of Al3.0.6. Recently, a buffalo hit an ai'craft at Surat airport. This issue should Oe t99j into and resporrsibility be fixed. Transfer of an officer is not a punishment. FIR should be lodgecl at po'lice station fcrr such lapse. 3.6"7. To fix the fares, a policy shorurld be fcrrmutrated' 3.0.8. He requested for providing additional llight at Surat and he promised to under right 50% seats. In case oi shortage of aircraft, Air India may take aircraft on lease. 3.7 snrt_P_rfyJ-_Pqlel Shri lrat,el rnentioned that ?, / |. Shri Frraful Patel appre:c.rated the concern o{ Governnrent to provide r:onrrectivitv irr uns;eruecJ are;ari I'te;rlso enrjorr;e the stand of Gove'rnment that 'i ', strengthentng sector. 0T i: .aviation intrastructui". l no'hiilines'Will alone can provid g.7 '2., ,n" *ou*,.nment has to clranue its mind-set that Aiq.1p6i, resources' flight to entire country. lt has limited be unique in:lndia; these required to Route disPersal guidelines (R'DG) are 3.7.3, stlengtheried'' ';.;' : l i' '.". format every fileiPj$J| in a particular iJ.7.A As per RDG, Airtines ag laldate-d 19 of AoP' week and any o"uiiion *"v rJ tc' canbeGtion -)G.conriectivityhasincreasedinN.E.Region .that due to.RDG- connectNlty na.s''||!(;|g<'::.y: .'11..,..*. 3.7.5. He mentioned and Leh. ,:. , . . unserved many places wiliremained 3.7.6. He mentioned that,in alsepa of RDG, there' Government l"trnadweep # iitlit-t"t"ti""oy to f]v for example Agati anv decision on rhus, first: .onnected "nJ n".-i" decide;n,#'o,ilJ'i}.'i1qi-ol" 'RDG should be taken after detailed stuoy' : ; : 3'7''T.Manyair|inesparlicular|y.n€}Wentra.nt,.".I:recomrnendingforabo|itionof # rnqntioned that i19 or ,,i"iv-il nrgJ-;;;;' S/20 rute but it should be done alter on the recommendations 'decision of Sl12aand RDG was taken trt*'a"rinuratioh,and ;;;;;ification should be done after a of Naresh chandra cornmittee. n..of,in*gt;, t"fing a holistic view on it' con:tl, 3.7.8. rhe decision of merser of F'ir lndia was for engineering and Al as haffjno, Al Ii-j:ifiillnseparate r.rigr;;d nl torr6o, rilr* wnicrr companies are as follows:' a core airline, the *uuon" for breaking-up , . Air tndia lras thei finest MRO facilities i1ttr.q1u1rtO for MRO was that Al should be The ic*u oifr*uil;;-;p th* ""rp"ny able to do thircl PartY business able to do n They should work like Lufhtraisa technique or singapore to be third PartY worl'r . Al can serrvice all the 400 aircrafts of irrdia CIn commercial basis: nGroundhandling,Alhastneexactability!!elha'vetieupsandtheycan big business' is a very certairrly Oo gitJnO harrclling which oThat'lsthereasontorec|ucethepercapitano.ofpeopleworkingperan aircraft an Air tndia the nlarin oompany the last aircraft was brought in 1989 in 