Winter 2012 - Asbury University


Winter 2012 - Asbury University
President’s Report | Winter 2013
In Search of
Fulfilling the Call —
Past, Present & Future
. Donor Spotlight
. Photos from 2012
and much more
In this Issue
vol. 39 | Issue 4 | WINTER 2013
OUR Cornerstones:
From finances to creation care, an in-depth look
at the ways Asbury University stewards its vision,
resources and talents for the Kingdom.
The University offers heartfelt thanks
for the supporters who give faithfully
to help fulfill the mission.
Scholarships honor former
student who thrived in the
Asbury Music Department.
Alumni-funded trip to the other
side of the world leads to a
ministry much closer to home.
01 02
President’s Message
Cornerstones: Stewardship
Honor Roll of Donors
Donor Spotlight
Honor Roll of Donors Cont.
Student Spotlight
Board Listings
Fund for Asbury
Dr. Sandra C. Gray
Vice President for Institutional
Charlie Shepard ‘99
Assistant Vice President for
Institutional Advancement
Larry Jarrard ’93
Director of Alumni Relations & Parent Program
Carolyn Ridley ’81
Ambassador Magazine
Director of Marketing & Communications
Brad Johnson
Production Coordinator
Gabe Gibitz
Asbury founder John Wesley Hughes (1) breaks
ground on Hughes Auditorium in 1928 as H.C.
Morrison (2), E. Stanley Jones (3), Bishop H.L. Fisher (4),
then-president Lewis Akers (5) and others look on.
Photo by: June Mitchell ‘27
Art Director
Kyle J. Schroeder
Staff Writer
Rebekah Daniel
Other Contributors
Brad Easley ‘99 & Will Houp ‘13
Asbury university is a private, independent, Christian, liberal arts
institution, providing academic excellence in a context of spiritual vitality.
This nationally recognized, non-denominational university offers programs
in more than 50 majors of study and several graduate programs to a student
body of approximately 1,700 students. Founded in 1890, the University’s
globally aware heritage has produced more than 22,000 living alumni who
live and serve in all 50 of the United States and more than 80 nations.
The mission of Asbury University, as a Christian Liberal Arts University in
in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition, is to equip men and women, through a
a commitment to academic excellence and spiritual vitality, for a lifetime of
learning, leadership and service to the professions, society, the family and
the Church, thereby preparing them to engage their cultures and advance
the cause of Christ around the world.
Volume 39, No. 4, Winter 2013 The Ambassador (USPS 356490) is published
four times a year by Asbury University, Wilmore, Ky. It serves as a quarterly link
between the University and its constituency and builds loyalty and awareness
of Asbury University so that readers will joyfully and sacrificially commit to
Asbury University’s vision and mission. If you are interested in making a bequest to
Asbury University, use our full legal address: Asbury University, One Macklem Drive,
Wilmore, KY 40390-1198. For specific information, call (800) 888-1818, ext. 2104.
Comments, alumni news and letters to the editor are welcome to the address below.
Periodicals postage paid at Wilmore, Ky., and additional mailing offices. Postmaster:
Send all address changes to the Ambassador, One Macklem Drive, Wilmore, KY
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Asbury University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender,
age, national or ethnic origin, disability or religion in the admission of students
and their access to educational programs and activities.
President’s Message:
Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit
tewardship is a term we hear often in Christian
The role that Asbury’s alumni play in helping the
circles. Frequently, it is used in the context of
University to be a good steward of its many blessings is
financial responsibility or care for God’s creation,
essential. Your ongoing involvement in campus activities
and the Bible has much to say about both of those
and in the lives of students helps to steward the mission;
topics. However, stewardship is a concept that
encompasses much more.
As followers of Jesus, our life is to be one: one with
Him, and one in mind, body, soul and spirit. This fully
integrated “oneness,” centered on the person of Christ, is
a powerful testimony that proclaims God’s sovereignty
over all of creation. As Paul wrote to the church in
Colosse, “For in Him all things were created: things in
heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether
“If all things have been created
through and for Jesus, then
stewardship means bringing all of
life under the lordship of Jesus Christ:
time, talent, resources, privileges
and opportunities.”
thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things
have been created through Him and for Him. He is
your excellence in your chosen field of service helps to
before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”
steward the integrity of an Asbury degree; your gifts
(Col. 1:16-17)
of talent and treasure help to steward educational
opportunities that shape the hearts and minds of leaders
If all things have been created through and for Jesus,
in every sphere of life. This issue of the Ambassador, in
then stewardship means bringing all of life under
particular, demonstrates
the lordship of Jesus Christ: time, talent, resources,
the depth and breadth
privileges and opportunities. Stewardship becomes
of alumni support that
something larger than the way we allocate financial
fills my heart with joyful
resources or even how we care for the environment.
If all life is one, then how we care for our own physical
body is a matter of stewardship; how we steward our
May you experience
time, decisions made for our families, churches, soci-
today the grace and
ety and the world — all come under the umbrella of
freedom of a life lived for
stewarding our life for Christ.
the glory of God.
All that we do, we do for the glory of God. In Psalm
19:1, David writes, “The heavens declare the glory of
God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” We
should do no less.
Dr. Sandra C. Gray
President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 1
In Search of
Fulfilling the Call — Past, Present & Future
by Rebekah Daniel
and Will Houp ’13
In 2007, Asbury University developed the
Cornerstone Project, an exploration of the
key elements of spiritual vitality at Asbury
University. In 2012-13, the Ambassador is
examining the Cornerstone values chosen
for the project — Scripture, Mission,
Stewardship and Holiness — with an eye
toward exploring the way in which each
one has shaped Asbury’s past, lives in its
present and guides its future. This article
explores Stewardship; the Spring 2013
Ambassador will address Holiness.
hen the lanky young
evangelist had boarded the
train and settled into his seat,
he stretched out his legs, cocked his
hat over his face and, as far as his fellow
passengers knew, drifted off to sleep.
wrote in his autobiography. “Of all
calls this was the most unthought of,
unexpected, and undesired. … My
call to college work was clear, but
bewildering as I considered what
seemed my utter inability and unfitness.”
But John Wesley Hughes was not asleep.
He was wrestling with a vision from his
Lord that had shaken him to his core.
Hughes initially may have felt
unqualified for his calling, but his love
for God would not permit him to
neglect his new vocation. With earnest
hard work, he founded Asbury College
in 1890 and stewarded the mission of
the institution as president for 15 years.
“I had seen and felt the need for
years of a real salvation school where
religious young men and women
could hold their salvation; and where
unsaved and unsanctified students
would not only be encouraged, but
urged to get saved and sanctified
and prepared educationally for their
life’s work,” Hughes wrote. “This would
be a school where the religious
atmosphere might be such that
the students would recognize the
world’s need and willingly obey the
Lord’s command.”
“After 12 years in the pastorate and
one in the evangelistic field, I received
a clarion call to college work,” Hughes
John Wesley Hughes’ vision is supported today by Campus Chaplain Greg Haseloff (above), the administration, faculty, alumni and students.
Hughes’ stewardship of the mission
of Asbury, carefully established in its
earliest years, built a foundation that
today supports several different facets
of stewardship under the umbrella of
“bringing all things under the lordship
of Christ” — the time and talent of
its students, the gifts of its faculty,
the physical facilities and financial
resources, to name a few. As it turns
out, Hughes’ sense of responsibility,
of stewardship for the vision of “a real
holiness school,” was just the beginning.
Money Matters
Between November “stewardship
drives” and the parable of the talents in
Matthew 25, one of the first aspects of
stewardship that springs to mind for
many Christians is financial.
Asbury’s commitment to a conservative fiscal policy goes back to a
period in the early 1930s in which the
“His master replied,
‘Well done, good and
faithful servant! You have
been faithful with a few
things; I will put you in
charge of many things...”
– Matthew 25:21
young school, hampered by debt and
struggling in the Great Depression,
nearly shut down. After negotiating
with creditors and bringing back
veteran fund-raiser H.C. Morrison
for his second term as president,
Asbury closed 1934 in the black, as it
has every year since. To this day, the
Board of Trustees is careful to keep the
University’s debt — usually acquired
only for special project expenses, and
never for operating costs — under a
specific percentage of its assets.
Before Asbury can wisely administer
its financial resources, however, it must
first obtain them. Tuition dollars are
supplemented by donations from
grants, foundations, corporations,
parents, friends and alumni.
Supporting Asbury is a family tradition
for Dawn Ford ’78 Veazey, whose
father, William Ford ’58, directly or
indirectly influenced more than 30
extended family members over the
years to attend as well.
Insistent that their children would
spend as least one year at a Christian
college, Dawn’s parents introduced
her to Asbury. Dawn and her
husband, Charlton, followed suit
when their daughters graduated from
high school.
“More important than the family
connection is that I believe in the
President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 3
institution and what it stands for,”
Veazey said. “I believe the heart and
soul of this institution is still Christcentered.”
Ande Jelley ’02 agrees. She supports
the University out of a conviction
that her Asbury education provided
a crucial foundation both for further
schooling — she holds a master’s
degree in counseling — as well
as the daily work she does as the
director of client services at a crisis
pregnancy center in Lexington, Ky.
“It’s important for me to give
to Asbury because I had the
opportunity to get a solid, Christian
education that impacts what I do
every day,” she said. “In Lexington,
there’s a lot of diversity in the
population. To be able to go into
every circle and reflect Christ is a
huge deal. Asbury grads need to be
able to live a life that reflects Jesus in
every aspect, whether it’s as a lawyer,
a nurse, or a bus driver, so I love
to see that Asbury is still trying to
encourage holiness.”
Creation Care
Throughout the Bible, nature
illustrates and demonstrates God’s
beauty and omnipotence, playing a
major role in God’s relationship with
his people. Moreover, mankind’s first
responsibility was to work the earth
and care for it.
At Asbury, one of the ways this
stewardship of creation has been
manifested is through recycling
efforts and an awareness on campus
that what God deemed “good” in
Genesis is, in fact, all around. Creation
care is more than merely picking up a
Adventure Leadership students recently put in significant community service as they hauled
hundreds of pounds of trash from a wooded area used by campus and the community alike.
“People might think they
have to go to the woods to
experience creation, but it
is every day as we walk to
class or wherever. We need
to be aware of creation
because even that gives
glory to God.”
– Alex McIntosh, ‘15
napkin or throwing away an old soda
can in the woods; it is a lifestyle.
What hooked David Smith ‘16,
a double major in biology and
recreation, on creation care, and
more specifically sustainable
agriculture, was a service trip to Peru.
He went to install a water purification
system in a village that was already
supporting itself. He helped lay the
foundations for the purifier, but it
was the village people’s sustainability
that showed him the importance of
respecting the earth.
The work in Peru cultivated a passion
in him for a sustainable lifestyle at
home. When he returned to the
United States, he went so far as to buy
his own chickens and keep them in
his backyard.
“It’s crazy the way creation care affects
our lives,” he said. “The big problem
is people don’t think it matters, or it’s
not a big deal. Wherever we’re at, we
should be thinking of how to honor
God’s creation.”
A strong advocate for creation care
is the Asbury Outdoors program,
led by Professor Trent Ellsworth.
It coordinates a pre-orientation
wilderness excursion called Archways
as well as other outdoor trips and
creation care speakers.
“People might think they have to go
to the woods to experience creation,”
sophomore Alex McIntosh said. “But
it is every day as we walk to class or
wherever. We need to be aware of
creation because even that gives
glory to God.”
McIntosh, also a double major in
bio and recreation, said that her
enthusiasm for creation care came
from camping with her family.
“The more I am outside, the more I
want to learn,” she said. “No matter
where we are, no matter what
environment, we are called to care
for creation.”
Growing Gifts
Allowing God’s hand to direct
one’s life can lead in unexpected
directions. In the Bible, there are
examples like Paul, Peter, Abraham
and Ezekiel. At Asbury, there are
examples like Beth Ziegler ’73 Miller.
Miller graduated with degrees in
speech and drama and worked as
youth director in a Methodist church.
The skills she developed at Asbury
coalesced into a youth drama troupe
called the Strangely Warmed Players,
and they soon became renowned in
Christian comedy.
While performing at the World
Methodist Conference in England,
she met Kenyan Bishop Lawi Imathiu,
who asked Miller to bring the troupe
to Africa. After some of the students’
parents came on board, and with a
generous grant from a foundation,
the troupe’s first visit turned into a
ministry. Miller has now taken more
than 300 people to Kenya. She also
started a school there that has now
had more than 200 graduates.
In Chapel, Miller said that often she
felt challenged as a student at Asbury
to change the world, and she could
never picture how.
“When you walk humbly with God,
be ready to anticipate places you
never expected to go,” she said. “You
are the potential to change the
world, never doubt you can do it.”
How it Works
Time Well Spent
One of the most important resources
Asbury students have is intangible:
time. The school and the student are
together responsible for making the
college years a time of exposure to
the width and breadth of options
open to each student.
As surprising as the number of
activities that Stockton Brown ’12
participated in during her four years
at Asbury is the fact that she can
remember all of them. Freshman
year? That was the year for being
elected freshman class president
and playing on the Asbury women’s
soccer team: “The camaraderie
and experience of working with
those girls has been something
I’ve thought about a lot in the past
couple of months in law school.”
Her sophomore year she continued
to serve in student congress as cochair of a committee on academic
and institutional issues. She also
joined a leadership development
group for students called Lead
A student-initiated emphasis
on recycling as a means of
stewardship has seen significant
growth in the past few years.
About 100 recycling containers
are distributed on nearly every
floor of each residence hall and
academic building. Each recycling
bin is lined with a biodegradable,
translucent green bag.
In 2011, Asbury University
recycled more than 16 tons of
materials. By October 2012, it
had recycled nearly 19 tons
— an increase of 13 percent
over 2011 with two months
remaining in the year. The total
campus waste reduction from
2009 to 2012 was 31 percent.
President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 5
On, where mentoring by staff
members and exposure to speakers
and activities taught her “to be
comfortable in my own skin as a child
of God, made in His image.”
Her junior year she served as a
resident assistant of Third Crawford
and put some of her activities on
hold for a time to better connect
with the students on her hall: “That
was a pivotal year for me to realize
the integration of activity and
relationship. There’s a difference
between just doing stuff with people
and really being with them and
investing in them.”
For her senior year, she returned
to student congress as the vice
president of spiritual life: “I had grown
in my faith and understanding of who
God is and my relationship with Him,
and I wanted to share what I had
experienced of the Lord.”
For Brown, being a good steward of
her time at Asbury meant exploring
different passions and following
interests to see where they might
lead. And though the activities
varied — Brown was an enthusiastic
supporter of intramural volleyball in
addition to academics and student
government — each one revealed
lessons for the moment and
prepared her to take the next step to
law school.
“I am absolutely grateful for Asbury,
the lessons I learned there and the
people I became friends with,” Brown
said. “Time is our biggest resource
— it’s how we show what we love
and value. I’m so grateful for the
time I had to invest in relationships
at Asbury, learning about God’s
sovereignty and presence.”
Seeking ‘Well Done’
John Wesley Hughes would probably
be a big fan of a recent initiative at
Asbury that ties together multiple
aspects of stewardship, all in a
humble (but growing) garden. The
Mission Farm Project is a crossdisciplinary program that teaches
students sustainable farming
The Mission Farm Project, Summer 2011
“It’s important for
me to give to
Asbury because
I had the opportunity
to get a solid,
Christian education
that impacts what
I do every day,”
– Ande Jelley ‘02
techniques. With these skills, students
can work in less-developed areas
of the world to share the love of
Christ in practical, relevant ways. Last
spring, students and faculty planted
potatoes, kale, corn, radishes, squash,
peas, tomatoes and more in a quiet
patch of pasture at the University’s
Equine Center. This year, plans include
developing a plot of moringa, a
“miracle plant” that is catching on
in impoverished regions because of
its resistance to drought and high
nutritional content.
The stewardship implications of the
Mission Farm are manifold: Ecologically,
sustainable farming is kinder to God’s
creation. Theologically, students
who can share their knowledge of
gardening also can open doors to
share God’s truth. Financially, homegrown products costs less money, and
educationally, students learn about
the connections between biology, soil
chemistry, economics and ministry.
It was this combination of body, mind
and spirit that grabbed Hughes 122
years ago at Asbury’s founding. And it
was this sort of a return on investment
that the wealthy man in the parable
of the talents might have envisioned
as well. Just as he left his servants with
resources according to their abilities, so
has the Lord gifted resources of talent,
financial support, natural resources
and time to Asbury.
“We’re accountable to those who
came before us and those in the
future — to leave the University intact,
able to minister and fulfill its call,” said
Dr. Charlie Fiskeaux, vice president
of business affairs and CFO. “We’re
accountable to the larger Church
world to turn out students who are
able to contribute to the work of
bringing the Lord’s kingdom on earth.
We have done it, we are doing it, and
we’ll leave an institution capable of
doing it until Jesus comes.”
Honor Roll of Donors
Honor Roll of Donors
Throughout the next 20-plus pages, we celebrate those who have helped
keep Asbury going strong in the past year and create
life-changing opportunities for Asbury students.
President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 7
Honor Roll of Donors
Annual membership at each giving society level is based on cumulative giving to Asbury University between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012.
Those who made a gift to Asbury University during the 2011-2012 fiscal year and have passed away are indicated with a “D” by their name.
President’s Society
G = Gold
$10,000 & above
S = Silver
B = Bronze
Patron $5,000 to $9,999
$2,500 to $4,999
$1,000 to $2,499
The following alumni made gifts to
Asbury University between July 1, 2011
and June 30, 2012.
Dr. Arthur William Brewington D
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Nellie Naylor Masser
Mr. Hugh A. Barnett, Jr.
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Susan Bailey Green D
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. Ralph R. Metheny
Dr. Hobart Schoonover
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Sallie Miller Mann
Mrs. Agnes Johnstone Palm
Mrs. Rosemary Smith Sageser
Dr. Richard B.L. Linde
Mrs. Margaret Martin Moore
Miss Dorita Smith
Founder’s Society
Rev. William M. Pope
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Daniel A. Long
Circuit Rider Society
Dr. Leonard W. Mann
Mrs. Dorothy Alverson VanSteenburg
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Dr. J. Harold Greenlee
Circuit Rider Society
Bishop Wayne Kenton Clymer
Miss Elizabeth Wiley
Mrs. Frances Kinlaw Moore
Mrs. Sammye Smith Vore
President’s Society
Dr. James William Keith
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Rayma Gene Greenlee Hutchens
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Lillie Mae Ammerman
Dr. Donald Irwin
Dr. James Elmer Kilbourne
Rev. Raymond E. Noah
Dr. Sammy M. Stabler
Mrs. Charlene Dieck Bentley
Dr. Loren K. Davidson
Mrs. Eva Sanders Hindman
Dr. James A. Shepherd
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Gladys Moore Keith D
Mrs. Hettie Frost Shingledecker
President’s Society
Rev. Dr. Lee Roy VanSickle
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. David B. Sageser
Mrs. Ruth Childers Seamands
Mr. Charles E. Crouse
President’s Society
Dr. Evyn M. Adams
Rev. Herbert Massey
Mrs. Elaine Amstutz Turner
Rev. Robert P. Turner
Mrs. Nellie Cook VanSickle D
Founder’s Society
Rev. G. William Sims
Founder’s society
$500 to $999
Henry Clay Morrison Society
$250 to $499
Circuit Rider Society
$100 to $249
Supporters$1 to $99
President’s Society
Ms. Frances E. Abbott
Mrs. Virginia Foard Massey
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. Jack Key
Mrs. Margaret DeVore Metheny
Mrs. Helen Rhudy Scharer
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Lura Crary Griswold
Mrs. Marguerite Coltharp Hall
Mrs. Marcella Simpson Bateman
Dr. Charles L. Boss
Rev. Allen J. Bowman
Mrs. Leanore Marske Grinager
Mrs. Elizabeth Soto Gutierrez
Mrs. Blanche Schwinabart Holifield
Mr. W. Harwood Overmyer
Ms. Evelyn Nofcier Triplett
President’s Society
Dr. Wayne A. Culp B
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Genevieve Yoder Pope
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Dr. William R. Key
Rev. Charles W. Reeve
Circuit Rider Society
Dr. Joseph M. Davis
Rev. Paul Haines
Mrs. Virginia Gardner Shannon
Mr. William L. Underdown
Rev. Elda Diehl Walker
Mr. Frederick P. Wiley
Miss Ruth E. Beall
Mrs. Vivian Campbell Bittinger
Mrs. Ida Lee Reeder Mitchell
Dr. Charles F. Wilcher, Jr.
President’s Society
Mr. Clifford E. Abbott D
Mrs. Geraldine Frasher Abbott
Rev. Floyd F. Fought
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Mary Miyabe Kajiwara
Mrs. Patricia Carte Shinn
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Doris Radovich Davis D
Mrs. Ruth Diehl Gordon
Mrs. Lillian Beckwith Irwin
Rev. Hughey L. Jones
Mrs. Lovell Mae Brasel Kesner
Rev. Lester B. Laur
Mrs. Alice Southern Parsons
Mrs. Marjorie Lockard Snyder
Rev. Marion L. Walker, Sr.
Mrs. Martina Cummings Bowman
Mrs. Ellen Haas Brantingham
Mrs. Sue Cobb Crews
Mr. Jack V. McCullough
Mrs. Mildred Stuart Reed
Mrs. Merle Dunlap Schwitzgable
Mrs. Veral Broman Sharp
Mrs. Jean Query Vorm
President’s Society
Mrs. Ollie Jones Lamb Sanders
Mrs. Frances Stampfle Simpson Snyder
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. June Greathouse Dickinson
Mrs. Mildred Sites Key
Mrs. June Ward Patrick
Dr. Joseph W. Pridgen
Mrs. Mildred England Reeve
Mrs. Theda Ruth Bratton Wilson
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Lois Frances Williamson Aebersold D
Mrs. Jean Mayes Bell
Dr. Mildred Stratton Chapman
Dr. John L. Ewing
Rev. Dr. Raymond D. Gearing, Jr.
Mrs. Jean James Loy
Rev. Vernon M. Murray, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth Long Putney
Ms. Mary K. Scott
Mr. Andrew W. Winslow
Mrs. Verna Simmerman Amstutz
Mrs. Patsy Smith Arnold
Mrs. Kathryn Adams Boss D
Mrs. Betty Boone Buice
Mrs. Joy Woods Iddings
Rev. Charles Manker
Mrs. Mary Ruth Smith Small
Rev. Carl Yoshimine
President’s Society
Mrs. Corinne Evelyn Calder-Dale D
Rev. Dorothy Cobb Culp B
Mrs. Kathleen Crenshaw Edwards B
Dr. W. Russell Edwards, Jr. B
Chap. Clarence E. LeMasters
Mrs. Vera Allison LeMasters
Mrs. Martha Evans Sparks
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Dr. D. John Brose
Mrs. Ruthanne Shockley Key
Mrs. Jean Holt Moore
Rev. Vincent Arnell Rutherford
Mrs. Beverly Harmon Stevens
Circuit Rider Society
Dr. William M. Cascini
Mrs. Jane Hoffman Ewing
Mrs. Roberta Blakeman Fishbeck
Mr. C.A. Ireson, Jr.
Mrs. Jean Walden Cajigal
Ms. Marjorie DeHoff
Dr. William F. Douce
Mrs. Marjorie Treadway Hanlon
Mrs. Mary Jane Lehman Hess
Mrs. Marian Nagle Hunt D
Mrs. Vera Stair Klatt
Honor Roll of Donors
Rev. William G. Patterson
Mr. Chester H. Thompson
Mrs. Beth Callis Ury
President’s Society
Mr. Joseph L. Daws
Dr. Myron R. Smith G
Mrs. Grace Shaw Stock B
Mrs. Mary Kathryn King Turkington
Dr. John E. Woods
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Mary Underwood Becker
Mrs. Dorothy Phillippi Campbell
Mrs. Dorothy Lowe Hochstetler
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. Herman O. Boyette
Mrs. Joan Volkers Evans
Mrs. Dorothy Criswell Nelson
Mrs. Mary Nulton Schroeder D
Rev. Charles J. Warner
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Everett H. Aldstadt
Mrs. Betty Weber Bailey
Rev. George E. Bailey
Mrs. Kathleen Presley Bumpus
Mrs. Luvenia A. Caister D
Mrs. Mary Overmeyer Davis
Capt. Betty Doughty
Mrs. Catherine Greenlee Feather
Dr. B. Willis Gierhart D
Mrs. Dorothy Cornett Gierhart
Mrs. Jo Bowling Gravely
Mrs. Donna Lowe Hentschel
Rev. Gerhard T. Johnson
Mrs. Virginia Wehr Johnson
Mrs. Ruby Sloan Mayeski
Mrs. Marie Owens Mosher
Rev. Walter A. Quigg
Mrs. Phyllis Fuller Stanley
Mrs. Naomi Kramer Trostel
Mrs. Elsiemay Anderson Wetzel
Rev. Robert E. Williams
Rev. Loren E. Anderson
Mrs. Bertha Nell Key Bagwell
Rev. John M. Bagwell
Mrs. Ruth Gohl Beatty
Dr. David H. Becker D
Rev. Raymond F. Boehlke
Mrs. Jennie Propert Braun D
Rev. Billy D. Case
Mrs. Thelma Hammond Case
Rev. Tom O. Crosby, Jr.
Mrs. Ilene Mosher Douce
Rev. John E. Dunham
Mrs. Verona Strother Enoch
Mrs. Rachel Osbun Funk
Dr. Harold F. Gardner
Mrs. Lila Walden Hathaway
Mrs. Mary Littlejohn Hogan
Rev. Richard J. Keim, Sr.
