Winter 2006 - Asbury University


Winter 2006 - Asbury University
by Dr. Victor Hamilton,
Professor of Bible & Theology
Dr. William C. Crothers
Kacie Powell
VP for Institutional
R. Gregory
Swanson, JD ’78
Brandon Rush
Executive Director
Lisa Falin ’90 Harper
Director of Alumni
& Parent Relations
Carolyn Ridley ’81
Director of
Planned Giving
Larry Jarrard ’93
Brandon Rush
Kacie Powell
Matt Sawyer
John Sizemore
Kelly Stephens
Drew Lesch-Wragge ’03
Keith Barker ’91
Alumni Notes
Amy Neild ’01 Kinnell
ASBURY COLLEGE is a private, independent,
Christian, liberal arts institution, providing academic
excellence in a context of spiritual vitality. This
nationally recognized, nondenominational college
offers programs in more than 40 majors of study
and several graduate programs to a student body
of approximately 1,200 students. Founded in 1890,
the College’s globally aware heritage has produced
more than 20,000 living alumni who live and serve
in all 50 of the United States and more than 70
The mission of Asbury College, as a Christian Liberal
Arts College in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition, is
to equip men and women, through a commitment
to academic excellence and spiritual vitality, for a
lifetime of learning, leadership and service to the
professions, society, the family and the Church,
thereby preparing them to engage their cultures
and advance the cause of Christ around the world.
Winter 2006, Volume 33, Number 3 The Ambassador (USPS
356490) is published three times a year with an annual report by
Asbury College, Wilmore, Kentucky. It serves as a quarterly linkage
between the College and its constituency and builds loyalty and
awareness of Asbury College so that readers will joyfully and
sacrificially commit to Asbury College’s vision and mission. If you are
interested in making a bequest to Asbury College, use our full legal
address: Asbury College, One Macklem Drive, Wilmore, Kentucky
40390-1198. For specific information, call (800) 888-1818, ext. 2138.
Comments, alumni news and letters to the editor are welcome to
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Asbury College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, disability or religion in the admission
of students and their access to educational programs and activities.
had plans. Earlier this year I thought my wife, Rilla,
and I would semi-retire in Florida. In a step of
faith, however, I accepted the presidency of Asbury
College. Through relationships with many of the
College’s former presidents, this institution became
very familiar to me. I had developed a great respect for
Asbury College’s mission. So changing my plans to follow
God’s plan was more than a privilege, it was an honor.
I follow a long line of faithful leaders. I knew the Gyertsons
personally and still maintain that relationship today. Dave
and Nancy were part of seeing God’s faithfulness to this
College. During their time here, the College’s enrollment
increased, our students worked at the Olympics in Atlanta
and our presence was made known on the World Wide Web.
I became acquainted with Dr. Dennis Kinlaw when he
spoke in chapel at Roberts Wesleyan many times. His
holiness message was the same one he spoke in Hughes
Auditorium. He is a man who embodies academic
excellence and spiritual vitality. The College hired some of
its most beloved professors during Dr. Kinlaw’s presidency.
Many of those professors still teach today.
Drs. Paul and Kay Rader are no strangers to Rilla and me,
as well. Kay served on the board at Roberts, so we have
known them for some time. When asked to serve their
alma mater, they faithfully and willingly accepted. Now, six
years later, their presidency has been marked by gifts to the
College, like the $2-million Lilly Endowment Grant and the
Asbury Initiative for Student Leadership Internships. These
grants have enabled students to experience cross-cultural
opportunities – opportunities that will now be part of every
students Asbury College experience. What a heritage!
And, just recently, I visited with Dr. Cornelius (C.R.)
Hager. He is a man who exemplifies the attributes of
servant-leadership. Dr. Hager stood in the gap as president
three different times. His leadership was pivotal in preparing
the College for it’s next permanent leader. This is a position
I appreciate even more as the board of trustees continues to
seek the right candidate to lead Asbury College for the next
10 to 20 years.
There are so many opportunities and wonderful programs
that set this institution apart.
We are expanding programs and revising our core
curriculum. We are defining our distinctives in order to
best market the institution. We are canvassing the campus
for capital improvements. All the while, we will continue
to emphasize our Wesleyan-Holiness tradition, as a
fundamental Christian education is more important
than ever.
To do this, we need your help. Your support is integral to the
success of Asbury College, a place where lives are changed
and have been for more than 100 years. Thank you for your
financial support and your prayers. Please consider how you
can make this vitally important experience a reality for this
generation of students.
In faith,
William C. Crothers
This institution has a great history of faithfulness and
service. There is much yet to do.
t is well known that a key word that appears
frequently throughout Hebrews like a constant
drumbeat is the word “better.” In the NIV it
appears eleven times (6:9; 7:19; 7:22; 8:6; 9:23;
10:34; 11:4; 11:16; 11:35; 11:40; 12:24). In the
KJV, in addition to these eleven times, it is present three
more times (1:4; 7:7; and a second time in 8:6). This
article will focus on its appearance in 11:40—“God had
planned something better for us….”
“Better” appears frequently enough in the Gospels, but
usually in comparative phrases like “A is better than B,” a
use that is common in the Old Testament books of Proverbs
and Ecclesiastes. What is almost unique to Hebrews is
the use of “better” as an adjective before a noun (“better
things” [6:9]; “a better hope” [7:19]; “a better covenant”
[7:22]; “better promises” [8:6]; “better sacrifices” [9:23, and
see 11:4]; better…possessions” [10:34]; “a better country”
[11:16]; “a better resurrection [11:35]; “a better word”
The last two verses of Hebrews 11, on which we are
focusing, state; “These [all the individuals mentioned in
vv.3-38] were all commended for their faith, yet none of
them received what had been promised. God had planned
something better for us so that only together with us would
they be made perfect” (11:39-40, NIV).
This conclusion comes at the end of a list of entries into the
“Hall of Faith” from over almost the whole Old Testament,
and possibly beyond into the intertestamental period. There
are actually two lists, those named individuals in vv.3-34
(“Abel…the prophets”), and the second group, unnamed
and simply identified as “others” (vv.35b-38). The first
list emphasizes what these faithful persons were able to
accomplish. The second list emphasizes the mighty price
these “other” faithful paid because they were faithful (e.g.,
“tortured…faced jeers and flogging…chained…stoned…
sawed in two”). Both groups are applauded for their faith
(v.39a, “these were all commended for their faith,”) i.e.,
both those did mighty things for God and those who had
horrific, unmentionable things done to them.
If one were to speculate on what an Asbury College
version of Hebrews 11 would look like, it would take a
shape like this: “By faith John Wesley Hughes…by faith
Henry Clay Morrison…by faith Z.T. faith
Y.D. Westerfield…by faith Dennis Kinlaw…by faith Joe
Thacker… by faith Cecil Hamann…by faith Paul Ray…by
faith Cecil Zweifel…” and so forth.
them received what had been promised,” v.39b) is not due to
In fact, Asbury College’s “Hall of Faith” might differ in
one important way from Hebrews 11’s. It would include
more women: “By faith Bettie Morrison…by faith Roberta
Corbitt…by faith Mildred Pike…by faith Irene Howell…by
faith Yvonne Moulton…” and so forth. By contrast, the list
in Hebrews 11 includes only one woman (Rahab, v.31), two
(Sarah), if the NIV’s footnote to v.11 is placed in the body
of the text (as I think it should be) rather than confined to a
bottom-of-the page footnote as an alternate reading.
To return to the Hebrews 11 passage, let us now pay
close attention to what it is saying. First of all, note the
contrast between the “these” of v.39 (i.e., all the referenced
individuals in the previous verses, and long since deceased,
both the named and the anonymous), and the “us” of v.40
(i.e., the writer of this epistle, his immediate audience,
and by implication, all of us). This contrast will force us to
reflect on the significance of the relationship of the “these”
of v.39 to the “us” of v.40, on the relationship of the past to
the present (and the future).
The writer of Hebrews 11 never criticizes in vv.338 anybody’s faith as flawed. On the contrary, each
representative is presented as a model of faith. Hebrews 11:6
does not say “it is impossible to please God” (although some
readers of this article may have been exposed, regrettably, at
some point in their life to a caricature of God as implacable).
What Hebrews 11:6 does say is that “without faith it is
impossible to please God.” Note all these individuals in
Hebrews 11 did please God! Accordingly, any failure to
attain the promised benefaction from God (“… yet none of
any fault or deficiency on their part, but is due rather to the
plan of God (“God had planned something better for us….”
F. F. Bruce, a leading New Testament scholar from the last
half of the twentieth century, penned these perceptive words
about these faithful who persevered, but did not receive
what God had promised: “All in verses 1-38 lived and died
in prospect of a fulfillment which none of them experienced
on earth, yet so real was that fulfillment to them that it
gave them power to press upstream, against the current of
the environment, and to live on earth as citizens of that
commonwealth whose foundations are firmly laid in the
unseen and eternal order” (Epistle to the Hebrews. NICNT.
Revised edition, 1990:330). With certain modifications
one could apply those sentiments to many who were our
forebears at Asbury. Think, for example, of those who built
on our campus in the 1920’s a chapel to seat 1,300, with
a student body of around 300. They “lived and died in
prospect of a fulfillment which none of them experienced,”
i.e., a 1,200-1,300 student body packing out Hughes.
The “something better” God has planned for us in v.40 is,
I would argue, the life and presence of God made available
to all through the faithful life and death of Jesus, his
triumphant resurrection and his high-priestly ministry.
If this reading of “something better” is on target, then I
would propose that the audience to whom the writer of
Hebrews wrote would not at all be surprised by the claim
of v.39 that none of these faithful, but pre-Christ, persons
experienced that reality. How
could they have? What
would surprise his readers is
the claim at the end of v.40
that “only together with us
(i.e., we who stand this side
of Calvary) would they (i.e.,
those who stand on the far
side of Calvary) be made
But that is not the point of v.40. The point of v.40 is that
they need us—“…so that only together with us would they
be made perfect,” or “apart from us they cannot be made
perfect.” These forerunners of faith must wait for the rest
of us so that all of us can cross the “finish line” together. To
quote a verse from a not particularly well know hymn of
Charles Wesley (“Come, Let Us Join Our Friends Above”),
“E’en now by faith we join our hands/With those who went
before,/And greet the blood-redeemed bands/On the
eternal shore.”
What might that mean,
and why is it a surprising
statement? There is no doubt
that the original audience
to which Hebrews speaks
would affirm that they needed
the witness of these earlier paragons of faith as a source of
inspiration to their own faith pilgrimage. Even today, which
of us is not stimulated to a deeper, more robust faith by a
sermon or a Bible study or a quiet reflection on “the faith of
Noah,” or “the faith of Abraham,” or “the faith of Moses,”
or “the faith of Joseph”? Here is a God-honoring witness to a
life of faith lived out in a world of spiritual depravity. These
individuals are our heroes and heroines. We live by their
example. We need them!
Let us give an Asbury College
version of that. We who are
newer to the Asbury scene
revel in the stories of faith our
earlier collegiate fathers and
mothers have bequeathed to
us. Their stories of how they
trusted God so unstintingly,
especially in very challenging
times, is inspiring and
challenging. They are among
our spiritual heroes and
heroines. We need them and
we need their example.
But here is the beauty of our Hebrews text. Not only do
we need Hughes, Morrison, Johnson, Kinlaw, Gyertson and
Rader, but Hughes, Morrison, Johnson, Kinlaw, Gyertson
and Rader need us! They need you and me. They need us
to complete the vision God birthed in their souls about a
Christian liberal arts college in the Wesleyan tradition in the
heart of central Kentucky, a college that would impact the
world for the Kingdom.
There is some commercial on TV whose punch line is,
“it doesn’t get any better than this.” One wonders in their
walk with God if an Abraham or a Moses or a David did not
think that. One wonders if during the revivals of the 1900’s1970’s that a Morrison or Kinlaw did not say, “it doesn’t get
any better than this.” But then
along comes our text, “God
had/s planned something
better for us.” That “better” is
not meant to overshadow or
eclipse, or render insignificant
those good things God did
in an earlier era. We are, to
employ an overused phrase,
dwarfs on the shoulders of
giants. Their shadow has
swept over us, as did Peter’s on
the sick in Acts 5:15, and we
are forever changed.
of the race. Runners one and two need runners three and
four, and vice versa.
In my judgment Asbury College is at a place where our first
and second runners have passed the baton to us. For all the
good and incredible things
God has been pleased to do
for us in the past, could it be
that Asbury College is on
the verge of even “something
better” that God has for us?
These are, it seems to me,
our choices—a dropped
baton, or “something better.”
We accept the responsibility
and privilege for receiving
the baton that others have
passed to us. Then God will
show us “the something
better” He has planned for
Asbury College.
Our predecessors need us in
the same way that the first two
runners in a 4 x 100 meter
relay race need the last two
runners. Even if the first two
runners each run their best
times and have a perfect baton
passing between them, the
race goes for naught, regardless
of its perfect start and pass, if in passing the baton to the
fourth and final runner someone drops the baton.
A splendidly run half of a race does not count. The first two
runners will not be able to glory in their times on their leg
s you review this issue of the Ambassador, you will
rejoice with us at God’s faithfulness and will discover
that these pages are really about people. People who
are bound together in a special way in Christ and in dedication
to His work at this school we love. Thousands of Asbury
College alumni, parents and friends form a global network of
prayer and financial support.
We want the life of the campus community to be truly
transformative and our campus facilities to be worthy of
the vision that inspires us. You are partners with us in this
magnificent mission. We are grateful.
The Honor Roll of Donors that follows is a profile of those
who, through their gifts, make the Asbury College experience
available to a new generation of students. Their names appear
as a heartfelt expression of gratitude and in recognition of their
commitment to excellence in Christian liberal arts education
in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. To those whose names are
listed, and to those who have given of themselves in prayer and
service, Asbury College offers its deepest appreciation.
To God be the glory for His faithful provision for
Asbury College.
R. Gregory Swanson, JD ’78
Vice President of Institutional Advancement
Annual membership at each giving society level is based on cumulative
giving to Asbury College between July 1, 2005 and June 30, 2006.
= GOLD . . . . . . . . . $10,000 AND ABOVE
= SILVER . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 TO $9,999
= BRONZE . . . . . . . . . $2,500 TO $4,999
PATRON . . . . . . . . . $1,000 TO $2,499
FOUNDER’S SOCIETY . . . . . . . . $500 to $999
CIRCUIT RIDER SOCIETY . . . . . . $100 to $249
SUPPORTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 to $99
Those who made a gift to Asbury College during the 2005-2006 fiscal year and have passed away are indicated
with a by their name.
ALUMNI DONORS, 2005-2006
he following alumni made gifts to Asbury College
for annual operating and/or restricted purposed between
July 1, 2005, and June 30, 2006.
Class of 1927
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Mildred Westerfield Graham
Class of 1928
Dr. Arthur W. Brewington
Mrs. Elsie Gustafson Gustafson
Class of 1929
President’s Society
Dr. Lucille Strouse Oliver
Miss Irene Breland
Class of 1930
President’s Society
Mrs. Dorothy Akers Barton
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Amos L. Laine
Class of 1932
President’s Society
Mrs. Donna Robinson Hill
Bishop Mack B. Stokes
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Mildred C. Scott
Mr. Clare Hall
Dr. George S. Lightner
Mrs. Martha Barnett Linder
Class of 1933
President’s Society
Rev. A. Summers Clark
Mrs. Anne Sikes Clark
Lt. Col. H. W. Webster
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Margaret White Stockinger
Dr. John Lem Stokes, II
Class of 1931
Mrs. Helen Winslow Larabee
Mrs. Beatrice Dennis Plyler
Class of 1935
President’s Society
Mrs. Doris Cole Blitch
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Kathryn Westerfield Hart
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Nellie Naylor Masser
Mr. Ray K. Masser
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Julius L. Brasher
Mrs. Reva Aylor Harris
Mrs. Sarah Franklin Thompson
President’s Society
Mrs. Mardelle Amstutz Stanger
Founder’s Society
Rev. Harold Millard
Mrs. Evelyn Downing Nachtrieb
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Louisa Ammerman
Dr. D. Powell Royster
Mr. Hugh A. Barnett
Mr. Homer Longenecker
Class of 1936
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Frona Davis
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Alda Beaman Stokes
Rev. Gerald Carner
Class of 1934
Circuit Rider Society
Dr. Cornelius R. Hager
Mrs. Esther Clark VanScyoc
Mrs. Sara Vance Carner
Mrs. Mary Carter Larson
President’s Society
Mr. Harry Edwin Tourtellott
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Ruby Lightle Blake
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Elizabeth Fain Sergent
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Sue Bailey Green
Dr. T. Olsen Harrison
Rev. Wilbur B. Meiser
Rev. George W. Wilcher
Mrs. Verla Ruth Goff
Dr. Clarence J. Simpson
Class of 1937
President’s Society
Mrs. Clara Wheeler Evans
Dr. Edgar Nelson
Founder’s Society
Dr. Garold W. Thumm
Class of 1938
President’s Society
Miss Iona E. Cole
Dr. James A. McCleary
Founder’s Society
Ms. Mary Harkness Birge
Mrs. Leda Yarnell Smith
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Nina Stanton Gant
Mrs. Gladys Moore Keith
Mrs. Hettie Frost Shingledecker
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Esther W. Beall
Mrs. Patsy Craig Emerick
Rev. Samuel Emerick
Mr. Edward Franklin Salmons
Mrs. Betty Gaye Smith
Mrs. Alice Coffin Sprague
Mrs. Ruth Behnke Amstutz
Mrs. Mary Thompson Boyd
Rev. Joseph L. Crouse
Mrs. Magdalene Takaro Law
Class of 1939
President’s Society
Rev. George W. Connard
Mrs. Gordanelle Carnes Pryor
Mrs. Marian Koontz Romich
Mr. Willard Rustin
Founder’s Society
Rev. Reginald O. Edenfield
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Sarah Butts Crouse
Circuit Rider Society
Bishop Wayne Clymer
Rev. Paul Coleman
U.S. News top rankings
For the 14th year in a row, the College has
received top rankings by U.S. News & World
Report. The 2006-07 edition of America’s
Best Colleges places the College third in
comprehensive colleges in the South. The
College stood out in this year’s rankings by
placing third in the area of our graduation
rate. Asbury College’s traditionally strong
emphasis on community and freshman
retention contributes to this strength, as
does a focused, intensive program to help new
students adjust to college life.
Lilly Foundation grant continues
n May, the College received a $500,000 continuation grant
from the Lilly Foundation for the Transformations Project, a
comprehensive program designed to infuse the campus with
the Christian concept of vocation. That Lilly grant enabled Linda
Stratford, associate professor of art and Lilly Scholar, to help curate
“A Romance with Landscape: Realism to Impressionism” at the University
of Kentucky Art Museum.
Mrs. Celia Dunning Denues
Dr. J. Harold Greenlee
Dr. John Z. Martin
Mrs. Catherine Crossno Tucker
Mrs. Sammye Smith Vore
Miss Elizabeth Wiley
Rev. Mahlon Amstutz
Rev. Howard W. Buckley
Miss Emily V. Evans
Rev. Reeves C. Havens, Jr.
Mrs. Eleanor Shearer Hull
Mrs. Genevieve Steele Unger
Class of 1940
President’s Society
Miss Easter L. King
Mrs. Marian Barber Nelson
Founder’s Society
Mr. Charles E. Crouse
Rev. Orman P. Sloat
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Evelyn Whitney Adams
Dr. John L. Adams
Ms. Marjorie Stotlar Bevan
Mrs. Evelyn Sutherland Hughes
Rev. Gerald Niswender
Rev. David Sageser
Mrs. Ruth Childers Seamands
Mr. Albert A. Smither
Mrs. Martha Lester Smither
Mrs. Elizabeth Moe Snider
Dr. Lee R. VanSickle
Mrs. Alice Wilcher Crouse
Mrs. Alice Boyington Fisher
Dr. Wilfred Fisher
Mrs. Florence Weldon Hall
Mrs. Martha Cate Middendorf
Mrs. Lois Bailey Richardson
Mr. Maurice Schooler
Class of 1941
President’s Society
Dr. Evyn M. Adams
Mrs. Elizabeth Stanger Foster
Mrs. Sallie Miller Mann
Rev. Herbert Massey
Mrs. Elaine Amstutz Turner
Rev. Robert P. Turner
Mrs. Charlotte Loise Mott Yates
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Doris Steiner Bailey
Rev. Ralph R. Metheny
Rev. G. William Sims
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Helen Lauman Schaal
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. James H. Bailey
Mrs. Marijon Maddox Billado
Mrs. Anna Galloway Collins
Dr. Thomas A. Collins, Sr.
Mrs. Marian Eakin Dugan
Mrs. Rosemary Smith Sageser
Mrs. Nellie Cook VanSickle
Mrs. Claudia June Varner Havens
Mrs. Faye Hall Mangham
Mrs. Yvonne Cowsert McGehee
Mrs. Margaret Martin Moore
Mrs. Agnes Johnstone Palm
Mrs. Margaret A. Raun
Rev. David W. Yoost
Class of 1942
President’s Society
Mrs. George E. Luce
Dr. Leonard W. Mann
Dr. David A. Seamands
Mrs. Helen Davis Seamands
Founder’s Society
Dr. Donald L. Graves
Mrs. Sarah Holbrook Sloat
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Louise Niles Doyle-Rich
Mr. Daniel A. Long
Dr. John Dwight Nysewander
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Genevieve Goldsmith Ambrose
Dr. Willard M. Fitch
Mr. Wanless M. Goodson
Mrs. Rosemary Rentschler Hill
Dr. Nelson M. Hoffman, Jr.
Mr. R. Glenn Moon
Mrs. Cleo Mixon Morgan
Rev. William M. Pope
Mrs. Dorothy Alverson VanSteenburg
Mrs. Marie Schnake Webb
Miss Marian I. Dieck
Mrs. Gertrude Tresslar Fromm
Rev. Bradley Havens
Mrs. Geraldine Bowen Havens
Mr. Robert A. Reynolds
Class of 1943
President’s Society
Dr. William C. Kiessel
Dr. Quinton J. Peele, Jr.
Mr. Arthur R. Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Helen King Smith
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Jean Greenlee Hutchens
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Rubye Franklin Clayton
Dr. James William Keith
Dr. Joseph A. Scharer
Dr. James A. Shepherd
Rev. Harry Weddle Snyder
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Lillie M. Ammerman
Mrs. Mildred Hilliard Boyd
Mrs. Margaret Bedortha Goodson
Mrs. Florence Hall Haines
Dr. Donald Irwin
Dr. Clark Russell Kerr
Mrs. Olive Johnson McLendon
Mrs. Emilee Boone Murphree
Rev. Raymond E. Noah
Mrs. Mildred Wilcher Price
Dr. Sammy M. Stabler
Mrs. Charlene Dieck Bentley
Dr. Loren K. Davidson
Mr. Charles B. Lane
Mrs. Margaret Nofcier Lewis
Mrs. Marjorie Crampton Lewis
Rev. C. Albert Nunery
Class of 1944
President’s Society
Ms. Frances E. Abbott
Mrs. Virginia Foard Massey
Mr. Charles V. Runyon
Mrs. Ada Edwards Sweat
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Mary Halsel Cunningham Jones
Mrs. Margaret DeVore Metheny
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. Allen J. Bowman
Rev. C. Winfield Hall
Mrs. Marjorie Williamson Hall
Mrs. Helen Rhudy Scharer
Circuit Rider Society
Dr. Charles L. Boss
Mrs. Elizabeth Reynolds Buyers
Rev. Durlan K. Dumm
Mrs. Lura Crary Griswold
Mrs. Betty Soto Gutierrez
Mrs. Marguerite Coltharp Hall
Dr. Kenneth Harper
Mrs. Betty Atkins Harris
Mrs. Blanche Schwinabart Holifield
Mrs. Frieda Koehler Hozey
Dr. Thomas Jack Key
Ms. Virginia Stevens Martin
Mrs. Harriet Riggs McGinnis
Rev. Donald C. Porteous, Sr.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lein Porteous
Dr. Richard Steinhauser
Mrs. Doris O’Dell Wilcher
Mrs. Lucy Clark Anderson
Mrs. Marcella Simpson Bateman
Mrs. Phyllis Chapman DeGraw
Rev. Frank E. Jenkins
Rev. Dale McClain
Mr. W. Harwood Overmyer
Mrs. Theda Botts Pagan
Mrs. Barbara Nuffer Rackliffe
Mr. Dennis M. Scarborough
Mrs. Evelyn Nofcier Triplett
Class of 1945
President’s Society
Commr. Andrew S. Miller
Mrs. Adrienne Andrews Peele
Dr. William Roughton
Mrs. Arlene Shackelford Wilson
Founder’s Society
Dr. William R. Key
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Miss Blanche E. Garrison
Circuit Rider Society
Dr. Paul F. Abel
Mrs. Wilmetta Turkington Abel
Miss Ruth E. Beall
Rev. Glenn A. Brunstetter
Dr. Joseph M. Davis
Mrs. Kathleen Bear Demaray
Mrs. Ruth Trobaugh Eddins
Rev. Paul Haines
Rev. Comer Y. Ingram
Dr. Fred McGinnis
Mrs. Genevieve Yoder Pope
Rev. Charles W. Reeve
Mrs. Virginia Gardner Shannon
Mr. William Underdown
Dr. Charles F. Wilcher, Jr.
Mr. Frederick P. Wiley
Mrs. Louise Peithman Barrett
Rev. Vernon A. Brown
Mrs. Jane Curry Colaw
Dr. Wayne A. Culp
Mrs. Carolyn Campbell Estes
Mr. Henry J. Hughes, Jr.
Miss Mary Kuth
Mrs. Pauline French McClain
Mrs. Ida Lee Reeder Mitchell
Rev. Ivan A. Stephens
Mrs. Marie Moore Stephens
Class of 1946
President’s Society
Mr. Clifford E. Abbott
Mrs. Geraldine Frasher Abbott
Rev. Floyd F. Fought
Mrs. Doris Stubblefield King
Founder’s Society
Dr. Phyllis Davidson Corbitt
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Martina Cummings Bowman
Mrs. Doris Radovich Davis
Mrs. Laurie Freeney Dillard
Mr. Hugh B. Howard
Rev. Hughey L. Jones
Mrs. Lovell Mae Brasel Kesner
Mrs. Mary Gamble Nysewander
Mrs. Marjorie Lockard Snyder
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Maxine Taylor Andreas
Rev. Jean Cale Arthur
Mrs. Mary Dean Brunstetter
Rev. A. Eugene Clark
Mrs. Doyne Froderman Clark
Mrs. Alice Sutherland Dumm
Mrs. Lillian Beckwith Irwin
Mrs. Mary Miyabe Kajiwara
Rev. Lester B. Laur
Mrs. Margie Miller Lewis
Mrs. Martha Williamson Moe
Mrs. Alice Southern Parsons
Dr. J. Moody Presley
Mrs. Merle Dunlap Schwitzgable
Mrs. Patricia Carte Shinn
Mrs. Earline McCullough Williams
Mrs. Beth Lumbert Barcelo
Miss Vergie Bowlby
Mrs. Ellen Haas Brantingham
Mrs. Mary Alice Russell Butler
Miss Blanche K. Dawson
Mrs. Ruth Diehl Gordon
Mrs. Doris Metz Levsen
Mr. Jack V. McCullough
Mrs. Elaine Wehrli Ostrander
Mr. Mardoqueo Picazo
Mrs. Rachael Overstreet Picazo
Mrs. Mildred Stuart Reed
Mrs. Alice Wallace Rosine
Mrs. Bette-Lea Driskell Shafer
Mrs. Veral M. Sharp
Rev. Boyd Skinner
Mrs. Cora Harding Spann
Mrs. Jean Query Vorm
Class of 1947
Dr. John L. Ewing
Mrs. Marjorie Mendenhall Hoffman
Mrs. Wilda Hart Ingram
Mrs. Jean James Loy
Mrs. Ruth Bergert Messerschmidt
Mrs. June Ward Patrick
Dr. Joseph W. Pridgen
Mrs. Mildred England Reeve
Mrs. Ruth Smith Small
Mrs. Helen Jones Turk
Miss Betty Walters
Mrs. Ruth Stilz Whitmore
Mrs. Verna Simmerman Amstutz
Mrs. Patsy Smith Arnold
Mrs. Betty Boone Buice
Mrs. Margaret Fogg Clayton
Rev. Joseph Dizon
Mrs. Lila Clausen Dizon
Mrs. Alene White Gilmore
Mrs. Rogene Anchors Hasty
Mrs. Joy Woods Iddings
Rev. Charles Manker
Mrs. Betty Postel Matthews
Mrs. Marylou Griffis Mihalacki
Mrs. Ruth Long Putney
Rev. Carl Yoshimine
Class of 1948
President’s Society
Rev. J. David Aycock, Sr.
Dr. D. John Brose
Mrs. Corinne Calder Dale
Mrs. Frances Miller Ditto
Mrs. Kathleen Crenshaw Edwards
Dr. W. Russell Edwards, Jr.
Mrs. Jean Kinzler Englerth
Mrs. Bette Irwin Kelly
Chap. Clarence E. LeMasters
Mrs. Vera Allison LeMasters
Mrs. Martha Evans Sparks
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Emogene McElven McClary
Mrs. June Harper Young
Dr. M. James Young
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. Jack P. Aebersold
Mrs. Winona Lewis Baker
Mrs. Patricia Edwards Hinerman
Mrs. Ethel Hartzler Landau
Mrs. Jean Holt Moore
Dr. Harold D. Murphy
Mrs. Beverly Harmon Stevens
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Josie Platt Aughinbaugh
Dr. W. Leslie Chapman
Mrs. Jane Hoffman Ewing
Mrs. Hilda Rou Fall
Mrs. Roberta Blakeman Fishbeck
Mrs. Betty Jane Kuhns Haering
Rev. Emil Edward Haering
Dr. Almeda Jane Sayger Harner
Mrs. Shirley Stewart Hastings
Rev. Theodore Hastings
Chap. Richard Heath
Miss Lois Marie Henry
Mr. Clayton A. Ireson, Jr.
Mrs. Wilma Carnes Jenkins
Mrs. Ruthanne Shockley Key
Rev. Raymond E. Lanham
Mrs. Camille Arnold Lautzenheiser
Rev. Joseph Locke, Sr.
Rev. Dean M. McCoy
Mrs. Madalyn McAdams Monroe
Dr. Robert B. Mussman
Mrs. Roselyn Craig Pridgen
Mrs. Josephine Wampler Thomas
Rev. Daniel A. Bengston
Mrs. Verna Scrabeck Carter
Rev. Dorothy Cobb Culp
Revenues, 2005-2006
President’s Society
Mrs. Marjorie Hutchens Garnaat
Mrs. Ollie Jones Lamb
Mrs. Virginia Peele Pippin
Mrs. Lounette McCoullough Roughton
Founder’s Society
Dr. Mildred Stratton Chapman
Mrs. Mildred Sites Key
Mrs. Agnes Chambers Parker
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Lois Williamson Aebersold
Dr. William D. Davis
Mrs. Virginia Poer Jones
Mrs. Frances Simpson Stampfle-Snyder
Mrs. Ruth Stimmel Thompson
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Kathryn Adams Boss
Mrs. Loislee Kemper Brandyberry
Miss Marjorie DeHoff
Mrs. Anna Armstrong Evers
Mrs. Anna Finley Godden
Mrs. Thelma Hardesty Goodpasture
Rev. Frederick Ketner
Mrs. Vera Stair Klatt
Miss Anna B. Lane
Rev. James McKinney
Rev. Norman D. Newman
Mrs. Kathleen Lenore Taylor Padgett
Mrs. Elizabeth Bray Pyles
Rev. Vincent Arnell Rutherford
Rev. Claude O. Tucker
Mrs. Elizabeth Callis Ury
Class of 1949
President’s Society
Mr. Joseph L. Daws
Dr. Thomas W. Ditto
Mrs. Joan Volkers Evans
Mrs. Maureen Morgan Marchant
Mrs. Yvonne Roughton Rustin
Dr. Myron R. Smith
Mrs. Grace Shaw Stock
Mrs. Mary King Turkington
Dr. John E. Woods
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Mary Underwood Becker
Rev. Herman O. Boyette
Mrs. Dorothy Phillippi Campbell
Capt. Betty Doughty
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. Everett H. Aldstadt
Mrs. Ilene Muzzy Fish
Rev. W. Roy Gamblin
Rev. Walter A. Quigg
Rev. S. Harry Russell
Mrs. Naomi Kramer Trostel
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. John W. Armbrust
Rev. Wayne R. Aughinbaugh
Mrs. Bertha Key Bagwell
Rev. John M. Bagwell
Dr. Abraham Brandyberry
Mrs. Kathleen Presley Bumpus
Rev. Claude T. Corbett
Mrs. Zella Corbett Corbett
Mrs. Nancy Hanson Davenport
Mrs. Mary Overmeyer Davis
Mrs. Zena Prettyman Dixon
Rev. John E. Dunham
Mrs. Catherine Greenlee Feather
Dr. B. Willis Gierhart
Mrs. Dorothy Cornett Gierhart
Mrs. Jo Bowling Gravely
Mrs. Donna Lowe Hentschel
Dr. Doris Elaine Hess
Dr. W. Robert Hess
Mrs. Dorothy Lowe Hochstetler
Rev. Gerhard T. Johnson
Mrs. Virginia Wehr Johnson
Rev. Richard J. Keim, Sr.
Mrs. Gladys Bollinger Lawrence
Mrs. June Smith Macadam
Rev. Duane A. Meier
Mr. Wayne A. Monroe, Jr.
Mrs. Marie Owens Mosher
Mrs. Mary Showalter Muffly
Mrs. Dorothy Criswell Nelson
Dr. Paul T. Pullen
Mrs. Mary Nulton Schroder
Dr. Orin M. Simmerman, Jr.
Mrs. Phyllis Fuller Stanley
Mr. Jack R. Stowell
Miss Lila F. Vaughn
Rev. Robert E. Williams
Rev. Louis A. Youngs
Rev. Loren E. Anderson
Mrs. Betty Weber Bailey
Rev. George E. Bailey
Mrs. Ruth Gohl Beatty
Dr. David H. Becker
Dr. Robert J. Beyer
Miss Margaret E. Boss
Mrs. Jennie Propert Braun
Mrs. Barbara Dean Crooks
Rev. Tom O. Crosby, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Clark Dalton
Mrs. Verona Strother Enoch
Mrs. Rachel Osbun Funk
Rev. Marion Goodpasture
Mrs. Gloria Sherwood Hahn
Mrs. Lila Walden Hathaway
Mrs. Mary Littlejohn Hogan
Rev. Earnest W. Hummer
Rev. John D. Kavich
Mrs. Lois Blake Leidig
Mrs. Margaret Todd McNally
Rev. Raymond L. Merck
Mrs. Nancy Reilein Nielsen
Mrs. Emma Anderson Osborn
Mrs. Carol Warner Rector
Mr. Joseph B. Ruggles
Mrs. Nathalie Wright Ruggles
Mrs. Mattie Solomonson Sellers
Mrs. Leota Bowers Smith
Mr. Charles H. Williams
Class of 1950
President’s Society
Mrs. Neva Bramlet Adams
Mrs. Eloise Gates Kirkland
Dr. Jiles E. Kirkland
Adm. Glen W. Lenox
Mr. Joseph P. Luce
Dr. Winston B. Smith
Dr. Charles G. Turkington
Mrs. Janet Lewis Woods
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Bernice Ripley Bode
Rev. Robbins E. Dorsey
Rev. A. Gene Parks
Mrs. Kathleen Hendricks Parks
Mr. Dan R. Robison
Rev. Theron H. Smith
Mrs. Joyce Miranda Thompson
Mrs. Mabel Dorrell White
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Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Barbara Chilton Causey
Mr. George A. Curry
Mrs. Leona Poole Quigg
Mrs. Delores Perry Rhodes
Mrs. Rhoda Kildow Shull
Mrs. Naomi Case Sigler
Mrs. Mildred Barritt Warren
Rev. Albert F. Whelchel
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. E. Duane Aelick
Rev. G. Fletcher Anderson
Rev. Richard D. Armstrong
Mrs. Anna Deck Barr
Rev. Ralph L. Barrett
Rev. Robert L. Christopherson
Mrs. Betty Bevington Clark
Mrs. Donna Brasher Cookson
Mrs. Dorothy Criswell Crutchfield
Rev. Albert A. Fall
Rev. Royal B. Fishbeck, Jr.
