Winter 2008 - Asbury University
Winter 2008 - Asbury University
honor roll of donors Asbury College Volume 36, No. 1 | Winter 2009 2008 PRESIDENT ’S ANNUAL REPORT 1 honor roll of donors 2 honor roll of donors ASBURY COLLEGE 2008 PRESIDENT’S ANNUAL REPORT 5 president’s message 7 mission 9 celebrating OUR DONORS 11 honor roll of donors 3 honor roll of donors 4 honor roll of donors President’s Message Prayerfully Moving Forward The first year of presidency at Asbury College has been a joy and a privilege for me. I have immensely enjoyed meeting many of you and am humbled by your kind words of encouragement. Your financial support and prayers for Asbury College are immeasurable. The College is where we are today because of our faithful alumni and friends. As an institution, we continue to celebrate God’s goodness and build for the future. This fall 1,516 students enrolled in Asbury College’s undergraduate, graduate and adult studies programs. This is a nine percent increase over last year’s enrollment of 1,381. Last year I introduced our strategic plan with a goal to reach an enrollment of 2,000 by 2015. We are positioned to reach that goal and it is with guidance from the Lord that we continue developing new programs and growing our student body. Our adult studies and graduate programs are expanding at a rapid pace. The ACHIEVE adult degree completion program began classes in Orlando, Florida. The master of social work program welcomed the first class of students this fall. These students will fulfill an everincreasing demand for Christian social workers in our state and nation. Continuing to pave the way for teacher preparation in Kentucky, the College recently added a teacher as leader program. Asbury College was the first in the state to receive approval from the education professional standards board to launch such a program to develop the leadership skills in our teachers for today’s schools striving for excellence. This fall, we welcomed 12 new full-time faculty who are growing our programs and expanding our course offerings. They come to Asbury College with advanced degrees from some of the top universities in the nation and a wealth of experience to impart to our student body. All of our talented faculty and staff are committed to encouraging our students to submit their hearts to Christ as they engage cultures and impact the world. Cross-cultural requirements encourage Asbury College students to broaden their horizons through ministry and service. Since 2004, 73 Asbury Initiative grants have been awarded to 81 students who served in 38 countries. These grants, made possible by the generous gift from Stephen and Phyllis McRoberts ’53 West in honor of Ernest M. Steury, M.D. ’53 and Mrs. Jennie Sue Groce ’54 Steury, are highly sought after as are the many other study abroad programs and missions initiatives. With Wilmore, Nicholasville, Orlando and on-line education delivery sites, Asbury College’s reach is expanding and the need for support from our alumni and friends has never been greater. Judging by our enrollment increase, we can see that the value and necessity of a Christian liberal arts education is growing daily in Kentucky and around the world. With enrollment growth, new facilities are required to accommodate our students and their needs. Given the challenging economic times upon our country, it is clear that the Lord has a vision and plan for Asbury College. It is with steadfast prayer and a commitment to carry out God’s purposes that we move forward with our plans at a prayerful and well-informed pace. These are exciting days for Asbury College. We are blessed with the knowledge that the Lord chooses to use us as Asburians to fulfill His mission around the world. Thank you for your continuing support and generosity, Dr. Sandra C. Gray, President 5 honor roll of donors 6 honor roll of donors Mission The mission of Asbury College, as a Christian Liberal Arts College in the WesleyanHoliness tradition, is to equip men and women, through a commitment to academic excellence and spiritual vitality, for a lifetime of learning, leadership and service to the professions, society, the family and the Church, thereby preparing them to engage their cultures and advance the cause of Christ around the world. 7 honor roll of donors 8 honor roll of donors Celebrating our Donors Thank you. As 1,381 of the brightest students come to campus to you further their education To our alumni, parentsChristian and friends, I would like to personally thank for your gifts to Asbury and College opportunities thisfinancial world, support, we celebrate God’s goodness to this College. Wetocelebrate the newly this year. in Your along with prayer and service, is instrumental ensure that future constructed landscapes andAsbury renovated student center. We celebrate the preparation addition ofrooted four new generations receive the College experience of outstanding academic in themajors and anWesleyan-Holiness indoor riding arena. tradition. The Lord has cast a vision for Asbury College, and it is with obedience and faith in His provision that we We celebrate the largest total student body and the challenge to continue regularly – and for the first time – to Asbury College. You are responsible carry it out. We have plans in place to continue our enrollment growth and develop new opportunities to grow. We are thankful for the opportunities to expand our programs in for sending people to Indonesia to help re-build after the Tsunami.You have for our student body. This year we started the first Teacher as Leader program in the state and our first partnerships with Asbury Theological Seminaryatand ICHTHUS Ministries. beensite. instrumental in saving lives in the and ER in others Florida. You have been part of cohort of students enrolled Asbury College’s Orlando These new programs would We are thankful those who faithfully for Asburyloyal College, our not be for possible without thepray generous, support leadership,our our scope studentsof andinfluence our faculty academically and staff. plan as Heparents directed and the steps of teacher in Pennsylvania. of God’s our alumni, friends. As we broaden When you helpwe make Asbury committed College education possible, you become and geographically, areandeeply to maintaining our a part of spiritual foundation and academic excellence. We covet your prayers as we move forward and pursue God’s best for God’s bigger plan for the world as our students and alumni serve wherever they are called to go. As we presseducation. forwardWeinareuncertain we we understand and appreciate financial this institution of higher thankful foreconomic those parentsconditions, who So, yes, celebrate God’s goodness and His the blessings. We are thankful. sacrifices made forthis Asbury College. Wetake are humbled by your faithfulness and confidence in this entrust their children you to ourhave care. We believe is a sacred trust and College. Your investment inGod’s the lives ofasour this responsibility very seriously, praying for wisdom we students continue will never lose value or impact. All gifts, no matter the size, can and do make a difference in the lives of our students. the foundation of faith that has been instilled in these students. We wonder at God’s blessings. Please join with us as we celebrate God’s goodness to our institution and express our We have the privilege of working with the brightest and most heartfelt gratitude to those who continue to passionate students who are pursuing God’s best for their lives. Our make an Asbury College education possible. campus is growing and we are excited to see where God will take R. Gregory Swanson, JD ’78 us. Vice president for institutional advancement and general counsel In recognition of the growth already experienced, the renovations completed and the scholarships established, we are thankful for those who give 9 honor roll of donors 10 h ho on no or r r ro ol ll l o of f d do on no or rs s DONOR KEY Annual membership at each giving society level is based on cumulative giving to Asbury College between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. Those who made a gift to Asbury College during the 2007-2008 fiscal year and have passed away are indicated with a D by their name. President’s Society $10,000 and above S = Silver $5,000 to $9,999 B = Bronze $2,500 to $4,999 Patron $1,000 to $2,499 G = Gold Founder’s society Henry Clay Morrison Society Circuit Rider Society Supporters $500 to $999 $250 to $499 $100 to $249 $1 to $99 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS, 2007-2008 ALUMNI DONORS The following alumni made gifts to Asbury College between July 1, 2007, & June 30, 2008. CLASS OF 1927 – 50.0% Founder’s Society Mrs. Mildred Westerfield Graham D CLASS OF 1928 – 25.0% Supporter Dr. Arthur William Brewington CLASS OF 1929 – 20.0% President’s Society Dr. Lucille Strouse Oliver CLASS OF 1930 – 33.3% Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Margaret White Stockinger CLASS OF 1931 – 12.5% Supporter Mrs. Helen Winslow Larabee CLASS OF 1932 – 45.5% President’s Society Bishop Mack B. Stokes Circuit Rider Society Mr. Clare Stevens Hall Supporters Mrs. Donna Robinson Hill Dr. George S. Lightner CLASS OF 1933 – 30.0% Mrs. Frona Davis Mrs. Cornelia Hampton Nay Supporter Mr. James Arthur Hightower CLASS OF 1934 – 19.0% Founder’s Society Mrs. Kathryn Westerfield Hart Mrs. Nellie Naylor Masser Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Esther Clark VanScyoc Supporter Mr. Ray K. Masser D CLASS OF 1936 – 45.0% Founder’s Society Rev. Evan D. Jones Henry Clay Morrison Society Rev. Mark E. Kroehler Mrs. Elizabeth Fain Sergent Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Ruby Evangeline Lightle Blake Mrs. Edith Lewis Caron Mrs. Sue Bailey Green Rev. Wilbur B. Meiser D Mrs. Ruth Dunaway Wansley Rev. George W. Wilcher CLASS OF 1937 – 37.5% President’s Society Dr. Edgar Sully Nelson B Founder’s Society Mrs. Clara-Lee Wheeler Evans Dr. Garold W. Thumm Circuit Rider Society Rev. Gordon W. Whitney Mrs. Marguerite Elam Whitney Supporter Mr. Don D. Brillhart CLASS OF 1938 – 32.0% Founder’s Society Mrs. Gladys Moore Keith Henry Clay Morrison Society Miss Esther W. Beall Mrs. Hettie Frost Shingledecker Circuit Rider Society Mr. Edward Franklin Salmons Supporters Mrs. Mary Thompson Boyd Mrs. Mattie Craig Emerick Rev. Samuel S. Emerick Mrs. Magdalene Takaro Law CLASS OF 1939 – 25.8% Henry Clay Morrison Society Rev. Reginald O. Edenfield D Circuit Rider Society Bishop Wayne Clymer Dr. J. Harold Greenlee Dr. John Z. Martin Mrs. Sammye Smith Vore Miss Elizabeth Wiley Supporters Miss Emily V. Evans Mrs. Frances Kinlaw Moore CLASS OF 1940 – 29.5% President’s Society Mrs. Marian Barber Nelson B Founder’s Society Mr. Charles E. Crouse Mrs. Ruby Rothgeb Jones Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Florence Weldon Hall Rev. David B. Sageser Mrs. Martha Caroline Lester Smither Mrs. Elizabeth Moe Snider Supporters Mrs. Alice Campbell Alsobrook Mrs. Alice Wilcher Crouse Mr. Henry Hinkle, Jr. Mrs. Martha Cate Middendorf Mrs. Ruth Childers Seamands Mrs. Irene Linn Simpson CLASS OF 1941 – 33.9% President’s Society Mrs. Sallie Miller Mann Rev. Herbert Massey Founder’s Society Mrs. Elaine Amstutz Turner Rev. Robert P. Turner Mrs. Charlotte Louise Mott Yates Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Helen Lauman Schaal Circuit Rider Society Dr. Evyn M. Adams Mrs. Marijon Maddox Billado Mrs. Anna Galloway Collins Mrs. Marian Eakin Dugan Rev. Ralph R. Metheny Mrs. Rosemary Smith Sageser Supporters Rev. Robert R. Geyer D Mrs. Halcyone Wheeler Holt Mrs. Virginia Hughes King Mrs. Yvonne Cowsert McGehee Mrs. Margaret Martin Moore CLASS OF 1942 – 26.7% President’s Society Dr. Leonard W. Mann Founder’s Society Mr. Daniel A. Long Rev. William M. Pope Mrs. Lillian Hinkle Smith Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Louise Niles Doyle-Rich Dr. Donald L. Graves Circuit Rider Society Mr. Leonard S. DeLautre Circuit Rider Society 11 honor roll of donors Dr. Willard M. Fitch Mr. Wanless M. Goodson Mrs. Dorothy Alverson VanSteenburg Supporter Mrs. Cleo Mixon Morgan CLASS OF 1943 – 42.6% Founder’s Society Mrs. Rayma Gene Greenlee Hutchens Dr. James William Keith Dr. Quinton J. Peele, Jr. Rev. Harry Weddle Snyder Henry Clay Morrison Society Dr. Joseph A. Scharer D Mrs. Esther Naylor Wiley Circuit Rider Society Miss Lillie M. Ammerman Mrs. Rubye Franklin Clayton Mrs. Margaret Bedortha Goodson Dr. Donald Irwin Mrs. Emilee Boone Murphree Dr. Sammy M. Stabler Supporters Mrs. Charlene Dieck Bentley Dr. Loren K. Davidson Mrs. Margaret Nofcier Lewis Mrs. Marjorie Crampton Lewis Mrs. Suzy Henderson Lippman Mrs. Olive Johnson McLendon Mrs. Mary Clingaman Quay CLASS OF 1944 – 40.3% President’s Society Ms. Frances E. Abbott Mrs. Virginia Foard Massey Mr. Charles V. Runyon Ms. Ada Edwards Sweat Henry Clay Morrison Society Rev. Thomas M. Key Rev. Donald C. Porteous, Sr. Mrs. Helen Rhudy Scharer Mr. Corless F. Wiley Circuit Rider Society Rev. Allen J. Bowman Mrs. Ruth Berry Cox Mrs. E. Louise Hoffman Dealy Mrs. Phyllis Chapman DeGraw Mrs. Lura Crary Griswold Mrs. Marguerite Coltharp Hall Mrs. Frieda Koehler Hozey Mrs. Margaret DeVore Metheny Mrs. Elizabeth Lein Porteous D Mr. Dennis M. Scarborough Dr. Richard Steinhauser Mrs. Doris O’Dell Wilcher Supporters Mrs. Lucy Clark Anderson Mrs. Marcella Simpson Bateman Mrs. Marjorie Williamson Brown-Hall Rev. Frank E. Jenkins Mr. W. Harwood Overmyer Ms. Evelyn Nofcier Triplett 12 CLASS OF 1945 – 42.9% President’s Society Rev. Harvey L. Carnes G Comm. Andrew S. Miller S Dr. William Wesley Roughton Founder’s Society Mrs. Adrienne Andrews Peele Mrs. Genevieve Yoder Pope Henry Clay Morrison Society Miss Blanche Elizabeth Garrison Dr. William R. Key Mrs. Virginia Gardner Shannon Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Miriam Dubois Babcock Mrs. Dorothy Cope Bailey Dr. Wayne A. Culp Dr. Joseph M. Davis Mrs. Ruth Trobaugh Eddins Rev. Paul Haines Mr. William L. Underdown Rev. Elda Diehl Walker Dr. Charles F. Wilcher, Jr. Mr. Frederick P. Wiley Supporters Mrs. Louise Peithman Barrett Miss Ruth E. Beall Mrs. Vivian Campbell Bittinger Rev. Glenn A. Brunstetter Mrs. Jane Curry Colaw Mrs. Kathleen Bear Demaray Mrs. Carolyn Campbell Estes Mrs. Pauline French McClain Mrs. Ida Lee Reeder Mitchell Mrs. Margaret Overmeyer Shepherd Mrs. Byrl Jacobs Walz Mr. Harry C. Walz CLASS OF 1946 – 34.2% President’s Society Mr. Clifford E. Abbott Mrs. Geraldine Frasher Abbott Dr. Phyllis Davidson Corbitt Rev. Floyd F. Fought Mrs. Doris Stubblefield King S Founder’s Society Mrs. Marjorie Lockard Snyder Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Martina Cummings Bowman Mrs. Doris Radovich Davis Mrs. June Greathouse Dickinson Mrs. Lillian Beckwith Irwin Rev. Hughey L. Jones Mrs. Mary Miyabe Kajiwara Mrs. Lovell Mae Brasel Kesner Rev. Lester B. Laur Mrs. Martha Williamson Moe Mrs. Mary Gamble Nysewander Mrs. Merle Dunlap Schwitzgable Mrs. Patricia Carte Shinn Rev. Marion L. Walker, Sr. Supporters Mrs. Mary Dean Brunstetter Mrs. Sue Cobb Crews Mrs. Margie Miller Lewis Mrs. Alice Southern Parsons Mrs. Veral Broman Sharp Mrs. Cora Harding Spann CLASS OF 1947 – 26.5% President’s Society Mrs. Marjorie Hutchens Garnaat Mrs. Ollie Jones Lamb Sanders Mrs. Lounette McCoullough Roughton Mrs. Ruth Stilz Whitmore S Founder’s Society Dr. Mildred Stratton Chapman Dr. John L. Ewing Mrs. Agnes Chambers Parker Dr. Joseph W. Pridgen Mrs. Theda Ruth Bratton Wilson Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Mildred Sites Key Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Lois Frances Williamson Aebersold Mrs. Loislee Kemper Brandyberry D Mrs. Virginia Poer Jones Mrs. Jean James Loy Mrs. Ruth Stimmel Thompson Mrs. Helen Jones Turk Supporters Mrs. Verna Simmerman Amstutz Mrs. Patsy Smith Arnold Mrs. Phyllis Campbell Barker Mrs. Mary Beeler Gardner Mrs. Alene White Gilmore Mrs. Joy Woods Iddings Rev. Charles Manker Mrs. Frances Bray Morgan Mrs. Ruth Long Putney Ms. Mary K. Scott CLASS OF 1948 – 43.5% President’s Society Rev. J. David Aycock, Sr. G Mrs. Corinne Calder-Dale Mrs. Frances Miller Ditto Mrs. Kathleen Crenshaw Edwards Dr. W. Russell Edwards, Jr. Mrs. Jean Kinzler Englerth G Mrs. Bette Irwin Kelly G Chap. Clarence E. LeMasters Mrs. Vera Allison LeMasters Mrs. Madalyn McAdams Monroe Mrs. Martha Evans Sparks Founder’s Society Mrs. Jane Hoffman Ewing Mrs. Patricia Edwards Hinerman Mrs. Emogene McElven McClary Mrs. Roselyn Craig Pridgen D Mrs. Beverly Harmon Stevens Mrs. June Harper Young Dr. M. James Young Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Esther Stikeleather Fabbricante Mrs. Roberta Blakeman Fishbeck Mrs. Ruthanne Shockley Key Mrs. Ethel Hartzler Landau Mrs. Jean Holt Moore Dr. Harold D. Murphy Circuit Rider Society Rev. Jack Philip Aebersold D Mrs. Josie Platt Aughinbaugh Mrs. Jean Walden Cajigal Dr. W. Leslie Chapman Rev. Dorothy Cobb Culp Mrs. Hilda Rou Fall Mrs. Thelma Hardesty Goodpasture Mrs. Shirley Stewart Hastings D Rev. Theodore I. Hastings D Mr. Clayton A. Ireson, Jr. Mrs. Camille Arnold Lautzenheiser Rev. James A. McKinney Dr. Robert B. Mussman Supporters Mrs. Winona Lewis Baker Mrs. Alice Sutton Berry Ms. Dorothy Mae Flora Buffin Mrs. Dorothy Raub Castleman Miss Marjorie DeHoff Miss Lois Marie Henry Mrs. Nancy McGuff Jenkins Rev. Frederick Ketner Mrs. Vera Stair Klatt Miss Anna B. Lane Dr. Edward W. Levin Rev. Norman D. Newman Rev. William G. Patterson Mrs. Elizabeth Callis Ury Mrs. Eunice Ward Weldon Dr. Wayne W. Wright CLASS OF 1949 – 38.0% President’s Society Mr. Joseph L. Daws Dr. Thomas W. Ditto Mrs. Joan Volkers Evans B Mrs. Maureen Morgan Marchant B Mr. Wayne A. Monroe, Jr. Dr. Myron R. Smith G Mrs. Grace Shaw Stock B Mrs. Mary King Turkington Dr. John E. Woods Founder’s Society Mrs. Mary Underwood Becker Mrs. Dorothy Phillippi Campbell Mrs. June Smith Macadam Henry Clay Morrison Society Miss Margaret Elizabeth Boss Rev. Herman O. Boyette Capt. Betty Doughty Rev. W. Roy Gamblin Mrs. Marie Owens Mosher Mrs. Dorothy Mae Criswell Nelson honor roll of donors Rev. S. Harry Russell Rev. Charles J. Warner Circuit Rider Society Rev. Wayne R. Aughinbaugh Mrs. Bertha Key Bagwell Rev. John M. Bagwell Dr. Abraham Brandyberry Mrs. Kathleen Presley Bumpus Mrs. Mary Overmeyer Davis Rev. John E. Dunham Mrs. Catherine Greenlee Feather Dr. B. Willis Gierhart Mrs. Dorothy Cornett Gierhart Rev. Marion G. Goodpasture Mrs. Jo Bowling Gravely Mrs. Gloria Sherwood Hahn Mrs. Donna Lowe Hentschel Rev. Gerhard T. Johnson Mrs. Virginia Wehr Johnson Mrs. Marjorie Zeller Landwert Mrs. Ruby Sloan Mayeski Mrs. Mary Showalter Muffly Rev. Walter A. Quigg Mrs. Mary Nulton Schroder Dr. Orin M. Simmerman, Jr. Mrs. Leota Bowers Smith Mrs. Naomi Kramer Trostel Mr. Charles H. Williams Rev. Samuel Willis Rev. Louis A. Youngs Supporters Rev. Loren E. Anderson Mrs. Daisy Watkins Arnold Mrs. Betty Weber Bailey Rev. George E. Bailey Mrs. Ruth Gohl Beatty Dr. David H. Becker Rev. Raymond F. Boehlke Mrs. Joyce Jeanne Carpenter Cooley Mrs. Barbara Dean Crooks Rev. Tom O. Crosby, Jr. Mrs. Nancy Hanson Davenport Mrs. Verona Strother Enoch Mrs. Mary Littlejohn Hogan Rev. John D. Kavich Mrs. Gladys Bollinger Lawrence Mrs. Margaret Todd McNally Mrs. Miriam Romberger Meade Rev. Raymond L. Merck Mrs. Carol Marian Warner