Mrs. Gladys Bollinger Lawrence
Mrs. Lois Blake Leidig
Mrs. June Elizabeth Smith Macadam
Mr. Robert E. Riel
Mr. Joseph B. Ruggles D
Mrs. Nathalie Wright Ruggles
Mrs. Mattie Solomonson Sellers
Mrs. Myra Davenport Frost
Mrs. Gertrude Baumbach Griffith
Mrs. Lois Wiant Pittman
Miss Mary Grace Randerson
Mrs. Janet Frost Sprunger
Ms. Clara Orander Stokes
Mrs. Maxine Robbins Wells
Mrs. Kathryn Miranda Whitney
President’s Society
Rev. Loren W. Gould
Mrs. Kathleen Hendricks-Parks
Mrs. Eloise Gates Kirkland B
Dr. Jiles E. Kirkland B
R. Adm. Glen W. Lenox
Miss Elizabeth J. McMillen
Rev. Argus Gene Parks
Dr. Winston B. Smith B
Dr. Charles G. Turkington
Mrs. Janet Lewis Woods
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Bernice Ripley Bode
Miss Norma J. Haub
Rev. Theron H. Smith
Mrs. Joyce Miranda Thompson
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Jean Lancaster McKenzie
Rev. Albert C. Savage, Jr.
Mrs. Mildred Barritt Warren
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. E. Duane Aelick
Rev. G. Fletcher Anderson
Mrs. Barbara Chilton Causey
Ms. Betty Bevington Clark
Mrs. Donna Brasher Cookson
Mrs. Dorothy Lee Criswell Crutchfield
Mr. Donald W. Gray
Mrs. Esther Garner Hess
Dr. Phyllis Roggenkamp Irwin
Rev. Lee R. Jamison
Rev. Douglas W. Jeffrey D
Mr. Marvin L. Johns
Mr. Clifford E. King
Mrs. Coralie Burns Lee
Rev. Claude N. Mosher
Mrs. Leona Poole Quigg
Mrs. Betty Shanebeck Sprunger
Mrs. Darlene Wilkinson Stroud
Mrs. Ann Barnett Thomas
Rev. Albert F. Whelchel
Mrs. Mabel Dorrell White
Mrs. Wanda Youngs Winn
Rev. Blanchard Ezra Amstutz
Mrs. Helen Johnson Anderson
Mrs. Anna Deck Barr
Rev. Ralph L. Barrett
Mrs. Velma Weismiller Foster
Mr. Harold K. French
Mrs. Ruth Helen Endicott French
President’s Society
Mrs. Pauline Odell Aycock S
Rev. Robert Tewning Casey
Dr. Donald E. Howard
Rev. Wayne A. Patton
Dr. Carl B. Spivey
Mr. Perry Tanksley
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Marietta Emmons Coleman
Mr. H. Joe Davis
Mrs. Mary Kiefhaber Frazer
Mrs. Margaret Gerner Jordan
Mrs. Helen Bennett Murray D
Ms. Jean King Nocon
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Mary Atkins DeFranco
Rev. Benjamin T. Edwards
Dr. Robert Bruce Hayes
Mrs. Dolores Dawson Nichols
Rev. Hugh E. Nichols
Miss Virginia A. Ogles
Circuit Rider Society
Dr. Eugene Barbour, Jr.
Mrs. Joyce Maddy Bason
Mrs. Mary Cornatzer Berridge
Rev. Donald E. Colburn
Rev. Alonzo R. Davis
Dr. James R. Foulkes
Rev. Robert P. Garrett
Mrs. Marvel Elaine Oswalt Johnson
Mrs. Gladys Minter Kraus D
Mrs. Sally Zeigler Lefler
Mrs. Doris Hinkle Long
Rev. Gail Eugene McQueen
Mrs. Edna Entrican Morgan
Rev. Shirley E. Morgan
Mrs. Elizabeth Hanberry Mothershed
Mrs. Marjorie Gibson Peterson
Mrs. Cleo DeHoff Simpson D
Rev. Merle D. Thomas
Ms. Ellen Frances Atkinson
Rev. Richard T. Brunk
Mrs. Ruth Bivans Doliber
Mrs. Dorothy Miranda Esckelson
Rev. Langdon H. Garrison
Mrs. Betty Fenn Greene
Mrs. Janet Nestlerode Koller
Mrs. Margaret Calcote Michael
Mr. James Aaron Newton
Joining our monthly giving program is a simple,
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President’s Society
Dr. John M. Brackman, Sr. G
Rev. Charles J. Dupree
Mrs. Gweneth Geister Grout
Dr. Corinne Neubauer Hughbanks
Dr. W. Monroe Hughbanks
Mr. Robert L. Leonard, Sr.
Dr. Russell L. May
Mrs. Jo Ann Naylor Spivey
Mrs. Mary Joanne Veydt Sutlive B
Mrs. Suzanne Mitchell Tanksley
Rev. David E. Williamson G
Mrs. Shirley Sanders Williamson G
Mrs. Mary Garrison Wood
Rev. Robert D. Wood
Founder’s Society
Dr. Haviland C. Houston
Mrs. Miriam Davidson Read
Mrs. Betty Durham Smith
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Marjory Bennett Beam
Dr. William L. Brackman, Jr.
Mrs. Jean Judy Chung
Mr. Paul M. Chung
Mrs. Carolyn Pritchett Edwards
Mrs. Martha Seymour Marlowe
Dr. Carl M. McKenna
Rev. Theodore R. Ochs
Mrs. Juanita Bingham Rummans
Mrs. Ferne Colwell Rutherford
Chap. Eldon Robert Smith, Jr.
Miss Joyce E. Warner D
Mrs. Eleanor Watkins Whitsett
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Patricia Dennis Barbour
Mrs. Vera Robison Bennett
Mrs. Virginia Kays Chamberlin
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Eads Daniels
Rev. Arthur C. Ferguson
Dr. Hugh M. Frazer
Mr. W. Leland Graham
Mrs. Mabel Burns Harris
Mrs. Beverly Hughbanks Hurley
Mrs. Judith Minter Johnston
Mr. W. Robert Mann
Mrs. Dorothy Chess Nichols
Mrs. Roberta Bell Ogle
Mrs. Doris Alexander Beauchamp
Rev. J. Austin Boggan
Rev. John L. Bryant
Mrs. Marilyn Loy Huffman
Mrs. Betty Fisher Hughes
Rev. H. Raymond Hughes
Dr. Rollo A. Michael
Mrs. Dorothy Neuroth Sheppard
Dr. Gene E. Stanley
Mrs. Ernestine Hall Taylor
Mrs. Doris Neuroth Timmons
Ms. Nora Harman Turner
Each month, your credit card will be charged according to your
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President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 9
Honor Roll of Donors
President’s Society
Mrs. Betty Parker Leonard
Mrs. Mary Jim Fuller Luce
Mrs. Shirley Hull Pavy B
Mrs. Betty Lou Roberson Potter
Dr. Vinson H Sutlive, Jr. B
Mrs. Elizabeth Pollok Young G
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Anna Jane Ripley Davis
Mr. Henry C. James
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Margaret Williams Curtis
Rev. James O. Finch
Mrs. Marjorie Glick-Foster Schmeckebier
Mrs. Edythe Temple Housworth
Mrs. Dorothy Habben Mainous
Rev. Edward L. Mainous D
Circuit Rider Society
Dr. H. Pat Albright
Rev. Dr. Harold L. Brooks
Mrs. Jeneve Hutcherson Brooks
Rev. C. Franklin Grill
Mrs. Jean Story Gulley
Mrs. Velma Keelin Hall
Mrs. Ruth Kiefhaber Hartman
Mrs. Patricia Spears Hunt
Rev. Richard Clay King
Rev. James H. Livingston
Mrs. Jean DeLay Livingston
Rev. William W. Mayo
Mrs. Genette Carpenter McKinney
Mrs. Mary Jo Fannin Stroud
Mr. William D. Tipsword
Dr. William W. Tromble
Mrs. Berneice Rider Underwood
Rev. Edward A. Underwood
Mrs. Norma Snider Wade
Rev. J. Wilbur Yates
President’s Society
Dr. Dorothy M. Barbo S
Mrs. JoAnn McClure Dupree
Mrs. Mildred Doane Hanisch
Mrs. Virginia Garfield Hawks
Mr. William R. Hawks
Miss Celia M. Knipmeyer
Dr. Fred D. Layman
Rev. Donald L. Lichtenfelt
Rev. John Mendez
Rev. W. Maynard Miller
Dr. J. William Montague
Mrs. Helen York Morgan
Mrs. Carol Shahan Pearce
Mrs. Clara Smith Pritchett
Rev. Charles A. Rader
Mrs. Virginia Ruth Gooding Rader
Mrs. Virginia Baker Reynolds
Mrs. Lois Allison Shelton
Mrs. Jennie Sue Groce Steury
Mrs. Marilyn Gleaton Williams
Mrs. Ruth Wright Williamson
Mr. John Winslow
Mrs. Eva Johnson Beair
Mrs. Marilyn Thompson Casey
Mrs. Roberta Marie Cannoy Daws
Mrs. La Verna Saueressig Meyer B
Mrs. Norma Hicks Patton
Rev. Richard M. Sprague G
Dr. Lewis W. Thompson
Founder’s Society
Rev. Wing Jing Chow
Dr. Burrell D. Dinkins
Rev. August W. Lundquist
Mrs. Wanda Tracy Tacy
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Flora McDougall Andrus
Mrs. Marjory Ruth Osborne Conley
Mrs. Ruth Smiley Finch
Rev. Charles F. Garrod
Mrs. Beverly Santee Hammerstrom
Rev. Dr. Robert Mangum
Mrs. Evelyn Herring Morrison
Mrs. Margaret Yvonne Williams Patison
Rev. Dorothy Krei Rudd
Mrs. Shirley Smith Sims
1 2 3 4 5 6 Mrs. Inez Gehrig Bundy
Rev. Robert F. Bundy, Sr.
Rev. Richard H. Chamberlin
Mrs. Phyllis Murray Colvin
Dr. Loren Mark George
Mrs. Virginia Heck Guitar
Rev. Robert Bruce Johnson
Mrs. Faith Otter Key
Rev. Dr. Joel Thomas Key
Mrs. Freda Cochran Lane
Mrs. Loretta Iles LeCrone
Mrs. Martha Ann Grant Likins
Dr. John W. Luttrull
Mrs. Evelyn Greenamyer Moore
Rev. Oyer C. Morgan
Rev. Philip C. Peace
Mrs. Christine Moore Peterson
Mrs. Chaucile Baker Snyder
Rev. Roger Charles Snyder
Mrs. Laverne Cobb Speer
Mrs. Betty Dykes Woltz
Mrs. Darline Gentle Brady
Dr. Ronald D. Carter
Mrs. Alice Cook Couchman
Mr. Gordon E. Doliber, Jr.
Mrs. Rose Whitehead Dover
Rev. J. William Dupree
Dr. Robert W. Fry
Mrs. Janet Milner Higgins
Mrs. Dorothy Lathrop May
Mrs. Ruth Ann Lee Thompson
Dr. Sewell Woodward, Jr.
Mr. George M. Young G
Founder’s Society
Rev. Keith E. Brown
Mrs. Phyllis Diehl Dinkins
Rev. John L. Hickman, Jr.
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Elise Lock Brackman
Rev. Emory Brackman
Dr. Martin A. Case
Mrs. Neila Roberts Mangum
Mrs. Marian Orcutt Masters
Dr. G. Odell Miley
Dr. Joseph C. Thomas
Circuit Rider Society
Dr. Carl W. Blickendorf
Mrs. Marilyn June Riker Bolar
Rev. Fay A. Botten
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Miller Broome
Mrs. Virginia Sue Foster Dennis
Dr. James W. DiRaddo
Rev. Jack A. Fitzgerald
Mrs. Joyce Ogg Foster
Mrs. Elizabeth Carver Frazer
Mr. Robert T. Bedle
Mrs. Esther Katherine Postina Bryant
Dr. Sterling Leroy Cauble
Rev. Robert E. Erny
Mrs. Vera Hughlett Fadely
Mrs. Avanelle Gravley Gaunce
Rev. J. Robert Harshberger
Mrs. June Pershing Harshberger
Miss Dorothy R. Hopkins
Mrs. Audra Cooper Kays
Dr. John W. Kays, Jr.
Dr. John G. Keyes
Miss Eileen Rachel McGuire
Mr. Elvin L. Meredith
Mrs. Mary Abernathy Murray
Mrs. Marilyn Hudson Owens
Mrs. Eliza Sellers Peverill
Rev. Edwin C. Pile
Lt. Col. Damon L. Rader
Mr. Donald R. Rill
Rev. John Sass, Jr.
Rev. Bernard J. Shropshire
Dr. John M. Smith
President’s Society
Rev. Julian H. Brackman
Mrs. Dorothy Wehrli Buhler G
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Dorothy Butler Barkwill
Mrs. Dorothy Hoffman Beighle
Mr. Richard A. Bolar
Rev. Kenneth E. Bowen
Rev. Kenneth L. Bowser
Mrs. Wilhelmina O'Bannon Burket
Rev. Benjamin N. Cain
Rev. Delmas M. Copeland
Rev. Frederick H. Fischer
Mrs. Barbara Jean McGilvray Foster
Rev. Orlo D. Freshly
Ms. Jeannine Freudenberger
Mrs. Sara Jo Hutchinson Fulmer
Dr. Jean Warren Ganzel
Mrs. Vivian Balmer Henshaw
Lt. Col. Larry Hull
Lt. Col. Muriel Payton Hull
Mrs. Sandra Easley Jones
Mrs. Carolyn Reeder Kingsbury
Mrs. Annetta Whitaker Kittredge
Rev. Donald L. Love
Rev. Roy F. Major
Miss W. Suzanne Reeb
Mrs. Marilyn Pappas Riddlebarger
Mr. Bill Shanebeck
Rev. Dorwin C. Snyder
Dr. William R. Taylor
Honor Roll of Donors
Rev. James Wagner
Dr. Jerry D. Wortham
Rev. Gayle Thomas Alexander
Mrs. Elizabeth Rosalind Brundige Bates
Mrs. Frances Osborne Bedle
Mrs. Ruthann Williams Bennett
Rev. Ronald E. Bowersox
Mrs. Betty Ewing Cooper
Mrs. Martha Gallimore Easter
Dr. Richard H. Ferrell
Dr. Andrew Myron Johnson
Mr. George E. MacDonald
Mrs. Joyce Amerson Mayo
Rev. Richard Owen McKinsey
Rev. Richard J. Mick
Rev. Grant H. Nealis
Mrs. Carroll Ferguson Rader
Mrs. Jean Wymond Rollings
Mrs. Joan Hiles Smith
Miss Nancy A. Swank
Rev. Lowell Williamson
President’s Society
Rev. Joseph F. Alutius, Jr.
Rev. Kenneth K. Ashitomi
Mrs. Lila Nakamura Ashitomi
Mrs. Mollie Register Boggess B
Dr. Carolyn Stoneback Davidheiser
Mrs. Myrna Wheeler Guillen
Dr. Sid D. Guillen
Dr. Jerry M. Higgins
Dr. J. Warner Knipmeyer
Dr. Betty Ann Meriwether
Dr. Paul A. Rader
Mrs. Betty Teece Sprague G
Miss Jane Sutlive
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Franki Jean Anderson Bailey
Mrs. Charlotte Crouse Brown
Miss Margaret W. Jones
Dr. James C. Stratton
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Buel J. Andrus
Mrs. Sara Jackson Johnson
Mrs. Carolyn Houglin Joiner
Dr. William H. Moyer
Mrs. June Chaney Pustelnyk
Mr. Carlton W. Rountree
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Charlotte Cottrell Brown
Mrs. Shirley Walton Camp
Rev. Ira A. Clausen
Rev. Edward C. Coleman
Mrs. Nancy Nelson Copeland
Rev. Walter Dale Edwards
Mr. W. Roland Felts
Mrs. Edythe Smith Fry
Ms. Beth Lane Gardner
Mr. Norman W. Guess
Mrs. Sue Cooper Guth
Mr. George Hapner
Mrs. Beverly Julian Hull
Mrs. Rhunelle Woolfolk Jones-Hotinger
Dr. Robert J. Kingsbury
Mr. Bernard LeRoy Kreh, Jr.
Mrs. Laura Rothacher Laser
Mrs. Vonda Anderson Lichtenfelt
Mrs. Betty Malcom Lowe
Mrs. Betty Hammel McCormick
Mrs. Donna Smailes McCoy
Dr. Mary Frances Banks Newman
Mrs. Diane Pedersen Shanebeck
Mrs. Betty Ann Young Smith
Mrs. Marylou Burkett Smith
Mrs. Julianne Conway Snyder
Dr. Donald J. Sparks
Mrs. Nancy Burnett Stanz
Mr. Phillip R. Waybright
Rev. Lovell Roy Aills
Mr. Richard C. Ashton
Mrs. Shirlee Jacobs Ater
Mrs. Marilyn Nash Beebe
Mrs. Joyce Henry Bowersox
Rev. Robert B. Carpenter
Mrs. Kathryn Davis Connor
Mr. Jerome Eugene Dean
Mrs. Delite Lieske Fahl
Mrs. Rebecca Edwards Goetz
Mrs. Geraldine Stout Kalso
Mrs. Gloria Maun Kissinger
Mrs. Georgetta Owens MacDonald
Ms. Ena F. McIntosh
Mrs. Lillian Woodward Mitchell
Miss Barbara L. Piatt
Mrs. Marjorie Cieslar Torres
Rev. Randall A. VanLandingham
Mrs. Emma Jean Anderson VanNess
Rev. Logan Dean Whalen
Mrs. Naomi Bletscher Williamson
Mrs. Iris McGill Wilson
Mrs. Louise Cross Warner
Mrs. Jean Kennerly Wiggins
Dr. R. Gene Wiggins
Mrs. Barbara Mattox Aills
Mr. Robert D. Bradford D
Mrs. Sara Hazlett Bradford
Mrs. Elaine Graham Crowder
Mrs. Sue Johnson Dupree
Mr. Ray Easter
Rev. Robert T. Fisher
Rev. James R. Gaunce D
Mrs. Helen Kuntz Gebhard
Mr. Paul D. George
Dr. E. Dale Harward
Mrs. Donnabelle Ferguson Hoffman
Mr. Alan D. Latimer
Mrs. Emily Wallace Levering
Rev. Donald L. Long
Mrs. Mary Bruch Long
Mrs. Nancy Mollison McCollough
Mrs. Margaret Georgena McDougall Reitz
Mr. George A. Rinehart
Mrs. Janette Snyder Scholl
Mrs. Janet Mielke Short D
Mrs. Carol Latimer Smith
President’s Society
Mrs. Anna Jean Robertson Lewis
Rev. Judith Bish Priest
Dr. Kay Fuller Rader
Mrs. Nadara Rodeheaver Welling
Dr. Ronald G. Welling
Founder’s Society
Mrs. June Bolar Hickman
Mrs. Norma Wynn Snowden
Dr. E. Ray Throckmorton
Mrs. Helen Lefferts Waterson
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Joanne Pemberton Anderson
Mrs. Betty Sibley Case
Mr. John W. Finfrock
Dr. John Ilpyong Kim
Rev. Donald E. Logue
Mrs. Barbara Murphy Morris
Dr. George E. Morris
Mrs. Anita Taylor Strickhausen
Rev. L. Wilson Strickhausen
Mrs. Elisabeth Johnson Thomas
Mr. George K. Toadvine
Mrs. Shirley Simmons Toadvine
Mrs. Joanne Edwards White
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Barbara Adkins Barker
Ms. Esther Howard Benson
Mrs. Faith Bell Birznieks
Rev. Melvin A. Brant
Rev. William N. Buell
Mr. David L. Cobb
Dr. Barbara Carruth Dickey
Mrs. Carolyn Judah Enfinger Fondren
Rev. James D. Foster D
Mrs. Beverly Rou Hintz
Mrs. Anna Belle Miller Houk
Mrs. Nancy Bradshaw Jewell
Rev. Dwight L. Jones
Mrs. Jo Ann Cagle Jones
Rev. William Keith Lee
Mr. Thomas W. McPherson
Mr. John F. Moore
Mrs. Patsy Wilson Palmer
Mrs. Dorothy Kropf Tarbell
Rev. Charles C. Trembly
Rev. Roy A. Walther, Sr.
President’s Society
Mr. C. Lewis Casey
Rev. James M. Frazier
Miss Roberta V. Fries G
Dr. Joe Frank Harris
Mr. Merlin E. Johnson
Mrs. Ruth Luce Knipmeyer
Mr. Hugh M. Moffatt
Mrs. Ruth Anne Colvin Moffatt
Mrs. Yvonne Cochran Moulton
Rev. Robert L. Priest
Rev. George F. Shiltz
Dr. Nelson L. Wolfe
Founder’s Society
Mr. Richard Melvin Fry
Rev. Julian C. Hammonds
Mrs. Dorothy Rohrbaugh James
Rev. O. Gene Wells
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Beatrice Wynn Aist
Mrs. Doris Dollar Brackman D
Mrs. Gloria Fenne Denlinger
Rev. William H. Denlinger
Dr. Eva Carnes Fenne
Mrs. Marietta Kelley Garber
Rev. Maurice B. Hibbard
Mrs. Elaine Beadles Hotelling
Ms. Shirley F. Nelms
Mrs. Betty Hollingsworth Pollock
Mr. Paul E. Reed
Rev. William Russell Rudd D
Mrs. Sandra Hancock Wilmot
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Richard Edgar Amos
Mrs. Barbara Balstad Anderson
Mrs. Mary Ballou Bartley
Mrs. JoAnn Smith Beatty
Dr. Ilmars Birznieks
Mrs. Margaret Holmes Bowen
Col. Curt R. Bowers
Mr. Bill R. Cobb
Mrs. Marjorie Linhart Coleman
Dr. Glenn L. Courts
Mrs. Frances Parker Dutill
Dr. Donald R. Guth
Mrs. Marilyn Yvonne Holt Hawk
Mrs. Elaine Miller Justice
Mrs. Connie Mungillo Kidder
Dr. Julia Sever Lytle
Miss Margaret Mardis
Mrs. Yvonne Lorentzen McGuire
Dr. Robert W. Ogilvie
Rev. J. Thomas Smith, Jr.
Rev. Reid W. Stroud
Miss Sheila J. White
Mrs. Jane Forrester Wilson
Miss Betty J. Bobb
Rev. O. Clyde Bradway, Jr.
Rev. D. Max Brunton
Mrs. Joyce Smeckert Cameron
Mrs. Eloise Dolores Beadles Clawson
Rev. John M. Clements
Mr. Glenn Colliver
Mrs. Barbara Hurley Devine
Mrs. June Bankston Eisemann
Mrs. Janice Brown Fraumann
Mr. Robert F. Fraumann
Mr. Carl R. Gayfield
Mrs. Mary Lu Fox Gayfield
Mrs. Mona Latimer Graves
Rev. Wilbert S. Hoffman
Mr. Donald Marshall
Mrs. Sondra Scull Marshall
Rev. James Allen Moran
Mrs. Lorena Hicks Nattress
Mrs. Alice Traylor Richardson
Mrs. Juanita Keilman Ridener
Rev. George H. Roads
Rev. John F. Robbins
Mr. Harry Lee Ulyat
Mrs. Geraldine Alexander Pierce White
Mrs. Marilyn Parrett Zimmerman
President’s Society
Rev. Larry Owen Bechtol
Dr. Emerson D. Gilbert
Dr. Hal Kime
Dr. Bobby Ray Martin B
Mrs. Jeannine Speakman Mowery
Mrs. Barbara Jenne Shiltz
Mr. Ron W. Tarrant
Mrs. Joan Loftis Wilcox
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Ann Osmer Andersen
Mrs. Betty Langley Campbell
Rev. George S. Rigby, Jr.
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. Clark S. Aist
Mrs. Joyce Shaffer Barkley
Mr. Daniel Y. Chang
Mrs. Marjorie Smith Cox
Mr. Donald W. Fenne
Rev. W. Claude Fillingim
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Stella Bittinger Allen
Miss Barbara G. Allison
Mrs. Glyn Tanksley Borden
Dr. Joe Keith Carpenter
Dr. D. Guy Carrigan, Jr.
Rev. Milan S. Coleman
Rev. Wilbur Ernest Dorrell
Rev. C. Leroy Doverspike
Mrs. Wanda Lue Mattern Doverspike
Ms. Elvera Fisher Duvall
Mrs. Alice Pedersen Hall
Rev. Mason Warren Harrod
Mrs. Linda Pifer Hogrefe
Dr. Everett C. Isaacs
Dr. James L. Johnston
Rev. LeRoy V. Jones
Mrs. Bonnie Lue Coleman Kitchings
President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 11
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Shirley Himes Krauss
Mrs. Ruth Nichterlein Kvalnes
Mrs. Kayle Diann Ogborn Lackey
Dr. Forrest D. McCoig
Mrs. Jane McCurry Music
Rev. Aleck G. Poolos
Mrs. Marjorie Hudson Shinkle
Mrs. Ann Shepard White
Mr. David T. Wilson
Mr. William Nelson Wright
Ms. Grace Davis Anderson
Ms. Peggy Basham Bechtol
Mrs. Emily VanZandt Ford
Rev. Milton H. Ford
Rev. Howard E. Huston
Rev. Dwayne Kelsey
Rev. Virgil E. Kirkpatrick
Mrs. Roberta Kiyoye Kadota Muramoto
Dr. Jon Tal Murphree
Mrs. Agnes Creed Neihof
Dr. John E. Neihof, Sr.