Rev. Loren W. Gould
Mr. Donald W. Gray
Rev. Robert Hahn
Miss Norma J. Haub
Dr. Ralph Hendricks
Mrs. Esther Garner Hess
Rev. Douglas W. Jeffrey
Mr. Marvin L. Johns
Mrs. Betty Bumgardner Keibler
Mr. Clifford E. King
Rev. Francis Kinzler
Mrs. Coralie Burns Lee
Dr. Glen R. Linnert
Mrs. Louise Dempsey Longbotham
Mrs. Esther Davidson Martz
Mrs. Jean Lancaster McKenzie
Miss Elizabeth McMillen
Dr. Dwight L. Mikkelson
Rev. Claude N. Mosher
Mrs. Mary Sutton Odom
Rev. Hubert Patrick
Rev. Isaac A. Patton, Jr.
Mr. Robert Piety
Mrs. Ruby Vahey Piety
Rev. Albert Savage, Jr.
Mrs. Betty Shanebeck Sprunger
Rev. Luther R. Stokes
Rev. Paul Stoneking
Mrs. Ann Barnett Thomas
Mrs. Joy Vernon Waybright
Mr. R. Dale Waybright
Mr. Blanchard Ezra Amstutz
Mrs. Helen Johnson Anderson
Mrs. Arletta Pack Barker
Mrs. Marion Stetser Bovill
Mr. Paul O. Bruce
Mrs. Peggie Rose Chandley
Rev. Gale W. Cook
Mrs. Barbara Stewart Floyd
Mrs. Elizabeth Haas Goodrich
Mrs. Gertrude Baumbach Griffith
Rev. Raymond J. Hahn
Rev. Lee R. Jamison
Mrs. Mary Cloer Jonaitis
Mrs. Joyce McPherson Kavich
Rev. Wesley Kersh
Dr. Emil D. McAdams
Mr. Richard McNally
Mrs. Betty Martin Means
Mrs. Lois Wiant Pittman
Rev. Henry M. Pollock
Mrs. Jean Stadler Pollock
Mrs. Ruth Wehrman Purviance
Mrs. Charlotte Buckler Sinkhorn
Miss Lorena Ruth Snodgrass
Mrs. Janet Frost Sprunger
Mrs. Joan Jones Staton
Mrs. Deborah Walker Trowbridge
Rev. Willard L. Watson
Mrs. Kathryn Miranda Whitney
Mrs. Muriel Baldwin Williams
Mrs. Wanda Youngs Winn
Class of 1951
President’s Society
Mrs. Pauline Odell Aycock
Rev. Robert T. Casey
Mrs. Dorothy Gee Crowe
Rev. Karl L. Crowe
Mr. H. Joe Davis
Mrs. Cecelia Maker Hankins
Dr. Harold W. Hankins
Mrs. Helen Skeen Hill
Dr. Lois Newman Kushner
Dr. Maridee Lee
Knipmeyer Nasralla
Rev. Wayne Patton
Dr. Charles T. Pinkston
Mrs. Frances Finley Pinkston
Mr. Floyd H. Powell, Jr.
Dr. Carl B. Spivey
Perry Tanksley
Ms. Evelyn Thurman
Ms. Dorothy J. Williamson
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Elia Lilley Dorsey
Rev. Benjamin T. Edwards
Dr. Calvin B. Johnson
Mrs. Marvel Oswalt Johnson
Mr. Jesse King
Mrs. Sally Zeigler Lefler
Dr. Donald E. Potts
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Mary Cornatzer Berridge
Mrs. Pauline Fall Boss
Mrs. Marietta Emmons Coleman
Dr. E. Eugene Frazer
Mrs. Mary Kiefhaber Frazer
Mrs. Ann Dunaway Gamblin
Mrs. Polly Thompson Gavin
Rev. Lawrence W. George
Miss Kathleen B. High
Dr. Donald E. Howard
Mrs. Gladys Minter Kraus
Rev. Shirley E. Morgan
Mrs. Helen Bennett Murray
Mrs. Dolores Dawson Nichols
Rev. Hugh E. Nichols
Ms. Jean King Nocon
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Jean Jeffers Armstrong
Miss Ellen Frances Atkinson
Mr. Arnold Baker
Dr. Eugene Barbour, Jr.
Rev. Richard T. Brunk
Mrs. Peggy Brown Butler
Mrs. Arlene Tice Clyde
Rev. Alonzo R. Davis
Mrs. Gloria Seale Durham
Mrs. Lena Young Ellinger
Rev. Larry E. Evans
Rev. Charles L. Finney
Dr. James R. Foulkes
Mrs. Lorane Brown Gould
Mrs. Virgilene Donaldson Higdon
Mrs. Ruth Kenrick Johns
Mrs. Margaret Gerner Jordan
Mrs. Velma Johnson Kinzler
Mrs. Emily Creswell Lancaster
Mrs. Doris Hinkle Long
Rev. James B. Long
Rev. James N. McConnell
Rev. Hugh McDonald
Mrs. Edna Entrican Morgan
Mrs. Elizabeth Mothershed
Mrs. Cleo DeHoff Simpson
Mrs. Betty Harrer Smith
Mrs. Carolyn Dorn Smith
Rev. Gordon E. Tatman
Rev. Merle D. Thomas
Rev. Kenneth E. Vetters
Mrs. Betty Rhorer Walters
Mr. Richard Wehrli
Mrs. Lillian Smith Wolffbrandt
Mrs. Alice Golden Zoller
Rev. Richard Lilburn Adkins
Mrs. Angie Thomas Baker
win Emmy
ix Asbury College media
communication students received a
student Emmy for their production
of the Zweifel Invitational Sports Broadcast.
Asbury College was one of only two student
groups recognized with a 2006 Ohio Valley
NATAS Student Production Award. This is
the College’s second student Emmy; the first was
awarded in 2003. May graduates Heather Born ’06
of Danville, Ky., Quincy Bert ’06 of Liberty, Ky.,
Kim Barnett ’06 of Shelbyville, Ky., and Jonathan
Greenhoe ’06 of Ada, Mich., and current students Matt
Hogencamp ’07 of Cape Coral, Fla., and Todd Zurin ’07
of Mount Joy, Pa., were recognized.
Rev. Robert W. Baldridge
Mrs. Nettie Lane Barnett
Mrs. Joyce Maddy Bason
Rev. James A. Campbell
Rev. Donald E. Colburn
Mrs. Helen Simmons Cusick
Mrs. Ruth Bivans Doliber
Rev. Howard P. Donahue
Mrs. Helen Thurston Eckstrom
Mrs. Dorothy Miranda Esckelson
Rev. Langdon H. Garrison
Mrs. Betty Fenn Greene
Rev. Floyd Irvin Hale
Mr. Maynard Herdrich
Mrs. Evelyn Webb Jamison
Mrs. Janet Nestlerode Koller
Mrs. Roberta Higgins Kunkle
Mrs. Annette Rupert Lindsay
Mrs. Wilma Pelfrey Maish
Mrs. Patricia Kauffman Martin
Mrs. Alice Collins McAdams
Dr. William H. Naumann
Mr. James Aaron Newton
Miss Virginia A. Ogles
Rev. William B. Thielking
Mrs. Gazelle Krentz Tucker
Rev. David W. Weinert
Mrs. Corile Waybright Wilhelm
Mrs. Bettye Screws Williams
Mrs. Patricia Martin Willyard
Class of 1952
President’s Society
Judge Thomas J. Dillon
Rev. Charles J. Dupree
Dr. Hugh M. Frazer
Mrs. Gweneth Geister Grout
Dr. Corinne Neubauer Hughbanks
Dr. W. Monroe Hughbanks
Dr. Ray Kelly
Dr. Russell L. May
Mr. John H. Pappas
Mrs. Miriam Davidson Read
Mrs. JoAnn Naylor Spivey
Mrs. Mary Joanne Veydt Sutlive
Mrs. Suzanne Mitchell Tanksley
Mrs. Gene Garrison Wood
Rev. Robert D. Wood
Mrs. Rosalie Chesnut Woodward
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Phyllis Taylor Alexander
Rev. Carl Coulliette
Mrs. Carolyn Pritchett Edwards
Mr. Clinton A. Lefler
Mr. Robert L. Leonard
Mrs. Betty Durham Smith
Mr. Edwin A. Temple
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Dr. William L. Brackman, Jr.
Mrs. Doris Sanders Conrad
Mrs. Judith Minter Johnston
Mrs. Carolyn McKeithen Looney
Rev. Norman McCoy
Miss Joyce E. Warner
Mrs. Eleanor Watkins Whitsett
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Patricia Dennis Barbour
Mrs. Darlene Moir Finney
Miss Kathleen Fugitt
Mr. W. Leland Graham
Rev. Edwin H. Grant, Jr.
Mrs. Mabel Burns Harris
Rev. Paul M. Higdon
Mrs. Betty Fisher Hughes
Rev. H. Raymond Hughes
Mrs. Beverly Hughbanks Hurley
Mrs. Gladys Little
Mr. Robert Mann
Mrs. Martha Seymour Marlowe
Rev. Leonard Martz
Dr. Carl M. McKenna
Mrs. Dorothy Chess Nichols
Rev. Theodore R. Ochs
Mrs. Roberta Bell Ogle
Student brings
baseball to Zambia
Senior Greg Steinsdoerfer started the first-ever baseball team
in Zambia while he completed his work for an Asbury Initiative
Grant. This story was covered by ESPN, which encouraged
teams and individuals to send equipment to this new baseball
team. Steinsdoerfer was recently featured on CBS in Chicago
as the Zambian team held their own World Series.
Mrs. Janet Jones Ross
Mrs. Juanita Bingham Rummans
Mrs. Evelyn Smith Secrist
Rev. Robert B. Secrist
Rev. Martin G. Seitz
Mrs. Virginia Rooks Stanfield
Mrs. Josephine Lambert Tatman
Mrs. Doris Neuroth Timmons
Mrs. Mary Davis Vetters
Dr. Richard L. Wright
Rev. J. Austin Boggan
Mrs. Elena Rubio Carrick
Mrs. Virginia Kays Chamberlin
Mr. Charles L. Herron
Mrs. Marilyn Loy Huffman
Mrs. Sue Townsend Mayo
Mrs. Elizabeth Gamble Mott
Dr. W. Marshall Ringsdorf, Jr.
Mrs. Ferne Colwell Rutherford
Dr. Ray Saruwatari
Mrs. Anne Patrick Snyder
Dr. Gene E. Stanley
Mrs. Ernestine Hall Taylor
Ms. Nora Harman Turner
Rev. Melva R. Webb
Mrs. Sarah Roughton Wilson
Mrs. Lila Kent Woodrow
Class of 1953
President’s Society
Mrs. Anna Jane Ripley Davis
Mr. H. Carroll Dorsey
Mrs. Rose Whitehead Dover
Dr. Richard Franklin Farmer
Mrs. Shirley Harlow Farmer
Mr. Henry C. James
Mrs. Mary Jim Fuller Luce
Dr. John W. Luttrull
Mrs. Nancy Stires Luttrull
Rev. Kathleen Register Redeker
Dr. Vinson Sutlive, Jr.
Mrs. Phyllis McRoberts West
Mrs. Elizabeth Pollok Young
Founder’s Society
Mr. John A. Alexander
Dr. Elizabeth Shipps Crouse
Rev. Clive H. Dickins
Rev. Donald J. Joiner
Mrs. Betty Parker Leonard
Dr. Rex Archie McConnell
Rev. Doyle E. Pavy
Mrs. Shirley Hull Pavy
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Margaret Williams Curtis
Dr. L. Mark George
Mrs. Patricia Spears Hunt
Miss Kathryn Huron
Mrs. Dorothy Habben Mainous
Rev. Edward Mainous
Dr. Seaborn S. McGarity, Jr.
Mrs. Marilyn Rissler Peel
Mrs. Christine Moore Peterson
Mrs. Mary McWilliams Whelchel
Circuit Rider Society
Dr. Harold Pat Albright
Mrs. Frances McElroy Brotherton
Mrs. Inez Gehrig Bundy
Rev. Robert F. Bundy
Mr. Wilbur D. Dillon
Mrs. Rose Herlong Ellis
Mr. J. Adrian Grout, Jr.
Mrs. Edythe Temple Housworth
Rev. Ben C. Johnson
Mrs. Freda Cochran Lane
Mrs. Martha Grant Likins
Rev. James H. Livingston
Mrs. Jean DeLay Livingston
Dr. Reuben Bunyan Marlowe
Rev. William W. Mayo
Rev. John Mendez
Rev. Oyer C. Morgan
Mrs. Marjorie Glick Schmeckebier
Mrs. Marilyn Akers Shirley
Mr. Booker C. Short, Jr.
Mrs. Norma Snider Wade
Mrs. Betty Dykes Woltz
Rev. Duane R. Zoller
Mrs. Darline Gentle Brady
Mrs. Jo Ann Blackwell Bridge
Mr. Richard J. Bridge
Rev. Richard H. Chamberlin
Mrs. Phyllis Murray Colvin
Rev. Roger O. Colvin
Mr. Gordon E. Doliber, Jr.
Mrs. Merwin Gaffner Donahue
Rev. James William Dupree
Mrs. Joan McDade Dyer
Rev. C. Franklin Grill
Mrs. Jean Story Gulley
Mrs. Velma Keelin Hall
Mrs. Ruth Kiefhaber Hartman
Mrs. Faith Otter Key
Rev. Joel Thomas Key
Rev. Richard Clay King
Rev. Charles D. Mitchell
Mrs. Ruth Pasco Pohlenz
Mrs. Laverne Cobb Speer
Miss Alma I. Stewart
Mrs. Mary Jo Fannin Stroud
Dr. William W. Tromble
Mrs. Berneice Rider Underwood
Rev. Edward A. Underwood
Mrs. Doris Waugh Wallace
Rev. Donald Wittbrodt
Rev. J. Wilbur Yates
Class of 1954
President’s Society
Dr. Dorothy M. Barbo
Mr. Gerald O. Chapman
Mrs. JoAnn McClure Dupree
Mrs. Elizabeth Carver Frazer
Dr. Robert W. Fry
Mrs. Jeanne Rader Gabrielsen
Mr. Benis Lutz
Mrs. Dorothy Lathrop May
Lt. Col. Damon Rader
Dr. Sewell Woodward, Jr.
Mr. George M. Young
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Sue Foster Dennis
Mrs. Janet Milner Higgins
Mrs. Janet Durham Watts
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Thelma Latta Aldstadt
Rev. Carter Berkeley
Mrs. Faye Williams Berkeley
Rev. Fay A. Botten
Rev. Keith E. Brown
Mrs. Avanelle Gravley Gaunce
Rev. John L. Hickman, Jr.
Dr. Fred D. Layman
Dr. G. Odell Miley
Mrs. Helen York Morgan
Mrs. Gladys Suthoff Parker
Rev. William E. Parker
Dr. Joseph C. Thomas
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Mary Miller Broome
Dr. Martin A. Case
Mrs. Phyllis Diehl Dinkins
Mrs. Joyce Ogg Foster
Dr. Paul A. Getty
Mrs. Mildred Doane Hanisch
Mrs. Virginia Garfield Hawks
Mr. William R. Hawks
Mr. Donald A. Jewell
Rev. Donald L. Lichtenfelt
Mrs. Maxine Poole Littreal
Rev. W. Maynard Miller
Mrs. Mary Abernathy Murray
Mrs. Carol Shahan Pearce
Mrs. Eliza Sellers Peverill
Rev. L. Vernon Peverill
Mrs. Clara Smith Pritchett
Rev. Charles A. Rader
Mrs. Virginia Gooding Rader
Mrs. Virginia Baker Reynolds
Rev. Alan M. Seaman
Dr. John M. Smith
Mrs. Ruth Ann Lee Thompson
Rev. John M. Thrasher, Jr.
Mrs. Evelyn Branstner Tingle
Mrs. Lola Hansen Ulbrich
Mrs. Betty Jackson Watkins
Mrs. Marilyn Gleaton Williams
Mr. John Winslow
Mr. Edward M. Barnett
Mrs. Romaine Borski Beidelman
Rev. Emory Brackman
Mrs. Margaret Elise Lock Brackman
Dr. Sterling L. Cauble
Mrs. Virginia Gilmore Durgin
Mrs. Vera Hughlett Fadely
Mrs. Gloria Donaldson Foster
Mrs. Blanche Linton Hall
Mrs. Joyce Pyle Herron
Miss Dorothy R. Hopkins
Mrs. Audra Cooper Kays
Miss Celia Knipmeyer
Mrs. Marian Orcutt Masters
Miss Eileen McGuire
Mrs. Marilyn Hudson Owens
Mr. Donald R. Rill
Mrs. Frances Arnold Ruble
Rev. John Sass, Jr.
Mrs. Lois Allison Shelton
Rev. Bernard J. Shropshire
Miss Carolyn Ann Stone
Mrs. Ruth Wright Williamson
Class of 1955
President’s Society
Mrs. Marilyn Thompson Casey
Mrs. Roberta Cannoy Daws
Mrs. Frances Chambers Dillon
Dr. Ted H. Gabrielsen
Mrs. Carolyn Reeder Kingsbury
Mrs. La Verna Saueressig Meyer
Mrs. Norma Hicks Patton
Mrs. Carroll Ferguson Rader
Mrs. Ruth Smiley Scandrett
Mrs. Shirley Smith Sims
Mrs. Mary Knox Spradling
Rev. Richard M. Sprague
Founder’s Society
Dr. James B. Crouse, Jr.
Rev. August W. Lundquist
Mr. William D. Shanebeck
Mrs. Wanda Tracy Tacy
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Flora McDougall Andrus
Rev. Julian H. Brackman
Mrs. Dorothy Wehrli Buhler
Mrs. Marjory Osborne Conley
Mrs. Barbara Jean McGilvray Foster
Mrs. Vivian Balmer Henshaw
Mrs. Mary Woods Lewis
Mr. Richard A. Lewis
Mrs. Phyllis James McCarty
Mrs. Evelyn Herring Morrison
Mr. O. H. Ogle
Rev. Dorothy Krei Rudd
Rev. Dorwin C. Snyder
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Dorothy Hoffman Beighle
Rev. Kenneth E. Bowen
Rev. Kenneth L. Bowser
Rev. John H. Bryan
Rev. Jack R. Buskey
Rev. Benjamin N. Cain
Mr. Luther M. Cain
Rev. Wing Jing Chow
Rev. Eugene I. Cooper
Dr. Burrell D. Dinkins
Rev. Frederick H. Fischer
Rev. Orlo D. Freshly
Miss Jeannine Freudenberger
Mrs. Lois Burton Gamble
Rev. Charles F. Garrod
Miss Talitha J. Grote
Mr. Edwin L. Johns
Mrs. Sandra Easley Jones
Rev. Paul T. Jump
Mrs. Annetta Whitaker Kittredge
Mrs. Joyce Amerson Mayo
Rev. Richard J. Mick
Mr. Fredrick D. Musser
Mrs. Margaret Williams Patison
Mrs. Jean Wymond Rollings
Mrs. Joan Hiles Smith
Miss Nancy A. Swank
Dr. William R. Taylor
Dr. Lewis W. Thompson
Rev. James Wagner
Mrs. Betty June Barker Watkins
Rev. Lowell Williamson
Rev. Gayle Thomas Alexander
Mrs. Dorothy Butler Barkwill
Mrs. Rosalind Brundige Bates
Mr. Lawnie L. Biag
Rev. Ronald E. Bowersox
Mrs. Wilhelmina O’Bannon Burket
Mrs. Betty Ewing Cooper
Rev. Delmas M. Copeland
Rev. H. Michael Cox
Dr. Richard H. Ferrell
Mrs. Sara Jo Hutchinson-Howard Fulmer
Dr. Jean Warren Ganzel
Mrs. Janette Geiger Hoepner
Dr. Andrew Myron Johnson
Mr. George E. MacDonald
Rev. Roy F. Major
Rev. James P. Mayfield
Mrs. June Carman McDonald
Rev. Richard McKinsey
Mrs. Isobel Mitchell Rhoad
Rev. Robert J. Rudd
Rev. James D. Tuttle
Mrs. Joyce Moudy Wagner
Dr. John Walter Wallace
Mrs. Susan Anderson White
Class of 1956
President’s Society
Rev. Joseph F. Alutius, Jr.
Rev. Kenneth K. Ashitomi
Mrs. Lila Nakamura Ashitomi
Mrs. Shirlee Jacobs Ater
Dr. Stanley Beckman
Mrs. Lutricia Hoover Cox
Mr. Harold D. Dakin, Jr.
Dr. Carolyn Stoneback Davidheiser
Dr. David L. Greenman
Mrs. Jessie Blackman Greenman
Mrs. Myrna Wheeler Guillen
Dr. Sid D. Guillen
Dr. Max R. Hickman
Mrs. Shirley Maier Hickman
Miss Margaret W. Jones
Dr. Robert J. Kingsbury
Dr. J. Warner Knipmeyer
Mrs. Betty Brunt McGrath
Dr. Betty Ann Meriwether
Expenditures, 2005-2006
Dr. Paul A. Rader
Mrs. Betty Teece Sprague
Dr. James C. Stratton
Miss H. Jane Sutlive
Mrs. Lillian Murphy Vickers
Dr. Kai Cheong Yong
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Franki Anderson Bailey
Mrs. Mollie Register Boggess
Mr. George Hapner
Mrs. Joy McLean Harris
Dr. Jerry M. Higgins
Rev. Robert L. Hooker
Mrs. Beverly Julian Hull
Mrs. Sara Jackson Johnson
Mrs. Carolyn Houglin Joiner
Dr. William H. Moyer
Mrs. Barbara Malin Parker
Mrs. Delia Daughtry Peterson
Mrs. Diane Pedersen Shanebeck
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Buel J. Andrus
Rev. Harry C. Baas, Jr.
Mrs. Doris Dollar Brackman
Mrs. Charlotte Crouse Brown
Mrs. Elsie Mazie Louthan Chesser
Dr. John W. Conley
Mrs. Beth Lane Gardner
Mr. Norman W. Guess
Mrs. Sue Cooper Guth
Mrs. Rhunelle Jones-Hotinger
Mr. Bernard Kreh
Mrs. Donna Smailes McCoy
Mrs. June Chaney Pustelnyk
Mrs. Julianne Conway Snyder
Dr. Donald J. Sparks
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Richard D. Bailey
Rev. James M. Brinks
Mrs. Charlotte Cottrell Brown
Mrs. Shirley Walton Camp
Rev. Keith C. Carlson
Rev. Robert B. Carpenter
Rev. Ira A. Clausen
Rev. Edward C. Coleman
Mrs. Kathryn Davis Connor
Mrs. Joanne Westerfield Dunn
Mrs. Marilyn Birdsell Enas
Mrs. Jean Marsh Fabrycky
Mr. W. Roland Felts
Mrs. Edythe Smith Fry
Rev. Harold Hendren
Mrs. Rosalie Andersen Hieronymus
Mrs. Beatriz Arze Houmard
Mrs. Oma Marie Elliott Jarvis
Mr. Charles H. Lancaster
Mrs. Laura Rothacher Laser
Mrs. Vonda Anderson Lichtenfelt
Mrs. Betty Malcom Lowe
Mrs. Alice Himes Marvin
Mrs. Betty Hammel McCormick
Mrs. Vernelle C. Mercer
Mrs. Lillian Woodward Mitchell
Dr. Mary Frances Banks Newman
Mrs. Jean Hotaling Ramos
Mrs. Barbara Lee Rebstock
Mrs. Evelyn Paul Short
Mrs. Betty Young Smith
Mrs. Nancy Burnett Stanz
Mrs. Julia Hahn Swanson
Miss Carolyn A. Waybright
Mrs. Naomi Bletscher Williamson
Mrs. Iris McGill Wilson
Mrs. Aleta Bowers Winkler
Mr. Joseph J. Akahoshi
Mr. Richard C. Ashton
Mrs. Marilyn Nash Beebe
Miss Mildred E. Birney
Mrs. Joyce Henry Bowersox
Rev. Tillie Zuch Cattrell
Mrs. Nancy Nelson Copeland
Rev. Walter Dale Edwards
Mrs. Delite Lieske Fahl
Mr. Larry M. Garrett
Mrs. Peggy Bonny Garrett
Mrs. Rebecca Edwards Goetz
Mrs. Wana Peachee Hasler
Dr. William E. Hauser
Mr. J. Ferrel Jones
Mrs. Geraldine Stout Kalso
Mrs. Kay Steele Kinder
Mrs. Gloria Maun Kissinger
Mrs. Polly Luce Lindsay
Mrs. Georgetta Owens MacDonald
Ms. Ena F. McIntosh
Mrs. Jane Gregory Mitchell
Maj. Betty Flinn Myers
Mr. Robert C. Ready
Mrs. Sally Fritzler Sellers
Mrs. Marylou Burkett Smith
Mr. James E. Taylor
Mrs. Marjorie Cieslar Torres
Mrs. Emma Jean Anderson VanNess
Rev. Logan Dean Whalen
Mrs. Corinne Vaughn Woodward
Class of 1957
President’s Society
Mrs. Dawn Combellick Dakin
Rev. Judith Bish Priest
Dr. Kay Fuller Rader
Mrs. Nadara Rodeheaver Welling
Dr. Ronald G. Welling
Founder’s Society
Dr. Paul H. Clemons
Mrs. Norma Wynn Snowden
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. Loman F. Fish
Rev. James D. Foster
Rev. James R. Gaunce
Mrs. Glenna Wesley Hall
Mrs. June Bolar Hickman
Dr. Ernest Ray Throckmorton
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Joanne Pemberton Anderson
Mrs. Esther Howard Benson
Mr. Robert D. Bradford
Mrs. Sara Hazlett Bradford
Rev. Charles C. Trembly
Rev. Roy A. Walther, Sr.
Mrs. Joanne Edwards White
Dr. Franklin D. Barnett
Mrs. Martha McDaniel Boling
Mrs. Mary Whitenack Chappell
Ms. Mary Scudder Covert
Mrs. Grace Bivans Dearin
Mr. William D. Dearin
Miss Gladys A. Devor
Mrs. Mary Yarbrough Donham
Mrs. Sue Johnson Dupree
Dr. Elizabeth Garriott Edwards
Dr. Hal L. Edwards, Jr.
Mr. Fred M. Foster
Mrs. Helen Kuntz Gebhard
Dr. Dale Harward
Mrs. Margaret Wills Hayden
Mrs. Beverly Rou Hintz
Rev. Raymond V. King
Mr. Norman E. Lindholm
Rev. Donald L. Long
Mrs. Mary Bruch Long
Mrs. Nancy Mollison McCollough
Mr. John F. Moore
Mrs. Betty Hiles Morse
Mrs. Grace Tsutsumi Tateishi
Mrs. JoAnn Wetherington VanPelt
Mrs. Louise Cross Warner
Rev. Gene A. Weddle
Mrs. Wanda Kemper Weeks
Class of 1958
President’s Society
Mrs. Joyce McMillan Beckman
Mr. Jerry M. Brooks
Dr. Joe Frank Harris
Mrs. Dorothy Rohrbaugh James
Mr. Merlin E. Johnson
Mrs. Ruth Luce Knipmeyer
Mr. Hugh M. Moffatt
Mrs. Ruth Colvin Moffatt
Mrs. Yvonne Cochran Moulton
Rev. Robert L. Priest
Rev. James H. Rush
Founder’s Society
Mr. Richard Melvin Fry
Mrs. Bennie Vashbinder Hooker
Dr. Janette E. Ogg
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Dr. Donald R. Guth
Mr. Horace E. Hall, Jr.
Rev. Julian Hammonds
Mrs. Connie Mungillo Kidder
Rev. William R. Rudd
Rev. George F. Shiltz
Mrs. Mary Sue Thompson Stevenson
Mrs. Elisabeth Johnson Thomas
Mr. Douglas H. Vinzant, Sr.
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Beatrice Wynn Aist
Mrs. Jo Ann Smith Beatty
Mrs. Margaret Holmes Bowen
Mrs. Frances Wells Brown
Mrs. Grace Johnson Cameron
Mr. C. Lewis Casey
Mr. Bill R. Cobb
Mrs. Gloria Fenne Denlinger
Rev. William H. Denlinger
Mrs. Frances Parker Dutill
Mrs. Margaret Robinson Fleming
Mrs. Marietta Kelley Garber
Mrs. Marilyn Holt Hawk
Rev. Wilbert S. Hoffman
Mrs. Elaine Beadles Hotelling
Mrs. Julia Sever Lytle
Mr. Charles H. Minter
Rev. Allen Moran
Miss Shirley F. Nelms
Dr. Robert W. Ogilvie
Mrs. Alice Traylor Richardson
Maj. Reginald Russell
Mrs. Elizabeth Maddox Stamey
Mr. Marvin T. Thome, Jr.
Miss Sheila J. White
Mr. Richard B. Ziglar
Mrs. Sue Leach Ahuja
Mrs. Barbara Balstad Anderson
Rev. Nancy Lee Arnold
Miss Betty J. Bobb
Col. Curt Bowers
Rev. D. Max Brunton
Mr. Johnny T. Byard
Mrs. Kathleen Morris Byard
Mrs. Joyce Smeckert Cameron
Dr. Norman R. Cary
Mrs. Eloise Beadles Clawson
Rev. John M. Clements
Mrs. Marjorie Linhart Coleman
Mr. Glenn Colliver
Mrs. Barbara Hurley Devine
Dr. E. Martin Egelston
Mrs. June Bankston Eisemann
Dr. Eva Carnes Fenne
Rev. William H. Ford
Rev. James M. Frazier
Mrs. Kathryn Metcalf Frazier
Mr. Thomas G. Geer
Mrs. Mona Latimer Graves
Mrs. Ardis Hanson Jacobs
Mrs. Elaine Miller Justice
Mrs. Phyllis Weiss Lowery
Mr. Donald Marshall
Endowment, 1996 – 2006
Rev. William N. Buell
Mrs. Betty Sibley Case
Rev. Carlton D. Casey
Mr. David L. Cobb
Mrs. Eleanor Burriss Cobb
Mr. Vernon D. Crews
Mrs. Elaine Graham Crowder
Dr. Barbara Carruth Dickey
Mrs. Joyce Gunning Duncan
Mr. John W. Finfrock
Mr. Robert T. Fisher
Mrs. Carolyn Enfinger Fondren
Mrs. Nancy Tomlin Hendren
Mrs. Donnabelle Ferguson Hoffman
Mrs. Anna Belle Miller Houk
Rev. Billy M. Hunt
Rev. Dwight L. Jones
Mrs. Jo Ann Cagle Jones
Mrs. Delores Pyritz Jump
Dr. John Kim
Rev. William Keith Lee
Mrs. Emily Wallace Levering
Mrs. Jean Robertson Lewis
Mrs. Rita M. Lindholm
Rev. Donald E. Logue
Rev. Sandra Wooldridge Martin
Mr. Thomas W. McPherson
Mrs. Barbara Murphy Morris
Dr. George E. Morris
Mrs. Margaret McDougall Reitz
Mr. George A. Rinehart
Mrs. Carol Latimer Smith
Mrs. Anita Taylor Strickhausen
Rev. L. Wilson Strickhausen
Mrs. Dorothy Kropf Tarbell
Dr. Rhoda Evans Taylor
Mr. George K. Toadvine
Mrs. Shirley Simmons Toadvine
Annual Opera
Opportunity Funded
by Alumnus
David Valkema ’88, executive director
and vice president of the board of directors
for The Pauls Foundation in Chicago, has
arranged with The Lyric Opera of Chicago
to include Asbury College students in the
“NExT Discount Tickets” program. This new
program was originally set up primarily for
Midwestern colleges and universities; however,
as a favor to Valkema, the general director of Lyric
Opera, William Mason, has allowed Asbury College
The Lyric Opera of Chicago
students to participate.
NExT Discount tickets allow students to attend operas at the Lyric Opera of Chicago for $20. Check at
education/students.asp for more information about the program and to procure tickets. Valid student identification cards will be
The Pauls Foundation has also been the sole underwriter for Asbury College’s annual opera workshop programs on campus since
the last school year. The production of Mikado in February of 2006 and the production of Amahl and the Night Visitors, scheduled
for December 9-10 in Hughes Auditorium, has been funded by The Pauls Foundation. Valkema has communicated that he will
make every effort possible including asking other opera supporters to help in funding future Asbury College Opera productions
as well. We appreciate greatly Mr. Valkema’s and The Pauls Foundation’s commitment and support to our students and to the
Mrs. Sondra Scull Marshall
Dr. John J. Merwin
Mr. Paul E. Reed
Mrs. Juanita Keilman Ridener
Rev. John F. Robbins
Rev. J. Thomas Smith, Jr.
Mr. Harry Ulyat
Mrs. Dorothy Esenwein Vosloh
Rev. James H. Weeks
Rev. O. Gene Wells
Mrs. Geraldine Pierce White
Mrs. Marilyn Parrett Zimmerman
Class of 1959
President’s Society
Rev. Larry O. Bechtol
Mr. Daniel Y. Chang
Dr. Emerson D. Gilbert
Dr. Hal Kime
Dr. Bobby Ray Martin
Mrs. Jeannine Speakman Mowery
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Betty Langley Campbell
Mrs. Judy Summers Fry
Ms. Ida Lou McDaniel
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Joyce Shaffer Barkley
Rev. W. Ernest Dorrell
Miss Joyce Engelbert
Rev. W. Claude Fillingim
Mrs. Barbara Jenne Shiltz
Mr. James R. Wilcox
Mrs. Joan Loftis Wilcox
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Clark S. Aist
Mrs. Stella Bittinger Allen
Miss Barbara G. Allison
Mrs. Ellen Moir Bailey
Mrs. Glyn Tanksley Borden
Mrs. Eleanor Topp Carlson
Mrs. Marjorie Smith Cox
Rev. C. Leroy Doverspike
Mrs. Wanda Mattern Doverspike
Rev. David M. Finch
Mrs. Emily VanZandt Ford
Rev. Milton H. Ford
Rev. Mason Harrod
Mrs. Linda Pifer Hogrefe
Dr. Everett C. Isaacs
Mrs. Mary Lou Pilson Johnson
Rev. LeRoy V. Jones
Rev. Dwayne Kelsey
Mrs. Bonnie Coleman Kitchings
Mrs. Ruth Nichterlein Kvalnes
Dr. Forrest McCoig
Dr. Charles W. Music
Mrs. Jane McCurry Music
Mr. Roger A. Odell
Rev. Osa E. Patrick
Dr. R. Wayne Perkins
Mrs. Sally Morrison Perkins
Rev. Aleck G. Poolos
Mrs. Maxine Ball Rinehart
Mrs. Marjorie Hudson Shinkle
Dr. Richard K. Smith
Mr. Billy W. Stamey
Rev. Alexander Tiwari-Haines
Mrs. Marcella Smith Verplank
Mrs. Eunice Jones Willett
Mr. William N. Wright
Mrs. Sue Hylbert Biles
Mrs. Mary Alice Marquardt Boggan
Dr. D. Guy Carrigan, Jr.