Rector Lt. Col. Mark L. Smith CLASS OF 1950 – 42.0% President’s Society Mrs. Eloise Gates Kirkland G Dr. Jiles E. Kirkland G R. Adm. Glen W. Lenox Dr. Winston B. Smith B Dr. Charles G. Turkington Mrs. Janet Lewis Woods Founder’s Society Mrs. Bernice Ripley Bode Mrs. Kathleen Hendricks-Parks Miss Elizabeth J. McMillen Rev. Argus Gene Parks Mrs. Delores Perry Rhodes Rev. Theron H. Smith Mrs. Joyce Miranda Thompson Mrs. Mildred Barritt Warren Rev. Albert F. Whelchel Mrs. Mabel Dorrell White Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Barbara Chilton Causey Rev. Robbins E. Dorsey Rev. Royal B. Fishbeck, Jr. Rev. Loren W. Gould Rev. Douglas W. Jeffrey Mrs. Muriel Fritzke Miller D Rev. Claude N. Mosher Circuit Rider Society Rev. E. Duane Aelick Mrs. Anna Deck Barr Mrs. Betty Bevington Clark Mrs. Dorothy Lee Criswell Crutchfield Rev. Albert A. Fall Mrs. Velma Weismiller Foster Mr. Donald W. Gray Rev. Raymond J. Hahn Dr. Ralph Hendricks Dr. Phyllis Roggenkamp Irwin Mr. Marvin L. Johns Mrs. Betty Bumgardner Keibler Mr. Clifford E. King Rev. Francis Kinzler Mrs. Coralie Burns Lee Dr. Glen R. Linnert Mrs. Esther Davidson Martz Mrs. Ruby Claire Vahey Piety Mrs. Leona Poole Quigg Mrs. Neva Bramlet Simms-Adams D Mrs. Betty Shanebeck Sprunger Rev. Luther R. Stokes Rev. Paul Stoneking D Mrs. Darlene Wilkinson Stroud Mrs. Joy Vernon Waybright Mr. R. Dale Waybright Mrs. Wanda Youngs Winn Supporters Rev. Blanchard Ezra Amstutz Mrs. Helen Johnson Anderson Mrs. Arletta Pack Barker Mrs. Marion Stetser Bovill Mr. Paul O. Bruce D Mr. William D. Compton Mrs. Donna Brasher Cookson Mrs. Barbara Stewart Floyd Mrs. Mary Cloer Jonaitis Mrs. Joyce McPherson Kavich D Rev. Wesley I. Kersh Dr. Emil D. McAdams Mrs. Jean Lancaster McKenzie Mr. Richard M. McNally Dr. Dwight L. Mikkelson Mrs. Lois Wiant Pittman Mrs. Ruth Wehrman Purviance Miss Mary Grace Randerson Mrs. Janet Frost Sprunger Ms. Clara Orander Stokes Mrs. Ann Barnett Thomas Mrs. Maxine Robbins Wells Mrs. Kathryn Miranda Whitney CLASS OF 1951 – 43.3% President’s Society Mrs. Pauline Odell Aycock G Rev. Robert Tewning Casey Mrs. Cecelia Maker Hankins Dr. Harold W. Hankins Dr. Robert Hayes Dr. Donald E. Howard Mr. Jesse D. King Dr. Lois Newman Kushner Rev. J. Hugh McDonald Mrs. Helen Bennett Murray Mr. Floyd H. Powell, Jr. Dr. Carl B. Spivey Mr. Perry Tanksley B Founder’s Society Mrs. Marietta Emmons Coleman Mrs. Dorothy Gee Crowe Mr. H. Joe Davis Mrs. Mary Kiefhaber Frazer Rev. Wayne A. Patton Dr. Donald E. Potts Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Pauline Fall Boss Mrs. Elia Lilley Dorsey Rev. Benjamin T. Edwards Rev. Charles L. Finney Mrs. Ann Dunaway Gamblin Rev. Lawrence W. George Mrs. Lorane Brown Gould Mrs. Doris Hinkle Long Rev. James B. Long Mrs. Dolores Dawson Nichols Rev. Hugh E. Nichols Ms. Jean King Nocon Mrs. Alice Golden Zoller Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Phoebe Fitzgerald Allison Mrs. Jean Jeffers Armstrong Miss Ellen Frances Atkinson Mr. Arnold Baker Dr. Eugene Barbour, Jr. Mrs. Mary Cornatzer Berridge Mrs. Miriam Johnson Carnes Rev. Francis M. Coyle Rev. Alonzo R. Davis Rev. Howard P. Donahue Dr. James R. Foulkes Mrs. Polly Thompson Gavin Mrs. Helen Skeen Hill Mrs. Ruth Kenrick Johns Mrs. Margaret Gerner Jordan Mrs. Velma Johnson Kinzler Mrs. Sally Zeigler Lefler Rev. James N. McConnell Mrs. Edna Entrican Morgan Rev. Shirley E. Morgan Mrs. Cleo DeHoff Simpson Rev. William B. Thielking Rev. Kenneth E. Vetters Mrs. Bettye Screws Williams Supporters Rev. Richard Lilburn Adkins Mrs. Joyce Maddy Bason Mrs. Peggy Brown Butler Rev. James A. Campbell Mrs. Arlene Tice Clyde D Rev. Donald E. Colburn Mrs. Mary Atkins DeFranco Mrs. Ruth Bivans Doliber Mrs. Helen Thurston Eckstrom Mrs. Dorothy Alice Miranda Esckelson Rev. Langdon H. Garrison Dr. Calvin B. Johnson D Mrs. Marvel Elaine Oswalt Johnson Mrs. Janet Nestlerode Koller Mrs. Roberta Laverne Higgins Kunkle Mrs. Emily Creswell Lancaster Mrs. Annette Rupert Lindsay Mrs. Wilma Pelfrey Maish D Mrs. Patricia Kauffman Martin Mrs. Alice Collins McAdams Mrs. Lillian Sievertson Miller Dr. William H. Naumann Miss Virginia A. Ogles Mrs. Marjorie Gibson Peterson Mrs. Betty Harrer Smith CLASS OF 1952 – 40.9% President’s Society Rev. Norman Brom Rev. Charles J. Dupree Mrs. Gweneth Geister Grout Dr. Robert A. Hardin Dr. Ray Kelly G Mrs. Gladys Little Mr. Robert Mann G Dr. Russell L. May B Chap. Eldon Robert Smith, Jr. Rev. Mark Corbin Smith Mrs. JoAnn Naylor Spivey Mrs. Mary Joanne Veydt Sutlive B Mrs. Suzanne Mitchell Tanksley B Mrs. Gene Garrison Wood Rev. Robert D. Wood Founder’s Society Dr. Corinne Neubauer Hughbanks Dr. W. Monroe Hughbanks Mrs. Miriam Davidson Read Mrs. Betty Durham Smith Mr. Edwin A. Temple Henry Clay Morrison Society Dr. William L. Brackman, Jr. Mrs. Carolyn Pritchett Edwards Mrs. Darlene Moir Finney 13 honor roll of donors Mr. Robert L. Leonard, Sr. Mrs. Carolyn McKeithen Looney Mrs. Martha Seymour Marlowe Mrs. Eleanor Watkins Whitsett Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Patricia Dennis Barbour Mrs. Vivian Marjory Bennett Beam Mrs. Jayne Hatfield Brackman Dr. John M. Brackman, Sr. Rev. John L. Bryant Rev. Richard M. Burns Mrs. Elizabeth Browne Carter Mrs. Virginia Kays Chamberlin Mrs. Doris Sanders Conrad Dr. Hugh M. Frazer Ms. Kathleen Fugitt Mr. W. Leland Graham Rev. R. Fletcher Hardy, III Rev. Frank R. Leineke Mrs. Janet Jones Ross D Dr. Ray Saruwatari Mrs. Anne Patrick Snyder Dr. Gene E. Stanley Mrs. Doris Neuroth Timmons Rev. Melva R. Webb Mrs. Sarah Roughton Wilson CLASS OF 1953 – 46.3% President’s Society Lt. Col. John A. Alexander Dr. Richard Franklin Farmer B Mrs. Shirley Harlow Farmer B Mr. Henry C. James Mrs. Mary Jim Fuller Luce B Dr. John W. Luttrull Rev. Robert F. Bundy Dr. Elizabeth Shipps Crouse Mrs. Margaret Williams Curtis Dr. Loren Mark George Mrs. Patricia Spears Hunt Rev. Donald J. Joiner Mrs. Betty Parker Leonard Mrs. Martha Ann Grant Likins Dr. Reuben B. Marlowe Rev. John Mendez Mrs. Evelyn Mae Greenamyer Moore Rev. Oyer C. Morgan Rev. Duane R. Zoller Circuit Rider Society Dr. Ronald D. Carter Rev. Richard H. Chamberlin Mrs. Merwin Gaffner Donahue Mrs. Rose Herlong Ellis Rev. James William Dupree Mrs. Joan McDade Dyer Mr. Jack A. Farley Rev. Harry W. Fegan Dr. John Wesley Groce Mrs. Velma Keelin Hall Mrs. Ruth Kiefhaber Hartman Rev. Richard Clay King Mrs. Genette Carpenter McKinney Rev. Charles D. Mitchell Mrs. Sara Fuller Munday Rev. Philip C. Peace Mrs. Barbara Hughes Smith Mrs. Chaucile Baker Snyder Rev. Roger Charles Snyder Miss Alma I. Stewart Mrs. Mary Jo Fannin Stroud Dr. William W. Tromble revenues 2007-2008 Financial Aid Auxilary Endowment Income Transformations Other E&G Gifts Tuition Mrs. Betty Fisher Hughes Rev. H. Raymond Hughes Mrs. Beverly Hughbanks Hurley Mrs. Judith Minter Johnston Rev. Leonard Martz Rev. Norman E. McCoy Dr. Carl M. McKenna Mrs. Dorothy Chess Nichols Rev. Theodore R. Ochs Mrs. Roberta Bell Ogle Mrs. Juanita Bingham Rummans Mrs. Eva Self Somers Rev. Keith Somers Ms. Nora Harman Turner Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Davis Vetters Miss Joyce E. Warner Supporters Rev. J. Austin Boggan Mrs. Elena Rubio Carrick 14 Mrs. Nancy Stires Luttrull Dr. Rex Archie McConnell Rev. Doyle E. Pavy B Mrs. Shirley Hull Pavy B Mrs. Betty Lou Roberson Potter Rev. Kathleen Register Redeker Dr. Vinson Sutlive, Jr. B Mrs. Phyllis McRoberts West G Mrs. Elizabeth Pollok Young B Founder’s Society Mrs. Anna Jane Ripley Davis Mrs. Rose Whitehead Dover Mrs. Dorothy Ann Habben Mainous Rev. Edward L. Mainous Mrs. Mary Lee McWilliams Whelchel Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. Charles W. Barbo Mrs. Frances McElroy Brotherton Mrs. Inez Gehrig Bundy Rev. James Orndorff Finch Rev. C. Franklin Grill Mrs. Jean Story Gulley Mrs. Edythe Temple Housworth Miss Kathryn Huron Mrs. Faith Otter Key Rev. Joel Thomas Key Mrs. Marilyn Rissler Peel Mrs. Christine Moore Peterson Mrs. Ruth Pasco Pohlenz Mrs. Laverne Cobb Speer Mrs. Berneice Rider Underwood Rev. Edward A. Underwood Supporters Mrs. Jo Ann Blackwell Bridge Mr. Richard J. Bridge Dr. Harold L. Brooks Mrs. Jeneve Hutcherson Brooks Mr. Gordon E. Doliber, Jr. 6.7% 20.7% 1.6% 1.1% 3.2% 6.0% 60.8% Mrs. Norma Snider Wade Rev. Donald A. Wittbrodt Mrs. Betty Dykes Woltz Rev. J. Wilbur Yates Mrs. Elizabeth Hutcherson Zachari CLASS OF 1954 – 39.7% President’s Society Dr. Dorothy M. Barbo G Mr. Gerald O. Chapman B Mrs. JoAnn McClure Dupree Mrs. Virginia Gilmore Durgin G Dr. Robert W. Fry Mrs. Jeanne Rader Gabrielsen Mr. Benis Lutz Mrs. Dorothy Lathrop May B Mrs. Ruth Ann Lee Thompson Dr. Sewell Woodward, Jr. honor roll of donors Mr. George M. Young B Founder’s Society Rev. Carter Berkeley Mrs. Faye Williams Berkeley Dr. James W. DiRaddo Mrs. Janet Durham Watts Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Virginia Sue Foster Dennis Mrs. Phyllis Diehl Dinkins Rev. John L. Hickman, Jr. Dr. Fred D. Layman Rev. Charles H. Moore, Jr. Mrs. Gladys Elva Suthoff Parker Rev. William E. Parker Mrs. Eliza Sellers Peverill Rev. L. Vernon Peverill Mrs. Jennie Sue Groce Steury Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Eva Johnson Beair Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Miller Broome Mrs. Esther Postina Bryant Dr. Martin A. Case Rev. Jack A. Fitzgerald Mrs. Joyce Ogg Foster Mrs. Elizabeth Carver Frazer Dr. Paul A. Getty Mrs. Mildred Doane Hanisch Mrs. Janet Milner Higgins Mrs. Maxine Poole Littreal Mrs. Neila Roberts Mangum Mrs. Marian Orcutt Masters Rev. W. Maynard Miller Mrs. Helen York Morgan Mrs. Marilyn Hudson Owens Mrs. Carol Shahan Pearce Mrs. Clara Smith Pritchett Rev. Charles A. Rader Lt. Col. Damon L. Rader Mrs. Virginia Ruth Gooding Rader Mrs. Virginia Baker Reynolds Rev. Alan M. Seaman Mrs. Lois Allison Shelton Dr. Joseph C. Thomas Mrs. Evelyn Marie Branstner Tingle Mrs. Lola Hansen Ulbrich Mrs. Betty Jackson Watkins Mr. John Winslow Supporters Dr. Carl W. Blickendorf Rev. Emory Brackman Mrs. Margaret Elise Lock Brackman Mr. David K. Carlton Rev. Robert E. Erny Mrs. Gloria Donaldson Foster Mrs. Avanelle Gravley Gaunce Miss Dorothy R. Hopkins Mr. John G. Keyes Rev. Donald L. Lichtenfelt Mrs. Frances Arnold Ruble Rev. John Sass, Jr. Rev. Bernard J. Shropshire Dr. John M. Smith Miss Carolyn Ann Stone Rev. John M. Thrasher, Jr. Mrs. Ruth Wright Williamson CLASS OF 1955 – 37.5% President’s Society Mrs. Phyllis Thomas Brom Mrs. Dorothy Wehrli Buhler G Mrs. Marilyn Thompson Casey Mrs. Roberta Marie Cannoy Daws Dr. Ted Howard Gabrielsen Mrs. Carolyn Reeder Kingsbury B Mrs. La Verna Saueressig Meyer B Rev. Richard M. Sprague Dr. Lewis W. Thompson Founder’s Society Mrs. Dorothy Hoffman Beighle Mrs. Martha Carolyn Akers Hunter Rev. August W. Lundquist Mrs. Norma Hicks Patton Mrs. Shirley Smith Sims Mrs. Wanda Tracy Tacy Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Flora McDougall Andrus Rev. Kenneth E. Bowen Rev. Julian H. Brackman Rev. W. Jing Chow Mrs. Marjory Ruth Osborne Conley Dr. James Byron Crouse, Jr. Dr. Burrell D. Dinkins Mrs. Vivian Balmer Henshaw Mrs. Evelyn Herring Morrison Miss W. Suzanne Reeb Circuit Rider Society Mr. Milton H. Atkins Rev. John H. Bryan Rev. Benjamin N. Cain Rev. Delmas M. Copeland Rev. Frederick H. Fischer Mrs. Barbara Jean McGilvray Foster Rev. Charles F. Garrod Dr. Richard F. Gottier Miss Ernestine Harman Rev. Paul T. Jump Mrs. Annetta Whitaker Kittredge Rev. Dr. Robert Mangum Mrs. Carroll Ferguson Rader Rev. Dorothy Krei Rudd Rev. Donald J. Schalk Rev. Dorwin C. Snyder Dr. William R. Taylor Rev. James Wagner Rev. Fred C. Whitmore Supporters Mrs. Ruthann Williams Bennett Rev. Ronald E. Bowersox Rev. Kenneth L. Bowser Mrs. Wilhelmina O’Bannon Burket Mrs. Betty Ewing Cooper Mrs. Sara Jo Hutchinson Fulmer Miss Talitha J. Grote Mrs. Janette Geiger Hoepner Dr. Andrew Myron Johnson Mrs. Mary Woods Lewis Mr. Richard A. Lewis Mr. Gerald E. Munday Mrs. Janet Hartman Pollock Mrs. Isobel Mitchell Rhoad Mrs. Jean Wymond Rollings Mrs. Joan Hiles Smith Miss Nancy A. Swank Dr. Franklin J. Terry Rev. James D. Tuttle CLASS OF 1956 – 37.3% President’s Society Mrs. Shirlee Jacobs Ater Mrs. Mollie Register Boggess B Dr. Carolyn Stoneback Davidheiser B Mrs. Myrna Wheeler Guillen Dr. Sid D. Guillen Mrs. Joy McLean Harris Dr. Max R. Hickman Mrs. Shirley Grace Maier Hickman Dr. Robert J. Kingsbury B Dr. J. Warner Knipmeyer Mrs. Betty Brunt McGrath Dr. Betty Ann Meriwether Dr. Paul A. Rader Mrs. Betty Teece Sprague Dr. James C. Stratton Miss Jane Sutlive Mrs. Lillian Murphy Vickers Founder’s Society Rev. Kenneth K. Ashitomi Mrs. Lila Nakamura Ashitomi Mrs. Franki Jean Anderson Bailey Miss Margaret W. Jones Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. Buel J. Andrus Mrs. Doris Dollar Brackman Mrs. Kathryn Davis Connor Ms. Mary Lane Gardner Mrs. Sue Cooper Guth Mr. George Hapner Mrs. Sara Jackson Johnson Mrs. Carolyn Houglin Joiner Dr. William H. Moyer Mrs. June Chaney Pustelnyk Circuit Rider Society Rev. James M. Brinks Mrs. Shirley Walton Camp Mrs. Joyce Bailey Clodfelter Rev. Edward C. Coleman Mrs. Nancy Nelson Copeland Mrs. Marilyn Birdsall Enas Mrs. Jean Marsh Fabrycky Mrs. Edythe Smith Fry Dr. David L. Greenman Mrs. Jessie Blackman Greenman Mr. Norman W. Guess Rev. Harold M. Hendren Dr. Jerry M. Higgins Mrs. Oma Marie Elliott Jarvis Mrs. Rhunelle Woolfolk Jones-Hotinger Mrs. Laura Rothacher Laser Mrs. Barbara Lehman Lunsford Mrs. Betty Hammel McCormick Mrs. Donna Smailes McCoy Mrs. Betty Ann Young Smith Mrs. Julianne Conway Snyder Dr. Donald J. Sparks Ms. Nancy Burnett Stanz Rev. Dr. Harold W. Tatman, Jr. B D Mrs. Aleta Imogene Bowers Winkler Supporters Mr. Richard C. Ashton Mrs. Joyce Henry Bowersox Rev. Robert B. Carpenter Mrs. Delite Lieske Fahl Mrs. Rebecca Edwards Goetz Mrs. Wana Peachee Hasler Mrs. Lois Warner Jackson Mr. Warren G. Jackson Mrs. Gloria Maun Kissinger Mrs. Winifred Moore Knox Mr. Charles H. Lancaster Mrs. Vonda Anderson Lichtenfelt Mrs. Alice Himes Marvin Ms. Ena F. McIntosh Mrs. Jane Gregory Mitchell Mrs. Marylou Burkett Smith Mrs. Emma Jean Anderson VanNess Rev. Logan Dean Whalen CLASS OF 1957 – 27.9% President’s Society Dr. Joseph Hale Mrs. Barbara Murphy Morris Dr. George E. Morris Rev. Judith Joan Bish Priest Dr. Kay Fuller Rader Mrs. Nadara Rodeheaver Welling Dr. Ronald G. Welling Mrs. Joanne Edwards White Founder’s Society Dr. Paul H. Clemons Dr. Barbara Carruth Dickey Dr. Jack L. Hunter Mrs. Norma Wynn Snowden Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. June Bolar Hickman Rev. Donald E. Logue Mrs. Anita Taylor Strickhausen Rev. L. Wilson Strickhausen Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Valeria Sevy Atkins Ms. Esther Howard Benson Mrs. Faith Bell Birznieks Rev. Melvin A. Brant Dr. Robert M. Brittain Rev. William N. Buell Mrs. Betty Sibley Case Rev. Carlton D. Casey Dr. Hal L. Edwards, Jr. Mr. John W. Finfrock Rev. James D. Foster 15 honor roll of donors Mrs. Nancy Tomlin Hendren Mrs. Donnabelle Ferguson Hoffman Mrs. Delores Pyritz Jump Rev. William Keith Lee Mr. Norman E. Lindholm Mr. John F. Moore Mr. George A. Rinehart Mrs. Carol Latimer Smith Mrs. Elisabeth Johnson Thomas Dr. E. Ray Throckmorton Rev. Roy A. Walther, Sr. Mrs. Wanda Kemper Weeks Supporters Mrs. Barbara Adkins Barker Dr. Franklin D. Barnett Mr. Robert D. Bradford Mrs. Sara Hazlett Bradford Mrs. Elaine Graham Crowder Mrs. Grace Bivans Dearin Rev. William D. Dearin Mrs. Sue Johnson Dupree Mr. Fred M. Foster Rev. James R. Gaunce Dr. E. Dale Harward Mrs. Beverly Rou Hintz Mrs. Emily Wallace Levering Mrs. Betty Hiles Morse Mrs. Janet Mielke Short Mrs. JoAnn Wetherington VanPelt Mr. M. Denton Ward CLASS OF 1958 – 45.7% President’s Society Mr. C. Lewis Casey Miss Roberta V. Fries Dr. Joe Frank Harris Mrs. Dorothy Rohrbaugh James Mr. Merlin E. Johnson Mrs. Connie Mungillo Kidder S Mrs. Ruth Luce Knipmeyer Mr. Hugh M. Moffatt Mrs. Ruth Anne Colvin Moffatt Mrs. Yvonne Cochran Moulton Rev. Robert L. Priest Rev. James H. Rush Rev. George F. Shiltz Founder’s Society Col. Curt R. Bowers Mrs. Grace Johnson Cameron Mrs. Marietta Kelley Garber Dr. Janette E. Ogg Dr. Robert W. Ogilvie Rev. Ronald A. Overcash Mr. Paul E. Reed Dr. Nelson L. Wolfe Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Beatrice Wynn Aist Mrs. Margaret Holmes Bowen Rev. James M. Frazier Dr. Donald R. Guth Rev. Julian C. Hammonds Capt. Lawrence R. Horne 16 Miss Margaret Mardis Ms. Shirley F. Nelms Mrs. Betty Hollingsworth Pollock Mr. Harry Lee Ulyat Mrs. Sandra Hancock Wilmot Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Barbara Balstad Anderson Mr. Eugene M. Bartenfeld Mrs. Mary Ballou Bartley Mrs. Jo Ann Smith Beatty Dr. Ilmars Birznieks Mrs. Frances Wells Brown Rev. John M. Clements Dr. Glenn L. Courts Mrs. Frances Parker Dutill Mrs. Margaret Robinson Fleming Mrs. Janice Brown Fraumann Mr. Robert F. Fraumann Mrs. Mona Latimer Graves Rev. Maurice B. Hibbard Rev. Wilbert S. Hoffman Mrs. Elaine Beadles Hotelling Mr. Stephen A. Jacobs Mr. Gerald H. Lewis Mr. Joseph Harold Lunsford Dr. Julia Sever Lytle Mrs. Yvonne Lorentzen McGuire Rev. James Allen Moran Rev. William Russell Rudd Mrs. Ann Tonner Sague Mr. David Sague Rev. Reid W. Stroud Mrs. Alice Linder Walton Dr. Robert E. Walton Rev. James H. Weeks Rev. O. Gene Wells Mrs. Jane Forrester Wilson Supporters Rev. Richard Amos Rev. John Wesley Asbury Miss Betty J. Bobb Rev. D. Max Brunton Mrs. Joyce Smeckert Cameron Mrs. Eloise Dolores Beadles Clawson Mrs. Marjorie Linhart Coleman Mr. Glenn Colliver Mrs. Gloria Fenne Denlinger Rev. William H. Denlinger Mrs. Barbara Hurley Devine Rev. O. Kemp Edwards Dr. E. Martin Egelston Mrs. June Bankston Eisemann Mrs. Burnette Brace Fegan Dr. Eva Carnes Fenne Mrs. Marilyn Yvonne Holt Hawk Mrs. Ardis Hanson Jacobs Mrs. Elaine Miller Justice Mr. Donald Marshall Mrs. Sondra Scull Marshall Dr. John C. Morris Rev. John F. Robbins Mrs. Lynnita Schaefer Saunders Rev. Donald K. Scilley Rev. Seldon Short, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy Esenwein Vosloh Mr. Philip N. Wendell Mrs. Geraldine Pierce White Miss Sheila J. White Mr. Richard B. Ziglar Mrs. Marilyn Parrett Zimmerman CLASS OF 1959 – 29.2% President’s Society Rev. Larry Owen Bechtol Mrs. Betty Langley Campbell Dr. Emerson D. Gilbert Dr. Hal Kime Dr. Bobby Ray Martin B Mrs. Jeannine Speakman Mowery Rev. George S. Rigby, Jr. Mrs. Barbara Jenne Shiltz Founder’s Society Mrs. Ann Hale Osmer Andersen Mr. Daniel Y. Chang Miss Joyce Engelbert Miss L. Jeanette Odle Dr. R. Wayne Perkins Mrs. Sally Morrison Perkins Mr. James R. Wilcox D Mrs. Joan Loftis Wilcox Henry Clay Morrison Society Rev. Clark S. Aist Mrs. Joyce Shaffer Barkley Mrs. Sue Hylbert Biles Rev. W. Claude Fillingim Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Stella Bittinger Allen Miss Barbara G. Allison Mrs. Lurline Cope Brittain Dr. Joe K. Carpenter Dr. D. Guy Carrigan, Jr. Mrs. Marjorie Smith Cox Rev. W. Ernest Dorrell Rev. C. Leroy Doverspike Mrs. Wanda Mattern Doverspike Rev. James C. Dunaway Mrs. Mary Wood Fester Mrs. Emily VanZandt Ford Rev. Milton H. Ford Mrs. Alice Pedersen Hall Dr. James L. Johnston Mrs. Bonnie Lue Coleman Kitchings Dr. Forrest D. McCoig Dr. Charles W. Music Mrs. Jane McCurry Music Rev. Osa E. Patrick Mrs. Maxine Ball Rinehart Mrs. Marjorie Hudson Shinkle Mr. Thomas E. Thompson, Jr. D Mrs. Eunice Jones Willett Mr. David T. Wilson Supporters Mrs. Peggy Basham Bechtol