Mr. Arthur P. Osborne
Mr. J. Freeman Parker
Mrs. Dorothy Hughes Post
Mrs. Maxine Ball Rinehart
Founder’s Society
Commr. Elsie Henderson Busby
Commr. John A. Busby
Mrs. Patricia Mannas Larson
Mrs. Colleen Kay Overton Stratton
Capt. Norman O. Williams
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. Maurice E. Bailey
Mrs. Martha Dougherty France
Mrs. Rachel Hodges Hilbert
Mr. Wayne R. Hotelling
Dr. Albin C. Whitworth
Mrs. Kathryn Rieke Whitworth
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Dorothy Hacker Blue
Mrs. Doris Shawver Bowers
Maj. Gary R. Delestine
Rev. Frank E. Edwards
Mrs. Marjorie Ann Hildreth Ellisor
Comm. Otis D. Essex, Jr.
Rev. Kenny D. Fuller, Sr.
Rev. Edgar H. Gaines, III
Mr. C. Roy Glasscock
Mr. Clair C. Gray
Mrs. Ruth Bott Haffner
Mr. Stanley Hannah
Mr. Harold R. Hester
Rev. C. Heyward Hiers
Mr. Julius F. Hobbs
Rev. Joseph Hofer, Jr.
Mrs. Joyce Starling Joines
Mrs. Ruth Fiegel Kelsey
Mrs. Jane Woodhams Lawrence
Mrs. Shirley Weldy Marks
Mrs. Donna Lee Oltmann
Mrs. Rosalie Brooks Quarry
Mrs. Ruth Washabaugh Reed
Maj. Juanita Cochran Russell
Mrs. Patricia Burke Russell
Mr. William Alfred Scott
Mr. Donald R. Stahl
Mrs. Nancy Myler Stahl
President’s Society
Commr. W. Todd Bassett
Mrs. Florence Carolyn Ryan Dunn
Mrs. Kay Marx Gantz
Mrs. Nancy Pankuch Kime
Mrs. Doris Huffman Myers
Mrs. Alma Hand Price S
Dr. Robert F. Wiley, Jr. G
Mr. C. Edward Linville
Miss Martha M. Lloyd
Rev. James R. Mitchell
Dr. Ellen White Nelson
Mr. Robert E. Nulf
Mrs. Susan Handy Rider
Mrs. Mary Ann Banderman Schell
Rev. Leroy B. Schultz
Mrs. Joan Milliron Schwenn
Mrs. Ruth Ellen Linneman Stone
Mrs. Rebecca Kibbey Swathwood
Rev. William O. Swathwood
Mr. B. Bryce Swiler
Dr. Daniel Lee Warner
Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Hinkle Warner
Rev. Paul N. West
Mrs. Janice Bradley Williams
Mrs. Margaret Young Woerner
Mrs. Lois Jean Haist Dewald
Mrs. Bonnie Happe Geiser
Mrs. Betty Ann Broshears Green
Mr. Ronald Charles Hiner
Rev. Charles B. Kirkpatrick
Rev. Martha Jean Fruth Kirkpatrick
Mrs. Patricia Henderson Kirkpatrick
Instruc(on -­‐ Undergraduate Auxiliary Physical Plant Student Services General Ins(tu(on Instruc(on -­‐ Graduate & Adult Professional Studies Ins(tu(onal Development General Administra(on Financial Aid Library Transfer Public Service Unexpended Revenue Mrs. Betty Evans Rohrer
Rev. Richard W. Russell
Miss Mary Jane Secrest
Mrs. Anne Tanksley Short
Dr. Richard K. Smith
Rev. Alexander Tiwari-Haines
Mrs. Sue Cantrell VanLandingham
Mr. Arthur J. Whittington
Rev. Paul K. Zimmerman
President’s Society
Maj. James W. Beckley
Mrs. Gerlene Lawless Brown B
Rev. Richard A. Budden
Rev. J. Edward Chandler
Rev. Erich Edward Hamm
Ms. Lillian Eloise Henry
Mr. Dennis W. Lamb B
Dr. Alan E. Moulton
Mrs. Faye Hooker Murrow G
Rev. Mitchell C. Murrow G
Mrs. Jean Ham Wolfe
Ms. Alberta Hoagland Harp
Mrs. Joyce Redwine Hayes
Dr. Ronald A. Houk
Dr. Elizabeth Ann Magarian
Rev. Judith Barcroft Medlen
Mrs. Eunice Sharp Ralston
Dr. Michael J. Rench
Rev. Carl A. Ricks
Rev. Clifford Schell
Dr. De Vern E. Schwenn
Dr. Lane A. Scott
Mrs. Katherine Naugle Thomas
Mrs. Gail Daniel Thome
Rev. Donald W. Turman
Rev. J. David Woerner
Dr. Graham L. Abbott
Mrs. Carol Ridall Anderson
Dr. William W. Anderson
Rev. Floyd W. B'Hymer
Mrs. Joann Barnett B'Hymer
Mrs. Ardis White Bowers
Rev. Fred P. Cooley
Col. Gary L. Herndon
Founder’s Society
Mr. Kenneth C. Fraser
Mrs. Nancy Clemans Fraser
Mr. J. Joe Lineman
Rev. Neal Kenton Long
Mrs. Valene Fay Loftis Long
Rev. Donald E. Young
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Gloria Lee Barrett Hawkins
Mrs. Faye Stuard Hess
Rev. James S. Pollock
Mrs. Carol Ann Erny Proctor
Mr. Donald Carl Proctor
Mrs. Delia Peña Skeels
Mrs. Doris Jean Washabaugh Yinger
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Lou Ann Jones Abbott
Mrs. Charlotte Jane Smith Beck
Mrs. Faye Cruise Boggs
Rev. Charles Lowrance Bradley
Mrs. Martha Luweza Faber Dorrell
Mrs. Carole Bock Dunaway
Mrs. Peggy Joyce Cormany Jones
Dr. Lowell Clyde Langefeld
Rev. Glenn W. McGuire
Mrs. Ellen Tidsel McKinsey
Mrs. Margaret White Messal
Mrs. Judith Fry Osborne
Rev. Leslie D. Payton
Lt. Col. Lyell Rader
Rev. Doris Jean Shover
Mrs. Shirley Louise Marion Smathers
Mrs. Shirley Ruth Fustos Stafford
Mrs. Gloria Clark Webb
President’s Society
Commr. Joy Gabrielsen Baillie
Commr. Carol Easterday Bassett
Mr. Clayon C. Carpenter
Rev. Richard E. Gantz
Mrs. Doris Marrs McKinley
Miss Carol A. Mitchell
Dr. Richard W. Rohrer
Mr. C. Willis Wilder
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Carolyn Blackman Baillie
Dr. William Mayan Baillie
Donor Spotlight
Sprague ’91
loved music —
old music, new
music, vocal and
He also enjoyed
making music
with other people,
and as a student
at Asbury, he
participated in the
Asbury Chorale,
Concert Choir,
Men’s Glee Club,
Orchestra and
Handbell Choir, in
addition to performing
significant roles in
various performances.
Jon’s love of music continues to
benefit students at Asbury through
a scholarship fund established by his
parents, Rev. Richard ’55 and Betty
Teece ’56 Sprague, following Jon’s
death in 2011. Two scholarships, the
Jonathan Noel Sprague Music Scholarship for Chorale and the Jonathan
Noel Sprague Music Scholarship
for Concert Band, each provide
funds to a student who demonstrates
musicality and servant-leadership
within the respective groups.
For Betty, a retired teacher, and
Richard, a retired pastor, creating a
scholarship was a way both to honor
their son and also bless other families
in a similar way in which Jonathan —
himself a scholarship recipient as a
student — had been blessed.
“We’re sure these
scholarships are
what Jon would
have wanted.”
classes he needed, and it made all
the difference in the world. We’re
sure these scholarships are what Jon
would have wanted.”
Funding a scholarship is one of many
ways alumni and friends can help
further the education of more than
1,700 students at Asbury, as well as
support future growth.
— Betty Teece ’56 Sprague
“I play a lot of old-time stuff on the
piano, and Jon was always trying to
show me something because he knew
newer material,” Richard said. “We had a
lot of fun on the piano. Those are good
memories to have of him now.”
“He loved Asbury and music,” Betty
added. “The scholarship he had as
a student meant he could take the
“A scholarship helps you to attract
outstanding students to the program,”
said Dr. Lynn Cooper, former chair
of the Asbury Music Department.
“Jon was a gifted student, both as a
trombonist and vocalist. He was all in
— if he was in a group, he gave it his
best and worked really hard to make
it a success. For his family to set up a
scholarship for a scholarly person is
a tremendous thing to do.”
President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 13
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. H. Frederick Gere
Dr. Wayne E. Goodwin
Mrs. Sharon Durham Lineman
Rev. J. Gordon Ralls
Mrs. Nancy Crouse Ralls
Mrs. Linda Ross Rinehart
Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart
Mrs. Ruth Weller Tolson
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Jerry W. Bock
Mrs. Ann Elliott Copeman
Mr. Keith B. Geiger
Mr. Morris Cecil Hawkins
Rev. Allen K. Holmes
Mrs. Grace Hardcastle Holmes
Mrs. Marlene Thomas Howell
Col. William S. McAllister
Mrs. Roma Walz McConkey
Dr. James A. Taylor
Rev. Gregory L. Wood
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Judith Gillam Amos
Mrs. Marie Gander Armstrong
Rev. David L. Atkinson
Mrs. Sue Day Atkinson
Mrs. Joyce Stahly Bradley
Mrs. Mary Headrick Edmond
Mr. Frank B. Fryman, Jr.
Mrs. Martha Ewan Gaines
Mrs. Virginia Paugh Gregory
Dr. Diane Manker Hannum
Mrs. Miriam Erickson Horen
Mrs. Mary Ellen Morrow Kinder
Dr. Charles C. Lake
Rev. Daniel Reuel McFarland
Mrs. Charlotte Ogle Nulf
Dr. Eleanor Porter Pershing
Mrs. Sally Sadowski Rench
Mr. Daniel J. Schroen, Sr.
Dr. Sylvia Seamands
Mr. Kenneth F. Spicer
Miss Judy K. Thompson
Mrs. Ramona Cochran Turman
Mrs. Mary Jane Haley Weathersby
Mrs. Beverly Scott Whitkanack
Rev. Richard D. Wilson
Rev. Roger Wolcott
Rev. William Youngblood
Mrs. Mamie Lucile Weaver Acreman
Mrs. Barbara Follmer Anderson
Mrs. Peggy Downing Berge
Mrs. Carol Yoh Cerullo
Mrs. Bonny Smith Estep
Maj. Ronald H. Gorton
Dr. Paul W. Hartman
Mrs. Rebecca Wood Hartman
Col. Eunice Swyers Herndon
Mrs. Nancy Booth Hiner
Mr. Robert Houston Hodgens
Mrs. Linda Morrow Hofer
Mrs. Shirley Murrow Hoover
Rev. Darrilyn Dandurand Lewis
Mrs. Betty Byrne Manion
Rev. David O. Mason
Mr. Paul E. McCutcheon
Mr. Brasher V. Miller
Mrs. Alice Marie Godsey Peterson
Maj. Gerde Howell Wittrock Ramos
Mr. Donald Emmett Rutledge
Mrs. Linda Snyder Singleton
Mr. David Robert Smith
Mrs. Patricia Coffee Smith
President’s Society
Commr. Kenneth Baillie
Dr. Lawrence H. Boram
Ted Burkman G
Mrs. Esther Lou Waddle Carpenter
Mr. Jerry D. Green
Mrs. Judith Barnhouse Green
Dr. Amanda Russell Hutcherson
Mr. Ken Hutcherson, Jr.
Rev. Robert Maxwell
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Elsa Marie Jensen Davis
Rev. Paul B. Davis, Sr.
Mrs. Patricia Rice Harwell
Mr. Frank C. Vanlandingham
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Iva Frederick Bailey
Mr. James H. Butts, Jr.
Rev. Stella Schultz Sowder
Miss Mary Anne Wehr
Mrs. Frankie Masters Willis
Dr. V. Lawrence Bell, Jr.
Dr. Janice L. Benham
Rev. James K. Burd
Miss Meryl Thelma Esenwein
Dr. Katherine Hanke Houp
Mr. Jay D. Phillips
Mrs. Marian Palomaki Smith
Rev. A. Wendell Stoneburner
Mrs. Catherine Fruth Taylor
Mrs. Vivien C. Tinner
Mrs. Audrey Nelson Toth
Mr. Douglas W. Weeks
Mrs. Shirley Jean Reynolds Whal
Rev. Robert Allan Hahn, Sr.
Dr. I. Octavio Hermida
Dr. Elwyn Carl Hulett
Mrs. Deloris Roth Jennings
Mrs. Joyce Marriott Jensen
Mrs. Bonnie Gill Koteskey
Mrs. Ruth Raisch Lashbrook-Mitchell
Mrs. Barbara Hughes Lingle
Mr. Robert T. Lingle
Mr. Geren C. Moegerle
Mr. James L. Murphy
Dr. Diane T. Orchard
Mr. George M. Ribble
Rev. Donald E. Saum
Mrs. Carol Williams Snodgrass
Mrs. Joy Turner Valade
Mr. Kurt C. Valade
Mrs. Miriam Keller Vance
Mrs. Patricia Miller Wiley
Mr. Walter L. Wiley
Mrs. Brenda Parker Williams
Mrs. Virginia Manley Wingfield
Mrs. Nanci Thompson Youngblood
Rev. Douglas A. Barnett
Mrs. Beverly Jean Decker Bauer
Mr. Vernon Bauer, Jr.
Mrs. Karolyn Yvonne Reese Bickert
Dr. Robert Andrew Bickert
Mrs. Carol Guiles Burghdurf
Mrs. Loretta Rodgers Burnett
Rev. James Gaylord Gillispie
Mrs. Shirley Casler Payne
Rev. Arthur L. Rettew
Mr. John A. Swyers
Mrs. Sondra Thompson Swyers
Mrs. Joan Groenveld Traylor
Dr. Joseph G. Traylor
Mrs. Janeen Lawson Weeks
Dr. Sarah Smith Werner
Mr. James E. Worley
Jewell Walk Phase One — partially funded through Reunion Class
Gift Projects 2009-12 and beginning at Hughes Auditorium and
ending at the Miller Center for Communication Arts — was completed
in time for the beginning of the Fall semester.
Dr. James V. Heidinger, II
Mrs. Nancy Froggat McAllister
Mrs. Doris Bentley Weber
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. John A. Achenbach
Mrs. Patricia Johnson Arthur
Rev. J. Royle Bailard
Mrs. Carol Sayers Butler
Mrs. Madeleine Meyers Diller
Rev. Eldon K. Eldred
Mr. David B. Falk
Mrs. Patricia Moats Falk
Mrs. Marjorie Pruett Griffin
Mrs. Carolyn Shadduck Hahn
Dr. Ronald L. Koteskey
Mrs. Sharon Thompson Long
Mrs. Lois Howell McFarland
Mr. Paul L. Minnich
Mrs. Betty Bennett Ogilvie
Mr. Bruce C. Pemberton
Mrs. Brenda Carol Ledbetter Schroen
Mrs. Rebecca Grace Radden Scott
Mr. E. Gene Snodgrass
President’s Society
Rev. Steven D. Gehring
Mr. Frederick Halter B
Mrs. Rose Cycler Hess
Maj. Annette Smith McInnes B
Mrs. Carol Taylor Poynter
Mr. Scott P. Poynter
Mr. David G. Schroen
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Joan Buchko Bennett
Mrs. Rena Whitney Brown
Mr. David B. Nagel
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Barbara Eyre Butts
Mrs. Karen Eastman-Boyd
Mrs. Linda Fries Hampton
Rev. John L. Weber
Circuit Rider Society
Dr. Charles O. Abernathy
Mr. David W. Boggess
Dr. Susan Gilbert Doctor
Mrs. Anita Clayton Garriott
President’s Society
Dr. David R. Billing B
Mrs. Roseanne Smith Brasington
Dr. David L. Brazelton
Mrs. Wilma Jean Skinner Brazelton
Mrs. Suzanne O'Neal Gehring
Mrs. Dorothy Wetter Germann B
Mrs. Winnie Lancaster Halter B
Mrs. Patricia Payne Hudson
Mr. Larry Larabee
Mrs. Connie Woolums Saufley
Mrs. Catherine Hallowell Sheehan B
Founder’s Society
Mr. Archie M. Bennett, Jr.
Rev. Paul J. Dickinson
Mrs. Sarah Farlow Dickinson
Rev. Gerald D. Larson
Mrs. Janice Schroen Nagel
Mrs. Laree Powell Saylor
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. Douglas P. Burr
Rev. John C. Doyle
Mrs. Rachel Elizabeth Gallimore Griffin
Rev. Walter C. Hughley
Mrs. Joanne Malloy Krause
Mr. David W. Miller
Mrs. Marianne Elsner Miller
Ms. Brenda Plummer
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Jerry Emerson Au
Mrs. Sharon Sue Hatfield Berning
Rev. Jackson R. Brewer
Ms. Jerry Jo Voris Burkman
Honor Roll of Donors
Dr. Thomas W. Burkman
Mrs. Martha Claire Chapman-Laurila
Mr. John M. Falkenberg, Jr.
Mrs. Rebecca Smith Falkenberg
Mrs. Jeanie Drummond Freeman
Rev. William D. Heaton
Rev. Robert W. Hinkle
Mrs. Marilyn Montgomery Hylton
Mr. William Keith, Jr.
Mr. Gerald D. Koch
Mrs. Joy Kocher Kroehler
Dr. Kent E. Kroehler
Mr. Dale W. Long
Mrs. Jane Smith Moegerle
Mr. Robert O. Osborne
Mr. William Ayres Pruitt
Mr. Albert C. Ralls
Mr. Willard N. Timm, Jr.
Maj. David William Waite
Mrs. Dalene Stephens Barnett
Mrs. Betty Woodham Bryant
Mrs. Della Conley Dorsey
Mrs. Norma Hickerson Erny
Mrs. Lennie Sue Meek Gainey
Ms. Nancy Gronning
Mrs. Eva McCleary Haubry
Mrs. Becky Vincent Juvinall
Mrs. Judith Amos Logan
Mr. Larry D. Retherford
Mr. Cullen B. Sutton
Mr. George L. Whitmer
President’s Society
Mrs. MaryLou Pfeifer Bartimay B
Mrs. Vangie Erny Billing B
Mrs. Joan Crouse John S
Commr. William H. John, Sr. S
Mrs. Jama Bell Martin B
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Joyce Adcock Anders
Mr. Gary Saylor
Mr. Frank B. Stanger, Jr.
Ms. Judith Ann Henderson Young
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Dr. Esther Schubert Chambers
Rev. John H. Coffee, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth Elaine Miller Doyle
Mrs. Sarah Case Holifield
Rev. Charles R. Jacobs
Mr. Robert L. Spaeth
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Virginia Porter Au
Mrs. Roberta Ann Jones Babel
Mrs. Corinne Pryor Brewer
Mrs. Ruth Smitherman Buchanan
Mr. Denton Cormany
Mrs. Robin Bauer Cormany
Mr. Allen W. Deyo
Mrs. Sue Gandy Deyo
Mrs. Sharon Yates Gladstone
Mrs. Ann Loeffler Grogg
Rev. Gary W. Grogg
Mrs. Cynthia Robinson Hulett
Mr. Richard Kibbey
Mrs. Sandra Beck Kibbey
Mrs. Constance Spencer Lewes
Mrs. Nancy C. Mansfield
Dr. Terry McCollum
Mr. Rand McEndre
Ms. Claudia Fisher Miller
Dr. Gerald I. Miller
Rev. William J. Moran
Mrs. Carolyn Ruth Dott Muse
Mr. Alan T. Nagel
Mrs. Judith Stanfield Osborne
Mr. John R. Phillips
Mrs. Betty Conkel Rogers
Dr. Charles J. Slemenda, Sr.
Dr. Walter S. Stone
Mrs. Marsine Ann Filp Stratton
Rev. Russell Williams
Mrs. Paula Ciccariello Alt
Mrs. Loretta Jayne Harmer Blowers
Rev. Thomas E. Brown
Mr. Thomas D. Crowe, Jr.
Mrs. Esther Hallberg Drotleff
Col. Richard H. Hargett
Mrs. Arlene Stucky Hughes
Rev. R. Tim Hume
Mrs. Karen Schulz Kershner
Mrs. Fran Rice Osborne
Mr. Albert L. Peach
Mrs. Nina Moulton Pneuman
Lt. Col. Elaine Alley Rader
Mr. Herbert C. Rhorer
Mrs. Karen Lane Shelberg
Mrs. Patricia Albright Thurlow
President’s Society
Mr. Roger D. Blackburn
Mrs. Nancy McIntosh Burkman G
Mrs. Lolita Larabee Crouse G
Dr. Morris E. Hintzman
Mr. Roland I. Lane
Mrs. Marilyn Riassetto Pyers
Ms. Lois Amstutz Webster
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Donna Staley Dunagan
Mrs. Nancy Veelman Gere
Mrs. Nancy Brodbeck McCreedy
Mr. Richard A. Welch
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Carolyn Jean Martin Beaty
Mr. Peter Wade Beaty
Mr. Clark E. Blade
Mrs. Mary Ellen Meier Gardner
Rev. J. Anthony Holifield
Rev. John Charles Maun
Dr. Daniel F. Meyer
Mrs. Elaine Champion Nesselroade
Mrs. Linda Johnson Smith
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. James L. Arey-Schank
Rev. Stephen L. Bennett, Sr.
Mrs. Mary Claire Carrothers Black
Mrs. Linda Lou Chilton Crouch
Rev. Warner F. Davis
Mrs. Charlotte Arleen McGuire Detherage
Rev. James E. Hamlin
Mrs. Patricia Schwartz Hinkle
Mrs. Peggy Berger Holder
Rev. James N. Hosey, Jr.
Mr. David E. Kirkwood
Mrs. Ruth Hoffman Lutz
Mr. William F. McIlrath, Sr.
Mrs. Kathleen Dickinson Phillips
Ms. Carol Sue Ray
Mr. James Clifford Brayton
Mrs. Carolyn Cosby Coburn
Chap. R. Fred Coburn
Dr. Terry L. Faris
Mr. David Hall
Mrs. Patricia West LaFollette
Mrs. Sheila Seamands Lovell
Ms. Carole Schulz McConnell
Mrs. Betty Scott Neilson
Rev. Frank C. Norris
Mr. David C. Ricketts
Rev. Byron J. Scott, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth Halsey Slaughter
Rev. Harry Stevenson
Mrs. Sharon Jones Sutton
Mrs. Billie Mullins Taylor
Dr. David J. Wilcox
President’s Society
Mr. C. E. Crouse, Jr. G
Mrs. Darlene Montgomery Elliott
Mrs. Paula Ragsdale Hintzman
Mrs. Linda Shoults Keller G
Mrs. Viola G. McLoughlin
Dr. Martha Lowrey Morgan
Mr. Timothy A. Mowery
Founder’s Society
Rev. Ellen Walch Bullock
Mrs. Patricia Hallowell DiPietro
Dr. W. David Hager
Mrs. Martha Stoneking Law
Mr. Paul C. Law
Mrs. Sue Ann Jewell Walters
Mrs. Paula Crowder Zoller
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Miss Betty L. Bell
Mrs. Clara Chilton Bleier
Mrs. Karen Baker Conn
Rev. Fred Russell Gardner
Mrs. Lynda Via Geiger
Rev. Bruce T. Howard
Mrs. Pamela Friesland Meyer
Rev. Kenneth P. Nesselroade
Mrs. Frances Browning Noah
Dr. Melvin R. Noah
Mr. James A. Ross
Rev. Edwin G. Smith
Mrs. Glenda Most Spaeth
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Joyce Calvin Clegg
Lt. Col. Constance Dale Graham
Dr. Raul Guerrero
Mrs. Carolyn Green Hall
Mrs. Brenda Clark Knochenmus
Mr. Kerry Knochenmus
Mrs. Patty Walker Lenover
Mrs. Edna Margaret O'Neal Miller
Rev. Kenneth H. Miller
Mr. Gary A. Paine
Mrs. Bonnie Buechner Reynolds
Rev. C. David Satre
Mrs. Marilyn Elizabeth Elkjer Satre
Mrs. Peggy Adams Saum
Mrs. Beth Stickley Schuelke
Rev. Paul Lawrence Shumate
Mr. Larry L. Sims
Rev. James R. Sunderland, Jr.
Mr. David G. Toussaint
Maj. Patricia Teeter Waite
Rev. David C. Warden
Mrs. Patricia Ann Estep Warden
Mrs. Catherine Griffith Widmaier
Mrs. Linda Cruse Barnard
Mrs. Sharon Thompson Brown
Mrs. Becky Hutchens Bullock
Rev. Brice E. Casey
Ms. Lois Reed Cooperrider
Mr. Larry D. Dumm
Mrs. Linda Brooks Dumm
Mrs. Judy Ripley Faris
Miss Mary E. Greene
Mrs. Joan Rials Hall
Mrs. Sharon Kay Sewell Hartigan
Mrs. Sharyn White Hundley
Rev. Douglas L. Love
Mrs. Harriett Dean Norris
Mr. Richard T. Osgood
Mrs. Sandra Segers Osgood
Rev. James W. Sainsbury
Rev. Marilyn Kay West Sainsbury
Mr. Bruce L. Scollard
Mr. Ronald Lee Shepard
Mrs. Carolyn Beall Shriver
Rev. Roy Wade Swisher
Mr. Robert W. Vier
Mrs. Rosemary Ladner Watson
Ms. Dianne Bramell Wentzell
President’s Society
Dr. Mark R. Elliott
Miss Geraldine Marie Hansen
Mrs. Charlene Tew Lord
Mr. Paul E. Morgan
Mr. Harold L. Rainwater
Dr. Michael E. Reynolds
Mrs. Helen Rhea Luce Stumbo G
Founder’s Society
Rev. Robert T. Bridges
Mrs. Barbara Carroll Curl
Dr. Kenneth F. Curl
Mrs. Frances Walburn Emrick
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Charlotte Neill Hopps
Mr. Robert L. Hopps
Mrs. Carole Jean Oliver Rickard
Dr. Steven L. Rumford
Mr. Thomas Sands
Mrs. Renee Jacqueline Ross Stith
Rev. Gary L. Turk
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Elaine Susan Bonaire
Dr. David Lawrence Brabon
Mrs. Jeanna Swann Cole
Rev. Colin M. Crouch
Rev. Timothy A. Draxler
Mrs. Martha Ann Taylor Erwin
Mrs. Christine Holz Goodier
Ms. Marsha A. Goodwin
Mrs. Joan Leab Hendee
Mr. Loren Wayne Hooker, Jr.