Rev. Milan S. Coleman
Mr. Donald W. Fenne
Mr. Benson L. Finfrock
Mrs. Buena McIlrath Ford
Mrs. Lois Magarian Fulwood
Mrs. Shirley Himes Krauss
Mrs. Mary Singleton Mavis
Mrs. Margaret West Merwin
Class of 1960
Rev. Jon Tal Murphree
President’s Society
Rev. Thomas A. Beach
Chap. James Beckley
Rev. Richard A. Budden
Rev. J. Edward Chandler
Dr. Gilbert L. Crouse
Ms. Lillian Eloise Henry
Mr. Dennis W. Lamb
Dr. Alan E. Moulton
Mrs. Faye Hooker Murrow
Rev. Mitchell C. Murrow
Mrs. Barbara Beyerlein Rush
Mrs. Colleen Overton Stratton
Dr. Albin C. Whitworth
Mrs. Kathryn Rieke Whitworth
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Gerlene Lawless Brown
Commr. Elsie Henderson Busby
Commr. John A. Busby
Mr. Donald C. Myers
Mrs. Agnes Creed Neihof
Dr. J. Eldon Neihof, Sr.
Mr. James Freeman Parker
Rev. Thomas H. Pelt
Mrs. Dorothy Hughes Post
Mrs. Bernice Williamson Reynolds
Mr. Karl M. Rinehart
Mrs. Betty Evans Rohrer
Miss Mary Jane Secrest
Rev. Robert Carl Shields
Mr. Thomas E. Thompson, Jr.
Rev. Randall VanLandingham
Mrs. Sue Cantrell VanLandingham
Mrs. Ann Shepard White
Rev. Paul K. Zimmerman
Maj. Gary R. Delestine
Mr. Howard N. Fowler
Mrs. Martha Dougherty France
Mrs. Patricia Mannas Larson
Miss JoBelle Masters
Rev. Carl A. Ricks
Capt. Norman O. Williams
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Milford Gordon Bayliss
Mr. Stanley Hannah
Mrs. Rachel Hodges Hilbert
Rev. Donald L. Mays
Mrs. Rita Blomgren Mays
Mrs. Marian Yost Towne
Mrs. Patricia Scott Vinzant
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Joseph W. Alley
Rev. Maurice E. Bailey
Dr. Edward C. Beck
Mrs. Dorothy Hacker Blue
Dr. L. Mark Brett
Cdr. Otis D. Essex, Jr.
Rev. Kenny D. Fuller
Rev. Edgar H. Gaines, III
Mr. Clair C. Gray
Mr. Erich Edward Hamm
Mr. Julius F. Hobbs
Mr. Wayne R. Hotelling
Dr. Ronald A. Houk
Mrs. Rhea Jackson Huey
Mrs. Ruth Fiegel Kelsey
Rev. Paul T. Morton
Mrs. Eunice Sharp Ralston
Mrs. Ruth Washabaugh Reed
Dr. Michael J. Rench
Maj. Juanita Cochran Russell
Rev. Clifford Schell
Dr. Lane A. Scott
Mr. William A. Scott
Mr. W. Edward Shaw
Mrs. JoDell Walters Stevens
Mrs. Katherine Naugle Thomas
Mrs. Gail Daniel Thome
Mr. Leon Willett
Mr. Alvin L. Wilson
Rev. David Woerner
Dr. Graham L. Abbott
Rev. Roger A. Armistead
Mrs. Ruth Smith Boggs
Mrs. Ardis White Bowers
Mrs. Doris Shawver Bowers
Mrs. Carolyn Johnson Duncan
Mrs. Marjorie Hildreth Ellisor
Ms. Alberta Hoagland Harp
Lt. Col. Gary Herndon
Mr. Harold Hester
Mrs. Adelaide Castle Hunter
Mrs. Joyce Starling Joines
Mrs. Evelyn Bristol King
Mrs. Marlene Kingsbury-Dean
Mrs. Jane Woodhams Lawrence
Mrs. Nina Butcher Lewis
Mrs. Luella Armstrong Lindholm
Mrs. Shirley Weldy Marks
Mrs. Charlotte G. Mueller
Mrs. Donna Lee Oltmann
Miss Esther Post
Rev. Devern E. Schwenn
Dr. Barbara J. Sims
Mrs. Janenne Heacock Thomas
Class of 1961
President’s Society
Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse
Mrs. Florence Carolyn Ryan Dunn
Mrs. Kay Marx Gantz
Mrs. Nancy Pankuch Kime
Mr. John Joe Lineman
Rev. Neal K. Long
Mrs. 0valene Loftis Long
Dr. Robert F. Wiley, Jr.
Founder’s Society
Commr. W. Todd Bassett
Mr. Kenneth C. Fraser, Jr.
Mrs. Nancy Clemans Fraser
Dr. Howard E. Linder
Mrs. Alma Hand Price
Mrs. Carol Erny Proctor
Mr. Donald C. Proctor
Dr. Peter W. Stine
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Martha Faber Dorrell
Mrs. Gloria Barrett Hawkins
Mrs. Doris Huffman Myers
Dr. Ellen White Nelson
Mrs. Shirley Critchlow Phipps
Mrs. Rebecca Kibbey Swathwood
Rev. William Swathwood
Dr. Daniel L. Warner
Mrs. Sarah Hinkle Warner
Rev. Larry A. Wingate
Mrs. Nancy Ross Wingate
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Helen Robinson Ahlemeyer
Mrs. Jane Smith Beck
Mrs. Faye Cruise Boggs
Maj. Jean Harvey Booth
Mr. Charles L. Bradley
Dr. Jack C. Chang
Mrs. Phyllis Ogilvie Dodrill
Mrs. Carol Taylor Fuller
Mrs. Martha Ewan Gaines
Mr. Kenneth Gentry
Mrs. Sandra Calland Gentry
Ms. Shirley J. Giesking
Mrs. Mary Middleton Gillum
Mrs. Faye Stuard Hess
Mrs. Betty Neal Johnston
Mrs. Mary Holz Jones
Mrs. Peggy Cormany Jones
Mr. Stan R. Lewis
Rev. C. Edward Linville
Rev. James R. Mitchell
Dr. Norman H. Murdoch
Mr. Joseph Pitts
Mrs. Virginia Pratt Pitts
Mrs. Mary Ann Banderman Schell
Rev. Doris J. Shover
Mrs. Ruth Linneman Stone
Mr. B. Bryce Swiler
Mr. Evan R. Thomas
Rev. Marvin R. Valade, Jr.
Rev. James H. Walker
Mrs. Kathryn Lloyd Walker
Mrs. Janice Bradley Williams
Mrs. Margaret Young Woerner
Mrs. Doris Washabaugh Yinger
Rev. Donald E. Young
Mrs. Lou Ann Jones Abbott
Mrs. Diane Williams Armistead
Dr. Ronald N. Cooke
Mrs. Lois Haist Dewald
Rev. Charles H. Dodds
Mrs. Clarice Swartzendruber Faber
Mrs. Bonnie Happe Geiser
Mrs. Betty Broshears Green
Mr. Ronald C. Hiner
Mrs. Joan Zink Irizarri
Mrs. Margaret Shepard Jackson
Rev. Charles B. Kirkpatrick
Mrs. Patricia Henderson Kirkpatrick
Rev. Glenn McGuire
Mrs. Ellen Tidsel McKinsey
Mr. Robert E. Nulf
Mrs. Sandra Hull Occhino
Rev. Leslie D. Payton
Mrs. Linda Wiggins Poe
Mrs. Martha Shiltz Priest
Maj. Lyell Rader, Jr.
Rev. Leroy B. Schultz
Mrs. Joan Milliron Schwenn
Mrs. Marilyn Lang Showalter
Mr. Robert B. Showalter
Mrs. Delia Pena Skeels
Mrs. Shirley Fustos Stafford
Mr. Arthur Dale Warner
Mrs. Gloria Clark Webb
Mrs. Carol Seelman Zabilka
Dr. Ivan L. Zabilka
Mr. Dale Knepper
Mrs. Martha Banta Mercer
Rev. William C. Moody
Mrs. Charlotte Ogle Nulf
Dr. Eleanor Porter Pershing
Mrs. Gerde Wittrock Ramos
Mrs. Margie Greene Riffe
Ms. Dorothy Partridge Runyon
Mr. David Robert Smith
Mrs. Patricia Coffee Smith
Dr. James A. Taylor
Mrs. Mary Haley Weathersby
Class of 1963
President’s Society
Mrs. Judith Vanaugh Amstutz
Dr. Lawrence H. Boram
Ted Burkman
Mrs. Esther Waddle Carpenter
Mr. Jerry D. Green
Mrs. Judith Barnhouse Green
Dr. James V. Heidinger, II
Dr. Amanda Russell Hutcherson
Mr. Ken Hutcherson, Jr.
Mrs. Rowena Phillips Shaw
Dr. Walter A. Shaw
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Kathy Casler Farmer
Miss Mary Jo Morrow
Mr. Frank C. Vanlandingham
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. John A. Achenbach
Mr. Elvin L. Ellison
Mrs. Jean Lentner Ellison
Mrs. Patricia Rice Harwell
Dr. Roger D. Nunn
Mr. Dale Parker
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Patricia Johnson Arthur
Mr. Royle Bailard
Mrs. Iva Frederick Bailey
Mr. Otis Balkcom
Dr. Janice L. Benham
Mrs. Glenda Tickle Coe
Mrs. Elsa Jensen Davis
Rev. Paul B. Davis
Mrs. Madeleine Meyers Diller
Mrs. Ellen Walsh Drennen
Mr. David B. Falk
Mrs. Patricia Moats Falk
Dr. G. R. Houck
Dr. Katherine Hanke Houp
Dr. Ronald L. Koteskey
Mrs. Sharon Thompson Long
Mrs. Ruth Weaver Montana
Mr. Don A. Morris, Jr.
Mrs. Gloria P. Myers
Mrs. Betty Bennett Ogilvie
Mr. Bruce C. Pemberton
Mrs. Brenda Ledbetter Schroen
Miss Ruth L. Smede
Mr. E. Gene Snodgrass
Mr. Robert G. Sparks
Mrs. Doris Bentley Weber
Miss Mary A. Wehr
Mrs. Frankie Masters Willis
Dr. V. Lawrence Bell, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia Jeanes Bracken
Rev. James K. Burd
Mrs. Mary Glover Cook
Mr. Ernest S. Dugan
Mrs. Barbara Herren Livesay
Mrs. Caroline Kelly Pelt
Rev. James G. Powell
Mrs. Marian Palomaki Smith
Rev. Stella Schultz Sowder
Dr. H. R. Stoneback
Mr. Daniel P. Talbot
Mrs. Catherine Fruth Taylor
Mrs. Vivien C. Tinner
Rev. David E. Underwood
Mr. Wayne T. Vibbert
Total Giving, 1996-2006
President’s Society
Dr. Roger Amstutz
Mr. Clayon C. Carpenter
Rev. Richard E. Gantz
Mrs. Sharon Durham Lineman
Mr. C. Willis Wilder
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Carolyn Blackman Baillie
Dr. William Mayan Baillie
Commr. Carol Easterday Bassett
Rev. Edgar R. Farmer
Dr. L. B. Gallimore, Jr.
Mrs. Linda Ross Rinehart
Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart
Dr. Richard W. Rohrer
Mr. Phillip L. Wetterling
Rev. Richard S. Wright
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Miss Gloria Brand
Mr. Morris Hawkins
Mrs. Marlene Thomas Howell
Mrs. Karen Meier Kinsley
Mrs. Doris Marrs McKinley
Class of 1962
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Barbara Gowan Alley
Mrs. Marie Gander Armstrong
Mr. Jerry W. Bock
Mrs. Joyce Stahly Bradley
Mrs. Ercil Howard Casey
Mrs. Ann Elliott Copeman
Mrs. Mary Headrick Edmond
Dr. Eugene E. Fuller
Mr. H. Frederick Gere
Dr. Diane Manker Hannum
Rev. Allen K. Holmes
Mrs. Grace Hardcastle Holmes
Mrs. Miriam Erickson Horen
Dr. Lynn Kime
Dr. Larry D. Lehman
Mrs. Roma Walz McConkey
Mr. Delma L. McGill
Mrs. Sally Sadowski Rench
Mr. Daniel J. Schroen, Sr.
Dr. Nolan D. Shipman
Mrs. Linda Snyder Singleton
Rev. R. Jack Taylor, Sr.
Mrs. Ruth Weller Tolson
Mrs. Sally Shower Trautwein
Mrs. Shirley Hufman Valade
Dr. William VanMeter
Mrs. Beverly Scott Whitkanack
Rev. Richard D. Wilson
Rev. William Youngblood
Mrs. Peggy Downing Berge
Rev. Larry D. Bracken
Mrs. Helen Kessler Brown
Rev. Jack F. Chalk
Mrs. Carol Yoh Geno
Mrs. Eunice Swyers Herndon
Mrs. Nancy Booth Hiner
Mrs. Shirley Murrow Hoover
Dr. Dale M. Jackson
Mrs. Mary Morrow Kinder
Mrs. Shirley Reynolds Whalen
Class of 1964
President’s Society
Rev. Steven D. Gehring
Mr. Frederick Halter
Maj. Annette Smith McInnes
Mrs. Carol Taylor Poynter
Mr. Scott P. Poynter
Dr. Philip C. Stine
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Rena’ Whitney Brown
Mrs. Beth Kindinger Fowler
Ms. Rose Cycler Hess
Dr. Richard Wayne Oliver
Rev. Harold B. Shimfessel
Mrs. Martha Ritter Tate
Mrs. Margaret Oetjen Williams
Mr. William K. Williams
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Bernice Palmer Arnold
Mrs. Elizabeth Rollings Howard
Mr. Vernon W. Howard
Mrs. Martha Fultz Moutz
Mr. David B. Nagel
Circuit Rider Society
Dr. Charles O. Abernathy
Mrs. Betty Hurst Barnett
Mrs. Joan Buchko Bennett
Mrs. Janice Fraser Biddulph
Mr. David W. Boggess
Dr. John W. Butler
Mrs. Bonnie Franks Chandler
Mr. Hyman S. Dixon
Mr. Paul Edward Geiger
Mrs. Erika Lange Glus
Mrs. Susan Gilbert Gonzales
Dr. Carl F. Hall
Mrs. Linda Proudfoot Hallbauer
Mrs. Linda Fries Hampton
Mrs. Joyce Marriott Jensen
Mrs. Bonita Gill Koteskey
Mrs. Ruth Raisch Lashbrook-Mitchell
Mrs. Christine Cavit Magee
Dr. Joan Shaffer McGill
Mr. George M. Ribble
Mr. Daniel Sakach
Rev. Donald Saum
Mrs. Judith Mullenix Schonauer
Mr. David G. Schroen
Mrs. Carol Williams Snodgrass
Miss Ina Sorensen
Mr. John A. Swyers
Mrs. Sondra Thompson Swyers
Mrs. Miriam Keller Vance
Rev. John L. Weber
Dr. Sarah Smith Werner
Mr. James E. Worley
Mrs. Nanci Thompson Youngblood
Rev. William H. Barry
Mrs. Beverly Decker Bauer
Mr. Vernon Bauer
Mrs. Gail Motsinger Edwards
Rev. James Gaylord Gillispie
Mrs. Myrna Foringer Griswold
Mrs. Carol Geister Hazen
Mr. Ernest Charles Jones
Mrs. Charolette Evans Lill
Mrs. Barbara Hughes Lingle
Mr. Robert T. Lingle
Mrs. Shirley Casler Payne
Mrs. Marcia Williams Steinker
Mrs. Joan Groenveld Traylor
Dr. Joseph G. Traylor
Mrs. Barbara Cook Vibbert
Mrs. Patricia Miller Wiley
Mr. Walter L. Wiley
Mrs. Brenda Parker Williams
Class of 1965
President’s Society
Dr. David R. Billing
Dr. David L. Brazelton
Mrs. Wilma Jean Skinner Brazelton
Mr. David Crouse, Jr.
Mrs. Suzanne O’Neal Gehring
Mrs. Dorothy Wetter Germann
Mrs. Winnie Lancaster Halter
Mrs. Patricia Payne Hudson
Mrs. Judy Mommsen Metcalf
Mrs. Laree Powell Saylor
Mrs. Catherine Hallowell Sheehan
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Roseanne Smith Brasington
Rev. Gerald D. Larson
Mrs. Marilee Ragsdale McAnespie
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. Jerry Emerson Au
Mr. John S. Bright
Mr. John Falkenberg, Jr.
Mrs. Rebecca Smith Falkenberg
Mrs. Rachel Gallimore Griffin
Mrs. Elizabeth Butler Kyriakidis
Mr. David W. Miller
Mrs. Marianne Elsner Miller
Mrs. Janice Schroen Nagel
Mrs. Gail McAllister Nunn
Mr. William Ayres Pruitt
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Joy Vincent Balkcom
Mr. Archie M. Bennett, Jr.
Rev. Howard L. Biddulph
Rev. Jackson R. Brewer
Ms. Jerry Voris Burkman
Dr. Thomas W. Burkman
Rev. John C. Doyle
Mrs. Martha Luce Henderson
Dr. Michael Henderson
Mr. C. B. Hutcherson, Jr.
Mrs. Joanne Malloy Krause
Mrs. Judith Amos Logan
Mr. Dale W. Long
Mr. Robert O. Osborne
Mrs. Kathy Webster Patterson
Mrs. Barbara Ellis Riley
Mrs. Julia McCormick Smith
Mrs. Linda Young Sparks
Dr. Donald R. Tichenor
Mr. Willard N. Timm, Jr.
Ms. Sharon Hatfield Berning
Mrs. Joyce Koch Bishop
Ms. Judy Ann Sherk Bowser
Mrs. Della Conley Dorsey
Mr. Richard L. Dwyer
Rev. Robert W. Hinkle
Mrs. Dianne Jenks Jones
Mrs. Mary Vincent Juvinall
Mr. Gerald Koch
Mrs. Joy Kocher Kroehler
Dr. Kent E. Kroehler
Mrs. Dorothy Sprouse McClain
Mr. Gerald Ray Meredith
Mrs. Betty Burchfield Modschiedler
Rev. Konrad Modschiedler
Mr. Larry D. Retherford
Mr. Gerald K. Roberts
Mrs. Fern Dodge Singer
Lt. Col. Richard Ulyat
Lt. Col. Sharon Waiksnoris Ulyat
Mr. George L. Whitmer
Class of 1966
President’s Society
Rev. Harry D. Armstrong
Mrs. Mary Pfeifer Bartimay
Mrs. Vangie Erny Billing
Mr. James Edward Curnow
Mr. William T. Fryman
Mrs. Joan Crouse John
Commr. William H. John
Mrs. Sara Connard Johnson
Mr. Howard M. Joseph
Mrs. Joan Hammerstrom Lingle
Mrs. Jama Bell Martin
Mrs. Rebecca McDowell Powell
Mrs. Janis Ellen Flesher Riffell
Mr. Gary Saylor
Mrs. Ann Kennison VanValin
Rev. Russell Williams
Founder’s Society
Rev. Charles R. Jacobs
Mrs. Judith Henderson Young
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Virginia Porter Au
Dr. Esther Schubert Chambers
Rev. John H. Coffee, Jr.
Mr. Denton Cormany, Jr.
Mrs. Robin Bauer Cormany
Rev. James E. Fillingim
Mrs. Kay Creech Fillingim
Dr. David G. Heberling
Rev. Eldred Lee Kelley
Mrs. Jill Gray Walker
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Roberta Jones Babel
Dr. Paul E. Beecham
Mrs. Corinne Pryor Brewer
Mrs. Sue Dickinson Buchanan
Mrs. Ruth Smitherman Buchanan
Mrs. Loretta Agnor Caldwell
Mrs. Ann McEndre Cheek
Mr. Allen W. Deyo
Mrs. Sue Gandy Deyo
Mrs. Ruth Miller Doyle
Maj. Nedra A. Francis
Mrs. Sharon Yates Gladstone
Col. Richard H. Hargett
Mrs. Sarah Case Holifield
Mrs. Arlene Stucky Hughes
Mr. Richard Kibbey
Mrs. Karen Hinerman Mason
Mrs. Etta G. Meek
Rev. William J. Moran
Mrs. Carol Stahl Mosmiller
Dr. Grace Bell Murdoch
Mr. Alan T. Nagel
Mrs. Judith Stanfield Osborne
Mr. Jiles Parham
Mr. Albert L. Peach
Dr. Charles J. Slemenda
Mr. Robert L. Spaeth
Dr. Estel D. Sprague
Dr. Walter S. Stone
Mrs. Marsine Filp Stratton
Rev. L. William Tolbert
Dr. David L. Winkle
Miss Priscilla Allinson
Mrs. Paula Ciccariello Alt
Mrs. Joyce Adcock Anders
Mrs. Loretta Harmer Blowers
Mrs. Patricia Bartleson Carner
Mrs. Esther Hallberg Drotleff
Miss Gail A. Eisenlohr
Mrs. Ann Loeffler Grogg
Rev. Gary W. Grogg
Rev. R. Tim Hume
Mrs. Karen Schulz Kershner
Mrs. Ellen Pollock Key
Mrs. Sandra Beck Kibbey
Mr. Rand McEndre, Jr.
Mrs. Carole Good McFarland
Mrs. Frances Rice Osborne
Mr. Glen H. Perkinson
Mrs. Nina Moulton Pneuman
Mrs. Elaine Alley Rader
Mr. Herbert C. Rhorer
Mrs. Karen Lane Shelberg
Mr. Wesley Sundin
Mrs. Patricia Albright Thurlow
Class of 1967
President’s Society
Mrs. Nancy McIntosh Burkman
Mrs. Lolita Larabee Crouse
Dr. Morris E. Hintzman
Mr. Roland I. Lane
Dr. David Lewis
Mrs. Margaret Watson Lewis
Dr. Cullen B. Rivers
Dr. Glenn T. Young
Founder’s Society
Mr. Roger D. Blackburn
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Shirley Roberts Davidson
Mrs. Donna Staley Dunagan
Mrs. Luanne Vanderkarr Kelley
Dr. Daniel F. Meyer
Circuit Rider Society
Ms. Sunday Brown Anderson
Mr. James L. Arey-Schank
Mrs. Barbara Robertson Babby
Mrs. Nancy Greene Barker
Mr. Carl C. Beard, Jr.
Rev. Stephen Bennett
Mr. Clark E. Blade
Mrs. Elizabeth Clingen Bridgen
Dr. William T. Brown, Jr.
Rev. Rodney J. Buchanan
Soccer field, cafeteria renovated
Renovations to the Z.T. Johnson Cafeteria and soccer field were
completed this summer. J.P. Rader ’83, Steve Rehner ’79 and
Tom Calkins, members of the planning board for the soccer
field, helped assess the needs of the student-athletes and plan the
project. They worked with athletics and the development office
to raise funds through a soccer reunion in April and a phonathon
campaign. Beginning in May, the soccer field was expanded and
re-seeded. New bleachers were added and a lighting system is
coming soon.The field was ready in time for fall play. The cafeteria
also received a facelift and new layout to welcome students back
to campus this fall. Bathrooms were added and are now handicap
Mrs. Susan Olson Buffin
Miss Mary Claire Carrothers
Mrs. Ruth Hoffman Caryer
Mrs. Linda Chilton Crouch
Dr. Jonathan Culver
Mrs. Judith Hazel Hoover Culver
Mr. Carl W. Drennen
Mrs. Mary Meier Gardner
Mrs. Nancy Veelman Gere
Mrs. Peggy Berger Holder
Rev. J. Anthony Holifield
Rev. James N. Hosey, Jr.
Mrs. Henrietta Siefert Hyer
Mrs. Juanita Hadler Israel
Dr. William C. Jarvis
Mrs. Beverly Butler Knox
Mr. G. Louis Mason
Rev. John Maun
Ms. Carole Schulz McConnell
Mrs. Nancy Brodbeck McCreedy
Mr. William McIlrath, Sr.
Mr. James A. Moran
Mrs. Elaine Champion Nesselroade
Rev. Frank C. Norris
Mrs. Marilyn Riassetto Pyers
Ms. Carol Sue Ray
Mrs. Carol Tickle Smitherman
Mrs. Elsie Grantham Sprague
Rev. Donald L. Tipton
Mrs. Sandra Rains West
Rev. Thomas R. Atkins
Mrs. Carolyn Martin Beaty
Mr. Peter Wade Beaty
Mr. Richard Lee Braumiller
Mr. James Clifford Brayton
Mrs. Carolyn Cosby Coburn
Chap. R. Fred Coburn
Rev. Warner F. Davis
Mrs. Lani Sullivan Grantz
Mrs. Patricia Schwartz Hinkle
Mrs. Faith West LaFollette
Mr. Richard F. McCants
Mrs. Betty Scott Neilson
Mr. David C. Ricketts
Miss Barbara A. Shommer
Mrs. Elizabeth Halsey Slaughter
Mrs. Marilyn Rose Smiley
Class of 1968
President’s Society
Mr. C. E. Crouse, Jr.
Mrs. Darlene Montgomery Elliott
Dr. W. David Hager
Mrs. Paula Ragsdale Hintzman
Maj. Martin Kalz
Mrs. Linda Shoults Keller
Mrs. Viola G. McLoughlin
Dr. Martha Lowrey Morgan
Mr. Richard T. Osgood
Mrs. Sandra Segers Osgood
Mrs. Faye Collins Rivers
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Patricia Hallowell DiPietro
Mrs. Brenda Clark Knochenmus
Mr. Kerry Knochenmus
Mr. James A. Ross
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Miss Betty L. Bell
Rev. Ellen Walch Bullock
Mrs. Karen Baker Conn
Mrs. Lynda Via Geiger
Mrs. Paulette Dunlap Guiste
Mrs. Carolyn Green Hall
Rev. Bruce T. Howard
Mrs. Aileen Light
Mrs. Pamela Friesland Meyer
Mr. Gordon Lee Mullis
Dr. Michael Rice
Mrs. Sue Jewell Walters
Ms. Dianne Bramell Wentzell
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Thomas E. Atkins, Jr.
Mrs. Evelyn Brooks Barnard
Chap. Robert Selden Barnard, Jr.
Mr. Gary V. Beck
Mrs. Sara Miller Beecham
Mrs. Joyce Calvin Clegg
Mrs. Edith Cravens Cramer
Mr. Larry D. Dumm
Mrs. Linda Brooks Dumm
Rev. Fred Russell Gardner
Mrs. Judith Stone Harnish
Mrs. Kay Sewell Hartigan
Rev. Gervase C. Hitch
Dr. Phillip M. Hopper
Dr. Mary Vore Iwamoto
Mrs. Martha Stoneking Law
Mr. Paul C. Law
Mrs. Bonnie Snoor Moody
Mr. David W. Moody
Rev. Ken Nesselroade
Mrs. Harriett Dean Norris
Mrs. Peggy Adams Saum
Mrs. Carolyn Beall Shriver
Rev. Paul Lawrence Shumate
Mr. Larry L. Sims
Mrs. Glenda Most Spaeth
Mrs. Donna Harris Stout
Rev. James Robert Sunderland, Jr.
Rev. David C. Warden
Mrs. Patricia Estep Warden
Mrs. Sharon Sparks Winkle
Mrs. Linda Cruse Barnard
Dr. Cara Sandra Williams Cashman
Ms. Lois Reed Cooperrider
Dr. James E. Doran
Mrs. Marsha Hayes Harnish
Mrs. Sharyn White Hundley
Mr. Garth Lawson
Mrs. Kay Horton Lawson
Mrs. Karen Westrick Lehue
Mrs. Pat Walker Lenover
Mr. Timothy A. Mowery
Mrs. Bonnie Buechner Reynolds
Mrs. Beth Stickley Schuelke
Rev. Ivan L. Schwenn
Mr. Bruce L. Scollard
Mr. Ronald Lee Shepard
Rev. Roy Wade Swisher
Dr. W. Philip Thornton
Class of 1969
President’s Society
Dr. David Lawrence Brabon
Rev. Robert T. Bridges
Dr. Mark Skip Elliott
Mrs. Charlene Tew Lord
Mr. Paul E. Morgan
Mrs. Claire Leinbach Williams
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Barbara Carroll Curl
Dr. Kenneth Curl
Mr. Harold L. Rainwater
Mr. Thomas Sands
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Barbara Ferrell Crouse
Mr. Joseph Crouse, Jr.
Mrs. Linda Evans Manuilow
Rev. Gary L. Turk
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Jean M. Adams
Mrs. Susan Thielman Atkins
Mrs. Charlotte Ammerman Brunk
Rev. Colin Crouch
Mrs. Bonnie Bailey Cummings
Rev. Don C. Cummings
Mr. Charles L. Denger
Mr. Delmer W. Dodrill
Rev. Timothy A. Draxler
Mr. William L. Freeman
Rev. Kenneth E. Fresh
Mrs. Janice Gillentine Gould
Rev. John E. Harnish
Mrs. Joan Leab Hendee
Mrs. Charlotte Neill Hopps
Mr. Robert L. Hopps
Mrs. Martha Mielke Jarvis
Mrs. Bonadine Miller Lyga
Rev. John C. Lyga
Mrs. Alice Rydberg Odegaard
Mrs. Carole Oliver Rickard
Mr. Clifford E. Rowles
Dr. Steven L. Rumford
Mrs. Sara Waters Schoerner
Mrs. Martha Merwin Schroeder
Mrs. Rethia Insko Sims
Mrs. Loretta Leturgez Smith
Mr. Theodore S. Smith
Mrs. Carmi Steffen Speakman
Mr. David D. Speakman
Mrs. Renee Ross Stith
Mrs. Dorothea Anna Merkel Stogdill
Mr. Leonard F. Stuart
Mrs. Helen Rhea Luce Stumbo
Mr. Richard Wayne Tarpley
Mr. David E. Tillis
Mr. Stephen Bruce Wilcox
Mrs. Earlene Klemme Willis
Mr. Ed Willis
Mrs. Loretta Lanning Wright
Rev. Daniel L. Casselberry
Miss Sara L. Coleman
Mrs. Denise Weiblinger Collins
Lt. Col. Robert W. Collins, Jr.
Mrs. Martha Ann Taylor Erwin
Rev. James P. Fulcher
Ms. Marsha A. Goodwin
Rev. James A. Harnish
Dr. Raymond Curtis Hundley
Mrs. Carol Hartman Kalajainen
Dr. Larry Kalajainen
Mrs. Jeanine Leist McDowell
Mr. Dale W. Nix
Mrs. Diane Clevenger Northrup
Rev. Carl W. Pierce, Jr.
Dr. Alan D. Potter
Rev. Sharon Robinson Potter
Miss Rita Joyce Pritchett
Dr. James W. Riley, Sr.
Mrs. Sylvia Baldwin Scollard
Mrs. Anna Richardson Shepard
Mrs. Barbara Leimenstoll Shepard
Mr. John M. Shepard, Jr.
Mrs. Marilyn Johnson Towle
Mrs. Caren Colbert Urgolites
Mrs. Barbara Dixon Vohar
Mr. Neal B. Wicoff
Class of 1970
President’s Society
Mrs. Louise Anderson Brockinton
Dr. Philip E. Brown
Mrs. Carol Anderson Freeman
Mr. Fred Hannah
Mr. Harvey Hughes
Mrs. Sue Hines Kalz
Mrs. Mary Blanchard King
Mr. R. Wayne King
Mrs. Judith Smith Pierson
Mrs. Sharron Brazzell Regenthal
Dr. Samuel J. Williams, II
Founder’s Society
Dr. William Dean
Mrs. Linda Cooper Sands
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Thomas C. Goff
Mrs. Pamela McCain McClain
Rev. Richard McClain
Dr. Burnam W. Reynolds
Mrs. Linda Jeffery Turk
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Ruth Percifield Amerson
Mr. William T. Amerson
Mrs. Madora Nelson Bennett
Mr. Dewey Lee Brock
Mr. Robert Carlisle
Mr. Gary Coates
Dr. Harold Delaney
Mrs. Nancy Hurst Delaney
Rev. Dennis Ditto
Mrs. Judy Brewer Ditto
Miss Rose Ann Doak
Mrs. Cynthia Snyder Ezell
Dr. Eugene Ezell
Mrs. Roberta Hahn Helpap
Mr. James Holifield
Mrs. Janie Wiley Jones
Mr. Walter Latimer
Mrs. Beverly Vaughn Lumley
Rev. Harold Lumley, Jr.
Dr. Herbert H. Michel
Mrs. Patricia Scott Mosbacher
Dr. Bruce Mousa
Mr. Philip Niswender
Mrs. Carol Weaver Parent
Mrs. Julia Nagel Schroen
Mrs. Carol Amstutz Seamands
Dr. Stephen Seamands
Mrs. Lois Baum Sillaman
Mrs. Sarah Barnett Standard
Mr. Thomas B. Standard
Mrs. Deborah Wilson Strange
Mrs. Ann Brodbeck Swigert
Mrs. Lois Champion Waggoner
Mr. Ivor Wilson
Ms. Kay Woods
Mr. Lawrence L. Yohe
Mr. Jeffry Blake
Mr. William D. Blake
Miss Beth Boone
Mrs. B. Jane Carr Bruning
Mr. Terry Burdick
Mrs. Linda Buice Carlyle
Mrs. Sara Bell Esslinger
Mrs. Mary Hope Moore Funkhouser
Mrs. Sandra Beall Greear
Ms. Lois Jean Henry
Mr. David H. Howell
Mr. Larry D. Klinefelter
Mrs. Patricia Bardo Maltais
Rev. John Mark Nysewander
Mrs. Katherine Hutcherson Nysewander
Mrs. Sandra Mommsen Peterson
Rev. Lowell Rice
Mrs. Phyllis Raymer Schuetz
Mrs. Joyce Bartels Staggs
Mrs. Sylvia Myers Stevenson
Mrs. Ruth Alice Davenport Sundin
Mrs. Connie Fodrea Susong
Mrs. Mary Lou Sayers Wilkin
Class of 1971
President’s Society
Mr. Larry W. Green
Mr. Ronald A. Peck
Mr. Riley Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth Young Williams
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Marilyn Bolerjack Blackburn
Mr. Robert S. Johnson
Mrs. Brenda Pryor Williams
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Brenda Key Adams
Dr. Donald Adams
Dr. Sherry Bennink Brooks
Mrs. Betty Naabe Coombs
Mr. George Manuilow
Rev. Paul Nulton
Rev. Jerry Ruff
Mrs. Roberta Toussaint Vore
Dr. Vernon W. Vore, II
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Wayne B. Anthony
Mrs. Margaret Smith Boland
Rev. Gary L. Case, Sr.
Mr. William Stewart Connard
Mrs. Jacquelin Bauer Euper
Mrs. Mary Simmerman Fathbruckner
Mr. Wayne George
Mrs. Coulliette Bell Hagglund
Mrs. Kathy Jackson Hatfield
Miss Joy Juvinall
Mr. Virgil R. Klump
Rev. Jefferson Moran
Rev. Robert Kent Odom
Dr. Thompson O’Neal
Mrs. Linda Watson Owen
Mrs. Mary Lewis Parenteau
Mrs. Mica Keller Roughton
Rev. Philip Roughton
Mrs. Edith Oldham Rowles
Mrs. Rozelle Stevens Rumford
Mrs. Sally Thornbery Schwarz
Mr. Danny Strange
Mrs. Sharon Lewis Tegge
Dr. Carl D. Waggoner
Mrs. Sharon Clark Bryson
Mrs. Jonnie Chaffin Ford
Mrs. Bobbie Christine Phillips Furr
Mrs. Melissa Wilson Garrison
Ms. Joanne Nay Green
Mr. Dean Harkness
Mr. Robert Hepner
Mrs. Kathryn Spann Hollis
Mrs. Linda Weyant Hooper
Mrs. Kathie Aufrance Jerrell
Mr. Harry C. Kellermier
Rev. Jake William Kesecker, Jr.
