St. Jacob`s (Stone) United Church of Christ
St. Jacob`s (Stone) United Church of Christ
St. Jacob’s (Stone) United Church of Christ SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER Pennsylvania Dutch Service St. Jacob’s (Stone) United Church of Christ 5152 Stone Church Road, Glenville, PA 17329 SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 15, 2012 We welcome all who join us on this special Sunday commemorating our heritage. May we be filled with the same spirit and faith of our forefathers. Wilkom (Please Note: Unless listed otherwise, we sing hymns from the red “Celebration” hymnal.) WE GATHER ANNOUNCEMENTS PRELUDE The Power of the Cross Arr. Mark Hayes GREETING WE CONFESS OUR SINS CALL TO CONFESSION PRAYER OF CONFESSION Merciful and loving God, your love for us is unconditional, yet our love for you, for others and for ourselves is often marred. We allow prejudice and pride to blind us; our brokenness remains unhealed; we cling to old stories and hurts which impede the work of reconciliation. Forgive us, we pray, for failing to trust you, for playing it safe instead of following the daring call of your Spirit, for withholding forgiveness and grace from ourselves and others. Let your love renew us yet again. Let the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead rekindle creative life within us and restore right relations among us. Amen WORDS OF ASSURANCE Pastor: Even when we stumble on our life's journey, we know that Jesus laid down his life for us. Friends, hear the good news and believe: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! All: Thanks be to God. WE CONFESS OUR FAITH *We believe in GOD – who works in the hidden stillness of every dawn; who beckons us to visit the tomb of our fears so we might discover the birth of hope; who sends reoccurring dreams, fragrant flowers, good friends and bright angels with messages of joy and possibility. We believe in JESUS, the risen CHRIST -who meets us on every path; who greets us with respect, names and calms our fears, and bids us walk and talk as children of the Light; who is always going before us into our workplace and play space. We believe in the HOLY SPIRIT – who gathers us into a kindred community; who works through the lame and the late, the wrinkled and the newborn, the hurting and the hopeful; who nudges our prayers, kindles our longings and prompts our praise. We believe we are called to be Easter people – challenging despair with glowing hope, acting peacefully in the midst of painful Good Fridays, and living joyfully even in the midst of harsh realities. We believe in the church -the handholding, hearty singing and passionate, caring fellowship of seekers and finders. This we believe. *PROCESSIONAL Faith of our Fathers 404 CALL TO WORSHIP Pastor: We have come here as a people of faith, People: Thankful for all those who have gone before us. Pastor: They spoke Pennsylvania German and worshiped the one true God as we do today in English. People: Let us now remember and join in holy fellowship as we honor our past. Pastor: As we honor the past, we celebrate the vibrant future for our Church family. People: Help our Church family to grow in our knowledge of your Word and in our love for your divine Son. Pastor: Give us the courage to go forth and tell the world of your love, reminding those who have fallen away and reaching out to those who do not know you. People: Build up our love and teach us this hour. WE PRAISE HIM WITH SONG HYMN Hymn I Need Thee Every Hour (1 verse in Pennsylvania German, see insert) Abide with Me st (1 verse in Pennsylvania German, see insert) 638 st 642 Translation by Steve Miller WE OFFER OUR GIFTS TO GOD INVITATION TO OFFERING OFFERTORY Andante - Franz Schubert, Arr. Sarah Douglas *PRAISE FOR THE JOY OF GIVING Humbly, Joyfully (below) Humbly, Joyfully Lord we lift up Joyfully we lift our offering Some of what you’ve graced us with. All we have has come from you. Guide it to be used for blessings Use it for your Kingdom’s purpose Those who stand in need of it. Help all find a life with