Ms. Janet Marker
Rev. Keith E. Paff
Dr. Rita J. Pritchett D
Rev. Kenneth M. Roughton
Mrs. Sandra Mahank Roughton
Mr. Clifford E. Rowles
Mrs. Martha Merwin Schroeder
Mrs. Barbara Leimenstoll Shepard
Mr. John M. Shepard, Jr.
Mrs. Rethia Insko Sims
Mr. David B. Spencer
Mr. Stephen Bruce Wilcox
Mrs. Claire Leinbach Williams
Mrs. Charlotte Ammerman Brunk
Ms. Sara L. Coleman
Mr. Philip Lee Foster
Mr. James P. Fulcher
Maj. Norma Eugenie Higbee
Dr. Raymond Curtis Hundley
Mr. Ronald Mains
Mrs. Sandra Adaline Knapp Mains
Mrs. Jeanine Leist McDowell
Ms. Diane Clevenger Northrup
Mrs. Laura Spence Payne
Rev. Sharon Lee Robinson Potter
Ms. Lora Lyn Reynolds
Dr. James W. Riley, Sr.
Mrs. Jane Nelson Risdon
President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 15
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Sylvia Baldwin Scollard
Mrs. Anna Richardson Shepard
Mrs. Caren Colbert Urgolites
Dr. Charles J. VanMeter, Jr.
Mrs. Barbara Dixon Vohar
President’s Society
Mrs. Louise Anderson Brockinton
Dr. Philip E. Brown S
Mrs. Linda Buice Carlyle
Mrs. Carol Jean Anderson Freeman G
Mr. Frederick H. Hannah
Mr. Harvey H. Hughes, II
Mrs. Mary Blanchard King
Mr. R. Wayne King
Mr. Homer S. Pointer
Mrs. Sharron Brazzell Regenthal S
Mrs. Julia Nagel Schroen
Dr. Samuel J. Williams, II
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Janie Wiley Jones
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Dr. William W. Dean
Dr. Dan G. Johnson
Dr. Bruce E. Mousa
Mrs. Judith Smith Pierson
Mrs. Linda Cooper Sands
Mrs. Linda Jeffery Turk
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Madora Nelson Bennett
Mr. K. Adrian Bolser
Mrs. Shirley Ann Krause Bolser
Miss Beth A. Boone
Mr. Robert Carlisle
Dr. Harold Delaney
Mrs. Nancy Hurst Delaney
Rev. Dennis T. Ditto
Mrs. Judy Brewer Ditto
Miss Rose Ann Doak
Mr. David H. Howell
Mr. Barton S. McFarlane
Mrs. Hope Haggerty McFarlane
Rev. Gilson Miller
Rev. J. Mark Nysewander
Mrs. Katherine Hutcherson Nysewander
Mrs. Carol Amstutz Seamands
Dr. Stephen A. Seamands
Mrs. Sarah Barnett Standard
Mr. Thomas B. Standard D
Mrs. Sylvia Myers Stevenson
Mrs. Ann Brodbeck Swigert
Mrs. Ruth Percifield Amerson
Mr. William T. Amerson
Mr. William D. Blake
Mr. Terry Burdick
Miss Martha Ezzard
Ms. Lois Jean Henry
Mr. Robert W. Jones
Mr. Larry D. Klinefelter
Mr. Tom W. Minor
Mrs. Patricia Scott Mosbacher
Mrs. Sandra Mommsen Peterson
Mrs. Cheryl Kendall Porter
Rev. Lowell Rice
Dr. Darius Leo Salter
Mrs. Joyce Bartels Staggs
Mrs. Angeline Harris Thurman
Mrs. Charlotte Linton VanMeter
Mrs. Mary Lou Sayers Wilkin
President’s Society
Mrs. Marilyn Bolerjack Blackburn
Mr. Larry W. Green S
Mr. Ronald A. Peck S
Mrs. Elizabeth Young Williams
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Darlene Sharon Ward Schwantes
Mrs. Roberta Toussaint Vore
Dr. Vernon W. Vore, II
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Margaret Smith Boland
Dr. Sherry Bennink Brooks
Mrs. Daphne Hindman Burr
Mrs. Betty Naabe Coombs
Mrs. Rozelle Grace Stevens Rumford
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Brenda Key Adams
Mr. Donald Adams
Mrs. Marilyn Sue Messick Buchanan
Mr. William Stewart Connard
Mrs. Jacquelin Bauer Euper
Mr. James Gabrielsen
Rev. Phillip Wayne Garvey
Mrs. Kathy Jackson Hatfield
Mr. Robert S. Johnson
Miss Joy Juvinall
Mr. Harry C. Kellermier
Mrs. Peggy Miller McCollum
Mrs. Mica Keller Roughton
Rev. Philip Roughton
Mrs. Edith Oldham Rowles
Rev. Wayne B. Anthony
Mrs. Sandra Flottman Berry
Mrs. Threasa Jean Wade Bolton
Mrs. Patricia Anderson Connell
Mr. Donald G. Ferguson
Mrs. Jonnie Chaffin Ford
Mr. Dean Harkness
Mrs. Janet Garlow Holsing
Mrs. Susan Hutchens Hooglander
Rev. Ronald W. Hopkins
Mrs. Kathie Ann Aufrance Jerrell
Rev. Jake William Kesecker, Jr.
Mr. Virgil R. Klump
Dr. LaVerne L. Ludden
Mrs. Cornelia Ann Hager Marshall
Mr. Irwin McDonald
Mr. Michael Owen
Miss Paula Parker
Maj. John R. Rhemick
Rev. Randall Riley
Mrs. Miriam Dunn Rose
Rev. Jerry D. Ruff
Mrs. Sally Thornbery Schwarz
Mrs. Berilyn Harris Thomas
Mrs. Deborah Hughes Wheeler
President’s Society
Mr. Ron Ball B
Dr. David P. Ditto
Miss Sarah Luce G
Dr. Vickie Schellack Moore-Quilliams
Mrs. Patricia Blanchard Nelson
Mrs. Jane Sharrett Olson
Miss Rebecca Adelle Wood
Mrs. Norilee Carmean Zimmerman
Mr. Roger R. Zimmerman
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Kathleen Sommer Bridges
Mrs. Jean Okesson Haglund D
Miss Cheryl A. Rogers
Mrs. Bonnie Jewell Wilcoxson
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Nancy Chadwell Ambuehl
Dr. William G. Brooks, Jr.
Mrs. Donna Jared Guerrero
Mrs. Janet Means Johnson
Mrs. Sun-sook Huh Kim
Mrs. Cherith Brabon Rydbeck
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Lynn E. Avery
Mrs. Debra Rust Carlisle
Mrs. Emma Ruth Courts
Dr. Mary John Shepherd Dye
Mrs. Cynthia Turkington Ewing
Mrs. Linda Gaines Kemper
Miss Louann McIntosh
Ms. Pamela Ann Pike
Mrs. Cora Falls Robbins
Mrs. Sandra Seamands Sheppard
Miss Darla Simms
Miss Jane L. Stanger
Mrs. Linda Whitright Taylor
Mr. Donald Wesley Alley
Mrs. Frances Sue Brown Anthony
Mrs. Thelma Doverspike Bence
Miss Suzanne K. Burch
Mrs. Mary Adrianne Arnold Davis
Mrs. Colleen Goodling Frontz
Mrs. Rebecca Payne Guthrie
Mrs. Carolyn Leonard Love
Mrs. Mary Ellen Brady Minor
Mrs. Dawn Russell Shurlow
Mrs. Linda Jeanne McDonald Six
Rev. Earl Lee Smith
Mr. Alden Winslow
President’s Society
Mrs. Lettie Ward Myers
Mr. Rex Myers
Mr. Curtis Olson
Dr. David L. Stevens
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Evelyn Stephens Hunt
Mr. David James Simms
Mrs. Julia Kay Glover Simms
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Dr. Michael D. Martin
Mrs. Elaine Vining Salico
Mrs. Cynthia Noble Sayler
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Barbara Sue Beougher Avery
Mr. Jeffrey L. Barber
Mrs. Louise Birk Bowers
Mr. Perry C. Brokaw
Mrs. Rebecca Barnett Brown
Ms. Karen J. Burdette
Rev. Donald E. Christensen
Mrs. Deborah Grout Clifton
Mrs. Barbara Jean Suttles Diamond
Mrs. Christine Lynne Allen Gabrielsen
Mr. Harold Gilbert
Mr. Merlin Ray Hershberger
Mrs. Patricia LeGates Holscher
Mrs. Jeannine Spratt Hosey
Mr. Daniel J. Key
Mrs. Elizabeth Ziegler Miller
Lt. Col. John T. Needham
Mrs. Janet Griffin Potts
Rev. Rainer Richter
Maj. Harry C.E. Tolhurst, Jr.
Mr. Mark Vance
Mrs. Kathleen Nulton Ware
Dr. William Young
Mrs. Mary Noland Bowen
Ms. Nancy Bradford
Rev. Saundra Lynn Hamm
Dr. Curt Nicholson, III
Rev. Harold V. Phillips, Jr.
Mr. Roy Pumphrey
Mrs. Wanda Chandler Pumphrey
Mrs. Suzanne Simich Scott
Mrs. Deborah Fulton Studer
Dr. Gary L. Wilson
Mrs. Elaine Jones Winslow
President’s Society
Dr. Billy K. Glover, II
Mr. Dennis Eugene Hadler
Dr. Michael Thomas Powers B
Mr. Eric M. Steiner
Mrs. Jody Thacker Stevens
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Brenda Cooper Bentley
Mr. Ellis Bentley, Jr.
Dr. W. Joe Brockinton
Mrs. Patricia Robbins Carmony
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. David A. Chambers
Mrs. Katherine Patat Crook
Mrs. Marilyn Sneed Highlander
Dr. Thomas Richard Mowery
Mrs. Trena Hamant Stafford
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Sandra Phillips Arrance
Mr. Gordon R. Beardslee
Mrs. Carol Elaine Hallberg Bittinger
Rev. Ronald D. Brown
Mrs. Brenda Stevenson Christensen
Mr. Alan J. Davis
Mrs. Joyce Roush Davis
Rev. Daniel Dennis
Dr. John L. Ewing, Jr.
Mrs. Sheryl Owens Gore
Mrs. Cheryl Gamblin Holmes
Mrs. Phyllis Cavender Howell
Rev. Dr. Robert J. Kanary
Rev. Michael L. Manning
Mr. Roger Meyers
Miss Donna F. Redmon
Rev. David Throckmorton
Mrs. Sally Elizabeth Shuler Throckmorton
Mrs. Ann Cochran Vance
Mr. Jon C. Campbell
Mrs. Sharon Stonecipher Collins
Mrs. Mary-Kay Kellerhals Colver
Rev. Gary Allen Cooper
Mrs. Wendy Tucker Culbreath
Mrs. Joy Nadine Teale Fleming
Mrs. Linda Blackburn Hubel
Mrs. Paula Elaine Sharu McGuire
Rev. Lawrence E. McPherson
Mrs. Judy Bowman Mock
Mrs. Bonnie Brown Mohrbacher
Rev. Larry Joe Mosher
Mrs. Fay Toney Nicholson
Rev. T. David Redish
Mrs. Sharon Hartman Ruff
Miss Sharon K. Runyon
Mr. Rex Schrolucke
Mr. Clarence Spencer
Mrs. Jeannine Hall Woody
Mr. Richard Workman
President’s Society
Mrs. Deni Moegerle Corbett
Mr. Daniel A. Hutchens
Founder’s Society
Dr. Dennis L. Fish
Mrs. Karen Shirey Raymond
Dr. Russell E. Raymond
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Geraldine Marie Miller Bloom
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. C. Timothy Crook
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Cynthia Eberhardt Barber
Dr. Jack Bennink
Mr. Allen Bittinger
Mr. Robert G. Custer
Rev. Bruce K. Davis
Mr. Dale Stewart Ditto
Mr. Dwight A. Dockter
Mrs. Judith Wayne Dockter
Miss Janis M. Harris
Dr. Beverly Carradine Jessup
Mr. Richard D. Jones
Mrs. Penny Willis Knox
Mrs. Brenda Plummer Meyers
Lt. Col. Marthalyn Ling Needham
Mrs. Joanna Sayers Nichols
Rev. Richard Nichols
Rev. Wade Sheridan Panse
Mrs. Mary Lee Miller Pugh
Mr. Don G. Roxberry
Mrs. Regina Harkness Sellers
Mr. David L. Somers
Mr. John E. Thompson
Mr. Marc Thompson
Mrs. Sandra Shaffer Thompson
Mr. Darryl H. Turner
Mr. Daniel L. Weber
Mr. Wilford B. Anderson
Mrs. Kathryn Ann Kurtz Campbell
Rev. Elizabeth Jeanne Neutt Cross
Dr. Bill Fleming, Jr.
Mrs. Linda Wright Flynn
Mrs. Carol Noble Hizer
Dr. John D. Jenkins
Mrs. Mary Merten Jenkins
Mrs. Kathy Marie Spainhour Joyce
Mrs. Mary Ann Toussaint Maxwell
Mrs. Carol Brady McGlothlin
Mrs. Sharon Lackey Mead
Mr. Paul D. Mock
Mrs. Deborah Meerdink Sickler
Mrs. Linda Faye Holt Storie
Mrs. Sandra Joan Hentschel Sturm
President’s Society
Mrs. Melanie Wood Cavanaugh B
Dr. Steven C. Corbett
Mr. Jeffrey Hummel
Mrs. Martha Faber Hutchens
Dr. John E. Hutchison, Jr.
Dr. Jeannie Corbitt Jones B
Dr. Jeffrey Parr
Ms. Sharon Lynn Powell Harlander
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Carol Lide Aleski
Mrs. Willa-sue Ling Brockinton
Mrs. Elizabeth Lee Knoche Casey
Dr. Daniel J. Fleeman
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Ms. Carol A. Douglas
Dr. Thomas W. Gore
Rev. Jay F. Lucas
Circuit Rider Society
Ms. Karen Sue Brammer
Mrs. Rebecca Lewis Claborn
Mrs. Jennifer Moore Evans
Mr. Evan R. Gaus
Mr. Edward Byron Gore
Mrs. Cynthia Bosworth Hall
Mr. Mark H. Hannay
Mrs. Donna Bailey James
Miss Annetta Keller
Mrs. Marianne Stevens Kesten
Mr. Randall M. Knox
Rev. S. Gregory McKinnon
Dr. Bob M. Moon
Rev. R. Malcolm Pugh
Mr. W. Bratton Shaw
Rev. Richard G. Tuttle
Mr. Lance O. Underwood
Mr. William L. Weethee, Jr.
Mrs. Marcia Heckman Berfield
Mr. Rogers C. Culbreath
Ms. Deborah DeFine
Mr. H. David Jarrett
Mr. Daniel R. Kinnell
Mrs. Donna Goodine Lahr
Mrs. Angela Coleman Stone
Dr. Lawson G. Stone
Mr. Willard F. Susan
Ms. Maribeth Velazquez Swanson
Mrs. Valli Hugar Weethee
Mrs. Marla Miley Wilcox
Mr. Mark J. Amey
Mrs. Sharon Lynn Chitwood Clark
Mrs. Christina Sjoberg Coleman
Mrs. Carol Marie Wiley Collins
Mrs. Charlene Goodlett Demaray
Miss Kimberly Jan Hickman
Mr. Mark G. Johnson
Mrs. Melanie Sue Hindman Kinnell
Mr. Stephen L. Partridge
Rev. David E. Penalva
Mrs. Judith Traina Seitz
Dr. Martin L. Seitz
Rev. Reginald M. Smith
Mr. William D. Tarr
Mrs. Deborah Ruth Buckingham Thompson
Mrs. Brenda Orr Bernstorf
Dr. James Randall Bernstorf
Mr. Jeffrey K. Davis
Mrs. Donna Andrews Dawson
Mrs. Elaine Marie Kubuj Franks
Rev. Tom H. Knauff
Mrs. Rebekah Moon Lowe
Mrs. Gayle Ann Graves McCann
Mr. Bryan D. Mitchell
Maj. Linda-Jo Drummond Perks
Mrs. Marcia Boettcher Thurow
Mr. Duane E. Weaver
Nearly 80 students, staff, faculty and alumni traveled to London to
help share the Olympic Games with the world. Students worked as
camera operators, reporters and utility workers, among other tasks.
Miss Karen S. Rader
Mr. Ralph R. Underhill
Miss Linda L. Vogan
Mr. James Roger Weschgel
Mrs. Janet Copeland Winningham
President’s Society
Mr. Michael J. McFarland
Mr. Nathan R. Mowery S
Dr. Sherry Wilson Powers B
Rev. Stuart A. Smith
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Kathy Walker Fish
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Miss Beth A. Feather
Miss Patricia Ann Gunning
Ms. Barbara J. Huber
Mrs. Cathy Rowles Larson
Mrs. Beth Olson Olney
Dr. Kent R. Olney
Rev. John M. Schmid
Circuit Rider Society
Dr. Phillip B. Collier
Mr. Michael J. Evans
Mr. E. Sidney Finklea, III
Dr. Catherine Jacobs Fontana
Rev. Billy Gillespie, Jr.
Mrs. Kristi Jo Southard Helfen
Mr. James I. Howard
Mrs. Betty Fleming Moon
Mr. Carlos A. Oliveros
Mr. William Sellers
Mrs. Susan Montgomery Kohli
Mrs. Cathy Drake Lowdermilk
Mrs. Susan Jones Rae
Mr. Thomas M. Rae
Mrs. Margaret Carpenter Sudheimer
Mr. William Warren Weber
Mrs. Paula Bauer Wyse
Mr. Walter H. Wyse
President’s Society
Mrs. Amy Sague Ball B
Miss Susan Lynn Kraus
Col. Keith A. Oliver
Mrs. Susan Sutlive Smith
Mr. R. Gregory Swanson
Mrs. Dawn Ford Veazey B
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Janet Beth Turner Jamieson
Dr. Joseph W. Wiley
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Audrey Jean Holmgren Baxter
Mrs. Sandra Louise Temple Cullum
Mrs. Cindy Goodyear Dean
Mrs. Valerie Venable Dunlap
Miss Rhonda M. Goss
Mr. Michael B. Watts
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Daniel Jon Amey
Mr. Bruce E. Beck
Mrs. Dawn Inay Fox Byrum
Rev. Dr. Donald Eugene LaFaber
Mr. Glenn C. McQuown, Jr.
President’s Society
Dr. Ronald P. Ford S
Mrs. Valerie Parr Hill G
Dr. Donald Lovejoy
Mrs. Lois Miller Lovejoy
Mr. Jon Q. Shellhaas
Mrs. Nancy Cheatham Shellhaas
Dr. Robert L. Wood
Founder’s Society
Dr. Duane R. Allyn
Mr. Stephen W. Barber
Mrs. Nancy Abbott Blind
Mr. Geoffrey D. Wood
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Harold L. Bertrand
Mr. John Rick Campbell
Mrs. Susan Ann Keen Campbell
Mr. Duane T. Fish
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Karen Hillard Abrahamson
Mr. Robert J. Arnett
Rev. Alan T. Barrett
Mrs. Sharon Froderman Clarke
Dr. William B. Dunn
Mr. Wallace W. Gage
Mrs. Karen Pumphrey Gaus
Dr. Gary Mark George
Mrs. Lela Jayne Haggard
Mrs. Sharon Marie Nelson Harter
Mr. Jeffrey W. James
Mrs. Robin Brocious Johnson
Mr. Jonathan P. Linton
Mrs. Cynthia Fall Mabrey
Mrs. Stacy Lee Miller Penalva
Mrs. Deborah Host Phillips
Mr. Stephen Daniel Rehner
Mrs. Constance Schultz Sandrock
Mrs. Robin Lynn Mick Sillaman
Mr. Timothy P. Sillaman
Mr. Orin M. Simmerman, III
Mrs. Deborah Bailey Swineford
Rev. Dennis W. Swineford
Miss Suzanne Lee Thornbury
Mr. Donald P. Vosburg
Mrs. Mary Jo Hardison Amey
Mrs. Judy Wineman Brown
Mr. Jeffrey L. Buck
Miss Victoria Leigh Dodge
Ms. Judith Coomes Golden
Dr. R. Keith Iddings
Mr. Murray W. Kenyon
Mrs. Cynthia McDonald Knauff
President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 17
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Miriam Brown Lafferty
Rev. Cynthia Grout Layton
Mrs. Joy Lynn Haering Lee
Miss Lorraine K. Maw
Mr. Kenneth J. Miller
Ms. Mary Moutz
Mrs. Julia Swartz Pfister
Mr. Michael C. Rice
Mrs. Cinda Johnston Swan
Mr. David E. Vibbert
President’s Society
Mr. Larry D. Brown G
Mrs. Debra Mauney Dickinson
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Early Swain
Founder’s Society
Dr. Debra Ratliff Bailey
Mrs. Becky McGill Barber
Mrs. Deborah Lester Lafferty
Mr. Bruce A. Simms
Mrs. Marjie Beam Simms
Mrs. Janice Bailey Thompson
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Ms. Sheryl J. Davidson
Mrs. Valerie Kay Murphy Hammerlee
Dr. William D. Hammerlee, Jr.
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Elizabeth Parris Barrett
Rev. Brian R. Bunch
Mr. Jim M. Kemper
Mr. Robert L. Leonard, Jr.
Cdr. Charles L. Mingonet, Jr.
Mr. Wade L. Pearsall
Mrs. Melanie Grose Price
Mrs. Marla Beth Eberhardt Spencer
Mrs. Shirley Doerfel Whiddon
Mr. Curtis A. Britcher
Mrs. Vicky Farthing Britcher
Rev. David Lowell Cook
Mr. James H. Demaray
Mr. Daniel R. Dries
Mr. Jerry L. Guthrie
Mrs. Jennifer Dreyer Harris
Mr. Jay R. Hausher
Mr. David B. Herin
Mrs. Sandra Freysz Johnson
Mr. Ian M. Layton
Mrs. Marsha Susan Whitton Nagy
Mrs. Patricia Hieronymus Overing
Mrs. Cathy St Clair Pershing
Mrs. Christine Dale Robarge Reedy
Mr. Jacques L. Sallade
Mr. William B. Sever, Jr.
Mr. Paul Michael Strang
Rev. Owen R. Stricklin
Mrs. Nancy Lynn Fanta Tobias
Mrs. Deana Moore Vibbert
Mr. Anthony Rick Whiston
President’s Society
Mr. David W. Carmicheal B
Mrs. Yvonne Daulton Carmicheal B
Dr. Gerald D. Forbes
Miss Priscilla M. Hazlett
Mr. David A. Herrington
Mrs. Laurie Ramsey Jaffe S
Ms. Carolyn L. Ridley
Mrs. Rose Heitkamp Straeter S
Founder’s Society
Mr. Charles J. Hunter, IV
Mrs. Nancy Donehoo Hunter
Rev. Richard Duane Smith
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Ms. Michele Marie Devereaux
Mr. David Majors
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Halon Woodrow Bodden
Mr. Duvon McGuire
Mrs. Sheryl Brock Moore
Mrs. Crystal Crosby Rogers
Mrs. Veronica Sadler-Williams
Mrs. Lizabeth Anne Ziegler Tarr
Dr. Elizabeth Hess Watts
Mr. Stephen F. Watts
Mrs. Laura Lee Selph Berg
Mrs. Joan McIntire Blazek
Mrs. Wanda Kathryn Beckner Chafin
Mrs. Cynthia Gutchess Clark
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Debra Ann Hostetter Cummings
Dr. David K. Goebel
Mrs. Kimberly Sue McWilliams
Mr. Thomas Paul McWilliams
Mr. Steven J. VanderLaan
Mrs. Irene Kash Wright
Dr. Kimberly Fay Case
Rev. Charles E. Engelhardt, Jr.
Mr. James K. Grooms
Rev. Donald R. Henderson
Mr. Edward J. Kusche
Mrs. Edith Nickell Miller
Mrs. Charlotte Dawn Siler Sallade
Mrs. Phyllis Lane Tate
Rev. Russell M. Tate
Mr. John Mark Case
Mr. Anthony B. Cochran
Mrs. Tammy Lowe Cochran
Dr. Randall S. Coleman
Rev. James C. Donnan
Mrs. Lynn Boyd Eckley
Ms. Karen Clary Foldy
Rev. Timothy Anthony Foldy
Mrs. Judy Vanderhoof Godwin
Rev. Mark Allison Rains
Mrs. Nicole May Spann
Ms. Teresa Conwell Stephenson
Mr. Jeffrey D. Todd
Mrs. Cynthia Sheffield Vandemark
Rev. Randall L. Vandemark
Mrs. Dixie Lynn Graham Williams
Mr. Eddy Wudijono
Mr. James C. Zweifel
Mrs. Jody Neyman Zweifel
A gift to the University has made Asbury the permanent home for two
valuable theological collections that include works by John Wesley
as well as the religious writings that influenced him.