Mr. Allen Mather
Mr. Michael Owen
Rev. Randall Riley
Mrs. Miriam Dunn Rose
Mrs. Nanette Garrison Rutsch
Mr. Steven Rutsch
Mrs. Ellen Shiltz Seymore
Mrs. Jan Saunders Sparrow
Mr. Thomas Sparrow
Mrs. Janice Stevens Thornton
Mrs. Deborah Hughes Wheeler
Class of 1972
President’s Society
Mrs. Kathleen Sommer Bridges
Mr. Douglas Coy
Dr. David Ditto
Mrs. Jean Okesson Haglund
Mrs. Deborah Weaver Jones
Mr. Michael W. Jones
Miss Sarah Luce
Mrs. Patricia Blanchard Nelson
Mrs. Holly Johnson Smith
Mrs. Bonnie Jewell Wilcoxson
Founder’s Society
Dr. Vickie Schellack Moore
Mrs. Cecile Crouse Sternberg
Mr. J. Samuel Sternberg
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Karen Kinney Goff
Mrs. Shelley Moore Nulton
Mrs. Machel Roher Reynolds
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Nancy Chadwell Ambuehl
Mrs. Frances Sue Brown Anthony
Mr. Lynn Avery
Mrs. Thelma Doverspike Bence
Mrs. Rebecca Ratcliff Brittain
Mrs. Debra Rust Carlisle
Mrs. Anita Evans Conkel
Mrs. Barbara Krichbaum George
Mrs. Rebecca Collier Hopper
Mrs. Viola Lovejoy McCollum
Miss Louann McIntosh
Mrs. Beth Niswander Milliken
Mrs. Jane Sharrett Olson
Miss Cheryl A. Rogers
Miss Jane Stanger
Mrs. Jacqueline Windross Wilson
Mrs. Carol Davis Wood
Mrs. Kathleen Moin Buck
Miss Suzanne Burch
Mrs. Gayle Soappman Collins
Mrs. Colleen Goodling Frontz
Ms. Beverly J. Goff
Mrs. Cheryl Smith Keene
Rev. Thompson Keene
Dr. Michael L. Peterson
Rev. Rebecca Shannon Peterson
Miss Dee Powell
Mrs. Cora Falls Robbins
Mrs. Sandra Seamands Sheppard
Mr. Daniel Waits
Mr. Stephen Dale Waun
Mr. Gregory Lynn Wilson
Mrs. Sarah McLendon Wilson
Mr. Alden Winslow
Mr. James L. Worley
Class of 1973
President’s Society
Miss Corinne Evelyn Calder
Mr. Arvid Metcalf
Dr. Edward W. Williamson
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Sharon Royster Adams
Dr. Peggy McCue Chappell
Dr. Michael Martin
Mrs. Lettie Ward Myers
Mr. Rex Myers
Mrs. Susan Angeline Davis Philpot
Judge Timothy N. Philpot
Miss Carol Storms
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Evelyn Stephens Hunt
Dr. William Young
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Barbara Beougher Avery
Mr. John Beardsley
Mr. Perry C. Brokaw
Mrs. Rebecca Barnett Brown
Mrs. Edra Bartlett Byers
Mrs. Deborah Grout Clifton
Mrs. Linda Crouse Cook
Rev. Gregory Creech
Mrs. Mary Police Creech
Rev. Glen Evans, Jr.
Mr. Stephen Fow
Mr. Harold Gilbert
Mr. Merlin Ray Hershberger
Mrs. Joyce Stephens Himes
Mrs. Theresa Connolly Holifield
Mrs. Jeannine Spratt Hosey
Mr. Charles S. Jones
Dr. Keith Jones
Mrs. Sheryl Bauer Jones
Mr. Daniel J. Key
Dr. Philip Lawrence
Mrs. Theresa Henry Lawrence
Mr. Franklin Martin
Mrs. Sharon Engler Martin
Mr. Curtis Olson
Mrs. Elaine Vining Salico
Mrs. Cynthia Noble Sayler
Rev. Nelson Taylor
Mr. Mark Vance
Mr. Harry R. Walker
Mr. Timothy Walz
Mrs. Kathleen Nulton Ware
Rev. Glenn R. Wegner
Mr. Daniel Wood
Mrs. Ruth Schwenn Alston
Mr. Edward L. Arrington, Jr.
Mr. Mark A. Barcelo
Mr. Earl Henry Blair
Mrs. Mary Noland Bowen
Ms. Nancy Bradford
Ms. Karen J. Burdette
Mrs. Sylvia Moore Degenkolb
Miss Brenda J. Dixon
Dr. Charles Faupel
Rev. James E. Haddon
Mrs. Margaret McKnight Halcomb
Rev. Saundra Lynn Hamm
Mrs. Mary Davenport Hepner
Dr. Don Hutchison
Mrs. Deborah Jacoby Lanning
Maj. John T. Needham
Rev. Hal Phillips, Jr.
Mr. Roy Pumphrey
Mrs. Wanda Chandler Pumphrey
Mrs. Suzanne Simich Scott
Mrs. Nancy E. Shellenbarger
Mr. Eric Joel Slifer
Mrs. Cathy Keener Steinhauser
Mrs. Deborah Fulton Studer
Mr. Paul Arthur Susan
Mrs. Redonia McKnight Thomas
Dr. Gary L. Wilson
Mrs. Sharon Jones Winslow
Mr. Dwain Carl Zimmerman
Class of 1974
President’s Society
Dr. Joe Brockinton
Mrs. Esther Stockdill Coy
Dr. Billy K. Glover, II
Mr. Dennis Eugene Hadler
Dr. Belinda S. Poe
Dr. Michael Powers
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Patricia Robbins Carmony
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Joan Beaver Brinkman
Mr. David A. Chambers
Mr. Gary Hunt
Dr. Thomas Richard Mowery
Mrs. Sharon Hartman Ruff
Mr. David G. Wilson
Mrs. Linda Grout Wilson
Mrs. Christina Wilcox Zimmerman
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Susan Thomas Ballard
Mrs. Brenda Cooper Bentley
Mr. Ellis Bentley, Jr.
Rev. Ronald Brown
Mrs. Grayce Morgan Crockett
Mr. Alan Davis
Rev. Daniel Dennis
Miss Linda K. Ford
Rev. Tom Halford, Jr.
Dr. Rebecca Grooms Johnson
Mr. Lowell W. Martin
Mr. Roger Meyers
Miss Donna F. Redmon
Rev. James L. Smith
Mrs. Trena Hamant Stafford
Mrs. Ann Cochran Vance
Mrs. Dorinda Heaton Avery
Dr. Jeanne Abbott Barcelo
Mrs. Carol Elaine Hallberg Bittinger
Mrs. Linda Myers Boberg
Dr. E. Dwight Byrne
Mrs. Sharon Stonecipher Collins
Mrs. Mary-Kay Kellerhals Colver
Mrs. Wendy Tucker Culbreath
Mrs. Joyce Roush Davis
Rev. Daryl Lee Docterman
Mrs. Michelle Gilroy Edwards
Mrs. Sheryl Owens Gore
Mrs. Phyllis Cavender Howell
Mrs. Linda Blackburn Hubel
Rev. Michael Manning
Mrs. Barbara Deale Miller
Mrs. Judy Bowman Mock
Mrs. Bonnie Brown Mohrbacher
Rev. Paul A. Reed
Mrs. Becky Jackson Schnake
Mr. Rex Schrolucke
Mr. Stephen Dale Smith
Mr. Clarence Spencer
Rev. David Throckmorton
Mrs. Sally Shuler Throckmorton
Mrs. Nancy Skeen White
Mrs. Jeannine Hall Woody
Mr. Richard Workman
Mr. Ronald Wright
Class of 1975
President’s Society
Mrs. Deni Moegerle Corbett
Dr. Gregory H. Wallace
Mrs. Nancy Cooper Wallace
Founder’s Society
Mr. Dale Ditto
Dr. Dennis L. Fish
Mr. James Sherman Jones
New indoor
riding arena
he College broke
ground for the
Harold Rainwater
Equine Arena in October.
The $250,000 indoor arena
is a 120 x 180-foot facility to
be completed in time for the
spring semester. It will provide
a 72 x 180-foot indoor riding
arena as well as 10-12 stalls,
meeting rooms, offices, a wash
rack and storage areas. The new
facility will enable students to ride
and train horses year-round. It also
provides uninterrupted class time in all
weather conditions including after dark. Students will be able to board their personal horses
in the facility’s stalls. Five gifts have been committed to cover more than $200,000 of the
total cost. This facility comes at an opportune time as the World Equestrian Games arrive
in Lexington, Kentucky in 2010.
Above (L to R): Harold
Rainwater ’69, President
Bill Crothers, Board Chair
C.E. Crouse ’68, Hal Heiner
and Larry Martin break
ground on the College’s
new indoor horse arena.
Mr. David Rickard
Ms. Linda M. Wright
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Barbara Spicer Graves
Mr. Jack L. Graves
Mrs. Joanna Sayers Nichols
Rev. Richard Nichols
Mrs. Karen Shirey Raymond
Dr. Russell E. Raymond
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Earl L. Ballard
Mrs. LaDonne Farmer Beardsley
Mrs. Geraldine Miller Bloom
Dr. Johnny W. Bryant
Rev. Thomas C. Carpenter
Mr. Dwight Dockter
Mrs. Judith Wayne Dockter
Miss Janis M. Harris
Mrs. Sarah Klint Hupp
Mr. Charles A. Johnson
Mrs. Mary Ann Toussaint Maxwell
Cdr. Alan McCollum
Mrs. Charlotte Knochel Mette
Mrs. Brenda Plummer Meyers
Mrs. Mary Lee Miller Pugh
Mr. Don G. Roxberry
Miss Mary Ann Schroeder
Mrs. Carole Snelgrove Taylor
Mrs. Laurie Bashforth Walton
Mr. Daniel Weber
Mrs. Linda-Kay Highfill Wicks
Mr. Allen Bittinger
Rev. Bruce K. Davis
Mrs. Patricia Snelling Howard
Mr. Richard Jones
Mr. Lawrence Kidd
Mrs. Penny Willis Knox
Mrs. Darlene Lora Salter Luther
Mrs. Rosemary Anastos Macfarlane
Mrs. Pamela Holly Manfready
Mrs. Beth Stigall Marcum
Mrs. Carol Brady McGlothlin
Mr. Paul D. Mock
Maj. Marthalyn Ling Needham
Mrs. Karen L. Pocai
Rev. Robert S. Pocai
Mrs. Serrell Marie Hevenor Redd
Rev. Gary W. Rode
Mrs. Regina Harkness Sellers
Mrs. Deborah Meerdink Sickler
Mrs. Sandra Joan Hentschel Sturm
Mrs. Cynthia Smith Susan
Rev. Timothy Swick
Miss Margaret Taylor
Mrs. Pamela Snavley Thomas
Mrs. Nancy Mefford Walters
Mr. Dean Willman
Mrs. Dorothy Smith Wolfe
Rev. N. Jack Wolfe
Class of 1976
President’s Society
Mrs. Mary Jean McKenzie Banter
Mrs. Willa-sue Ling Brockinton
Mrs. Melanie Wood Cavanaugh
Dr. Steven C. Corbett
Mrs. Jennifer Moore Evans
Mr. Jeffrey Hummel
Dr. Janine Corbitt Jones
Dr. Jeffrey Parr
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Susan Boggs Arnold
Mrs. Elizabeth Lee Knoche Casey
Dr. Daniel J. Fleeman
Mrs. Eunice Elliott Logan
Mrs. Judith McMurray Lowe
Rev. Jay F. Lucas
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Miss Joanne Davis
Miss Carol Douglas
Dr. Thomas W. Gore
Degree completion
program adds major
ACHIEVE, the College’s adult evening degree completion
program, added a leadership and ministry major. ACHIEVE
began offering classes in January 2006 with the management
and ethics major. They currently have more than 40 students
enrolled. For more information about this program, please visit
Mrs. Carolyn Kusche Hale
Mr. Timothy R. Sheridan
Rev. Richard G. Tuttle
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Erol D. Altug
Ms. Karen S. Brammer
Mr. Kenneth Brazelton
Ms. Nancy Rae Carman
Mrs. Jeanette Davis Davis
Ms. Deborah DeFine
Mr. Mark Hannay
Mr. Michael G. Hupp
Mrs. Donna Bailey James
Miss Annetta Keller
Mrs. Marianne Stevens Kesten
Mrs. Lucy Cummings Kilmer
Mr. Wesley D. Kilmer
Mrs. Patricia Shannon McKain
Dr. Thomas W. McKain
Rev. Bob Mark Moon
Mrs. Beth Hilliard Orr
Mrs. Beverly Decker Palmer
Rev. R. Malcolm Pugh
Dr. David D. Ray
Mrs. Kay Pfeifer Ray
Mr. William L. Weethee, Jr.
Mr. Frank Wicks
Rev. Morris Gene Young
Mrs. Donna Goodine Bailey
Mrs. Marcia Heckman Berfield
Rev. James R. Brennan
Mr. Rodgers C. Culbreath
Mr. Evan R. Gaus
Mr. Robert B. Gillette
Mr. Edward B. Gore
Mr. G. David Hill
Mr. James L. Howard, Jr.
Mr. Marcus A. Jackson
Mrs. Susan Kelsey Jackson
Mrs. Martha Brewer Jewett
Mr. Daniel R. Kinnell
Mr. Randall M. Knox
Mrs. Jacqueline Green Lake
Rev. Allan Lavin
Mrs. Robin Blake Lawson
Rev. William D. Lawson
Mrs. Lynnette Rhine Lister
Mr. Charles F. Miller
Mrs. Florence Hall Mitchell
Mr. Stephen William Moore
Rev. J. Brent Mustoe
Mrs. Tamsene Phillips Payton
Rev. John H. Riggs
Mr. Joe K. Rouintree
Mr. W. Bratton Shaw
Mr. Lance O. Underwood
Miss Linda L. Vogan
Mr. James Robert Weschgel
Mrs. Judith Galloway Westen
Class of 1977
President’s Society
Mrs. Pamela Cunningham Averso
Mr. Francis A. Diederich
Mr. Michael J. Evans
Dr. Sherry Wilson Powers
Founder’s Society
Dr. Bill Arnold
Dr. Richard E. Cherry, III
Mrs. Kathy Walker Fish
Mr. Lynn William Giger
Mrs. Cathy Rowles Larson
Mr. Boone Logan
Mrs. Beth Olson Olney
Dr. Kent R. Olney
Mr. Stuart A. Smith
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Miss Patricia Ann Gunning
Mr. David J. Hilliard
Mrs. Gail Meredith
Zollinhofer Quigg
Mr. Stephen Paul Quigg
Mrs. Kay Martin Rehner
Dr. Timothy A. Rehner
Mrs. Anita Bond Roberson
Mrs. Wanda Campbell Roberts
Mrs. Judith Traina Seitz
Dr. Martin L. Seitz
Mrs. Meredythe Monroe Sisco
Mrs. Marcia Boettcher Thurow
Mrs. Barbara Napier Tidman
Mr. S. Paul Tidman
Dr. M. William Ury
Mrs. Dayna Irish Wright
Class of 1979
Mrs. Brenda Duffy Sheridan
Rev. Ronald E. Smith
Lt. Col. Victor Joel Toney
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Mark J. Amey
Mrs. Joyce Schultz Bryant
Mrs. Anita Miller Child
Dr. Phillip B. Collier
Dr. N. Clayton Croy
Mr. Harold A. Davis, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia McFarland Deeke
Miss Beth A. Feather
Dr. Catherine Jacobs Fontana
Mr. James I. Howard
Miss Barbara J. Huber
Mrs. Lori McDaniel Jacobus
Mr. Michael J. McFarland
Mrs. Betty Fleming Moon
Mrs. Elizabeth Key Moran
Mr. Gary W. Nickel
Mr. Carlos A. Oliveros
Mr. Frank E. Parenteau
Rev. Stephen A. Waldorf
Mrs. Valli Hugar Weethee
Mrs. Marla Miley Wilcox
Mrs. Cheryl Gould Brennan
Dr. James M. Brown
Mrs. Janice Cay Pruitt Chamness
Mrs. Sharon Chitwood Clark
Mrs. Christina Sjoberg Coleman
Mrs. Carol Marie Wiley Collins
Maj. Philip M. Cooley
Mrs. Mary Ellen Penhorwood Feagin
Rev. Richard O. Feagin
Mr. E. Sidney Finklea, III
Rev. Peggy Ann Garnaat
Mrs. Patsy Elizabeth Kesler Gillette
Miss Beth E. Gwyn
Miss Kimberly Jan Hickman
Mrs. S. Aliese Tankersly Hill
Rev. John W. Hodge
Mr. Mark G. Johnson
Mrs. Melanie Hindman Kinnell
Mr. Mack A. Lewis
Mr. John Eugene Mathias
Mrs. Patricia Glanton Mink
Mrs. Joyce Verna Brewer Neeley
Mrs. Kathleen Ketchens Patrick
Rev. Dennis Payton
Rev. Stephen T. Perry
Mrs. Susan Jones Rae
Mr. Thomas M. Rae
Mrs. Bethanne Bostrom Schneider
Mr. William Sellers
Mrs. Sharon Joy Boggs Smith
Mr. William Warren Weber
Mr. Philip Earl Webster
Mr. Gary L. Welch
Rev. William R. Wright
Mrs. Paula Bauer Wyse
Mr. Walter H. Wyse
Class of 1978
President’s Society
Mrs. Sandra Louise Temple Cullum
Miss Susan Kraus
Mr. R. Gregory Swanson
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Janet Beth Turner Jamieson
Mrs. Susan Sutlive Smith
Dr. Jeffrey D. Taber
Mrs. Karla Wallerstedt Taber
Mrs. Dawn Ford Veazey
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Dianne Rowell Brooks
Mr. Joseph Reeves Locke, Jr.
Mrs. Linda Jean Hurst Locke
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Carol Joy Amey
Rev. Daniel Jon Amey
Mr. Dean R. Barrett
Mr. Samuel S. Bean
Mrs. Dawn Inay Fox Byrum
Mrs. Donna Andrews Dawson
Mrs. Cindy Goodyear Dean
Mr. Jeffrey M. Ford
Mr. Walter S. George
Miss Rhonda M. Goss
Rev. Tom H. Knauff
Rev. Donald E. LaFaber
Mr. Stephen L. Partridge
Mrs. Julie Carter Roberts
Mrs. Diane Battles Sillaman
Mr. Clifford L. Tibbitts
Mr. Gregory M. Timmons
Mr. Martin L. Vance
Mr. Michael B. Watts
Mrs. Cynthia Ann Farst Arnold
Mr. Douglas R. Bascom
Mrs. Robin Elder Cathers
Rev. C. Douglas Chapman
Mrs. Lou Anne Harris Crosswhite
Rev. Douglas R. Cullum
Mr. Jeffrey K. Davis
Mr. Larry A. Davis
Mrs. Treva Baird Davis
Mrs. Elaine Marie Kubuj Franks
Mr. Michael Allen Graves
Mrs. Naomia A. Haddon
Mr. John Hendershot
Mr. Gregory C. Hendrix
Rev. Terry Lee Henke
Mrs. Melinda Davis Lee
Rev. Thomas Addison Long
Mrs. Rebekah Moon Lowe
Mr. Bryan D. Mitchell
Miss Carol M. Morgan
Dr. Charles J. Naylor
Mrs. Mary Lynn Flessner Parker
Rev. David E. Penalva
Maj. Linda-Jo Drummond Perks
President’s Society
Dr. Ken Allen Banter
Mr. Donn H. Coil
Mrs. Margaret Melzer Curnow
Dr. Ronald P. Ford
Mrs. Valerie Parr Hill
Mrs. Diana Chapman Jaeger
Mrs. Cynthia McLendon Kewin
Mr. Stephen D. Rehner
Mr. Mark A. Watts
Dr. Robert L. Wood
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Nancy Abbott Blind
Dr. Donald Lovejoy
Mrs. Lois Miller Lovejoy
Mr. Jon Q. Shellhaas
Mrs. Nancy Cheatham Shellhaas
Mr. Geoffrey D. Wood
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Harold L. Bertrand
Mr. John R. Campbell
Mrs. Susan Keen Campbell
Dr. Peter A. Crisologo, Sr.
Rev. Barry R. Dickens
Dr. Gary Mark George
Mrs. Teresa Meyers Jenkins
Mr. Murray W. Kenyon
Dr. Philip L. Lund
Dr. James R. Owens
Mr. David J. Sears
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Marie C. Albert
Mrs. Mary Jo Hardison Amey
Mr. Stephen W. Barber
Mrs. Cheryl Jividen Barnett
Rev. Alan T. Barrett
Mrs. Marilyn Brown Bean
Mrs. Nichola Clark Berry
Mrs. Judy Wineman Brown
Mr. David Broxterman
Mr. William B. Dunn
Mr. Duane T. Fish
Mrs. Eva Moore Foster
Mrs. Kathy Taber Fox
Mrs. Judith Coomes Golden
Mrs. Lela Jayne Haggard
Mrs. Melody Simmerman Horne
Dr. R. Keith Iddings
Mr. Jeffrey Wayne James
Mrs. Robin Brocious Johnson
Mrs. Jean James Kingery
Baseball returns to
Asbury College
he baseball program was reinstated and will
field a team in the spring of 2008. New coach,
Lee Rogers, a Lexington native, is recruiting
prospective students this fall for the 2007-08 season.
Baseball at Asbury, circa 1920
Mrs. Cynthia McDonald Knauff
Mr. Jonathan P. Linton
Mrs. Lynette Vose Mahaffey
Mrs. Cathy Sackman Martin
Mr. James R. McCook, Jr.
Mr. Robert R. Moore, Jr.
Rev. Carlos R. Otero
Mrs. Robin Mick Sillaman
Mr. Timothy P. Sillaman
Dr. Griffith W. Thomas
Mrs. Lucinda Thomas Thomas
Mrs. Diane Logue Treen
Mr. Robert L. Treen
Ms. Nancy Donaldson Turner
Dr. Philip D. Veatch
Mr. David E. Vibbert
Mrs. Cynthia Allen Vorhees
Mr. Donald P. Vosburg
Mrs. Kimberly Burns Willoughby
Mr. Barry R. Bowen
Mrs. Cheryl Gustafson Brown
Miss Kathryn S. Browne
Mr. Jeffrey L. Buck
Mrs. Sharon Froderman Clarke
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann
Coleman Clausen
Miss Victoria L. Dodge
Mrs. Karen Pumphrey Gaus
Mrs. Pamelia Ritchey Grout
Rev. Larry S. Hukill
Mrs. Miriam Brown Lafferty
Mrs. Joy Lynn Haering Lee
Rev. David W. Lord
Dr. Gary Manfready
Rev. Douglas H. McMahon, Jr.
Miss Mary L. Moutz
Mrs. Martha Kurtz Murray
Mr. George W. Nalley
Mr. Gregory L. Pacheco
Mrs. Stacy Miller Penalva
Mrs. Colleen Clarke Pope
Mr. David E. Ransdell
Mrs. Constance Schultz Sandrock
Mr. Orin M. Simmerman, III
Mrs. Louise Baston Simmons
Rev. Kevin Paul Smith
Mr. Stephen R. St. Clair
Mrs. Karen Hutchens White
Rev. Stephen J. White
Mr. Louis A. Yurcsak, Jr.
Class of 1980
President’s Society
Mr. Larry D. Brown
Mrs. Carol Weaver Coulliette
Mr. David M. W. Dea
Mrs. Helen Rehner Rader
Mrs. Beth Luce Reed
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Early Swain
Lt. Col. William L. Van Nuys
Founder’s Society
Dr. Debra Ratliff Bailey
Dr. Phillip H. Brown
Mrs. Deborah Lester Lafferty
Mrs. Debra Mauney Price
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Daniel Howard Clark
Mrs. Marilyn McKeown Clark
Mrs. Barbara Lloyd Curry
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Becky McGill Barber
Mrs. Elizabeth Parris Barrett
Rev. Brian R. Bunch
Mrs. Lisa Hunt Garverick
Mrs. Valerie Murphy Hammerlee
Dr. William D. Hammerlee, Jr.
Mrs. Suzanne Howell Hardaway
Mr. Jay R. Hausher
Mr. John Wesley Hughes
Dr. Scott R. P. Janney
Mr. Jim M. Kemper
Mr. Robert L. Leonard, Jr.
Maj. Theodore O. Morris, III
Mrs. Esther Wehrman Otero
Patty Hieronymus Overing
Mr. Wade L. Pearsall
Mrs. Cathy St Clair Pershing
Mrs. Janet Faye Huck Powell
Mr. Robert A. Powell
Mr. Owen Prillaman
Mrs. Barbara Trovillion Rushing
Mr. Michael B. Sparks
Mrs. Marla Eberhardt Spencer
Mrs. Janice Bailey Thompson
Dr. Thomas F. Tumblin
Mrs. Barbara Timmons Twachtman
Mr. Eric H. Twachtman
Mrs. Nancy Cunningham Veatch
Mrs. Deana Moore Vibbert
Mr. J. Clayton Whitaker, Jr.
Mrs. Cynthia Greer Wood
Mrs. Susan Myers Atteberry
Mr. Lester B. Barker
Mrs. Kandace Dawson Chimento
Mrs. Sharon Bierley Davis
Mrs. Nancy Cowen DeStefano
Ms. Laurie A. Eakes
Mrs. Marilee Ensign
Mr. David L. Frazier
Dr. David T. Grout
Mr. Keith A. Guther
Mrs. Jennifer Dreyer Harris
Mrs. Kathryn Gayle Reese Hendershot
Mr. David B. Herin
Rev. Clark Alan Hess, Jr.
Mrs. Kimberly Krider Hess
Rev. Ricky D. Heyn
Rev. Jeffrey K. Howell
Miss Patty S. Leeson
Mrs. Cheryl Cottongim Lord
Mrs. Brenda Lea Jackson Monroe
Mrs. Cynthia Blackhurst Mulhern
Mrs. Karen Lawton Mustoe
Mr. Robert Bruce Patrick
Rev. Richard F. Piscatelli
Mr. Jacques L. Sallade
Mr. Stephen Sevak, Jr.
Mr. Bruce A. Simms
Mrs. Marjie Beam Simms
Mr. Paul M. Strang
Rev. Larry J. Vickers
Mrs. Linda Valerie Draper Woldeit
Class of 1981
President’s Society
Dr. David L. Coulliette
Ms. Michele M. Devereaux
Dr. Gerald D. Forbes
Mr. David A. Herrington
Mrs. Laurie Anne Ramsey Jaffe
Miss Susan C. Kell
Ms. Carolyn L. Ridley
Founder’s Society
Mr. William Samuel Bartlett
Mr. Thomas W. Cochran
Mr. David Earle Majors
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Clare Newton Bez
Mr. David W. Carmicheal
Mrs. Yvonne Daulton Carmicheal
Mrs. Valeria Shannon Crisologo
Dr. G. Waldon Garriss, III
Mr. Richard E. Jenkins
Mrs. Penny Ritchey Kenyon
Dr. Evelyn Camuti Sears
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Laura Selph Berg
Ms. Jane Blackburn
Mrs. Diane McCook Bolar
Mrs. Peggy Jo Tombleson Broxterman
Mrs. Zoe Ann Brown Custer
Mr. James E. Harriman
Miss Priscilla M. Hazlett
Mr. Randy A. Hensel
Mr. Charles J. Hunter, IV
Mrs. Nancy Donehoo Hunter
Mrs. Sheryl Brock Moore
Cdr. William C. Murphy
Mrs. Glenna Lowe Norton
Mrs. Sylvia Ann Kirst Patrlja
Rev. James H. Sanders
Rev. Bruce W. Sheffield
Rev. Richard Duane Smith
Dr. John H. Spicer
Rev. Michael Eugene Taylor
Mrs. Nora Susette Harris Taylor
Mrs. Diane Kay Speicher VanderVliet
Mrs. Catherine McKellar Wallin
Dr. Elizabeth Hess Watts
Mr. Stephen F. Watts
Mrs. Joan McIntire Blazek
Mrs. Cynthia Bridwell Brewer
Mrs. Cynthia Gutchess Clark
Mrs. Kathy Carnes Cooley
Mrs. Joyce Stevens Corbitt
Mrs. Joyce Anne Stott Cullum
Rev. Billy J. Dotson
Mrs. Lori Lee Matthews Fair
Rev. Robert S. Frye
Mr. Scott Allen Gatton
Ms. Robin Gipson
Rev. Wayne D. Hickman
Mrs. Rae Buller King
Mrs. Karen Holz Kinlaw
Mr. Duvon McGuire
Mrs. Phyllis Arlene Brennan Parrish
Mrs. Crystal Crosby Rogers
Mrs. Marilyn McIlrath Schouten
Mr. Robert L. Simpson
Mr. Mark Smith
Mrs. Veronica Sadler Williams
Class of 1982
President’s Society
Mrs. Carol Kraus Britton
Mrs. Robin Watkins Cole
Mrs. Grace Harvey Dupree
Founder’s Society
Mr. Martin E. Barker
Mrs. Nancy Cuthbert Cochran
Mrs. Deborah Kay Burrus Hayden
Dr. M. Keith Ingram
Dr. Sandra Tennant Stroebel
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Beth Ann Smith Cook
Mrs. Gloria Beth Bullock Ford
Dr. Ronald A. Ford
Mr. Joe W. Moutz
Mrs. Dorena Ritzler Smith
Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Kelly Hensley Farmer
Mr. Stephen D. Farmer
Mrs. Bobbi Lynn Yoder Fledderjohann
Miss Deborah Ann Gober
Rev. David M. Gormong
Mrs. Le Anne Oyler Gormong
Mr. Jaime Scott Greene
Mrs. Pamela Johnson Harriman
Mr. Brandon Johnson
Mrs. Cecille Sitarz Kinsey
Mrs. Sherry Hubbard Koeppe
Mr. Edward J. Kusche
Mrs. Sabra Bertrand Martin
Rev. Ruth McKnight McMillan
Mrs. Lynn Carswell Parham
Mr. G. Ridgely Seitz
Mrs. Nancy Bartholomew Seitz
Mr. Steven J. VanderLaan
Mr. Jim Boucher
Mrs. Donna Durham Brooks
Rev. W. Hank Brooks
Mrs. Denise Alexander Canankamp
Rev. Jeff A. Canankamp
Ms. Kimberly Fay Case
Miss Lois Covert
Mrs. Nancie Stambaugh Dillon
Mr. Jeffrey J. Ford
Mrs. Lisa Lichtenfelt Gribbin
Rev. Donald R. Henderson
Mrs. Barbara Hanson Howell
Mrs. Lynn Winans Kershner
Mrs. Kimberly Everage Leake
Mrs. Lisa Meckstroth McKain
Mrs. Kimberly Sue McWilliams
Mr. Thomas P. McWilliams
Mrs. Cynthia Brown Oden
Mr. Curtis W. Prather
Mrs. Joy Erny Reyes
Mrs. Dawn Cheesman Robertson
Mrs. Charlotte Siler Sallade
Mr. John G. Schouten
Miss Carol A. Sever
Mr. Gary C. Shaw
Mr. Darrell K. Stevenson
Mrs. Beverly Howell Tellifero
Rev. Jon E. Tellifero
Mrs. Ardis Morris Trinkle
Maj. Evan J. Trinkle
Miss Rebecca S. Unsicker
Mr. William Cecil Watkins
Class of 1983
President’s Society
Mr. Charles E. Cole, Jr.
Mr. Paul J. Dupree
Mrs. Nancy Grout Forbes
Mr. James P. Rader
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Velinda Jalo Bartlett
Mr. Paul M. Stroebel
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Howard M. Alexander
Mrs. Janie Brushaber
Mrs. Markie Bridewell Clements
Mr. Stephen K. Clements
Rev. Charles G. Coleman
Lt. Col. Scott Philip Cook
Mrs. Alicia Shepherd Davenport
Mr. Jeffrey L. Duncan
Mrs. Melinda Stearns Fedotowsky
Mr. Carlton L. Mann
Mrs. Elizabeth Lisa Gates Mann
Dr. Deborah Martz Naaman
Miss Karla S. Nachtsheim
Miss Ronda Kay Runyon
Mrs. Christine Duff Smith
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Roberta Ekberg Bartz
Mr. Robb Stuart Bolar
Mrs. Michal Renee Doverspike Buchanan
Rev. Terry George Fleming
Mr. Timothy D. Herron
Mr. Gregory B. Isaacs
Mr. Kenneth Randal Johnson
Mrs. Rebecca Renner Johnson
Mrs. Julie Ann Hedden Keeton
Mr. Michael S. Kinsey
Mrs. Darlene Wilcox Nonnweiler
Mrs. Darolyn Miller Peterson
Mrs. Dona Dearin Reeves
Mr. Brian Dana Reyes
Rev. William R. Seitz
Mrs. Martha Riffe Shannon
Mrs. Sharon Naylor Sparks
Mr. Daniel L. Trump
Mrs. Margaret Allinder Trump
Mrs. Elaine Frederick Vigar
Mrs. Cathy Dunigan Anderson
Mrs. Sharon Elaine Hunt Bartmas
Mr. Anthony D. Brewer
Mr. Paul W. Bryan
Rev. David Lowell Cook
Mr. Scott Thomas Crecelius
Rev. Ramon R. Degenkolb
Rev. James C. Donnan
Mrs. Lynn Boyd Eckley
Dr. Samuel A. Figueroa
Mrs. Deanna Lester Finch
Mrs. Rhonda Detweiler Finley
Rev. David L. Goldsmith
Mr. James R. Hulett, Jr.
Mrs. Laura Schaerer Lay
Rev. Timothy R. Lee
Dr. Anna Booth McEwan
Mr. Robert Paul McEwan
Mr. David W. McKain
Mrs. Beth Ikle McQueen
Rev. Jason L. McQueen
Mr. John Mark Peterson
Rev. Charles W. Price
Rev. Mark A. Rains
Mr. Steven C. Reyes
Mrs. Karen Wallen Rousseau
Mr. Tyler A. Schenzel
Mrs. Lynn Marie Sickler Somers
Mrs. Teresa Conwell Stephenson
Mrs. Diane Nelson Ury
Mrs. Cynthia Sheffield Vandemark
Rev. Randall L. Vandemark
Mrs. Dixie Lynn Graham Williams
Class of 1984
President’s Society
Mrs. Heather Granger Lintemuth
Mr. Mark H. Whitworth
Mrs. Tyanne James Whitworth
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Juliana Smith Barker
Mrs. Ruth Lord Ingram
Dr. Brian D. Jenkins
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Candy Maria English Alexander
Mrs. Emily Wood Coleman
Mrs. Charlotte Dean Hartley
Mrs. Dina Britcher Shoults
Mrs. Andrea Fine Smith
Mr. Brian J. Smith
Mr. Michael E. Smith
Mrs. Pamela Kay Thompson Toney
Mrs. Jane Cooper Van Tatenhove
Circuit Rider Society
Rev. Jorge A. Acevedo
Mrs. Kimberly Keplar Amstutz
Mr. Keith E. Brown, Jr.