3.7.8. The biggest problem for Al ',ivas that years aircrafts was ordered in 15 'O; a single the Govt. or naliV cairJrri and till 200i-not due il;';ti"^ it new fleets' interestinterestonandit' trat is the rnain reasc)n for its cte.;tinll in the conring; year the cost of clepreciation vrill conle in firsl y€,ar but ptofit" wrll itrcreascr1 and that is rlepreciatiol [sr3r1 arrr.rtised ;rrid ttrreretore operatittg the debt n6t able 1lo earn enorrgh to serv'ice wtry Al is rrrarkitrg Ca$h profit tlurt 1hr:'f are lts g()vernmelrt is giving equity infusion' tlre1, are 6;1111in11 and tltat it; th': 'Luuon r:;lrrital tras g'one uP- [, s.z.g.AifportAuthorityof|ndiahasproyided.wor|dc|assairportstothecountryand ;"il=4"eb{.un. inii"'s flexible space management overall ;#i"i#A;ffi;;i; surveillance, radar mapping are its c'-ofiect {ecisions' of each 3.2.10 He suggested that DGCr\ should look into the fact that structure airlines is different ancl fixing its filres. ', and outside 3.7.11 He suggested that lndia should crea!9 more.ggnnectivity *iil'in, by national of the country. India is only *nnu&"a t. 51 gouflies directty either afso be should oountries the The rest of .rrrlerc oj bi iri;;;;tilJ;;i"". coqnectgd. 3.8. Shri Paut Manoi Pandian Shri Pandian mentioned that provided to 3.8.1. In Tamif Naclu, two airport cities are thl"r flights which. P"el wdi' Oeptoyeo by Spice. Jet, .1":.,"tt?. th;m: elrfie,, or; Helipad the that suggested He "inr.n in.r"rsed. iu,6 fares'has ;;il;"*.." br" i" "rr'i"nmay be develop as airport' at Krishnagiri and Trichy to upgrade 3.8.2, He mentionerd that since last 5 years request is being made these two airports, bttt have not been upgraded' 3.8.3. Goverlment should also take steps for reduction of fuel prices' 3,9. Shri Rao suggested that 3.9.1. started' Direct flight from Hydenrbiad to Colombo may be 3.g.2. For:cl quality' may improvecl' 3.9.3. Every body is preferring India Indigo flights as it adhere to time' Contrary' 'Air flights are generallY delaYed' in six Vijayerwada, Vizag and Tirupati may be including on Vijayawada to Guntur' airports to be introduced. Alterr,ratively,'deploy helicopter 3.9.4. l-le tequested that introduce' 3.9.5. AdditionalfliEhts on Delhi-Vijayavrada-Tirupati should be 3.9.6. Airport 4. -[ Dire'ctor of Vijayarvada be changed' he rnerettnrg endecl lvilh Vcte of thanks to the Chair' '.F . x. 2. 3, -'" 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12, '13: 14. ;ffi; liini i'".1"t"u E:U Joint Secretary . kumar, ShriG. Asok paimar, rconomcr4gvisor 6rl n*ru s'ingn 5i'irii. xriiit ni ritnore, Ps to HMcA " d't',riV. npparao, oSD to HMCA- ^ .^ -.' (cA) dl;;i Nrvf,,;ui soni, o$D to HMos oi. r:armki Prasad, Director" Ms. Puia Jindal, Director nrr. bniiitri Juneja, Director Shri SuYash Narain, Director Snri P.