You. Those who hunger, Those who tremble, Those who suffer, Those who are shaking, Those who need to find your love, Those who find no justice now. Help us use our gifts and talents, Help us use our gifts and talents, Guided by our Savior’s love. Wrapped up in our Savior’s love. *PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING WE PROCLAIM ANTHEM CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Jesus, Son of God, Son of Man -Paul Williams, Barry Braman *HYMN Jesus I Live To Thee (First 2 verses in Pennsylvania German) (insert) SCRIPTURE OLD TESTAMENT PSALM GOSPEL SERMON Isaiah 6:1-3, 8-9a Psalm 23 Mark 4:33-34, 9:33-37 What Can We Look For? CHORAL PRELUDE TO PRAYER PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE -Rev. Earl Marks Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying OUR LORD’S PRAYER (in PA German) Unser Vadder, du im Himmel bischt, gaehrt iss dei Naame. Dei Keenichreich kummt, Dei Wille sull gaduh waerra uff da Erd so wwie im Himmel. Geb uns Heit unser daeglich Brot., Verge buns unser Schulda, so wie mir unser Schuldner vergewwa. Und uns net geflert waerra in schlechtes, awwer erless uns von Iwwel . Fa die iss es Keenichreich ,l und die Gewaldt, und die Herrlichkeit, fa immer. Amen WE DEPART TO SERVE AND SHARE JESUS CHRIST *HYMN Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus 730 COMMISSION Pastor: With steadfast love and growing faith, People: We go to share the Word Pastor: With prayers of hope and songs of joy, People: We go to bring light to darkness, Pastor: With thankful hearts and humble prayers, People: We go to share the peace and joy of knowing Jesus. Pastor: With the joy of Easter people, People: We leave to proclaim the resurrection Pastor: With courage and commitment to witness to the work and word of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. People: Our Church is on the move! BENEDICTION SUNG RESPONSE Each One, Reach One POSTLUDE The Risen Christ 442 -Lani Smith DEPART TO SERVE & PROCLAIM THE RISEN CHRIST *Indicates when to stand Pastor: Rev. Dr. Jason A. Leader Home: (717) 428-2068 Office: (717) 227-3778 Email: Pastor Emeritus: Rev. George O. Butz Organist: Jonas S. Sterner Sextons: Quincy Russell Treasurer: Cindy Forbes Secretary: James Sterner Financial Secretary: Betty Trump Consistory Members: Elders: Fred Marsh, Jr., Gordon Shue, James Miller & Linda Bupp Deacons: Adam Marsh, Geraldine Ambrosius, Gary Wildasin, Donald E. Miller, Randy Rohrbaugh, Myrl Bortner, Amanda Ruggiero & Michael Sterner Consistory Secretary: Lorelei Fiedler Rohrbaugh Lay Reader: Heather Henry Greeters: Anna Mae Cline & Marian Ambrosius Projected Bulletin: Jordan Sterner Sound: Gerald Shue/Adam Marsh/Jeff Forbes Today’s Participants WELCOME We extend a special welcome the Rev. Earl Marks and his wife Arlene. It is always a privilege to have Rev. Marks lead us in worship. FELLOWSHIP All are welcome to join us for our Pennsylvania Dutch Hog Maw Luncheon following the service today. Thanks to the many hands that helped to prepare the meal! FLOWERS The flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Daniel Baugher Jr., Star Baugher Bechtel, and Emmy Rose Baugher by the family. Interested in sponsoring flowers? Contact Lovie Rohrbaugh at (717)225-3567. BULLETINS The bulletins are given to the glory of God and in memory of Bertha Kneller (2/15/1903) and Ralph Kneller (7/29/1902) by the family. Interested in sponsoring bulletins? Contact Gayle Sterner at (717) 225-5452. REMINDER Our secretary James Sterner can be contacted for any bulletin, newsletter, or prayer list information. He can be contacted: via email: or via phone: (717) 225-4213 WIDOW’S All donations to the wooden ‘widow’s bowl’ in the rear of the sanctuary BOWL will be donated to the Star Fund. ATTENDANCE & OFFERING 4/1/12 4/8/12 Easter April Total Month-to-Date $4,312.00 $5,315.68 $9,627.68 131 Worshippers 223 Worshippers $11,785.72 Budget *Offering totals listed here reflect giving toward the General Fund HACC The Hanover Area Council of Church’s needs for April are: NEEDS PROVIDE-A-LUNCH