Rev. Douglas W. Heiman
Mrs. Scheila Dunford Lowery
Mrs. Kandy Ireland Reyes
Mrs. Sallie Beam Shaw
Mrs. Kathryn L. Sheffield
Mr. James A. Thomas
Mrs. Kathy Jo Kamps VanderLaan
Mr. Leland G. Bennett
Mrs. Diana Devine Berger
Mr. Mark Anthony Bules
Mr. Brian D. Calvert
Mrs. Katherine Simonet Calvert
Mrs. Suzanne Sitarz Campagna
Rev. Glenn J. Conaway
Mr. R. Karry Corbitt
Mrs. Julie Hulett Howard
Mr. Timothy Paul Howard
Mr. Thomas A. Jones
Building, 1919
Mr. Charles E. Kerner
Mrs. Elisabeth Harris Kinsey
Mr. Adrian A. Luyk
Mrs. Martha A. Martin
Mrs. Patricia MacAdam McLay
Mr. Troy K. Miller
Mrs. Beth Reyes Stephens
Miss Karen M. Stevens
Mrs. Karla Seater Stowe
Mrs. Sandra Mears Thwing
Miss Cynthia E. VanGuilder
Mrs. Diane Kay Helton Vetters
Mr. Jay Wilson, III
Class of 1985
President’s Society
Mr. Stephen L. Lintemuth
Founder’s Society
Dr. Daniel A. Butler
Mrs. Jamie Gilbert Mingo
Mr. David E. Sanders
Mrs. Sheryl Lynn Wells Sanders
Mrs. Shannon Boggs Swathwood
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Rev. Randy A. Coy
Ms. Jeanette Pavkov Fritz
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Jean E. Achenbach
Mrs. Janet McConnell Adams
Mrs. Gina Michelle Stroud Binder
Mrs. Dana Bullar Brown
Mrs. Nancy Cummings Buonocore
Rev. Salvatore E. Buonocore
Mrs. Martha Queen Croy
Mr. Daryl L. Fish
Mr. Bruce P. Frink
Mr. Val L. Gallutia
Mrs. Kate Saunders Haeussler
Mrs. Jody Baxley Heiman
Mr. Stephen D. Henshaw
Mrs. Cheryl Eckley Madonna
Mr. Bertram K. Medlock
Mrs. Ravonda Redding Mormann
Mr. Stephen P. Osborn
Mr. Brett R. Packard
Mrs. Diana Tidman Tollerud
Mr. Jeffrey W. VanNote
Mrs. Janet Jarvis Ambrose
Mrs. Deborah Owen Baldwin
Mrs. Linda Wentworth Barnes
Mrs. Margaret Barnes Breen
Mrs. Cheryl Cundiff Crane
Mrs. June Grace Bush Elia
Mr. Edward J. Grover
Mrs. Doreen DePaolo Moore
Mrs. Kathleen Willey Peterson
Ms. Catherine Craig Pickel
Mrs. Beth Crombie Price
Mr. William C. Pritchard, Jr.
Mrs. Lynn Brooks Rains
Mr. Randy E. Rainwater
Mr. William R. Ridener, Jr.
Mrs. Loralee Lang Ridge
Mrs. Brenda Widmark Smarelli
Mrs. Debra Jean Wilson Vavra
Mr. David R. Watts
Mrs. Susan O’Nan Watts
Dr. Brian Scott Wells
Class of 1986
President’s Society
Mrs. Donna Winslow Crouse
Mr. Jonathan S. Crouse
Mr. Scott Edward McPherson
Mrs. Barbara Lowe Stryker
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Jana VanTatenhove Baldwin
Miss Cheryl D. Dillion
Mrs. Laura Ellen Hudson Patterson
Dr. Todd Cameron Swathwood
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Dr. George D. Barber
Mr. Ted R. Batson, Jr.
Ms. Julie D. Hunt
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Richard D. Bates
Ms. Christine S. Blank
Mrs. Karla Hendricks Byrd
Mr. Dru Fitch
Mrs. Linda Anders Gallutia
Rev. Paul E. Garverick
Mr. Jeffrey S. Geiger
Mrs. Terri Lynn Doverspike Gruver
Mr. Chris Guy
Mr. James G. Hodson
Mrs. Sarah Azbell Johnston
Dr. Kathy Pensinger Kurfman
Mrs. Alison Durham Osborn
Mr. James B. Stoops
Mr. Michael G. Albertson
Mr. Mark K. Bartmas
Mrs. Michelle Worley Carpenter
Mr. Stephen L. Carpenter
Mrs. Jatrice Hunter Castle
Mr. Douglas A. Cox
Mr. Billy R. Crane
Mrs. Annerose Heinold Crown
Mrs. Becky Linder Emenaker
Mrs. Nan Willard Grover
Mrs. Monte W. Howard
Mr. Kevin D. Hutchison
Mrs. Patricia Davis Klaes
Rev. Michael P. Lyons
Mrs. Cassandra Rodgers Mann
Mr. Edward W. Marshall
Mrs. Rebekah Dake Marshall
Mr. Colin M. O’Brien
Rev. Junichi Saigo
Rev. Michael W. Smith
Mrs. Tracy Lynn Phillips Southworth
Mrs. Verna Rogers Stemple
Class of 1987
President’s Society
Mrs. Alice Wilson Alesia
Teacher education program No. 1
he Teacher Education Program was ranked No. 1 in
Kentucky. Asbury College recently received top rankings
from the Education Professional Standards Board.
The College received an “Excellent” rating and an overall quality
performance index (QPI) of 3.88, which is higher than all public and
private colleges in Kentucky. In 2004-05, Asbury College graduates
had a 100 percent pass rate on the PRAXIS test. The QPI formula
is based on a 4.0 scale and calculates how well Kentucky education
programs prepare students for the classroom.
Mr. Anthony G. Dell
Mrs. Sherilyn Dargan McPherson
Mr. Jeffrey E. Stryker
Founder’s Society
Dr. Robert F. Bundy, Jr.
Mrs. Diane Draper Butler
Mrs. Mary Priscilla Martz Ross
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Lisa Gaulden Barber
Mr. Douglas M. Harkness
Mrs. Lucy Simpson Harkness
Mr. Clyde Franklin Hix
Mrs. Lynette Hendry Owens
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Kellie Rowe Bracken
Rev. Timothy B. Bracken
Mr. Andrew John Bruner
Mrs. Kathleen Baillie Bruner
Ms. Laurie A. Grout
Rev. Steven J. Gruver
Mr. Phillip J. Haworth
Rev. Steven D. Heitkamp
Mrs. Kathy Reeves Houp
Mr. Ronald E. Houp, Jr.
Mr. John Kenneth Lee
Mr. Robert Dean Nonnweiler
Mr. Dennis W. Norton
Miss Linda Cathy Simpson
Mr. Kevin M. Underwood
Mrs. Michelle Stonecipher Wade
Mrs. Donna Parks Annas
Mr. Larry L. Boss
Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Bird Colijn
Mrs. Melinda Mires Foust
Mrs. Laura Couchenour Garner
Rev. Mark A. Gregory
Rev. Jeffrey S. Harper
Mr. Matthew M. Lentsch
Capt. Stephen Paul Morris
Capt. Wendy Laxton Morris
Mr. Bruce A. Patterson
Rev. Jane M. Pykus
Mrs. Anita Joseph Rainwater
Mrs. Elise Anderson Rhodes
Mr. Ronald M. Schell
Rev. Gary D. Smith
Mr. Wayne S. VanLew
Class of 1988
President’s Society
Mrs. Cheryl Winters Gordon
Mr. Jeffrey A. Gordon
Mr. David J. Valkema
Founder’s Society
Mr. Steven John Ross
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Rebecca Lynn Herin Gray
Mrs. Janet Elaine Baldridge
Mr. Michael A. Hernandez
Mr. Kevin J. Jones
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Marilyn Kay Smith Bakenhaster
Mr. H. Eugene Gansz
Mrs. Mollie Gilleland Guy
Mrs. Kimberly Butler Hunter
Mrs. Anita Wells Johnson
Dr. Lawrence N. Larabee, Jr.
Miss Alice K. Maggard
Rev. Alan Wayne McBride
Mrs. Karen Dougherty McBride
Mrs. Karen Panse McNees
Mrs. Sharon Lynn Campbell Moore
Mr. Glenn Allen Record
Mr. Jeffrey A. Shafer
Mrs. April Leggett Shaffer
Mr. LaRue L. Shaw
Miss Laura Lea Sims
Dr. Scott A. Yost
Rev. Jill Hardt Zundel
Mrs. Sharon Sigler Bowers
Mrs. Kathleen Hysong Bregel
Mrs. Margaret Wilson Bush
Mrs. Sandra Greenwell Chandler
Dr. Anita Inglis Fast
Rev. Roger L. Frederick
Mrs. Sook Lai Lim Han
Mrs. Kimberly Johnson Howard
Mr. Steven W. Irwin
Capt. Susan Hayes McElroy
Mr. Robert Stewart McKinnon
Mr. Phillip R. Miller
Mrs. Andrea Olive Moneymaker
Mrs. Barbara Dow Muenze
Mr. John R. Muenze, Jr.
Mrs. Lisa Spahr Pause
Mrs. Michelle Elaine Gere Pratt
Mrs. Patricia Sue Murdoch Pringle
Mrs. Deborah Baxter Redwine
Rev. Davis W. Rhodes
Rev. Janie Chestnut Shoemaker
Mr. David Fenton Smith
Mr. Timothy John Vetters
Mrs. Alice Courtney Wagner
Mr. Jeff Scott Winckler
Rev. Joel S. Winckler
Mrs. Melissa Prather Bachman
Mr. Daniel J. Bundus
Dr. Bradd Alan Falkenberg
Mrs. Cynthia Edwards Falkenberg
Mrs. Mindy Kemp Heitkamp
Mr. Van A. Johnson
Mr. Kevin T. Madill
Mrs. Andrea Ball Margrave
Mr. Scot A. Parsons
Mrs. Amanda Ames Reymann
Mrs. Kathy Lee Swigert Spaulding
Mr. Burton D. Wilkins
Mr. Brent Yarger
Mrs. Heather Hamilton Yost
Mr. John B. Brown
Mr. Neal R. Butler
Mrs. Rebecca Tolle Butler
Mr. Brian D. Decker
Mr. Charles Douglas Jolly
Mrs. Diana Crosson Kozar
Mrs. Kelly Chitester Purbaugh
Dr. Todd D. Schell
Mr. Douglas Elmer Shope
Class of 1989
President’s Society
Mr. John J. Bandsma
Mr. James J. Cooney
Mrs. Lisa Falin Harper
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Julie James Bundy
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Steven Douglas Cash
Mr. Marc Alan Wilson
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Britian Mark Balkcom
Mr. William George Coffman, Sr.
Mr. Daryl Duane Dexter
Mr. Greg Hintz
Mrs. Trisha Fehler Hintz
Mrs. Vicki Lynn Gibson Judy
President’s Society
Mrs. Ruth Johnson Caul
Mrs. Elizabeth Mason Dell
Mrs. Chiharu Takeda Derber
Mr. Darin D. Dunaway
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Laura Fortenbery Cole
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Stephen Verne Gray
Mrs. Simone Ricks-Jones
Dr. Deborah Downing Royse
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Cheryl Montgomery Acevedo
Mrs. Pamela Joy Baldwin Adams
Mr. William Kelsey Adams, Jr.
Class of 1990
Mrs. Julia Anne Valade Record
Mr. Bradley V. Reeder
Ms. Ellen Berry Thrasher
Mrs. Laura Michelle Monson Williams
Mrs. Humaira Tufail Dale
Mrs. Carolyn Magill Frederick
Mr. Vincent Joseph Guy
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Jones Jeffers
Mrs. Bethany Mae Fielder Jolly
Mrs. Jodi Anne Hurula Kessler
Mr. Joseph Lee Kozar
Mrs. Jodie Ann Webster Lamb
Mrs. Susan Lynette Porter Maynard
Mrs. Julie Mast O’Neill
Mr. Timothy Lee Prater
Mrs. Rebecca Louise Bogart Ragland
Mrs. Christy Baiamonte Valentine
Class of 1991
President’s Society
Dr. Ronald E. Creque, Jr.
Mr. Ron Thomas Harper
Mr. Keith Roger Henize
Mrs. Susanna McQueen Henize
Mrs. Michelle Lynn Kubal Williams
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Scott Andrew Falkenberg
Mrs. Heidi Ann Morris Pelkey
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Kevin Ray Becht
Mrs. Jennifer Rivers Fitch
Mr. Glenn Russell Hamilton
Mrs. Lesley Joan Prince Hoheisel
Mrs. Gretchen Olson Luce
Mr. Craig I. Packer
Mrs. Charmian Renee Guy Register
Mrs. Joy Lynn Davidson Smith
Mr. Jonathan Noel Sprague
Mrs. Shawn Fluck Swartzentruber
Mrs. Sarah Bock Underwood
Rev. Ronald Dean Walker
Mr. Michael Tate Webb
Miss Trudy Merrice Wilson
Ms. Doreen Mary Spielvogel Applegate
Miss Holly Lou Babcock
Mrs. Anissa Lyn Ohler Beine
Mrs. Jennifer Lynn Gould Bilkey
Mrs. Tina Marie Doverspike Colton
Mrs. Nancy Ann Osterholm Cox
Mrs. Jodi Sue Silvis Eaglesham
Mr. Douglas Alan Geiger
Mr. Jeffrey Lloyd Hanton
Mr. Carlos Luis Herrera
Mrs. Claudia Regina Furlong Kuhnast
Mrs. Jillaine Amy Bruns Lyons
Mrs. Beth Renee Moore Mankin
Mrs. Marsha Burns Willis Phipps
Mr. Clyde Ragland, Jr.
Mrs. Sharon Kay Hairell Shope
Rev. Floyd William Shutt, II
Mr. Mark Stanley Wiggam
Mrs. Jennifer Fuqua Woodard
Mr. DeQiang Yang
Mrs. Angela Coleen Austin Zimmerman
Class of 1992
President’s Society
Mrs. Pamela Sue Wiley Bower
Mrs. Leigh Anne Cash Cooney
Mrs. Jessica Bookout Dunaway
Bill Pinto
Jennifer Ray Pinto
Founder’s Society
Dr. Paul Andrew Cooney
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Lisa Renee Koser Falkenberg
Dr. Daniel Robert Houck
Mrs. Gina Vitolo Stasko
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Neil Wesley Bowers
Rev. Robert Ewell Cooper
Mrs. Sarah Joann Willson Dexter
Mrs. Rita Rawlings French
Mrs. Catherine Elizabeth Honaker Gooch
Mrs. Barbara Adams Hamilton
Mr. Richard Jay Jenkins, Jr.
Mrs. Rita Aileen Yarger Jenkins
Mrs. Patricia Annette Metcalf Johnson
Miss Melanie Dawn Sander
Dr. Charles David Stokes
Mr. Scott Richard Byrom
Mr. Kevin Leslie Dean
Dr. Jason Robert Edwards
Mrs. Jennifer Kennedy Gilcreast
Mrs. Melissa Eernisse Greer
Mrs. Heather Marie Nall Hagler
Mrs. Colleen Beth Miller Harper
Mrs. Pamela Owen Headley
Mr. Thomas R. Holman
Mr. Randall Lamar Hudgins
Mrs. Heidi Mary Rupprecht Jahnke
Mr. Kurt Edward Jahnke
Mrs. Christi Caister Janquart
Mrs. Amy Au Kramer
Dr. Paula Jo Anders McNally
Mrs. Tami Ruth Mitsumori Miller
Mrs. Dawn Chasie Peterson Schlink
Mr. Michael Gregory Siskar
Dr. Suzanne Tudor Wiggam
Class of 1993
President’s Society
Mr. Matthew S. Atkins
Mr. Chad M. Crouch
Mr. Larry Jarrard
Mrs. Teri Harvey Jarrard
Mrs. Stacy Mallin Plimpton
Dr. William B. Wiley
Founder’s Society
Mrs. Jennifer Abner Cooney
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Edward David Bronka
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Kristi Henize Becht
Mrs. Becky Lynne Ribeiro Bowers
Mrs. Katherine Ann Jahnke Cavanaugh
Mrs. Sarah Lynn Cochran Chaddock
Mrs. Helen Bilton Cumming
Mrs. Janet Davis Dickinson
Mr. Mark Dickinson
Mr. Timothy J. Kelly
Mr. Dewey L. Morgan, III
Mr. Sean Dale Stephens
Mrs. Sonja Marie Carter Walker
Mrs. Dawn Hamilton Webb
Mr. Randall W. Bradley
Mrs. Julie Holifield Carpenter
Rev. Donald Burke Corbit
Mr. Jonathan Brent Davis
Mrs. Melissa Kuhnell Davis
Mrs. Valerie Bower Gibbs
Mr. Charles Kevin Grant
Mrs. Stephanie Oswald Heid
Miss Juli Christine Hillis
Mrs. Therese Brockinton Hodges
Mrs. Julie Cooper Holifield
Rev. Robert J. Holifield
Mr. Jed W. Keys
Mr. Daniel T. Koehn
Mrs. Michelle Renee Clouse Lueck
Dr. Nicole Lynne McCants
Mr. Ashley Gene McGlone
Mr. Larry Wayne Reid
Mr. Brandon C. Rexford
Mrs. Tracy Faris Rexford
Mrs. Cynthia Lynn Smith Rink
Mr. Michael A. Rink
Mrs. Holly Miller Ruetz
Mrs. Monica Louise Hartman Severt
Mr. Daniel Tsukamoto
Rev. Nathan Day Wilson
Class of 1994
President’s Society
Dr. Stephen J. Behnke
Dr. Brian S. Gillispie
Mrs. Kelli Spell Williams
Lt. Teddy Lee Williams, Jr.
Founder’s Society
Miss Alice Barton Creque
Mr. Daniel Ashley DeLoach, Jr.
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Dr. Stanley Clyde Pelkey
Mrs. Jennifer Gilbert Roberts
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Roy Thomas Grammel
Dr. David Hong-En Wang
Mrs. Ginger Suzanne Ulery Bansen
Mrs. Shannon Parker Bradley
Mrs. Christi Ann Hendershot Ford
Miss Rhonda Lyn Hinkle
Mr. Rodney Grant Patterson
Mrs. Cynthia Marie Leggett Porras
Mrs. Kristine Hook Sherrard
Mrs. Teresa Ann Smith
Mrs. Janice Ellen Lagalski Wilson
Class of 1995
President’s Society
Mr. Aaron P. Ammerman
Mrs. Stephanie Elaine Gates Smyth
Capt. Derik Harald Swee
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Marion Taylor Shute
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Lora Elise Zeller Bell
Mr. Brian Michael Gudalis
Mrs. Jenna Marie Young Gudalis
Mrs. Carri Rowles Hicks
Mrs. Kathryn Elizabeth Ellis Kelly
Mrs. Kristin Parker Morgan
Mr. Doren T. Sims
Mr. Peter Lee Sone
Mrs. Melissa Faye Disselkoen Dykema
Mrs. Marcey Lynn Weiss Hutchison
Mrs. Kama Joy Winchel Kraynak
Mr. Lowell Bartram Leaman
Rev. Lisa Jane Holloway May
Mrs. Cheryl Anne Phelps Patterson
Mrs. Jennifer Skinner Reyes
Mrs. Beth Ann Kriesch Rickerman
Mrs. Deborah Ann Cope Rupright
Mrs. Christiane Joy Bode Russell
Mrs. Gretchen Renee Brock VanLieu
Mr. Matthew James Wahl
Mrs. Jennifer Ann Occhino Woertendyke
Mrs. Sarah Catherine Lang Zimik
Class of 1996
President’s Society
Mr. James W. Fogal
Mrs. Jennifer Marie Weed Swee
Mrs. Kathleen Elora Klinger Wince
Founder’s Society
Mr. Jerald H. Walz
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Stephen Alan Fennell
Mrs. Della Rose Barnes Hayes
Mr. Erik Steven Hayes
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Cynthia Carole Jones Barton
Mrs. Shelese Williams Bonacquista
Ms. Deborah Hanna Brown
Mrs. Vonda Lynell Carlisle Bryce
Mrs. Jeneane Fern Wright Denger
Miss Lisa Marie Fitch
Mr. Matthew George Marcell
Mrs. Michelle Marie Kramer Prillwitz
Mr. Mark Edward Russell
Rev. William R. Spencer, III
Mrs. Evelyn Jean Hulett Wegner
Mr. Daniel James Beaty
Mrs. Sara Beth Jamison Beaty
Mrs. Melinda Shelby Bendle
Miss Rebecca Elizabeth Boyce
Mr. Bryan Michael Brandeberry
Mr. Jason Craig Corbeill
Mrs. Laura Jeanne Lingle Corbeill
Mr. William Tyler Duncan
Mr. Andrew Kenneth Fish
Mrs. Jennifer Ruth Corbin Freeland
Mr. Jeremy Wayne Freeland
Mr. Gordon Everett Griffin
Mrs. Jamie Noranne Griffie Heimkreiter
Mrs. Joan Marie Jackson-Jurgensen
Fall 2006 Eagle Sports
he women’s soccer team captured
the KIAC tournament championship
for the first time in team history.
Freshman standout Miranda Wiley from
Canada scored more than 20 of the team’s goals
this season. The team’s record stood at 14-4-1
following the tournament. The men’s soccer
team concluded regular season play on a high
note with overtime wins over Oakland City
University and Union College. The team had
a regular season record of 7-8-2. Both teams
headed to Nationals, November 16-18.
The volleyball team racked up several wins in
September. The team closed regular season play winning back-to-back matches against Kentucky Christian.
The women’s cross-country team earned a first place finish at the Kentucky Christian Invitational. Sophomore Carolyn
Tegge, junior Melissa Waterman, and freshmen Morgan Schutters and Lindsey Keveren finished in the top-10.
Freshman Russell Aldridge placed eighth for the men’s team.
The swimming and diving team began their season with wins over Bellarmine University and Berea College.
Men’s basketball has an exciting season ahead with games scheduled against Eastern Kentucky University and Morehead
State University. In January, the men’s JV team will play the University of North Carolina’s JV team in the Dean Dome.
Women’s basketball hosted the first-ever Rita Pritchett Invitational Tournament in November.
For results, information or schedules, check the athletics web site at
Dr. Sean Ryan Moore
Mrs. Ruby Lynn Edwards Owiny
Mrs. Andrea Postma Owner
Mrs. Michelle Lynn Thornton Roberts
Mr. David Elias Rodriguez
Ms. Stacy Lynne Schanher
Mrs. Maggie Taylor Schroeder
Mrs. Tracie Goetz Searles
Mrs. Jayme Elizabeth Brown Small
Mrs. Jennifer Elaine Upperman Thornton
Mr. David Eliot Wilson
Mrs. LeAnna Rachel Jarvis Wilson
Class of 1997
President’s Society
Mrs. Amy Lawrence Crouch
Mrs. Jennifer Suzanne Hill Grimes
Mr. Lawrence Wade Grimes
Mr. David E. Smyth
Founder’s Society
Mr. Donald Thomas Slouffman
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Carrie Elisabeth Adams Atkinson
Mrs. Amy Thomas Wills
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Jamison Farley Barton
Mrs. Emily Colleen Bullock Dickinson
Mr. Brian Thomas Hurley
Miss Heather Marie Kantz
Mr. Colby Siler Kidd
Mrs. Doree Jean Fedei Lattanzio
Mrs. Heidi Raass Spencer
Mrs. Hope Dae Sun Scott Walter
Mrs. Keely Whittington-Reyes
Mr. Andrew James Brown
Mrs. Heather Marie Stover Bush
Mr. Jason Todd Cochran
Mr. Michael Ferrell Crouse
Mrs. Marcy Warden Fitzpatrick
Miss Kristine Joi Parenteau
Mrs. Jennifer Maxwell Root
Mrs. Jennifer Renee Parsons Sciancalepore
Mr. Monte Alan Siler, Jr.
Mrs. Teri Fansler Spillman
Mr. Jeremy Philip Thornton
Mrs. Cydil VanOrman Waggoner
Mr. Nathan E. Waggoner
Miss Cherri Christine West
Class of 1998
President’s Society
Mrs. Ashleigh Lindsay Behnke
Mr. Andrew John Coleman
Mr. Jonathan Matthew Meyer
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. D. Shawn Casselberry
Mrs. Jennifer Elizabeth Bruner Casselberry
Miss Julie Marie Jobryce
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Jennifer Louise Phillips Campbell
Mrs. Jennifer Leigh Robertson Dearborn
Mr. Michael Patrick Eckenwiler
Mrs. Heather Maya Jevans Emmelhainz
Dr. Daniel Christopher Griffis
Mrs. Jennifer Elaine Thomson Griffis
Mrs. Rhonda Jeanne Saunders Harmon
Mrs. Mary Lynn Halter Kidd
Miss Renee Noel Lacy
Mrs. Ami Franklin McNay
Mr. Brian Richard Messman
Dr. Marshall Thomas Wise
Mr. John Colby Atkins
Mrs. Jessica Kimberly Hill Aviles
Mrs. Mary Margaret Moss Bennett
Mrs. Rachel Elizabeth Wagner Boatman
Mr. Chad Everett Clark
Mrs. Meridith Jill Babcock Clark
Mrs. Christine Marie Rhoads Cook
Mrs. Clair Elizabeth Campbell Griffin
Mrs. Melissa Marie Brown Hostetter
Mrs. Julie Ann Semczuk Hutchison
Mrs. Andrea Joy Den Hartog Lory
Mr. Paul Timothy Machtel, Jr.
Miss Mia Shea Medlock
Miss Angela Rae Owens
Miss Catherine Marie Piatt
Mr. Michael John Rickerman
Mrs. Jessica Susanna Hupp Rodriguez
Mrs. Rachel Margaret Morales Spratlin
Miss Elena Ruth Tanaka
Mr. Nathan Lee Taylor
Mrs. Denise Anna Reep Venner
Mrs. Kristen Noel Carlson Wiggins
Mrs. Lesley Dawn Duvall Wilhoite
Mrs. Mary Ann Life Workman
Class of 1999
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Brian David Yontz
Mrs. Erin Ann Rider Yontz
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Timothy Geddis Campbell
Dr. Andrew William Dvorak
Mr. Nathan William Emmelhainz
Mrs. Rhoda Jane Loy Gatson
Miss Lydia Katherine Moore
Mr. Bryan David Sallee
Miss Amy Travis Strickler
Rev. Glen Travis Strickler
Mr. Eric Daniel Benninger
Mrs. Laura DeAnn Linger Benninger
Mr. Eric Ryan Boatman
Mrs. Amy Jo White Borland
Mr. Jonathan Paul Carroll
Rev. C. Miles Catlett
Mrs. Janna Lynn Henderson Coates
Mr. Nathan Paul Coates
Mrs. Laura Marlene Stokely Cochran
Mrs. Bethany Marie King Dellinger
Mr. Sedrick Kirk Dellinger
Mr. Christopher Marc Greeley
Mrs. Ellen Elizabeth Loran Greeley
Mr. Robert Christopher Groves
Mr. Darrell Lynn Kincer
Mrs. Kimberly Paige Moegling Kretz
Mr. Scott Ryan Kretz
Mr. Jonathan Daniel Lawson
Mr. Harvey Roy Little, Jr.
Dr. Sarah Inez Haddock Little
Mr. Arthur Francis McMahon
Mr. Chad Jeremy Nagel
Mrs. Stephanie Anne Needham Nagel
Mr. Michael James Ralph
Mr. J. D. Schroen
Mr. Seth Ames Shaw
Mr. Daniel Glenn Spillman
Mrs. Amanda Lynn Rainwater Turnbull
Mr. Charley Crowe Turnbull
Mrs. Heather Joy Couch Ward
Mr. Brandon Paul Wickey
Mrs. Michelle Bernadette Boisvert Wickey
Mrs. Sarah Nicely Williams
Mrs. Jennifer Marie Savage Wilson
Mr. Josh Lee Wilson
Class of 2000
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Pascha Wenz Deam
Miss Melody Dawn Gatewood
Mr. Jonathan William Russo
Mrs. Stephanie Seamands Sterrett
Dr. William L. Sterrett
Circuit Rider Society
Mrs. Cynthia Ann Graves Chambers
Miss Renée Kelly Frantum
Mrs. Kelly Ann Palmer Hearn
Mr. Ricky Robb Maynard
Mr. Aaron Scott McMillan
Mrs. Rebecca Finney Angus
Mrs. Kristen Elaine Ensey Atkins
Mr. Charles James-Michael Coleman
Mr. Benjamin James Howard
Mrs. Shannon Rae Smith Howard
Mrs. Joy Linette Stringfellow Irwin
Mrs. Ivy Lois Sterling Lasley
Mr. Daniel Cliff Maggart
Mr. David Emmanuel Owiny
Mrs. Jessica Fulkerson Schroen
Mrs. Carmen Michelle Miller Stodden
Mrs. Julia Ryan Outhwaite Winn
Class of 2001
President’s Society
Mrs. Cori Ann Wallace Butcher
Founder’s Society
Mr. Jeremy Lang
Mrs. Ellen Beth Zimmerman
Mr. Ethan Everett Zimmerman
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mrs. Melissa Howard Speakman
Mr. Richard Speakman
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Laura Michele Arnsparger
Miss Christel Grace Brabon
Mrs. Karen Janell Moose Cochrane
Mr. Scott Lawrence Custead
Miss Margaret Elizabeth Davis
Miss Jennifer Alyssa Dean
Mr. Joshua Delicana
Mrs. Rachel Suzanne Snow Dvorak
Mr. Joshua Dexter Gardner
Dr. Katherine Lynn Rubach Gardner
Mr. Timothy William Gibson
Mr. Andrew Brian Gilchrest
Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Roszell Golden
Mr. Michael John Groop
Miss Betsy Lynne Hall
Mr. John Daniel Hearn
Mr. Thomas Roy Hoffman
Mrs. Stephanie Lynn Grunden Hoffmann
Mr. Jedidiah Keith Kinderknecht
Mrs. Amy Neild Kinnell
Mr. Matthew J. Kinnell
Mrs. Rebecca Anne Grant Nichols
Mr. Richard David Nichols
Mr. Christopher M. Phillips
Mrs. Tiffany Marie Barrett Ritter
Mrs. Karen Joy Powdrill Sallee
Miss Susanne Michelle Shepherd
Mrs. Robyn Lin Kaczor Sjogren
Mr. Jonathan Scott Wyman
Mrs. Sarah Price Atwood
Mrs. Natalie Lynn Gregoire Baribeault
Mrs. Shelley Elizabeth Raynor Bell
Mr. Zachary Z. Bell
Mrs. Kelly Jordan Boggs
Mr. Kyle David Cullum
Miss Darlene Curry
Miss Michelle Lee Dresch
Miss Laura Alicia Garcia
Mrs. Lisa Lynn Gentry Groves
Mr. Christopher Alan Hasen
Mrs. Jessica Ann Russell Hooker
Mrs. Ruth Boldt Howard
Mrs. Sarah Phillips Huchel
Mr. Matthew Benjamin Jacobson
Mr. Daniel Armstrong Kiteck
Mrs. Elizabeth Durnell Lawrence
Mrs. Erika Renee Houston Lindsey
Mrs. Marcie Ann Craig Maggart
Mrs. Jennifer Dawn Puckett Montgomery
Miss Katherine Margaret Moore
Mrs. Jamie Webster Neff
Mrs. Rebekah Lynn McWhertor Pieper
Miss Julie May Porter
Mrs. Faith Allen Ralph
Mr. John Gerald Rinehimer
Mrs. Dana Peyton Russell
Mrs. Ashleigh Maree Whitaker Siskar
Miss Miriam Elizabeth Slagle
Mrs. Carla Weaver Towsey
Mrs. Anna Marie Underwood VanHorn
Mr. Nathan Joseph Williamson
Mr. Joshua Harold Winn
Class of 2002
Founder’s Society
Mr. David Randall Hitchcock
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Miss Sarah Anne Zellner
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Andrew James Becker
Miss Kristie Dawn Bevins
Mrs. Erin Werner Gibson
Mr. Aaron Michael Guest
Mrs. Jenny Lee Wallace Guest
Mr. Matthew David Lewis
Miss Laura Lyn McIlwain
Miss Sarah Ann Moon
Miss Sarah Beth Paff
Mrs. Mandy Joy Bowers Phillips
Mr. John Zechariah Thobaben
Mrs. Heidi Marie Bond Wyman
Miss Molly Caroline Zwemer
Ms. Angelika Lee Welch Batts
Mrs. Sarah Kathleen Delaney Camp
Mrs. Heather Workman Carroll
Mr. Jeffrey David Chamberlain
Mr. Matthew Scott Davids
Mrs. Amy Outhwaite Lawson
Mr. Andrew S. Miller, III
Miss Maggie Ellen Reichert
Mr. Jeremy David Riggs
Mr. Thomas Will Shouse
Mrs. Whitney Smith Shouse
Miss Amanda Gayle Skidmore
Mr. Christopher Allan Sparkman
Miss Kristen Joelle Terry
Mr. Byron Joseph Whitaker
Mrs. Rachel Helen Anderson Whitaker
Mrs. Angela Hooker White
Class of 2003
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Casey Allison Corbit
Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell Groop
Mr. Jeremy Douglas Lee
Mr. Joshua Thomas Ramsay
Mrs. Carolyn Rae Lindstrom Rudy
Mr. Jeffrey Martin Rudy
Mr. Neal Richard Schultz
Mr. Thomas Edward Baribeault
Miss Cheryll Elizabeth Crowe
Miss Caresse Lynette Freed
Mrs. Joy Ellen Masteller Hasen
Mr. Matthew Keisling Holmes
Mrs. Abigail Kay Adams Miller
Mr. Andrew William Pickerill
Mr. Norman Joseph Wright
Class of 2004
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. Benjamin Corey Wolf
Mrs. Taryn Spence Miller Wolf
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Christina Joy Chamberlain
Miss Jessica Elizabeth Ditto
Miss Angela Marie Hoover
Mrs. Rachel Caroline Long Lewis
Mr. Justin Daniel Meeker
Mr. John Norris Banter
Miss Rebecca Marie Beam
Mr. David Benjamin Bush
Miss Virginia Myers Craig
Miss Elizabeth Ann Davis
Mrs. Tabitha Yvonne Armstrong Gilliland
Miss Carmen Elizabeth Kiper
Mr. Roy Alexander Neff
Mr. Joshua M.B. Reynolds
Mrs. Julie Nicole Sturm Wheeler
Mr. Wesley Ray White
Mrs. Stephanie Smith Wright
Class of 2005
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Mr. James Marcus Bricken, IV
Mrs. Lauren Melissa Temple Bricken
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. Tres Manuel Adames
Mr. Adam Gregory Buzard
Homecoming 2006
omecoming and Parents weekend kicked off with a Spirit Bonfire celebrating Asbury College’s student athletes.
Over the weekend, the women’s soccer team defeated Kentucky Christian, 7-0, and University of the Cumberlands,
2-0. The volleyball team completed against Brescia University and Lindsey Wilson College.
The College also welcomed back Dr. Laurie Schreiner, Strength’s Finder, who shared during Chapel and the student and
parent dialogues.
Seniors Kerry Hancock and Gabe Lawson were named Homecoming Queen and King during the Coronation
Friday evening with a festival of music provided by student music ensembles. Also Friday evening, Alumni All-Stars
and the Varsity Men’s Basketball team played their annual game. On Saturday, senior David Dault and sophomore
Stephen Brooks came in first place overall at the fourth annual Adventure Race. The weekend concluded Saturday
evening with a concert by the Acenxion Band and worship leader Scott Underwood.