(. Saharawat, SO(PU) ;ili ' : rcumar, Joint Secretary Smt. S. Narendra. Joint DGCA ShriA.K. Sharan, Jt' DGCA Shri Latit GuPta, "lt" DGCA ofnaUfrat 1. 2, 3, 4. ShriJ.S. Rawat,.lt. IIGCA_ _ ShriArvind Sardana, Jt' DGCA 5, o. U-qE-gI'/lL Al/lA'Tloll DE:9.[''B[Y- of ^, security (GA) Dash, .;o'nie6fr*t:l"ryt shriB.B 2. ()OSCA ShriM.T. Baig, DrY" {ER OF RAILWAY Ul-q'lEr Y . _:---of Railway Safety Shni R.K Kardarn, ehit:f Comnrissioner alBlNDlAltltrtttE-_D '--1. ()l\tlD snri Rotrit Nandien, arBreF#Hs+ffi,ffiffi;",. 2. SihriV' Siomasurndalarn' Member QqNS) PAlyan-naNE L$ITED 1 ? LQEUA 1 l;rrri SJirjIv eahl, E['r filrri Sanjiv Aganlral,C;{i i\ r lflart;hal (Retcl') 'V'K Verrra' Direr;tor b @ fr $qffi' ersqfr q gttlR, qr;rffq arrrc fi-qprr BY rr|ei erfit, rTra;fiq apn Bqr;ra tt;q }idt dfr-3{eqer 3E.eLry Wt I2. Tfr wr*ra "* fr*dq{ qarv vrea ^ :ILs.* ffit*ure{ a. * 5, afr qFqTqF,sffiE na o. afr -' qq&r 5-" tqirr gflI WF*T t ,* o* *tt- Ift{T qrs{rr 2. # qS'dT cea 3. ,ft g€rf{ fr6. ftbsr arrr:r f*qrtr;r dTrdrq aqt stgEE 1. w {sh $rr6di *' sffii, ffifA *crfi t't arer ft-qr, fi q-fi f,r "r* tr gffqt rrr {qrrril f+-qr aan *6+. tt arrrr ** *. ft(' r+q-r tr;q-qra E;qrt 3t${er aprt f+*ndra dTrFnr dqr $-{rh drr6f fi 3{fr6lntut o.r sftfr €E+'dt rqli cf{qq i t * +i{r{rTl 2. faq st qffrsl +t crws *{t F, 3{t-.qeil t fskr arrK fuflrtrdi ;ftfrr azn :rq fd$r-a {qt w qr{ftT"F. fccqult fi'atn €T€zii d alrn E-]Irdrm *d fr T,{try q{ fgrqfirsf/ lrar6 qrdlt *tt ard, ;Irrrt ftqffir rr{rdq *" rrrr+tt "+rth+;arr 'ru fi 3. S. .Tsil-s'ym, n-,rr+a nf0a q.atrr {1ftfr -}'11l1er tm'wrgf} St "r$t ilr& il( 3{LzTar * lla*q} .A r-drh fifqr f,qT gflrd Eqffir qri .nr rradtr fulrrt 3.1 4fr d-drr -_- ---..'__ rrrd-d J--__-" qfua fa{l 1;},,:rr{ctJr -rrirli};'0;;r dtrr.i +} lil,uil}.1,r +il?lt.{ut ,)oft +r frfinrrr (E; iJ,{ch'+} ZO,OOrl .(',t{,tJ'l .,rtn f,t i;;t*'* t+lfl 1.1; ??.;t(;lll\,2t)l:"1 .T.J -r;gtr"i irrrt)[.i].r,i1s4,.];.){t;i "",IJ(.1.t,),rttr),t (,,tt.rt{ ftil,rtt"t"t) rl<ll'll.1r',1.'ll rlrll l'lll (,{lJ, 3{FRl+a $t'rra-+rr gflrd aft srrf,t q{ sfi qli {st , fr(:.. gS: 3.1.3 3.1.4 12,000 3.1.8 3,1.9 3.1.10 3.1.11 fit 3it{ Tfl;r srfi *' R('cffiFd/ 3ryid cr{r#i 6 q;fr t, qd Grqr il;n iltr(' $1 6"ry srirrffit *' ms €gfuil lq t cftlfta cr{reE 6t 3.1.1 q{ Ufdq 3-g1;f wTRd eGuft fuqr in-+r qtB('t 6rc S gfttr"a 3.1.6 ?nat :rdq-S:Fr cra-fl 6il * ;*i d. srrqr t fu d6 i1 emdrq ag *;n arBTrS +t stfi m araitrtur fld *' R(' sCtril 6t "I$ tl F$ uflt 6crw frRr aw sTn-trq'Eq tar (ffir siTrd{-q) *c-ira?t d $ffifrT ld€R fsqr il-('l stq aqr ffiq t1-ffit +' fr(' FrErGf ('zE-ffiq ekrcq tl s-6-fi nr* q5a gtrs t azlr TqFq sqq e.d.ri * fr(' qfe1 aq arA S qr*r *q-ar q+iE +;ri ilr af*-a sefid Ery Sdrcil' fif 6S *' mqur Ffrli dl sFFqBIl a;r €rffn 6-q;rr o-f* t:' frfia":dq{iar d' qffiI Eqrs f qd-ca *T E-arqr *rfrt ril r'cs fT r-grdt mf q;rdfrd q'r *;rrrc t 6t+^{ qq frqr ffi Ht Fil-dfq nfrl srdrr ?lta ?rg 'h qt{rd qr*r +ri dr "t t'w fr S€fi 39rdf +t 3;rd'Frfr w *c !