The Living Stones Newsletter


The Living Stones Newsletter
Hurricane Homestyle Meal (2/10/16)
Meals continue Wednesdays through Lent (photo credit: Jeff Forbes)
The Living Stones Newsletter
1 PETER 2:4-8; EPHESIANS 2:19-22
St. Jacob’s (Stone) United Church of Christ
5152 Stone Church Road, Glenville, PA 17329
Pastor Melissa Eicholtz
Home: (717) 225-6701
Cell: (717) 817-9085
CHURCH OF CHRIST to provide a place of worship that uplifts
the heart and draws all to a closer relationship with JESUS
CHRIST through prayer, praise, study, and outreach.
CHURCH OF CHRIST to strengthen the family of GOD by sharing
the good news of JESUS CHRIST.
MARCH 2016
Greetings Friends & Members of Stone Church,
e that March is already here. It will be a busy
month as we prepare for the Resurrection of Our Lord.
Please plan on attending the services we have scheduled for Holy
Week. We have a Maundy Thursday service that begins with a light
meal at 6:15PM. The Maundy Thursday service this year will have a
different feel from in years past. We will really focus in on the events
of the Last Supper.
We will have a traditional Good Friday Service that begins at
On Easter Sunday, the youth will lead us in a 7:30 AM
Service followed by breakfast, Sunday School and the traditional
10:15AM Resurrection Day service.
I am excited to inform you that in addition to all these services,
an opportunity to do a special service has presented itself. On Palm
Sunday, March 20th, Dave & Cindy Breeden will be celebrating their
50th Wedding Anniversary (Congratulations!!). To commemorate this
occasion, they would like to renew their wedding vows. I asked them
how they would feel about opening up this celebration, not only to
our church family, but also the larger community and invite everyone
to renew their vows. They graciously agreed!
So please mark your calendars, on March 20 th at 3:00 PM, we will
be having a Marriage Vow Renewal Service. This is a service for
ALL couples who wish to renew their vows. (Please join us even if
you do not wish to renew your vows.)
celebrate the first day of Spring! Please let me know as soon as
possible if you are interested in renewing your
vows. (I want to make sure we have enough
wedding c
I hope you will join us as we remember the
events of Holy Week and praise God for the
Resurrection of his Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Pastor Melissa
Marriage Vow
Renewal Service
from this day forward
There are albums/scrapbooks chronicling your special day, but it is
the vows, the promise you made to each other before God and your
loved ones, that set the foundation for the marriage you and your
spouse have shared (no m
celebrating members Dave & Cindy Bre
anniversary and
inviting other couples to renew their vows on March 20th at
3:00PM. Invite friends and family to share (and renew their vows)!
And because no wedding would be complete without it,
If you or someone you know is interested in participating,
please RSVP to Pastor Melissa by March 13th.
In the years since our local American Cancer Society “Daffodil
Days” campaign was suspended, Stone Church has rallied to
support an initiave we have called “Hope Sunday.” Through Hope
Sunday, we donate money to the American Cancer Society for
research. Enclosed in this newsletter is an envelope for you to give
to this cause collected on Sunday, March 13th (a week
before Spring brings us the hope of warmer weather).
Surely each of us have known a loved one who
has been impacted by cancer, let’s give together
in hopes that research may soon lead to a cure.
Member News
In Sympathy
It is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of one of our own.
On Saturday, February 13, 2016, Dorothy
Rohrbaugh was called to be with the Lord.
She was the wife of Curvin Rohrbaugh, to
whom she was married 71 years. She leaves
behind a sister and a niece.
Services were held February 17th at St. Jacob’s
(Stone) Church with Pastor Melissa Eicholtz
As a church family
we share our sympathy with the family
and pray that God’s promise of eternal life
will provide comfort for their loss.
New Members
We extend a special welcome to our newest
Paul & Dorothy Kerst joined our
congregation on February 14, 2016. Since they
have started attending, the Kersts have made
great contributions to the Adult Sunday School
Class. Dorothy has become a valued teacher
and Paul supports her lessons by reading scripture.
Please take a moment to welcome
the Kersts to our congregation!
On January 5th, Amanda & Joe
Ruggiero welcomed a BOY:
Finnley Beau
(7lbs 3oz & 20”).