Mrs. Allison Shuey Buzard
Mrs. Heidi Ann Schlabach George
Miss Molly Elizabeth Rego
Miss Yanina Nikolayevna Zaytsev
Mr. Jonathan Douglas Adkins
Miss Michelle Lorraine Bamford
Miss Heather Lynn Bernstorf
Miss Jennifer D. Bryson
Miss Amy Lynn Butterfield
Mrs. Jessica Jean Chipman Byrwa
Miss Natalie Robin Edwards
Mr. Daniel Amstutz Falkenberg
Miss Mary Elizabeth Henson
Miss Melissa Jean Hoose
Miss Emily Dane Hubacher
Mrs. Christina Ann Murphy Hunter
Miss Joy Ellen Johnson
Miss Christine Elizabeth Leidgen
Miss Sarah Lisette Lewis
Mr. Brian Mark Lightner
Mr. Joseph Arledge Moore
Mrs. Bethany Ann Britt Morrill
Miss Mallary Lauren Nisbett
Mrs. Laura Catherine Byron Riegel
Mr. Adam Russell Sherer
Miss Rebekah Joy Simmerman
Miss Penny Annette Story
Mr. Stephen Douglas Thorson
Mr. Michael Joseph Toczyski
Miss Jennifer Lynn Tollerud
Mr. Joshua David Troyer
Mrs. Janelle Hilbert Walker
Mr. Kevin Douglas Walker
Mrs. Jessica Kathleen Hopkins Yates
Class of 2006
Founder’s Society
Miss Sarah Kathleen Mauller
Mrs. Angela Renee Moore Shaffer
COLLEGE offers every member of the
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Simply put, a gift to the Fund for Asbury College is the most
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Circuit Rider Society
Miss Melissa Jean Crosby
Mr. G. Mark George, Jr.
Mr. Caleb Michael Swaringen
Mrs. Christy Lee Swaringen
Mrs. Michelle Susan Lynch Arnold
Miss Rachael E. Barr
Miss Rachel Amanda Bode
Mr. Daniel Keith Bracken
Miss Jessica Alexandra Cavanaugh
Mr. Tyler E. Clark
Miss Tracy Marie Durham
Miss Amber Lynn Erny
Mrs. Amber Joy Brunstetter Falkenberg
Miss Ashley Anne Filges
Miss Sarah Anne Fowler
Miss Rachel Kaitlin Gibson
Miss Laura Marie Horton
Miss Nancy Ann Keller
Mr. Mark Richard Leach
Miss Laurie Christine Lee
Miss Sarah Michelle McKain
Mr. Timothy Edward Morrill
Mr. Kaleb Scott Phillips
Mrs. Jennifer Seitz Reynolds
Mr. Curt Robert Rowland
Mr. Matthew Scott Russell
Miss Julianne K. Schultz
Miss Beth Marie Showalter
Mr. Andrew Christopher Spencer
Ms. Sarah Elizabeth Williams
Mr. Daniel Lee Zimmerman
Class of 2007
President’s Society
Miss Caitlin Michelle Woodward
Founder’s Society
Mr. Travis Lee Shaffer
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Aidan Leslie Elizabeth Oliver
Mr. Hazim Rishmawi
Mrs. Leann Ferguson Rishmawi
Miss Meghan Marie Travis
Mr. Thad Stephen Austin
Miss Jamie Lynn Booth
Miss Kristian Marie Bucknor
Miss Christen Lee Cates
Miss Stephanie Marie Dickson
Miss Celia Marie Eby
Mr. Jacob Joshua Granados
Miss Kerry Marie Hancock
Miss Megan Marie Holton
Miss Kimberly Arebia James
Miss Stephanie Lynn Keeley
Mr. Josiah Alan Littrell
Miss Lindsey Anne McCoy
Mr. Kyle Robert Olney
Miss Megan Mary Steinsdoerfer
Mr. Arthur Sweeney
Miss Elisa Joy Torell
Class of 2008
Founder’s Society
Miss Emily Marie Moore
Miss Felice Claire Stanton
Henry Clay Morrison Society
Miss Michelle Renee Barth
Circuit Rider Society
Miss Stephanie Michelle Hupp
Mr. Jared Elliott Odor
Miss Jennifer JoAnna Blair
Miss Danielle T. Cole
Mr. David William Hancock
Miss Jennifer Heck
Miss Misty Rose Johnson
Miss Ayumi Kuwahara
Miss Zarni Lwin
Miss Jennifer L. Menshouse
Miss Tami Marie Myers
Mr. Paul Daniel Rader
Miss Mary Elizabeth Rohrer
Miss Ellen Jean Walters
Class of 2009
Founder’s Society
Mr. Stephen Joshua Brooks
Miss Ashton Renee Bacon
Miss Amy Katherine Briggs
Miss Kristen Jewel Byler
Miss Jill Stephanie Dickhaus
Miss Michelle Lynn Edwards
Mr. Jeffrey Scott Giblin
Miss Karis Suzette Mithun
Mr. Michael Patrick Owen
Miss Megan Kay Scott
Miss KayLynn Elizabeth Spaeth
he following parents of
current or formerly enrolled
students made gifts to Asbury
College for annual operating and/or
restricted purposed between July 1,
2005, and June 30, 2006.
President’s Society
Dr. William A. Amerson
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Keaton Asberry
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Barth
Mr. & Mrs. Lester R. Bartimay
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Brockinton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Capin
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Cavanaugh, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Cullum
Mr. Charles W. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Derber
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Deroo
Mr. Carmon W. Elliott
Dr. & Mrs. Charlie D. Fiskeaux
Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Froderman
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Garnaat
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Granger
Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Haglund
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Hanna
Dr. & Mrs. James Heidinger, II
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Hillis
Rev. & Mrs. W. Laurens Hudson
Dr. & Mrs. Raleigh Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kamm, Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. Jack T. King
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Lovitt
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Marinangeli, Jr.
Mrs. Julia Meredith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Moore, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Morrill
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Nelson
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Q. Parr, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. David L. Raass
Dr. & Mrs. James Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Riffell
Dr. & Mrs. Donald E. Riggs
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Sanders
Dr. Donald Shell
Mrs. Betty S. Shipps
Rev. & Mrs. Randy Shrauner
Dr. & Mrs. Charles K. Sims
Dr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Smith, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Winston B. Smith
Mrs. Marilyn Stokes
Mr. & Mrs. William Strack
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Swanson
Dr. & Mrs. W. James Truitt
Dr. & Mrs. Jose R. Velazquez, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. T. G. Via
Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Wiley, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Wilkinson
Rev. & Mrs. James A. Williams
Founder’s Society
Rev. & Mrs. Robert M. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Blew, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Boggess
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Bond, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Garland E. Brown
Mrs. Ruby Coulliette
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald O. Dake
Rev. & Mrs. Bob J. Dennis
Mrs. Mary J. Dickens
Dr. Arthur F. Fleser
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Goodman
Dr. & Mrs. William C. Goold
Dr. & Mrs. David J. Gyertson
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Langley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lathrop
Mr. Gil Leggett
Mrs. Melanie Leggett
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Luyk, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Edward Magee
Dr. & Mrs. Rex A. McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Moore
Dr. & Mrs. John Oswalt
Dr. & Mrs. David C. Randall
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert H. Roller
Mrs. Howard R. Sharp
Mrs. Sue B. Simpson
Mrs. June Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Charlton Strickland Veazey, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Vincent
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Webb
Mrs. Janie Wiley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Williams
Mrs. Janice Winslow
Henry Clay
Morrison Society
Dr. & Mrs. James N. Behnke
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bounds
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Mel Bowdan
Dr. & Mrs. John Alan Brushaber
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Carman
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. John Conley
Dr. & Mrs. Lynn G. Cooper
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Davidson
Rev. & Mrs. Clarence G. Dishman
Mr. Don Feldman
Mrs. Mary B. Finklea
Dr. & Mrs. Gary M. George
Mr. & Mrs. Earl B. Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Haegele
Mr. & Mrs. James Kevin Hale
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Hawthorne, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hilbert
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Kyriakidis
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Lintemuth
Mrs. Walter Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pfenninger
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Playfoot
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Reyes, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Reynolds
Dr. Edmund W. Robb, Jr.
Mrs. Edmund W. Robb
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Sharian
Mr. & Mrs. Garold R. Sherwood
Mr. & Mrs. David Craig Stevenson
Mr. & Mrs. Rodger Strickler
Mrs. R. K. Swanson
Mrs. Ann Weathers
Mr. James M. Weathers
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll C. Wentworth
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Whiteman
Mr. & Mrs. David Willison
Dr. & Mrs. David Zimmerman
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg C. Adams
Mrs. Marilyn Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Adams
Mr. Carl B. Alexander
Rev. & Mrs. E. Jay Amey
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Arthur
Mrs. Muriel Babcock
Rev. & Mrs. Ernest Babel
Mrs. Violet R. Baker
Mrs. Jerry Baldridge
Mrs. Robert Beardslee
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Beighle
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Betz
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Black
Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus Blackburn
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Blyer
Majs. Walter & Jean Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Bradley
Dr. & Mrs. Tim Brittain
Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Lee Brock
Mrs. Patricia K. Brockinton
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Brown
Mrs. R. Norene Bryant
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Buchanan
Dr. & Mrs. E. E. Burkman, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Calkins
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Cook
Mrs. Mildred Crouse
Mr. Robert Curry
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Davies
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Davis
Mr. Walter W. Davis
Dr. & Mrs. Randall Dean Davy
Rev. H. E. Delaney
Dr. & Mrs. Don Demaray
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas DeVito
Mr. & Mrs. David DiMartino
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dixon
Mrs. Janet L. Douglass
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Dunham
Dr. & Mrs. Henry D. Edwards
Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin Ellis
Rev. & Mrs. Terry Euper
Mr. & Mrs. Ray E. Fellows
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Fleming
Rev. & Mrs. Douglas G. Fraley
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Fritchman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Gallutia
Rev. & Mrs. Jack Gatson
Mr. & Mrs. Dalton Goodrich
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace E. Greenman
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Gunby
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dean Hager
Dr. & Mrs. Victor P. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Terry P. Hardy
Ms. Margie Hasty
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Helpap
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hendricks
Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Hentschel
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Hess
Mr. & Mrs. George Hodgkins, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Horen
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Howard
Mrs. P. B. Howell, Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. Charles W. Hubbard
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Israel
Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Jacobus
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey A. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Jones, Jr.
Mrs. Diane T. Kern
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kimbell
Mr. & Mrs. Donavon L. Koehn
Mr. & Mrs. John Lacy
Mrs. Ray C. Lane, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lamar Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lautzenheiser
Mr. & Mrs. Charles LeBoeuf
Mrs. Jack B. Logsdon
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Luckert
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lung, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennison S. Lyon
Mr. & Mrs. James Donald Markesbery
Mr. & Mrs. Howard D. Marriott
Mr. & Mrs. Lee R. Martin
Ms. Rebecca Martin
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Joseph Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Carl Mauller
Mr. & Mrs. James N. McKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McLaughlin
Rev. & Mrs. J. Samuel Moore, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. R. Keith Moran
Mrs. Linda Neely
Mr. Thomas Dean Neely, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Newcomer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Nickel
Rev. Virgil Nulton
Mrs. Margaret A. Peterson
Mrs. Virginia J. Puckett
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph T. Rader
Mr. & Mrs. Howard K. Rawlings
Dr. & Mrs. S. Leo Record
Rev. & Mrs. Ronald Dale Rickard
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Roughton
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Rushing
Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Schonauer
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert E. Sharrett
Mr. John L. Shell
Mrs. Elizabeth Sheppard
Mr. Gordon C. Sheppard
Rev. Gordon S. Showers
Mrs. Luella M. Showers
Mrs. James H. Silvey
Dr. & Mrs. Charles A. Sineath, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. W. Michael Smitherman
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Spencer
Mrs. Kenneth P. Stevens, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Stoltzfus
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Stoneking
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Story
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stull
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Stumbo
Dr. & Mrs. Roscoe Swartz
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Swigert
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Tegge
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Thobaben
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Thomas
Dr. Robert Traina
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick C. VanTatenhove
Dr. & Mrs. Charlie Vittitow
Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Vose
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ware, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Waterman
Mrs. Stellla J. Willis
Rev. George Wolffbrandt
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Dean Woodward
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Worcester
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wragge
Mrs. Bessie Yates
Mr. & Mrs. John Youngblood
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ziegler
Mr. & Mrs. C. K. Zimmer
Rev. & Mrs. Dan Adkison
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Anders
Mrs. Dorothy Angel
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Bakaysa
Mrs. Helen Banter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Barkley
Dr. & Mrs. Rod Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. J. Stanley Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Baston
Mr. & Mrs. G. Robert Beaver
Mrs. Helen Beck
Mrs. Cecile Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Benge
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Berge
Mr. & Mrs. J. Mast Blank
Mr. Eddie Bloodworth
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Bormann
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Botts
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bowers
Rev. & Mrs. Jack M. Brown
Ms. Nan T. Browning
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bryson
Mr. & Mrs. Dallas R. Bullington
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Butler
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Byrom, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Hsueh L. Chow
Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Clepper
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin L. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Clint Conner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Cook, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Cooke
Mr. & Mrs. Ransom Cooper
Rev. & Mrs. Donald B. Corbit
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Couchenour
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Coy
Dr. & Mrs. Jay Dargan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dawson
Dr. & Mrs. Hugh S. Deale
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Devine
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Dewald
Mr. & Mrs. John Dillon
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dodge, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Don D. Donaldson
Mr. & Mrs. Preston Duncanson
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley W. Eisemann
Mrs. Roderick R. Ford
Dr. & Mrs. Rex L. Forehand
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Frederick
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Hairell
Mr. & Mrs. Exum Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Roger N. Hammer
Dr. & Mrs. John B. Hannah
Mr. & Mrs. Byron E. Harris
Ms. Carolyn Hatfield
Mr. & Mrs. Roger P. Henize
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Herrington
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Herron
Mrs. Joan Hess
Mr. & Mrs. Art L. Hintz
Ms. Brenda B. Hitchcock
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hodges
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Holz
Mrs. John M. Howard
Rev. & Mrs. Steven Howell
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Hubel
Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Hudgins
Dr. & Mrs. David B. Ingram
Mrs. Charles E. Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Jacobsen
Mr. & Mrs. Vern Jewett
Mr. & Mrs. E. Jon Jones
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Juvinall
Mrs. Bernice E. Kalz
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Keitt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Koski
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Kubuj
Mr. & Mrs. Rod LaGrange
Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Layton
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Leeson
Mr. & Mrs. Jon William Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Martin, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Mayer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. E. Delos McCauley
Mr. & Mrs. John D. McGlothlin
Mr. & Mrs. William P. McKnight
Mr. & Mrs. Larry McMillan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. McPherson
Mrs. Dorothy Melotti
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Merrill
Mr. Joe Mihalacki
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Morris
Dr. & Mrs. Richard P. Morse, Sr.
Mrs. William M. Morton
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Muenzel
Mr. & Mrs. Arden Muir
Dr. & Mrs. M. Robert Mulholland
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Myers
Mrs. Alvona Navarre
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Occhino
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy L. Parsons
Rev. & Mrs. Lyman Pelkey
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Pennington
Majs. Thomas & Linda-Jo Perks
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne S. Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Pfister
Dr. & Mrs. Ken Pickerill
Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Porter
Mr. William H. Post
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Preston
Mr. Howard Pullinger
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Putney
Mrs. Irene Rainwater
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Herman H. Rutsch
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sales
Mr. & Mrs. Don Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Allan C. Shafer
Mr. & Mrs. David Shelberg
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Shelton
Mrs. William R. Sheridan
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Smith
Ms. Sharron O. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Harold G. Spann
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert Wayne Stafford
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Stemple
Rev. & Mrs. Melvin Stevenson
Rev. & Mrs. James K. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Jim A. Stich
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Winton
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Woodward
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Woolums
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne L. Stinson
Mrs. Hazie Strang
Mr. & Mrs. Carey Strykowski
Rev. & Mrs. Robert S. Taber
Mrs. Barbara B. Taylor
Rev. & Mrs. Ronald Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Terry
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Thompson
Rev. & Mrs. David Troyer
Mrs. Flora H. Twachtman
Rev. & Mrs. William A. Ury
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Earle L. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Walles
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Weaver, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Weed
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ervin White
Mrs. Clara E. Wightman
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Wiles
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wiley
Rev. & Mrs. Forrest Williams
he following friends made
gifts to Asbury College for
annual operating and/or
restricted purposes between July 1,
2005, and June 30, 2006.
President’s Society
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron P. Ammerman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Averso
Mr. & Mrs. Charles I. Babcock, Jr.
hen you set up a charitable gift annuity
with Asbury College, you not only receive
income for life—you also significantly
impact the future of Asbury College.
» GUARANTEED LIFETIME INCOME. A charitable gift annuity
gives you the benefit of a fixed income every year for the rest
of your life (and another person’s, if you choose).
» TAX SAVINGS. You will receive a charitable tax deduction in
the year of your gift. Subsequently, part of the annual income
is tax-free until you reach your life expectancy.
» PERSONAL SATISFACTION. Not only will you accomplish
your charitable gift objectives with this plan, you will be
personally helping to further the mission and purpose of
Asbury College.
If you would like to learn more about how charitable gift annuities
can benefit you, more information is available at no obligation. Please
contact Greg Swanson at 859-858-3511, ext. 2107 or e-mail or write Asbury College, One Macklem
Drive, Wilmore, KY 40390
Miss Rebecca Baker
Dr. Bonnie J. Banker
Dr. & Mrs. David Lawrence Brabon
Mr. & Mrs. Myrl C. Brashear
Mr. & Mrs. J. Ray Brewer
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Britton
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil H. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Butcher
Mrs. Avis C. Bynum
Mr. F. G. Bynum
Col. A. Leroy Covey
Mr. Robert Cox
Miss Ruth Craig
Dr. & Mrs. William C. Crothers
Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Deskins
Mr. Charles D. Dover
Mr. & Mrs. Will-Matthis Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Earhart
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Farley
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Fogal
Ms. Lee Anne Frank
Mr. J. Kern Hamilton
Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Harkleroad
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Harz, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. William C. Hill
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Holz
Mr. & Mrs. Song K. Hong
Mrs. Clarence VanDyke Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jameson
Mrs. Ruth Jameson
Dr. & Mrs. J. Ellsworth Kalas
Dr. & Mrs. William C. Kiessel
Mrs. Charles Kiker
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. King
Mr. W. Nelon Kirkland
Miss Vivian Jean Lindsey
Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Lingle
Mr. & Mrs. Steve D. Luce
Ms. Oregon E. Lybass
Dr. & Mrs. W. David Hager
Mr. George W. Matthews, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin R. May
Dr. & Mrs. Barry R. May
Majs. Earl & Annette McInnes
Dr. & Mrs. George G. McLoughlin
Dr. & Mrs. John S. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Willie Morrison
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Nonneman
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Pappas
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Parr
Judge & Mrs. J. Taylor Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Plimpton
Mr. Brad W. Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Immo H. Redeker
Ms. Marcia Salkeld
Dr. Cheryl Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Sunderland
Rev. & Mrs. John VanValin
Mr. Richard A. West
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Whitty
Rev. & Mrs. Joseph Wilcoxson
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Williamson
Mrs. Linda Hochstettler Wolery
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Wolery
Mrs. June S. Wolfley
Mr. & Mrs. Thorp L. Wolford
Founder’s Society
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Allan
Rev. & Dr. Timothy M. Bailey
Mrs. Ruby Katherine Barker
Dr. & Mrs. Howard C. Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Becker
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Bode
Rev. & Mrs. Carline Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Brown
Mrs. Luvenia A. Caister
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Colwell
Dr. Gertrude J. Frishmuth
Dr. Sandra C. Gray
Mrs. Gerrie F. Hansford
Mr. William R. Hiney
Mr. Tommy Hooper
Mrs. Clarence M. Jones
Mrs. Emma Laine
Rev. & Mrs. Terry Lowe
Mrs. Joan Meckstroth
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Patterson
Mr. William J. Scott
Mr. Hugh B. Sims, III
Mr. Paul C. Sipple
Dr. & Mrs. Shelby G. Thacker
Ms. Laura W. Town
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clive Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Tully
Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenneth Underhill
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Woodward
Henry Clay
Morrison Society
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Abegg
Mr. Daniel Aul
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Bowles
Ms. Melissa Bowman
Mrs. Alice Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Buhler
Mr. Chad Crouch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Curry
Mr. David Dean
Dr. Frances Ewbank
Dr. & Mrs. Chuck Gobin
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hartley
Mrs. Naomi Hinkle
Mr. Wallace D. Hinkle
Mr. & Mrs. Kendall W. Hobart
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Hotinger
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kinsley
Mr. Roderick Long
Mrs. Mildred Lopp
Mrs. Arlene G. Meredith
Mr. & Mrs. Carson A. Meredith
Dr. & Mrs. Marshall E. Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Mel A. Rains
Mr. Tommy Reaves
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Schmidt
Mr. Lyle Shipe
Mr. & Mrs. Len Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Watkins
Mr. Warren L. Witschey
Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Zimmerman
Circuit Rider Society
Mr. & Mrs. KC Adams
Dr. & Mrs. A. D. Albright
Rev. & Mrs. L.R. Ammons
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil B. Arnold
Ms. Lona J. Auxier
Rev. & Mrs. Steve Babby
Mrs. Marjorie Barleston
Mrs. Carol A. Beemer
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Bell
Ms. Orpah S. Billitter
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Binder
Ms. Judith S. Blair
Dr. & Mrs. William Blow
Mr. & Mrs. Greg L. Blubaugh
Mr. & Mrs. John Boland
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bonacquista
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Botts
Miss Colleen Brandenburg
Mr. & Mrs. Grant E. Buchanan
Mr. & Mrs. Daun Butler
Ms. Harriet M. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Campbell
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Michael S. Child
Rev. & Mrs. Wing Jing Chow
Mrs. Deborah C. Christie
Ms. Anna L. Clark
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Clegg
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cooper, Jr.
Mrs. James M. Copeland
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Coston, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dave R. Dively
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Dorazio
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Dowler
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dyer
Mr. Stanley R. Dyer
Ms. Megan Estelle
Miss Mable M. Fisher
Dr. Wilbur H. Foard
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Foster
Rev. & Mrs. Charles F. Garrod
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gibson, III
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Gladstone
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Glosser
Ms. Hilda Goodlett
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Thomas Grammel
Dr. & Mrs. J. Harold Greenlee
Mrs. B. L. Grow
Ms. Trisha Guido
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil D. Gulliford
Rev. & Mrs. Tom Halford, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Hancock
Drs. Steven E. & Diane Hannum
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Herr
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur B. Hill, Jr.
Mrs. L. Naomi Hinkle
Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Holz, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Hosterman
Mrs. Verna H. Hovis
Ms. Mary Helen Huber
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Jackson
Mr. Robert B. Jarboe
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Johnson
Mrs. Alma E. Keene
Mr. & Mrs. Keith G Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kidd
Mr. William A. Kruse
Mr. & Mrs. Ted H. Lawrence
Mr. Neil Letson
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Lewis
Mr. Gregory Lincoln
Mr. & Mrs. David Long
Ms. Sallie D. Luckey
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest W. Lutz
Mr. Alton G. Marshall
Dr. & Mrs. John Z. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Matthews
Ms. Debbie Mauller
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Mauller
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky R. Maynard
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Carr McMurtry
Mr. & Mrs. John McClure
Rev. & Mrs. Dean M. McCoy
Mr. & Mrs. Bretram K. Medlock
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Meek
Rev. & Mrs. Edwin Messerschmidt
Dr. & Mrs. Dwight L. Mikkelson
Mr. Matthew D. Mogensen
Mr. & Mrs. R. Joseph Monroe
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Montana
Ms. Edith L. Morrill
Mrs. Sara A. Moss
Mr. & Mrs. Roy C. Murdick
Mr. & Mrs. Oren O. Ogle
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. O’Planick
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Overing
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Parent
Dr. Shirley Pauler
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Peed
Mr. & Mrs. Dale M. Pershing
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Phillips
Mr. Joseph P. Phillips
Miss Hazel Pielemeier
Miss Helen A. Pielemeier
Dr. & Mrs. George W. Pope
Mrs. Scarlett Prine
Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Sayler
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Schroder
Mr. David M. Sellers
Mrs. J. B. Sellers
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Duane Smith
Mr. Reggie Smith
Maj. C.V. Sparks
Ms. Eula Stierholz
Mr. & Mrs. Cosby A. Stone
Ms. Donnalie Stratton
Rev. & Mrs. James R. Sunderland, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Swiger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Terrall
Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenneth Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. John G. Todd
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Tontsch
Mr. Floyd P. Tredaway
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Troop
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Tumblin
Mrs. Sharon Tunnell
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. VanTatenhove
Mr. & Mrs. Leland F. Webb
Dr. & Mrs. Dale C. Whilden
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Whitmore
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Wickstead
Ms. Joyce Wilhoite
Mrs. Claire Winn
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Yerke
Mrs. Lora Young
Mr. & Mrs. J. Donald Zollinhofer
Mr. James W. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Tod A. Adams
Mrs. Marie Agnor
Mr. Dennis N. Aker
Mr. & Mrs. Earnest C. Amburgey
Ms. Dorothy J. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Angus
Ms. Ladanna Appleby
Mrs. Betty Jane Armbrust
Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Aukamp
Daris Auxier
Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Bailey
Mrs. Virginia Baker
Ms. Angela T. Ballard
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bankston
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Barger
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Barnard
Mrs. A.H. Barnett, Jr.
Mrs. William E. Barrett
Mrs. Grace E. Bates
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Batson
Mr. & Mrs. James Beard
Mr. Gerald Beck
Rev. & Mrs. Roland G. Behnke
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Belasco, II
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Bell
Ms. Lois A. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Bentley
Mrs. Carl Besst
Rev. & Mrs. Bernard A. Bezy
Mr. & Mrs. George Binder
Rev. John C. Blackford
Dr. & Mrs. LaVerne Blowers
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Bobys
Mr. & Mrs. Hayes Bolton
Mrs. Marjorie BonDurant
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Bonner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Bowers
Ms. L. Robin Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip M. Boyles
Mrs. Judith Brant
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Bricking
Mr. Thomas Bruszewski
Ms. Patricia Y. Burkhart
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Butte
Mr. William Edward Cain
Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Camp
Ms. Peggy S. Cannon
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Capps
Rev. & Mrs. Luke Carlson
Ms. Marguerite O. Carpenter
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Craig J. Cashman
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Cawley
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua J. Chamberlain
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Chamness
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Charnock
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Chastain
Ms. Marjorie Clabaugh
Rev. & Mrs. Loren Clark
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Clegg, Jr.
Ms. Evelyn Click
Mrs. Donna J. Cochran
Ms. K.Z. Coe
Bishop & Mrs. Emerson S. Colaw
Mr. & Mrs. John Coldren
Mrs. Lois Colvin
Mr. John D. Comer
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Craven, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Crook
Mrs. Jane Crosson
Mrs. Clara Lewman Crum
Mrs. Jayne P. Culp
Mr. & Mrs. John Dale
Mr. & Mrs. Corbin J. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Day
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Leslie Dean
Mr. & Mrs. Sherman E. Decker
Mr. Elton C. Demers
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Dickinson
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley W. Douglas
Mr. Don Drake
Mr. & Mrs. John Drake
Mr. & Mrs. Lance D. Dubberke
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Dunaway
Rev. & Mrs. Tom Dunbar
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Durbin
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Durham
Mrs. Paula Durst
Mr. Hampton Dye
Rev. & Mrs. David Dyer
Mr. Roland East
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Edwards
Mrs. Frances Eloshway
Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Enciso
Ms. Nancy P. Estrada
Rev. & Mrs. Stephen T. Euper
Mrs. Andrew Ewing
Mrs. Cheryl L. H. Eyster
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Faul
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Ferguson
Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Ferrell
Ms. Judith A. Ferrenbach
Mrs. Elsie Fish
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Flippin
Mrs. Beverly J. Foss
Ms. Irene Frick
Rev. & Mrs. Howard Fryman
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gaffner
Mr. Edward E. Galluccio
Ms. Sharon B. Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Garrison
Mr. John G. Garrison
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Garten
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Gibel
Ms. Elaine M. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Gibson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Gipson
Mrs. Shirley JoAnn Glassner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gordon
Ms. Camille V. Grant
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Grenfell, Jr.
Mr. Eugene G. Grewis
Rev. & Mrs. C. Franklin Grill
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic F. Grisanti
Rev. & Mrs. Warren Gritzke
Ms. Mary E. Grosenbach
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Grosz
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Gulliford
Mr. & Mrs. Wendall Hamm
Dr. & Mrs. James K. Hampton
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Hardie
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Hargett
Ms. Patsy Hargrove
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hart
Mr. Gregory K. Haseloff
Ms. Sharon Hawk
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. James Hedges
Ms. Joelle D. Heilemann
Mrs. Dorothy L. Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin D. Hicks, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hightower
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hightower
Mrs. Mildred L. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Jake Hinterser
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hirons
Mrs. Ida Hiserote
Mrs. Frances Hoftiezer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Holman
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Hull
Mrs. Frances D. Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Hutchison
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Inge
Mr. & Mrs. Craig E. Irwin
Mr. Donald E. Irwin, Jr.
Ms. Mary Lou Jacobs
Mrs. Dorothy W. Jarboe
Ms. Robin B. Jarboe
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Jenkins
Mr. Charles H. Johnson
Mr. Dennis E. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. James Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. LaVern Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Willis Johnson
Mr. John Jolly
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Joy
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Kamman
Miss Suzanne E. Keeley
Mrs. Ann Keith
Mr. & Mrs. Pat D. Keith
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Keppler
Mr. Doyte Kibbey
Mr. Rod Kiger
Mr. & Mrs. Kris W. Kindelsperger
Ms. Janice Russell King
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kipp
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kiser
Ms. Ruth Kiser
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Kohr
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Kondas
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Konzem
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Korzenborn
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kraus
Mr. & Mrs. Rolph H. Kullander
Mr. & Mrs. Rodolph Lanier
Ms. Roberta Lathrop
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Laufenburger
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Laughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Ben H. Laury
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Lawrence
Dr. Charles Leedy
Mrs. James LeMaster
Ms. Debra L. Lenthe
Mr. & Mrs. Preston B. Lewis, Jr.
Mrs. Carol Lippincott
Mrs. Jane S. Lockard
Mrs. Bettye M. Long
Ms. Caroline M. Long
Mrs. Beulah Longenecker
Mrs. Muriel D. Loveland
Ms. Jenna Lusby
Mr. Claude A. Marlowe, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Marshall, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Martin
Mrs. Janice V. Martin
Rev. & Mrs. William C. Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Mathews
Ms. Pauletta P. Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Mattson
Mrs. Sue C. May
Mr. & Mrs. George McConnell
Dr. H. Cecil McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Dan McCune
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. McDaniel
Rev. & Mrs. Robert A. McMillen
Mr. & Mrs. Alton C. McPherson
Mr. & Mrs. David Miller
Ms. Ellen L. Miller
Ms. Karen Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Roger R. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. John Mohrbacher
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Moll
Mr. A. Paul Monteen
Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Morgan
Ms. Jennifer Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Palmer H. Muntz
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. Myers
Mr. Allan Nahra
Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Neeley
Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Nisbett
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Noble
Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Noble
Ms. Judy Noonchester
Mr. George Norman
Col. Clarence Olsen
Col. & Mrs. Martin G. Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Carrol Painter
Ms. Christine Paris
Mrs. Ernstena P. Parker
Mr. Jerry Partain
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Patrick
Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Pennington
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Pepper
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Pepperl
Ms. Virginia T. Perkins
Mrs. Betty Peterson
Mrs. Eva Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Plyman
Ms. Cindy Poling
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon L. Porter
Mr. & Mrs. John Henry Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Yancy M. Powell
Mr. Jeffrey Price
Ms. Marla Pritchard
Mr. & Mrs. Odell Pritchard
Mr. William S. Quick
Maj. & Mrs. Hector Ramos
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Redwine
Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Register
Ms. Betty V. Renchen
Mr. Lawrence J. Renn
Mr. Billy K. Reynolds
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Reynolds
Mrs. Edith Rickard
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Riley
Miss Eloise B. Roberts
Ms. Martha A. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight L. Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Rogers, II
Ms. Jeannie H. Ronald
Mr. & Mrs. Al Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Rowe
Ms. Barbara L. Russell
Ms. Cheryl A. Russell
Ms. Margaret S. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Santrock, Jr.
Rev. Leonard Sayers
Rev. & Mrs. Wilber A. Schoen
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Schrader
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Duane A. Sellers
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan W. Sellers
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis D. Shafer
Mr. Robert A. Shearer
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Y. Sherrill
Ms. Joyce A. Shull
Ms. Joan L. Shuster
Rev. & Mrs. Floyd William Shutt, II
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Sikes
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Simmons
Mrs. June C. Sims
Rev. & Mrs. Victor Slaughter
Mr. Carlton L. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Cawood Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Smith
Mrs. Lavonne F. Speakman
Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Spivey, Jr.
Mrs. Janice L. Springs
Ms. Linda K. Staiger
Ms. Ruth E. Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Starnes
Miss Donna E. Steinman
Ms. Kari A. Stewart
Mr. George W. Stokes, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Sturm
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sullivan
Mrs. Jane Sutherland
Mr. & Mrs. Rex D. Tench
Dr. & Mrs. Howe O. Thomas, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Tillman
Mr. Richard S. Tingley
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Tomasik, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Les P. Towsey
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Troutman
Mr. & Mrs. John Truitt
Rev. & Mrs. Harold F. Turk
Mr. Henry Tyson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tyson
Mrs. Deborah L. Vetter
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Wagoner
Mr. Joe Waits
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Waldroup
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Walters
Mrs. Jennifer Warrener
Mrs. Frankie Watkins
Mr. Kenneth D. Weagel
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen West
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wever
Mrs. Julie White
Mr. Walter White
Ms. Annette Whiting
Mr. & Mrs. Evert Whitlatch
Mrs. Gail J. Whittington
Mr. & Mrs. Darrel K. Wilcox
Mrs. Nancy Willard
Ms. Mary Ann Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Billy K. Wilson, Jr.
Mrs. Janet Hathaway Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Wolheter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Woodard
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Workman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Worrall
Mrs. Alden Wyse
Mr. & Mrs. DeQiang Yang
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Young
Mr. & Mrs. Walter K. Young, III
Ms. Sybil J. Zehner
Ms. Kay G. Ziegler
sbury College realized gifts
from the following estates
between July 1, 2005, and
June 30, 2006.
Estate of Ralph C. Argo
Estate of Dorothy B. Atwell
Estate of Ruth W. Bierley
Estate of Exene D. Blackstock
Estate of David Campsie Clark
Estate of Lela Gail Davis Enlow
Margaret Floyd Trust
Estate of Ardith D. Gallimore
Estate of Elizabeth G. Hankins
Estate of Ruby J. Hendrix
Estate of Rosina Herr
Estate of Frances Louis Johnson
Estate of Evan Kindt
Estate of Pansy D. Kirby
Estate of Nellie Moser
Estate of Virginia R. Philpot
Estate of William Paul Lewis Rosenberg
Estate of Marie Fryer Short
Elizabeth D. Shreve Trust
Estate of Irene Thompson
Estate of Mary Evelyn Thurman
Estate of Charles B. Whitman
Estate of Sara E. Wells
he following churches and
religious organizations made
gifts to Asbury College
between July 1, 2005, and June
30, 2006.