-s{aFI fi tfi ffia fufrFT GqT er{?+T q:di ft;qr qriar qG('i * fr('Birr 3.1.5 aFer l 3.1.1 var 9€w dr 1| aq' ffi-f6-frrtdl 3.1.2 il* futi{r sfr. fr(r 4a' dl#a sTGr dm' frffi elt ftutq 4if 6r4tfud afi'" fta.rlr' sr sor tr sffit:i ffifua :rs *a;6 df qrswRm s+trmrMf fr *rffi dqr€ an* qrfd(' d?ll qFT 3lryrfr :rffit 6| q-aFryIF6 fr-qr arar qrfd(' aqr q-6 gftfi-q-d f+qr dtal qtft(r f6 d E-d ri* rsfit * Ra'3{qfr ffi el fu{rqr tr dd fr s-ctr{-T* et{ *. frrr sr+€rrdT ftqr ?rrn t 3-6T FTfi 1* c6renfr agrs dt f,h('6ri ortsa"r et{ tf Rrfi('fr rm or TrdTa rcil{-{* cF{sd ryrn fr;+r frr w tt :rS q-6rq 1F }iTrdrs. t dr;frc'q g.ffT qr{t * frv r,;rtu fr-qr sl rr+-ar t,rqtf*' ;rrq vd oqdn sffiR *' qrg fu1T('* 3iT{ dr qrci * Rq st$.t;-s ildf tt oqnr * ffii * ft('fticTq-dl f,d€ frdrd 6I fl-d€Irdr friqr qrmr qTfr(r FqtGF qna flTI fr s-6r frffi 3ft{ slrlrqrf, flIsrff d;rfr vgar ot rr+?Il oBtr E-sri.g-am di +-s'$ qifi (rfi ER HTFaT SI ars, {6 €'6rqfi d-rn,{qtffi ehd 6-rd *'qkTa ri Efit FRrdffi qrt mt d 6er c-{dl tt qrtrqrl tR-"ft-d{ tqr *-a+ t oa ksrc-{ $ ar* fI 3rdfu a-+'rrtirffia d-ft +-ntrrfr F-drg 3l--r* fr s|$ 3ft r'rrweit 9rs]ft-ir ;161 6tS, ils q{ *-4; fu+r d.d d iilgl - e* s.z 4 s.ff. F,ecs t€fi ;'ug-;'#ft 3.2.1 q*rssiarf,r lrfrF fr :rerfi fur+, fufi ra {W sem dt fr' ai{d, ;i-dl 3IrA * 3TrdBf, 6l-fi aTfd\r ES F{'€ftfr *-cs ;prt Eeraa frrnrfr' w fr t'*rq d o.t m* i-"*t rrg dier*'ap feoit eT-c 3{TdGffi ft ?r$ t, eTfdq d' hrqftia +6fi ffi,.Arft-'R-tt'B sgrd gFrd Fqftil c.r d qit ar s*'r 3.2.2 d6iqr4r S, *-6; rltt 6Er&r-s3jt +r Mqr p1q6t Eri"rtr aqr qttrffirrq qlTf {fi t, *iffiIl q} v+a *ft S'wft-a P*-qr aI s*ar Fr 3.2.3 'd6'Fd gtdqT'6r45rT fi 3iffrt7 tryrslg3i frfr 4t ge-O *-cd *'fr\'Tdrs *AlE n rrcr 6afif C'3iarffi{r il{r$nq}, * 6Fr4 s} efrrfrr t f{crqi 'rnr qrfdtrt 3.2.S STad{ h fr('f{qrdr fEr ssna a"r {f "r$ tr (nrr$ dr q5: wrr fr rs* g('q6i qF ('?r qtraa ers cfi 3FFT gr{ET tn-t;ft qTtrq ffi 6d 4,000 ater rr ri t aqr g.2.4 ffi tr Sf 3rrerclrrdr q{, €i+rqt €r fls q{ 5a, Ffaru fuqr aRrt 3.2.7 .n'$ qK, qF hcr "rqr t Ffi W .r{ sft frrrrn fuqI srcrt 1.2.6 61-3t ffi 3.3 3.3.1 afr ftfq_firft S "ittffi * ggr+ ftff t 6} 3{T}s ftqr rrqr ur vrg FS trfrd'r c-sTl fr'St ;rS er$ 26, Aanr P+''{rqr aal afr' grnt fif frr t'o cfr fu':- r,-ilt g*flg Hqr f6 filfl' ntrra sq #i s.rarecr fi-{r$ €-dsTrtrrdr +' fr(', arrrr fsrra ffifr qrB(' ?fir q6 Hqrqr rrqr t fu' r'rrq EiBqr * qrf*d fT dEIr d-6 {tr tt sTrd #I vil', Td esl ffiI 3r*tdt 1.25 Rftera t aqr ?Tr* E{-d. *qd ug ftft'+a Fr q-d cffil q1 *r+a qrm'isier F€flr tr ;qrrtrq qirrd sa 6fr-l11 fI €€q1 o16trr urfizl,ffia-hft('fdrTra t-drrli 4r rrur;n €r qr r+-& Ft qTs-fiq arE* *t qa.'