On February 8th, Heather & Ben
Bange welcomed a GIRL:
Addison Marie
(7lbs & 20.5”).
Congratulations to these growing families
(and the very proud grandparents)!
We look forward to seeing our church family’s
littlest brother & sister!
Have news to share?
Births, special anniversaries, awards, etc. We want to
communicate and celebrate this with your church family. Please
submit stories to the Church Secretary for inclusion in Member
The sinless one took on the face of a sinner so that
we sinners could take on the face
Max Lucado
Lay Life & Work
Lay Life will hold their regular meeting on Wednesday, March 2nd
at 7:00PM at Homewood at Plum Creek. Michael Sterner will
present a program entitled “God the Holy Spirit: His Personality.”
Judy Eckard & Betty Trump will provide refreshments. Please join
us in the church basement fellowship hall for this program.
Plan ahead to attend Lay Life & Work’s Family
Night Covered Dish on May 4th (Dinner starts at
6:30PM). Jonas Sterner is organizing a
Congregational Talent Show for this evening.
Have a talent you can share?
Contact Jonas to participate!
No More Sting
One spring day, a father and son were driving
when a bee flew in the window and buzzed around. Because
the boy was deathly allergic to bee stings, he panicked. But the
calm father reached out and caught the bee in his hand,
holding it tight.
After a few moments, the dad reached over, opened his
hand and showed his son the stinger, stuck in his palm. “It’s
okay,” the father said. “I took the sting, so the bee can’t hurt
Likewise, people who know Jesus as their victorious Savior
no longer need to fear the sting of death. “O death, where is
your victory? O death, where is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55, ESV).
The message of Easter is not only that Christ is risen,
not only that suffering is not the last word,
not only that God gives new life,
but this: Nothing is impossible with God.
—The Rev. James Martin, S.J.
Youth News
(Check out the “Scrapbook” insert for pictures from our
Souper Bowl of Caring & Valentine’s Banquet)
Thank you to everyone who came downstairs for
lunch on Sun., Jan. 31st after the worship service.
We had approximately 70 diners who enjoyed
lunch and fellowship together. We collected 134
cans of food and $275.00 to benefit the needy.
Thank you for your generous giving!
Hurricane Homestyle
The Youth Group welcomes you for
Wednesday evening suppers throughout Lent!
Hurricane Homestyle is a fundraiser for the July
2016 REACH Workcamp in Hurricane, WV.
The Youth will prepare, serve & clean up after your
meal. Supper will be served at 6:00PM.
March 2
Hot Dogs, Sauerkraut, Mashed
Potatoes, Corn & Jello Cups
March 16 (Breakfast for Dinner)
Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs,
Sausage, Pudding & Hominy,
Fresh Fruit & Sticky Buns
March 9
Chicken Patty, Matthew’s Baked
Mac & Cheese,
Waffles & ice cream
March 23
Chipped Beef Gravy,
Biscuits/Toast, Hash Browns,
Apple Crisp
Other Upcoming Events:
 Sun. March 20—Color Easter Eggs
 Sat. March 26--Easter Egg Hunt--Children will
begin hunting @ 10:30AM (Hide eggs @ 10:00AM)
 Sun. March 27--Youth Easter Service @ 7:30AM
 Sun. May 8--Mother’s Day Coffee & Donuts
Contact Jeff Trump, Lorelei Fiedler Rohrbaugh or one of our
Youth for more information or to get involved!
Walking the Faith
As spring buds and temperatures rise, it’s fun to get
outside and walk. Walking is great for both body and mind. “To
solve a problem, walk around,” advised St. Jerome. Naturalist Henry
David Thoreau agreed, saying, “The moment my legs begin to move,
my thoughts begin to flow.” Indeed, walking has been linked to
improved creativity and reduced anxiety.
Some Bible versions translate Ephesians 5:8 “Live as children of
light,” while others use “walk”: “You were once darkness, but now
you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light” (NKJV). What a
great rendering! Living is something we often do passively and
without much thought, while walking is an intentional, active
pursuit; we must choose when, where and how we do it.