Audubon United Methodist Church
Audubon, NJ
Bagby Memorial United
Methodist Church
Grayson, KY
Bay Shore Camp
Sebewaing, MI
Bedington United Methodist Church
Manchester, KY
Sandy Lake Wesleyan Church
Sandy Lake, PA
Sebring Holiness Camp Meeting
Sebring, OH
Beech Creek United
Methodist Church
Manchester, KY
Shady Grove United
Methodist Church
Sinston-Salem, NC
Broad Street United
Methodist Church
Weston, WV
Smithville United Methodist Church
Smithville, OH
Calvary Grace Brethren
Dayton, OH
Equestrian Ministries International
Simpsonville, SC
First Baptist Church
Newport, KY
First United Methodist Church
Columbus, IN
Harrisburg, IL
Manchestzer, KY
Niceville, FL
Williston, FL
Taylor County Holiness Camp
Butler, GA
Trinity United Methodist Church
Pooler, GA
Westchester United Methodist
Portland, IN
Westport United Methodist Church
Westport, KY
he following businesses and
foundations made gifts to
Asbury College between July
1, 2005, and June 30, 2006.
21 Productions USA, LLC
Acropolis Four Stars Grill
Amcore Financial, Inc.
Andersen Foundation
Angels On Call, Inc.
Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc.
Barney II
Eleanor & James Barnhardt
Bayliss Services, LLC
Blue Grass Mailing Data &
Fulfillment Services
CDP Engineers, Inc.
Franklin United Church
Franklin, VT
Friendship United Methodist Church
Monroeville, NJ
Galion Free Methodist Church
Galion, OH
Good News Magazine
Wilmore, KY
Grand Prairie Evangelical
Methodist Church
Stuttgart, AR
Hill-n-Dale Christian Church
Lexington, KY
The LeRoy Jones Evangelistic
Chatham, VA
Mulder Memorial United
Methodist Church
Wetumpka, AL
Myrtle Grove United
Methodist Church
Pensacola, FL
New Hope United Methodist Church
Crooksville, OH
Ohio Falls Holiness Association
New Albany, IN
OMS International
Greenwood, IN
Outreach Ministries Incorporated
Carmel, IN
Perryville Baptist Church
Perryville, KY
Piner Baptist Church
Morning View, KY
Rincon United Methodist Church
Rincon, GA
Rosinton United Methodist Church
Robertsdale, AL
2 0 0 6 A - A W A R D – A l u m ni Recognition
Jim Foulkes ’51
r. Jim Foulkes ’51 received the “AAward” for his service as a medical
missionary for 38 years in Africa.
In 1958, Foulkes and his wife, Marilynn Hall, set
off for the Mukinge Hospital in Northern Rhodesia
(now Zambia). Foulkes treated everything from malaria
and measles to African Sleeping Sickness and AIDS. He
learned to perform cataract surgery and opened an eye center
at Mukinge. He also hunted wild game to feed the people in the
hospitals and their families.
he following matching gift
corporations made gifts to
Asbury College between July
1, 2005, and June 30, 2006.
Abbott Laboratories Fund
AK Steel Foundation
Alcoa Foundation
American General Corporation
Ashland Foundation, Inc.
BellSouth Corporation
Benjamin Moore & Company
Boeing Company
Caterpillar Foundation
The first AIDS case was diagnosed in Mukinge in 1986 and within a few months there were 42
confirmed cases. Convinced that the number would climb, Foulkes secured an AIDS microreader
CIGNA Foundation
Citigroup Foundation
Colgate-Palmolive Company
to screen a large part of the population for AIDS. He and his team went into schools and taught
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
about abstinence and fidelity to stop the spread of AIDS.
Fifth Third Bank
Ministry in Africa came at a great personal cost to Foulkes. He buried his wife, Marilynn, and
General Motors Foundation
two of their five children, David and Jill, in Africa.
Georgia-Pacific Company
In 1975, he married Martha Penner, a missionary nurse who had worked at the hospital with him
for many years. Since his retirement in 1997, Foulkes has returned to Africa under the auspices
Honeywell Foundation
General Electric Fund
GKN Foundation
of Samaritan’s Purse to a hospital in Southern Sudan. In 1998, he was honored by the World
Medical Mission with their Excellence in Medical Missions award.
ITT Industries, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Family of
In 2005, Foulkes published his story in To Africa with Love: A Bush Doc’s Story with a foreword
by Franklin Graham.
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Marathon Oil Company Foundation
Mobil Foundation, Inc.
Nationwide Foundation
NCR Corporation
Northern Trust Company Charitable
Charitable Gift Fund
Chick-Fil-A at Turfland
Christian Community Foundation, Inc.
Commemorative Brands, Inc.
The Cre8tive Group
Crouse Concrete
Drug Mart
The O.P. & W.E. Edwards
Foundation, Inc.
Family Financial Partners, Inc.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
The Froderman Foundation
The Gheens Foundation
GRW Engineers
Hager Construction Company, Inc.
Harwell Counseling Services
The Hayden Company, Inc.
Merlin Hershberger Painting
Horne Engineering
Integrity Incorporated
Integrity Premium Advertising, Inc.
Martha R. Jones Foundation for
Health Education
Keeneland Association, Inc.
Kentucky Awards & Signs
Kentucky Independent
College Foundation
Kentucky Utilities
Franklin McCants Farm
McClure’s Power Systems
Sollie & Lilla McCreless Foundation
Alan & Toodie Miller Family
MK Worldwide Engineering Geo Division, Inc.
Mr. Electric of Central Kentucky
Ocala Physician Assistants, Inc.
Oklahoma UM Foundation
Old South Stained Glass
Omaha Spiral Bindery
The Pauls Foundation
Peace Foundation Inc.
Peterson, Coleman, & Marett, LLC
Pioneer College Caterers
Portable Buildings, Inc.
Premier Villages of Kentucky, LLC
Radar for Meteorologists
Reid Automotive
Jeff Riester Land & Cattle
Roseglade Farm
Schwab Fund For Charitable Giving
Secure Health Plans of Ga., LLC
Ruth C. & Charles S. Sharp
Foundation, Inc.
Southern Orchard Supply Co., Inc.
Edward F. Tipton, P.S.C.
Tomahawk Development, Inc.
Trim Masters, Inc.
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Western & Southern Financial Fund
Westine, Inc.
Woodford Builders, Inc.
Your Flower Shop
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Novartis US Foundation
Pharmacia Foundation
Phillips Petroleum Company
Procter & Gamble Company
Raytheon Company
Southwestern/Great American
Sprint Foundation
State Farm Companies Foundation
Toyota Motor Manufacturing
Toyota Motor Manufacturing,
Kentucky, Inc.
UBS Wealth Management USA
United Parcel Services Foundation
Universal Leaf Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Westvaco Foundation
he following other
organizations made gifts to
Asbury College between
July 1, 2005, and June 30, 2006.
Bullitt East High School
Casa Project of Lexington Advisory
Board, Inc.
City of Wilmore
Danville Kids University
Global Impact
Jessamine County Fiscal Court
Jessamine County Public Library
Kentucky Horseshoeing School LLC
Sugar Creek Elementary School
Taylor County Band Boosters
Wilmore Lions Club
he following alumni and
friends have remembered
Asbury College by June 30,
2006, in a planned gift with one or
more of the following: will, living
trust, annuity, life insurance, unitrust
or as a beneficiary of a retirement
Ms. Frances E. Abbott
Mrs. Olive J. Abbott
Dr. William F. Abernathy
Dr. David W. Adcock
Mrs. Phoebe Fitzgerald Allison
Dr. William A. Amerson
Dr. Roger Amstutz
Mrs. Barbara Balstad Anderson
Mrs. Edith Florence Anderson
Mrs. Dorothy Apple
Rev. John W. Armbrust
Mrs. Doris Steiner Bailey
Mrs. William G. Baker
Mr. David N. Ballew, Jr.
Dr. Dorothy M. Barbo
Mrs. Barbara Adkins Barker
Mrs. Juliana Smith Barker
Mrs. Nancy Greene Barker
Rev. Richard W. Barker
Mrs. Ruby Katherine Barker
Mrs. Dorothy D. Barton
Mr. Stanley E. Baston
Mr. Charles Becker
Mrs. Mary Underwood Becker
Mrs. Judith Hall Bedford
Mrs. Alice Ransom Bell
Ms. Vera M. Bennett
Dr. David R. Billing
Mr. Richard E. Billing
Mr. Jerry W. Bock
Dr. Lawrence H. Boram
Dr. Charles L. Boss
Mrs. Kathryn Adams Boss
Miss Michelle R. Bowden
Mrs. Pamela Sue Wiley Bower
Miss Vergie Bowlby
Dr. Margaret Round Brabon
Mr. W. T. Branton
Mrs. Marcella Brashear
Mr. Myrl C. Brashear
Dr. David L. Brazelton
Mrs. Wilma Jean Skinner Brazelton
Rev. James R. Brennan
Mr. Don Brillhart
Mr. Perry C. Brokaw
Rev. Vernon A. Brown
Dr. Johnny W. Bryant
Mrs. Joyce Schultz Bryant
Mrs. Dorothy Wehrli Buhler
Mr. Fred C. Buhler
Miss Suzanne Burch
Mrs. Carol Guiles Burghdurf
Mr. Ted Burkman
Mrs. Carol Sayers Butler
Mrs. Caroline Lacey Butler
Dr. Daniel A. Butler
Mrs. Mary Alice Russell Butler
Mrs. Peggy Brown Butler
Dr. Mary Irene Cady
Rev. Rowland Carlson
Rev. Harvey L. Carnes
Mrs. Edith Lewis Caron
Mrs. Freda Dayhoff Carver
Mr. J. Mark Casey
Mr. Gerald O. Chapman
Rev. Donald E. Christensen
Mrs. Eloise Beadles Clawson
Mrs. Margaret Fogg Clayton
Dr. Emerson B. Cochran
Rev. John H. Coffee, Jr.
Bishop Emerson S. Colaw
Mrs. Jane Curry Colaw
Dr. Phillip B. Collier
Mr. Arthur Conn
Mrs. Karen Baker Conn
Mrs. Violet Conn
Mrs. Patricia Anderson Connell
Mrs. Joyce Carpenter Cooley
Mrs. Deni Moegerle Corbett
Dr. Steven C. Corbett
Mr. Douglas D. Corbitt
Dr. Duvon C. Corbitt, III
Mr. Allen G. Cox, Jr.
Rev. Tom O. Crosby, Jr.
Ms. Donna Jean Crouse
Mrs. Grace Crowder
Mrs. Dorothy Gee Crowe
Rev. Dorothy Cobb Culp
Dr. Wayne A. Culp
Dr. Barbara Unzelman Cushing
Mrs. Myrtle Johnson Darah
Dr. Jay Dargan
Dr. Carolyn Stoneback Davidheiser
Miss Blanche K. Dawson
Mrs. Emma Louise Hoffman Dealy
Mrs. Wynelle Scott Deese
Ms. Michele M. Devereaux
Rev. Charles B. DeWitt
Mr. Francis A. Diederich
Rev. Clarence G. Dishman
Dr. David Ditto
Miss Phyllis Donaldson
Rev. Whitney Dough
Mrs. Marian Eakin Dugan
Mrs. Joanne Westerfield Dunn
Dr. Robert Edwin Ebert
Mrs. Sandra Ritz Ebert
Rev. Reginald O. Edenfield
Rev. Frank E. Edwards
Mr. Thomas R. Ellenberger
Mrs. Stephanie Epple
Miss Emily V. Evans
Mrs. Joan Volkers Evans
Rev. Larry E. Evans
Mr. Larry G. Evans
Mrs. Evelyn Rhodes Ferrell
Dr. Richard H. Ferrell
Rev. Frederick H. Fischer
Mr. James M. Fisher
Mr. James W. Fogal
Dr. Ronald P. Ford
Mrs. Elizabeth Stanger Foster
Rev. Floyd F. Fought
Mrs. Elizabeth Carver Frazer
Dr. Hugh M. Frazer
Miss Roberta V. Fries
Mrs. Gertrude Tresslar Fromm
Miss Kathleen Fugitt
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Gardner
Mr. Henry Garnaat
Mrs. Marjorie Hutchens Garnaat
Mrs. Betty Roper Garnett
Rev. H. Edward Garrett
Mr. William E. Gaylor, Jr.
Mr. William E. Gill
Dr. Billy K. Glover, II
Mrs. Irene Wiseman Goodenough
Dr. John Goodenough
Mrs. Ruth Diehl Gordon
Mr. Gregg E. Graening
Dr. Albert Graham
Mrs. Mildred Westerfield Graham
Dr. Donald L. Graves
Dr. J. Harold Greenlee
Mrs. Ruth Greenlee
Miss Talitha J. Grote
Dr. David T. Grout
Mrs. Betty Holder Guillerman
Dr. Cornelius R. Hager
Dr. W. David Hager
Mrs. Natalie Haggerty
Mrs. Glenna Wesley Hall
Mr. Horace E. Hall, Jr.
Mrs. Marjorie Williamson Hall
Mrs. Elaine C. Hamilton
Mr. J. Kern Hamilton
Dr. James E. Hamilton
Dr. William D. Hammerlee, Jr.
Mrs. Linda Fries Hampton
Dr. Robert Hardin
Ms. Alberta Hoagland Harp
Dr. Walter E. Harrison, Jr.
Mrs. Kathryn Westerfield Hart
Mrs. Betsy Harvey
Mrs. Gloria Barrett Hawkins
Mr. Morris Hawkins
Ms. Lillian Eloise Henry
Miss Kimberly J. Hickman
Dr. Max R. Hickman
Rev. Paul M. Higdon
Mrs. Virgilene Donaldson Higdon
Miss Louella Hinkle
Mr. William T. Hinkle
Dr. David A. Hoag
Rev. John Hollis
Mrs. Ruth Shobert Hollis
Mrs. Donald B. Houser
Mr. Vernon W. Howard
Mrs. Margaret Law Howell
Dr. Corinne Neubauer Hughbanks
Dr. W. Monroe Hughbanks
Mr. James A. Hughes
Rev. Walter C. Hughley
Dr. David Hunt
Mrs. Karen Crouse Hunt
Miss Kathryn Huron
Mrs. Evelyn Benningfield Insko
Mrs. Mary Barrett James
Dr. O. C. James, II
Mr. Donald Jameson
Mrs. Eda Jameson
Dr. Scott Janney
Mr. Tom Jenkins
Dr. Carl R. Jenson
Mrs. Kathy Dillon Johnson
Mrs. Judith Minter Johnston
Mr. James Sherman Jones
Mrs. Lucile D. Jones
Mrs. Mary Halsel Cunningham Jones
Dr. Raleigh Jones
Dr. Douglas Joyner
Dr. J. Ellsworth Kalas
Mrs. Janet Stith Kalas
Rev. Thompson Keene
Mrs. Linda Shoults Keller
Rev. Jack C. Kelley
Rev. Dwayne Kelsey
Mrs. Ruth Fiegel Kelsey
Dr. William R. Key
Mr. Richard Kibbey
Mrs. Connie Mungillo Kidder
Mrs. Miriam Kiessel
Dr. William C. Kiessel
Dr. Amy King
Dr. Robert E. King
Dr. Ted King
Mr. John W. Kingsbury
Dr. Robert J. Kingsbury
Mrs. Eloise Gates Kirkland
Dr. Jiles E. Kirkland
Mrs. Annetta Whitaker Kittredge
2 0 0 6 A - A W A R D – A l u m ni Recognition
Todd ’61 and Carol
Easterday ’62 Bassett
. Todd ’61 and Carol Easterday ’62
Bassett received the “A Award” for
their 42 years of service as Salvation
Army officers.
During their career, the Bassetts served as corps officers,
training school officers, territorial youth secretaries as well
as divisional leaders in Northern New England, Empire State,
Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware divisions.
In 2000, their appointment sent them to London at the International Headquarters. Todd served
as the international secretary to the chief of staff and Carol was the mission resources secretary.
In 2002, the Bassetts returned to the U.S. when Todd was appointed the National Commander
for The Salvation Army and Carol served as the National President of Women’s Ministries. As
National Commander, Todd managed The Salvation Army’s $2.5 billion budget as one of the
nation’s top charities. He was recognized as one of the countries top CEO’s by the Non-Profit
The Bassetts have represented United States’ arm of The Salvation Army all around the
world, meeting with heads of states, Prime Ministers, dignitaries, as well as the President
of the United States.
In 2005, Todd was elected to the National Interfaith Cable Coalition, Inc. Board of Trustees.
The couple retired from the Salvation Army in April 2006 and are enjoying retirement
in Maine.
Mrs. Gladys Minter Kraus
Mr. Richard Kraus
Mrs. Roberta Higgins Kunkle
Dr. David G. Lalka
Mrs. Ruth Lalka
Mr. David R. Lamb
Dr. John E. Lashbrook
Mrs. Magdalene Takaro Law
Miss Nancy Lee
Mr. Clarence Leeson
Mrs. Sally Zeigler Lefler
Mr. Harlan R. Leimenstoll
Mrs. Constance Spencer Lewes
Mr. John Joe Lineman
Mrs. Sharon Durham Lineman
Mrs. Louise Dempsey Longbotham
Mrs. Mildred Lopp
Dr. Donald Lovejoy
Mrs. Lois Miller Lovejoy
Mrs. Rebekah Moon Lowe
Rev. Jay F. Lucas
Mr. Albert L. Luce, Jr.
Mr. Joseph P. Luce
Ms. Oregon E. Lybass
Mrs. Anna Martin
Dr. Bobby Ray Martin
Mrs. Jama Bell Martin
Dr. John Z. Martin
Mrs. Laura Rivers McCarthy
Mr. Marvin G. McClain
Rev. Dean M. McCoy
Mr. Paul E. McCutcheon
Maj. Annette Smith McInnes
Dr. Carl M. McKenna
Dr. Edward H. McKinley
Miss Elizabeth McMillen
Mr. Scott E. McPherson
Mr. Thomas W. McPherson
Rev. Edwin Messerschmidt
Mrs. Ruth Bergert Messerschmidt
Mrs. Ann Meyer
Rev. Harold Millard
Ms. Mary McCollough Millard
Mrs. Virginia Mix Miller
Mr. Charles H. Minter
Mrs. Frances Kinlaw Moore
Mrs. Elizabeth Key Moran
Mrs. Jeannine Speakman Mowery
Mrs. Mildred Mueller
Dr. Fred Murdock
Rev. Mitchell C. Murrow
Dr. Edgar Nelson
Mrs. Marian Barber Nelson
Mrs. Marcy Billing Nesselroade
Mrs. Martha Nonneman
Mrs. Vivian Tasker Nothdurft
Mrs. Gail McAllister Nunn
Dr. Roger D. Nunn
Mr. O. H. Ogle
Dr. Lucille Strouse Oliver
Dr. J. Drew O’Neal
Dr. Diane T. Orchard
Mrs. Betty Groce Overcash
Rev. Ronald A. Overcash
Mrs. Fredericka J. Paddock
Mr. John H. Pappas
Mrs. Mary Pappas
Mrs. Agnes Chambers Parker
Mrs. Barbara Malin Parker
Dr. Marshall E. Parks
Rev. H. Huber Patterson
Mrs. Susan Knopp Pemberton
Miss Helen A. Pielemeier
Mrs. Lois Wiant Pittman
Mrs. Betty Lou Roberson Potter
Mrs. Rebecca McDowell Powell
Rev. Walter A. Quigg
Dr. Kay Fuller Rader
Dr. Paul A. Rader
Mrs. Patricia Bricker Ramsey
Mrs. Miriam Davidson Read
Mr. Gary R. Reese
Mr. John L. Reynolds
Mr. Ward Reynolds
Rev. Carl A. Ricks
Dr. Darrel Ray Rinehart
Dr. Cullen B. Rivers
Mrs. G. S. Roach
Mr. James V. Robertson
Mrs. E. Nadine Roller
Dr. Gilbert H. Roller
Mrs. Jean Wymond Rollings
Mr. Clarence F. Rost
Mrs. Rena Smith Roth
Mr. Don G. Roxberry
Rev. Dorothy Krei Rudd
Rev. Robert J. Rudd
Rev. William R. Rudd
Mr. James A. Rupert
Mr. Willard Rustin
Mrs. Yvonne Roughton Rustin
Mr. Roy L. Ruth, Jr.
Mr. Larry W. Sayler
Mrs. Helen Lauman Schaal
Ms. Mary K. Scott
Miss Mildred C. Scott
Rev. Alan M. Seaman
Mrs. Alzina Beckwith Seeley
Dr. Kenneth A. Shaver
Dr. Donald Shell
Mrs. Betty S. Shipps
Mrs. Patricia Cale Sink
Dr. Samuel B. Sink
Rev. David W. Skeen
Mrs. Nina Burson Skeen
Miss Ruth L. Smede
Mr. Arthur R. Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Helen King Smith
Mrs. Leda Yarnell Smith
Mrs. Miriam Smith
Dr. Myron R. Smith
Rev. Wilbur K. Smith
Rev. Harry W. Snyder
Dr. Harold G. Spann
Dr. John H. Spicer
Mrs. Katherine McAfee Start
Mrs. Wanda Baker Stauffer
Rev. John A. Sterling
Mrs. Laura M. Stevenson
Mrs. Sylvia Zinschlag Stewart
Mrs. Grace Shaw Stock
Mrs. Margaret White Stockinger
Mrs. Marilyn Stokes
Miss Helen L. Straka
Mrs. Joyce Clarke Strange
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Early Swain
Miss Nancy A. Swank
Mrs. Wanda Tracy Tacy
Perry Tanksley
Suzanne Mitchell Tanksley
Mr. J. Kenneth Thomas
Mrs. Josephine Wampler Thomas
Dr. Paul Thomas
Mrs. William E. Timms
Mrs. Alverta Johnson Toussaint
Rev. D. Lowell Toussaint
Ms. Allene Tuel
Mr. Frank L. Tully
Mrs. J. Howard Tumlin
Rev. Robert P. Turner
Mrs. Ann Kennison VanValin
Rev. John VanValin
Mrs. Marcella Smith Verplank
Rev. James H. Walker
Mrs. Kathryn Lloyd Walker
Rev. A. Frederick Walz, Jr.
Mr. Donald Lee Walz, Sr.
Mr. William C. Ward, Jr.
Mrs. Candace Maund Watts
Rev. Todd G. Weber
Rev. Glenn R. Wegner
Dr. Ronald G. Welling
Mr. Richard B. Wells
Mr. Stephen B. Wilcox
Rev. W. Raymond Wilder, Jr.
Dr. Robert F. Wiley, Jr.
Dr. William B. Wiley
Mrs. Elizabeth Young Williams
Dr. Samuel J. Williams, II
Mr. Jim Wilmot
Mr. Paul E. Wilson
Mr. Jimmie Winslow
Mr. Earl B. Wire
Mrs. Valerie Draper Woldeit
Mrs. Mary Garrison Wood
Rev. Robert D. Wood
Mrs. Rosalie Chesnut Woodward
Dr. Sewell Woodward, Jr.
Dr. Jerry D. Wortham
Mrs. Charlotte Mott Yates
Dr. Kai Cheong Yong
by Mr. & Mrs. L. Wade Grimes
Tim & Sarah Pavey
by Rev. & Mrs. Stephen T. Euper
Dr. & Mrs. Paul A. Rader
by Dr. Arthur F. Fleser
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Glosser
Janet Sue Wilson Russell
by Mrs. Arlene Wilson
Kristin Vance
by Ms. Angela T. Ballard
Corey Wayne Winton
by Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Winton
Dora Hall
by Mrs. Ernestine Taylor
In memory of:
Mrs. Ruth Hamann
by Mr. & Mrs. James W. Fogal
Zak Thobaben
by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dean
Neely, Jr.
Phyllis Taylor Alexander ’52
by Mr. & Mrs. John A. Alexander
Virginia Collins Amerson
by Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kingsbury
he following honor &
memorial gifts were made to
Asbury College between July
1, 2005, and June 30, 2006. Names of
those honored or memorialized appear
in italics.
In honor of:
Ben Andrews
by Mr. & Mrs. Lee R. Martin
Asbury College students participating in
ReachOut Service Event
by Miss Ruth E. Beall
Ed & Brenda Bentley
by Global Impact
Arthur Brestel
by Dr. Peter W. Stine
Dr. Joe & Willa Sue Brockinton
by Dr. Arthur F. Fleser
Dr. Thomas & Francis Ditto
by Global Impact
Thelma Goold
by Dr. Arthur F. Fleser
Dr. Victor Hamilton
by Ms. Sarah Stein
Rachel & Emily Jarrard
by Larry & Teri Jarrard
Bob & Carolyn Kingsbury
by Mrs. Marlene Kingsbury-Dean
Ms. Eula Stierholz
Dr. Dennis Kinlaw
by Dr. Arthur F. Fleser
Dr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Williams, II
Our families who paid for us to attend
Asbury College
Miriam Gray
by Good News Magazine
Rev. Kenneth Clark Halbrook
by Amcore Financial, Inc.
Mr. Roland East
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Gibson,
Mr. Henry J. Hughes, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Pennington
Western & Southern Financial
Rev. Stuart A. Smith
by Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Watts
by Miss Carolyn Ann Stone
Max Gallimore
by Miss Betty J. Bobb
Mr. & Mrs. Garold R. Sherwood
Jerry M. Brooks
by Ms. Jeannie H. Ronald
Wallace Buice
by Mrs. Betty Buice
Paul E. Buyers
by Ms. Lois A. Bennett
Mrs. Betty Buyers
Ms. Nancy P. Estrada
Rebecca Bingham Carnes
by Mrs. Deborah Christie
Mr. Ronald J. & Mrs. Linda
Hochstettler Wolery
Martha Stewart Connard
by Rev. George W. Connard
Rev. Eugene I. Cooper
by Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Bentley
Bullitt East High School
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Butcher
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Carter
Franklin McCants Farm
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Martin
Dr. Nicole L. McCants
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. McCants
Mr. Jerry Partain
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Peed
Mr. & Mrs. Al Rose
Ms. Kari A. Stewart
Taylor County Holiness Camp
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Woodard
Sarah Winfrey Crouse
by Ms. Carolyn L. Ridley
Mrs. Marian Romich
Mrs. Catherine C. Tucker
Rev. & Mrs. F. R. Davis
by Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe Davis
J. Billy Davis
by Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe Davis
Rev. W. Ellis Davis
by Mrs. Frona Davis
Salvatore Ferrara
by Good News Magazine
B.L. Fisher
by Mrs. Marilyn Beebe
Mrs. Ardith Gallimore
Dr. Wallace & Estalene Mott Harned
by Peace Foundation, Inc.
Rev. Frank Roughton Harvey
by Dr. Arthur F. Fleser
Clara Hickman
by Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kingsbury
Harold Hilliard
by Mrs. Mildred Hilliard Boyd
Wilma Carnes Jenkins
by Mrs. Winona Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Davis
Ms. Ruth E. Stanley
Rev. Carl Lee Johnson
by Ms. Lee Anne Frank
Dr. Roger W. Kusche
by Mr. & Mrs. James Sherman
Rev. & Mrs. Dorwin C. Snyder
Mrs. Mary Lancaster
by Miss Kathryn E. Ripley
Vern R. Lautner
by Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kingsbury
Robert Rudolph Leffel, Jr.
by Mr. & Mrs. Ed Britton
Mrs. Gladys M. Kraus
Miss Susan Kraus
Mr. Charles H. Minter
Earl H. Lewallen
by Good News Magazine
Dave & Mary Lindsey
by Miss Vivian Jean Lindsey
Mary Priscilla Locke
by Rev. Joseph Locke, Sr.
Sara Hart Lovitt
by Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Lovitt
Jessamine County Public Library
Ms. Ellen L. Miller
Mr. A. Paul Monteen
Edward F. Tipton, P.S.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Troop
Dr. George E. Luce
by Mr. George W. Stokes, Jr.
Mrs. Willouise Butts Luce
by Mrs. Sharon Adams
Dr. & Mrs. Roger Amstutz
Rev. & Mrs. John M. Bagwell
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bankston
2 0 0 6 A - A W A R D S – A l u mni Recognition
Ben Ripley
by Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe Davis
Malinda Stull ’95
Mr. & Mrs. Emmet Ripley
by Mr. & Mrs. John N. Bode
Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe Davis
Miss Kathryn E. Ripley
r. Malinda Stull ’95 receives the “Young
Revs. Thomas Earl &
Maude Alice Scott
by Mr. William J. Scott
Alum Award” for her outstanding career
as a researcher and scientist.
Grace Buyers Smith
by Mrs. Betty Buyers
Stull grew up in a Christian home in Gettysburg,
Rev. Robert Snyder
by Good News Magazine
Pennsylvania, the youngest of five children. When
she was a junior in high school, she decided to
Dorothy Spalding
by Dr. Rhoda Taylor
attend a Christian college. Her Sunday school
Mrs. Alene Walker
by Good News Magazine
teacher recommended Asbury College.
Emma Lou Watson
by Rev. Willard L. Watson
The summer after her sophomore year, Stull
Mildred Weaver
by Mr. & Mrs. Charles W.
returned home to work in a souvenir shop. One
quiet afternoon, a stranger walked into her store and
Rev. James T. Wells
by Dr. Robert B. Mussman
shot her twice— the second bullet leaving her paralyzed. An
outstanding and determined student, she caught up with her classmates
after missing only one semester. Stull graduated Magna Cum Laude from the College in 1995
with a degree in chemistry. That year she was named “Outstanding Student in Chemistry.”
She went on to complete her Ph.D. in cell and molecular biology at the Penn State College of
Medicine in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
Traveling internationally, Stull has also visited Kenya two times with New Hope International
Ministries. These trips have taken her to the Kenya Highlands Bible College, the Africa Gospel
Church in Nakuru and Tenwek Hospital.
began teaching at Asbury College this fall.
Cyrus Lynch
by Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Bowen
Jesta Belle Matherly
by Mrs. Loretta Caldwell
Mary Bush McConnell
by Dr. H. Cecil McConnell
Cora & Shelburne Nash
by Mrs. Marilyn Beebe
Maridee Knipmeyer Nasralla
by Dr. & Mrs. Michael Henderson
Dr. & Mrs. J. Warner Knipmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. John I. Naylor
by Mr. & Mrs. Ray K. Masser
Dr. & Mrs. Carl B. Spivey
Nathan Osgood
by Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Osgood
Rev. Frank L. Perry
by Ms. Peggy S. Cannon
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Craven, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Dunaway
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hopkins
Mrs. Frances D. Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Preston B. Lewis, Jr.
Secure Health Plans of Ga., LLC
Charles Wilson
by Mrs. Arlene Wilson
Charlotte Jean Wilson
by Mr. Alvin L. Wilson
Don K. Winslow
by Mr. Mark A. Watts
Dr. Clarence M. Yates
Peace Foundation, Inc.
Rev. William Robert Yates
by Mrs. Bessie Yates
In 2006, she was recruited back to her alma mater as an assistant professor of biochemistry. She
Dr. Dorothy M. Barbo
Mrs. A.H. Barnett, Jr.
Mr. John D. Comer
Mr. & Mrs. Corbin J. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Grenfell, Jr.
Dr. Cornelius R. Hager
Dr. & Mrs. W. David Hager
Mrs. Dorothy L. Hicks
Ms. Janice R. King
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kingsbury
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Luce
Mr. George W. Matthews Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Monroe, Jr.
Peterson, Coleman, & Marett, LLC
Ms. Carolyn L. Ridley
Ms. Barbara L. Russell
Ms. Cheryl A. Russell
Ms. Margaret S. Russell
Dr. Barbara J. Sims
Southern Orchard Supply Co.,
Mrs. Catherine C. Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Tucker
Y.D. Westerfield
by Mr. & Mrs. James W. Fogal
Mr. Reggie Smith
Mrs. Virginia Robinson Philpot
by Angels On Call, Inc.
Ms. Oprah S. Billitter
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Bobys
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Botts
Mr. Thomas Bruszewski
Casa Project of Lexington
Advisory Board, Inc.
Ms. Evelyn Click
Dr. Arthur F. Fleser
Ms. Elaine M. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic F. Grisanti
Dr. & Mrs. W. David Hager
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Hardie
Mr. & Mrs. Alton C. McPherson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Noble
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Pepper
Mr. James L. Pepperl
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Starnes
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Troutman
Mrs. Roberta B. Puntney
by Rev. & Mrs. Bernard A. Bezy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kraus
David R. Billing ’65,
Springfield, OH
Mark R. Elliott ’69,
Central, SC
Sarah L. Luce ’72,
Atlanta, GA
Jose R. Velazquez,
El Paso, TX
Melvin R. Bowdan, Jr.,
Nicholasville, KY
D. Kay Burrus Hayden ’82,
Hillsborough, NJ
J. Taylor Phillips,
Macon, GA
Robert F. Wiley, Jr., ’61,
Mansfield, OH
David L. Brazelton ’65,
Jacksonville, FL
James V. Heidinger II ’63,
Nicholasville, KY
Timothy N. Philpot,
Lexington, KY
Edward W. Williamson ’73
Indianapolis, IN
Larry D. Brown ’80,
Winfield, IL
Valerie Parr ’79 Hill,
Montville, NJ
David L. Stevens ’73,
Bristol, TN
C. E. Crouse ’68,
Colorado Springs, CO
Morris E. Hintzman ’67,
Lutz, FL
Ronald W. Tarrant ’59,
Oak Harbor, WA
Janice Shaw ’61 Crouse,
Laurel, MD
Jiles E. Kirkland ’50,
Lake Junaluska, NC
Gregory F. Van Tatenhove
(’82), Lexington, KY
Ransom and Betty Ewing ’55 Cooper,
Lexington, KY
Drs. Raleigh and Janine ’76 Corbitt
Jones, Lexington, KY
Dr. Bobby Ray ’59 and Jama Bell ’66
Martin, Fayetteville, GA
Laurence ’98 and Jessica Coppedge,
Wilmore, KY
Dr. Willis and Geraldine Johnson,
Lexington, KY
Nathan R. ’77 and Susan Mowery,
Carmel, IN
Edward B. ’76 and Sheryl Owens ’74
Gore, Adrian, MI
Dr. Michael and Jennifer Kane,
Lexington KY
Drs. Jeffrey W. ’76 and Peggy Parr,
Lexington, KY
Victor A. and Deborah R. Hazard,
Lexington, KY
R. Wayne ’70 and Mary Blanchard ’70
King, Urbandale, IA
Dr. William M. ’78 and Diane Nelson
’83 Ury, Jackson MS
John Kenneth ’63 and Dr. Amanda
Russell ’63 Hutcherson, Fayetteville, GA
Dr. Darrell P. ’68 and Prudy Tam ’68
Long, Lima, OH
ALUMNI BOARD 2006-2007
Alice Wilson ’87 Alesia, Fort Wayne, IN
Scott Poynter ’64, Cantonment, FL
Aaron Ammerman ’95, Lexington, KY
Sherry Wilson ’77 Powers,
Bowling Green, KY
Janet Saum ’75 Bowdle, Bethel, OH
Charles Cole, Jr ’83, Charlottesville, VA
Michael Fletcher ’80, Richmond, VA,
President 06-07
Ray Harrison ’51, Lakeland, FL
Rachel Hodges ’60 Hilbert, Durham, NC
Laurie Ramsy ’81 Jaffe, Glencoe, IL
Brandon Johnson ’82, Lewisburg, WV
Janine Corbitt ’76 Jones, Nicholasville, KY
Roland Lane ’67, Columbus, OH
Cynthia McLendon ’79 Kewin,
Lexington, KY
Betty Meriwether ’56, Clarksville, TN
William C. Murphy, USN ’81,
Colorado Springs, CO, President-Elect
John Needham ’73, Atlanta, GA
Carol Sue Ray ’67, Fayetteville, GA,
Keely Whittington ’97 Reyes,
Albuquerque, NM
David Smyth ’97, Lexington, KY
Lucas Speakman ’06, Athens, GA
Philip Stine ’64, Wilmington, NC,
President 05-06
Dudley Turner ’78, Akron OH
Ann Kennison ’66 VanValin,
New Palestine, IN
Diane Nelson ’83 Ury, Madison, MS
Mary Vore ’68, Lexington, KY
COUNCIL, 06-07
David and Lori Adler,
St. Albans, WV
Phillip and Sarah Connolly,
Marysville, OH
Tim and Sherry Grant,
Mishawaka, IL
Kent ’77 and Beth Olson ’77 Olney,
Bourbonnais, IL
Andy ’75 and Cheryl Tompkins ’77
Miller, Arlington Heights, IL
Jim and Beth Luce ’80 Reed, Lutz, FL
William and Jennifer Schutters,
Bryson City, NC
Adam Wood ’07, Wilmore, KY
Kenneth Yang ’91, Westport, CT
Reunion 2006
ore than 1,025 alumni and families from the classes
Drs. Paul ’56 and Kay
of 1929 through 2001 flocked back to campus, June
Fuller ’57 Rader were
21-25, for Reunion 2006 Full Circle.
honored for their service
Reunion classes this year raised more than $100,000 for the reunion
gift project, which was the final phase of a three-year project to recurve the semi-circle. David Coulliette ’81 and Daniel Kiteck ’01
chaired this project. In addition, the Class of 1956 added $25,000
to their 1956 Kenyon Scholarship fund, bringing its endowment to
$120,000. Class president Ken Ashitomi ’56 announced this gift at
to Asbury College upon
their retirement from the
College’s presidency. Dr.