?f'T 3.3.3 *fr qil g{T ff{6 S *qK frrn srar "ITft('fdF (rdF ir{cF"A t\ arn iigfr a{s-t'qrar d ;rrral drrr (tfl gBat d-dRT rrr*r o"tt qlr azn 3.3.4 tsWr di, rtr afi-e $ cftrdFr ilJTrr/r 20 Brfla d-dBit 6r cil"|;r 6|;n lrlt ffi df €ra qfr Fru6 e11T 6|,fr qi}1 dfu-d, aw 5B*r * 3lqfr tgrai fI -ge *6q1 6*r m-l fi 6qr Fd-€r rgrfi lfff$a 4tt ffi. onsl abr gs-S ;r"r :n r)l 5;rn fi;rfl, a.ffi t-y;;rqln ;i4ai.{, ffi atn RFdr t fr('sft, 3IrR-d-crI 3.3.2 *gfr ii tl 3- t * +tdrfirdr ilfr +t* s{t d.rfi f{qrfr $-sr irffitr a-e @ arfir E-S o-*o e-oA' * qffi +' R(r, qrfr +t otcr*rar 6ErS :r$ q{ 6 Eit *'frr' ffi *-rar .r.ffl-tl sffiR qt sa #i. W gqra dAr qrGq d6i dc-+?r ad t q?n $r*trfr, {.sEFril, $er;rdr, qifdflT 3rTfr a f*"TcrnA C a"dT Hqta ri.r&ar'qEd- t fi sf'{a tt 3.3.6, ff{fi'K sil F{Rf d sfrfi*f{ +rar qrftlt't Tt" fr"Y d' tr6 4-.Tr il-,iFirft d'dr$ tl ar;fieq fi{i Erfr +t$ a qirs EqgTtn.d-fi qrfdqr {rdi fi *.* +t q3Tr$ fuFT $ET::FITI lr{qltrs afi6f t *fl 3.3.7 ut* 3.3.5 qrar 1*:t qrF(rt .,: :itqffio, gtffr q-d 16fnfiryqs1 fr, g1sn$Ssgm 6rffi +i ear5rc lft-a afi',tt *:n*q!rR.F frffi" #t fe q-m'R qtrIhfi @ ro" qrBr' f* ;rrar erl 3,3.8 futq +tg efr srsBqr a 3.3.e TS qlFl dt +} ssfi rdrt :: g6 lr-s-d ER .: .: tuFarfrd Sut+fd ffi sqa-etr +'tr$ sr* ,, S.C,!he3rde6 , gF?rq d a-5r f*':'tr f ' ',, 3i|{ qqr arn qrF('t qr#fie S ftl-c* t fr(' frffrn qrdr +-{* *' Rq qrHi e,t *+r$, ,ietg- w 5e$ drfrr rrfirr $1 mr&rc d ffi *' fr('('m'J{frft-rir ft-ffrdr €-ar gs' fr vr s*fr Fl 3.4.2 Firrdrdr ttil di Errfr (.ffflFal *'wrqet S Ci{rsl 6q s-fe * g|iffi(' fi th-sl qu tr wrra aia-"qi *' R(' fr-tr a-q-{-dr$?i ftrdfi fsilqr aqtr {& $1 ezryra Effia l*;rn ;rar qrltqt ;TrrR srys jl, futt\' *-t Tdr q6 ari il ffi 3.4.1 fi#n-c f*ffr;r 3.4.3 qfY a-*' 6-dr$r--rg +l {wn 6-a ftmrar ilfr(rt r$f :-Era tf rS gf*tn * R(', cqfi{q;i 3rf,a-3lorr E {rqr a-{fi d?Tilq ff t, i{r€r .iliq ilfi 3.4.4 si ,w fufla qrQrut ffi*(' qi ffi{rqr aq +-l* d {$a' c1-5ffitdr fi ffilTrn qrBlri d& cunfi qgrsT 6{fr *. snr-qrq qqwr$-di + frr' rft orarc-{ d;Tr eTft\' m qa-6ffi+Tfiqf;rfls=fir qrft(r, ld a :J4,5 ft{ra St lra cqrft arm t'l qfca q-r cfr"6-d esr{ flFr lfr Ft rqH:+eqar d .lrql)ti ft;qr f* s$fi 6q€ d;qFrqi *'qlrqsl S frrltqr ;ffi -fi-{-} + fr\' r'* :rfr qneEff qoni'?r +ztTfra 6f *.frq -4tfrffa'+t fr*sr tt 3.4.ti fl t m-rd S ryr+r +w aq" {t;t-&r "66 il ?)fha T{r& cTs 3{rqq? gftqrln fu s-fr tt qB. srt ftffrfr sr* e?fi * :rn l& * iilsfaq grer gftfQ:ra q-'ce b fr(' ('qt l-5T ar r'#frw f,'lL' rr,furur r;nrr,.fl .r,lJt+e +) *qrfqn +l fr aTat €5* rw *.kqrdr adqn qtBci t rrrl {tr,J it rql4; lr:;d) :n.,r ,} rlrq sfrT.