Mrs. Kayla Jolene Vance Engelhardt
Mrs. Barbara Lynn Edwards Fisk
Mr. Wayne D. Hickman
Rev. Kenneth W. Johnson
Mrs. Penny Ritchey Kenyon
Mrs. Barbara Elaine Carlton Lindsay
Rev. Grant Richard Lobb
Ms. Mary Louise Meyer
Mr. William C. Murphy
Dr. Mark Smith
Mrs. Catherine McKellar Wallin
Mrs. Pamela Cullers Wright
President’s Society
Mrs. Carol Kraus Britton G
Mrs. Catherine Kern Parsons B
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Grace Roughton Harvey Dupree
Mrs. Kay Burrus Hayden
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Christine Luckert Cross
Dr. Deborah Ann Gober
Mr. Jaime Scott Greene
Mr. Joe W. Moutz
Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove
Mrs. Molly Cohea Tims
Mr. William Cecil Watkins
President’s Society
Mrs. Nancy Grout Forbes
Mr. Gregory B. Isaacs B
Mr. Mark E. Nichols
Founder’s Society
Mr. Paul J. Dupree
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Stephen H. Hoffman
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Daniel M. Andrus
Mrs. Jane Louise Stevens Andrus
Mrs. Janie Brushaber
Mrs. Michal Renee Doverspike Buchanan
Rev. Charles G. Coleman
Mr. Carlton Lee Mann
Mrs. Elizabeth Lisa Gates Mann
Mrs. Kimberly Wallace McCray
Mrs. Beth Ikle McQueen
Rev. Jason L. McQueen
Dr. Deborah Martz Naaman
Mrs. Darolyn Miller Peterson
Mrs. Martha Riffe Shannon
President’s Society
Mrs. Cindy Perry Isaacs B
Dr. Brian D. Jenkins
Mrs. Heather Granger Lintemuth G
Mr. Mark H. Whitworth
Mrs. Tyanne James Whitworth
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Cathy Perry Luckert
Mrs. Jane Cooper Van Tatenhove
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Emily Wood Coleman
Rev. Glenn J. Conaway
Ms. Cynthia Meadows
Mr. Douglas C. Postma
Mr. Steven L. Royer
Mr. Michael S. Shank
Mrs. Andrea Fine Smith
Mr. Brian J. Smith
Mrs. Kathy Jo Kamps VanderLaan
Mr. George R. Wright
Mrs. Kimberly Keplar Amstutz
Rev. JoAnn Stutz Anderson
Mr. Leland G. Bennett
Mr. Mark Anthony Bules
Mrs. Katherine Simonet Calvert
Rev. Rachel Lee Wachtel Coleman
Rev. Elizabeth A. Cullison
Mr. Thomas A. Jones
Mrs. Diane Kay Helton Vetters
Mr. Jay Wilson, III
Mrs. Evelyn Santos Wudijono
President’s Society
Mr. Stephen L. Lintemuth G
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. J. David Cummings
Mr. David W. Eisemann
Mrs. Janet Louise Fegan Eisemann
Rev. Chris E. Farmer
Mrs. Melinda Ann Rawlings Farmer
Mr. Daryl L. Fish
Mrs. Jamie Gilbert Mingo
Mr. Stephen P. Osborn
Mr. Randy Ezra Rainwater
Mrs. Janet McConnell Adams
Mrs. Karen Bone Bender
Mrs. Ruth Ann Reitz Ford
Mrs. Rebecca Weldon Fulcher
Mrs. Beth Stowe Neihof
Dr. John E. Neihof, Jr.
Rev. Scott K. Otis
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Lynn Brooks Rains
Mr. Paul E. Reslink
Mrs. Brenda Widmark Smarelli
Mrs. Diana Tidman Tollerud
Mrs. Debra Wilson Vavra
Mr. David R. Watts
Mrs. Susan O'Nan Watts
Mrs. Karen Phillips Yunis
President’s Society
Mrs. Michelle Worley Carpenter B
Mr. Stephen L. Carpenter B
Mrs. Barbara Lowe Stryker
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Jana Van Tatenhove Baldwin, J.D.
Mr. Jeffrey P. Edwards
Dr. C. Stephen Woolums
Mrs. Cindy Myers Woolums
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Ted R. Batson, Jr.
Miss Cheryl D. Dillion
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Richard D. Bates
Mr. P. Christopher Guy
Dr. David A. Hoag
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Alice Wilson Alesia
Mrs. Kellie Rowe Bracken
Rev. Timothy B. Bracken
Rev. Kenneth J. Bremer
Ms. Deborah Goodwin
Ms. Laurie A. Grout
Mr. John Kenneth Lee
Maj. Stephen P. Morris
Maj. Wendy Joy Laxton Morris
Mr. Daniel Penalva
Mrs. Elaine Shephard Penalva
Mrs. Anita Joseph Rainwater
Mrs. Mary Priscilla Martz Ross
Dr. James Stanley Walker
Mrs. Lori Lauter Wright
Mrs. Holly Hall Dieterlen
Mrs. Abbey Jane Beck Ernst
Mrs. Melinda Mires Foust
Mrs. Laura Couchenour Garner
Rev. Steven J. Gruver
Mrs. Denise McCray Hintz
Mr. Kirk A. Hintz
Mrs. Sherilyn Dargan McPherson
Rev. Jane M. Pykus
Mr. Jeffrey Allen Herr
Mrs. Robin Lynn Henderson Kane
Mrs. Anna Marie Huyett Kelley
Mrs. Patricia Sue Murdoch Pringle
Rev. Davis W. Rhodes
Dr. Gilbert Harvey Roller
Mrs. Nadine Roller
Mr. Larry James Stice
Mr. Timothy John Vetters
Mrs. Janet Reyner Welch
Rev. Joel S. Winckler
Founder’s Society
Mr. Scot A. Parsons
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. John B. Brown
Mrs. Sharon Williams Justis
Mr. Burton D. Wilkins
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Daniel J. Bundus
Mr. Van A. Johnson
Mr. Wayne Anthony Lunsford
Mrs. Kathy Lee Swigert Spaulding
Mrs. Stephanie Ann Isaacs Watkins
Mr. Richard M. Wright
Ms. Julie Ann James
Mrs. LeAnne Rebecca Linhart Koteskey
Mr. Mark Allen Rowles
Mr. Nicholas Alex Slowik
Mrs. Laura Michelle Monson Williams
Mrs. Humaira Tufail Dale
Mrs. Michelle Candler Dixon
Mr. Craig Stephen Gillispie
Mrs. Jodi Anne Hurula Kessler
Miss Christine Kay Muller
Mrs. Julie Anne Mast O'Neill
Mrs. Valerie Lynn Carpenter Stice
Mrs. Libby Pyles Thomas
Mrs. Susan Byrd Toczylowski
President’s Society
Mr. Ron Thomas Harper
Mrs. Gretchen Olson Luce
Mrs. Michelle Lynn Kubal Williams
Founder’s Society
Mr. Perry David Dougherty
Miss Trudy M. Wilson
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Heidi Ann Morris Pelkey
2011/12 2010/11 2009/10 2008/09 endowment
2007/08 2003
2006/07 Serie
2005/06 2004/05 2003/04 2002/03 $0 Mrs. Alison Durham Osborn
Mr. James B. Stoops
Mr. Norm Paul Barker
Mr. Robert D. Bender
Mrs. Becky Linder Emenaker
Mrs. Cynthia Moegerle Graf
Mrs. Terri Lynn Doverspike Gruver
Mrs. Kelly Robertson Hoke
Rev. Michael T. Hoke
Dr. Kathy Pensinger Kurfman
Rev. Michael P. Lyons
Mrs. Cassandra Rodgers Mann
Mr. Scott Edward McPherson
Mrs. Karen Smailes Miller
Mrs. Laura Ellen Hudson Patterson
Maj. Frances C. Rader
President’s Society
Dr. Robert F. Bundy, Jr. S
Mr. Jeffrey E. Stryker
Mrs. Deborah Ludden Weidenhamer G
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Gene Tate
$5,000,000 $10,000,000 Mrs. Elise Anderson Rhodes
Mr. Ronald M. Schell
Rev. Brian C. Small
President’s Society
Mr. James Sherman Jones
Founder’s Society
Dr. Lawrence N. Larabee, Jr.
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Marilyn Kay Smith Bakenhaster
Dr. Christopher Bounds
Mrs. Kathleen Hysong Bregel
Mrs. Sandra Greenwell Chandler
Mrs. Mollie Lynn Gilleland Guy
Mrs. Joanna Butts Hoag
Mrs. Anita Wells Johnson
Rev. Keith Koteskey
Mrs. Valerie Hansell Lunsford
Mr. Steven John Ross
Mr. LaRue L. Shaw
Ms. Laura Lea Sims
Mr. Timothy Morris Baker
Dr. Anita Inglis Fast
$15,000,000 $20,000,000 Supporters
Mrs. Pamela Joy Baldwin Adams
Mr. William Kelsey Adams, Jr.
Mr. Brian D. Decker
Mrs. Cynthia Nibert Groover
Mrs. Tammi Leann Stout Justice
Mr. Douglas Warren Kelley
Mrs. Pamela Kay Bell Knighten
Mr. Kevin T. Madill
Mr. Richard A. Roughton
President’s Society
Mrs. Lisa Falin Harper
Mr. Greg Hintz
Mrs. Trisha Fehler Hintz
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Jodie Ann Webster Lamb
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. David Oscar Justis
Mr. Paul T. Stanfield
Mr. Marc A. Wilson
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Scott Christopher Hohn
Mr. Steven Laurens Hudson
$25,000,000 $30,000,000 $35,000,000 Mr. Matthew E. Wilcox
Maj. Jennifer Judith Fuqua Woodard
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Jennifer Lynn Gould Bilkey
Ms. Brenda Sue Dennis
Mrs. Sonya Ruth Goodman Farr
Mr. Glenn Russell Hamilton
Mrs. Charmian Renee Guy Register
Mrs. Barbara Leigh Bullock Schwenk
Mr. Michael Richard Schwenk
Mr. Jonathan Noel Sprague D
Miss Holly Lou Babcock
Mrs. Tina Marie Doverspike Colton
Mr. Jeffrey Lloyd Hanton
Ms. Susanna McQueen Henize
Dr. Brian Allen Law
Mrs. Kelly Caroline Smitherman Law
Miss Kirsten Joy Lindgren
Mrs. Jillaine Amy Bruns Lyons
Mrs. Marsha Burns Willis Phipps
Rev. Floyd W. Shutt, II
Mrs. Joy Lynn Davidson Smith
Mrs. Angela Coleen Austin Zimmerman
President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 19
$40,000,000 Honor Roll of Donors
President’s Society
Mrs. Angela Wiles Grubbs
Mr. Robert Allen Grubbs, Jr.
Miss Jennifer Jan Morton
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Gina Vitolo Stasko
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Alita Collins Adams
Mrs. Shannon Elaine Czaplinski Bailey
Miss Lynn Ellen Brown
Mrs. Christi Marie Caister
Rev. Robert Ewell Cooper
Mrs. Kimberly Kyriakidis George
Mrs. Barbara Lynn Adams Hamilton
Mrs. Heidi Mary Rupprecht Jahnke
Mr. Kurt Edward Jahnke
Miss Melanie Dawn Sander
Dr. C. David Stokes
Mrs. Deanna Lyn Collins Walker
Mrs. Jacqueline Henry Baker
Mrs. Jennifer Dale Lewallen Gillispie
Mrs. Katherine Powell Gordon
Mrs. Pamela Sue Owen Headley
Dr. Daniel Robert Houck
Mrs. Marcia Leigh King Porter
President’s Society
Mr. Matthew S. Atkins
Dr. William Baxter Wiley S
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Edward David Bronka
Mr. Larry Jarrard
Mrs. Teri Harvey Jarrard
Mrs. Stephanie Lynn Fox Nelson
Mr. Keith Everett Zane
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Kerry Michael Foote
Mr. Brady T. Nasfell
Mr. Stephen Carl Shifflett
Lt. Col. Sean Dale Stephens
Mr. Terry Andrew Walker
Mrs. Kerry Ann Gillispie Battista
Mr. Steven Bruce Battista
Mrs. Katherine Ann Jahnke Cavanaugh
Mrs. Elaine Palassis Dongell
Mrs. Stephanie Oswald Heid
Mrs. Michelle Renee Clouse Lueck
Mr. Ashley Gene McGlone
Mrs. Holly Carol Miller Ruetz
Mr. Daniel Tsukamoto
President’s Society
Dr. Stephen James Behnke S
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. J. Michael Burnight
Dr. Stanley Clyde Pelkey
Mrs. Stephanie Dawn Rickman Salsman
Mrs. Kelli Spell Williams
Lt. Cdr. Teddy Lee Williams, Jr.
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Tamara Lynn Banning Bounds
Miss Alice Barton Creque
Mrs. Katherine Hedberg Hinshaw
Mrs. Cindy Leggett Porras
Mr. Mark Lloyd Wallace
Mrs. Christi Ann Hendershot Ford
Mr. Roy Thomas Grammel
Mrs. Stephanie Ann Yarnell Larcom
Mr. Keith Allen Madill
Mrs. Kristine Lea Hook Sherrard
Mrs. Teresa Ann Smith
Mr. Jeremy Frederick Strayer
Mrs. Lisa Michelle Buchanan Strayer
President’s Society
Dr. David Huey Wiley B
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Stephanie Elaine Gates Smyth
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. Mark Randall Jackson
Mr. John Mark Salsman
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Andrea Lynn Gyertson Nasfell
Mrs. Cheryl Anne Phelps Patterson
Mrs. Beth Ann Kriesch Rickerman
Mrs. Deborah Ann Cope Rupright
Mrs. Adrienne Elizabeth Ferrell Shifflett
Mr. Peter Lee Sone
Mrs. Jennifer Sue Stutzman Yape
Mrs. Jennifer Karen Love Boleman
Mrs. Melissa Faye Disselkoen Dykema
Dr. Gay Lin Holcomb
Mrs. Jenny Rebecca Berkmyer Madill
Ms. Michelle Lynn Parks
Mrs. Christiane Joy Bode Russell
President’s Society
Mr. Michael Hedges West
Mrs. Vanessa Ruth Carlisle West
Founder’s Society
Mr. Jurgen Wolfgang Bach
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Christina Michelle Nestor Burnight
Circuit Rider Society
Chap. William Roe Spencer, III
Mr. Jerald Henry Walz
Mr. Daniel James Beaty
Mrs. Sara Beth Jamison Beaty
Miss Rebecca Elizabeth Boyce
Mr. Andrew Kenneth Fish
Mr. Kevin Robert Fritts
Mrs. Lerenda Joy Purvis Walton
Founder’s Society
Mr. D.T. Slouffman
Mr. David Edward Smyth
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Carrie Elisabeth Adams Atkinson
Mr. Andrew James Brown
Mrs. Jennifer Ann Newcomer Hanak
Mr. Robert Bell Hanak
Rev. Brian Thomas Hurley
Mrs. Hope Dae Sun Scott Walter
Mrs. Amy Thomas Wills
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Amy Leigh Smith Crump
Ms. Natalie Kay Lindgren
Mr. Michel John Morrison
Mrs. Sheryl Renee Moyen Paxton
Mrs. Jennifer Maxwell Root
Mr. Benjamin David Rough
Mrs. Heidi Lynne Raass Spencer
Mrs. Cydil Nigell VanOrman Waggoner
Mr. Nathan Edward Waggoner
Mr. Benjamin Jacob Zimmerman
Mr. Michael Ferrell Crouse
Mrs. Jennifer Suzanne Hill Grimes
Mr. Lawrence Wade Grimes
Mr. David Andrew McAdams
Mrs. Alice Louise Smyth Rhodes
Miss Kami Lynae Rice
Mrs. Teri Renee Fansler Spillman
President’s Society
Mr. Andrew John Coleman, Jr. B
Mrs. Ashleigh Elaine Lindsay-Behnke S
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Paul Nicholas Bernstein
Mrs. Jennifer Faye Yount Driggers
Miss Amanda Jane Fryman
Mr. Michael John Rickerman
Mrs. Christina Misook Garcia Angelos
Mrs. Mary Margaret Moss Bennett
Mr. Brian Todd Bernius
Mrs. Elaine Asher Davis Bernius
Mrs. Bethany Marie King Dellinger
Mr. Sedrick Kirk Dellinger
Mr. P. Garrett Franklin, Jr.
Mr. Brad Mason Griffin
Mrs. Mary Margaret Cook Haag
Mr. Bryce Jonathan Hogan
Mrs. Julie Ann Semczuk Hutchison
Mrs. Jennifer Lynn Schroeder Johnson
Mrs. Denise Anna Reep Venner
President’s Society
Mr. Harvey R. Little, Jr.
Dr. Sarah Inez Haddock Little
Founder’s Society
Dr. William Lindsay Sterrett
Mrs. Mary Virginia Philpot Wortz
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Stephen Paul Bailey
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Scott Paul Helmbold
Mrs. Vanessa Paula Rivette Rough
Mrs. Carey Abba Kemp Ryckman
Mr. Jeremy David Ryckman
Rev. Glen Travis Strickler
Mrs. Jennifer Marie Savage Wilson
Mr. Josh Lee Wilson
Mr. Kevin Benjamin Zent
Rev. C. Miles Catlett
Mrs. Stephanie Lynn Ruff Hogan
Mrs. Sarah Jo Miller Johnson
Mr. Jonathan Daniel Lawson
Dr. Jodie Leigh Lyon
Mrs. Kellie Dawn Tucker McAdams
Mr. Hyrum Raphael Rhodes
Mr. Michael Dwayne Ruffin
Mr. J.D. Schroen
Mr. Daniel Glenn Spillman
Mrs. Rachel Elizabeth Waggoner
Mr. Stephen Carl Waggoner
Mrs. Heather Joy Couch Ward
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Stephanie Joy Seamands Sterrett
Dr. Gary Nathanael Wortz
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Charity Joy Lukac Bailey
Mrs. Kelly Ann Palmer Hearn
Mr. Jonathan William Russo
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Alicia Rene Lightner Adkins
Miss Melody Dawn Gatewood
Mr. Benjamin Vines Hicks
Mr. Zach McCollum
Mr. Aaron Scott McMillan
Mrs. Autumn Marie Biddle Zent
Mrs. Emily Kay Waxman Coy
Mrs. Audra Marie Makinson Morris
Mrs. Amy Michele Van Oostrum Rothrock
Mrs. Jessica Leigh Fulkerson Schroen
Rev. Isaiah M. Surbrook
Mrs. Rebecca Lynn Nordmoe Surbrook
Mrs. Darby Kay Patterson White
Mrs. Carolyn Beardsley Young
Founder’s Society
Dr. Jeremy Joel Corbett
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. John Daniel Hearn
Mr. Jeremy Lang
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Ashly Alyse Clarke
Mrs. Annette Larie Reger Dallager
Miss Jennifer Alyssa Dean
Mr. Andrew Brian Gilchrest
Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Roszell Golden
Mrs. Jessica Ann Russell Hooker
Mr. Matthew Benjamin Jacobson
Mrs. Stephanie Lyn Kandel Kist
Mr. Christopher Thomas Needham
Mr. Christopher Michael Phillips
Mr. Jeffrey David Riel
Mrs. Karen Diane Day Riel
Mr. Benjamin Bird Wehling, III
Mrs. Sarah Ann Kemp Wehling
Mr. James William Ballard
Mrs. Rachel Rejoyce Manke Ballard
Mr. Matthew Thomas Coy
Mr. Jeremy Robert Hatfield
Mr. Nathan Monte Ingle
Miss Rachel Marie Jandeska
Mr. Joshua William Floyd Lewis
Miss Katherine Margaret Moore
Miss Jennifer Rebecca Noah
Miss Carrie Renae Riessen
Dr. Carla Weaver Towsey
Mr. Joshua Baer Tucker
Mrs. Anna Marie Underwood VanHorn
Mrs. Juanita Yoder
President’s Society
Mr. David Randall Hitchcock
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Cassie Davis Corbett
Mrs. Amanda Marie Godwin Tucker
Mr. Joseph B. Tucker
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Heather Ann Kanski Brady
Mrs. Molly Caroline Zwemer Davis
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Andrew James Becker
Mrs. Kathryn Ann Kerr Fowler
Miss Andrea Michelle Jelley
Mr. Matthew David Lewis
Capt. Andrew Stewart Miller, III
Mrs. Mandy Joy Bowers Phillips
Mr. Kelly D. VanDellen
Dr. Michelle Sherrill VanDellen
Mr. Matthew Scott Davids
Mr. Mark A. Evans
Mrs. Rose Marie Gresser Evans
Mrs. Amy Outhwaite Lawson
Rev. Peter Paul-Tomlin McCurdy
Mrs. Sarah Ann Hackett McCurdy
Miss Sarah Ann Moon
Mrs. Anna Christine Kanavy Roberts
Mr. Benjamin Michael Roberts
Honor Roll of Donors
Maj. Joshua Seder
Mr. Thomas Will Shouse
Mrs. Whitney Smith Shouse
Mrs. Marianne Joyce Decker Wallin
Mr. Scott Michael Wallin
President’s Society
Mr. Jason Nathaniel Parmer
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Lalah DeSha Haggard Brewer
Miss Casey Allison Corbit
Mr. Neal Richard Schultz
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Matthew Barksdale Brady
Mr. Peter Vincent Cook
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Amy Jennifer Drew Ekanayake
Mr. David Wesley Fillingim
Mr. Joel Aaron Foster
Mrs. Elizabeth Pinkston Jones
Mr. Matthew Corbitt Jones
Miss Sarah Elizabeth Leckie
Miss Erin Rebekah McLaughlin
Capt. Abigail Kay Adams Miller
Rev. Charles Allen Shoemaker
Mr. Skyler David Speakman
Mrs. Joy Louise Playfoot Bundy
Mr. Joshua Paul Dahm
Miss Anneke Esther Green
Mrs. Tiffany Erin Garrett Ingle
Mrs. Janelle Marie Hilbert Walker
Mr. Kevin Douglas Walker
President’s Society
Mrs. Julie Michelle Mathisen Key
Mr. Daniel Lee Zimmerman
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Jeannie Helena Banter
Mr. Jonathan David Greenhoe
Miss Katherine Elizabeth Hunter
Mr. Caleb Michael Swaringen
Mrs. Christy Lee Swaringen
Miss Bonnie Heather Craig
Mrs. Rachel Sue Creviston Dahm
Mrs. Elizabeth Bahar Altug Hill
Miss Cassie Elizabeth Dobbs
Founder’s Society
Mr. Colin Martyn McGlothlin
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. David William Hancock
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Eileen Zona Duke Meads
Mr. Jonathan Williams Cooper
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Kelly Louise Fleck Henry
Mr. Andrew Jeffrey Harris
Miss Megan L. Kuhl
Miss Jamie A. Lloyd
Miss Samantha Sue Penwell
Miss Erin Lee Rowley
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Jennifer Elizabeth Small Hancock
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Laura Michelle Hogue Williams
Miss Sarah Jane Pearson
Miss Jessica Pence
Founder’s Society
Mr. James W Adams
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Nan Anita Wetz Arnett
Mr. Andrew Clarke Lewis
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Darlene Monroe Ogata
Mrs. Michelle Kelly Adams
Mrs. Mary Louise Bourdon Bailey
Mrs. Mary Jane Leggin McKenzie
Ms. Cicely Tichenor
President’s Society
Mrs. Jamie Nicole Corbett Higdon
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Ms. Claire Michelle Brown
Miss Jessica Elizabeth Ditto
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Ann Marie Black
Mr. Adam Wesley Boatman
Mrs. Tabitha Armstrong Gilliland
Mrs. Rachel Caroline Long Lewis
Mrs. Megan Lynn Murphree Speakman
Mr. Kurtis Andrew Berger
Mr. David Benjamin Bush
Mrs. Katrina Leigh Warnock Diddle
Ms. Ruth Yvonne Garza Eleutheria
Miss Emily Ann Harris
Mrs. Jenna Lee Goettel Janik
Mr. Joshua John Stevenson
Mr. Matthew Allen Trantham
Mr. Jeremy Creighton White
Miss Emily Catherine Barlage
Mrs. Katelyn Elizabeth Auvenshine
President’s Society
Mr. James Marcus Bricken, IV
Mrs. Lauren Melissa Temple Bricken
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Joshua Thomas Butcher
Mrs. Molly Elizabeth Rego Jaeger
Mr. Charles C. Wiley, Jr.
Mrs. Mallary Lauren Nisbett Wiley
Mr. Tres Manuel Adames
Miss Holly Vera Culbreath
Mrs. Brittney Anne Stuart Dick
Miss Emily Dane Hubacher
Mrs. Rachel Anne Steely James
Mr. Stephen Matthew James
Miss Joy Ellen Johnson
Mrs. Jacqueline Marie George Litton
Mr. Cameron Walther McLaughlin
Mr. Nathan Timothy Miller
Mr. Scott Michael Rinehart
Mrs. Laura Catherine Kelly Salicce
Mrs. Easley Brown Schack
Mrs. Keri Michelle Kehoe Telliho
The following parents of current &
formerly enrolled students made gifts
to Asbury University between July 1,
2011 and June 30, 2012.
Todd Ahrend drew on years of experience in college mobilization
ministry to challenge Asbury students to heed the call of the Great
Commission during the Great Commission Congress 2012.