SERVICE (PALS): Hot Chocolate & Fruit Juice CHANGING LIVES SHELTER: Tissues & Freezer Ziploc Bags CLOTHING BANK: Queen-Size Sheets & Size 4 Diapers THANK YOU! Thank you to all who donated used coats and gloves over the winter; the donations were sent to Bethel Assembly of God in Littlestown to be shared with those in need. CHANGE IN The times for the Community Club’s April 17th trip to Sight & Sound PLANS have changed. The schedule is as follows: 8:30 leave Hardee’s (Spring Grove), 9:00 leave Church, 9:30 leave Dick’s (York), 10:30-12:15 Kitchen Kettle Village, 1:00 Sight & Sound for the show, 4:15 leave for Good & Plenty Restaurant, 5:30 leave the restaurant, 6:30 return to Dick’s, 7:00 return to Hardee’s, 7:30 return to Church. 4 seats are still available; contact Darlene Myers ASAP if you are interested. Info on other bus trips can also be obtained from Darlene Myers. BREAKFAST Please join us for the Gettysburg Annual Breakfast meeting at 9:00am on April 21st. This will be the first time at St. Jacob's and is open to all members of the congregation! GRIEF Panebaker Funeral Home will sponsor a Grief Support Group (for SUPPORT grieving spouses) by Rev. Kenneth Heasley beginning Monday, April GROUP 16th at 6:30PM and meeting at the Beechmont Inn (315 Broadway). Reservations are appreciated:call the funeral home at 637-5194. ADDRESS Many have asked for Pastor Leader’s daughter Amy’s address to send best wishes. Her address is: Amy Scott 5604 Southwest Parkway Apt. 3324, Austin, TX 78735 MERCIFUL HEALER, please lay YOUR hands on our friends, family, and neighbors in need. Please heal, comfort, support, and hold in your embrace… John Amspacher Evelyn Workman Molly Heltzel Judy & Tom Renoll Jackie Hetrick F. Donald Miller C.J. Davis Kenneth & Susan Swartz Kenny Schultheis Shirley Day William Dell Ray Henry Mrs. Jean Aydlett Dennis Wonder Sr. Dennis Wonder Jr. Sonya Garver Patrick Henry Lorraine Brookaman Lucille & Al Fishel Linda Meyer Larry Baugher Steve Bortner Ethel Miller Sherri Wetzel Chris Palumbo Floyd Myers Fred Sullivan Leroy Smith Gail Taylor Sadie Ambrosius Ryan Arnold Creta Nafe Donald Ambrosius Raymond Smith Charles VanScoyoc Werner Muller Juliette & Jeannie Achen Pam Widner Ruby Smith Simon Albright Doris Paup Rev. William Beck Shirley Russell Jessica Snyder Kathryn Remphrey Dennis Wonder Sr. Pastor Richard Weaver Hudson Henry Chris & Patti Wherley Titus Bortner Jeffrey Small Jade Wise Burnell Rohrbaugh Larry Hoff Frank & Janese Miller Verde Evans Carla Albright Alex Weitkamp & friend Andrei Dennis & Mildred Wallick Glenn Finkenbiner Dwayne Henry Ken Markel David Faucet Earl Bull, Jr. Diane Murphy Amy Scott James Stair Grimes Family Belinda Cherry & Family Darlene Smith Madison Slovaban Harold Kessler Dawn Kaltreider Richard & Janet George Deborah Strausbaugh Ada Russell Ruth Krebs Shelly Leonard Pat Freeburger Emily Richard Lameo David Shepler & wife Rene L.B. Mack Harold Miller Cindy Rutkowski Ashley Grim Judy Green Katie O’Shea Carol, Wayne & Lance Mosmiller Anna Albecker Dean Anderson LaDawna Mays James Murray William Groth Kim Straub Sara Paul Rodger Laughman Mervin McKinsey Darryl George Hoy Lavalle Kathi Russell David Krebs Doris Mann Julie A. Sterner Pat Ryon Joanna Bortner Roberta Runberg Arnold Cramer Paul Williams Kathryn Renoll Shane Dotson Barry Messersmith Bob Mummert Rob Burley Cornelia Warner Shawn Sherlock Theresa Mass Paul Anthony Kevin Means Warren Forbes Crystal & Elizabeth Guzman Shaun Mummert Michael Bosserman Josiah Lindquist Michelle Morton Rachael Dickmann Kathy Eagen George Stine Doug Hahn Robert Heltibridle Melvin Drumheller Phyllis Thoman Rev. Richard Lowe Lauren Albright Harold Brown Frankie Buzek Robert Carr Pat Mann Owen Mann Suzette Mingnini Elsie Rinehart Troy Rosenzweig Terry Warner Ruth Markel Beth Herbst Marion Glatfelter Brian Kopp Dorothy & Curvin Rohrbaugh Chad Kellenberger Elizabeth Sugdan Bob Dayhoff Dale Dickensheets Ella Mae Cheek Dennis Bull Gary Reed Keith Adams Pearl Flemmens Marie Amspacher Michael Bortner Raymond Rohrbaugh Sterling & Hattie