{ Ti€qr dt fufrEd tt q-q{ SFff +} .6rr,11,rc .rtrra 5tr$ rrgsr druT Jrffif, 16r s *{rF d?n fir#qic s frrfimr r{qrq * frq 3ft{ 3TEs. fusfia tqr rqfud +-ra +r :ifr*rr qffir fu:n rrqr tt 3rff,, ga. srR-+nt 6r F$rrra fu-ff rnrr arB(,r 3:47 $g'& 3rcr di ernftfr ert,eg 6=* d, Tla-rnT ftS sr G H @. erruur {rtr{a ft eTFd dt qe t dFa {Er-& sq *' Rs st$ efi srfrff+a Bffd *sr :rqdnffir dfi uRtS 3'4.8 tl "$ Tdd ry" f*-qr fu {TET+ artru tratrdl ilrfr w eE{T *'R(' ('fr' WT Ra ftr GrTst *f| fu$sT * yds grerrr S a-qt ft airr ir€ir FF f+'qr fr.:- 't,..' r ru.' "fi'kssr t,d*erq, sffi rdrs r-ri *r $gsr rd ari xr ffrfiFn:r6Frnt 3.s.2 FFH qffi ftq fu rqqrr-ffi-eiaa n-'- '3.5.1' ataalY*'. 3.5.3 rddt-* *d* Erqr fu arrr 6r6er rgnd fi +.r ertrq srrrf, f;SF FErF TTr?t qil E-{il q-r ffi- 3rq} *, frntur € ;Tfdr d, tfr rcffidrr nG r$ F a€n flEry s{r Raiurfi{ kqr rrqr t aA*a 6-drS rgt 61 3qqror o6y Gn-.w rrqT t aen enesr* t srqrdrd ercF?r a-6f fuqr rFqr Ft ffJTla fdr *t ;roq t tr€ cr{€T fuqr cril qrftqrr 6-{16 3.5.4 ff_dfqrEr tgfusra,l tt affir€ fqrt sT-E-dr *'src;nE cR tr6a 6rda1$r ff qrqr 3.5.5 irtrrrd F-drg 3T_s* S 3Ta{.'Sq f{ffrar trEr yrrrcr ft q.rfi qrft(rr 3.5.6 v:r gfl*m t srqrcrfr d frFiq aw sffi661 6t-d 8r g{Ffi qtrrtr Fr: er{FsT 4-{ fi t aen f{T fiRq ater qnr * ftq q€-ft a-qrdTr$at En Efi-qar ** irn Hr *-q * o-o v$Tdi ii frFic fir qa-ar qrfui mt fi arfi ErF('l 3.6 S 3.6.1 4ff vtfum * q-er fu':- ,,fr cffum ;l +,5r a-& A-qr 4qr tr f*- al_sdr aprr fuqrra ;ftFr tt f+nfi efi HFra1$ $ +t rnfi-r 3.6.2 .rOd) srufi\+ar fura"iq;n oar$ *r d-fr qrftgr F6t* €-.{r-6 dI fc; finfr qzR,crlrfi d i,ril Thrmr ilftt' * f*en Ffl-q frr qlaa m-li p;r r;dt ron-o dI fh ;rg -.'rhfi q;) rif.lqr *; Httltq tI{ {{{r :nFI, q6 ,r.lrd iF fi}r.n dirrrJa, dqil I 6 :t {lrll;q;:I , t., }tr .';frlrl1 + rgr,,r} fi dl) ur"} rtl,J.l il, ;rrfr; -qCrtl .tfrr J;q \r{i1 i{la;"t') il') 1,,;r,,ri ,il rl)) lrfi ttlcl} tt r;6JJ {ri,frd ,l} l,}, *i(rr.fa",{t *rrat,-{.( qiq rt funra dar qKr€{ vs-t *r ardi 3t{ qfr dt f tr a+S nfi d d dfr-d q-q FsrFd R-(' Cffi : qrffi-4 -_*Po ; o'ffi-r 'reTn t (rn'nK u'r #i jr- u,or fr'q.o uu.'+ S qrftr't qfiR 3{k4i tl 5{rfi dq *r ;rr-fi drdi *r 3.6.s x*fi ; Ak- qa edfiIil r*"t "* rn T *aqr t T;1] g' fi ei6 flt *- FFrur dA t a f*'(BIrt *'rffi 3.6.4 fr v*' sts mI eFF{ T t' ga anrd €r iifd ti*Arn .rq ffr frdI qTrdgt rrq'siffi mr ernia$rr f6qr fir ff"fi ilGq ; ; # t,"*sw ar6 ar aTd-& * tu gFq €tRrn * rm.rn$gTR 4-s fi ffiff *, * 3.6.6 6t" *tg r-ca 'r fu* * f'Yq, affi' qrQ(rl 3.6.7 frt{rqT ;rq R(' ;.;.; (tfi -- * mT fiallrr Ffiqr ana,r tnfrr'r q6 3rfifwa gfdnfr trtn-dT - a drfr 3q@r,s-{r4:q..a :q{.ry "* * ry a*, fu{dt 6v *fr'tr; 4lr RIfr q,),'3is{ rEE G,* ;# q5. "at50?o $idf ari dt' ff;r ct 6 qmar 6l t.t .'... 