President’s Society
Mr. Kyle Andrew Key
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Miss Stephanie Lynn Berkemeyer
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Ashley Crigger
Mr. Andrew Daris Edwards
Mrs. Charlotte Noelle Kelly Edwards
Mr. Kyle Robert Olney
Mr. David Gordon Williams
Mr. Jonathan Edward Beck
Mrs. Leah Katherine Christian Chalkley
Mrs. Jill Elyse Maybee Dicus
Mrs. Aidan Oliver DiMartino
Mr. Richard J. DiMartino
Mrs. Melissa Diane Phillips Howard
Mr. Eric Michael Janik
Mr. Benjamin Allan Lewis
Miss Christy Lauren Perkins
Miss Megan Mary Steinsdoerfer
Mr. Arthur Sweeney
Mrs. Michelle Diane Taylor
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Ms. Jessica Rebecca Gaus
Mrs. Christina Marie Humason Crisologo
Mr. Peter Andrew Crisologo
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Miss Heidi Maria Vander Zouwen
Mr. Austin Duane Powell
Miss Lauren Shayne Anderson
Mr. Steven Matthew Opperman
Mrs. Jessica Leigh Ruehr Powell
Ms. Hannah Grace Smith
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Brian Troyer
President’s Society
Mr. Clifford E. Abbott D
Mrs. Geraldine Abbott
Dr. Evyn M. Adams
Mrs. Pauline Aycock S
Commrs. Kenneth & Joy Baillie
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Bargo
Mr. & Mrs. Lester R. Bartimay B
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk R. Bartlow
Commrs. Todd & Carol Bassett
Maj. & Mrs. James W. Beckley
Dr. & Mrs. David R. Billing B
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Blackburn
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Boggess B
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Mel Bowdan
Dr. John M. Brackman, Sr. G
Dr. & Mrs. Ross Bridewell
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Brockinton
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Carmicheal B
Mr. C. Lewis Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Cavanaugh, Jr. B
Rev. & Mrs. J. Edward Chandler
Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Corbett
Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Crouse, Jr. G
Dr. Carolyn Stoneback Davidheiser
Dr. & Mrs. David P. Ditto
Rev. & Mrs. Charles J. Dupree
Dr. & Mrs. Mark R. Elliott
Dr. & Mrs. Charlie D. Fiskeaux
Rev. & Mrs. Floyd F. Fought
Rev. & Mrs. Richard E. Gantz
Rev. & Mrs. Steven D. Gehring
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Granger S
Mrs. Gweneth Grout
President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 21
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Halter B
Dr. & Mrs. Victor P. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Heiner, II G
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Higgins
Dr. & Mrs. Morris E. Hintzman
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Holmes G
Phil & Teri Houston
Rev. & Mrs. W. Laurens Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Hutchens
Mr. Ken & Dr. Amanda Hutcherson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Isaacs B
Dr. Jane Jakoubek
Drs. Raleigh & Jeannie Jones B
Dr. & Mrs. Hal Kime
Rev. Jack T. King S
Mr. & Mrs. R. Wayne King
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kirchhoff
Dr. & Mrs. Jiles E. Kirkland B
Mr. & Mrs. Donavon L. Koehn
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Larabee
Chap. & Mrs. Clarence E. LeMasters
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Leonard, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Lintemuth
Mrs. Mary Jim Luce
Dr. & Mrs. Bobby Ray Martin B
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. McEwan
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Moffatt
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Moore
Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Moore, Sr.
Mr. Paul & Dr. Martha Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Nichols
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Q. Parr, Sr. G
Drs. Michael & Sherry Powers B
Mr. Robert & Dr. Vickie Quilliams
Dr. & Mrs. David L. Raass
Drs. Paul A. & Kay F. Rader
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Rainwater
Dr. & Mrs. David C. Randall
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Schroen
Mrs. Howard R. Sharp S
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Q. Shellhaas
Rev. & Mrs. George F. Shiltz
Dr. & Mrs. Myron R. Smith G
Dr. Samuel R. Smith, Sr. S
Rev. & Mrs. Stuart A. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Winston B. Smith B
Rev. & Mrs. Richard M. Sprague G
Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Steiner
Dr. & Mrs. David Stevens
Mrs. Marilyn Stokes
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Stumbo G
Dr. & Mrs. Vinson Sutlive, Jr. B
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Perry Tanksley
Capt. & Mrs. Ronald J. Taylor
Col. & Mrs. George J. Tellifero
Rev. & Mrs. Paul M. Thomas Ph.D.
Dr. & Mrs. Lewis W. Thompson
Dr. Cecile B. Truitt
Dr. & Mrs. Charles G. Turkington
Rev. & Mrs. Robert P. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Charlton S. Veazey, Jr. B
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Welling
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory West
Mr. & Mrs. C. Willis Wilder
Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Wiley G
Rev. James A. & Dr. Lisa Williams
Rev. & Mrs. Robert D. Wood
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Wood
Dr. Sewell Woodward, Jr.
Founder’s Society
Mr. & Mrs. David Adler
Mr. & Mrs. David Aleski
Mrs. Joyce M. Anders
Mr. Paul Anders D
Rev. & Mrs. Robert M. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Bentley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Bond, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bounds
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Bradley
Rev. & Mrs. Robert T. Bridges
Dr. & Mrs. Joe Brockinton
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Garland E. Brown
Rev. & Mrs. Keith E. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Max Brown
Commr. & Mrs. John A. Busby
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Coleman
Mr. Charles W. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe Davis
Rev. & Mrs. Paul J. Dickinson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dupree
Mr. & Mrs. J. Frank McGill
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Merideth
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Nagel
Dr. & Mrs. John Oswalt
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Phillips
Rev. & Mrs. William M. Pope
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Remus
Rev. G. William Sims
Rev. & Mrs. Theron H. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. James C. Stratton
Dr. & Mrs. J. Paul Vincent
Mrs. Janice Winslow
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Young
Ms. Judith A. Young
Mr. & Mrs. John Youngblood
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg C. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Buel J. Andrus
Rev. & Mrs. Maurice E. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beam
Nearly 20 percent of the student body at Asbury participates in one of
the school’s 15 athletic programs. Asbury officials recently announced
the school will be adding men’s and women’s lacrosse teams in 2014-15.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Fraser
Mr. & Mrs. H. Frederick Gere
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Goodwin
Dr. W. David Hager
Rev. Gerald Haglund
Mrs. Jean Haglund D
Mrs. Dorothy L. Hochstetler
Mrs. Evelyn S. Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Hunter, IV
Mrs. Gene Greenlee Hutchens
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. James
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Jones, Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. Harris C. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Kosin, Sr.
Rev. & Mrs. Gerald D. Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Law
Mrs. Melanie Leggett
Mr. & Mrs. Dale H. Linhart
Rev. & Mrs. Neal K. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wade Beaty
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Bertrand
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Bock
Rev. Herman O. Boyette
Rev. & Mrs. Emory Brackman
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Butts, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Martin A. Case
Rev. & Mrs. John H. Coffee, Jr.
Mrs. Ruby Coulliette
Mr. & Mrs. C. Timothy Crook
Mrs. Christine M. Cross
Mr. & Mrs. David Cullum
Rev. & Mrs. Clarence G. Dishman
Rev. & Mrs. John C. Doyle
Rev. & Mrs. W. Claude Fillingim
Dr. Arthur F. Fleser
Mrs. Virginia Gallutia
Rev. & Mrs. Fred R. Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Gifford
Mr. & Mrs. Earl B. Griffin
Dr. & Mrs. William D. Hammerlee, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. James V. Heidinger, II
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce T. Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Hoffman
Rev. & Mrs. J. Anthony Holifield
Rev. & Mrs. Allen K. Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hopps
Rev. & Mrs. Bruce T. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Jarrard
Rev. & Mrs. Jack Key
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Key
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lanter, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Larson
Rev. & Mrs. Donald E. Logue
Rev. & Mrs. Jay F. Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Luyk, Sr.
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Mangum
Mrs. Marian Masters
Col. & Mrs. William S. McAllister
Mr. & Mrs. J. Norris McKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McLaughlin
Rev. & Mrs. Ralph R. Metheny
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Mousa
Mrs. Dorothy C. Nelson
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Nesselroade
Rev. & Mrs. Hugh E. Nichols
Dr. & Mrs. Melvin R. Noah
Rev. & Mrs. Theodore R. Ochs
Dr. & Mrs. Kent R. Olney
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Playfoot
Rev. & Mrs. Ronald D. Rickard
Rev. Dorothy L. Rudd
Rev. William R. Rudd D
Dr. & Mrs. Steven L. Rumford
Rev. & Mrs. Vincent A. Rutherford
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sands
Dr. & Mrs. Charles K. Sims
Dr. & Mrs. Charles A. Sineath, Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. Edwin G. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Spencer
Mrs. Beverly H. Stevens
Rev. & Mrs. L. Wilson Strickhausen
Mr. & Mrs. Rodger Strickler
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. George K. Toadvine
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Troyer
Rev. & Mrs. Gary L. Turk
Mr. Glen U. Venable
Rev. & Mrs. Charles J. Warner
Mr. & Mrs. William Waxman
Dr. & Mrs. Albin C. Whitworth
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Woller
Mrs. Doris J. Yinger
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Achenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Adams
Mrs. Marilyn Adams
Mrs. Lois F. Aebersold D
Rev. & Mrs. Daniel J. Amey
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Amos
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Andrus
Mrs. Judy S. Anthony
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Arthur
Rev. & Mrs. Jerry E. Au
Rev. & Mrs. Ernest Babel
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Bailey
Mrs. Jerry Baldridge
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Barber
Rev. & Mrs. Richard W. Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barr
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Barth
Mrs. Charlotte J. Beck
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Beighle
Mrs. Jean M. Bell
Mrs. Pauline Billings-Tuttle
Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Blew, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Blunden
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Boggess
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Bolar
Mr. & Mrs. K. Adrian Bolser
Dr. & Mrs. David L. Brabon
Rev. & Mrs. Charles L. Bradley
Rev. Melvin A. Brant
Rev. & Mrs. Jackson R. Brewer
Mrs. Patricia K. Brockinton D
Rev. & Mrs. Ronald D. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Skip Brown
Dr. & Mrs. John Alan Brushaber
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Buchanan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Buell
Rev. & Mrs. William N. Buell
Rev. & Mrs. Robert F. Bundy, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Byrd
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Capelle
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Chambers
Dr. Mildred Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Chase
Rev. & Mrs. Donald E. Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. Yun J. Chung
Mr. David L. Cobb
Mr. Jack V. Cocker
Rev. & Mrs. Charles G. Coleman
Rev. & Mrs. Milan S. Coleman
Rev. & Mrs. Glenn J. Conaway
Dr. & Mrs. E. Dean Cook
Rev. & Mrs. Delmas M. Copeland
Rev. & Mrs. Colin M. Crouch
Judge & Mrs. David Darden
Mrs. Doris R. Davis D
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dawson
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Delaney
Rev. & Mrs. Bob J. Dennis
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Deroo
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas DeVito
Rev. & Mrs. David A. Diamond
Rev. & Mrs. Dennis T. Ditto
Mrs. Argie A. Dixon
Rev. & Mrs. Wilbur E. Dorrell
Rev. & Mrs. C. Leroy Doverspike
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Dunham
Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin Ellis
Comm. & Mrs. Otis D. Essex, Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. Terry Euper
Dr. & Mrs. John L. Ewing
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Falk
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Falkenberg, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Reid A. Feather
Mr. & Mrs. E. Sidney Finklea, III
Mrs. Mary B. Finklea
Rev. & Mrs. Frederick H. Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Fleming
Mr. Ray & Dr. Catherine Fontana
Dr. James Fortner, II
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Foulkes
Rev. & Mrs. Douglas G. Fraley
Dr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Frazer
Rev. & Mrs. Kenny D. Fuller, Sr.
Rev. & Mrs. Edgar H. Gaines, III
Dr. Jean Ganzel
Ms. Beth Lane Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. John Garriott
Mr. & Mrs. Evan R. Gaus
Dr. & Mrs. Gary M. George
Dr. & Mrs. Loren M. George
Mr. & Mrs. C. Roy Glasscock
Mrs. Ruth Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Gore
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob K. Gregg
Mr. & Mrs. Norman W. Guess
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Guy
Rev. Paul Haines
Mr. & Mrs. Terry P. Hardy
Mr. & Mrs. Thurman R. Harris
Rev. & Mrs. Mason W. Harrod
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hasty
Mr. & Mrs. William Howard Hatfield
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt S. Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Helfen
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hendricks
Mr. & Mrs. Roger P. Henize
Mr. Randall Henrizi
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Henshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Hentschel
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Herrington
Mr. & Mrs. Merlin R. Hershberger
Mrs. Esther Hess
Rev. & Mrs. Robert W. Hinkle
Mr. & Mrs. Art L. Hintz
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Holthus
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Holton
Col. & Mrs. David L. Holz
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Honchel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Horen
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hortin
Rev. & Mrs. James N. Hosey, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia Host
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Houk
Rev. & Mrs. Steven Howell
Dr. & Mrs. Elwyn C. Hulett
Lt. Cols. Larry & Muriel Hull
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Humason
Mrs. Betty R. Hummel
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Irwin
Mr. Russell & Dr. Phyllis Irwin
Rev. Lee R. Jamison
Mr. & Mrs. C. Everett Jewett
Rev. & Mrs. Gerhard T. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey A. Johnson
Mrs. Marvel E. Johnson
Rev. & Mrs. LeRoy V. Jones
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Stanley L. Justice
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Key
Dr. James E. Kilbourne
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kingsbury
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kirchner
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Knochenmus
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Koteskey
Mrs. Gladys M. Kraus D
Mr. & Mrs. John Lacy
Dr. & Mrs. Charles C. Lake
Mrs. Freda C. Lane
Mrs. Tina S. Lane
Mrs. Ruth Lashbrook-Mitchell
Dr. & Mrs. Fred D. Layman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles LeBoeuf
Rev. & Mrs. William K. Lee
Mrs. Sally Lefler
Mr. & Mrs. Tony L. Lester
Rev. & Mrs. Donald L. Lichtenfelt
Mrs. Suzanne Lindgren
Mr. & Mrs. Dale W. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Luker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lung, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest W. Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mabrey
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton L. Mann
Rev. & Mrs. Michael L. Manning
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Markesbery
Mr. & Mrs. Lee R. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Carl Mauller
Mr. & Mrs. E. Delos McCauley
Dr. & Mrs. Terry McCollum
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. McCray
Rev. & Mrs. Daniel R. McFarland
Mrs. Yvonne E. McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. McPherson
Rev. & Mrs. Gail E. McQueen
Rev. & Mrs. Jason L. McQueen
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy L. Medlock
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald I. Miller
Rev. & Mrs. Gilson Miller
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Myron Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Geren C. Moegerle
Dr. & Mrs. Bob M. Moon
Rev. & Mrs. J. Samuel Moore
Rev. & Mrs. William J. Moran
Rev. Oyer C. Morgan
Majs. Stephen & Wendy Morris
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Murphy
Mrs. Jane Music
Mr. & Mrs. Alan T. Nagel
Lt. Cols. John & Marthalyn Needham
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Nelson
Drs. Stuart & Ellen Nelson
Mrs. Eileen M. Newell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Nichols
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Nichols
Rev. & Mrs. Raymond E. Noah
Rev. & Mrs. J. Mark Nysewander
Drs. Mark & Diane Orchard
Mr. & Mrs. William Owen
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Parker
Mr. Raymond C. Peck
Rev. & Mrs. Lyman Pelkey
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Perrine
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Peterson
Rev. & Mrs. John Prater
Rev. & Mrs. R. Malcolm Pugh
Mr. & Mrs. Chester R. Queen
Rev. & Mrs. Walter A. Quigg
Rev. & Mrs. Charles A. Rader
Dr. & Mrs. S. Leo Record
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Rehner
Rev. Carl A. Ricks
Mrs. Marilyn Riddlebarger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rider
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Roughton
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford E. Rowles
Rev. & Mrs. David Satre
Rev. & Mrs. Donald E. Saum
Rev. & Mrs. Clifford Schell
Dr. & Mrs. De Vern E. Schwenn
Mrs. Ruth C. Seamands
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Seamands
Dr. & Mrs. Martin L. Seitz
Mrs. Virginia G. Shannon
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert E. Sharrett
Mr. W. Bratton Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Sheridan
Dr. & Mrs. Terry Shipe
Mrs. Luella M. Showers
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Sillaman
Mrs. James H. Silvey
Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Sims
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. E. Gene Snodgrass
Mrs. Harry W. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. E. William Sprouse
Mrs. Phyllis Stanley
Mrs. Jennie Sue Steury
Mrs. Bertha D. Stevens
Rev. & Mrs. Melvin Stevenson
Dr. & Mrs. Lawson G. Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Story
Rev. & Mrs. Reid W. Stroud
Mrs. R. K. Swanson
Rev. & Mrs. William O. Swathwood
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Swigert
Rev. & Mrs. Dennis W. Swineford
Mrs. Gail Thome
Mr. & Mrs. John Thompson
Maj. & Mrs. Harry C.E. Tolhurst, Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. Donald W. Turman
Rev. & Mrs. Richard G. Tuttle
Mr. William Underdown
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt C. Valade
Mrs. Dorothy VanSteenburg
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Vosburg
Majs. David & Patricia Waite
Rev. & Mrs. Roy A. Walther, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ware, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Warner
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Weethee, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll C. Wentworth
Mr. & Mrs. David West
Rev. Albert F. Whelchel
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Wilcox
Mr. Frederick P. Wiley
Rev. & Mrs. Forrest Williams
Rev. & Mrs. Russell Williams
Mrs. Stellla J. Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Winslow
Rev. Roger Wolcott
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Adams
Mrs. Leroy N. Agnor
Rev. & Mrs. Lovell R. Aills
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Anderson
Rev. JoAnn Anderson
Rev. & Mrs. Loren E. Anderson
Rev. & Mrs. Wayne B. Anthony
Mrs. Muriel Babcock
Mrs. Florence Baston
Dr. David H. Becker D
Mrs. Edna L. Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Bedle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Bender
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Berge
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Berkemeyer
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Bernstorf
Rev. & Mrs. Floyd W. B'Hymer
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bickert
Mrs. Vivian Bittinger
Rev. J. Austin Boggan
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Bormann
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bouchard
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bowers
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Boyes
Mr. Robert D. Bradford D
Mrs. Sara H. Bradford
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Bricken, III
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Brooks
Mr. David Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brown
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas E. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. William Brown
Mrs. Barbara L. Browning
Rev. & Mrs. Richard T. Brunk
Ms. Cheryl Buel
Mr. & Mrs. Dallas R. Bullington
Mrs. Becky Bullock
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Burnett
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Butler
Dr. Ronald D. Carter
Rev. Billy D. Case
Mrs. Carol J. Chitester
Rev. & Mrs. David A. Christner
President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 23
Honor Roll of Donors
ext to writing a check, perhaps the best known
vehicle for philanthropy is the bequest.
A bequest is a gift that is made through your will or
trust and can establish your wishes today without
relinquishing needed assets during your lifetime.
We can work with you to ensure your bequest
gift to support Asbury University’s mission makes
the impact you desire. For example, it can establish
a scholarship fund, support a capital project or
academic program, or endow a professorship.
TO LEARN MORE about supporting Asbury
University through a charitable bequest, please
visit our Web site at
or contact us at (800) 888-1818, x2104.
Mr. & Mrs. George Chun
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Easter
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Claes
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley W. Eisemann
Rev. & Mrs. John M. Clements
Rev. & Mrs. Charles E. Engelhardt, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Clepper
Rev. & Mrs. Robert E. Erny
Chap. & Mrs. R. Fred Coburn
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Everhart
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony B. Cochran
Dr. & Mrs. Terry L. Faris
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin L. Coleman
Rev. & Mrs. Douglas W. Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Fillmore
Dr. Randall & Rev. Rachel Coleman
Mrs. Karen Foldy
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Colliver
Rev. Timothy A. Foldy
Rev. & Mrs. Mark Combs
Mrs. Velma Foster
Mrs. Kathryn M. Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Fraumann
Mr. & Mrs. Ransom Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. David Freas
Rev. & Mrs. Lee Copeland
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Creech
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Fulcher
Mrs. Jane E. Crosby
Rev. & Mrs. Mac Fulcher
Mr. Frank & Rev. Elizabeth Cross
Dr. & Mrs. Christoper E. Gates
Mr. Charles E. Crouse
Majs. Owen & Glenna Gilliam
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Crowe, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Russell Gilliom
Mr. & Mrs. Rodgers C. Culbreath
Mr. Stanley Clay Gillispie
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Davis
Ms. Judith Golden
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Davis
Dr. William C. Goold
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Demaray
Maj. & Mrs. Ronald H. Gorton
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Devine
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Graf
Mr. & Mrs. Sam R. Dewald
Mrs. Betty F. Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon E. Doliber, Jr.
Mrs. Leanore Grinager
Dr. & Mrs. William F. Douce
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Guthrie
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kahl
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Hairell
Mrs. Marjorie
Mr. & Mrs. Carr Douglass
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Hansell
Dr. Wesley Duewel
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Hanton
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Dumm
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Hausher
Rev. & Mrs. J. William Dupree
Cols. Gary & Eunice Herndon
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan David Dyk
Mrs. Joan Hess
Mr. & Mrs. James Hindman
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Hiner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hodges
Rev. & Mrs. Wilbert S. Hoffman
Rev. & Mrs. Michael T. Hoke
Mrs. Blanche S. Holifield
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hollinger
Mr. Ron & Dr. Katherine Houp
Mr. John M. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Hubel
Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Hudgins
Rev. & Mrs. H. Raymond Hughes
Rev. & Mrs. R. Tim Hume
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Hundley
Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Hutton
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Iddings
Dr. & Mrs. R. Keith Iddings
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jespersen
Mrs. Betty Johnson
Mrs. Elaine Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. J. Wayne Johnson
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Joines
Mr. & Mrs. E. Duane Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Jones
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Juvinall
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kaminski
Rev. & Mrs. Richard J. Keim Sr.
Rev. & Mrs. Steve Kerhoulas
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kimbell
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Kinnell
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Klinefelter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kochheiser
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Kubuj
Rev. & Mrs. Kurt E. Landerholm
Mr. & Mrs. Michael LaVenice
Mr. & Rev. Ian M. Layton
Mr. & Mrs. Dale A. Lee
Mr. Clarence Leeson D
Mrs. Lois Leidig
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Lewis
Rev. & Mrs. James H. Livingston
Mrs. Sheila Lovell
Mr. & Mrs. Jon William Lowe
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. John Macadam, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas V. Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Maw
Rev. & Mrs. William W. Mayo
Rev. & Mrs. John Timothy McConnell
Dr. & Mrs. John D. McEachin
Mr. & Mrs. John D. McGlothlin
Mr. & Mrs. Troy L. McKinley
Rev. & Mrs. Greg McKinnon
Mrs. Mary S. McKnight
Rev. & Mrs. Lawrence E. McPherson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. McPherson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McWhertor
Rev. & Mrs. John Meadows
Mrs. Harold Mesimore
Dr. & Mrs. Rollo A. Michael
Rev. Richard J. Mick
Mr. & Mrs. William Miller
Mrs. Ida Lee Mitchell
Mrs. Frances K. Moore
Mrs. Margaret Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Morris
Honor Roll of Donors
Dr. & Mrs. James A. Shepherd
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shetler
Mrs. Hettie L. Shingledecker
Mrs. Janet Short D
Rev. & Mrs. Bernard J. Shropshire
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Shutt
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Silkauskas
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Jay K. Six
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Spann
Dr. & Mrs. Harold G. Spann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stahlhut
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Stephens, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Craig Stevenson
Rev. & Mrs. Harry Stevenson
Ms. Clara Stokes
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Strang
Rev. & Mrs. Owen R. Stricklin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sturm
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Talbert
Rev. & Mrs. Russell M. Tate
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Thompson
Mrs. Doris J. Timmons
Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin C. Torve
Rev. & Mrs. Kelly Toth
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Traylor
Mrs. Flora H. Twachtman
Mr. & Mrs. Arden Muir
Dr. & Mrs. Jon T. Murphree
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Myers
Rev. & Mrs. Grant H. Nealis
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Neihof, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Neihof, Sr.
Rev. & Mrs. Frank C. Norris
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Olmen
Rev. & Mrs. T. Grant Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Patterson
Rev. & Mrs. Leslie D. Payton
Mr. Albert L. Peach
Majs. Thomas & Linda-Jo Perks
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Perrin
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Peterson
Mrs. L. Vernon Peverill
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Pfister
Mrs. Nina M. Pneuman
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Potratz
Rev. Sharon R. Potter
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Pumphrey
Mrs. Carroll Rader
Lt. Col. Damon L. Rader
Mrs. Mary P. Rafter
Mrs. Irene Rainwater D
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne L. Rape
Mrs. Margaret G. Reitz
Mrs. Juanita M. Ridener
Mr. Robert E. Riel
Dr. & Mrs. James W. Riley, Sr.
The following friends made gifts to
Asbury University between July 1, 2011
and June 30, 2012.
President’s Society
Dr. Bonnie J. Banker B
Mrs. Ruby Katherine Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Britton G
Ms. Joan I. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Brown B
Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Buhler G
Mr. Robert B. Cox S
Miss Ruth Craig
Dr. & Mrs. William C. Crothers
Dr. & Mrs. Dale E. Dunkelberger
Mr. & Mrs. Will Matthis Dunn, Jr.