Now that we’re children of light — newly alive springtime
people, Easter people! — Jesus urges us to not just live the faith but
to walk it. When our faith becomes active, new thoughts flow,
anxiety decreases and we make strides in our relationship with
—Heidi Mann
Life & Death
When some huge, unusual flowers bloomed at botanic
gardens in Denver and Chicago, thousands of people waited
hours for a peek — and a whiff. The Amorphophallus
titanium, native to Sumatra, takes up to 20 years to produce
a first bloom and then another decade to produce a second.
Each blossom lasts just 48 hours and releases an odor similar
to rotting flesh (thus the nickname “corpse flower”).
Whether it’s a massive flower or a human body, nothing on earth
lasts. Because of sin, we all reek of death. Only one thing endures: the
truth of Scripture and its promises. “The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God will stand forever” (Isaiah 40:8, ESV).
Cemetery Lot Owners Notice
Cemetery Cleanup is scheduled to begin March 1 through
March 19th. Lot owners are encouraged to gather items they
wish to keep during that time. Beginning March 20,
weathered & unsightly items will be gathered in preparation
for Easter and the upcoming mowing season. No glass containers, please.
-The Trustees
Opportunities for Service & Sharing
at Stone Church
The Widow’s Bowl (in the rear of the
sanctuary) will support:
Good Samaritan Fund
A little change from our pocket can
make a big change in another’s life!
Throughout the month, we’re
collecting new socks
to be dedicated on ‘Sock it
to me Sunday’ (3/27/16)
Hanover Area Council of Churches Needs for March:
PROVIDE-A-LUNCH SERVICE (PALS): Tuna Helper, Bleach, Dish
Soap (Grease-cutting)
CHANGING LIVES SHELTER: Hand Towels, Coffee, Dish Soap
CLOTHING BANK: Diapers (size 5&6), Diaper Wipes, Men’s
Boxers & Boxer Briefs
RUTH’S HARVEST (single serve items, please): Mini-meals, Cereal,
Fruit, Cup-A-Noodles
Items may be placed in the receptacles in the rear of the sanctuary.
Want a hands-on opportunity to be the “hands and feet of Jesus?”
Consider helping to prepare/serve a meal at PALS during our next
service: March 20th. Contact Don Miller for more info.
In the Community
Spring Grove mini-THON is March
19th, if anyone would like to donate to
a great cause (kids with cancer) see
any Spring Grove 7-12th grader, Stacy
Shue or Neal & Kathi Rohrbaugh.
The Easter message tells us that our enemies sin, the curse and
death are beaten. Ultimately they can no longer start
mischief. They still behave as though the game were not decided,
the battle not fought; we must still reckon with them, but
fundamentally we must cease to fear them anymore.
Karl Barth, Dogmatics in Outline
March Scripture Lessons
March 6
Thur., Mar. 24
Luke 11:37-52
(Hearts of Stone)
March 13
Ex 12:1-4, 5-10, 11-14
Ps 116:1-2, 12-19
1 Cor 11:23-26
John 13:1-17, 31b-35
Matt 16:13-20
(Upon this Rock)
Fri., Mar 25
March 20
Isa 52:13-53:12
Ps 22, Heb 10:16-25
John 18:1-19:42
Luke 19:29-40
(Crying Stones)
March 27
Acts 10:34-43
Ps 118:1-2, 14-24
1 Cor 15:19-26
John 20:1-18
Monthly Giving Report
Total for Month
Budgeted Amount
Total for Month
Debt Relief Capital Improvement
As was presented at the Congregational Meeting on Sunday,
February 14th, the faithful giving of our members via the monthly
“debt relief envelopes” (supplemented by a generous endowment
by the Hetrick Estate) has enabled our church loan to be paid in
full (February 2016). Praise God!
While this is certainly occasion to celebrate our
accomplishment, we cannot overlook the future obligations we
will encounter in our history-filled 126 year old church. Repairs
and upgrades to our facility will be necessary in order for us to
serve God and the community another 250 years. It is with this in
mind that you are encouraged to continue giving in these monthly
envelopes, which will be deposited into a new “Capital
Improvement Fund” to benefit these large projects in our future.
for the future…
In his final moments with his disciples, the Good
Shepherd asks Peter, "Do you love me?"