Rev. Milan S. Coleman Mr. Donald W. Fenne Mr. Benson L. Finfrock Mrs. Lois Magarian Fulwood Mrs. Shirley Himes Krauss Mrs. Kayle Diann Ogborn Lackey Dr. Jon Tal Murphree Mrs. Agnes Creed Neihof Dr. John E. Neihof, Sr. Mr. James Freeman Parker Rev. Aleck G. Poolos Mrs. Dorothy Hughes Post Mrs. Bernice Williamson Reynolds Mr. Karl M. Rinehart Miss Mary Jane Secrest Rev. Robert Carl Shields Rev. Randall A. VanLandingham Mrs. Sue Cantrell VanLandingham Rev. Paul K. Zimmerman CLASS OF 1960 – 33.0% President’s Society Maj. James W. Beckley Mrs. Gerlene Lawless Brown B Rev. J. Edward Chandler Dr. Gilbert L. Crouse, Sr. B Ms. Lillian Eloise Henry Mr. Dennis W. Lamb B Dr. Alan E. Moulton Mrs. Faye Hooker Murrow G Rev. Mitchell C. Murrow G Mrs. Barbara Beyerlein Rush Mr. Lemuel L. Shiu Mrs. Colleen Kay Overton Stratton Dr. Albin C. Whitworth Mrs. Kathryn Rieke Whitworth Founder’s Society Mrs. Doris Shawver Bowers Rev. Richard A. Budden Mr. Howard N. Fowler Mrs. Martha Dougherty France Mrs. Rachel Hodges Hilbert Mrs. Patricia Mannas Larson Mrs. Betty Groce Overcash Rev. Donald W. Turman Capt. Norman O. Williams Mrs. Jean Ham Wolfe Henry Clay Morrison Society Rev. Maurice E. Bailey Commr. Elsie Henderson Busby Commr. John A. Busby Rev. Kenny D. Fuller, Sr. Miss JoBelle Masters Mrs. Marian Yost Towne Circuit Rider Society Rev. Donald E. Cavin Mrs. Dorothy Parker Dean Mrs. Barbara Calloway Gaddie Rev. Edgar H. Gaines, III Mr. Clair C. Gray Ms. Alberta Hoagland Harp Mr. Wayne R. Hotelling Mrs. Rhea Jackson Huey honor roll of donors 17 honor roll of donors Mrs. Gladis Seymour Jacobs Mrs. Luella Armstrong Lindholm Mrs. Ethel Kearns Mayer Mrs. Alma Kirkpatrick McGuire Mr. James K. McGuire Rev. Paul T. Morton Mrs. Donna Lee Oltmann Dr. Herbert Rader Mrs. Lois Merwin Rader Mrs. Eunice Sharp Ralston Mrs. Ruth Washabaugh Reed Rev. Carl A. Ricks Rev. Clifford Schell Dr. Lane A. Scott Mr. William Alfred Scott Mr. W. Edward Shaw Dr. Barbara J. Sims Mrs. JoDell Walters Stevens Mrs. Katherine Naugle Thomas CLASS OF 1961 – 30.3% President’s Society Dr. Janice Dianne Shaw Crouse B Mrs. Carolyn Ryan Dunn B Mrs. Kay Marx Gantz Mrs. Nancy Pankuch Kime Mr. John Joe Lineman Rev. Neal K. Long Mrs. Valene Loftis Long Mrs. Alma Hand Price Dr. Robert F. Wiley, Jr. G Founder’s Society Mr. Kenneth C. Fraser Mrs. Nancy Clemans Fraser Dr. Peter Wilfred Stine Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. Charles L. Bradley Ms. Shirley J. Giesking Mrs. Gloria Lee Barrett Hawkins Dr. Ellen White Nelson Mr. Robert E. Nulf Mrs. Mary Ann Banderman Schell Mrs. Rebecca Kibbey Swathwood Rev. William O. Swathwood Mr. B. Bryce Swiler Rev. Marvin R. Valade, Jr. Mrs. Janice Bradley Williams Mr. Larry A. Wingate Mrs. Nancy Ross Wingate Supporters Mrs. Lou Ann Jones Abbott Mrs. Alice Manshott Converse Mrs. Lois Haist Dewald Mrs. Bonnie Happe Geiser Mrs. Betty Ann Broshears Green Mrs. Joan Zink Irizarri Rev. Glenn McGuire Mrs. Sandra Hull Occhino Mrs. Sharon Durham Lineman Miss Carol A. Mitchell B Founder’s Society Mrs. Carolyn Blackman Baillie Dr. William Mayan Baillie Rev. Edgar R. Farmer Dr. Richard W. Rohrer Mrs. Ramona Cochran Turman Henry Clay Morrison Society Commr. Joy Gabrielsen Baillie Mrs. Joyce Stahly Bradley Dr. L. B. Gallimore, Jr. Mr. Morris C. Hawkins Mrs. Alice Marie Godsey Peterson Dr. Ronald E. Rinehart Mrs. Linda Ross Rinehart Mr. Phillip L. Wetterling Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Marie Gander Armstrong expenses 2007-2008 Instruction - undergraduate Instruction - graduate and achieve Public Service Library Student Services Unexpected Revenue Physical Plant Transfer General Administration General Institution Institutional Development Financial Aid Transformations Auxilary Mrs. Gail Daniel Thome Mr. Leon Willett Supporters Dr. Graham L. Abbott Mrs. Ardis White Bowers Mrs. Marjorie Ann Hildreth Ellisor Mrs. Joyce Redwine Hayes Mr. Harold R. Hester Mrs. Joyce Starling Joines Mrs. Jane Woodhams Lawrence Mrs. Nina Beth Butcher Lewis Mrs. Shirley Weldy Marks Rev. Judith Barcroft Medlen Mrs. Mary Helen Tanquary Morris Mrs. Rosalie Brooks Quarry Maj. Juanita Cochran Russell Dr. De Vern E. Schwenn Mrs. Sally Robertson Wendell 18 Mrs. Faye Stuard Hess Mr. Stanley R. Lewis Mrs. Doris Huffman Myers Mr. J. Gregory Pitts Mrs. Virginia Pratt Pitts Rev. James S. Pollock Mrs. Doris Washabaugh Yinger Circuit Rider Society Rev. William H. Bice Mrs. Faye Cruise Boggs Mrs. Phyllis Ogilvie Dodrill Mrs. Martha Faber Dorrell Mrs. Carole Bock Dunaway Mrs. Martha Ewan Gaines Mrs. Margaret Shepard Jackson Mrs. Betty Neal Johnston Mr. C. Edward Linville Mrs. Margaret White Messal Rev. James R. Mitchell Mrs. Martha Shiltz Priest Rev. Leroy B. Schultz Mrs. Joan Milliron Schwenn Rev. Doris J. Shover Mrs. Shirley Ruth Fustos Stafford Mrs. Mary Speakman Sutherland Rev. James H. Walker Mrs. Kathryn Lloyd Walker Mrs. Gloria Clark Webb CLASS OF 1962 – 24.5% President’s Society Dr. Roger D. Amstutz Mr. Clayon C. Carpenter Mrs. Ercil Howard Casey Rev. Richard E. Gantz Rev. Allen K. Holmes Mrs. Grace Hardcastle Holmes 24.8% 3.4% 0.3% 1.8% 11.2% 6.2% 7.9% 2.5% 4.9% 7.3% 4.5% 6.2% 1.1% 18.0% Dr. Dorothy Nace Bowen Dr. Earle A. Bowen, Jr. Ms. Gloria Brand Mr. C. Philip Bumpus Mrs. Dianne Hage Bumpus Mrs. Ann Elliott Copeman Mrs. Linda McElwain Dobson Mrs. Mary Headrick Edmond Maj. Ronald H. Gorton Dr. Diane Manker Hannum Mrs. Miriam Erickson Horen Dr. Dale M. Jackson Mrs. Roma Walz McConkey Rev. Daniel Reuel McFarland Mr. Delma L. McGill Mrs. Charlotte Ogle Nulf Mrs. Ruth Weller Tolson Mrs. Shirley Hufman Valade Mrs. Mary Jane Haley Weathersby honor roll of donors Mrs. Beverly Scott Whitkanack Supporters Mrs. Judith Gillam Amos Mrs. Barbara Follmer Anderson Mr. James Barbour Mrs. Carol Yoh Cerullo Rev. Jack F. Chalk Lt. Col. Robert H. Forrest Mrs. Virginia Paugh Gregory Mrs. Shirley Murrow Hoover Mr. Dale Knepper Col. William S. McAllister Mr. Brasher V. Miller Mrs. Gerde Howell Wittrock Ramos Ms. Dorothy Partridge Runyon Mr. Daniel J. Schroen, Sr. Mrs. Carol Frances Snyder-Sepulveda Mr. James A. Taylor CLASS OF 1963 – 25.3% President’s Society Mrs. Judith Vanaugh Amstutz Dr. Lawrence H. Boram Mr. Ted Burkman B Mrs. Esther Lou Waddle Carpenter Mr. Jerry D. Green Mrs. Judith Barnhouse Green Dr. James V. Heidinger, II B Dr. Amanda Russell Hutcherson Mr. Ken Hutcherson, Jr. Miss Mary Jo Morrow Mrs. Rowena Phillips Shaw S Dr. Walter A. Shaw S Founder’s Society Mr. Elvin L. Ellison Mrs. Jean Lentner Ellison Mrs. Kathy Casler Farmer Mrs. Betty Bennett Ogilvie Mr. E. Gene Snodgrass Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. John A. Achenbach Mrs. Iva Frederick Bailey Commr. Kenneth Baillie Mrs. Elsa Marie Jensen Davis Rev. Paul B. Davis, Sr. Mr. David B. Falk Mrs. Patricia Moats Falk Mrs. Patricia Rice Harwell Rev. Robert Maxwell Maj. Dieter H. M. Troster Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Patricia Johnson Arthur Rev. J. Royle Bailard Mr. Otis Balkcom Mrs. Carol Sayers Butler Mr. James H. Butts, Jr. Mrs. Glenda Tickle Coe Mrs. Ellen Walsh Drennen Rev. Eldon Eldred Mrs. Marjorie Pruett Griffin Dr. Katherine Hanke Houp Dr. Ronald L. Koteskey Mrs. Sharon Thompson Long Mrs. Lois Howell McFarland Mr. Don A. Morris, Jr. Mrs. Camille Jackson Winslow Supporters Maj. Glenn H. Avery Rev. James K. Burd Mrs. Jeanne Madeleine Meyers Diller Miss Diane Brechin Eddy Mrs. Jean Pratt Edwards Mrs. Barbara Anne Herren Livesay Mrs. Judy Biddulph Mayer Mrs. Nancy Froggat McAllister Mr. Jay D. Phillips Rev. James G. Powell Mrs. Brenda Carol Ledbetter Schroen Rev. Stella Schultz Sowder Ms. Ruth Ann Marriott Stechschulte Mrs. Catherine Fruth Taylor Mrs. Vivien C. Tinner Mrs. Juanita Montgomery Totten Mr. Douglas W. Weeks Mrs. Shirley Jean Reynolds Whalen Dr. Joan Helen Shaffer McGill Mr. George M. Ribble Mr. Daniel M. Sakach Mrs. Judith Mullenix Schonauer Mrs. Constance White Smeltzer Mr. Ina Sorensen Mr. John A. Swyers Mrs. Sondra Thompson Swyers Mrs. Miriam Keller Vance Dr. Sarah Smith Werner Mrs. Brenda Parker Williams Mrs. Virginia Manly Wingfield Supporters Mrs. Beverly Jean Decker Bauer Mr. Vernon Bauer, Jr. Mrs. Carol Guiles Burghdurf Mrs. Loretta Rodgers Burnett Rev. James Gaylord Gillispie Mrs. Myrna May Foringer Griswold Mrs. Christine Cavit Magee Ms. Martha Fultz Moutz Mrs. Shirley Casler Payne Mrs. Janeen Lawson Weeks CLASS OF 1964 – 23.0% CLASS OF 1965 – 26.2% President’s Society Rev. Steven D. Gehring Mr. Frederick Halter S Ms. Rose Cycler Hess Maj. Annette Smith McInnes G Mr. David B. Nagel Mrs. Carol Taylor Poynter Mr. Scott P. Poynter Dr. Philip C. Stine Rev. Margaret Mary Oetjen Williams Mr. William K. Williams Founder’s Society Ms. Bernice Palmer Arnold Mrs. Rena’ Whitney Brown Mrs. Beth Joy Kindinger Fowler Mr. Geren C. Moegerle Rev. Harold B. Shimfessel Mrs. Carol Williams Snodgrass Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Elizabeth Bevan Rollings Howard Mr. Vernon W. Howard Rev. Donald E. Saum Circuit Rider Society Dr. Charles O. Abernathy Mrs. Joan Buchko Bennett Mrs. Janice Fraser Biddulph Mrs. Barbara Eyre Butts Mrs. Anita Clayton Garriott Mr. Paul Edward Geiger Mrs. Glenda Sue McCluskey Goodpaster Dr. Carl F. Hall Mrs. Linda Proudfoot Hallbauer Mrs. Joyce Marriott Jensen Mrs. Jennie Watts Jones Mrs. Bonnie Gill Koteskey Mrs. Ruth Raisch Lashbrook-Mitchell Mrs. Judith Denning McCurdy President’s Society Dr. David R. Billing Dr. David L. Brazelton S Mrs. Wilma Jean Skinner Brazelton S Mrs. Suzanne O’Neal Gehring Mrs. Dorothy Wetter Germann Mrs. Winnie Lancaster Halter S Mrs. Patricia Payne Hudson Mrs. Judy Mommsen Metcalf Mr. David W. Miller Mrs. Marianne Elsner Miller Mrs. Janice Schroen Nagel Mrs. Laree Powell Saylor B Mrs. Catherine Hallowell Sheehan B Founder’s Society Mrs. Roseanne Smith Brasington Bishop Alfred W. Gwinn Rev. Gerald D. Larson Mrs. Jane Smith Moegerle Henry Clay Morrison Society Rev. Paul J. Dickinson Mrs. Sarah Farlow Dickinson Mr. John M. Falkenberg, Jr. Mrs. Rebecca Smith Falkenberg Mrs. Rachel Elizabeth Gallimore Griffin Rev. Walter C. Hughley Ms. Brenda J. Plummer Mr. William Ayres Pruitt Mr. Albert C. Ralls Circuit Rider Society Mr. Wendel B. Arms Rev. Jerry Emerson Au Mrs. Joy Vincent Balkcom Mr. Archie M. Bennett, Jr. Rev. Howard L. Biddulph Mr. John S. Bright Ms. Jerry Voris Burkman Dr. Thomas W. Burkman Mr. David A. Houck Mr. C. B. Hutcherson, Jr. Ms. Carol Ann Henderson Kory Mrs. Joanne Malloy Krause Mrs. Martha Chapman Laurila Mr. Dale W. Long Mr. Robert O. Osborne Mrs. Kathleen Webster Patterson Mr. Larry D. Retherford Mrs. Barbara Ellis Riley Mrs. Julia McCormick Smith Mr. Willard N. Timm, Jr. Maj. David William Waite Supporters Mrs. Wanda Mounts Barbour Ms. Joyce Koch Bishop Mrs. Norma Hickerson Erny Mrs. Eva McCleary Haubry Rev. Robert W. Hinkle Mrs. Becky Vincent Juvinall Mr. Gerald D. Koch Mr. Larry Larabee Mrs. Mardel Ruth Otte McKay Mr. Gerald K. Roberts Lt. Col. Richard T. Ulyat Lt. Col. Sharon Waiksnoris Ulyat Mr. George L. Whitmer CLASS OF 1966 – 19.0% President’s Society Rev. Harry D. Armstrong B D Mrs. Mary-Lou Pfeifer Bartimay B Mrs. Vangie Erny Billing Mrs. Joan Crouse John Commr. William H. John, Sr. Mrs. Joan Hammerstrom Lingle G Mrs. Jama Bell Martin B Mrs. Rebecca McDowell Powell S Mrs. Janis Ellen Flesher Riffell B Mr. Gary Saylor B Founder’s Society Rev. John H. Coffee, Jr. Mr. Frank B. Stanger, Jr. Ms. Judith Ann Henderson Young Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Sarah Case Holifield Rev. Charles R. Jacobs Mrs. Jill Gray Walker Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Paula Ciccariello Alt Mrs. Virginia Porter Au Rev. Thomas E. Brown Mrs. Ann McEndre Cheek Mr. Denton Cormany Mrs. Robin Bauer Cormany Mr. James Edward Curnow Mrs. Sharon Yates Gladstone Mrs. Ann Loeffler Grogg Rev. Gary W. Grogg Mr. Richard Kibbey Mrs. Constance Spencer Lewes 19 honor roll of donors Mr. Rand McEndre, Jr. Mrs. Etta G. Meek Mrs. Judith Stanfield Osborne Mr. Donald W. Post Mr. Thomas G. Snodgrass Supporters Mrs. Loretta Jayne Harmer Blowers Mrs. Ruth Smitherman Buchanan Dr. Esther Schubert Chambers Mrs. Esther Hallberg Drotleff Mrs. Mary Catherine Paulo Frye Col. Richard H. Hargett Mrs. Arlene Stucky Hughes Mrs. Carole Lee Good McFarland Mrs. Fran Rice Osborne Mrs. Nina Moulton Pneuman Mr. Herbert C. Rhorer Mrs. Patricia Albright Thurlow Mrs. Norma Russell Trott Mrs. Marilyn Bock Woolums Mr. Richard K. Woolums CLASS OF 1967 – 19.8% President’s Society Mr. Roger D. Blackburn Mrs. Nancy McIntosh Burkman B Mrs. Lolita Larabee Crouse G Dr. Morris E. Hintzman Dr. Cullen B. Rivers Dr. Glenn T. Young Founder’s Society Mrs. Linda Lou Chilton Crouch Mr. Jefferson Mann Hooper Mrs. Nancy Brodbeck McCreedy Mr. Richard A. Welch Henry Clay Morrison Society Rev. J. Anthony Holifield Mrs. Jolene Sims Krentzman Circuit Rider Society Mr. Carl C. Beard, Jr. Rev. Stephen Bennett Mr. Clark E. Blade Mrs. Betty Ruth Clingen Bridgen Mrs. Susan Olson Buffin Mrs. Shirley Roberts Davidson Mr. Carl W. Drennen Dr. Terry L. Faris Rev. James E. Hamlin Mrs. Peggy Berger Holder Rev. James N. Hosey, Jr. Mrs. Henrietta Siefert Hyer Mrs. Juanita Hadler Israel Rev. John Charles Maun Ms. Carole Schulz McConnell Mr. William F. McIlrath, Sr. Dr. Daniel F. Meyer Mr. James A. Moran Rev. Frank C. Norris Mrs. Marilyn Riassetto Pyers Mrs. Carol Humphries Willis Supporters Ms. Sunday Brown Anderson 20 Mrs. Carolyn Martin Beaty Mr. Peter Wade Beaty Mr. Richard Lee Braumiller, Jr. Mr. James Clifford Brayton Rev. Warner F. Davis Mr. Stephen W. Fryman Mr. D. Ted Hawk Mrs. Patricia Schwartz Hinkle Mrs. Patricia Faith West LaFollette Mrs. Sheila Seamands Lovell Mrs. Penny Rummel Merritt Mr. David C. Ricketts Miss Barbara A. Shommer Mrs. Lindy Sydnor Thomas CLASS OF 1968 – 30.5% President’s Society Mrs. Evelyn Brooks Barnard Dr. Robert S. Barnard, Jr. Mr. C. E. Crouse, Jr. G Mrs. Patricia Hallowell DiPietro Mrs. Darlene Montgomery Elliott B Dr. W. David Hager B Mrs. Paula Ragsdale Hintzman Mrs. Linda Shoults Keller S Mrs. Viola G. McLoughlin Dr. Martha Lowrey Morgan Mr. Timothy A. Mowery Mrs. Faye Collins Rivers Mrs. Paula Crowder Zoller Founder’s Society Rev. Ellen Walch Bullock Dr. Raul Guerrero Mrs. Brenda Clark Knochenmus Mr. Kerry Knochenmus Mrs. Aileen Light Mr. James A. Ross Dr. David L. Upperman Mrs. Mary Frances Corbly Upperman Mrs. Sue Ann Jewell Walters Henry Clay Morrison Society Rev. Thomas E. Atkins, Jr. Mr. Gary V. Beck Miss Betty L. Bell Mrs. Karen Baker Conn Mrs. Paulette Dunlap Guiste Rev. Bruce T. Howard Mr. Martin Kalz Mrs. Edna Margaret O’Neal Miller Rev. Kenneth H. Miller Mr. Gordon Lee Mullis Mr. Gary A. Paine Dr. Michael Rice Mrs. Peggy Adams Saum Rev. Paul Lawrence Shumate Rev. David C. Warden Mrs. Patricia Estep Warden Ms. Dianne Bramell Wentzell Circuit Rider Society Rev. Ronald T. Berry Mrs. Sharon Thompson Brown Mrs. Becky Hutchens Bullock Mrs. Edith Cravens Cramer Mr. Larry D. Dumm Mrs. Linda Brooks Dumm Mrs. Judith Ripley Faris Mrs. Lynda Via Geiger Lt. Col. Constance Dale Graham Mrs. Carolyn Green Hall Rev. Gervase C. Hitch Dr. Phillip M. Hopper Mrs. Martha Stoneking Law Mr. Paul C. Law Mr. Garth Lawson Mrs. Kay Lorraine Horton Lawson Mrs. Pamela Friesland Meyer Mrs. Harriett Dean Norris Mrs. Beth Stickley Schuelke Mr. Larry L. Sims Rev. James R. Sunderland, Jr. Maj. Patricia Teeter Waite Mrs. Beverly Walker Williams Supporters Mr. Howard E. Bailey Mrs. Linda Cruse Barnard Mrs. Lois Burchfield Bradway Mr. John Courtland Dickinson Mr. Roger Griffith Mrs. Judith Stone Harnish Mrs. Marsha Hayes Harnish Mrs. Kay Sewell Hartigan Mrs. Eileen Nagel Heistand Mrs. Sharyn White Hundley Mr. Richard T. Osgood Mrs. Sandra Segers Osgood Mrs. Bonnie Buechner Reynolds Rev. Ivan L. Schwenn Mr. Bruce L. Scollard Mr. Ronald Lee Shepard Mrs. Judy Steorts Shoemaker Rev. Roy Wade Swisher Mrs. Rosemary Ladner Watson Rev. John A. Weller Mrs. Jane McCollum Wesco Mr. Kenneth J. Wyatt CLASS OF 1969 – 17.9% President’s Society Dr. David Lawrence Brabon Dr. Mark R. Elliott B Miss Geraldine Hansen Mrs. Charlene Tew Lord G Mr. Paul E. Morgan Mrs. Helen Rhea Luce Stumbo G Founder’s Society Rev. Colin Crouch Mrs. Barbara Carroll Curl Dr. Kenneth Curl Mr. Thomas Sands Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Susan Thielman Atkins Rev. Robert T. Bridges Mr. Loren Wayne Hooker, Jr. Dr. Rita J. Pritchett Mrs. Renee Jacqueline Ross Stith Rev. Gary L. Turk Circuit Rider Society Miss Jean M. Adams Rev. Daniel L. Casselberry Mrs. Barbara Ferrell Crouse Mr. Joseph L. Crouse, Jr. Mr. Charles L. Denger Rev. Delmer W. Dodrill Ms. Marsha A. Goodwin Mrs. Joan Leab Hendee Mrs. Charlotte Neill Hopps Mr. Robert L. Hopps Mrs. Bonadine Miller Lyga Rev. John C. Lyga Ms. Janet Marker Mr. Dale W. Nix Mrs. Carole Jean Oliver Rickard Mrs. Jane Nelson Risdon Mrs. Rena Smith Roth Mrs. Martha Merwin Schroeder Mrs. Joyce Ann Barber Shank Mrs. Rethia Insko Sims Mr. Leonard F. Stuart Mr. Stephen Bruce Wilcox Supporters Mrs. Vivian Howard Atkins Ms. Sara L. Coleman Rev. Timothy A. Draxler Mr. Philip Lee Foster Mr. James P. Fulcher Dr. James A. Harnish Rev. Dr. John E. Harnish Rev. Leonard B. Haynes Dr. Raymond Curtis Hundley Ms. Cheryl Johnson Mrs. Kathryn Crouse Moynahan Ms. Diane Clevenger Northrup Dr. James W. Riley, Sr. Dr. Steven L. Rumford Mrs. Sylvia Baldwin Scollard Mrs. Anna Richardson Shepard Rev. Larry G. Smiley Mrs. Caroline Burchfield Susan-Wolfrom Mrs. Caren Colbert Urgolites Mrs. Barbara Dixon Vohar Mr. Neal B. Wicoff D Rev. Jerry W. Worsham CLASS OF 1970 – 19.0% President’s Society Mr. Dewey Lee Brock Mrs. Louise Anderson Brockinton Dr. Philip E. Brown Mrs. Carol Anderson Freeman G Mr. Fred Hannah Mr. Harvey H. Hughes Mrs. Mary Blanchard King S Mr. R. Wayne King S Mrs. Judith Smith Pierson Mr. Homer S. Pointer Dr. Samuel J. Williams, II honor roll of donors 21 honor roll of donors Founder’s Society Mrs. Marilyn Insko Brown Dr. William W. Dean Mrs. Linda Cooper Sands Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Brenda Dyer Begue Mr. Thomas C. Goff Mrs. Sue Hines Kalz Dr. Bruce E. Mousa Mrs. Linda Jeffery Turk Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Madora Nelson Bennett Mr. K. Adrian Bolser Rev. Philip Brooks Mr. Robert Carlisle Dr. Harold Delaney Mrs. Nancy Hurst Delaney Miss Rose Ann Doak Mrs. Susan Sorensen Emerick Mr. William Donaldson Mrs. Martha Joanne Watkins Hawk Ms. Lois Jean Henry Mr. Mark W. Jenkins Mr. Larry D. Klinefelter Mr. Tom W. Minor Mrs. Patricia Scott Mosbacher Rev. Lowell Rice Mrs. Jane Hesters Worsham Dr. Linda Diane Payne Young Rev. Ronald V. Young CLASS OF 1971 – 10.3% President’s Society Mrs. Marilyn Bolerjack Blackburn Mr. Larry W. Green S Mr. Ronald A. Peck B Mrs. Brenda Pryor Williams D Ms. Joanne Nay Green Mr. Robert Hepner Mrs. Linda Weyant Hooper Mrs. Nancy Nesselroade Kent Mr. Virgil R. Klump Mrs. Jane Kaufman Krauss Dr. LaVerne L. Ludden Mr. Michael Owen Mrs. Rozelle Grace Stevens Rumford Mrs. Ellen Shiltz Seymore Mr. Thomas A. Tolhurst Mrs. Deborah Hughes Wheeler CLASS OF 1972 – 14.2% President’s Society Dr. David P. Ditto Mrs. Jean Okesson Haglund Mr. Michael W. Jones Mrs. Debra Rust Carlisle Mrs. Emma Ruth Courts Mrs. Donna Jared Guerrero Mrs. Rebecca Collier Hopper Mrs. Kathryn Smith Tindale Mr. Daniel Edward Waits Supporters Miss Suzanne K. Burch Mrs. Anita Evans Conkel Mrs. Mary Adrianne Arnold Davis Mrs. Colleen Goodling Frontz Ms. Beverly J. Goff Mrs. Cheryl Smith Keene Rev. Thompson Keene Dr. Carmen Mendoza Mrs. Mary Ellen Brady Minor Mrs. Sandra Seamands Sheppard Rev. Earl Lee Smith Mrs. Cecile Crouse Sternberg endowment 1994-2008 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 26,471,398 28,077,047 29,231,161 25,733,713 23,154,547 23,923,232 26,101,446 28,057,461 29,450,671 33,592,913 15,000,000 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Mrs. Irene Sintay Goodworth Mr. David H. Howell Mrs. Janet Chaney Jackman Mr. Barton S. McFarlane Mrs. Hope Haggerty McFarlane Dr. Herbert H. Michel Mr. Philip Niswender Mrs. Sandra Mommsen Peterson Mrs. Sharon Ann McNeal Schott Mrs. Carol Amstutz Seamands Dr. Stephen Seamands Mrs. Sarah Barnett Standard Mr. Thomas B. Standard Mrs. Ann Brodbeck Swigert Mr. Lawrence L. Yohe Supporters Mr. William D. Blake Mrs. Deborah BonDurant Calhoun Mrs. Carolyn Jean Morris Christolear 22 Mrs. Elizabeth Young Williams Founder’s Society Mr. Robert S. Johnson Mrs. Roberta Toussaint Vore Dr. Vernon W. Vore, II Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Betty Naabe Coombs Rev. Paul Nulton Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Jacquelin Bauer Euper Mr. James Gabrielsen Mrs. Janet Savill Heintzelman Mrs. Susan Hutchens Hooglander Mrs. Linda Sue Watson Owen Rev. Jerry D. Ruff Supporters Mrs. Marilyn Sue Messick Buchanan Rev. Gary L. Case, Sr. Mrs. Jonnie Chaffin Ford 10,000,000 5,000,000 Miss Sarah Louise Luce G Dr. Vickie Schellack Moore-Quilliams Mrs. Patricia Blanchard Nelson Miss Rebecca Adelle Wood Founder’s Society Dr. William G. Brooks, Jr. Dr. Harvey R. Brown, Jr. Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Kathleen Sommer Bridges Mrs. Karen Kinney Goff Mrs. Shelley Moore Nulton Mrs. Jane Sharrett Olson Miss Cheryl A. Rogers Mrs. Cherith Brabon Rydbeck Miss Jane L. Stanger Mr. Stephen Dale Waun Mrs. Bonnie Jewell Wilcoxson Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Thelma Doverspike Bence Mr. J. Samuel Sternberg CLASS OF 1973 – 17.0% President’s Society Mrs. Deborah Kinley Barnhardt Dr. Mary Irene Cady Mrs. Deborah Weaver Jones Mr. Arvid Metcalf Mrs. Lettie Ward Myers Mr. Rex Myers Dr. David L. Stevens Founder’s Society Mrs. Susan Davis Philpot Judge Timothy N. Philpot Mrs. Cynthia Noble Sayler Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Sharon Royster Adams Mr. Jeffrey Barber honor roll of donors Dr. Peggy McCue Chappell Mrs. Evelyn Stephens Hunt Mr. Curtis Olson Dr. William Young Circuit Rider Society Mr. Edward L. Arrington, Jr. Dr. Earl Henry Blair Mr. Perry C. Brokaw Mrs. Edra Bartlett Byers Rev. Donald E. Christensen Mrs. Deborah Grout Clifton Mrs. Linda Crouse Cook Mrs. Barbara Jean Suttles Diamond Mr. Stephen Fow Mrs. Christine Lynne Allen Gabrielsen Mr. Harold Gilbert Rev. Rudolph Heintzelman Mr. Merlin Ray Hershberger Rev. Charles S. Jones Mrs. Deborah Jacoby Lanning Mr. Franklin A. Martin Mrs. Sharon Kay Engler Martin Maj. John T. Needham Mrs. Geneva Hamilton Richardson Mrs. Elaine Vining Salico Mr. David James Simms Mrs. Julia Kay Glover Simms Mr. Eric Joel Slifer Rev. Robert Tindale Mr. Mark Vance Mr. Harry R. Walker Mr. Timothy P. Walz Mrs. Kathleen Nulton Ware Rev. Glenn R. Wegner Dr. Gary L. Wilson Supporters Mr. Paul W. Bartlett Mrs. Mary Noland Bowen Ms. Nancy Bradford Miss Corinne Evelyn Calder Mr. Patrick M. Carnes Ms. Brenda J. Dixon Mrs. Leslie Ott Griffith Rev. Saundra Lynn Hamm Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Davenport Hepner Mrs. Linda Pokorny Luce Mrs. Norma Moore Mason Mrs. Suzanne Simich Scott Mrs. Cathy Keener Steinhauser Mr. Paul Arthur Susan Maj. Harry Charles Ernest Tolhurst, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey Yount CLASS OF 1974 – 13.7% President’s Society Dr. Joe Brockinton Dr. Billy K. Glover, II Mr. Dennis Eugene Hadler Dr. Michael Thomas Powers B Mr. Eric M. Steiner Mrs. M. Jody Thacker Stevens Founder’s Society Mrs. Patricia Robbins Carmony Mr. Gary R. Reese Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Joan Beaver Brinkman Mrs. Katherine Patat Crook Mrs. Marilyn Sneed Highlander Mr. Gary A. Hunt Mr. Roger Meyers Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Dorinda Heaton Avery Mr. Gordon Beardslee Mrs. Brenda Cooper Bentley Mr. Ellis Bentley, Jr. Mrs. Brenda Stevenson Christensen Mrs. Grayce Morgan Crockett Miss Linda K. Ford Miss Donna F. Redmon Rev. William E. Richardson, Jr. Mrs. Sharon Hartman Ruff Miss Sharon K. Runyon Mrs. Trena Hamant Stafford Mrs. Ann Cochran Vance Mr. David G. Wilson Mrs. Linda Grout Wilson Supporters Mr. David A. Chambers Mrs. Sharon Stonecipher Collins Mrs. Mary-Kay Kellerhals Colver Rev. Gary Cooper Mrs. Wendy Tucker Culbreath Mrs. Joy Nadine Teale Fleming Mrs. Sheryl Owens Gore Mrs. Phyllis Cavender Howell Mrs. Linda Blackburn Hubel Dr. June Ruff Leasure Mr. John Allen Long Rev. Michael L. Manning Rev. Lawrence E. McPherson Mrs. Judy Bowman Mock Mrs. Bonnie Brown Mohrbacher Mr. Rex Schrolucke Rev. David Throckmorton Mrs. Sally Elizabeth Shuler Throckmorton Mrs. Nancy Skeen White Mrs. Jeannine Hall Woody Mr. Richard Workman Mrs. Elisabeth Chan Yeun CLASS OF 1975 – 12.7% President’s Society Mrs. Deni Moegerle Corbett Mr. Daniel A. Hutchens Dr. Gregory H. Wallace Mrs. Nancy Cooper Wallace Founder’s Society Dr. Dennis L. Fish Mrs. Barbara Spicer Graves Mr. Jack L. Graves Mr. Andrew P. Howell Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Cynthia Eberhardt Barber Dr. Johnathan W. Bryant Mr. C. Timothy Crook Mrs. Brenda Plummer Meyers Mrs. Kathryn Johnson Narney Mr. David Rickard Circuit Rider Society Mr. Dwight Dockter Mrs. Judith Wayne Dockter Miss Janis M. Harris Mr. Richard Keim, Jr. Rev. W. Keith McKnight Maj. Marthalyn Ling Needham Rev. Wade Sheridan Panse Mr. Don G. Roxberry Mrs. Deborah Meerdink Sickler Mrs. Sandra Joan Hentschel Sturm Rev. Mark D. Walz Mr. Daniel L. Weber Ms. Linda Wright Supporters Dr. Billy Fleming, Jr. Dr. John D. Jenkins Mrs. Mary Merten Jenkins Mr. Richard D. Jones Mrs. Kathy Marie Spainhour Joyce Mr. Lawrence P. Kidd Mrs. Penny Willis Knox Miss Anne Long Mrs. Pamela Holly Manfready Mrs. Mary Ann Toussaint Maxwell Mrs. Carol Brady McGlothlin Mrs. Sharon Lackey Mead Mr. Paul D. Mock Mrs. Serrell Marie Hevenor Redd Rev. Gary W. Rode Mrs. Regina Harkness Sellers Mr. David L. Somers Mrs. Linda Faye Holt Storie Mrs. Cynthia Smith Susan Miss Margaret Ida Taylor Dr. Mark W. Turnbough Mrs. Nancy Mefford Walters Mr. Dean Willman CLASS OF 1976 – 11.2% President’s Society Mrs. Mary Jean McKenzie Banter Mrs. Willa-sue Ling Brockinton Mrs. Melanie Wood Cavanaugh B Dr. Steven C. Corbett Mrs. Jennifer Moore Evans Mr. Jeffrey Hummel Mrs. Martha Faber Hutchens Dr. Janine Corbitt Jones Dr. Jeffrey Parr B Founder’s Society Dr. Daniel J. Fleeman Mrs. Margaret Law Howell Rev. Jay F. Lucas Rev. Richard G. Tuttle Henry Clay Morrison Society Ms. Carol A. Douglas Mrs. Marianne Stevens Kesten Mrs. Eunice Elliott Logan Mr. Timothy R. Sheridan Circuit Rider Society Mr. Erol D. Altug Ms. Karen Sue Brammer Mr. Kenneth Brazelton Dr. George R. Dodge Dr. Thomas W. Gore Mr. Stephen William Moore Supporters Mrs. Marcia Heckman Berfield Mr. David H. Bierley Rev. James R. Brennan Mrs. Rebecca Lewis Claborn Mr. Rodgers C. Culbreath Mr. Robert Hill Durham Mr. Edward B. Gore Mrs. Darlene Cockrell Hucks Dr. F. Levon Hucks Mrs. Martha Brewer Jewett Mr. Randall M. Knox Rev. Allan T. Lavin Mrs. Barbara Parrish Litzinger Rev. George W. Pursley Mr. W. Bratton Shaw Mrs. Barb Hefferman Turnbough Mr. Ralph R. Underhill Mr. Paul A. Vore Mr. James Roger Weschgel CLASS OF 1977 – 11.7% President’s Society Mr. Michael J. Evans Miss Elizabeth Ann Liddle Mr. A. Frank McFadden, Jr. Mrs. Hope McFerrin McFadden Mr. Nathan R. Mowery S Dr. Sherry Lynn Wilson Powers B Founder’s Society Mrs. Kathy Walker Fish Dr. Catherine Jacobs Fontana Miss Patricia Ann Gunning Mrs. Cathy Rowles Larson Mrs. Beth Olson Olney Dr. Kent R. Olney Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Joyce Schultz Bryant Dr. David J. Hilliard Ms. Barbara J. Huber Mr. D. Boone Logan Mrs. Gail Meredith Zollinhofer Quigg Mr. Stephen Paul Quigg Mrs. Brenda Duffy Sheridan Circuit Rider Society Ms. Cheryl Chapman Rev. Carl H. Fannin Rev. Billy Gillespie, Jr. Mr. James I. Howard Rev. Stuart A. Smith Mrs. Judy Brown Sommers Mrs. Angela Coleman Stone Dr. Lawson G. Stone 23 honor roll of donors 24 honor roll of donors 25 honor roll of donors Mrs. Lou Anne Harris Crosswhite Mrs. Valerie Venable Dunlap Mr. Jeffrey M. Ford Mr. Donald G. McNeel Dr. Joseph W. Wiley Circuit Rider Society Mr. Jeffrey F. Allyn Miss Carol Joy Amey Mr. Bruce E. Beck Mrs. Dawn Inay Fox Byrum Mrs. Donna Andrews Dawson Mrs. Cindy Goodyear Dean Miss Rhonda M. Goss Rev. Dr. Donald E. LaFaber Mr. Joseph Reeves Locke, Jr. Mrs. Linda Jean Hurst Locke Mr. Stephen L. Partridge Mrs. Wanda Campbell Roberts Mrs. Susan Sutlive Smith Mrs. Marla Miley Wilcox Supporters Mr. Mark J. Amey Mrs. Patricia Helen Pippin Borah Mrs. Cheryl Gould Brennan Mrs. Carol Marie Wiley Collins Lt. Col. Philip M. Cooley Mrs. Susan Sisk Dunn Mr. E. Sidney Finklea, III Miss Kimberly Jan Hickman Rev. John W. Hodge Mrs. Patricia Ann Glanton Mink Mrs. Kathleen Ketchens Patrick Mrs. Susan Jones Rae Mr. Thomas M. Rae Mr. William Sellers Mr. Willard F. Susan Rev. Stephen A. Waldorf Mr. Philip Earl Webster Ms. Susan Dupree Nichols Mrs. Louise Baston Simmons Mrs. Deborah Bailey Swineford Rev. Dennis W. Swineford Mrs. Diane Logue Treen Mr. Robert L. Treen Mr. David E. Vibbert Mr. Donald P. Vosburg Mrs. Elaine Shell White Supporters Mrs. Mary Jo Hardison Amey Mrs. Sharon Froderman Clarke Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Coleman Clausen Dr. Timothy J. Clemons Miss Victoria L. Dodge Rev. David C. Dupree Mrs. Melody Simmerman Horne Dr. R. Keith Iddings Mr. Murray W. Kenyon CLASS OF 1979 – 15.0% President’s Society Dr. Ken Allen Banter Mr. Donn H. Coil S Dr. Ronald P. Ford S Mrs. Valerie Parr Hill G Mrs. Diana Chapman Jaeger G Mrs. Cindy McLendon Kewin Dr. James R. Owens Mr. Mark A. Watts Dr. Robert L. Wood Founder’s Society Dr. Donald Lovejoy Mrs. Lois Miller Lovejoy Mr. Jon Q. Shellhaas Mrs. Nancy Cheatham Shellhaas Henry Clay Morrison Society Dr. Duane R. Allyn Mr. Gary L. Welch Mrs. Linda Thomas Young CLASS OF 1978 – 11.8% President’s Society Mrs. Sandra Louise Temple Cullum Miss Susan Lynn Kraus Mr. R. Gregory Swanson Founder’s Society Mrs. Janet Beth Turner Jamieson Col. Keith A. Oliver Mrs. Judith Traina Seitz Dr. Martin L. Seitz Dr. Jeffrey D. Taber Mrs. Karla Wallerstedt Taber Henry Clay Morrison Society Rev. Daniel Jon Amey Mr. Dean R. Barrett 26 Mr. William Douglas Tarr Mr. Gregory M. Timmons Mrs. Dawn Ford Veazey Supporters Mrs. Audrey Jean Holmgren Baxter Rev. Marcia Behrens Compton Rev. Douglas R. Cullum Mrs. Constance Davis Dugan Mrs. Diane Ruth Galuska Fleischer Mrs. Elaine Marie Kubuj Franks Mr. Steven Reed Hagaman Mrs. Margaret Sharian Hilderbrand Mrs. Rebekah Moon Lowe Mr. Glenn C. McQuown, Jr. Dr. Charles J. Naylor Maj. Linda-Jo Drummond Perks Mrs. Pamela Duke Ruppel Dr. Gregory A. Ryan Mrs. Meredythe Monroe Sisco Mr. John Rick Campbell Mrs. Susan Keen Campbell Mrs. Janet Thomas McNeel Mrs. Kimberly Burns Willoughby Circuit Rider Society Rev. Alan T. Barrett Mrs. Nichola Clark Berry Ms. Judy Wineman Brown Mrs. Margaret Melzer Curnow Mr. William B. Dunn Mr. Thomas R. Ellenberger Mr. Duane T. Fish Mrs. Eva Moore Foster Mr. Wallace W. Gage Dr. Gary Mark George Mrs. Lela Jayne Haggard Dr. Harold Erick Layton Mrs. Lynette Vose Mahaffey Ms. Mary L. Moutz $5,212,003 $3,816,920 $7,867,805 $4,225,004 $3,813,767 $5,854,224 $4,680,192 $4,388,513 $5,191,706 $3,503,716 Total giving 1999-2008 Mrs. Miriam Brown Lafferty Dr. Gary Manfready Rev. Douglas H. McMahon, Jr. Mr. Arin Ray Miskel Mrs. Rhonda Weisman Olshine Mr. Gregory L. Pacheco Mrs. Colleen Clarke Pope Mrs. Rebecca Lynn Mathias Pursley Mr. Stephen Daniel Rehner Mrs. Mary Ann Turner Ryan Mrs. Constance Schultz Sandrock Mrs. Karen Hutchens White Rev. Stephen J. White Mr. Louis A. Yurcsak, Jr. CLASS OF 1980 – 13.0% President’s Society Dr. Debra Ratliff Bailey honor roll of donors Mr. Larry D. Brown G Mrs. Carol Weaver Coulliette Mr. David M. W. Dea Mrs. Debra Mauney Price Mrs. Beth Luce Reed S Dr. Mary Elizabeth Early Swain Lt. Col. William L. Van Nuys Founder’s Society Mrs. Deborah Coolman Anderson Dr. Mark R. Anderson Dr. Phillip Hamblen Brown Mrs. Deborah Lester Lafferty Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. John Wesley Hughes Dr. Scott R. P. Janney Mr. James S. Robb Circuit Rider Society Mr. Michael H. Attaway Mrs. Elizabeth Parris Barrett Mr. Frank Paul Brown Mr. Brian R. Bunch Mr. Daniel Howard Clark Mrs. Marilyn McKeown Clark Mr. Daniel R. Dries Dr. Michael L. Fay Mr. Ervin B. Finklea Mr. Michael Russell Fletcher Mr. Jay R. Hausher Mr. Robert L. Leonard, Jr. Mrs. Barbara Trovillion Rushing Mr. J. William Sirmon Miss Kathryn Anne Smith Mrs. Marla Eberhardt Spencer Dr. Thomas Frederick Tumblin Mrs. Deana Moore Vibbert Supporters Mr. Lester B. Barker Mrs. Kandace Dawson Chimento Rev. David Lowell Cook Mrs. Sharon Bierley Davis Mrs. Nancy Cowen DeStefano Ms. Marilee Joy Ensign Rev. Clark Alan Hess, Jr. Mrs. Kimberly Krider Hess Mrs. Brenda Lea Jackson Monroe Maj. Theodore O. Morris, III Mrs. Cynthia Blackhurst Mulhern Mr. Robert Bruce Patrick Mrs. Cathy St Clair Pershing Mrs. Melanie Grose Price Mrs. Christine Dale Robarge Reedy Mrs. Julia Ann Hunt Spate Mr. Paul Michael Strang Mrs. Christy Smith Thompson Mrs. Barbara Johnson Warner CLASS OF 1981 – 9.7% President’s Society Mr. David W. Carmicheal B Mrs. Yvonne Daulton Carmicheal B Dr. David L. Coulliette Ms. Michele Marie Devereaux Dr. G. Waldon Garriss, III B Mr. David A. Herrington Mrs. Laurie Anne Ramsey Jaffe G Miss Susan C. Kell Mrs. Jenny Luce Shattuck S Founder’s Society Dr. Gerald D. Forbes Mr. David Majors Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Laura Abernathy Davis Mrs. Vanessa Hamblin Fletcher Mrs. Sheryl Brock Moore Comm. William C. Murphy Mrs. Sallie Long Sirmon Mr. Mark Smith Mrs. Lizabeth Anne Ziegler Tarr Supporters Mrs. Laura Selph Berg Mrs. Cynthia Gutchess Clark Mrs. Kathy Carnes Cooley Mrs. Joyce Stevens Corbitt Mrs. Joyce Anne Stott Cullum Mrs. Barbara Lynn Edwards Fisk Rev. Robert S. Frye Rev. Steven W. Gaines Mr. Scott Allen Gatton Ms. Robin Gipson Mrs. Lisa Beth Bennett Heintzelman Mr. Charles J. Hunter, IV Mrs. Nancy Donehoo Hunter Ms. Kathy Harris Ifert Mrs. Penny Ritchey Kenyon Mrs. Phyllis Arlene Brennan Parrish Mrs. Crystal Crosby Rogers Mrs. Veronica Sadler-Williams Mr. Robert L. Simpson Father Jonathan Alan Smith CLASS OF 1982 – 10.1% President’s Society Mrs. Carol Kraus Britton G Mrs. Robin Watkins Cole Mrs. Grace Harvey Dupree Mrs. Gloria Beth Bullock Ford Dr. Ronald A. Ford Mr. Brandon Johnson Mr. Timothy A. Shell G Founder’s Society Mrs. Kay Burrus Hayden Mrs. Faye Fleming Henning Mrs. Catherine Kern Parsons Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Debra Ann Hostetter Cummings Mrs. Colleen Donaldson D’Alessandro Dr. David K. Goebel Rev. David Mark Gormong Mrs. LeAnne Oyler Gormong Mr. Joe W. Moutz Circuit Rider Society Mr. David J. Carlstedt Mrs. Beth Ann Smith Cook Mrs. Faith McQueen Diaz Mr. Edward J. Kusche Mrs. Sabra Bertrand Martin Mr. James M. McHugh Mrs. Pamela Johnson McHugh Dr. Ellen Bee Morlote Mr. Steven J. VanderLaan Supporters Mrs. Denise Alexander Canankamp Rev. Jeff A. Canankamp Mrs. Nancie Stambaugh Dillon Mr. James K. Grooms Rev. Benjamin H. Hahn Mrs. Kimberly Sue McWilliams Mr. Thomas P. McWilliams Mrs. Cynthia Brown Oden Mr. John B. Parker Mrs. Myra Kay Fillmore Parker Mrs. Joy Erny Reyes Mrs. Phyllis Lane Tate Rev. Russell M. Tate Miss Sharon Lynn Tumblin CLASS OF 1983 – 13.2% President’s Society Mr. Charles E. Cole, Jr. Mr. Paul J. Dupree Mr. Robert Paul McEwan Mr. Mark E. Nichols Dr. Jeffrey H. Watts Founder’s Society Mrs. Nancy Grout Forbes Mrs. Beth Ikle McQueen Rev. Jason L. McQueen Miss Ronda Kay Runyon Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. Howard M. Alexander Mrs. Mendy Stearns Fedotowsky Mr. Gregory B. Isaacs Mr. John F. Jalo Dr. Deborah Martz Naaman Ms. Karla S. Nachtsheim Mrs. Sarah Hunt Whitworth Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Robbe Ekberg Bartz Mrs. Michal Renee Doverspike Buchanan Rev. Charles G. Coleman Lt. Col. Scott Philip Cook Mr. Rick D. Farrow Rev. Terry George Fleming Mrs. Lisa Lunsford Glanville Mr. Timothy D. Herron Mr. Carlton Lee Mann Mrs. Elizabeth Lisa Gates Mann Rev. Mark Allison Rains Mrs. Martha Riffe Shannon Mrs. Christine Duff Smith Mr. Daniel L. Trump Mrs. Margaret Allinder Trump Supporters Mr. Daniel M. Andrus Mrs. Jane Louise Stevens Andrus Mr. Paul W. Bryan Mr. Scott Thomas Crecelius Rev. James C. Donnan Mrs. Lynn Boyd Eckley Mrs. Rhonda Detweiler Finley Rev. David L. Goldsmith Mr. James R. Hulett, Jr. Mrs. Dianne Ridgway Lewallen Mr. Steven Charles Reyes Ms. Karen Wallen Rousseau Dr. Samuel R. Smith, Jr. Mrs. Stephanie Rene Browning Smith Mrs. Nicole May Spann Ms. Teresa Conwell Stephenson Mrs. Cynthia Sheffield Vandemark Rev. Randall L. Vandemark Mrs. Sheryl Bacon VanEarden Miss Linda R. Weimer CLASS OF 1984 – 7.4% President’s Society Mrs. Heather Granger Lintemuth G Mr. Richard K. Niccum Mr. Mark H. Whitworth Mrs. Tyanne James Whitworth Founder’s Society Dr. Brian D. Jenkins Mrs. Jane Cooper Van Tatenhove Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Candy Maria English Alexander Mrs. Brenda Thomas Gahan Mrs. Charlotte Dean Hartley Mr. S. Kent Whitworth Circuit Rider Society Rev. Jorge A. Acevedo Mrs. Katherine Keyton Attaway Mrs. Emily Wood Coleman Rev. Glenn J. Conaway Mrs. Elisabeth Harris Kinsey Mrs. Scheila Lynn Dunford Lowery Mrs. Darolyn Miller Peterson Mr. Michael Everett Smith Mrs. Kathy Jo Kamps VanderLaan Supporters Mr. R. Karry Corbitt Mrs. Amanda Dawson Farmer Mr. Mark A. Hulley D Mr. Thomas A. Jones Mr. Charles E. Kerner Mr. Samuel F. Leopold Mrs. Sallie Beam Shaw Mr. David L. VanEarden Miss Cynthia E. VanGuilder CLASS OF 1985 – 8.8% President’s Society Mr. Stephen L. Lintemuth G Founder’s Society Mrs. Jamie Gilbert Mingo Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. J. David Cummings 27 honor roll of donors 28 honor roll of donors Mr. David E. Sanders Dr. Sheryl Lynn Wells Sanders Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Gina Michelle Stroud Binder Mrs. Kelly Ann Reitz Brown Mrs. Nancy Cummings Buonocore Rev. Salvatore E. Buonocore Mrs. Shawn Anderson Carlstedt Mr. Daryl L. Fish Mr. Val L. Gallutia Mrs. Kate Saunders Haeussler Mr. Stephen D. Henshaw Mr. Stephen P. Osborn Mr. Brett R. Packard Mrs. Lynn Brooks Rains Mr. Randy Ezra Rainwater Mrs. Jenny Bryant Stover Mrs. Shannon Boggs Swathwood Mrs. Diana Tidman Tollerud Mr. Jeffrey W. VanNote Supporters Mr. David B. Baird Mrs. Cheryl Cundiff Crane Mrs. June Grace Bush Elia Mr. Bruce P. Frink Mrs. Deborah Lynne Murphy Leopold Mrs. Beth Stowe Neihof Dr. John E. Neihof, Jr. Mrs. Loralee Lang Ridge Mrs. Brenda Widmark Smarelli Mrs. Debra Jean Wilson Vavra Mrs. Karen Phillips Yunis CLASS OF 1986 – 8.6% President’s Society Miss Cheryl D. Dillion Mrs. Barbara Lowe Stryker Founder’s Society Mrs. Jana VanTatenhove Baldwin Mr. Jeffrey P. Edwards Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. Ted Ralph Batson, Jr. Mr. Dru Fitch Ms. Julie D. Hunt Circuit Rider Society Dr. George D. Barber