Mrs. Jane B. Earhart
Mr. Stephen G. Earhart D
Mrs. Loutrell Edenfield S
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Glendinning G
Mr. Ken & Dr. Sandra Gray G
Mr. J. Kern Hamilton
Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Harkleroad G
Dr. & Mrs. William C. Hill G
Mrs. Clarence VanDyke Hunter
Mr. Donald Jameson G
Mrs. Eda Jameson D G
Dr. & Mrs. J. Ellsworth Kalas S
Mrs. Martha B. Kraus G
Mrs. June S. Wolfley
Mr. Evelyn C. Wolford G
Mr. Thorp L. Wolford D G
Founder’s Society
Rev. Timothy & Dr. Debra Bailey
Dr. & Mrs. Howard C. Barnett
Mr. Russell E. Battin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Becker
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Bode
Rev. & Mrs. Carline Brown
Rev. & Mrs. Wing Jing Chow
Mr. Joseph W. Farris
Mrs. Mary H. Fryman
Mr. & Mrs. Riley L. Hogan
Ms. Jessica G. Horne
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Jameson
Drs. Kjell & Valerie Johnson
Mr. E. Peter King
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Kirkpatrick
Mrs. A.L. Laine
Mr. Jeffery S. Leach
Ms. Debra Leyhew
Dr. & Mrs. Barry R. May
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. McLean
Mr. & Mrs. Earl T. Ogata
Judge J. Taylor Phillips D
Mrs. Mary E. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reynolds
Rev. & Mrs. Harold Schwantes
Rev. & Mrs. Richard D. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Shelby G. Thacker
2011/12 2010/11 2009/10 2008/09 Total giving
2007/08 Series1 2006/07 2005/06 2004/05 2003/04 2002/03 $0 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rimelspach
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert H. Roller
Mrs. Jean Rollings
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rose, Sr.
Rev. & Mrs. James Roszell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rowland
Rev. & Mrs. Jerry D. Ruff
Mr. & Mrs. Lane Rupright
Maj. Juanita Russell
Rev. & Mrs. Richard W. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Rutherford
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Rutledge
Mr. Herman H. Rutsch D
Mrs. Dean Sales
Dr. & Mrs. James Schmutz
Mr. & Mrs. Don Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schroeder
Rev. & Mrs. Byron J. Scott, Jr.
Mrs. Lynne Scott
Mr. Allan C. Shafer
Mr. & Mrs. David Shelberg
$1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 Mrs. Beth Ury
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon VanCise
Rev. & Mrs. Randall L. Vandemark
Rev. & Mrs. Randall A. VanLandingham
Mrs. Sammye S. Vore
Mr. & Mrs. Mack Webster
Mr. & Mrs. John Weed
Mrs. James T. Wells
Rev. & Mrs. Logan D. Whalen
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ervin White
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Wiles
Mr. David W. Williamson
Rev. & Mrs. Burns Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Winton
Rev. George Wolffbrandt
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Woolums
Mr. Richard Workman
Mrs. Juanita F. Yoder
Rev. & Mrs. Paul K. Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Zweifel
$4,000,000 $5,000,000 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Lewis
Majs. Earl & Annette McInnes B
Dr. & Mrs. George G. McLoughlin
Dr. & Mrs. John S. Meyer B
Mrs. Joan F. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Mitchell, Jr.
Ms. Mary Nixon
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Oxley G
Drs. Jeffrey & Peggy Parr
Dr. Cheryl Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Shryock, Jr.
Mr. Hugh B. Sims, III
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard E. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Sunderland G
Ms. Sharon Taylor
Mrs. Ruth A. Velazquez B
Mrs. Lydia F. Wetterling
Ms. Linda M. Williams
Mr. Warren L. Witschey
Mr. Ronald & Mrs. Linda Hochstettler Wolery G
$6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 Rev. & Mrs. Joseph Wilcoxson
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Anderson
Miss Rebecca B. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. John Boland
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Brunsting
Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Deskins
Rev. & Mrs. Charles F. Garrod
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Greenlee
Mr. & Mrs. Kendall W. Hobart
Mr. & Mrs. James LeMaster
Mr. Matthew D. Luce
Dr. & Mrs. Marshall E. Parks
Miss Hazel Pielemeier
Mr. & Mrs. Mel A. Rains
Mr. Scott Rasmussen
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce V. Rydbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Sayler
Mr. Edwin H. Schroder
Mr. Paul C. Sipple
Mr. John B. Slade
President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 25
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Turnbull
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Wilcoxson
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wilmot
Circuit Rider Society
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Abegg
Dr. & Mrs. William F. Abernathy
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Adkins
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Anctil
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil B. Arnold
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Edwin Arrance
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Axtell
Rev. Milo Baker
Ms. Joanne L. Barnard
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Bell
Mr. Barry Bertram
Mr. Vernon K. Bibb, Sr.
Ms. Nancy L. Boshart
Mrs. Marcella Brashear
Mr. Myrl C. Brashear D
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Bremer
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall D. Bush
Rev. & Mrs. Luke Carlson
Ms. Zola Cater
Mr. & Mrs. Milford P. Christenson
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Clayton
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Clegg
Ms. Sarah M. Creech
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Criswell
Mr. & Mrs. Harlan C. Diller
Mr. & Mrs. J. Rickey Doucet
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Dunbar
Mrs. Katherine Duncanson
Mr. & Mrs. George Edwards, Jr.
Ms. Deborah W. Eggum
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Ellis
Mr. Robert Every
Mrs. Jeraldine Faber
Mr. & Mrs. Don Falin
Dr. Sharon A. Falkenheimer
Mr. Harold Feightner
Mr. & Mrs. W. Jerry Flippin
Rev. & Mrs. Kerry M. Foote
Ms. Audrey D. Franz
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Franzman
Rev. & Mrs. Orlando J. Gibbons
Mr. Ralph Gillum
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Gladstone
Mrs. B. L. Grow
Mr. Baxter Grubb
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Haines
Mr. Michael B. Hampton
Drs. Steven & Diane Hannum
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hartman, Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. Gregory K. Haseloff
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Hatfield
Mr. & Mrs. Nath L. Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Hebert, II
Mrs. Barbara Hillenbrand
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Holbrook
Mr. Hilton Holton
Drs. Ron & Bea Holz
Mr. & Mrs. Loren Wayne Hooker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Horton
Mr. Paul E. Hoss
Mr. & Mrs. Hartley J. Howard
Ms. Marilyn J. Illsley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Johnson
Capt. John & Maj. Elsie Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey L. Hotinger
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Joy
Mr. & Mrs. Keith G. Kelly
Mrs. Marge Keysor
Mr. & Mrs. H. Leon King
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kirk
Ms. Alvina L. Lane
Ms. Jan Lavy
Mr. Gregory Lincoln
Mr. Loren Lindholm
Dr. & Mrs. Ellsworth Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Adam T. Medeiros
Mrs. Mary L. Mikkelson
Mr. & Mrs. W.A. Milton, Jr.
Ms. Maurine N. Moody
Ms. Mildred S. Nethken
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Neumann
Ms. Debra Newman
Ms. Kathleen J. Nolte
Mr. & Mrs. David V. Penland, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Phillips
Miss Helen A. Pielemeier
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Price
Rev. & Mrs. Jimmie D. Pyles
Rev. John H. Winkler, Jr.
Mr. George T. Wright
Ms. Georgia W. Wyatt
Mr. Alan K. Akers, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Aldridge
Ms. Celeste Armentrout
Mr. James E. Averett, III
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Y. Bales
Ms. Barbara W. Balliew
Ms. Mildred Barie
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Barnard
Mrs. William E. Barrett
Lt. Cdr. & Mrs. Harold H. Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Batezel
Mr. Antonio J. Bavuso
Mrs. Linda G. Baxter
Mrs. Edna L. Becker
Asbury University students and staff volunteered in West Liberty,
Ky., after a tornado damaged the city and surrounding areas.
They cleared debris from organizations, apartments and homes.
Dr. & Mrs. Norman Raymond
Ms. Sharon Reynolds
Mr. Carl Rhodes
Mrs. Carrie J. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Larry F. Silsby
Mr. & Mrs. Claude E. Smith
Mr. Harry S. Smith
Mr. Needham V. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan A. Stanton
Mrs. Marie E. Stuart
Rev. & Mrs. James R. Sunderland, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy M. Tatman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Terrall
Mrs. Vivian Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. W. David Thompson
Mr. William Thorne
Mr. Floyd P. Tredaway
Mrs. Sharon Tunnell
Mr. James Vance
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Weiss
Mrs. Barbara Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Billy G. Wellman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. West
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Steve R. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. George Binder
Ms. Ada Bissey
Dr. & Mrs. LaVerne Blowers
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Boberg
Mrs. Nancy C. Bowen
Mr. David & Prof. Virginia Bowles
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell E. Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Barry L. Bramer
Mr. & Mrs. Vince Bratcher
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Brumfield
Ms. Janet L. Burkins
Dr. & Mrs. Burnis H. Bushong
Ms. Dorothy J. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Franlkin L. Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Camp
Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Case
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Caswell
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Cavanah
Ms. Patricia P. Chilton
Mrs. Anne R. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Colburn
Mrs. Ruth Colby
Ms. Ona R. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. H. George Cook
Ms. Krista Cotten
Ms. Faye Crabtree
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Cress
Dr. & Mrs. Franklin R. Croker
Mrs. Clara Lewman Crum
Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Cummins
Mr. & Mrs. John Dale
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Damron
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Damron
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Chester Dawson
Ms. Constance L. Denney
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd B. Dickinson
Mrs. Ethel Dodge
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley W. Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. H. Lee Dozier
Mrs. Joan A. Dupler
Mrs. Karen G. Dykes
Mr. & Mrs. Remy E. Eagan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Eloshway, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Ferrell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Field
Mrs. Marsha Finfrock
Mr. & Mrs. Billy N. Floyd
Dr. Wilbur H. Foard
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Frantz
Mr. & Mrs. R. David Frederick
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gaffner
Mrs. William W. Garrett
Ms. Anne S. Gaver
Mr. & Mrs. Cybil M. George
Mr. Steve Gibbons
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Giles
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Gould
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Roy T. Grammel
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios G. Gregoriades
Mr. Eugene G. Grewis
Ms. Roxie Griffin
Rev. & Mrs. C. Franklin Grill
Col. T.C. Grissom
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hagaman
Mr. & Mrs. Willard D. Hahn
Rev. & Mrs. Harold Hazen
Ms. Gloria Headen
Mr. Michael R. Hebert
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Hegler
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Hendon
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Herlong
Mr. Thomas R. Herndon, Jr.
Ms. Janet G. Hibbard
Ms. Hattie D. Hinkle
Mr. & Mrs. Jake Hinterser
Mrs. Ida Hiserote
Ms. Jennifer R. Hogg
Mr. & Mrs. Cody Holman
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Holton
Mrs. Monica Houtz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hovey
Mr. & Mrs. Barrett Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hyatt, Jr.
Mr. David Iliff
Mrs. Sherrill Ingram
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Ison
Ms. Kim E. Izor
Ms. Mary S. Izor
Ms. Mary L. Janus
Mr. Dennis E. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Johnston
Mr. Roy A. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Justice
Dr. & Mrs. Clyde W. Kaminska
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Kamman
Ms. Ruth M. Keefer
Mrs. Ann Keith
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Carl T. Kidd
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kidd
Mrs. Betty Kiesewetter
Mr. Rod Kiger
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Koch
Mr. Ronn Koerper
Mr. Milford E. Landwert
Mr. & Mrs. Rodolph Lanier
Ms. Virginia G. Lassiter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert William Laverty
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Lawrence
Ms. Joyce E. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Lippincott
Rev. & Mrs. Grant Richard Lobb
R. K. Lochner
Mrs. Bettye M. Long
Ms. Marlene Ludvik
Mr. & Mrs. Maurie J. Luetkemeier
Ms. Arlene Lunis
Ms. Daphne B. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Maginn
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Mallard
Dr. & Mrs. James H. Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Marvel, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Mash
Mr. & Mrs. John McClure
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. McCollum
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd D. McCollumn
Mr. & Mrs. George McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Larry McDowell
Mr. David McMillen
Rev. & Mrs. Robert A. McMillen
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice C. McNay
Mrs. Francis L. Meier
Mrs. Dixie Merrill
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Miller
Mr. J. Philip Mingledorff D
Mrs. Norma Mingledorff
Mr. & Mrs. John Mohrbacher
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Morris
Dr. Edwin B. Morrison
Ms. Kathy S. Moss
Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Neeley
Ms. Joyce F. Neely
Ms. Darla Nolte
Mr. George Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Northcutt, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Nuckles
Ms. Elizabeth L. Ogden
Ms. Teresa L. Oney
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Overing
Mrs. Mary Pappas
Ms. Christine Paris
Mr. Leonard Patrick
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Patton
Mr. Norman Penke
Mr. & Mrs. Dale M. Pershing
Mrs. Betty Peterson
Mrs. Eva Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Pigg
Mrs. Lucy Pigg
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Plyman
Mr. & Mrs. Silas L. Prewitt, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Proffitt
Mr. & Mrs. O.L. Race
Majs. Hector & Gerde Ramos
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rankin
Rev. Marjorie H. Raper
Mr. & Mrs. Ottis J. Reed
Ms. Danna C. Reid
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Reining
Mrs. Betty Rhyne
Ms. Joyce A. Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Ridings
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Wiley B. Roark, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin W. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Shayne Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Ruch
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Sale
Rev. Wilber A. Schoen
Mr. Everett G. Selvidge
Ms. Joyce Shawler
Mr. & Mrs. Jackie L. Shearer
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Shipley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Short
Rev. & Mrs. Floyd W. Shutt, II
Mrs. June C. Sims
Rev. & Mrs. Victor Slaughter
Ms. Della J. Smith
Ms. Sharon Lee Smith
Ms. Anna C. Smythe
Mrs. Jean W. Somerlot
Mrs. Lavonne F. Speakman
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Spivey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck M. Spivey
Ms. Harriet M. Stevens
Mr. Alec G. Stone
Mr. Jim Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Sturm
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Sutton
Dr. & Mrs. Terry Swan
Rev. & Mrs. Matthew G. Swartsel
Mr. & Mrs. Rex C. Tanner
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Taylor
Mrs. Lora Temple
Mrs. Hester A. Thacker
Mr. & Mrs. Lawson L. Thigpen
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon P. Thompson
Mr. Richard S. Tingley
Mr. & Mrs. Les P. Towsey
Mr. & Mrs. L. BruceTravis
Mr. & Mrs. David Tullar
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. Tuschl
Ms. Emily Urf
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Urgolites
Mrs. Suzanne K. Van Strien
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Waits
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Waldroup
Ms. Sandy Weibel
Mr. & Mrs. R. Lance Whipple
Mrs. Nancy E. Wicoff
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby E. Widner
Mrs. Evelyn Williams
Ms. Mary M. Wilson
Ms. Violet Wyum
Ms. Sybil J. Zehner
Mr. & Mrs. Rocky Zinser
Ms. Peggy B. Zirkle
The following businesses and
corporations made gifts to Asbury
University between July 1, 2011 and
June 30, 2012.
Ameriprise Financial
Apparel Studios
Assurant, Inc.
Blooded Horse Sales Company
Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP
Broyer Construction, INC.
Business First Networks, LLC
Capital Property Management LLC
Churchill Management
CIGNA Foundation
Claude Smith & Son Floor Covering
Delta Natural Gas Company
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Family Financial Partners, Inc.
Fryman's Welding, LLC.
Hurst Office Suppliers
IBM Corporation
Integrity Premium Advertising, Inc.
Irish Acres Gallery of Antiques
Johnson City Power Board
Marr Miller and Myers PSC
Merlin Hershberger Painting
Pioneer College Caterers
Radar for Meteorologists
Royal Alliance Associates, Inc.
TALX Corporation
Texas Gas Transmission, LLC
Zaxby's Franchising, Inc.
The following churches and religious organizations made gifts to
Asbury University between July 1,
2011 and June 30, 2012.
Bedington United Methodist Church
Youth Roots (Martinsburg, W.Va.)
Bethel Park Campmeeting
Association (Fishertown, Pa.)
Bethlehem Camp Meeting
Association (Bonifay, Fla.)
Cain's Chapel United Methodist
Church (Deatsville, Ala.)
Cathedral of Christ the King
(Lexington, Ky.)
Chaplain Corps
(Randolph A.F.B., Texas)
Faith United Methodist Church
(Jacksonville, Fla.)
First Alliance Church (Lexington, Ky.)
First United Methodist Church of
Niceville (Niceville, Fla.)
Friendship United Methodist
Church (Monroeville, N.J.)
Grace Fellowship Church
(Albany, Ky.)
Grand Prairie Evangelical Methodist
Church (Stuttgart, Ark.)
The LeRoy Jones Evangelistic
Ministries (Chatham, Va.)
Little Hickman Christian Church
(Nicholasville, Ky.)
North Bend United Methodist Church
(North Bend, Ohio)
Rebuilders Ministries
(Lexington, Ky.)
Rhodes Grove Camp & Conference
Center (Chambersburg, Pa.)
The Salvation Army National
Headquarters (Alexandria, Va.)
Taylor County Holiness Camp
(Butler, Ga.)
Wilmore Free Methodist Church
(Wilmore, Ky.)
The following foundations made
gifts to Asbury University between
July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012.
Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation
Association of Independent KY
Colleges and Universities
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Charitable Gift Fund
Communities Foundation of
The Community Foundation of Louisville
Community Foundation of North Texas
The O.P. and W.E. Edwards
Foundation, Inc.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fore the Lord Golf
Greene County Community
Guidestream Charitable Gift Fund
Sollie & Lilla McCreless Foundation
The National Christian Foundation
National Christian Foundation Kentucky
PACCAR Foundation
The Pauls Foundation
Rainbow Fund
Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.
The River Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund
Trim Masters Charitable Foundation Inc.
Verdant Groves Music Foundation
Windgate Charitable Foundation
The following organizations
made gifts to Asbury University
between July 1, 2011 and
June 30, 2012.
American Forage and Grassland Council
Christian Academy of Louisville
Commonwealth Compassion
Bridge Inc.
Disabled American Veterans
Chapter 168
Kentucky Academy of Science
Kentucky State Police Retirees
KY Chapter of Noble
Mountain City Rotary Club
Mountain Electric Cooperative
Tennessee Electric Cooperative
Asbury University realized gifts
from the following trusts and estates
between July 1, 2011 and
June 30, 2012.
Estate of Louisa Ammerman
Estate of Ralph C. Argo
Estate of Peggy J. Butler
Estate of A. Summers & Anne Clark
Estate of Mildred DeWeerd
V. Josephine Garner Trust
Estate of Ruby J. Hendrix
Estate of Mary A. Hise
Estate of Paul H. Hise
Kesner Trust I
Lovejoy Family Trust
Estate of Martha McGaughey Roberts
Estate of Helen Schaal
Estate of Mark Shugart Jr.
Estate of Joyce Warner
President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 27
Honor Roll of Donors
The following alumni, parents and
friends have remembered Asbury
University by June 30, 2012, in a
planned gift with one or more of the
following: will, living trust,
annuity, life insurance, unitrust, or as a
beneficiary of a retirement plan.
Ms. Frances E. Abbott
Mrs. Olive J. Abbott
Dr. William F. Abernathy
Dr. David W. Adcock
Mrs. Phoebe Allison
Dr. Roger D. Amstutz
Mrs. Barbara B. Anderson
Mrs. Dorothy Apple
Mr. David N. Ballew, Jr.
Dr. Dorothy M. Barbo
Mrs. Barbara Barker
Mrs. Juliana L. Barker
Mrs. Nancy O. Barker
Rev. Richard W. Barker
Mrs. Ruby Katherine Barker
Mr. Charles Becker
Mrs. Mary E. Becker
Mrs. Judith M. Bedford
Mrs. Vera M. Bennett
Dr. David R. Billing
Mr. Richard E. Billing
Mrs. Ruby E. Blake
Mr. Jerry W. Bock
Dr. Lawrence H. Boram
Dr. Charles L. Boss
Mrs. Pamela Sue Bower
Mr. W. T. Branton
Mrs. Marcella Brashear
Dr. David L. Brazelton
Mrs. Wilma Jean Brazelton
Rev. James R. Brennan
Mr. Perry C. Brokaw
Mr. Albert S. Brown
Mrs. Marjorie Brown-Hall
Mrs. Betty K. Bryant
Dr. Johnny W. Bryant
Mrs. Joyce M. Bryant
Mrs. Dorothy W. Buhler
Mr. Fred C. Buhler
Miss Suzanne K. Burch
Mrs. Carol Burghdurf
Mr. Ted Burkman
Mrs. Carol Butler
Mrs. Caroline Butler
Dr. Daniel A. Butler
Mrs. Mary A. Butler
Dr. Mary Cady
Rev. Harvey L. Carnes
Mrs. Edith Caron
Mrs. Freda Carver
Mr. Gerald O. Chapman
Rev. Donald E. Christensen
Mrs. Eloise D. Clawson
Mrs. Margaret Clayton
Dr. Emerson B. Cochran
Ms. Donna Coe
Rev. John H. Coffee, Jr.
Bishop Emerson S. Colaw
Mrs. Jane E. Colaw
Dr. Phillip B. Collier
Mrs. Karen Conn
Mrs. Violet Conn
Mrs. Patricia A. Connell
Mrs. Deni Corbett
Dr. Steven C. Corbett
Mr. Douglas D. Corbitt
Dr. Duvon C. Corbitt, III
Mr. Allen G. Cox, Jr.
Rev. Tom O. Crosby, Jr.
Ms. Donna Jean Crouse
Mrs. Grace Crowder
Rev. Dorothy N. Culp
Dr. Wayne A. Culp
Dr. Barbara Cushing
Mrs. Myrtle Darah
Dr. Jay Dargan
Dr. Carolyn S. Davidheiser
Mrs. Emma Louise Dealy
Mrs. Alma W. Deese
Ms. Michele M. Devereaux
Rev. Charles B. DeWitt
Mr. Francis A. Diederich
Mr. Harlan C. Diller
Mrs. Madeleine Diller
Rev. Clarence G. Dishman
Dr. David P. Ditto
Miss Phyllis Donaldson
Mrs. Joanne C. Dunn
Dr. Robert E. Ebert
Mrs. Sandy R. Ebert
Rev. Frank E. Edwards
Mr. Thomas R. Ellenberger
Mrs. Stephanie Epple
Mrs. Joan Evans
Mr. Larry G. Evans
Rev. Larry E. Evans
Mr. Elias Falk
Mrs. Evelyn R. Ferrell
Dr. Richard H. Ferrell
Mrs. Michelle R. Fillemon
Rev. Frederick H. Fischer
Mr. James M. Fisher
Mr. James W. Fogal
Dr. Ronald P. Ford
Rev. Floyd F. Fought
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Frazer
Dr. Hugh M. Frazer
Miss Roberta V. Fries
Mrs. Phyllis F. Gaylor
Mr. William E. Gaylor, Jr.
Dr. Billy K. Glover, II
Mrs. Irene Goodenough
Dr. John Goodenough
Mrs. Ruth Gordon
Mr. Gregg E. Graening
Dr. Albert Graham
Dr. Donald L. Graves
Dr. J. Harold Greenlee
Mrs. Ruth Greenlee
Miss Talitha J. Grote
Dr. David T. Grout
Dr. W. David Hager
Mrs. Natalie Haggerty
Mrs. Glenna W. Hall
Mr. Horace E. Hall, Jr.
Mrs. Elaine C. Hamilton
Mr. J. Kern Hamilton
Dr. James E. Hamilton
Rev. Saundra Hamm
Dr. William D. Hammerlee, Jr.
Mrs. Linda Hampton
Dr. Robert A. Hardin
Ms. Alberta Harp
Mrs. Gloria L. Hawkins
Mr. Morris C. Hawkins
Ms. Lillian E. Henry
Ms. Lois J. Henry
Miss Kimberly J. Hickman
Dr. Max R. Hickman
Rev. Paul M. Higdon
Mrs. Janet Higgins
Dr. Jerry M. Higgins
Miss Louella Hinkle
Mr. William T. Hinkle
Dr. David A. Hoag
Rev. John D. Hollis
Mrs. Ruth Hollis
Mrs. Donald B. Houser
Mr. Vernon W. Howard
Mrs. Margaret Howell
Dr. Corinne Hughbanks
Dr. Monroe Hughbanks
Mr. James A. Hughes
Rev. Walter C. Hughley
Dr. David Hunt
Mrs. Karen Hunt
Miss Kathryn Huron
Mrs. Mary B. James
Dr. O. C. James, II
Mr. Donald Jameson
Dr. Scott R. P. Janney
Dr. Carl R. Jenson
Mrs. Kathy R. Johnson
Mrs. Judith Johnston
Mrs. Clarence M. Jones
Mr. James Sherman Jones
Dr. Raleigh O. Jones
Dr. Douglas Joyner
Dr. J. Ellsworth Kalas
Mrs. Janet Stith Kalas
Rev. Thompson Keene
Mrs. Linda J. Keller
Rev. Jack C. Kelley
Rev. Dwayne Kelsey
Mrs. Ruth Kelsey
Mrs. Mildred V. Key
Dr. William R. Key
Mr. Richard Kibbey
Mrs. Connie M. Kidder
Dr. Amy King
Mr. James T. King
Dr. Robert E. King
Mr. John W. Kingsbury
Dr. Robert J. Kingsbury
Mrs. Eloise Kirkland
Dr. Jiles E. Kirkland
Mrs. Annetta W. Kittredge
Mrs. Roberta L. Kunkle
Dr. David G. Lalka
Mrs. Ruth Lalka
Mr. David R. Lamb
Dr. John E. Lashbrook
Miss Nancy Lee
Mrs. Sally Lefler
Mr. Harlan R. Leimenstoll
Mrs. Constance Lewes
Mr. J. Joe Lineman
Mrs. Sharon Lineman
Mrs. Louise Longbotham
Mrs. Beulah Longenecker
Dr. Donald Lovejoy
Mrs. Lois M. Lovejoy
Mrs. Rebekah Lowe
Rev. Jay F. Lucas
Mr. Albert L. Luce, Jr.