Miller Derik Bisker June Eberly Amy Rose Linda Hoff Steve Clarton Leah Werner Velva Rohrbaugh Tyler Knaub Nevin Krebs Aislinn Amin Arlene Thoman Martha Burk Our Service Men & Women The families of… Donald Rexroth Ernest Myers Donna Rohrbaugh Lori Clegg Andrea Lester Steve Artz Prayer list additions, removals and corrections can be made through our Church Secretary James Sterner (717) 225-4213 or Join us for these upcoming events at Stone Church: Mark your calendars for the 118th Annual Memorial Day Service on Sunday, May 27th. The Brodbeck’s Band will commence our remembrance with a concert at 8:45am. In keeping with tradition, we will form the parade between the Old and New Cemeteries at 10:45am. Keep your eyes out for more information on our featured speaker and other details as they are finalized. On Sunday, May 6th you are invited to our annual Daughters of All Ages Banquet This year you are invited to a tea with interactive cookie decorating demonstrations. You’re encouraged to wear a fancy hat! Mark your calendars & invite the special women in your life. Help is needed to plan this event, if you are able to help in any way, contact Mindy Sterner 717-259-8530, Sunday School Ham Supper May 26th Dinner Service begins at 3:00PM As sure as the crocus’s bloom inaugurates spring, there will be ham baking in the Picnic Grove beginning another season—the Sunday School Supper season. Join in the fellowship and service by donating some time to help! Helpers are needed for preparation in the kitchen and serving in the dining room. TODAY 9:00AM 10:15AM 11:30AM 12:00PM Wednesday April 18 Thursday April 19 Saturday April 21 Sunday April 22 9:00AM Sunday School Worship Service (PA Dutch Service and Luncheon) Children’s Choir Jr./Youth Choir PALS Sewing Group 6:45PM Senior Choir Practice 9:00AM 9:00AM 10:15AM 11:30AM 12:00PM 6:30PM Gettysburg Association Annual Breakfast Meeting at Stone Church Sunday School Worship Service Children’s Choir Jr./Youth Choir Praise Team Practice 6:45PM Senior Choir Practice 7:30AM 8:30AM 9:00AM 10:15AM 11:30AM 12:00PM 6:30PM 7:30PM Fellowship Breakfast Music & Worship Meeting Sunday School Worship Service Children’s Choir Jr./Youth Choir Praise Practice Bible Study Monday April 23 Thursday April 26 Saturday April 28 Sunday April 29 Monday April 30 T-OFF Sunday Sunday, May 20th Bring t-shirts to benefit Bell Shelter OLD TESTAMENT (Isaiah 6:1-3, 8-9a) 6In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lofty; and the hem of his robe filled the temple.2Seraphs were in attendance above him; each had six wings: with two they covered their faces, and with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew.3And one called to another and said: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.’ 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I; send me!’9And he said, ‘Go and say to this people: “Keep listening, but do not comprehend; keep looking, but do not understand.” PSALM (Psalm 23) 1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; 3 he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake. 4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff—they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD my whole life long. GOSPEL (Mark 4:33-34, 9:33-37) 33 With many such parables he spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear it;34he did not speak to them except in parables, but he explained everything in private to his disciples. 33 Then they came to Capernaum; and when he was in the house he asked them, ‘What were you arguing about on the way?’34But they were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another about who was the greatest.35He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, ‘Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.’ 36Then he took a little child and put it among them; and taking it in his arms, he said to them, 37‘Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.’ New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Cover Art retrieved from
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