"Yes," Peter replies. Then, "Feed my lambs,"
Jesus tells him. "Tend my sheep. If you love me,
On March 6, 2016, we will collect offerings (using the enclosed
envelope) to benefit One Great Hour of Sharing. OGHS supports
international programs of health, education & agricultural
development, relief, and refugee assistance.
Up-Coming Opportunities…
Community Lent Services
“Senses of the Gospel”
Sunday, March 6th
St. David’s UCC (Hanover)
Rev. Larry Estepp
7:00 PM
Sunday, March 13th
St. Bartholomew (Hanover)
Rev. Scott Sager
7:00 PM
Thursday, March 24th Maundy Thursday Service
Join us for this service recalling Christ’s last supper, which
he shared with his disciples. A dinner (6:15PM) precedes
the service which includes a very unique table Communion
Friday, March 25th Good Friday Service
A humble and somber service (7:00PM) reminding us of
Christ’s death on the cross. This lowest of day’s in the
church year sets us up for the rejoicing celebration of
Easter morning.
Saturday, March 26th Community Egg Hunt
Members, family, friends, and anyone from the community
are invited to an Egg Hunt at the church. This activity,
sponsored by the Sunday School, begins in the church
basement (10:30AM). Don’t forget your basket!
Sunday, March 27th Easter Sunday
Join us early for a Sunrise Service presented by our Youth
(7:30AM) and followed by a delicious Easter breakfast
feast! (Please bring a dish to share!)
Stay for Sunday School (9:00AM) and a Resurrection
Celebration service (10:15AM) rejoicing Christ’s resurrection
over death. Beautifull lillies, joyful music, and more will
surely focus you on the true reason for Easter.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ambrosius
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Baugher
Mr. & Mrs. Hank Baugher
Dorothy Bortner
Mr. & Mrs. Myrl Bortner
Lois Brenneman
Linda Bupp
Emma Case
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Dise
Judy Eckard
Robert Garrett
Julian Grote
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Markel
Adam Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Miller
MaryAnn Miller
Shirley Miller
Willis Miller
Creta Nafe
Laura Renta
Gary Rohrbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. James Rohrbaugh
Marie Rohrbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Rohrbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Rohrbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ruggiero
Ada Russell
Shirley Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Shue, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Shue
Louise Smith
Violet Smith
Linda Spangler
Mr. & Mrs. William Taylor
Virginia Tressler
Betty Trump
Shirley Wolfgang
Thank you for your generous support of the publication
of our church newsletter, The Living Stones.
To help support The Living Stones, send your donation to the
Betty Trump, Financial Secretary
273 Bankert Rd., Hanover, PA 17331
Pastor Melissa Eicholtz
& Choir
5338 Field Pointe Dr., Spring Grove, PA 17362
Home: (717) 225-6701
Cell: (717) 817-9085
Rev. George O. Butz
938 N. Penn Drive, Wernersville, PA 19565
Phone: (610) 927-6782
Fred Marsh, President Phone: (717) 632-4469
Jeff Trump Phone: (717) 465-1412
Jeff Forbes Phone: (717) 229-2330
Michael Sterner Phone: (717) 225-5452
Ray Thacker, Adam Marsh,
Adam Shue, Donald E. Miller,
Daniel Shue, Kevin Barnhart,
Deb Taylor & Linda Bupp
James Sterner
93 Roth Church Rd., Spring Grove, PA 17362
Phone: (717) 225-4213
Cindy Forbes
5123 Sinsheim School Rd., Spring Grove, PA 17362
Phone: (717) 229-2330
Betty Trump
273 Bankert Rd., Hanover, PA 17331
Phone: (717) 637-2759
Jonas Sterner
5 Town Cir., Abbottstown, PA 17301
Phone: (717) 259-8530
Mr. & Mrs. Quincy Russell
Phone: (717) 235-0651
Photo credit: Jonas Sterner
Paul & Dorothy Kerst joined St. Jacob’s (Stone) Church
on a blustery Sunday, February 14, 2016
Austin helps extinguish Lenten candles (2/14/16)
Stones start to pile up on our Lenten display. Join us during Lent for a
special sermon series: Journey of Stones. (2/14/16)