Ms. Oregon E. Lybass
Mrs. Anna Martin
Dr. Bobby Ray Martin
Mrs. Jama Martin
Mrs. Laura Rivers McCarthy
Mr. Marvin G. McClain
Ms. Mary McCollough
Mr. Paul E. McCutcheon
Mrs. Jeanine L. McDowell
Maj. Annette S. McInnes
Maj. Earl McInnes
Dr. Carl M. McKenna
Dr. Edward H. McKinley
Miss Elizabeth J. McMillen
Mr. Scott E. McPherson
Mr. Thomas W. McPherson
Rev. Edwin Messerschmidt
Mrs. Ann Meyer
Mr. Charles H. Minter
Mrs. Frances K. Moore
Mrs. Elizabeth Moran
Mrs. Jeannine Mowery
Mrs. Mildred Mueller
Mrs. Ruth Mullins
Dr. Fred Murdock
Rev. Mitchell C. Murrow
Mrs. Marcy C. Nesselroade
Mrs. Martha Nonneman
Mrs. Vivian T. Nothdurft
Mrs. Gail Nunn
Dr. Roger D. Nunn
Dr. Robert A. Oetjen
Mr. O. H. Ogle
Dr. J. Drew O'Neal
Dr. Diane T. Orchard
Mrs. Betty G. Overcash
Rev. Ronald A. Overcash
Mrs. Fredericka J. Paddock
Mrs. Mary Pappas
Mrs. Agnes Parker
Mrs. Barbara A. Parker
Dr. Marshall E. Parks
Ms. Michelle Pemberton
Miss Helen A. Pielemeier
Mrs. Lois Pittman
Mrs. Betty Lou Potter
Rev. Sharon R. Potter
Mrs. Rebecca Powell
Rev. Walter A. Quigg
Rev. Charles A. Rader
Dr. Kay F. Rader
Dr. Paul A. Rader
Mrs. Patricia L. Ramsey
Mrs. Miriam Read
Mr. Immo H. Redeker
Rev. Kathleen R. Redeker
Mr. Gary R. Reese
Mr. John L. Reynolds
Rev. Carl A. Ricks
Dr. Darrel R. Rinehart
Dr. Cullen B. Rivers
Mrs. G. S. Roach
Mr. James V. Robertson
Mrs. E. Nadine Roller
Dr. Gilbert H. Roller
Mrs. Jean Rollings
Mr. Clarence F. Rost
Mrs. Rena T. Roth
Mr. Don G. Roxberry
Rev. Dorothy L. Rudd
Mr. James A. Rupert
Mr. Roy Lyman Ruth, Jr.
Mrs. Elaine V. Salico
Mr. Larry W. Sayler
Rev. Leroy B. Schultz
Ms. Mary K. Scott
Rev. Alan M. Seaman
Mrs. Alzina Seeley
Mrs. Veral M. Sharp
Dr. Kenneth Shaver
Dr. Donald Shell
Mrs. Patricia Sink
Mrs. Nina Skeen
Miss Ruth L. Smede
Mr. Arthur R. Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Betty E. Smith
Mrs. Helen Smith
Dr. Myron R. Smith
Rev. Wilbur K. Smith
Honor Roll of Donors
Dr. Harold G. Spann
Dr. John H. Spicer
Mr. J. Elliott Stabler
Mrs. Wanda B. Stauffer
Rev. John A. Sterling
Mrs. Laura M. Stevenson
Mrs. Grace S. Stock
Mrs. Marilyn Stokes
Miss Helen L. Straka
Mrs. Joyce Strange
Mrs. Marie E. Stuart
Miss H. Jane Sutlive
Dr. Mary E. Swain
Miss Nancy A. Swank
Mrs. Wanda Tacy
Mr. Perry Tanksley
Mrs. Suzanne M. Tanksley
Dr. Paul Thomas
Mrs. Sherman Thomas
Mrs. William E. Timms
Mrs. T. Alverta Toussaint
Ms. Allene Tuel
Mrs. J. Howard Tumlin
Rev. Robert P. Turner
Mrs. Ann VanValin
Rev. John VanValin
Mrs. Marcella R. Verplank
Rev. James H. Walker
Mrs. Kathryn L. Walker
Mrs. Sue J. Walters
Mr. Donald Lee Walz, Sr.
Mr. William C. Ward, Jr.
Mrs. Candace Watts
Rev. Todd G. Weber
Mrs. Evelyn J. Wegner
Rev. Glenn R. Wegner
Dr. Ronald G. Welling
Mrs. Jane Wells
Mr. Stephen B. Wilcox
Rev. W. Raymond Wilder, Jr.
Dr. Robert F. Wiley, Jr.
Dr. William B. Wiley
Mrs. Elizabeth Williams
Dr. Samuel J. Williams, II
Mr. Jim Wilmot
Mr. Paul E. Wilson
Mr. Jimmie Winslow
Mr. Earl B. Wire
Mrs. Valerie Woldeit
Mrs. Mary E. Wood
Rev. Robert D. Wood
Dr. Sewell Woodward, Jr.
Dr. Jerry D. Wortham
Mrs. Charlotte L. Yates
Mrs. Elizabeth Young
Mr. George M. Young
Class of 1944
by Rev. & Mrs. Jack Key
Jayne Hatfield '52 Brackman
by Mr. Russell E. Battin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beam
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Blackburn
Dr. John M. Brackman, Sr.
Rev. & Mrs. Julian H. Brackman
Dr. William L. Brackman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Bradley
Rev. & Mrs. James O. Finch
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Hatfield
Mr. & Mrs. Riley L. Hogan
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Horton
Rev. & Mrs. Harris C. Jones
Ms. Alvina L. Lane
Ms. Virginia G. Lassiter
Ms. Joyce E. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Marvel, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. W.A. Milton, Jr.
The following tribute gifts were
made to Asbury University between
July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012.
Dr. Evyn M. Adams '41
by Mr. & Mrs. David J. Simms
Ben '06 & Emily Martin '06
by Mr. & Mrs. Lee R. Martin
Marsha Kay Kirkland Beall
by Ms. Oregon E. Lybass
Class of 1948
by Rev. & Mrs. Jack Key
Mary Ann Kingsbury '58 Finch
by Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kingsbury
Mr. & Mrs. David V. Penland, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. E. William Sprouse
Mr. & Mrs. L. Bruce Travis
Rev. Norman Brom '52
by Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kingsbury
Dr. Howard '44 & Hazel Kinlaw '44 Hanke
by Mr. James Sherman Jones
Ray '51 & Rose '49 Harrison
by Rev. Argus Gene & Mrs. Kathleen
Hendricks Parks
Mr. Wallace Buice '48
by Mrs. Betty Buice
Dr. Walter E. Harrison, Jr. '49
by Rev. Argus Gene & Mrs. Kathleen
Hendricks Parks
Key Family
by Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Key
Rebecca Bingham '48 Carnes
by Rev. Harvey L. Carnes
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Wolery
Patricia Edwards '48 Hinerman
by Ms. Maurine N. Moody
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Ruch
The Lewis Kizer Family
by Mr. & Mrs. W. Jerry Flippin
Ercil Howard '62 Casey
by Mr. C. Lewis Casey
Hazel Hoagland '62
by Ms. Alberta Hoagland Harp
Glen '50 & Jetta Lenox
by Mr. & Mrs. Adam T. Medeiros
Marion Coastes '45 Cocker
by Mr. Jack V. Cocker
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Howell
by Ms. Sherry Davidson
Kevin & Charlene Moulton
by Ms. Sharon Powell Harlander
Iona E. Cole '38
by Ms. Joan I. Brown
Dr. Clarence V. Hunter
by Mr. James Sherman Jones
Dr. Al '60 & Yvonne Cochran '58
by Mr. Paul T. Stanfield
Paul A. '50 & Patsy Cravens '50
by Chap. & Mrs. Clarence E.
Raenell Gilbert '66 Iliff
by Mr. David Iliff
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jamison, Sr.
by Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lanter, Sr.
Dr. Stan Pelkey '94
by Rev. & Mrs. Lyman Pelkey
60th Birthday of Kenneth E.
Proctor, Jr.
by Mr. & Mrs. Shayne Rogers
70th Wedding Anniversary of Rev.
Robert '41 & Mrs. Elaine Amstutz
'41 Turner
by Dr. & Mrs. Philip D. Jamieson
Rich Wright
by Ms. Mary Nixon
Dr. Cecil Zweifel
by Mr. & Mrs. R. Wayne King
Dr. John W. Armentrout '46
by Ms. Celeste Armentrout
Rev. George H. Baldridge '53
by Mrs. Jerry Baldridge
Dr. David Becker '49
by Mrs. Edna L. Becker
Dan Corman
by Rev. & Mrs. David O. Justis
Rev. & Mrs. J. C. Cunningham
by Mr. James Sherman Jones
Billy R. Davis '53
by Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe Davis
Rev. & Mrs. F. R. Davis
by Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe Davis
Mary Young Dean
by Dr. Barbara Dickey
H. Carroll Dorsey '53
by Mrs. Mary Jim Fuller Luce
Edith M. Farris
by Mr. Joseph W. Farris
Rev. Dr. William H. Ford, Sr. '58
by Mr. & Mrs. Charlton S. Veazey, Jr.
Rev. James D. Foster '57
by Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kingsbury
H. Frazier
by Rev. James M. Frazier
Kay Metcalf Frazier '58
by Rev. James M. Frazier
William Travis Fryman '66
by Mrs. Marilyn A. Hylton
Lorane Brown '51 Gould
by Mr. & Mrs. John Detwiler
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Gould
Ms. Emily Urf
Dora Hall
by Mrs. Ernestine H. Taylor
Ralph Wyllford "Wyll" Irvin, III '89
by Rev. & Mrs. David O. Justis
Athalee T. Jones
by Mr. James Sherman Jones
Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Jones
by Mr. James Sherman Jones
Clarence J. "Bud" Jones
by Mr. James Sherman Jones
Mary Halsel Cunningham '44 Jones
by Mr. James Sherman Jones
Timothy E. Justice '88
by Rev. & Mrs. David O. Justis
Gladys Moore '38 Keith
by Dr. James W. Keith
Bette Irwin '48 Kelly
by Dr. Arthur F. Fleser
Doris Stubblefield '46 King
by Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Armstrong
Ms. Barbara W. Balliew
Mr. & Mrs. H. George Cook
Mrs. Karen G. Dykes
Dr. & Mrs. Russell Gilliom
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Hindman
Dale Hinshaw Living Trust
Rev. Jack T. King
R. K. Lochner
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rench
Caroline T. Kinlaw
by Mr. & Mrs. Chris Haines
Ms. Kim E. Izor
Gladys Minter '51 Kraus
by Ms. Nancy L. Boshart
Christian Academy of Louisville
Mr. & Mrs. Otis Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Martin
Ms. Joyce Shawler
Mr. Rocky Zinser
Ms. Peggy B. Zirkle
President’s Report | Winter 2013 • AMBASSADOR | 29
Honor Roll of Donors
Dr. Anne Kuhn
by Dr. Arthur F. Fleser
Rev. David W. Patrick '88
by Rev. & Mrs. David O. Justis
Dr. Roger '48 & Ruth Hinkle '44
by Mr. James Sherman Jones
Rev. Jack Pavy '53
by Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Anctil
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Axtell
Dr. Dorothy M. Barbo
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Harold L. Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Brunsting
Ms. Dorothy J. Butler
Rev. & Mrs. Richard H. Chamberlin
Mr. & Mrs. Milford P. Christenson
Rev. & Mrs. Delmas M. Copeland
Mrs. Alice Couchman
Mrs. Margaret W. Curtis
Mrs. Rose W. Dover
Ms. Audrey D. Franz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hartman
Marjorie Zeller '49 Landwert
Mr. Milford E. Landwert
Mr. LeCrone & 60 years of marriage
by Mrs. Loretta LeCrone
Jerry W. Lovitt
by Mr. Alan K. Akers, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Damron
Disabled American Veterans
Chapter 168
Mr. & Mrs. Don Falin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Field
Mr. & Mrs. Billy N. Floyd
Mr. Stanley Clay Gillispie
Mr. Thomas R. Herndon, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Holbrook
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Johnson
Kentucky State Police Retirees Org.
Little Hickman Christian Church
Ms. Kathy S. Moss
Ms. Joyce F. Neely
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Pigg
Mr. & Mrs. Silas L. Prewitt, Jr.
Ms. Danna C. Reid
Ms. Sharon Reynolds
Mr. Everett G. Selvidge
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Billy G. Wellman
Virginia Stevens '44 Martin
by Ms. Janet L. Burkins
Mrs. Anne R. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Colburn
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs. Remy E. Eagan, Jr.
Dr. Wilbur H. Foard
Ms. Anne S. Gaver
Mrs. Lura Griswold
Ms. Mary L. Janus
Rev. & Mrs. Herbert Massey
Ms. Mildred S. Nethken
Mrs. Helen Scharer
Ms. Harriet M. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. W. David Thompson
Rev. Norman Edward McCoy '52
by Mr. & Mrs. W. Jack Schmeckebier
Anna Morgan
by Mr. & Mrs. David M. Aldridge
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. McCray
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert H. Roller
Mr. & Mrs. Jackie L. Shearer
Ms. Della J. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon P. Thompson
Modelle Tabb '54 Morgan
by Rev. Oyer C. Morgan
Bob Nelson '59
by Mr. Barry Bertram
Dr. & Mrs. Joe K. Carpenter
Fore the Lord Golf
Col. Clarence Olson
by Dr. Arthur F. Fleser
Mr. & Mrs. Emmet Ripley
by Mr. & Mrs. John N. Bode
Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe Davis
Forrest "Barney" Ripley
by Mr. & Mrs. John N. Bode
Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe Davis
Marian Koontz '39 Romich
by Ms. Sharon Taylor
Catherine Royster '41
by Dr. Regina P. O'Nan
Rev. William Russell Rudd '58
by Rev. & Mrs. L. Wilson Strickhausen
John T. Sharpe
by Margaret Fanning
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice C. McNay
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Northcutt, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Owen
Mr. & Mrs. O.L. Race
Ms. Joyce A. Richards
Dr. Samuel R. Smith, Sr.
Mrs. Jean W. Somerlot
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck M. Spivey
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Lawson L. Thigpen
Mr. Kevin F. Tuschl
Mr. & Mrs. R. Lance Whipple
Ms. Mary M. Wilson
Mrs. Juanita F. Yoder
Cecelia Soffranko
by Mr. & Mrs. Marshall D. Bush
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Patton
Jon Sprague '91
by Rev. & Mrs. Donald E. Logue
Dr. Peter Stine '61
by Dr. Arthur F. Fleser
Julia Hahn '56 Swanson
by Mr. & Mrs. Willard D. Hahn
Raymond & Gertrude Taylor
by Capt. & Mrs. Ronald J. Taylor
Dylan Schatko ’13 sang the opening recitative and aria of Handel’s
“Messiah,” a production that included the Men’s Glee Club, Chorale,
Women’s Choir and Orchestra.
Mr. & Mrs. B. Gerald Hartman
Mrs. Patricia Hunt
Rev. & Mrs. Robert B. Johnson
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Joel Key
Mrs. Freda C. Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Leonard
Mrs. Mary Jim Fuller Luce
Mr. & Mrs. Ray E. McKinney
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. McLean
Rev. John Mendez
Mrs. Shirley Pavy
Rev. & Mrs. Philip C. Peace
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin R. Potter
Mr. & Mrs. W. Jack Schmeckebier
Rev. & Mrs. Roger Snyder
Mr. William Thorne
Mrs. Suzanne K. Van Strien
Mr. & Mrs. Quentin Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Creighton L. Woltz
Era Wilder '27 Peniston
by Mr. James Sherman Jones
Dr. Jack '41 & Dorothy Best '41
by Mr. James Sherman Jones
Irene Rainwater
by Mr. William L. Turnbull
Ben Ripley '48
by Mr. & Mrs. John N. Bode
Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe Davis
Ms. Kathryn E. Ripley
Rev. James C. Simms '47
by Mr. & Mrs. David J. Simms
Neva Bramlet '50 Simms-Adams
by Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kingsbury
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Simms
Mary Galbreath Smith
by American Forage & Grassland Council
Mr. James E. Averett, III
Ms. Mildred Barie
Lt. Cdr. & Mrs. Harold H. Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Bell
Mrs. Barbara L. Browning
Ms. Patricia P. Chilton
Ms. Ona R. Coleman
Ms. Krista Cotten
Ms. Sarah M. Creech
Dr. & Mrs. Franklin R. Croker
First Alliance Church
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Franzman
Col. T.C. Grissom
Mr. & Mrs. Cody Holman
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Holton
Mr. Hilton Holton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hovey
Mr. & Mrs. Hartley J. Howard
Dr. & Mrs. J. Ellsworth Kalas
Mr. & Mrs. H. Leon King
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Mallard
Dr. & Mrs. James H. Manning
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Mash
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. McCollum
Dr. Joseph A. Thacker, Jr. '50
by Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Cress
Dr. & Mrs. Mark R. Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Ellis
Dr. Sharon A. Falkenheimer
Dr. & Mrs. Victor P. Hamilton
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Higgins
Irish Acres Gallery of Antiques
Johnson City Power Board
Mountain City Rotary Club
Mountain Electric Cooperative
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Proffitt
Mr. & Mrs. Wiley B. Roark, Jr.
Mr. Harry S. Smith
Tennessee Electric Cooperative Assoc.
Mrs. Hester A. Thacker
Mr. David W. Williamson
Mr. George T. Wright
Dr. W. James Truitt
by Miss Sarah L. Luce
Dr. Edwin B. Morrison
Mr. Charlton S. Veazey, Sr.
by Mr. & Mrs. Charlton S. Veazey, Jr.
Y.D. '26 & Annie Laurie Byrne '31
by Mr. James Sherman Jones
Rev. Reginald M. Smith
Phillip L. Wetterling '62
by Mrs. Lydia F. Wetterling
Dr. Robert '25 & Janie Wiley
by Dr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Wiley
Daniel Neal Wyatt '69
by Ms. Georgia W. Wyatt
Dr. James Young '48
by Rev. & Mrs. Gerhard T. Johnson
Board of trustees
Mr. Bill Pinto ’92
Smyrna, Ga.
Alumni Rep. to Board of Trustees
Mr. Larry W. Green ‘71
Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
Board Chair
Mr. C. E. Crouse ‘68
Nicholasville, Ky.
Mr. Marc Wilson ’90
Florence, Ky.
Trustee Rep. to Alumni Board
Mrs. Kay Burrus ’82 Hayden
Hillsborough, N.J.
Board Vice Chair
Dr. David L. Stevens ‘73
Bristol, Tenn.
Vice President
Dr. Jeremy Corbett ’01
Nicholasville, Ky.
Senior Class President
Mr. Daniel Alexander ‘13
Wilmore, Ky.
General Members
Ex-Officio Members
Immediate Past President
Dr. Janine Corbitt ’76 Jones
Nicholasville, Ky.
Previous Senior Class President
Ms. Rebecca Wallace ‘12
Shelbyville, Ky.
Mr. Ronald Ball ‘72
Prestonsburg, Ky.
President of Asbury University
Dr. Sandra C. Gray
Wilmore, Ky.
General Members
Mr. Timothy Baker ‘88
Longview, Texas
Mrs. Cheryl Baker ‘88 Nesselroade, Wilmore, Ky.
Mr. Andrew Coleman ‘98
Pebble Beach, Calif.
Rev. David Penalva ‘78
Indianapolis, Ind.
Ms. Stephanie Gehring ‘94
Houston, Texas
Mr. John Schmid ‘77
Berlin, Ohio
Mrs. Andrea Gyertson ’95
Nasfell, Burbank, Calif.
Mr. Gene Tate ‘87
Alexandria, Va.
Merlin Johnson ‘58
Louisville, Ky.
Ms. Valerie VanSweden ‘88
Decatur, Ga.
Mrs. Mary Jim Fuller ‘53 Luce
Sautee Nacoochee, Ga.
Mrs. Jana Van Tatenhove ‘86
Baldwin, Vienna, Va.
Mr. Greg Lucid ‘00
Hermitage, Tenn.
Mrs. Fran Corbly ‘68 Upperman, Bainbridge, Ohio
Mr. Farai Makombe ‘91
Clinton, N.J.
Mrs. Dawn Ford ’78 Veazey
Macon, Ga.
Dr. Anna Booth ‘83 McEwan
Birmingham, Ala.
Ms. Jessie Lois Amstutz ‘67
Webster, Chicago, Ill.
Mr. Timothy Mowery ‘68
Lexington, Ky.
Rev. Teddy Lee Williams, Jr. ‘94
Swansboro, N.C.
Mrs. Valerie Murphy ’80
Hammerlee, Erie, Pa.
Dr. Christopher T. Bounds ‘88
Marion, Ind.
LTC Melvin R. Bowdan, Jr. USA
Nicholasville, Ky.
Board Secretary
Mr. Ronald W. Tarrant ’59
Oak Harbor, Wash.
Alumni Board Representative
Mr. Larry W. Green ’71
Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
Rev. Dr. David L. Brazelton ‘65
Lakeland, Fla.
Vice-Chair of the Faculty
Dr. Douglas C. Walker
Professor of Media Communication
Wilmore, Ky.
Mr. Larry D. Brown ‘80
New York, N.Y.
Mr. Harold L. Heiner, Jr.
Louisville, Ky.
Dr. Sandra C. Gray
Rev. Dr. Morris E. Hintzman ‘67
Tampa, Fla.
Dr. Jon S. Kulaga
Mr. Gregory B. Isaacs ‘83
Louisville, Ky.
Dr. Charlie D. Fiskeaux
Vice President for Business Affairs
& Treasurer
Mrs. Sarah L. Luce
Prospect, Ky.
Mr. Nathan R. Mowery ’77
Indianapolis, Ind.
Mr. Charlie Shepard ‘99
Vice President for Institutional
Mrs. Deborah A. Weidenhamer ’87
Phoenix, Ariz.
Dr. Mark J. Troyer
Vice President for Enrollment
Mr. Mark H. Whitworth ’84
Birmingham, Ala.
Mr. Glenn R. Hamilton ‘91
Vice President for Operations
Mr. Richard M. Wright ’89
Louisville, Ky.
Dr. Douglas A. Wilcoxson
Vice President for Student
Development & Dean of Students
Asbury University welcomes Charlie Shepard ’99 as Asbury University’s new Vice
President for Institutional Advancement. Shepard comes to Asbury from the University
of Findlay, where he served in a variety of capacities including associate vice president
for development, campaign director, director of development and director of alumni and
parent relations. Shepard is married to Joy Sayer ’99 Shepard, and they have two children.
Your gift affirms your belief in Asbury’s mission and provides us with essential resources
to renew our commitment to academic excellence and spiritual vitality.
• Augment and strengthen scholarship and financial-aid
• Engage and retain the most talented faculty and staff
• Expand and elevate leadership and character development
• Support student life and spiritual-growth activities
• Upgrade classroom and laboratory facilities
• Use the reply envelope in this magazine
• Giving is secure online at
• Contact the Office of Development
by calling (800) 888-1818, x2104
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1-800-888-1818 | One Macklem Drive | Wilmore, KY 40390
Asbury University Magazine | 2013
Next Issue
Upcoming Events 2013
The Asbury University Cornerstones: Holiness
“Holiness Unto the Lord” has
been a touchstone at Asbury
for generations. What does
it mean to be holy? And in
what ways do the Holiness
traditions of the past create
a foundation for dynamic
engagement with a rapidly
changing world?
In the Spring 2013 issue, the Ambassador will explore “Holiness” — with its many facets — in an
ongoing series about Asbury University’s Cornerstone values.
Today - March 4
Feb. 11
Feb. 14-16
Feb. 21
Feb. 21-22
Feb. 22
Feb. 23
Feb. 25-27
Feb. 27 - March 1
March 7
March 7-9
March 9-17
March 21-22
March 29 - April 1
April 11-13
April 12-13
April 18-19
April 18
April 20
April 22
Art Faculty Exhibition, AG
Choral Valentine Concert, 7:30 p.m., AK
Student-Directed Theater Production: “Our Town,” GT
Orchestra & Collegium Concert, 7:30 p.m., HU
Scholarship Event
Artist Series: Norman Reinhardt ’01, 7:30 p.m., HU
Parent Advisory Council Meeting
Student Renewal and Revival, HU
Sitcom Taping, 7:30 p.m., MC
Band Invitational Concert, 7:30 p.m., HU
Board of Trustees Meeting
Spring Break Tumbling Team Tour to Fla. & Ga.
Spring Access Weekend
Easter Break
Theater: “The Beams Are Creaking” (The Life
of Dietrich Bonhoeffer), 7:30 p.m., GT
Jym Jamboree, 7:30 p.m., LU
Theater: “The Beams Are Creaking,” 7:30 p.m., GT
Sounds of Stage & Screen, 7:30 p.m., HU
Highbridge Film Festival, 7:30 p.m., HU
Penniston Honors Recital, 7:30 p.m., AK
June 10 June 14-16 June 21-23
This summer’s Reunion 2013 will bring alumni and their families together for entertainment,
class gatherings and several opportunities to share stories about the paths we’ve taken.
Asbury University Golf Classic (Champions Course, Nicholasville, Ky.)
Southern California Alumni Retreat
SATB Music Reunion w/Drs. Bell, Donaldson & Hodges
AG: Art Gallery
AK: Akers Auditorium
GT: Greathouse Theatre
HU: Hughes Auditorium
LU: Luce Center
MC: Miller Center

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