1':': ... , . l ' 3.7 * q$il'rta df qff, fr +-O lqi 3.7.1 :- ffi-i fr * nWA qtfr t s{fiR frr r{frIir tfl f{6r;r qtf,'j| li.r*aT s66*t fuv rr*+ a"ci **- 6r Fiar c-{ sdHfr qadr 3-d6t$ s{6'ff #r $+dqtraisTf qr e{t qa?tfl aq{a Era atn rrfi:agfr' BfiEidT rff* *' E6rs dt rorcro 6bft, {tl t+-qrt ffi ai{n €n gG-qr fr 6{ fl6-fi tr ga* Ti€rtJa Sfi-a fir 3.7.1 tqr * ulrf €Bf,{uT ftnnfr{ti t:ncffil 3qY t, 9;f aGrqd fu('3T* 3.72..*" qit $c* yFr6:il.TY 6tTI sr{r;T * ter +t s-fla fi d-al an.q-d Fl *"T" tr s;} Estq $Kfc d' cFrfld rfiq' squn, uarargi 6-{ Sc-dr6 3.7.4. 3{|Tftff (':i{r qi q-g fuqr sr s+-ar tt f,r't +' frq' $rtRla S aer tsr a qri 3lr{ffi * +rrur y.a.-$ azn d-o;1 qiq:fi-dr d 4.d?f,o F' 3.1.5 r<,,ti m-O d-$ m grrrs aqr a8r{rc ii. 3,7.6 3-6t}} o.rr fr' 3IKffi *r r,avtruft d. 6.$ {eTdt *-c't fru ihqg ;1fr Sr 11{-4'f{ 4i- ftr:i?T qir$ rfr lswrg-d fr'ffir e-qr * s ft qffia d_"n tr}qr ffi Gil€' enr fi fu' t q-d-& dq4'dT €?lTn-d yrc-fi;lT .m qtS s{t frnts' G+Ea 3{tTrffi s.{i. fi 3rrq?qtF?ir tl 3ra" * qn & tdTr qrPf('t :J.l.t'oSt,rrargt,Be}s-siliaT(,g}sl.6-5129ffiqfrtrrgrqa6rRrffiqrq-rrilH :-St f"de F+-qt i;\f.I;i rtm {g'*' g"r rfsi *'r E?.}qor s.{;} a- '1I4 f,6ql arvr q-* €frF{ th} t.i, :rt?(J nen :mfff q;T frt/rq ft-qH-Flqtl t dld A"'{I atrr h Rwrft?it 3,7.8. * !q{ giqTT, qq a . . . ann * fu'Fr,frdrq gGaT qrc-s Fsftf{r vln$, srs"r a ftqr + fr(' erl iretq€t:r, f+r* sr*n +r +ilfttm fl{T q{ (1+- g6f eilt tra gqE ?itcffi'*T rr&r f+-qr rrqr qr- (€n$, *mrqR"r di *'qnur frraRfua * ftq (BIrS aw +tr q?rr*ngf, *' sq df +- SBqr* cnT fteE d q-d.T-f.a t'*rgn$Tl gfdt$ tl rry+srnsit 6r6g.4;q-4 *t s{trrr fii fi qr& rrF ftqR en fs'vrn$ qdnr var c,fiqru a-ri f uenr 6t gfi1 q$r var mr4 q-r* * frq a;* gs-drsr qr ffirn rt aa-fr-+, #r a-re ard' q'c;n (Brq dqT'r (Bng a+rra * rTafr 400 ffi fr sffig arFtFqm 3nqr w E6-{ Ff,-fr Fl qris tftRrr, (Bnt * ws sffi' qilrdr flalr dql*. S aw 16 RR{d dk w mie tBffi-rr *-r s+-S H Gil fr ('.r q5r Errqr tl q3il[ iiBqr, lq-cq dqfi *' tt+' fuTIa *' +r4r* cfraftil qt ifizT +;ri +r rr& m-nor Ft r,z.s urn$* frqr o6 qg sa-sm rft tgag fr{ rr{mr*'* rt{ra 3tfrrr slrt frffirdr lgfit arE' e) aqr 2004 irr 15 ES *' dt'{rd vfi eft bfita ar *fi'fq ;rff trqT er,m cil Pfi flSf ffidTfr mr qur Enrlsr qil ae *St *. enrflr 6ti rrr, gaq{ ErFrzIr qt;r, ersnff qq f qFr€ruT.wr atm dfrfin 3fl* qrt ad f aqrq 6r ar4?r tt gfir$ t ollor qqTrt;r ilfiF qa Brrerr rlk gs aro S ('3Tr$ 'rqa 6s mrTT r& t Ama ,a*r rrrs-q* Sf,fr n-€t F f4, A 3Tqr{r {q Tsar q-r €di $!s trfr-6 d" ff{fiK JA $Ra-ft sgr;r s-{ € tt S-dfI TfrttEESStr aan ffFq zr'r rrenr iTtTr elrrr Eir fqreat 3.7.10 eTrdf,rq ftsn'q-..3a qTft"d6{oT * *qr q} frqs 111.