Ms. Christine S. Blank Mr. Kevin R. Brock Mrs. Annerose Heinold Crown Mrs. Cynthia McKnight Faler Mrs. Linda Anders Gallutia Mr. Chris Guy Mrs. Twyla Dee McPherson Heinlein Mr. David C. Johnston Mrs. Sarah Azbell Johnston Mr. Scott Edward McPherson Miss Kandy L. Moore Mrs. Alison Durham Osborn Mr. James B. Stoops Dr. Todd Cameron Swathwood Supporters Mrs. Michelle Worley Carpenter Mr. Stephen L. Carpenter Rev. Billy R. Crane Maj. Cheryl Whittle Grider Mrs. Cynthia Ann Carlstedt Gunsalus Mrs. Gail Warmbrod Hoffman Dr. Kathy Pensinger Kurfman Rev. Michael P. Lyons Mrs. Karen Smailes Miller Mr. John W. Scott, Jr. Mrs. Verna Rogers Stemple CLASS OF 1987 – 11.9% President’s Society Dr. Robert F. Bundy, Jr. Mrs. Lynette Hendry Owens Mr. Jeffrey E. Stryker Mrs. Deborah Ludden Weidenhamer B Founder’s Society Mr. Anthony G. Dell Mrs. Mary Priscilla Martz Ross Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. Clyde Franklin Hix Mrs. Kathy Lorraine Reeves Houp Mr. Ronald E. Houp, Jr. Miss Cathy Simpson Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Alice Wilson Alesia Mrs. Lisa Gaulden Barber Rev. Kenneth J. Bremer Ms. Deborah Goodwin Mr. Douglas M. Harkness Mrs. Lucy Simpson Harkness Mr. Carl L. Heinlein, Jr. Rev. Dr. Steve D. Heitkamp Mr. John B. James Mrs. Kathleen Herndon Jensen Mrs. Sherilyn Dargan McPherson Capt. Stephen P. Morris Capt. Wendy Joy Laxton Morris Mrs. Anita Joseph Rainwater Mrs. Jennifer Ball Wayson Supporters Mrs. Donna Parks Annas Mrs. Holly Hall Dieterlen Ms. Jacqueline Edmonds Mrs. Abbey Jane Beck Ernst Mrs. Susan Anderson Florian Mrs. Melinda Mires Foust Mrs. Lorraine Mowder Hall Mr. Matthew M. Lentsch Mr. Bruce A. Patterson Mr. Ronald M. Schell Rev. Brian C. Small CLASS OF 1988 – 8.7% President’s Society Mrs. Rebekah Raisch Coombs Founder’s Society Mrs. Cheryl Winters Gordon Mr. Jeffrey A. Gordon Mr. Steven John Ross Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Lisa Ann Scites Allen Mr. Harry F. Gere Mrs. April Leggett Shaffer Circuit Rider Society Dr. Christopher Bounds Mrs. Sandra Greenwell Chandler Rev. Roger L. Frederick Mrs. Mollie Lynn Gilleland Guy Mrs. Janet Elaine Baldridge Hernandez Mr. Michael A. Hernandez Mrs. Anita Wells Johnson Rev. Keith Koteskey Capt. Susan Hayes McElroy Mrs. Jill Hooks Moomaw Ms. Laura Lea Sims Supporters Mrs. Sharon Sigler Bowers Mrs. Barbara DeAnne White Burch Mr. Keith R. Coleman Mrs. Julianne Lewis Crouse-Frazier Dr. Anita Inglis Fast Mrs. Rebecca Lynn Herin Gray Mr. Jeffrey Allen Herr Mrs. Robin Henderson Kane Rev. Dr. Alan Wayne McBride Mrs. Karen Ilene Dougherty McBride Mrs. Cheryl Annette Barker Nesselroade Mr. Leo F. Pouliot CLASS OF 1989 – 10.6% President’s Society Mrs. Chiharu Takeda Derber B Founder’s Society Mrs. Ruth Johnson Caul Mrs. Elizabeth Mason Dell Mr. Burton D. Wilkins Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Diana Crosson Kozar Mr. Scot A. Parsons Dr. Deborah Downing Royse Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Cheryl Montgomery Acevedo Mrs. Pamela Joy Baldwin Adams Mr. William Kelsey Adams, Jr. Dr. Bradd Alan Falkenberg Mrs. Cynthia Edwards Falkenberg Mrs. Mindy Kemp Heitkamp Mr. Van A. Johnson Mrs. Amanda Ames Reymann Mrs. Kathy Lee Swigert Spaulding Mr. Brent L. Yarger Supporters Mr. Brian D. Decker Mrs. Heather Music Gentry Mr. Stephen Verne Gray Mrs. Cynthia Nibert Groover Mrs. Pamela Kay Bell Knighten Mrs. Stephanie Beaty Long Mr. Kevin T. Madill Dr. Kenneth Paul Nesselroade, Jr. Capt. Evangeline Chase O’Neil Mrs. Kelly Chitester Purbaugh Mr. Douglas Elmer Shope Mr. David Lorin Snider CLASS OF 1990 – 9.2% President’s Society Mrs. Julie James Bundy Mr. James J. Cooney B Founder’s Society Mr. Marc Alan Wilson Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Lisa Dawn Falin Harper Mr. Greg Hintz Mrs. Trisha Fehler Hintz Mr. Joseph Lee Kozar Circuit Rider Society Mr. David Alan Bower Mrs. Sharon Houck Bower Mr. Jeffrey Alan Carroll Mr. William George Coffman, Sr. Mrs. Carolyn Magill Frederick Mrs. Vicki Lynn Gibson Judy Mrs. LeAnne Rebecca Linhart Koteskey Mrs. Susan Lynette Porter Maynard Mr. Mark Allen Rowles Supporters Mrs. Humaira Tufail Dale Rev. Scott Christopher Hohn Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Jones Jeffers Mrs. Jodi Anne Hurula Kessler Mrs. Kelley Krahulek Nelsen Mrs. Julie Anne Mast O’Neill Mrs. Sarah Jean Durkovic Scott CLASS OF 1991 – 10.8% President’s Society Dr. William Paul Boggess B Mr. Perry David Dougherty Mrs. Gretchen Olson Luce B Mrs. Michelle Lynn Kubal Williams Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Jennifer Lorraine Rivers Fitch Mr. Ron Thomas Harper Mr. Keith Roger Henize Mrs. Susanna McQueen Henize Dr. William Donald Miller Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Jodi Sue Silvis Eaglesham Mr. Scott Andrew Falkenberg Mr. Glenn Russell Hamilton Mr. Craig I. Packer Mrs. Charmian Renee Guy Register Mrs. Shawn Renae Fluck Swartzentruber Mr. Michael Tate Webb Supporters Mrs. Tina Marie Doverspike Colton Mrs. Bethnia Joy Brewer Culloty Mr. Douglas Alan Geiger Mr. Jeffrey Lloyd Hanton Mr. Joe Frank Kosin Mrs. Jillaine Amy Bruns Lyons 29 honor roll of donors Mr. Jonathan J. McConniel Mrs. Leanne Agbisit McConniel Mrs. Heidi Ann Morris Pelkey Mrs. Marsha Burns Willis Phipps Mrs. Sharon Kay Hairell Shope Mrs. Glenda Carol VanHorn Smith Mrs. Joy Lynn Davidson Smith Mr. Mark Stanley Wiggam Mrs. Angela Coleen Austin Zimmerman CLASS OF 1992 – 8.7% President’s Society Mrs. Leigh Anne Cash Cooney B Dr. Paul Andrew Cooney Founder’s Society Mrs. Angela Wiles Grubbs Mr. Robert Allen Grubbs, Jr. Mr. Bill Pinto Mrs. Jennifer Ray Pinto Henry Clay Morrison Society Dr. Daniel Robert Houck Mrs. Maureen Deanna Miller Mr. Scott Glen Smith Mrs. Gina Vitolo Stasko Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Christy Anne Fliermans Carroll Miss Jamie Lynne Coates Rev. Robert Ewell Cooper Mrs. Lisa Renee Koser Falkenberg Mrs. Rita Rawlings French Mrs. Barbara Lynn Adams Hamilton Mrs. Christi Marie Caister Janquart Mrs. Patricia Annette Metcalf Johnson Mrs. Jannah Jean Larson Lamb Dr. Charles David Stokes Supporters Mrs. Kathryn Elizabeth Metcalf Davila Rev. Kevin L. Dean Mrs. Linda Ann Peirson Erny Mr. Scott Edward Erny Mrs. Melissa Eernisse Greer Mrs. Pamela Sue Owen Headley Mrs. Heidi Mary Rupprecht Jahnke Mr. Kurt Edward Jahnke Mrs. Judy Gail Bush van de Venne Dr. Suzanne Tudor Wiggam CLASS OF 1993 – 9.2% President’s Society Mr. Matthew S. Atkins Mrs. Jennifer Malessa Abner Cooney Mr. Larry Jarrard Mrs. Teresa Anne Harvey Jarrard Mrs. Stacy Lynn Mallin Plimpton B Dr. William Baxter Wiley S Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. Christopher LeRoy Jones Mr. Ivan Kipng’eno Lasoi Circuit Rider Society Mr. James Clay Botts Mr. Timothy Joseph Kelly 30 Mr. Daniel Troy Koehn Maj. Sean Dale Stephens Mrs. Dawn Hamilton Webb Supporters Mr. James Winfield Barkley Mrs. Lori Dawne Simonton Barkley Dr. Holly Marie Bundrant Mr. Charles Kevin Grant Mrs. Therese Brockinton Hodges Mr. Matthew Spencer Hopps Mrs. Michelle Renee Clouse Lueck Rev. Douglas Earl McCracken Mrs. Jana Lynn Bracken McCracken Mr. Ashley Gene McGlone Ms. Joyce G. Meehan Mr. Brady T. Nasfell Mrs. Stephanie Lynn Fox Nelson Mrs. Cynthia Lynn Smith Rink Mr. Michael Andrew Rink Mrs. Holly Carol Miller Ruetz Mr. Daniel Tsukamoto CLASS OF 1994 – 9.5% President’s Society Dr. Stephen James Behnke S Mrs. Amy Hanna Burleigh S Mr. Daniel Ashley DeLoach, Jr. Dr. Brian Scott Gillispie B Founder’s Society Dr. Holly Kristin Sheilley Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Julia Mwende Kiathe Lasoi Mrs. Andrea Lee Hoke Long Mr. Blake Douglas Long Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Tamara Lynn Banning Bounds Mrs. Katherine Hedberg Hinshaw Mr. Gary Thomas Lamb Mrs. Gretchen Elizabeth Adler Mungan Mrs. Stephanie Dawn Rickman Salsman Mrs. Carol Christine Young Settles Mrs. Teresa Ann Smith Mrs. Meg Grimes Spear Supporters Mr. J. Michael Burnight Mrs. Karen Winslow Dail Mr. Roy Thomas Grammel Miss Rhonda Lyn Hinkle Mr. Keith Allen Madill Mr. Rodney Grant Patterson Dr. Stanley Clyde Pelkey Mrs. Kristine Lea Hook Sherrard Mr. Jeremy Frederick Strayer Mrs. Lisa Buchanan Strayer Ms. Rita Stemple Vandergriff CLASS OF 1995 – 6.8% President’s Society Mr. Aaron P. Ammerman G Mrs. Stephanie Elaine Gates Smyth Capt. Derik Harald Swee Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Lora Elise Zeller Bell Mrs. Katherine Elizabeth Gates Botts Mrs. Kathryn Elizabeth Ellis Kelly Mr. John Mark Salsman Mr. Peter Lee Sone Supporters Mr. Matthew James Haley Mrs. Victoria Jean Prillaman Haley Mrs. Jenny Rebecca Berkmyer Madill Mrs. Andrea Gyertson Nasfell Mrs. Jennifer Danielle Cathers Neese Mr. Paul Zachary Neese Mrs. Cheryl Anne Phelps Patterson Mrs. Irene Palassis Queen Mrs. Jennifer Rachel Skinner Reyes Mrs. Deborah Ann Cope Rupright Mr. Sean Patrick Watson Mrs. Amy Christine Thomas Wills Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Odaris DeLeon Brunk Mr. Michael Ferrell Crouse Mr. Brian Thomas Hurley Mr. Donald Ben Tackett, Jr. Mrs. Hope Dae Sun Scott Walter Supporters Mrs. Krista Lynn Cummings Brown Mr. E. Brad Lewallen Mrs. Trisha Ann Ammerman Lewallen Mrs. Jessica Visconti Scott Mr. Monte Alan Siler, Jr. Mrs. Teri Renee Fansler Spillman Mrs. Cydil Nigell VanOrman Waggoner Mr. Nathan Edward Waggoner Mrs. Heather Marie McClain Wilson Mr. Stephen Michael Wilson CLASS OF 1996 – 8.6% CLASS OF 1998 – 7.6% President’s Society Mrs. Jennifer Marie Weed Swee Henry Clay Morrison Society Miss Suzanne Kathryn Collins Mr. Mark Edward Russell Mr. Jerald Henry Walz Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Melinda Shelby Bendle Mrs. Shelese Alaina Williams Bonacquista Miss Rebecca Elizabeth Boyce Mr. Stephen Wayne Brunk Mrs. Vonda Lynell Carlisle Bryce Mrs. Jeneane Fern Wright Denger Mrs. Michelle Marie Kramer Prillwitz Mrs. Evelyn Jean Hulett Wegner Supporters Miss Lora Renee Bentley Mrs. Christina Michelle Nestor Burnight Mr. Jason Craig Corbeill Mrs. Laura Jeanne Lingle Corbeill Mr. Andrew Kenneth Fish Miss Christine Marie Greenwell Miss Paige Merritt Medlock Mrs. Michelle Lynn Thornton Roberts Mr. Kevin Ray Scott Mrs. Tracie Goetz Searles Mrs. Jayme Elizabeth Brown Small Mrs. Jennifer Kaye Smith Watson President’s Society Mrs. Ashleigh Elaine Lindsay Behnke S Mr. Andrew John Coleman B Mrs. Danielle Marie Williamson Ellis Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Ashley Jean Moore Atkins Dr. Daniel Christopher Griffis Mrs. Jennifer Elaine Thomson Griffis Circuit Rider Society Miss Amanda Jane Fryman Mr. Brad Mason Griffin Miss Julie Marie Jobryce Miss Renee Noel Lacy Mr. Jonathan Matthew Meyer Mr. Aaron Henry Stamper Supporters Mrs. Christina Garcia Angelos Mrs. Mary Margaret Moss Bennett Mrs. Rachel Elizabeth Wagner Boatman Mrs. Meg Michelle Speece George Mrs. Amy Denise Jeffrey Harrod Mrs. Melissa Marie Brown Hostetter Miss Mia Shea Medlock Mrs. Denise Anna Reep Venner Mrs. Lesley Dawn Duvall Wilhoite CLASS OF 1997 – 8.4% President’s Society Mr. John Lucas Morrow Mr. David Edward Smyth Mrs. Keely Lindsey Whittington-Reyes Founder’s Society Mrs. Jennifer Ann Newcomer Hanak Mr. Robert Bell Hanak Mr. Donald Thomas Slouffman Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. Andrew Stewart Atkins Ms. Natalie Kay Lindgren CLASS OF 1999 – 10.9% President’s Society Mr. David Anthony Ellis Mr. Harvey Roy Little, Jr. Dr. Sarah Inez Haddock Little Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. Christopher Marc Greeley Mrs. Ellen Elizabeth Loran Greeley Circuit Rider Society Mr. Jonathan Daniel Lawson Mr. Joseph David Schroen Mr. Charles Richard Shepard, II Mrs. Joy Doreen Sayer Shepard Rev. Glen Travis Strickler Mrs. Jonalee Renee Terry White honor roll of donors Mrs. Jennifer Marie Savage Wilson Mr. Josh Lee Wilson Mr. Brian David Yontz Mrs. Erin Ann Rider Yontz Supporters Mr. Eric Ryan Boatman Rev. C. Miles Catlett Mrs. Rebecca Jayne Bowen Crays Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Long Fennell Mr. Benjamin Carl George Rev. Brian Felker Jones Mr. Darrell Lynn Kincer Mrs. Kimberly Paige Moegling Kretz Mr. Scott Ryan Kretz Mr. Chad Jeremy Nagel Mrs. Stephanie Anne Needham Nagel Mr. Eric Ray Schneider Mrs. Heather Lee Dawson Schneider Mr. Seth Ames Shaw Mr. Daniel Glenn Spillman Mrs. Heather Joy Couch Ward Mrs. Sarah Kay Nicely Williams CLASS OF 2000 – 7.1% Henry Clay Morrison Society Ms. Renée Kelly Frantum Mr. Jonathan William Russo Circuit Rider Society Mr. Cris Robert Evely Mrs. Elizabeth Fackler Hanon Mrs. Kelly Ann Palmer Hearn Mr. Ricky Robb Maynard Mr. Aaron Scott McMillan Mrs. Jessica Leigh Fulkerson Schroen Mrs. Stephanie Joy Seamands Sterrett Dr. William Lindsay Sterrett Mr. Stephen Andrew Strickland Dr. Spencer Templin Supporters Mrs. Rebecca Marie Finney Angus Mr. Robert Manton Baszner Mrs. Patricia Ann Story Baxter Mr. Carlton Norman Beall, Jr. Miss Melanie Nicole Greeson Mr. Daniel Ethan Harris Mrs. Kara Beth Holeman Harris Mrs. Ivy Lois Sterling Lasley Mrs. Carolyn Elaine Beardsley Young CLASS OF 2001 – 10.4% Founder’s Society Mrs. Melissa Kay Howard Speakman Mr. Ric Obed Speakman Circuit Rider Society Miss Christel Grace Brabon Miss Michelle L. Dresch Mrs. Jennifer Jean Cute Evely Mr. Joshua Dexter Gardner Dr. Katherine Lynn Rubach Gardner Mr. Timothy William Gibson Mr. Christopher Alan Hasen Mr. John Daniel Hearn Mrs. Stephanie Lynn Grunden Hoffmann Mrs. Jessica Ann Russell Hooker Mrs. Ruth Elizabeth Boldt Howard Mr. Jeremy Lang Mr. Christopher Michael Phillips Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Busroe Strickland Supporters Mrs. Shelley Elizabeth Raynor Bell Mr. Zachary Z. Bell Mr. Daniel Thomas Bengston Mrs. Rebekah Joyce Davis Bengston Ms. Martha Blackburn Miss Ashly Alyse Clarke Mr. Kyle David Cullum Miss Abigail Elaine Duffy Mrs. Christy Troyer Engel Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Holt Mr. Matthew Benjamin Jacobson Mr. Brandon Claire Kriesch Mrs. Beth Durnell Lawrence Mrs. Jennifer Dawn Puckett Montgomery Mr. Christopher Thomas Needham Mr. Jared Lewis Porter Miss Miriam Elizabeth Slagle Mrs. Anna Marie Underwood VanHorn Mr. Benjamin Bird Wehling, III Mrs. Sarah Ann Kemp Wehling Mr. Jonathan Scott Wyman CLASS OF 2002 – 6.5% Founder’s Society Mr. David Randall Hitchcock Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Sarah Kathleen Delaney Camp Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Erin Werner Gibson Mr. Ked Kantz Mrs. Amy Elizabeth Outhwaite Lawson Mrs. Mandy Joy Bowers Phillips Capt. Jason Rhinehart Smedberg Mr. Kelly VanDellen Mrs. Michelle Renee Sherrill VanDellen Supporters Mrs. Taryn Jayne Sheppard Beall Mr. Matthew Scott Davids Mrs. Molly Caroline Zwemer Davis Mrs. Robyn Gifford Foster Miss Thevee Alexandra Gray Mr. Jeffrey Darin Miller Mrs. Shelby Lyn Stackhouse Miller Capt. Adam Drew Proctor Mr. Thomas Will Shouse Mrs. Whitney Layne Smith Shouse Rev. Byron Joseph Whitaker Mrs. Rachel Helen Anderson Whitaker Mrs. Heidi Marie Bond Wyman Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. Joel Aaron Foster Mrs. Elizabeth Reed Pinkston Jones Mr. Matthew Corbitt Jones Miss Erin Rebekah McLaughlin Circuit Rider Society Ms. Melanie Lynn Bakaysa Mrs. Joy Ellen Masteller Hasen Mrs. Carolyn Rae Lindstrom Rudy Mr. Jeffrey M. Rudy Mrs. Tandy Rose Weaver Smedberg Supporters Mr. Adam Benjamin Chisholm Mrs. Diane Michelle King Chisholm Miss Hannah Louise Cook Mr. Peter Vincent Cook Miss Casey Allison Corbit Mrs. Amy Jennifer Drew Ekanayake Mr. David Wesley Fillingim Miss Sarah Elizabeth Leckie Mr. Philip Patrick Lucas Miss Sara Anne Mabrey Miss Margaret Amelia Peercy Mr. Michael Jeffrey Peters Mrs. Audrey Elizabeth Wade Plumlee Mrs. Sara Elizabeth Whiteman Porter Mr. Jason T. Radimer Mr. Neal Richard Schultz Mr. Skyler David Speakman Mrs. Anna Rachael Burns Studer CLASS OF 2004 – 2.8% President’s Society Mr. J.E. Stephen Horn Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. John Norris Banter Ms. Claire Michelle Brown Circuit Rider Society Mr. Wrenn Forest Raymond Bellamy Mr. David Benjamin Bush Supporters Miss Rebecca Marie Beam Mrs. Tabitha Armstrong Gilliland Mrs. Megan Lynn Murphree Speakman CLASS OF 2005 – 2.3% Founder’s Society Mr. James Marcus Bricken, IV Mrs. Lauren Melissa Temple Bricken Circuit Rider Society Mrs. Megan Jennifer Landerholm Woodward Supporters Miss Emily Jean Chappel Miss Emily Dane Hubacher Mrs. Bethany Ann Britt Morrill Mr. Jason Michael Robinson Miss Penny Annette Story CLASS OF 2006 – 3.7% Henry Clay Morrison Society Mrs. Sarah Marie Henrizi Banter Circuit Rider Society Miss Elizabeth Bahar Altug Miss Melissa Ann Atkins Mrs. Kari Kuhn Speakman Mr. Lucas Daniel Speakman Mr. Andrew Christopher Spencer Supporters Mr. Jonathan W. Bryant Miss Bonnie Heather Craig Mrs. Jenna Lee Goettel Janik Mr. Timothy Edward Morrill CLASS OF 2007 – 8.7% Circuit Rider Society Mr. Nathan Thomas Davy Miss Elizabeth Adrienne Jones Mrs. Kerry Marie Hancock Sherer Supporters Mrs. Sharon Arendt Bryant Mrs. Amy Beth Kuss Davis Mr. Christopher Allen Davis Mrs. Aidan Leslie Elizabeth Oliver DiMartino Mr. Richard John DiMartino Mr. Scott Robert Foley Miss Lisa Kathleen Hall Mr. Ryan Alexander Harden Mrs. Brooke Erin Collins Harris Mrs. Melissa Diane Phillips Howard Mr. Eric Michael Janik Mr. Mark Jonathan Landerholm Miss Mary Allison Meadows Mrs. Jessica Joy Hillard Morris Mr. Timothy Clinton Morris Miss Emily King Roberts Miss Shara Elizabeth Strang Mr. Daniel Lewis Tegge Ms. Laura Jo Gillespie Tegge Miss Meghan Marie Travis Mr. David Gordon Williams Mr. S. Parker Wilson CLASS OF 2008 – 0.7% Supporters Mr. Benjamin Lee Kreider Mr. Nathaniel Dea Kreider Graduate Program Supporters Mr. Mark Dodson Davila Ms. Theresa Ann Weaks Scates CLASS OF 2003 – 8.8% Founder’s Society Dr. Cheryll Elizabeth Crowe 31 honor roll of donors 32 honor roll of donors PARENT DONORS The following parents of current & formerly enrolled students made gifts to Asbury College between July 1, 2007, & June 30, 2008. President’s Society Mrs. Donna F. Ammerman G Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barney Mr. & Mrs. Lester R. Bartimay B Mr. & Mrs. James L. Boggess B Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Bond, Jr. Lt. Col. & Mrs. Mel Bowdan Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Boyko B Dr. & Mrs. Ross Bridewell B Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Lee Brock Mr. & Mrs. James S. Brockinton Mrs. Alice Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Cagle Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Cavanaugh, Jr. B Mr. Jesse T. Crowder, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. David Cullum Mr. Charles W. Cunningham B Rev. & Mrs. Kelly E. Curry S Dr. & Mrs. Charlie D. Fiskeaux Mr. Henry Garnaat D Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Granger S Mr. Philip Green G Dr. & Mrs. David J. Gyertson Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Haglund Dr. & Mrs. James Heidinger, II B Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Heiner, II G Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Holmes G Rev. & Mrs. W. Laurens Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Cagle Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Jamison B Rev. & Mrs. Harris C. Jones Drs. Raleigh & Janine Jones Mrs. Charles Kiker G Rev. & Mrs. Jack T. King S Dr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Lintemuth Dr. & Mrs. Rex A. McConnell Mr. & Mrs. Rudy L. Medlock Mr. & Mrs. Alan Milton B Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Moore Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Moore, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Morrill G Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Nelson Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Q. Parr, Sr. G Dr. & Mrs. David L. Raass Dr. & Mrs. James Reed S Mr. & Mrs. Paul Riffell B Mr. & Mrs. Tony L. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Sanders Dr. Donald Shell Dr. & Mrs. Winston B. Smith B Dr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Smith, Sr. G Mr. & Mrs. William J. Strack, Jr. S Dr. & Mrs. John E. Stumbo G Mr. & Mrs. Greg Swanson Dr. & Mrs. W. James Truitt B Mr. & Mrs. Gregory West Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Wiley, Jr. G Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Williams Mr. David Willison Founder’s Society Rev. & Mrs. Robert M. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Beighle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bounds Mr. & Mrs. Garland E. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Coleman Mrs. Ruby Coulliette Mr. Carmon W. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Ray E. Fellows Dr. Arthur F. Fleser Mrs. Hazel Harvey D Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hilbert Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Kosin, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Luyk, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Marinangeli, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Merideth Mr. & Mrs. Brian Meyer Dr. & Mrs. John Oswalt Rev. & Mrs. John Prater Mrs. Edmund W. Robb D Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Schumaker Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Sharian Mrs. Howard R. Sharp Dr. & Mrs. Charles K. Sims Dr. & Mrs. Charles A. Sineath, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Van Tatenhove Dr. & Mrs. Jose R. Velazquez, Jr. Mrs. Christobel T. Via Dr. & Mrs. Paul Vincent Mrs. Janie Wiley D Mrs. Janice Winslow Henry Clay Morrison Society Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Barth Mr. & Mrs. James C. Carman Mr. & Mrs. John Conley Rev. & Mrs. Bob J. Dennis Mr. Don Feldman Mr. & Mrs. Earl B. Griffin Dr. & Mrs. Victor P. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Houston Mrs. Betty R. Hummel Mr. Edwin G. Hummel D Mr. & Mrs. William G. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. John F. Jalo Mr. & Mrs. J. Frank McGill Mr. & Mrs. Robert McLaughlin Dr. & Mrs. Donald Playfoot Mr. & Mrs. Ralph T. Rader Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert H. Roller Mrs. Luella M. Showers Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Slagle Mr. & Mrs. Rodger Strickler Dr. Jerry Walls Mrs. Ann Weathers Circuit Rider Society Mr. & Mrs. Gregg C. Adams Mrs. Marilyn Adams Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Adams Rev. & Mrs. James Allison, Sr. Rev. E. Jay Amey Mr. & Mrs. John P. Arthur Mrs. Jerry Baldridge Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beam Mr. & Mrs. K. Adrian Bolser Mrs. Patricia K. Brockinton Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Brown Dr. & Mrs. E. E. Burkman, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Burlew Rev. & Mrs. Richard M. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Paul Capelle Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Casselberry Mr. & Mrs. George Chun Mr. & Mrs. Yun J. Chung Mr. Elmore Clyde Ms. Barbara A. Cone Mr. & Mrs. Walter Cook Mrs. Mildred Crouse D Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas DeVito Rev. & Mrs. David A. Diamond Mr. & Mrs. David DiMartino Rev. & Mrs. Clarence G. Dishman Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Dunham Rev. & Mrs. Terry Euper Mrs. Mary B. Finklea Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Foster Rev. & Mrs. Douglas G. Fraley Mrs. Virginia Gallutia Dr. & Mrs. Gary M. George Mrs. Natalie Haggerty Mr. & Mrs. Terry P. Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hasty Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. Roger P. Henize Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Hentschel Ms. Joan Hood Mr. & Mrs. Richard Horen Rev. & Mrs. James N. Hosey, Jr. Mrs. Virginia Host Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Israel Mr. & Mrs. C. Everett Jewett Mr. & Mrs. Hughes Jones Mr. Dennis F. Joseph Mrs. Diane T. Kern Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Keyes, III Mr. & Mrs. Donavon L. Koehn Mr. & Mrs. Ray C. Lane, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Larson Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lautzenheiser Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Lipka Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Lumley Mr. & Mrs. James Donald Markesbery Mr. & Mrs. Howard D. Marriott Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Masters Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Maw Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Mayer Mr. & Mrs. E. Delos McCauley Mrs. Julia Meredith Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Morgan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Nichols Dr. & Mrs. S. Leo Record Mrs. Judith Rich Rev. & Mrs. Ronald D. Rickard Drs. Louis & Joy Riley Mr. & Mrs. John A. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. John R. Roughton Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Rushing Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Schonauer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shelton Mrs. James H. Silvey Mr. & Mrs. Hugh B. Sims, Jr. Mrs. Bertha D. Stevens Mrs. Marilyn Stokes Mrs. Mazel Stoneking Mr. & Mrs. Gary Story Mrs. R. K. Swanson Mrs. Lettie W. Sweazy Mr. & Mrs. Albert Swigert Rev. & Mrs. David Troyer Mr. & Mrs. Charlton Strickland Veazey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ware, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Waxman Mr. & Mrs. Carroll C. Wentworth Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Whiteman Rev. & Mrs. Forrest Williams Rev. George Wolffbrandt Mr. & Mrs. John Youngblood Supporters Rev. & Mrs. Dan Adkison Mrs. Leroy N. Agnor Mrs. Dorothy Angel Mr. Robert Anstett D Mr. Herbert C. Baasch Mrs. Muriel Babcock Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Bakaysa Mrs. Helen Banter Rev. & Mrs. Richard W. Barker Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Barkley Mr. & Mrs. John S. Barrett Mrs. Florence Baston Mr. Stanley E. Baston D Mr. & Mrs. G. Robert Beaver Mr. & Mrs. Warren C. Bellamy Mr. & Mrs. J. Mast Blank Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Blew, Sr. Rev. & Mrs. Max W. Borah Rev. & Mrs. Elmer Bosworth Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Boyes Dr. & Mrs. John Alan Brushaber Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Burnett Mr. & Mrs. John S. Butler Mr. & Mrs. James C. Byrd Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Byrom, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Fletcher Carroll Mrs. Carol J. Chitester Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Clepper Rev. & Mrs. Mark Combs Mr. & Mrs. Clint Conner Dr. & Mrs. E. Dean Cook Mr. & Mrs. Ransom Cooper 33 honor roll of donors Mr. & Mrs. Robert Corner Mr. & Mrs. Randall Crist Mrs. Dolores Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Davis Rev. H. E. Delaney Dr. & Mrs. Don Demaray Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Devine Mr. & Mrs. Sam Dewald Mr. & Mrs. John Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Dodge, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carr Douglass Mr. & Mrs. Allen Dugan Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Eccleston Mr. & Mrs. Wesley W. Eisemann Ms. Rebecca S. Fehsenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Freeman Maj. & Mrs. Owen Gilliam Mr. & Mrs. Todd Goepper Mr. & Mrs. Dalton Goodrich Dr. & Mrs. William C. Goold Mrs. Ruth Gordon Dr. & Mrs. John B. Hannah Mr. & Mrs. Byron E. Harris Ms. Carolyn Hatfield Dr. & Mrs. Howard Hausher Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Herrington Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Herron Mr. & Mrs. Art L. Hintz Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hodges Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Howard Mrs. John M. Howard Rev. & Mrs. Steven Howell Mr. & Mrs. James Hubacher Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Hubel Mr. Bruce L. Inglis Mr. & Mrs. Vern Jewett Mrs. Betty Johnson Mr. & Mrs. E. Jon Jones Rev. & Mrs. Paul Juvinall Mr. & Mrs. George W. Keitt Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Layton Mr. & Mrs. John B. Leep Mr. & Mrs. John Allen Long Mr. & Mrs. James W. Lovell Mr. & Mrs. Jon William Lowe Dr. & Mrs. John D. McEachin Mr. & Mrs. John D. McGlothlin Mr. & Mrs. James N. McKenzie Mr. & Mrs. William P. McKnight Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. McPherson Mrs. Dorothy Melotti Mr. & Mrs. Jack Milton Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mingonet Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Morris Dr. & Mrs. Richard P. Morse, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Muenzel Mr. & Mrs. Arden Muir Mr. & Mrs. David W. Myers Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Occhino Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Peck Rev. & Mrs. Paul C. Pepoon Majs. Thomas & Linda-Jo Perks 34 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne S. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Pfister Mr. William H. Post Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Powdrill Prof. & Mrs. Randy R. Richardson Mrs. Barbara Russell Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Sales Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schlieker Mr. & Mrs. Don Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Allan C. Shafer Rev. & Mrs. Randy Shrauner Mr. & Mrs. John M. Silkauskas Dr. & Mrs. Harold G. Spann Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Wayne L. Stinson Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Strang Rev. & Mrs. Robert S. Taber Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Talbert Mrs. Barbara B. Taylor Rev. & Mrs. Ronald Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Teague, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Terry Mrs. Flora H. Twachtman Rev. & Mrs. William A. Ury Mr. & Mrs. William R. Vaughan, Jr. Mr. Earle L. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Harry Weaver, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Weed Mr. & Mrs. Kim Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Worcester Rev. & Mrs. Thomas A. Young Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ziegler Mr. & Mrs. C. K. Zimmer FRIEND DONORS The following friends made gifts to Asbury College between July 1, 2007, & June 30, 2008. President’s Society Dr. & Mrs. A. D. Albright S Mr. & Mrs. Aaron P. Ammerman G Mrs. Annabelle Armstrong B Rev. Timothy & Dr. Debra Bailey Dr. Bonnie J. Banker B Mrs. Ruby Katherine Barker Dr. & Mrs. David L. Brabon Mr. & Mrs. Myrl C. Brashear Mr. & Mrs. Ed Britton G Mr. Cecil H. Brown S Ms. Joan I. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Brown B Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Buhler G Mr. & Mrs. A. Carter Burleigh B Mrs. Avis C. Bynum G Col. A. Leroy Covey Dr. Douglas Cox G Mr. Robert Cox S Miss Ruth Craig Mr. & Mrs. James E. Criswell Dr. & Mrs. William C. Crothers Mrs. Grace Crowder Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Deskins Mr. & Mrs. Will-Matthis Dunn, Jr. B Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Earhart Mr. & Mrs. Gary Ellis Mr. & Mrs. David Travis Fryman G Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Glendinning G Mr. Ken & Dr. Sandra C. Gray S Mr. J. Kern Hamilton G Mrs. Gerrie F. Hansford Dr. & Mrs. William C. Hill G Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Hooper Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hughes B Mrs. Clarence V. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jameson G Mrs. Ruth Jameson Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Jarrett G Dr. & Mrs. J. Ellsworth Kalas G Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kane Mrs. Martha B. Kraus G Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Lingle G Mr. & Mrs. Steve D. Luce B Ms. Oregon E. Lybass G Majs. Earl & Annette McInnes G Dr. & Mrs. George G. McLoughlin Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin McReynolds Dr. & Mrs. John S. Meyer B Mr. & Mrs. John B. Mitchell, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Parr B Judge & Mrs. J. Taylor Phillips Miss Hazel Pielemeier G Mr. & Mrs. David C. A. Plimpton B Mr. & Mrs. Immo H. Redeker Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Richardson, Jr. S Ms. Marcia Salkeld B Dr. Cheryl Sanders Mr. & Mrs. William Shattuck S Mr. Hugh B. Sims, III Mrs. W. J. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Sunderland G Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clive Tucker S Mr. Richard A. West G Mr. & Mrs. Stephen West G Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Whitmore S Ms. Linda M. Williams Mr. Ronald & Mrs. Linda HochstettlerWolery G Mrs. June S. Wolfley Mr. & Mrs. Thorp L. Wolford G Ms. Kathy Yeary Mr. Martin Zimmer Founder’s Society Miss Rebecca B. Baker Dr. & Mrs. Howard C. Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Charles Becker Mr. & Mrs. John N. Bode Rev. & Mrs. Carline Brown Mrs. Luvenia A. Caister Mr. & Mrs. Fred Harz, Jr. Mrs. Naomi Hinkle Mr. & Mrs. David Hooper Ms. Jessica G. Horne Mrs. Emma Laine Miss Vivian Jean Lindsey Dr. & Mrs. Barry R. May Mrs. Mary Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Sayler Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Schmidt Mr. William J. Scott Dr. & Mrs. Shelby G. Thacker Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Tully Mr. Robert L. Williams Henry Clay Morrison Society Dr. & Mrs. William F. Abernathy Mrs. Dorothy Bailey Rev. & Mrs. W. Jing Chow Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Cribbs Mr. Douglas H. Dasinger Mr. David Dean Mrs. Loutrell Edenfield Mrs. Evelyn M. Emery Dr. Frances Ewbank Mr.and Mrs. Harry F. Gere Mr. & Mrs. David L. Grosz Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hartley Rev. & Mrs. Gregory K. Haseloff Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Herzog Mr. & Mrs. Kendall W. Hobart Mr. & Mrs. Loren Wayne Hooker, Jr. Ms. Teilynn Y. Ivey Mr. E. Peter King Mr. & Mrs. William E. Lux Mr. Thomas McCarty Mrs. Irma F. Morris Mr. & Mrs. David A. Nicely Mr. & Mrs. Earl T. Ogata Dr. & Mrs. Marshall E. Parks Mr. & Mrs. Mel A. Rains Mr. Tommy Reaves Mr. & Mrs. Bruce V. Rydbeck Ms. Ruth W. Shade Mr. & Mrs. Scott Glen Smith Mr. & Mrs. Len Smith Mr. Reggie Smith Mr. Steve H. Smith Rev. Noel V. Spencer Mr. & Mrs. John Stoll Ms. Betsy Strong Mr. & Mrs. Max Thelen, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Mark Troyer Mr. & Mrs. James L. Watkins Rev. & Mrs. Joseph Wilcoxson Mr. & Mrs. C. Paul Williams Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wilmot Mr. Warren L. Witschey Circuit Rider Society Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Abbatiello Dr. & Mrs. Carl Abegg Mrs. Marjorie Barleston Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Blanck Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Boes Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bonacquista Mr. & Mrs. I. Wayland Bonbright, III honor roll of donors Mr. & Mrs. David H. Bowles Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Bremer Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Brendel Ms. Joyce R. Brock Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Buehrer Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Camp Rev. & Mrs. Luke Carlson Thelma B. Charles Lt. Col. & Mrs. James T. Denney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Don Falin Dr. Wilbur H. Foard Rev. & Mrs. Charles F. Garrod Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Gavin Mr. Lawrence E. Gaynor Mr. & Mrs. Willard Gladstone Mrs. Roger F. Golden Dr. & Mrs. J. Harold Greenlee Mr. & Mrs. John R. Grey Ms. Jo Ann Griffin Rev. & Mrs. C. Franklin Grill Mrs. B. L. Grow Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Hancock Drs. Steven & Diane Hannum Ms. Ann G. Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Harvey L. Hotinger Ms. Mary Helen Huber Mr. & Mrs. Allan D. Hulme Ms. Barbara A. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. John O. James Ms. Glenda L. Kaminski Mrs. Alma E. Keene Mr. & Mrs. William H. Keller Mrs. Marge Keysor Mr. & Mrs. T. Hal Kniesche, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Kosan Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Leamon Dr. John L. Luetkemeyer Mr. & Mrs. Ernest W. Lutz Mr. & Mrs. Hugh G. Marchant Mr. & Mrs. David J. Martell Dr. & Mrs. John Z. Martin Ms. Alice T. May Mr. & Mrs. Ricky R. Maynard Mr. & Mrs. Joe Carr McMurtry Mrs. Mary Brooke McPherson Ms. Mary S. Meador Mr. & Mrs. Roger Meek Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Milam, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Steve Moore Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Most Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Nachman Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Nelson Dr. Thomas C. Oden Dr. Shirley Pauler Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Perrine Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Phillips Dr. & Mrs. George W. Pope Ms. Betty A. Prien Mr. & Mrs. Randy D. Putman Dr. E. Ginnett Rollins Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Schroder Mrs. J. B. Sellers Mr. Jimmie E. Shearer Mr. & Mrs. David M. Simmons Mr. Paul C. Sipple Mr. & Mrs. Aden K. Sowell Ms. Sherry Stender Mr. & Mrs. Cosby A. Stone Rev. & Mrs. James R. Sunderland, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy M. Tatman Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Terrall Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenneth Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. William W. Thomason, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Tontsch Mr. Floyd P. Tredaway Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Tumblin Mrs. Sharon Tunnell Mrs. Charles Wallace Mrs. Barbara Welch Mr. & Mrs. David Wellman Mrs. Claire Winn Supporters Mr. Floyd G. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Allara Mr. & Mrs. William B. Angus Mrs. Donna Anstett Dr. Lynn Austin Mr. Steven L. Badskey Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin R. Baker Mr. & Mrs. A.R. Barfield Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Barnard Mrs. William E. Barrett Mr. Gerald Beck Rev. & Mrs. Robert E. Bellman Harold W. Benson Mrs. Marian M. Benson Mr. & Mrs. David S. Bettinger Mr. & Mrs. George Binder Ms. Patricia S. Bizzell Rev. John C. Blackford Dr. & Mrs. LaVerne Blowers Miss Gertrude Bovey Mr. & Mrs. William L. Boyd Mr. Fred V. Bradshaw Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Branan Miss Tracy Brann Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Rhodes Brown, III Mr. & Mrs. John L. Buck, III Mr. & Mrs. William G. Buck Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Burch Mr. & Mrs. L. Donald Bush Mr. & Mrs. Newell F. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Cain, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gene V. Capponi Mr. Louis A. Carmichael Mr. & Mrs. E. Keith Chaffin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Charnock Ms. Gloria J. Chavis Ms. Carolyn Chesher Ms. Kelly W. Chesnut Ms. Marie Chittum Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Chown Ms. Dedee R. Clarke Mr. William A. Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Clegg, Jr. Mr. Charles H. Cloak, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dwight L. Cochran Ms. Nancy Coit Bishop & Mrs. Emerson S. Colaw Ms. Teresa Cole Ms. Lillian M. Collins Ms. Cathy H. Comley Ms. Lucy Y. Cook Mr. Billy Crawford Mrs. Clara Lewman Crum Mr. & Mrs. Garry Curtiss Mr. & Mrs. John Dale Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Damron Mr. & Mrs. Frances A. Davis Rev. Kevin & Dr. Janet Dean Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Demetter Mr. Stanley Demos Mr. & Mrs. John H. Dicken Mr. & Mrs. Harlan C. Diller Ms. Jean S. Dorn Mrs. Tara A. Dove-VanWormer Mr. Don Drake Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dunham Rev. & Mrs. David C. Dupree Mr. & Mrs. Sydney E. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Eyster Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Flippin Mrs. Marcia Frazier Ms. Irene Frick Ms. Julie A. Frisbey Mr. & Mrs. Norman Galloway Mr. & Mrs. W. Walton Garrett Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gates Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Gohr Ms. Jean W. Gooden Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Roy T. Grammel Mr. & Mrs. Bill Y. Graves Ms. Yvonne B. Gray Mr. Eugene G. Grewis Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Griffith Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Griffiths Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hacker Dr. & Mrs. William B. Hall, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Nath L. Hayes Rev. & Mrs. David Heistand Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hershenson Mr. & Mrs. Jake Hinterser Ms. Joyce G. Hisle Mr. Jeremy Hobbs Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. B.E. Holthus Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Hoover Mr. Jeff Howerton Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Huggins Mrs. Ann Hulley Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Hursey Mr. & Mrs. Tom Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Jerry LaVern & Maurine Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Rod Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Donald Joy Mr. & Mrs. Glen J. Karrer Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Kester Mr. Doyte Kibbey Mr. Rod Kiger Ms. Ruth Kiser Mr. Ronn Koerper Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Kotzbauer Mrs. Virginia J. Lam Mr. Ray Lang Ms. Jan Lavy Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Lawrence Ms. Janice B. Leathersich Miss Patricia S. Leeson Mrs. James LeMaster Mr. Neil Letson Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lickert Mr. & Mrs. Neil Lippincott Mrs. Jane S. Lockard Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Louderback Mrs. Muriel D. Loveland Dr. & Mrs. J. Richard Lucas Mr. & Mrs. James F. Major Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Malan Dr. William L. Maloy, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Marinaro Rev. & Mrs. William C. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Masser Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Mattingly Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Mattson Ms. Maldonetta May Mr. & Mrs. G. Phillip May Mr. & Mrs. George McConnell Rev. & Mrs. Robert A. McMillen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. McQueen Ms. Addie M. Merchant Ms. Arlene Merkey Dr. & Mrs. Dwight L. Mikkelson Mr. & Mrs. Laurence B. Miller Mr. & Mrs. William W. Miller Mr. & Mrs. J. Philip Mingledorff Mrs. Janet Mings Mr. & Mrs. John Mohrbacher Mr. & Mrs. Mike Moore Mrs. Bettie J. Morgan Ms. Joan A. Moss Mr. Robert E. Myers Ms. Barbara A. Nabors Mr. & Mrs. George M. Nalley Mr. & Mrs. Bobby L. Nayle Mrs. Diane K. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Joe Nisbett Mr. George Norman Ms. Frances O’Brien Ms. Mary P. O’Brien Col. Clarence Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. O’Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O’Rorke Mr. & Mrs. George R. Park Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Pepper Mr. & Mrs. Dale M. Pershing Mr. & Mrs. Arnold L. Peterson 35 honor roll of donors 36 honor roll of donors Mrs. Betty Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Peterson Mrs. Eva Phillips Ms. Gail L. Phillips Ms. Katherine S. Pleasant Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Plyman Mr. & Mrs. John H. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Terry N. Posey Mr. & Mrs. William J. Preston Mr. & Mrs. Stan Price Ms. Barbara Purdy Rev. Jimmie D. Pyles Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Quay Maj. & Mrs. Hector Ramos Mr. & Mrs. B. Eugene Ray Dr. & Mrs. Charles Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. John E. Rhueff Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rice Miss Sarah Riggs Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Roberts Ms. Martha A. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. John G. Roe Mr. & Mrs. David J. Rosenberg Mr. Arnold Ross Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Rummell Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Sallee Mr. Marcus E. Sanford Mr. & Mrs. John L. Sawyer, Jr. Ms. Patsy Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Herman K. Sieder Mr. & Mrs. Alan Y. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Soderlind Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Spivey, Jr. Ms. Bertie L. Squires Mrs. Doris Brown Stout Ms. Donnalie Stratton Ms. Pauline Stucker Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Swails, Jr. Ms. Joanne Taylor Mr. & Mrs. T. Wesley Taylor Mr. & Mrs. William M. Thies Mr. & Mrs. Willis H. Thompson Mr. Jack Thornton Mr. Richard S. Tingley Rev. & Mrs. Harold F. Turk Mr. & Mrs. Terry Turner Mr. & Mrs. Tim Uhl Ms. Patricia K. Vanaman Ms. Mary J. Vinson Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Walters Ms. Helen S. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Aaron P. Watt Mr. & Mrs. William C. Webster Ms. Marla A. White Mrs. Nancy E. Wicoff Mr. & Mrs. Bobby E. Widner Mr. Berlin H. Wilhelm Mr. Hugh M. Williams, Jr. Ms. Olivia Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Willis Rev. & Mrs. Orville Wolff Mrs. Alden Wyse Ms. Helen L. Yocum Ms. Audrey Zavell Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Zeiler BUSINESSES & CORPORATIONS The following businesses and corporations made gifts to Asbury College between July 1, 2007, & June 30, 2008. Abbott Laboratories Fund AK Steel Foundation Alcoa Foundation American Electric Power Corporation Angels On Call, Inc. Assurant, Inc. Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc. Avaya Communications BellSouth Corporation Boeing Company CIGNA Foundation Clays Mill Veterinary Clinic, Inc. Cleveland Indians Baseball Company, LP Colgate-Palmolive Company Colin Crouch Painting & Repair Convergys Delta Natural Gas Company Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Drug Mart Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Embarq Family Financial Partners, Inc. Fazolis Management, Inc. Finney Company, Inc. First National Bank of Florida First Southern National Bank General Electric Fund Glaxo SmithKline Global Impact Highbridge Aquatics ING Integrity Premium Advertising LLC Jeffries Chiropractic Jeweler’s Trade Shop Keeneland Association, Inc. Lexington Clinic Lexmark International, Inc. Lincoln Financial Group Foundation Lockheed Martin Corporation Mane Imaging, Inc. Marathon Oil Company Foundation Messer Construction Company Mobil Foundation, Inc. Nationwide Insurance Enterprise Foundation NCR Corporation Novartis US Foundation On Shore Partners, LLC Phillips Petroleum Company Pioneer College Caterers The Potter’s Inn Procter & Gamble Fund Prudential Financial, Inc. Radar for Meteorologists Raytheon Company Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. Shell Oil Company Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation Swedish Match North America Division Tanglewood Farms Tenet Healthcare Foundation TLC Oilube, Inc. Tomahawk Development, Inc. United Foodservice Purchasing Co-op, LLC United Parcel Services Foundation Universal Leaf Foundation Verizon Foundation Western & Southern Financial Fund CHURCHES & RELIGIOUs ORGANIZATIONS The following churches and religious organizations made gifts to Asbury College between July 1, 2007, & June 30, 2008. Aldersgate United Methodist Church Montgomery, AL Alma United Methodist Church Alma, GA Avenue United Methodist Church Milford, DE Bedington United Methodist Church Martinsburg, WV Christ United Methodist Church Bowling Green, KY Crawford United Methodist Church Mobile, AL Crescent Hill United Methodist Church Louisville, KY Delanco Camp Meeting Association Vincentown, NJ First United Methodist Church Tifton, GA First United Methodist Church Beach Haven Terrace, NJ First United Methodist Church Dublin, GA Niceville, FL Waynesville, NC Williston, FL Foley United Methodist Church Foley, AL Fort Valley United Methodist Church Fort Valley, GA Francis Asbury Society Wilmore, KY Gardenside Christian Church Lexington, KY Good News Magazine Wilmore, KY Grace Christian Academy Bryson City, NC Grand Prairie Evangelical Methodist Church Stuttgart, AR Harvest Church United Methodist Dothan, AL Holston View United Methodist Church Weber City, VA Kynett United Methodist Church Beach Haven Terrace, NJ Mulder Memorial United Methodist Church Wetumpka, AL Ohio Falls Holiness Association New Albany, IN One Accord, Inc. Sewell, NJ Park United Methodist Church Lexington, KY Red Bird Missionary Conference Beverly, KY Richards Memorial United Methodist Church Pensacola, FL Rosinton United Methodist Church Robertsdale, AL Sebring Holiness Camp Meeting Sebring, OH South Alabama Holiness Camp Repton, AL Stuart United Methodist Church Stuart, VA Taylor County Holiness Camp Butler, GA The Council on Development Worthington, OH The Salvation Army Central Territory Des Plaines, IL The Salvation Army Eastern Territory West Nyack, NY The Salvation Army in Greater Columbus Columbus, OH The Salvation Army Southern Territory Atlanta, GA Turkey Valley United Methodist Church Millerstown, PA Williams Memorial Methodist Church Blountstown, FL Wilmore United Methodist Church Wilmore, KY FOUNDATIONS The following foundations made gifts to Asbury College between July 1, 2007, & June 30, 2008. Andersen Foundation 37 honor roll of donors 38 honor roll of donors Association of Independent Colleges and Universities Barney II Foundation Eleanor & James Barnhardt Foundation Charitable Gift Fund The Chatlos Foundation, Inc. Citi Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Communities Foundation of Texas The O.P. and W.E. Edwards Foundation, Inc. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mildred V. Horn Foundation Keeneland Foundation Kentucky Christian Foundation, Inc. Kentucky Equine Education Alliance, Inc. Louisville Christian Foundation Louisville Community Foundation Depository, Inc. Sollie & Lilla McCreless Foundation Alan and Toodie Miller Family Foundation Moore Foundation Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation Schwab Fund For Charitable Giving Ruth C. & Charles S. Sharp Foundation, Inc. Grace Pepper Smith Foundation Trim Masters Charitable Foundation Inc. USG Foundation, Inc. Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program OTHER ORGANIZATIONS The following organizations made gifts to Asbury College between July 1, 2007, & June 30, 2008. Christian College Consortium Fund Jessamine County Fiscal Court KY Intercollegiate Athletic Conf IUSAthletic Dept Masque Unite of Junior Theatre of Marin TRUSTS & ESTATES Asbury College realized gifts from the following trusts and estates between July 1, 2007, & June 30, 2008. Mary Elizabeth Champion Trust Margaret Floyd Trust Estates of Kenneth and Lucille Fraser Estate of Elizabeth Guess Gardner Estate of Betty Garnett Bonnie Graves Trust Estate of Cornelius R. Hager Estate of Ruby J. Hendrix Estate of Rosina Herr Estate of Wilma C. Jenkins Kesner Trust I Catherine R. Kiker Charitable Lead Annuity Trust The Lamon Family Fund Estate of Larry D. Lehman Edward B. Lewis Trust M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust W. Ira Nichterlein Trust Estate of Evelyn Myrtle Strader Estate of Frances Carter Waterman JOHN WESLEY HUGHES SOCIETY The following alumni, parents and friends have remembered Asbury College by June 30, 2008, in a planned gift with one or more of the following: will, living trust, annuity, life insurance, unitrust or as a beneficiary of a retirement plan. Ms. Frances E. Abbott Mrs. Olive J. Abbott Dr. William F. Abernathy Dr. David W. Adcock Mrs. Phoebe Allison Dr. William A. Amerson Dr. Roger D. Amstutz Mrs. Barbara B. Anderson Mrs. Edith Anderson Mrs. Dorothy Apple Mrs. William G. Baker Mr. David N. Ballew, Jr. Dr. Dorothy M. Barbo Mrs. Barbara Barker Mrs. Juliana L. Barker Mrs. Nancy O. Barker Rev. Richard W. Barker Mrs. Ruby Katherine Barker Mrs. Dorothy D. Barton Mr. Charles Becker Mrs. Mary E. Becker Mrs. Judith Bedford Mrs. Vera M. Bennett Dr. David R. Billing Mr. Richard E. Billing Mr. Jerry W. Bock Dr. Lawrence H. Boram Dr. Charles L. Boss Mrs. Kathryn A. Boss Miss Michelle R. Bowden Mrs. Pamela Sue Bower Mr. W. T. Branton Mrs. Marcella Brashear Mr. Myrl C. Brashear Dr. David L. Brazelton Mrs. Wilma Jean Brazelton Rev. James R. Brennan Mr. Don D. Brillhart Mr. Perry C. Brokaw Rev. Vernon A. Brown Mrs. Marjorie H. Brown-Hall Dr. Johnathan W. Bryant Mrs. Joyce M. Bryant Mrs. Dorothy W. Buhler Mr. Fred C. Buhler Miss Suzanne K. Burch Mrs. Carol Burghdurf Mr. Ted Burkman Mrs. Carol Butler Mrs. Caroline Butler Dr. Daniel A. Butler Mrs. Mary A. Butler Mrs. Peggy Butler Dr. Mary Cady Rev. Rowland Carlson Rev. Harvey L. Carnes Mrs. Edith Caron Mrs. Freda Carver Mr. J. Mark Casey Mr. Gerald O. Chapman Rev. Donald E. Christensen Mrs. Eloise D. Clawson Mrs. Margaret Clayton Dr. Emerson B. Cochran Ms. Donna Coe Rev. John H. Coffee, Jr. Bishop Emerson S. Colaw Mrs. Jane E. Colaw Dr. Phillip B. Collier Mr. Arthur Conn Mrs. Karen Conn Mrs. Violet Conn Mrs. Patricia A. Connell Mrs. Joyce J. Cooley Mrs. Deni Corbett Dr. Steven C. Corbett Mr. Douglas D. Corbitt Dr. Duvon C. Corbitt, III Mr. Allen G. Cox, Jr. Rev. Tom O. Crosby, Jr. Ms. Donna J. Crouse Mrs. Grace Crowder Mrs. Dorothy G. Crowe Rev. Dorothy N. Culp Dr. Wayne A. Culp Dr. Barbara Cushing Mrs. Myrtle Darah Dr. Jay Dargan Dr. Carolyn S. Davidheiser Mrs. E. Louise Dealy Mrs. Alma Deese Ms. Michele M. Devereaux Rev. Charles B. DeWitt Mr. Francis A. Diederich Rev. Clarence G. Dishman Dr. David P. Ditto Miss Phyllis Donaldson Rev. Whitney J. Dough Mrs. Marian E. Dugan Mrs. Joanne C. Dunn Dr. Robert E. Ebert Mrs. Sandy R. Ebert Rev. Frank E. Edwards Mr. Thomas R. Ellenberger Mrs. Stephanie Epple Miss Emily V. Evans Mrs. Joan V. Evans Mr. Larry G. Evans Rev. Larry E. Evans Mrs. Evelyn R. Ferrell Dr. Richard H. Ferrell Rev. Frederick H. Fischer Mr. James M. Fisher Mr. James W. Fogal Dr. Ronald P. Ford Mrs. Elizabeth S. Foster Rev. Floyd F. Fought Mrs. Elizabeth M. Frazer Dr. Hugh M. Frazer Miss Roberta V. Fries Mrs. Gertrude Fromm Ms. Kathleen Fugitt Mrs. Marjorie Garnaat Rev. H. Edward Garrett Mr. William E. Gaylor, Jr. Mr. William E. Gill Dr. Billy K. Glover, II Mrs. Irene Goodenough Dr. John Goodenough Mrs. Ruth Gordon Mr. Gregg E. Graening Dr. Albert Graham Dr. Donald L. Graves Dr. J. Harold Greenlee Mrs. Ruth Greenlee Miss Talitha J. Grote Dr. David T. Grout Dr. W. David Hager Mrs. Natalie Haggerty Mrs. Glenna W. Hall Mr. Horace E. Hall Jr. Mrs. Elaine C. Hamilton Mr. J. Kern Hamilton Dr. James E. Hamilton Rev. Saundra Hamm Dr. William D. Hammerlee, Jr. Mrs. Linda Hampton Dr. Robert A. Hardin Ms. M. Alberta Harp Dr. Walter E. Harrison, Jr. Mrs. Kathryn Hart Mrs. Betsy Harvey Mrs. Gloria L. Hawkins Mr. Morris C. Hawkins Ms. Lillian E. Henry Ms. Lois J. Henry Miss Kimberly J. Hickman Dr. Max R. Hickman Rev. Paul M. Higdon Mrs. Virgilene Higdon Miss Louella Hinkle Mr. William T. Hinkle Dr. David A. Hoag Rev. John D. Hollis Mrs. Ruth Hollis 39 honor roll of donors Mrs. Donald B. Houser Mr. Vernon W. Howard Mrs. Margaret Howell Dr. Corinne Hughbanks Dr. W. Monroe Hughbanks Mr. James A. Hughes Rev. Walter C. Hughley Dr. David Hunt Mrs. Karen Hunt Miss Kathryn Huron Mrs. Mary B. James Dr. O. C. James, II Mr. Donald Jameson Mrs. Eda Jameson Dr. Scott R. P. Janney Mr. Tom Jenkins Dr. Carl R. Jenson Mrs. Kathy R. Johnson Mrs. Judith Johnston Mrs. Clarence M. Jones Mr. James Sherman Jones Mrs. Mary Halsel Jones Dr. Raleigh Jones Dr. Douglas Joyner Dr. J. Ellsworth Kalas Mrs. Janet Stith Kalas Rev. Thompson Keene Mrs. Linda J. Keller Rev. Jack C. Kelley Rev. Dwayne Kelsey Mrs. Ruth Kelsey Dr. William R. Key Mr. Richard Kibbey Mrs. Connie M. Kidder Dr. Amy King Dr. Robert E. King Mr. Ted King Mr. John W. Kingsbury Dr. Robert J. Kingsbury Mrs. Eloise Kirkland Dr. Jiles E. Kirkland Mrs. Annetta W. Kittredge Mrs. Gladys M. Kraus Mrs. Roberta L. Kunkle Dr. David G. Lalka Mrs. Ruth Lalka Mr. David R. Lamb Dr. John E. Lashbrook Mrs. Magdalene T. Law Miss Nancy Lee Mr. Clarence Leeson Mrs. Sally Lefler Mr. Harlan R. Leimenstoll Mrs. Constance Lewes Mr. J. J. Lineman Mrs. Sharon Lineman Mrs. Louise Longbotham Mrs. Beulah Longenecker Mrs. Mildred Lopp Dr. Donald Lovejoy Mrs. Lois M. Lovejoy Mrs. Rebekah Lowe Rev. Jay F. Lucas 40 Mr. Albert L. Luce, Jr. Ms. Oregon E. Lybass Mrs. Anna Martin Dr. Bobby Ray Martin Mrs. Jama Martin Dr. John Z. Martin Mrs. Laura Rivers McCarthy Mr. Marvin G. McClain Rev. Dean M. McCoy Mr. Paul E. McCutcheon Mrs. Jeanine L. McDowell Maj. Annette S. McInnes Dr. Carl M. McKenna Dr. Edward H. McKinley Miss Elizabeth J. McMillen Mr. Scott E. McPherson Mr. Thomas W. McPherson Rev. Edwin Messerschmidt Mrs. Ruth E. Messerschmidt Mrs. Ann Meyer Rev. Harold Millard Mrs. Mary Millard Mr. Charles H. Minter Mrs. Frances K. Moore Mrs. N. Elizabeth Moran Mrs. Jeannine Mowery Mrs. Mildred Mueller Dr. Fred Murdock Rev. Mitchell C. Murrow Dr. Edgar S. Nelson Mrs. Marian B. Nelson Mrs. Marcy C. Nesselroade Mrs. Martha Nonneman Mrs. Vivian T. Nothdurft Mrs. Gail Nunn Dr. Roger D. Nunn Mr. O. H. Ogle Dr. Lucille S. Oliver Dr. J. Drew O’Neal Dr. Diane T. Orchard Mrs. Betty G. Overcash Rev. Ronald A. Overcash Mrs. Fredericka J. Paddock Mrs. Mary Pappas Mrs. Agnes Parker Mrs. Barbara A. Parker Dr. Marshall E. Parks Rev. H. Huber Patterson Ms. Michelle Pemberton Miss Helen A. Pielemeier Mrs. Lois Pittman Mrs. Betty Lou Potter Rev. Sharon R. Potter Mrs. Rebecca Powell Rev. Walter A. Quigg Rev. Charles A. Rader Dr. Kay F. Rader Dr. Paul A. Rader Mrs. Patricia L. Ramsey Mrs. Miriam Read Mr. Immo H. Redeker Rev. Kathleen Redeker Mr. Gary R. Reese Mr. John L. Reynolds Mr. Ward Reynolds Rev. Carl A. Ricks Dr. Darrel R. Rinehart Dr. Cullen B. Rivers Mrs. G. S. Roach Mr. James V. Robertson Mrs. E. Nadine Roller Dr. Gilbert H. Roller Mrs. Jean Rollings Mr. Clarence F. Rost Mrs. Rena S. Roth Mr. Don G. Roxberry Rev. Dorothy L. Rudd Rev. Robert J. Rudd Rev. William R. Rudd Mr. James A. Rupert Mrs. Yvonne