Rader served his alma mater
for six years following his and Kay’s
retirement as Salvation Army officers.
the Alumni Banquet, after adorning his fellow classmates with leis
Choral, handbell and theatre alumni were invited back to campus
from Hawaii.
for fellowship and fun. The choral and handbell alumni reunited
J.P. Rader ’83, Steve Rehner ’79 and Tom Calkins were named
volunteers of the year for their work on behalf of the soccer field
refurbishment. The first phase of the project began May 3 and was
finished in time for fall play.
on Sunday for a concert in Hughes before the worship service
with Dr. Rader.
Class of 1936 //
Class of 1941
Class of 1936 // Elizabeth Fain Sergent
Class of 1941 // Row 1: Margaret Martin
Moore, Doris Steiner Bailey, Edna Martin
Kilbourne, Marian Eakin Dugan, Charlotte
Louise Mott Yates, Anna Galloway Collins
Row 2: Ed Kilbourne, Evyn Adams, Duane
Class of 1946
Row 1: Maxine Tete Andreas, Majorie
Lockard Snyder, Margie Miller Lewis, Cora
Harding Spann, Lovell M. Brasel Kesner, Doris
Stubblefield King, Gerry Frasher Abbott Row
2: Phyllis Davidson Corbitt, Hugh B. Howard,
Floyd Fought, Hughey Jones, Eugene Abbott
Class of 1951
Row 1: Carl Spivey, Gordon E. Tatman,
SallyLou Zeigler Lefler, Dorthy Gee Crowe,
Ann Dunaway Gamblin, Kathleen Breyl High,
Betty Harrer Smith, Wayne Patton Row 2:
Perry Tanksley, Eugene Barbour, Floyd Powell
Jr., Lawrence W. George, Ben T. Edwards,
Kenneth Vetters, Gail E. McQueen, Charles
Finney, Arnold Baker, Jim Foulkes, Don
Howard, Robert Baldridge
50th Reunion // Class of 1956
Ground: Donald Sparks, Bruce Phillips, Ken Ashitomi, James C. Stratton, Roland Felts, Stan Beckman, Bob Kingsbury, Harold Dakin,
Randy Van Landingham, Jerry M. Higgins, Paul Rader, Rev. Lovell R. Aills // Row 1: Wana Peachee Hasler, Oma Elliot Jarvis, Shirley
Walton Camp, Beverly Julian Hull, Carolyn Houglin Joiner, Georgetta Owens MacDonald, Donna Smailes McCoy, Kathryn Davis
Connor, Margaret (Peggy) Jones, Betty Teece Sprauge, Lila Nakamura Ashitomi, Barbara Lehman Lunsford, Aleta Bowers Winkler, Jessie
Blackman Greenman, Jo Hendricks Lewis // Row 2: Kai Cheong Yong, Tish Hoover Cox, Beth Lane Gardener, Jean Marsh Fabrycky, Delia
Daughtry Peterson, Rhuelle Woolfolk Jones-Hotinger, Iris McGill Wilson, Claudeene Smith Herron, June Chaney Pustelnyk, Shirley
Maier Hickman, Frances Banks Newman, Beatriz Arze Houmard, Carolyn Stoneback Davidheiser, Shirlee Jacobs Ater, Nancy Nelson
Copeland // Row 3: Charlotte Cottrell Brown, Betty Brunt McGrath, Bernard Kreh, Joanna (Jody) Austin Pauley, Nancy Burnett Stanz,
Harry C. Baas, Bob Hooker, Norman (Tex) Guess, Max Hickman, Buddy Coleman, Dave Greenman, Charlotte Crouse Brown, Charmaine
Florida, Betty Flynn Myers.
Class of 1961
Row 1: Marilyn Lutz Advisor, Carolyn Ryan
Dunn, Becky Kibbey Swathwood, Sandy
Calland Gentry, Martie Ewan Gaines, Peter
Wilfred Stine, Sarah Hinkle Warner, Mary
Speakman Sutherland, Betty Neal Johnston,
Lou Ann Jones Abbott, Janice Bradley Williams,
Valene Loftis Long, Martha Faber Dorrell //
Row 2: Harland Lutz Advisor, Lyell Rader,
Bill Swathwood, Ken Gentry, Bob Wiley, Ron
Hiner, Neal Long, Ivan Zabilkia, Todd Bassett,
Larry Wingate, Ken Fraser.
Class of 1966
Row 1: Janis Flesher Riffell, Jama Bell Martin,
Becky McDowell Powell, Joan Crouse John,
Ginny Porter Au, Connie Spencer Lewes
// Row 2: Bill Tolbert, Vangie Erny Billing,
Mary Lou Bartimay, Carol Stahl Mosmiller,
Judy Henderson Young, Norma Russell Trott,
Mary Ann Dugan Buckley, Walter S. Stone //
Row 3: Carolyn Dott Muse, Ruth Smitherman
Buchanan, Sue Gandy Deyo, Sarah Case
Holifield, Loretta Harmer Blowers, Nina
Moulton Pneuman, Ellen Pollock Key, Paul E.
Beecham // Row 4: Alan Nagel, Allen Deyo,
Richard Hargett, Tom Brown, Chuck Jacobs,
R. Tim Hume, Bill John // Row 5: Russell
Williams, Wesley Sundin, Gary Saylor, Dave
Heberling, John Phillips, Jim Nelson, Dave
Class of 1971
Row 1: Jan Saunders Sparrow, Kathy Spann
Hollis, Marilyn Messick Buchanan, Nancy
Wilson Sandifer, Stephaine Chandley Battle,
Judi Kinlaw, Roberta Toussaint Vore, Jan
Stevens Thornton, Joy Juvinall // Row 2: Tom
Sparrow, Charline Bodine Swetzig, Jeannine
Brabon, Sydney Bonnette Biddulph, Lora Lea
Kinnett Dawson, Grace Lowry Woods, Brenda
Key Adams, Don Adams, George L. Hodgkins
Jr. // Row 3: Tom O’Neal, John Bailey, Bob
Biddulph, Stephen Patton, Mike Owen, Stu
Simmons, Ted Moon, Vernon Vore.
Class of 1976
Row 1: Aliese Tankersly Hill, Joanne Davis,
Mary Jean McKenzie Banter, Willa-sue Ling
Brockinton, Bonnie Banker (Advisor), Carol
Jones, Jeanette Davis Davis, Melinda Jones //
Row 2: Carolyn Kusche Hale, Jamie Luedeke,
Melanie Wood Cavanaugh, Tom Gore, Dennis
Johnson, Dan Kinnell, Bob Moon, Erol Altug,
Robert Durham, Malcom Pugh, Mary Miller
Pugh, Jeff Hummel, Pat Shannon McKain,
Tom McKain, Janine Corbitt Jones, Juanita
Green Schopke.
25th Reunion // Class of 1981
Row 1: Sherri Eads Ganka, Julie Carmen Denton, Clare Newton Bez, Nancy Donehoo Hunter, Carolyn Ridley, Cinda
Hixenbaugh Walker, Vicky Sadler Williams, Glenna Lowe Norton, Lori Matthews Fair, Kathy Carnes Cooley // Row 2:
Jim Woolums, Kayla Vance Engelhart, Susan Wolffbrandt Davis, Michele Devereaux, Vanessa Hamblin Fletcher, Laura
Billingsley Legge, Cindy Holmes Moore, Karen Holz Kinlaw, Betty Donaldson Aukerman, Karen Case Hampton, Rhonda
Jones Sigler, Zoe Brown Custer, Sherry Brock Moore // Row 3: Wayne Hickman, David Coulliette, Greg Austin, Jeff James,
C. J. Hunter, Waldon Garriss, Terry Lodge, Mark Royster, Ralph Sigler, Richard Smit.
20th Reunion // Class of 1986
Row 1: Norm Barker, Ted Batson, Barb Lowe Stryker, Karen Davis Jordan, Lisa Aills Beard, Laura Hudson Patterson, Karen Smailes Miller,
Scott Beck, Leigh Ellen Hughes Olson, Cynthia Moegerle Graf, Bonny Kingsbury Thiesen, Melisa Laws Pope, Tracy Phillips Southworth,
Cindy Myers Woolums, Alison Durham Osborn // Row 2: George Barber, Cory Olson, David Piscatelli, Donna Winslow Crouse, Mary
Ann Draper Simpson, Johnetta Zweifel, Cecil Zweifel (Advisors), Sarah Azbell Johnston, Colin O’Brien, Maria Rutherford, Gloria Pierce
Cardona, Debbie Payton Jewell, Karla Hendricks Byrd, Ruthanna Kellner Corbitt, Steve Wollums. // Row 3: Steve Crouse, John Crouse,
Doug Cox, Dave Hoag, Todd Swathwood, Brian Eddy, Jean Achenbach, Kandy Moore, Scott McPherson, Jim Haiderer.
Class of 1991
Row 1: Doreen Spielvogel Applegate, Jenny
Gould Bilkey, Charis Lawrence Baumgartner,
Sharon Strice Bicknell, Joy Fowler Wyse, Joy
Davidson Smith, Angie McAlpine Riffell, Esther
Harvey, Sylvia Ann Boykin // Row 2: Candace
Brown Dyar, Kristen Lindgren, Judy Pitchard
McElhannon, Nancy Osterholm Cox, Tina
Doverspike Colton, Dawn McFarland Coffman,
Angela Austin Zimmerman, Conchie McCauley
Henderson, Shawnna Wollett Steele, Jennifer
Rivers Fitch // Row 3: Tim Powell, Glenn
Hamilton, Dawn Charles Kozar, Bill Boggess, Bill
Coffman, Joe Henderson, Sonya Goodman Farr,
Chris Fry // Row 4: Shari Rainwater, Harold
Rainwater (Advisors), Farai Makombe, Mark
Kozar, Kevin Becht, Joe Kosin, Jeremy Oden
Class of 1996
Row 1: Sara Jamison Beaty, Daniel Beaty, Jerald
Walz, Bryan Brandeberry, Jason Dooley, Jody
Zoller Jaques, William Spencer // Row 2: Anne
Jones, Shelese William Bonaquista, Lerenda
Purvis Walton, Amy Favorite Jacobs, Jan Graves,
Heather Dean Dooley, Jennifer Upperman
Thornton, Paige Merritt Medlock, Kristin L.
Hunt, Jamie N. Griffie HeimKreiter // Row 3:
Kathy Nonneman, Art Nonneman (Advisors),
Vonda Carlisle Bryce, Maggie Taylor Schroeder,
Laurie Wofford Kjernald, Tracie Goetz Searles,
Micheal West, Art Siegert, Jason Dickerson,
Scott Marsee, Greg Jacobs, Brock Haylock, James
Fogal, Hannah Geerdes Campbell, Julie Sproul
Wallace, Sam Robinson
Class of 2001 //
Row 1: Carrie Lanier Burnett, Rebecca Grant Nichols, Tiffany Barrett Ritter, Kristina Hogan Herwald, Erika Houston Lindsey,
Laura Garcia, Lily North, Joshe Delicana, Tom Hoffman, Ruthie Boldt Howard, Erin Ranson Johnson, Betsy Hall, Becky Schultz Friesen, Amy Neild Kinnell
// Row 2: Ada Tieman, Alicia Hamilton Michel, Ellen Taylor Zimmerman, Stephanie Grunden Hoffman, Marcie Craig Maggart, Bethany Upperman, Stacey
Pfahler Stanley, Lindsay Young McComber, Kerry McKinney, Rich Nichols, Michelle Dresch, Kathie Heid Fawbush, Rachel Snow Dvorak, Karen Powdill
Sallee, Angela Weston, Christa Colton Camilleri, Alice George Rogers, G. Wayne Rogers (Advisors), Robyn Polson Wahl, Shawn Casselberry (Sponsors) //
Row 3: Stancie Rustin, Candace Nisbett McCallister, Jennifer Trumbore Baker, Miriam Slagle, Natalie Gregoire Baribeault, Kara Pickett, Ashleigh Whitaker
Siskar, Jeremy Corbett, Daniel Kiteck, Charley Neal, Rachél Manke Ballard, James Ballard, Jenni Dean, Brandon Kriesch, Jamie Robbins, Josh Winn, Jeff
Burnett // Row 4: Rob Barney, Katie Moore, Jeremy Hatfield, Jeremiah Kuhn, Scott Custead, Steve LaMotte, Chris Harrell, Tim Gibson, Matt Kinnell
Dennis and Priscilla Paulo ’70
Probst have returned to Japan
to continue their mission work.
Address: 20-11 Nakamaru Cho,
Itabashi Ku, Tokyo, Japan 173-0026.
Jonathan Raymond ’72 became
the president of Trinity Western
University, a Christian liberal
arts university in Langley, British
Columbia, Canada, in July 2006.
John ’73 and Colleen Eisenberg
live in Paraguay with National
Methodist Youth Commission.
Mildred Westerfield ’27 Graham
celebrated her 100th birthday
in grand style with family
and friends on Sept. 4 at the
Bethesda Gardens, Terre Haute,
IN. She and her sister, Kathryn
Westerfield ’34 Hart, are
residents there. As the remaining
members of the Westerfield
family, they welcome visitors
when traveling in Indiana.
Retired missionaries Milton and
Geraldine Stout ’56 Kalso live
at 13301 Eghers-Kalso Rd., Mt.
Vernon, WA 98273. Asburians
are invited to visit.
Jon Tal Murphree ’59
released his 17th book in July
2006: Autographed by God: A
Reasoned Case for Christianity. In
retirement, he serves as adjunct
professor at Toccoa Falls College
and continues an itinerant
preaching ministry.
Betty Lu Smith ’63 Bendeke
was called out of retirement
to teach Spanish at the new
Stone Memorial High School in
Crossville, TN.
105-year-old Edith
Jamerson ’32, the
college’s oldest living
alumnae, visits with
Alumni Director
Carolyn Ridley ’81.
Miss Jamerson started
attending Asbury in
her late 20’s, giving her
the somwhat deceptive
class of 1932 affiliation.
She currently lives in
Carmi, Illinois.
James Wierman ’63 was named a
Paul Harris Fellow for community
service by the Dowagiac (MI)
Rotary Club. Wierman has served
as three-time chief of staff for
Borgess-Lee Memorial Hospital,
the leader of four Haiti medical
mission trips and is the founder
of the Cass County Free Clinic.
Richard ’65 and Sharon
Waiksnoris ’65 Ulyat are retired
from The Salvation Army’s
National Headquarters as the
National Secretary for Program
and Associate National Secretary
for Program. Address: 10312 Old
Tampa Bay Dr., San Antonio, FL
Don Norton ’74 recently
returned from 15 months as a
WGM missionary volunteer in
Berdyansk, Ukraine. Don lives in
Sun City, AZ.
Deni Moegerle ’75 Corbitt
is coordinating an on-line
book club with Yvonne
Cochran Moulton ’58. E-mail: for more
Steve Roberts ’75 and family
have relocated back home to the
Lynchburg, VA area. Address:
P.O. Box 2310, Forest, VA 24551.
Nancy Stanley ’76 was ordained
as an elder in the UMC in June
2006. She received her M.Div.
from Drew Theological School in
2005 and is assistant to the pastor
at New Providence UMC, New
Providence, NJ.
Susan Swaney ’77 Humphrey
was elected to a second term
on the Churchwide Executive
Board of Women of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church.
She is synodical convention
coordinator and on the
constitution committee during
the 2006-2008 triennium.
She also serves as the president
of the Oklahoma Conference
of Churches.
Cynthia Fall McBride ’77
married Paul Mabrey on
September 1, 2006 in Tulsa, OK.
Cinda Swan ’79 received
ordination as a United Methodist
minister in June. She teaches
religion at Lindsey Wilson
College, Columbia, KY.
Wendy Bethea ’80 was selected
for Who’s Who Among America’s
Teachers, 2005-2006.
David ’80 and Pam Ritchey ’79
Grout have a new address: 2620
Thompson Dr., Bowling Green,
KY 42104. David is senior pastor
of Christ UMC.
Mike Quail ’82, following a
year of study in England, has
been appointed to the AsburyEmmanuel United Methodist
Church in Flint, MI.
Charlotte Dean ’84 Hartley
was awarded National Board
Certification from the National
Board for Professional Teaching
Standards in November 2005.
She currently teaches at
Montana Magnet School in
Dothan, AL.
Kerry Lambert ’85 recently
passed his board certification
interview with the Association
of Professional Chaplains. He
is currently the staff chaplain
at Murray-Calloway County
Hospital in Murray, KY. E-mail:
Todd ’85 and Angie Pelphrey
announce the birth and adoption
of Makenna Faith on April 19,
2006. Address: 30 Lybrook Road,
Lucasville, OH 45648.
Hal ’86 and Annamarie Stein
’86 Hamilton and family have
moved to Tulsa, OK. Hal is the
new youth and college team
leader for First United Methodist.
Address: 5906 East 100th
Street, Tulsa, OK 74137. E-mail:
Daniel ’88 and Jennifer
McClary, who have been serving
with Wycliffe in Ethiopia for
the past eight years, are now
at Black Forest Academy in
Kandern, Germany. They are
house parents to 28 high school
girls. Pray for Dan. E-mail:
John Brooks ’89 is the financial
aid coordinator at New College
of Florida in Sarasota, FL.
Peter ’89 and Nicole Sherry
celebrated the birth of son Taylor
Davis on May 23, 2006.
Election Results
ongratulations! Joe Pitts ’61 was re-elected to Congress in Pennsylvania; Ted
Strickland ’63 is the newly elected Governor of Ohio; Sue Bell Cobb ’78 was elected
Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court (the first woman to hold this office);
Jeremy Oden ’91 was re-elected to Alabama State House of Representatives; Tim Philpot ’73
was re-elected as Family Court Judge in Lexington, KY; Phillip Shephard ’77 was elected District
Court Judge in Frankfort, KY; Harold Rainwater ’69 presses on as Kentucky’s longest serving
mayor with his re-election in Wilmore; Leonard Fitch ’64 was re-elected to the Wilmore City
Council and Tim Vaughan ’97 was re-elected as a local Magistrate in Wilmore.
If you were recently elected to public office, please let us know at
Chester (C. J.) G. Caufield, Jr.
’93 married Carrie Herring on
July 1, 2006.
Tony ’92 and Joanne Sayer ’92
Fuller have been accepted as
missionaries with WGM. They
will be leaving for Kenya or
Uganda during the summer of
Maxine Makowski ’92
Leombruno is pursuing a
degree in radiology.
Steven and Meghan Duffy ’92
Sebastian announce the birth
of son Jackson Robert on March
6, 2006. Address: 1311 Wilshire
Court, Union, KY 41091.
Randy ’92 and Gina Weeks
announce the birth of Joshua
Harrison on July 12, 2006.
Scott and Valerie Bower ’93
Gibbs announce the birth of
Presley Faith on June 11, 2006.
Valerie is a contributing writer
for BECOMING 2 (Thomas
Kenneth and Therese
Brockinton ’93 Hodges
welcomed Abney Marie
Therese on March 7, 2006.
Nathan ’93 and Janice
Lagaski ’93 Wilson moved
to Switzerland. Nathan will
be working in an international
relations and security graduate
program that focuses on peacemaking. The program is
sponsored by the University
of Geneva and the Geneva
Centre for Security Policy. Janice
will continue to collaborate
with churches and clinics in
Swaziland, Africa to working
to combat HIV/AIDS. E-mail:
Shawn and Ginger Ulery ’94
Bansen are state-side staff with
Youth With a Mission. Address:
15850 Richardson Springs Rd.,
Chico, CA 95973. E-mail:
John ’94 and Becky Probst ’93
Jaggers welcomed Addison Mia
into the world on June 8, 2006.
Dan ’94 and Cynthia Roberts
’90 Kime announce the birth of
Erica Layne on July 26, 2006.
Tim ’95 and Carrie McPherson
welcomed Zachary Scott on May
22, 2006.
Alan and Anne Hostetler ’95
Stokes announce the arrival of
Jonathan Richard on January
25, 2005. The Stokes reside in
Lansing, MI.
Heather Abernathy ’96 teaches
at the Dalat International School
in Malaysia.
Bryan ’96 and Kelley
Brandeberry announce the
birth of Raymond Louis II on
April 27, 2006.
Jeff and Elizabeth Stone ’96
Coombs announce the birth of
Emily Elizabeth on April 13, 2006.
Heather Dubbs ’96 married
John Douglas on April 22, 2006.
Heather serves as minister to
children at Sagemont Church in
Houston, TX.
Todd Johnson ’96 and family
are in central Asia with OMF
International. Website: http://
Sean Moore ’96 has been named
a Fellow of the Pediatric Scientist
Development Program, by the
Association of Medical School
Pediatric Department Chairs, to
research novel oral rehydration
and nutrition therapies in labs
at Vanderbilt University and
the Federal University of Ceara,
Kyle and Maggie Taylor ’96
Schroeder welcomed Luciana
Perez home on February 14, 2006.
Luci was born in Guatemala on
September 24, 2005.
Brian Hurley ’97 graduated from
Asbury Theological Seminary’s
Orlando campus with his M.Div.
in May 2006. In September,
he began a year-long hospital
chaplain residency at Deaconess
Hospital in Evansville, IN.
Lisa Hutchins ’97 married Josh
Cooley ’00 on June 17, 2006.
The couple resides in Chicago, IL.
Nate ’97 and Angie Rifflard ’97
Maust announce the birth of
Jack Arthur on March 14, 2006.
Nicole McQuade ’97 Mazzarella
recently won a Christy award for
her fist novel, This Heavy Silence.
Rebecca Norris ’97 married Ed
Matyasovski on April 29, 2006.
E-mail: rebeccamaty@bellsouth.
net. Address: 2614 Holly Berry
Trail, Snellville, GA 30039.
Jessica Rilke ’97 accepted a job
with NewPointe Community
Church in Dover, OH, in
September. She will be working
as administrator of grade level
ministries. Address: 318 Minnich
Ave. NW, New Philadelphia, OH
David Smyth ’97 is host of “The
Family Financial Hour,” heard
Saturday mornings on 96.1 FM
in Lexington, KY. E-mail: david.
Matthew and Kathy Beumer
’98 Ernst announce the birth
of Silas Edward December 28,
2005. Matthew is the senior
pastor at Grace Evangelical Free
Church. Address: 505 N Main
St, Denison, IA 51442
Danny Griffis ’98 completed
his family medicine residency in
Waco, TX on June 30, 2006. He
and Jennifer Thomson ’98 Griffis
have moved to Dimmitt, TX,
where he is working at the clinic
and hospital. Address: 1606 W
Bedford Dimmitt, TX 79027.
Michael and Deborah Newman
’96 Yeaste announce the birth of
Megan Rose on May 8, 2006.
Donny ’98 and Jamie Lewis ’98
Loughry announce the birth of
Boston Franklin on February 15,
Brad and Carrie Beth Adams
’97 Atkinson announce the
birth of Jonathan Chess on April
20, 2006. Address: 505 Dresler
Rd., Rincon, GA 31326.
Rhonda Saunders ’98 was
married to Joel Harmon on April
22, 2206. The couple is serving
as Salvation Army officers in
Petersburg, AK.
Cathy Schmutz ’98 married
Peter Sutton on August 21, 2004.
They live in Ithaca, NY.
Jeremiah ’01 and Aimee Barney
’00 Kuhn welcomed Abigail
Kathleen on October 3, 2006.
Trevor and Jennifer Nishida ’99
Feeney welcomed Alexandria
Hope on August 18, 2005.
Josh and Candace Nisbett ’01
McCallister announce the birth
of Jedidiah Wake on August
Erich ’99 and Dawn Tevis ’99
Lippman announce the birth of
Alexander Tevis Lippman on
November 28, 2005.
Sarah Haddock ’99 Little has
completed her family practice
residency at AnMed Health
in Anderson, SC, and joined
St. Joseph Healthcare Family
Practice Clinic in Berea, KY. Email:
Joseph ’99 and Jessica
Fulkerson ’00 Schroen
announce the birth of David
Gavin on July 24, 2006.
Rebekah McWhertor ’01
married Bryan Keith Pieper
on June 3, 2006.
Chris Needham ’01 is Tsunami
Disaster Project Manager for
the Salvation Army in Sri
Lanka. E-mail:christopher_
Also serving with Chris in Sri
Lanka are Adam ’00 and Mindy
Cunningham ’01 Pierce and
Paul Niswander ’01.
Jason ’01 and Anne Nelson
welcomed Abigail Rae on May
23, 2006. Jason is associate pastor
at Farmington Hills Church of
God in Farmington Hills, MI.
Rob and Pascha Wenz ’00 Deam
celebrated the birth of Kyan
Timothy on Sept. 8, 2006.
Evan and Emily Lewis ’01
Sewall welcomed Ella Collins
on May 11, 2006.
William Fitzsimmons ’00
graduated with a master of arts
in counseling in May 2006 from
Geneva College. Stacey Osler
’00 Fitzsimmons is working
as an ER nurse.
Ethan ’01 and Ellen Taylor ’01
Zimmerman announce the birth
of Samuel Charles on August 20,
Christian Schmutz ’00 and
Caryn Herzog ’01 married
July 12, 2002. They live in
Central, SC.
Kurt ’00 and Erin Ranson ’01
Johnson welcomed Jack Edward
on December 30, 2005.
Anna Britton ’01 married Joey
Finley on June 17, 2006. The
couple resides in Lexington, KY.
Matt ’01 and Emily Waxman
’00 Coy announce the birth
of Allison Kate on February
20, 2006.
Charlie ’01 and Hilary Fraser
’01 Fiskeaux welcomed Caspian
Charlie on July 26, 2006.
Address: 741 Barefoot Dr.,
Wilmore, KY 40390.
Stephanie Kandel ’01 married
William Kist on May 20, 2006.
They live in Akron, OH.
Amanda Benge ’02 and William
Sturdevant ’03 married in
Louisville, KY, on August 5,
2006. Amanda works as a senior
sales executive with Arison
Insurance Services and Bill works
as a pharmacist with DrugMart.
The couple resides in Wilmore.
Jill Goresh ’02 won an Emmy
Award for coverage of figure
skating on ABC Sports.
D. ’02 and Corrie Catlett ’01
Merricks live in Oxford, MS.
Corrie is pursing her Ph.D. in
English at the University of
Mississippi, and D. is campus
pastor at the Ole Miss Wesley
Foundation. Address: 101 Leggett
Lane, Oxford, MS 38655.
Will ’02 and Whitney Smith
’02 Shouse announce the birth
of Layni Alyse on May 26, 2006.
Will is the head basketball coach
and director of student activities
at Kentucky Christian University
in Grayson, KY.
Katie Andrews ’03 married
Matthew Haase on September
3, 2005. E-mail: Katherine.
Bekah Miller ’05 married Keith
Peiffer on August 5, 2006.
Address: 5959 Western Run Dr.,
Baltimore, MD 21209.
Bethany Britt ’05 married Tim
Morrill ’06 on Dec. 31, 2005.
Address: 118 Garnett Ct., Apt. 3,
Versailles, KY 40383.
Joe Tipton ’06 was ordained on
July 23 at the Jessamine Christian
Church in Nicholasville, KY.
Emily Fryman ’03 married
William Nathan Harlan on May
20, 2006. Emily is news writer
at Lindsey Wilson College in
Columbia, KY.
Daniel ’06 and Heidi Miller ’06
Weaver are youth pastors at First
United Methodist in Ft. Valley,
GA. Address: 303 Knoxville
Street, Ft. Valley, GA 31030.
Marilyn Haddix ’03 married
Clinton Jones on May 13, 2006.
They live in Whitesburg, KY.
Todd ’03 and Nicole Hayden
’03 Montgomery are the proud
new parents of Samuel Adrian
born June 14, 2006.
David and Amanda Lakes ’03
Scoggins are teaching in Bahrain.
Mark Guy Siverling ’03 married
Candice Cherity Chapman on
July 8.
Jay ’03 and Amber Wisler
announce the arrival of Emily
Karen on May 15, 2006.
Chris ’03 and Sara Beutler ’03
Worley announce the arrival of
Grant Christopher on June 19,
2006. Address: 508 #2 Essex
Court, Blacksburg, VA 24060.
Nick and Rachael Schultz ’04
Dadabo announce the birth of
David Michael on March 28,
Angela Hoover ’04 received her
master’s degree in hospitality and
tourism management from the
University of Central Florida in
August 2006.
Doug and Jeanne Walker ’02
Crowe welcomed Lydia Joyce
on June 28, 2006.
Justin Meeker ’04 married
Jessica McKelvey ’05 on
October 21, 2006 in New
Jersey. The couple resides in
Middletown, NY.
Bethany Reynolds ’02 is working
on Luis Palau’s Tampa Bay Festival
as development coordinator.Website:
Davis and Jessica Soans ’04
Sheridan announce the birth of
Reuben Christopher on August
8, 2006.
E-mail any new information
about marriages, changes
of address, births, job
changes, degrees and more
In Memoriam
Bryan A. Thomas ’50, April 25, 2006, Brentwood, TN
Herbert B. Shiltz ’30, minister, May 27, 2006, Columbus, OH
Esther A. Logsdon ’51 Paul, nurse, June 23, 2006, Mesquite, TX
Evelyn Downing’35 Nachtrieb, pastor’s wife, May 2006, Phoenix, AZ
Shirley M. Small ’51 Valli, teacher, August 6, 2006, Kernersville, NC
Sylvia Grant ’38 Elliott, homemaker, January 22, 2006, Ocean Park, ME
Carl Coulliette ’52, minister/Asbury staff, August 14, 2006, Wilmore, KY
Angela Abels’39 Axline, musician, Bradenton, FL
Mary Jo Tanksley ’52 Frazer, pastor’s wife, August 12, 2006, Dublin, OH
Betty Ann Shell ’39 Kincaid, teacher, February 4, 2006, Huntington, WV
Irvin Lane’39, minister, July 27, 2006, Columbus, OH
James W. McFarland ’39, professor/military, July 15, 2006, Riverside, CA
Gordanelle Carnes ’39 Pryor, teacher, September 14, 2006,
Springfield, OH
Helen Reschke ’40, homemaker, October 2, 2006, Pratt, KS
Howard R. Blackburn ’41, radiologist, September 21, 2006, Cicero, IN
Thomas Collins’41, minister/college president, December 12, 2005,
Durham, NC
Murphy D. Miller ’53, minister, March 5, 2006, Roanoke, VA
Lawnie L. Biagi ’55, business, June 30, 2006, Knoxville, TN
Eugene Cooper ’55, minister/Asbury staff, May 25, 2006, Cincinnati, OH
Billy M. Hunt ’57, minister, May 9, 2006, Vassar, KS
Nina Shrader ’58 Urich, seminary professor/author, June 13, 2006,
Winter Park, FL
Barry Elvin Teague’66, attorney, July 23, 2006, Montgomery, AL
Rodney Taylor ’81, minister, June 30, 2006, Akron, OH
Arthur L. Hudson ’85, June 12, 2006, Stuart, FL
Jeannette Moore’41 Sheppard, musician, July 21, 2006, Decatur, AL
James Boughton Duer ’86, February 17, 2006, Toms River, NJ
David A. Seamands ’42, minister/missionary/author, July 29, 2006,
Wilmore, KY
Gregory Todd Mayer ’90, business, November 5, 2005, Clearwater, FL
Betty Jackson’45 Cobb, piano teacher, February 17, 2006,
Spring Hill, FL
Reba Fennimore’46 McFarlane, business, September 5, 2006,
Langhorne, PA
Benjamin Andrew Lindle ’05, teacher, July 6, 2006, Nicholasville, KY
Mr. Max E. Banker, September 29, 2006, Wilmore, KY
Meredith C. Haines’47, minister/missionary, June 22, 2006,
Stockton, CA
Mrs. Cheryl Burns, July 1, 2006, Berea, KY
Marylou Griffis ’47 Mihalacki, music professor, July 23, 2006,
Montville, OH
Mrs. Mae Coppedge, October 19, 2006, Peachtree City, GA
Mr. F.G. Bynum, May 2006, Birmingham, AL
Anita Lance ’47 Sparks, homemaker, March 25, 2006, Waterloo, Ontario
Mr. Charles D. Dover, August 24, 2006, Chattanooga, TN
Mary Wolf ’47 Waggoner, missionary, March 9, 2006, Lancaster, OH
Mrs. Bernice Elizabeth Kalz, July 28, 2006, Somerset, KY
Betty Walters ’47, missions, August 22, 2006, Marion, IN
Mr. Steven Knapp, September 16, 2006, Versailles, KY
Normagene McDaniel ’47 Warner, homemaker, July 19, 2006,
Carbondale, IL
Mrs. Patricia A. Lewis, June 28, 2006, Cheboygan, MI
Dorene Wallace’48 Gaynor, homemaker, September 3, 2006, Lorain, OH
Mrs. Toni Sims-Hibbard, June 26, 2006, Altus, OK
Richard Heath ’48, minister, March 11, 2006, Greenwood, IN
Mrs. Juanita Tam, August 27, 2006, Lima, OH
Paul Jones Jr. ’48, business, May 10, 2006, La Habra, CA
Rev. James Terry, August 13, 2006, Lamesa, TX
Mildred Oliver ’48 Taylor, teacher, Salem, AL
Mr. Larry Turner, August 27, 2006, Lexington, KY
Robert W. Smith ’49, minister, December 18, 2005, Eugene, OR
Mrs. Barbara Walter, August 25, 2006, Plainwell, MI
Clyde H. Dunn ’50, minister, July 22, 2006, Raleigh, NC
Mr. Ward T. Walter, August 25, 2006, Plainwell, MI
Mr. William O. Penland, September 18, 2006, Wilmore, KY
Paul A. Grout ’50, minister, June 24, 2006, Austin, TX
D E C E M B E R 2 0 06
Amahl & the Night Visitors
President’s Society Reception
Offices Closed for Christmas
J A N U A R Y 2 0 07
Martin Luther King Holiday – Offices Closed
Alumni Board Meetings
Alumni Ministry Dinner (in the Grille)
Washington, DC Alumni Gathering
with President Crothers
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 07
Asbury Day at Avon Park
Parent Advisory Council Meeting
M A R C H 2 0 07
Spring Board of Trustees Meeting
Asbury Concert Choir at Washington Cathedral
JUNE 20-24, 2007
One Macklem Drive • Wilmore, KY 40390

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