{ t EEr$ 3r$ f4\' t deII apr;r *0 :ntJfta-dfi i'rm-{rr fr(' tr arq-a t" irdH ary afr qdtrd, lr1ol s-AqT"r, tsru dtrri il;r*, e-S a+q g, 3.7.11 :;6ti ggrra kqr ffi ftfruft('mt 5w 6eu fI qitr m-c-"ft qrft"q fili"qr*dn'qrrlarFT Sr €{-q-.Tr rrorq t aen tir-Erqr d?r m-{* fr cbqr fi }fr ai.t .f'T anr I 3.7.12 r;6t$ garo fr ft; anq.l si e?r # chdr f,?{I EtFr :ih :rfftr tiq&;n *qR 6{dT orftqt err-a t-+a St isrl t gTt{ qr o1 qF-fii ot6+} rn.9,11fcffi ard.+.} d-.m {ftt} g-fl"tt s}q tcr} 3.8 sft {illmlts t +wr eft €.r&-dr 6t"'fr urlfrvt ciftq-d .4 .ifilzrn ;t ;nsr 1;l; : 't rffl'rqr t, @1 E-di st* trqrdT ffl'rq-dr"q aS tt 'r6-d @ *r$g$. {ERr (,?F frffrd fI darfi fi rrg ?fi, m err frqr ffi Ft fsh wrrul F*-{rqr sfi {6 qqr tr 3-.glt ,T$E frqr fu T"uTFfre aen l*S trrd tdftE frt 3.8.1. afterdrg di, Frdr€ 3.8.2. d 6ar'$ r-rsr *' cq S reti +-or ffira ftqr arcrl l*' ea Erat irqrf r,ssi si sqfs ffird s'r q{tq ffi qTs' atr d ar 16r F, dfr.d r-S 3lsfr .ro :rq*s a-fr fu-qr 4"{r,Ft qifrdl 3.8.3. s{fiR st dtl;T fir #rffd *t *,lq m-{S * rcRT +Ti fr,,qr 3.9. 4 qrqrrqfr siilRa rrd Ff{rila S sffi *',frql dlrt 5gr.T crt€T #f sK't ' 3.9.2. utii €r gurecar d gtTrr qrqr -,h fiRur At eilS Sffi S qrqr 4-{ q51 tt g:** ffiil, 3.9.3. $*rq q-q qftqrda 6{i vw gBw #r rgr* wnkfi RFn t qorfr tr cfr $rfril 3.9 4. 3;6ii' 3ig6 f6{Tr fu of aart 3r-sS C' furc-orgr, f{dnr4 aar ffi faqr orir Aqfu-fi f,t{ .R, fffq-{r$T t Xtr * R(' tR-fiIcur gil IIrrFT €I 3.g.1. g,g.s. #I-Raq-dTgr-ffi *. m'3fitrrf, f{rfla trqr qrtsT #I fffi 3.9.6. furq'dT5T fr. fsrfur{dr ftitvrm' 4 3TuqqT * q*-q-dr6 *TTrrur * qt ferqr arar erfd('t grer *o-o {.* lr g*l-A g$t i(*{.i*l( ji*i* rttl(lt{( jlt;ltl**r** ih* 6- qrftKrl arrrt Fflnarr.dTrdq 1. * fr. daliara, ufuo 6rrr Eaia-a; 2. 3. gfr (rry. flErd-ff, glc-{ HR{ a.i 6.6 u-cilEifiR ,fr 3tffi{ ,ftarrf,-{, {iytT TrRE qd sraw vrf qdtr*' Filrn, :5. Tt,*.sifffi,.glq S;il. snffi g;an, ig+a rfu+ o. 7 8. 9. q ffiF c,;K, rrnrf,nru "tfi* S fr. t*r Anf1, ar:rrq t*cr;ra d* * ffi sf. €fuq. S fr. 3{qcTr {Fr, arrn ftqm,T d* *' frntq mrqtMr S a-ddffr {+}fr, 4Bs fdq'Fff, rcq ri* *'B*q nrqtffi d Er"Ififi s-{r6, frtrsrmgS for ffiffi, ffidnnn 10. 11. 12. g4 $wr* E+sr, fr*srfi' 13. fr gqur arrq% BtsFqt 14, fi fi.*". sdTrirfl, JgsTrar 3rEqrrft $q) ffi 1. n. sam g,mr, +ig+a wE-+ 2. AIqtr r.s. abr, €".q-.d ffi(' 3" fr q'.t., S{rf,d Ad:ff(' 4. "fI ilR-rT rrc.err, Tiq-{fr ffi€llr 5. * *.ir+r. rra.r, lrrrqa *ffir' 6. aft.nFr-q 11{fl-al, €'-qf,d'*ffi(' q.r'R fu-raa U{qrr q{S ril 4l 3il{fi rtr,il, *Trrq.{ q{UTr "l).*l). urr .lf .]a'r, f;t{1rcn, SttrFr C\ (ll}r1; qqq as fr. ,g.rql 1. q3rt $$,tr : . -9'' rrw 'tI 3{K.*'. E tfi, iiBn fsi '-' s{qlT .9 3{Fr+f, ,.,i ,. frftts 1. ,fi tRa dera, ' t,.. ffi . firrfrr Hrrarqiilfi stfutrlul 1. $f rrg. Ggt, $UqqT Z. ,lf A. daqcra, g6{et (a!it\r$) ' ffijis_&e 1. .ff {isd qfs, FS 2. * d;fr-d 3P1E1-6, {frcrs glsu s:R entta (*arry) dT.*'' az{r, ffi{er6' lo