Rustin Mr. Roy Lyman Ruth, Jr. Mrs. Elaine V. Salico Mr. Larry W. Sayler Mrs. Helen L. Schaal Ms. Mary K. Scott Rev. Alan M. Seaman Mrs. Alzina Seeley Dr. Kenneth Shaver Dr. Donald Shell Mrs. Betty S. Shipps Mrs. Patricia Sink Dr. Samuel B. Sink Rev. David W. Skeen Mrs. Nina Skeen Miss Ruth L. Smede Mr. Arthur R. Smith, Jr. Mrs. Helen Smith Mrs. Leda Y. Smith Mrs. Miriam Smith Dr. Myron R. Smith Rev. Wilbur K. Smith Rev. Harry W. Snyder Dr. Harold G. Spann Dr. John H. Spicer Mr. J. Elliott Stabler Mrs. Wanda B. Stauffer Rev. John A. Sterling Mrs. Laura M. Stevenson Mrs. Sylvia Stewart Mrs. Grace S. Stock Mrs. Margaret W. Stockinger Mrs. Marilyn Stokes Miss Helen L. Straka Mrs. Joyce Strange Miss Jane Sutlive Dr. Mary Elizabeth Swain Miss Nancy A. Swank Mrs. Wanda Tacy Mr. Perry Tanksley Mrs. Suzanne M. Tanksley Mr. J. Kenneth Thomas Mrs. Josephine Thomas Dr. Paul Thomas Mrs. William E. Timms Mrs. T. Alverta Toussaint Ms. Allene Tuel Mr. Frank L. Tully Mrs. J. Howard Tumlin Rev. Robert P. Turner Mrs. Ann VanValin Rev. John VanValin Mrs. Marcella Verplank Rev. James H. Walker Mrs. Kathryn L. Walker Mrs. Sue J. Walters Rev. Arthur F. Walz, Jr. Mr. Donald Lee Walz, Sr. Mr. William C. Ward, Jr. Mrs. Candace Watts Rev. Todd G. Weber Mrs. Evelyn J. Wegner Rev. Glenn R. Wegner Dr. Ronald G. Welling Mr. Stephen B. Wilcox Rev. W. Raymond Wilder, Jr. Dr. Robert F. Wiley, Jr. Dr. William B. Wiley Mrs. Elizabeth Williams Dr. Samuel J. Williams, II Mr. Jim Wilmot Mr. Paul E. Wilson Mr. Jimmie Winslow Mr. Earl B. Wire Mrs. Valerie Woldeit Mrs. Mary E. Wood Rev. Robert D. Wood Dr. Sewell Woodward, Jr. Dr. Jerry D. Wortham Mrs. Charlotte L. Yates HONOR & MEMORIAL GIFTS The following tribute gifts were made to Asbury College between July 1, 2007, and June 30, 2008. IN HONOR OF: Wilmetta Abel by Mrs. Carol Wellman Ben Andrews by Thelma B. Charles Branch & Brooks Atkins, future Asbury baseball players by Rev. & Mrs. Thomas E. Atkins, Jr. Ed & Brenda Bentley by Mr. & Mrs. Eric Bentley Anthony & Monica Wynn Canady, on the occasion of their daughter’s college graduation by Rev. Harvey L. Carnes Phyllis Webb Carnes honor roll of donors Rev. John M. Clements by Mr. & Mrs. Mike Moore Carolyn Elias by Good News Magazine Rev. Carl Fannin by Mr. Gerald Beck Hugh & Elizbeth Frazer by Miss Carolyn Ann Stone Lt. Col. Oscar & Sharifah Wynn Vaughn, on the occasion of your daughter’s high school graduation by Rev. Harvey L. Carnes Dr. Frank Wilbur by Dr. Brian S. Gillispie Rev. & Mrs. Russell Williams by Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Blackburn Mr. & Mrs. Gary Saylor Len & Renee Henderson’s daughter’s marriage by Rev. Harvey L. Carnes Mrs. Camille Jackson Winslow by Mr. & Mrs. Gene V. Capponi Mr. Art Hodge, on the occasion of his mother’s death by Rev. Harvey L. Carnes IN MEMORY OF Dr. & Mrs. Jiles Kirkland by Mike Bowdoin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Cribbs Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Gavin Mr. & Mrs. George Kosan Jim & Jan Oswald Kathy Toole Oregon Lybass by Mike Bowdoin Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Gavin Mrs. Polly Gavin Jim & Jan Oswald Kathy Toole Phyllis Taylor Alexander by Lt. Col. John A. Alexander Andrew Allender by Mr. & Mrs. Dan Dotterweich Dr. Arthur F. Fleser Dr. & Mrs. Victor P. Hamilton Comm. & Mrs. William H. John Rev. & Mrs. Randy Shrauner Miss Rebecca A. Wood Chris Louis Allison by Rev. & Mrs. James Allison, Sr. Sara Anderson by Good News Magazine Ruth Lashbrook-Mitchell by Mr. & Mrs. James G. Lashbrook Rev. George H. Baldridge by Mrs. Jerry Baldridge Dr. Verna Lowe by Mr. & Mrs. Scott Glen Smith Rev. Dr. S. Mancil & Frances Little Bell by Mary Elizabeth Champion Trust Rudy Medlock by Mr. & Mrs. Lester B. Barker Dr. Margaret Round Brabon by Rev. & Mrs. Paul Blair Dr. & Mrs. David L. Brabon Dr. Arthur F. Fleser Francis Asbury Society Rev. Robert R. Geyer Mr. & Mrs. Dalton Goodrich Dr. & Mrs. Victor P. Hamilton Dr. Rita J. Pritchett Mr. & Mrs. Immo H. Redeker Mr. & Mrs. Bruce V. Rydbeck Rev. & Mrs. Robert S. Taber Wilmore United Methodist Church Rev. & Mrs. Orville Wolff Miss Rebecca A. Wood Dr. John & Luann Mitchell’s 50th wedding anniversary by Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kingsbury Ernie Nivens by Good News Magazine Drs. Paul & Kay Fuller Rader by Rev. & Mrs. Kenny D. Fuller, Sr. The Salvation Army in Greater Columbus Lt. Col. Damon & Carroll Rader by Miss Carolyn Ann Stone Ms. Helen Stuart, on the occasion of her brother’s death by Rev. Harvey L. Carnes Prof. Arthur Brestel by Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Wood Juanita Brestel by Dr. Arthur F. Fleser Joseph S. D. Chow by Ms. Betsy Strong Miriam Gray Coffee by Rev. John H. Coffee, Jr. Ms. Lillian M. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Sydney E. Dyer First United Methodist Church, BeachHaven Terrace, NJ Kynett United Methodist Church Ms. Maldonetta May Rev. & Mrs. Harold F. Turk Iona Cole by Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Abbatiello Ms. Joan I. Brown Ms. Joan I. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Newell F. Butler Mr. & Mrs. William H. Keller Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Leamon Mr. Richard G. Louderback Mr. & Mrs. David J. Martell Mr. Marcus E. Sanford Rev. Joe Crouse by Mrs. Alice W. Crouse Mrs. Mildred Neale Crouse by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Blanck Rev. Harvey L. Carnes Mr. Charles H. Cloak Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Crouse, Jr. Mrs. Alice W. Crouse Dr. Arthur F. Fleser Dr. & Mrs. Victor P. Hamilton Comm. & Mrs. William H. John Mr. & Mrs. William J. Preston Dr. Rita J. Pritchett Miss Jane L. Stanger Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Teague, Sr. Miss Rebecca A. Wood Rev. Karl L. Crowe by Mrs. Dorothy G. Crowe Billy Davis by Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe Davis Rev. & Mrs. F.R. Davis by Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe Davis Mary Young Dean by Dr. Barbara Dickey Miss Jo Belle Masters Mrs. Eleanor Whitsett Gordon S. Dunn by Mr. & Mrs. I. Wayland Bonbright III Ms. Nancy Coit Mr. & Mrs. John H. Dicken Mrs. Mildred Graham Mr. & Mrs. John R. Grey Mrs. Kathryn Hart Mr. & Mrs. Allan D. Hulme Mr. & Mrs. T. Hal Kniesche, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh G. Marchant Masque Unite of Junior Theatre of Marin Ms. Alice T. May Mrs. Mary Brooke McPherson Ms. Barbara A. Nabors Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Peterson Ms. Betty A. Prien Mr. & Mrs. Max Thelen, Jr. Ms. Audrey Zavell Marvin K. Emery by Mrs. Evelyn M. Emery Pauline Farley by Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Allara Lucille Amstutz Fraser by Mrs. Marilyn Stokes Dr. E. Eugene Frazer by Mrs. Mary Frazer Kay Metcalf Frazier by Rev. James M. Frazier Rev. James M. Frazier Rev. James M. Frazier Ray Frazier by Rev. James M. Frazier William Travis Fryman by Mr. Floyd G. Adams Mr. & Mrs. A.R. Barfield Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Boes Mr. & Mrs. William L. Boyd Miss Tracy Brann Ms. Joyce R. Brock Mr. & Mrs. John L. Buck III Mr. & Mrs. William G. Buck Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Chown Cleveland Indians Baseball Company, LP Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Crouse Jr. Mr. Douglas H. Dasinger Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Demetter First National Bank of Florida Ms. Julie A. Frisbey Mr. Stephen W. Fryman Ms. Yvonne B. Gray Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Griffiths Ms. Ann G. Hebert Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hightower Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Huggins Jeweler’s Trade Shop Ms. Janice B. Leathersich Dr. John L. Luetkemeyer Mr. Edward G. Malan Dr. William L. Maloy, Sr. Ms. Mary S. Meador Ms. Addie M. Merchant Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Nachman 41 honor roll of donors Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. O’Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O’Rorke Mr. & Mrs. Terry N. Posey Mr. & Mrs. Scott P. Poynter Mr. & Mrs. Randy D. Putman family Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Quay Mr. & Mrs. B. Eugene Ray Miss Sarah Riggs Mr. & Mrs. Gary Saylor Mr. Jimmie E. Shearer Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Soderlind Mr. & Mrs. Aden K. Sowell Mr. & Mrs. T. Wesley Taylor Mr. & Mrs. William M. Thies Mr. & Mrs. Willis H. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. William C. Webster Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Willis Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Woolums Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Zeiler Betty Roper Garnett by Mrs. Martha L. Davis Mrs. Esther L. Hoffman Mrs. Christine C. Nalley Mrs. Mary R. Sieder Bill Garrett by Richards Memorial UM Church Dorene Wallace Gaynor by Mr. Lawrence E. Gaynor Dr. Cornelius R. Hager by Dr. & Mrs. Victor P. Hamilton Dr. & Mrs. Steven L. Rumford Rev. & Mrs. Ronald V. Young Shirley Stewart Hastings by Miss Gertrude Bovey Mr. & Mrs. Garry Curtiss Dr. William E. James by Rev. & Mrs. Howard P. Donahue Dr. Calvin B. Johnson by Mr. & Mrs. Floyd H. Powell, Jr. Everette D. Johnson by Mrs. Eva C. Beair Diane LeMasters Knippers by Rev. Robert Maxwell Wendell & Mary Lancaster by Ms. Kathryn E. Ripley Solomon K. Lasoi by Mr. & Mrs. Ivan K. Lasoi Gil Leggett by Mrs. April Shaffer 42 Ben Lindle by Miss Mary Bakaysa Miss Rebecca M. Beam Mr. & Mrs. David A. Ellis David & Mary Lindsay by Mrs. Clarence V. Hunter Sarah H. Lovitt by Ms. Barbara A. Hunter Ray K. Masser by Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dunham Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Masser Mrs. Nellie N. Masser Mr. & Mrs. John E. Rhueff Mrs. Frances T. Ruble Dr. & Mrs. Carl B. Spivey family Ms. Helen S. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Corless F. Wiley Mr. & Mrs. C. Paul Williams Ms. Linda M. Williams Ms. Helen L. Yocum Rev. O.C. Mingledorff by Mr. & Mrs. J. Philip Mingledorff Modell Tabb Morgan by Rev. Oyer C. Morgan Maridee Knipmeyer Nasralla by Ms. Kathryn E. Ripley Rev. Robert “Bob” Nelson, Jr. by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Adams Angels On Call, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin R. Baker Mr. & Mrs. David S. Bettinger Ms. Patricia S. Bizzell Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Cain, Jr. Ms. Kelly W. Chesnut Mr. William A. Clarke Ms. Dedee R. Clarke Ms. Teresa Cole Ms. Cathy H. Comley Mr. Stanley Demos Fazolis Management, Inc. Ben, Tom, & Brian Finney Dr. Arthur F. Fleser Mr. & Mrs. Norman Galloway Gardenside Christian Church,“SALT” Class Ms. Jo Ann Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hacker Rev. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Hahn Dr. & Mrs. Victor P. Hamilton Ms. Joyce G. Hisle Mr. Mark S. Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Jerry Mr. & Mrs. Glen J. Karrer Mrs. Virginia King Mr. Ray Lang Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lickert Dr. & Mrs. J. Richard Lucas Mr. & Mrs. James McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. McQueen Mr. & Mrs. Bobby L. Nayle Mr. & Mrs. George R. Park Ms. Katherine S. Pleasant Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rice Mr. & Mrs. John G. Roe Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Rummell Ms. Joanne Taylor Mr. & Mrs. William W. Thomason, Jr. Ms. Patricia K. Vanaman Ms. Mary J. Vinson Mr. & Mrs. Aaron P. Watt Dr. John Dwight Nysewander by Mrs. Marian M. Benson Mr. & Mrs. Francis K. Williams Betty Lein Porteous by Mr. & Mrs. L. Donald Bush Rev. Donald C. Porteous, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Smith Roselyn “Mae Rose” Pridgen by Dr. Joseph W. Pridgen Ben Ripley by Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe Davis Ms. Kathryn E. Ripley Mr. & Mrs. Emmet Ripley by Mr. & Mrs. John N. Bode Mr. & Mrs. H. Joe Davis Ms. Kathryn E. Ripley Herman & Frances Ripley by Ms. Kathryn E. Ripley Anna Bell Roberts by Mr. & Mrs. E. Keith Chaffin Mr. Robert R. Damron Betty Daugherty Tom Daugherty Mr. & Mrs. Don Falin Ms. Barbara A. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. John B. James Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Johnson Mrs. Dianne Lewallen Ms. Joan A. Moss Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Thomas Dorothy Dorrycott Savage by Mr. Louis A. Carmichael Dr. Arthur F. Fleser Revs. Thomas Earl & Maude Alice Scott by Mr. William J. Scott Rev. Martin Seitz by Mr. Jeff Howerton Carolyn Dorn Smith by Ms. Gloria J. Chavis Ms. Jean S. Dorn Jean Allen & Joyce Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Nath L. Hayes Mrs. Margaret G. Jordan Ms. Jean Nocon Ms. Bertie L. Squires Mr. Hugh M. Williams Jr. Cheri Carman Sorley by Dr. Regina P. O’Nan Frank B. & Mardelle Amstutz Stanger by Miss Jane L. Stanger Kathryn McAfee Start by Mrs. K. Sue Green Dr. John L. “Lem” Stokes II by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nay Miriam Tinnell Rev. Jim Terry by Good News Magazine Marvin T. Thome, Jr. by Rev. Carlton D. Casey Betty Barker Watkins by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Daws Mr. & Mrs. Y.D. Westerfield by Mr. Reggie Smith Janie Katherine Huey Wiley by Harold W. Benson Rev. & Mrs. Harold L. Brooks Ms. Sharon L. Buehrer Ms. Bettie Cochran Dr. & Mrs. William C. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kewin Mrs. Olive McLendon Ms. Barbara Purdy Mrs. Rosalie Quarry Corile Waybright Wilhelm by Mr. Berlin H. Wilhelm Mildred White Williams by Dr. Arthur F. Fleser Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Daws Donald K. Winslow by Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Stryker Mr. Mark A. Watts Adelle A. Wood by Miss Rebecca A. Wood Dr. Kai Cheong Yong by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Daws Mrs. Tara A. Dove-VanWormer Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Hotinger Ms. Teilynn Y. Ivey Mrs. Virginia J. Lam Ms. Mary P. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Alan Y. Smith Ms. Olivia Williamson honor roll of donors ALUMNI BOARD President Ms. Carol Sue Ray ’67 Fayetteville, GA Immediate Past President Cmdr. William Murphy ’81 Ojai, CA President-Elect Mr. Charles Cole ’83 Charlottesville, VA Alumni Board Rep to Board of Trustees Dr. Sherry Wilson ’77 Powers Bowling Green, KY Vice President Maj. John Needham ’73 Louisville, KY Trustee Rep. to Alumni Board Mrs. Kay Burrus ’82 Hayden Hillsborough, NJ Mr. Aaron Ammerman ’95 Lexington, KY Mrs. Mary Jim Fuller ’53 Luce Sautee Nachoochee, GA Mr. Stephen Applegate ’83 Versailles, KY Mr. Bill Pinto ’92 Atlanta, GA Mrs. Jana Van Tatenhove ’86 Baldwin Vienna, VA Mr. Owen Prillaman ’80 Marietta, GA Mrs. Janice Fraser ’64 Biddulph Fort Myers, FL Dr. Mark Royster ’81 Wilmore, KY Dr. Steve Blakemore ’79 Jackson, MS Mrs. Rhonda Jones ’81 Sigler Dothan, AL Mrs. Janet Saum ’75 Bowdle Bethel, OH Mr. David Smyth ’97 Lexington, KY Dr. David Brabon ’69 Wilmore, KY Ms. Kendra White ’09 Wilmore, KY Mrs. Cynthia Edwards ’89 Falkenberg Uniontown, OH Mr. Marc Wilson ’90 Florence, KY Dr. Ron Ford ’79 Detroit, MI Mr. Clay Hassler ’08 Tallahassee, FL Mrs. Rachel Hodges ’60 Hilbert Durham, NC. Mr. Brandon Johnson ’82 Lewisburg, WV Dr. Janine Corbitt ’76 Jones Nicholasville, KY Mr. Roland Lane ’67 Columbus, OH Mr. Ivan Lasoi ’93 Louisville, KY 43 honor roll of donors 44 honor roll of donors Board of trustees Mr. Ronald Ball ’72 Prestonsburg, KY Dr. Rich Wright ’89 Louisville, KY Dr. Christopher T. Bounds ’88 Marion, IN Ex-Officio Dr. Sandra C. Gray President of Asbury College Lt. Cmdr. Melvin R. Bowdan Jr. Nicholasville, KY Rev. Dr. David L. Brazelton ’65 Jacksonville, FL Mr. C.E. Crouse ’68 Greenwood, IN Dr. Janice Shaw ’61 Crouse Washington, D.C. Dr. Mark R. Elliott ’69 Central, SC Comm. Israel L. Gaither Alexandria,VA Mrs. D. Kay Burrus ’82 Hayden Hillsborough, NJ Mrs.Valerie Parr ’79 Hill Montville, NJ Rev. Dr. Morris E. Hintzman ’67 Tampa, FL Alumni Board Representative Dr. Sherry Wilson ’77 Powers Bowling Green, KY Vice-Chair of the Faculty Dr. Daniel H. Strait Wilmore, KY President’s Cabinet Dr. Jon S. Kulaga Wilmore, KY Dr. Mark J. Troyer Wilmore, KY Mr. Glenn R. Hamilton ’91 Nicholasville, KY Dr. Charlie D. Fiskeaux Nicholasville, KY R. Gregory Swanson, J.D. ’78 Wilmore, KY Ms. Sarah Luce ’72 Atlanta, GA Hon. J. Taylor Phillips, LL.D. Macon, GA Dr. David L. Stevens ’73 Bristol, TN Mr. Ronald W. Tarrant ’59 Seattle, WA Dr. W. James Truitt Waco, TX Hon. Gregory F.Van Tatenhove ’82 Lexington, KY Dr. Jose R.Velazquez El Paso, TX Mr. Mark H. Whitworth ’84 Birmingham, AL Dr. Robert F. Wiley Jr. ’61 Mansfield, OH 45 honor roll of donors President Dr. Sandra C. Gray Vice president for Institutional Advancement R. Gregory Swanson, JD ’78 Director of Alumni & Parent Relations Carolyn Ridley ’81 Editor Kacie Powell DESIGNER KYLE J. SCHROEDER PhotographERS Keith Barker ’91 Daniel Donaldson ’09 Andy Olsen ’03 kacie powell Matt sawyer Asbury College is a private, independent, Christian, liberal arts institution, providing academic excellence in a context of spiritual vitality. This nationally recognized, nondenominational college offers programs in more than 40 majors of study and several graduate programs to a student body of approximately 1,200 students. Founded in 1890, the College’s globally aware heritage has produced more than 20,000 living alumni who live and serve in all 50 of the United States and more than 70 nations. The mission of Asbury College, as a Christian Liberal Arts College in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition, is to equip men and women, through a commitment to academic excellence and spiritual vitality, for a lifetime of learning, leadership and service to the professions, society, the family and the Church, thereby preparing them to engage their cultures and advance the cause of Christ around the world. Winter 2009, Volume 36, No. 1 The Ambassador (USPS 356490) is published three times a year with an annual report by Asbury College, Wilmore, Kentucky. It serves as a quarterly linkage with its constituency and builds loyalty and awareness of Asbury College so that readers will joyfully and sacrificially commit to Asbury College’s vision and mission. If you are interested in making a bequest to Asbury College, use our full legal address: Asbury College, One Macklem Drive, Wilmore, Kentucky 40390-1198. For specific information, call (800) 888-1818, ext. 2104. Comments, alumni news and letters to the editor are welcome to the address below. Periodicals postage paid at Wilmore, Kentucky, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send all address changes to the Ambassador, One Macklem Drive, Wilmore, Kentucky 40390-1198. Website: e-mail: Editing and Refusal to Print: The editor reserves the right to edit submissions for length, clarity or style standards. The Ambassador will not publish submissions that are deemed offensive or that promote activities or values contrary to those espoused by Asbury College. Asbury College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, disability or religion in the admission of students and their access to educational programs and activities. PERIODICAL PA I D Lexington, KY One Macklem Drive | Wilmore, KY 40390 46
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